HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLANNING AGENDA 09-06-1977September 6, 1977 TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY 'TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 3: 00 CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES PUBLIC HEARINGS Continued 1. USE PERMIT 77-13 (Cont'd from 8/1/7'7 and 8/15/77) Application for Schick Moving and Storage to construct and operate a 102,000-square-foot warehouse and truck terminal on Lot 1~ Tract 8590, located on the northwesterly corner of Michelle Drive and future Myford Road~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve by adoption of Resolution No. 1646. USE PERMIT 77-19 Application ~Y church of Scientology to con-- duct church selvices and administrative func- tions at their current location on the north- easterly corner of Red Hill and Irvine Blvd. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve by adoption of Resolution No. 1668. USE PERMIT 77-20 Application by'Trinity-Br°adcasting Company to expand their present facility at the corner of Michelle and Chambers to include assembly- studio area and earth satellite communications. Lots 49 and 50 of Tract 8590. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve by adoption of Resolution No. 1669. Initial Hearings.. ZONE CHANGE 77-7 On application of Hyter Development Company to change the zoning classification fram C-1 {Com- mercial) to R-2 (Duplex Residential) with sup- port commercial CG.Commercial General on corner plot 100' x 150', southeast corner Main and willia~ Streets. Pa-e I September 6, ]977 5. ~ ~tn ~es AGENDA TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 3:00 p.m. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend approval to City Council by adoption of Resoluti°n 1670' USE PERMIT 37-22 Application of Custom Signs for John DeGennar to authorize the installation of a pole sign, 48 square feet per face, to be located at 380 West First Street. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Pleasure of the Agency. USE PERMIT 77-23 Norman Pulliam on behalf of Larwin Square, to authorize the construction and operation of a key shop which would modify the master plan for Larwin Square previously approved by Use Permit 76-25. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend denial by adoption of Resolution No. 1672. ~ t ~ ~d 7o VARIANCE 77-10 Application of Judy Hernandez to vary with Zoning Ordinance 157 (as amended) to create parking area in a garage of 17~ feet rather than the specified 20 feet at 185 Pasadena Ave RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval by adoption of Resolution No. 1675. ~ ;'es VARIANCE 77-11 Application of Patrick Donahue on behalf of Courtyard Shopping Center to vary with Sign Ordinance No. 684, Section 2D of Article VIII, to obtain authorization to permanently display multicolored banners in the open courtyard of the above center. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve by adoption of Resolution No. 1667. ~tn ?es VARIANCE 77-12 Application of Douglas Danielson on behalf of Constitution Savings and ~oan to vary with the Sign Ordinance No. 684 to obtain permission to vary with the h~ight requirements for monument signs, located a~ 17601 17th Street. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve by adoption of Resolution No. 1666. 'TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA September 6, 1977 oLD BUSINESS - NONE Paj~_ 3 i ?es ~ '~ tn .~es >tn /es NEW BUSINESS 1. TENTATIVE TRACT 10029 (HYTER DEVELOPMENT) Location: SOUtheaSterly corner of Main and Williams. RECOMMENDED ACTION: September 19, 1977. Continue to 2. FORMAL FINDING 77-1 RECOMMEndED ACTION: Pleasure of the Agency. 3. FINAL PARCEL MAP 77-101 (WARMINGTON) Location: west side of carroll Way, south of Medford. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommen~ approval to City Council by adoption of Resolution No. 1671. ADJOURN AND RECONVENE AT 7:30 P.M. AS PLANNING AGENCY. RECONVENE AT 7:30 P.M. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS 10. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 77-4 (Packer Square) An EIR addressing the total impact of a planned development of residential and com- mercial uses for the property on the south- easterly side of Newport Avenue, southerly of Irvine Boulevard. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Continue as open public hearing to September 19, 1977. 11. 'AMENDMENT 77-2(F) TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN (Packer Square) A proposal to change from the classification of Planned Community (Commercial) ko Planned Community (C°mmercial-Multifamily Residential) to authorize, the construction of multiple family units. [ l~~~ September 6, I I AGENDA TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY 'TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 1977 7:30 p.m. AMENDMENT 77-2(F) TO THE LAND USE' ELEMENT i~ i ~d 12. 13. )tn OF THE GENERAL PLAN RECOMMENDED ACTION: Continue as open public hearing to September 19, 1977. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 77-3 (Packer Square) (Commercial DeVelopment) A focused EIR pertaining to the commercial portion of the Packer Square project. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Continue as open public hearing to September 19, 1977. USE PERMIT 77-16 (Packer Square Commercial Development) A Use Permit application to authorize the development of a commercial complex as an integral part of the Packer Square project. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Continu~ as open public hearing to september 19, 1977. PUBLIC CONCERNS CORRESPONDENCE STAFF CONCERNS AGENCY CONCERNS Paqe 4 __ ~es ADJOURNMENT MINUTES OF THE TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY TUSTIN CITY CENTER August 15, 1977 CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Meeting called to order at 3:00 p.m. Led by Mr. Schuster. by chairman Sharp. III. INVOCATION Given by Mr. Edgar. Present: Members: Sharp, Welsh, Edgar, Saltarelli, Schuster. Absent: Members: None. Others present: William Bopf, City Administrator James Rourke, City Attorney Brian Chase, community Development Director V. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. USE PE~IT 77-13 (Continued from 8/1/77) Application for Schick Moving and Storage to construct and operate a 102,000-square-foot warehouse and truck terminal on Lot 1, Tract 8590, located on the north- westerly corner of Michelle Drive ar~ future Myford. Report presented by Mr. Chase~ requesting continuance. Hearing opened at 3:05 p.m. There were ~o conunents or objections. Moved by Welsh, seconded~bv~Edg~r' that hearing be continued to September 6th meeting as recommended. Carried. 2e USE PERMIT 77-19 Application by Church of'Scientolog~ to conduct church services and administr~ative functioms at their current location on the northeast corner of Red Hill and Irvine Boulevard (1451 Irvine Boulevard). Report and recommendation for continuance presented by Mr. Chase. Hearing opened at 3:07 p.m. There being no comments or objections, i~ was moved b~ Saltarelli, seconded by_~Edaar,~that hea~ng be continued to Se_~ember 6, 1977, meetinj~ Carried. USE PERMIT 77-20 'i~pplication by Trinity Broadcasting Company to expand their present facility at the corner of Michelle and chambers to include asse~ly-studioarea and earth satellite communications (Lots 49 a~* 50 of Tract 8590). presented with recommendation for ~ontinuance presented Mr. Chase. opened at 3:09 p.m. There being no comments or objections, i~was moved by Edggr3~ seconded by Welsh, that hearing be contirmed to September 6, 1--~,meeting. carr~d~ Moved by Ed~ar~ ~__Schuster~ ~h~tmeetin~ of Planni~ ~gency be__ad~°urned to meeting of City ~r~ncil. Carried. B~SINESS VII. BUSINESS Planning Agency 8/15/77 Page 2 1. CONSTITUTION SAVINGS MONUMENT SIGN (Request by architect to review City Council action of 7/1/77) Mr. Doug.. Danielson, Architect for this project, spoke in favor of~equest and took exception to staff report. Mr. Daniel- son presented architectural perspective and plot plan explain- ing'landscaping, minipark, and reasons for mounding. Agency discussed overall height of signing, ordinance limitations and need for variance as stated by staff that variance had been applied for and agreed that'permit could be applied for through staff for some form of temporary signing. Mr. Danielson stated that he was not interested in lettering but was interested in keeping the mounding and the structure--inter- ested in holding their opening· Mr. Chase reported that developer had not yet requested final inspecti---~n for occupancy. The applicant has been told to pro- ceed with final phases and inspections'but not with signing° Mr. Roc Torkindson, sign company, spoke in favor of signing. Agency concurred that no further action could be taken on sign until variance is heard. 1. REPORT ON ELDERLY HOUSING NEEDS Report presented by Mr. ChaSe. Agency discussed need, if any, for subsidized housing for the elderly and locations as submitted and funding applied for under Section 8 of H6using Subsidy Program and agreed that more time was needed for analysis- Mayor declared a short recess. Meeting reconvened at 5:20 p.m. 2. REPORT ON E.I.R. FOR WALNUT EXTENSION Report presented by Mr. Chase containing the following princi- pal interests in completion of Walnut ~xtension: 1. Help complete the overall circulation system for that area. 2. Alleviate existing and future t=mffic congestion which presently occurs with nhe existing road align- ment that interconnects with Myford Road. 3. Increase the level of fire protection by providing reduced response times for Couni!~ fire trucks located on Walnut near Culver in the Ci~ of Irvine. Saltarelli, seconded bz_~r, _~4at Council accept Staff report and a letter so stating Be sent to the City Irvine. Carried, Chairman Sharp voti]~, no. APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAP 77-97 presented by Mr. Chase recommendi~ approval of Final ~Parcel Map 77-97 to the City Council by atoption of Planning Agency Resolution No. 1664. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar3 '~at__m~]p~_be approved a-~ recommended and Resolution No. 1664 be~assed and adopted. Carried. Planning Agency 8/15/77 Page 3 VIii . IX. PUBLIC HEARINGS (CONTINUED) 4. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 77-103 Report presented by Mr. Chase. MoVed by Edgar, seconded by Wel'sh, that Planning Agency recom- mend approval of Tentative parcel ~la~ 77--103 to the City Council oPtion of Resolution 1665 and Mayor execute the consent and dedication certificate for the b~h Street riqht-of-way . on behalf of the City..... Carriod. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh, that meeting be adjourned to an executive session and thence to 7:30 p.m. planninq. A_~q~cy meeting. Carried. Meeting of Planning Agency Reconvened at 7:30 p.m., August 15, 1977. ENVIRONME!~TAL IMPACT REPOKT 77-4 (PACKERS SQUARE).. (Cont'd from August 1,-1977) An EIR addressing the total impact of a planned develop- ment of residential and commercial uses for the property on the southeasterly side of }~ewport Avenue, southerly of Irvine Boulevard (Note: because the applicant has withdrawn his 10-story high rise complex proposal, it will be necessary to amend the EIR to reflect the pro- posed alternative uses.) Report presented by Mr. Chase. Mr. Rourke, City Attorney, reported that he had received a call from Mr. F~y of Santa Fe Land Improvement Co. stgting that appli- cant is authorized to speak for their company. Mr. Harry Kassebaum and his representatives spoke including ~.~. l~nowlton Fernauld, Project Manager; Mr. Fay Round; Mr. Robert Cummings. Applicant and representatives explained that application to ~KID for the 10-story senior citizen housing had been withdrawn and if new proposal for reduced height were approved they would have to re-apply. They also spoke covering some of the follow- ing: need for senior citizen housing and for congregate care facility. Described plans for complete development as shown on slides. Traffic flow, through development and to public streets, inclu- ding that drive-through area at bank could be revised if desired, plans for access next to Builders Emporium, safety factors put in plans for pedestrians and emergency vehicle ingress and egress. DensitY of apartment complex, stating this would be basically ifts as it is one and two bedroom apartments. Re tion in high rise building to 62 feet. for apartments to be slightly over two spaces per unit. nitation and drainage needs and solutions stating there phy- ~s~cally is no capacity problem. ~nts for development under Section 8 and requirements to be met by elderly for subsidy and percentage of income paid by elderly. Planning Agency 8/15/77 Page 4 Mr. Robert Petry presented petitions filed in opposition of high rise and petition containing approximately 222 signatures. A number of citizens protested this development and spoke relative to number of stories proposed for senior citizen complex, firefighting, number of apartment units, traffic at Builders E~porium, need for federal subsidized housing, sani- tation, police problems, rise in general taxes, number of banks in community, architectural impact, loss of local con- trol through federal subsidy, location of residential for elderly, size of area for this development, traffic congestion, economics of another shopping center. Those speaking in opposition included Mr. Robert Petry, Mr. Andrew Watson, Mr. Dave Almquist, Mrs. Morris, Mr. Roger Rahloff, Mr, William Smart, Jr., Captain Thomas Hall, and Mr. Jim McKahan. Those speaking in favor of this development and need for senior citizen housing included Mrs. Ida Sternberg, Mr. Robert Johnson, Mrs. Colleen Palmer and Mrs. Beatrice Farrington. Council all comments pro and con. In answer to questioning by Council, Chief Holms stated costs of a ladder company, effects of more than one large fire and aid of other agencies in the County. Safety and property loss would be governed by code restrictions in development such. as sprinklers, fire walls, etc. Agency further discussed the moral commitment to elderly, subsidizing, economics, need for financial feasibility study, need for comparison study as to other proposed housing pro- jects and fact that the Agency and the Council must address all adverse factors as to environmental impact. Mr. Rourke explained that consideration of EIR must consider all adverse factors and should present and consider alterna- tives. If Agency not satisfied the proponent should be dir- ected to address those factors. Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, that hearinq be con- tinued to September 6, 1977, for analysis. Moved by Schuster, seconded by Welsh, that.motion be amended to continue to October 3, 1977o Col~cil, staff and applicant discussed time element necessary to address all elements of EIR. Motion to continue to October 3 failed b~ 1-4 vote. Motion to continue to September 6 carrie~. AMENDMENT 77-2(F) TO THE LAND USE E~EMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN (PACKERS SQUARE) A proposal to change from the classification of .anned Community (Commercial) to P]lanned Community Commercial-Multifamily Resi~ential~ to authorize the construction of multiple family units. ere being no comments or objections, i~ was moved by~ Welsh, ~nded by Saltarelli, that hearing be ~ntinued to Se~ember 1977. Carried. e ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 77-3 (I4~CKERS SQUARE COM- MERCI~tL DEVELOPMENT) A focused EIR pertaining to the comn~rcial portion of the Packers Square project. Planning Agency 8/15/77 Page 5 There being no comments or objections it was moved by Welsh, seconded b~ Schuster, that this hearing_be continued to ~tember 6, 1977. Carried. 7. USE PERMIT 77-16 (PACKERS S~UARE COYff4ERCIAL DEVELOPMENT) A Use Permit Application to authorize the development of a commercial complex as an integral part of the Packers Square project. There being no comments or objections, it was moved by Welsh, seconded by Saltarelli~ that hearing be continued to September : . 6, 1977. Carried. Recess declared by Chairman. Meeting reconvened at 11:10 p.m. Xe PUBLIC LARWIN SQUARE PARKING LOT CONSTRUCTION In answer to questioning by Mrs. Margaret Byrd, Mr. Chase stated that corrective measures have been taken and staff is staYing on top of situation. XI. STAFF CONCERNS Mr. Chase reported on Fourth Year Block Grant Funds. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh, that staff investiqate, ~ealizing concerns for low-cost housing. Carried. XII. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Edgar, that Plahning A~ency. meeting be adjourned to continued Council. meeting~ Carried. CHAIRMAN SECRETARY TO DATE: SUBJECT LocAT ION APPLICANT THE u pLANNING cOMMISS... ION CONT. PUBLIC' HEARING September 6, 1977 Use Permit 77-13 Lot 1, Tract 8590 of the Irvine industrial Complex Myford Road at tOe Santa Aha Freeway Jack Dempsey, Sage Properties for the benefit of Schick Moving and storage Co. BACKGROUND This public hearing has been continued since July 18, 1977, in order to reconcile the differences raised by the Basic Four Corporation and Dynachem Corporation.- After extensive review and changes by the staff and representatives of the I~.vin~ industrial Complex, the staff feels that the applicant will more than adquately meet the needs of the area by providing a compatible use. ual The two major issues of concern were traffic and the vis appearance of the operation. In terms of traffic, the staff has obtained data from the applicant that roughly 20-25 vehicles per day would be generated from the facility- Approximately five of these vehicles would be of the large, Allied vans.. The rest would be o'f the smaller delivery truck classification. The information provided by the applicant is confirmed by the staff's visiting of another facility in the area. The visual appearance of the building has gone through -'substantial reviSion' Extensive landscaping has been added and through the use of berms, walls and the relocation of some of the doors the overall design has been greatly enhanced · Concerns raised by Dynachem have been alleviated and as of the date of this writing Basic Four has been unable to to the applicant's latest revisions- Unless substantial objections are raised by the adjacent pr. opertY owner (Basic Four) staff cannot foresee any need to continue this matter- ~.:~_~:~ ---- ' ' tO continue ~Unless specifically requested by the applicant ...... he m~tter, the staff recommends the Planning Agency PL'AN N lNG''~ i" DEPARTMENT to the Planning Agency ~Permit 77-13 September 6, 1977 approve Resolution No. 1646, Respectfully submitted, Brian J- Chase community Development Director BJC/db substantially as drafted. · Ct~¥ ~OUNDARY / / USE ?ER~1II 77-13 /¢..,,.,,.,<, / / 2 - 4 14 15 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY 'OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN GRANTING A USE pERMIT ON APPLICATION NO. U.P- 77-13'OF SAGE pROPERTIES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A WAREHOUSE AND TRUCK TERMINAL- The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as folloWS: A. The Planning Agency finds and determines as follows: 1. That a proper applicati'on (No. U.P- 77-13) was filed on behalf of schick Moving and storage Co. bY Sage Properties, Inc., for a Use permit to allOW the construction and operation of a warehouse and truck terminal for the property located at New Myford goad and Michelle Dr~ve, known as Lot 1, Tract 8590. 2. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on said application- and o~eration 3. That establishment maintenance of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, moralS, com~ort or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, ~=vi- denced by the following findings: a. site plan review shall assure compatibil- ity of traffic patterns- b. Development standards and landscape requir mentS shall require the screening of stora areas from public view and present an acceptable design for the industrial com- plex. 4. That the establishment, maintenance and opera- tion of the use applied will not be injur- ious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subje property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tustin, and should be granted. 5. Proposed development shall be in accordance with the Zoning ordinance and the deveto?men~ policies adopted by the City council, uniforr Building Codes as administered by the Build- ing official, Fire code as administered by thc Fire chief, and street improvement requi mentS as administered by the City Engineer- 6. That an Environmental Impact Report (EIR 73- was certified for subject area. B. The Planning Agency hereby grants a Use Permit, as applied for, to allow the construction and operation of a warehouse and truck terminal for moving and storage company, with signing approves as submitted, subject to the following conditions: 1.. Outside storage of trucks, crates, and moving materials shall be screented from publiC view. 2. No major vehicle repairs shall be made on site, except within an enclosed structure and subject to Fire Department approval of. fire safety requirementS- 3. No direct vehicle access shall'be authorized to Myford Road from Lot 1 of Tract 8590. 4. The City reserves the right to prohibit left turn vehicle movementS to or from the most easterly driveway upon the extension of Myford Road northerly- 5. Development plans shall require the approval of the Community Development Director, to include: landscaping, architectural building relief, materials, colors, perimeter wallS,' on-site lighting, and traffic circulation- , 6. vehicle truck traffic shall be restricted from. the use of Walnut Avenue, westerly of the proposed jamboree Road. 7. Automatic 'gates shall be required of a and design to be approved by the Commun~nv DevelopmenZ Director- 8. Any additional fencing along the Myford Road side of the building s~all reauire the approval of 'the Co~unity Development D~rector pASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Agency of the City of Tustin at a regular meeting held on the 6th day of September 1977. ATTEST:' ----~~ORD ING SECRETAR T HE pLANNiNG COI~ NIlS S ION DATE: SUBJECT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: PROPOSAL: September 6, 1977 Use Permit 77-19 1451 Irvine Boulevard John woodruff on behalf Use of an existing office building for church activities- of Church of scientology BA___CKGROUND AND DISCUSSION The Church of scientology's request is for authorization to use its Irvine Boulevard educational facility for church services- On February 10, 1975, the Tustin Planning Commission a~thorized the use of a portion of the existing office building at 1451 Irvine Boulevard for a Liberal Arts College (Southern california Institute), utilizing 5,000 square feet of floor area. Resolution No. 1429 which approved the use contained the following conditions "That the use of the property by the Southern california institute shall be limited exclusive'~ to that as requested and. authorized by this per~i%- and that any other use shall require the specific approval of the Planning commission persuant to the procedures for an amendment to a use Permit." The Church intends on having ministerial services conducted ~urin the following schedule: 9:30 a.m. - 12 noon 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Approximately 15 individuals are expected for daytime events and 55~60 for the evening meetings- The assembly areas total about 3,900 square feet and the office complex totals 22,000 square feet. Parking accomodates for the site equal, to 108 spaces. copies of the agplication were submitted to various City depart~ with the following commentS reviewed: to be submitted which ~ ....... The Fire Department would require plans ................... ferent exit arrangements ..... ~'~indicate how area was to be used. Dif -~-~-~or door hardware may be required, received- Further comment is reserved !. '~'ii/~ '~i'.~i~ii ....... ~ntil such time as plans are ~=?~??T~-~ianning Department has two comments: 'AN N lNG to the Planning Agency U Permit 77-19 September 6, 1977 pa~e two 1. Since the'maj°rity'°f the complex has still to be used for professional offices, it is recommended that no changes in the signing, appearance or general operation be permitted, 2. A solid 6' hig~ wall or fence should be constructed along the property line where the subject property borders along residential properties as per the requirements of Zoning ordinance. This hearing originally was scheduled to be heard on August 15, 1977, was continued so as tO allow the applicant to provide information~ request by staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION It is recommended that the Planning Agency approve Use Permit 77-19 bY'~the adoption of Resolution No. 1668, substantially as drafted. Respectfully submitted, Planner Community Development Department. AW/db / / : i' Church of Sciento',o©y® M sson. of Oronge County L. Ron Hubbard Roza 1451 Irvine Blvd. Tustin, California 92(~0 (7'14 544-549'1 ' 8 August 77 ItANDROUTE Mr. Brian Chase City Fmll Tustin, Ca. Dear ~,~r. Chase, Attached is the data you requested in ycur letter oJ 5 Aug ?? on the Church's use pen~.~-it ??-19. A description of the data roi- lines. 1. A pMPORT on the ~scs of the Space, showing tlr, es the faci- lity and the size of the assembly or pJrishioner space. 2. Two photogTapl~s showing the ample parking space available during nonml business hours at the complex. S. A copy of the deed shm.~ing no restrictions. .' lan shm,ing the parking lot,~ interior arrm~gemen, t 4. A s~te p ' o~ exits and fire equ~p- m~d use of the Church's space and location ment. There are no fixed seats within the Churd~'s facility. I ~ill'bc out of the city until 11 ;~gust. I have briefed my deputy, .~tr. Scott Sutton, on this entire matter. Hc will be able to provide additiormt data or clarify existing data. Thanks for all the help that you have beechen this matter. rely, " Q~ Woodruff ..... L. Ran Hubbard Founder ,churCh of Scier?,o ?g¥ ; Mission of Orcnge Uc}unty L. IRon'Hubbard P',aza · 1451 Irvine Blvd. · Tustin, Co, lifornia 92680 (7t4J 544-5 491 8 August. 77 RF~OIl~r ON Tt-~, USES.OF SPAC]2 IN L. RON tFI]Bb~) PLAZA BY THE CI-LYICtt OF SCIF~\TOLCGY The major activity in ~.Aich the Church pl~rk~ to engage ~.:ill be the teaching of courses in Church doctrine and basic minister- ial training. These classes are conducted on the following scJ~ed- ule: 9:30 -~m - 12 noon 1:00 pm - 6 pm 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm Enrollment and attendance records of the [~xurd~ show that approximately 15 different individtmls attend such classes during the daytime class periods and approximmtely SS individuals during the evening class. Occasionally on a Saturday night the Church sponsors an assem- bly at ~vhich time approxirately 60 individuals would be predicted to attend, though the nunr.~er could be larger for a particu].arly popular lecture. The total space used by the Church for the purpose of these classes is 2424 square feet. Currently the Church has been conducting the above mentioned classes on these premises. It ~s important to note tJmt there has never been a parking problem from our vie~oint, nor have ¥:e received complaints frcm our tenants, neighbors, or the City. Since our major activity is in the evening, all 108 parking, spaces are normally · L. Ron Hubbard Founder Church d Sciento~'gY~,, M~ss~on of Orange county L, Ran Hubbard Plaza '145] Irvine Bivd. ...... s and tl~e tenants · - . · afteT btlS~ess nuu~ -, . . , ' e to us, s3nce 1.t. ~s _ . statement ~&id, ~.d~-_ a~allabl . ---- ~e thc s.ttad~ed have left the premzs~t "[~. = ~ ~nconvienced ~Y OUr act iVit-~s .... cates that ..... ~ nh~a ~1o~ ku ~d that t~ey ~w= ' .... ~_c Rev. John Woodruff L., Ran Hubbard Founder C .hutch of 'Sciento',ogy® M~sson of Oronge County L: Pon Hubbard P!oza 1451 Irvine Blvd. 'rustin, C?lifornia 92680. Photographs of parking spaces on a normal day showing m, ailability cf. space during norm, al business hours. 2 4 15 16 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 80 $1 RESOLUTION NO. 1668 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY qF THE CITY OF TUSTIN AUTHORIZING T~tE USE OF A PORTION OF THE L. RON HUBBARD PLAZA, 1451 IRVINE BOULEVARD, FOR CHURCH SERVICES- The Planning. Agency of the City o~ Tustin does hereby' resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Agency finds and determines as follows: a. That a preper application (Use Permit 77-19) was filed by Mr. John woodruff on behalf of the Church of scientology to request use of a portion of the office complex located at 1451 Irvine Boulevard for church services. b. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application- c. That establishment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstantces of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such prcpcsed use, evidenced by the following findings: 1) That subject use will b~ compatible with the adjacent land use and zoning. 2) That the increased use based upon anticipa~ attendance of the church will not cause parking .requirements beyond the present on-site accomodations- d. Proposed development shall be in accordance with the development policies adopted by the City Council, Uniform Building Code as administered by the Building official, Fire Code as administered by the Fire chief, and street improvement requ~.rements as administered by the City Engineer. 