HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC MINUTES 05-08-18 MINUTES
MAY 8, 2018
7:09 p.m. CALL TO ORDER
All present. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Kozak, Lumbard, Mason, Smith,
Ms. Linda Jennings comments/concerns generally included: The Hewes
house, the first and only home in Tustin, will be placed on the National
Register of Historic Places; she provided background information,
establishment and duties regarding the Cultural Resources Advisory
Committee (aka: Historic Resource Committee) (CRAC); the Tustin City
Council dissolved the State mandated Committee and assigned the
duties to the Planning Commission; the State Historic Preservation
Office, has changed its position and does not authorize cities to
combine Historic Resource Committees with their Planning
Commission; the City of Tustin is one (1) of only two (2) cities in the
state with this set up; and she requested that the City Council reinstate
the Historic Resource Committee as required in the designation of the
Cultural Resource Overlay District mandated by the State Office of
Historic Preservation.
Approved the 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—APRIL 24, 2018
Minutes of the
April 24, 2098 RECOMMENDATION:
Commission That the Planning Commission approves the Minutes of the April 24,
meeting. 2018 Planning Commission meeting as provided.
Motion: It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Mason to approve the
Minutes of the April 24, 2018 Planning Commission meeting. Motion
carried 5-0.
7.08 p.m. Opened the Public Hearing Section.
2. DESIGN REVIEW 2018-00007
Adopted Reso. APPLICANT/
No. 4364. PROPERTY OWNER: Christine Coursen
P.O. Box 4087
Tustin, CA 92781
Minutes—Planning Commission May 8, 2018—Page 1 of 8
LOCATION: 1461 Garland Avenue
A request to store a recreational vehicle on the existing residential
driveway in front of the attached garage and install a vinyl gate
across the driveway to screen the recreational vehicle from public
This project is not subject to CEQA pursuant to Section 15270 of the
California Environmental Quality Act. CEQA does not apply to
projects which a public agency rejects or disapproves.
That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 4364 denying
Design Review (DR) 2018-00007 to authorize storage of a
recreational vehicle (RV) within the required backup area for an
existing two-car garage and installation of a vinyl gate across the
existing driveway to screen a recreational vehicle stored in front of
the garage from public view, on a property located at 1461 Garland
Hutter Presentation given.
Thompson Thompson asked staff if there is currently any other home in the
applicant's neighborhood that has successfully screened a RV whether
by permit from the City or a variance.
Hutter Huffer was not aware of an RV that was explicitly approved for storage
in the applicant's neighborhood.
7.15p.m. Opened the Public Comment Section.
Coursen Ms. Christine Coursen, applicant, spoke in opposition of the
recommendation and provided her comments (in writing) to the
Commission. Her comments/concerns generally included the following:
initially, Code Enforcement cited the applicant stating the fence was not
acceptable; she spoke to a City supervisor and paid for her permit to
have a temporary fence; she stated the City told her she needed to
apply for a variance which was $3,000 therefore she did not apply for
one; the possibility of parking the RV parallel in front of her property;
she clarified that she did not request that her item be continued to this
meeting versus the April 24, 2018 meeting — she simply agreed to have
the item be continued being that the DCCSP item was being presented
at that meeting; and she felt the TCC was not specific as to whether or
not the fence had to be permanent or temporary.
Minutes--Planning Commission May 8,2018—Page 2 of 8
Thompson Thompson's comments generally included: he asked if there was a
discussion with City staff regarding the temporary fence and if it would
satisfy the TCC; he asked if the City has information on an approved
type of fence; referred to the neighbor's (Ms. Hudler) driveway and if
her fence is acceptable or permitted; and Ms. Hudler has a corner lot
therefore no issue with limiting access to the garage and is not
encroaching in the required setbacks that was explained earlier in the
Power Point presentation.
Coursen After discussion with City staff, Ms. Coursen stated that Staff indicated
the temporary fence is not sufficient because there was concern the
fence would blow over. It was her understanding she could have a
temporary fence because the TCC states a permit is not required for a
temporary fence.
Hudler Ruby Hudler, resident of 13071 Red Hill Avenue, spoke in favor of the
applicant's request. She provided information with regard to her side
yard (located on Garland Avenue) which includes a long driveway for
RV access and her main driveway access being from Red Hill Avenue.
Ms. Hudler stated that when she purchased her home, the fence was
made of wood, so she paid approximately $37.00 for an Administrative
Permit in order to install a vinyl gate. She felt the applicant's temporary
fence looked similar to her fence.
Mason Mason asked that if the fence was installed and there was no RV,
would the applicant be required to file for a variance.
