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AGENDA TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA December 19, 1977 3:00 CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION ROLL CALL P ~ROVAL OF MINUTES · IC HEARINGS )ntinued I. Environmental Impact Report 77-5 - --Broa or a ' !ocuse IR" :h treats the specific areas of environ- concern associated with the develop- of a transmitting and receiving earth .... the existing broadcast adjacent to .o~ Trinity Broadcasting Network located in,the Tustin-Irvine Industrial , ................ ~::" .... N Continue to the next Go ldr i ch, which ment ~6ses des' f ami!y r construc~ housing. 6th of E1 RECO~ENDED regular meeting. Variance 77-13· cation H' the Couz ayard ~ 1 Plan 77-3 (A) ~enera ' iates for an EIR 'ieneral plan.amend- e the land use 'ciat to Multi- is request is tO .senior citizen .he north side of y 400' easterly acres. ~ntinue to the next ;d's Bank, for a'business identi- at 701 E. First Street Center.' .al of Variance 77- TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY TUSTIN, CALIF0~NIA December 19, 1977 3:00 p.F~_~. .... iP_a~e -2 OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE STAFF CONCERNS AGENCY CONCERNS ADJOURNMENT PROCEDURES FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Chairman shall announce the subject of the Public hearing, as advertised. 2. If a req~eS.t, is made for continuancy, a motion may be made and voted upon to continue the public hearing to a definite time and date. The Staff shall be asked to present the substance of the a. ppli- . cation and staff reports and to answer technical questions of the Commission and members. Individua. sllall be' give ~:~'~ name If th. to: presen~ it to a hand.~'i of th, af be g iv~ ~ishing to speak on the subject of the hearing nized by the Chairman· Persons desiring to to the Com~ission'are requested to state their for the record. !ous people in the audience who would like ~.~he issue, and it is known that all represent is advised that a spokesman be selected to group. Your spokesman will thus have the lng for a reasonable length of time, and of case. If this arrangement cannot be made, the Chairman to restrict each speaker that all may be heard. Individuals i~y have those people stand or by show of is their spokesman. It is the desire ~in the comments of all interested or organizations, and consideration will or suggestions made. Irrelevant and will be ruled out of order. 6. '.T.H[~ Conunission shall m'~%ter or continue' .certain. his motion or the motion of any .member, public portion of the ]]earing. deliberate and either determine the iublic hearing to another date and time TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: SUBJECT: December 19, 1977 Trinity Broadcasting E.I.R. In as much as the F.C.C. 77-5 Report on the proposed PUBLIC HEARING NO. 1 "earth satellite" has ~not been issued and this is the key issue of the focused E.I.R., ~h~ staff requests that the public hearing be continued until the January ~3, 1978, Agency meeting. The applicant was 'explained the requirem:ents of C.E.Q.A. and concurs with our recommendation. Respectfully submitted, Brian J. Chase Community Development Director BJC/db DEPARTM E NT "~~ T O. T H E PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING NO. 2 DATE: December 19, 1977 General Plan Amendment 77-3A and Ei.I.R. 77-6 SUBJECT: :",~t~. applicant has finalized the request for the General Plan Amendment, ho~H~er, the Environmental Impact Report requires some extensive re. visions and several areas of concern have not yet been addressed. Overall "the/project has received the tenative approval of FHA-HUD for the finAnel, ng and rent subsidy, however, it is up to the City of Tustin to insul~-~ that all aspects of the development are in compli- ance with State C.E.Q'.A. requirements and of course local ordinances and regulations. We W"~ll continue to meet with the applicant to expedite this proposal. Res Brian J Community · .BJC/db irector PLAN,N!NG DEP ARTM E NT THE PLANNING COMMISS ION PUBLIC HEARING NO. 3 DATE: December 19, 1977 December 5, 1977 meeting. SUBJECT: Variance 77-13 ~kPPLICANT: HLll, Danielson and Associates on behalf of · Lloyd's Bank. LOCATION: 601 E. First Street, Courtyard Shopping Center Thi~"iten was continued as an open public hearing from the See attached staff report. DEPARTM E NT ~..'~ii~ ~? ~PLEASE COMPLE ~ - A ..... ~" ' - ~, · ~..?~. ~ , ~ ,~D GI¥,'. TO TIlE CItY CL~,'~ ~'JIEN ~ ~:.: MICROPHON~ ~ "~--~ ~ ~"' "' ~ ~u ~uu~ THE CO~CIL. : .