HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 (DBE) GOAL OF 9% 05-07-01AGENDA REPORT
NO. 07
In order to maintain eligibility for receipt of federal funds on various City Capital Improvement
Projects, the City of Tustin is required to develop and submit to Caltrans a Disadvantaged
Business Enterprise (DBE) Program and Overall Annual Goal for DBE participation for U.S.
Department of Transportation (DOT) assisted contracts. In accordance with new DBE regulations,
the City of Tustin has developed a Draft DBE Program and Proposed Overall Annual DBE Goal
for Federal Fiscal Year 2001/2002 to ensure full compliance with DBE Program requirements.
It is recommended that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 01-44 approving the Draft
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program and Proposed Overall Annual DBE Goal of
9% for Federal Fiscal Year 2001/2002.
City Council adoption of Resolution No. 01-44 will ensure the City's continued receipt of federal
funding for various Capital Improvement Projects, which are partially funded through the U.S.
Department of Transportation.
The Draft Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program and Proposed Overall Annual DBE
Goal for Federal Fiscal Year 2001/2002 addresses critical components and elements of recently
revised federal Department of Transportation regulations. The City of Tustin's Proposed Overall
Annual DBE Goal for Federal Fiscal Year 2001/2002 is 9% and once finalized will be upgraded
annually to maintain relevancy to local market conditions and factors impacting DBE availability.
The attached Draft DBE Program and Proposed Overall Annual DBE Goal for Federal Fiscal Year
2001/2002 must be submitted to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for
approval by June 1, 2001. The Draft (DBE) Program and Proposed Overall Annual Goal will be
subject to completion of a required public participation process and finalized.
Approval of Draft Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program
Annual DBE Goal of 9% for Federal Fiscal Year 2001/2002
May 7, 2001
Page 2
and Proposed
Upon completion of the public participation process, the finalized Disadvantaged Business
Enterprise (DBE) Program and Overall Annual DBE Goal for Federal Fiscal Year 2001/2002 will
be scheduled for City Council approval at the August 6, 2001 City Council meeting to ensure
submission to Caltrans prior to September 1,2001.
Tim D. Serlet
Director of Public Works/City Engineer
eson ~
Associate Engineer
TDS:JO:ccg:Approval of DBE FY 2002 & reso 01-44.doc
Attachments: Resolution No. 01-44
Draft DBE Program for FFY 2001/2002
WHEREAS. the City of Tustin is required to develop and submit a
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program and Overall Annual Goal for
DBE participation for U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) assisted
contracts, as a condition of federal financial assistance, pursuant to Title 49 Code
of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 26; Participation by Disadvantaged Business
Enterprises (DBE) in DOT Programs; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with new DBE regulations, the City of Tustin has
developed a narrowly tailored Draft DBE Program and Proposed Overall Annual
DBE Goal of 9% for Federal Fiscal Year 2001/2002; and
WHEREAS, City Council adoption is requ,red to ensure compliance with
Department of Transportation federal funding requirements, provisions and
financial responsibilities.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of
Tustin that the Draft DBE Program and Proposed Overall Annual Goal for
Federal Fiscal Year 2001/2002 are hereby approved.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Director of Public Works is
hereby authorized to execute the Draft Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
(DBE) Program and Proposed Overall Annual Goal for Federal Fiscal Year
2001/2002 and submission to the California Department of Transportation
(Caltrans) on behalf of the City for funding authority approval.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City
of Tustin held on the 7th day of May 2001.
Tracy Wills Worley, Mayor
City Clerk
Proposed Overall Annual DBE
Goal Analysis
FFY 2001/2002
Submitted in fulfillment of:
Section 1101 of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21~t Century
49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 26
Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual
(.4gency Lelterhead)
District Local Assistance Engineer- Alan Williams
The amount of overall goal, methodology, breakout of estimated race-neutral and race-conscious
participation, and any DBE program updates arc presented herein in accordance with Title 49 of the
Code of Federal Regulations Part 26, and as described in the Local Assistance Procethwes Manual.
The CiW of Tustin
submits our annual overall goal information (and any needed updates of our DBE program) for your
review and comment. We propose an .tmnual Overall DBE Goal of' 9 % for the Federal Fiscal
Year 2001 / 2002, beginning on October 1, 2001 and ending on September 30, 2002.
See Attached Overall Annual DBE Goal Setting Analysis
Breakout of Estimated Race-Neutral and Race-Conscious Participation
See Attached Overall Annual DBE Goal Setting Analysis
DBE Program Updates
No changes to Program
DBE Liaison Officer Date
............. F'EDE~L__FISCAL Y__E.L,A__R (FFY) 20__?__1/02
Table I represents two DOT-assisted projects the City of Tustin considered in preparing its
Overall Annual DBE Goal-Setting Analysis for FFY 2001/02. All projects have
subcontracting opportunities and are anticipated to be awarded and/or expended within thc
fiscal year:
Table 1
Jamboree Rd. Rehabilitation- From 1000' No. of
Tustin Ranch Rd. to 2400 No. of Tustin Ranch Road
Walnut Avenue Rehabilitation- From Browning
Total Cost of
Federal Dollar
., Avenue to Myf. ord Rd. $779,674.00 ...... .S..32~.,.28.0...0.0....!
