HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTED TO COUNCIL -DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL CORE SPECIFIC PLAN PUBLIC OUTREACHDATE: JULY 3, 2018 TO: JEFFREY C. PARKER, CITY MANAGER FROM Inter -Com TUSTIN BUILDING OUR FUTURE ELIZABETH A. BINSACK, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT . ) HONORING OUR PAST SUBJECT: DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL CORE SPECIFIC PLAN PUBLIC OUTREACH Following the June 19, 2018 City Council meeting, Councilmember Gomez requested that the Community Development Department provide a summary of the public outreach efforts that were utilized during the preparation and advertising of the Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan. The attached summary has been prepared for distribution to the Tustin City Council. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Dana Ogdon. PUBLIC NOTICING AND PROCESS SUMMARY DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL CORE SPECIFIC PLAN PROJECT PUBLIC PROCESS What's Required* What We Did No requirements ✓ Conducted extensive outreach effort including: • Held 3 public workshops • Each had flyers mailed to all property owners within area and 300' of study boundary • Each had flyers mailed to all occupants within area and 300' of study boundary • Each had flyers mailed to interested parties and stakeholders • The 2nd and 3rd workshop flyers were sent to contact information provided on sign -in sheets from 1 st and 2nd workshops • Each advertised in the Tustin News newspaper • Workshop presentations posted on the City's website following the workshops • Press releases were issued for each workshop • Workshop 3's notice was featured on the City's Facebook Page and the City's website [See Attachment 1 — Workshop Flyers; over 3,500 flyers distributed for workshops 1 and 2; nearly 3,400 flyers distributed for workshop 3] • Environmental — Notice of V/ Preparation • Sent NOP and IS to Office of Pursuant to CEQA, issue a Notice Planning & Research and all of Preparation (NOP) and Initial anticipated responsible and Study (IS) to each responsible and trustee agencies trustee agency that the City was Noticed in Orange County preparing an EIR for proposed Register newspaper Project. Allowed for required 30 Made copies available at City, day review period. Library, and on the City's website [See Attachment 2 — Environmental Notice of Preparation and Scoping Meeting Notice; notices distributed to 58 responsible agencies] • Environmental — Scoping V/ Meeting Notice of scoping meeting can be Conducted a public scoping combined with NOP or filed separately meeting (notice was combined and shall be provided to: with NOP) o Any county or city that borders ✓ the city which the project is located o Any responsible agency ✓ o Any public agency that has ✓ jurisdiction by law with respect to the project o Any organization or individual ✓ who has filed a written request for the notice • Additionally, conveyed by press release • Environmental — Notice of Completion Notice of Completion must be filed with the State Clearing House • Environmental — Notice of Availability Pursuant to CEQA, issue a Notice IV/ of Availability (NOA) to inform public agencies and interested parties that City prepared an EIR for proposed Project and available for required 45 -day review. Notice to be given to last known name and address of all organizations and individuals who have previously requested notice, and shall also be given by at least one of the following procedures: o In a newspaper of general circulation in the area affected by proposed project. o Posting of notice on- and off-site in the area where project is to be located. o Direct mailing to the owners and occupants of contiguous property shown on the latest equalized assessment [See Attachment 3 — Environmental Notice of Availability; distributed to 252 ( mailed to 45 responsible agencies, 87 interested parties and emailed to 120)] • Environmental - Pursuant to V/ CEQA, provide response to [Provided in advance of the April 10th comments to each commenter Planning Commission public hearing, at least 10 days before certifying and, more than 10 days prior to the the EIR . Planning Commission's April 24th continued public hearing, and, well beyond the 10 day time requirement of the City Council, June 19th meeting] • Environmental - Notices posted in the office of the County Clerk for a period of 30 days. • Conduct one Planning Commission public hearing [See Noticing Section below] • Conduct one City Council public �/ hearing [See Noticing Section below] • Environmental - File Notice of To be filed following 2ndreading of the Determination with the County Ordinance Clerk and State Office of Planning and Research within five working days of project approval. * Per Tustin City Code (TCC) Section 9296, Notices of Hearing, and Sections 65090 or 65091 and 65854 of the Government Code of the State of California and per