HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION 11-14-17 '4L Board of Directors i Kim DeBenedetto eHssa Figge Lisa Harding _ LindaJennin s Brian Sjoberg Up Srr&b ' 'Tustin Preservation Conservancy Chuck Thrash 350 South B Street Mark Mcken Old Town Tustin,California 92780 i Bomber,2017 Tustin Planning Commission 300 CentennW way Tustin,CA 92780 Dear Commissioners, The purpose of the Tustin Preservation Conservancy is to preserve and protect the historic resources within the city o Tustin.within this mission,we have raised awareness in the Greater Tustin Community of the value ofour historic structures,including the Tustin Blimp Hangars. In addition,we have recognized local homeowners and businesses for their preservation efforts.As part of our mission,we have provided numerous tours to the public featuring Old Town Tustin's historic architectural resources. Within the past year,it has come to our attention that the historic Maxy Tustin—Lindsay House,located at 305 S. C Street in Old Town Tustin,is presently vacant and has been put up for sale by the owners. Built in 1886 by Mary Tustin,widow of Columbus Tustin,it was moved to its present location using mules and logs. Previously,it was located at the corner of El Camino Real and Sixth Street,where the Black Marlin Restaurant is now located.The Columbus'Tustin family owned this house until the mid-190's. Ralph Lindsay and his wife,Louise,bought the home in 1945.In addition to being a business owner in'Tustin,he served as Fire Chief from 1951-1959.This house is considered a rare example of a primary settlement period building.In addition,it is one of the fcw remaining Domes constructed in the board and batten style in Orange County. In an effort to preserve the historic home of our dty founder's family,we provided the funding for a new roof and front porch repair.This required testing for asbestos and lead bcfore repairs could be started. At the request of the owner's family,the Conservancy also provided funding for the home's new landscaping and sprinklers. The Conservancy's Board of Directors feel it is essential that the Planning Commission,in its role as the Historic Resource Committee,be aware of the fact that this historic dty landmark could be attisk.Many citizens of Tustin have reached out to us concerned about the future of the Mary Tustin--Lindsay Housc. We want the Planning Commission to be aware of the potential loss of this historic resource and share their concerns with the Tustin City Council and City Staff.The Mary Tustin--Lindsay House is possibly the most historic structure in our city. We ask that the Planning Commission take steps to preserve this historic legacy. Sincerely, Charles Thrash A.I.A., President,Tustin Preservation Conservancy Preserve urTs ti nfmil.com r. ITEM #1 EGET MINUTES REVISION TO PAGE 16 Ar Exodus have in adjusting their service offerings once CUP is approved, ---is opposed to Exodus not following the guidelines. Leslie works downtown Santa Ana: there is a need for a mental health facility, but the wrong location; after hearing the Commission's di�,�,(-.Ljssions, it appeared to be a "done deal"; mentioned the Santa Ana Police Department being "ineffective and the Cornmlssion needs to listen to community concerns. 9:44 p.m. Closed the Public Comments S e-iction Smith Smith called for a five (5) minute recess. 9:49 p.m. Reconvened meeting, Thompson Thompson's u+ stip for the applicant generally included: safety; noise; hours; negative stereotyping; need additional information regarding Exodus' role, responsibility; security guards roles, responsibility, authority and their relationship with the Tustin Police Department (Condition 2.2); need a better understanding of what the Commission is considering; asked staff to explain the noticing process, including who received a notice; discussion regarding hours, if it were not for the hours the item would not even be up for, consideration; better understanding of the entry point into the resideq- tial area and whether or not it can be moved! towards Newport Avenue: need additional time to make a decision; asked how people are referred to Exodus, length of stay, to clear the ambiguity of the 72 hour stay); asked if the surrounding schools have an impact and 1 94 A fO 9a t if they are part of the d ecisio,n-ma k ;3 ing process, 1n..d. theg (Jifvicde-ok 1 161bl%0.0 Kozak Kozak's quest ions/concerns generally included: felt there is a need for this type of facility; need additional information on agreements with hospitals; need further information regarding transport on exit and