Table 2 provides a summary of the corresponding subspecialty work grouped into two
primary categories; Highway and Street Construction and Concrete Work utilizing Caltrans
Work Category Codes (WCC) and comparable 1998 Census Business Patterns North
American Industry' Classification System ('NAICS) Work Codes. The table also serves to
idcnti[v the estimated Federal Dollar Share and the Percent of Federal Funding for each
primary work category, as follows:
Highway & Street
Concrete Work
Table 2
City of Tustin
DBE Goal Analysis For FFY 2001/02
Page 2 of 5
Step I: Deterntination of a Base Figure (26.45)
To establish the City of Tustin's Base Figure of the relative availability of DBEs to all
comparable finns (DBEs and Non-DBEs) available to bid or propose on the City of Tustin's
FFY 2001/02 DOT-assisted contracting opportunities projected to be let, the City of Tustin
followed one of the five prescribed federal goal-setting methodologies in Caltrans kocal
Assistance Procedures Manual. This was accomplished by accessing the Caltrans' on-line
Bulletin Board System (BBS) DBE Directory of Certified Firms and the 1998 U.S. Cettsus
Bureau Coattt)' Business Patterns (CBP) Database. Cornparisons were made by
corresponding zip codes within the City of Tustin's market area (defined as Orange County)
and by the specified industries and types of businesses identified in Table 2.
For the numerator: Caltrans' DBE Directory of Certified Fimns
For the denominator:Census Bureau's Bttsiness Pattern Database (CBP)
The City of Tustin made a concerted effort to ensure that the scope of' businesses included in
the numerator was as close as possible to the scope included in the denominator. For
corresponding detail of all work category classifications grouped, refer to Attachments 1 and
I[. The identified market area represents where the majority of contractors and subcontractors
the City does business with arc established, and where the substantial majority of the Citv's
contracting dollars will be spent.
To determine the relative availability of DBEs for each work category, the City of Tustin
divided the numerator~ representing the ratio of ready, willing and able DBE fimus to bid, by
· 9
the denominator- representing all firms (DBEs and Non-DBEs) available to bid for each of
the work categories. Application ol:this formula yielded the following baseline information:
Number of Ready, Willing, and Able DBEs
Number o fAll Available Firms
(including DBEs and Non-DBEs)
The Base Figure was further adjusted by weighting the relative availability of DBEs grouped
within the major work categories, giving more weight to the work categories/industries, in
which the City projects to spend more DOT-assisted dollars· The Base Figure resulting from
this weighted calculation is as follows:
Numerator represents all DBE businesses established within Ci~, o£Tustin's market area.
Denominator represents all available established firms.
City of Tustin
DBE Goal Analysis for FFY 2001/02
Page 3 of 5
Step I Base Figure Ratio (weighted by O,'Pe of work
corresponding contracting dollars)
Base Figure ~r 80%(DBEs in WCC 16~01' - 20%(DBEs in WCC 51~0'
CBPs in NAICS 2.>411 ** CBPs in NAI~-~ '_.2~1 **
Base Figure { .80 (55)+ .20(18) 765 236
Base Figure = I80(.0719) + .20(.0763~
Base Figure = (.0728) 100 = 7.28 = 7%
* I.'or additional Caltrans Work Category Code.,. refer to .4ttachment 1.
** For additional NAICS ,~wrk codes, r~/br to Attachment 11.
Roumted to the nearest whole number.
to be performed and
Step 2: Adjusting the Base Figure
Upon establishing the Base Figure, the City of Tustin reviewed and assessed other known
evidence potentially impacting the relative availabiliD' of DBEs within the City of Tustin's
market area, in accordance with prescribed narrow tailoring provisions set forth under 49 CFR
Part 26 DBE Goal Adjustment provisions. Evidence considered in making an adjustment to
the Base Figure included the CiO: of Tustin's Past DBE Goal Attainment/Commitment on
Simihtr Type Projects, Bidders List, Dispari~' Studies, and other Cities' DBE Goals and
attainments within the Cit.;., of Tustin's jurisdiction. A summary, of these considerations
A. Detnonstrated CapaciO' of DBEs ~$1easttred by Actual Attainntent
The following table reflects the City of Tustin's DBE goal attainment/commitment on similar
projects awarded within the last two fiscal years utilizing numeric goals of 13% and 10%.
Red Hill Avenue Rehabilitation between Walnut
Avenue and Edinger Avenue
Irvine Boulevard Rehabilitation between SR-55 and
Prospect Avenue and Prospect Avenue
Rehabilitation between First Street and Irvine
....... .....
City of Tustin
DBE Goal Analysis for FFY 2001/02
Page 4 of 5
The City of' Tustin considered an adjustment to the Base Figure based on past DBE goal
attainment/commitment on two similar contracts to those contracting opportunities considered
in the Overall Annual DBE Goal Setting process for this Fiscal Year. The City of Tustin
adjusted the Base Figure by deriving the City's average past participation percentage numbers
for the last two years to obtain the Median Past Participation percentages (middle value of the
two). The Base Figure was than adjusted by adding the Median Past Participation
Percentage and the Step [ Base Figure, and dividing the total number by two (2). The
Adjusted Base Figure resulting from the application of tiffs formula is as follows:
Step 1 Base Figure + Median Past Participatiou
Past Participation= [10% + 12°/,,1
Past Participation = Il 0% + 12°/o = 22°/¢
Median Past Participation % = I22= !l°/o1~._
One Base Figure Adjusted = 1 7% -,- 11% = 18%1
Base Figure Adjusted = I3_2_~ = 9 %1
Adjusted Base Figure = 9 %
B. City of Tustin's Bidders List
While a Bidders List would serve as quantifiable evidence of' DBEs demonstrated interest and
capacity; the City' of' Tustin has not collected sufficient data to date to merit consideration for
an adjustment. However, the City of Tustin will continue to capture such information from all
bidders at the time of bid/proposal submission and will utilize such information in future goal-
setting analysis.
C. Evidence front Disparity Studies
The City of Tustin is not aware of any current disparity studies within the City of Tustin's
jurisdiction for consideration in the goal setting analysis and/or adjustment.
