HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLANNING AGENDA 03-06-1978~Dtn ~nd Ayes ~._otn 2nd pyes ~otn !'! ~nd ~ye s Motn ~' i....~ye s AGENDA TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA March 6,-1978 CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3:00 p.m. PUBLIC HEARINGS Continued 1. Environmental Impact Report 77-5 - for the Trinity Broadcasting Network located in the Tustin-Irvine Industrial Complex.- RFCO~MENDED ACTION: Certify EIR 77-5 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1722. 2. Variance 78'2- On application of Caw cade--~scr~ for'""authorization to vary wit Sign Ordinance No. 684, Article VIII, Section 10, to permit a free-standing tenant identification sign in addition to an existing building identification sign to be located on Enderle Center Drive, southerly of 17th Street'. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Pleasure of the Agen 3. SAFETY ELEMENT-OF THE GENERAL PLAN - This element will be the official guide f( the City Council, Planning Agency, and other concerned governmental agencies, in- dividual citizens and businessmen, for th~ identification and preventive regulations of potential hazards within the City. Thc intention of this plan is to establish policy and direction for the reduction or elimination of potential hazards. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend approval to the City Council by adoption of Res- olut{on No. 1724. Paqe - 1 r 2nd ~fes Mdtn yes ~otn Ayes ~ iotn 2nd ~kye s ~ ~Otn 2nd Ayes · ~' TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA March 6, 1978 , 3:00 P,m,. Initial 4.~ Variance 78-3 - On applicatio~ of Larr~ M~rs~r~ ~ Vary with the s~tback requirement to allow a 10' setback rathez then the;3,required 20'. The property is located at 14751 Plaza Drive. RECOM~4ENDED ACTION: Approve by the adoption of Resolution No. 1725. PUBLIC CONCERNS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 1. Tentative Parcel Map - CaValcade of Homes, located ~n Enderle Center. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend approval of Tentative Parcel Map 78-112 .by the adoption of ResOlution No. 1720. 2. Final Parcel Map 7'8-113 - Rossherm Propert~es,"i~ated i~'th~ Tustin-Irvine Industrial Complex. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend approval of Final Parcel Map 78-113 by the adoptio~ of~Resolution.No. 1721. 3. Final Tract Map No. 10'029 - Hyter Development - located at SE corner of Main and Williams. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend approval of Final Tract Map No. 10029 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1723. CORRESPONDENCE STAFF CONCERNS AGENCY CONCERNS ADJOURNMENT P~go I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLE- GIANCE III. INVOCATION IV. ROLL CALL V. AP- PROVAL OF /Z_INUTES VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS MINUTES OF THE TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY TUSTIN CITY CENTER February 21, 1978 A regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Agency was held on the 21st day of February, 1978 at 3:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Centennial Way at Main, Tustin, California. Meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Chairman Sharp. Led By Mr. Welsh. Given by Mr. Edgar. Present: Members: Sharp, Edgar, Schuster, Welsh Absent: Saltarelli Others present: Dan Blankenship, City Administrator James Rourke, City Attorney Brian Chase~ Community Development Dir. Mary Ann Chamberlain, Planning Aide and Recording Secretar. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh, that the minutes of the February 6, 1978 mee%ing be approved. Carried: 4--0 Initial 1. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 78-1 An amendment to the Tustin Area General Plan for Santa AAa First Federal Savings and Loan and John Rizk and Ralph Boardman to change the land use classification from Singe Family Residential to the Professional designation for properties located at 14222, 14212, 14191 Red Hill Avenue. After the presentation of the staff report by Mr. Chase, the hearing was opened at 3:05 p.m. Mr. James Farnbery, officer of the Santa AAa First Federal Savings and Loan informed the Agency that the property owner to the East does not object to this expansion and the property owners to the north are also applying for the same reclassification. The public hearing was closed at 3:06 p.m. Moved by Welsh and seconded by Edgar that the Planning Agency recommend approval to the City Council of General Plan Amendment 78-1 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1719. Carried 4-0. 