HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLANNING AGENDA 03-20-1978KO'tn M~tn M :n 2L. Ayes M=n 2nd M6tnF 2 A,,s March 20, 1978 CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES AGENDA TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC HEARINGS Initial 1. ZONE CHANGE 78-2 - On application of the Santa Ana First Federal SAvings & Loan, John Rizk and Ralph Boardman to change the zoning classification from R-1 Single-Family Residentia[ to PR (Professional) for the properties located at 14222, 14212 and 14192 Red Hill Av~. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend approval to the City Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 1730. PUBLIC CONCERNS OLD BUSINESS 1. Resolution No. 1727 for the approval of Variance 78-2 (Cavalcade Escrow). RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve by the adoption of Resolution No. 1727. NEW BUSINESS 1. Revision to Parcel Map 77-104 southeasterl corner of Newport Avenue and Walnut. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend approval to the City Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 1726. 2. Final Parcel Map No. 78-112 Cavalcade Escrow Co. - Enderle Center, 17th Street. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend approval to the City Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 1731. Page - 1 ~Motn i~ ).nd 'Ayes ?~4otn .)nd Ayes AGENDA · ~ TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 3. Correspondence from Hartman and Company 4. Final Tract Map No.' 10091 - James Kaul, for condominiums to be located on Holt Ave. RECOMMENDED;ACTION: Recommend approval to the City Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 1728. 5. Final Parcel Map 77-111 - Irvine Industrial Complex. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend approval to the City Council by h he adoption of Resolution No. 1729. CORRESPONDENCE STAFF CONCERNS AGENCY CONCERNS ADJOURNMENT MINUTES OF THE TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY TUSTIN CITY CENTER March 6, 1978 A regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Agency was held on the 6th day of March, 1978 at 3:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, Centennial Way at Main, Tustin, California. I. CALL TO ORDER Meeting was called to order at 3:08 p.m. by Chairman Sharp. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Led by Mr. Edgar. III. INVOCA- TION Given by Mr. Welsh. IV. ROLL CALL Present: Members: Sharp, Edgar, Saltarelli, Welsh. Absent: Members: Schuster Others present: Dan Blankenship, City Administrator Brian Chase, Community Development Directo James Rourke, City Attorney Mary Ann Chamberlain, Planning Aide and Recording Secretary V. APPROV- AL OF MINUTES Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh that the minutes of February 21, 1978 be approved as corrected. Carried: Abstained: Saltarelli; Absent: Schuster. 3-0 VI. PUB- LIC HEARINGS Continued Environmental Impact Report 77-5 - for the Trinity Broadcasting Network located in the Tustin-Irvine Industrial Complex. After the presentation of the staff report by Mr. Chase, the public hearing was opened at 3:13 p.m. Chief Warrant Officer Ayes, Marine Corps Air Station (H Santa Ana, stated that the operation of the proposed earth station will have no effect on MCAS(H) aircraft operations if radio frequency transmitted power levels are maintained at less than 900 watts. The Command stresses that they cannot be held accountable for any interference caused by overflying air traffic. However Trinity Broadcasting has indicated that they can live with the interference that may be caused. Tim Flynn, representative of Trinity Broadcasting Network, stated that they are aware of possible increased flight patterns from MCAS(H) and are willing to live with the possible interference. After ~'h~-PubliC hearing was closed at 3:18 p.m., it was moved by ~Edgar, seconded by Welsh to certify EIR 77-5 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1722. Carried: 4-0. Variance 78-2 - On application of Cavalcade Escrow for authorization to vary with Sign Ordinance No. 684, Article VII, Section 10, to permit a free-standing tenant identifi- cation sign in addition to an existing building identifica- tion sign to be located on Enderle Center Drive, southerly of 17th Street. After the presentation of the staff report by Mr. Chase, the public portion of the hearing was opened at 3:20 p.m. There being no comments or objections, the hearing was closed .at 3:21 p.m. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar to approve Variance 78-2. Motion Carried: 3-0. Absent: Schuster, Abstaining from action and discussion: Saltarelli. Safety Element of the General Plan - This element will be the official guide for the City Council, Planning Agency, and other concerned governmental agencies, individual citizens and businessmen, for the identification and pre- ventive regulations of potential hazards within the City. The intention of this plan is to establish policy and direction for the reduction or elimination of potential hazards. Mr. Chase informed the Agency that the element had been prepared by Alan Warren which complies with the State mandate. Mr. Edgar suggested that the element be used to incorporate capital improvement planning for future projects. The public hearing was opened at 3:26 p.m. There being no comments or objections, it was moved by Wels~ seconded by Saltarelli, that the hearing be closed at 3:27 p.m. and recommended approval to the City Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 1724 with recognition being given to Mr. Warren for a fine job in the preparation of the element. Carried; 4~0. Initial Hearing Variance 78-3 - On application of Larry Marsters to vary with the setback requirement to allow a 10' setback rather than the required 20' The property is located at 14751 Plaza Drive. After the presentation of the staff report by Mr. Chase, some discussion followed-anda larger drive isle apron was requested. The hearing was opened at 3:33 p.m. Mr. Larry Marsters, applicant, informed the Agency that he has studied the report and agrees with the conditions listed therein. There being no further comments, the hearing was closed at 3:35 p.mo Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar that Variance 78-3 be approved by the adoption of Resolution No. 1725. Carried: 4-0 VII. LIC CON- CERNS PUB- Helen Edgar,'13622 Loretta Drive, informed the Agency that there is a parking problem on Fashion Lane, Campers park near drive entrances which are blocking the view of motorists. Also, there is a need for a cross walk at Yorba and Bonner Drive for the school children to cross. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar, to direct staff to ContaCt the owners on Fashion Lane and work out the parkinq ~ituation. Carried: 4-0. The Agency requested a report on these matters to be presented at the April 3, 1978 meeting. VIII. OLD BUSINESS None. IX. NEW BUSINESS 1. Tentative Parcel Map 78-112 - Cavalcade of Homes, located in the Enderle Center, 17th Street. Moved by Welsh, seconded by Edgar to recommend approval to the City Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 1720 of Tentative Parcel Map. No. 78-112. Carried: 3-0 Abstaining: Saltarelli abstained from action and discussion. Absent: Schuster. Final Parcel Map 78-113 - Rossherm Properties, located in the Tustin-Irvine Industrial Complex. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli to recommend approval of Final Parcel Map 78-113 to the City Council e ~y the adoption of Resolution No. 1721. Carried: 4-0 Final Tract Map No. 10029 - Hyter Development, located at the southeasterly corner of Main and Williams. Moved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli to recommend approval of Final Tract Map No. 10029 to the City Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 1723. Carried: 4-0. X. COR- RESPOND- ENCE None. XI. STAFF CONCERNS Mr. Chase reported that Annexation No. 107, Red Hill, Browning, Mitchell will be going to the Local Agency Formation ~ommission on March 8, 1978 for their approval. A meeting was attended by Mr. Chase for the homeowners located in that area and only a few were opposed. Mr. Chase added that the is preparing a report on the annexa- tions pending and also future annexations. XII. AGENCY CONCERNS None. XIII. AD- JOURNMENT Moved by Edgar, seconded by Welsh to adjourn at 3:55 p.m. to the next reqular meeting. Carried: 4-0 SUBJECT: TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING NO. 1 Zone Change 78-2 LOCATION: Easterly side of Red Hill Avenue, northerly of Mitchell Avenue PROPOSAL: To re-zone the subject properties from single-family residential (R-I) classification, to professional (PR) BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION The subject properties are located at 14192-14212-14122 Red Hill Avenue. The present zoning classification for all the properties is single-family residential (R-l). On March 6, 1978, the City Council approved General Plan Amendment 78-1 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1719, which changed the land use classification of the properties from single-family residential to professional. Santa Ana Federal Savings is now requesting an appropriate zoning classification change to allow expansion of their present offices at 14232 Red Hill Ave. Presently, the three pieces of property are developed with single- family residential structures. RECOMMENDED ACTION It is recommended that the Planning Agency recommend approval of Zone Change 78-2 to the City Council by the adoption of Resolution No. 1730, substantially as drafted. Respect fully submitted, /Alan Warren Assistant Planner AW' dpj ~.