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Otn Ayes 2nd yes AGENDA TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA August 21, 1978 3:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCAT ION ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES PUBLIC HEARINGS Continued i. Use' P'ermit '78-19 - William Hockenbe] for Jansvu Propertie's requesting author- ization to construct 28 condominium units in the Planned Development Diztric located scutherty of 422 West First St. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Applicant has re- quested that this item be continued. Initial I.~ DiSPOSiTiON OF SURPLUS BUILDINGS - R~view and recommend that the buildings known as the old Civic Center and the Mercury Building located at 2nd and "C" Streets are excess, unused and unneeded property and should be sold. This action does not include the underlying land and is to be relocated by the Buyer RECO~4ENDED ACTION: Recommend to the City Council approval of selling of surplus buildings by adoption of Resolution No.s 1774 and 1775. PUBLIC CONCERNS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 1. Resoluti'on No.' 1'773 - Recommending certification of EIR 77-4 for Packer Square. Pag9 r...1- ~otn ~nd Morn ~2nd ,Ayes iMotn Ayes AGENDA TUSTIN PLALNI~,G AGENCY TUSTIN~ CALIFORNIA August 21, 1978 3:00 p.m. New Business No. 1 continued ..... R~COMMENDED ACTION~ Recommend to the City Council certification of EIR 77-4 for Packer Square. 2. Resolution No. 1776 - Resolution Of approval for Use Permit 78-18 (Pack~ r Square Site). RECOM~MENDED ACTION: Approve by of Resolution No. 1776. 3. Final Tract No. 10401 - Kendall- Br~e~ Company RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend to the City Council approval of Tract 10401 by adoption of Resolution No. 1777. CORRESPONDENCE ST~F CONCERNS ~NC~ CONCERNS ~JOU~NMENT Page -2 CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. INVOCATION IV. ROLL CALL Vo AP P PD%L~ OF MINUTES Vi. Pb~LIC HEAP~NGS MINUTES OF THE TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY TUSTIN CITY CENTER August 7, 1978 A regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Agency was held on the 7th day of August, 1978, at 3:00 P.M., in the Council Chambers, Centennial Way at Main Street, Tustin, California. The meeting was called to order at 3:00 P.M. by Chairman Welsh. Led by Mr. Schuster. Given by Mrs. Kennedy. Present: Members: Welsh, Kennedy, Schuster Absent: Members: Sharp, Saltarelli (arrived at 3:05 P.M.) Others Present: Dan Blankenship, City Administrator James Rourke, City Attorney (arrived at 3:17 P.M.) Brian J. Chase, Community Development Director Mary E. Wynn, Recording Secretary Moved by ~4rs. K~nnedy, seconded by Mr. Schuster to approve minutes of July !7~ 1978 meeting. Carried: 3-0 (Sharp and Saltarelli absent). (Continued Hearing) i. Variance 78-4 An application submitted by George Metsovas re%uesting authorization of a five (5) foot side yard setback in ileu of the required 10 foot setback for Lot 1 of Tract 8475 located at the corner of Irvine Boulevard and Plaza Drive. M~. Chase presented the staff report. The public hearing was opened at 3:06 P.M. Kenneth A. Bryant, 550 Golden Circle Dr., Santa Ana, attorney, spoke on behalf of George Metsovas, applicant. He described some of the architectural features of the building and stated that he felt the 5 ft. setback was compatible with other buildings in the area. He stated that he had letters from property owners that had no objection to the 5 ft. setback. Mr. George Metsovas, applicant, stated that the Beverly Hills Savings and Loan, adjacent to the subject property, has no objection to the setbacks. Joseph Meglia, 1658 SE Skyline Dr., Tustin, had no objection to the setback but he was concerned about the entry to the parking lot. Speaking in favor of the variance was Mr. Gary Gardner, Architect for Mr. Metsovas, 2404B N. G!assell, Orange Speaking in opposition to the project was Larry Marsters, Irvine Blvd., Tustin. The pub'%ic hearing was closed at 3:38 P.M. After some discussion pertaining to a lack of hardship, it was moved by Mrs. Kennedy, seconded by Mr. Schuster to deny Variance 78-4. ~arried unanimously. Planning Agency 8-7-78, page Two Use Permit 78-19 - William Hockenberry for Jansvu Properties requesting authorization to construct 28 condominium units in the Planned Development District located southerly of 