City of Tustin
DBE Goal Analysis for FFY 2001,.'02
Page 5 of 5
D. Other Agencies DBE Goals
The City of Tustin surv'eyed other DOT-recipients (local agencies) xvithin its.jurisdiction, with
similar contracting pro,ams to assess their DBE goals and attainments toward making an
adjustment. Cities included in the survey were City of Orange, City ofYorba Linda and City
of Placcntia. Weighted DBE Goals established for these cities for FFY 2001 ranged from 8%
to 10%. Since the goal projections and attainments are in line with the City of Tustin's
adjusted DBE goal of 9%, no further adjustment will be made at this time.
The Overall Annual (FlY 2001/02) DBE Goal for the City of Tustin's DOT-assisted
contracts is 9%. The Overall Goal is expressed as a percentage of all DOT-assisted funds
that the City will expend in FHWA-assisted contracts in the forthcoming fiscal year.
This goal further serves to identify, the relative availability of DBEs based on evidence of
ready, willing, and able DBEs to all comparable firms, which are known to be available to
compete for and perform on the City's DOT-assisted contracts. The Overall Annual Goal
reflects a determination of the level ofDBE parti, cipation, which would be expected absent the
effects of discrimination. Although the City previously considered race-neutral methods to
meet the Overall Annual DBE Goal, only 2% of 3% projected was met during FFY 2001,
based on a DBE goal commitment.
In addition, the City of Tustin has not maintained an)' records of potential M/W/DBE
attainments on their State and Locally funded contracts, due to the State of California
abolishing the race-based contracting preferences. In li~t of these considerations, the City
of Tustin projects that the proposed Overall Annual DBE Goal of 9% for FFY 2002 will be
achieved through the use of numeric goals (race-conscious participation). The City will,
however, continue to make efforts to employ race-neutral measures whenever possible to
ensure that bidding and contract requirements facilitate participation by DBEs and other small
businesses in conformance with new regulatoD' requirements.
In accordance with Public Participation Regulator2,.' Requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 and
Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM), this goal analysis will be reviewed by
minority, women, local business chambers, and community organizations within the City of
Tustin's market area.
The City of Tustin will also publish a Public Notice in general circulation media announcing
the City of Tustin's proposed Overall Annual Goal for the FFY 2001/02 DOT-assisted
contracts. Such Notice will inform the public that the proposed goal and its rationale is
available for inspection at the City of Tustin's Public Works Department during normal
business hours for 30 days following the date of the Public Notice and that the City of Tustin
will accept comments on the goal analysis for 45 days from the date of the Public Notice. The
required public participation provisions will be fully satisfied prior to submitting the City of
Tustin's Overall Annual DBE Goal to Caltrans for final review and approval.
C1601 23411,23499
C1901 23593
C1910 23411
C2201 23411
C3901 23411
C3910 23411
C8406 23411,23521
C1930 23411
C4201 23411
C5620 23411
C8000 23411
Clearing & Grubbing
Roadway Excavation
Finishing Roadway
Asphalt Concrete
Paving Asphalt
Painted Traffic Stripe & Marking
Groove & Grind Pavement
Roadside Sign
8 6 12 1 6 33
4 5 6 2 4 21
Fencing 0 0 0 0 1 1
12 11 18 3 11 55
~:~'~'TRAN'~ ..... i"- ............................................................................ ~" ............. ~"l~ ": ........ 3~-"':'~"~"'. ,.'~ .......... ~, ...............
:WOR i" !'. ;' ,!
~CATEGORY I EQUIV NAICS : ' i I '::; : .,,~
C5110 23571 Concrete Surface Finish
C5111 23571 Concrete Overlay
Portland Cement & Conrcrete 2 1 10 4 1 18
C4010 23571 Pavement
DATA SOURCE: Caltrans Bulletin Board System Directory of Certified DBE Firms.
Highway & Street Construction
All Other Heavy Construction
Excavation Contractors
Painting & Wall Covering Contractors
' i.' i.l: "." '~' ~ ..." ".." '""'i:-":,' '..:i :...:'E.o,'rA[.~. N.U.M BER:O F!ES..T. AB LIS H ED .=:FIRM S I
County Total
74 74
148 148
442 442
765 765
Major Orange
Category: 23571: CONCRETE CONTRACTORS County Total
NAICS ", .:~..i:'"'~', :, '.' :~ :: ",'.:..' ':~ ",i .v. i! ~:' ::"
23571 Concrete Contractors 236 236
I"' ;'"'.?':" .'"1"'. ' :'"':' ':'.'~,::::"~:"T.,OTAI2 NU.MBER~OF.-ES:TABLISHED,FIRMSI 236 I 236
DATA SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau: County Business Patterns utilizing, NAICS Work Category Codes
s s (� I 1f7
GRAY DAVIS,Governor !Hi i DEC 2 r r 'I)`1 ' i
IRVINE,CA 92612 "'
December 22, 2000
Mr. Tim Serlet
DBE Liaison Officer
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin , CA 92680
Subject: Final Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program Submittal
Fiscal Year 2000/01
Dear Mr. Serlet
The fmal Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program for Federal fiscal Year
2000/2001 meets the requirements in accordance with the 49 Code of Federal
Regulations part 26.
Your fmal approved DBE program is enclosed.