---iiO~- ..... · ! ! , I ~- ! M'ITCHELL AVE. ZONING MAP TUSTIN, PER RES NO. DATE D PER ORD NO. DATED CA. 4 § 6 ? 10 11 14 15 17 24 25 ~0 RESOLUTION NO. 1730 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THF CITY OF TUSTIN, RECOMMENDING REZONING ON ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION NO. 78-2 FOR TIlE PROPERTIES LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF RED HILL, BETWEEN 133 FEET AND 330 FEET NORTHERLY OF MITCHELL AVENUE. The Planning Agency o£ the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows' 1. The Planning Agency finds and determines- That a proper application, Zone Change 78-2, has been filed by Santa Aha Federal Savings for a change in zoning classification from single-.- family residential (R-l) to professional (PR) for the properties described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth herein in full. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on said application. That a zone change should be granted for the following reasons- The zone change is in conformance with the Land Use Element of the Tustin Area General Plan as amended. The zone change will permit professional uses along a predominately commercialized street. d o Development of subject properties shall be in accordance with the policies adopted by the City Council, Uniform Building Codes as administered by the Building Official, Fire Code as administered by the Orange County Fire Dept., and street improv~ ment requirements as administered by the City Engineer. 2. The Planning Agency hereby recommends to the City Council approval of zone change application No. 78-2, from singe-family residential district to the professional district (PR) subject to the ~ollowing conditions: a o Compliance with recommendation and stipulations of the Community Development Director and City Engineer related to street trees, street lights, public improvements, drainage and vehicle circula- tion patterns. bo Submission and approval of final development plans at the time of development. That a 10' structure setback will be maintained from any lot line which abuts residential zones or uses. -1- 4 6 9 25 That all professional developments and or con- versions shall conform to all City zoning, building, and fire codes. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a'regular meeting of Planning Agency of the City of Tustin on the 20th day of 5farch, 1978. CHAIRMAN RECORDING SECRETARY dpj' 3/14/78 £ 4 § ? 8 9 1§ _16 ~0 ~6 ~8 ~9 ~RESOLUTION NO. 1727 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN GRANTING A VARIANCE TO PERMIT A FREE-STANDING SIGN ON VARIANCE APPLICATION OF CAVALCADE ESCROW The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Planning agency finds as follows: me That a proper application (No. V-78-2) was filed on behalf of Cavalcade Escrow for a variance to permit a free-standing businesB identification sign of not more than six (6) square feet identifying Cavalcade Escrow at the southwesterly corner of 17th Street and Enderle Drive. be A public hearing was duly called, noticed and heard on March 6, 1978. Ce The Community Development Director has determined that the proposed variance is categorically exempt from the requirements of CEQA. That the variance will not have an adverse effect on adjacent properties, persons or uses, nor an adverse effect on the health and safety of the City or community. ee That because of exceptional'circumstances as appli- cable to the subject property, the strict application of the Ordinance is found to deprive subject property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under similar circumstances. That the variance shall be subject to such conditions that the adjustments thereby authorized will not constitute a grant if special privileges are inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and district in which the subject property is located. 2. The Planning Agency does hereby grant a variance as applied for. