OF ZAA 18-006
Zoning Administrator Action 18-006
CUP 2018-00012
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2) That the proposed establishment is not located within an over-concentrated
area, a high crime area, and/or an area that is not conducive to the sales of
alcoholic beverages as determined by the City of Tustin.
3) Pursuant to the DCCSP (OT) Commercial Permitted Use Table 3.1,
alcoholic beverage sales for on-site consumption is allowed with approval
of a CUP.
4) ASGoviditiORedc, F 'OR-Sete GGORGUMPtiOR of beer and win
adepted by the Planning nn MaFGh 13 2018.
4) The sale of alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption__c_an be authorized in
conjunction with a delicatessen/cafe use in conformance with the City
Alcoholic Beverage Sales Establishment Guidelines as adopted by the
Planning Commission on March 13, 2018, TCC Section 9252'3(c), and
9271 dd (as amended by City Council on September 4, 2018 by Ordinance
1493) and is a conditionally permitted use under the DCCSP.
5) The proposed on-site consumption of alcoholic beverages would be in
conjunction with a delicatessen/cafe use where food will be served at all
times when alcoholic beverages are served.
6) The delicatessen/cafe is located within a commercial building on EI Camino
Real, a commercial corridor, where a variety commercial uses are located.
The requested daily hours of operation between 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. are
consistent with the characteristics of other commercial uses in the vicinity.
7) As conditioned, the use may be reviewed annually or more often and if the
use is not operated in accordance with conditions of approval, the
Community Development Department Director may impose additional
conditions as deemed necessary.
8) As conditioned, the applicants would be required to comply with State
Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Regulations.
9) The City's Police Department has reviewed the application and has no
immediate concerns.
F. This project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15301 (Class 1) of the
California Code of Regulations (Guidelines for the California Environmental Quality
ll. The Zoning Administrator hereby approves CUP 2018-00012 authorizing an ABC Type
41 License (beer and wine)for the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption
in conjunction with a 1,200 square-foot restaurant (Zama Tea) and 584 square-foot