Agenda Item 18
City Man ager
Finance Director fA
JULY 17, 2018
Ordinance No. 1491 proposes to add Chapter 913 to Article 9 (Land Use) of the Tustin City
Code (TCC), establishing a Voluntary Workforce Housing Incentive Program.
It is recommended that the City Council have the second reading by title only, and adopt,
revised Ordinance No. 1491 in the form attached as Exhibit A hereto, adding Chapter 913
to Article 9 Chapter 1, establishing a Voluntary Workforce Housing Incentive Program.
Ordinance No. 1491 is a City Council -initiated project. There is no direct fiscal impact to the
General Fund. Implementation of the Ordinance including, in part, an in -lieu fee is expected
to generate funds for the City's workforce housing incentive program fund in unknown
amounts for use in support of City affordable housing programs and projects.
The Voluntary Workforce Housing Incentive Program Ordinance furthers the objective of
the Goal A: Economic and Neighborhood Development, enhancing the vibrancy and
quality of life in the community.
On April 17, 2018, the City Council unanimously passed the first reading of Ordinance
No. 1491 and set the second reading for June 19, 2018. The Council set a later date for
the second reading in order for staff to meet with the Building Industry Association of
Orange County ("BIA") to discuss concerns raised by the BIA during the public hearing.
On May, 8, 2018, Mayor Al Murray, Councilmember Dr. Allan Bernstein, City Manager
Jeff Parker, Community Development Director Elizabeth Binsack, and Economic
Agenda Report
July 17, 2018
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Development Deputy Director Jerry Craig met with the BIA. In discussing BIA's concerns
and recommendations, it was agreed that removing Section B9942(a) of the original
Ordinance No. 1491, which proposed to establish a monitoring fee and a plan submittal
fee, would be presented to the City Council for consideration. As a result, staff submitted
a revised version of the proposed ordinance for a first reading on June 5.
The Council unanimously approved the introduction and first reading of that version of the
revised ordinance on June 5th and second reading was scheduled for the City Council's
next meeting on June 19th. At the June 19th meeting, the Council, by a 3-2 vote, directed
that additional changes be made to the ordinance.
As a result of that direction, staff presented several alternative versions of the Proposed
Ordinance on July 3rd. A public hearing was conducted that evening, and after the
conclusion of the public hearing, the City Council, by a 3-2 vote, approved the first reading
by title only of the proposed ordinance attached hereto as Exhibit A. Staff recommends
that the City Council approve the second reading and adoption of the proposed ordinance
at this time.
The version of the ordinance proposed for adoption would provide projects of less than
20 units with several options to address the affordability requirements, and would afford
all projects of 20 units or more that elect to receive Residential Allocation Reservations
the flexibility to build all of the affordable units on-site or alternatively to construct five
percent of the base units for very -low income households or ten percent of the base
units for low income households on-site or off-site and to provide up to half of the
affordability requirements through payment of an in -lieu fee.
The proposed ordinance is a tool for providing more affordable housing, geographically
distributing, and addressing regional housing requirements mandated by the Southern
California Association of Governments.
ohn uchanan
for of Economic Development
A. Proposed Ordinance No. 1491
Jerry Craig /
Deputy Dir oro\ E/bp4ic
The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby ordain as follows:
SECTION I. The City Council finds and determines as follows:
A. That this Ordinance is being adopted pursuant to the City's police power
authority to regulate the development and use of real property within its
jurisdiction to promote the public welfare.
B. That many municipalities have adopted ordinances that require, as a condition
of development of residential units, that the development include a certain
percentage of owner -occupied or rental units affordable to, and occupied by,
extremely low, very low, low, or moderate -income households.
C. That the California Supreme Court has affirmed that adopting such housing
ordinances is a constitutional exercise of the local police power (CBIA v. City
of San Jose, 61 CalAt" 435 (2015)).
D. That on September 29, 2017, the Governor approved Assembly Bill No. 1505
("AB 1505"), adding subdivision (g) to Section 65850 of the Government Code.
AB 1505 provides additional authorization for municipalities to adopt such
housing ordinances.
E. That in support of AB 1505, the Legislature noted that since the 1970s, more
than 170 jurisdictions have enacted housing ordinances to meet their affordable
housing needs. Additionally, the Legislature proclaimed that such housing
ordinances have provided quality affordable housing to more than 80,000
Californians, including the production of an estimated 30,000 units of affordable
housing in the last decade.