422 W. First St. Brian Chase discussed the project and asked for a continuance until the next meeting. Public hearing was opened at 3:40 P.M. William Hockenberry of Jansvu Properties was agreeable to a con- tinuance of the Use Permit. He has several problems to resolve, one of which was the 50 ft. setback for 2 story buildings. Edison Miller, Attorney for the tenants of the Mobile Home Park, was concerned that 6 Senior Citizens have not been able to relo- cate as their trailers are several years old and most Mobile Home Parks will not take used trailers and they do not have the funds to purchase new trailers. Don Buxton, 1931-131 E. Beach, Orange said that he was a trouble shooter for people who were displaced from their homes as a result of Mobile Home Parks being sold. At present he has 2 possible places for relocation of tenants in the City of Orange. Don ©~Conner spoke for the Jansvu Properties affirming that they were doing everything possible to help the tenants to relocate. Pu~iic hearing was closed at 4:11 P.M. After some discussion as to whether the project should be continued as a Use Permit or start over as a Variance, it was moved by Mr. Sa!tareiii and seconded by Mrs. Kennedy that Use Permit 78-19 be continued as an open hearing to the next regular meeting of the Planning Agency. Carried Unanimously. Use Permit 78-20 - Wills and Akins requesting authorization to construct a single story office building and vary with the lot width requirements of the R-3 zone. Project located at 130 S. "~" Street. Brian Chase presented the staff report, including the fact that a variance was involved as to the lot width requirements. He recom- mended approval. Kennedy asked for an explan~tion as to the building being a one s~ory building while the plaas show 2 stories on part of the building. Public he%?ing opened at 4:1/= P.M. Preston Sutton, 425 E1Camino Real, Tustin, Architect, ex}?lained that the building was primarily a one story building and the second story section was ~ be strictly used for tree planting area. Glass on the north side to light atrium a'uea. The 2nd floor will not be used for any offic~ space. He felt that a one tenant office building would have less impact than an apartment building on the neighborhood. Public hearing closed at 4:19 P.M. It was moved by Mrs. Kennedy, seconded by Mr. Saltarelli, that Use Permit 78-20 be approved by the adoption of Resolution No. 1771. Carried unanimously. 4. Disposition of Surplus Property located on the easterly side of Newport Avenue. Brian Chase presented the staff report. Public hearing opened at 4:21 P.M. There being no comments or ob- jections, the public hearing was closed. It was ~oved by Mr. Saltarell~, seconded by Mr. Schuster that the disposition of the surplus property located on the easterly side of Newport A~enue be recommended for approval to the Redevelopment Agency by the adoption of Resolution No. 1760. Carried unanimously. VII. ~PUBLIC CONCERNS VIII. OLD BUSINESS None None Planning Agency Minutes 8-7-78, Page 3 IX. NEW BUSINESS 1. Resolution No. 1768 - Approval for the Wellington Group for Use Permit 78-16, located at 515 E. First Street. Mrs. Kennedy requested that the following condition be added to the Resolution as 2.k.: 2ok. The Cape Chestnut tree shall remain with no paving allowed around it. Attorney~Rourke said that this would be allowable. It was moved by Mr. Saltarelli, seconded by Mrs. Kennedy that Resolution No. 1768 be approved with the addition of 2.k. The Cape Chestnut tree shall reamin with no paving allowed around it. Carried unanimously. Tentative Tract No. 10495 - Warmington Company for Packer Square Development located on the easterly side of Newport Avenue, southerly of Irvine Blvd. Chai~n Welsh and Mr. Schuster de, tared a conflict of interest and abstained from voting. it ~as moved by Mrs. Kennedy and seconded by Mr. Saltarelli to continue this item until the 7:30 P.M.session of the Planning. Agency° Carried 2-0. Chairman Welsh and Mr. Schuster abstaining. 