HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLANNING AGENDA 08-01-1977Mc ;n 2nj Ay_es Moth_ 2]--i Al ?s M,~-:n 2: ~ Ayes M--~n- 2;,cl Ay_es ~.2nd ' . AGENDA TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA August l, 1977 3:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER "~ :"~ P ~'?' ~ PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC HEARINGS I. Use Permit 77-13 (Cont'd from 7/18/77) Application for Schick Moving & Storage to construct and operate a 102,000-square- foot warehouse and truck terminal on Lot 1, Tract 8590, located on the northwesterly corner of Michel le Drive and future Myford. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Continue as an open public hearing to August 15, 1977, for plan .revision and resolution of conflicts. 2. Variance 77-8 (1042 Bonita) An application for a variance to develop a multi-family apartment complex with 50' lot frontage in lieu of required 70', and O' rear sideyard setback in lieu.of: required 5'. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve by adoption of Resolution No. 1660. 3. Use Permit 76-29 (1Ogl Old Irvine BouleVard) An application to authorize amusement machines wi thin a bowling facility. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve wi th conditions by adoption of Resolution No. 1659. 4. Use Permit 77-17 (lO91 Old Irvine Boulevard) An Application for a pole sign to identify the bowling facility. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve, with modifi- cations, by adoption of Resolution No. 1662. ,e 1 Motn 2~-~ A~ .~s - M,c an 2nd A.~--~S ,, ~otn .! Au~]ust I, 1977 ~ 'AGENDA TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 5- Use Permit 77-18 (14244 Newport Avenue) An. application to add food and beverage sales to an existing ARCO service station. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Deny or approve with conditions, By adoption of Resolution No. 1661 or 1661(A). NEW BUSINESS 1. Tentative Parcel Map 77-100 (Packers Square) RECOMMENDED ACTION: approval by adoption of Resolution No. 1658. PUBLIC CONCERNS ADJOURN TO COUNCIL MEETING, AND THENCE TO RECON- VENE AT 7:30 P.M. AS PLANNING AGENCY. RECONVEN~ 7:30 p.m. PUBLIC HEARINGS (Continued) , Environmental Impact Report 77-4 (Packers Square) An Environmental Impact Report addressing the total impact of a planned development of residential, commercial, and high rise senior citizens complex, for the property on the southeasterly side of Newport Avenue, southerly of Irvine Boulevard. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive the developer's proposal, EIR analysis, and public comments. Continue as an open public hearing to August 15, 1977, to permit toiling of required period for comment. 7. Amendment 77-2(F) to the Land Use Element of the General Plan (Packers Square, Newport, southerly of Irvine) A proposal to change from the classification of Planned Community (Commercial) to Planned Page 2 Ay_es M~.n 2! t Ayes ~otn 2] ]. ,%~ _~s l August 1, 1977 AGENDA TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY ?USTIN, CALIFORNIA Community (Commercial-Multi-Family Residen- tial) to authorize' the Construction of a high rise (lO-story) senior citizens complex with )96 units, and 96-unit apartment com- plex. · RECOMMENDEDi ACTION: Continue as an open public hearing to August 15, 1977, fol lowI lng certification of EIR 77-4. 8. Environmental' Impact Report 77-3 (Packers Square. Con~nercia 1 Development) A focused EIR pertaining to the comm6rcial portion of the Packers Square project. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Certification of EIR 77-3 by adoption of Resolution No. 1655. 9. Use Permit 77-16 (Packers Square Commercial · Deve 1 opmen t) A Use Permit application to authorize the development of a commercial complex as an integral part of the Packers Squar.e project. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval of Use Permit 77-16 by adoption of Resolution No. 1656. . CORRESPONDENCE STAFF CONCERNS PLANNING AGENCY CONCERNS ADJOURNMENT Page 3 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING TUSTIN FLANNING AGENCY TUSTIN CITY CE~FER CENTENNIAL AT ~LIIN AUGUST 1, 1977 CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. INVOCAT I ON ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS Meeting called to orde. r by Chairman Sharp at 3:00 p.m. Led by Chairman Sharp. Given by Councilman Edgar Present: Members: Sharp, Welsh, Edgar Absent: Members: Saltarelli, Schuster Others present: William L.. Bopf, City Administrator R. K. Fleagle, Assistant City AdminiStrator for Community Development James Rourke, City Attorney Ruth Poe, City Clerk Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh that the minutes of July 18, 1977, be approved. Carried. 1. Use Permit 77-13 (Cont'd from 7/18/77) Application for Schick Moving and Storage to construct and operate a 102,000-square- foot warehouse and truck terminal on Lot 1, . . Tract 8590, located on the northwesterly corner of Michelle Drive and future Myford. Hearing opened 3:03 p.m. · Request presented for continuance. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edga~ that hearing be continued to 3:00 p.m. August 15, 1977. Carried. 2. Variance 77-8 (1042 Bonita) .An application for a variance to develop a multi-family apartment complexWith 50' lot frontage in lieu of required 70', and-- O' rear sideyard setback in lieu of required 5'. . Report presented by Dr. Fleagle. Hearing opened at 3:09 p.m. Mr. L.L. Hendrix - applicant - spoke on behalf of application and showed, rendering. There being no other comments or objections the hearing was declared closed at 3:12 p.m. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh, Varianc& 77-8 be approved as recommended by staff h~ the adoption of Resolution No. 1660. Carried unazdmously~ 3. Use Permit 76-29 (1091 Old Irvine ~oulevard) An application to authorize amus.e~nt machines within a bowling facility. Report presented by Dr. Fleagle. Hearing opened at 3:16 p.m. Ther~being no comments or objections the hearing was declared closed. -- VII. NEW BUS INESS Planning Agency'%Minutes 8/1/77 Page two Moved by EdGar, seconded by Welsh that amendments to Use Permit 76-29 be approved by adoption of Resolution No. 1659. Carried unanimously. '.4. Use Permit 77-17 (1091 Old Irvine Boulevard)' An application for a pole sign to identify the bowling facility. Report presented by Dr. Fleagle. Hearing opened at 3:20 p.m. There being no comments or objections, the hearing was declared'closed- Moved by Welsh, seconded by EdGar that Use Permit 77-17 be approved with modifications, by adoption of Resolution No. 1662. Carried. 5. Use Permit 77-18 (14244 Newport Avenue) An application to add food and beverage sales to an existing ARCO service station. Report presented by Dr. Fleagle. Hearing opened at 3:29 p.m. Petition presented by resident of San Sou=i Condominiums containing 23 names, and read by Dr. Fleagle. The following spoke in opposition of this use due to generation of trash and traffic problems: '- Mr. Don Sieneke, of One-Stop Market Mercedes Harris, San S6ugi Mr. Pat Nixon, of One-Stop Market Mr. Bob Spear of Atlantic Richfield'spoke on behalf of application and stated this would be a mini-shop selling only candy, snacks, cold drinks and cigarettes. · There being no further protests or comments the hearing was declared closed at 3:48 p.m. Council discussed traffic including pedestrians as well as vehicular and possible need for set of standards as to what can be conveyed at this locati~- Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar that Resolution 1661-A, denying use Permit 77-18 be adopted- Carried. 1. Tentative Parcel Map 77-100 (Packer~Square) RECOMMENDED ACTION:. Approval by adoption of Resolution No. 1658. Report presented by Dr. Fleagle. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Sharp t%at the Planning "Agency recommend approval of'Tenta~ve Parcel Map 77-100 by'the adoption of ResoluticmNo. 1658. Carried. _%r~ I I. PUBLIC CONCERNS IX. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh that.~ting be adjourned to a Council Executive Session and hence tm meeting of the Council and hence to Planning Agency -07:30 p.m. meetin~ of Planning Agency reu~nvened. Planning Agency Minutes 8/1/77 Page ~.hzee VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS CONT ' D 6~ Environmental'Impact Re~ort 77--4 (Packers. Square) An~Envimonmental Impact Report addressing the total impact of a planned development of residential, commercial, and high rise senior citizens complex, for the property ~i~n~the sOutheasterly side of Newport avenue, southerly of Irvine Boulevard. Report presented by Dr. Fleagle. Hearing opened at 7:44 p.m. Representatives of the applicant, Harry Kassebaum, _included; Mr. Kn°wlton Fernauld, Project Manager, Mir. R-B. Lanett, M_r.A~-tDanielian, Mr. R. Cununings, Mr. Fay Round, Mr. C. Leedy andMr. Bill Kuntsman. ~presentatives explained phases of development, traffic flOw, density per acre, details of development plans, construction, location, reasons for high rise development. need for senior citizen housing, economic impact on the community and presented model to be left on display at City Hall. After the below listed citizens spoke, these representatives responded to their questioning. A number of citizens present spoke relative to the impact on schools by apartment development, traffic flow and problems, circulation, parking density, lack of green area, traffic flow through Tustin Heights Shopping Center. Ail spoke in opposition of the high rise building. Speakers included the following: Mr. Rober Petry, Mr. Andy Watson, Mrs. Nina Ondrecek, Mr. Roger Roloff, Mrs. Debbie Petty, Mrs. Diane Stoutenberg, Mrs. Betty Truit, ~. Carlton Brown, Mrs. Morris, Mr. Bob Mishado, Fir. Maury Iverson, Mr. Vic Zuniga, Mrs. Agnes Goldmeister, Mr. Tom Kelly, Mrs. Veralie Nicoll, Mrs. Nancy Diehl, Capt. T. Hall and Mr. G. Truebe. Council heard all protests and comments and explained laws relative to requirements for continuation of this hearing and stated that any written concerns received within the next two weeks would by law be addressed at the next hearing. There being no further comments or objections it was moved by Welsh, seconded bv Edgar that this matter be continued as an open Public He~xing to the August 15, 1977,'meeting of the Planning Agency at 7:30 p.m. Carried. 7. Amendment 77-2 (F) to the Land Us~ Element of the General Plan (Packers Square, Ne~, southerly of IrVine) A proposal to change from the classification of Planned Community (Commercial) to Planned ~mm~unity Residential (Commercial - Multi-family Reside~). Dr. Fleagle presented report andre~ested for continuance. Hearing opened at 10:55 p.m. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edqar~a.t this matter be continued as an open Public Heari~to the August 15th evening meeting of the Planning A~y, following certification of EIR 77-4. Ca,tied. · VII. MATTERS OF CONCERN viii. ADJOURNMENT Planning Agency,s. Minutes 8/1/77 Page four 8. Environmt~nt.