Wow,I didn't know about the Redhill change too!But it said
Last Updated 9/17/2018 they don't plan on changing this amount of lanes so I guess
the 71 bus will still be able to come down?This is crazy! I
4:08 p m didn't know they were going to build more houses but it
shouldn't be a surprise.There's already housing being built
Next Door on 6th.Street too!
Karol Williams
Sandra Norby .Tustin Meadows 4d ago
,Tustin Meadows 5d ago But still not enough parking any where. It doesn't take a
httpJ(www.tustnca.orgldepts/cdlplanningupdate.asp brain surgeon 4
Penni Foley
,Tustin Meadows 5d ago
Neighbors,please take notice of the information in the yellow
u ' box. Four to five story residences with 500 residential units
with shared or reduced parking. I am reminded of a time
IF more than 20 years ago.I was secretary to the Community
Development Director. It was a time when Tustin Ranch was
building out. I decided to actually read an EIR
Sandra Norby (Environmental Impact Report).I came across the traffic
.Tustin Meadows-5d ago concerns and the answer to everything was that the issues
and this would be mitigated to a level of insignificance.I asked the
Director how you mitigate traffic to disappear.His reply was
that ou don't,you just add more lights to control the traffic.
xie i Jim V,11111:7ms
Tuqtii;t.lC- 6,3As-5d ago
That was a stupid answer huh.Add more lights.This is all
we need four to five story residences.They want it to took
like what there building down on Jamboree.More traffic
Sandra Norby
,Tustin Meadows-5d ago
h. J/www.tustinea.orgldeptslcdlplanningupdate.asp
Penni Foley
, Tustin Meadows-4d ago
Problem is,that is the solution to the traffic issue.I thought
Jim Williams he was joking,but he was serious.
,Tustin Meadows 5d ago
Sounds like they want to mess up Red Hill also.You talk
about a traffic nightmare.
0 .Emil Gens
Columbia Westmont 4d ago
Jim Williams This project is disaster to the area More Traffic,parking
.Tustin Meadows5d ago problems to all residents around,if one of these 500 units
What's up with these proposals.Am i missing something. I can't find a spot he will park in front of my house,all streets
know more money because of taxes. around will be like a parking lots. I can't believe such this
project in Tustin .How and what this developer do to get
such this project to a level of public hearing,ohh yes money
alks.„Shane Darlington
. St Cecilia 4d ago
I put a post about this BS back in June.
Brian Miller
.Tustin Meaco.^a
Catherine Reynolds Hmmmm...the city conveniently edited their attached
Tustin Meadows 4d ago document to remove more than a page of details containing
gems like"...significant and unavoidable impacts related to Reduce parking standards?!!
Air Quality,Greenhouse Gas Emissions,and Traffic&
Transportation."Now they simply linked to a website with
those details buried away and harder to find.I can think of
one easy way to"avoid"these problems,but I fear the
developer's money will speak a lot louder louder than
Brian Miller
resident's voices. 7�_,stin n.a�adows•5d ago
At the bottom of the page:"...significant and unavoidable
impacts related to Air Quality,Greenhouse Gas Emissions,
and Traffic&Transportation."So they won't try to mitigate
traffic issues?Just copping out by calling it unavoidable?In
Lorraine Aldis addition to the deveioper(s)getting a big pay day on this
,Silverbrook Edited 4d ago project,the city would also be raking in a ton of new taxes
Please note that all of the Orange grove at Redhill and and fees.So certainly those planning this project stand to
Walnut is included.What are they planning to build there? benefit by cramming as many warm bodies into this area,at
the expense of current residents.
Catherine Reynolds
,Tustin Meadows-3d ago Margo Zatyko
Oh No!II What's going to happen to the Orange Grove?! ,Tustin Heights-4d ago
This is nuts....what are they thinking. It is all about money.
They are getting lots of revenue from The District area and 4
to 5 story building.Also planning on make 1st in Tustin one
lane each way and adding slanted parking spaces.The will
Lorraine Aldis back traffic up on the Newport when cars are trying to back
.Silverbrook 3d ago out. Not to mention more cars on the other streets.
This map doesn't show including the Orange grove but the TUSTIN BUZZ
one on the City's website does.
Did anyone get the letter on the red Hill project that is up for
proposal?Are there plans that we can see anywhere as to what
they specifically mean?I am in full agreement that redhill needs a
Neil Sherman face lift but I am not sure with all the new dwellings there will be
,Tustin Meadows-2d ago ample parking.(Seeing that parking is a problem now).Anyhow,I
How many are going to the hearing to speak their concerns have questions.
Jennifer Heckenlively They are trying to make the car wash behind
Wendy Jarvis taco bell a new drive thru car wash,l think 11 vacuums.
. 17thlYorba,5d ago ■
Reduced parking is a bad idea.Like people don't have
cars??The one thing I notice when driving around Tustin Katie Plowman It's quite a bit more extensive than that.
that does not look good is when you have a residential area
with car-lined streets. It makes homes less secure as the ,
cars provide cover for people who don't mean well. It makes
the street less secure for drivers,pedestrians and bicyclists. '
The ONLY party that benefits from this is the developer! Marcia Bartosik Moreno Katie,the report is on the city of Tustin
0 0
Emil Geris Katie Plowman Thank you...I did not realize it was posted there.
.Columbia Westmont 5d ago ■
I can't believe that the city even considering such this project
and accepting it.Change zone planing ,building 4 and 5 MaryAnn Hare The report is not very detailed.
story buildings?!500 units in area planned originally for
much less than half will make a disaster in parking.It's very
bad project to all residents and will reduce the quality of life Adrienne yi On the city website you can find several links to
in Tustin and all around neighborhoods.The developer various documents.
should follow the zoning code to that area not change it to
his onl benefits.
Chuck Rogers The biggest element of the project is to turn the dirt
lot(including the former real estate office)across from the big
lots into HUNDREDS of apartments.There is NO addressing the
Emil Geris already undersized freeway access.Additionally,there is a strong
,Columbia Westmont-5d ago likelyhood of yet another traffic light between San Juan and EI
Camino Real.A far lesser,but real concern is the that the Karen Kohler Stephen Ramm I totally agree that Redhill needs a
development that has been proposed has ZERO consideration for facelift and that area especially but this proposition is just too
any surrounding architecture(it looks like Irvine puked an large.
apartment cube into vintage Tustin) 5'."