3. Final Parcel Map 78-121 - Lawler & Associates for Larmor Development located on westerly side of Yorba, northerly of Jacaranda. It was moved by Mrs. Kennedy, seconded by Mr. Saltarelli, to reco~r~end approva.1 of Final Parcel Map 78-121 to City Council by adoption of Resolution No. 1770. Carried unanimously. Tentative Parcel Map 78-120 - Williamson & Schmid for Ron Ringer for property located on the south side of Walnut Avenue in the Tustin-Irvine Industrial Complex. Xo STA~F CONCERNS It was moved by Mrs. Kennedy, seconded by Mr. Saltarelli, 'to recom- mend approval of Tentative Parcel Map 78-120 to the City Council by adoption of Resolution No. 1771. Carried unanimously. Brian Chase recommended that the City Council advertise a public hearing for the sale of surplus property. It was moved by Mrs. Kennedy, seconded by Mr. Saltarelli that a public hearinq be advertised for the sale of surplus property. Carried unanimously. XI. AGENCY CONCERNS - None XII. PRESENTATIONS Dennis Boyer, Public Participation Coordinator for the Newport Irvine Waste Management Planning Agency gave a presentation on water quality in Orange County. XIII. ADJOURNMENT Planning Agency Minutes 8-7-78, Page 4 It was moved by Mr. Saltarelli, seconded by Mrs. Kennedy to adjourn the Plann. inq Agency to the 7:30 P.M. meeting of the Planning Agency. Carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 4:48 P.M. CHAIRMAN RECORDING SECRETARY CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. PUBLIC HEARINGS MINUTES OF THE TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY TUSTIN CITY CENTER August 7, 1978 A regular meeting of the City of Tustin Planning Agency was held on the 7th day of August, 1978 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers, Centennial Way at Main Street, Tustin, California. The meeting was called to order at 7:38 P.M. by Chairman Welsh. Present: Members: Welsh, Kenned~ Schuster, Saltarelli Absent: Members: Sharp Others Present: Dan Blankenship, City Administrator James Rourke, City Attorney Brian J. Chase, Community Dev. Director Mary E. Wynn, Recording Secretary Amendment to EIR 77-4 - by Warmington Company for Packer Square Development. Location: Easterly of Newport Avenue, 100' southerly of Irvine Blvd. A~_~er the presentation of the staff report, the public hearing was opened at 7:45 P.M. Carlton Ro Brown, 13581 Olwyn, Tustin, a member of the group known as "Homeowners of ' n", Tust!~. spoke in favor of the Warmington treatment of This property. Brown felt this proposal was far superior to the previous proposal for this site. He said that Kirk Evans of the Warmington Co. had contacted the neighbors and had had meetings with ~nem to determine what would be acceptable to them. He urged the Council to approve the amendment to the EIR. P~iic hearing closed at 7:50 P.M. i~s. Kennedy asked if she could accept the EIR amendment without app~o ~_~g the parking ratio on the project. Brian Chase answered affirmatively. It was moved by Mr. Saltaretli and seconded by Mrs. Kennedy that the Amendment to EIR 77-4 be accepted and directed staff to prepare the necessary resolution. Carried: 2-0, Mr. Schuster and Chairmen Welsh abstained from voting. Use Permit 78-18 - (Amends Use Permit 77-16 and 77-33) - Robert P. Warmington Company to amend the previous use permits for the Packer Square commercial and residential developments. Property located on easterly side of Newport Avenue southerly of Irvine Boulevard. After the presentation of the staff report, the public hearing was opened at 8:07 P.M. There was no one who spoke in opposition to the project. Kirk Evans, 16592 Hale, Irvine, a representative of the Warmington Company, answered several questions about parking and age limits. The public hearing was closed at 8:10 P.M. Mrs. Kennedy was concerned with the park~tio, the age .1~~ the S~ ~itizens buying the units, and '~he private street b~dorhml~ a public street.~ ~_~ __ . - ~ ~ IV. NEW BUSINESS V. ADJOURnmeNT Plann",lng ~gency Minutes 8-7-78, Page 2 - 7:30 PM Mr. Saltarelli recalled the first plan submitted for the site was a 10 story building with one parking space per unit and felt that this proposal was far superior and should be approved. He felt the absence of citizens opposing the project indicated their support. It was moved by Mr. Saltarelli that Use Permit 78-18 be approved and that staff should prepare the necessary resolution. For lack of a second to the motion, Chairman Welsh declared his con- flict of interest. He stated that he had bought a home from the Warmington Co. and that he was selling a home to the Warmington Co. Chairman Welsh seconded the motion. Motion Carried: Ayes: Saltarelli and Welsh Nay: Kennedy Abstaining: Schuster 2. Tentative Tract No. 10495 - Approval for the Wellington Group