HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC MINUTES 11-14-17 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 14, 2017 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER Given INVOCATION/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Lumbard ROLL CALL: Chair Pro Tem Kozak Commissioners Lumbard and Thompson EXCUSED ABSENCES: Chair Smith and Commissioner Mason PUBLIC CONCERNS: Ms. Kim DeBenedetto, serves on the Board of Directors for the Tustin Preservation Conservancy, read a letter to the Commission from Mr. Charles Thrash, President of the Tustin Preservation Conservancy, with regards to the sale of the vacant property Mary Tustin — Lindsay House located at 305 S. C Street in Old Town Tustin and that this historic landmark could be at risk. The Tustin Preservation Conservancy asked that the Commission take steps to preserve the Mary Tustin — Lindsay House. Approved. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—SEPTEMBER 26, 2017 RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission approves the Minutes of the September 26, 2017 Planning Commission meeting, as provided. 2. GENERAL PLAN CONFORMITY DETERMINATION APPLICANT/PROPERTY OWNER: CITY OF TUSTIN 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTIN, CA 92780 ENVIRONMENTAL: General Plan Conformity determinations required by Government Code Section 65402 are not "projects" requiring environmental review pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. REQUEST: General Plan Conformity finding for conveyance of the affordable residential unit located at 1345 Sun Dial Drive. Minutes—Planning Commission November 14, 2017—Page 1 of 11 RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 4350, determining that the conveyance of the residential unit located at 1345 Sun Dial Drive managed by the Tustin Housing Authority and owned by the City of Tustin to be sold at market rate is in conformance with the Tustin General Plan. 3. CONTINUED ITEM - TEMPORARY SIGNS WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY On August 8, 2017, the Planning Commission held a second workshop on the topic of temporary signs within the public right-of-way and discussed three (3) code amendment options addressing the regulation of temporary signs in the public right-of-way in light of the United States Supreme Court decision in Reed v. Town of Gilbert, AZ. The Commission received public input and directed staff to return with a modified option for Commission consideration prior to public notification and the publication of public hearing notices. This item was continued from the September 26, 2017, Planning Commission meeting. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission continue their consideration of this item to the Commission's next scheduled.meeting on November 28, 2017. Motion: It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Lumbard, to approve the Consent Calendar, with one amendment to the September 26, 2017 Planning Commission Minutes. Motion carried 3-0-2. PUBLIC HEARING: Kozak stated that there was a request to take Item #7 out of order as the recommended action has been modified. There were no objections. 7. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 2017.10, DESIGN REVIEW (DR) 2017-011 AND LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT (LLA) 2016-03 APPLICANT: BERDJ KEUYLIAN BERHOUR HOLDINGS, LLC 11803 WINDHILL WAY SANTA ANA, CA 92705 PROPERTY OWNER: BERHOUR HOLDINGS, LLC. 11803 WINDHILL WAY SANTA ANA, CA 92705 LOCATION: 125 NORTH "A" STREET/ 395 WEST FIRST STREET Minutes—Planning Commission November 14,2017—Page 2 of 11 ENVIRONMENTAL: This project is categorically exempt pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Sections 15301, Class 1 (Existing Facilities), 15315, Class 15 (Minor Land Divisions) and 15331, Class 31 (Historic Resource Restoration/Rehabilitation). REQUEST: A request to remove partial Condition of Approval "2g" from Planning Commission Resolution No. 1574 (UP 76-27) by maintaining the use of the residential structure as a residence, restoring the existing residential structure to its historic appearance and combining two (2) parcels into one (1). RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 4351, approving CUP 2017-10 to modify UP 76-27 to remove partial Condition of Approval "2g" from Resolution No. 1574 to authorize the continued use of the residential structure on the subject property, DR 2017-11 to return the residential structure to its historic appearance, and LLA 2016- 03 to combine two (2) lots into one (1) parcel. 7:07 p.m. Opened the Public Hearing. Binsack Binsack stated that staff received a letter of correspondence, regarding this item, which was received the day of the meeting, and was provided to the Commission. Staff is recommending that Item #7 be continued to the December 12, 2017 Planning Commission meeting in order for staff to have an opportunity to review the correspondence and to provide additional information for the Commission's consideration. Binsack stated that audience members present for Item #7, that cannot attend the December 12, 2017 Planning Commission meeting, could provide testimony. Staff would prefer that testimony be provided at the December 12, 2017 Planning Commission meeting, if possible. Kozak Kozak turned to the audience to make sure they heard and understood the comments previously made by Binsack. Seda Yaghoubian, a representative for the applicant, Berdj Keuylian, asked the Commission if there was a request from staff to continue Item #7, she did not have any objections from the applicant and that they can be present at the December 12, 2017 Planning Commission meeting. 