the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the CEQA Guidelines. PROJECT'S PUBLIC HEARING NOTICING What's Required* What We Did • Two (2) Notices; one for Planning Commission public hearing & one for City Council public hearing. • Mail notices of the public v/ hearing at least 10 days prior to the hearing to: o Property owners within the project boundary, as per latest County assessor information. o Each local agency expected to provide water, sewage, streets, roads, schools, or other essential facilities or services, whose ability to provide those facilities and services may be significantly affected. o Property owners within 300 feet of the project boundary, as per latest County assessor information. o If the number of owners to whom the [Did both mail out and notice to be mailed newspaper] is greater than 1,000, notice can be provided by a display of advertisement of at least 1/8 page in one newspaper • Post notice of the public hearing at least 10 days before the hearing in at least 3 public places with • Publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the City at (Half -page size — Tustin News) least 10 days before the hearing • Mail or deliver notice of the V/ public hearing to any person who has filed a written request for notice at least 10 days prior to the hearing No requirements Plus the following was done: ✓ Public notice signs posted in right-of-way at 15 locations in the Plan's boundary area ✓ Posted on the City's Website ✓ Notice sent to local and state agencies (as sent for the EIR notifications) ✓ Notice emailed and/or mailed to all who signed in at the workshops and provided such contact information [See Attachment 4 (Planning Commission Public Hearing Notice); over 1,350 distributed, and Attachment 5 (City Council Public Hearing Notice); over 1, 375 distributed] • Filing of Affidavit of mailing of the notices and publication of notices * Per Tustin City Code (TCC) Section 9296, Notices of Hearing, and Sections 65090 or 65091 and 65854 of the Government Code of the State of California and per the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the CEQA Guidelines. OTHER NOTICING/OUTREACH PROVIDED What's Required What We Did No requirements V/ Provided DCCSP update to the Tustin Chamber of Commerce's Business & Economic Development Committee (meetings scheduled monthly) No requirements ✓ Provided, as requested, DCCSP updates to the full Tustin Chamber of Commerce No requirements V/ Provided DCCSP update at each annual strategic planning update to the City Council since 2014 which is open to the public No requirements _/ Provided, as requested, DCCSP updates to the Historical Society No requirements Vol Featured in the Mayor's State of the City presentations for 2015, 2016 and 2017 No requirements V/ Featured in each Mayor's year- end review in 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017 No requirements Featured in periodic community presentations (example the Tustin -Santa Ana Rotary Club (4/16/15)) ATTACHMENT 1 WORKSHOP FLYERS 1F' - _ 4 —y ; ZviI- -. ' #Ool�d Town TJSTIN What's next for Downtown Tustin? Help shape the future by participating in the upcoming community workshop! Who: You! Especially if you live, work, or play in or near Downtown. What: Community Workshop #1 for the Downtown Commercial Core Plan — learn about the Plan and share your ideas. When: October 1, 2014 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Where: Clifton C. Miller Community Center (next to Tustin City Hall) 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 vWK'o,11 CITY OF TUSTIN Community Development aLsT�� Department Questions? Please contact Dana Ogdon, AICP, Assistant Director of Community Development, City of Tust n Phone: 714-573-3109 Email: dogdon2tustinca.org What's next for Downtown Tustin? 0 Help shape the future by participating in the upcoming community workshop', Who: You! Especially if you live, work, or play in or near Downtown. What: Community Workshop #2 for the Downtown Commercial Core Plan learn about the Plan and share your ideas. When: December 4, 2014 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Where: Clifton C. Miller Community Center (next to Tustin City Hall) 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 ioldTown TUS11N J: CITY OF TUSTIN T Community Development L?�-k Department r. Trp-_ Questions? Please ccn,act Dana Ogdcn, AICR Assistant Director of Community Development, City of Tustin Phone: 714-573-3109 Email: dogdon@tustinca.org What's next for Downtown Tustin? Review and discuss the exciting new plans for transforming the City's center! Who: You! Especially if you live, work, or If -"S.,i' Questions? Please contact Dana Ogdon, AICP Assistant Director of Community Deve! City of Tustin Phone: 714-573-31C9 Email: dogdonaatust nca org play in or near Downtown. ' ' What: Community Workshop #3 for the Downtown Commercial Core Plan Learn about the Plan and share ( your ideas. When: January 28, 2016 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Where: Tustin Community Center at Market Place 2961 El Camino Real Tustin, CA 92782 NOTE: Different Location! $ A ! 