~l Imr~act R,'[~ort 77-'3 (Packers Square Commercial Development) A focused EIR pertaining to the commercial portion of the Packers Square project. Report presented by Dr. Fleagle. Hearing'opened at 11:00 p.m. Mr. M. Iverson questioned'traffic flow onto Newport considering the short distance to left turn lane at Irvine. Mr. Roger Olaf requested 30 days traffic count of vehicular movement on both Newport. and Irvine. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Sharp that this matter be continued as an open Public Hearing to August 15, 1977, meeting. Carried. 9. Use Permit 77-16 (Packers Square Commercial Development) A Use Permit application to authorize the development of a commercial complex as an integral part of the Packers Square project. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval ~f Use Permit 77-16 by adoption of Resolution No. 1656. Hearing opened at 11:10 p.m. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar that this matter be continued as an open Public Hearing to August 15, 1977 evening meeting. Carried. Dr. Fleagle reported on list of hearings scheduled for August 15, 1977, meeting. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar that meeting be adjourned to meeting of the Council. Carried. RE~)RDING SECRETARY CHAIRMAN MINUTES OF A REGUL~I MEETING TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL August 1, 1977 CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. PUBLIC HEARINGS IV. PUBLIC CONCERNS Ve CONSENT CALENDAR Meeting called to order at 4:40 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Tustin City Center, Centennial at Main, ~astin, Cali4~ornia. Present: Councilmen: Sharp, Welsh, Edgar. Absent: Councilmen: Saltarelli, Schuster. Others present: William L. Bopf, City Administrator R. K. 'Fleagle, ASsistant City Administrator for Community Development James Rourke, City Attorney Ruth Poe, City Clerk NONE. NONE. 1. 2~ e . Se APPROVAL OF MINUTES - July 18, 1977 APPROVAL OF DEMANDS in amount of $629,816.23 RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL in amount of $$61,988.98 RESOLUTION NO. 77-78 A Resolution DECLARING T~T PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN INITIATEL BY THE CITY couNcIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN TO ANNEX TO SAID CITY CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND DESIGNATED~AS "HOLT-LILLIAN-BENETA ANNEXATION NO. 101" TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ANNEXA- TION. Adoption as required by law and recommended by staff. RATIFICATION OF PERSONNEL COMPENSATION ACTIONS a. RESOLUTION NO. 77-79 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin RELATIVE TO THE CLASSIFICATION, COMPENSATION AND TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE AND MANAG~vtENT OFFICERS OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN. b. RESOLUTION NO. 77-80 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin RELATIVE TO THE CLASSIFICATION, COMPENSATION AND TER~;IS OF EMPLOYMENT OF CITY NON-MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES. c. RESOLUTION NO. 77-81 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin RELATIVE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CITY PERSONNEL EMPLOYED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE FEDERAL COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENTAND TRAINING ACT (PA 93-203- C.E.T.A.) Adoption of the above resolutions ratifying Council action of July 18,1977. BARRANCA STORM DRAIN PROJECT Authorize appropriationfrom 1977-78 Budget in amount of $1,645.20 for payment to Metropolitan Water District as recommended by City Administrator. 'Council Minutes 8/1/77 Paqe two VI. ORD I NANCE FOR ADOPTION VII. ORDINANCES FOR I NTRO DUCT I ON VIII. OLD BUSINESS 6. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND BUILDING CLASSIFICATION Approval as recommended by City Administrator. 7. PLANNING CONSULTA~T CONTRACT Approval as recommended. MAGNOLIA TREE PARK TENNIS COURTS Authorization for payment o~ $2,000.00 to Frank Ayres and Son Construction Co., which is City's contribution to the construction, of three fully improved tennis courts at Magnolia Park. As recommended by the City Engineer. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh, that Consent Calendar be approve~ with tile deletion o~ item 4 to be continued for later discussion. Carried. 1. ORDINANCE NO. 735 An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO TIMES OF MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING AGENCY. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar, that Ordinance No. 735 have second reading by title only. Carried. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh, that Ordinance No. 735 be passed and adopte~. Carried. Ayes: Sharp, Welsh, Edgar. Noes: none. Absent: Saltarelli, Schuster. NONE. 1. S.B. 174 FUNDS PROJECT Written report presented with following recommendations and preliminary cost estimates: a. Lighting (handball courts, fort area, etc.) $ 5,000 b. Play apparatus installed (6 units) 6,000 c. Handball courts (non-slip surface and back wall) 2,000 d. General Improvements (vandalism, telephone, maintenance aids) 1,000 e. Special equipment (frisbee golf, par course, horseshoe courts) 4,000 f. Design cost and contingencies 2,000 $20,000 Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar, to approve recommendation to initiate the above work. Carried. 2. RECONSIDERATION OF SIGN CODE EXCEPTION Report presented by Dr. Fleagle. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh, that sign as constructed does not represent the proposed plans and the exception be denied and recommend that a formal variance be applied~for by Constitu- tion Savings. Carried. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar, that meeting be adjourned to an Executive Session, thence to Planning Agency and City CounCil at 7:30 p.m. Carried. Council Minutes 8/1/77 Page three CONSENT CALENDAR Meeting 'of the Council reconvened at 11:20 p.m. . RATIFICATION O? PERSONNEL COMPENSBTION ACTION~ Moved by, W...,lsh,~ seconded_ .bY- Edgar,. that staff ...... r=c~mmendations regarding Fire Department'personnel be approved with adjustments to salary of 4'~, h~aiti'~ insurance progran'~ adjlustments, uniform polic,,.= adjustments. , work-out-of-trade no]icy, adjustments, all effective as of July 18, and ceneral leave plan program to be implemented in accordance With and as of the date set forth in that plan, all in accordance with the written staff report dated July 28, 1977. Carried. · Resolutions to be .oresented at a later date. IX. NEW BUSINESS 1. PERSONNEL REPLACF~MENTS (Mechanic; Building Official) Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh, that the Council authorize the following: a. Fill the position of Mechanic in the Maintenance Department as soon as possible, with the authoriza- tion to go beyond Step "C" in the starting salary, if necessary to re_n~.in competitive. b. Hire a new Building official in accordance with the salary range set forth in the 1977-78 Budget. Carried. 2. COOPEF~RTIVE ARTERIAL HIGHWAY FINANCING PROGRA~M (A.H.F.P.) AGREEMENTS Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh, that the Mayor be authorized to execute cooperative AHFP Agreement Nos. 874 and 8'75, Bryan Avenue; and Nos. 906 and 907, Newport Avenue, in behalf of the City. Carried. 3. IMPROVEMENT OF FREEWAY INTERCHANGE AREA Report presented by Mr. Bopf, no action necessary. 4. IRVINE BOULEVARD BETWEEN BROWNING AVENUE AND FUTURE MYFORD ROAD Report presented by Mr. Ledendecker and impact of money spent on this project to project of opening Newport Avenue to Edinger. It was the consensus of the Council that County be notified of City's support in concept but that the City is considering another, project that would take priority and requested that staff exploit any plans for Newport Avenue to get it to the Public Utilities Commission. 5. MODEL WATER CONSERVATION ORDINANCE Staff to prepare a policy and suggested means for water conserva- tion. 1. DENIAL OF CLAIMS Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar, that claims of Willard Powers and of Ruth E. Roberts be denied. Carried. 2. A.B. 1931 Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar, that Mayor be authorized to mail letters in opposition of this bill. Carried. Council Minutes 8/1/77 Page four XI. ADJOURNMENT 3. REQUEST FOR USE OF CITY PROPERTY Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar, that request for use of City pr_~erty for constructio:~ shed bo approved subject to City- A~lministrator's approval of precise site and City Attorney 9pproval. Carried. 4. SENIOR cITIZEN HOUSING NEEDS To be agendized for August 15th meeting. 5. DISTRIBUTION OF "TUSTIN TODAY" It was the decision of the Council that the next distribution be by mail and incorporate a questionnaire asking opinion of citizens as to mail or handout through private company. 6. USE OF AGRICULTU?~AL LANDS Mr. Bopf stated a letter requesting extension until after Augus~ 15 meeting will be sent to the County and a report will be prepared for that meeting. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh, that meeting be adjourned to a meeting of the Redevelopment Agency and thence to the next meeting of the Planning Agency and Council at 3:00 p.m. Carried. MAYOR ~/' ~ITY CLERK MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING CITY OF TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY July 18, 1977 Ie CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. INVOCATION IVe ROLL CALL ~UBLIC HEARINGS The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Chairman Sharp in the Council Chambers, Centennial Way at Main, Tustin, Calif- ornia. Led by Councilman Saltarelli. Given by Co%uncilman Welsh. Present: Members: Sharp, Welsh, Edgar, Saltarelli. Absent: ' Members: Schuster. Others present: William L. Bopf, City Administrator R. Kenneth Fleagle, Assistant City Administrator for community Development James Rourke, City Attorney Mary Ann Chamberlain, Planning Agency Recording Secretary 1. PREZONE 77-4 Prezone subject properties from Orange County R-2 to City of Tustin Commercial General (CG) District, effective upon annexation. Location: Properties located in ~he unincorporated area 230 feet easterly of the centerline of Newport Avenue, bounded by Bonita Street on the south and a public alley 210 feet northerly from the cent~rline of Walnut Avenue on the north. After the presentation of the staff report by Dr. F!eagle, the public portion of the hearing was opened at 3:08 p.m. Jocelyn Edwards, 13811 Orange Street, stated that the neighborhood is made up of retirees and it would be a burden to have added taxes. 5~s. Edwards stated that she would like to have a poll taken of the neighborhood to remain the same as now, in the County. Dr. Fleagle advised that this is a prezoning action and not an annexation action at this time. The public portion of the hearing was closed at 3:13 p.m. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli, to recommend approval of Prezone 77-4 to the City Council, by the adoption of Resolution No. 1644. Carried 4-0. 