2. VARIANCE 78-2 - On application of Cavalcade Escrow for authorization to vary with Sign Ordinance No. 684, Article VIII, Section 10, to permit a free-standing tenant identification sign in addition to an existing building identification sign to be located on Enderle Center Drive, southerly of 17th Street. Mr. Chase reported that the applicant could not be avail- able for the meeting today and requested that the item be continued to the next regular meeting. The public hearing was opened at 3' 09 p.m. Ursula Kennedy spoke against granting this variance stating that she feels all these signs will clutter Tustin. The hearing was closed at 3:17 p.m. Moved by Welsh and seconded by Schuster to continue this item as an open public hearing to the next regular meeting. Motion carried 4-0. 3. AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 611 - An amendment to Section 2.a) (The Planned Community District Regulations) of the Irvine Industrial Complex to authorize a 30' setback from Jamboree, south of Walnut, in lieu of the previously required 46'. After the presentation of the staff report by Mr. Chase, the public portion of the hearing was opened at 3:22 p.m. Mr. Stephen Sandland, represen~ative of the Irvine Company, stated that he felt the 30' setback requirement from Jamboree was large enough and the 46' would be a hardship. In answer to questions from Agency members, Mr. Sandland informed that all parcels north of Walnut (along Jamboree) have been sold and as soon as time allows, the entire area north of Walnut along future Jamboree will be landscaped. Mr. Sandland also advised that Walnut will be completed ~hrough to the City of Irvine in April of 1979. Plans are being drawn now and should be finished shortly. The public hearing was closed at 3:28 p.m. Moved by Welsh and seconded by Edgar to reconunend approval of the Amendment to Ordinance 611 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1718. Motion carried 4-0. 4. SAFETY ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN - This element will be the official guide for the City Council, City Planning Agency, and other concerned governmental agencies, individual citizens and businessmen, for the identification and preventive regulations of potential hazards within the City. The intention of this plan is to establish policy and direc- tion for the reduction or elimination of potential hazards to the citizens and private property. Mr. Chase reported that this is a State mandated Element of the General Plan which points out potential hazards in the Community and how they can be dealt with. Mr. Edgar commented that the storm drain map is out of date (1969) and should be updated for the final element. Public hearing opened at 3:35 p.m. There being no comments or objections the hearing was closed at 3:36 p.m. Moved by Welsh, and seconded by Edgar to continue as an open public hearing to the next regular meeting and direct staff to prepare a resolution of approval incorporating additional items as directed. Motion carried 4-0. Continued Hearing 5. Environmental Impact Report 77-5 - for the Trinity Broadcasting Network located in the Tustin-Irvine Industrial Complex. Mr. Chase informed that Trinity has received approval from the FCC and this item would definitely be heard at the next meeting. Moved by Edgar and seconded by Welsh to continue as an open,public hearing to the next regular meeting. Carrie 4-0. VII PUBLIC - CONCERNS None. VIII. OLD BUSINESS City Hall Siqn Plan Mr. Chase presented a slide show of how the signs will look at different locations. IX. NEW BUSINESS Staff was directed to proceed with obtaining cost estimates for proposed signing. 1. Final Parcel Map 77-95 - Norman Pulliam on behalf of Larwin Square. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Schuster to recommend approval to the City Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 1717. Carried 4-0. X. CORRESPOND- ENCE XI. STAFF CONCERNS None. None. XII. AGENCY CONCERNS Chairman Sharp apologized to the other agency members fo the attacks of favortism cast upon the Council because of his running for Office. XIII. ADJOURN- Mr. Sharp further stated that the person who has raised the issue of favortism of ~ranting signs has done only that, and will not remain at the meeting for other related agenda items, such as City Hall Sign Plan. ~ MENT MOVed by Welsh, seconded by Edgar to adjourn at ~' ~ 4:00 p.m. to the next regular meeting of the Redevelop- ,, ment Agency Meeting. CHAIRMAN RECORDING SECRETARY 2/24/78:dpj SUBJECT: DATE: TO THE PLANNING COMMISS ION PUBLIC HEARING NO. 1 Trinity Broadcasting EIR March 6, 1978 DISCUSSION: Trinity Broadcasting has received approval of their proposed 'Earth Satellite" facility from the Federal Communications Commission. Copies of the approval have been forwarded to the Orange County Airport Land Use Commission and the MCAS(H). Comments have not been received from either agency at this time, however, based on prior correspondence with them, we feel satisfied that their concerns have been alleviated. The Marine Base had requested a change in the operating frequency so as to not interfere with the activities of the helicopter overflights. This has been accomplished. The Airport Land Use Commission had raised the question about alternative locations for the facility. In my opinion, based on the evidence provided by the applicant, the proposed location can be operated safely and more efficiently in its proposed location RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is recommended that the Planning Agency approved Resolution No. 1722 certifying the EIR for Trinity Broadcasting facility. Respectfully submitted, Brian J. Chase Community Development Director BJC: dpj Attachments RESOLUTION NO. '1722 1 2 3 4 § 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13' 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 .27 28 29 3O 31 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN CERTIFYING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 77-5, FOR THE TRINITY BROADCASTING EARTH SATELLITE FACILITY. The Pl'anning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Agency finds and determines as follows: That a draft EIR was prepared by Trinity Broadcasting for a satellite broadcasting and transmission facility to be located on Lot 27 of Tract 8603 of the City of Tustin. b. That an independent analysis was performed and distributed to all affected agencies having jurisdiction in the area. c. That a series of public hearings were duly calle% noticed and heard over a six month period. That the EIR 77-5 adequately addreSses the key issues of concern. e. Th'at the FCC has given its approval to the proposed facilit~ The Planning Agency does hereby certify EIR 77-~5, an EIR to consist of the draft documents, staff analysis, all written correspondence, public testimony and the minutes of March 6, 1978 subject to the following: Prior to issuance of a building permit, the final plans will be reviewed and approved by MCAS(H). Staff will review final plans to insure compliance with all mitigating measures covered in the EIR 77-5. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Agency, held on the 6th day of March, 1978. CHAIRMAN RECORDING SECRETARY dpj: 3/1/78 TO THE PLANNING COMMISS ION PUBLIC HEARING NO. 2 DATE: February 21, 1978 and March 6, 1978 SUBJECT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: Variance 78-2 Ronald Allen for Cavalcade Escrow 17480 E. Seventeenth St. REQUEST: Authorization to construct a 6 square foot free-standing business identification sign. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION Use Permit 74-9 authorized the construction and development of the Enderle Center. Resolution 1409 which approved Use Permit 74-9 stated: 2-d - "That a master sign plan indicating a low level design scheme and in conformance with the Sign Ordinance shall be submitted for review and approVal to the Community Development Department". A sign plan was submitted and approved for the commercial portion of Enderle Center, however, no master sign plan has been submitted for the Tustin Realty Building. On February 6, 1978 the Planning Agency adopted Resolution No. 1716 which approved Variance 77-14 and authorized the Silver Streak Travel Agency a 12 square footfre-e standing sign on Seventeenth Street. Ordinance No. 684 states the signing requirements for the Professional District: "Building Identification - One (1) 12 square foot monument sign per building Tenant Identification - One (1) wall sign of 6 square feet per occupant or use. Ordinance No. 684 also states that Variances may be granted when the following conditions apply: 1. That because of exceptional circumstances as applicable to the subject property, the strict application of the Ordinance is found to deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under similar circumstances. 