HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 LEGISLATIVE UPDATEAgenda Item 11
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Staff has prepared an update of proposed key California legislative items for 2018.
At the direction of the City Council.
SB 827 (Wiener) I Planning and Zoning: Transit -Rich Housing Bonus
Authorizes a transit -rich housing project to receive a transit -rich housing bonus. The bill
would define a transit -rich housing project as a residential development project the
parcels of which are all within a 1 -mile radius of a major transit stop or a 1/4 -mile radius
of a high quality transit corridor, as those terms are further defined. The bill would exempt
a project awarded a housing opportunity bonus from various requirements, including
maximum controls on residential density or floor area ratio, minimum automobile parking
requirements, design standards that restrict the applicant's ability to construct the
maximum number of units consistent with any applicable building code, and maximum
height limitations.
League of California Cities — OPPOSE (Hot)
Association of California Cities Orange County — OPPOSE UNLESS AMENDED
Location: In Policy Committee
SB 828 (Wiener) I Land Use: Housing Element (RHNA)
The Planning and Zoning Law requires a city or county to adopt a comprehensive, long-
term general plan for the physical development of the city or county and of any land
outside its boundaries that bears relation to its planning. Mainly contains "intent
language"; requires a local jurisdiction to plan accommodate 200% of RHNA, and
establish a methodology for the comprehensive assessment for unmet housing need.
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March 7, 2018
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League of California Cities — WATCH
Association of California Cities Orange County - WATCH
Location: In Policy Committee
SB 134011341 (Glazer) I CEQA: Housing Projects &Judicial Review
Two bills that would streamline the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as it
relates to litigation and judicial review pertaining to housing projects. More information to
Location: May be assigned to Committee on or after March 22
AB 1771 (Bloom) I Regional Housing Needs Assessment
Spot bill that would enact legislation that would make changes to the process for
distributing regional housing needs (RHNA) to various jurisdictions to ensure fairness and
the achievement of stated goals regarding housing.
League of Califo mia Cities — WATCH
Association of California Cities Orange County - WATCH
Location: Awaiting to be assigned to Committee
AB 1759 (McCarty) I General plans: Housing element: Production report:
Withholding of transportation funds
Would require planning agencies to provide an annual report . to the State on the status of
the general plan and progress in meeting the community's share of regional housing
needs. Essentially, if jurisdictions due not meet their housing goals, those jurisdictions
would be disqualified from receiving transportation (SB 1) funding.
League of California Cities -WATCH
Association of California Cities Orange County - WATCH
Location: In Policy Committee
AB 2631 (T. Allen) - Planning and zoning: Affordable housing: Streamlined approval
At the request of a developer, requires cities to approve, in a ministerial manner, housing
projects that: contain fewer than 25 units, the development provides housing to low and
moderate income families, and the development is in a public transit corridor. Would limit
design review, have no parking requirements, and prohibit inclusionary requirements.
League of California Cities — WATCH
Location: May be assigned to Committee on or after March 18
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AB 2856 (Melendez) I California Environmental Quality Act: Housing Development
CEQA establishes a procedure by which a person may seek judicial review of the decision
of the lead agency made pursuant to CEQA. This bill would, except as provided, prohibit
the court, in an action or proceeding brought alleging a violation of CEQA, from staying
or enjoining the siting, construction, or operation of housing development projects, as
Location: May be assigned to Committee on or after March 19
AB 3147 (Caballero) I Fee Mitigation Act: Housing Developments
Prohibits a housing development project from being subject to a fee, charge, dedication,
reservation, or other exaction that is more than that in effect at the time that the application
for the.housing development project is determined to be complete.
Location: May be assigned to Committee on or after March 19
SB831 (Wieckowskii) - Land Use: Accessory Dwelling Units
This bill would delete the requirement that the area be zoned to allow single-family or
multifamily use. Local agency must act within 120 days of submitted application or it is
deemed approved. Would not require a minimum lot size unless findings related to public
safety impacts are made. No fees of any kind would be allowed to be collected or levied.
League of California Cities — WATCH
Association of California Cities Orange County- OPPOSE UNLESS AMEN®ED,
Location: In Policy Committee
AB 2071 (Bloom) I Accessory dwelling unit: Improvements: Liability -
Limits a public entities liability with regard to an owner attempting to bring the accessory
dwelling unit into compliance with applicable local agency rules, regulations, or
League of California Cities - WATCH
Location: In Policy Committee
AB 2939 (Ting) I Aacessory'dweiling units
Requires the local agency to ministerial approve an application for a building permit to
create within a multifamily zone at least one accessory dwelling unit within an existing
multifamily structure with at least 5 residential units.