01d Town • ,. TUSTIN t Y�.� CITY OF TUSTIN + ,T� �¢ Community Development Department If -"S.,i' Questions? Please contact Dana Ogdon, AICP Assistant Director of Community Deve! City of Tustin Phone: 714-573-31C9 Email: dogdonaatust nca org ATTACHMENT 2 ENVIRONMENTAL NOTICE OF PREPARATION ' , OF PREPARATION �r AND r SCOPING DATE: August 1, • TO: Agencies, Organizations and Interested Parties SUBJECT: Notice of Preparation of a Draft Program Environmental Impact Report in Compliance with Title 14, Section 15082(a) of the California Code of Regulations The City of Tustin is preparing the Tustin Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan. As part of that process, the City intends to prepare a program environmental impact report (EIR), pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the proposed Specific Plan, described below. We request your review and comments as to the scope and content of the proposed environmental impact report, as summarized in the Initial Study, available on the City's website at http://www.tustinca.org/depts/cd/planningupdate.asp, or available at City offices, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California, 92780. AGENCIES: The City requests your agency's review on the scope and content of the environmental information relevant to your agency's statutory responsibilities in connection with the proposed project, in accordance with California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15082(b). Your agency will need to use the EIR prepared by the City when considering any permits that your agency must issue, or other approval for the project. ORGANIZATIONS AND INTERESTED PARTIES: The City requests your comments and concerns regarding the environmental issues associated with implementation of the proposed project. PROJECT TITLE: Tustin Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan PROJECT LOCATION: As shown in Figure 1, Regional & Vicinity Maps, the project area for the Tustin Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan, is generally located immediately northeast of Interstate 5 and east of the Costa Mesa Freeway (Highway 55). The two highways limit the "Downtown" of Tustin and create a physical barrier to adjacent areas. The Planning Area is generally defined on the north side by First Street and on the east side by Newport Ave. The Planning Area includes parcels immediately on the north side of First Street and includes parcels immediately along the east side of Newport Avenue. The Planning Area is comprised of 220 acres located wholly within the City of Tustin, Orange County, California. The intersection of EI Camino Real at Third Street is the approximate center of the Planning Area. DESCRIPTION: The DCCSP identifies the long-term vision and objectives for Tustin's "Downtown" referred to in the EIR as the Planning Area or Project. The vision focuses on continuing to ensure an economically vital, walkable, bikeable, mixed-use center with a focus on active ground floor retail and office environments. The Specific Plan includes provisions for enhancing the public realm as an opportunity of public space and streets as a place for people. The DCCSP allows for all previously allowed commercial and office intensity, up to 1.5: 1 maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) and introduces the option to include residential intensity as a part of mixed-use projects that meet the high quality design criteria and requirements set by the Specific Plan. In order to accomplish this vision, the DCCSP will rezone the parcels within the Planning Area to a new zoning designation, DCCSP. The Specific Plan establishes six Development Areas (DA) that identify development parameters including permitted land uses, development standards, and design guidelines. Each development area identifies specific characteristics in support of ensuring the vitality of Downtown. Hence, the land uses allowed, the development standards and design guidelines respond to those specific characters. All development and future projects are subject to each DA's development standards and design guidelines and the requirements of the Specific Plan. The City of Tustin has established an 887 -unit residential bank that is available on a first come basis. Each DA has an allocated number of residential units that the City of Tustin holds and are not specifically associated with any parcel or ownership. High-quality, mixed use projects that meet the design criteria and development standards established by the Specific Plan may request to incorporate residential units through application and based on the discretion of the City of Tustin, Community Development Department. Through the Specific Plan, the City of Tustin also establishes the ability to transfer of intensity from one DA to another DA. The