ON OCTOBER 16, 2018
OCT 14 2018
Joseph Leaman-Prescott
440 El Camino,Peal By:
Tustin CA, 92780
October 14:, 2018
Zoning Administrator
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92.780
RE: Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 2018--0001.2
Applicant Leanne and Carlos Herrera, Zama Tea
434 El Camino Real
Dar Zoning Administrator:
We are the residents and owners of 440 El Camino Real and we are the next-door neighbors
of Zama Tea located at 434 El Camino Real. We support the issuance of Zama Tea's
beer and wine license, provided that our .concerns below aro addressed.
1) Cun,entl.y Zama Tea is open Tuesday through Sunday from 10 AM until 6 PM and closed
Mondays. We understand from Leanne that Zama, in conduction with this license, intends
to extend.their hours to close.at 9 PM, We do notobject to a 9 PM closure. However,we
do not su ortan later clos�e than 9 PM.
First, staff and owners naturally stay later than closing time to clean, restock and close
dower the shop, which means later noise: Second, Zama has an outdoor patio in the rear
and a recently added patio in the front. Both patios are very close to our home, There is
an echo factor between the two properties given all the hard surfaces of the brick in front
of and behind Zama, and the cinderblock walls of the parking structure behind both our
We are residents and thusly entitled to quiet enjoyment of our premise and property, Any
closing time later than 9 PM would. negatively affect our quiet enjoyment of our premise
and property.
2) We are concerned with the noise created by bottle disposal. When.bottles are thrown into
a 'trash container, no matter what the material (e.g, glass, metal,rubber, etc,), they make a
great deal of noise, We ask. that a condition be placed on Zama's license limiting bottle
disposal to only between the hours of 7 AM and 7 PM. This is congruent with concerns
we voiced with our neighbors located across the street at Tustin Grill (formerly Quinn's)
located at 405 El Camino Real, Ourconcern on bottle disposal was adequately addressed
through a condition on that premises' license. We request the same conditional be placed
on Zama's license 3
3) We arc concerned this beer and wine license may "creel)"and allow Zama to become more
of a bar than a Tea Shop. We request that the City and/or the ABC restrict alcohol as a
percentage of sales to nay more than Twenty per ccra (20%) of the Zama's gross sales.
4) Finally, we wish to be clear and forthright with the City, the Alcoholic Beverage Control,
and our neighbors. Our conditional support of this application is limited QDjy to the current
use of the premises as a Tea Shop and by tile current owners, Leanne and Carlos Herrera,
We fully reserve our right to object to future changes in use of this license and changes in
OLII- SLII)])Ol-t is extended to Leanne and Carlos because they have been our neighbors for
several years and we are confident that will be responsible licensees,
Thallk YOU for listening to our concerns, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact
Us anytin"ie at(714) 651-4351
Joseph 1-caman-Prescott
M'4'a ireen Leaman
440 El Camino Real
Tustin, C.A. 92780