Location: May be assigned to Committee on or after March 19
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SB 1226 (Bates) 1. Building standards: Accessory dwelling units
Allowsa local ordinance to authorize, when a record of the issuance of a building permit
for an accessory dwelling unit does not exist, an enforcement official to make a
determination of when the accessory dwelling unit was constructed and apply the State
Housing Law, the building standards published in the California Building Standards Code,
and other specified rules and regulations in effect when the accessory dwelling unit was
determined to be constructed in orderto issue a building permit forthe accessory dwelling
League of California Cities — WATCH
Location:- May be assigned to Committee on or after March 18
SB 893 (R. Nguyen) I Planning and zoning: Density bonus
Deletes existing law that restricts parking requirements for developments that include the
maximum percentage of low-income or very low-income units. Iodated within Y2mile of a
major transit stop:
League of California Cities— WATCH
Location: in Policy Committee
SB 1227 (Skinner) I Density Bonuses
Requires a density bonus to be provided if the. development.includes at least 20% of the
total rental beds for students enrolled at an institution of higher education accredited by
the 'Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Requires that these units be subject
to a recorded affordability restriction of 55 years and be provided at the same affordability
level as very low income units; sets the density bonus at 35% of the number of these
League of California Cities — WATCH
Location,: May be assigned to Committee on or after March 18
AB 2372.(Gloria) I Planning and zoning: Density bonus: FAR bonus
Authorizes a city council or county board of supervisors to establish a procedure by
ordinance to grant a developer of an eligible housing development a floor area ratio (FAR)
bonus in lieu of a den * sity bonus awarded on the basis of dwelling units per acre.
Restricted to multifamily developments.
League of California Cities — WATCH
Location: Maybe assigned to Committee on or after March 17
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AB 2753 (Friedman) I Density bonuses: Density bonus application
Requires that if a city or county does not determine whether a density bonus application
is complete within 30 calendar days after it was submitted, or within 10 days in the case
of a, resubmitted application, then that application is deemed approved. City or county
must act with 60 days of determining application is complete, otherwise, bonus is
League of California Cities — WATCH
Location: May be assigned to Committee on or after March 19
AB 2797 (Bloom) I Planning and zoning: Density bonuses
.Prohibits any density bonus, incentives or concessions, waivers or reductions of
development standards, and parking ratios from being a basis for finding a project
inconsistent with "highly scenic areas" (Public Resources Code 30251).
Location: Maybe assigned to Committee on or after March 19
AB 87 (Ting) I Autonomous Vehicles
Requires vehicle manufacturers provide written notification to local authorities if an
autonomous vehicle is being operated in their jurisdiction. The manufacturer must
provide law enforcement with an interaction plan, which instructs law enforcement on how
to interact with autonomous vehicles.
League of California Cities — WATCH
Location: Passed out of Assembly, Moving to Committee
AB 2263 (Friedman) I State historical buildings: Parking Spaces
For the conversion of a historical structure for residential or mixed use purposes, prohibits
a local ordinance from imposing parking standards that exceed the parking standards that
applied at the time the historical building was originally
y constructed.
League of California Cities — WATCH
Location: Maybe assigned to Committee on or after March 16
AB 3000 (Friedman) I Land use: New housing developments: Parking requirements
Prohibits a city, county, or city and county from imposing minimum parking requirements
for new housing developments where off-street parking is permitted.
Location: May be assigned to Committee on or after March 19
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AB 2161 (Chiu) I Housing: Homeless integrated data warehouse,
Directs theDepartment of Housing and Community Development to create a state
homeless integrated data warehouse, in coordination with the Homeless Coordinating
and Financing Council, to develop a composite portrayal of the homeless population in
the state and the services provided to this population or to those at risk of becoming
homeless. Data includes: the number of individuals and families experiencing
homelessness, their access to benefits, and the stated reasons for their homelessness.
League of California Cities — WATCH
Location: In Policy Committee
AB 2.162 (Chiu) I Planning and zoning: Housing development: Supportive Housing
Requires that supportive housing be a use by right in zones Where multiple dwelling uses
are permitted, including commercial zones. Projects must be subject to recorded
affordability restrictions for 65 years; 100% of the Units are dedicated to "low-income
households"; and, 35% of the units are restricted to supportive housing.
League of California Cities — WATCH
Location: Maybe assigned to Committee on or after March 15
AB 3171 (Ting) I Homeless Persons Services Block Grant
Establishes the Local Homelessness - Solutions Program and creates the Local
Homelessness Solutions Account for the purpose of providing funding to cities to create
innovative and immediate solutions to the problems caused by homelessness.