~' - · . DATE: ?'~ TO: TUSTIN CITY CLE~ FROM: ., ~ N~e (P1 se print) . ~. ....... ~ ....... .. . c: ..... /~'-S~BJECT- AGENDA ITEM NO. OR TITLE' I expect to address the Council on the subject agenda ~ item. Please have the Council Minutes reflect my n~and address . as w~i~te'n above. ~/ ~k,~..,~/~~ ~'~ ~ . ~ign~ure ~ .... ~" PLE~.~ COM.PLETE'?A2;D GIVE TO THE CiTY CLEFdl ~qiEN YOU. GO TO TItE MICROPHONE TO.~:-ADDRESS' THE COUNCIL. TO: TUSTIN .ERK DATE ~ct to address the Council on the subject agenda se have the Council Minutes reflect my name and address tten above. ~.~Signature C,.~:,~, %',qIEN YOU GO"TO-T'ItE ~ ~ ,. PLEASE CO,.,~-~D GIVE TO TIiE CITY MICROPHONE TO ADDP~SS THE CO~CIL. AGENDA ITEM NO. OR TITLE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Name(?iease p~int) Ad.ess I expect to address the Council on the subject agenda item~',~,, Please have the Council Minutes reflect my name and aGcre-s as %$rit%en above. TO: FROM: TUSTIN CITY:: CLERK DATE NO. OR TITLE .~!~(' ~O~k¢~C'C"x ~ddress the Council on the subject agenda ~he council Minutes reflect my name and address Sz~nature v ASE~"COMPLETE D2;D GIVE TO TIlE 'C~TY CLEFd:.%wqlEN YOU GO TO TIIE )NE TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL.. : TUSTIN CITY CLE~ ~' SUBJ Council on the subject agenda Uncil Minutes reflect my name and address gigna~'nre '~ .......... CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES OF THE TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY TUSTIN CITY CENTER Evening Meeting December 5, 1977 Called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Sharp. Present: Members: Sharp, Welsh, Edgar, Sa!tarelli, Schuster Absent: Members: None Use Permit 77-33 continued from 3:00 p.m. meeting for Packers Square. Mr?'Chase presented report with recommendation for approval. Mr. M. Fernald representing Packers Square reviewed previous presentation and stated that FHA had requested that plan be changed to fewer 2 bedroom units, from 50 to no more than 26, and modification of section 2d of Resolution approving use permit to State as follows. . Any revision in Senior Citizens complex concept which would eliminate the preference for elderly tenants as .... ~::~.?~.~$i~tablished by HUD for a Senior Citizens project shall /..[i[i!{i?[~uire the Use Permit to be amended and reviewed to '~i'?.~i$~.~comodate changes ~n the following: Parking ratios ..... and locations, building desmgn and szzes, szte lay out, ~__'~ type and location of recreational facilities, and all ,~9~.r .areas. of concern affected by a change or modifi- ~n'~in age. group. Mr. Fernald a~'su~ed the Council that the design will still be as' ~res~nted and will be oriented as primarily a Senior Citizen'~project~. He also stated FHA would not approve a project..[~ discriminatory age were put in it. ~Fzr. carl[~ ~own .asked to see revised wording and asked ':'~'for more%q'~i :i[:.:~© consider. In answer ~ ~estioning Mr. Rourke stated he did not see any big pr~ ~:~[ and thought through the Planned Development procedure th~i"~.the City was protected. M_r. Tony Coc~i?i~spoke'"~ in favor of action at this meeting. There being~ further comments or objections it was moved by Sa~arelli, seconded by Edgar that hearing be c.~.os ed. 'Carried. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarel!i that Resolution 1694 with section 2d be adopted. Carried. iar seconded by oa!tarelli that meeting be Planning Agency and convene as City Council. NG SECRETARY CHA I R~AN MINUTES OF THE TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY TUSTIN CITY CENTER .~ December 5, 1977 ~" · CALL TO' ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. INVOCATION A regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Agency was held on the 5th day of December, 1977, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., in the City Council Chambers~ Centennial Way. at Main, Tustin, California. .~ Meeting was called to order at 3:06 p.m. by Chairman Sharp. ~"Led by Chairman Sharp. Given by Mr. Edgar. IV. ROLL CALL Present: Members: Sharp, Edgar, Sal.tarelli, Schuster, Welsh. APPROVAL OF MINUTES VI. PUBLIC HEA'RINGS Absent: Members: None Others present: Dan Blankenship, City Administrator James Rourke, City Attorney !~,~.~i~f~ ~ Brian J. Chase, Community Development Director ~:.~ MarYReAcn~r~b~clra~r~lanning Aide and ~ ~~l~7s~~ ~ ~e~ ~i~n~i~usly. Continued ~H~r z ~. 1. ~u~s~e~~ 7~7~33 - Task Consultants Inc. for Packer Squa~~[[~[~horize the development and construction ~ , .... ~senior citizen apartment complex in tth~ ~ ?