Frankly I'm gobsmacked that the city has allowed this to go this Chuck Rogers Krys Saldivar(public works manager)once replied to
far.I can't imagine us lowly residents being able to tell the city my concern about the street light timing stating the"signal
council what we want will do any good when the big money system has been functioning to its potential"...to it's potential!It
developers are seemingly the only ones they will listen to. makes me giggle even still...and they want to add another traffic
light a half block from the system of traffic lights that are about 5
,k car-lengths apart from one another
.Julie Crowell This "40
( Jeff Gallagher They have an upcoming meeting on what they are
' calling the Redhill Specific Plan.
Julie Crowell They had a few input meetings last year at the Rec
center.My concern was traffic and all the new"stack a homes"
with no affordable housing. Chuck Rogers This is one of the last meetings...it's been years in
the making...only a miracle will stop this now.
Stephen Ramm 500"dwelling units"and 325,OOOsq ft of W
commercial space.That's a fairly large project.Hey,at least they Jeff Gallagher Chuck Rogers,you can thank Jerry Amante and his
determined that they won't"destroy a unique paleontological wrecking crew.
resource or site or unique geologic feature." .
I can't believe they think this is a good idea. Guy Ball You can kiss the Tustin fireworks display goodbye if they
Nbuild a ton of condos/apts on that property!And good points on
Chuck Rogers I file this into"City Reacting"as opposed to"City the 5 fwy access.I guess all the decision makers(city planner,
Planning."My wife and I as well as a handful of our neighbors manager,etc.?)and regular planners in the city live in other
went to some of the meetings seeking community input...we cities.(And do our current council have any input on this
quickly realized that they were only seeking input that was in process?)
favor of the proposed development.This is not the district,the
only way this won't stick out like a sore thumb is if they bulldoze
the surrounding residences...and even then it will be a white Diane Triantis The current city counsel seems determined to
elephant. overbuild and turn Tustin into an overpopulated traffic nightmare.
They all need to be voted out.The planning commission is just as
Stephen Ramm Chuck Rogers and I thought Tustin was better than
that.Isn't the development next to the 5 bad enough?
® Kristen Dalen Freeman Such a devastating thing to do to the
beautiful community of Tustin.Unbelievable.They just want BIG
Chuck Rogers Stephen Ramm Tustin WAS better than that...I don't government.And fill their pockets.
mind that they went the sterile master-planned route at the
District;Pre-District Tustin has so much more character in it's
12 Guy Ball We need to let our"elected"officials know this-as well
Stephen Ramm Chuck Rogers exactly...I'm sure they spend their as the planning people.I will be sending out some emails as soon
nights wondering how they can demolish the old houses with as I really review the online content so I can comment with some
yards and build multi-story condos in their place. facts.In reality,the Redhill area needs help.But overbuilding isn't
the way to do it without negatively impacting our city.It was bad
...1 enough what they jammed into the District area.Now,they want
Karen Kohler It's not a very thought out plan but then again not a to super-populate the older part of town.Does anyone remember
very detailed plan.It doesn't take into account for the traffic what happened in Santa Ana during the 80s when they did the
impact it creates and the rise in housing costs it will create by same thing?(I'm talking about overcrowding,zero-lot line,
building 4 story Units nor the impact on residents who live in the minimal parking,and no greenbelts.)While our condos are
area.Its disappointing that the city council is even considering "prettier,"the issues with parking,traffic,and change of city
this. character are the same.We don't need to be to and can fight this
stuff.BUT we all need to voice our opinion early.(Kinda what we
did a bit with the stupidity on 4th St.And even that we really
Stephen Ramm I agree...325,OOOsq ft of commercial space is a lot didn't win.)
and will generate a lot of traffic both from employees and
customers.Then add in 1000 plus people living in the new 4-5
story"dwellings". Karen Kohler Not to mention the over burden on our sewer
systems and power grid.
r4 1 M
Jim Williams It's a big joke.
The bottom line is,the property will be developed if the
developer thinks they can make money.Residential real estate is
Lori Brown Badilla What are they going to do to the Big Lots area? usually pretty reliable income.It's up to the affected residents in
That definitely needs to be redone. the surrounding community to help shape that.I live in Old Town.
And,while I am often at odds with city staff on their vision for the
"specific plan"for us,4 think they are doing a pretty good
Chuck Rogers I bel'rev: tliat is included in the redevelopment plan; job....but it takes proper oversight by the residents to make it that
that being said,I susp:ct th,,Big Lots center is biding their time, way.You can't stop progress but you can shape it.
letting the dirt lot developers get the leg work done.If the city
approves hundreds of residences on that small dirt lot area,I can't
imagine how many they would approve for the lot across the Jim Williams Thank you for the info.
Julie Crowell developers get away with not building affordable
Teri Babb Totally agreedl Plus I know that it someone is having an housing if they pay a fine that then goes into a money pool that
issue they do not respond to that person's emai.When is next isn't regulated.
JeffGallagher Julie Crowell Something like that...
Lori Brown Badilla While we're on the city budget spending,how Julie Crowell
do we get them to update cell and WiFi lines.They are so old in '�.....
the Amaganset Way area that we only get 1.5 strength in power
instead of 25 on AT&T "� � �� =
Karen Kohler They would have to upgrade to fiber optic as well to --
Lori Brown Badilla That's exactly what I was referring to �,, --- - ---
Karen Kohler Lori Brown Badilla our infrastructure can't handle
this including the air quality and greenhouse gases that come
along with this.Ugh!!!
Jim Williams Do all of them live here in Tustin.Just curious.Why
would you want to bring in more traffic to add to the parking y
problems we have already in the neighborhoods.
EJulie Crowell
Christine Syvertsan And to use the 5 freeway it's so packed in the . .Y'_
mornings j�
Jeff Gallagher City Council is required to live in the city.The folks
that actually run the city?....not so much.
Jim Williams Thanks for the info.Sounds like their trying to mess
up the the city.I can see doing somethings,but not to the
extreme to adding more housing and less parking spaces and
more traffic.
Jeff Gallagher Jim Williams,unfortunately,the city has an
obligation to develop more housing and especially affordable
housing(whatever that means).The Redhill Specific Plan,like the
two other"specific plans"are just wish lists for the city.They
require investment from developers and it is the city's job to
provide incentives and accessibility so they will be more inclined Stephen Ramm Have you seen this?It's from the"Final Draft
to develop the property.Housing development is required by the Volume 2".Notice that the house with the orchard behind it is
State.Business development is just commonsense.Keep sales tax also outlined in red.Any idea what they're going to put there?
up and(theoretically)keep property and other taxes low. More apartments?
Karen Kohler Julie Crowell I live in this specific area.I am
http://www.tustinca.org/civicax/fiilebank/blobdIcad.aspx... completely opposed to this.Look at what the District looks
Julie Crowell Karen Kohler totally.
