HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-22-00 PC PACKET w F ADEN D TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MAY , 2000 f a y CALL To ORDER: 74.00 .m., City Council Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Bell f ROLL CALL: chairman Kozak, Bell, Davert, Kawashima and Ponious PUBLIC CODERS: (Limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda.) At this time members of the public may address the J Commission regarding any items not on the agenda and within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission o action can be taken off agenda items unless authorized by Ir . IF YOU WISH To ADDRESS THE COMMISSION ON AN MATTER,, PLEASE FILL OUT oN.E of THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE Bo THAT YOUR REMARKS A KS oN THE TAPE RECORDING DING of THE MEETING CAN BE ATTRIBUTED To YOU. WHEN EN leo U START To ADDRESS THE COMMISSION, PLEASE STATE YOUR PULL NAIVE AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. IF YOU REQUIRE SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS,ODATIONS, PLEASE CONTACT THE PLANNING COMMISSION SECRETARY T (714) 573-3106. CONSENT CALENDAR: (ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ' ARE CONSIDERED ROUTIN.E AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL BE No SEPARATE DISCUSSION of THESE ITEMS PRIOR To THE TIME of .. x THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS of THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC- ITEMS-TO BE DISCUSSED ANb/OR REMOVED ED t FRO THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE r ACTION.) '1 Planning Commission Agenda May 22, 2000 Page 2 { r CONSENT T CALE 1DAR. 1 M in utes of the- May 2000 PIan nin commission >' a tin g. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 2, conditional Use Permit 0-011 a request for authorization to establish temporary auto storage facility located on a portion f vacant land near My-ford Road between El Camino Real and the 1-5 freeway for up to 314 vehicles for seven gears. This project is located within the East Tustin Specific Pian, Planned Community Mixed Use PC-MU land.use designation. APPLICANT: TUSTIN AUTO CENTER ASSOCIATION - PREMIER PROPERTIES ATT1 : REED CHES ORTH PROPERTY i OWNERS: CITY OF TUSTI I RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission adapt Resolution No. 3720 certifying adequate Final Negative Declaration for Conditional Use Permit 00-011 and Resolution No. 3727 approving Conditional Use Permit -011. Presentation: Minoo Ashabi, Associate Planner i REGULAR BUSINESS , Citv of Tustin General .Plan Annual Report and Housing-Element Pro rens Re ort Presentation: Rita Westfield, Assistant Dire tor# Community Development RECOMMENDATION i That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 3715 recommending that the City Council adopt the 2000 Annual Report on the status of the Tustin General Plan.. Project status: -X14701 charlorna - At the May 8, 2000 Planning Commission _ meeting, Commissioner D vert requested information about the new construction at the residence at 14701 Charlorna. Presentation: Karen Peterson, Senior Planner Planning Commission Agenda May 22, 2000 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION F J ' + That the Planning Commission receive and file this report. Fencing for Tustin Post office Expansion — At the May 8, 2000 Planning Commission meeting, a resident of Par ue Santiago Mobile Home Park at 215 S. Prospect Avenue spoke in opposition to the planned wrought iron fencing along the southern boundary of the Tustin Post office expansion. Presentation: Karen Peterson, Senior Planner RECOMMENDATION i That the Planning dommission receive and file this report. 4 STAFF CONCERNS: . Report on Actions taken at the May 15, 2000 Cr council Meetin Presentation: Elizabeth A. Binsacl , Director of Community Development . Project summ The summary focuses on the status of projects that the Planning Commission, Zoning Administrator, or Community Development Director approved, major tenant improvement projects, and other items of interest. Presentation: Karen Petersen, senior Planner COMMISSION CONCERNS: ADJOURNMENT: regular meeting of the Planning Commission will be held on June 12, 2000 beginning at 7.-00 p.m., city Council Chambers, 300 Centennial'Way, Tustin. I I I V MINUTES TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MAY 812000 CALL TO ORDER: 7:05 p.m., City Council Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Davert ROLL CALL: Present: Chairman Kozak Commissioners BII, Dav rt, Kawashima and P nti us Absent: None F Staff.- Elizabeth B insack, Director Of Corr munity Development R itaWestfi e ld,Ass istant D i rector, CommunityDev lopment Karan Paterson, Senior Planner Lois BObal , Deputy City Attorney II in00 Ashabi,Associate Planner Doug Anderson, Senior Project Manager Transportation PUBLIC CONCERNS. Rob McFarland, Parque Santiago [Mobile Dome Park, stated residents' concerns regarding the expansion Of the Post.Office and postal employees' parking lot that the Commission r6viewed. Mr. McFarland stated the primary concern is division Of the homeowners' property and this parking lot with an unsightly -foot tubular steal fence. This fence will leave virtually n0 privacy for the residents Of the mobile home park due t0 traffic which will begin daily at 6:00 a.m. and stop tappr xim t l 12:00 .m. Elizabeth Binsa ck, Director of C o m rn unity Deve l opm nt,stated by way of clarif'r cation: -- The Planning Commission did not review that expansion plan. - The Post Office invited staff t0 review their plan and provide comments. The Post Office is exempt from local reg u I atin s under Federal law. - Staff pr vid ed some input, suggesting a block wall at that location. Staff vAll send a letter to the Post Office identifying the concerns stated by Mr. M Fadand and will bring that information to the Planning Commission. ,1 a Planning Commission Minutes + May 8, 2000 Page 2 F CONSENT CALENDAR: DAFT. 1 Minutes of the April 24, 2000 Planninq commission Meefi� �. . Commissioner loner Dat ert moved commissioner Bell seconded, to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion carried -o. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 2. Tentative Parcel Map 99-217, a request to subdivide a 5.7 acre lot into three 3 parcels for conveyance and financing purposes. _. APPLICANT: PROFESSIONAL DEAL ESTATE SERVICES ATTN: DAVID ANDERSON SO PROPERTY OWNERS: AGITOUCHSTONE WARNE RED HILL L.L.C. P , Recommendation That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 3725 recorx Mending that the City Council approve Tentative Parcel Map 9-217 to allow subdivision of a .7 acre parcel to create three 3 parcels for conveyance and financing . purposes. i Minoo Ashabi,Associate Planner, presented the-subject report. ' whether or not the applicant has accepted Commissioner ert inquired pp ted the conditions.� r Minoo Ashabi responded that conditions have been accepted as drawn n the parcel reap. Chairman commented on the well-written set of conditions of approval to continue this project as a single project as it was initially approved and thereby provide some fle ibi lity to the owners.+ He requested clarification as to wh etherthe docurnents are going to be recorded for each pEircel to follow the land, specifically the reciprocal access E erwise this proposal would not allow each building its own access to the agreement. of p p p u b I ic street. Director Binsack and Minoo Ashabi indi sated that documents will be recorded for each property. .. F 1 Planning Commission Minutes May-8,;- 2000 Page 3 4 The Public Hearing'epened it 7:15 p.m. Therein Were no questionser Orr ments. The Public Tearing closed at 4.15 p.m. 'R L � rnrrrilssiorier' a r rt moved, �� ti mis i n r LP n i ur seconded, adopt Resolution No. 3725: Motion.-carri d. -0.` i REGULAR BUSINESS: Freewa u �igr�a� for Old Town., - At the April 1. 2000 -meeting, the T tin_ Planning Coram sion requested that.staff contact Caltrans for tho purpose Of 1 Rur uxn free a "identification's na a for Old Town'Tustin. g y .. 4 r • Pre sentati n: EIi abethA. B i -sa ck, D ire terof'COmmunity Deve Iopment As the'Co,m nissioner who brought forward, thi issue, Chairman Kozak thanked for hir ui � res Onse. staff� � � k ,Commissioner Kawashima. questioned hether=er' not all freeway signs must be Caltrans approved. A The [director indicated they d0 and staff is-continuing t0 research what can be, done. . C h a i rmA n soak moved Co m m i ss ioner,Davert seconded, to receive and file t the,sUbje t re' ort. llll tlor, cartied -0. Collection of Code Enforcement Costs and Charges., w R N'P�ese ntaben:;. EIi abeth A. B insaul , D 1recto r of Community L velopment + �1 �ai ed if the model is,from the statute, rhi h staff onfirmed. Charman laza Kozak re nested ve ifi ati0n that there.v ili be a has yin er grace period �ha�ran � - } -d-uring hi h.e -ati n will be providedto thib Community,prior to, assessment 6f fee - . Y C i Staff nfir d this a i be im' lernented and reiterated that this.will be a fee, net a fine. w y ! Planning Commis ion ,Minutes , May 8,:2000 Page + an Kozakquestioned rhether or not-the cost could b determined based' Chairman - .. upon a fully burdened rate-rather than just code 6nforcement costs. t Stiff indicated the plan is to be cautious about charging more thin it actuallycots to conduct inspections-and other remedies are available. Commissi nee P ntious,moved,.Commissioner Davert seconded, to receive and file the subject report. Motion carried -o. 9 Report o n. Proposed'Eastern Transportation Corridor celr.site . L 4 y r Presentation: Elizabeth A. B insack, Director of C om m'unify De elopment } F „ i 4 Corx mi sioner-1 avert expressed concerns about the negative. visual impacts. of d the-1!-iei ht. These tructure would also b in,close proximity t h e structures a n tyo Horth Tustin andrl_em n Hill Park,which is unacceptable,, The Director indicated it is staffs it en 'ron-to address end r lve tai issue and City's TCA represe 11 ritativehas been made aware that:Councilman Pes the + of the issue. c 3 + + - corr�rtssioner.. -Da�rrt err�pha � ed it is important that all the.Council -members vi w the photographs as this.is a. matter of concern to everyone living in Tustin. The residents of.N orth Tustin.should also be made aware of this. , r The Director responded that it i&still at the staff level. T .. 41, Chairman Kozak asked if it will be possible. to get'it.onto the May 1'.5, .2000 City ti r council agenda. .y r F 7 i r The Director responded that it may,be possible. ; -it was the consensus of the Commissioners to submit this .proposal to the City Council forconsideration-and recommend the city Council authorize the Mayor to send a letter opposing visually intrusive facilities . 4 + t y ra k y f k Hills. Notice of :Preparation f., a: Supplemental Environmental., . 8. Santiago F� � - �+ Impact Reort El - , k Presentation: Elizabeth A. B insacl , Director of-Com m u nity Development F r a is w Planning Commission Minutes May 8, 2000 Page Chairman Kozak stated that this may be happening just outside the City but that decisions will have to be made due to possible impact on the City. Chairman Kozak roved Commissioner Davert seconded, to receive and file the subject report. Motion carried 5-0. • L 4 STAFF CONCERNS: S: Report on Actions taken at the May 'f 2000 City council Meetin Elizabeth A. Binsack, Director of Community Development,reported: - The solid waste management services contract was awarded to Federal Disposal service of Santa Ana. - The Council considered renewal of the cable franchise agreement for Media One. This is the first stage. The city will identify concerns and Media One will identify ho v they are going to,add rens these concerns. } Council approved fiscal year 2000-2001 one-year action plan and the comprehensive consolidated plan. The city's application will be sent to the Department of Housing and Urban Development. - Considered and approved the mono-pine. . - The Council a cteMed the teras of Commission, Committees and Board members to August 7. i > loted thatalerie Grabill is retiring. -- The Director indicated that she attended Tustin Old Torn Association meeting at their request. They wanted to know what.they can do to avoid being in violation of existing City laws regarding banners and other items within the right-of-way. Following research by staff, the Director will attend the net TOTA meeting to provide recommendations, including what modifications may be possible. The Director advised it is important to proceed with caution in,'terms of liabilities associated with whatever T TA may put on the right-of-way. Commissioner Davert stated his belief that IOTA deserves as much Delp as the Commission can provide. He feels that not h is being done to promote and support p g Old Town and that the Planning Commission should become more-involved in that area. Director Binsacksugge ted agendi ingthis matter. Planning Commission Minutes May 8, 2000 Page 6 Unrelated to the City Council meeting,} Director Binsack also suggested that the Commissioners provide staff with their e-mail addresses in order that staff may notify the Commissioners via e-mail when their packets are ready to be picked up. COMMISSION CONCERNS: Commissioner Bell . No comments, commissioner Davert -- Expressed concern that the property at 14701 Charlorna, a single-family residence., has been dilapidated for some time. The entire front of the house hes been removed, and it appeared as though a new balcony is being constructed. The Director responded that the Code Enforcement staff i aware of the Ongoing problem with this property. Staff wilI contact the hcrneown er. - Welcomed Eloise Harris to first unassisted Planning Commission meeting and offered the Commission's and congratulations. Commissioner Pontios . _ The building in front of the property on Walnut v�here the hockey/in-line skating takes place) seems to be vacant, weeds are overgrown, and the area is . generally unsightly. The Director responded that Code Enforcernentstaff wilI look into this problem. Commissioner soak - -- Also welcomed Eloise- to the Planning Commission, expressed thanks to Valerie Grabill for .all her help to the Corr m' iss on and extended the Cor miss ori's best,wi hes to her in her retirement. - Expressed thanks to Rita Westfield and rest of staff for their hard work on all the letters and memos. - Commissioner Kawashima a Planning Commission Minutes May 8, 2000 Page R + 4 -. n the traffic backup on El'Gervino L ail before Red Hill. h signals Questionedp ire not coordinated,and it is difficult to make ar left turn onto Red Hill. Doug Anderson stated that two of the lights in that area are Caltrans and two are the City's. ' The problem is exacerbated by the short distance between the signals and the lack of storage distance. Staff is analyzing improvements,such as a double left-turn, and is wo�king with Caltrans to-al lover instarIIation of ar City traffic sig nal. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Dav rt movedw movedCommissioner Kawashima seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:42 p.m., Motion carried . y T regular meeting of the Planning Commission will be held on May 22, 2000 beginning at 7:00 p.rn., City Coun"cii Chambers, 300 CentennW Way, Tustin. + 5 t 5 R y 4. 4 r t rif y rMLt WI,eep �oePlanning [ i Commission R 21 i 4 r i } 1 y ATE: MAY.2212000 + " Y 1 y R t • L L SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 00-011 4 APPLICANT: TUSTIN AUTO CENTER ASSOCIATION - 1 i - PREMIER-PROPERTIES. 4 J 26012 MARGUERITE PARKWAY,SUITE 323 .M ISSION VIEJO, CA 92692 ATTN: REED CHEs1I OF TH - } r + PROPERTY TY R } OWNERS: . CITY OF TUSTIN , 1 - ,. 'U0 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTINCA► 92780E x - 1 � R + r 1 { 1 LOCATION: A PORTION TION OF, VACANT LAND BLTWEEN-EL CAMINO REAL R AND THE.1 FREEWAY - ' y , R ZONING: EAST TUSTIN SPECIFIC PLAN' , f PLANNED COMMUNITY MIXED USE (PC-MU)' { r ] ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS. , NEGATIVE , DECLARATION-'..--HAS BEEN PREPARED IN d ACOC F I'��'IANCE .WITH THE, CALIFORNIAENVIRONMENTAL ONMENTAL QUALITY ACT C E . ti * r REQUEST:� AUTHORIZATION. d TO - ESTABLISH A TEMPORARY.Y AUTO I { LST AGE FACILITY.FOR UP;TO 31.4 VEHICLES.FOR SEMEN (7) YEARS r *R f r F v RECOMMENDATION ATION • 4 1. That-the Planning.Commission,adopt Resoluti6n,N0. 0720 adopting the Final Il tiv f* F 'Declaration for Conditional Use P rmit 00-011 as adequate: y2. That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution . 3727 approvin.g Conditional Use P rm t 00-011. b ✓! y' a 1 BACKGROUND dL i ' t abIish an, auto Stora o f ill fo Thi a��I� .ant i r �ut�n au�>�OriZat�On t0 t ,6,}. . ,: � 1 r s n yea rs. The r0 4 O d site f t the stora ,fa ffi is, n p rtion of a Iand�at the-term in s of. 11 yfOrd Road-between El Deal and the& nta Ana Freeway(1-'5). f y • i Planning-cornrission.,Report- CUP 00-011 + f { May 29 2000k - _ Page 2 The site is_-located within the. Past Tustin Specific Plan Planned Co-mmunity mixed Use DCII land designation which provides for auto'sales and relat d accessory uses such as storage lots. The site is bounded by EI Camino Real to the north, Santa Ana Y Freeway(lib)to.th e south,-Tustin Market Place to the gest and EI M odena Flood channel to the east (see Attachment- , Site Plan). In accordah"c -with Section 3.7.1 D f the East Tustin Specific Plan (ETSP), temporary uses are subject to provisions of Tustin City code. Approval of- a conditional- use permit -the Planning 'Commission. is required, for a lip p .. � temporary use that exceeds sig months. + + k r +i + + L ` Project Dsnption The Tustin Auto Center Association i ,proposing to use the facility for overflow storage of vehicles from the auto dealers in .the Tustin Auto Penter. The proposed' project is a temporary facility in that no 'development�other than,p ring, sacurity fencing, and. lighting would be installed. There is an 6xisting, thirty--two (32). foot wide access road that, terminates appro' iatly 800 feet'into the site. The ungraded portion of the site slopes down to the.flood_channel with an;a erageslope of twenty percent 20% .; A portion of the sloped area adjacent to the flood channel is owned by thb Irvine Compahy. This area i would be separated ffom- the project site Frith security fencing and access would be provided. There are. existing trees and, shrubs along. the westemside of -the proposed access dd eway that would remain. There would be 149 parkin stalls within.this site that are.nine (9) feet in ri th and_va in r length from twenty 20td seventy five feet. With tandem parking,' these Malls could hold up to 314 vehicles (see tta hrnent- , Site Plan). -An enclosure is prop sad- t secure tho facility- on all sides. In addition, each parking stall would be enclosed b . � p g y security fencing.and a gate in front. The'entrance security gate is proposed at the existing terminus that would secure vehicles' hicles.beyond this point.A turn around space for-emergency vehicles would- bprovided b . a foot by 25 foot s p ace at 150 feet'frorn' the+ ro osed, . k� location Fdf the security gate. Since the driveway gate. would berisible from El Camino Fel Condition 2.'11 is included to require installation of.'a decorative wrought iron gate. ' The site%currently provides four points of access to the rear side of the adjacent Tustin Market place.Two 2 , f the access points provide egress only from the service station/car gash, one 1 provides ingress/egress to Hone Depot,?and the fourth+one provides access to rear parking spaces of Tustin Market Places (see Atta hrnent�- , site Plan). These, access driveways would remain and be unchanged. z Operational Characteristics ' The proposed-facility would be available to all auto dealers that,are �r a hers of-Tustin p p t - . Auto centerAssociat!on.. A%Parking Lot Committee has been established to-supervi a the operation off the site. 'Vehicles would` -be delivered' to th& site bY transporters of b .. individual auto dealer drivers.The facilit i would be in op rartion from : g-a..M-.�to :o -P-.m. y A Planning Commission Report CUP 00-011 May 22, 2000 _ Page 3 • "av ra a there �rould be g-1 o trips in n hounto and fro r n the facility with a r a lrr�urn of n kg two transporters with+nine (g) vehicles in an hour. There.m.uld be.a. maximum number of 18 employees at the site at'any given time. Conditions 2.6 and 2.7 are included to ensure that no auto servic and auto washing are provided on the site. y , i y Security P y .