2. PREZONE 77- 5 Prezone property known as Red Hill Lutheran Church and School from the Orange County R-1 (Single-Family) to the City of Tustin Public & Institutional (P&I), effective upon annexa- tion to the City of Tustin. Location: southeasterly, of Red Hill Avenue, southerly of Melvin Way. .. Dr. Fleagle advised that this 'action is bringing the church site into conformance with the Tustin ~ea General Plan. If the church decides to expand they would then be required to file for a con- ditional use permit which requires a public hearing. Planning Agency 7/18/77 Page 2 The public portion of the hearing was opened at 3:18 p.m.. There being no comments or objections, the public portion of the hearing was closed at 3:19 p.m. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, to recommend approval o~ Prezone 77-5 to the City Council, by the adoption of Resolu- tion No. 1645. Carried 4-0. 3. ZONE CHANGE 77-6 Change the zone of those parcels not currently zoned Planned Community Commercial within Parcel Map 75-75 (Enderle Center) to the Planned Community District. This action will change Lots 1, 2 and 4 of the subject parcel map from C-2 to Planned Community Commercial, and Lot 3 from Multiple Family (R-3) to Planned Community Commercial. Location: East and west sides of Yorba, southerly of 17th. After presentation of the staff'report by Dr. Fleagle, the public portion of the hearing was opened at 3:20 p.m. There being no comments or objections, the public portion of the hearing was closed at 3:21 p.m. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh, to recommend approval of Zone Change 77-6 to the City Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 1649. Carried 4-0. 4. USE PERMIT 77-13 To authorize Schick Moving and Storage to construct and operate a 102,000-square-foot warehouse truck terminal on Lot 1, Tract 8590, located on the northwesterly corner of Michelle Drive and the future Myford Road in the Irvine Industrial Complex. Dr. Fleagle requested that this hearing be continued as an open public hearing to allow the property owners surrounding this property to resolve their conflicts with the applicant. The public portion of the hearing was opened at .3:25 p.m. Mr. Jack Dempsey, President of Sage Properties, stated that he was in accord with a continuance to resolve the conflicts. Mr. Bill Borden, Irvine Industrial Complex, stated that he felt the matter should be continued to August 1, 1977. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar, to continue Use Permit 77-13 as an open ~ublic hearing until August 1, 1977, at 3:00 p.m. Commissioner Saltarelli requested that staff meet with the property owners to assist in a resolution before the next hearing. Above motion carried 4-0. 5. USE PERMIT 77-14 To authorize Mr. and Mrs. Earl to operate a take-out sand- wich and salad shop within the Stewart multi-tenant indus- trial complex located at the southeasterly corner of Franklin and Walnut Avenues. Dr. Fleagl~. commented that this is a good use but is concerned that this shop would be Limited to take-out and waiting area and not a sit-down restaurant. The public portion of the hearing was opened at 3:33 p.m. Mr. Ed Earl, applicant, objected to the no seating inside and requested that he be allowed 16 Or 20 seats for customers. Mr. Planning Agency 7/18/77 Page 3 RECESS Earl stated that he didn't see how this would have an effect on parking since most of the people would be parked at their places of business. The public portion of the hearing was closed at 3:35 p.m. Co~missioner Saltarelli commented that he felt they~ should have a couple of small'~ables with maximum seating of 20 places. If this does create a parking problem they can always revoke the use permit. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh, to approve Use Permit 77-14 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1648 as amended to allow not more than 16 seats inside the sandwich and salad shop. Carried 4-0. 6. USE PE~IT 77-15 Mr. and Mrs. Icenhower and Mr. and Mrs. P. Aria, requesting authorization to convert the former Tustin Youth Center into a preschool day care center facility. Location: 600 West Sixth Street. Dr. Fleagle advised tha~a loading area would have to be incorpo- rated into the plot plan and a masonry block wall would have to be built along the freeway instead of a wood fence to mitigate the noise factors of the freeway. Chairman Sharp questioned staff if the adverse factors are n~t mitigated would an Environmental Impact Report be required? Dr. Fleagle stated that an EIR would be required under those circum- stances but if the noise factors were mitigated, a Negative Dec- laration could be granted. The public portion of the hearing was opened at 3:54 p.m. Mr. P. Aria, applicant, stated that his only Objection was the solid masonry wall and they would prefer to construct a solid wood 7-foot-high wall along the freeway. After some discussion pertaining to the block wall, the public portion of the hearing was closed at 4:15 p.m. ~mm~ssioner Saltarelli requested a recess to discuss a legal problem. The meeting reconvened at 4:27 p.m. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, to approve Use Permit 77-15 by the adoption of ~esolution No. 1647, with ~qe stipulation that the masonry wall be required and the City will pay for half of that wall to be constructed. Carried 4-0. 7. GENEP~L PLAN .~,~EN~4ENT 77-2(A) For the property located on the southeasterly corner of Main and Willi&ms from the Commercial designation to the Multi-Family (Duplex) with support commercial classifica- tions. After presentation of the staff report by Dr. Fleagle, the public portion of the hearing was opened at 4:35 p.m. Mr. Hyter, applicant, stated that they plan to build duplexes rather.than the past proposal-from Covington Brothers, which was to build eight fourplexes. This present plan will be less than 10 units per acres. '~ The public portion of the hearing was closed at 4:38 p.m. Mgved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh, to recommend approval of General Plan Amendment 77-2(A) to the City Counc.il by a~option of Resolu- tion No. 1650. Carried 4-0. Planning Agency 7/18/77 Page 4 , GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 77-2(B) For property located at 1362 Nisson Road, from the Single- Family Residential to the Multiple-Family Residential classification. A~ter the presentation of 'the staff report by Dr. Fleagle, the public portion of the hearing was opened at 4:40 p.m. Bob Airy, representative of the applicant, informed the Agency that at the present there is a small substandard home on the property. They plan to move the home and develop to full poten- tial by placing units on the 12,000-foot parcel. The public portion of the hearing was closed at 4:43 p.m. Moved bY Edgar, seconded by Welsh, to recommend approval to the City Council of General Plan Amendment 77-2(B) by the adoption of Resolution No. 1651, with the addition that not more than 4 units be placed on the property. Carried 4-0. 9. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 77-2(C) For property located on the westerly side of Yorba between Vandenberg Lane and 230 feet northerly of Jacaranda, from the Professional to the Commercial General classification. After the presentation of the staff report by Dr. Fleagle, the public portion of the hearing was opened at 4:47 p.m. There being no comments or objections, the public portion of the hearing was closed at 4:48 p.m. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh to recon%mend approval to the City Council of General Plan Amendment 77-2 (C) by the adoP- tmon o~ Resolution No. 1652. Carried 4-0. 10. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 77-2 (D) For property located on th~ south side of Sixth Street between the Tustin Boys Club and the Foster Arts Center from Public & Institutional (P&I) to the Industrial (PM) classification. After the presentation of the staff report by Dr. Fleagle, the public portion of the hearing was opened at 4:49 p.m. There being no comments or objections, the public portion of the hearing was closed at 4:49 p.m. ~ Moved by Welsh, seconded by E~gar, to recommend approval to the · City Council of General Plan Amendment 77-2(D) by the adoption of Resolution No. 1653. Carried 4-0. 11. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 77-2 (E) For property located on the westerly side of Pasadena (170), northerly of Second Street, from Single-Family Residential to the Public & Institutional (P&I) classification for the Jehovah's Witnesses Congregation. Dr. Fleaql'e commented that the hearing notice that was sent to the congregation was returned to the City as not being able to be delivered by the Post Office. The public portion of the hearing was opened at 4:53 p.m. There being no comments or objections, the public portion of the hearing was closed at 4:54 p.m. Planning Agency 7/18/77 Page 5 ADJOURNMENT Moved bY Edgar, seconded by Welsh, to recommend approval 'to the ~t¥ Council of General Plan Amendment 77-2(E) by the adoption of Resolution No. 1654. Carried 4-0. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar, to adjourn to a brief executive session at 4:55 p.m. and then reconvene at 7:30 p.m. Carried 4-0. CALL TO ORDER The planning. Agency reconvened at 7:30 p.m. (to a regular meeting). PUBLIC HEARINGS (CONTINUED) 12. ENVIRONMENTAL IMFACT REPORT 77-3 A focused EIR pertaining to the pro_Dosed Packer Square Development of 40,000 square feet of retail commercial develoloments on 4.5 acres located on the easterly side of Newport Avenue, southerly of Irvine Boulevard. After presentation of the staff report, Dr. Fleagle suggested that public testimony be taken and the hearing continued as an open public hearing on August 1, 1977. The public portion of the hearing was opened at 7:38 p.m. Harry Kassebaum, 3848 Campus Drive, applicant, explained that this EIR is just for the initial phase, the commercial deve%opment that fronts on Newport Avenue. Knowlton Fenault, Project Manager, informed that there have been a number of meetings with' staff, City Engineer, Planning Director and Fay Round who prepared the EIRs. Some discussion followed pertaining to the traffic circulation and Mr. Fenault stated that they would prepare a sketch and illustrate turn movements of .traffic and then come to a general understanding as to what has t° be done to make this design acceptable. Chairman Sharp inquired if the homeowners and residents in this area know about this project, and Mr. Kassebaum stated that they have discussed the project with some of the surrounding property own er s. Commissioner Edgar questioned the 10-story structure and stated that he would like to be Convinced that this would be good econ- omically for everyone concerned. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli, to continue this matter as an open public hearing to 7:30 p.m., August 1, 1977. Carried 4--0. 