2. That the variance shall be subject to such conditions that the adjustments thereby authorized will not constitute a grant if special privileges are in- consistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the subject property is located. Page Two February 21, 1978 RECOMMENDED ACTION Pleasure of the Agency. Respectfully submitted, Planning Aide MAC: dpj TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING NO. 3 DATE: March 6, 1978 SUBJECT: Safety Element of the Tustin Area General Plan DISCUSSION: At the last meeting of the Planning Agency on February 21, 1978, the staff and the Agency discussed the preliminary draft of the Safety Element. Some additional corrections were suggested and incorporated in the report. These include updating of storm drain maps and additional fire hazard information. RECOMMENDATION ACTION It is recommended that the Planning Agency approve the Safety Element and forward the documenn to the City Council for review. Respectfully submitted, ·/? ' Assistant Planner AW: dpj 3 4 5 7 9 10 3.7 2O RESOLUTION NO. 1724 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL THE ADOPTION OF A SAFETY ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN. The Planning Agency of the City .of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Agency finds and determines as follows: a. That Section 65302 of the Government Code requires a City to adopt a Safety Element of the General Plan. b. That the proposed Safety Element meets the State Guidelines for General Plans as promulgated by the State Council on Intergovernmental Relatiom c. That the Planning Agency reviewed the proposed element on February 6, 1978 and advertised and conducted a public hearing on February 21, 1978 for the purpose of hearin~ public testimony related to the Safety Element. 2. The Planning Agency hereby recommends to the City Council the adoption of a Safety Element of the General Plan to include text and maps as presented. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Agency held on the 6th day of March, 1978. CHAIRMAN RECORDING SECRETARY ' dpj: 3/1/78 SUBJECT: DATE: Variance 78-3, 14751 Plaza Drive March 6, 1978 COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING NO. 4 DISCUSSION The applicant is requesting a variance in the setback requirements to allow a 10' rather than a 20' setback. The applicant is not able to effectively achieve a 20' setback because of the recent sale of 19' of his property to the owners of the four-plexes on Plaza Way. The fourplex on Plaza Way would not have adequate access to the site without this additional 19' acquisition. In staff's opinion, the proposed site plan fully meets the intent of the Planned Community Zoning concept. The variance should be granted on the basis that denial would cause a hardship to the property while he has attempted to comply with good design principles. The proposed 10' setback will not create any safety hazard or aesthetic detriment to the area. The Engineering Department has concurred with this reco~endation subject to the following. 1. Submission of parcel map. 2. Submission of revised improvement plans. 3. Payment of street tree charges. 4. Payment of Sewer Fee. 5. Approval of access agreements. 6. Approval of O.C.F.C.D. of proposed site plan. RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is recommended that Variance 78-3 be approved by adoption of Resolution No.1725 Respectfully submitted, Brian J. Chase Community Development Director BJC: dpj 6 11 12 14 15 21 22 23 24 26 28 31 RESOLUTION NO. 1725 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN GRANTING A VARIANCE FROM THE SETBACK REQUIREMENTS OF THE ADOPTED SPECIFIC PLAN FOR TRACT 8475. The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Agency find~ as follows: That a proper application was filed by Larry Marsters of 17671 Irvine Boulevard, #204, for a variance in the setback requirements of Lot 11 of Tract 8475. A public hearing was duly called, noticed a~d heard on ~4arch 6, 1978. c. The Community Development Director has determined that the proposed variance is categorically exempt from the requirements of CEQA. d. That the variance from the setback requirements will not have an adverse effect on the health and safety of the City of Community. 2. The Planning Agency does hereby grant a variance in the setback requirements subject to the following conditions: a. Submission and approval of a parcel map if it is the intent to split Lot 11. The developer shall have a civil engineer revise the existing improvement plans for Tract No. 8475 to show the construction of and shall construct all missing street improvements adjacent to Lot 11 and the flood control right-of-way, per the City of Tustin nlmum Design Standards for Public Works" "Mi and "Street Improvement Standards." This work shall consist of but is not limited to: construction of 9' - 4" (as measured from back of curb) full width sidewalk with 4' x 4' tree-- wells at 40' on center on the Plaza Way~ Plaza Drive