Karen Kohler Julie Crowell I guess we will all have to show up on
the 14th.
Julie Crowell Costa Mesa has these 4-5 stories EVERYWHERE and
the drug addicts still there.They just also built a new library and it
won't dean up that problem either.
Julie Crowell Karen Kohleryesll
Ok folks lots of mis-information going on aix)ut the proposed
project on Red Hill across from Big Lots.First,It is NOT 540
E units,it is less than half that amount.Second,it is mostly studios
Julie Crowell Stephen Ramm holy crapll Wonder if they sold.How and one bedroom units creating less vehicles-There will be an
sad. onsite hidden parking structure,to park all vehicles.No entry&
exit off of San Juan.
Stephen Ramm Julie Crowell I know...I couldn't believe it when I
saw It outlined.I always thought it was sad that Red Hill is
basically right on the front doorstep but tearing it all down to put
up apartments or whatever is just wrong. 0,
Mary Lynn Coffee John is correct.Elevations and landscaping
plans are also very attractive,and amenities are significant.
Crowell Please please please we have to fight this.Coming
from Costa Mesa,it is now a 4-5 story town with way too much
traffic and no affordable housing.We were pushed out because
rent was so high.So much development and no places to park.
They built so much that with the problems it created,some
dwellings still are empty.There's no demand.Just rich developers `
flipping the lots.We can't let that happen to Tustin. Lori Brown Badilla Do you have any information on the Big Lots
shopping area.WiU they be upgrading that are to keep up with the
Julie Crowell August 14th at 7pm city council chambers. new Del Taco. �r�
Karen Kohler The only positive is that it would clean up the
"hotel"area on El Camino.Other than that,I see no benefit.
Julie Crowell Uh,no.Have you driven by the new dwellings in NIary Lynn Coffee I do not know immediate plans for upgta les.1
Costa Mesa? do believe the quality of the proposed project will)lead to an
It upgrade if one does not occur prior to the construciton of the
Julie Crowell That's what was promised by council.It would"clean Prof project,
up"the city.it's only displacing long term residents from the
community.Super sad.
) 'A It
Julie Crowell Sorry.Didn't mean to laugh,it's just not what
happens.Those are two different issues and need to be addressed Christy Lee Lee May I post this on Nextdoor,please?
as such.
Mary Lynn Coffee Please do.Thank you Diane De Vaul Sandi Bee Or even more when they sneak in the
additional family members or illegally sublet.Except that doesn't
happen in Tustin.. wO 0 i aG
Brett Olivier rm starting to worry a little bit about Tustin and
density level of the new development going up in town. Harriet Fain Diane Dc Vaul why would you assume anyone
would sneak in"additional"family members?Is there an
occupancy limit?
Darcle Cancino It's happening in Santa Acta and Orange,too.Yet
without infrastructure.California has a new water rationing law,
and constant power outages and calls to conserve energy and limit Din nc De VauI Harriet Fain Typically there is,And it happens all
use.Yet every Flit I've read concludes the project will have"less over Tustin.Usually with extended family.Lots of extended
than significant"impact in this category.Less than significant family.So,that's why
impact an traffic,too,is always the conclusion.
Kristen Nesselrod Mary Lynn Coffee I read the plan and it says
Derek Mannion Smoke&Mirrors up to 500 units.In the email I received from the city it says
proposed 4-5 story units.Which seems much too high in density
for the sunnunding neighborhood and older infrastructure.I also
nl� didn't see an...See More
Mary Rizzaro 250 units X at least 1-2-3-4-5 persons in a unit...
Density. 0
Danielle Murray Since they don't live here they don't care about
increased density levels.It's all out the S.
Mary Lynn Coffee 200
NJ Oliver S.Madison So at least 250-500 cars.
Mary Lynn Coffee primarily I-beddroom
Chris McCrary And their friends....
Sandi Bee.Sandi and 104 othersJoined Tustin Buzz within the
law two weeks.Give them a warm welcome into your
cornrnunity:But still,2 to a bedroom will double the amount of
Kristine Singson Mark Doddridge just in time,we're moving lol
Derek Alannion I would love to have anew Skating Rink in
Steve Giddings ESTABLISHMENT OF THE RED HILL Tustin!!!The District would be a perfect place for one.It would
AVENUE SPECIFIC PIAN(SP-13)AND ADOPTION OF have to have a maple wood floor of course." Q
APPLICANT:City of Tustin,300 Centennial Way,Tustin.CA Amy Bui Hey there's a bowling alley at the district!40
36 acres along a portion of Red Hill Avenue generally bounded by Jonathan Land 000000hhhhh no.We don't need any more of
Bryan Avenue to the north and Walnut Avenue to the south these roller derby troublemakers around.
bisected by Interstate S(1-5),extending one(1)parcel east and
west of die Red Hill Avenue right-of-way. ° all REQUEST:
Derek Mannion Jonathan Land
To establish new development standards and regulations for a Roller Rink,I Said Roller Rink!!!
portion of Red Hill Avenue through the approval of the Rod,Hill Young Man!!!
Avenue Spec i fic Plan(SP-13)that would allow up to 500
additional tcsidcntial units and 325,000 square feet of additional
nonresidential square footage and introduce new integrated mixed-
use land uses within the project area.Zone Change(ZC 2017-001)
would amend the City of Tustin zoning map and change the
existing zoning designation from Retail.Corntnercial(C-1),Central Jonathan Land Aw c'mon!Next the youngsters will warma play
Commercial(C-2),Commetuial General(CG)and Professional POOL!
(PR)to SP-13.General Plan Amendment(GPA)2017.01 would
amend the City of Tustin General Plan land use trap and include
minor text amendments to ensure consistency+with the proposed
specific plan.
ChristyLee Lee Amy it has been so long since you kids have been
around l forgot about that one!So glad you are doing so well my
fiiend.I miss all of you.
Darcie Caneino Thank you!I recall reading that as well.
Brett Olivier If your looking at plans for a new development in
ChristyLee Lee I wish we had more things for kids to do.We do Tustin maybe less is more!
not have a bowling alley anymore,it is just sad.A skating rink
would do well.I would drive van loads of kids to the one in
Orange.It was worth the trouble because the kids had such fun.
Tricia Fallo-Van Hacren Bummer.I wanted that lot to be a Cher NB Time to move to Portland!!!1
shopping center.I thought it would snake that area more appealing.
Diane De Vaul Not much could make that area more appealing.