2. The Planning Agency hereby grants a Use Permit. as applied for to authorize the presentation of church services at 1451 Irvine Boulevard subject to the following conditions: a. That final improvement plans includinq the erection of a six foot wall or fence bordering the residential area, be submitted to staff for review and approval in accordance ~.:ith current Building and Fire Code provisions. b. That the use of the property shall be limited exclusively to that as requested and authorize by this permit, and that any other use shall reqUire the specific approval of the Planning Agency pursuant to the procedures for an amendment to a Use Permit. 1 2 8 4 .1~ 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 That the requested Use shall be limited to no more than 60 attendants at any one time and services and classes are limited to the following schedules: 9:30 a.m. to. 12 noon 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Agency of the City of Tustin, California, on the 6th day of September, 1977. CHAIRb~N ATTEST: RECORDING SECRETARY THE PLkNNING COMMISS ION CONT. PUBLIC HEARING DATE: SUBJECT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: REQUEST: September 6, 1977 Use Permit 77-20 2442 Michelle Drive William Skinner on behalf of Trinity Broadcasting Network, Inc. For authorization to expand existing facility to adjoining lot and include a 200 seat television studio assembly area. BACKGROUND The Trinity Broadcasting Network, Inc. began operation in Tustin'~ Irvine Industrial Complex in July of 1976 with the completion of their television studio. Due to increased activity, the network constructed a 130 space parking lot at the intersection of Michelle and Chambers in April of 1977. . Presently, Trinity Broadcasting is planning to expand to the to the lot adjoining by the construction of a 33,000 square foot building and a 3,400 square foot addition to the existing building. Included in the proposal is the installation of a satellite transmitter and receiver antenna to be located between the two major structures. The plans were forwarded to the various City departments with the following comments received: En.g_~ ineering 1. It appears that the parking lot constructed on Lot No. 50 will serve the new addition on Lot No. 49. A major concern is the pedestrian traffic crossing from the westerly side of Chambers Road to the proposed facilities. Ideally, all pedestrians should be crossing at the Michelle-Chambers intersection. The staff is presently studying this area and will comment on a proposed solution at a later date. Possib solutions could be as follows: a. Installation of a crosswalk across Chambers Road south of Michelle. b. Installation of a blinking caution light at the intersection along with the crosswalk. c. Installation ~f a pedestrian actuated traffic sig~ E~A{N N I'N~i~!'~:'I:''.~,~'~''~D~E P A~RT ~.E.NT '~: ...... ':'~"~ ' '~"~'"~:~ Report to the Planning Agency Use Permit 77-20 September 6, 1977 Page two at the intersection along with the crosswalk. Each of these possible solutions would require the construction of a sidewalk along the frontage of the existing development on Lot no. 50. A sidewalk should be continued between the curb line and the lobby area of the new development, immediately north of the parking lot. A grading plan for Lot 49 as well as that portion of Lot 50 should be submitted for review and approval. It is recom- mended that the affected area of Lot 50 be regraded via surfal drainage to Michelle Drive in lieu of any sump area being pumped under the proposed buildings to Chambers Road. This will also eliminate the need for drainage to flow through the proposed 3000 square feet addition to the existing builder on Lot 50. The proposed addition to the existing building to Lot 50 has been approved. As shown, the proposed building addition sets back 17 feet from the easterly property line. This set back should be increased to 21 feet if the development on Lot 49 is approved. This will provide a ]_6 foot wide one way drive. Any work performed within the public right-of-way will. requir~ a permit issued by the Engineering Department. Fire 1. Will require on-site fire hydrant. Must maintain access way on east side of complex. feet (16') unobstructed required. Sixteen 3. Building corridors to be one hour rated. Counselor's office doors on second floor to swing in direction of travel. Se If fixed seating combined with additional occupant load exceeds 299, building will be classified as a B-2 occupancy. Audience seating must ~lso exit on first level via adjoining exit doors. Provide rated separation between audience seating and storage underneath. · 6, 1977 September Page three Planning_ 1. Planning staff agrees with comments made by Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. An error is noted in parking area allocation calculations. The required number of spaces for 16,375 square feet of office at 1 per 250 square feet is 66, not 50. The architect has submitted a letter det-~iling t-~e hours of operation of various activities and tentative parking needs. 3. Landscaping requirements for the combined Lots 50 and 49 complex: 62 - 15 gal. trees 19 - 24" box trees The landscape plan should indicate all existing plant material which is to remain. 4. A protective planter island should be provided for the VIP parking area in the rear. 5. Appropriate traffic control devices will be required to regulate vehicle traffic along a one-way drive aisle next to the future storage addition. 6.A focus EIR for the Earth Station will be required prior to submittal of plans for its construction. 7. Staff recommends that provision be made for visitor pa~king and a drop off are immediately adjacent to the entrances to Studio C and that the parking space along the soushern property line be replaced for visitors. RECOMMENDED ACTION It is recommended that Use Permit 77-20, exclusive of the Earth Station receiver/transmitter, be approved by the adoption of Resolution No. 1669, substantially as drafted. Respectfully submitted, Planner Community Development Department AW/db 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 ~0 ~.3 14 ~.5 ~8 19 2O 21 22 23 24. 25 26 27 $0 RESOLUTION NO. 1669 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN GRANTING A USE PERMIT ON APPLICATION NO. U.P. 77-20, AUTHORIZING CONSTRUCTION OF A TELEVISION STUDIO COMPLEX FOR TRINITY BROADCASTING NETWORK, INC. The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: The Planning Agency finds and determines as follows:_ That a proper application (No. U.P. 77-20) was filed on behalf of Trinity Broadcasting Network, Inc. for a Use Permit to allow construction of a television studio with a 200 seat audience assembly area located at Lot 49 of Tract 8590. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. That establishment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residin~ or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, evidenced by the following findings: That said development is in conformance to the Tustin Area General Plan. That the subject use is permitted in the Planned Community (Industrial) District subject to the obtaining of a Use Permit. That the establishment, maintenance and oper- ation of the use applied for will not be in- jurious or detrimehtal to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subjec property, nor to the general welfare of the City of Tustin, and should be granted. Proposed development shall be in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and the development policies adopted by the City Council, Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Building Official, Fire Code as administered by the Fire Chief, and street improvement requirement as administered by the City Engineer. The Plannin~ Agency hereby grants a Use Permit, as applied for, to allow a 200 seat television studio for Trinity Broadcasting Network, Inc. subject to th~ following conditions. 1 2 3 4 8 '0 r" 10 11 14 10 18 ? gO ae That final development plans be submitted for staff review and approval to include building elevations and materials, landscape, irrigation, lightinq,, signing, grading, and plot plans. be That the development of the subject property shall be done in conformance with all applicable codes and standards, to include the City of Tustin Development Standards (Resolution 73-23), the Zoning Ordinance (Ord. 157), the SiGn Ordinance (Ord. 614) , and the Planned Ccmmunity District Regulations and Architectural Guidelines for the Irvlne Industrial Complex (Tustin) . That total parking accomodations on Lots 5, 49, and 50 (Tract 8590) not less. than 182 spaces. That the parking area on lot 5 of 128 spaces shall be tied to the developments of Lots 49 and 50 by covenant. That the scheduled audience assembly hours shall be 5:30 to ].0:30 p.m. as requested and any extension of scheduled hours must be reviewed and approved by staff. That the earth station facility, for which a focused EIR will be required, is not part of of the Use Permit approval. Upon approval of an EIR, an amendment to the Use Permit will be required. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Plannin~ Agency of the City of Tustin, California, on the 6th day of Septen~er, 1977. C ItA I RMAN ATTEST: RECORDING SECRETARY · ' SUBJECT : THE pLANNING cOMMISS ION PUBLIC HEARING.NO- LOCATION: REQUEST: APPLICANT: ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: September 6, 1977 Zone Change 77-7 Southeast corner of Main and williams To rezone from C-~ to Duplex Residential (R-2) and (CG) Commercial General on the corner lot 100' x 135' for support c°mmercial- Hyter Development Company, 790 Laurinda Lane Orange, CA 92669 Subject site was reviewed as a part of Envi~on- mental Impact Report 76-3 and certified by ~he City Council relative to a previous application made by covington Brothers for a four-plex development- · BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION Application was made by Hyter Development Compa-ny to amend the General plan to authorize multi-family residential (R-2) with support commercial on the corner lot of 100' x 135'. The Planning Agency recommended.and the City Council approved the General Plan Amendment by Resolution No. 77-85 on August 15, 1977, authorizing the construction of duplex dwelling units and support commercial upon a rezoning and the filing of a Tentative Tract Map. Hyter Development Company has now submitted a Tentative Tract Map (No. 10029) and a Zone Change application. The Zone Change is consistent with the Tustin Area General Plan and the adjoining properties are zoned multi-family residential and mobilehome parks. The City Engineer requested that the following items be con- sidered in regards to the development plans submitted for the project: 1. The plan does not indicate the 27' radius corner cut-off street right-of-way dedication which will be required at the southeast corner of Main and williams. 