HomeMy WebLinkAbout12 APPROVE GRANTS OF EASEMENTS TO THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY OVER PORTIONS OF MOFFETT DRIVE & LEGACY ROAD (CIP NO.'S 70230 & 70231)• Agenda Item 12 AGENDA REPORT Reviewed. City Manager Finance Director i_. MEETING DATE: October 2, 2018 TO: JEFFREY C. PARKER, CITY MANAGER FROM: DOUGLAS S. STACK, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: APPROVE GRANTS OF EASEMENTS TO THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY OVER PORTIONS OF MOFFETT DRIVE AND LEGACY ROAD (CIP NO.'S 70230 AND 70231) IN TUSTIN LEGACY SUMMARY Construction of the ongoing Moffett Drive and Legacy Road Extensions (CIP No.'s 70230 and 70231) include installation of Southern California Edison Company (SCE) electrical lines and facilities within roadways and adjacent parcels. It is therefore necessary for the City of Tustin to grant easements to SCE for these electrical lines and facilities and for access purposes over these parcels. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council: Grant an easement to the Southern California Edison Company over portions of Lots R, III, and JJJ of TR 17404 as shown on the attached easement document exhibits for electrical facilities and access purposes, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the document on behalf of the City; and 2. Grant an easement to the Southern California Edison Company over portions of Lots T and U of TR 17404 and over portions of Lot 35 of TR 17026 as shown on the attached easement document exhibits for electrical facilities and access purposes, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the document on behalf of the City. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with this item. CORRELATION TO THE STRATEGIC PLAN This agreement contributes to the fulfillment of two goals in the City's Strategic Plan. First is contribution to the fulfillment of the City's Strategic Plan Goal A: Economic and Neighborhood Development; specifically the project implementation of Strategy #1 which, among other items, is to develop critical phases of Tustin Legacy. Secondly the project addresses Goal D, Strategy #2 by working collaboratively with agencies to address issues of mutual interest and concern. DISCUSSION/BACKGROUND Construction of the ongoing Moffett Drive and Legacy Road Extensions (CIP No.'s 70230 and 70231) include installation of Southern California Edison Company (SCE) electrical lines and facilities within the project area. The property is owned by the City of Tustin. These facilities will serve the current Grants of Easements to SCE over Portions of Moffett Drive and Legacy Road October 2, 2018 Page 2 Levity project as well as future projects including the Tustin Legacy Magnet School. SCE requires an easement to be granted to them for access and maintenance purposes. Copies of the proposed easement documents are attached for information, and the location of the easements are shown on Exhibit "B" of each document. D ugla S. Stack, P.E. it r of Public Works/City Engineer Attachment(s): 1. Grant of Easement Document for SCE Facilities Over Portions of Lots R, III, and JJJ of TR 17404 2. Grant of Easement Document for SCE Facilities Over Portions of Lots T and U of TR 17404 and Lot 35 of TR 17026 S:\City Council Items\2018 Council Items\10-02-2018\Legacy EasementsWpprove Grants of Easements to SCE over Portions of Moffett Drive and Legacy Road.docx ATTACHMENT 1 Grant of Easement Document for SCE Facilities Over Portions of Lots R, III, and JJJ of TR 17404 RECORDING REQUESTED