Sad that a Del Taco is THE nicest looking thing there. '.'Q Jill CrussemeyerJilland 104 othersjoined Tustin Buzz within
the fast two weeks Give there a warm welcome into your
community!Boise is the new Portland
Miles T'.Madison Studio housing and one bedrooms do not equate
to less parking.I know this all too well. Cher NB Jill Crussemeyer Have family in Portland...,..or Boise
might be an option!
Oliver S.Madison Another Key Inn
Chris Met'rar% That's where all the rest of the liberal Californians
are moving,to...Only to muck it up just like hese.. r
Jill CrusserneyerXll and 104 othersjoined Tustin Buzz within
the last two weeks Gh a them a warm welcome into your
community!Witfi the new density off Tustin Ranch Road at the Cher NB Texas is too far„.„or I would go there.Cotta go where
old marine base and additionaI new developments in the old town Family is....
area,Elie increase in I ustin residents is not trivial(nor the traffic).I
also wonder about water since we've had watering restrictions in
Tustin for a few years,California politicians need to figure out a
new revenue stream besides property taxes.
Darcie Cancino They don't like California transplants in Oregon
Andrea Nozick Crisel Haven't you seen our new gasoline and
auto registration taxes?Our state income taxes have also risen.
And many towns are raising sales tax.I think they need to cut 21
spending.Nothing is popular though.
Jill CrussemeyerX11 and 104 others joined Tustin Buzz withirr
the last two weeks Give them a warm welcome into your Bay Area expels who flee to Washington and Oregon are...
community!Andrea NoAck Ctisel spending cuts treed to happen.
Let's start with politicians'salaries.
Jill CrussemeyerJill and 104 others joined Tustin Buzz within
the last two weeks. Give thein a warnr welconre into,war
cotnrrrunhr fir!Darcie Cancino no they don't .-'(Q.1 lived in
Eugene during the first wave of CA migration and the locals
weren't happy about what it did to housing costs.
Jonathan Stone For those of you interestedlconcemed about
development in Tustin,I highly recommend you attend the
Business and Economic Development Council monthly meeting.
Hosted by the Tustin Chamber of Commerce,the meeting is
relatively informal with presentations from the City on ongoing
Andrea Chang Jill Crussemeyer I lived in Eugene from 1995 to work and frequently from larger stakeholders in the community
2009.Never felt unwanted as most people there were transplants (often Marketplace and District management).Them's a lot to be
rom here or elsewhere.1 wouldn't go back though.Too liberal for learned by attending and many of the questions offered in this
me. thread(parking,congestion,water,etc)are addressed candidly.It's
generally referred to by its cryptic acronym but is held at the
Community Center in the Marketplace(the old Edwards theater)
on the second Thursday of every month.
Adriana Medina My dream home is waiting for me in Texas!!! I http:lrbusin(�ss.tustinchamber.org'..Amede-meeting-09-13...
cant afford anything but a closet in California! Manage
Natasha Bhagat As someone who's spent 50%„of life in Portland, BEDC Meeting
50%here,I can agree that there are inure Californians than ever
there,but"Californian"is still a dirty word,mostly because of the wo
following:Don't bother moving there because property value and
rent is nearly equal to Tustin now,mostly because of"the 1114-11
Californians"overpaying for everything 440
Kris McCue Where exactly do you think the money comes from
to beautify your home town.'Development needs to happen.And
the city's terms of development can force the developers to pay all
ofthe casts to put in more landscaping.It'll clean up that entire
block end to end,fix the sidewalks,get rid of abandoned buildings,
Cher NB Most likely Vancouver.No state tax and 5 min over the add trees,increase city revenues to fix other problem areas within
border to Portland is no sales tax. the city,add jobs in both construction as well as the businesses in
the area.If it takes me 5 more minutes to get down the street,so be
it.The city will probably get upwards of S2M just in permit fees.I
drive Red Hill every day and I'm all for this happening,les long
overdue for a facelift there.
Natasha Bhagat Cher NB-True,there are still deals to be found pwi--I�d
in Vancouver .:l i
Chris McCrary Agree to Disagree that this needs to happen.
Kathryn McGovern Tapie l have clients who just moved to
Vancouver and love the easy lifestyle.I lived in Roseburg OR for `
5 years and never felt like I wasn't wanted.1"m still very close to
most of my friends fiorn there.It's all in what you do when you go Kris McCue Needs to happen..Tustin looks like crap there.
there.Just settle in and be a good person. We've been checking out Maybe you like busted sidewalks and poor landscaping,abandoned
Vancouver to retire in. buildings,and tun-down shopping centers but I certainly don't.
Best part about that stretch of Red Hill is the new Del on the corner
but one new building doesn't make all the rest look good.The
impact studies have been done I'm sure and in the big picture,300-
400 cats a day is nothing.Some of the new tenants will probablyr" .`
just move from other apartments in the area so unless all units of
all complexes are 95%occupied,it's doubtful you'll notice any Lisa'Whitesell I live ON Red Hill with two teenage drivers.Our
substantial increase in traffic. complex sucks for parking,we can't park in our complex,not
enough spaces,and the streets are permit parking only&the streets
that aren't permitted are full!I'm just waiting for them to finish
school so we can move.It's just too much.Traffic around the
school and freeway is crazy as it is.
Mark Doddridge Wouldn't this type ofdcvelopement typically
raise property values?
Marcia Bartosik Moreno I was told by a traffic planner from
another city that:"additional traffic,500 units will generate around
Julie Crowell Yes.Then your neighbor will sell and your child 4K per day(8 trips/unit/day)",I'm all for the redevelopment of
that is ready to buy a home can't afford to live where they grew Red Hill but cannot support 500-unit housing between San Juan
up. V I Dy and ECR.Traffic is gridlocked already during rush hour.
Mark Doddridge IF they happened to grow up within a few block
radius of the project.Tell them to move down the street where the
property values weren't affected by a nice modem structure going Darcie Cancino And can you imagine trying to get past the 5 at
up.I think the people north of Irvine blvd have bigger things rush hour"
affecting affecting their property values than a a 200 unit
developement on red hill and EI Camino Real
M a+Y!
Dave Skelton The residents of Tustin are NOT the#1 concern
with this plan but they should be!
Julie Crowell Mark Doddridge I'm just being a bitter ass w(q).
I'm from Costa Mesa and new development EVERYWHERE.
couldn't even afford to rent.But I love Tustin now.Small town
feel.But rich developers want all of OC and Tustin is next r,
a Jul Crussemeyer.li/I and 104 othersjoined Tus7in Bur within
the last two weeks,Give them a warm welcome into your
community!Let's think about water use.Take 500 units X 3
- people=1500.Those people use toilet with 2 gallons,4X per day.