discharge plans; how to go about providing community safety related to hours of operation-, asked how Packers Circle would be used, if used at all, by ambulances; is Exodus a county facility,: what are Tustin Unified School District's concerns; what is the role of the S-E.".1CUrity guards and how do they interface with the Tustin Police Depc-*.rtment; drop off on south side facing homes; increased homeless population in Packers, Square would release of clients contribute to the homeless encampments; alternative locations for this facility - does the applicant have any alternatives in mind; when at full capacity what happens to a D-0 ff: need additional information with the connection between Exodus and AB 109; noise impacts; and staff and the Commission need more time to look at these issues to be better informed before making a decision. t,-Jason Mason's comni�---Ints/concerns generally included.- an emotional and personal issue, she. is) a conservator for her sister and has no place to take her, wants to have rneaninciful conversations on the topic- not "they" versus "us". �,%,�e need. to come tc)�gether on, the issue; need to look at the CUP use-., -:31nd is it appropinate for the area, wants to have more information too before making a decision; and why the applicant chose that location. Minutes- Planning Commission September 26,2017--Page 11 of 18 r ITEM FSC RE O, NO. 4353 REVISION TO PAGE 96 Exhibit A Resolution No. 4353 Page 3 not exceed the Tustin Noise Ordinance. No other amplified sound devices are pen-nitted outside of the building. (5)� 2.4 The drive-thru menu/speaker board shall utilize a lighted read-back display, either integrated as a single unit or two (2) separate units, or otheli- alternative as a result of changes in technology, to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. (1) 2.5 If in the future the City determines that a parking, traffic, or noise problem exists on the site or in the vicinity as a result of the proposed project, the Community Development Director may require the applicant to prepare a parking demand analysis, traffic study, or noise analysis and the applicant and/or property owner shall bear all associated costs. If said study indicates that there is inadequate parking or a traffic or noise problem, the applicant and/or property owner shall be required to provide mitigation measures to be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department and/or Public Works Department. Said mitigation may include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Adjust hours of operation b. Provide additional queuing space, c. Adjust ordering procedures d. Provide additional parking e. Provide additional noise buffers includina, but not limited to, walls, landscaping, or other sound attenuation methods. (1) M Business operations shall beconducted in a manner that does not create a public or private nuisance. Any such nuisance must be abated immediately upon notice by the City of Tustin. (5)7 2.7 The applicant and property owner shall maintain the availability of four (4) offsite parking spaces in the adjacent property located at 13822 Red Hill Avenue for restaurant CUstomer and employee use. A written and recorded parking agreement shall be drawn to the satisfaction f the City Attorney and Community Development Director and executed by the property owners of 13742 Red Hill Avenue and 13822 Red Hill Avenue, assuring the continued availability of the number of parking spaces designated for restaurant use and availability of reciprocal access easements. If in the future, the parking agreement is no longer valid, the tenant and/or property owner at 13742 Red Hill Avenue shall submit a request to amend the conditions otJ( approval, inducling details on how the restaurant will comply with the Tustin City Code parking requirements, subject to City review and approval. ITEM #6 CUP 2016-26 & DR 2016-024 (DEL TACO) T Steven Ly, Edwards Manaft left, �' oIps Phillips, LLP manatt phelp phillips DIrea 01al: (714)371-2646 ! E-mail; S d varda manatti or S + September 6, 2017 C lIen-t-Matter: 41399.644 VIATEDERAL EXPRESS &ELECTRONIC MAS Mike Abel Senior Vice President Lee& Associates . 