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Agency of the City of Tustin held on Ma¥ch 20 , 1978. ATTEST: CHA IRI{A IN RECORDING SECRETARY JGR:se:D:3/7/78 DRAFT S:4 N~q BUSINESS NO. 1 DATE: March 20, 1978 SUBJECT: Revision of Tentative ParCel Map No. 77-104 LOCATION: Southeasterly corner of Walnut and Newport Avenues BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION The attached correspondence from a representative of the subdivider of Parcel Map No. 77-104 requests an amendment to condition 2-2 of Planning Agency Resolution No. 1688 to require the installation of marbelite street lights and underground conduit as each parcel is developed or rehabilitated in lieu of the existing condition that requires installation on all parcels when any development takes place. This area presently has no street lighting and is very dark. The original development took place prior to annexation to the City. In the past, both the Planning Commission and City Council have allowed improvements to take place as each individual parcel is developed. The City Engineer has stated that this proposed revision to condition 2-2 of Resolution No. 1688 does not create a problem to the Engineering Department requirements. RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is recommended that the Planning Agency recommend to the City Council the approval of the revision of condition 2-2 of Resolution No. 1688 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1726. Respectfully submitted, Mary Ann'/chamberlain Planning Aide MAC: dpj LL, I :%rVI F:: · ARCHITECT o 505 NO. TUSTIN AVENUE SANTA ANA , CALIFORNIA February 28, 1978 714 / 1~35 - Mr. Robert S. Ledendecker City Engineer City of Tustin Subject: Tentative Parcel Map 77-104 Resolution No. 1688 Dear Mr. Ledendecker; I have been asked by Mr. Ninokawa to Request a change in the referenced resolution no. 16S8. The item in question is included under the recommendations to the city council (item ~2) 1.e. The "installation of Marblelite Street Lights."........ We would l~e to have this changed to read ...... ': upon development of Parcel One" ....... The reason for this request of change is to complete the tract map process so Mr Ninokawa c~n complete his negot' -' · with his prospective tenant (which requires final ma~) approval). We do agree wihh the recommendations of the installatio?~, of the stree~ lights , but immediate payment of fees and costs to the Edison Company will not speed up the construction or instaJ_l- ation of the street lights. Your help and understanding in this request is appreciated, 4 6 ? 10 11 14 16 17 20 21 22 24 25 26 28 ~0 RESOLUTION NO. 1726 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL REVISION OF CERTAIN CONDITIONS FOR TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 77-~104 AND AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 1688 The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Agency finds and determines as follows: That the Planning Agency did adopt Resolution No. 1688 which recommended approval of Tentative Parcel Map 77-104 to the City Council with condi- tions. The Planning Agency does hereby recommend to the City Council the amendment of Resolution No. 1688 to state the following: Installation of mabelite street lights with underground conduit across both the Newport and Walnut Avenue frontages as each parcel is developed or rehabilitated. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Agency, held on the 20th day of ~!arch, 1978. CHAIRMAN RECORDING SECRETARY dpj: 3/13/78 8 xo -- 18 19 21 22 26 -- 28 gO RESOLUTION NO. 1688 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 77-104 FOR THE PROPERTY ON THE SOUTH EASTERLY CORNER OF WALNUT AND NEWPORT AVENUE. The Planninq Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows~ 1. The Planning Agency finds and determines as follows: That a proper application, Tentative Parcel Map 77-104, has been submitted by Roy Chikasawa, pursuant to Ordinance No. 651, for the purpose of. dividing 3.93 acres into 3 parcels, being a portion of Lot 49, Block 11 of the Irvine Subdivision, in the City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California. That said Tentative Parcel MaD is in conformance with the Zonin.q Ordinance and General Plan for the City of Tustin and the application is in conformance with requirements of Ordinance No. 651 of the City of Tustin. That said Tentative Parcel Map is categorically exempt from the requirements of an Environ- mental Impact Report. The Planning Agency hereby recommends to the City Council the approval of Tentative Parcel Map 77-104, subject to the following conditions: Annexation of the entire map area to the Tustin Lighting District. Proof of application to the County Surveyor's Office will be required prior to the final approval of the map by the City Engineer. Installation of marbelite street liohts with underground conduit across both the Newport and Walnut Avenue frontages. Proof of appli- cation to the Edison Company and payment of necessary fees will be required ~rior to final approval of the map bv the City Engineer. Upon development of Parcel One, installation of missing portions of sidewalk alono the Newport Avenue and Walnut Avenue frontaoes adjacent to Parcel One. Upon development of Parcel One, installation of street trees per the City's Master Plan alonq the Newport frontage adjacent to Parcels One and Two. Dedication of ultimate rioht-of-wav, including the corner cut-off, alono the Walnut frontaoe, as is indicated on the Tentative Map, adjacent to Parcel One only. 4 6 ? 