F. That the City Council desires to implement a workforce housing incentive
program to enhance the public welfare by establishing policies that foster the
construction of housing affordable to households of extremely low, very low,
low, and moderate incomes, help the City meet the needs of its local workforce,
help meet its share of regional housing needs, and implement the City of Tustin
General Plan Housing Element's goals and policies.
G. That the addition of Chapter 9B — Voluntary Workforce Housing Incentive
Program to Article 9 of the Tustin City Code is consistent with AB 1505.
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H. That the addition of Chapter 9B — Voluntary Workforce Housing Incentive
Program to Article 9 of the Tustin City Code is consistent with the City of Tustin
General Plan Housing Element in that it complies with the following goals and
Goal 1: Provide an adequate supply of housing to meet the need
for a variety of housing types and the diverse socioeconomic needs
of all community residents.
Policy 1.1: Promote the construction of additional dwelling units to
accommodate Tustin's share of regional housing needs identified by
the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), in
accordance with adopted land use policies.
Policy 1.5: Promote the dispersion and integration of housing for low -
and very -low income families throughout the community as opposed
to within any particular geographic area, neighborhood, or project.
Policy 1.7: Utilize various resources, where feasible, to assist in
creating opportunities which will expand opportunities for
development of affordable housing in the community.
Policy 3.1: Encourage new housing construction for home -ownership
in a mixture of price ranges.
I. That on March 27, 2018, a public hearing was duly noticed, called, and held on
the addition of Chapter 9B to Article 9 of the Tustin City Code by the Planning
J. That on March 27, 2018, the Planning Commission, by a 3-2 vote, denied by
minute order Resolution No. 4358, which if approved would have
recommended that the City Council adopt Ordinance No. 1491 adding Chapter
9B to Article 9 of the Tustin City Code.
K. That on April 17, 2018, a public hearing was duly noticed, called, and held by
the City Council to consider the Planning Commission's action and the addition
of the Workforce Housing Incentive Program to Article 9 of the Tustin City
L. That on April 17, 2018, the City Council unanimously passed the first reading
of Ordinance No. 1491 and scheduled the second reading for June 19, 2018,
providing staff with enough time between the first and second reading to meet
with building industry officials to review concerns raised in the public hearing.
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M. That on June 5, 2018, a public hearing was duly noticed, called and held by the
City Council to consider revisions to' Ordinance No. 1491 after the April 17,
2018 public hearing to the Workforce Housing Incentive Program to Article 9 of
the Tustin City Code.
N. That after the public hearing on June 5, 2018, the City Council unanimously
introduced and approved first reading of the revised version of Ordinance 1491,
set second reading for the next regular meeting of the City Council, and
directed staff to revisit the Ordinance in two years to present an update to the
City Council at that time.
O. That on June 19, 2018, a public hearing was duly noticed, called and held by
the City Council to consider the revisions to Ordinance No. 1491 after the June
5, 2018 public hearing.
P. That after the public hearing on June 19, 2018, the City Council directed staff
to make further revisions to Ordinance No. 1491 to: (a) require that it apply only
to projects in which the applicant has elected to request a Residential Allocation
Reservations (RARs); and (b) require all required workforce housing to be
constructed on-site with the project.
Q. That on July 3, 2018, a public hearing was held by the City Council to consider
Ordinance No. 1491 as further revised after the June 19, 2018 public hearing,
and the City Council directed that the Ordinance be read by title only, and
scheduled for second reading and adoption at the next regular meeting of the
City Council.
R. That on July 17, 2018, the City Council conducted the second reading by title
only of Ordinance 1491, and adopts the Ordinance as herein set forth.
SECTION II. Chapter 9B — Voluntary Workforce Housing Incentive Program is hereby
added to Article 9 of the Tustin City Code to read as follows:
The purpose of this Chapter is to enhance the public welfare by establishing policies
which require the development of housing affordable to households of extremely low, very
low, low, and moderate incomes, help meet the needs of the City's local workforce, help
meet the City's regional share of housing needs, and implement the goals and objectives
of the Tustin General Plan Housing Element, through the development of workforce
housing incentive program units within new residential developments when a developer
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makes the voluntary election to request the benefit of Residential Allocation Reservations
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Whenever the following terms are used in this Chapter, they shall have the meaning
established by this Section:
"Affordable housing cost" means the housing cost for dwelling units as defined by
California Health and Safety Code Section 50052.5 for owner -occupied housing and the
affordable rent for rental units as defined by California Health and Safety Code Section
50053, as applicable.