100 Bayview Circle, Suite 600 Newport Beach, CA 92660 i r mab6Ua lee-assooiates.com ReShopping Center Located at El Camino Real, reed Hill Avenue and San Juan Road ]dear I .Abel: .; This firm represents Lake Union Investors, L.P., a California limited partnership ("Lake Union"). Reference-isImade to the following instruments: i)Declaration f Conditions and Restrictions dated May 4, 1965 recorded in Boob 7532 Page 850 and following of the Official Records of Orange County, Cafifomia; ')Dedlafation of ements; Parking and Other Agreemer is dated May 14, 1965 and recorded in Book 7532 Page 833 and following of said Official Record ; (ift) Agreement dated:Apkii 24, 1969 and re orded in.Book 8957 Page 185 and following of said Official Records, and i Agreement of Modification of'Certain Declarations dated September 4, 1975 and recorded ift Book 11509 Page 408 and foil wing of said Official Records (referred to collectively herel"n as the" A'). References to numbered excels herein shall correspond to the numbered parcels set forth d . -in the Declaration. Take Union is 4 leasehold owner and is unde.r contract to acquire the fee estate to_'Pa-rcel l'. froward L. Abel, Trustee of the Howard L. Abel Family Trust(the"Abel 'Prast") and/oar Mayflower Properties, Lk "Ma flow " are the fee owners of Parcels IT, IIA., 1IB and III. It is understood Haat thei Abel'Trust.and Mayflower have applied to the City o Tustin for certain development approvals to develop an additional building on Parcel TTI as a new Del Waco restaurant, Y Take Union has asked me to express its concerns under the REA with respect to the proposed new building on Parcel 11 1, as followsk 695 Town.Center give, 14th Floor, Costa Mesa,Califomia 92626-1924 Telephone: 71 . 71.2500 Fax: 714.371.2550 Albany fGhicago I Les Angeles I-New York I orange County I Palo Alto I Sacramento I San Francisco I Washington,hington, D.C, -anau man6tt j ph6108 I phlllips Mi.- e Abel Stir 201-7 Page 2 6 -your kh - 1� Taro l rill} included i�. he center,co,Vora "o '-fth ane SIS ar.Q s- eve ppe- e - -k Oh''' ­`.9:Otfdted W _p ISI l a d,CV61,0Pl pisenterbuVilid been mendo to-_iniu arcel'11I_,ill-the bea ,if!& bl -h , rxion�,: flier 4hin ,jh , r(i s must. r -oii,s li -.'.,I'Ovation ft orr mom r - n rop t. l i�il i a to � -l ' :.. are l= . . are also aware, he,-REA inn osis} e c U � r�_ , i �-' .. .- � _ t-.that ,p �i� Fir = iiiaihtaih' d�ih mi t n,;With all ildih :or-th parcels ,e t-to-,:the �~ q 1 t -thr �3)._sqpa r ,m+eet e r i�ri ri, i# �_ F L i e aior leas= e r t+thia-ndatdi--a-y, btbb ' ° proposed...r deer 1. Mrit­- .P-arce 1 III, aril r-y. t�r-s ,r dv l`o rpt.wfll.Tf : an-undue_ ikd'en--ori Parcel Lice Uii -1 ks± ori ded- o discus i ==hese m e -�-. iith-you` :aw-ainl -- ft.. .lei .l t.-t! :mow r4' e9t W fif6ce6d,,"ih.fhmr.r id.. C'e1, r 't et.om.O'Meara = l e�: ni -dire tI via t 1 l� _a-714-641' i{�� �t, � � = �+� to ar �}lei&�tM,... k r Y S te-ve'n L.' dra is Ce: S t.' 1[•via !.�niail.�-.rsbel l +i ideveo.+ oni Dan Wpj ow i via-°e=r aid-.= of ici .yco*eom Tb a'c' .iia e-4ndi : tomd V_ COM Erica.D emkow`i -aria-- -rri it: . thI i Ltus�ii� :Chris Ma iar-via e- ail � r i i - 1 C � w f i ITEM #7 PC E . NO. 4351 REVISION TO PAGE 153 dr Resolution No. 4351 Page 3 5) The project, as conditioned, would provide housing affordable to low- moderate income families for a period of fifty-five (55) years guaranteed by a housing agreement. 6) As conditioned, the City will be reimbursed by the applicant for costs associated with necessary code enforcement action, including attorney's fees, subject to the applicable notice, hearing and appeal process as established by the City Council by ordinance. L. That the location, size, and general appearance of the proposed project, as conditioned, is compatible with the surrounding area in that the proposed residential structure vcould be returned to its historic appearance. The proposal will not impair the orderly and harmonious development of the area, the present or future development therein, or the occupancy as a whole in that: 1. A residential property listed an the Tustin 2003 Historic Resources Survey Update that was previously modified would be returned to its historical appearance. 2. That the location, size, and general appearance of the proposed project, as conditioned, is compatible with the surrounding area in that the proposed residential structure is functionally a part of a residential neighborhood and is separated from the gas station by a block wall. M. That as conditioned, the LLA would be in conformance with the State Subdivision Map Act and TCC Section 9321 (Subdivision Code) in that: 1. The proposal is eligible for processing as a lot line adjustment pursuant to Section 66412(d) of the California Subdivision Map Act and TCC 9321, 2. Only two (2) or fewer existing, adjoining parcels are involved and are therefore eligible for a LLA. 3. No greater number of parcels will result from LLA 2016-03. 