8 9 lO 16 £4 ~6 £8 ~9 SO Preparation of and submission of an irrevocable offer of dedication in lieu of dedication on the map, for 10 feet of additional riGht-of-way along the Walnut Avenue frontaqe adjacent to Parcels Two and Three. Installation of all utilities underqround in connection with development of Parcel One with no new poles being set either on or adjacent to the subject development. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Cit~¥ of Tustin Planning Agency, held on the 7th day of November, 1977. CHAIRMAN / ' ~eco~dinq S~-retar~'v THE PLANNING COMMISSION NEW BUSINESS N6. 2 DATE: SUBJECT: APPLICANT: LOCATION: March 20, 1978 Final Parcel Map No. 78-112 Cavalcade of Homes Enderle Center DISCUSSION Subject map is located westerly of Enderle Center Drive between Seventeenth Street and Vandenberg Lane and consists of a total of 8.97 acres gross and 7.18 acres net. The map consists of Parcel 5 of previously approved Parcel Map No. 75--75 which is being divided into two parcels. The final map is in substantial conformance with the previously approved tentative map and all conditions have been satisfied. RECOMMENDED ACTION It is recommended that the Planning Agency recommend approval to the City Council of Final Parcel Map No. 78--.112 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1731. Respect fully submitted, An~f Chamberlain Planning Aide MAC: dpj SHEET 1 of I SHEET SCALE: ¢=60' PARCEL M'AP IN THE CITYOFTUSTIN ORANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA BEING A DIVISION OF PARCEL .5 AS SAID PARCEL IS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDEDIN BOOK 8~., PAGES 28.29 8, 30 OF PARCEL MAPS RECORDS OFORANGE COUNTY, CALl FORNIA 8ERR'YMAN & STEPHENSON INC. CECIL E RYALS LICENSED LAND SU55/EYf~ ,COUNTY SU£VEYOI~$ CE/? TI FICA rE RST C ERr/ FI C~ T~ ,P. h,1. SEVENTEENTH M~ '$9'/9 'iv ~,~,.~. '% ~ 4 ~ PARCEL STREET $£5,5/ ~ 94.12' ~ '~ ~ PARCEL 1 3O 8.4 / ,~.u- 2 i / / TRACT 1'40. M. M, 2:,:'-- - 7750 4 6 9 ? 13 ~. 15 _ 16 ~ 28 31 RESOLUTION NO. 1731 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOMMENDING APPHOVAL OF FINAL PARCEL MAP 78-112. The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows- 1. The Planning Agency finds and determines as follows- That-Tentative Parcel ~{ap No. 78-112 was submitted to the Planning Agency ~ursuant to the Subdivision Ordinance No. ~51 by Cavalcade Homes for the pur-. pose of creating 2 parcels from one existing parcel shown on a mpa recorded in Book 84, pages 28 29, and 30 of Parcel Map Records of Orange County, California. bo That said proposal is in accordance with the Land Use Element of the Tustin Area General Plan. c. That an Environmental Impact Report (EIR 74.-3) was previously certified for this development. 2. The Planning Agency hereby-recommends to the City Council approval of Final Parcel Map 78-112 subject to Final approval of the City Engineer. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Agency held on the 20th day of March, 1978. CHA I RMAN RECORDING SECRETARY dpj' 3/15/78 TO THE PLANNING COM MISS ION NEW BUSINESS NO. 3 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Planning Agency Brian J. Chase, Community Development DirecTor Banner Sign for Hartman Catalogue DISCUSSION Because of the bad weather during the past months, the Hartman Company is requesting that they be allowed to place another banner sign up to compensate for the loss of business. Under the sign code, a banner sign can be used for up to 30 days in each quarter subject to a temporary Use Permit. The Hartman Company was granted an exception last December because of the Christmas season on the understanding that they would not have any additional banners the first quarter of 1978. At their request, I allowed a banner sign during this quarter with the understandihg that they would not have one during the Spring quarter. Their current request exceeds that allowed by the Sign Code, however, it does fall under the duties of the Director who may grant temporary signing not to exceed 30 days. I