13. USE PERMIT 77-16 To authorize Harry Kassebaum on behalf of Packer Square Development the construction of a planned commercial develop- ment of 40,000 square feet on a 4.5-acre parcel located on the easterly side of Newport Avenue, southerly of Irvine Boulevard. Dr. Fleagle Presented the staff report and requested that this matter be continued to August 1, 1977, as an open hearing after the certification of of Environmental Impact Report. 77-33. The public portion of the hearing was opened at 7:52 p.m. There being no comments or-objections, it was moved by Welsh, seconded by .Edgar, to continue Use Permit 77-16 to August 1, 1977, following the certification of EIR 77-3. Carried 4-0. ,, . Planning Agency 7/18/77 Page 6 JI. PUBLIC CONCERNS NONE. VII. OLD BUSINESS NONE. VIII. NEW BUSINESS FINAL TRACT MAP 6732 By Warmington Development to develop a 31-lot single-family residential subdivision located on the easterly side of the Newport Freeway, northerly of 17th Street. Moved .b¥ Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, to recommend approval of Final Tract Map 6-732 to the City Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 1657. Carried 4-0. IX. CORRESPONDENCE NONE. Me STAFF JONCERNS Dr. Fleagle informed the Agency of the public hearings for the August~l, 1977, meeting. XI. AGENCY CONCERNS NONE. XII. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Welsh, to adjourn to the next meeting at 3:00 p.m. on August 1, 1977. Carried 4-0. (8:00 p.m.) PLANNING AGENCY CHAIRMAN PLANNING AGENCY RECORDING SECRETARY TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION . .. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING NO. 1 DATE: August 1, 1977 SUBJECT: USE PERMIT 77-13 L0CATION: Lot 1, Tract 8590, Irvine-Tustin Industrial Complex (Myford Road at Santa Aha Freeway) APPLICANT: Jack Dempsey, Sage 'Properties, Inc., 500 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, for the benefit of Schick Moving and Storage Co. Use. Permit 77-13, for the purpose of authorizing a Moving and Storage Company to develop Lot 1 of Tract 8590, was advertised for Public Hearing on July 18, 1977, at the request of the applicant and other interested parties, the hearing was continued until August 1, 1977. Staff met with the applicant, Mr. Jack Dempsey of Sage Properties, representatives of the Irvine Industrial Complex, and protestors representing the Dynachem Corp. and Basic Four, on July 21, 1977, to attempt to reconci~ the differences. It was agreed upon by the conference participants that the plans would be redrawn and submitted to all interested parties for review. Upon determination of agreements and differences, the revised plans would be resubmitted to the City Council for consideration. RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is reCommended that the Public Hearing on Use Permit 77-13 be continued as an open Public Hearing until 3:00 p.m., Monday, PLAN N IN'G DEPARTMENT "'~:'¥:'?*~'~*~ Report to the Planning Agency on Use Permit 77-13 August 1, 1977 Page two August 15, 1977. Respectfully submitted, R. Kenneth , . . Fleagle P .A Assistant City Administrator Community Development Director RKF/db THE PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING NO.2 DATE · · SUBJECT: August 1, 1977 Variance 77-8 LOCATION: 1042 Bonita APPLICANT: L.L. Hendrix PROPOSAL: To vary from the requirements of the R-3 District to authorize the construction of a 4 unit apartment complex on a 50 foot lot with "0" side yard set-back on the rear 1/3 of the lot. ZONING: R-3 (No increase in authorized density requested) ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: Request filed for Negative Declaration BACKGROUND: Lot 8, Block C of Martins Addition, located at 1042 Bonita, was originally subdivided approximately in 1927, with lot dimensions of 50' x 170', with 20' rear alley. The subject area is zoned R-3, which requires a°minimum building site area of 7,000 square feet with minimum lot width of 70'. The zoning criteria was adopted after the subject area was subdivided. DISCUSSION: The proposed variance would authorize the redevelopment of a property within the intent of the zoning regulations. Other lots within the area have been developed with mixed residential uses and various lot line configurations. The proposal would authorize the construction of a 4-plex unit, comparable to that which was approved for 130 Pacific and 120 Nisson Road. Required street improvements on Bonita Street would be Under the jurisdiction of the County of Orange. RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is recommended that the Planning Agency approve the variance request, based upon the denial of the right to develop the property in accordance with the rights of other properties in the R-3 District by adoption of Resolution No. 1660, substantially Report to Planning' Agency August 1, 1977 Page 2 as drafted. Respectfully submitted, R. Kenneth Fleagle, D.P.A. Assistant City Administrator Community Development Director RKF/db 4 § ? 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Zl 51 RESOLUTION NO. 1660 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN GRANTING A VARIANCE ON APPLICATION NO. 77-8 OF L.L. HENDRIX FOR 1042 BONITA. The Planning AgenCy of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Agency finds and determines as follows: a· That a proper application for Variance No. 77-8 was filed by L.L. Hendrix for a variance · to permit the construction of a four (4) u~it apartment building on an existing R-3 lot of substandard width (50') and to vary from the 5' rear side-yard set back ~requirement for the lot located at 1042 Bonita, known as Lot 8, Block C, of Martins addition. b. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on said application. Co That because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property, relative to size, shape, topography, location and surroundings, a strict application of the Zoning Ordinance is found to deprive the subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classification, evidenced by the following findings: 1) The proper%y was zoned R-3 with development criteria applied after the recording of the subdivision. 2) Other properties within the area have developed with multi-family uses pursuant to various jurisdictions and authority. de The granting of a variance as herein provided will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity, and district in which the subject property is situated. e · That the granting of the variance as herein provided will not be contrary to the intent of the Zoning Ordinance or the. public safety, health and welfare, and said variance shall be granted. fe Development plans shall require the approval of City Staff in accordance with applicable ordinances and policies as adopted by the City Council. g. A Ne~_9..tive Environmenta Impact. Declaration 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 has been filed and is hereby approved. 2. The Planning Agency hereby grants a variance, as applied for, to permit the construction of a four (4) unit apartment complex on Lot 8, Block C of 'Martins addition, known as 1042 Bonita~ subject to the following conditions: a. Street improvement plans_shall require the approval of the City Engineer and permit of the qounty of Orange. b. Development criteria shall conform to the City of Tustin Zoning Ordinance with the exception of lot width and side yard set- back for the rear 1/3 of the subject lot. c. Trash enclosure and side yard walls shall not protrude into the 5' rear set-back area abutting the rear service alley. d. Landscape and specific development plans shall require the approval of staff. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a special meeting of the ng Agency of the City of Tustin held on the 1st day of ;ust, 1977. CHAIRMAN RECORDING SECRETARY i ~1 I -~ t t I '~ I I i · -? I z TO THE PLANNING COI~ lVll$S ION PUBLIC HEARING NO. 3 DATE: August 1,. 197'7 SUBJECT: Amendment to Use Permit 76-29 LOCATION: 1091 Old Irvine Boulevard APPLICANT: Tustin Bowling Lanes PROPOSAL: To authorize the installation of an amusement machine center within the future bowling facility. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: On November 27, 1976, the Tustin Planning Commission recommended approval of Use Permit 76-29 for the construction of Tustin Lanes, a 42 lane bowling facility. The Tustin Redevelopment Agency also recommended approval of the development by the adoption of Resolution No. RDA 77-2. The owners of Tustin Lanes is now requesting authoriZation to increase the usage of the facility by adding an amusement machine operation within the building. A previous City action concerning similar request was approval of Use Permit 76-28 which authorized the use of a vacant struc- ture at 14551 Newport Avenue for a Family Amusement Center. The project was not carried to construction. At the time of this hearing, the Tustin Police Department voiced concern over the proposal after their experience with "Funky's Teenage Odyssey." The Police Department comments have no concerns regarding the proposal as long as the supervision of the amusement area is constant. The Planning staff agrees with the Police comment and suggests the Use Permit includes as a condition the requirement for constant supervision. RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is recommended that the Planning Agency approve the amendment to Use Permit 76-29 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1659, substantially as drafted. Respectfully submitted, R. Kenneth Fleagle, El.P.A. Assistant City Administrator Community Development Director PLA N N ! N G ' D E P A R T M E N*T .... ~,::"~;-::::*:': ...... -' 4 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 SO RESOLUTION NO. 1659 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING AMENDMENT~TO USE PE~4IT 76-29 AUTHORIZING THE. OPERATION OF A~IUSEMENT CENTER AT THE TUSTIN ,LANE BOWLING FACILITY AT 1091 OLD IRVINE BOULEVARD. The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby amend Resolution No. 1572 by the addition of the following: 2/m That amusement machines may be operated within the bowling facility subject to the following conditions: i. The amusement area will be under constant supervision by the Tustin Lane Management. ii. That the Use Permit can be revoked without a public hearing in the event of complaints of adjoining property owners or customers of the facility as a result of unsupervised activities, and if the City Council finds the activity to be a nuisance upon recom- mendation of the Police Chief. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a special meeting of the Planning of the City of Tustin held on the 1st day of August, 977. CHAIRMAN RECORDING SECRETARY , i ! t 1' TO T HE PLANNING COM MISS ION PUBLIC HEARING NO. 4 DATE: August 1, 1977 SUBJECT: Use Permit 77-17 LOCATION: 1091 Old Irvine Blvd. APPLICANT: Tustin Lanes PROPOSAL: Construction of a business identification pole sign BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: The owner and operator of the future Tustin Lanes, Mr. Jack G. Mann, is requesting authorization to construct a pole sign at the site of the new bowling facilitY. The plans call for a 98 sq. ft. sign cabinet mounted on a 26 foot high sign structure. The signing copy is allocated as follows: "Tustin Lanes" - 28.5 sq. ft. reader panel - 51.75 sq. ft. "La Cantina" - 18 sq. ft. "Lanes Available" In addition, a 4.4 sq. ft. advertising sign, , is attached to the lower portion of the structure. A sign permit has been issued for a 48 sq. ft. business identifca- tion wall sign for the front wall area. A request for sign code exception is also requested to allow a second sign of approximately 18 sq. ft. to be displayed on the same wall area to identify "La Cantina". The proposal of two (2) front wall signs totally 66 sq. ft. is within the provisions of Article VII, Section 1 of the Sign Code. The City Engineer commented that the plan as submitted does not indicate how far the proposed pole sign will sit behind the street right-of-way line of Ola Irvine Boulevard. In addition, the plan does not indicate the size of the columns or poles that will be supporting the proposed sign. Until this data is supplied, it is difficult to determine what impact this sign will have with regard to visibility of motorists exiting either Tustin Lanes driveway or the driveway immediately easterly and adjacent to Tustin Lanes. Planning staff believes the size should be reduced. Referring to the shopping center provisions, the maximum area for a pole sign in a multi-tenant facility is 50 sq. ft. It is suggested that a sign closer to this size could be accomplished by reduc- ing the reader panel, to two (2) lines of copy and removing the "Lanes Available" sign. Report ~to the Planning Agency August 1, 1977 Page 2 Also, the structure would present a cleaner, simpler design without the simulated bell feature. The overall design and use of materials does appear to be compatible with the plans of the bowling facility. Other pole signs in the area include: - Tustin Heights Shopping Center - DK Donuts (illegally erected) - Monte Vista Realty RECOmmENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Agency approve Use Permit 77-17 with the suggestions of staff by the adoption of Resolution 1662, substantially as drafted. Respectfully submitted, R. Kenneth Fleagle, D.P.A. Assistant City Administrator Community Development Director Tustin 1.3nes 1091 OLD IRVINE BLVD. TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 July'19, 1977 Director Planning Staff City of Tustin Attn: Dr. Fleagle Dear Dr. Fleagle: .This communication is in support of the application for a pole sign to properly identify the new Tustin Lanes bowling establishment. As you may recall from my first two visits to your office in October of 1976; this need to properly identify the center and to show the events occuring within the fac- ility is extremely important. Fountain Bowl which was completed in 1974 has not been able to enjoy the strong public attendance that has been apparent with its sister center Regal Lanes in Orange. Both of these centers are fortunate in having very strong locations with a large traffic window on two major stree'ts: (Fountain has an eight foot monument sign, Regal Lanes has a thirty eight foot pole sign with a reader board.) As you are well aware Tustin Lanes does not have a strong viewing position. In order to make its presence known to tho~e who drive east/west on Irvine I must properly identify my establishment. A combined pcle sign and reader board is a critically important combination. We wil'l have many tournements and special events each month that would be of noticable interest to the commuting public. I am sure you realize that considerable expense (over) two million) has been spent to bring to the city of Tustin the latest ano best in bowling. Please allow me the oppor- tunity to inforn~ people as to where I am and what I am currently offering. JM/m THE PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING NO. 5 DATE: SUBJECT: LOCATION: August 1, 1977 Use Permit 77-18 14244 Newport Avenue APPLICANT: Atlantic Richfield Co. PROPOSAL: Authorization for sale of food snacks and beverages BACKGROUND AND DiscussION: The Atlantic Richfield Company is requesting authorization for the conversion of a portion of its Newport Avenue service station site to a food snacks and beverages retail outlet. The plan also incorporates a sign program which includes the following signs: 1 - business identification monument sign (no specific size indicated) with a 6 sq. ft. pricing sign incorporated in the structure. 2 - 24 sq. ft."Mini Shop" signs 1 - 9 sq. ft. "ARCO" wall sign 2 - 5.7 sq. ft. "Cigarettes-Soda" signs 1 - 2 sq. ft. "Candy~' sign The site adjoins a small Shopping center which includes a liquor/mini market, a tavern, and a fast food restaurant. Many of the added services which the applicant wishes to offer are already available in the adjoining center. The site does not presently meet minimum development standards and the proposal does not incorporate any site improvements other than signing and interior work. There are only three planters along the street frontages of about 645 square feet containing no tree species. There is no perimeter landscaping along the interior property lines or along the walls of the structure. The plans do not include provisions for customer and employee parking. RECOMMENDED ACTION: If the Planning Agency finds that the use is appropriate for the site it is recommended that Resolution No. 1661 be adopted with the conditions of landscaping and parking improvements. .... · '.PL'AN N IN'G ~' ~' Report to the Planning Agency August 1, 1977 Page 2 Alternatively, if the Planning Agency finds that the site is not suited for additional intensity of use it is recommended that Resolution No. 1661 (A) be adopted, substantially as drafted. Respectfully submitted, R. Kenneth Fleagle, D.P.A. Assistant City Administrator Community Development Director RFK/db 1 4 § 6 ? 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 .18 19 20 21 ~4 ~8 ~9 SO RESOLUTION NO. 1661 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AUTHORIZING OPERATION OF A MINI MARKET IN CONJUNCTION WITH GASOLINE SALES AT 14244 NEWPORT AVENUE. The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Agency finds .and determines as follows: ae That a proper application (Use Permit 77-18) was filed by the Atlantic Rich- field Company. The request for authoriza- tion to operate a mini-market for the sale of food and beverages in conjunction with a gasoline station at the southeast corner of Newport Avenue and Mitchell Street. b. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on said application. Ce That the construction, maintenance, and operation of a mini market will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, or comfort of persons residing or working in the neighborhood nor injurious or detri- mental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tustin, and should be granted. · d. The request is catergorically exempt from the Environmental Impact Reporting requirements. The Planning Agency hereby approves Use Permit 77-18 to authorize the operation of a mini market with the following conditions: a· That a detail site plan will be submitted for staff review and approval and will include: i. A five foot wide continuous planter along the interior property lines. ii. Planting of trees in conformance with perimeter allocation standards. be iii. Customer and employee parking stalls That signing shall be limited to one 32 square foot-monument sign (6'height maximum), one 24 square foot wall sign and one 10 square foot supplemental advertising sign. 1 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 £5 24 25 26 £8 29 50 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a special meeting of the Planning Agency of the City of Tustin held on the 1st day of August, 1977. CHAIRMAN Attest: RECORDING SECRETARY 4 5 ? 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 RESOLUTION NO. 166'1 (A) A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN DENYING THE OPERATION OF A FOOD AND BEVERAGE MINI MARKET AT 14244 NEWPORT AVENUE. The Planning Agency of the City of TuStin does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin finds and determines as follows: ae That a proper application (Use Permit 77-18) was filed by the Atlantic Richfield Company. The request authorization to operate a mini market for the sale of food and beverages in conjunction with a gasoline station at the southeast corner of Newport Avenue and Mitchell Street. b. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on said application. C· That the establishment, maintenance and operation of use applied for at the site proposed would not be compatible with the existing improvements and with adjacent land uses based upon the following: i · The site was originally designed as an auto service station as is still being operated is a gasoline station. Increased intensity of use is not suitable for this site. ii. The services which will be a result of the improvements are currently provided by adjacent businesses. · The Planning Agency hereby denies Use Permit 77-18, as applied for, to authorize a mini market within a previously constructed service station structure. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a special meeting of the Planning Agency of the City of Tustin held on the 1st day of August, 1977. CHAIRMAN RECORDING SECRETARY TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING NO. 6 DATE: August 1, 197.7 SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 77-4 (An EIR for the development of an ll~acre mixed use project known as Packer Square) APPLICANT: Harry Kassebaum, 3848 Campus Drive, Newport Beach PROPOSAL: An EIR related to a proposed development of a 10-75-acre site located easterly of Newport and southerly of Irvine Boulevard. BACKGROUND: An EIR for the proposed Packer Square development was submitted for a mixed use development of commercial, professional office, resi- dential, and high rise senior citizens housing. A more detailed, focused EIR was submitted covering just the commercial-professional portion of the site facing Newport. Because of staff concerns over specific areas of the shopping center's development, a meet- ing was held with the developer, the consultant preparing the EIR, and the traffic engineering consultant. The greatest concern of staff pertained to access to the site, congestion within the devel- opment, problems associated with service road restrictions, sign- age, and vehicle-pedestrian conflicts. Concern was also expressed over the final design of the bank facility, overall design concept, and potential impact on adjacent properties and other phases of the development. Corrections were agreed to in most of the areas outlined above. DISCUSSION: An examination of EIR 77-4 for Packer Square shows that there are three major elements to the overall proposal. They are: A. Shopping Center (discussed and addressed in detail in EIR 77-3 and staff reports). B. High Rise Elderly Housing (discussed below). C. Multi-Family Housing and Site Amenities (discussed below). · The concerns of staff relative to the high rise elderly tower's potential impacts are as follows. 