VWIlkom Willkom stated that most of the homes on Garland Avenue do not have
six (6) foot high fences in the front yard. Fences are typically installed
along the side yard with side gates. With regards to Ms. Hudleris
fencing on her corner lot property, the side gates were installed and
permits obtained because they fit the requirement of her property, which
is different from what is being proposed by the applicant. The fencing
the applicant is proposing would be covering the majority of the front of
the property, not just the side yard. Ms. Willkom also added that the
proposed fencing is not typical and appropriate for the home,
particularly in that neighborhood.
Kozak Kozak referred to Ms. Coursen's April 20, 2018 letter included in the
staff report with reference to the purchase of a new Sprinter to replace
the RV and asked how it fits into the application.
Coursen Ms. Coursen stated that after speaking with Brad Steen, Code
Enforcement Officer, as long as she used the Sprinter as her primary
vehicle that the City would make an exception to it being in her
driveway. She added that at least four (4) other properties in the
neighborhood are similar to her property.
Thompson Thompson also asked if the Sprinter would fit inside her garage.
Minutes—Planning Commission May 8,2018—Page 3 of 8
Coursen Per Ms. Coursen, the van is nine (9) feet tall and would not fit inside her
garage since she uses the garage for storage.
During discussion between the applicant and Commission, staff
provided aerial views of the applicant and neighbor's property via
Google Maps in order for the Commission and audience to gain a better
understanding of the property and fencing.
Smith Smith asked for clarification with regards to the Sprinter and the parallel
parking location from the garage to the street.
Coursen Ms. Coursen referred to the photos on the back of the April 20, 2018
letter which shows the Sprinter would be in front of the house, which is
approximately nine (9) feet from the garage door up against the house.
She stated she prefers to not have to park it in front of the garage door
due to the difficulty of maneuvering it, but that it is possible.
Thompson Thompson asked what the front yard setback requirements were as
well as the side yard area. He also asked about the garage setback,
which faces Garland Avenue.
Coursen Ms. Coursen stated that the front yard setback requirements are twenty
(20) feet and that the setback for the proposed fence is also twenty (20)
feet. As for the garage setback, Ms. Coursen stated it was twenty-two
(22) feet and the door opens up into the driveway not towards the
Nutter Per Huffer, typically the garages that do face the street there will be
approximately twenty (20) feet between the garage and the property
Thompson Thompson asked if there would then be an opportunity to park the RV
screening in front of the street side of the garage because the setback
is supposed to be there.
Nutter Huffer confirmed Thompson's previous statement.
Coursen Ms. Coursen stated she would be willing, if preferred by the
Commission, to change the location of the garage door by moving from
the side to the front of the house, but that the setback would look
exactly the same. She also offered to move her driveway.
Kozak Kozak asked staff about access for emergency services personnel and
how that would factor into the fence being considered.
lillkom Per Willkom, if there is an emergency, it would be another hurdle for
emergency personnel would have to go through if there is a fence along
the front of the house.
7:36 p.m. Public Comment Section Closed.
Minutes—Planning Commission May 8,2018—Page 4 of 8
Lumbard Lumbard asked staff the setbacks previously discussed, pertaining to
the Tustin City Code. He asked if the fence would have to completely
block the RV from the street.
Bobak The fence does not have to be as high as the recreational vehicle. The
City has historically not interpreted that code requirement to mean that
the fence has to be at least as high as the RV but at least at the
required minimum of six (6) feet.
Lumbard Lumbard asked if the design review envision a six (6) foot high fence.
He clarified to his fellow Commissioners that they were to address the
aesthetics and setbacks.
Willkom Per Willkom, there are two (2) main issues: 1) the storage location is
blocking the access to the garage, 2) aesthetics — a fence or gate
across the property line blocking the view of the home is not consistent
with the design and style of the home in the neighborhood, and it is not
compatible and appropriate.
Bobak Bobak's final comment was that Commission was to consider the
aesthetics and the intrusion into the setback areas. She also stated
that staff could provide a Google Map view of the surrounding
properties, if the Commission was so inclined.
Mason Mason's final clarification question was that the Commission is deciding
on the intrusion into the set back if a six (6) foot gate is allowed and it is
properly placed. She did not see any reason to approve the variance
given the level of detail.
Lumbard Lumbard defined the item that the Commission is to consider based on
the setbacks listed on Pages 32-34 of the agenda packet. He also
asked staff to confirm that the applicant did not request a variance and
that this was for a DR only.
Nutter Per Huffer, in response to Lumbard's question, the applicant did not
request a variance and that the Commission is to consider the DR only.
Binsack Per Binsack, as a point of clarification, based on what has been
presented to the Commission, a variance is needed but one was not
requested. The purpose of bringing this item before the Commission
was that Staff included findings for denial of the variance for the
Commission's consideration
Thompson Thompson voiced his econcern with the site limitations and
setbacks. It appears the neighbor, Ms. Hudler, does not have the same
situation. He referred to the TCC and that the proposed item violates
the TCC. Encouraged the applicant to look at a different configuration.