4. The Public Works Engineering Division has reviewed LLA 2017-03 and found it to be technically correct. 5. That the Public Works Engineering Division and Community Development Department of the City of Tustin has reviewed LILA 2016- 03 and has made findings that the real property, described in Exhibit "A" and shown on Exhibit "B", comply with the provisions of the California Subdivision Map Act and applicable City of Tustin ITEM #7 CUP 2017-10, 2017-011,, and LLA 2016-0 125 North "'A" qtr X95 West First Street Re t to Continuethe Item. p, AG NDA 'FJEPORT ITEM 47 MEETING DATE. NOVEMBER 1 , 2917 T . PLANNING COMMISSION FROM:: COMMU IIT ' [ E ILL PMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2917-19, DESIGN REVIEW 2017-011 AND LCAT LINE ADJUSTMENT 2016-03 APPLICANT:T: EE C I E YLIAN BERHOUR HOLDINGS, LLC 11 893 VVI N D H I LL WAY SANTA ANA, CA 92705 PROPERTY'OWNER: BERHOUR HOLDINGS, LLC. 11803 WIHDHILL WAY SANTA ANA, CA 9279 LOCATION: 125 NORTH "A" STREET WEST FIRST STREET GE EI AL PLAN. PLANNED COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS ZONING: NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL FIRST STREET SPECIFIC PLAN (SP-10) ENVIRONMENTAL: THIS PROJECT IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) SECTIONS 15391, CLASS 1 EXITING FACILITIES), 15315, CLASS 1 (MINOR LAND DIVISIONS) AND 15331, GLASS 31 (HISTORIC RESOURCE RESTORATION/REHABILITATION) REQUEST: A REQUEST JEST TO REMOVE MARTIAL CONDITION OF APPROVAL " " FROM PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1574 P - BY MAINTAINING THE USE OF THE RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE, AS A RESIDENCE, RESTORING'ING THE EXISTING RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE TO ITS HISTORIC APPEARANCE AND COMBINING TWO 2) PARCELS INTO ONE 1 PC Report November 14, 2017 CUP 2017-10, DR 2017-011, LLA 2016-03 Page 2 SUMMARY On November 14, 2017, the Planning Commission and City staff received electronic mail correspondence from Justine K. Nielsen of Procopio, on behalf of the property owner and applicant, Berdi Keuylian/Berhour Holdings, requesting the Planning Commission approve CUP 2017-10, Design Review 2017-011 and Lot Line Adjustment 2016-03, without Condition of Approval 2.3 of ResolUtion 4351. Condition of Approval 2.3 requires the residence to be occupied by a low-moderate income family for a period of 55 years subject to a housing agreement. Staff received a copy of this correspondence on the afternoon of November 14, 20175 and does not have adequate time to fully analyze and respond to the objection to Condition of Approval 2.3 prior to the currently scheduled Public Hearing before the Planning Commission on November 14, 2017 at 7:00 p,m. Staff requests the Planning Commission continue the Public Hearing to December 12, 2017 to allow sufficient time for staff to review and respond to the request to eliminate Condition of Approval 2.3. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission continue the Public Hearing for CUP 2017-10, Design Review 2017-011 and Lot Line Adjustment 2016-03 for property located at 125 N. A Street and 395 West First Street to December 12, 2017. Elaine Dove Elizabeth A. Binsack Senior Planner, AICP, ILA Director of Community Development to 525 B Street Suite 2200 San Diego,CA 92101 T.619.238.1900 F.619.235.0398 JUSTINE K.NIELSEN P.619.906.5787 justine.nielsen@procopio.com AUSTIN DEL MAR HEIGHTS PHOENIX SAN DIEGO SILICON VALLEY November 14, 2017 VIA E-MAIL Chairperson Ryder Smith and MemDer s of the Planni no,Commission City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 Re: Planning Commission ,agenda Iteirn No. 7 - CUP 2017-10, Design Review 2017-011 and Lot Line Adjustment 2016-03 Dear Chairperson Smith and Commissioners: We represent Mr. Berdj Keuylian/Berhour Holdings LLC, applicant in the above-referenced item and owner of the property located at 125 North 4'A" Street and 395 West First Street located in the First Street Specific Plan area of the City of Tustin ("Property"). Mr. Keuylian is proposing to amend the existing use permit to allow for restoration of an existing historic house and continued use of the 1`10LIse as a residence. For the reasons discussed below, we urge you to approve the CUP, Design Review and Lot Line Adjustment without Condition 2.3, which requires the house to be occupied by a low-moderate income family for 55 years. Background The ProperLy consists of two legal lots �.vith a historic residential house and a gas station/convenience store, as shown below. The house was built in the 1920s. along with the development of the rest of the single-family residential block along