HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLANNING AGENDA 04-17-19782hi Ay~ 3 Moji 21]' Ayes April 17, 1978 AGENDA TUSTIN PLANNI}!G AGENCY TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 3:00 PF~ Page 1 CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE I NA7OCAT ION ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES PUBLIC HEARINGS Initial 1. Use Permit 78-6 - An application by Diana Marine requesting authorization to operate a small restaurant with seating for 27 to include take-out service and a pool table. The proposed restaurant is located at 1'7292 McFadden, Suite D, in the Tustin Wainut Village Center. P~COMXS{NDED ACTION: Recommend denial. 2. Use Permit' 78-7 - An. application submitted by Public Storage Properties, Ltd. requesting authorization to construct and operate a mini- warehouse facility for household storage with securi, ty manager's quaruers and also to allow a reduction in the required amount of parking spaces from 39 to 6. RECONMENDED ACTION: Approve by the adoption of Resolution No. 1738. 3. Use Pe?n:i.t 78-5 An application by Michael G ..... ,..r & Associates on behalf of LaN:~in Square request:ing authorization to construct and maintai~]~ a 5,000 square foot S~}ires Restaurant in lieu of a previously approved 4,600 square foot restauran'~. Due uo the s]eu)e of the proposed building, the landscaped area will be increase(] and an additional parking space has been ac]dad. T}te pre/~erty is ]_ocated at 13451 Ne~port Agenue. RI.COi.L'.1L.7.qDED ACTION: Approve by the adoption nf i'k.~.solution No. ].736. ,_~[~t}~ori:~,iti. c,n tic) constri)ct and maintiain a 5,400 ~;,:unr',', foot restaurant This increased sc.n]aro [c:,otage would eliminate 9 parking stalls but wou].( 2nd Ay _~ Hotn Ay ~ Mc n 2nd April 17, 1978 4. Usa Permit 78-4 (Cont.) provide a landscaped buffer between the restaura and the neighboring Lloyd's Bank. The restauran~ is to be located at the southwesterly corner of Holt Avenue and Ne%~port Avenue. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve by the adoption of Resolution No. 1737. PUBLIC CONCERNS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 1. Site Plan Review Parcel Map 76-82 Location: 2661 Dow Avenue - Tustin/Irvine Industrial Complex. t~';COHMENDED ACTION: Approve by minute order 2. Final_ Parcel Ma~-~ Nos 78-105, '?8--10G, 78-1.07, 78-108, and 78-.109--Investors Development, Inc. Location: Plaza Way aud Plaza Drive RF, COMHENDED ACTION: Recom~nend approval to the C:ity CouncJ.] by adoption of Resolution No. 1739. COR!{ESPONDNNCE STAFF CONCERNS ]. Industrial Condominium Review located at: southwest, erly corner of Walnut and Ryford AGENCY CONCERNS ADJOURNMENT