1. .Impact of High Rise Tower The proposed i0-story tower will represent a definite change in physical character of the neighborhood. The existence of the EIR 77-4 August 1, 1977 Page two tower will mean a real and/or psychological loss of privacy for a large portion of the surrounding neighborhood. No amount of architectural treatment can change the fact that a high rise tower is in conflict with the single story suburban character of the adjacent neighborhood. 2. Demand on City Services Servicing the elderly tower will significantly increase the ser- vice load on the City Fire Department, especially paramedic ser- vice. Of particular concern is the time factor in servicing residents of the upper stories of any high rise structure. Strict adherence to building code requirements for high rise structures would be necessary and additional contracting for fire services may be necessary to insure that, in the event of fire, adequate fire protection would be available. Additional demands for more services from the Recreation Department would require some expansion of existing programs. Other aspects of City services have been adequately addressed in the EIR. 3. Design Concerns Design features as described in the text of the EIR and as shown on plot plans concern the staff, particularly the lack of usable open space and outdoor recreation areas. While the elderly are not highly active at the suggested ages mentioned (80-82), they do enjoy being able to sit in parklike settings where the visual stim- ulus is different from what they encounter indoors. While the EIR contains a rebuttal to staff's earlier concern for a secondary service elevator, it is still believed desirable to have a service elevator for emergencies and other uses not compatible with the daily routine of the complex. _ 4. Elderly. Complex and Community Character While it is agreed that the desirability of a high rise tower in the City is a subjective matter dependent on personal preferences -- and tastes, it is the opinion of staff that the existing community character is such that the interests and desires of the community, and especially the elderly, would not be best suited by a high rise -- structure. Staff would contend that iow rise structures would better reflect the preferences of the elderly, who would rather live in housing reflecting the current standards of the community. ..... Specific Concerns relative to the proposed multi-family housing - are as follows- ..... 1. Excessive Density of Apartments--Potential Condomini~m Development EIR 77-4 August 1, 1977 Page 'three The proposal calls for 96 units on 4.6 acres, or 20.7 units per acre. This is clearly in excess of past City actions which limit development to no greater than 17 units per acre. Staff would recommend a density no greater than 17 units per acre 'be authorized for the apartment house development. Further, staff has discussed wi.th the developer the possibility of,. at some later time, convert- ing the units to condominiums. Proposed density would preclude the developer complying with the required design standards for con- .dominiums. Condominium design would have to comply with Planned Development District Regulations as set forth in Ordinance 553. Those regulations require 50% open space, greater setback requirements, and other more detailed design criteria. 2. Pedestrian Crossings Initial plot plans and conceptual drawings do not clearly illus- trate pedestrian crossings and walks to get residents of the apart- ments (and elderly complex) from their dwellings to the two adja- cent shopping centers. Such crossings and walks should be required. 3. Parking Needs The City Engineer has suggested that past experience would make it desirable to require a minimum of 2¼ to 2½ parking spaces per unit. This would insure adequate guest ~arking, which o£ten doesn't exist when so many units already have the maximum two car per unit usage, thus leaving little room for guest parking. 4. Bike Trail Concerns Expressed concern over the lack of provisions for a projected bike trail have been answered in the EIR by suggesting that one of the alternate routes would have to be used. Staff contends that this does not address whether the best interests of the community are being served, and the issue needs to be resolved. The County EMA shares this concern in the attached letter. 5. Traffic.Saf.ety Numerous traffic safety questions were raised by the City Engineer; however, most, if not all, have been successfully resolved through the cooperation of the traffic consultant in meetings considering EIR 77-3 (shopping center portion of project). EIR 77-4 August 1, 1977 Page four Identified within the EIR and considered worthy of individual con- sideration are the following adverse impacts requiring mitigation and/or overriding- 1. Traffic-pedestrian safety conflicts. 2. Bike trail alignment. 3. Skyline domination of senior citizens complex. 4. Sanitation District capacity ~estrictions (see letter). 5. Traffic circulation impact on Builders Emporium operations. 6. Impact on Fire and rescue capabilities. 7. Proposed density of the apartment complex (20.7 units per acre). Attached to this report are additional letters and comments received from the County EMA relative to bike trails and from the Sanitation District relative to their ability to serve the site. RECOmmENDED ACTION It is the staff's belief that, with the exception of the high rise elderly tower, acceptable mitigating measures can be found for each of the problems outlined above. Staff would recommend that the Agency request the developer to submit alternate designs for the elderly housing portion of the project, with a maximum structure (or structures) height of 50 feet. It is further recommended that the Agency allow a maximum of 17 units per acre for the multiple -family portion of the site. To allow for the resolution of the issues and problems described above, and to allow the mandatory response time for public comment, the staff recommends that the public hearing be continued as an open hearing to August 15, 1977. Respectfully submitted, R. Kenneth Fie Assistant City Administrator Community Development Director RKF' km Enc. TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: August 1, 1977 SUBJECT: General Plan Amendment 77-2 (F) PUBLIC HEARING NO. 7 A continuance of this matter has been requested. A verbal report will be presented. Respectfully submitted, R. Kenneth Fleagle, D.PoA. Assistant City Administrator Community Development Department RKF/db TO THI[ PLANNING COMMiSS ION CONTINUED ~PUBLIC HEARING NO. 8 DATE: August 1, 1977 SUBJECT: EIR 77-3 (Focused) Commercial Development - Packers Square BACKGROUND: Environmental impact Report 77-3, a focused EIR for the commercial portion of the Packers Square Project, was advertised for public hearing on July 18, 1977, and continued to August 1, 1977, for the purpose of additional mitigating measures related to traffic circulation and perimeter buffers. (See Staff report dated July 18, 1977) DISCUSSION: Revised plans and mitigating measures have been submitted to the satisfaction of staff. Adverse Environmental. Impacts.and mitigating measures are identified as follows: IMPACT MIT IGAT ION 1. Bicycle path conflict 2. Pedestrian safety 1. Relocation to flood control channel and delayed consideration by County of Orange 3. Public use of northeast- 2. Lighted and identified crosswalks erly service road and sidewalk construction 4. Newport Avenue traffic circulation 3. Limited to one-way traffic for service vehicles 5. Prohibition of south- bound traffic 6. Restricted access to center 4. a) Change of median islands and prohibition of left turn b) Realignment of exit from bank 5. No mitigation measure 6. Redesign of landscaped entrance wa, Certification of EIR 77-3 does not approve the project but satisfies a requirement for further consideration of the Use Permit. RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is recommended that the City Council as Planning Agency certify EIR 77-3 by adoption.of Resolution No. 1655, substantially ....... ' PLAN NIN'G'. ~" DEPARTM ENT Report to the City Council August 1, 1977 Page 2 as drafted. ~Respectfully submitted, R. Kenneth Fleagle, D.P.A. Assistant City Administrator Community Development Director RKF/db 1 2 4 $ 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 O 26 $0 $2 RESOLUTION NO. 1662 A RESOLUTION OF TIlE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, AUTItORIZING TIlE CONSTRUCTION OF A POLE SIGN AT 1091 OLD IRVINE (TUSTIN LANES) The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as fo!lows' 1. The Planning Agency finds and determines as follows' · a. ' That a proper application (Use Permit 77-17) was filed by Tustin Lanes to request authoriza- tion to construct a pole sign at the location of the future Tustin Lanes. b. That a public hearing Was duly called, noticed, and held on said application. c. That the construction, maintenance, and oper%- tion of a freestanding pole sign will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, or comfort of persons residing or working in the neighborhood nor injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the general Welfare of the City of Tustin, and should be granted. d. A negative declaration of Environmental Impact Report was granted on the original proposal for the bowling facility. 2. The Planning Agency hereby approves Use Permit 77-17 to authorize the .construction of an identi- fication pole sign subject to the following con- ditions. a. That the sign shall not exceed the height of the bowling facility structure. b. That the total sign area shall not exceed 64 square feet per face and copy not to exceed identification of "Tustin Lanes", "La Cantina", and two lines of readerboard copy. c. That a second wall sign, not to exceed 18 square feet, be authorized to read "La Cantina", Per sign exception provision. d. That detailed revised plans (structural and electrical) shall be submitted to the City for determination of conformance with provisions of Sign Ordinance No. 684. 