North "A" Street. The house is integrated into the existing single-family neighborhood because it is physically separated from the ,as station by a brick wall. The gas station is located on the corner of West First Street and Nor-th, "A" Street and was originally constructed in 1977 pursuant to Use Permit 76-27. The Use Permit contained a requirement that the house be converted from residential to commercial use upon termination of the existing tenancy. For almost 35 years, this requirement was never enforced by the City of Tustin. prlo. or P r i s� 9, Procopio A I 125 N A St Residential M 95 ,". W. First St, a .. - Commercial Use 3 5 .: In 2003, the city of Tustin listed the house as a historic resource in the 2003 Tustin Historical Resources survey Update as a good example of Spanish Colonial Revival architectural s tyl e. When Mr. l euyliari 13Urchased the Property in an auction proceeding in 2010, he was unaware of the restrictions contained in the 1977 Use Permit elr of the historic nature of the residence. Shortly after he purchased the Property. Mr. I euylian sutDmatted permit applications to the City of Tustin for improvements to the existing gas station. During this process, he was made aware of the 1977 Use Permit requirement to convert the house from residential to commercial use. In early 20-11. Mr. Keuylian asked for a,nd received a five year extension of the Use Permit requirement pursuant to an executed and recorded Covenant and Agreement. Notably,bly, 11 r. Keuylian was not notified at that time that the house was listed as a historic resource. Earlier this year, Mr, Kc,uyli�-iin cfi cover d the house was listed as a historic resource and requested: the City allow hire to claim twin the resider tial use, consistent vlthi the First street specific Plan Land Use Regulations which encourage preservation and use of historic homes for residential uses. In exchange, Mr. Keuyha n agreed to invest significant resources to restore the residence to its original historic appearance and 'to clean up the underlying lot lines pursuant to a Lot line Adjustment. However, the Conin-i silty Development Department ("CDC") Inas requested that in procopio-com roto o!k addition to restoring the existing residence to its original historic appearance, Mr. Keuylian agree to encumber the Property with an affordable housing requirement that it be occupied by a low- moderate income family for the next 55 years (the "Affordable Housing Restriction"). Specifically, the CDC has recommended the follovving condition be inClUded: 23 The single-family home shall be occupied by a Low-Moderate income family and shall be maintained as such for a period of fifty-five (55) years and shall be subject to a He sin Agreement in f6rm and content approved by the City Attomey. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the Housing Agreement shall be approved and executed by property owner(syapplicant(s) and the Director of Community Development. As discussed in more detail below, tWs con6tion is not reqUired by law and lacks a nexus to the impacts of the proposed development, is unnc-.5cessary, is unreasonably burdensome, and is unrelated to arly additional public or private benefits. THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING RESTRICTION IS NOT REQUIRED BY LAW AND THERE IS NO NEXUS BEEN THE IMPACT OF THE DEVELOPMENT AND THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING RESTRICTION The Affordable Housing Restriction is not required by state law of local ordinance. Under state. law, 15 percent of privately developed residential units within a redevelopment project area are required to �; set aside as "affordablepp units. Mr. Keuylian is not proposing to redevelop the Property to create additional residential units so this mandate does not appiy. Moreover, unlike some jurisdictions, the City of Tustin does not have a local ordinance that mandates a certain percentage of privately developed units to, be set aside as affordable similar to state law. The City of Tustin enCOLlrages the inclusion of affordable housing units in private residential development through the provision of incentives but it is not otherwise required. Therefore, the Affordale Housing Restriction proposed by CDC is not required by law. Additionally, under California law, conditions of approval must be reasonable and there must be a sufficient roughly proportional nexus between the conditions imposed and the projected impact of the proposed development.]