+ # y Since the proposed -use" inirlves. storage of cars in a secluded area, the Police De artrnent.has expressed concerns -re arding potential theft- and--vandal sm. Additional security m easu res are-.recorr men ded such as a 24 hour:security for observance of the site as well as controlling access for employees.ees. and emergency vehicles. Condition 2. is _ � y included to reg uire a'24 hcur-sec urityguard if determined necessary by the Chief of Police A and the Commu D evelcpment Director based on,the nurnber of service calls. t SecurOrdinance requires a minimum one foot candle lighting n for parking The ��� '� . � g g g areas. There is n e rsting lighting n the site. Thirteen (13) light, polos similar in . appearance to street lights are proposed along the westerly side of the driveway. Each t light pole will held,tri -fixtures with,400 Watt Metal, halide Lamps that collectively would. provide an average 2.44 foot candle-illumination. Condition 2.4 is included to require the applicant to submit phctcretric study of the proposed lighting. ENVIRONMENTAL ENTAL w In conformance with the California Environm ntal Quality Act CE A ,' a 'Negative Declaration hat been prepared fr the rc'et (Exhibit, of Resolution No. 372 . Id ntifieditigat d measures are included as conditions of approval for the project. . - J - ANALYSIS t The proposed facility is located' in an isolated 'area • rhre activities- related to • loading unloading the Veh icles will,not have an impact on other-.residential or corn r ercial properties. A decision to.approve this request may be supported by the following findings- 1 indings1 As conditioned the proposed use- rill not be detrimental to health, safety, morals,. ' comfort and 'genetal welfare of the persons residing in or working in the i .neighborhood in that: - The facility wilI be located in a relatively isolated area with little.traffjc that' is i - ty y adjacent to a-fibod control channel to the west and the 1-5 Freeway to the south. The proposed hours of operation :(7-00- a.m, .to :00 p.m. are compatible with surrounding regional commercial uses such as the ser is y -station and.retail enter located east and north of the site; y w + Y Planning.Commission Report * May 22, Zoo - + Page } The property would b6 maintained in a sanftary sanitarycondition and n 'auto service . activities would be perm itt-ed; The use. will not generate,.significant levels of, traffic above typical levels associated with deliveries of vehicles to the Tustin Auto Center; and, Sufficient lighting and'-onsite security measures would be provided. L 2 A conditioned, the proposed use is compatible with uses.in the surrounding area + and will n tb ' injp iou r-detrimental to ro or improvements in the vicinity + r t the Welfare of the. City in that the nature, .operation and ,scale of the auto storage use is ccrriPati ble with surrounding reg idnaI com rhercial uses.. r 4 3 The proposed- temporary r use would operate for seven years and w uld' not conflict rith.ftitur development in the area. �� ��- "- a r' ' 1 k a 4 'Minoo A habi. ; Daren Peterson: , Associate,Planner' S.eni rPlanner t r . Ma:p r porkupo0-011. Aftachm nts: A.' Location Map t B. Site-Plan' 4 — Initial DeclarationkP 4 _ . Q. . Resolution_I1c. � � �r�rt� :l - " D. Folution o. 3727 {, f 4 a { t r T ' + F 4 r F ' t ' t t t ■ + t J ' F J " rlet i t F r } w i + ATTACHMENT A Location Map t I LOCATION MAP l� L r � �! � +fit } • y � • i I f 1 { I�xs`�co �x•�� ITE I a FRArr,auft � xr41 1� t Fi CAMNO REAL G CACIULAC or PwRRJ'ws'. ;#CQ $ nor r•+r z roil FWD r.2r 0 a �* At +r#CU+TCA Do-. lira a oa r PISSAN ram rr�� �44CX4 ExtSQV trivs l01'CfX MACI CUJP# l' � r r r i�f�i F�i�#���i��f��i i i i-•i i� t II-4}S'MT#*kA ForlWAY f . NO SCALE fi F ! Y i ATTACHMENT B Submitted Site Plan r { 4 ` i a } { oop INK FENCE ANP qATE LQCATIQN TA1 ref• �,. >. + wars.r fes. ,�'' �:/ �,,' f f ,• CQNQULQURQ QNY TAl s w scar ON 0-ifta r 40, �. Odej, % ol • % �4 r '•� f.f!.t ~*tet: j • � n •� ~ti j' - - _R x yam^ ��r;_ - '-ti •� i �1 ��•yy 1` r r' f''{!ref:f ' V \ f ,�` ,ri}a', f 1•w- ter`„•.��.�L,�4�._,•1 t+•'~ f ♦ I 5TH ti` f '1 4„ '#t•'f: ;r �y !� l ."� J'k ♦ •f 8 •~ ,r r+`i rr�!'f r+ l '+'7i "i`{7i �"`., ♦ ;. +�► a , *!'tr ti>~� ''�. ��'� 4Q i_ r f4_ �,+ # % \••� �S�QO7 T n rmr.....i asset r r r - rr;��'•k_ � X44,`� 0,q ,S . •�•�-t � ~~tib �� pR# '•` 4' o �,•••' �.y`Y t Tye ••` t• •� • ' �`� `1,4 }'tic +w ��•'�� "e .r•�'*'..; �,y f m .y 4�cR>••� + Si�4rWr w �M"��� qp r,�.f,; �� � 4 .e "� t.•.fit�.e�� -^"�+•w. f to ++nrti.ryr�'�„ � 1f r' jf' l• Nip TYPIVA1 SECTIOUS: _ '*�,�, r*'� :r".r �; `�.,.� •� � +aa 1 f`'' �,t.. •� r' / �� �+ •ai�2rt•y fid. ..^rte Yry�Me- � _�4�� ��. l�wl h s. 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C„ Ift i 4� '�...... u °R+sue■'e'4f ti�>t�r�.a � � ��'`'��' �f� - f. .r..cwrw.onw r..�" +e+r.a"ao ram r.rr rr rx EL MIODENA-- IRVINE CHANNEL b-.k.eA■+.r v nn rr r 7e+�c....o i+wa1. rw-o Mesa sawn rfoy wrprt•■a7auw rea �• v j wooa.onrR -�-�».-t.��tr!"�••-,�G A'�H 11!'A Par0.9eXJC+M[�rfll Y�11'�1GIL__ ' �..w.r-r rn•w•�i . •..vr rw.mra. � • 1JCr11r..a�r..r rt.r ue ip,.,, GENERAL NOTES PROPOSED PARKING COUNT =-by A L1wrOR� R[ww w.as 6"wm.gl••lJ+1Rr R 7 - .erA.!a.twn p Yeo+rw.w+'f Wwrk fl■n.ati .rw a w7.a Fr A Mwsr�rA.Lo r.s 7 MSCG 1. ms Wr,.,irAr rarn.ee+,n.aa w.r�w a ftlas, S.0awr*MM Mn4 AN rkrj4 K w..rrar asM1 myna#i.*o.ar+eri aR+.w r.tn ,r f'+4A.CF M+.w h.tri r { xu rw..re,ra a9..rxur.+1 .ate r rm.r:,tr.ran a..i.roti ti.,...r..ew.r rw+R.�ase i mmPrIAwi rerw■vwu+ar w.rrarr 17aan eaavrw S1 TE PLAN rw�+w b�r ft-o tr.+.w a.+a o marc a 8431 w,1w,n r.aft"aa.*w 7e d �r6 WAMM&carr 0=14■�00.91.SOW. r/Y ryr�rwr r fapr aw a�'r.Y r.rr 1 a 41.0 winoara�..ffmur"al, AWLRAwlQ RrrGry.MmL lR...nRk CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT wr,yrr wry,a•w,ww" .,w raa+a[ea7p wrr, , FOR 'r Pto mew �+�+,nwrt[rtewr rrv� iretiorare tem o.=xsxv ►es,arra.:'or r+nrr no■ it."rcr —7r+w l-4"" ar.a SCALE. 11' ;V' ��ww,,y� }r�gyp, �r+aariA M wy�Ar h+4 sm v causal afrf r*be 45.1 '•'iM� b�RirY""1a■rrr MR ra pr+./caMn n+�.brn�evlM q M Iwlwr dry w7.ar r wp+WRrr rMv 6m• .fwet i rarw wwn b w!a00�w rrM 1�■h,F.a b.l M irr r►r rpa7! ften-ft" rq 00+1.0►w.0 gar rJ..R lob r•v.w ayrra un rwrn 1R+aa a rb..a w�wr n a a w.ratrsw■r s rr.rrr NC,i■iLLY,..Wv.e~6- -10 - '/saf!,1af w:r aaprr+p rpa w�araall�c.� u wrq a1i v w 7r.a onwr.rww■w,ae�r..w.+. r e7n�r• �+�M a14a.41 aK:.~nx*mau+hr pun - • um a.+w rr wawfti fa mrr,a s K.4e.e,r...e r .- _rlArsar rR+•swcwaw v APPUCIIIi•S CERTIFICAAO1' PT7CPa4E9 F 44 R Vw[arR; .b aCQ1+ew,[rrr rr+ L ...•.•,,, i rrq,aa-■M.M1 o■■rw re w.raw wwiain �rl� �wbiryl w�,riQw�rR 0�1' RE+�,3Eq MAr}0.tOti�Gl B. A4l!�C W-.a7&raw a■ �.u..i.sax war.barr,e ts►sr L �; '+r'4� TUSTIN AUTO PARK ASSWAU>i K W LA14ER AND W-u'•a+.d*r.wp.r w.p u rrnr ara�.cr rurna,aar ++�•a n.a.b vcti+arun a to.ari rY.Cw•drr'we! -1r..ar.rrtwrr.a nr r rmn w na wwarr y7w7rt..1'�rm a,.ff.ri1 r.r+�rp(MACPa+CRSW Ai11r75 7DJ2 WkFil1T AyTQ CENTR CME MTK CALIFOr •'�+w unr,*.ourr w.a.rU° :1•ti•'i'~�,'�''`�..• VSAM,CALPOR•iA 9=,'AO T14 t7Q<p+41 -WAW" we I&No 714-072-6111 1A4•714+7X)- r M y,ph r. f i '1 w + F t A r + ' r 5 4 F r i i t r ' I Y r * ' F • tl f k 5 ' r I I Ufa* * i 4 _ } Y 7 ATTACHMENT C { , Resolutio 3726 5 Initial Study/Negative Declaration - i 4 i f .r a 1' r � f F L r t y i • , 8.:. F t , r R � r dk _ r 1 r + + rt F . v T 7 r f r _ f t. f a I RESOLUTION NO. 3726 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION F THE CITY F TMJ STI N, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE FINAL NEGAT1 E DECLARATION AS ADEQUATE FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 4 00-011 FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF AN- AUTO ST RAGL FACILITY N A-VACANT T PARCEL BETWEEN EL CAMINO REAL AND SANTA ANA FREE IlA 1-5 FOR SEVEN EARS AS REQUIRED BY THE CALIFORNIA EN I RO N MENTAL Q UALITY'ACT. The P[an ning Com missi n of the;City of Tustin does hereby resolve as fol lows: [, The Planning Commission' finds and determines as follows.- 10 ll wrs.10 A. That Conditional CJs Permit 00--011 is considered a "project" pursuant II to the terms of the California Envir nm nt l Quality Act; 12 B. A Draft Initial Study and Negative Declaration have been prepared for 13 this project and distributed for public r vi w; 14 C. Whereby, the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin has considered evidence presented a by the Community Development 13 Director and other interested panties with rasped to the subject j Negative Declaration;and, 17 D. The Planning Commission has evaluated the proposed Final Negative 18 Declaration and determined that with incorporation f the mitigation measures, ther 'Jt. would not have a significant effect on the F 19 environment.-)o _ I[. A Fina[ Negative Declaration, attached hereto as Exhibit A# has been _1 completed in compliance with CEQA and -state guidelines, The Planning Commission has received and considered the information contained in the } Draft Negative Declaration prior to apprvarl of the proposed project, and.found 23 that-it adequately discusses the environmental effects of the proposed project. Ob the basis of the lnitia l .study and comments received during the public 24 Fairing process, the Planning Commission finds that although the proposed i ` could have impacts, there will not be significant effect because25 z project p mitigation measures identified in -the Final Negative Declaration have been 26- in co rp rart d into the project which mitigate any potential significant effects to a point whore oloarl,r no significant effect would occur, The mitigation measures y 27 are identified in 'Exhibi and are recommended s conditions of approval in Resolution No. 3727. 2 2 In addition, the Planning Commission finds -that the project involves n i potential for an adverse effect, either individual[ or cumulatively, n wildlife P � 4 + } J { r sur end r rr n nd�.th t �I -council - a� D l inimi Impact t ty - . Finding related to AB 3 ,'Chapter 1706, Statutes of 1996.' .PASSED AND ADOPTED-at a regular meeting of,the Tustin. Planning Commission, f 4 -held on the 22nd day of May 2000.. .r ., S } STEPHEN V. KOZAK i 7. Chairperson ELIZABETH A. BINSACK Planning Commission Secretary 10 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) - . 12; COUNTY T F ORANGE13 r CITY OF T STI - 14 'I, ELIZABETH A. BINSACK, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Planning F 1.5 Commission Sbcr'etary of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution . 3726 was • 16 duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held do the 221,day of May 2000, 17 1 19 ' f • R t D - 21 ELIZABETH ETH A. BINSACK - , Planning Commission.Sr ry 22 r 2 f 2 .75 " y ti 1 . 2 • s 4 7 2 - • r " 2 I* COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTM 300 Centennial Way, Tuslin, CA i (714) 573-3100 INITIAL A, BACKGROUND Project Title: Conditional Use Permit 00-011 Lead Agency: City ofTustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92780 Lead Agency Contact Person: Minoo Ashal i Phone; '1{4 573-3126 Project Location: Portion ofvacant land between l Canino Real and Santa Ana Freeway (1-5) Project Sponsor's Dame and Address: Tustin Auto Center Association. R Premier Properties 26012 Marguerite Park Way, Suite ')23 MissionViejo, CA 92692 An: Reed Chesofth General Plan Designation: PC Coriauine Zoning Designation: R Planned Commumty Mi d Use (PCS _ R Project Description: Construction of a surface parked auto storage for 314 vehicles Surrounding Uses: North: Planned Community Mixed Use (PCMU) t: Planned Community Mixed Use South: Santa Ana Freeway West: Planned Corr =ty Commercial Other public agencies whose approval is required:... Orange County Fire Authority City of Irvine Orange County Health Care Agency City of Santa Ana South Coast Air Quality Management [ Orange County District EMA F-1 other B. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY A FT D The.environmental factors.checked ed below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a"Potentially Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist in Section D below. [:]Land Use and Planning - Hazards E]Population and Housing # []Noise []Geological-Problems Public Services E]Water DUtilities and Service Systems ` [JAir Quality F_]Aesthetics FITransportation& Circulation OCultural Resources []Biological Resources Recreation F—JEnergy and Mineral Resources FIMandatory Findings of ` Significance C. DETERMINATION: On-the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the,environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. , S ■ . I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment,there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A LEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. Q I find-that the proposed pro j ct MAY have a sigx i ficant effect on the enNr rome t, and a ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. I find that the proposed project MAY have a signifi { EVALUATION F ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Less Than Significant Potentially With Less Thai? Significant iti at Significant 1. AESTHETICS—Would the project: Impact Incorporation Impact No 10 a Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? ❑ 1:1 ❑ E b Substantially damage'scenic resources, including,but.not limited to,trees,rock outcroppings,and hist ric'buildings within a state scenic highway? ❑ ❑ ❑ c Substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site and its surroundings? ❑ ❑ d Create a new source of substantiallight or glare which would adversely affect t day or nighttime views in the area? El 1:1 1:1 II. AGRICULTURE RESOURCES: In determining Whether impacts to agricultural resources are significant ' environmental effects, lead agencies may refer to the California Agricultural Land Evaluation and Site Assessment t: Model(1997)prepared by the California Dept.o Conservation as an optional model to use in assessing impacts on agriculture and farmland. Would the project: aConvert prime farmland,[unique Farmland, or Farmland Statewide ide I'mp rt n e(Farmland),as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Resources Agency,to non- - agicultural use? i El 1:1 1:1 20 b Conflict with existing zoning for Agricultural use,or Williamson Act contract? ❑ El El z c Involve other changes in the existing enviroru ment which, . due to their location or nature,could,result in conversion of Farmland,to non-agricultural use? ❑ E III. AIR QUALITY: where available,the significance • criteria established by the applicable air duality management r air pollution control district may be relied upon to make the followi g determinations. Would the project: a Conflict.with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air duality plan? ❑ ❑ ❑ F b Violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation's El z El El c result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is nor- attair ment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard(including releasing emissions which exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors)? ❑ ❑ ❑ d Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations? ❑ ❑ ❑ e Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of people? ❑ ❑ ❑ . Less Than Significant Potentially With Leas Than Significant Mitigation Sig rf kart ISAV. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES: - Would the project: Impact Incorporation Impact . No Impact a Have a substantial adverse effect,either directly or ' through habitat modifications,on any species identified as a candidate,sensitive,or special status species in local or regional plans,policies,or regulations,or by the Calif omia Department ofFish and Carne or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? '❑ El ❑ i b Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian habitat y or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans,policies,regulations or by the California Department of Fish and Carne or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? 1 ❑ 1-1 1:1 e Have a substantial adverse effect on federally protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (including,but not limited to,marsh,vernal pool,coastal,etc.) through direct removal,filling,hydrological interruption,or w other means? ❑ Q r d Interfere substantially with the.movernent of any native resident or migratory fish.or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors,or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites? El ❑ ❑ 0 Conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources,such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance? ❑ EJ f Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Flan,Natural Community Conservation Flan,or other approved local,regional,or state habitat conservation plan? [� ❑ ❑ V. CULTURAL RESOURCES: -would the project: a Cause a substantial adverse chane in the significance of a historical resource as defrned in§ 15064.5? Q ❑ ❑ t b Cause a substantial adversd change in the significance of n archaeulogial resource pursuant to § 15064.5? El El ❑ c Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological i resource or site or.uhicluo geologic feature? . . ❑ ' � El z d Disturb any human remains,including those interred outside of formal cemeteries? ❑ ❑ VI. GEOLOGY AND SOILS:-would the-project; Expose people or structures to potential substantial ' adverse effects,including the risk of loss,injury,or death involving` ` i Less,Than Significant Potentially ll With Less Than Sigrnii ant Mitigation Significant t Incorporation impact o�� e Impac iRupture oknown earthquake fault, delineated ont>� most recent Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map issued by the State Geologist for the area dr based on other substantial evidence of a known fault? Refer to Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication 42. ❑' ❑ Q ii) Strong seismic ground shaping? ❑ ❑ iii) Seismic-related ground failure, including liquefaction? ❑' ❑ ❑ t ]v Landslides? 1:1 El El M b Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil? Q Q eBe located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or that would become unstable as a result of the project, and potentially result in n-or off-site landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence, liquefaction or collapse? ❑ ❑ dBe located on expansive soil,as defined in Table 1 -1- of the[uniform Building Code(1994),creating substantial risks to life or property? ❑ ❑ El e Have soils incapable of adequately supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative waste water disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal ofwaste water? ❑ ❑ ❑ NII.HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: Would the project: Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport,use,or disposal of - haardous'materials? IJ Q El b Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through.reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment? Q El 1:1 Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acuter } hazardous materials,substarices,or waste within one-quarter mile of an existing or proposed school? ❑ � � ❑ dBe located on a site which i's included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 and,as a result,would it create a significant hazard to the public or the environment? ❑ ❑ ❑ e For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted,within two miles of a public airport or public use airport,would the project result'in a safety hazard far people residing-or working in the project area? ❑` ❑ f For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing _ r working in the pr area. r Less Than n JgnJ Janl , Potentially With Less Than ign cant Mitigation Significant Impair implementation of or physically interfere with an Impact Incorporation impact No Impact adopted emergency response plan or emer envy evacuation plan? ❑ El ❑ H h Expose people or structures to a significant risk loss, injury or death involving wiIdland fires, including where wiidlands are adjacent to urbanized areas or where residences are intermixed with ildlands? El ❑ 1-1 VIII. HYDROLOGY AND WATER UALITY: —would , the project: Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements? El b Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater iecharge such that there would be net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table level e.g.,the production.rate of pre- existing nearby wells would drop to a level which would-not support existing lard uses or planned uses for which permits have been granted)'? El ❑ Q 0 c). Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration ofthe course ofa Team or river, in a manner which would result in substantial .rosi n or siltation on- or off-site? El ❑ ❑ F d Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site ' or area,including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river,or substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner which would result in flooding orgy- . r off-site? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ e Create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity of existing or planned storrnwater drainage systems or.provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff? El ❑ •❑ f Otherwise substantially degrade water quality? Ej ❑ ❑ g Place housing within a 100-year flood hazard area as mapped on a federal Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood Insurane bate Map or other flood hazard delineation map? ❑ El ❑ h Place within a 100-year floa-hazard area structures which would impede or redirect flood flows' ❑ ❑ ❑ i Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam ❑ '. ❑ i Inundation by seiche,tsunami,or rnudflow? ❑ El El LAIRD USE AND PLANNING—would the protect. . a Physically divide ars established community? ❑ ❑ ❑ i Leas Than Significant Potentially With Less Than i Significant Mitigation Significant b Conflict with any applicable land use plan,policy, or Impact Incorporation Irn a l No Ire regulation of ars agency with jurisdiction over the project (including, but not limited to the general plant,specific plan, local coastal program, or zoning ordinance)adopted for the purpose ofavoiding or mitigating an environmental effect? ❑ � �] Conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan or natural community conservation plan? ❑ ❑ 5C. MINERAL RESOURCES—Would the project. Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of value to the region and the residents ' the state? ❑ ❑ ❑ b Result in the loss of availability of a locally-important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan,specific plan or other land use plan? ❑ ❑ ❑ XI. NOISE Would the project result in: a Exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in excess of standards established in the local uen ral plan or noise ordinance, or applicable-standards ofother.auen ie ? Q � ❑ b Exposure of persons to or generation of excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels? Q Q c substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without-the . project? - ❑ ❑ d A substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing , without the project? El Z El El e - For a project located within an.airport land use plan or, . where such a plan has not been adopted,within two miles of public airport or public use airport,would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive .} noise levels? El ❑ El E k For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project expose people residing or work-ing in the project area to excess noise levels? ❑ ❑ El 0 XILPOPULATION AND HOUSING—would the project: a Induce substantial population growth in an area,either directly for example,by proposin;new v homes and businesses)or indirectly(for example,through extension of roads or other infrastructure)? ❑ ❑ b Displace substantial numbers of existing housing, necessitating the construction of'replacement housing elsewhere? ❑ � � � 1 Less Than Significant f len Ja YWith Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant Impact Incorporation Impact NO'Impact e) Displace substantial numbers of people,necessitating the construction of replacer- ent housing elsewhere? El 1:1 a 0 i JIL PUBLIC SERVICES i r F a would the project result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered Bove mental facilities,need for new or pb rsioally . altered governmental facilities,the construction of which . could cause significant nt envir nm'ental impacts,in order to maintain-acceptable service ratios,response times or other performance objectives for any ofthe public services: Fire protection? El Police protection? ❑ �] ❑ Schools? Parks? ❑ ❑ 0 therpublie facilities? ❑ El ❑ 0 SIV. RECREA'T'ION— a would the project increase the use of existing neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational .' facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the facility would occur or be accelerated? El a ❑ b Ioes,the project include recreational facilities or require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities which might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? ❑ ❑ ❑ v.TRANSP T TIO ITRA IC—Would the project: a Cause an-increase in traffic which is substantial in relation to the existing.traffic load and capacity of the'street system (i. .result,in a substantial increase in either the number of vehicle trips,the volume to capacity ratio on roads,or - ongestion at intersections)? ❑ b Exceed,either individually or cumulatively,a level of - senice standard'established by the county congestion management agency for designated roads or highways ❑ 1:1 El c Result in a change in air traffic patters,including either + n increase in traffic levels or a change in location that results in substantial safety risks? � ® ❑ ❑ 1wSubstantially increase hazards due to a design feature e.g. Grp curves or dangerous intersections)or incompatible uses e.g.,faun equipment)? E] � ❑ ❑ e Result in inadequate emergency access? ❑ � ❑ ❑ f Result in inadequate parking capacity? Les Than Significant Potentially With - Less Than Significant Mirrgation Significant Impacl Incorporation Impact NO is- g) Conflict with adopted policies, plans,or programs . supporting alternative transportation e. .,bus turnouts, bicycle racks)? ❑ � ID M Xv1. UTILITIES All SERVICE SYSTEMS Would the project: a Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the _ applicable Regional water Quality Control Board? ❑ � ❑ b Require or result in the construction of new water or wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of existing , facilities,the construction of which could cause significant _ environmental effects? ❑ ❑ ❑ Require or result in the construction of new storm water drainage facilities or expansion of existing facilities,the construction ofwhich could cause significant environmental effects? ❑ ❑ d Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project from existing entitlements and resources,or are neva or expanded entitlements needed? ❑ IJ D Eli e Result in a determination by the wastewater treatment provider which serves or may serve the project that it has adequate capacity to serve the project's projected demand in addition to the provider's existing commitments? ❑ ❑ ❑ f Be served by a landfill with sufficient permitted capacity to accommodate the project's solid waste disposal needs? El El El g Comply with federal,state,and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste? ❑ i ❑ El XVH.MANDATORY AT FINDINGS OF SIG 'ICAI C a Does the project have the potential to.decade the quality of the environment,substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species cause a-fish r wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels,threaten to eliminate a plant or ' animal community,reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or an*unal or eliminate important - examples of the major periods of California Idstory or prehistory? i ❑ ❑ ❑ b foes the project have impacts that are individually limited,but cumulatively considerable? "Cumulatively considerable"means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects,the effects of other current projects,and the effects of probable future project ` ❑ El 1:1 Zia e foes the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings,either directly or indirectly? F EJ q ATTACHMENT A Evaluation of nvironm'en al Impacts Temporary Auto Storage Conditional Use Permit o 0-0 11 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The auto storage facility is proposed to be located on vacant land between El Camino Real and the Santa Ana I- Freeway on '. portion of property described as Assessor's Parcel Number 500-291-03. The property is bounded by The Tustin Market Place to the east, El Camino Real to the north,the El Modena Flood Control Charnel and easement to the east and 1-5 Freeway to the south. Access to the site is provided from El Camino Real. The site i separated from the flood control channel and easement by a chain link fence. There is an existing thirty two 2 foot. driveway located approximately mid-point of the site. The driveway is currently used to access the rear portion of Lorne Depot site and Tustin Market et Place. The proposed driveway will connect to the existing thirty two 2 feet driveway but will narrow to twenty-five: feet in width. Af The facility would be operated by the Tustin Auto Center Association and would be available �to all auto dealers within the Tustin Auto Center. There.would be 149 parking spaces that are typically nine 9) feet wide and range ire Ien th from t ray-five, 2 to sevent -five feet to accommodate 314 vehicles. The parking stalls outside the guarded area would be enclosed on four sides by a six 6 foot high security fencing with ars access gate at front. At approximately 800-feet from El Camino Real, a 25 feet by.40 .feet hammerhead turn around area for emergency vehicle access is proposed. A.11.d riveways and storage areas are proposed to be paged with asphalt concrete to support the weight of vehicles and emergency vehicles. The existingand proposed driveways are relatively flat. The part ing stalls are sloped P p � i downward from the driveway toward the channel by an average slope of twenty, percent 20% . Lighting t the site would be,pyovided by thirteen (13) light poles similar t the existing street lighting in .appearance to provide a minimum of one 1 foot-candle lighting to comply with the City's Security ordinance. C CI LIST REPONSES 11 AESTHETICS Items a through d— "NoImpact": The proposed project is located on a vacant parcel behind the Tustin Market Place adjacent to a flood control channel. No scenic vista or highway is present within the area. Given the limited access to the area, the project would not be highly visible to passing motorists or pedestrian . The proposed lighting would be minimal with no impacts to adjacent properties. No impacts to . aesthetics are anticipated. Sour'ees: Submitted Plans e alive Declaration' CUP -011,Auto Storage Fa ilh)-, Page 1 5 i Site Observation Tustin General plan East Tustin Specific Plan ` Mitigation/Monitoring Monitoring F equired: . • Any portion of the proposed security fencing parallel to El .Camino Real shall be provided with slats for screening of the vehicles. The proposed main driveway access gate shall be constructed of decorative wrought iron. Details and specifications for the gate shall be submitted for review and approval ofthe Community Development Department. 2, AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES Items a through c — "No Impact' The project is located in.a developed urban area where no farmland is existing. The project will not conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use or a Willa son Act contract. The project would not result in conversion of fannland to non-agricultural use. Sources: Submitted plans Site Observation } Tustin General Plan . East Tustin Specific Plan Mitigation/Monitoring Required: Ione Required , 34? ASR QUALITY . Item b — "Less than Significant with Miti ation Incorporated". Short-term emissions associated with grading and the construction ofthe proposed building and site amenities are subj ect to ,regulation by the S outh Coast Air Quality Management District and the City of Tustin Grading Manual which includes requirements for dust control. t* Bong-term emissions -associated with the movement of automobiles in not expected to exceed levels already existing within.the Auto Center. Sources: Submitted Plans and Documents Tustin General Plan . MitiationMonitoring Required: . All construction activity shall comply with the requirements of the City of Tustin Grading Manual, which requires frequent watering of the project site for dust control. Negative Declaration CLAP 00-011,Auto Storage Fac flity Page r r op ration of the proposed auto storage facility shall comply with the requirements of the South Coast Air Quality Management District. . { Items a d and e "No Impacts"': The relatively small magnitude of the project and number of trips generated sloes not have the capacity to create a net increase of any criteria pollutant, expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutdnt i concentrates, or create objectionable odors. The project will not conflict with implementation of the regional air quality plan nor will it result in a considerable increase o 'pollut nt.in the project region. 4. BIOLOGICALRESOURCES Items a through — "No Impact": The project site is located on a vacant parcel tht.has been previously graded. Them aro no unique', rare, or endangered species of plant or animal life on site or identified in local {or regional plans, policies or regulations or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service existing on the site. leo impacts to biological resources are anticipated. Sources: Site observation Tustin General Ilan Mitigation/Monitoring Required: None Required 5. CULTURAL.RESOUS Items a through d — "No Impact'': The proposed project is located on a vacant parcel that has been previously graded. The project is not within an area her identified arch eological, historical, or paleontological resources exist. No impacts to cultural resources are anticipated. Sources: Irvine Industrial Complek Planned Co II I lumty Regulations Tustin General Plan Citi ation l omtoring Required: bone Required i 6, GEOLOGY AND SOILS Items a through e — "No Impact": The proposed project is located on a vacant parcel that has been previously graded. The topography of the site is relatively flat and would require minor precise grading activity to prepare the site for the improvements. The project site is located in an area that is designated as liquefaction zone in a Preliminary Map released on October -I , 1997 by State Department of Mininerridcolo Structures i this area have the potential to expose people to lass, injury, or death should the building collapse as a result o the effects of a rupture of a known earthquake fault, strong seismic ground Negative Declaration CHIP 00-011, Auto Storage Facility Page 3 shaking, landslides, or unstable or expansive soil. Other than grading for the parking area, installation of curb and gutter, lighting poles and security fencing, there would be no structures on the site. Construction the proposed improvements will require compliance with the Uniform Building Code and other related codes. Compliance with current codes will ensure that the design and construction of the proposed project-reduces any potential impacts related to fault ruptures, ground shaking, ground failure, liquefaction or unstable soils to a level of insignificance. ; Sources: Tustin General Plan City of Tustin grading Manual Uniform Building Code Preliminary Seismic Map Uniform Building Code HAZARD AND IL4ZARDOUS MATERIALS Items a through c - :Ness Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated": No hazardous materi HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY Item a—"Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated": The facility will be constructed with curb and gutter along the westerly side adjacent t the flood control channel to avoid runoff to the charnel. Improvements to the site would include inlet and underground storm drain system for connection to the existing storm drain system. Approval of the Orange County Flood District and compliance with other applicable federal and state regulations for construction and operation of the project will be required. Compliance with the following mitigation measures will reduce potential impacts to a level of insignificance. Sources: Submitted Plans and Documents • City of Tustin Grading Manual . Public works Department Mitigation/Monitoring onitoring Required: • Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the proposed plans will be submitted to the Orange County Flood-Control Distri F ' • The collection, conveyance and discharge of the surface ruin-off shall b subject to approval by the City of Tustin Engineering Division and the i *Orange County Flood Control District. Drainage improvement shall! consist of, but not limited to inlets and underground storm drain system and connection to the existing storm drain system. 0 adequate erosion control shall be provided between the paved "Hammer Head" turn around and the proposed retaining curb and gutter for all areas wheire Section C--C on the site plan is applicable. F 0 A sedimentation and erosion control plan for all wort . related to this development shall he prepared and submitted to the City of Tustin Public Works Department. r A complete hydrology study and hydraulic calculations shall be submitted for-review and approval of the City. .n. Items h thxou h j "No Irn et" . The project will not expose people or property to water related hazards such as ,. flooding and erosion and will not change the course or direction of waters movements or affect the quantity and quality of groundwaters. The impervious surface of the project will drain rnto the existing storm drain system. The project does not have the capacity to.affect the direction of currents in surface waters or amount or quality of.groundwaters, absorption rates, drainage patterns of surface runoff, or effect on the amount or quality of surface or groundwaters. Sources: Tustin general Ilan r City of Tustin Grading Manual. Public works Department . Project Application 91, LAID USE AND PLANNING Items a through e — 'No, I=act": The establishment of an auto storage facility for a period of seven years is a conditionally permitted use within the East Tustin Specific flan area [Section 3.7.1(D)]. The project will not divide an existing established community nor conflict with resource conservation plans. Sources: Tustin General Plan East Tustin Tusti a r r ' r F '10. MINERAL RESOURCES I ems-a..and b—"Nn Impact": No significant mineral resources.are 4ecated on the project site. The propqsed proj&ct will riot result in loss -of a known wn mineral rescure;. r availability of a locally important.mineral resource recovery site. ' L Sources: Tustin-'General.plank. k r East Tustin Specific plan. r - 1 litigati n l nitering.Required: None Required lie 'NOISE, 1 Items a threu d�-- `Less Th Significant with Mitigation Ines cratedLl The proposed operational hours for the -facility.ds from a.m. to 7:00 p..M. These hers are compatible with the commercial uses within. the neighborhood. The site-'is located within a secluded arca net in,proximity. of any residential development. r Consttuctien of the facility may-result in aless-than significant increase in'sh rt- - term construction noise, however,all uses.within.this-area are subject to the City's " noise regulations and construction-hours. 'No,significant long-term:noise increase above typical levels a ciat d with moving and parking vehicles i -anticipated. Sources: Submitted plans and Documents i. Tustin City Code: Tustin xenral.Plan - st Tustin specific.flan i y Mitigation Monitoring luired: ,• - All !construction -operations, including engine warn-up -and deliveries of 'mf6n*als and e uipn nt, shall be,subject to the provisions of the Tustin " Noise Ordinance and shall take place-only-between the hours x.00 a.n ; ` and 6:60 p.ni., Monday through Friday, and -between 9:00.a.m. and 5:00 p. . on Saturday,unless.otherwise-.determined by the Building.Official. Items a and.f— "No Impact": The prof e t is not located within two miles a . .-public �rpert; a priv to,a* trip, r public u airport that would expose people working in the area to ecesive mise levels.. ,a R t Sources: .Submitted Plans and Docurnent,8 Ttin City Code 4, 4 Tustin General flan e * Negqtive Declaration { CUP 00-011"Auto Storage Facilh i k Page 7 . 4 t Mitigation Monitoring Required: None Required 12, POPULATION AND HOUSING Items a,-b, and c--"No l act": As an automobile storage facility, the proposed project does riot have the capacity to increase population in the area, displace any 0existing housing units, or people. Sources: Submitted Plans Tustin general Plan Mitigation/Monitoring onitoring required: None Required 13. PUBLIC SERVICES Item a — `Less than Significant with-Mitigation Inco orated": The.-automobile storage facility will not.create demand for alteration or addition of government- services (fire and police protection, schools, parks, etc.). However, the high concentration of vehicles in an isolated area will require security measures to prevent undue demand on Police services. In addition, the site will need to provide access for fire personnel and equipment. Implementation of the mitigation measures will reduce any potential impacts to a level of insignificance. There are three existing fire hydrants along the project site. There would be unobstructed access.to these fire hydrants. Sources: Submitted Flans and Documents Tustin Police Department i Orange County Tire Authority Tustin Public Works Department Mitigation/Monitoring Required: - + mini num of one 1 foot-candle lighting for the parking area is required m accordance with the City's Security Code. A lighting plan with the number and location of proposed lighting and the minimum/maximum' lighting level on the site shall be submitted for final approval of the Community Development Department. Typical street lighting standards should be selected to be consistent with the surroundi Fire H dran as•, Pri r to issuance of a buildingpermit,the applicant shall submit to the Fire Chief evidence of the on-site fire hydrant system and indicate whether it is public or private. if the system is private,the system shall be reviewed and approved by the Fire Chief prior to issuance of a building permit. The applicant shall make provisions for the repair and maintenance of the system, in a manner meeting the-approval of the Fire Chief. The fire hydrants shown on the submittal appears to be on a private access providing protection to the shopping center. Unobstructed access should be provided to the fire hydrants. Item #2 of the general notes shall clarify the number and access, arrangement to all fire hydrants. • prior to issuance of any certificate of use and occupancy, all fire hydrants i shall have a blue reflective pavement marker indicating the hydrant location on the street or drive per the Orange County Fire Authority Standard a approved by the Fire Chief. These markers are to be maintained Mn good condition by the property oyer. Fire access loads: Prior tb issuance of any gradin ennits, the applicant shall subr it and g obtain approval of plans for all roads,street and courts,publie"or private,for approval from the Fire Chief in consultation with the Manager, Subdi provisions which prohibit parking in the fire lanes. The method of enforcement shall be documented. Access Gate • Prior to the issuance of any grading permits, the applicant shall submit and obtain the Fire Chief's approval for the construction of any gate across { acquired fire authority access roads/drives. Contact the orange County Fire Authority at 1 744-0 r a cop} oft the"Guidelines for Fire Authority r Emergency Access." r 14, RECREATION Items and b - " o Impact": As an auto storage facility, the proposed project does not have the capacity to increase the demand for neighborhood parks or recreational facilities.leo impacts to recreational resources are anticipted. Sources; Tustin City Code Tustin General Plan East Tustin Specific tan Mitigation/Monitoring Required: None Required 15. TRANSPORTATION/TRAFFIC Items b and q—"Io Impact": . The proposed project consists of an enclosed autornobile storage facility on vacant-property. The facility will be enclosed by fencing; operation of the facility will not conflict with pedestrian or vehicular travel ways. Sources: Submitted Plans!and Documents Tustin City Code . Tustin General Plan Mitigation/Mox torin Required: Mone Required Items a,+c,. , e, _ "Less Than Significant with Mit a ion incorporated'`: The site currently provides access to the rear side of the adjacent Tustin Market shopping center including.pick up and deliveries to Horne Depot. There are four(4) existing accesses. Two of which aro egress only from the service station/car wash, a third one 1 is directly connectedlo rear portion of Hone ]depot, and the . 