Allocates an unspecified amount of General Funds.
Location: May be assigned to Committee on or after March 19
SB 918 (Wiener) I Homeless Youth Act of 2018 -
Establishes the Office of Homeless Youth in the Department of Housing and Community
Development. Requires the office to identify funding, policy, and practice gaps across
state systems that serve, or hold the potential to serve, young people experiencing
homelessness, develop specific recommendations and timelines for addressing these
gaps, and report to the Legislature. Appropriates up to $60 million in General Funds for
grants to nonprofits or a continuum of care administrative entity.
League of California Cities — WATCH
Location: Set for hearing on April 10
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AB 3162 (Friedman) I Alcoholism or drug abuse recovery or treatment facilities
Requires, for any licensing application submitted on or after January 1, 2019, the
department to deny an application for a new facility license, if the proposed location is in
proximity to an existing facility that would result in overconcentration. Requires the
department, at least 45 days prior to approving any application for any new facility, to post
on its Internet Web site the address of the proposed new facility.
Location: May be assigned to Committee on or after March 19
AB 3194 (Daly) I Housing Accountability Act: Project approval
Prohibits a housing development project from being found inconsistent, not in compliance,
or not in conformity, with the applicable zoning ordinance, and would prohibit a local
'government from requiring a' rezoning of the project site, if the existingzoning ordinance
does not allow the maximum residential use, density, and intensity allowable on the site
by the land use or housing element of the general plan.
Location: May be assigned to Committee on or after March 19
SB 633 (McGuire) ( Emergency Alerts: Evacuation orders: Operators
Requires, the Office of Emergency Services (OES) to ensure that each emergency
Management office within a city or county is a registered federal Wireless Emergency
Alert (WEA) operator and has 'functional, up-to-date WEA software and annual training
for operation of the WEA system. Additionally, this bill would require a "red alert" system
designed for quick response to issue and coordinate alerts for evacuation orders and to
incorporate the system into a variety of notification resources, including the state -utilized
.emergency notification system inclusive of local digital signs, radio, television, text
messaging, or other technologies.
League of California Cities — SUPPORT (Hot)
Location: In Policy Committee
SB 946 (Lara) I Sidewalk Vendors
Prohibits a local authority from adopting rules or regulations that regulate or prohibit
sidewalk vendors unless it First adopts a sidewalk vending licensing program that requires
a sidewalk' vendor to obtain a license from the local authority before selling food or
merchandise. Prohibits restricting the location of a licensed sidewalk vendor unless the
restriction is directly related to objective health, safety, or welfare concerns. Prohibits
restricting licensed sidewalk vendors from selling food or merchandise in a park.
League of California Cities — WATCH
Location: In Policy Committee
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March 7, 2018
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PROPOSITION "68 I Parks, Environment, and Water Bond
SB 5 (De Leon): places a $4 billion bond on the 'June 2018 statewide ballot for parks,
water, ` and climate and environmental programs. If the voters approve SB 5, local
governments will receive funding for local park improvements and will be eligible for
numerous grants to fund water, local parks, coastal and climate resiliency projects. Parks
Funding (Total $1.283 billion), Water Funding (Total $1.19 billion), Climate and
Environmental Programs Funding (Total $1.547 billion).
League of California Cities — SUPPORT
PROPOSITION 69 1 Transportation Taxes and Fees Lockbox and Appropriations
Limit Exemption Amendment
r • counties • ^ beginning • • •.• repairs with SB 1 funds,i pot holes,
'resurfacing • bridges, improving sidewalks,expanding • al • more.
• ^ have an opportunity in June t• prevent • diverting transportation
funds with Proposition 69. Supported by the League and the Coalition to Protect Local
Transportation Im I provements, the measure adds constitutional protections to new
revenues generated by i SB 1 and ensures that these funds can be used only for
transportation improvement purposes.
League of California Cities — SUPPORT
SB 3 (BEAL,L) I Veterans and Affordable Housing Bond Act of 2018.
This Measure places a $4 billion general obligation bond on the November 2018 ballot to
fund affordable housing programs and the veteran's homeownership program (CalVet).
If approved by voters, SB 3 would fund the following existing programs: Multifamily
Housing Program, Trans it -O rie nted Development Implementation Program, Infill
]n6entive Grant••r o. Serna,rr •rker Housing Grant Fund, Local Housing
Trust Fund Matching Grant Program, CalHome Program, Self -Help Housing Fund, and
CalVet Home Loan Program.
League of . 1 a Cities —