for Use Permit 78-16 located at 515 E. First Street. It was moved by Mr. Saltarelli and seconded by Mrs. Kennedy to recommend approval to the City Council by adoption of Resolution No. 1769. ~o~on ~arrled: Ayes: Saltarelli and Kennedy ~ Abstaining: Schuster and Welsh It was moved by F~. Saltarelli and seconded by Mr. Schuster that the meeting be adjourned to the, City Council meeting. Carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:38 P.M. and hence to the next regularly scheduled Planning Agency meeting. CHAIRMAN RECORDING SECRETARY PUBLIC HEARING NO. 1 SUBJECT: DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS BUILDINGS The attached Resolutions are the recommendation of the Tustin Planning Agency for the disposition of two surplus buildings: 1. The Old City Hall Building 2. The Mercury Building ~These buildings are presently located on the Old City Hall site at present and have previously been appraised by the firm of Donahue and Company with the following values being established: LOW HIGH 1. City Hall Buii~ing $37,000 $42,000 2. Mercury Building 25,000 28,000 Cost for moving ~ud utility hookups in the amount of $3,000.00 to $6,000.00 for both buiidings should be deducted from the above amounts. >~COPL~NDA~ION It is recommended that the Tustin Planning Agency at their meeting of August 21, 1978 pass and adopt Resolutions 1774 & 1775 recommending to the City Council ~ispositions of surplus buildings. Respectfully submitted, R. Ledendecker City Engineer RL/j~a RESOLUTION NO. 1774 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECO~AV~ENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY. The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin resolves as follows: 1. The Planning Agency finds and determines: so bo That a proper application was regularly initiated by the Planning Agency for the purpose of dete.rmining the need, if any, for the old Mercury Building located on 2nd Street in the old Civic Centex site at 2nd and C Streets, Tustin, California (without the under' lying real property, and to be relocated by the Buyer). That the subject property was originally acquired by the City of Tustin for a Mercury Building. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on ~he proposal to dispose of said property. That the subject property is surplus and should be disposed of us~ and development for the following reasons: (1) The property is not suitable, adequate, or necessary for any further public purpose. (2) There is no longer any contemplated use of the property for public purposes That a sale of the subject property is in conformance with the General Plan of the City of Tustin. Tha~ the sale of the subject property qualifies as a Class 12 Categorical Exemption from an Environmental Impact Report as set out at Title 14 of the California Administrative Code Section 15112. 2. The Planning Agency, pursuant to. Sections 37350 and 65402 of the Government Code, hereby recommends to the City Council the dispostion by sale of the subject building. PASS~ AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Agency, held on the 2tst ~ay of August, 1978. ATTEST: CHA IP~VLAN P~ECORDING SECRETARY jr~h: 8/14/78 1 2 § 8 9 10 II 12 1-5 17 2O 21 22 25 25 26 27 28 29 5O 51 RESOLUTION NO. 1775 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECOM~'~NDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY. The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin resolves as follows: 1. The Planning Agency finds and determines: a. That a proper applica/tion was regularly initiated by the Planning Agency for the purpose of determining the need, if any, for the old City Hall building located on 2nd Street in the old Civic Center site at 2nd and C Streets, Tustin, California (without the underlying real property, and to be relocated by the Buyer). b. That the subject property was originally acquired by the City of Tustin for a City Hall building. c. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on the proposal to dispose of said property. d. That the subject property is surplus and should be disposed of us and development for the following reasons: i) The property is not suitable, adequate, or necessary for any further public purpose. 