"Applicant" or "developer" means a person, persons, or entity that applies for a
residential project and also includes the owner or owners of the property if the applicant
does not own the property on which development is proposed.
"Base units" means the total number of units in a residential project, excluding any
density bonus units.
"Density bonus units" means dwelling units approved in a residential development
pursuant to California Government Code Section 65915 et seq. and Tustin City Code
Section 9111 et seq., that are in excess of the maximum residential density otherwise
permitted by the City of Tustin General Plan or Tustin City Code.
"Development approval" means a tentative map, parcel map, conditional use permit,
development agreement, or any other discretionary permit.
"Extremely low-income household" shall have the definition given in California Health
and Safety Code Section 50106.
"For -sale" means and refers to any dwelling unit, including a condominium, stock
cooperative, community apartment, or attached or detached single family home, for which
a parcel or tentative and final map is required for the lawful subdivision of the parcel upon
which the dwelling unit is located or for the creation of the unit in accordance with the
Subdivision Map Act (California Government Code Section 66410 et seq.), or any
residential development including such for -sale dwelling units.
"Low income household" shall have the definition given in California Health and
Safety Code Section 50079.5.
"Market rate unit" means a new dwelling unit in a residential project that is not an
workforce housing incentive program unit as defined by Section B9912 of this Chapter.
"Mixed use residential development" means any development that combines
residential land uses with office, commercial, light industrial, or business park land uses.
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"Moderate income household" shall have the definition given in California Health and
Safety Code Section 50093(b).
"Rental" means and refers to a dwelling unit that is not a for -sale dwelling unit, and
does not include any dwelling unit, whether offered for rental or sale, that may be sold as
a result of the lawful subdivision of the parcel upon which the dwelling unit is located or
creation of the unit in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act (California Government
Code Section 66410 et seq.), or any residential development including such rental
dwelling units.
"Residential project" means any residential development, including any mixed use
residential development, requiring a development approval for which an application has
been submitted to the City for a project that will utilize a Residential Allocation
"Very low-income household" means a household earning no more than the amount
defined by California Health and Safety Code Section 50105.
"Workforce housing incentive program agreement" means an agreement in
conformance with Section B9932 of this Chapter between the City and an applicant,
governing how the applicant shall comply with this Chapter.
"Workforce housing incentive program fund" means the fund created by the City in
which all fees collected in compliance with this Chapter shall be deposited pursuant to
Section B9929 of this Chapter.
"Workforce housing incentive program guidelines" means the requirements for
implementation and administration of this Chapter as may be promulgated by the City
Manager pursuant to Section 89942 of this Chapter.
"Workforce housing incentive program in -lieu fee" means a fee payable per base unit
as may be established by resolution of the City Council, payable to the City after the
issuance of the development approval for the residential project, but prior to the issuance
of the certificate of occupancy for the first market rate unit in the residential project.
"Workforce housing incentive program plan" means a plan containing all of the
information specified in and submitted in conformance with Section B9932 of this Chapter
specifying the manner in which workforce housing units will be provided in conformance
with this Chapter and the workforce housing incentive guidelines, and consistent with the
City of Tustin General Plan and Article 9 of the Tustin City Code.
"Workforce housing incentive program unit" means a dwelling unit required by this
Chapter to be affordable to very low, low, or moderate -income households.
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The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to all residential projects, as defined in
Section B9912 of this Chapter, except for any residential project exempt under Section
B9922 of this Chapter.
This Chapter shall not apply to any of the following:
(a) Applications for a development approval that include a residential project
for which an application has been deemed complete prior to the effective
date of the ordinance codified in this Chapter.
(b) A residential project that is the subject of a development agreement under
applicable provisions of the California Government Code that expressly
provide for an exclusion to this Chapter or provide for a different amount of
workforce housing incentive program units from that specified by this
Chapter, provided the development agreement was executed by the City
prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this Chapter.
(c) A residential project for which a housing incentive agreement has been
approved pursuant to Section 9142 of Article 9, Chapter 1, Part 4 of this
Code, provided that the housing incentive agreement is effective prior to the
effective date of the ordinance codified in this Chapter, and there is no
uncured breach of the housing incentive agreement before issuance of a
certificate of occupancy for the project.
(d) A residential project for which a development approval has been approved
by the City by no later than the effective date of the ordinance codified in
this Chapter. Upon expiration of any development approval, and unless
otherwise exempted, the residential project shall be subject to the
requirements of this Chapter, and shall not proceed until such time as an
workforce housing incentive program plan is approved in conjunction with
any other required development approval or amendment thereto. The
exemption set forth in this Subsection shall not apply to any discretionary
extension of a development approval or land use approval beyond its initial
term granted after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this
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All new residential projects, as defined in Section B9912 and as specified in Section
B9921, shall include workforce housing incentive program units. Calculations of the
number of workforce housing incentive program units required by this Section shall be
based on the number of base units in the residential project.