'fourth one provides access to rear parking spaces of Tu Market Place. Those i access driveways would remain unchanged. - Negative Declaration CHIP 00-0 11, Auto Storage F"acilr'tp 'age 1 r t , The hours of operationfor:the; il ity i s proposed fr m 7-:00 .r . t '7:00 p.m. sever days the week. There would lie maxi um of eighteen l r�i� In ars 1� � and' from the facility. Vehicles-to the site are either driven individually or i transported-to the site on trucks that would-hold a maximum of nine 9 cars.at a time. The"use will -not generate significant levels of traffic above typical levels associated with deliveries of vehicles to the Tustin Auto Center. C mpli nce with + i the following mitigation measures will.reduce potential impacts to a level of F insignificance. + r d Sources: Submitted Plans,and Documents - Tustin City Code . R ! Tustin General Flan , r Mitigation/Monitoring Required: - All deliveries ick-up and' drop off operation shall take lace between the, . hours of7:00 a.m.,and 7:00 p.rh. as proposed. Any charges-to the hours o ' operation shall.be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval. F Noparallel parking and oron-site parking other than'designated areas for } vehi les-or delivery trucks is permitted. , • Uninterrupted access ro .I yford Road to the area west of the project site f. shall be provided to the Irvine Company shown on the plan. f • .a No,stacking of vehicles or transporters is permitted between the intersection of El Canino,Real and yMford Road and the first parking stall. , 16.; 'HILITI S AND SERVICE SYSTE I J Items a throe "No.Impac.f'. The project is located in:a , area where all utilities are available to the site. No other ini acts to water treatment, water F supply, wastewater treatment, solid waste disposal are identified;, . Sources: Tustin-City Code t ; . Tustin General Plan .l iitigation/Monitoring Required: Ione Required - 17. . .. A O YII D�TGS of SIGNIFICANCE r r ---- - and operation will . Items .b and c IT Impact. The project design, construction comply with -the regulations of the City of Tustin, Air Qual.i.ty Man gement District, and.Orange County Fire Authority which reduces any potential impacts Negative Declaration -011,.4 uto Storage Facility r' .Page 1.1 k t a r , 1 to a l v l of insignificance. As such, the project does not have -the,-potential to 5 degrade, the quality f~ the environment nor achieve short-term environmental goals .to the disadvantage o -the long-term. It -does not lave impacts .that aro . individually limited but cumulatively considerable or that would.cause sub§tantial - adverse impacts on human beings. 4 r w F r Sources: Submitted.Plans and Documents City and Agency Requirements � .. it { + IL r M + r t f i J Y L � a L •i Y a * 4 # y / � 4 i a Y 6 r + r • M 3 ' M i 4 * a i s - i Y l i r ` � 1 It 'r r r 1 , i • • r r a r r •r } a , S a + r r t ' 1 , t i t 7 Negative e aration - r CHIP -011;Auto Storage Facilio Page 1 { r " t rt � r } 1 t 1 f Y Y y f J 1 1 { { k 4 • r . K K h 1 1 1 i •r r 5 r a t i �1 L � , 5 + i 1 } + f r t t � 1 , 1' 4 1 r ' t r' * y ATTACIVqENT Y .L I4 7 + r - ics l 3727 -� ti r t 1 � r 5 y 5 F + µ � s F 1' L ; 5 I ■ 1 + ry � T 1 r 'S • # Y r s 1 r t , 1 . i t r , T a t RES LUTI N N . 3727 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING C MMISSI N , F TIE CITY i OF T STIN APPROVING CONDITIONAL. USE- PERMIT 00-011 AUTHORIZING TEMP RAR .OPERATION-OF AN AUTO. STORAGE FACILITY -ON A VACANT PARCEL BETWEEN EL CAMIN . REAL AND THE SANTA ANS FREEWAY k5 FOR-SEVEN EARS. t h6 The Planning Commission does R resolve as f ll ws: 7-- 4 - - l. The Planning Commission" finds and determines as follows: . T A-. That a proper application-for Conditional else Permit 00-0 11 was filed -by the Tustin Auto Center Association to request authorization t 10 establish an autostorage facility for -use of the Tustin Auto. Center Association n.a Ooftion of Assessor's Parcel No 500-291-03 between 1 1 - El Camino Real and Santa Ana FreeWay 1- • t 12 J + ' P F B. .Pursuant to. East Tustin Specific Plan, temporary uses are subject t 13 provisions of the Tustin City Code, which requires approval of the - Plann.ing Commission frtemporaryuses ofm re than six months. 1 15 C. That the proposed, use is consistent with the General Plan and East: Tustin specific Plan in that the property is designated. as "Planned 16 Community Commercial Business" and zoned "Planned D ri�unity 17 Mixed.- Use" which allows for the est blishmen-t of all actiVitiesh permitted in the Community Commercial t Professional and Industrial 18 land use designations such, as auto dealerships, and accessory storage lots. 1 - . ,s a 0 D. ;That a public hearing was #duly called, noticed land. held on said application on Mgiy 22t 2000 by the Planning Commission. 1 E-. That the establishment, maintenance and operation - f the proposed _ auto,'storage- will not,' under the -circumstances of� this case, be i3 detdm ntal to the health, saff6ty, morals comfort, or.genera[welfare.of 24, the persons residing or wring in the.neighborhood of such proposed use, nor be inj u do us-or detrim e nta I to the property and ire r vements in 25 the.,neighborhood of the.subject property,-- r to the general rlfare of the City of Tustin, as evidenced by the following-findings: 2 27 r 1 As -conditioned: the proposed use will not, be d td mental to health, safety, morals, comfort and general- welfare 6f the . 28 persons residing in' r working in.the neighborhood in that: 29 _ The facility will be located in relatively isolated area with a t y 4 - little traffic"that is a� jacent--to :a flood control channel to the west and the l- ,Freeway to the south. The proposed Fours f operation (7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.) are compatible with r + 1a t Resolution No.•372702 1 . :2 ti r * surrounding regional commercial -uses such" s the sere e station-and retail center located east and north of the site; 4 *• The property would be-ma-intained in a sanitary condition and + no auto service activities wouId be permitted; . + The use will hot generate significant levels of traffic above xr f i typical levels associated with deliveries of vehicles to the Tustin Auto Center; and, R i - t + i } . f/ Suf i ht -lighting and-on-site ,securfty measures would 8 provided. } r } , 2) As conditioned,the proposed use is compatible with uses in the 10 surrounding area and will not, be injurious: or detrimental to property or improvements in the vicinity or to 'the welfare- of the 11 City in that the nature, operation and sc��Ie ,f the office use i compatible with surrounding regional commercial uses. r 1 The proposed temporary-use would operate for seven (7) years . = end wouIdnot conflict with future de reIopmentin the area. 14 . 1.5 F. The Commission finds that the proposed use will not impair the orderly and. harmonious. development of the area, the present or future 1 -development therein, or the occupancy as a whole.. 1 G. In conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act CE A , a . 18' N eg ative Declaration has beenad opted as adequate for the protect. - _ 19 - H. That the project has been reviewed for consistency with the Air Quality. } a sub-Element of the City of Tustin .,General. Plan and has been - determined to be consi tentwith the Air Quality sub-Element. 122 . 11. The Planning Commission hereby approves' . Conditi nal,use Permit 00 .011 t t operate an auto storage facility n the vacant- property located between. EI 2 Camino teal and Santa Ana Freeway 1- .for sever' 7 years subject to the conditions contained in Exhibit A attached hereto. A 24 Y 25 k PASSED AND.ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin; at F26. regular meeting on the 22nd day+ f May, 200 0. r 7 • STEPHEN V. KOZAK , Chairperson 9 ELIZABETH A. BINSACK Planning Commission secretary - - i + i i i Resolution No. 3727 Page 3 7 STATE OF CALIFORNIA F COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF TCSBTI 5 I: ELIZABETH A. BINSACK, the undersigned, hereby certify that I arra the Planning Commission Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. .3727 was- duly Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission,held.on the 22nd day of May, 200 0. 8 9 10 ELIZABETH A.,BINSAC - 11 Planning Commission Secretary 1 1 1 i 1 17 1 + 19 a 4 21 22 2 24 2 26 27 28 29 t a 1 r r P EX I B IT A t CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT00-011 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL t RESOLUTION NO. 3727 L A GENERAL i 1 r 4 k P V '1.'1 The proposed project shall substantially conform with the submitted ans for tieproject date stamped May 22# 2000, on file with the Community 1 5 . . Development Department, except as herein modified, or as modified by the 4 ;; Director of Comm' unity Development in accordance with this Exhibit. 'The , Directorof Community Development may also approve. r inor modifications- to plains if such-modifications are donsistent with the provisions of the Tustin City Code. 4 (1) ', 1.2 Unless citherwise specified th_ e-conditions%contained in this Exhibit shall b i complied with prior to the+.;issuance of arty building:permits for the. project, subject to review and pp aroval of the-Corr munity Oevelopmer t'Department. F f (1) 1.3 .Approval df Conditional Use Permit 00-011 is c ntingent.up n the applicant and property owner .signing-sand returning an "Agreement to Conditions J Imposed"form as established by the Director of Community Development. t. 1 1.4 The'applicant shall hold harmless and defend the City -of Tustin from all claims and liabilities arising out of a challenge of the City's approval for this 4 Y _ project. Y (1) 1.5 Anis Conditional Use Permit mare be reviewed by the Director of Community D veld nt within sic months after the date. this approval and at six p (6) month intervals thereafter, or more frequently if necessary, to determine if the 'erations.are conducted in accordance with this approval. If the P Director of,A Community t y Dev loprr� nt -determines that the method- of .o eratio n i inconsistent with any f the conditions o this approval or other r } applicable reulatins,the applicant shall upon notice cease all violations. F The Director of- Community Developme-nt may also impose additional conditions or modifications to the existing conditions or facilities as part of such r view to p r to t the p ublic hett lth,safety andf general welfare. L. t SOURCE CODES (1) $T ►NDARD,CONDITION - RESPONSIBLE AGENCY (2) GEQA I i ITi0AT1 N. _ _. .REQUIREMENTS (3) UNIFORM BUILDI110 CODE S. (6). LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES (4) �DEBIGN RBI 7PC CC POLICY EXCEPTIONS Y + r ' r ' r . M w 7 4' E hib1t A Resolution No. 3727 r 1 May 22,Zoo } ' Page 2 k .• 5 (1) 1.6 As determined by a City Code Enforcement Officer, any violation of any of + the conditions imposed by this Resolution i .subje t to the impgs'ition of a civil penalty of$100.00 for each violation and.'each day the vioIatEon exists. `f(11.7 The applidant shall be responsible' for,costs.associated with any necesda' ry code enforcement action: w . . 1 f { USE RESTRICTIONS 2.1 The.,""project area and -parking stalls -shall be. secured by fencing with access gates as shown cin the plans... . 2.2 ' Uninterrupted access from M f rd 'Road to the area wst,rof the. project + site shrill, be provided to the Irvine- Company and to- the flood control channel as shown on thb plan. ` F 1 t 2.3 Concr to -curbing shall be installed along the north side, of the proposed',. i driveway in accordance F rith .the site plan. t • ' 2.4 A minimum of one 1 foot-candle lighting for the parkin-g area is required in accordance with the City's. Security Code. A lighting plan with the i number and location of proposed lighting and the min imum/ma im,urn lighting level on .the site shall be submitted for final approval of- the Community Development Department. Typical street fighting standards should be selected'to be consistent-with'th surroundings. _ 1 2.5 Lased -on the number of service calls,. the Police chief and' the. Commu'nity Development Director may require a 24-hoursecurity guard to * * -be'proVid d on site. if-required, the lobation and specifications of a guard + k-iosk shall bb s bmitted 'for approval by the. community Development Department. ` 2.6 No transport vehicle-storage,(e c pt autos), or vehicle h ashing is allowed r within the auto storage f cility. 4- i t 2. 'The 'use of hazardous materials - shall ',be prohibited. No vehicle maint n an ce or repair shall,be performed in the-storage-f cilit r. Z8 Prior to,issuance of"a,grading,permit,,the app iicantshall ent r into a ground lease.agreement with the.City of Tustin subject to review and pproval by the City Attorney and:the City Council. . ' 2.9- The applicant shall remove all improvements upon expiration of the ground leas agreement. 1 Exhibit Foxution 1` o. 3727 May 22, 2000 Page 2.10 No stacking of vehicles or transporters is permitted on Lyford Road i between El Camino Real and the first parking stall. 2.11 The proposed. rain driveway access gate shall be. constructed of decorative wrought iron. Details and specifications for the gate shall be submi ted for review and approval of the Community Development . Department. 4 (1) 2.12 All deliveries, pick up and drop off operation shall take place between the hours of :00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m..Any changes to the hours of operation shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval. : . y . r (1) 2.13 No. parallel parking and or on-site parsing other than-designated areas for vehi les or transporters is.permit ed. r (1) 2.14 The property shall be maintained in a safe, clean and sanitary condition at all tires. The appliant'shall be responsible for daily collection of any trash or de ris,asso iated with the operation of the auto storagese. BUILDING DIVISION . (1) 3.1 Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall submit seven (7) sets�of excavating/final grading plans and two preliminary soils reports to the Building Division for review and.approval. t (1) 3.2 Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the engineer of record shall submit ar final compaction report to the Building Division for review and approval. (1) 3.3 All construction activity shall comply with the requirements of the City of Tustin Grading Manual, which requires frequent watering of the project site for dust control. (1) 3.4 Construction, and operation of the proposed auto storage facility shall comply withthe requireMents of the South Coast Air Quality Manag.ement. District. (1) . . To address water quality issues, a Water Quality Management Plan shall . be submitted in conjunction with plan check. The plan shall identify best inn ernentp radices to ensure that any run-off is captured and treated. r 4 J i F Exhibit A Resolution lution l`11o. 3727 'F May 22, 2000 Page (1) 3.6 . Prior to issuance of a gradingpermit, the proposed plans will be submitted to the Orange County Flood -Control District for approval and compliance with, City's National Pollution Discharge .Elimination System City-Vide #. Permit. There shall be-n direct discharge to the Flood Control Channel. ' ' The site. shall be designed- with curb and gutter along the. flood control - channel that would a direct runoff`form tire-site to th6 storm drains. � - * r 13.7 . All construction operations, including engine,'warm-up and deliveries of .- - materials and equlpmer't, shall be subject to the provisions of the Tustip poise-Ordinance and shall take place.only between�the hours of :00 a.nn. and Q:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, .and,between.*9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, unless.otherwise.determined b r the,l uil ing Official. (1) 3.8 Preliminary technical -details and plains. for utility installations inclUdinr water and electricity shall be su rnitf d for review and approval of .the rt Building Official. F P . L - L F (1) -3.9 A final:grading ad specifications prepard by a Registered Diuril Engineer consistent with. the site plan shall be submitted to the- Community Development Department;:for review and,approval. (1) 3.10 All pavement 'R" values shell be reviewed and approved by the 'Community Development De artment. - (1)-* 3.11 The applicant :shall comply. with all City -.policies regarding short term construction emissions, including periodic vwrterxng of -the site nd prohibition of grading, during second stage smog alerts,..and when wind -velocities exceed 15 riles per hour. . 5 13.12 AA surety/cash, bond will be .required to assure work is completed in accordance with approved plans. Bonds would be based" upon the- estimated -cost� f the grading, drainage and erosion control}prior to the issuance of a grading permit. (1) 3.13. At bine of plan check,. and prior to issuance of a gradingp ermit, the r applicant shall submit .specifications to {.the City regarding the. water r disposal in accordance wfth the state and federal stand rds of the. Clean Water Act. y PUBLIC WORK&DEPARTMENT ! F - • M .1 Sufficient protection oUthe drop inlet shell be provided-Ao satisfaction :of + the Public'Works Department. There shall,be no pari ingL over the-e�fstin . F 4 f J t { Exhibft A - 1 esolut + 7 i Exhibit Feslution No. 3727 Maiy 22o 2000 Page f POLICE DEPARTMENT ' R a (1); .1 ' A kn x'box shall be provided at the security gate for em'ergericy vehicle , access.,in compIian re with- l-e req ujrements of the Police,Department. [4 ` - .2 sufficient unobstructed 'access to the rear of the Tustin Market Place.shall r r be provided as shown on the site plan.' . ORANGE COUNTY TY FIRE AUTHORITY - t Fire Hydrants: r i (5). 6.1 Prior to issuar ce of a building permit, the applicant shall,submit to the.Fire Chief evidence of the on-site fire hydrant system and indicate whether it is 1 F i public or private. If the system is private, the system shall be reviewed and r approved by the Fire 'Chief prior to issuance of a building permit. The applicant shall make provisions for the. repair and maintenance of the --system., In a manner rr.eeting the approval of the Fire Chief. The fire, hydrants shorn on the submittal: appears to by on Pdvate access providing protection to,the shoppina center. Unobstructed ac-cess should. be provided'to the.fire hydrants. Item #2 of the general.notes shall clarify the number and access arrangement to all fire hydrants. r R (5) , .2 .Pdor-to issuancef anycertific to of-use -and occupancy, all fire hydrants R shall have a blue reflective pavement:m rl er indicating the hydrant-lo ation on the street or drive per the orange County Fire Authority standard a i _ approved by the Fire. chief. These .markdrs are to be maintained in good - condition by the propertyowner. 4. Fire Access Rears: ;. # r (5) .3 Prior to issuance of any grading permits, the applicant shall subrhif and obtain approval of plans for all roads, street and courts, public or privatejor approval from the Fire Chief to consultation with the. Manager, Subdivision Fand Grading Sery ces. The pla.ns shall include the plan view, secti n l view, and indicate the grade and width of the street or court measured flow line to flog lure. All proposed fore apparatus turnarounds shall be pproved, r * by-the Fire Chief and if needed, clearly marked when a dead-end street exceeds 150 feet or when otherwise required. Applicable locum nts, shall contain provisions 'Which prohibit "Obstructions such as speed. bumps/humps,control gates or other modifications within said easement,or access road unless prlr approval of the,Fire chief is.-granted. r r 4 - 4 f i • � F yy +1 Exhibit A esolutson No. 3727 it May 22, 2000 + Page 7 " Street Maria ': F t i (5). 6.4 Prior to the issuance-of a grading permit, the applicant shall submit plans and"obtain approval from the'Fire Chief for the fire lanes on required fire F access roads -less.-than 36 f et -in width. The plans -shall indicate the. } locations of red curbing and signage. A drawing of the propoed signage with the-height, strobe and color of lettering and the'contrasting.background color shall be.submitted to and approved.by the Fire Chief. i 5 (5) 6.5 +Prior to the issuance-of any certificate of-use and or operation,the fire lanes shall be installed in accordance with. the approved fire lane plan. The approved documents, shall contain-. a fire- lane map and provisions which prohibit parking, In the fire lames. The method of enforcement shall be documented. } Access Gate a (5) 6.7 Prior to the issuance of an grading permits the applicant shall submit and g g obtain the Fire Chiefs approval for the construction -of any gate across required fire authority access road s drives. Contact the Orange County Fire Authority at 1 744-0499 for a copy of the "Guidelines for: Fire Authority Emergency Access." FEES (1) 7Prior to issuance of any permits, the applicant. hall pay,the following fees. Payment will be! required based upon the rate in effect at the. time r permit issuance and are subject to change. r r 1 a. A112 applicable Building.plan check and permit fees shall be paid to, the Community Development DepaSrtrrient. Orange County'Fire Authority plan check and inspection fees to the 'Community D eloprnent Department based upon the.most current x schedule. J L 4 C. New v development tax in the amount of $0.10 per square foot of gross floor area. d. Within forty-eight hours cf project. approval,roval, rthe applicant.shall p roJ f J deliver to the Community Development Department, a cashier's check payable to. the COUNTY CLERK in the,ar ount of $38.00 -(thirty-eight dollars) to' enable the ..city to file the appropriate environmental- documentation for the project: if With in-such forty_ . 