have granted the Hartman Company a temporary ban~er until the Agency can provide staff direction on how they wish cases like this to be handled. If the Agency wants a strict interpretation of the Sign Code in this area, the staff will carry out those wishes. However, if some consideration is to be given to businesses such as in the case mentioned above, some parameters would be appreciated. Respectfully submitted, Brian J. Chase Community Development Director BJC: dpj CATALOG ~ SHOWROOMS ~ CULVER CITY · TORRANCE ° MONTEREY PARK · NORTHRIDGE West Los Angeles South Bay Atlantic Blvd. Campus Quad Center LOS ANGELES · MID-WILSHIRE · TUSTIN ° SAN DIEGO Downtown Los Angeles Orange County Downtown Specializing in Fine Jewelry ~-.,./ 0 ....... ~ED ~'i~ TO ~ ~ THE ~ ~LANNING COMMISSION NEW BUSINESS NO. 4 DATE: March 20, 1978 SUBJECT: Final Tract Map No. 10091 APPLICANT: Kaul Construction Company LOCATION: 14672 Holt Avenue DISCUSSION Subject Final Tract Map No. 10091 is a six lot subdivision consisting of 5 townhouse lots and one common lot with a total area of .4 acres. The final map is in substantial conformance with the previously approved tentative map. Monumentation and bonds have not been executed by the developer as of this date. If the map is approved by the City Council, the City Engineer will withhold his signature from the map until said bonds have been executed. The formation of the homeowner's association and submittal of CC & R's has not yet been accomplished. RECOMmeNDED ACTION It is recommended that the Planning Agency recommended approval to the City Council of Final Tract Map No. 10091 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1728. Respectfully submitted, ~,- Mary Ann Chamberlain Planning Aide MAC: dpj HOLT HOLT AVENUE. N.iD°O0' ZO" E. N.O°OO'ZO"E. LOTS TRACT NO. 10091 THE CITY OF TUSTIN, coul, rrY o; ORAHGE. STATE Or: C.A~F-ORNIA. JOHI, tE~kI-FRAI,,IKV~ A..GE>OC., ti, lC. E~UND~,RY MAP ~ Rs I 1 4 § 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 24 25 '2? 28 29 ~0 $2 RESOLUTION NO. 1728 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF FINAL TRACT MAP NO. 10091 LOCATED AT 14672 ttOLT AVENUE. The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin finds and deter mines as follows: That Final Tract Map No. 10091 was submitted to the Planning Agency pursuant to the Subdivision Ordin- ance No. G51 by James E. Kaul for the purpose of creating six (6) separate parcels from one (1) existing parcel as being west 228.36 feet of the rectangular south half of Lot 10 of Vanderlip and Rowan Tract, as shown on a map recorded in Book 5, Page 160 of Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, California. That said Tract Map is in conformance with the Zoning Ordinance and the General Plan for the City Tustin and is in substantial conformance with the previously approved Tentative Tract Map. 2. The Planning Agency hereby recommends approval of Tentative Tract Map No. 10091 to the City Council, subject to the following conditions. That a homeowner's association be formed to provide for maintenance of the common areas. b o That covenants, conditions and restrictions for the development shall be submitted for approval of the City Engineer and City Attorney, which shall provid for emergency police and fire and public service access across the common lot. c. Final approval by the City Engineer. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Agency of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 20th day of ~.~arch, 1978. CtIA I R~{A N RECORDING SECRETARY dpj: 3/15/78 ; TO THE PLANNING COM MISS ION NEW BUSINESS NO. 5 DATE: March 20, 1978 SUBJECT: Final Parcel Map No. 77-111 APPLICANT: Irvine Industrial Complex LOCATION: Tustin-Irvine Industrial Complex, Lot 14, located southerly of Walnut, westerly of Myford. DISCUSSION Subject Final Parcel Map No. 77-111 consists of 5 parcels and has a total area of 18.441 acres. This map has been filed on Lot 14 and Lot "A" of the Irvine Industrial Complex previously approved Tentative Tract No. 8451. The final map is in substantial conformance with the previously approved tentative map. As of this date, the street improvement plans have not been approved by the City Engineer. However, the developer has assured us that these plans will be submitted to the City for final approval prior to Monday, March 20th. The Subdivision Agreement and pertinent bonds have not been executed by the developer and will be submitted prior to March 20th. RECOMMENDED ACTION It is recommended that the Planning Agency recommend approval to the City Council of Final Parcel Map No. 77-111 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1729. Respectfully submitted, Mary Anff Chamberlain Planning Aide 5~C: dpj 4 § 6 ? 