Alan William, Chief
Local Assistance Branch
District 12
' , i
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
F.F.Y. 2000/2001
Submitted in fulfillment oft
Section 1101 of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21" Century
49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 26
Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual
• •
Table of Contents
I. Definition of Terms 1
II. Objectives/Policy Statement 1
III. Nondiscrimination 2
IV. DBE Program Updates 2
V. Quotas 2
VI. DBE Liaison Officer 2
VII. Federal Financial Assistance Agreement Assurance 3
VIII. DBE Financial Institutions 4
IX. Directory 4
X. Overconcentration 4
XI. Business Development Programs 4
XII. Required Contract Clauses 4
XIII. Monitoring and Enforcement Mechanisms 5
XIV. Overall Goals 8
XV. Contract Goals 11
XVI. Transit Vehicle Manufacturers 11
XVII. Good Faith Efforts 12
XVIII. Counting DBE Participation 13
XIX. Certification 13
XX. Information Collection and Reporting 14
Appendix A: Guidance Concerning Good Faith Efforts 15
Appendix B: DBE Program Organizational Chart 18
Appendix C: Bidders List 19
Appendix D: Overall Annual DBE Goal Analysis for FFY 2000/01
• •
I. Definitions of Terms
The terms used in this Program have the meanings defined in Title 49 CFR §26.5.
II. Objectives /Policy Statement (§§26.1, 26.23)
The City of Tustin has established a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program in
accordance with regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), 49 CFR Part 26;
"Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Regulations in Department of
Transportation Financial Assistance Programs". The City of Tustin receives Federal financial
assistance from the DOT, and as a condition of receiving this assistance, the City of Tustin will
sign an assurance that it will comply with 49 CFR Part 26.
It is the policy of the City of Tustin to ensure that DBEs, as defined in CFR Part 26, have an
equal opportunity to receive and participate in DOT-assisted contracts. It is also our policy:
• To ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts;
• To create a level playing field on which DBEs can compete fairly for DOT-assisted
• To ensure that the DBE Program is narrowly tailored in accordance with applicable laws;
• To ensure that only firms that fully meet 49 CFR Part 26 eligibility standards are
permitted to participate as DBEs;
• To help remove barriers impacting the participation of DBEs in DOT-assisted contracts;
• To assist in the development of DBEs firms to enable them to compete successfully in the
market place outside the DBE Program.
Mr. Tim D. Serlet is the DBE Liaison Officer for the City of Tustin. In this capacity, Mr. Serlet
is responsible for implementing all aspects of the DBE Program. Implementation of the DBE
Program is accorded the same priority as compliance with all other legal obligations incurred by
the City of Tustin in its financial assistance agreements with the California Department of
Transportation (Caltrans).
The City of Tustin has disseminated this policy statement to the Tustin City Council and all the
components of our organization. We have distributed this statement to DBE and non-DBE
business communities that perform work for us on DOT-assisted contracts.
City of Tustin Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program
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• S
III. Nondiscrimination (§26.7)
The City of Tustin will not exclude any person from participation in, deny any person the
benefits of, or otherwise discriminate against anyone in connection with the award and
performance of any contract covered by Title 49 CFR Part 26 on the basis of race, color, sex, or
national origin.
In administering its DBE Program, the City of Tustin will not, directly or through contractual or
other arrangements, use criteria or methods of administration that have the effect of defeating or
substantially impairing accomplishment of the objectives of the DBE program with respect to
individuals of a particular race, color, sex, or national origin.
IV. DBE Program Updates (§26.21)
The City of Tustin will continue to carry out this Program until we have established a new goal
setting methodology or until significant changes to this DBE Program are adopted. The City of
Tustin will provide to Caltrans a proposed overall annual goal and goal setting methodology and
other program updates by June 1 of every year.
V. Quotas (§26.43)
The City of Tustin will not use quotas or set-asides in any way in the administration of this DBE
VI. DBE Liaison Officer (DBELO) (§26.45)
The City of Tustin has designated the following individual as the DBE Liaison Officer:
Mr. Tim D. Serlet, Director of Public Works
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92680
(714) 573-3152
tserlet @tustinca.org
In this capacity, Mr. Serlet is responsible for implementing all aspects of the DBE Program and
ensuring that the City of Tustin complies with all provisions of Title 49 CFR Part 26;
"Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Regulations in Department of
Transportation Financial Assistance Programs". This is available on the Internet at
osdbuweb.dot.gov/main.cfin. Mr. Serlet has direct, independent access to the City Manager
concerning DBE program matters. The DBELO has two (2) support personnel who devote a
portion of their time to the Program. An organization chart displaying the DBELO's position in
the organization is found in Attachment B to this Program.
City of Tustin Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program
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• •
The DBE Liaison Officer is responsible for developing, implementing and monitoring the DBE
Program, in coordination other appropriate officials. Duties and responsibilities include the
1. Gathers and reports statistical data and other information as required.
2. Reviews third party contracts and purchase requisitions for compliance with this Program.
3. Works with all departments to set overall annual goals for DBE participation in DOT-
assisted contracts.
4. Ensures that bid notices and requests for proposals are available to DBEs in a timely manner.
5. Identifies contracts and procurements to ensure DBE goals are included in solicitations when
warranted (both race-neutral methods and contract specific goals) and monitors results.
6. Analyzes the City of Tustin's progress toward goal attainment and identifies ways to improve
7. Participates in pre-bid meetings.
8. Advises the CEO/governing body on DBE matters and achievement.
9. Determines contractor compliance with good faith efforts.
10. Provides DBEs with information and assistance in preparing bids, obtaining bonding and
11. Plans and participates in DBE training seminars.
12. Provides outreach to DBEs and community organizations to advise them of DOT contracting
13. Develops and maintains a Bidders List of DBE and non-DBE firms bidding on prime
contracts and bidding or quoting subcontracts on DOT-assisted projects.