'PASSED AND.ADOPTED at a special adjourned meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Agency, held on the first day of August, 1977. SECRETARY 7/28/77 km CHAIRMAN TO THE: PLANNING COMMISS ION CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING NO. 9 DATE: SUBJECT: August 1, 1977 Use Permit 77-16 (Packers Square Commercial Portion) LOCATION: Easterly side of Newport Avenue, souterly of Irvine Boulevard BACKGROUND: Use Permit 77-16~ for the purpose of authorizing the development of 4.5 acres for commercial use, as a portion of the proposed Packers Square Project, was advertised for public hearing on July 18, 1977, and continued to August 1, 1977, for review and certification of EIR 77-3. (See staff report, July 18, 1977) DISCUSSION: Upon certification of EIR 77-3 the Planning Agency may approve Use Permit 77-16, with such conditions imposed as necessary to assure compatibility with existing and proposed developments. The'City Engineer and Community Development Department met with the developer's representatives and have resolved major problems related to site design and traffic circulation. · The proposed development of the Commercial portion is in conformance with the Land'Use Element of the General Plan and the Zoning Ordinance. It is the opinion of staff that the commercial portion could be authorized to proceed with development prior to the necessary processes related to the General Plan and Zone change amendments for the remainder of the project. RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is recommended that the Planning Agency approve Use Permit 77-16, to authorize the development of the commercial portion of Packers Square by adoption of Resolution No.1656, substantially as drafted. Respectfully submitted, R. Kenneth Fleagle, D.P.A. Assistant City Administrator Community Development Director PLAN N lNG DEPARTMENT ~~"' T 0 T HE PLANNING COM MiSS ION PUBLIC HEARING NO. 12 DATE: July 18, 1977 SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR 77-3) - A focused EIR for commercial portion of Packer Square. APPLICANT: Harry Kassebaum, 3848 Campus Drive, Newport Beach, CA. PROPOSAL: An EIR related to proposed development of a 40,400 square feet of retail commercial developments on 4.5 acres. LOCATION: The easterly side of Newport Avenue, southerly of Irvine Blvd. BACKGROUND: An EIR has been prepared for the total development of the 11 acres of land on the eastern side of Newport Avenue southerly of Irvine Boulevard and the Tustin Heights Shopping Center. The EIR encompasses a. development proposal consisting of commercial, professional, resi- dential, and highrise residential. This action is subject to a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change related to the residential portion. A focused EIR has been submitted, based upon the EIR pre- pared for the total project, which related only to the commercial section of the proposed Packer Square Development and related to a Use Permit application for commercial development only. The under- lying proposal includes a 5,000 sq. ft. drive-thru bank, 5,000 sq. ft. restaurant, and 24,400 sq. ft. of shops with 6,000 sq. ft. of pro- fessional office space. Significant long range impacts of the proposed development relate to the noise and traffic impact upon the potential development of the remainder of the parcel proposed for residential units and the impact of traffic circulation upon the street system within the area. DISCUSSION': The City Engineer's memo dated June 7, 1977, made the following evaluation of the proposal: 1. The proposed pedestrian walkway in the adjacent commercial development to the north is presently being used for a vehicular drive-thru cleaners. It appears there may be pedestrian-vehicle conflict in this area unless the facilities are segregated. Response: The consultant's response identifies the need and desirability for the pedestrian walkway and suggests mitigating measures to minimize hazards such as well-lighted and marked cross- ways. He states further that a potential for accidents will still exist, despite the fact that the driveway to be crossed will be a ~.i"-~'- PL'AN NING DEPARTM EN'T .*" Public Hearing No. 12 July 18, 1977 Page 2 one-way service road only with low traffic volumes. The question raised by the City Engineer related to pedestrian access through a drive-thru cleaners driveway has not been addressed by the consultant. 2. The City Engineer. states that the plot plan shows parking for the commercial areas along the northerly side of the commercial buildings (29 stalls). This drive was described as a drive for service vehicles only, but the elevations in the appendices shows store fronts with access. The consultant responds that public entrances of the three buildings which back onto the service drive will be from the front and not from the service entrance side. However, deliveries and employees entrance'will be from the rear of these shops with a total of 32 employee parking spaces proposed for the area immediately behind the two northern most shop buildings adjacent to the service road. It is the City Engineer's opinion that both the elevations and convenience of parking at this site will foster the use of the service road as an entrance way into the shops by.the public. 3. The City Engineer raises a question pertaining to the alignment of the Orange County bike trail along the AT&SF right-of-way. The consultant responds that it is his understanding that the bike trail would follow the E1 Modena-Irvine Flood Control Channel since no provi'sions have been made for a bike trail thru Packer Square. As of this date we have not received a report from the Orange County Environmental Management Agency related to the proposed bike trail alignment. 4. The statement of extending the center median on Newport Avenue to restrict left egress from the site is not practical. The motorists would utilize any open area near their intended movement to make a left turn from Newport Avenue. The only practical way to prohibit left turn egress is to restrict all cross street movement by con- structing a raised median. The consultant's response states that to deny left turn access into the site at the center driveway would mean that all ingress from Newport Avenue would have to be right- turn only. In their estimation, this could adversely effect the economic viability of the retail outlets and could potentially cause congestion elsewhere. 5. The proposed installation of a stop sign at the northeast corner of Builder's EmpO~um property in the opinion of the City Engineer, may not be a solution to the problem that would be created. The consultant acknowledges that enforcement could be a problem and suggests that other solutions may be available. Public Hearing No. 12 July 18, 1977 Page 3 TO Appendix i of the master EIR Traffic Impact Analysis, the City Engineer has taken exception to the circulation pattern for the proposed development. Some comments relate to the total development while others relate solely to the commercial development. The responses of the consultant's Traffic Engineer to the concerns of the City Engineer have not been satisfactory. It's believed that there are distinctive problems related to traffic circulation both for the commercial development and the total site. It is further suggested that mitigating measures proposed have not alleviated the adverse impacts upon traffic circulation. There has not been an opportunity for the City Engineer and the consultant's Traffic Engineer to fully discuss the proposed circulation plan and mitigating measures. Prior to certification of EIR, it is suggested that these matters should be fully addressed and brought to the attention of the Planning Agency for resolution. RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is recommended that the Planning Agency continue as an open public hearing EIR 77-3 until August 1, 1977, for further public comment and resolution of conflicts and mitigating measures related to traffic circulation. Respectfully submitted, R. KENNETH FLEAGLE, D.P.A. Assistant City Administrator Community Development Director RKF/mac TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION ., PUBLIC HEARING NO. 13 DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: PROPOSAL: LOCAT I ON' ZONING' July 18, 1977 USE PERMIT 77-16 (PACKER SQUARE) Harry Kassebaum, 3848 Campus Drive, Newport Beach To develop 40,400 square feet of commercial and office use on a 4.5-acre parcel. The location is the westerlymost 4.5 acres of the 10-75 acres located southerly of Irvine Boulevard on the easterly side of Newport Avenue and west- erly of TustinHeights Shopping Center. Planned Community (Commercial), requiring a Use Permit and precise plan submittal for development. ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS' EIR 77-3 has been submitted for consideration and certification. BACKGROUND' Comments relative to previously consid%red EIR 77-3 are appli- cable to this proposed project. Concerns relate primarily to traffic circulation. Concerns of the Community Development Department related to the proposed commercial development pertain to the northeasterly property line and drive access. There'is no physical separation between the two properties and the service entrance appears to be the most pronounced of all accessways to the center. It would also be a primary access road to the resi- dential developments that are programmed for the southeasterly portion of the site. A negative impact would be created unless there were preimeter walls or landscaping, or alternatively incorporating the common service entrances to serve the two adjoining properties. As such, it would be inappropriate to have the parking located along the service road, and to the degree possible this alleyway or service road should be screened from public view. The proposed land use is appropriate to the site and would be compatible with other uses within the vicinity. Staff would recommend approval of the Use Permit upon modification of the circulation pattern to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, and accommodation of the aesthetics of the site as related to adjoining properties. PLANNING ...... DEPARTMENT Use Permit ~ ? ?-18 (Packer Square) Public Hearing No. 13 July 18, 1977 Page two RECOMMENDED ACTION' It is recommended that the Planning Agency continue the public hearing as an open public hearing until August 1, 1977, following certification of EIR 77-3. Respectfully submitted, R. 'Kenneth F1 Assistant City Administrator Community Development Director RESoLuTIoN NO. 1655 A RI:,oOLU~iION OF TIlE PLAi~INC, AGENCY OF TIlE CITY OF TUSTIN, CERTIFYING ENVIRONEENTAL IMPACT REPORT 77-3, A FOCUSED E.I.R. FOR THE COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT PORTION OF PACKER SQUARE. The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Agency finds and determines as follows: a. That a draft Environmental Impact Report was prepared on the basis of information submitted by Westec Services, Inc., 180 East Main Street, Tustin, California 92680, for the purpose of evaluating the impact related to the proposed construction of a commercial development of 40,400 square feet on 4.5 acres, for the prop- erty located on the southeasterly side of Newport Avenue southerly of Irvine Boulevard, known as Packer Square. b. That an independent analysis was included in the staff distribution to all agencies having jurisdiction over subject area. ¢. That a public hearing was held by the Planning Agency on July 18, 1977, to receive public testimony related to the impact upon the local environment of proposed development on the sub- ject property, with public hearing continued to August 1, 1977. d. That EIR 77-3 adequately addresses those items of environmental significance as related to the proposed land uses. e. That adverse factors have been identified with mitigating measures as identified in the staff report dated 1 August 1977, to consist of the following items: (1) Conflict with design of Orange County bicycle path plan. (2) Pedestrian safety for occupants and resi- dents of the area. (3) Public use of the northeasterly service road. (4) Newport Avenue traffic circulation. (5) Prohibition of egress for southbound traf- fic. (6) Restricted access to the center. f. Plans have been modified to accommodate all the adverse impacts identified within the report, with the exception of the prohibition of left-turn movements out of the commercial 1 4 § 6 ? 