and flood control right-of-way frontages. This work shall be subject to the City reimbur ing the developer' for 5' of the sidewalk width only. 2, closure of existing and construction of new driveways and aprons. Payment of $45.00 per tree to the City for the planting of street trees at 40' on center. Payment of sewer connection fees per Orange County Sanitation District No. 7 ordinance. Se Submission and approval of parking and driveway access agreements on the flood control right-of-way 1 2 3 4 § 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 f. Submission of documentation from the Orange County Flood Control District approving the location of the medical building as shown directly on the easterly line of the flood control right-of-way. g. Approval by staff of the precise landscaping plans. PASSED AND APPROVED at a regular meeting of the Planning Agency of the City of Tustin on the 6th day of March, 1978. CHAIRMAN RECORDING SECRETARY dpj: 3/1/78 TO THE PLANNING COMMiSS ION NEW BUSINESS NO. 1 SUBJECT: DATE: LOCATION: APPLICANT: Tentative Parcel Map 78-112 March 6, 1978 Enderle Center Cavalcade of Homes DISCUSSION: Subject Map is located West of Enderle Center Drive between 17th Street and Vandenberg Lane and consists of a total of 8.97 acres gross and 7.18 acres net. The map consists of Parcel 5 of previously approved Parcel Map 75-75 which is being divided into two Parcels. Street improvements are nearly complete or bonded for under the previous map. The City Engineer recommends that reciprocal parking and access agreements be provided between Parcels 1 and 2. RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is recommended that the Planning Agency recommend to the City Council approval of Tentative Parcel Map 78-112 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1720. Respectfully submitted, /~aryAnn Chamberlain Planning Aide MAC: dpj SHEET 1 of 1 SHEET SCALE: 1%-60, PARCEL M'AP IN THE CITYOFTuSTIN ORANGECOUNTV CALIFORNIA BEING A DIVISION OF PAPCEL..5 AS SAID PARCEL IS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 84, PAGES 28, 29 & 30 OF PARCEL MAPS ~ECORDS OFORANGE COUNTY, CALl FORNIA BERRYMAN & STEPHEN SON INC C~UM~ fft/~V~o~s CERT/ Fl CA rE RST CURVE DA TA P h,1. SEVENTEENTH -- 4 PA RC E I STREET 2 PARCEL 1 1 VAND-' -~.s,. ~ e- NBERG~ ,~, TRACT 1'40. 7750 6 LANE . 15 ~ 22 24 3O RESOLUTION NO. 1720 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOMMENDING.APPROVAL OF TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 78-t12. The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolves as follows: 1. The Planning Agency finds and determines as follows: (a) That Tentative Parcel Map No. 78-112 was subm£tted to the Planning Agency pursuant to the Subdivision Ordinance No. 651 by Cavalcade ttomes for the purpose of creating 2 parcels from one existing parcel shown on a map recorded in Book 84, pages 28, 29, and 30 of Parcel Map Records of Orange County, California. (b) That said proposal is in accord with the Land Use Element of the Tustin Area General Plan. (c) That an Environmental Impact Report (EIR 74-3) was previously certified for this development. 2. The Planning Agency hereby recommends to the City Council approval of Tentative Parcel Map 78-112 subject to the following .conditions: (a) That reciprocal parking and access agreements be provided between Parcels 1 and 2. (b) Final Approval of the City Engineer. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Agency, held on the 6th day of March, 1978. CHAIR~.~N RECORDING SECRETARY dpj: 3/1/78 TO T HE PLA NNING COM MISS ION SUBJECT: Final Parcel Map 78-113 DATE: MarCh 6, 1978 LOCATION: Tustin - Irvine Industrial Complex APPLICANT: ROssherm Properties 9440 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 705 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 DISCUSSION: ' NEW BUSINESS NO. 2 Subject Map is located at the northeasterly corner of Franklin Avenue and Walnut Avenue and has an area of 3.0 acres. The map consists of Parcel 1 of previously approved Parcel Map 77-98 which is being divided into two Parcels by Rossherm Properties All street 'improvements were installed under Tract No. 8590 and any modifications necessary within the public right-of-way will be covered by site plan reviews upon development of the parcels. The following conditions are recomm'ended by the City Engineer: 1. Conformance with all of the conditions of approval of previously approved Parcel Map 77-98 and Tract No. 8590. 