2) There is no longer any contemplated use of the property for public purposes. e. That a sale of the subject property is in conformance with the General Plan of the City of Tustin. f. That the sale of the subject property qualifies as a Class 12 Categorical Exemption from an Environmental Impact Report as set out at Title 14 of the California Administrative Code Section 15112. 2. The Planning Agency, pursuant to Sections 37350 and 65402 of the Government Coder hereby recommends to the City Council the dispostion by sale of the subject building. PASSED ~%~ ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Agency, held on the 2ist day of August, 1978. ATTEST: C HA I P~V~AN RECORDING SECRETARY jmh: 8/14/78 PUBLIC HEARING NO. 2 DATE: August 21, 1978 SUBJECT: Use Permit 78-19 for condominium project south of First Street. APPLICANT: William Hockenberry for Jansvu Properties The applicant has requested that this item be continued to the next regular meeting. NEW BUSINESS NO. 1 3 8 22 25 24 25 26 28 3O 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 1773 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY RECO~VLENDING CERTIFICATION OF EIR 77-4 (PACKER SQUARE) . The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Agency finds and determines as follows: so That a draft Enviornmental Impact Report was prepared by WESTEC Services, Inc. on behalf of Harry Kassebaum for the purpose of assessing the impact upon the environment of a proposed General Plan Amendment and mixed development for an 11 acre parcel located near the intersection of Irvine Boulevard and Newport Avenue. That an amendment to EIR 77-4 was submitted to the City by the Robert P. Warmington Co. for the purpose of addressing changes mn the site design and traffic clrcu!ation of the project. That an independent analysis was prepared by the City staff and distributed with the draft to all agencies having jurisdiction in the subject area. That a public hearing was advertised and held by the Planning Agency on. August 7th, 1978. As a result of the public testimony and evaluation, the proposed project has been modified to mitigate against adverse factors and addendums submitted to evaluate the amended project. The following factors have been identified, with mitigating measures, as adverse impacts: (!) Degradation of air quality to a slight degree. (2) Reduction in senior citizen housing accommodations. (3) Short-term reduction in net cost-revenue benefit ratio for city services. (4) Potential increase in para-medic service. (5) Increase in police service costs. (6) Increase in sewage beyond long range capacity projection. (7) Increased vehicle traffic generation. (8) Required relocation of the bike trail alignment. (9) Increased urban congestion. (10) Potential problem in the disposition of the remenant railroad right-of-way easterly of the project. g. That the Planning Agency has reviewed the impact 1 2 6 8 9 10] II 12 ! of the proposed project and alternatives with mitigating measures and has determined that the opportunity for development as a total 11 acre parcel provides a greater community benefit than the adverse potentials of development. 2o The Planning agency hereby recommends to the City Council the certification of Environmental Impact Report 77-4, to consist of the initial draft, independent analysis, addendum, memorandums, correspondences from other agencies, public testimony, and the minutes of the public hearings conducted on August 1, 15, September 6, and 19, 1977, and August 7th, 1978. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning ~gency of the City of Tustin held on the 21st day of August, 1978. C l~A I RM.A N SECRETARY ~5 28 ~9 50 51 NEW BUSINESS NO. 2 ;:~ATE: August 21, 1978 ~..~S UB J ECT: Use Permit 78-18- Resolution of Approval PROPERTY: Packers Square site at the Southeasterly corner of Irvine and Newport Boulevards -~DiSCUSS ION After the review of the amended Use Permit by the Planning Agency on August 7, 1978, the staff has prepared the attached resolution of approval. ~/he only significant changes to be mentioned are as follows: Applicant has met the fifty percent open space by revising the site plan to include shifting the open space in back of the garage units (along the R-1 property) to the center of the site and reducing the parking ratio from t.60 to 1.50. This reduces the number of avai]able spaces by thirteen (13). Other minor modific'atTons in drive aisles and building size were made to achieve .the 50~ open space requirement. if ~he Agency should desire the condition could be attached to the accompanying reso]ution of approval that a bond equal in amount to the cost of providing the normal two parking stails per unit shall be provided. It is staff's recommendation, however, that condition 2c should more than adequately protect the interests of the City. Attached are reports indicating that 1.50 parking stalls per unit are more than adequate for a senior complex with a 50 year age limitation. Applicant is providing 124 covered spaces and 62 open spaces. RECOMMENDED ACTION .'Approve by the adoption of Resolution No. 1776. BJC: dpj Respectfully submitted, Brian O. Chase Community Development Director 1 2 3 5 6 ? 