transfer of intensity allows for the City of Tustin to increase residential intensity for exceptional projects that meet the highest quality design, meet the development standards, and provide a defined public benefit. The transfer of intensity is solely at the discretion of the City of Tustin, Community Development Department based on project review and application. An average of 25 dwelling units per acre will be maintained throughout the Planning Area. POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS: A Draft EIR will be prepared to evaluate the project's potential environmental impacts. As determined by the Initial Study, the topic areas to be discussed in the DEIR are, Air Quality, Cultural Resources, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Land Use and Planning, Noise, Population and Housing, Transportation/Traffic, and Utilities and Service Systems impacts. Figure 1 - Regional & Vicinity Maps 1 ' PSannmg ea , N PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD: The City has determined to make this Notice of Preparation (NOP) and Initial Study available for public review and comment pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15082(b). Please provide any comments by August 31st at 5:00 p.m. to the contact person listed below. The comment period for the NOP begins August 1, 2016 and ends on August 31, 2016, RESPONSES AND COMMENTS: Please indicate a contact person for your agency or organization and send your responses and comments to: Dana Ogdon, Assistant Director of Community Development; Phone: (714) 573-31.09; E-mail: dogdon@tustinca.org; Mailing Address: City of Tustin, Community Development Department, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780. SCOPING MEETING: One scoping meeting will be held to receive comments on the proposed scope and content of the Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (DEIR). You are invited to attend and present environmental information that you believe should be addressed in the DEIR. The meeting is scheduled for: Date: August 16, 2016 Time: 3:00 PM Place: Tustin Library -- Training Center Room 345 E. Main Street Tustin, CA 92780 If you have questions regarding the Scoping Meeting, please contact Mr. Dana Ogdon at (714) 573-3109 or at dogdon @tustinca.org. DOCUMENT AVAILABILITY: The Initial Study is available for public review during regular business hours at the City of Tustin Community Development Department located at 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, The Initial Study can be viewed on the City of Tustin website at the following address (URL): http://www.tustinca.org/depts/cd/planningupdate.asp. <' &000%_ Dana Ogdon Assistant Director of Community Development Title (714)-573-3109 Telephone Number 3 ATTACHMENT 3 ENVIRONMENTAL NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY or AVAILABILITY 1 DATE: February 15, 2018 TO: Agencies, Organizations and Interested Parties SUBJECT: Notice of Availability of a Draft Program Environmental Impact Report in Compliance with Title 14, Section 15087(x) of the California Code of Regulations Prepared for the Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: Pursuant to Public Resources Code Sections 21091 and 21092, and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) State Guidelines Sections 15105 and 15087, notice is hereby given that a Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) (State Clearinghouse No. 2016081004) for the Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan (DCCSP), is available for public review during the public comment period February 15, 2018 through April 2, 2018. The City of Tustin, as lead agency, has prepared the DEIR to analyze environmental impacts associated with implementation of the Proposed Project; to discuss alternatives; and to propose mitigation measures for identified potentially significant impacts that will minimize, offset, or otherwise reduce or avoid those environmental impacts. The Program EIR is intended to allow the City to use this environmental document when considering site-specific environmental analysis for future development projects proposed within the project area. PROJECT TITLE: Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan DEIR PROJECT LOCATION: As shown in Figure 1, Local Vicinity, the 220 -acre Specific Plan area is generally located northeast of Interstate 5 (1-5) and the State Route 55 (SR -55) interchange; and is centered around the intersection of Main Street and EI Camino Real, The Specific Plan area is generally bound by 1-5 to the south and SR -55 to the west. First Street generally defines the northern edge, and includes parcels along the north side of First Street. Newport Avenue and parcels along the east side of Newport Avenue generally define the eastern boundary. The Specific Plan area excludes two residential neighborhoods located along Prebble Drive/E. Second Street and Ambrose Lane/Platt Way. Figure 1— Local Vicinity Map 9 ��nt'.TlIGTI! ,4 ep� k"TICE OF AVAILABILITY .i DESCRIPTION: The proposed Specific Plan establishes the long-term vision with goals and objectives to create a vibrant, cohesive, connected, livable, and memorable city core. The key components include: promoting pedestrian -oriented commercial first floor development to invigorate the area and expand walkability; transforming streets through future streetscape, roadway, pedestrian and bicycle -oriented improvements; drawing more patrons to Old Town by embracing, preserving and promoting its unique historic character; maintaining a commercial emphasis for the project area; and introducing the possibility for high-quality integrated residential mixed use and focused multi -family development. The Specific Plan area is divided into six Development Areas (DAs), which generally reflect differences in the character of the built environment. The Specific Plan establishes permitted uses, development standards, and design criteria regulating/guiding site planning, building design, parking, architectural treatment, landscaping, and circulation improvements for each of the DAs on which subsequent, project - related development will be founded. It is intended that design review plans, detailed site plans, grading and building permits, or any other action requiring ministerial or discretionary approval applicable to the project area will need to be consistent with the Specific Plan. The proposed Specific Plan would provide for approximately 300,000 square feet of non-residential (commercial/office) space to be developed within the Specific Plan area. This would generally occur as infill development and redevelopment of existing non-residential parcels. In addition, the proposed Specific Plan also establishes a residential City -maintained housing bank with a maximum of 887 new dwelling units (multi -family and mixed use) that could be requested by potential developers pursuant to a discretionary Residential Allocation Reservation. The Specific Plan has allocated the number of residential units for development in each DA, and allows up to 25 percent of the residential units to be transferred from one DA to another DA. The maximum number of new dwelling units within the Specific Plan would not exceed 887 units. Buildout of the proposed Specific Plan is anticipated to occur by 2035. Implementation of the proposed Specific Plan would require, at a minimum, the following discretionary approvals: ■ General Plan Amendment: to amend, at a minimum, the Land Use Element to re -designate land uses within the Specific Plan area from the seven existing land use designations to "DCCSP - Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan", and the Circulation Element to be consistent with the proposed circulation changes resulting from conceptual improvements to certain streets including Main Street, First Street, Second Street and Third Street, and, including text amendments and map updates. ■ Zoning Code Amendment and Zone Change to modify the City's Zoning Map and Zoning Code to establish a new Specific Plan area from the ten different zoning designations currently in effect to a new zoning designation of "DCCSP - Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan (SP -12)", including text amendments and map update(s). ■ Rescission of First Street Specific Plan (SP -10) • Rescission of Planned Community for Tustin Village, Tustin Plaza, 13682 Newport Avenue, Blockbuster Music Plaza and Ambrose Lane Area B. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The City of Tustin has completed a DEIR for the DCCSP, and for all the related actions including the General Plan Amendment, Zoning Code and Zone Change and associated approvals. The DEIR analyzed impacts to 13 environmental topical areas: Aesthetics, Air Quality, Cultural Resources, Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG), Land Use and Planning, Noise, 1)--- 9 -F2 E OF ILIPJ ' S 6 i..+ `' fir' Population and Housing, Recreation, Transportation/Circulation, Utilities and Service Systems, Tribal Cultural Resources, Energy Resources, and Mandatory Findings of Significance. Mitigation measures have been adopted for Air Quality, Cultural Resources, GHG, Noise, Recreation, Transportation/Circulation and Tribal Cultural Resources. The DEIR found significant and unavoidable impacts related to Air Quality, GHG, and Transportation/Circulation. PUBLIC REVIEW PERIOD: This Draft EIR (DEIR) is available for public review and comment pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15087(a) for 45 -days. The comment period for the DEIR begins February 15, 2018 and ends April 2, 2018. Please provide any comments by Monday, April 2, 2018, at 5:00 p.m. to the contact person listed below. RESPONSES AND COMMENTS: Please indicate a contact person for your agency or organization and send your responses and comments to: Dana L. Ogdon, AICP, Assistant Director of Community Development; E-mail: dogdon@tustinca.org; Mailing