(a) On-site workforce housing requirement. Except as provided below or when
otherwise exempted from this Chapter, residential projects shall include
workforce housing incentive program units upon the same site as the
residential project. The number and type of workforce housing incentive
program units required for the residential project shall be either:
(1) Fifteen percent (15%) of the base units in the residential project made
available at an affordable housing cost. Of these affordable housing units,
six percent (6%) shall be made available to very low-income households,
four and a half percent (4.5%) shall be made available to low-income
households, and four and a half percent (4.5%) shall be made available
to moderate -income households; or
(2) Twelve and one-half percent (12.5%) of the base units in the residential
project made available at an affordable housing cost. Of these affordable
housing units, seven and one-half percent (7.5%) shall be made available
to very low-income households, and five percent (5%) shall be made
available to moderate -income households; or
(3) One of the following:
a. Five percent (5%) of base units in the residential project, provided
on-site or off-site, and made available to very low income
households, plus payment to the City of a workforce housing
incentive program in -lieu fee based on one half (1/2) of the base
units in the residential project; or
b. Ten percent (10%) of the base units in the residential project,
provided on-site or off-site, and made available to low income
households, plus payment to the City of a workforce housing
incentive program in -lieu fee based on one half (1/2) of the base
units in the residential project.
(b) Any off-site units provided pursuant to Section B9923(a)(3) shall comply
with the requirements for off-site units set forth in Section B9925(b)(1) through
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In computing the total number of workforce housing incentive program units required
in a residential project, fractions shall be rounded up to the next whole number.
Subsections (a) through (d) of this Section B9925 shall apply only to residential projects
of fewer than twenty (20) units.
(a) On-site units. The primary means of complying with the workforce housing
incentive program unit requirements of this Chapter shall be the provision of on-site
workforce housing incentive program units in accordance with Section B9923. A
developer of a residential project of fewer than twenty (20) units may only satisfy the
requirements of this Chapter by means of an alternative to on-site workforce housing
incentive program units in accordance with the requirements and procedures of this
(b) Off-site units. For residential projects of fewer than twenty (20) units, the workforce
housing incentive program unit requirements of Section B9923 may be satisfied, in whole
or in part, by the construction of new workforce housing incentive program units, or the
conversion of existing market rate units to workforce housing incentive program units,
offsite within the City's jurisdictional boundary. All workforce housing incentive program
units developed off-site of the residential project in accordance with this Subsection shall
comply with the following criteria:
(1) The off-site location has a general plan designation that authorizes
residential uses and is zoned for residential development at a density to accommodate at
least the number of otherwise required workforce housing incentive program units within
the residential project;
(2) The off-site location is suitable for development of the workforce housing
incentive program units in terms of configuration, physical characteristics, location,
access, adjacent uses, and other relevant planning and development criteria;
(3) Environmental review for the off-site location has been completed for the
presence of hazardous materials and geological review for the presence of geological
hazards and all such hazards are or shall be mitigated to the satisfaction of the City prior
to acceptance of the site by the City;
(4) The construction schedule for the off-site workforce housing incentive
program units shall be included in the workforce housing incentive program plan and the
workforce housing incentive program agreement;
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(5) Any off-site workforce housing incentive program units shall be constructed
and made available for occupancy prior to or concurrently with the market rate residential
project pursuant to Section B9926;
(6) Any off-site workforce housing incentive program housing units shall be
substantially comparable to the market rate units included in the residential project in
terms of quality of design, materials and finish; and
(7) Any off-site workforce housing incentive program housing units shall be
substantially comparable to the market rate units included in the residential project in
terms of gross floor area of habitable space and number of bedrooms per unit.
(c) In -lieu fee. For residential projects of fewer than twenty (20) units, the workforce
housing incentive program unit requirements of Section B9923 may be satisfied, in whole
or in part, by payment to the City of a workforce housing incentive program in -lieu fee, as
may be established by resolution of the City Council, provided that such fee is received
by the City after the issuance of the development approval for the residential project, but
prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the first market rate unit in the
residential project.
All in -lieu fees collected under this Subsection shall be deposited in the workforce housing
incentive program fund.