VII. Federal Financial Assistance Agreement Assurance (§26.13)
The City of Tustin will sign the following assurance, applicable to all DOT-assisted contracts
and their administration as part of the program supplement agreement for each project:
The City of Tustin shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex
in the award and performance of any DOT-assisted contract or in the administration of its
DBE Program or the requirements of 49 CFR Part 26. The City of Tustin shall take all
necessary and reasonable steps under 49 CFR Part 26 to ensure nondiscrimination in the
award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts. The City of Tustin's DBE Program,
as required by 49 CFR Part 26 and as approved by DOT, is incorporated by reference in
this agreement. Implementation of this Program is a legal obligation and failure to carry
out its terms shall be treated as a violation of this agreement. Upon notification to the City
of Tustin of its failure to carry out its approved Program, the Department may impose
sanctions as provided for under Part 26 and may, in appropriate cases, refer the matter for
enforcement under 18 U.S.C. 1001 and/or the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986
(31 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.).
City of Tustin Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program
Page 3 •
VIII. DBE Financial Institutions
It is the policy of the City of Tustin to investigate the full extent of services offered by financial
institutions owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals in the
community, to make reasonable efforts to use these institutions, and to encourage prime
contractors on DOT-assisted contracts to make use of these institutions.
Information on the availability of such institutions can be obtained from the DBE Liaison
Officer. The Caltrans Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program may offer assistance to the
DBE Liaison Officer.
IX. DBE Directory (§26.31)
The City of Tustin will refer interested persons to the DBE directory available from the Caltrans
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program website at www.dot.ca.gov/hq/bep.
X. Overconcentration (§26.33)
The City of Tustin has not identified any types of work in DOT-assisted contracts that have an
overconcentration of DBE participation. If in the future, the City of Tustin identifies the need to
address overconcentration, measures for addressing overconcentration will be submitted to the
DLAE for approval.
XI. Business Development Programs (§26.35)
The City of Tustin does not have a business development or Mentor-Protégé Program. If the
City of Tustin identifies the need for such a program in the future, the rationale for adopting such
a program and a comprehensive description of it will be submitted to the DLAE for approval.
XII. Required Contract Clauses (§§26.13, 26.29)
Contract Assurance
The City of Tustin ensures that the following clause is placed in every DOT-assisted contract and
"The contractor or subcontractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
national origin, or sex in the performance of this contract. The contractor shall carry out
applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of DOT-
assisted contracts. Failure by the contractor to carry out these requirements is a material
breach of this contract, which may result in the termination of this contract or such other
remedy as recipient deems appropriate. "
City of Tustin Disadvantaged Business Enterprise.Program
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• •
Prompt Payment
The City of Tustin ensures that the following clauses or equivalent will be included in each
DOT-assisted prime contract:
Satisfactory Performance
The prime contractor agrees to pay each subcontractor under this prime contract for
satisfactory performance of its contract no later than 10 days from the receipt of each
payment the prime contractor receives from the City of Tustin. Any delay or postponement
of payment from the above referenced time frame may occur only for good cause
following written approval of the City of Tustin. This clause applies to both DBE and non-
DBE subcontractors.
Release of Retain age
The prime contractor agrees further to release retainage payments to each subcontractor within
30 days after the subcontractor's work is satisfactorily completed. Any delay or postponement
of payment from the above referenced time frame may occur only for good cause following
written approval of the City of Tustin. This clause applies to both DBE and non-DBE
Ongoing Compliance Monitoring
It is the responsibility of the prime contractor to provide evidence of all subcontractor payments
in accordance with the above stated Prompt Payment Provisions. The prime contractor shall
maintain all relevant records and provide access to such at the request of the City of Tustin.
The City of Tustin will conduct periodic reviews to ensure full compliance.
XIII. Monitoring and Enforcement Mechanisms (§26.37)
The City of Tustin will assign a Resident Engineer (RE) or Contract Manager to monitor and
track actual DBE participation through contractor and subcontractor reports of payments in
accordance with the following:
After Contract Award
After the contract award, the City of Tustin will review the award documents for the portion of
items each DBE and first tier subcontractor will be performing and the dollar value of that work.
With these documents the RE/Contract Manager will be able to determine the work to be
performed by the DBEs or subcontractors listed.
City of Tustin Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program
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• •
Pre-construction Conference
A pre-construction conference will be scheduled between the RE and the prime contractor or
their representative to discuss the work each DBE subcontractor will perform.
Before work can begin on a subcontract, the City of Tustin will require the contractor to submit a
completed "Subcontracting Request," Exhibit 16-B of Caltrans' Local Assistance Program
Manual (LAPM) or equivalent. When the RE receives the completed form it will be checked for
agreement of the first tier subcontractors and DBEs to ensure DBE goal commitment are adhered
to. The RE will not approve the request when it identifies someone other than the DBE or first
tier subcontractor listed in the previously completed "Local Agency Bidder DBE Information,"
Exhibit 15-G of Caltrans' LAPM. The "Subcontracting Request" will not be approved until all
discrepancies are resolved. If an issue cannot be resolved at that time, or there is some other
concern, the RE will require the contractor to eliminate the subcontractor in question before
signing the subcontracting request. A change in the DBE or first tier subcontractor may be
addressed during a substitution process at a later date.
Suppliers, vendors, or manufacturers listed on the "Bidder DBE Information" will be compared
to those listed in the completed Exhibit 16-I of Caltrans' LAPM or equivalent. Differences must
be resolved by either making corrections or requesting a substitution.
Substitutions will be subject to the Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act (FPA).
Local agencies will require contractors to adhere to the provisions within Subletting and
Subcontracting Fair Practices Act (State Law) Sections 4100-4144. FPA requires the contractor
to list all subcontractors in excess of one half of one percent (0.5%) of the contractor's total bid
or $10,000, whichever is greater. The statute is designed to prevent bid shopping by contractors.
The FPA explains that a contractor may not substitute a subcontractor listed in the original bid
except with the approval of the awarding authority.