BY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA M. D now= WHEN R1E1COkDED MAIL TO SOUTHERN CALIVOWMA ED1N 180 I COMPANY 2 INNOVATION WAY, 2ud fLQO,,R, POMONA, CA 91768 Attn:, Title and Valuation SCE,bar- No,, GRANT OF EASEMENT DOCUM15NTARY TRANSFER TAk$ VALUE AM) coNSib'ERAT-IQN LESS THAN 9,100-.001 C,entral Ot T1 1? A MIZe, 11.. W.F=��RAIIT R A.DIT -M-51414 TAX FIRM NAMEN FIM 41118Z54 AP 430'4*4�2 aBy REAL PROPERTIES TME,.T SL"'Sism PA T a, alter; add to, repair,replace, recoxrst systems and communicdtion'"nis 'y4u1% manholes, handhOles, 44, and reulbveat re,erred to as on, over, -wader, "acxossand lRL8GAL D1 kRIPTION",SES EX-1-1113lt "A"' AND "B"',QTH BQ ATTACH17l) HERFUO AN MADE A, PART This jogaldescription was, prqpared,pursuant -ter Seca $730(c)'Qf` the Business ,&,)?rofessioii,$,Codq., Orantor, firfher grants, bargaft, without limitation, ,and thcright to app( easements and rights, including; but not '.!Easement,. or inpart, to others, r more, .or alb,ofthe itee by this Grant, of Grantor agroos for himself, his heirsand, assigns, not to erect, place or maintain, nor to permit the erection, nto maintenance of Any building, plant er boxes earth, fill or other structures except e I oye described real ' walls and. f . no"'es , on Ole , ab property. The Grantee; and its contractors; agents and eniployoes,,shall have the right toL trim or- cut. tree, roots as may endanger "or ,interfere with said 'systems and shall have free access to said systems and every part thereof, at,all times, for the purpose of exercising the rights herein granted; provided, however, that 'in making any excavation on said property of the Grantorthe Grantee shall make the sarne,in such a manner as will cause L the least injury to the surface of the ground around such excavation, and shall replace the; earth so removed by it and restore the surface of the, ground to as, mar the same condition as it was prior to such excavation,as is practicable. EXECUTED this day of ?0 'CITY OF TU$TIN, CALIFORMA, -4 n1unicipal corporation, Signature Print Naine Title A,Not,,ary, Public or other officer cornplleting,thiscertificate vorif,10s, Only the identity I of0ieiildiVidual,whosi-,gnea,,t u,, e,,,t,, 'he dqq to which thiscertificaie is attached, and,not`the t atlr i mess, accuracy; or validity of that document S ta t,e,o f C"alifornni a Co,un-ty, of I ,On before me, a Notary, Public, persprialiyappeared sAtisfwoq, evidence to be the be/shetthey executed the same person(s), or the entity upon be who, proved,. td me on, the basis of the Within instrument and, wknowledpdto me, that gat by his/heritheir- signatare(s), onthe llistrumpht, the instrument. Icertify'under PENALTY OF PERIURY under th j that the foregoing, paragraph is true'' orn "an "co, T 1, ect. WITNE,S,-S,myhand'and official se, Signature DST8016,98809 TD 1286348' EXECUTED this day of GRANTEE SOUTHERN CALIFOR:NI&EDISON COMP Wy 'a,corporation iS'tgnatute Print Maine A Notarypublic or At er officer canaploting this;dertifj' verifles anl� the identity of the individual who; signedthe doctinzent towhich tills cert f icatc is, attached, :and not the truthfulness,. aeeuracy, or validity of -that document. State of California Gounty`oi• �, ) On before me, a t`, oia Public, erso naliy�ap eared w'hp proved to me, on the, basis of'saiisfactory evidence to be the, person() whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within. nstrumeAt and acknowledged to. me, that heashe�the eecttted the- am.in his/her/their-authorized capacity(ies�, and. that by hi�hethei