2. Provide reciprocal parking and access agreements between Parcels 1 and 2. RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is recommended that the Planning Agency recommend approval to the City Council of Final Parcel Map 78-113 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1721. Respectfully submitted ~~4ary Ann~ Cha~~.be~rlai~ Planning Aide MAC: dpj ~4P Ac ~' -- -- 17 ~0 ~4 ~5 ~6 ~7 ~8 ~9 3O RESOLUTION NO. 1721 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECO~4ENDiNG APPROVAL OF FINAL PARCEL MAP 78-113. The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Agency finds and determines as follows: That Final Parcel Map 78-113 was submitted to the Planning Agency pursuant to the Subdivision Ordinan( No. 651 by Rossherm Properties for the purpose of creating 2 parcels from one previously approved parcel which is known as Parcel One, Book 103, page~ 15 and 16 of Parcel Maps Records of Orange County ~California, b. That said proposal is in conformance with the Land Use Element of the Tustin Area General Plan. c. That an Environmental Impact Report (73-1) was previously certified for this development. 2. The Planning Agency hereby recommends to the City CouncJ approval of Tentative Parcel Map 78-112 subject to the following conditions: Se Conformance with all of the conditions of approval of previously approved Parcel Map 77-98 and Tract No. 8590. Provide reciprocal parking and access agreements between Parcels 1 and 2. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Agency, held on the 6th day of March, 1978. CHAIRMAN RECORDING SECRETARY dpj: 3/1/78 NEW BUSINESS NO. 3 DATE: SUBJECT. APPLICANT: LOCATION' il DiScuSSi ~, ~: ON Final Tract Map No. 10029 Leon Hyter Southeast corner of Main and Williams Final Tract Map No. 10029 consists of 2.9+ acres and is located at the southeast corner of Main Street an~ Williams Street. This subdivision contains 14 lots, 13 lots being for a duplex develop-- ment, and one lot being developed as a convenience market. Th'e final tract map is in substantial conformance with the pre- viously approved'tentative map. As of this date, the street improvement plans have not been approved by the City Engineer. However, the developer has assured us that these plans will be submitted to the City for final approval prior to Monday, March 6th. The Subdivision Agreement and pertinent bonds have been executed by the developer and are presently being reviewed by the City Attorney's office. RECOMMENDED ACTION It is recommended that the Planning Agency.recommend to the City Council approval of Final Tract Map No. 10029 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1723. Respectfully submitted, Chamberlain Planning Aide ~C' dpj TRACT NO, 10029 ~t ~ ~'/'r~ OF T~"~It~/~ COUNTY ~ Otr~ANG,~. CALIb'~RNIA Y'YP/C,41 6 9 RESOLUTION NO. 1723 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECO~MENDING APPROVAL OF FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 10029 TO THE CITY COUNCIL. The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve follows: bo The Planning Agency finds and determines as follows. a. That a proper application, pursuant to Ordinance No. 65] was filed by Ityter Development Inc. for the purpose of creating a 14-lot subdivision. The property identified as being the southeasterly corner of Main and Williams. That an EIR was previously certified for this project (EIR 76-3). 24 c. That the proposed map, design, and improvements are consistent with applicable general and specific plans. d. That the site is physically suitable for the type and the proposed density of development. e. That the design of the subdivision and/or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial envir mental damage or substantially and avoidably injure any native flora or fauna. f. That the design of the subdivision and the type of improvements is not likely to cause serious public heal problems. g. That the design of the subdivision and the type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, where access through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision. h. That the Final Tract map complies with all requirements of the City of Tustin subdivision Ordinance. 'i. Parkland in lieu fees shall be required in lieu of ded cation of parkland in the amount of .45 acres of land X the full cash value of the land being developed, as determined by the latest equalized assessment roll. 25 2. The Planning Agency hereby recommends to the City Council approval of Final Tract Map No. 10029, subject to all the condition~ 26 as listed in Resolution No. 1685 and final approval, by the City Engineer. 27 28 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular.meeting of the Planning Agency of the City of Tustin held on the 6th day of March 1978 3O