4 3 • w r. Exhibit A • Resolution No. 3727 r May 22; 2000 Page 8i eight hour period, that applicant has }not, -delivered to the C ommunity Development Ddpartment the above-noted check, the r - statute} of limitati ons for ain-Y interested party to challenge the. environmental determination Under the provisions of the California '# Environmental Quality Act could be significant - lengthened. 1 + * + } r 1 t 1 1 .y r y r k. y 1 a - ■ 1 i rt 1 r + r y y . r a y r y + 1 1 R L * k . 1 r y+ J a L * 4 1 e A R t f f 4 * ITEM # DATE. MAY 22, 2000 r- Com".��� P 4 To. PLANNING COMMISSION FROM, COMMUNITY NITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT., CITY of TUSTIN GENERAL. PLAN ANNUAL REPORT 'AND HOUSING ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission adopt t F esolution No. 3715 recommending that the City Council adopt the 2000 Annual Report on the status of'the Tustin General Plan. BACKGROUND California State Leer requires each City to adopt e comprehensive, long-term general plan for its physical development and any land outside its boundaries which bears relationship to its planning activities. In essence, a city's general plan serves as the blueprint for future growth and development. As a blue print for the future, the plan contains policies and programs designed to provide decision markers with a solid basis for land use related decisions. r Tustin adopted its first General Plan in 1966. The Plan was prepared as a joint effort between the City of Tustin Planning 'Department and the County of orange Advance Planning Division. Major changes to state law led to preparationrndrevisions t Tustin's General Plan during the 1970's and 1980's. During this period of time, General .Plan elements were developed and/or arriended{ incrementally. Tustin's current General Plan was comprehensively amended and adopted in 1994. The General Plan is comprised of seven State required elements: Land' Use, Housing, Conservation/Open space/Recreation, poise, Circulation, Public Safety and a locally mandated element, GroVvth Management.gement. 4 Government Code section 65400 b requires that City'slarnning ar ency (the Planning Commission) provider 1) an annual report to the City Council on the status of the } General Plan and progress in its implementation; progress in meeting its shame of regional housing needs, and 3 efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing. The annual report 'is required to be provided to the City Council on or before July 1 of earthyear. Following the City Council's action, the annual report will be forwarded to the S.tate Departme-nt of Housing and Community Development Annual Report ' The City's Annual Report Exhibit A)' has individu I sections organized by element. Each section includes abrief description of the scope of the element and a discussion Planning orrmi ion Report General Plan Annual Report and Housing Element Progress Report May 22, 2000 Page.2 of PrQgram accomplishments relevant to each goal. The program accomplishments include ordinances, programs, guidelines, specific plans, general plan amendments, and discretionary actions. Often these program accomplishments meet several goals that are interrelated to various elements of the General Plan. As such, to avoid redundancy, the implementation programs are described under the primary goal they irhplernent and are listed by name only under secondary goals. Regional Housing Needs ThQ City's current Housing Element was approved in 1994. The Housing Element includes the 1988 southern California Association of Governm nts (SLAG) Regional Housing deed Assessment HNA data that established the City's housing construction need by income category for a five year period (July 1, 1989 through June 3 , 1994). since 1988, SLAG has not prepared neer FHI' A numbers for the region. As such, all cities are still using the 1989-1994 numbers as the current construction goals. Table 1 identifies the City of Tustin's share of regional -housing need :from July 11 1989 through June 39, 1994. As part of the State's mandate on the third recision of housing element, SLAG has prepared a neer set of RHNA numbers for the period of January 1, 1998 through June 301 2905. These'new F H A numbers are not included in this report because they have not been approved by the SLAG regional Council or the State Department of Housing* and Community Development. Tustin is currently appealing the RHNA allocation based on an error in determining vacancy rates. Final RHNA numbers will be -included :in the Housing Element Update due for consideration by the Planning Commission and City Council review later this year. Table '1 City of Tustin Regional Housing meed - July 1, 1989 through June 30, 1994 Income Level Number of units Peroentac�e Very Lour 0 of MR) 890 18.7% Lour Income 0-80 % of MFI 488 23.4% Moderate Income 9--120% of IVIFI 484 23.2% Upper Income 120% of MR 724 34.7% FI:Median Family Income 29085 100.0% Source:1988 SCAG Regional Housing Ted Assessment Table 2 consists of a list of neer dwelling units that have received occupancy approval since July 1, 1989, Since State Lair sets a new planning period of January 1, 1998 through June 30, 2005 for the third revision of mandated Housing Element, the City is' allowed to count housing units constructed between July 1, 1989 through December ^ 4 Planningorr missi n Report y General Plan Annual Report and Housing Element Progress Report rt � F F '. lay-22, 2000 J Page 3-R i f 4 31, 1,997L sFits accomplishments in meeting'the 1989-1:994 share of regional housing k ` . needs. To determine- the income level of each unit, the State Department of Housing and l Corrfmunity Development-developed criteria for City to follow. These criteria are based .on occupant annual -income, rent payment, porch a p'dce or density level". since, it 3 could be very diff icdlt for the City to determine the annual income,of each occupant, rent payment or-the actual purchase price for each unit'constructed, density is the most r practicable and reliabl'e' source in classifying the income level.,of each, unit. As such, TabI6 2 identifies the income levels of each unit constructed determined by the density of the development. rt _ 4- In In addition, a list of implementation programs are included in the Annual Report {Exhibit A) .which outlines pr'ograrns, 'ord nancds ,and development proposals that the City�undertook in.rn eting its fair share of�egEonal housing needs. - k a { - Table 2 ., R City. o Tustin - ._ 3 , F R Housing Unit constructed Between .r July 11989through December 31, 1997 a , Income Level Number ofUnits Perag Very Lo -(>25- units/acre) 8 0.14% Lour Incoi-ne,('I- #2 units/acre) 2186 38.41% . Moderate income 6-10.99 units/acre) 19.64 - 34:51 Flo a Upper- Income -5.99 units/acre) 1533 26:94% , 6691 - 100.00% MFS:Median Family Income source:City of Tu #in - r k r S r Local Efforts- to 'Remove Governmental constraints to the Maintenan Im provement.arnd D veto pment of Housin Ria r The Citi has taken the following steps.to remove govemmental constraints that hinder the',development of affordable housing:,d. , N a 1. Continued%implementation of the City's General Plan; - r P R 2. Continued- processing of ,specific Plans to include affordable housing component§through Develop mnt.Agreenlents; R F N r .. y Planning Commission Report General Plan Annual Report and dousing Element Progress Report May 22, 2000 Page 3. Adopted Ordinance en ity:• onu Ordinance) to establish method of providing developer 'incentives for the production of affordable housing as required by State Law. . complied with the affordable housing provision of the community Redevelopment Law; . Allocated Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for } improvements within the low-m`od erate income neighborhoods to encourage rehabilitation and revitalization; . Provided various loans and downpayrnent assistance to assist the lower income households in purchasing and rehabilitating their homes. As evidence by the Annual Report, the city has implemented numerous ordinances, programs, guidelines, specific plans, general plan amendments and discretionary actions in accordance with its General Plan goals. Many of these implementation tools satisfy goals within several General Plan elements, demonstrating the interrelationship among the elements and the comprehensive approach the City has taken in implementing the General Plan. The city will continue its efforts in carrying out all the identified goals and policies of the General Plan.- This Annual Report however enables the city to assess the effectiveness of its -General Plan and provides guidance t ,the City in focusing on its future goals and policies. } RitzVWestfijeld Elizabeth A. insck Assistant Director, Community Development Director of Community Development Attachment: 1, Resolution 3715 2. Exhibit : 2000 Status of General.Plan and Implementation Progress ACMPGREPo T1 eneral Plan Annual report 2000.doc { w RESOLUTION No. 371 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION F THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT THE 2000 ANNUAL 4 REPORT. ON THE STATUS of THE TUSTIN GENERAL PLAN The Planning Commission does hereby resolve as follows: 7 1. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: 8 A. That Government Code Section 65400(b) requires the Planning Agency (the Planning Commission) to provide an annual report to the City Council on the 10 status of the General Plan and progress in its implementation including the 11 progress in,meeting its share of the regional housing needs; . 12 B. That the City has implemented numerous ordinances, programs, guidelines, specific plans, general plan amendments and discretionary actions in ' accordane with the General Plan; 14 C. That the City has taken steps in removing governmental constraints that 15 hinder the development of affordable housing; 16 D. That on May 22, 2000 the Planning Commission considered the efforts 17 and rt ken by the City of Tustin to implement the General Plan; . 18 E. That the City's efforts in implementing the General Plan are summarized in . 19 - the report entitled "2000 Status of General Plan and Implementation Progress" attached hereto as Exhibit"A"; and 20 F. That the planning Commission has accepted the 2000 Annual Report on the 1 status of the City of Tustin General Plan and will submit said- report to the - City Council for consideration. II. The Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council adopt the 2000 Annual Report on the Status of the City of Tustin General Plan attached 24 hereto as Exhibit`A 25 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City-of Tustin, at a -regular 26 meeting on the 22 d day of May, 2000. 7 . 28 STEPHEN V. KOZAK Chairperson 9 ELIZABETH A. BINSACK Planning Commission Secretary - 1 ' + i 1 } STATE OF CALIFORNIA NIA 1 4 COUNTY QF ORANGE Y CITY OF TUSTI 1 M 4 t I, ELIZABETH A. BINSACK, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Planning + Commission Secretary f the Planning Commission cf the city of Tustin, California; that . Resolution No. 3715 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission,i , heldn the 22 day of May, 2000. 7 r r r ■ + � C ELIZABETH A. EINSACK 10 Planning Commission n S cre arry 4 1 4 y 1 S 14 , i r y 1 1 F ~ 17 1 Y F 1 r 70 r • 4 T IY a� J f Y ' 2)3 + t /4 2 2 Y 27 2 29 + _ r ' + ' y / I Y r A F # A t • i r � r e J EXHIBIT A i } r 2000 STATUS OF GENERAL PLAN AND IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAMS L { + � F r r ` r r 1 f R i -EXHIBITA 2000 Status of General Plan and Implementation Pry ress LAND USE ELEMENT The Land Use Element identifies the present and planned land use activity; the general distribution and location of residential and non-residential land uses; and density and building intensity. The Land Use Element constitutes official city policy for the location of various land uses and provides guidance to ensure orderly growth and development. The following is a listing of Land Use Element goals and implementation measures: GOAL 1: Provide for a well balanced land use pattern that accommodates x existing and future needs for housing,'c rx m rciai and industrial land, open space and community facilities and services, while maintaining a healthy, diversified economy adequate to provide future city services. • Density BonusOrdinance: Provides a 25 percent density bonus plus one additional incentive when projects incorporate 20 percent of units for lower income households -(with rents not to exceed 30 percent of 60 . percent of area median income); 10 percent of units for very low-income households (with rents not to exceed 30 percent of 50 percent of area median income); or 50 percent of units for seniors. f • Serially Oriented Businesses rdln.an e. Establishes regulations to promote the community's health; safety, and welfare by limiting, dispersing sexually oriented busines.ses to specified zoning districts, licensing and regulating sexually oriented businesses and employees; and providing additional health and safety regulations. • Alcoholic Beverages Sales Guidelines: Establishes guidelines to be i considered in conjunction with the conditional use permit process to promote and protect public health, safety and general welfare, and preserve and enhance the quality of the city relating to establishments selling alcoholic beverage for on- and off-site consumplion. !orae OccypationOrdinance: Provides nor interpretation for home- based businesses to limit operations within the enclosed living space to limit negative impact associated with commercial ofl+ice uses within residential zoning districts. • Churches in Industrial Districts Gid lines: Establishes guidelines' and standard conditions of approval when church uses are located in the industrial district. } • Cultural Resources DistrictOrdinance: continues topreserve historic and architecturally significant residential properties within the district by F General Plan Annual Report May 22# 2000 Page requiring Certificate of Appropriateness f r exterior alterations and demolitions of structures within the district. A total of 112 Certificates were issued between 1994 and 1999. in 1998 the City amended the minimum lot area requirements for parcels located within the Cultural Resources District to apply only to creation of new lots. • Auto Services Design Guidelines: Establishes guidelines and standard condition of approval for the establishment of auto related services busine ses. • Medical Office ParkinglJoint UseParking rdi an e. Reduces the amount of re fired parking for medical uses under 4,000 square feet. The ordinance also allows the provision of joint use paring within a commercial center. r . i Wireless Communication Facilities Ordinance.- Establishes regulations and guidelines to be used for the review - f wireless communication + facilities for the prtetion of the health and safety and aesthetics of the r community. a 0 Old Town Fee Waiver Policy: Waives non-residential permit fees for interior and exterior building improvements and additions constituting less than a ten (10) percent increase in gross floor area for existing properties located Within the Old Town areas. MCAS Reuse Pian: Adoption of the MCAS Reuse Plan outlining future and interim uses at the closed MCAS-Tustin base which include the rehabilitation of 192 existing military barracks for a transitional hone and the rehabilitation of 50 existing housing units to accommodate families in transition. + 0 .Tustin Ranch Soeiic Plea: Continues to enforce }East Tustin specific Plan to ensure ad quate housing for various income groups. 0 Secondary Residential Units Development Standards: Provides . R opportunities for affordable secondary residential units on lots within ' the City's single-FamResidential esidential Districts through existing Zoning Ordinance provisions. Approved construction of two second-units and one guest home. Commuter bail Station FaConstruction of a Metrolink Station to support a network of regional transportation facilities. f i General Plan Annual Report May 22. 2000 Page Trangpor a ion S s em LMprovement, Pro-gram: A joint powers agreement between the City of Santa Ana and the City of Tustin to establish program to assess fees to be used for implementation of :. various traffic and circulation improvements within a defined benefit area. • General Plan Amendments-. The City processed fire General Plan Amendments to'allow for planned, community development,in Tustin Manch, a mini storage, change of land use from commercial to residential, and two land use designations of Caltrans abandoned rights-of-ways. iscre iona Actions*.between '1994 and 1999, the City processed 170 Conditional Use Permits, 39 Variances, 6 Code Amendments, 21 Design Reviews,news, 19 Zone Changes, 8 Parcel Maps, and 37 Tract Haps to accommodate various development proposals. Oran a County Laser Plan of Artefial.lei lava s (Circulation Element Goal.I for description) ,i Truck Routes System (Circulation Element Goal 2 for description) 0 Congestion Management Pro r m LCKP (Circulation Element Goal 3 for description) 0 Rem onal Tr nso r a ion Improvements Procto (Circulation Element Goal I for description) _ • Tr ffIc Sic real Coordination Program (Circulation Element Goal I for description) • Bus shelters and Tumou s Prod (Circulation Element Goal I for c escrip ion Measure I ars Pro osi ion (Circulafion Element Goal I for description) GOAL 2: Ensure that future land use deoi ons are the result of sound and comprehensive planning. subdivision ision Code* Adoption of Subdivision Code in accordance with the State's Subdivision Map Act related to the division of land within or partially within the City* by establishing regulations concerning the a design, improvement, and surrey data of subdivisions, the form and General Plan Annual Report May 22, 2000 Page t content of all required reaps, and the procedure to be followed in securing the official approval of the City. • Above Ground Cabinet Guidelines:Establishes guidelines for the placement of above ground cabinets within the city's right of gray to reduce the potential for negative visual impacts on the community. • Desi n Review Process: Encourages ands promotes high quality design and physical appearance through Design Review process. A total of 258 Design Review were processed between 1994 and 1999. • Office of the Zoning Administrator Establishes office of the Zoning Administrator to review and approve development.applications in lieu of the Planning Commission when the requests constitute a reasonable use of property not permissible under a strict literal interpretation of the regul tions. Code Enforcement -Pro cram: The City promotes active Code Enforcement citywide.' Code Enforcement activities include the following: graffiti removal program of approximately 1000 cases annually, we-ed abatement program,- removal of abandoned shopping carts, and other zoning. and,land use related type of.issues. Tustin Family and Youth Centel;, Rehabilitation of an a isti,ng commercial site to accorrimodate the Tustin Family and Mouth Center. Re Tonal and Bikhg Trail System: The City supports and .coordinates 'the development and maintenance of bikeways -in p conjunction with the Orange County Master Plan of countywide Bikeways to assure that local bike routes will be compatible with routes of adjacent jurisdiction. The city promotes the safety pedestrians and bicyclists by adhering to uniform standards and practices, including designation of bicycle lanes, off-road bicycle trails, -proper signage, and adequate sidewalk, bicycle lanes,-and off road bicycle trail widths. -The development of Peter's canyon trail, coordinated by the County of Orange is an integral part of the City's trail system. Other coordinated efforts-include the development of the equestrian and bicycle trails to conn ct the Cedar,Grove Park and the upcoming Lemon Tree Park} ensi ]ty Bonus Ordinance - Land Use lement Goal I for description) - • Discretionary A cions (Land Use Element Goal I for descfiion General Plan Annual Report May 22, 2000 Page. F • Sex'ualloriented Businesses ordinance (Land Use Element Goal ffor description) a Alcoholic Beverages Sales Guidelines ' (Land Use Element Goal I for description) Home Occupation Ordinance { (Lard Use Element Goal I for description) • Churches in Industrial Districts Guidelines (Land Use Element Goal I for description 0 Cultural Resources District Ordinance (Land Use Element.Goal I for descripti n • Auto Services Dein Guidelines (Land Use Element Goal I for description } a Medical office ParkinglJoint Use Padr� _Ordinance (Land Use Element Goal I for description) • Wireless Communication F=acilities ordinance (Land Use Element Goal I for description f • MCAS Reuse Plan (Land use.Element Goal I for description) • SecondaE Residential(.!nits Develo melt Standards (Land Use Element Goal I for description) • Commuter Flail Station Facilif (Land Use Element Goal I for description) • Orangg Countv!Master Plan ofArterial!fi hwa . (Circulation Element Goal I for description) 0 Truck Routes System (Circulation Element Goal 2 for description) } Congestion Management Prociram CI 1 ) (Circulation Element Goal 3 for description) 1 i # General Plan Annual Report May 22, 2000 } Page • Reg Lionalprarsortalo I _ rrrrJs Pro�rrr (Circulation Element Goal I for description) • Traffic �janal Coordination Program (Circulation Element Gaal I for description) r . Bus Shelters and T'u ou s M } (Circulation Element Goal I for description) • Measure M and Proa ion III (Circulation Element Goal I for description) 0 General Plan Amendments . (Lard Use Element Goal I for descri ion GOAL 3: Ensure that new development is;' compatible with surrounding land uses in the community, the city's circuiation network, availability of public facilities, existing development constraints and the City's unique characteristics Rand resources, Warmin n, Homes — Ambrose Lame Construction: Replacement of * deteriorated apartment complex with 38 new single family homes of which 8 are affordable units. Shea domes - Tustin Groves Construction: Demolition' of dilapidated apartments and construction of 1neer single family homes of which 21 i aro designated as affordable housing. 