Julie Crowell This is just the beginning.Trrrussst me'� So we now have 8 X 1500 which equals 12,000 gallons a day.Ask
where that is going to come from.This estimate doesn't include
0 lawn,dishes,laundry,etc.
Dave Skelton Fix up the commercial,NOOOO residential!!! 0
Darcle Cancino Jill Ctusscmeyer a recently enacted law in
California will result in water rationing as it will limit water use to
a maximum of 55 gallons per person per day,indoor and outdoor Darcie Cancino Diane De Vaul me neither.I have maybe five
use.So it makes perfect sense to keep adding high density more years here.depending.Hopefully not much further out than
housing - (sarcasm) that.
Darcie Cancino Jill John Nielsen Did your traffic planner friend tell you that daily
Cnrssemeyerhttps:/�www.pacificnsearch.org/new-permanent- trips decrease when you go from commercial/retail to residential?
Manage t5a
1-t U Marcia Bartu%il,Moreno John Nielsen The stats from the planner
RE S as well as a civil engineer are based on residential units.
Emily Martinez We are in a housing shortage.W e need new
Pacific Research Institute I New Permanent State Water...
developments.Sorry.It's pari of living in urbarr/suburban areas.
I'm hoping with more housing it will help with the rising cost of
buying'renting in OC.With the housing shortage landlords and
developers can demand more,because people are willing to pay it.
Maybe some of them will be in the"affordable"range.
Jill CrussemeyerJill and 104 othersjoined Tustin Bur..within R
the last tiro weeks.Give them a warm►relcume into your
conrmmnirv!Darcie Cancina didn't know this had become law.
Smack in the face for residents that have lived here for years to
make CA an amazing place to live.
Julie Crowell haps:r/voiceofoc.orgl...oo-one-off least-
Diane De Vaut I thought that didn't pass. ME,
Julie Crowell New development can opt out of having units that
are"affordable"by paying a fee.That fee goes into a pool of
money that is not regulated.
Darcie Cancino Diane De Vaul Brown signed the two companion
bills into law on May 31 +
Julie Crowell So they will most likely opt out fmm the get go.
Yay us.
Diane De Vaul I am glad my exit plan is going into action.
California will always be in my heart.But I won't be in California.
Jill Crussemeyerfl/and 104 orkersjoined Tustin Buz:within
the last two weeks Give thern a wunn welcome into your
rommurtity!We don't have a housing shortage.We just don't have
enough houses for people wanting to live here,but there is housing
somewhere else....move them along.
John Nielsen Darcie Cancino Where did thousands come from?
Delia Falls I hate to break it to you sister,but the growing _;
homeless issue is not due to lack of housing.In fact,the US has 2
times the amount of vacant homes as homeless population.I Fear Darcie Cancino John Nielsen cumulative development is what I
that development like this will only make the area around it less am refemng to.Have you driven around Orange,Santa.Ana,
affordable.Look at the area around the train station in Santa Ana Irvine,and Anaheim lately?Santa Ana alone has over 2,004 new
as an example. units planned in the area surrounding Main Place.
Delia Falls Julie Crowell and often times they can skirt the Diane De Vaul Darcie Cancino I knew what you meant.I thought
"affordable"housing rule by putting their"low income"housing in it was clear you weren't referring to just the proposedRed
a completely different arc-a. Hill development.
Y' ..
Darcie Cancino I agree with Delia.if you check into the rents in Darcie Cancino Diane De Vaul and don't forget all the massive
all the new high density developments in Santa Ana,near Main apartment complexes going up on the old marine base at Tustin
Place and on First Street,they are nowhere near affordable levels. Ranch R.oadNalencia area!It makes me very sad.I've lived,
Yet we are continually told adding 504+unit projects will result in worked,and shopped in Tustin since my family moved here in
lower rents.And no impact to traffic or energy and water 1973(except for some time living in L.A.when I was in my 20s).1
resources. am proud graduate of THS with a child,now attending,but the out-
of-control growth is too much..I remember when there was nothing
but orange groves once south of Browning! I just do not see how
our current infrastructure can sustain the explosion of new housing.
If I wanted to live in an urban environment,1 would've stayed in
LA.!Pius,none of this development has resulted in rents and
Chris McCrary We do not need more housing.There's enough housing costs coming down.If it did,I might be more open.
people here already.
Darcie Caneino i simply do not believe the assertion in the EIRs
have head recently that adding thousands of units in all the new
high density housing developments will REDUCE traffic or have a
"less than significant"impact.It defies logic that adding thousands Diane De VauI We moved here in 12.I know what you mean.No
of new drivers and daily trips is not significantly affecting traffic affordable rent in Tustin,which is part of what causes multiple
congestion.I have been at my present job for just over five years families to live in single family units,increasing traffic,reducing
and it is 5.3 miles from my home.Over that time and parking,etc.
commensurate with the growth in Tustin Ranch and sutroounding
cities,I have seen my commute get longer and longer.Today the
55/5 were practically gridlocked and it took me 35 minutes to get
home-a drive that should take no more than 7-10 minutes.Now, z
all the AB 60 drivers have no doubt contributed,but these Darcie Cancino Diane Ek-Vaul my biggest concern besides traffic
govemment studies are skewed in order to green light the is energy and water.We have Edison constantly failing with power
developments_They have to be.But soon when we cannot supply outages and calls to conserve,So.Cal.Gas doing the same.And
adequate power and we run out of water,then we'll see the two new water rationing laws.We're definitely not in the same
consequences of all the cumulative developments.
environment when we moved here,The state's natural resources Delia.Falls Unfortunately all politicians,even the ones working on
are completely mismanaged,and we've put no money into roads a small,local level,are most interested in keeping their campaign
and other infrastructure,despite constant tax increases and bond contributors Iwppy rather than their constituents.
John Nielsen Chuck,What do you propose in a neighborhood
where the apartments and duplexes in the area were built in the
Chris McCrary We do not need more housing.There's enough 60's and 70's with continual deferred maintenance continue to
people here already. deteriorate and age in place.What usually happens to those types
of neighborhoods is that crime increases.I want to see that
neighborhood upgraded,and the only that happens is by giving
landowners and developers incentives to build new.
Chuck Rogers John Nielsen Even if there ate 250 studios you can
bet your bottom dollar that there will be two people on average
with two cars per unit. Chuck Rogers John Nielsen,I respect your point of view and I get
that affordable housing is certainly needed.I also appreciate that
The fact that the city is considering ANYTHING that might have developers may need incentives to build what the city wants(as
yet another traffic light is absurd.The city can't get the timing on opposed to what the developers want),Frankly,1 live a hal f block
the current lights right and they haven't been able to do it in the away;the area definitely needs love(that being said most of the
decade rve lived here.Before ANY significant housing like this is crime seems to come from Key Inn not the aging apartments)
considered the freeway access must be redesigned—According to
Krys...it's working to it's potential...how cute,and sad. I was watching last night's meeting.One of the staff was referring
to mixed use parking and when it's managed well,it works well.