2. The substandard knuckle at the dead-end interior street will require elimination of on-street parking in this ~area. The 25' space between garages means residents will 's have to park inside of their garage, since parking D'E.P ~PLAN N lNG Agency Page two outside in the common driveway will preclude their neighbor's ingress and egress to his garage. This is also true on other lots, should a resident elect to park in the common driveway. Se Property owners should arrive at an .equitable means of maintaining the common drives~. In some cases, the majority of the drive is on one lot. e The drive way on Main Street should be signed for right turn egress only and so designed. .The driveway could be moved further east to discourage other movements. A 30' wide parkway will be left on Main Street until such time as Main Street is widened to ultimate. This area should be landscaped with an irrigation system and be maintained by a homeowners association. e The retaining wall footing on the Main Street frontage should be set at proper grade and designed to allow for future widening of Main Street. It is suggested that in the interim, this parkway be graded with a %" per foot slope from the existing top of curb. The top of the retaining wall footing sould be set at 0.70' below the existing top of curb to allow fo~ future street widening. e A grading plan should be submitted showing all pertinent elevations. RECOMMENDED ACTION It is recommended that the Planning Agency recommend approval to the City Council of Zone Change 77-7 by the adoption of R~solution No. 1670, substantially as drafted. Respectfully submitted, Brian J. Chase Community Development Director ~ ~ · - .... BJC/db CITY BOUNDARY---?,~, I, CG R-2 I STRE-ET ZONE CHANGE 77-7 HEIDENtAN 1 20 21 ~ ~ ~2 23 26 80 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOMMENDING REZONING ON APPLICATION NO. 77-7 OF HYTER DEVELOPMENT CO. The Planning Agency of the City ofoTustin does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The 'Planning Agency finds and determines as follows a. That a proper application (Zone Change 77-7) has been filed on behalf of Hyter Development Co. for a ~one change from the Commercial District (E-l) to the Duplex Residential Dis- trict (R-2) and the corner parcel of 100'x135' to Commercial General (CG) on the southeasterly corner of Main and Williams. b. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and hold on said application. c. That a zone change should be granted fo~ the following reasons: 1) The properties surrounding this property classified as Multi-family residential. I are ~ e 2) The zone change would be in con~ormanc witt the Land.Use Element of the Tustin Area General Plan. d. That development of subject property shall be accordance with:the policies adopted by the City Council, Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Fire Chief, and street improvement requirements as administered by the City Engineer. e. That final development plans shall require the review and approval of the Community Development Department. 2. That Planning Agency hereby recommends to the City Council approval of zone change application 77-7 from the Commercial (C-i) District to Duplex Residential (R-2) (not more than !0 units per acre) District and (CG) Commercial General on the corner parcel which is 100' x 135'. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Agency of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 6th day of September, 1977. ATTEST: CHAIR~N $1 SECRETARY THE PLANNING COM MISS ION PUBLIC HEARING NO. DATE' SUBJECT: September 6, 1977 USE PERMIT 77-22 LOCATI ON: APPLICANT' REQUE ST: 380 East First Street John DeGennaro Authorization for construction of a shopping center pole sign. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: Mr. Joh'n DeGennaro is requesting authorization to construct a shopping center identification sign for his development on First Street. The proposal calls for a 48-square-foot (3-section) pole sign, 14 feet in height, to be installed in the 4-foot-wide planter immediately adjacent to the public sidewalk. The plans were circulated to the various departments of the City, with the following comments received: Engineering 1. The plan does not indicate the dj. stance from the outer edge of the sign to the south right-of-way line of First Street. The plan does not indicate the location of the sign in relation to the existing driveway. o If it is intended to place the sign in the existing planter area, the sign would encroach into the right-of-way two to three feet. This would-be unacceptable. The eight-foot clearance from ground surface to the bottom of the sign is questionable, since this could create a con- flict with a cyclist. Planning There are three separate business identification panels, whereas there are four stores within the center. Future requests may come for freestanding identity by the other business located in that fourth store. If approved, it is suggested that the sign, in its present design, be lim- ited to 37 square feet. This would allow a future tenant to request identity on the pole sign and the resulting area being within the 50-square-foot Code liD]it. Use Permit 77-22 6, 1977 The general commercial area is heavily signed, with both wall and pole signs. Each business in the subject center has a wall sign of 36 square feet. The front wall signs are approximately 67 feet from First Street frontage. With a 500-foot area from 360 First Street east to Cen- tennial Way, there are four pole signs, all of which were erected prior to Sign Ordinances 614 and 684. The center immediately adjacent to Mr. DeGennaro's does not display a pole sign. It is a possibility that the owner and ten- ants may likewise request f.reestanding identity, which, combined with this proposal, would run the tota], in the area to 6 pole signs. e 4 Article VIII, Section 8.1, states that center identifica- tion signs should be'placed in a landscaped planter. The groundcover in the planters a].ong First Street hs~ve not been well maintained and the groundcover has died, leaving patches of weeds. If this sign is approved, it should be required that the planter be replanted with an appropriate groundcover (not shrubs) prior to issuance of any permits. The City Council previously denied a monument sign exception request due to traffic safety concerns at the subject sile. RECOMMENDED ACTION' If the Planning Agency believes that a pole sign is appro~}riate for this site and area, it is suggested that they approve Use Permit 77-22 by The adoption of Resolution No. 1674. If, on the other hand, it is determined that the area is over- signed and that another pole sign would add to the sign clutter, it is suggested that the use not be authorized, and that the staff be authorized to prepare a resolution of denial for adop- tion at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Agency. Alan Warren 'Planner I AW:km A RESOLUTION OF TIIE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ON APPLICATION NO. U.P. 77-22, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A POLE SIGN AT 380 EAST FIt~ST STREET. The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows' The Planning Agency finds and determines as follows' That a proper application (No. U.P. 77-22) was filed on behalf of Mr. John DeGennaro for a Use Permit to allow construction of a shop- ping center identJ [ication pole sign, for the property located at 380 East First Street. That a public hearing was duly. called, noticed and held on said application. That establishment, maintenance and operation of the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort or gen- eral welfare of the persons residing br work- ing in the neighborhood of such proposed use, evidenced by the following findings: (1) That the proposal conforms to application and permit conditions of Sign Ordinance No. 684. (2) That the proposal is in conformance with provisions of the Tustin Area General Plan. That the establishment, maintenance and opera- tion of the use applied for will not be injuri- ous or detrimental to the property and improve- ments in the neighborhood of the subject prop- erty, nor to the general we]fare of the City of Tustin, and should be granted. Proposed development shall be in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and the development policies adopted by the City Council, Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Build- ing Official, Fire Code as administered by the Fire Chief, and street ].mprovement require- ments as administered by the City Engineer. o The Planning Agency hereby grants a Use Permit, as applied for, to allow installation of a shop- ping center pole sign as indicated on said appli- cation, subject to the following conditions: That the sign area shall be limited to 37 square feet to be divided into three (3) separate sign face areas for tenant identification, and total height shall not exceed the height of the sub- ject building. That the sign permit shall be applied for on behalf of the shopping center owner and that he shall have. control over the sign's use. That an additional ]2-square-foot section may be added to the structure at such time as it is requested by the fourth tenant. Such an addition will have to meet all regulations of building, signing, and permit procedures of the City. That prior to the issuance of any permits, the planters in the First Street parking area must be replanted with an appropriate groundcover to staff's satisfaction. Eo Final construction plans will be submitted to staff for review and approval and must meet all provisions of Sign Ordinance No. 684. The removal of any trees required by develop- ment guidelines must be replaced elsewhere on the site. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Agency, held on the 6th day of September, 1977. (:HA I RMAN ATTEST' SECRETARY looking east on First Street view west on First Street view southerly across First Street DATE: SUBJECT: TO THE PLANNING COMMISS ION PUBLIC HEARING NO. ~ September 6, 1977 USE PERM-IT 77-23, KEY SHOP FOR LARWIN SQUARE APPLICANT: NORMAL PULLIAM BACKGROUND: The applicant, Mr. Norman Pulliam, has requested that Use Permit 76-25 be amended to allow for the inclusion of a proposed key shop, to be located in the center of the parking lot. The appli- cant's justification is that this will make the renovated Larwin Square shopping center more of a full-service shopping center. F DISCUSSION' The staff finds several major problems with the proposal, which it feels are serious deficiencies' In calculating the parking requirements, the ratio of one parking space per 250 square feet of building area was allowed. Normally, the City standard is one space per 200 square feet, so that, while the developer's proposal appears to have sufficien't excess parking area, it is the feeling of staff that parking provisions do not fully meet the needs of the existing Planning Agency. The increase in parking needs only heightens the potential problems of insufficient parking and congestion. Both the City Engineer and Community Development Department feel that the location within the interior of the parking lot is a hazardous location, in that it will encourage ped- estrian traffic out into the center of the parking lot and conflicts will arise. Also, congestion will be increased as cars using the facility slow up the circulation system in the complex. The staff does not feel that the applicant's justification states a real need, inasmuch as there are already two exist- . ing key makers within Larwin Square. ~I i~[?:~')' RECOM~JENDED ACT I ON' Because of the potential traffic and parking problems, and lim- . ~.<~.~.,~ii~ited justification for the requested accessory use, the staff recommends the denial of this application by adoption of Resolu- tion No. 1670, substantially as drafted. Brian J. Chase Community Development Director Illll RESOLUTION No. 1672 2 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 14 ~6 ~9 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF TtIE CITY OF TUSTIN DENYING USU PERMIT 77-23 FOR A KEY SIIOP IN LARWIN SOUARE The Plannin~ Agency of the City of T.ustin does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Aqency finds and determines as follows: ne B. C. D. That a proper application (Use Permit 77-2 ) was filed by Larwin Square to request construction and operation of a proposed key shop to be located in the center of the parkinc lot of Larwin Square. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on said application. That the location of the kev shop within the interior of the parking lot is hazardous and will encourage pedestrian traffic into the center of the parkin~t lot which will cause conflicts and congestion in the circulation system in the complex. That two existing key makers are already existJ, nq within Larwin Square. E. That the construction and operation of the kev in the center of the parkin~t lot could be detrirz~mtal to the safety and welfare to persons %~'orkinc in 'c. he neighborhood of the subject site an(] detrimental to the City of Tustin and. should., nor. be granted. 2. The Planning Agency hereby denies the proposed Use Permit 77-23 to authorize the use of the key shop in Larv~in Square. PASSED AIID ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planninc Agency of' the City of Tustin, California held on the 6th day of September, t .~ .... 1977. a4 26 ~ SECRETXRY THE PLANNING COMMISS ION PUBLIC HEARING NO. ? DATE: September 6, 1977 SUBJECT: Variance 77-10 LOCATION: 185 Pasadena Avenue APPLICANT: Judy Hernandez BACKGROUND In January of this year, it was learned that the garage structures at the residence located at 185 S. Pasadena Avenue had been converted, without permit, to living quarters. This conversion was in violation of zoning and building ordinances, and the owner of the property was informed that the illegal improvements must be corrected (May 2, 1977). The Zoning Ordinance requires a two car garage for each residence in the R-1 district. The conversion made the use of the garage to store cars impossible. The owners, Ms. Judy K. Hernandez, has since had some additional corrective work performed on the garage and is formally requesting authorization to vary with the garage stall standards. DISCUSSION The Planning Department inspected the structure and that time the garage door was opened and two vehicles were parked inside. The dimensions are substandard but sufficient to park two vehicles, one compact car and a VW bus. The applicant is proposing to leave the.bathroom and cabinets that had been previously installed. If the variance is approved the following conditions should be applied: Structure not to be used as living quarters. The garage door must remain operational and the structure shall be permanently maintained for automobile storage. RECOMMENDED ACTION .It is recommended that Variance 77-10 be approved by the adoption of Resolution No. 1675 substantially as Lfted. ' Report to Planning Agency Variance 77-10 September 6, 1977 Page two Respectfully submitted, Brian J. Chase Community Development Director BJC/AW/db _ 11 12 - 15 , 14 15 17 - 18 19 2O .A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGE~CY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVI~]G VARIA}~CE NO. 77-10 LOCATED AT 185 PASADE~]A AVENUE The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Agency finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application for Variance MO. 77-10 was filed by Judy Hernandez for authorization to vary with the Zoning Ordinance ~o. 157 (as amended) to allow a 17-1/2 foot garage instead of the re- quired 20 feet. B. That a public hearinq was duly called, noticed and held on said application. C. That the use of the garage will not, under the cir- cumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, or comfort of persons residing or working in the neighborhood nor injurious or detri- mental to the property and improvements in the neigh- borhood of the subject property, nor to the general welafare of the City of Tustin, and should be granted. D. That because of special curcumstances applicable to the subject property, a strict application of the Zoning Ordinance and of the development guide!~nes, if found to deprive the subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties evidenced by the following finding: 1. That the interior improvements do not inhibit the parking of two automobiles within the structure and therefore is not in violation cf the inZent of the Zonin~ Ordinance. 21 22 The Planning Agency hereby approves Variance No. 77-10 to authorize a shbstandard garage as indicated in Exhibit with the following conditions: That the structure shall be permanently maintained as a residential two-car garage. That the structure shall not be used as living quarters. C. That the garage door shall permanently remain operational. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meetinq of the Planning Agency of the City of Tustin, held on the 6th day ~of September, CILAI RMAM ~ECRETARY DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: PROPOSAL: THE PLAN NING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING NO. September 6, 1977 Variance 77-1~ Patrick S. Donahue The Courtyard Shopping Center Permanent display of banner devices. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION On August 2, 1976, the Tustin City Council authorized construction of the Courtyard Shopping Center at the site bounded by First, Newport, Holt and Irvine streets. An integral part of the design concept was a central Qutdoor Shopping plaza between the two major tenant buildings. Within the plaza area is awoodpost and beam trellis. Mr. Patrick S. Donahue on behalf of Tustin Associates is requesting authorization to vary with the banner provisions of Sign Ordinance #684 to permit the permanent display of multi-colored banners within the shopping plaza area. .Article VIII, Section 2, Conditional Signs, reads as follows: "Signs authorized by this section for less than a period of thirty (30) days shall require a Temporary Use Permit and Signs of a permanent character shall require a Conditional Use Permit, pursuant to the procedures of the Zoning Ordinance. D. Banners, Bunting, etc. Banners, bunting, advertising or decorating flags, balloons, or similar contrivances, in addition to a Temporary Use Permit, shall require a Sign Permit from the Community Development Department, limited to thirty (30) days duration per quarter and the deposit of a bond in the amount of fifty dollars ($50.00) to guarantee removal at the expiration of the permit period. A sign permit fee shall not be required in addition to the Temporary Use Permit fee." STAFF CO~24ENT S FIRE The material must be fire retardant. Report to Planning Agency Variance 77-10 Page two September 6, 1977 PLANN I N G e The plaza area is removed from the Holt Avenue frontage by about 325 feet. The banners, if authorize~, should be durable enough to resist fading, tearing and deterioration.. Any banners exhibiting any of these conditions shoul'd be removed or replaced. e The banner should be permanently fixed at the top and bottom to prohibit excessive waving which can result in tearing and deterioration of the material. e Banners exhibiting wordage, names, trade marks or logos of any business or organization should not be permitted under this variance. RECOMMENDED ACTION It is recommended that the Planning Agency approve Variance 77-10 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1667, substantiall-' as drafted. Respectfully submitted, Planner Community Development Department AW/db 4 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 RESOLUTION NO. 1667 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN GRANTING A VARIANCE ON APPLICATION NO. V77-1~ TO VARY WITH PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE #684 (SIGN CODE). The Planning Agency.of the City of Tustin does hereby 30 31 32 resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Agency finds and determines a) b) c) as follows: That a proper ap~licati6n for variance No. V77-10 was filed on behalf of Tustin Associates by .Patrick S. Donahue for a variance to permit 'the permanent display of banners at the Courtyard Shopping Center as set forth herein in full. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. That because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property, relative to size, shade, topography, location or surroundings, a strict application of the Zoning ordinance is found to deprive the subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classification, evidenced by the following findings: 1. The shopping plaza is set back from the public street by 325 feet and as result, not easily visible to the public. 2. The proper and continuous maintenance of the banners will mitigate the negative impact~ for which' the sign regulations are intended to elevate. d) That the granting of a variance as herein provided will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other pro- perties in the vicinity and district in which the subject property is situated. 'e) That the granting of the variance as herein provided will not be contrary to the intent of the Zoning Ordinance or the public safety, health and welfare, and said variance should be granted. f) Proposed development shall be in accordance with the development policies adopted by the City Council,'Uniform Building Codes as administered by the. Building official, Fire Code as administered by the Fire Chief, and street improvement requirements as administered by the City Engineer. g) Final development plans shall require the review and approval of the City staff. The Planning Agency hereby grants a variance as 4 § ? 8 9 10 11 15 14 15 16 18 19 Zl 28 as applied for, to permit the permanent dispiay of banners at the Courtyard Shopping Center subject to the following The banner material must be approved by the Fire Department f~r fire r~ardant qualities. b. The banners shall be affixed at'both ends to the'trellis. c. Any banners which become torn, faded or in a state of deterioration must be removed or replaced. d. Banners exhibiting any wordage, names, logosi' or trade marks shall not be authorized under the terms of this variance resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Agency held on the 6th day of September, 1977. conditions: a. '.ATTEST: C HA I P~LA ~4 RECORDING SECRETARY THE PLANNING COMMISS ION PUBLIC HEARING NO. ~ DATE: September 6, 1977 SUBJECT: Variance 77-12 APPLICANT: LOCATION: Hill, Danielson and Associates 17601 Seventeenth Street _.,.REQUEST: To vary with height limitation for monument sign. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION .On June 6, 1977, the Tustin City Council approved a sign exemption request from Constitution Savings and Loan for s Cubical monument sign. Due to a misUnderstanding of the provisions of exemption requests and conditions of approval, the sign was constructed in a location not fully displayed in submitted exihibits. As a result, the sign, as constructed could be approved under Article VII, Section I provisions, and approval would have been granted via the Variance procedure. FINDINGS The sign structure exceeds the 6' maximum height above grade and 4' maximum above a mound. The Sign Ordinance defines a grade as "The elevation of the sidewalks abutting the parcel nearest the proposed sign location." The landscape mound on which the sign is located, is a most desirable amenity by screening the parking area in the rear of the site and by visually reducing the height impact of the office building. e A sign of this type or a monument sign of a different design could be located at the base of the mound near the corner of Seventeenth Street and Treehaven. A monument sign in this location, however, might be obscured from view looking east on Seventeenth Street by the mound itself. If this Variance is approved low ground shrubs should be planted around the base of the sign to screen the foundation and lower portion of the structures. PLAN N lNG DEPARTM ENT_ Report to the Planning Agency Variance 77-12 Page two September 6, 1977 RECOMMENDED ACTION It is recommended that Variance 77-12 be approved by the .adoption of Resolution No. 1666 substantially as drafted. Respectfully submitted, Planner Community Development Department AW/db ! ,1 . 10 11 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Z6 50 RESOLUTION NO. 1666 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN GRANTING A VARIANCE ON APPLICATION NO. V77-12 TO VARY WITH HEIGHT PROVISION OF THE SIGN ORDINANCE #684. The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Agency f%nds and determines as follows: a) That a proper application for Variance No. V77-12 was filed on behalf of Constitution Savings, by Hill, Danielson and Assoc. for a variance to permit installation of a monument sign of 6' in height atop a landscaped mound of 7.9' on the property located at 17601 Seventeenth Street. b) That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. c) That because of special circumstances applicable to the subject property, relative to size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, a strict application of the Zoning Ordinance is found to deprive the subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone classification, evidenced by the following findings: a. A monument sign ~meeting the requirements of the Sign Code might be obscurred by landscaped mounding at the site. b. The mounding a desirable amenity to the site by meeting certain development guideline requirements. d) e) That the granting of a variance as herein provided will not constitute a grant of special privilece inconsistent with the limitations upon other pro- perties ~n the vicinity and district in which ti~e subject property is situated. That the granting of the variance as herein provided will not be contrary to the intent of the Zoning Ordinance or the public safety, health and welfare, and said variance should be granted. f) Proposed development shall be in accordance with the development policies adopted by the City Council, Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Building Official, Fire Code as administered by the Fire Chief, and street improvement requirements as administered by the' City Engineer. Final development plans shall require the review and a ~roval of staff. 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 ~, 2.2 3.4 15 16 3.8 3.9 2O 21 24 25 26 _ 28 29 30 33. 2. The Planning Agency hereby grants a variance as applied for, to permit the installation of a monument sign subject to the following conditions: a) All-required building inspections shall be called for by the owner or his authorized agent. b) Low growing.shrubbery shall be planted along the base of the sign to screen the lower portions. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Agency held on the 6th day of September, 1977. ATTEST: CHAIRMAN RECORDING SECRETARY Consultants Incorporated 3848 Campus Drive, Suite 201 Newpod Beach. California 92660 71;4,549-2,582 AUgust 31, 1977 The Honorable City Council City of Tustin City Center, Centennial at Main Tustin, Ca 92680 PACKERS' SQUARE Gentlemen: This is to inform you that we are deleting the multi-story senior citizen building from the Packers' Square proposal and substituting in its place sixteen (16) 1 and 2 bedroom apartment units and approximately 10,000 sq. ft. of retail and office uses as illustrated .on the attached revised site plan and program breakdown. In the interest of time, we have further modified the Packers' Square plan to be responsive to the concerns of the City Staff, members of the community, and the City Council as follows: Deletion of all buildings over three (3) stories. The garden apartments are two (2) stories, the commercial is single story, and the office building is two (2) or three (3) stories. q Increased parking in the family apartments area. A ratio of 2.25 spaces per dwelling unit is now provided in lieu Of the 2.0 originally proposed. Decreased the density in the apartment area. A density of 19.2 units per acre is now proposed in lieu of the 20.7 originally proposed. The Honorable City Council City of Tustin August 31, 1977 Page -2- Worked out a detailed plan of access and circulation~for pedestrians and vehicles with City staff. The plan delineates traffic island design, turn movements, signing requirements, internal circulation, joint use of the service area between Packers' Square and Tustin Heights Shopping Center, and maximizes ease and safety of Pedestrian circulation between the two centers. Additionally, it illustrates improvements on adjoining property to be accomp- lished at our expense, with the owner's consent. Continually updated the EIR Packages. This has been accomplished so that all pertinent information will be available and in the appropriate form. We have initiated these