4 • * Construction of Fire Station: Construction of a new Fire Station at the East Tustin area to serve the Tustin Punch community. - Conservation of EnpMy with bin �i is -Parks. Use of TLC yst m in sports field lighting at the Tustin Sports Park to maximize efficiency of extreme height light poles. Walkway lighting at Cedar Grove and Hedtage part had controlled 95 percent of spill and ,glare in ambient light, yet making low waftage systems efficient and uniform. Installation of 11 axicorn systems 'at cornniunity facilities for computer generated operations of irrigation systems maximizes the efficient use of grater and electricity. Sexual!SexualIV Oriented Businesses Ordinance (Lard Use Element Gaal I for description) Alcoholic Beverages Sales GuidelineS le Guideline (Lard Use Element Goal I for description) R 4 General Plan Annual Report May 22, 2000 Page • Subdivision Code (Land Use Element'Goal 2 for description) • Churches in Industrial Districts Guidelines (Land Use Element Goal I for description) i • Cultural Resources District Ordinance .(Laird Use Element Goal I for description) • Auto Services Design Guidelines (Land Use Element Goal I for de n ati n • Medical Office Parkin Y lJoint Use Parking Ordinance i (Land Use*Element Goal I for description) • fireless Communication Facilities Ordinance (Land Use Element Goal I for description) • MCAs Reuse Plan - Land Use Element Goal I for description • Office or the Zoning Administrator . (Land Use Element Goal 2 for description) • .Tustin FamLly and Youth Center (Land Use Element Goal 2 for de ctiption) i Commuter Rail station Faci . (Land Use Element Go a- / I for description) T • Region l l ikin and Batg Trail System (Land Use Element Goal 2 for description) • Re lona!Transportation Improvement Pro-gram. (Circulation Element Goal I for description) • Orange C un Ma Plan of Arterial Hihwa ys (Circulation Element Goal T for description) Truck Routes System (Circulation Element Goal 2 for description) • Congestion Mana ernent rc rear CMP (Circulation Element Goal 3 fordescription) • Re Tonal Transportation LiLiprovernents Pro ram (Circulation Element Goal I for description) • General Plan Annual Report May 22, 2000 Page • Traffic Signal Coordination Pry rarrr (Circulation Element Goal I for description) • Bus Smelters and Tumouts Prom (Circulation lement Goal1 for�description) Measure M and Proposition (Circulation Element Goal I for description) i • Genesi Pian Amendment (Land Use Element Goal I for description} . 0 Discretionaty Actions (Lard Use Element Goal I for description)) GOAL : Assure a safe, healthy and aesthetically pleasing mmunity for residents and businesses. • Newsrack Ordinance: Establishes regulations for the placement o ne cracks within the City's right of way. •} Neon_ Tubing- icln Guidelines:, Establishes guidelines to mitigate negative visual impacts as a result of installation of exposed neon tubing. Gana a SalesOrdinance: l evised, uidelines and regulations for garage . sales. Tustin Pride Pr-ocir m: Continues to support Tustin Pride Committee to promote a cleaner, healthier and safer community. LandscaDe Improvement ement at El Camino Rea! and Nisson Improved . landscape area at El Camino Real and l lisson Street to revitalize older areas of the city. Redevelopment Agencv Proc7rams: The city Redevelopment Agency y . provides programs to revitalize the redevelopment area. Programs include Mousing Rehabilitation Loans, First Time Homebuyer down payment assistance to first time homebuyer), and Mortgage Credit Certificate program tax credit for first time hornebu er . National Pollutant Discfr r e Elimination SvstemNPD SJ Participate in the countywide effort' to minimize unwarranted discharge water into the,regional grater system. 1 General Plan Annual Report May 22, 2000 Page • Sexually Oriented Businesses Ordinance (Land Use Element Goal I for descnp i n • Alcoholic Beverages Sales Guidelines (Land Use Element Goal I for description) • dome Occupation Ordinance (Land-Use Element Goal I for description) 0 Cultural Resources District Ordinance (Land Use Element Goal I for description) 0 Aorto Services Desicin Guideline (Land Use Element Goal I for description) • wireless Communication Facilities Ordinance (Land Use Element Goal I for description) . 0 Above Ground Cabinet G ridelihes (Land Use Element Goal I for description) 0 MCAS Reuse Marr (Land Use Element Gaal I for d scrrpti n) . 0 Design Review Process { (Lana Use lernent Goal for description r 0 Office or the Zoning Adrrrinistrat& - (Land Use Element Goal 1 for-description i General Plan Amendment (Land Use Element Goal I for description) i Landscape Improvement at El Camino Beal and Nisson (Land Use Element Goal 4 for description warmin t n Homes—Ambrose Lane Construction (Land Us6 Element Goal 3 for description) • Shea Homes- Tustin Groves Construction (Land Use Element Goal 3 for description). 0 Code Enforcement Pro rain (Land Use Element Goal-2 for descripti n 0 Conservation of Enemy within gAt 's Parks A (Land Use Element Goal 3 for description) i 0 iscreioriary coons . (Land Use Element Goal 1 for description) Y General Plan Annual Repot May 22,.20D Page 1 } Bus Shelters and Tumoul _EEggram (Circulation Element Goal I for description) GOAL : Revitalize- older commercial, industrial and r sidnial uses and properties. CDBG, HOME, and other State and Federal EEggnims: Provides CDBG i !rants/loans to non-profits organization car in out public services- activities and private commercial properties for fa ade improvements. The City participated in the HOME and SHP programs to assist hou§eholds in need. Mills Act: Adopted by the California Legislature in 1976, the Mills Act is legislation that provides fr property tax relief on an eligible historic property if the property owner agrees to maintain . and preserve the . property for a minimum of ten years. The City,participates in the [Mills Act. Currently only one property participated in the Mills Act. • Old Town Tustin Sira various activities were carried out to revitalize older properties in the Old Torn Tustin. These activities include the creation of diagonal parking to create a pede trlan and _ business friendly atmosphere, a study by the students from the [university of California, Irvine to provide several- recommendations geared toward the improvements of the Old Torn area, and initially fund and participate in the Old Torn 'Association to promote 5 businesses in the Old Torn area. } Cultural Resources District Ordinance (Lard Use Element Goal I for description) i • Old Town Fee Waiver Poliy i (Lard Use Element Goal,I for desciipt on • MCAS Reuse Plan (Lard Use Element Gaal I for description) War ington Homes—Ambrose Lame Construction (Lard Use Element Goal 3 for description) 0 Shea domes - Tustin Groves Construction (Lard Use Element Goal 3 for description) R 0 Code Enforcement Pro gram (Land else Element Goal 2 for description) • Redevelopment Agenc Er rams . (Lark!Use Element Gaal 4 for description) i General Plan Annual Report May 22, 2000 Page 11 • Tustin Family and Youth Center (Lard Use Element Goal 2 for description GOAL * Improve urban design in Tustin to ensure development that is both architecturally and functionally compatible, and to create uniquely identifiable neighborhoods, commercial arnd business park districts. • Historic Plane Pro ram: Establishes a plaque program to recognize , historically significant residential .structures located within the Cultural Resources District. • Sexua&Oriented Businesses Ordinance (Land Use Element Goal I for description) i Alcoholic Beverages Sales Guidelines (Land Use Element Goal I for description) - + • Subdivision Code (Land Use Elemen t Goal 2 for description) • Churches in Industrial Districts Guidelines (Land Use Element Goal I for description) Cultural Resources District Ordinance (Land Use Element Goal I for description) • Auto Services Desire Guidelines (Lard Use Element Goal I for description) . i • Newsracks Ordinance (Land Use Element Goal 4 for description) Y • Neon Tubing Design Guidelines . (Lard Use Element Goal 4 for description) Wireless Communication Facilities Ordinance (Land Use Element Goal I for description) • Above Ground Cabinet Guidelines . (Land Use Element Goal 2 for description) ACAs Reuse Plan i (Land Use Element Goal 1 for description) • Desi n Review Process (Land Use Element Goal 2 for description) • CDBG, HOME, and offer State and Federal Pro,rains (Land Use Element Goal 5 for description) General Plan Annual Report May 22, 2000 " _Page-1 ti • Tus in.Ranch,specific Plan . (4n'd Use Element Goal I for dekrrplion r , Old Town Tustin stale (Land Use Element Goal 5 for description) M t R0 orar�F a.County!Master Plan of Arterial Hic1h wa vs{ k (Circulation Element Goal I for.description) R µ * Hggi�onal'Tranoortatibn LMprovements.Program (Circulation Element Goal I for description) w i • Bus Shelters and Turnouts Ragram + . (Circulation Element Goal'I for description) General Plan Amendment (Land Use Element Goal I for description) 4 4 i's 6re flonary Ac rons , x (Land Use Element Goat I for description) a i GOAL : Promote expansion of the city's economic,-base and diversification of economic activity, y Home occu ation Ordinance (Lana Use Element Goal I for description) Medical Office ParkincllJoint Use Rad Lns Ordinance • (Lard Use Element Goal I for desc rption • + 4 Old Town Fee l ars erYPolrc (Land Use Element Goal 1 for description) } fi MCA S Reuse Plan (Land Use Element Goal I for description), 0 CDB G, HOME, and other state and Federal Programs t ` Land Use Element Goal 5 for descrrptloh COAL : Ensure that necessary public facilities and services are available to accommodate development proposed on the:Land,Use Policy Map. Park -Development, Lmprovements and Maintenance Pro rear: Development of fourjne r public park facilities such as'�the Tustin Sports z - Park,' flerxta e.uric# Cedar-Grove Park and Laurel Glenn Park. These 4 new parks have helped theCity to maintain,the ratio of 3.2 acres of park- land per -one thousand residents. In addition, conforming to the East Tustin Specific Plan, the City .encouraged developers to create. new private parks 'such as Gallery Park in' the Tustin Manch- area. The City also has allocated -ah annual budget of over $420,000. for support M • t ■ t y General Plan.Annu fl Report May 22, 2000 Pegs '1 F. P services and maintenance -of buildings and play area& within the City,- The city recently allocated $6.1 million' Over the net seven year to meet the- needy of any deferred maintenance n"ce of public. parks and recreation areas. To date the City has made improvements of over,$1 1 trillion for its parks,and recreation areas. . Libraly Ex anslon slut : Conducted a--study to analyze the need to. expand the Tustin branch Orange County library. . • f re-a iica ion Conferences Procedures: Utilizes procedures for pre- application conferences and processing-: roced ures to expedite permit processing. Y Permit Processing and Coordination Procedures: Ensures that processing of permits for lover- and moderate-income housing is fast-- i tracked. Continue-the services -of the- City's 'Community Development 4.Department as a central-clearinghouse with';individuals signed the r y responsibility of expediting development permits required from"various departments and .agncies. _. r 1 _. Subdivision Code t �. . (Land'Use Element Goal I for description) 4 F AlZreless,Communica ion Facilities Ordinance . (Land Use Element.foal.I for-description) • - r r L • Y • A-bove Ground Cabinet Guideline . (Land Use Element Goal I fordescription) Y • Construction of Fire station Y (Lana Use Element Goal 3 for a trip on) 7"uAn Fam&and Youff Center- (Land Use Element,Goal 2-for escripion) -Commu er Rail Station Faoili (Land use Element'Goal I for description) • . ,Regional it is and B&hg Trails ,r Land-Use Elerrren t Goa!2 for desctip ion) ' f • .x Y • jRegbnal Tranoortation-1mgrovement.Pr r ar LQ�rculafion Element Goal 1 fordesgdIbLon) GOAL : Provide for a planned community in East Tustin, compatible le Frith, the land use characteristics of the-local area and sensitive to the natural environment. i a a General Plan Annual Re ort * M Nay 22, 2000 Page 1 y a • I a Urai" Communities Conservation Pro�r� :The Clay participates in the F countywide Natural Communities, Conservation ProgrmJ'n' Prot6cdnq the r natural habitats and endangered .species,by reviewing alb development proposals to comply with;the establlsh6d guidelines. • Subdivision Code ' .(Lard Use Element Goal 1 for description) Design Review Proc ss a (Land Use Element Goal 2 for description) 4 . • Park, D veld ment, imbrovements and Maintenance En2gram a ((Land Use Element Goal 8 for d scn lion • Regional Hikinq and Bikinq Trail System (Land Use Elemeht Goal 2 for description) f • General.Plan Amendment .. F. (Land Use Element Goal I for description) • Discretionary Actions F (Land-Use Element foal I for description)' t j k GOAL 10: Improve and strengthen the Tustin old Town/First street .area with unique pede triAn environment and diverse mix of goods, services-, 'F and Iles. a a Establishment of a a�mers Market Creation 6f a farmers market in the Old Town area to promote local growers. 0 old Town n FeeWaiver Foliar (Land Use Element Goal I for description) r 4 CDB G -HOVE and other State-and Fe d""eral Programs (Land tse.Element Goal 5 for fescntion a Old Town Tustin S ril (Land Use Element Goal: for description) y • Discretions Actions(Land Use Element Goal I for description GOAL 11: Provide for an, integrated business park enviror�rnent -in the Pacific . Center east Area which both capitalizes on market opportunities and is c rnpatibie�with adjacent developed land uses. Discr bona ff Actions Land-Use Element Goal 1.for description) C y } r 5 L i General Plan Annual Report May 2 , 2000 M Page 1 • GOAL 12: Maintain-'the semi=rural{and lour-density character of.North Tustin. F Tus- tin,Ranch Sec c Plan , L "'d Use Element Goal for description) , r. HOUSING ELEMENT ThHousing Element identifies housing programs aimed at meeting the identified .; housingneeds of the ,C # population and implementing Statewide 'housing goals to z t' � provide decent and sound housing. for all persons .and all income groups. The Tustin Housing Element in Ludes the idents i ation of strategies and programs that focus on 1 housing affordability, rehabilitation -of substandard housing, 3 meeting,the existing demand for-new housing, and conservation,of the existing affordable housing stock. The following is a,listing of ali Housi g Element goals and implementation measures: GOAL 1: Provide an adaquate supply of housing to.meet the City's need for a. variety of:housi'ng types to meet the -diverse socio-economic-needs of all community residents. Densily Bonus Ordinance - (Land Use Element Goal I for description) . i MCAS Reuse Plan (Land Use Element Goal I for description) CD13G, HOSE and other State and Federal Pro rari ,, ; . (Land Use Element Goal 5 for description) • r A • l r in ton Homes—Ambrose Lane .Cons r rction- Land- e Element Go.al 3 for description) i F Shea Homes- Tustin Groves Construction r (Land Use Element Goal 3 for descr p o . rscretionarins (Land.Use Element,Poul I- or descroption - i r r COAL 2: Ensure equal housing opportunities for all, a fisting, and future dity , . residents regardless rake, religion, ethnicity, s age, marital status r household composition. F Shared-Housing m Continues to ..provide -coordination and support to a home sharing program funded in part by the Feedback oundabon# Inc. -as.i pari of the TLC (Transportation Lunch and F . -.Counseling) and the nge County Housing Authority. 7 • 7. i 0 Fair Ho services: The Prange, County Fair Housing Council provides services •t the C' of Tustin to, assure equal housing p g g - ,i d� F r Generzil Plan Annual Deport F May 22, 2000 Page 1 + 5 .opportunities wfthin the U . r The Fair dousing Counil of Orange County -also provides vase management, tenantllan lord dispute resolution as well as housing discrimination services. 4 r + Density Bonus Ordinance (Land Use Eley enf-Goal I for description) MCAS Reuse Pan + � R (Lard Use Element Goat I for description) . I arms' fors Homes-=Ambrose Large Construction . (Land Use' Element-Goal 3 for desc rpfion r r 5 + i • Shea Homes- Tustin.Groves Construction (Land-Use Element Goal 3 for description) ' lscrefronar Actions i - (Land Use Element Goal,I for description) GOAL :: Increase the percentage of-o nership housing to-ensure a reasonable balance o .rental and owner-occupied.mousing within the City. • AICA S Reuse Plank (Land Use Element Goal Ifior descri lion } a Warmington Homes s^-Ambrose Lane Construction ,(Lanai Use Element Goal 3 ord rrpd n) ' } • + Shea Homes - Tustin Groves Construction (Land- se Element Goal 3 for description) r i Redevelo m'enf Aggncy AgencyPrograms (Land Use Element Goal 4 for description) - 4 GOAL a Presdrve the existing supply of affordable-housing in the City. • Section 8 Cerfr cafes and Vouchers Pro r M The City contracts with _ the Orange County Housing Authority for -the development an' d . operation. of federally. assisted lover and -moderate-income housing , F - program. Deni Bonus Ordinance ti (Land Use Element Goal I for description) _ " 4 { • ._, a rnj ton Homes--Ar me a Lane,Construction x (L-an d Use Element-Goa!-3-th r-des crip tion • Shea Homes'-- Tustin Groves Construction (Land Use Element Gaal 3.. for-description) t F , . { br Plan Annear Report k May 22, 2000 Page-I 7 - ' k , i Redevelojornent AgencyPro rains.6 (LandWe Rlemen }Goal rer d criplion) . k a Dicionry Actions i - (Land Use Element-Goal I for description) GOAL. : conserve;. maintain, rehabilitate and/or- replace e�i�tin ,- housing in neighborhoods'whi h are safe, healthful and attractive,.in a000rdano with adopted Lund Use Pol icy.' Improve the residential character of the City with an emphasis.on revitali ing neighborhoods showing signs of deterioration. Promote -conservation of the art ' uri housing stook, rehabilitation oft deteriorated units where they may.exist City- wide, and elimination of dilapidated units which endanger the health,* safety and well-being of occupants.. i 4 1 Y + 'Cul urat Resources District Ordinance - , (Land,Use Element Goal I f&description) h F + - F Historic Plague program _ (Land Use h lemen t Goal 6 for description) r - i l ar it ton Homes—Ambrose Lane Construction (Land,Use Element G681 3 for description) • Shea Homes'- Tustin Groves Construction - - Land Use Element Goal 3 for description) -k . 4 F oda 1 Code;.Enforcement Pro r kj (Land Use Element Goal 2',for description) " • edvele went Agency Pro rias (Land-Use Element Goal 4 for description) - Drscrtiona Actions, a Xafid,Use Element Goal I for description) a GOAL : Ensure that neer housing is sensitive to the existing. natural and built environment Hillside Review Procedures: Provision -of dev to ment review for a projects located in the hillside area' �i ithin theEast Tustin Specific Pian F t .s area. • r Subdivi ion Coda - (Land Use Element Goal -for description) a 11 arrnirr n Homes-7 Ambrose Lane Construction,, a (Lana L se Dernent Goal 3 or,desonption) r F y General Plan.Annual Report - lay 22, 2000 , Page 1 - ' J 4 • Shea HoMes - Tustin,,Groves Construction (Land Use Element Goal 3 for description) i . iscrefionaa Actions. E Lary Use Element Goal I f6r description µ Aspart ofthe comprehensive General Plan update-in 1994,.the City of Tustin adopted a } Housing- Element which was approved by the :State Department of Housing and Community Development and found in compliance.with state lair. The Housing Element '{ i ,on a .five (5) year cycle and.was scheduled to be updated again in 1,995, however, in 1 gg5!and again in 1998, the State Legislature approved two--gear extensions. The State Legislature subsequently approved; ars additional, extension for -cities .to complete the 'element update by June Sot 2000. 'Currently, there is an active legislation by the State to extend this deadline to December 31, 2000. , .t The Orange County Council of Governments CCG was.