Lastly,This size development fits right in at the district.it will We need the city to protect the residents from future
forever stick out like a sore thumb in this area...just like the mismanagement;we can not presume that the businesses that]ease
behemoths on random streets in Fullerton. in that center will close at 5 when folks get home from work or that.
management will be willing or able to prevent the parking plague
I'd attend tonight's meeting,but after attending so many other city at nearly al l the condo complexes in Tustin.
meetings I've come to realize that the council has turned a deaf ear
to the residents.Please know that I won't be supporting any of the The challenge with virtually all of the proposals that I saw at
city council next election and 1 would fully support any recall meetings long ago was the traffic issues,parking and design.
0 There have got to be better uses for that land that will not add
another signal in the less than half mile stretch and dump hundreds
of cars at the end of the funnel with a tiny hole(the onramp to the
lieeway).The planner referencing Up last night presented a perfect
picture of what we all see,virtually everything in that area is single
Julie Crowell WL same!And know that the developers will and two story housing-anything taller will be out of place.
have people speak out in their favor.I've seen it happen`'iNwish
I could attend also but I'm with my little 1 am a little curious sometimes if all of the community meetings
and meetings seeking input arejust for the legality of it all.When I
attended the meetings at the high school and community center Iasi
year my neighbors and I felt as though die only input that was
being absorbed was the input that the developers could spin to use
to their advantage.
Mary Itizzaro Yup
Thanks for responding-it was a pleasant surprise. ":)
John Nielsen Chuck my fear is that the neighborhood continues to
deteriorate.With deterioration cones crime.1 have seen it.I don't Natasha Bhagat There are a lot of great points being made here,
want that for Tustin_ Can i agree with everyone???That area has been an eyesore for a
LONG time,so putting a freeway-close development with an
appropriate amount of REQU[RED parking would not be a bad
thing,provided the stoplights,road lanes,and freeway ramps can
be adjusted to accommodate the load there,without negative
Chuck Rogers Again John Nielsen,thanks for responding.Just as impact.Of course,it goes without saying that,as these new
we can do the right things for the wrong reasons,I would file what developments continue,the city must able to field the impact of
seems to be the favored plan as the wrong thing for the right additional utility usage.
1 pray that it works out
.w r
M° Chuck Rogers Natasha Bhagat this area already has traffic issues.
n w 1 would liken the onramp to the tiny part of a very long funnel;
short of making the capacity of the onramp comparable to those at
Tustin Ranch or Jamboree it's foolish to think that that this will do
Julie Crowell Al Murray Chuck Puckett Letitia Clark thank you anything but create a logjam.
guys for listening to the residents.Rebecca Gomez and Allan
To make matters worse,1 have heard many times over that this
Bernstein aren't buzz members.
'may'require an additional light.That should be a HUGE red flag
to those making the decisions given the overabundance of traffic
lights in less than a half mile.
Cyrus ClunkleCyrus and 102 others jointed Tusdh Hu=within
the last two weeks.rive them a warn welcome into your
community!Gadd to know Natasha Bhagat True,that's what 1 meant when I said it was all
provided that those aspects can be adjusted to accommodate the
Guy Ball!John Nielsen-Could you please explain how on page
-1 nl'the specific plan,it says"The Specific Plan's proposes Marcia Bartosik Moreno l haven't checked recently but at one
325,000 additional square feet of nonresidential time Caltrans was responsible for traffic lights at all fieeway on
development and 500 additional residential dwelling units.. and off tamps and if that's still the case then the city will have to
"1 really wane to believe you,but..... work with them on improving not only the freeway ramps but
traffic light coordination.Hopefully city staff is working with them
on this especially that Caltrans is planning 5 improvements part of
which will run through Tustin.
John.Nielsen The misinformation is that is is one development
project,it is not.These are new unit allocations over the entire
specific plan area.There are not even any projects approved yet.
There is a proposal for a residential development at the old church
site on Red Hill,But this is in negotiations with the City.
Chuck Rogers I'm sure that's true;but if all the city is getting from Amanda Barringer What kind of development?Is it rental
CalTrans is lip service in the way of poor timing of lights,it's properties or privately owned units.That will snake a difference in
irresponsible to stake it worse by overpopulating the area how it is received.We don't need more rental property in that area.
Do we know how the price range of the units^UP .
Marcia Bartosik Moreno Agree with you 1OWo Chuck.
Rita Schrank And yet theprnposed senior facility on Newport
near 17th where there would really be less cars is denied.
Darcie Cancino 1 actually wouldn't mind a reasonably sizer] Is
housing development,maybe two stories,with ample parking.But
these five story monstrous projects are another sort of eyesore, Marcia Bartosik Moreno Rita
notwithstanding all the adverse community impacts.Or it would be Schrank:littp://www.foothillsscntry.com/oc-planning-
awesome if TUSD could buy the pwperty.THS's parking lot is commission...
woefully undersized.
OC Planning Commission approves compromise plan...
Fina Weirens Craig Weirens
Rita Schram;Marcia Bartosik Moreno I didn't know this.Tanks
for the info.
Joan Cumbo I've been to many council meeting for this city for
over 20 years one thing I've learned is that every time you think
that voicing your opinions they have already made up there minds
and there is nothing you can do to change there mind on their vote
ChristyLee Lee Maybe we should put back the other on-ramp that
was on Newport?
Julie Crowell Ding ding ding!!`!►'
Kenzie Morrow Dnrna Off topic(sort of)but does anyone else
see an AMAZING amount of people running the red light at the 5-
S Red Hill offramp?I mean,as we make the left tum ON to'Red
Hill from the freeway off ramp the traffic going south runs the red.
John Nielsen Not True It's crazy how many times I've almost been hit and I don't
understand why?This new proposal sure won't help that
ChristyLee Lee This has been my husbands pet peeve for 24 Yvonne Terry Karen,it's so true.You have to he super cautious,
years.lol everywhere really.
0 -
Kenzie Morrow Bosma Christy Lee ok so rm not alone!Seriously
it's out of control... Alan Stoutenburg Too many residents as it is.
Too much traffic as it is...
I can't imagine ANYONE other than the developers and tax
collectors that would want this.
ChristyLee Lee Kenzie If you ever want to vent PLEASE let me Turn it into an orange grove and call it a museum of what Tustin
know.I have heard it for so many years.lol I always try to avoid used to be like..
this intersection when he is in the car.
