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EL CAMINO REAL 528 03/03/2015
13'0" LL' f N 1, 31 EID rU1lD�"I�DIVIStOt� Hwy or rte, Comm osparonwt L tftVW Pmpoaed waft % 7 Zv f i o r/ - S ki TAs MPO d uwk kgahrea bVroaerrtsem m Mxftff l rhat aa4edad r. Me, d'TUMW Hb-fty R—S—W Report OYES No d roe, e(s) style: Rating: to ww4h Ordnance no. 1001. the Community n.p—ho re ma. that: .l—I/ The prc*peed work coMom!s to Me AArniCipel Com ww p / StwxMida, d epptic". © Tha proposed work doss rat adversely affect the character Of Me darn,, or Cr,,,Oasgnated Culkual Resouress wfthb the dkddG. T1w Ptopossd work is hamanbus wm exi" srrourtdrwpa in teems d appropriateness of matelots, acda. atm, MqM. pbdrtynt, and up d a nen bolding or atructwe in rebtbtnldp.to exbtfng building, and anacifjm and d» Surrounding so". Approved by: % 1 2 Date:-) �JO M U LF- , Tl111 `105 52.8 EL CA,MI WO REAL -nU5T1 W, CA, 92780 COMMERCIAL -raj krT IMP i�OVF-Maj-r GALE. 1/4'1 = I' i3 c� ' E.X I5 -r 1 Q6r.' kyr � c Pc_ Pt alte.: , peen i, of Tu pec; pprri tG Le APP DAT' BY ;r 0i I IJP i td UIf.`i ;J L.rijlC�'j r.hP1 ,Vr: ) Pl „e F,pec;f;cations mw.zt be fie c, at a!! tir;tec and it is to make any cl,iainaes or �s on same withomt wri':: en i from the 113uMinu Division, 1 .i,y The stamPing of this pl in & ions SHALL NOT he held to e an 9001-r -N211 of thi; violat:rin of Mons Of ANY City Ordinance, ederai Law. /ED in 38"X50 PdK'fIT101J NALL5 uou wnv epi u6 -y ELECTRICAL PAI JEL T BAR DROP Cf- ILI IJGr 81.111--" OW TOP OF O(ZIQ k14L CEILI IJG 1 i i I RECEIVED MAR 2915. I COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING 0IVI9II0N i I I I I 19 PIAMF- i ER I I FLOOR TO CEI LI IJG, WOODEIJ PILLAR 2a] ------- SHOW ROOM wam T4"X 5'D" City of Tustin Plan Review PLANNING Date: r Comments: Initial: , ENGINEERING Date: Comments: Initial: FIRE Date: Comments: Initial: BUILDING Date: Comments: Initial: CONSULTANT Dake: Comments: Initial: RDA _ D- 'e: Comments: Initial: wam T4"X 5'D"