HomeMy WebLinkAbout05 PURCHASE CHAIRS 05-07-01AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: TO: MAY 7, 2001 WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER 380-65 NO. 05 05-07-01 FROM: PATRICK SANCHEZ, DIRECTOR, PARKS AND RECREATION SERVICES SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE CHAIRS THROUGH THE GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA SUMMARY: Approval of Resolution No. 01-43 will authorize the City of Tustin to purchase 520 chairs for furniture replacement at the Community Center and the Senior Center. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve Resolution No. 01-43, authorizing the General Services Department of the State of California to purchase on behalf of the City of Tustin 520 chairs to replace existing chairs in the Tustin Area Senior Center and the Clifton C. Miller Community Center. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are currently budgeted in the capital outlay furniture accounts of the Parks and Recreation Department account numbers 01-701-9810 and 01-706-9845. Total funds required, including taxes, state fees, and delivery would be $23,261.28. DISCUSSION: The proposed purchase of chairs through the State Purchasing Services Agreement would replace chairs that are more than eleven years old at the Senior Center. Chairs that are more than seven years old will also be replaced at the Clifton C. Miller Community Center. Requests for Proposals were extended to numerous companies for a specific Steelcase Model No. 472 Chairmax stacker. Tangram Office Furniture was the Iow bidder in providing the price quotes under the State's purchas, ing contract. Approval of the attached Resolution allows the City to utilize the States purchasing program to obtain this office furniture at a substantially lower cost than the City could obtain on its own. Respectfully submitted, Director, Parks and Recreation Services RESOLUTION NO. 01-43 A RESOI.UTION OF THE CITY COLrNCIL OF THE CITY OF ]MSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AUTF[ORIZING THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO PURCHASE CERTAIN ITEMS WHEREAS, the City has need to purchase various material, supplies and equipment in order to conduct the operations of the City; and WHEREAS, Section 1624, Item C of the Tustin Municipal Code authorizes the State of California to purchase materials, supplies and equipment if it can be acquired more cheaply or efficiently by the State; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of thc City of Tustin, California, does hereby authorize the Procurement Division, Department of General Services of the State of California to purchase 520 Steelcase, Model No. 472,Chairmax stacker chairs for and on behalf of the City of Tustin pursuant to Section 10324 of the Califbmia Public Contract Code, and that Mr. William A. Huston, City Manager, is hereby directed to sign and deliver all necessary requests and other documents in connection therewith and for and on behalf of the City of Tustin. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin at a regular meeting held on the 7t~ day of May 2001. Tracy Wills Worley, Mayor ~Ta'~;i~a' Stgker, City Clerl~ ....... 9200 Sor~flsen Ay.., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 2850 S. Red Hill Ava., Suite t00. Santa Ana, CA 92705 1.135 S. Shamrock Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016 Tangram Te1:(562)365-5000 Fax:(562)366-5399 Tel: (94,9)955-6760 Fax: (949)955-6799 Tel: (626)301-9223 Fax: (626)301-7975 Quotation Page: .:,. Quote Q~ote i. Custo~er..:O~er ~er Customer : ~-~er:.. :' ,.Date 'i .. :..