signatures) on the instrtxtaent thy' pxon(s; or the entity upon. behalf of which the person(s), aged, eNecuted tho.ixtstxxmerzt I cgztif� under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the'laws.of'ihe State'of Califrma that the foregoing paregr phis true and correct: WITNESS my hand: and official, seal. Signature (Seel) DST801698.80 'ID 1286348';. )EX100IT'w" LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL2 Ex epting therefrom that porti,on, lyin I g, within the right of way of. said Tustin Ranch, Road and Moffett Drive as shown onsaid Tract'Not 18125. Containingan area of 132, squar6 feeft, more orless , EXIIJBIT "All LEGAL DE$CRJ)?UON Containinglan area of 9 square feet, mare or" less, In the City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of California, being that portion of Lots J11 and JJ; of Tract 140", 17404 as, per map filed in, Book 9.07, 'Pages 16, through 42,, in us'ive, of Miscellaneous Maps, in the of5ce of the, County Recorder of said county, described as follows: Com roeo,(J4g.`at the ceptefline iptersecticirt of Tustin Panc'h' Road 'anal Malffe-ttDr asshownQA , Tract No. 18125 as per map filed in BookP4g, 46.thr-Qugh 50., inclusive, of -said Miscellaneous , 9 ,,7 6, Nfaps; thence along the centerline of'said Moffett P:riYe,:the fo50, "M "g. four (4) courses:: 1. South 7?24'0V East 514.96 feet to a int hereinafter referred t0as V, oint, A, , , poll , I , 2. continuing South 71,'24'01" East 31,20"feet to a curve concave- southerly having, a radius of 14,00.00'feet, I ReWTedAdy,20, 201,8 March 14,"201,7 WO No, 044940X Page, 2 of 4 H&A Legal No,, 9310-SCEVo&tt-City Checked By. J. Xir"e EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIMON` 3 -easterly 72.80 feet along sai curve thr u a de ntral angle of 2°58`46," and 4. South 6$025115" East 58.98 feet; 1. easterly 9.25 feet through a central angle of 0"'211'57" and', 2. South, 6825'15!.,' East 58.98 feef`to'the.True Paint of Heginni, Containing an area of'51'7 square feet, more or less=; ftinni g at the, alcove diwrlbed Point A thenve North 20100754" East 54.52, feet to the point of terminus. Revised lidy 20, 2018 EXHIBIT "A"` LEGAL DESCRIPTION Excepting therefrom that, portion lying within the right of way of Moffett Drivo (48M foot port'heostetly half width) as shown on Tract, No. 1,81,25, As per map filed in 18opk 075,. ,Pages 46 through $0, jAtlusive, of said Misp-1014noous Map's. Containing an area of 55square feet, more or less.. All as shown, on P-4hibit, "B" attached hereto, and by this reference made a par . t hereof. 4upt R. I irinie, L.S. No. 7090, Date-,, No, 7000, Revised July 20, 2018 WPh 14, 2017 WO No,.� 0449-40X Page,4 of 4 H&A Legal No. 9310-SCEMoffett-Cfjy E;y: K Vo CheckedBy; , �., Mnnie EXHIBIT "B" Sketch to Acoontnpany legal besc? ptio? EXHIBIT "B" Pc� Sketch , to Accommmi, Lecral Descr6)tion INDICATES' RECORD DATA PER TRACT NO. 17404, kk 907/6�-42, INDICATES RECORD DATA PER TRACT NO., 1812 , M -M,, 976/46 -50 - LOT R "Wl HUNSAKER &.ASSOCIATtS I R V I N E I N C I'iANNIFIG" 'NaNEERING a 'UPIVIYING * mine C4 KOO - PR � (945) 5113-1010 . M - (151) 583-0719 EXHIBIT CITY OF TUSTIN, COUNTY OF ORANQ� 4TATr: OF CALIFOfJNIA INNIE J'SCALE: 1"= 4G' W.Q. 449-4 EXHIBIT " 'ketch to AftompanV Legal Demiption INOICATES RECORD DATA PER TRACT NQ,, 1814, IM. 976/46-50,, xuNsAxER &ASSOCIATH I a V i N E I N c PLANNING a ENGINEFJ ING a SURVEYING uee Hughes . iryeroe CA 92818 ■ PR (949)583^ 010 s '.FX I949I S83 ip753 at " n ,47 1 4191 011, X16 O4 ps4 Lai EXHIBIT CITY OF TUSTIN, COUNTY OF ORANGF: STATE OF CALIFORNIA. J. KlNNIR SCALE: 1 "= 40' 1iSf C�. 