Address: City of Tustin, Community Development Department, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780. DOCUMENT AVAILABILITY: The DEIR is available for public review during regular business hours at the City of Tustin Community Development Department and City Clerk's office at the address listed above. The DEIR can also be viewed on the City of Tustin website at the following address (URL): http://www.tustinca.org/depts/cd/planningupdate.asr). n- j _v3 ATTACHMENT 4 PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California, will conduct a public hearing on April 10, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. The City of Tustin encourages the public to participate in the decision-making process. The following notice is being provided so that you can ask questions, make comments and stay informed about projects that might be important to you. We encourage you to contact us prior to the public hearing if you have any questions. The Planning Commission will consider the following: PROJECT TITLE: Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan (DCCSP) PROJECT LOCATION: The approximate 220 -acre Specific Plan area is generally located northeast of Interstate 5 (1-5) and the State Ftoute 55 (SR -55) interchange; and is centered around the intersection of Main Street and EI Camino Real. The Specific Plan area Is generally bound by 1-5 to the south and SR -55 to the west. First Street generally defines the northern edge, and includes parcels along the north side of First Street. Newport Avenue and parcels along the east side of Newport Avenue generally define the eastern boundary (see referenced map). The Specific Plan area excludes surrounding residential neighborhoods to the north, east, south beyond 1-5 and the historic residential neighborhood lying generally west of "B" Street between the planning area and SR -55. It also excludes two residential neighborhoods located along Prebble Drive/E. Second Street and Ambrose Lane/Platt Way which are interior of, but not a part of the Specific Plan boundary. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed Specific Pian establishes the long-term vision with goals and objectives to create a vibrant, cohesive, connected, livable, and, memorable city core. The key components include: promoting pedestrian -oriented commercial first floor development to invigorate the area and expand waikability; transforming streets through future streetscape, roadway, pedestrian and bicycle -oriented Improvements; drawing more patrons to Old Town by embracing, preserving and promoting its unique historic character; maintaining a commercial emphasis for the project area; and introducing the possibility for high-quality integrated residential mixed use and focused multi -family development. The Specific Plan area is divided into six Development Areas (DAs), which generally reflect differences in the character of the built environment. The Specific Plan establishes permitted uses, development standards, and design criteria regulating/guiding site planning, building design, parking, architectural treatment, landscaping, and circulation improvements for each of the DAs on which subsequent, project -related development will be founded. It is intended that design review plans, detailed site plans, grading and building permits, or any other action requiring ministerial or discretionary approval applicable to the project area will need to be consistent with the Specific Plan. The proposed Specific Plan would provide for approximately 300,000 square feet of non-residential (commercial/office) space to be developed within the Specific Plan area. This would generally occur as infill development and redevelopment of existing non-residential parcels. In addition, the proposed Specific Plan also establishes a residential City -maintained housing bank with a maximum of 887 new dwelling units (multi -family and mixed use) that could be requested by potential developers pursuant to a discretionary Residential Allocation Reservation. The Specific Plan has allocated the number of residential units for development in each DA, and allows up to 25 percent of the residential units to be transferred from one DA to another DA. The maximum number of new dwelling units within the Specific Plan would not exceed 887 units. For planning purposes, buildout of the proposed Specific Plan is anticipated to occur by 2035. Approval and implementation of the proposed Specific Plan requires, at a minimum, the following discretionary approvals: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2018.00001: A General Plan Amendment to amend, at a minimum, the Land Use Element to re -designate land uses within the Specific Plan area from the seven existing land use designations to "DCCSP - Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan", and the Circulation Element to be consistent with the proposed circulation changes resulting from conceptual