7:09 p.m. Closed the Public Hearing. Binsack/ Binsack and Kozak clarified to the Commission that the item would be a Kozak continuance of the Public Hearing to the December 12, 2017 Planning Commission meeting. Minutes—Planning Commission November 14,2017—Page 3 of 11 Motion: It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Lumbard, to continue Item #7 to the December 12, 2017 Planning Commission meeting. Motion carried 3-0- 2. Received& 4. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 2017-15 - ST. JOSEPH filed. HOSPITAL OF ORANGE MENTAL HEALTH OUT-PATIENT CRISIS SERVICE FACILITY At the September 26, 2017 Planning Commission meeting, the Planning Commission held a public hearing and took public testimony relative to the proposed mental health outpatient crisis service facility at 13132 Newport Avenue. At the conclusion of the public hearing, the Planning Commission requested additional information from the applicant to better understand the use and its operations and the public hearing was continued until October 10, 2017. The public hearing was continued again from October 10, 2017 to November 14, 2017 due to lack of a quorum. On November 1, 2017, the applicant submitted a letter withdrawing CUP 2017-15. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file. Motion: It was moved by Kozak, seconded by Lumbard, to receive and file the staff report stating that the item has been withdrawn. Motion carried 3-0-2. Lumbard Lumbard asked if anything had to be done logistically with Item #4. Binsack In response to Lumbard's question, Binsack stated that the item was a continued public hearing but since the item has been withdrawn it is no longer an active application. Staff is now recommending that the Commission receive and file the staff report. Adopted 5. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2017-11 Reso. No. 4352 APPLICANT: MARTIN NEIL CALIBER SIGNS & IMAGING, INC. 17751 SKY PARK EAST- 2F IRVINE, CA 92614 PROPERTY OWNER: SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ATTN: DEBRA FITZSIMMONS 28000 MARGUERITE PARKWAY MISSION VIEJO, CA 92692 LOCATION: 1624 VALENCIA AVENUE Minutes—Planning commission November 14, 2017—Page 4 of 11 ENVIRONMENTAL: This project is categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15311 (Class 11) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). REQUEST: A request to establish a master sign plan to allow temporary project identification signs for the future Advanced Technology & Education Park (ATEP) site. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 4352 approving Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 2017-11 to authorize establishment of the Master Sign Plan for Temporary Sign Project Identification for Advanced Technology & Education Park (ATEP), as required by the Tustin Sign Code. Aguilar Presentation given. Thompson Thompson asked that because the signs are "temporary" in nature and at the same time there are standards of care (i.e. non-corrosive materials) can they be a fabric type of banner or canvas material since it seems that the signs could be there for a lengthy amount of time. Thompson also asked if there was concern with maintenance of the temporary signs. Aguilar In response to Thompson's previous question, Aguilar stated that as proposed in the sign program, the banner material is listed as a banner mesh material (canvas). Binsack Binsack stated that the signs would need to be maintained and she referred the Commission to the City's Master Sign Program, where there are similar signs. Some of those signs had to be replaced. It does occur and being that they are temporary in nature they do need to be replaced and can be replaced with relative ease. Lumbard Lumbard asked what qualifies as temporary (i.e. date when the signs will be removed). He stated he thought it was subjective. Aguilar In response to Lumbard's question, Aguilar stated that the signs are temporary which means the signs will only be up while the site is under construction and/or available for lease. The signs will be removed as soon as the project is complete. 7:21 p.m. Opened/Closed the Public Comments Section. Lumbard Lumbard's concerns generally included: signs being "temporary" and the length of time it some projects take years; the precedent that the temporary signs set without any condition of a "sun setting" date; and that the signs Minutes—Planning Commission November 14,2017--Page 5 of 11 could be up for several years and would not look like a temporary sign; in general, as more signs are approved at the Tustin Legacy and throughout the city, the Commission and staff should be cognizant of how long temporary signs can be placed. Although, he did approve of the project signs and their purpose. Thompson Thompson shared the same concerns as Lumbard previously stated because the Tustin Legacy is a large and long standing project. A longer sense of "stay". He mentioned his approval of Conditions 2.1, 2.4, 2.5 and was supportive of this item. Kozak Kozak echoed his similar concerns of the length of time the signs would be placed. He also approved the conditions and felt that the SOCCCD would address any issues with future dilapidated signs. Motion: It was moved by Lumbard, seconded by Thompson, to adopt Resolution No. 4352, approving CUP 2017-11 to authorize establishment of the Master Sign Plan for Temporary Sign Project Identification for ATEP, as required by the Tustin Sign Code. Motion carried 3-0-2. 6. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2016.26 & DESIGN REVIEW 2016-024 APPLICANT: GEORGE EWING DEL TACO LLC 25521 COMMERCENTER DR LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 PROPERTY OWNER: MICHAEL ABEL HOWARD L ABEL FAMILY TRUST 22 BELCOURT DR NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 LOCATION: 13742 RED HILI- AVENUE ENVIRONMENTAL: This project is categorically exempt (Class 3) pursuant to Section 15303 of the California Environmental Quality Act. REQUEST: A request to construct a new 2,439 square foot restaurant building with drive-thru, outdoor seating and wall graphics on a property located at 13742 Red Hill Avenue and to relocate the existing adjacent Del Taco restaurant onto the project site. RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 4353 approving Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 2016-26 and Design Review (DR) 2016- Minutes—Planning Commission November 14,2017—Page 6 of 11 024 to authorize the construction of a new 2,439 square-foot restaurant building with outdoor seating, drive-thru and wall graphics and to relocate the existing adjacent Dei Taco restaurant business currently at the property located at 13861 Red Hill Avenue. Huffer Presentation given. Thompson Thompson was in favor of the sound attenuation being addressed in the Conditions of Approval because he did have concern with the noise from the drive-thru window being that there is a condominium complex on the north side, and since Del Taco is a 24-hour a day operation. He also voiced his concern with the light glare "drifting across the street" and adversely affecting the apartment complex. Thompson referred to the Red Hill Specific Plan (RHSP) and coordination opportunity missing since the plan is not yet complete being that the project is situated on a prominent corner of the RHSP. He questioned how the City could enlist cooperation with the RHSP. Thompson asked if there were other areas of landscape adhering to the City's ordinance to ensure everything "ties together" with the RHSP when it is adopted. Willkom In response to Thompson's questions, Willkom provided an example of coordination, as projects come in through the City, when moving forward with the RHSP. Staff identified locations for gateway signs and the Del Taco signs are the identified locations for gateway signs. Staff has incorporated a condition to require reservation of the area and in the future, once the City has determined the type of gateway signs to be placed on Red Hill Avenue and San Juan Street, then City staff will be working with the applicant to come up with a design and to require the construction. The proposed landscape palette has also been reviewed for consistency with the draft RHSP landscape palette. Also, there are street sections throughout the RHSP which staff has looked at to ensure any proposed projects will also be consistent with the RHSP. Willkom stated that even though the RHSP is not adopted, all proposed projects are reviewed as if the RHSP was adopted to ensure consistency. Lumbard Lumbard referred to the Parking Agreement — confirming Condition 2.7 which states that a recorded Parking Agreement has to be in place before a permit is issued. He referenced the two (2) addresses listed in the Exhibit A of Resolution No. 4353 and if they were the same as the parcels mentioned in the Manatt letter. Wilikom Willkom confirmed Condition 2.7 requires that the applicant obtain a recorded Parking Agreement since the project would need four (4) parking spaces that would be satisfied at the adjacent Red Hill Plaza parcel. The City would also require a recorded Parking Agreement at Red Hili Plaza. Flutter Hutter stated the address at 13822 Red Hill Avenue is the site of inline tenants at Red Hill Plaza. Big Lots is a separate parcel and different address. Minutes—Planning Commission November 14, 2017—Page 7 of 11 Kozak Kozak asked about the rooftop's mechanical equipment being adequately screened so that the tenants in the condominium complex do not see the mechanical equipment (i.e. view from the upper level units). Huffer Per Kozak's previous question, Hutter stated that the proposed building parapet will be approximately five (5) feet in height so it is anticipated that the screening will be adequate and the TCC does require any roof screening be six (6) inches higher than the rooftop equipment, which will be reviewed at the time of plan check. She also added that the proposed building is approximately 23 feet in height which is about the same height as the condominium complex across the street. 7:45 p.m. Opened the Public Comments Section. George Ewing, the applicant, spoke in support of the project. Favorable comments were also made towards staff. Mr. Jim Forgey, representative of Architects Orange, was representing Del Taco and was also in support of the project as well as favorable comments for staff. In response to the previously made noise concerns coming from the drive-thru, Mr. Forgey stated the following, in general: placement of the speaker box is away from the residential area across the street; the three (3) foot high masonry wall that runs parallel to the drive-thru will also eliminate some of the sound; per staff's direction, lush landscaping was added along the barrier of the drive-thru; a ten (10) foot dedication along Red Hill Avenue they provided; and the applicant is paying his share of the improvements coming forward. Mr. Michael Abel, property owner of Del Taco, thanked staff for the report and presentation. He provided background information on his property as well as favorable comments for his tenant, Del Taco. Mr. Abel was in support of the project and he stated he can meet all of the conditions required within the Conditions of Approval. Mr. Jim Farley, Del Taco representative, spoke in favor of the project. He also made favorable comments on the Del Taco restaurant. Mr. Farley has been with Del Taco for 25 years. Provided background information on his Del Taco restaurant. 