~ N,,m~er %_.3593 ~ .'t /' 2".;..I C:' C.';TSV 5 .,.: 'Acoount ' :' ":Rep=eaentativei'. QUOTE TO: ?/'..!'RICK SA."JCH~.Z D£aEC[OR C'F PAR~,3 /,I.~D RECRKA~'.-.',')!'; CiTY 9F 3 2 S tiE'.;'i'I.Z;.;I,:ZAL W:",Y ~erms Line P: Catalo~..:~m~er / Descr:iPt'ion .Unit 'Price Extende~Amount PLS;..\SK MAKE PURCF, ASF. OREER 3:"7 I'C: SCF;F:I.CASE iNC. ".'C IfC:GRAM 7N'i'F;R :,ERS CH - 2W-SS :*LEASE SENE P:J-&CHASE 28A~ RED HZ--. 5U~ ['E !0C AI-X: :',:,\RK i':ILD :-~P, OEU C? T S F P, i C :'-' '£' US IK L: 'S"!/'..S 22. C 4:2.: ] C £7EE'.CAS ,;'7.2 CKAIR-:4AX S'i';\CKER, CI:ROXE ERA_ME :920: ?CLZS-"IE2 U?!iLS'TRY:6302 ~.ALTIC TLIZES * 3P"': Sf,: DES 9L24':2 '4 V 39 SIZEL::AS 473 .~CLLY BAS .'_ C : 0:3 '5 5 B_-.A3K C~.AKGE ,COUi, TY SALES 'i'/'..X G c e'-- :id Tot. al 9, 65,~,. 4O ii, 693. '3.'.. ~77. :S "2, F,=.:). 34 ACCEPTED BY TITLE DATE 9200 Sore~sen Ave., Santa Fe Spdngs, CA 9~670 Tel: (562)305-5~00 Fax: (562)365-539~ 2~50 S. R~d Hill Ave., Suite 100, Santa Aha, CA 92705 Tel: (949)955-6700 Fax: (949)355-6799 1435 S. Shamrock Avo..Monrov~a, CA 91016 Td: (626)30t-9223 Fax: (626)301-7975 T¢zn ram Quotation Page: ._ ~.ote ,i: Quote,' .i]~u~bmr., 9 Date ' 1G1,925 04/05./'.21 " Custo~mr CiTS~. 5 Account Represe~.~ative :G, RK W'LD Pros No. QUOTE TO: ;:.;"../R-UW SAKCi'.'E? EiREC'"OR {,"F ::ARKS AND RECREA']'7,ZK 'J.-'F( ,~)i TUS'"iN TUS"=_-N, '.;A 92~ SHIP TO: :P._'rR-uK SAKCHEZ 2US'i' ~:.l SEN_-CB CFN'I E.& 26.3 S,917'iii = S: R?.EU iUS'." [ N, CA 92';,,3...2 P: ".71..~.573.3329 Terms N~,:' DUE 30 :3A'fS Line Quantity sa_es L,c:':.: SAN'iA Al,:7.. ,~.A:.ES · Catalog ~=~,er'/ Descripti6n U~it Price Extenc~d Am6un't ?LEASE '.<i'..:,'.'" ~URCH,'..SE ORDER OUT "C: .ST_' E '.-; '.. SAS -i, iNT. ,'/", '=',',NSP,;-_'.: "'.'.;TFR :',$'.4.$ 2II-TW-SS P,':, BOX ,." :-~,=,.:'.i E ~AP'[::,S, ATT": ':.:':.:-- BZCKBR PLEASE SE>;;.) PiJRCIiASE 3'RDEK 20: '.[ A:.:..T~..',.N 295,3, R.SD ..':.iLT, SL'LI'E 1C.:3 :.,,......-..~_.I.-.., C.",. g2'.:.:: = /,T'=".l: :4:'~R.K WILD P:-i. S2,:/,.'.:i' iS ::'RZ.'iED USING C?.'/'.S 4 V2 CH,"= i R-:'C'--X STACKER, ,CiiRC.',:E F.~Ar-IK BASE : 92'31 ~:Ci,: SH'.,'.I2 C.::R.:.'.'? UE:-:LS'-'R¥: (:.3%2 P. AL':':.'= ~:.'~.' IP':S ~ OPT: S:.'; :.'.--.. S :~LD.': ? 18. :3 4732 .:_ 73 DOL:.Y BASIC : 38'35 ~'.',A?I 34.C3 S'.:b CF,,-..,G= C'3U!,TY SAL.=:S T/',.X Stand TcLal ~,3lJ..2O 1, 6 3 '3. %' 9, 94b. 56 745.8 ~ 12, 69':' . .~.'.. ACCEPTED BY TITLE DATE 9200 Sorensen Ave., Santa Fe Spdngs, CA 90~70 Tel: (562)355-$0~0 Fax: (562)365-5399 2850 S. Red Hill Ave., Suite t00, Santa Aha, CA 92705 Tel: {949)959-$700 Fax: (949)355-6799 1435 S. ~J~am~ock Ave., Monrovla, CA 91016 Tel: (6'26)301-9223 Fax: ~626)301-797.~ Tangram Quotation Page: 1 QUOTE TO: i=,':'['R I CK SANCIJEi,; ~ '..' , '. · .-. - 'r -. ,..;..% y 305_ ....... El ..... L TUST/X,C:'. 92T83 SHIP TO: PA,,RICK SANCH?iX CZ'3{ O'--' 'TUSTII'; ?(:(1 CE:'t_rEK:TiAL WAY 'TUST'N,C:".. 9278C, P: !.'.'14. 673. 332% P: 1.714.5'.:3.3329 ?:.K..',SE MAKE (:UT AND SFNi) ?I:RCH:':$:'; ,')RDiR --C: 2~53 REZtliL:, SU:':'?'. SANTA .,',?lA, .TA 925(::,5 ATTN: :,!ARK %~ILD 1.0O FEE SECSPACE L.~J3OR TO U"..]LOAI; .'",I','D SZAGE {52,}; :.i~.X S';'A?<ER CEAIRS At.il) ;43'. 7.077,TFS ~". '1",':O D_F'-'-"_.;_- LCCATZC:.I$ 7N 7US':'..."C. '"H.IS -:lOLL-DES '."HE RKMC, VA'. O'--' ALL T_RAS:I S,:b OR/.Z'JG.--- CC[jr.. 3Y :TALES Sr ~r'.d :, 04' .5.1 · 38. -2 '". , ~'7'-). 46 ACCEPTED BY TIILE DATE