improvements to certain streets Including Main Street, First Street, Second Street and Third Street, and, Including text amendments and map updates. ZONING CODE AMENDMENT 2018.00001 AND ZONE CHANGE 2018-00002: to modify the City's zoning Map and Zoning Cade to establish a new Specific Plan area from the ten different zoning designations currently in effect to a new zoning designation of "DCCSP - Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan (SP -12)", Including specific text amendments and map update(s). RESCISSION OF FIRST STREET SPECIFIC PLAN (SP -10): the First Street Specific Plan would be replaced with the DCCSP. RESCISSION'OF PLANNED COMMUNITY: for Tustin Village, Tustin Plaza, 13682 Newport Avenue, Blockbuster- -Music Plaza and Ambrose Lane Area B. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The City of Tustin has completed a draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the DCCSP, and for all the related actions including the General Plan Amendment, Zoning Code and Zone Change and associated approvals. The DEIR analyzed impacts to 13 environmental topical areas: Aesthetics, Air Quality, Cultural Resources, Greenhouse Gas Emissions '(GHG), Land Use and Planning, Noise, Population and Housing, Recreation, Transportation/Circulation, Utilities and Service Systems, Tribal Cultural Resources, Energy Resources, and Mandatory Findings of Significance. Mitigation measures have been adopted for Air Quality, Cultural Resources, GHG, Noise, Recreation, Transportation/Circulation and Tribal Cultural Resources, The DEIR found significant and unavoidable impacts related to Air Quality, GHG, and Transportation/Circulation, If you challenge the subject Item in court, you may be limited to raising only those, issues you or someone else raised at the public meeting described In this notice, or In written correspondence delivered to the City of Tustin at, or prior to, the public meeting. If you require special accommodations; please contact the Community Development Department at (714) 673- 3106. Information relative to this item is on file in the Community Development Department and is available for public Inspection at City Hall. The Draft Specific Plan and Draft EIR can also be viewed on the City of Tustin website at the following address (URL): httpJ/www.tustinea.org/depts/cd/planningupdate.a.sp. Anybne interested in the information above may call the Community Development Department at (714) 673-3109. D11. Downtown Commercial Core Speck Plan Area ATTACHMENT 5 CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, will conduct a public hearing on June 19, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. The City of Tustin encourages the public to participate in the decision-making process. The following notice is being provided so that, you can ask questions, make comments and stay informed about projects that might be important to you. We encourage you to contact us prior to the public hearing if you have any questions. The City Council will consider the following: PROJECT TITLE: Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan (DCCSP) APPLICANT: The City of Tustin PROJECT LOCATION: The approximate 220 -acre Specific Plan area is generally, located northeast of Interstate 5 (1-5) and the State Route 55 (SR -55) interchange; and is centered around the intersection of Main Street and EI Camino Real. The Specific Plan area is generally bound by 1-5 to the south and SR -55 to the west. First Street generally defines the northern edge, and includes parcels along the north side of First Street. Newport Avenue and parcels along the east side of Newport Avenue generally define the eastern boundary (see referenced map). The Specific Plan area excludes surrounding residential neighborhoods to the north, east, south beyond 1-5 and the historic residential neighborhood lying generally west of "6" Street between the planning area and SR -55. It also excludes two residential neighborhoods located along Prebble Drive/E. Second Street and Ambrose Lane/Platt Way which are interior of, but not a part of the Specific Plan boundary. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed Specific Plan establishes the long-term vision with goals and objectives to create a vibrant, cohesive, connected, livable, and memorable city core. The key components include: promoting pedestrian -oriented commercial first floor development to invigorate the area and expand walkability; transforming streets through future streetscape, roadway, pedestrian and bicycle -oriented improvements; drawing more patrons to Old Town by embracing, preserving and promoting its unique historic character; maintaining a commercial emphasis for the project area; and introducing the possibility for high-quality integrated residential mixed use and focused multi -family development. The Specific Plan area is divided into six (6) Development Areas (DAs), which generally reflect differences in the character of the built