modifications in anticipation of your direc- tion in the sincere hope that further lengthY Hearings can be avoided by presenting you with an acceptable plan of development which will merit your favorable action at the earliest possible date. We have been working on Packers' Square for over nine (9) months. Our leasing agent, Coldwell Banker, has developed an excellent list of potential tenants for the commercial center, HUD has given con- ditional approval of the apartment project, and we would like to proceed with the entire development as quickly as possible. We believe that the excellent work of our development team in planning and architectural design, as well as in construction and maintenance and operation of the completed facilities, will achieve a development of which the City will be proud. We sincerely regret the deletion of the senior citizen element because of the high quality of the site location for such a use, because we recognize it to be the highest and best use for a portion of the site, and particularly because of the intense need and interest, particularly among senior citizens, which appears to exist in Tustin for such a facility. Before discarding the concept entirely, we attempted to accomodate a three (3) story seniors' complex, but, frankly, it is just not feasible. We still maintain an interest in constructing a senior citizen congregate care facility in Tustin if an acceptable site can be designated at a suitable cost. We would appreciate the opportunity of exploring this further, if you wish. The Honorable City Council City of Tustin AUgust 31, 1977 Page -3- In the meantime, we will very much appreCiate your thoughtful consideration and expeditious action on the revised Packers' Square proposal. Very truly yours, TASK CONSULTANTS INCORPORATED Harry y~assebaum, Pres~/~ /draw cc: Brian Chase, Community Development Director Ilmmm ,{ 1 I[I1[111' tl i 0 0 - OU~ TO THE DATE: SUBJECT: Pt. ANNING COMMISSION CONT. PU}~,]','I C ttEARTNG ~'0, ! ~' September 6, 1977 Land Use Amendment 77-2 (F) In as much as the staff has recommended a continuance of the EIR 77-4, the staff recommends that the Land Use Amendment be continued until September 19th. so that the proper procedure for first certifying the EIR is followed before the Land Use Amendment ia considered. BRIAN J. Community Development Director B3C/as DATE: SUBJECT: B P ® .B THE PLANNING COM MISS ION CONT. PUBLIC HEARING September 6, 1977 EIR 77-3 (Focused EIR for commercial portion of Packers Square) RECOMMENDED ACTION In as much as the staff or agency has not had sufficient time to review the materials submitted for the amended EIR, the staff requests a continuance of the public hearing to 7:30 p.m. September 19th. 1977. Respectfully submitted, BRIAN J. CHASE Community Development Director BJC/as F THE PLA NNING COM MISS ION CONT. PUBLIC HEARINC, ~. /3 DATE: September 6, 1977 SUBJECT: Use Permit 77-16 Packers Square Commercial Portion Only DISCUSSION: Because of the Planning Agency's expressed wish to look over the entire site and not just one portion of the proposed development the staff will need additional time to review the materials submitted last week. A proper review and comment by staff and time needed for Agency questions and review make any action inadvisabl~ at the September 6th. hear].ng. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Continuance of the public }]earing to September 19th. allow Agency review of Plan changes and their impact. Respectfully submitted, BRIAN J. CHASE Community ~evelopment Director BJC/as THE PLA NNING COI'~ MISS ION DATE: SUBJECT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: NEW BUSINESS NO. 1 September 6, 1977 Tentative Tract No. 10029 Southeast corner of Main and Williams StreeEs Hyter Development Co. Discussion on Tentative Tract No. 10029 has been continued to give the applicant an opportunity to work on resolving some major concerns regarding zoning regulations for the size and shape of R-2 lots. Respectfully submitted, Brian J. Chase Community Development Director BJC/db DATE: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND- TO T HE PLA N NING September 6, 1977 FORSfAL FINDING 77-1 COMMiSSiON New Business No. 2 Section 5.2 of Ordinance 157 (Zoning Ordinance) reads: "If any ambiguity arises concerning the appropriate classification of a particular use within the meaning and intent of this chapter, or with respec~ to matters of height, area requirements or zone boundaries as set forth herein, the Planning Commission shall ascertain all perti- nent facts and by resolution set forth its findings and interpretations and thereafter suCh interpretations shall govern, except if the City Council of Tustin directs the Planning Commission to adopt a different interpretationS" A request concerning the appropriate classification of an out- door .equipment sale and rental facility has been made by Tebault Engineer, on behalf of Foothill Tool RenTal, 12965 Newport Avenue, Tustin, California. Foothill Tool Rental has been in operation since 1960, prior t~ adoption of the present Zoning Ordinance. The request by the firm involved improvement of the existing facility, which r~quires a formal determination of the Planning Agency whether an outdoor equipment rental facility is a permitted use in a C-2 zone. DISCUSSION: The Zoning Ordinance provides for a few outdoor uses in the C-2 classification subject to a use permit. The purpose of the use permit is to allow the Planning Agency to place restrictions on certain uses which might be useful in a given zone but which might be detrimental to adjoining properties if proper safeguards are not t. aken. The use permit procedure allows the Planning Agency to impose reasonable conditions on such uses when they are initiated or whenever any expansion or change in character is made. The Planning Agency may make one of the following findings' 1. An outdoor equipment renial facility in a C-2~zone is a matter'of right. %~ith this determination, the improve- ment to the facility may be permitted without further '' review by the Planning Agency. Current Development Stan- lards would be placed upon the development. -_. PLANNING' '~ .' DEPARTM'ENT Formal Finding 7721 September 6, 1977 Page two An outdoor equipment rental facility is permitted in a C-2 zone subject to a use permit. This determination would require the applicant to file the appropriate application and present the proposed improvements before the Planning Agency for approval. An outdoor rental facility is not permitted in a C-2 zone. Any improvement of the property could not be permitted. A use variance hearing could not be con- sidered. RECOMMENDED ACTION- It is recommended that the Planning Agency make a formal finding regarding the appropriate classification of an outdoor equipment rental facility, and direct the staff to prepare a resolution incorporating the findings of the Agency. Respectfully submitted, Alan Warren Planner I TO THE PLANNING COMMISS ION 'NEW BUSINESS NO. 3 DATE: SUBJECT: LOCATION: APPLICANT: September 6, 1977 Final Parcel Map 77-101 Westerly side of Carroll Way, southerly of Medford Avenue~ Warmington Development Company BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION Subject parcel of 2.58 acres was formerly Parcel 2 of a previously recorded parcel map. Tract No. 6732 (Warmington Tract) utilized the northerly 105' of this said Parcel 2. Consequently, this map is required to create a legal parcel out of the remaining area. The City Engineer recommends the following conditions: 1. Upon development, annexation to the Tustin Lighting District. 2. Upon development, installation of marbelite street lights, street trees, and all missing utilities and street improvements all per the City o~ Tustin "Minimum Design Standards for Public Works" and "Street Improvement Standards" and all subject to the approval of the City Engineer. RECOMMENDED ACTION It is recommended that the Tustin Planning Agency at their meeting of September 6, 1977, recommend approval of Final Parcel Map 77-101 to the City Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 1671. Respectfully submitted, BRIAN CHA~E Community Development Director MAC ~*'"::~:..' P L A N N I N 'G ..... 1 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 RESOLUTION NO. 1671 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECO~.~ENDING APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF FINAL PARCEL'MAP NO. 77-101 The Planning Agency of the. City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Agency finds and determines as follows: a. That Final Parcel ~-lap No. 77-101 was submitted to the Planning Agency pursuant to the Sub- division Ordinance No. 651 by the Warmington Development Company for the purpose of creating one parcel from one larger existing parcel as indicated in Book 395, Page 31, Records of Orange County with the property bordered by Carroll Way on the east and the Newport Freeway on the west. b. That said parcel is in conformance wit-h the Zoning Ordinance and the Tustin Area General Plan for the City of Tustin and the application is in conformance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 651 of the City of Tustin. c. That this parcel map is categorically exempt from the requirements of an Environmental Impact Report 2. The Planning Agency hereby recommends to the City Council the approval of ~inal Parcel ~lap No. 77-~01, ~ubject to the following conditions: a. Upon development, annexation to the Tustin Lightin District. b. Upon development, installation of marbelite street lights, and all missing utilities and street im- provements all per the City of Tustin "Minimum Design Standards for Public Works,J and "Street Improvement Standards" and all subject to the approval of the City Engineer. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of Tustin ng Agency held on the 6th day of September, 1977. CHAIRMAN OF THE PLANNING AGENCY RE( y