449- ATTACHMENT 2 Grant of Easement Document for SCE Facilities Over Portions of Lots T and U of TR 17404 and Lot 35 of TR 17026 t REOORDING REQUESTED BY SOUTHFRN '(XIMRNIA 'S" WHENA'E00RDED MAIL TO SOUTHERN CALIFORNTIA EDISO'N CUNIPANY 2 VNNOVATIONT WAY 2nd.PLOOR POMONA, CA ;I T68 ,Atte: Title "and Valuation SQEP,or,,Fiat qkA�'rbr EASR1 �ENT CITY SOUTHERN C VALUE ANb CONSiDr=8ATIf2N"CRSS THAN I UE� TRTCr— 'Contra] OC' S 71MURDER TP 1249674 9,674, 9eK9-LR5,— Wt- b14 'SCE. Company. SIG. OF 08CLARANt OR AGENT'Ott,9A4fjqjNq T.AX, 0JR94M.AFN -7-1-M 4-17�18c "4(14010 32 REALPROKATIES ......... ........... C5� Ary time and, front,ftme, to time underground 4sYs(ems,'?)j consisting of wires, un&rgroun enclose res, 1114*6r$ atidcoxicrete pads, and ,otli� zxiunicipal operate,, alter, add conduits, replace, reconstruct, ,m spect andremove 10400n 'L`sysTQ,111,s (herdinaifter referred to llandhoj�s,, •and including dboye-grou cab16),,,Jn,oxii, Im 1 Ok f-EGAL IYESCRIPTION, SEE EX81BIT `'A" AND "13,",BOTH KFTACHEI), HERETOAND MAOE ;A PART This legaldescription was prepared pursuant to Sec, 873 0(c) of the Business& Professions CQde. Grantor ffi, rther grants, bargains ,and Wave oys unto the Grantee the right ofassigimient, in - whole or in part„ to,,others, without limitation, and the right, to apportion,or divide in whatever niarin&'Grantee deems desirables airy one or more, or all, of the easements and rights, including but not limited to all rights of aocess ancthigrops and ogress granted to, the Grantee by this Grant Easeme xt Grantor agrees for himself, his heirs and assigns, not to erect, place or maintain, nor to pernift, the' erection, placement or maintenance of any building, plantdr boxes, earth fill or other structures except walls and ' fences on, the, above described real property, The Grantee, and its contractors, agents and. employee shall have or cu " , i I , cut'tree roots. as may endanger or ,interfere -,Ath said systems and shall have free access to said' systems and every part thereof, at all times, for the purpose of exercising the rights herein granted, provided, however, that, in maldrig any excavation on said property of the Grantor, the Gr4,ntee ,,shall make the same in such a manner as will cause the least 4ujttry tothe'surface of the ground around such excavation, and shall replace the earth so removed by it and restore the surface of tbe-groprid to as,,Aoar thesame-oondition as it was Priorto .such 1 ekc'avatjoq as is praptic.able, 11 E tCUTED this Clay of , 20 CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, a municipaI corporation �a�gnature Print Name _ Title State of Califoinia } County, ;of igfigg _ (Seal) PST801697740 TD1249674 EXECUTED this - day of } 20 GRANTEE: 5OUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, a corporation Signature Print Name Title _ ,Xxotary iiwic or, other officer complctiag. this-ccrtificaw verifies only the identity of t1lo aidiuidual who Sighed the docompin.I to whioh this certificate is attached, andd riot the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document, State. of California. Colu ty of; -) before ruex a Notary Public, personally appeared WIIO droved to me on .the basis ofsatisfactory evidenoe to be the rxarne(s) is /are subscribed t the ltlrxu ,,Uistrunlent and acknowledged to me that he/sh oy oWuted the carne in 4horized capacity(ics), and that .by his%her/their sigrtature(s) ort tlteinstrument, the person($), ,ar .th&- entity upon f' certify'iriiderPENA-LTY OF PERDU .Y`under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true, and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal: Szgzrature (Seal): 3' DST801697740 TD124.9674 EXHI Y "A" LECA;, DESCRlPTI 4-4' PARCEL In the City of Tustin, County of Orange, State, of, Cc�lifori�ia, being that portion of Lots. I' and.I f o Tract 11a, X74(14 as per neap filed in, Book 907, Pages 6 through 412, inclusive, of Nfiscelfageous leaps, in the office of the County R.ecor er of said counfy,, escribed as f l bA{s.. Containing 674 square feet; more or less Revised A& ?©, 2018 March 23,. 2017 WO NO, 0440-40X Page 1of 4 Sk i Legal14o. 9311, SCE Legacy -City By. X. Vo Checked By: 1". Mh:ale. EXHIBIT "W' LEGAL DE SCRIPTION 3, South 14049'07" West 230.40 deet to a curveconea e southerly ha-Ving Vrg:dius of, 1104.0,0 .feet and EXHIBIT IWI LEGALDESCRIPTION' 4. westerly 122,75 feat along said' c,,one through a central angle of 602214" to0 the easterly bOuridary'of Lot 58 of said" 'Tract !\To 1740 , The nor'thAvesterly sideline of s C e 0, 1 YP aid strip, to terrninatd, 'Or heast rly in the s t t e e 't h\ stfly bbilodarycit said )EXCe .4tig therefiom,that portion lyingwithit Tot 58 t of said Tract No, 17404i, Containing,10,611 square, feet,.Mwro qr'le,ss„ PAR CEL3, Be,g4j0[P9,,,4,t Vid above described P6Ihf,A;, thence North 31°32"29"West, 116M feet to thb, pointpf terminus. l , Excepting t1wrefroni that',bortion lying w -f in the, above �described . ,)VsQ ExcPtfng therefrom that. portiaa, lying Arce I , as described y A in,, the Grant peed recorded October 26,2.017 as Instrument No. 20177000456342 of Official .ecords," in the Office,of, the County recorder of said County; -y Containing ,920square feet, more,, or less. EXHIBIT ,Wl LEGALDESCRIPTION Al , I as shawn on Exhibft "13" attalchled hereto and by this refereace, mads a p4tt hereof, NDS lascat 410, L.S.. No.. 709G Date;.— No, 7090' WONo. R&A 2 PGL PARCEL A 820 S.P_ //Vs T, NCS`, 4,6A, ``-PGL Z 1 11,611 .S;Fs PARCL A �4 201700,0456342. D.R. PORTION OF- 3, TRACT NO, 17026 M M, 88411-14 �XH1BJT CITY ,OF TUSTIN, COUNTY OF ORRNCi ,STATE OF CAL NNIF E., 1"= 1Fir I wn LINE. TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L1 446"39'"IYE 189' L2 8 ° A N " E N �6. I 38�90' X901 L3 49P106"W 10.00' N40°39'15, E E .3 19.3 19 EXHIBIT 'TBYY Sketch, to Xccomptny Legal Demiption 1 52' CURVE TABLE z uj CURVE I I DELTA RADIUS LENOTH C1 32-20, 10 2t 1 5 (0� T5��En 12AS 12, 13' P760;52')' O ILO 674' " SY 'CWd J, ' -- KIN - '3' E OAA E -1 t vz --LY\-?r -.avvg I MikA LLUAL No. 9311 1 SHEET 2 9)" ll r R DATA PER .. NSL NQp 2017000456,34,2$ Q.R., HUNSAKER & ASSQCIATB{ It' A V 1 N E, I N C' PLANNING R ENGINEERING - SQkVEYtNG ices f uahes Irvine. CA 92678 . ON! NAM 9MLi xn �. rani, rte, I "l cex 44, wf ci h LG! CL 82� S F: I "l cex EXHIBITs Sketch to Aecompmmy Legal DescKpticn SEE SHEET S; PARCE1. A 'INST IVO. 10 2017 '00045,6,342, 0, 0R Q4` A 4 SEE SHEET S', Ifo. %j u sAK R &- ASSOCIAT.Es d I R V 1 N E, A I I N C r,Hughes PLANNING -MA it Cn 32618 • PH': (19491 s1-`1010 0FX (949) 5VU0759 PARCEL A INSIT NO, 261700045642, 0A ] INDICATES RECOR,I) DATA, PER, INST. . 2017000456342; P.R. EXHIBIT CITY Or TUSTIN, COUNTY OF ORANGE;. STATE OF CALIFOI NIA (� 6_22-18 { o 4-20-18 1'a;., -K. VOI 'V' J. KINNIE I SCAT E: 1 "= 4n' W n e�ca_�nY EXHIBIT s' Sketch to Accompany Legal Description PARCEL. A fNS T , NO. 2017000456342, OR, TRACT NO,,17404 �Q / A�/� PARCEL A INDICATES RECORD DAtA PER, INST. NO, 201700045632, O.R. ]EXHIBIT` CITY -OF TU TIN, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIF RNIIA