(d) Alternative option. For residential projects of fewer than twenty (20) units, the
workforce housing incentive program unit requirements of Section B9923 may be
satisfied, in whole or in part, by an alternative option acceptable to the City, which may
include without limitation the dedication of land for affordable housing.
(a) Location within the residential project. All workforce housing incentive
program units shall be:
(1) Reasonably dispersed throughout the residential project;
(2) Proportional, in number of bedrooms, gross floor area of
habitable space, and location, to the market rate units;
(3) Comparable to the market rate units in terms of quality of
design, materials, finish and appearance;
(4) Permitted the same access to community amenities and
recreational facilities, as the market rate units; and
(5) Provided functionally equivalent parking when parking is
offered to the market rate units.
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(b) Timing of construction. All workforce housing incentive program units in a
residential project shall be constructed and made available for occupancy
prior to or concurrently with the market rate units. If the City approves a
phased project, a proportional share of the required workforce housing
incentive program units shall be provided within each phase of the
residential project.
(c) General Prohibitions
(1) No person shall sell or rent a workforce housing incentive
program unit at a price or rent in excess of the maximum amount
allowed by any restriction placed on the unit in accordance with this
(2) No person shall sell or rent a workforce housing incentive
program unit to a person or persons that do not meet the income
restrictions placed on the unit in accordance with this Chapter.
(3) No person shall provide false or materially incomplete
information to the City or to a seller or lessor of a workforce housing
incentive program unit to obtain occupancy of housing for which the
person is not eligible.
(a) All monies collected pursuant to this Chapter shall be deposited into a
separate account to be designated as the City of Tustin workforce housing
incentive program fund.
(b) The monies in the workforce housing incentive program fund shall be
expended exclusively to provide housing affordable to extremely low, very
low, low, and moderate -income households in the City of Tustin, and
administration and compliance monitoring of the workforce housing
incentive program.
(a) Execution and recording of documents. The Director of Economic
Development or designee may require execution and recording of
documents necessary to ensure enforcement of this Chapter, including but
not limited to promissory notes, deeds of trust, resale restrictions, rights of
first refusal, options to purchase, and/or other documents, which shall be
recorded against the residential project, all workforce housing incentive
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program units, and any site subject to the provisions of this Chapter.
Affordability documents for for -sale owner -occupied workforce housing
incentive program units may also include subordinate shared appreciation
documents permitting the City to capture at resale the difference between
the market rate value of the workforce housing incentive program unit and
the affordable housing cost, plus a share of appreciation realized from an
unrestricted sale in such amounts as deemed necessary by the City to
replace the workforce housing incentive program unit.
(b) Affordability periods. All workforce housing incentive program units shall
remain affordable to the targeted income groups for no less than the time
periods set forth in California Health and Safety Code Sections 33413(c)(1)
and (2), as may be amended.
(c) Unless otherwise required by law, all promissory note repayments, shared
appreciation payments, or other payments collected under this Section shall
be deposited in the workforce housing incentive program fund.
(d) Any household that occupies a workforce housing incentive program unit
must occupy that unit as its principal residence, unless otherwise approved
in writing by the Director of Economic Development or his or her designee
for rental to a third party for a limited period of time due to household
hardship, as specified in the workforce housing incentive program
(e) No household may begin occupancy of a workforce housing incentive
program unit until the household has been determined to be eligible to
occupy that unit. Rental workforce housing incentive program units shall
continue to be rented to income eligible households at an affordable
housing cost for the entire term of the workforce housing incentive program
restriction. The workforce housing incentive program guidelines shall
establish standards for determining household income, maximum
occupancy, affordable housing cost, provisions for continued monitoring of
tenant eligibility, and other eligibility criteria.
(a) Workforce Housing Incentive Program Plan. The developer shall submit a
workforce housing incentive program plan in a form specified by the Director
of Community Development or designee, detailing how the provisions of this
Chapter will be implemented for the proposed residential project. The
workforce housing incentive program plan and its supportive documents,
plans, and details shall be submitted at the same time as the development
approval application materials for the residential project. Upon submittal, the
Director shall determine if the workforce housing incentive program plan is
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complete and conforms to the provisions of this Chapter and, if applicable,
the workforce housing incentive program guidelines. No project approval shall
be issued for a residential project subject to this Chapter until a workforce
housing incentive program plan has been approved. Any person may appeal
any decision of the Director of Community Development in accordance with
Section 9294 of this Code.