Minutes—Planning Commission May 8, 2018—Page 5 of 8
Kozak Kozak's final comments were that he was sympathetic to the applicant's
request, but the City has rules, setbacks and other requirements.
Kozak supported the recommended action. He suggested that if the
applicant is going to purchase the Sprinter, work with staff on a
temporary solution.
Smith Smith asked staff what the recourse is for the applicant to make a
formal determination about whether or not a new van conversion
qualifies as an RV or not.
Binsack Binsack stated she could follow up with the applicant, or the Code
Enforcement Supervisor could, being that the applicant has already met
with Brad Steen, Code Enforcement Officer, to review the specifications
of the Sprinter or RV.
Lumbard Lumbard's final comments included the following in general: trying to
treat the applicant fairly; echoed comments his fellow Commissioners
stated; and he encouraged the applicant to work with staff to find a
Motion: It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Smith to adopt Resolution
No. 4364. Motion carried 5-0.
W111kom Willkom stated that there is a ten (10) day appeal period should the
applicant want to appeal the item via the City Council.
7:49 p.m. Closed the Public Hearing Item.
Received and The purpose of this workshop is to highlight the City's programs to
filed the item. protect and revitalize historic structures, sites, and features within
Tustin and to provide the Commission with an update on the
status of the City's historic preservation programs and the
Commission's efforts to date. Many of these programs were
implemented in conjunction with the City's recognition as a
Certified Local Government in Historic Preservation.
Reekstin Presentation given.
Thompson Thompson had favorable comments for Reekstin for a great
Kozak Kozak echoed Thompson's comments along with the presentation
being a refresher course.
Mason Mason stated the presentation was a great overview and she asked
why more people were not taking advantage of the Mills Act Program.
She asked staff if the City would consider any other publication soliciting
the Mills Act Program (i.e. Facebook or Next Door).
Minutes—Planning Commission May 8,2018--Page 6 of 8
Reekstin Per Reekstin, he thought some people were very private, and maybe
did not want inspectors inspecting their property and going through the
process, but there are also residents who hear about it via word of
mouth and therefore take action.
Smith No comments.
Lumbard Favorable comments for Reekstin
The item was received and filed.
Binsack Binsack informed the Commission of the following:
• Kudos to Staff since the Residential and Commercial Design
Guidelines were prepared in-house. Received an American
Planning Association Awards for both documents.
• City Staff will be receiving an award for updating the Tustin
Legacy Specific Plan.
• May 9, 2018 -Wally Karp Memorial at City Hall at 5:30pm.
Mason Mason made favorable comments to staff for the many historic
education programs provided. Good job Reekstin!
Smith No concems.
Thompson Thompson congratulated the Jennings Hewes House. He asked that
the Cultural Resources District be added to a future consent item along
with the Commission's role in the Cultural Resources District. He
attended the following:
• 4111 The Flight Tour
• 4112 Tour with OCTA - Environmental Cleanup Allocation
Committee meeting
• 4116 Gentlemen's Haberdashery Heart of Jesus Retreat
Center in Santa Ana
• 4117 OCTA Citizens Advisory Committee meeting
• 4119 OC Real Estate Luncheon in Support of Veterans
4120 Cal State Long Beach Mock Interviews for the Next
Generation of Engineering Leaders
• 4120 TCA Plein Air Outdoor Event
Week of April 30th - ULI Conference in Detroit
• April Conference—"Affordable Housing"
Binsack Per Thompson's comment on the Commission's role in the Cultural
Resources District, Binsack stated that the City Council is going to add
the item to the agenda for the City Council's consideration.
Minutes—Planning Commission May 8,2018—Page 7 of 8
Kozak Kozak thanked Reeksti!n: for the presentation, and congratulations to
Steve and Linda Jennings on the National Register Recognition and to
City Staff on the upcoming awards for the Tustin Legacy Community
Specific Plan, Kozak attended the following events*
# 4/28 Disaster Preparedness Event (City Sponsored)
0 5/'5 "Dollars for Scholars" fundraiser for the Tustin High and
Foothill High Seniors.
Lumbard Lumbard attending the following events:
0 5/2 Lum,bard participated in a BII A OC Next Gen Panel
0 4/28 OC Brewers Guild in Newport Beach
Happy Cin:co De Mayo everyone!
The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled
for Tuesday, May 22, 2018, at 7:0,0 p,m, in the City Council Chamber
at 300 Centennial Way,
Closed in Honor of the Hewes, House.
Planning Commission Secretary
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