~pment District (PD). Property is located 600' eas~,'of~i~ Newport ~venue and southerly of the Tustin He%~s ShoppinW Center Mr. Chase pres~[t'ed_~.~ the staff report and explained that 2.d of' ~. 1694 would have to be amended because of a uest fro~{~.~'~' The public he~mng was opened at 3-15 p m Mr. Knowlton~{~?~rnald, representing Task Consultants for the Packer Squa~:~.,development explained that the reason for the continua~nce last meeting was that they wanted to make sure that wording in the resotunion would be acceptable to H~. e then H~ has required that 2b would have ed. They are making further reductions in- to only 26 2 bedroom units and the re- one bedrooms. The units are modest in be equipped with handicapped facilities. center will be for senior citizens and the open being designed as quiet centers and would courts or swiping pools but rather facilities )eal to the senior citizen. Mr. Fennald pointed :~H~ ~cannot guarantee financing that would discriminate Planning Agency Minutes ~!~t5/77 Page two and so the requested change in 2.d of Resolution No. 1694. Some discussion centered around dif/erent types of Federal financing programs. ~.~' Nina Ondracek, Homeowners of Tustin representative expressed her feeling that this presentation did not sound like the good faith promise that they heard last summer. Mr. Tony Coco, Irvine Boulevard, Tustin, s[~0ke in favor of the project and stated that he felt the rewording of the paragraph in the resolution did not change the intent of the developer. After some discussion among the Agency members, it was moved by Sharp, seconded by Schuster to continue this item to 7:30 this evening (12-5-77] and vote on it at that time. Mr. Saltarelli felt this action was only a play on words for the resolution and he was ready to act on this matter at this time. The above motion was carried: 4-1. Ayes: Sharp, Edgar, Schuster, Welsh, Noes: Saltarelli. Absent: None. Initial 2. Use.~Permit 77-36 - Robert Warmington Company for authorization to erect 2 kem- porary tract identification signs on Tract 6~32, located at the corner of Carroll Way ~i~d Medford, northerly of 17th Street. ~?~i~he presentation of the staff report by Mr. Chase, the ~.i':~' i~o. rt~on of the hearing was opened at 3:47 p.m. 'T~ing~ no comments or ob3ectlons, the hearing was closed 'a.t ~~< . · by Edgar that Use Permit 77-36 be ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Carried 3~- Varl~hce ~7-13 - Lloyd's Bank, for ~on:..to erect a business identi- located at 701 E. First Street. continuance re' tha~ the applicant has requested a matter since the Lloyd's Bank ld not be present. Moved by matt~-r as an 4. Zone for Jansv of north Pacific ~ family) for the .!~ Mr. Chase had [li, seconded by Welsh to continue this public hearing. Carried unanimously. linge 77-10 William ..oc~enoerry ~i~roperty's Inc., for rezoninc tde of Second Street, between "A" Streets, from R-1 (Single- PD (Planned Development District) instruction of condominiums. ~ented the staff report and read a letter that to City Hall in protest of this change, from 230 5. "A" Street. portion'of the hearing was opened at 4:00 p.m. , Jansvu properties, sun~arized the plot and explained that the high density of the project be ~riented toward the Center of the project. The in "A" would have 3 bedrooms and "B" and "C" would 2 bedrooms and would be 1200 to 1800 square feet in ize. In answer to a question from Chairman Sharp, ~. Hogkenberry stated that they are thinking of putting a ~prinkler system in the structure with the underground ~!(~arking facility. Planninq Agency Minutes 12/5/77 Page three Mr. Robert Bianchi, 455 W. 3rd~treet spoke in opposition to the project stating that they would be overpopulating such a small area. Uack Hunter, 180 Pacific spoke in opposition to the project saying t'hat this would ruin the rural aspect of Tustin. Mr. Harlie Bruner, 425 W. Second Street~ spoke in opposition to the project stating that he could not understand how they would keep pedestrians and vehicles out of the fire access area from Second Street. Carol Hunter, 180 Pacific Street spoke in opposition to the project saying it was a threat to the single family dwellers in the area. Mr. Ritch Bonkowski, 160 S. "A" Street stated that felt the density was not consistent with the surrounding homes. Mr. Hockenberry informed the audience that the parcel now has 21 trailers on it and he will increase the area by 2/5th's as much, therefore, this project will reduce the density of the area. The public hearing was closed at 4:32 p.m. Aft~.r some discussion among the agency members pertaining to re~ning old town Tustin and also at the same time rovidin <.?