environment. The Specific Plan establishes permitted uses, development standards, and design criteria regulating/guiding site planning, building design, parking, architectural treatment, landscaping, and circulation improvements for each of the DAs on which subsequent, project -related development will be founded. It is intended that design review plans, detailed site plans, grading and building permits, or any other action requiring ministerial or discretionary approval applicable to the project area will need to be consistent with the Specific Plan. The proposed Speck Plan would provide for approximately 300,000 square feet of non-residential (commercial/office) space to be developed within the Specific Plan area. This would generally occur as infill development and redevelopment of existing non-residential parcels. In addition, the proposed Specific Plan also establishes a residential City -maintained housing bank with a maximum of 887 new dwelling units (multi -family and mixed use) that could be requested by potential developers pursuant to a discretionary Residential Allocation Reservation. The Specific Plan has allocated the number of residential units for development In each DA, and allows up to 25 percent of the residential units to be transferred from one DA to another DA. The maximum number of new dwelling units within the Specific Pian would not exceed 887 units. For planning purposes, buildout of the proposed Specific Plan is anticipated to occur by 2035. Approval and implementation of the proposed Specific Plan requires, at a minimum, the following discretionary approvals: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2018-00001: A General Plan Amendment to amend, at a minimum, the Land Use Element to re -designate land uses within the Specific Plan area from the seven (7) existing land use designations to "DCCSP - Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan", and the Circulation Element to be consistent with the proposed circulation changes resulting from conceptual improvements to certain streets including Main Street, First Street, Second Street and Third Street, and, including text amendments and map updates. ZONE CHANGE 2018-00002: To modify the City's Zoning Map and Zoning Code to establish a new Specific Plan area from the ten (10) different zoning designations currently in effect to a new zoning designation of "DCCSP - Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan (SP -12)", including specific text amendments and map update(s). RESCISSION OF FIRST STREET SPECIFIC PLAN (SP -10): The First Street Specific Plan would be replaced with the DCCSP. RESCISSION OF PLANNED COMMUNITY: For Tustin Village, Tustin Plaza, 13682 Newport Avenue, Blockbuster Music Plaza and Ambrose Lane Area B. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The City of Tustin has completed a draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the DCCSP, and for all the related actions including the General Plan Amendment, Zone Change and associated approvals. The DEIR analyzed impacts to 13 environmental topical areas: Aesthetics, Air Quality, Cultural Resources, Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG), Land Use and Planning, Noise, Population and Housing, Recreation, Transportation/Circulation, Utilities and Service Systems, Tribal Cultural Resources, Energy Resources, and Mandatory Findings of Significance. Mitigation measures have been adopted for Air Quality, Cultural Resources, GHG, Noise, Recreation, Transportation/Circulation and Tribal Cultural Resources. The DEIR found significant and unavoidable impacts related to Air Quality, GHG, and Transportation/Circulation. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: On April 10, 2018, the City of Tustin Planning Commission opened the public hearing on the project and continued the matter until April 24, 2018. On April 24, 2018, the City of Tustin Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed project. The Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 4363 recommending that the City Council find that the Environmental Impact Report prepared for the project to be adequate and that the project be approved. If you challenge the subject item in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public meeting described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Tustin at, or prior to, the public meeting. If you require special accommodations, please contact the City Clerk's Office at (714) 573-3025. Information relative to this item is on file in the Community Development Department and is available for public inspection at City Hall. The Draft Specific Plan and Draft EIR can also be viewed on the City of Tustin website at the following address (URL): http://www.tustinca.org/depts/cd/planningupdate.asp. Anyone interested in the information above may call the Community Development Department at (714) 573-3109. Y r.� Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan Area