(b) Workforce Housing Incentive Program Agreement. Where the workforce
housing incentive program requirements of this Chapter will be satisfied
through the provision of on-site or off-site workforce housing incentive
program units, prior to the approval of any final or parcel map or issuance of
any building permit or certificate of occupancy for a residential project subject
to this Chapter, the City and Developer shall execute and cause to be
recorded a workforce housing incentive program agreement containing those
provisions necessary to ensure the requirements of this Chapter are satisfied.
The workforce housing incentive program agreement shall be recorded
against the entire residential project property and any other property used for
the purposes of providing workforce housing pursuant to this Chapter.
The workforce housing incentive program guidelines may, and each workforce
housing incentive program agreement shall, include provisions for the monitoring by the
City of each residential project and each workforce housing incentive program unit for
compliance with the terms of this Chapter, the workforce housing incentive program
guidelines, and the applicable workforce housing incentive program agreement. Such
provisions shall require annual compliance reports to be submitted to the City by the
owner and the City shall conduct periodic on-site audits to ensure compliance with all
applicable laws, policies, and agreements. The developer and workforce housing
incentive program unit owners or tenants are required to cooperate with the City in
promptly providing all information requested by the City in monitoring compliance with
program requirements.
The City Manager may promulgate and amend workforce housing incentive program
guidelines for the implementation and administration of all aspects of this Chapter.
(a) Violation. Any violation of this Chapter, any development approval or
entitlement issued pursuant to any provisions of this Code, or the terms of
any workforce housing incentive program agreement entered into pursuant
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to this Chapter constitutes a misdemeanor and is deemed a public
(b) Forfeiture of funds. Any individual who sells a workforce housing incentive
program unit in violation of this Chapter shall be required to forfeit to the
City any money and other consideration received for the unit in excess of
the affordable housing cost at such time. Any individual who rents out a
workforce housing incentive program unit in violation of this Chapter shall
be required to forfeit to the City all money and other consideration received
for the unit so obtained. Recovered funds shall be deposited into the
workforce housing incentive program fund.
(c) Legal actions. The City may institute any appropriate legal actions or
proceedings necessary to ensure compliance with this Chapter, including
(1) To disapprove, revoke, or suspend any permit, including a
building permit, certificate of occupancy, development
approval or discretionary approval; and
(2) To recover any funds or other consideration due under
Section 9943(b); and
(3) To enforce this Chapter by means authorized by this Chapter,
by the Tustin City Code, and/or by State or Federal law; and
(4) For injunctive relief or damages.
(d) Recovery of costs. In any action to enforce this Chapter, or a workforce
housing incentive program agreement approved hereunder, the City shall
be entitled to recover its reasonable attorney's fees and costs.
SECTION III. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect on the 31St day after its
adoption. The City Clerk or his or her duly appointed deputy shall certify to adoption of
the Ordinance and cause this Ordinance to be published as required by law.
SECTION IV. CEQA Exemption. The City Council finds that this Ordinance is not subject
to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"; Cal. Pub. Resources Code Section
21000 et seq.). The Ordinance does not commit the City to approve any particular project,
or any aspect of any particular project, now or any time in the future. Any project subject
to the Ordinance will require its own review for CEQA compliance. As a result, the
Ordinance does not have any reasonably foreseeable environmental consequences or
commit the City to a definite course of action. Thus, the Ordinance is not a "project"
subject to CEQA. (Public Resources Code § 21065; CEQA Guidelines § 15378(a); CEQA
Guidelines § 15352(a).) Further, to the extent the Ordinance establishes workforce
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housing incentive program fund, the Ordinance is, a government funding mechanism
expressly excluded from CEQA's definition of "project." (CEQA Guidelines §
15378(b)(4).) Even if the Ordinance were construed to be a project, it can be seen with
certainty that there is no possibility that the Ordinance may have a significant effect on
the environment for the foregoing reasons and thus falls within CEQA's "common sense"
exemption. (CEQA Guidelines § 15061(b)(3).)
SECTION V. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or
portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held out to be invalid or unconstitutional by the
decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity
of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council of the City of Tustin hereby
declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance and each section, subsection, clause,
phrase or portion thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections,
subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions be declared invalid or
PASSED AND ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the City Council for the City of Tustin
on this 17th day of July, 2018.
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Ordinance No. 1491
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Erica N. Yasuda, City Clerk and ex -officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin,
California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council
of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Ordinance No. 1491 was duly
passed, and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council held on the 17th day
of July, 2018, by the following vote:
Erica N. Yasuda, City Clerk
Ordinance 1491— Final — July 17 2018