Kenzie Morrow Bosma Orange grove?What IS that??? ,°
Kenzie Morrow Bosma Habaha,it is quite amazing though.I've
been trying to figure it out far years and can't get the logistics of it.
The people who run the red don't even appear to realize they're
doing it either,it must be from the Twilight Zone.../'WN4D
Diane De Vaul Kenzie Morrow Bosma Seems like only yesterday,
Yvonne Terre It's because thea are too many fights too close
together and people are looking at the wrong light,I was just in the
car with somet m:the other day who did this at that intersection.I Kenzie Morrow Bosma For real.My grandfather took care of
said,you realize you just tan a redlight?He said,No,the tight multiple groves back in the day,I would love to hear his stories but
was red??Turned out he was looking at the wrong light. he passed away when I was 2.My mom grew up helping hi m out a
lot and I do get to hear about how Tustin used to be...I wish 1 could
see it for myself
Yvonne Terry You really notice it when you're stopped at
thered light and the next light up turns green and the car next to
you takes off. I've actually done that myself.Embarrassing and Danielle Murray Exactly!Our County has a building disease.
Karen Lu-Ferguson*I am always super cautious and look Christ,vLee Lee Matt&Kenzie We should make it mandatory that
before I turnleft onto Red Hill right there.Its so sad,so many all board members walk down Walnut starting at Redhill going
accidents over the years. down towards Browning.Especially on a hot day.The orange
grove area is so much cooler.Lets make Tustin Cool again.lol
John Nielsen I have made that walk many times over the years
ChristyLee Lee John I am not surprised my friend.So you know
the temperature is so much cooler there because of the trees.We
are quite lucky that we do have parks and trees.We do need more
iia b.orrr�r�n-ti+ir�r.rrHr..w
.John Nielsen I knew Matt Nissan for several years and he was
kind enough to let me into his Orange Grove.place has always
been a landmark to me. aitch DeBenedetto Isn't Scott Reeksten part of the problem here?
K- a
ChristyLee Lee John me as well.I met them when I first lived Chuck Rogers The problem is the fact that the council is only
here in tustin in the 80's.Theirpeacock got out and running around listening to folks with too many letters after their names;they can
Redhill.Thank you so much for being involved We are lucky to study stats and find great solutions on paper.
have you as part of our community.
A mechanic once slated his experience with me...his experience
was the higher the degree the less common sense remained-I tend
to agree.
Cherie Bennett Seiler Just what we need,more cars and traffic. r.
Mitch DeBenedetto"proclaiming themselves to be wise,they
became fools instead"
Guy Balli John-How is this Tusti n city illustration not the LIS
wrong information you're claiming?Have you ever driven through
Santa Ana to see all the wonderful high-density housing they put in Marcia Bartasik Moreno The truth of it is that the developers
the city{during the'80s and'90s}that are now slums?Can't happen have the ears of the staff and council..Cm not suggesting anything
illegal or inappropriate is going on,it's just that access is easier for
here?Well that's what the SA Council said back then too.
Sometimes people in power don't team,Ask Scott Reeksten,on the them,Most residents don't make appointments with staff or council
Tustin staff,how bad Santa Ana was during those years.I lived members so guess who gets listened to?By the time a project gets
there trying to fight the blight and overcrowding and failing to public meeting it's pretty much decided.As Chuck Rogers said,
neighborhood values(as a resident)while he worked for their the developers have the money and staff to fund studies which look
neighborhood improvement office.(We lost and we both moved great on paper and staff and council buy into it.
out of the city.)
John Nielsen Guy trying to compare Tustin and Santa Ana are like
on the land in that area with so little parking and space?rve been
here 25 years and already avoid the areas near the District and the
Marketplace because the city has deemed it okay to pack so many
people with so little space.It sure looks pretty now.But for how
Guy Ball!John,point well taken-in today's world.But if you long?
look at Santa Ana back in the 70s,it was much like Tustin now.
(And I'm not talking ethnic stuff-that's not the issue.)The city
decided that high-density apUcondos were the way to go to allow
for more&less-expensive housing for the newer generations.But
they didn't include open spaces for the residents and resultant
families,enough parking(stilt an issue even in Tustin)for the John Nielsen Guy Ball you make some good points.A couple of
reality of those who live there(can we talk about the len building things,the residential density in.the Tustin code has not changes in
project?),arid the traffic that any high-density development multiple decades.Weare not Santa Ana nor Irvine..The Specific
creates.And as far as how were doing?Have you looked at the plan caps the amount of units that i4 cannot exceed,which as far as
giveaways we did with the Marketplace and how troublesome all l know neither Santa Ana or Irvine have dans.Also landowners
those new restaurants(and removal of parking)has done for those and developers actually
store locations?1 try to avoid it because the city has given away all
control of the density just to get a"community center"that the
Irvine company didn't want anymore as a movie theater.Now,the
city"fathers"want to expand this density to our main town area-
like Old Town and Redhill area.Do you really want to he
Gncluded in the legacy of the"whoops"council of Santa Ana in the Azy Hojatpanah I second(third)the skating rink idea in Tustin
70s who made decisions that basically destined SA to be the armpit too.Maybe District or anywhere.And maybe like a Boomers next
of Orange County?In the guise of"progress"(like the stupid door similar to Fountain.Valley or a
craziness of Anaheim),wouldn't you prefer to be more like Orange Dave&Buster or a
with smart decisions?For those of us in Tustin who want it to be a Chuckec Cheese
community to live in,please took a little closer.
Mari Rizzaro That vacant lot next to the car wash and Jack in the
John Nielsen Guy Ball Guy,Blaming what has happened box,and where Sizzler used to be
historically in Santa Ana just on this one thing takes a very
complex history made of tnany land use and political and social
decisions over the years is far too simplistic.I have lived in town
for 32 years and want the best for it.But letting that neighborhood
continue to age in place is not the answer.
Az) Hojatpanah Mary R'irrtn?thanks.
I know where I was just saying it would b great to get a roller rink
iE somewhere
Guy Ball!'Thanks John.I appreciate your concern in the city and
I hope you're right.rm just seeing what history has shown and
seeing what has happened in Tustin with the high-density
development we have-aka the area in that area and near Walnut.
Not to mention the impact on Redhill so close to an already mucky
5 interchange.I'm not a luddite when it conies to development.I Leane Kahrs I did go to the Tustin Planning Commission meeting
just want something that doesn'tso negatively impact us both now last night and found it fascinating.They decided tat to vote on the
and in the future.I see the city govt trying to do all these semi- Specie Plan-yet.They will discuss it again at their meeting
urban things to the city with density and think sometimes they use September 25th.The property owners/representatives of the 3
rose-colored glasses.IA)ok at the high-density issues that even major shopping centers in the plan area were all against the plan.
