HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUPPLEMENTAL FORM CHINA BUFFET ITEM #2 CUP 2018-00005 —Tustin, Buffet Prote cation, g:jjy_glerk'jpfflce Received on M�al�420�18 Department of Alcohofic Beverage Control %1*0 of r:anf m1'q PROTEST AGAINST ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE AwPPLI AwTIM MAY 14 2018 • Refer to Form A.1 C-5: 10, Information Regarding ABC License Application and Protests ( eV. A, ril' before completing and submitting your protest. The ABC-51 is located at wwwiwww.abc.ca.gov and in ea �"�� . Please print legibly or type.Incomplete andl/or illegible information will cause the protest to be rejected. • You will be notified by letter whether or not your your protest is accepted. • If the Department recommends licensure,you will be afforded the opportunity to request a hearing on your protest. • If a hearing is scheduled as to whether or not a license should be granted, you or your authorized representative will need to attend the hearing to testify and/or present evidence to support your,protest, or your protest will be deemed abandoned. . All protests submitted to the ABC are public records and are open to inspection pursuant to the California Public Records,Act(CPRA). (Gov.Code sec.62:54 et seq.) • A copy of all valid and verified protests (ABC-5110-A) and Protestant's/Complainant's, Declaration (ABC-128) will be provided to the applicant as part of the licensing process. I hereby protest the issuance of a license under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Actto: .... .............. For premises at; (Exacl address of proposed promises) ..,.� on the grounds than . e"c IL V2 c Ire Check here If additional sheets attached declareunder penalty of perjury: PRINT(Name of Protestant) (1)That I am the Protestant herein;. ( )That I have read the above protest and know the contents thereof;and ( )That the same is true of my own knowledge except as to those matters which are therein stated on information and bell and to th matters I believe to be true. .... .. PROTE ISGNAT RE IT L PHON NU ER(0 non-public) SIGNED jFufl .9�eof�i &,ter:r or 0 p 0 ._.a... _.. ..._.. _.. .... _... __ ABC-510-A(Rev.April 2010)