7:55 p.m. Closed the Public Comments Section. Thompson Thompson thanked staff for the report and presentation, as well as the speakers. It appears that compliance will be followed through with regards to the RHSP. Thompson thanked Mr. Forgey for his responsiveness to the noise and lighting concern. The fact that there is a condition that addresses these concerns shows a "good neighbor" concept so that people are not impacted with any adverse interaction between residential and commercial business. Thompson mentioned the letter received from Manatt, which was received by staff the day of the meeting, and he spoke with Tom O'Meara (copied on the letter) and it appears there is a desire to work together Minutes—Planning Commission November 14,2017—Page 8 of 11 between property owners (i.e. parking issue). He encouraged more future cooperation between the two (2) property owners. Thompson was in support of the item. Lumbard Per Lumbard, the Red Hill Plaza shopping center is a "critical place and important location in the city". Per the letter received from Manatt, he also stated that it is a private issue and not the City's therefore it should be handled between the private entities. Lumbard hopes for everyone to work together towards a solution because the shopping center is vital. He also agreed that the project is "positive". Kozak Kozak echoed the comments from his fellow Commissioners and thanked staff for their hard work on the project. He also encouraged discussion between property owners with regards to the site. Kozak was also in favor of the project. It was moved by Lumbard, seconded by Thompson, to adopted Resolution No. 4353, as amended. Motion carried 3-0-2. REGULAR BUSINESS: Received & 8. SUMMARY OF PROJECTS filed. The following report provides a summary of projects and activities since the last summary of projects report was presented at the July 11, 2017, Planning Commission meeting. The report focuses on the status of projects that the Planning Commission, Zoning Administrator, or staff approved; major improvement projects; Certificates of Appropriateness; Code Enforcement activities; and, other items which may be of interest to the Commission. RECOMMENDATION: Received and filed. DiLeva- Presentation given. Johnson STAFF CONCERNS: Binsack Binsack reminded the Commission of the Mayor's Thanksgiving Breakfast on Thursday, November 16, 2017 and the Veterans Sports Park Groundbreaking Ceremony on Tuesday, November 21, 2017. COMMISSION CONCERNS: Lumbard Lumbard mentioned the upcoming Taps Brewery and Restaurant coming to Tustin! He attended the following events in October: • Old Town Art Walk • Village Shopping Center Grand Opening Minutes—Planning Commission November 14,2017—Page 9 of 11 • "Cops on a Roof' - Fundraiser for Special Olympics at the Dunkin' Donuts in the Village Shopping Center Congratulations to Johnny Johnson, owner of Blue Buoy Swim School, who won the Inaugural Mr. Tustin Competition. Happy Birthday to Hunter Theodore Lumbard, born on November 3, 2017! Thompson Thompson attended the following events in October: • OCTA "Active Transportation Stakeholder Working Group" • OCTA-CAC M2 Funding for Trash & Best Management Practices for Drainage • OCTA-CAC "Vision on Transportation" and "Sales Tax" • ULI Conference in Los Angeles • Presented to the Commercial Retail Group "Economy, Demographics" • County Board Supervisors meeting "Health Care" Thompson attended a ULI Local Council meeting in November. He reminded everyone that "cooler days are upon us" so turn back your watering. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Thompson would like an update on the letter received from the Tustin Preservation Conservancy at the meeting (i.e. Lindsay House historical value). Binsack Binsack stated an update on the Tustin Preservation Conservancy letter would be added to the next agenda, per Thompson's request. Kozak Kozak attended the following events in October: • Planning Directors Association of Orange County Forum • Tustin Tiller Days Parade • OCTA Citizens Advisory Committee Meeting Kozak also attended the "Inaugural Mr. Tustin" contest on November 4, 2017 which was a fundraising event for the "Miss Tustin Scholarship Fund". With reference to the Veterans Sports Park monument and memorial plaza, Kozak asked if there was a fundraiser (i.e. memorial brick sale) to raise money for veterans. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Binsack In response to Kozak's previous question, Binsack stated she would check with Director David Wilson, Parks and Recreation and provide feedback to the Commission. 8:18 P.M. ADJOURNMENT: The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, November 28, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at 300 Centennial Way. Minutes—Planning Commission November 14, 2017—Page 10 of 11 *RYD ' DD SMITH Chairperson I_I ABETH A. BINSACK Planning Commission Secretary Knute --Planning Commission November 14, 2017—Page 11 of 11