The RE will give the contractor a blank "Final Report Utilization of Disadvantaged Business
Enterprises, First Tier Subcontractors", Exhibit 17-F of Caltrans' LAPM, and will explain to
them that the document will be required at the end of the project, for which payment can be
withheld, in conformance with the contract.
Construction Contract Monitoring
The RE will ensure that the RE's staff (inspectors) know what items of work each DBE is
responsible for performing. Inspectors will notify the RE immediately of apparent violations.
When a firm other than the listed DBE subcontractor is found performing the work, the RE will
notify the contractor of the apparent discrepancy and potential loss of payment. Based on the
contractor's response, the RE will take appropriate action: The DBE Liaison Officer will
perform a preliminary investigation to identify any potential issues related to the DBE
subcontractor performing a commercially useful function. Any substantive issues will be
forwarded to the Caltrans Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program. If the contractor fails to
adequately explain why there is a discrepancy, payment for the work will be withheld and a letter
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will be sent to the contractor referencing the applicable specification violation and the required
withholding of payment.
If the contract requires the submittal of a monthly trucking document, the contractor will be
required to submit documentation to the RE showing the owner's name; California Highway
Patrol CA number; and the DBE certification number of the owner of the truck for each truck
used during that month for which DBE participation will be claimed. The trucks will be listed by
California Highway Patrol CA number in the daily diary or on a separate piece of paper for
documentation. The numbers are checked by inspectors regularly to confirm compliance.
When a DBE substitution is requested, the RE/Contract Manager will request a letter from the
contractor explaining why substitution is needed. The RE/Contract Manager must review the
letter to be sure names and addresses are shown, dollar values are included, and reason for the
request is explained. If the RE/Contract Manager agrees to the substitution and with concurrence
of the substitution of the DBE Liaison Officer, the RE/Contract Manager will notify, in writing,
the DBE subcontractor regarding the proposed substitution and procedure for written objection
from the DBE subcontractor in accordance with the Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices
Act. If the contractor is not meeting the contract goal with this substitution, the contractor must
provide the required good faith effort to the RE/Contract Manager for local agency
If there is any doubt in the RE/Contract Manager's mind regarding the requested substitution, the
RE/Contract Manager may contact the DLAE for assistance and direction.
Record Keeping and Final Report Utilization of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises
The contractor shall maintain records showing the name and address of each first-tier
subcontractor. The records shall also show:
1. The name and business address, regardless of tier, of every DBE subcontractor, DBE vendor
of materials and DBE trucking company.
2. The date of payment and the total dollar figure paid to each of the firms.
3. The DBE prime contractor shall also show the date of work performed by their own forces
along with the corresponding dollar value of the work claimed toward DBE goals.
When a contract has been completed the contractor will provide a summary of the records stated
above. The DBE utilization information will be documented on Exhibit 17-F of Caltrans' LAPM
and will be submitted to the DLAE attached to the Report of Expenditures. The RE will compare
the completed Exhibit 17-F of Caltrans' LAPM to the contractor's completed Exhibit 15-G of
Caltrans' LAPM and, if applicable, to the completed Exhibit 16-B of Caltrans' LAPM. The
DBEs shown on the completed Exhibit 17-F of Caltrans' LAPM should be the same as those
originally listed unless an authorized substitution was allowed, or the contractor used more DBEs
and they were added. The dollar amount should reflect any changes made in planned work done
by the DBE. The contractor will be required to explain in writing why the names of the
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subcontractors, the work items or dollar figures are different from what was originally shown on
the completed Exhibit 15-G of Caltrans' LAPM when:
• There have been no changes made by the RE.
• The contractor has not provided a sufficient explanation in the comments section of the
completed Exhibit 17-F of Caltrans' LAPM.
The explanation will be attached to the completed Exhibit 17-F for submittal. The RE will file
this in the project records.
The City of Tustin's DBE Liaison Officer will keep track of the DBE certification status on the
Internet at www.dot.ca.gov/hq/bep and keep the RE informed of changes that affect the contract.
The RE will require the contractor to act in accordance with existing contractual commitments
regardless of decertification.
The DLAE will use the PS&E checklist to monitor City of Tustin's commitment to require
bidders list information to be submitted to the City of Tustin from the awarded prime and
subcontractors as a means to develop a bidders list. This monitoring will only take place if the
bidders list information is required to be submitted as stipulated in the special provisions.
The City of Tustin will bring to the attention of the DOT through the DLAE any false,
fraudulent, or dishonest conduct in connection with the program, so that DOT can take the steps
(e.g., referral to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution, referral to the DOT Inspector
General, action under suspension and debarment or Program Fraud and Civil Penalties rules)
provided in §26.109. The City of Tustin also will consider similar action under our own legal
authorities, including responsibility determinations in future contracts.
XIV. Overall Goals (§26.45)
Amount of Goal
The City of Tustin's overall goal for the Federal fiscal year FFY 2000/2001 is the following:
13% of the Federal financial assistance in DOT-assisted contracts. This overall goal is broken
down into 10% race-conscious and 3% race-neutral components.
Projecting Federal Assisted Contract Awards/Expenditures for Federal Fiscal Year
In conjunction with the preparation and adoption of the budget for each fiscal year, the DBE
Liaison Officer, in consultation with the appropriate divisions and departments responsible for
contracting activities, will conduct a thorough analysis of the projected number, types of work by
industry disciplines and dollar amounts of contracting opportunities that will be funded, in whole
or in part, by DOT federal financial assistance for that year.