8 9 l0 Ii ~5 I@ ~9 .25 30 .'52 RESOLUTION NO. 1776 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING USE PERMIT 78-18 FOR THE RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL PORTIONS OF THE PACKERS SQUARE DEVELOPMENT follows: 1. The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin finds and determines~'as fo I lows: - a. That a proper application was filed by the Robert P. Warmington' Company, 16592 Hale Ave., Irvine, for a Use Permit to allow the] construction and operation of a Senior Citizens development and commercial center on the southerly side of Newport and lrvine E~oulevard khown as Packers Square. b. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application on August 7, 1978. That establishment and operation of the uses wT]l be of benefit to the community and not detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the adjacent property owners and residents as evidenced by the following findings: The proposed use is in conformance with the Land Use Element of the G'eneral Plan and the Zoning requirements of the Planned Development District. 2. The key issues of concern brought out in EIR 77-4 (as amended) have been addressed and mitigated. That the proposed development shall be in full accordance with ail City standards and development pol'cies adopted by the City Council, Uniform Building Code, Fire Code and street and public improvement requirements as administered by the Public Works Director. The Planning Agency hereby grants a Use Permit as applied for, to allow the construction of a Senior Citizen Condominium Complex of 124 units and an office-commercial complex as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto subject to the following conditions: a. Compliance with all of the mitigating measures proposed in EIR · 77~4 as amended including those recommendations contained within the staff report and pertinent issues contained within the amended EIR prepared by the traffic consultant. :'~' b. Staff approval and final Planning Agency review of the site Plbn~' prior to issuance of building permits to 7nsure conformity to the precise development plans. These plans include but are not limited to: Provide 150' setback for all two story buildings adjacent to R-1 properties. 2. Provide 50% open space for residential complex. 3. Approval by City Engineer of all public and private street improvements. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 !! 12 13 i5 17 H !8 .~5 ~9 30 32 RESOLUTION NO. Page Two August 21, 1978 Approval by Orange County Fire Department of all fire hydrants emergency access drives, alarms and smoke detection system to be used and in the units. 5. Compliance with Tustin Security Ordinance. 6. Review of all landscaping, building designs, and colors and material by the Community Development Director. 7. Construction of off-site improvements for parking, drives, an( pedestrian walkways and landscaping on adjacent Tustin Heights Shopping Center as per original design. ~.?~i~i,~ii~ 8. Recordation of alt reciprocal easements for access and parking to the adjacent parcels encompassed in General Plan Amend- ment 77-2 (F). 9o Provide a parking ratioof 1.50 spaces per unit to include one covered space per unit. lO. Preparation of C.C. & R.'s for approval by to include provisions that the subject residential units shall only be purchased and occupied by persons who are 50 years of age or older arn~Z-.-M~a~te-n~--m~,,o~- ~,~-ch~n~. Compliance with all requirements of the PD Zone and the adopted Building Codes and Ordinances of the City of Tustin including current Development policies. Submission of Master Sign Plan prior to issuance of permits. tn the event the applicant or subsequent owners fail to maintain the requirements of this use permit, that the residential portion of the site is limited to persons aged 50 or older, the Planning Agency shall revoke the Use Permit 78-18 and require the owners to reapply and meet the requirements of the PD zone. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning Agency of the City of Tustin, California, heldonthe 2]st day of August, 1978. CHAIRMAN RECORDING SECRETARY 8/14/78: dpj The 1977 Senior Citizens Conference on t-lousing December 3t 1977 Moorpark Community College Moorparkt California SUMMARY OF QUESTIONNAIRES Thank you for taking the time to fill ou~ thTs que. stjonnaTre. The information !~ yoU"furnish w~lJ enable us to build homes better suited ,~o the needs of senior ,,, Just put an '~d"or a check in'the appropriate box by the questions below: ~A~ you married or single? t 14 Ma~ed 107 STng le What is your mobility? ]40 . Healthy _75 .... ~.moB]]~ F~ems 8 U~e a wheelchair J"Jave some ¥,/h~ age sn..,u,d' "' ~ ' 'De cons]dared "Senier Citizen" for J~ous]ng purpo~s? _ 14_ ~ and up ' ~ 50 a~ up 94 60 a~ up :_62_PeoPle rece[v~ social securi~ only How ~es~rabJe are s,~ikTng p~hs and green~reas in sen?or citizen housing grounas? 68 ~remeJy desirable 107 Desirable ~ Not' important c~i sy~em is adequate for use in semor c]Hzen apartments? ,Vn~ f)~e. emergency *' 93 A buffon which, when pushed~ rings a belt in the manager's office 91 A spe~er system which allows convers~ion w]i'h the manager's office ~"20 O~her - 1 ] 4 One 23 lwo Should Vis~to~ (even grandchildren) be lJmJt~ as to the Hme they re aJJow~ to remain ]n the ~rea? t22 Yes 93 No How ~requenti¥ do you have vJs]fors J'o your home [rom outsTde the complex where you live? 23 Daily 56 Twt, cea week 84 Weekly 48 Monthly__14 Never Check',he act[vlt]es you wouJc] particTpate in if they were available in your clubhouse: 109 Jacuzzi 51 Card Roor,~ 3~ Billiards 41 Sw~mmlng pool 83 Exerclsemachlnes Doyo?hevea~t? 1~ Yes==73:--N° Ir your an~er is "yes"i what is it? ~g_. Dog ~9~-Cal' 13 _ Other 82 Craft classes 38 Barbecue area 96 L~brary Exhibit il Pm3e I2 Do .YOU need or weal ra~l[ngs in your ba~hroorn? 132 Yes ....82~ No "' V~h~ch should be the ~ar.ger ~n your home? --'--' Is a s~ngle oven wifh a cooktop mf~c;en~ for Do yoo use no~ or, if ff were available, wou your cooking needso ~ Yes 37 No [or en~effa~nmen~? I~ Yes 2~ No Id you use a paffo or-ou~oor bat~ - Phone// Pa-3~' t3 DATE: August 21, 1978 SUBJECT: Final Tract No. 10401 NEW BUSINESS NO. 3 APPLICANT: LOCATION: DISCUSSION : Kendall Brief Co. Southwesterly corner of Myford Road and Walnut Avenue in the Tustin-Irvine Industrial Complex. Subject map has been submitted for the purpose of creating 43 lots and one common area for an industrial condominium project in the Tustin- Irvine Industrial Complex. ?ne Tentative Tract was reviewed and approved by the Planning Agency and City Council on May 15, 1978. All the conditions of the tentative map have been completed. ACTION: It is _=~m!._na~d that the planning Agency recommend to the City Council approval of Final Tract Map No. 10401 by the adoption of Resolution No. 1777. Respectfully submitted, Ma~y ~ Cha~er~ain Planning Aide ~C/jm~ SHEET 2. OF Z 43 I..~rs + =BASIS OF BEARING IH TNE Clef OF- 'Tu~rIR, C:0U~ITy OF. OK.~N,~F.., ~,'TAT£ OF C/kUF:OF,.~Ik~ . ' IMAYr 19715 'Z ? LOT ~' NIONUMENT NOTES 2 4 6 9 !i 21 22 23 ~ 24 ~ 25 26 27 29 3O 31 52 RESOLUTION NO. 1777 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, RECO~V~AENDiNG APPROVAL TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF FINAL TRACT NO. 10401. The Planning Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The Planning Agency finds and determines as follows: a. That a proper application was filed by Kendall-Brief Company pursuant to the Subdivision Ordinance No. 651 (as amended) for the purpose of creating an industrial condominium project from a portion of Block 45 of Irvine's Subdivision, Book 1, page 88 of miscellaneous.record map of Orange County. b. That the final map ms in substantial conformance with the tentative map. Than an EIR was previously certified for the Tustin-Irvine industrial Complex (EIR 73-1). The Planning Agency hereby recom~ends to the City Council the approval of Final Tract No. 10401, subject to final approval of the City Engineer. PASSED AND ~ ~ ~DOPT~D at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 21st day of August, 1978. RECORDING SECRETARY 8/15/78:jmh C HA I P~A~