9 10 11 13 15 16 17 19 2O 21 22 23 24 26 27 29 3O 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 1729 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, RECO~SIENDING APPROVAL OF FINAL PARCEL MAP NO. 78-111 The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows- 1. The Planning Agency finds and determines as follows- The Irvine Industrial Complex has filed a Tentative Parcel ~ap (PM 78-111) to create five (5) parcels out of 18.441 acres from the existing Lot 14 and Lot "A" of 8451. That the Planning Agency finds that the subject Parcel Map is exempt from the requirements of filing an Environmental Impact Report because an Environmental Impact Report was previously approved for this project. 2. The Planning Agency hereby recommends to the City Council approval of Final Parcel ~ap No. 78-111, subject to the following conditions' A o That all previous conditions of Tract 8451, and Ordinance 611, be applicable to the subject. Parcel Map. B. Final approval of the City Engineer Submission of street improvement plans for and the construction of all public improvements per the City of Tustin "minimum Design Standards for Public Works" and "Street Improvement Standards" all as required by and subject to the approval of the City Engineer. A grading plan for this map shall be submitted indicating final grades on each parcel to place finish floor elevations a minimum of one (1) foot above the 100 year base elevation of the latest flood hazard maps on file in the City Engineer's office. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Agency, held on the 20th day of March, 1978. CIiA I RMAN RECORDING SECRETARY ~ TO THE PLANNING COMMISS ION NEW BUSINESS NO. 5 DATE: March 20, 1978 SUBJECT- Final Parcel Map No. 77-111 APPLICANT' Irvine Industrial Complex LOCATION: Tustin-Irvine Industrial Complex, Lot 14, located southerly of Walnut, westerly of Myford. DISCUSSION Subject Final Parcel Map No. 77-111 consists of 5 parcels and has a total area of 18.441 acres. This map has been filed on Lot 14 and Lot "A" of the Irvine Industrial Complex previously approved Tentative Tract No. 8451. The final map is in substantial conformance with the previously approved tentative map. As of this date, the street improvement plans have not been approved by the City Engineer. However, the developer has assured us that these plans will be submitted to the City for final approval prior to Monday, March 20th. The Subdivision Agreement and pertinent bonds have not been executed by the developer and will be submitted prior to March 20th. RECOMMENDED ACTION It is recommended that the Planning Agency recommend approval to the City Council of Final Parcel Map No. 77-111 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1729. Respectfully submitted, Mary Anr~ Chamberlain Planning Aide ~,~C: dpj SHEET ~ $CALF.: 1" =- I00' TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP' IN THE ClT'¥ O~ 'T'tJSTIt,,,I COUI,,,Iffy or- OR.",NJC~F_. / / "x / -~:7': / · :;:,;,, / ~..?., -. ,.,,.; / '",S: <'~%; 8 16 RESOLUTION NO. 1729 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, RECO~ENDING APPROVAL OF~ FINAL PARCEL MAP NO. 78-111 The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows' 1. The Planning Agency finds and determines as follows- The Irvine Industrial Complex has filed a Tentative Parcel Map (PM 78-111) to create five (5) parcels out of 18.441 acres from the existing Lot 14 and Lot "A" of 8451. That the Planning Agency finds that the subject Parcel Map is exempt from the requirements of filing an Environmental Impact Report because an Environmental Impact Report was previously approved for this project. 2. The Planning Agency hereby recommends to the City Council approval of Final Parcel Map No. 78-111 subject to the following conditions. ' That all previous conditions of Tract 8451, and Ordinance 611, be applicabl~ to the subject. Parcel Map. Final approval of the City Engineer Submission of street improvemeDt plans for and the construction of all public improvements per the City of Tustin "minimum Design Standards :for Public Works" and "Street Improvement Standards" all as required by and subject to the approval of the City Engineer. A grading plan for this map shall be submitted indicating final grades on each parcel to place finish floor elevations a minimum of one (1) foot above the 100 year base elevation of the latest flood hazard maps on file in the City Engineer's office. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Agency, held on the 20th day of RIarch, 1978. CHAIRMAN SECRE?A ¥