~r~/neW improvements, ~t was moved by Edgar, seconded by 3~i~i~!i to recommend approval of Zone Change 77-10 t~ ~.~ ~.. Co~nc~! by the adoption oz ~esolut~on No. 1699. .~:~~.~:~e'.dis.cussion among the agency members and some ' ~.~%:~&ence members, the above motion w . ' ~~i~ as carried A ~"Edgar, Saltarelli, Schuster, Welsh. NOES: · which r~ that nation Res identi~ 100 unit: is the 400 ' eas~ to General Plan 77-3 (A) ~ntal Impact Report 77-~ and'Associates for an EIR the general plan amendment to change the land use design- (Commercial to Multi-family This request is to construct senior citizen housing. Location side of 6th Street approximately of E1 Camino Real on 2.43 acres. None. Mr. Chase the are~ has that because of a possible change in general plan amendment the applicant a continuance. Moved by as an · seconded by Welsh to continue this item hearing to the next regular meetin0. .y. ~nt to General Plan 77-3 (B) ~ge County Institute for Transactiomal /sis for Mrs. Alexander, which proposes ~o change the land use from Orange County ~"Multi-family residential (R-4) to the ['"' Professional District, upon annexation to the City of Tustin. Location of subject property is southeasterly corner of Newport Avenue and Sycamore at 14742 Newport Avenue. 12/5/77 Agency Minutes Page four VII. PUBLIC CONCERNS VIII OLD BUS INES After the presentation of the staff report by Mr. Chase, the public hearing was opened ~;'5:.02 p.m. Mr. Paul Ray,or, 15662 Myrtle, infmzn]ed the agency that he has been a resident of Tustin for 15 years and ten years ago started the Orange County Institute for Trans- actional Analysis in the City of Tustin. Mr. Raynor stated that they perform psychological services for private individ- uals and business organizations. The home atmosphere is what they are looking for. After some discussion among the agency members it was moved by Saltarelll, seconded by Edgar to recommend aoproval to the City Council of General Plan Amendment 77-3 (B) by the adoption of Resolution No. 1698. Carried unanimously. 7. Environmental Impact Re~o~t 77-5 Trinity Broadcasting for a "foc~used EIR" .which treats the specific areas of environ- mental concern associated with the develop- ment of a transmitting and receiving earth station adjacent to the existing broadcast studios of Trinity Broadcasting Network located in the Tustin-Irvine Industrial Complexl Mr. Chase reported that certain data in the Environmental Impact Report needs to be verified and requested that this item be continued as an open public hearing to the neX~..~egular meeting. Mg~ed' by Schuster, seconded by Welsh ~o continue as an open p~lic hearing to the next regular meeting. Carried ~ously. Ms. Maureen Holthe, co-owner of Silver Streak Travel on 17th Street in the Enderle Center requested permission to retain her present sign. Mr. Rourke~&'dvised that the item should not be discussed any further an~a variance application should be applied for which wou~d, result, in an advertised public hearing before the Plannin~!~Agency. Mr. Ronald Oster requested permission to retain the present sign until the public hearing. Chairman Sharp advised that Mr. Oster should contact the Community Development Department staff. 1. Resolution No. 1696 for Newforth Center on Newport Avenue. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar to approve Resolution No. 1696 which approved the master sign plan for the Newforth Shopping Center on Newport Avenue. Carried unanJ2mously. .... ~ ~. -~.. 2~sot:utmon No. 1700 for the amendment to the Use Permit ~[~z25 for La~vin Square. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh to approve Resolution No. 1~00 which approved the amendment to Use Permit 76-25 for th~ Arthur Treacher Fish and Chips Restaurant. Carried .unanimously. ~,~lanning Agency Minutes ~" '"i2/5/~7 Page five NEW · BUSINESS X. CORRESPONDENCE XI. STAFF~· CONCERNS CONC~S...:.' AD J( 1. School District Maintenanc~ Yard Wall Consideration of change in materials for the perimeter wall. Mr. Chase informed that the school district ms proposing to change the materials for the block wall along the railroad property and next.to our yard, from the pplit face concrete block to the precision concrete block. ~ Samples of the blocks were provided and it was moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli, to approve the request of the precision