8 10 14 15 15 17 20 ~0 'center onto Newport Avenue, which will have resultant impact upon other traffic intersections The economic and service benefit of the pro3ect is deemed to override the adverse impact of the prohibition of left-turn movements for egress. from the commercial center. 2. The City Council, as Planning Agency, hereby certi- fies Environmental Impact Report (EIR) 77-3, to consist of the initial draft, independent analysis, public testimony, and minutes of the meetings of July 18 and August 1, 1977, and related correspon- dence, and directs staff to file notice of determi- nation with the Recorder of Orange County. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a special meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Agency, held on the first day of August, 1977. CHAIRMAN SECRETARY W W r~ W 0 · W 0~o.~ 25 1 2 4 $ RESOLUTION NO. 1656 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF TIlE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING USE PERMIT 77-16, FOR THE CO55iERCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF PACKER SQUARE. The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows:. 1. The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application (No. UP 77-16) was filed by Harry Kassebaum, 3848 Campus Drive, Newport Beach, for a conditional use permit to allow the construction and operation of a 40,400-square-foot commercial center on a 4.5- acre parcel located on the southerly side of Newport Avenue, southerly of Irvine Boulevard, known as Packer Square. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on said application. C. That establishment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not, under the cir- cumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, evidenced by the following findings: (1) The proposed use is in conformance with the Land Use Element of the General Plan and the commercial zoning of the subject parcel. (2) The subject use is in a portion of a master plan for the development of the total vacant parcel. (3) That traffic circulation patterns will be compatible with other developments within the area. D. That the establishment, maintenance and operation of a commercial center will not be injurious nor detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tustin, and should be granted. E. Proposed development shall be in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and the development policies adopted by the City Council, Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Building Official, Fire Code as administered by the Fire Chief, and street improvement requirements as administered by the Public Works Director. F. That the proposal has been addressed by Environ- mental Impact Report 77-3, as certified by the Planning Agency, with mitigating measures. 2 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 2. The Planning Agency hereby grants a Use Permit, as applied for, to allow the co. nstruction and operation of a drive-thru bank, restaurant, and retail shops, subject to the following conditions' A. Compliance with mitigating measures proposed by EIR 77-3. B. Staff approval of precise development plans for any structure or portion of the project, to include but not limited to' (1) Handicapped parking accommodations. (2) Landscaping (3) Street improvements (4) Installation of fire hydrants (5) Signing in accordance with Tustin Sign Code. (6) Undergrounding of utilities. (7) Lighting . (8) Colors and materials (9) Elevations (10) Screening of roof-top equipment C. Substantial deviation from the conceptual plan as hereby approved shall require the submission to and approval of the Planning Agency. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a special adjourned meeting of ~he CitY of Tustin Planning Agency, hel'd on the first'day of August, 1977. CHAIRMAN SECRETARY -e Z,,, "'.:D -~0 ..lmm TO THE PLANNING COMMISS ION NEW BUSINESS DATE: August 1, 1977 SUBJECT: Tentative Parcel Map 77-100 (Packers Square) A Tentative Parcel Map (PM 77-100) has been submitted by Tarks Consultants, Inc. for the purpose of realigning the lot lines for the proposed development of Packers Square. The City Engineer, by copy of the attached report, has indicated conditions of concern. A further concern, resulting from the proposed Parcel Map, relates to the remanent of AT&SF right-of-way 'extending easterly of the parcel map boundaries. RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is recommended that the Planning Agency recommend to the City Council the approval of Tentative Parcel Map No. 77-100, by adoption of Resolution No. 1658, substantially as drafted. Respectfully submitted, R. Kenneth Fleagle, D.P.A. Assistant City Administrator Community Development Dire'ctor · RKF/db .PLAN N'ING DEPARTM E NT 1 4 § 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 IS 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2S 24 25 26 27 28 29 51 RESOLUTION NO. 1658 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 77-100 (PACKERS SQUARE). The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Agency finds and determines as follows: A. That Tentative Parcel Map No. 77-100 was submitted pursuant to Ordinance No. 561 by Tarks Consultants, Inc. of Newport Beach for the purpose of creating 3 parcels for development in accordance with the proposal of General Plan Amendment 77-2 (F). B. That the subject property is located on the easterly side of Newport Avenue, southerly of Irvine Boulevard, adjacent to the rear lot line of the Tustin Heights Shopping Center, and is shown under the ownership of five individuals or corporations with three separate parcels and reciprocal agreements. C. That said Parcel Map is predicated, upon the approval of General Plan Amendment 77-2 (F). D. That an underlying Environmental Impact Report (EIR 7~-4) has been advertised for public hearing pertaining to the said site. 2. The Planning Agency hereby recommends to the City Council the approval of Tentative Parcel Map 77-100 subject to the following conditions: A. The certification of EIR 77-4 and General Plan Amendment 77-2 (F). B. The submission of a parcel map and determination of disposition of the remanent railroad right-of-way within the City of Tustin incorporated limits to the satisfaction of the City Council _ C. Satisfaction of the following requirements and conditions: 1) Annexation of any portion of the map to the Tustin Lighting District that is not presently included within the Tustin Lighting District, with proof of application to the County Surveyor's Office required prior to the final approval of the map by the City Engineer. 2) Dedication of all public street right- 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 12 3.4 ~5 3.6 3.8 3.9 2O 21 1977. ~4 st: Z5 ~6 28 of-way as .required by the City Engineer. 3) Preparation of street improvement drawings to include such improvements as street paving, curb and gutter, sidewalk, drive aprons, street trees, median islands, street lights, signing and striping as required by the City Engineer. 4) Submission and approval of a drainage and grading plan for the entire site. 5) Installation of marbelite street lights with underground conduit across the Newport frontage. 6) Installation of street trees per the City's Master Plan. 7) Provisions for all sanitary sewer and domestic water improvements for each parcel together with the required easements for same. 8) Recordation of permanent access easements and parking for each parcel involved on the map. 9) Installation of all electrical and tel- ephone utilities underground with no new overhead poles being set either on or adjacent to the subject development. 10) Conformance to all previously approved specific site plans and conditions set forth in the EIR for the entire project. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a special meeting of the Planning of the City of Tustin held on the 1st day of August, CHAIRMAN RECORDING SECRETARY UNTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY ADVANCE PLANNING DIVISION 81! NORTH BROADWAY SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE: 834-4643 AREA CODE 794 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 4108 SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92702 H. G, OSBORNE DIRECTOR RICHARD G. MUNSELL ASSISTANT DIRECTOR ADVANCE PLANNING July 18, 1977 FILE City of.Tustin Planning Department Centennial at Main Tustin, California 92680 Subject: Packers Square Shopping Center, Draft Environmental Impact Report Dear Sirs: It is the Primary concern of the County of Orange that project plans for said project reflect the County's plans for construction of proposed Bicycle Trail 8B. As currently envisioned, this trail is slated to run along the Atchison, ToPeka and Santa Fe Railroad easement upon pu'rchase by the County. Since the proposed route defines the southeastern boun- dary of the subject project, the need for integration of plans for this facility seems apparent. · Futher information related to the bike trail project can be gained through consultation of the Draft EIR mailed to you on June 13, 1977, as well as being currently available at the Tustin Public Library and at our office at 811 North Broadway, Santa Ana. In the event of further questions, you may expect prompt and courteous responses by contacting Doug Wood at 834-3686. Thank you for the opportunity to respond to these proposed plans; our timely involvement is greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, ~enn' s t. ~nager ~ ental Services DW:dlm COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA I=. 1:3. 80X 812'7. FOUNTAIN VALLEY. {~ALIFI-IRNIA 92'7[]8 1E}E::]44 ELLIS AVENUE (EUE~LID E]FF-RAMP. SAN DIEI~E] I E L£1-'HI3N ES: 5,~ {]-2910 962-2411 July 18, 1977 City of Tustin Centennial at Main Tustin, California 92680 Attention' Mr. Kenneth Fleagle ~~ Director of Community Development Subject' Draft EIR - Packers Square (77-3, 77-4) The subject Environmental Impact Report has been reviewed and has been found to be inadequate with respect to sewage facilities. Sanitation District No. 7 does not have planned capacity for this development if the present land use plans change to high density residential. The project flows from this parcel and the drainage area at Sanitation District No. 7 was incorporated into its "Master Plan - Trunk Sewer Facilities", May 1969. The trunk facilities to serve the District have been constructed based on the land use plans in existence at that time. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Reid Senior Engineer DMR: h j e I'e I. Z