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STEP 1: Establishing a Base Figure
Once the City of Tustin defines its DOT-assisted contracting program and relevant market areas
for the fiscal year, the City of Tustin will establish a Base Figure following one of the
methodologies outlined in Title 49 CFR Part 26 and Caltrans' Local Assistance Procedures
For federal fiscal year 2000/01, the City of Tustin elected to utilize Caltrans' DBE Directory of
Certified DBE firms (filtered to included DBE firms expressing interest in doing business within
the City of Tustin's geographic market area), divided by all comparable firms available within
the County Census Bureau Database to derive the relative availability of DBEs within the
following work industries:
Categories: Highway & Street Construction, Concrete Work and Excavation Work
The City of Tustin further weighted the resultant figure based on the amount of DOT-federal
assistance the City of Tustin is projected to award and/or expend on various industries in
establishing the Base Figure.
Please refer to Attachment D for the City of Tustin's Overall Annual Goal Analysis for FFY
STEP 2: Adjusting the Base Figure
As a mandatory second step, the City of Tustin will survey other relevant market data to consider
adjusting the base figure established. Indicators that City of Tustin may determine to be relevant
to its market, may include, but not be limited to:
1. Demonstrated evidence of DBE capacity to perform work in the City of Tustin's federally
assisted and non-federally assisted contracting program;
2. The number, types and dollar value of contracting opportunities projected to be financed with
federal funds and to be awarded during the federal fiscal year.
3. The City of Tustin's Bidders List.
4. Other recipients' goal results in similar contracting opportunities and markets, and the
reasons for the level of those results.
5. The methods used by the City of Tustin to increase DBE participation in federally assisted
6. The demographics and business activity of the geographical area in which the City of Tustin
will solicit bids or proposals.
7. The data from statistical disparities of DBEs to obtain financing, bonding and insurance
8. The data on employment and self-employment, education and training programs, to the
extent the City of Tustin can relate it to the opportunities for DBEs to perform in the City of
Tustin's DBE Program.
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Breakout of Estimated Race-Neutral and Race-Conscious Participation
The City of Tustin shall achieve the overall annual goals for DBE participation through a
combination of race-neutral and race-conscious measures including the use of contract-specific
goals as needed to meet its overall annual DBE goal.
Race-Neutral Measures
The City of Tustin intends to use race-neutral measures to the extent feasible to achieve its
overall annual goal. The City of Tustin will use the following measures as appropriate to
facilitate DBE and other small business participation in the City of Tustin's contracting program:
(a) Configuring large contracts into smaller contracts when feasible, when to so
would make contracts more accessible to small businesses, and would not impose
significant additional cost, delay or risk to the City of Tustin;
(b) Contractors will be encouraged to consider subcontractors for components of the
work for which there is a known supply of ready, willing, and able subcontractors,
including DBE subcontractors, in preparing their bids;
(c) Assisting in overcoming limitations in bonding and financing;
(d) Providing technical assistance in orienting small businesses to public contracting
procedures, use of the Internet, and facilitating introductions to the City of
Tustin's and other U.S. DOT recipients' contracting activities; and
(e) Providing outreach and communications programs on contract procedures and
contract opportunities to ensure the inclusion of DBEs and other small businesses.
Race-Conscious Measures Goals (section 26.51)
The City of Tustin will annually consider various factors to project levels of DBE participation
to be met through race-conscious measures and will use race-conscious measures such as
contract-specific goals to meet that portion of the overall goal which is not likely to be met
utilizing race-neutral measures. The City of Tustin shall monitor and adjust the estimated
utilization of race-neutral and race-conscious measures as required in accordance with regulatory
For subsequent years, the following procedures will be followed:
The City of Tustin will submit its overall annual DBE goal to Caltrans by June 1 of each year.
The goal submission includes the amount of overall goal, the method utilized to calculate the
goal and the estimated race-neutral and race-conscious participation projections.
Once the DLAE has responded with preliminary comments and the comments have been
incorporated into the draft overall goal analysis, the City of Tustin will publish a notice of the
proposed overall goal, informing the public that the proposed goal and its rationale are available
for inspection during normal business hours at the City of Tustin's principal office for 30 days
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from the date of the notice, and informing the public that the City of Tustin will accept
comments relative to the goal analysis for 45 days following the date of the notice.
Advertisements in newspapers, minority focus media, trade publications, and websites will be
the normal media to accomplish this effort. The notice will include addresses to which
comments may be sent and addresses (including offices and websites) where the proposed goal
and rationale may be reviewed.
The overall final goal resubmission to the Caltrans DLAE, will include a summary of
information and comments received during this public participation process, including the City
of Tustin's responses and a determination on the impact the public comments had on the overall
goal, if any. This will be due by September 1 to the Caltrans DLAE. The DLAE will have a
month to perform a final review enabling the City of Tustin to implement the new overall annual
goal by October 1 of each year.
XV. Contract Goals (§26.51)
The City of Tustin will use contract goals to meet any portion of the overall goal City of Tustin
does not project being able to meet by the use of race-neutral means. Contract goals are
established so that, over the period to which the overall goal applies, they will cumulatively
result in meeting any portion of the overall goal that is not projected to be met through the use of
race-neutral means.
Contract goals will be established only on those DOT-assisted contracts that have subcontracting
possibilities. Contract goals need not be established on every such contract, and the size of
contract goals will be adapted to the circumstances of each such contract (e.g., type and location
of work, availability of DBEs to perform the particular type of work). The contract work items
will be compared with eligible DBE contractors willing to work on the project. A determination
will also be made to decide which items are likely to be performed by the prime contractor and
which ones are likely to be performed by the subcontractor(s). The goal will then be
incorporated into the contract documents. Contract goals will be expressed as a percentage of
the total amount of a DOT-assisted contract.