. Here, it is unclear how the Affordable Housing Restriction is at all related to the proposed development. Mr. Keuylian is merely proposing to continue to use an existing residence as a legal, nonconforming residential use. As a result, there are no new impacts associated with the proposed development and the CDC has not identified any SUCh impacts in the Staff Agenda Report or anywhere else in the record. Therefore, there is no nexus—let alone a roughly proportional nexus—between the Affordable Housing Restriction and the proposed development, as required by state law. 1 Nollan v. California Coastal Commission, 483 U.S. 825, 834.835(.1987),, Dolan v. City of Tigard, 512 U.S. 374, 397 (1994). 3 proopI . m ro c o o; THE AFFORDABLE HOUSI NG RESTRIOTI ON IS UN N ECESSARY BECAUSE THE HOUSE ALR EADY PROVIDES A BELOW-MARKET HOUSING OPTION We understand CDC is recommending the Affordable Hot,jsing Restriction because it wants to ensure the home remains affordable to fowre tenc-_ints. However, this Affordable Housing Restriction is unnecessary because the house is al'ready offered at a below-market rental rate. Since Mr. Keuylian purchased the property in 2010, he has rented the two bedroom home for approximately $1,700 per month. The average rent for a 2--bedroom unit in the City of Tustin is approximately $2,200 per month.2 The belo�%--.market rate for the existing residence is due to several factors including the horne's small size of approximately 900 square feet, its single bathroom, and its adjacencv to a I)Ljsy gas station. Further, in light of the home's historic status and use permit restrictions, significant modifications to the home -to increase its size or add bathrooms are infeasible and would not be allowed without the City's approval of an amendment of existing use permit. Therefore, the home is going to remain a below-market, lower cost housing option for tenants notwithstanding the inclusion of the Affordable Housing Restriction. THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING RESTRICTION WOULD NOT RESULT IN ANY ADDITIONAL PUBLIC OR PRIVATE BENEFITS Because the home i s already offe,red to tenants at below-market rates and will remain below- market while it is used as a residence, the Affordal)1e Housing, Restriction will not result in any additional public henefits. Moreover, Mr. Keuyllan v%1111 no-1 benefit from any of the traditional incentives associated with implementing affordable housing restrictions. Pursuant to the City's Zoning Ordinance, a number of incentives are availla5l`e to developers who elect to incorporate affordable housing restrictions into a portion of their proJect. For example, if a developer agrees to restrict 10 percent of the units in a housing development as affordable, it can receive a density bonus to allow it to construct additional Units and spread the costs of the affordable units over the entire project. The Zoning Ordinance also provides incentives. and concessions in exchange for affordable housing restrictions. These incentives and concessions can include deviations to development regulations including parking reductions and increased building height as well as approval of mixed use zoning. Mr. Keuylian will not benefit froryi any of these incentives because he is not proposing to redevelop the existing house or gas station. His "project" merely consists of an amendment to the existing use permit to allow for the continued residential use of the house and minor improvements to the existing gas station. THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING RESTRICTION IS UNREASONABLY BURDENSOME The Affordable Housing Restriction is unreasonably burdensome on Mr. Keuylian. As discussed above, Mr. Keuylian is not redeveloping the Property so free cannot he cannot offset the costs of implementing and maintaining the Affordable Housing Restriction (e.g., compliance with specific tenant application standards and income verification requirements). Additionally, the Affordable Housing Restriction v,.lill be an encumbrance on Mr. Keuylian"s title and may impact his ability to finance or refinance t h e Property f or the next 55 gears. 2Rent Trenc_,TData �t? T!_jstin, CA, t-ittl,�1--�:/",,/'ski ww.rentjLliigle.co[ii/aver,age-rent-in-tustin-rent-trends/ 4 proopi . 1 ocoto S For the reasons discussed above, we Urge yoLi to approve the CUP, Design Review and Lot Line Adjustment without the Affordable Housing Restriction because is not required by law and lacks a nexus to the impacts of the proposed development, is unnecessary, is unrelated to any additional public or private benefits, and is unreasonably burdensoome. Very truly yQurs,, ustine K. Nielsen prpi .com