-appointed a a `delegated; sub-region" by the Southern California Association of -Goverhments (SLAG) for purposes -of determining and allocating'-Regional -lousing Needs Assessment HNA (2000-2005). or the fair share. apportionments. The RHNA is, the first step of several administrative procedures necessary for cities to reprise their Housing Elements. In 1999 the City entered into, a contract- with a consulting firmpeci li ing in Housing Elem' ent developrn Ont in order to complete the element by thea due date. i + j.CIRCULATION ELEMENT The Circulation Element guides -the development of-the city's circulation system by providing adequate capacity for future land uses and provides.for a safe, efficient and adequate circulation system for the City. The Element establishes a hierarchy of transportation routes with specific development standards.described,;for each category of roadway. The following subjects ,are included° in the Circulation Elem' ente. streets and highways, transportation corridors, transportation system management, transportation demand, _ management,. transit, rapid transit, railroads, paratransit e.g. jitneys, carpooling, . vanpooling and taxi service'), bicycle, pedestrian facilities, commercial, -general and . military airports. i The!following is a listing of all Circulation Element-goads and implementation measures; -GOAL 1: Psystem of streets that meets the needs of current,and future inhabitants and facilitates the safe and dtficient movement of people and goods throughout the city consistent with the city's ability t finance-and maintain such a,system. Oram,County Master of Arteria! jLghwa s. The city has adopted the orange county Master Plan of Arterial Highways which . . addresses existing as well as future regional traffic needs. Additionally, the Ci -hays identified and adopted ted a City's Arterial Highway System n to accommodate existing tc demands and ensure the development of improvements to serge future local traffic demands. ` { General Plan Annual Report May 229 2000 Page 1 • Re Tonal Tranortafion Improvements Program: The City works closely with the Regional Transportation Agency (OCTA) and the State Department of Transportation (Caftrans) to implement regional transportation improvements,and minimize impacts to Tustin. • ra ffic SLqnalCoordination Prod The City has implemented traffic signal coordination among 95 percent of the City traffic signals. The City is currently designing traffic signal modifications to interconnect the remaining 5 percent of citywide traffic signals. k • Bus-Shelters and Tui ou s, PrQqram: The City works closely with the Orange County Transportation Authority to provide local and express bus services to the corhmuni y. Th City has implemented a bus -shelter program works with new development to identify locations and install bus turnouts on arterial roadways. • Measure 11 and roposit on I'll: The City maintains circulation system -consistent with established county standards to qualify for new revenue sources through pleasure M and Proposition 111 • Subdivision Code (Lard use Element Goal I for description) • MCAS.Reuse Plan (Lard use Element Goal I for description) Commuter Rail'S ation Facility . (Lard Use Element Goal I for description) • Reglonal Tran ortation Improvement Pmgram (Circulation Element Glial I for description), i Truck Routes System (Circulation Element Goal 2 for description) Congesth lana er re t Prom XMP . (circulation Element Goal 3 for description) GAL Z., Provide for a truck circulation system that provides for the effective transport of commodities While minimizing the n gative impacts throughout the city. Truck Routes stem: The City has identified and adopted a system of citywide truck routes to accommodate ate the need for the transport of goods. . The City Inas recently re-written policies and' procedures for issuing Transportation/Overload permits tQ minimize impacts dine to large loads and to maximize traffic safety associated with trucking activities. General Plan Annual-Report May 22, 2000 ry Page 2 + w 4 GOAL : Support development of a network of regional transportation facilities which ensure"the safe and-efficient movement of -people and-goods from within the- "city -to areas outside its' boundaries, and which accommodate the regional travel demands of developing areas outside the city. • CongestionManggeLme nt EEqgram Through the Congestion. Management ment Program, tfie City monitors traffic levels of service (LOS) t regional locations- and-coordinates any` improvements ents -mitigate R adverse impacts. Commuter'Raff Station Fa F L ndd Use Element Goal I for,descrip ion t RpL Lional UMg and ling Trail System (Lana Use Element Goal 2 for description) F + . Pe, i na Transportation Improvement Prowam (Circulation Element Goal 1 for description) + • orange-Co rn Master Plan ofArtefial Hir ways k, (Circulation Element Goa! I for description) , • Traffic Signal Coordination Prorr . (Circulation Element Qo6l I for description) e Bus Smelters and Turnoutsrg r m , . .(Circulation Element Goal 1 for descrr'pti n 4 r ' e Measure III!and Proposition 111 (UrCulation Elemlent G al I for descr p iop): t 4 + 0 lscrerorrar Actions t + (Land Use Element Goal I for description) h GOAL : Maximize the efficiency of,the circularti n..system through the use of ` transportation system management, { and ` demand managementr. strategies. r . Commuter Bail Station Facyl , (Lard Use-Element.*Goal 1 for description) 0 Orange County Master Plan ofArterial L6ighways (circulation -Element Goal'l for descriptl n R- *nal Transportation jMprovementsPmgram (Circulation Element.Goa1;1 for description) a V ' k i J General Plan AnnUaNl Report i1 a y'22, 2000 Page 21 n F Traffic Sional Coordination Program (Circulation Elerneht Goad 1 for description) Bus shelters and Turnouts t(Circulafion- Element Goal 1 for description) F t Y s , i + r • lscrel�Actions LandUse-Element Goal I for description i Fr i i - 3 rt '.COAL :Support development f a public transportation system that provides . 4 mobility to all City -inhabitants;, an-d encourages Use f- public : transp6rtation as an alternative to automobile travel. Commbter Rail station Fa {Lard Use Element Goal. 1 for description} R 6 F e bnal Tran or a ioi it r�o rrl Pro r . CircuIarticn'Element Goal 1 for description) Bus Shelters and Turnouts Pro ram (Cieculation Element Goeil 1 for description) F F GOAL : increase the'use of nonmmot ri ed modes of Iran per-tati ri. { f e Tonal dAtg erre Bikinci Trail Si r (Fund Lyse-Element Goal 2 for-description) L , GOAL : Pr vide fer a well-designed and c nvenient parking f i ilities. . . Medical,Office Parkingl oint Use Parkin- Ordinance ` (Lard Use Element Goal I for description) • Old Torr Tustin Sir , (Land Use Element,Goal 5 for description) i } i Commuter bail Station (Land Use Element'Goal I for description) • iscreiorrar Actions (Land L se Element Goal I for description) GAL : Define and evaluate -alterative financing rnethds for circulation system management and maintenance costs on a Citywide and areawrde-basis. Y Measure M and Pro iii r ` for l r foal for de rip ion(Circul , ' r • -ACAs Meuse Plan (Lard Use ler ent Goal I for description) t � y l S+ .5 7 General Plan Annual Report May 22, 2000 Page 22 • Regional Transportation Imroe emen Pro rarn (Circulation Element Goal I for description). CONSERVATIO OPEN SPACE,-AND RECREATION ELEMENT The conservation/Open Space/Recreation Element provides for the protection, conservEition and management of natural and open space resources. M The conservation component deals primarily with the preservation of natural resources, such as water, soils, minerals, and animal life. The Open Space component identifies open space that is left undeveloped for public health and safety reasons and open space that is used for the preservation of natural resources, for the managed production f resources, and for outdoor recreation.'The Recreatin component- identifies planned park and recreation -facilities designed to support the recreational needs of Tustin' population. Air quality has been included as asub-element to the Tustin Conservation/Open Space/Recreation Element. The purpose of the Air Quality Sub-element is to reduce current and projected bmission levels through stationary source control measures; mobile source, transportation and land use -control measures; and energy conservation measures. The following -is a listing of all conservation/Open Space/Recreation Element goals and implementation measures: + OAS. 1: Reduce air pollution through proper land use, transportation and energy use planning. k • Commuter er Rail Station Facili 1 (Land Use Element Goal I for description) a Regional Hlinc�and lin Trail System (Land Use Element Goal 2 for description) • Orange County Master Plan &Ar en'al Ali h ares (Circulation Element Goal I for denin 0 Regional Transportation Improvements Prod (Circulation Element Goal 1 for fescri ion) . Bus sellers and Turnouts Program (Circulation Element Gaal 1 for descn ion) . DtscretionE Actions (Land Use Element Goal I for description) GOAL 2: Improve air quality by influencing transportation choices of anode, time of day, or whether to travel and to establish a jobs/housing balance. . Home Ocqupaffon Ordinance (Land Use Bement Goal I for description) General Plan Annual Report rt May 22# 2000 .Page 23 • Commuter Rail Station Facr'li (Lard Use Element Goal I for description) , • Re conal Hiking ing and Biking Trail S stem k (Lard Use Element Goal 2 for description • Bus Smelters and Turnouts Pro ram (Circulation Element Goal I for description) GOAL 3: Reduce particulate emissions to the greatest extent feasible. • Regional Transportation lmpr oyernents Pro (Circulation Element Goal I for description) GOAL : Reduce emissions through reduced energy consumption • source Reduction Rec �tn Element: The City is in compliance with S the State Integrated Waste ManagementPoard requirements related to AB-939., The city diverted 25 percent of waste from landfills in 1995. This year the City's diversion will double to 50 percent .as required by , the same Bill. The City is currently implementing a new solid waste collection and disposal contract that will modify collection and disposal programs in order to, increase waste diversion and comply with this -requirement. } • Rec Tonal Transportation Improv emenis,Pro „ (Circulation Element Goal I for description) COIL d Protect water quality and conserve water supply. • National.Pollutant Discha limination System LALPDESJ (Lard Use Element Goal 4 for descrip tion). GOAL : Identify, designate, and preserve significant or unique.- riparian habitats. • Natural Communities Conservation Program • (Land Use Element Goal 9 for description) . GOAL 7o Conserve and protect natural plan and animal communities. • Re conal Hikinq and Biking Tail S (Lard Use Element Goal 2 for description) • Natural Communities.Conservation ation Pry ram (Land Use Element'Goal 9 for description a Y General Plan Annual Report May 22, 2000 Rage-24 1 M T Y a GOAL : Conserve and protect significant topographical features, important watershed.,areas, resources, an l*soils. i 4 r Subdivision O Code r (Lard Use Element'Goal I for description) us in Ranch Specific-Plan. (Lard Use Element Goal I for description) , 4 -• Construction of Fire station (Land Use ElementGoal 3 for descry ion ; Hillside Review Procedures (Hous"ing Rleme' n Goal 6 for descri lon)_ COAL : Manage ,the production of economically valuable agricultural resources to achieve. a -balance between current marl et forces and, long-term community vailues. . t .r Interim a dr Lta uses-a -. ustin Le ac .arid Tustin Ranch.- Support . inteft uses of vacant lards for agricultural uses. +Y f GOAL 10: Reduce solid 'waste produced within City. F 6 r a j • Sourc `Reduction Recyclirgr lr d - a } (Conservation, -Open Space., and !Recreation- Element Goal 4. for . description) . GOAL 11: Oonserve energy resources through use -of available energy technology and con ervation practices. 3 } Co'nserva ion of EnqM- within Miss Parks 4 (Lard.Use Element Goal,3 for description) } GOAL 12 Maintain and enhance the City's unique culturally and historically significantbuilding sites and features. 3 f • Historic Plaque pry rrc ram (Land Use Element Goal,6 for description), . Y GOAL 13: Preserve Tustin's archeological and paleontologic resources. ' iscre ionat Actions. r (Land Use lemen 'Goal I for description) . GOAL 14: Encourage the development and maintenance of a balanced system of publi and private pars, recreati rn facilities, and open -space that serves the needs of.e isting and future residents in the:City of Tustifi.- y Tustin. Ara senior Center` The City regularly maintains the Senior .. COnter to. create an ftractiv&and safe- recreation facility for its senior a t a ' General Plan Annul Report 11 22: 2000 Page 2 - , M 4 citizens.. The City has installed -Haug signs, .outdoor.li- hts, qarpeting, a and handica p ac essible:entryway to better-serve,the s niors. The City also provides various ,programs for active seniors such as Meals on, Wheels, error sport ,'Senior Dances: and etc. • Parr and Recreation Procr ms:,The City's p;Irl s and recreation sponsored and co-ordinated pant and recreation programs include over ago annual { F w educational class program, youth and adult programs to over 2.6,000 youth and 11 1000 adults in organized sports actiirities, and special events such as Tustin Tiller Day, Street Fair, Chili Cools-off, Christmas tree lighting, Spring Egg Hunt etc. . ,Recreational Youth Pro s. CDBG grants for non-profits organization to provide after school programs i.e. Bos and Girl' Club, . Tustin Family`youth Center, etc.) r a a MCAS Reese Plan 4 r r (Lqnd,Use Element GoalI for desd6 ` 16 ' Paas DeveloamentAMmovements and l lain ena ce Prd rain (Land Use Element Goal 8 for description) S • Tustin Ranch.Specific-Plan } (Land se.Element Goal for de np ion •- Tustin FamLly and Youth Center-, (Land Use Element Goal 2 for descriptiob) • Regional Hikinq and Biking Trafl System x i F (Land Use Element Goal 2 for description) ' L i Discretionary Actions. {' (Land ElementGoal I for description) GOAL 15: Coordi.naite local open spac and trail areas'with,the -reg.ional facilities of the.county and adjoining cities. x N } ACAS Reuse Plan 4 . (Land Use Element Glial I for descripin) 4 4 • Reaional Hiking and Bilin Trail System. r i .(Land Use Element Goal 2 for description) 1 • r GOAL 1-6: Provide a range of informal opportunities and organized recreational, cultural', sports, and- life endichment pr gram' s and services which gill }enable orx�rr�uni residents f ail ages,�.interests acrd abilities t participate and 'experience self-satisfaction, personal growth, and fulfillment in leisure activities. , . r J - i r + { r i Gener l'Pfan Annual Report, r May 22, 2000 Page 26 •_ Tustin am6� and Youth Center " (Land Use Element Coal 2 for descrlpfin r • Tustin Area Senior Center - (Conservation, Open Space, and Recreation le a Coal 14 far y description) } t. Park and Recreation Prar'arrs (Conservation, Open Space,, and RecreationElement' Goal 14 for . decripflon F - . r - r Recreational Youth Pro rams (Conservation,. Open Space, and Recreation Element Coal 14 for description J i r. } F GOAU1 : 0erate and maintain existing and: future parks and recreation facilities so they are safe, clean, and attractive to the public; and'. preserve, protect, and, enhance both a isting. and potentiatl natural, recreation areas to ensure that long-term public inesrnents and, } values are not unreasonably preempted., .c mpromised, or prevented. by neglect or short-term.con's ideratins.. • MCAS Meuse Plan (Land Use Element Goal I for description) 4 • Park, Development, Improvements and Maintenance Programs (Land Use Element Goal,8 for des Tion) r lustfh'Famffi and Youth'Center t (Land Use Element Goal 2 fer-description), • Regional 1- ll in nd in Trail Sys (Land Use Element Coal 2 for de.scrrpfion) F F . lusfin Area Senior Center k } (Conservation, Open n Space, and Recreation Element Goal 14 for description) '. 4 r • Conserv afion of EngMy,within C&is Parks - ' (Land'Use Elemenf.G o a 13 for description) • Park and Recreation, ms i,r. (Copservation, Open Space, and' Recreation Element Coal 14 for description)- - - r L r ` * GOAL '1 : Ensure that the recreational goads and policies are pursued and realized in ars organi ed'i incremental, -and cost-effective manner and consistent with the City of Tus in's finan.cial resources and regal . authorities 'and -the appropriate responsibilities of other agencies,, the private sector, and individual and group users. • . General Plan Annual Report May 22, 2000 Page 27 • Recreation Goals and Policies: The Park and Recreation Department adopted a "Threshold 2000", an organizational approach in listing goals .and objectives of the net six years. Goals included are: provides quality senior programs end recreation 'programs; plan, acquire, develop and rehabilitate park and recreation facilities; provides variety special events, develop programs and activities for Tustin Legacy, develop and implement programs for at risk youth; and working closely with School District, Chamber of Commerce, and non profit organizations to ensure cost-effective delivery of park and recreation programs. Tustin FamLly and Youth Center (Land se Element Goal 2 for description • Tustin Area senior Ce ter (Conservation, open space, and Recreation Element Goal 14 for description) • • Con erva ion of Energywithin gAi 's PJrks (Lard Use Element Goal 3 for desc6p ion • Park arra Recreation Pr rams (Conservation, open Space, and Recreation on lemen Goal 14 for description) . • Recreational Youth Programs (Conservation, open space, and Recreation ion le yen 'Goal 14 for description) PUBLIC SAFETY ELEMENT The Public Safety Element identifies and addresses those natural or man-made characteristics which exist in or near the City which represent a potential danger to the safety of'the citizens, sites, structures, public-facilities, and. infrastructure. The Element establishes policies to minimize the danger to residents, workers, and visitors; and identifies actions needed to deal with crisis situations. The following potential hazards are included in the- Public safety 'Element: flooding, seismically induced conditions, including .surface rupture, ground shaking, ground failure, and seiche; slope instability leading to mudslides and landslides; subsidence • and other geologic hazards; ril d land/urban interface fires; evacuation routes, hazardous material ; ,laver enforcement; and aircraft overflights. The following is a listing of all Public Safety Element goals and implementation measures: GOAL 1: F educe'the risk to the community's inhabitants from flood hazards. National Flood Insurance EMgram.o Disseminate flood zone information to the public and participate in the National Mood Insurance Program. 7 ■ General Plan Annual Report May 2 , 2000 Page 28 Subdivision Code (Lard Use Element Goal 2 for description) GOAL 2: Minimize risk from upstream darn failures. • Risk Assessment Procedures (Public Safety Element Goal 9 for description) GOAL 3:. Reduce the risk to the community from geologic and seismic hazards. EmeMency Plan ander ori_ Center. Creation of an emergency operation cuter (EOC) as a centralize command center during major catastrophe. In 1999 the City reprised its Emergency Management Elan to comply with the state standardized Emergency Management ment System (SEMS) model. City Staff in May 1999 conducted an emergency exercise to test the new Emergency Plan. In addition the 2K compliance was an opportunity to evaluate City's preparedness . option and backup systems. GOAL : Reduce the risk to the community's inhabitants from exposure to. hazardous materials and wastes. Fire Service Contract: Contract with the Orange County Fire Authority to provide fire services to Tustin residents. Construction ofire station (L.and Use Element Goal 3 for description) GOAL 5: reduce the risk to the community's inhabitants from fins or explosions. • Construction of Fire station (Lard Use Element Goal 3 for description) • Fire service Contract . (Public Safety Element Goal 9 for description) • Discretionary Actions (Lard Use Element Goal I for description) GOAL. : stabilize demand for law enforcement services. GOAL : Minimize the level of danger to life and properly from air operations accidents. GOAD ; Improve the city's anility to respond to natural and man-made emergencies. r i General Plan Annual Report - ` [flay 22: 2000 • 1 Page-29 Emegency r tion bier { (Public Safety lerri nGoal 3 for c es r' i n ' r • -Construction of Fire s a ion i (La' nd se-Element,G661.3 for description), . • Fire Service Contraot ' Y (Public safety Element Goal 4 for d scrr ion) 4 GOAD- -: [deduce the Amount of personal injury, damage to, property, and economic or social dislocation as the:result of disaster. Risk Assessment Procedures: Standard, risk assessment techniques were utilized chile preparing the, C.ity's+ Ern rgency Plan. The major identified risks were earthquake, wildland fires and urban conflagrations (fire), flooding and aircraftltransprtation accidents. Among other issues, the • City's Emergency Plan 8iddresses City responsibilities for evacuations, sheltering rid medical services. when an, event appears imminent or once an event has occurred-:= Preventing 'the loss of life ar'd property and J minimi in so ial and economic disruption are the City's highest priorities during response.-and recovery phases. 