XVI. Transit Vehicle Manufacturers (§26.49)
If DOT-assisted contracts will include transit vehicle procurements, the City of Tustin will
require each transit vehicle manufacturer, as a condition of being authorized to bid or propose on
transit vehicle procurements, to certify that it has complied with the requirements of 49 CFR Part
26, Section 49. The City of Tustin will direct the transit vehicle manufacturer to the subject
requirements located on the Internet at http://osdbuweb.dot.gov/programs/dbe/dbe.htm.
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XVII. Good Faith Efforts (§26.53)
Information to be Submitted
The City of Tustin treats bidders'/offerors' compliance with good faith effort requirements as a
matter of responsiveness. A responsive proposal is meeting all the requirements of the
advertisement and solicitation.
Each solicitation for which a contract goal has been established will require the bidders/offerors
to submit the following information to: City of Tustin Department of Public Works, 300
Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780 no later than 4:00 p.m. on or before the fourth day, not
including Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, following bid opening:
1. The names and addresses of known DBE firms that will participate in the contract;
2. A description of the work that each DBE will perform:
3. The dollar amount of the participation of each DBE firm participation
4. Written and signed documentation of commitment to use a DBE subcontractor whose
participation it submits to meet a contract goal;
5. Written and signed confirmation from the DBE that it is participating in the contract as
provided in the prime contractor's commitment; and
6. If the contract goal is not met, evidence of good faith efforts.
Demonstration of Good Faith Efforts
The obligation of the bidder/offeror is to make good faith efforts. The bidder/offeror can
demonstrate that it has done so either by meeting the contract goal or documenting good faith
efforts. Examples of good faith efforts are found in Appendix A to Part 26, which is attached.
The following personnel is responsible for determining whether a bidder/offeror who has not met
the contract goal has documented sufficient good faith efforts to be regarded as responsive: Mr.
Tim D. Serlet.
The City of Tustin will ensure that all information is complete and accurate and adequately
documents the bidder/offeror's good faith efforts before a commitment to the performance of the
contract by the bidder/offeror is made.
Administrative Reconsideration
Within 10 days of being informed by the City of Tustin that it is not responsive because it has
not documented sufficient good faith efforts, a bidder/offeror may request administrative
reconsideration. Bidder/offerors should make this request in writing to the following
Reconsideration Official:
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Mr. William A. Huston, City Manager
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92680
Telephone: (714) 573-3010
E-Mail: whuston @tustinca.org
The Reconsideration Official will not have played any role in the original determination that the
bidder/offeror did not make document sufficient good faith efforts.
As part of this reconsideration, the bidder/offeror will have the opportunity to provide written
documentation or argument concerning the issue of whether it met the goal or made adequate
good faith efforts to do so. The bidder/offeror will have the opportunity to meet in person with
the Reconsideration Official to discuss the issue of whether it met the goal or made adequate
good faith efforts to do. The City of Tustin will send the bidder/offeror a written decision on
reconsideration, explaining the basis for finding that the bidder did or did not meet the goal or
make adequate good faith efforts to do so. The result of the reconsideration process is not
administratively appealable to Caltrans, FHWA or the DOT.
Good Faith Efforts when a DBE is Replaced on a Contract
The City of Tustin will require a contractor to make good faith efforts to replace a DBE that is
terminated or has otherwise failed to complete its work on a contract with another certified DBE,
to the extent needed to meet the contract goal. The prime contractor is required to notify the RE
immediately of the DBE's inability or unwillingness to perform and provide reasonable
In this situation, the prime contractor will be required to obtain the City of Tustin's prior
approval of the substitute DBE and to provide copies of new or amended subcontracts, or
documentation of good faith efforts. If the contractor fails or refuses to comply in the time
specified, the City of Tustin's contracting office will issue an order stopping all or part of
payment/work until satisfactory action has been taken. If the contractor still fails to comply, the
contracting officer may issue a termination for default proceeding.
XVIII. Counting DBE Participation (§26.55)
The City of Tustin will count DBE participation toward overall and contract goals as provided in
the contract specifications for the prime contractor, subcontractor, joint venture partner with
prime or subcontractor, or vendor of material or supplies. See Caltrans' Sample Boiler Plate
Contract Documents previously mentioned. Also, refer to XIII: "After Contract Award. "
XIX. Certification (§26.83(a))
The City of Tustin ensures that only DBE firms currently certified on the Caltrans' directory will
participate as DBEs in our Program.
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XX. Information Collection and Reporting
Bidders List
The City of Tustin will create a bidders list, consisting of information about all DBE and non-
DBE firms that bid or quote on its DOT-assisted contracts. The bidders list will include the
name, address, DBE/non-DBE status, age of firm, type of work provided by firm and annual
gross receipts of firms.
The City of Tustin has incorporated a Bidders List form, identified as Appendix C, into Request
for Proposals and Invitation for Bids solicitation documents, which requires that bidders/offerors
provide all required information.
Monitoring Payments to DBEs
Prime contractors are required to maintain records and documents of payments to DBEs for three
years following the performance of the contract. These records will be made available for
inspection upon request by any authorized representative of the City of Tustin, Caltrans or
FHWA. This reporting requirement also extends to any certified DBE subcontractor.
Payments to DBE subcontractors will be reviewed by the City of Tustin to ensure that the actual
amount paid to DBE subcontractors equals or exceeds the dollar amounts stated in the schedule
of DBE participation.
Reporting to Caltrans
The City of Tustin will report final utilization of DBE participation to the DLAE using Exhibit
17-F of the Caltrans' LAPM.
The City of Tustin will safeguard from disclosure to third parties information that may
reasonably be regarded as confidential business information, consistent with Federal, state, and
local laws. /�n^4" �1 �li� Date: /0/0
Willi A. Huston, City Manager
City of Tustin
This Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program is accepted by:
4 /,,Jc
4' Date: 1Z .Z al�
Signature of DLAE ` Z
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