Irvine is having right now.(And imagine when things age there.) They pointed out that if this passes and they are not allowed to
But in the meanwhile,why do we need such dense environments snake any changes to attract new tenants that don't meet the plan
the will have to board up vacant units making the blight worse.I corntnrurhfv!The District is already crowded and traffic has
don't understand what Tustin Planning Commission is thinking. increased in that area.The buildings are hideous.i hate to be a
Yes,it would be great to beautify the area.Did you know that they NIM BY,but overcrowding is not what we want in Tustin.
'forgot'to even consider Caltrans plans to expand the 5 and its
impact onRed Hill?There is a major issue with big picture
Darcic Cancino I just drove down Katella between the 5 and State
College and was shocked at all the huge new apartment buildings.
They art awful looking but more suited for the area.NOT on Red
Hill in Tustin.But the cumulative impact of all these thousands of
Kathryn McGovern Tapic Did they discuss the downtown area, new units has to be devastating to traffic and already scarce natural
Last I heard they wanted something like the Anaheim Packing resources.
District to go in there.
Sandi BeeSandi and 102 others joined Tustin Bit=within rhe Brett Olivier Are they talking about The District or Old Town?
last two weeks Give them a warm welcome hoo your
Leane Kahrs Neither-!ted[till
Kathryn McGovern Tapic Yesssssssss
Brett Olivier It would be nice to have a master pian for Old Town.
Tired of looking at dirt lots around Old Town.
Bryan Blehl No dianks....go build in another city
Kathryn McGovern Tapic I'm referring to Old Town with the
Danielle Murray Stop building!!!No more residential housing Packing House type area.It would help the business's in old town a
needed. lot getting people down there spending money and supporting all
the local business
Bobby Espinoza Not according to Tustin Legacy.
...�_ Sandi BeeSandi and 102 others joined Tustin Buzz within the
last two weeks.Give them a warm welcome into your
community!But,it would completely destroy the feeling of Old
Sandi BeeSandi and 102 othersjoined Tustin Buzz within the
last two weeks Give them a warm welcome into your 1
Kathryn McGovern Tapic They need more of variety in Old Chuck Rogers Darcie Cancino Normally,I'd agree with you...It's
Town.We spend hours walking around Old Town Orange and tough not to be emotional when this will affect what is arguably
Anaheim Packing eating,drinking and shopping.A face lift lbr the largest investment many of us have...our homes.The
Olid Town Tustin would help business's and values. Developer's primary goal in life is to make as much dough as
,� possible.While I...See More
Sandi BeeSandi and 102 othersjoined Tustin Buz whisin the
fast two weeks.Give them a warm welcome into your Laura Olson Residents should also attend our city council
community!I am sorry to hear you say this.There is a certain meetings.Make your voice heard.We all have impact.
character in Old Town.This isn't Anaheim.Besides we may have
historical buildings that can't be changed and what would you do
about parking`!ft's already difficult to get a parking space.
Y Elizabeth Morales What about a parking spaces instead of
building apartment why don't we make a parking area I would pay
monthly instead of worrying about getting my car towed..And
Kath ry n McGovern Tapie Sandi Bee,it's ok to disagree.I love worrying about a ticket from street sweepers I have talked about
seeing a town thrive and the counsel in Tustin does everything in this idea to a couple of people and
style so what ever they decide to do in Old Town will be beautiful. They would love it I would put security cameras and a guard at
Guy Balt I responded to former councilman Nielsen in one of
his comments.1 appreciate his concern and I tnily believe lie has
the best interest of the city at heart.But I believe that ifyou are a
resident of Tustin and want the city to be able to handle
modernization in a humanistic way-you need to respond and
Shawn Liggins Leave Redhill.Ave the way it is...no mo
comment on what that means to you. re
building and no
In my past,I saw what happened in SA when well-meaning more apartments....too much traffic as it is...Stop building!Thanks
council people gave the planning dept and developers"carte-
blanche"over making things big and"improved."Unfortunately,
20 years later,their results really caused more issues than they
YOU(the current residents of Tustin)need to speak up-and that Shawn Liggins Redhill Ave is a cluster fuck after 3pm coming
means through emails(not just social media that they don't listen from Macarthur Ave to EI Camino Real
abernstein@tustinca.org,cpuckett@tustinea org,
lclark c@tuAinca_org,CityCouncil@tustinea.org.
But please be KIND.These are good people like you and l who City Website
have decided to take a role in our city.They listen but don't be No comments
haters!Just let them know your how you think-PLEASE.
City of Tustin Facebook
Darcie Canino Yes!And be factual and not emotional r,i K Wright S stories and no parking.C'r/}
0 0
Kimberly Aguirre Is it not crowded enough through there?!
Karen Kohler Sounds file it's just added housing.No mention of
assisted living.
Alexandra Anriza OMG please vote no,parking out here is already
a nightmare!*@ to
® Stuart Jackson There were some assisted living units with the
senior housing development-Who ever buys the land/prcject
Sandra Martin Norby Tustin Huu would have those approvals grandfathered in
Sandia Martin Norhy Teri Holstein Luke
Lea Lukas Anne Miller Lukas
Anne 4liiler Lukas OMG This is ahsolutely INSANE.They don't
have enough building at the Disc ict" I hc.N are totally ruining
Tustin.We can't drive on the roads now, It',horrihle,Certainly not
the bedroom community we moved into.,5 r,ag.o. It is s000
very sad.
Gwen Ferguson
Please click on"Public Hearing"above for into about a new 500
unit 4-5 story housing development proposed on Red Hill near
Tustin High Speak up if you're concerned.The hearing is August
"1 strongly oppose the proposed number of stories and high
density.Red Hill is already heavily impacted with traffic and
would become a quagmire ifthis plan is approved as is. Please
don't let developers ruin this area.I suggest a two stagy maximum
height,which used to be Tustin's policy,and lower density,or a
different use."
Gwen Ferguson
48 year resident of Tustin
Karen Kohler Absolutely No.This not good for Tustin and
especially those who live in that area.The imact is too huge for
anything but driving residents out of Tustin.�Q
Stuart Jackson Tustin isn't Santa Ana for a very good Mason.
There's already a planning process for zoning variances on a case-
by-case basis.If this is to make the on-againloff--again assisted
living project at 13800 Red Hill Ave.let them pay for it for their
project instead of opening the door to other de%elopaers because of