concrete block in lieu of the split face block which was request No. 4. F~. Larry Sutherland, Business Manager of the Tustin Unified School District, referred to item 2j of the resolution that approved the maintenance yard use permit (No. 1589) and Mr. Sutherland stated that the school district does not wish to share in the cost of the full street improvements. Mr. Saltarelli explained that it was a clear understanding that both ~he City and School District would share in the cost of the.road since the prime user would be the school district fo~ its's busses ahd the service of vehicles from both city an~ school district. Mr. Sutherland stated that they would report back to the sch'~t:,~,district and then to the City CounCil after the '~ ~a?.~..:' ~i-~' · if~'[[.~f January meeting of the school district ..... ,%~ :~: :~. . · :~agar remmnded the school dmstr~ct that the szgnal~zation 0f Red Hill and Service Road was originally scheduled to be ~by both the city and school district. Since then the o n. T~e motmon was carried: 4-0. Ayes: Sharp, E~gar, Schus'ter, Saltarelli, Noes: None. Abstained: Welsh. 2. H~:~'ing/'E~ement of the General Plan ..~ ChaS~~:'::~ aged 'the members to read the material that ~s far 'reaching implications to the City Mr. Chase s~j~'that an implementation plan will have to be p ov~d~:~<:and S'~AG will come up with a fair share of ~eeds. None. ~: ... Mr. Chase reported that the sign letters for the Clifton C. Miller bu were not of the material that staff originally thought they would be. After some discussion Council staff to solic'itbids for metal letters rather he wood letters. meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. SECRETARY CHAIRMAN TO T HE PLA N NING COM MISS ION PUBLIC HEARING NO. 3 DATE: December 5, 1977 SUBJECT: Variance 77-13 LOCATION: 601 E. First Street, Courtyard Shopping Center APPLICANT: Hi~ll, Danielson, and Associates ~ '~'~PROPOSAL: Authorization to vary with height restriction of Sign Ordinance No. 684. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION "~pp!ication has been made on behalf of Lloyds Bank to' construct a 30 square foot double face monument sign at the future location of the 'bank's Tustin office at the corner of First Street and Newport Avenue. Plan's callii'~gr the sign 5'-0" in height to be mounted 1'-0" above a 5''0" high '(scaled) planter. Height restrictions are as follows: "Six~ (6')'!.~.feet above grade or four (4) feet above top of p.lanter or landscape mound." Plans were circulated~ to the various departments with the following comments being received: Engineerin.g_ 1. There is'~'~ dimension locating the face of the concrete base of the propos~e'~"~ with respect to the right-of-way line of the bicycle trall,~ ge of the trail is presently constructed 2.0 feet easterly of th.~ 0f~way line. The concrete face of the sign base should be loca~i~/~.n'imum of 1.0 feet westerly of the right-of-way line to proV,~ ~ate side clearance. 2." The sign de,!ail does not dimension the following: a. Footing wi~s;~,and depths. ' b. Location a Z~O~ of Steel (if required). c. Overall hel~i~ii~of walls includinq footings. Plann~ g Th:e: height of the./i~ign exceeds the maximum above sidewalk grade -0 and the ~ximum above planter by 2 -0 .~he application i:~'s not indicate any reasons for hardship as ~equired by Artic~:~ VII,' Section 2 - Variance: "IN ............. DEPARTMENT Report to the Planning Agency Dece~nber 5, 1977 Page two "Applications for variances for signs prohibited by Article IV of this Ordinance may be made to the Planning Agency when the following conditions are found to apply: That because of exceptional circUmstances applicable to the subject property, the strict application of the Ordinance is found to deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under similar circumstances. That the variance shall be subject to such conditions as will assure that the adjustments t~.ereky authorized will not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the subject. property is located." 3.... There are alternatives' available to the design as' submitted: . a. Removing the planter and. lowering the sign. b. .Placing the sign closer to the center of the building location where the landscaped berm is quite a bit lower in elevation. c. Revise the grading along the front of the site. d. Redesig~ihg the proportions of the sign. e. Front wall Sign. RECOMMENDED ACTION Recommend denial due to: alternatives available. Respectfully su~.~itted, Community Devel0p.ment Department AW/db