4 • Fire Service Contract (Public Safety Element Goal 4 for description) -Ememencv Plan an elation Center (Public sofe ElementGoal 3,for descnptior� k NOISE ELEMENT,_ . F a ! The Noise El ment is a comprehensive approach for including noise control in the planning process. It is a tool for achieving and rnaint ihiing environmental noise levels compatible with land;-use. 1 The Noise Element, includes effective strategies to reduce excessive noise' in the community resulting from mobile sources such a -,traffic, -air haft, rail, and stations-ry sources, such as construction activity`and.:music. -Th6 following is a listing of all poise Element g als-and implementation measures; OALo '1: Use noiswcont�roi measures t reduce.the i pct from .transportation Y S noise sources.• - r John Wayne ALTort Noise,Monitorinc P�r�a ►ram. llonkor. .aircraft noise { level originating:from the John Wayne Airport o ensure the noise level i is within the Community Noise ise Eggivalent Level Ci NEL . ' µ F # t Y GOAL 2: Incorporate noise considerations into land use planning decisions. S z , •. 5 f General Plan Annual Report May 22, 2000 Page 30 + 0 Jon Wayne Airport Noise Monitoring Program . (Noise Element Goal 1 for description) • Discretionat Actions j (Lard Use Element Goal I for description) 4 GOAD. 3: Develop measures to control non-transportation noise impacts. • ProDer y !Maintenance Eguipment Noise Ordinance. Revised Property maintenance ordinance to, prohibit the use and operation of loud property maintenance equipment during certain hours. • Discretionary Acus (Lard Use Element Goal I for description) GROWTH MANAGEMENT ELEME T The Growth Management Element. contains policies for the planning and,provision of traffic improvements that are necessary for orderly growth and development. The following is a listing of all Growth Management Element goals and implementation measures: GOAL 1: reduce traffic congestion. Growth Management Area Pro ram: Participate in the inter- jurisdictional coordination in addressing infrastructure concerns and in implementing needed improvement within the -Growth Management Area established by in the City—county coordination Committee. • biome occupation ordinance (Land Use Element Goal for description) . t • MCAs Reuse Plan (Land Use Element Goal I for description) Commuter fail station Facility (Land Use Element Goal 1 for description) r 0 Regional-Transportation lir r vements Program (Circulation Element Goal I for description) 0 Orange Counter Master Plan of Arterial Highways (Circulation Element roar I for description) 0 Congestion M n ement Program CMP (Circulation Element Goal 3 for description • Traffic signal Coordination Pmram (Circulation Element Veal 1 for description) S' General Plan Annual Report May 22,2000 + ,Y Page 31 S GOAL 2: Ensure-adequate transportation facilities are provided for existing and future inhabitants of the City. • MCAS Reuse Plan , (Land Use Element Goal I for description) • Coi 7mu'ter Rail station Faclli (Lard;Use Element Goal I for description) • - Regional Trans ortation lr rovmenls.Pro ram (Circulation Element Goal I for description) • Orange Count MasterPlan r-Plan ofArterial Hiah a (Circulation Element Goal I for description) • Bus Shelters and Tumouts Program (Circulation Element Goal I for description) GOAD. 3: Co } rate with neighboring jurisdictions and the County t achieve reduction in regional traffic congestion. • Growth Man a ement Area Program Gro wth Ma n ag ern ent Area Pro ararr Orange Coun Master Plan-ofArterial Hi_ghwa ys w Circulation Element Goal I for description) .( • co estion Man a rrnt.Ero ram CIDP (Circylation Element Goal 3 for description) R • .Traffic afgnal Coordination Erqmsm r (Circulation Element Goal I for description) • Measure M and Proposition (Circulation Element Goal I for description) - - G o Strive to develop-and: maintain a balance.between jobs and 'housing in : F Tustin. • -Horne Occupation Ordinance . (Lbnd se 81ement Goal I for description) .F ! MCA sReuse Plan (Land Use Element Goal I for description) . ' ReYional Trans ortation lm rovements M (Circulation Element Goal I for description) ,t i ITEM , *ATE: MAY Inter- Com �2000 } Y f a .a • + PLANNING COMMISSION' + ' TO: . FR O W ' COMMUNITY UNIT DEVELOPAIENT DEPARTMENT t+ SUBJECT. PROJECT STATUS: 14701 CHARLOMA RECOMMENDATION w That the Planning Commission receive,and file this report. DISCUSSION At the May 8, 2000,Planning Co=ission meeting, Commissioner Davert requested it formation about the new construction at the residence at 14701 Charlorna. The project history is as follows: • r On Detember 29, 1999, the Community Development Director approved Design Review 99- 0.34 authoring the construction of a two-story porch on the front elevation o f the residence .(Attachment). On January 25, 2000,building permits were issued for the porch addition. Work began on the project,however, no inspections have been requested. -On May 10, 2000, • the Building Division contacted the property owners to remind them to request inspections and complete work in a timely manner. If no inspections are requested by July 27, 2000, the r building permits will expire. However,the Building Oficial may authorize an extension o p to six months if the owners can demonstrate good c"a"use. If the permits expire and the owners want to c rnplete the work, they would be required to pay for new permits. If the owners do not intend to complete the work the City could take legal action to require them to remove the uncompleted improvements. The Community Development Department will continue to monitor the progress of this project. Attachment _ ,+ ksp:pereportsl1401oharloma.d - . - + R 1f ' ti i ,�'i.f��,r✓� `TJX bd 51 th q r Ilk �+ ` '•. • ' C INC E: TV 'Not � •1 ST NEW�E�t��� Cs . #� G0 z.Y �� LDE aRNEf� I.a11lER P►�rrr w CL o sor QX F ► G stvCCa 51+ 1.rL ESa RMav 11SICUAlt- �-zftl - _ W l'l VouG F iX Gkti rP LAM %TVD -r a +�s '•: .141 Too ALC " s_�r 4 e r j . .,:....... Mill ;• dal e. •+:e + , +• +;'S• r.,.� k--'_TYPjIV ►•1. e. tu k.►Cr • _ �� •.. ,+ •�•y• Y it • LU I L • ;`w J Ar • ' r{�'••.�1�R'�a1 ' V •r lr` '•, 4 r5/+ t FJ[I ' '.� i..■�•• L+ SKI �. Gf# COA!MUjglry i { G / �-A C e W000 DWR fir vt A :•. ITEM # SATE. MAY 22.9 2000 n t e r- o m TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: FENCING FOR"TUSTIN POSTOSCE EXPANSION RECOMMENDATION4 That the Planning Commission receive and file this report. DISCUSSION .t-the May 8, 2000, Planning Co=ission meeting, a resident of Parque Santiago Mobile Hoare 'ark at 215 S. Prospect Avenue spoke in oppo ltion to the'planned wrought- iron fencing along the southern boundary of the 'u tin Post Office expansion. As requested by the Planning Connission, staff seat a letter to the United States Postal Service (Attached) on May 9, 2000 requesting that a block wall be installed. I . a conversation on May 159 2000, the project manager from the DST's indicated that the USPS is aware of the residents' concerns and is tentatively planning to install block wall fencing along the southern property line. The Con' 'unit `Development Department will continue to work with the United States Postal Service to encourage installation of a block wall. Attachment p:pereponstp ostoffi ceexpan sion..do F - �:�s Community Development t , May 9, 2000 9 Citv of 'ILIstin Brian Treber ` United States Postal Service 395 oyster Point Boulevard, Suite 225 South San Francisco, California 94099-0300 SUBJECT; TU-STIN POST OFFICE PARKING LOT IkECONFIGURATION Dear Brian: At the May 8, 2000, Planning Comms sion meeting, d resident of the Parque Santiago Mobile 'Horne Park located at 215 S. Prospect Avenue expressed concerns regarding therop osed installation o f tubular steel fencing bet veen the southern boundary of the planned 'Post-office paring lot and Parque Santiago. The Plannirr rni si n requested that staff convey the Commission's concerns retarding the. use of tubular steel fencinci adiacent to a residential property. As noted by the representative fi-orn Parque Santiago. there are bedrooms in close proximity to the proposed parkina lot. To protect these residences from noise, dirt, debris, light and' glare, the Planning Co=ission requests that a block w all be.installed along the southern boundary of the parking lot. Although the use of wroug r iron fencing was su ge sed as an alternative to chain-link- or barbed wire fencing, the use of a, six foot eight . sacs block wall to separate residential and non- residential properties is fequired throughout the City of Tustin. The use of block gall instead of tubular steel would preclude manv future complaints. If I can be of assistance or you have any questions, please call me at (714) 573-3031 or Karen Peterson; Senior Planner, at(714) 73-3115. . S inc er .y, Elizabeth A. Binsack Director of Cor=,. unity Development i c:: William Huston, City Manager Walter Watson, Postmaster Karen Moore, Manager, Administrative-Ser-vices Santa Ana District May G. Castro, Tretra Design Rob McParland, Parque Santiago Mobile Hone Park-, 215 S. Prospect Avenue, Tustin, A 92780 Tiny Srlet,]director of Public Worts Daren Peterson, Senior Planner :xecterpotoce * i r ITEM#- r. k k . t r � eeport."toe T ' Planni'ng Commission y 1 ■ 1 J } t + 5 • .aJ i 4 F i k y' 5 � 1 a F t y � � - F DATE. MAY 229 2000 r 11 F SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL!ACTION AGENDA, MAY 1512000 1 k A 7 PRESENTATION: ELIZA ETH A. BINSACKI DIRECTOR F i a y COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT k 1 ATTACHMENT: CIT` 'C IJ ICIL.ACTION AGENDA-MAY 151,2000 r ! t � i f i w r 4+ ! t F 1 .• , 4 f fi a 1 i r ` 1 r r., i a i t � 1 J r 4 t 7 � y � t • f 1 ACTION- AGENDA 'CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING CITY OF TUSTIN. MAY157 20-00 - 7:00 P.M. 7:04 P.M. CALL TO ORDER GIVEN INVOCATION— Pastor Dane Counts, Kings Way Church GIVEN PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ALL PRESENT ROLL CALL PUBLIC INPUT JOHN ANDERSON REMARKED ON THE LACK OF, FOLLOW UP BY MEDIA ONE . k .TO CONTACT HIM REGARDING A COMPLAINT. HE HAD .. REGISTERED AT THE MAY 1 COUNCIL MEETING. ANNOUNCED CLOSED SESSION —At 6:04 p.m., the City Council wi11 convene in closed session to confer with the City Attorney kregarding: (1} anticipated litigation pursuant to Government Code Sectionle - 549�6.9(c) , the City is-.considering initiating litigation, one (1) case; and (2) the claims of Karen and Darrell Lemke, Claim No. 00-16 and Madison, Conner and Tristen Lemke, Claim No: 00- 17. The claims may be reviewed in the City Clerk's office. ,NONE PUBLIC HEARING .CONSENT CALENDAR (ITEMS 1 THROUGH 8) APPROVED 1: APPROVAL OF DEMANDS AND .- RATIFICATION O Recommendation:' Approve Demands 'in the amount of _ $498,762.51 and ratify Payroll, , in the amount of $508,045.64. RATIFIED 2. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA — MAY 81 2000 AIS actions of the Planning Commission become final - unless appealed by the City Council or member of -the public. _ Recommend ati on: Ratify the Planning Commission'* Action Agenda of'May 8, 2000. • ActimAgznda— City Council May 15, 2000— Page 1 , APPROVED 3, SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT WITH OWNER OF 17432- 42 MITCHELL AVENUE Recommendation: Approve a settlement agreement between the City of Tustin and Mitsui/SBD American ' Fund,' the current owner of record of the real property located- at 17432.17442 Mitchell Avenue and authorize the Community Development Director, subject to approval by the City Attorney, to execute the agreement on behalf of the City as- recommended by the Community Development Department. ADOPTED 4. RESOLUTION N0. 00-33 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY RESOLUTION COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, NO, 00-33 DELEGATING HEARING AUTHORITY FOR APPEALS DF CODE ENFORCEMENT FEE ASSESSMENTS/LIENS TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 00-33 authorizing the Planning Commission to act as the hearing board for appals of cods enforcement liens as recommended by the Community Development Department. APPROVED 5, AMENDMENT N0, 1 TO THE .LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN MOM'S SPORTS CAFE AND CITY OF TUSTIN Recommendation: Execute Amendment No. 1 to the Lease Agreement between Mom's Sports Cafe and the City of Tustin as recommended by the Parks and Recreation Department. APPROVED 6, CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR THE DESIGN OF WALNUT AVENUE REHABILITATION _ BETWEEN BROWNING AVENUE AND MYFORD ROAD (CIP N0. 7125) _ • Recommendation: Approve the Consultant Services Agreement with Harris & Associates to provide design related services for the Walnut Avenue Rehabilitation (CIP Na. 7125) for snot-to-exceed fee of $51,410.00 and authorize execution . of the Consultant Services _ Agreement by the Mayor and City Clerk, subject to r approval by the,City Attorney, as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. APPROVED 7, DENIAL OF CLAIM N0. 00-13, CLAIMANT: LAURA C. �. CURRAN Recommendafiion: Deny subject claim and direct the City Clerk to send notice to the , -claimant and the Action Agenda— City Council May 15, 2000- Page 2 claimant's attorric..v as recommended by the City Attorney. ADOPTED 8. RESOLUTION N0. 00-27 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY RESOLUTION COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, N0. 00-27 APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 99-012 AND DESIGN REVIEW '99-017 AUTHORIZING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A MAJOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATION FACILITY AT 15201 WOODLAWN AVENUE (APPLICANT: SAUNDRA JACOBS, SBA INC. FOR SPRINT PCS) Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 00-27 approving Conditional Use Permit 99-012 and Design Review 99-017 as recommended by the Community Development Department. REGULAR BUSINESS (ITEMS 9 THROUGH 11) AWARDED 9, CROSSING GUARD CONTRACT The ,City's current Crossing Guard Program has grown to such proportions that it would . be cost effective to contract with a private company to handle these responsibilities. Recommendatron: Award a contract to All City Management Services, Inc. to administer the -City's Crossing Guard Program throughout the City as _ recommended by the Police Department. RECEIVED 10. CITY OF TUSTIN WATER MASTER PLAN AND FILED The Water Division has completed a .Comprehensive Master Plan for the City's Municipal Wafer System service area that will provide the basis to ensure that the water system's performance continues to meet all regulatory and capacity requirements for the.twenty-year planning period from 2000 through 2020'. The Maser Plan formulates a strategy to minimize dependence on an imported water supply, improve the groundwater quality in the aquifer, and increase the reliability of the system. Recommendation: Receive and file the City of Tustin Water Master Plan as recommended by the Public Works Department/Water Division. . Action Agenda— City Council May 15, 2000— Page 3 AUTHORIZED 11, EASTERN TRANSPORTATION COR RIDDR CELL SITE • FACILITIES' On May 8, 2000, the Planning Commission directed staff to inform the City Council. of their concerns regarding 125 feet high cellular antenna faci-lifies proposed. to be installed along the Eastern Transprtation Corridor and recommended that the City Council. authorize the Mayor to send a letter of",opposition to, the Transportation Corridor Agencies. Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to send a letter of opposition to the Transportation Corridor Agencies regarding the installation of cellular antenna facilities ialong the, Eastern . Transportation Corridor as recommended by the Community Development Department. PUBLIC I-NPUT • CAROL.NlCCAU,l.EY, REQUESTED FUNDING FOR,SPECIAL EDUCATION CHILDREN ' FOR AN OUTDOOR EDUCATION PROGRAM. _ STEPHEN MELVIN SUGGESTED- PUTTING COLOR RENDERINGS SHOWN .AT • COUNCIL MEETINGS ON-THE C[TY'S WEBSITE. OTHER BUSINESS/COMMITTEE REPORTS DOYLE COMMENDED POLICE DEPARTMENT STAFF FOR ASSISTING A-SENIOR CITIZEN WITH A FINE. WISHEDEVERYONE A HAPPY BELATED MOTHERS DAY. • WELCOMED NEW CHIEF DEPUTY CITY CLERK TO HERFIRST . MEETING. 'POTTS � � REMARKED -ON. FAIR -COMPETITION. INITIATIVE AND . ENCOURAGED THE CITY'S.SUPPORT OF THE INITIATIVE. SALTARELLI , � COMMENTED 'ON HIS, AND MAYOR PRO. TEM WO R LEY'S ATTENDANCE AT PIONEER MIDDLE SCHOOL'S .' ,DEDICATION; REMARKED ON . THE BEAUTIFUL SCHOOL . GROUNDS; AND WAS HOPEFUL THAT JOINT USE AND LIGHTING"OF THE FIELDS WOULD TAKE PLACE. Action Agenda.—City Council May 15, 2000—Page 4 WORLEY ENCOURAGED CITIZENS 70 CONTACT THE SCHOOL BOARD REGARDING THE LACK OF SPORTS FIELD LIGHTING 1N THE • CITY. CONGRATULATED ALL WHO PARTICIPATED IN THE MILLION MOM MARCH.., COMMENTED ON CEDAR GROVE PARKING PROBLEM AND REQUESTED.STAFF INVESTIGATE OPTIONS. COMMENDED THE 'VOLUNTEERS WHO HAVE MAINTAINED THE UTT,- 'BASEBALL FIELDS.; REMARKED ON THE NECESSITY OF UTILIZING A PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM; AND REQUESTED STAFF EXPLORE USING THE SYSTEM IF THE VOLUME-WAS LOWERED. WISHED ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER CHRISTINE SHINGLETON A SPEEDY RECOVERY. COMMENTED ON A LETTER RECEIVED . BY THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE REGARDING THE REASONING BEHIND THE NUMBER OF QUESTIONS CONTAINED IN THE CENSUS 2000.LONG FORM. REMARKED ON- A NEWSPAPER' ARTICLE INDICATING THE is LACK OF. COMPETITION SWIMMING POOLS IN ORANGE , COUNTY. THOMAS WISH-ED CHRISTINE:SHINGLETON A SPEEDY RECOVERY. WISHED EVERYONE A HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY. WELCOMED THE NEW CHIEF DEPUTY CITY CLERK. REQUESTED , THE FAIR COMPETITION INITIATIVE BE AGENDIZEDI FOR DISCUSSION AT THE JUNE 5 COUNCIL MEETING. .REQUESTED ALLOWING PARKING AT CEDAR GROVE PARK ON WEEKENDS, STAFF WILL. PRESENT A REPORT ON THE MATTER.AT A FUTURE'CQUNCIL MEETING. COMMENTED ON SEVERAL TELEVISION SHOWS' HE HAD RECENTLY SEEN ON THE' HISTORY CHANNEL DEPICTING • PAST WARS; AND ENCOURAGEDEVERYONE TO CELEBRATE AND REMEMBER' MEMORIAL DAY. Action Agenda—City Council May 15,.2000-Page 5 r � � a 1 { 8:01 PAN ADJOURNMENT - Thi next regular rel ,. in of the city council + is scheduled for, Monday, June , 2 , t 7000 .rn. in the 1 council Chamber at Soo Gentennial fir. + 4 R i �t r r ! R 5 � M - F 1 F 1 .a • 5 a � t 5� Y S 1 1 * 4 , Y 1 r ` i a 4 Y F F . r IF -+ ■ v R 1 + r Y � .F t � F 1 r T 14 F �4 + f " R r + i I + A tion Agenda-jCity Council May 151 2000 Page 6 �� ACTION AGENDA. 4 REGULAR MEETING OF' THE TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT ,. AGENCY MAY 15, 2000 8:01 P.M. CALL TO ORDER ALL PRESENT ROLL'CALL -- REGULAR BUSINESS (ITEMS 1 THROUGH.2)' AUTHORIZED x. EXCLUSIVE AGREEMENT TOS NEGOTIATE A DISPOSITION AND .DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AND GROUND LEASE'FOR UTT JUICE PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE VICINITY OF MAIN STREET AND PROSPECT AVENUE Agency approval is requested to enter into exclusive negotiations for an Agency-owned site in the Town Center Project Area'. The Agency, by law, "may enter negotiations with private_ developers and property owners seeking to develop projects in the• Redevelopment Project 'areas that are consistent with ' the goals and objectives of the Agency. Recommendation: Authorize the Executive Director to execute an Exclusive Agreement to Negotiate between the, Tustin .Community 'Redevelopment Agency and Burge Corporation and Gallo Corporation as recommended by Redevelopment Agency staff. AUTHORIZED 2. APPROVAL OF CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR .THE PREPARATION- OF REDEVELOPMENT PLAN ADOPTION MATERIALS FOR THE -MCAS TUSTIN LEGACY PROJECT AREA Agency approval is requested to authorize the Assistant City. Manager to execute a Consulting. Services • Agreement for-the. preparation of Redevelopment PI-an. adoption materials for the MCAS Redevelopment Project survey-area. . � Recommendation: Authorize the Assistant City Manager i • to execute a Consulting Services Agreement by, and _between the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency and Keyser Marston Associates, Inc. as recommended .. . • n_ _' __'______. w____"�8_'" i c AAAA 1'7 '4 + S � f y Redevelopment- ney staff. NONE. OTHER BUSINESS F CLOStD SESSION - None 8:0 5 P.M. ADJOURNMENT - The next regular meeting of the 4 iRedevelopmentAgencyi is s eduled for Monday, June 5, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at Soo .centennial Way.. . a F F # } r i :t s Y • Yn + a Y 7 1 + � 4 M Y � Y �t � A. F .} a � a Y f t I' i ! , i • i 4 r #I ITEM i 4tAlm E ■ r + A r Inter- Com MAY P 2000 • • i f TO: PLANNING COMMISSION s FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 5 SUBJECT: SUMMA Y of PROJECTS F f Staff has compiled the f slowing fist of projects and activit.iesfor your information. The list focuses on the status of pr je is that the Planning Cornmi sion, Zoning. Administrator, or Con unity Developmeht Director approved, major tenant_ impro ement projects, and other items of interest. Attached are the Current-Planning Project Status reports for the City and: East Tustin. . F M 1 Zoning Administrator Actions , } Nextel Cell site (Design nReview- -00-004): on March h o1. 2000, the Zoning Adr ini trator-ap roved the instalIatior� of tweIve (12) roof-mounted antennas on tine gest, east. and south tide's of an istir kTbuilding with a marnsard roof- at 1 231 Irvine Boulevard. The roof panels located in front of the antennae would be replay v ced with fiberglass covers painted to math the adjacent roofing in color { and finish to allow passage of the signals-throLgh the panels. 1 y Alta Dena 'Remodel (Design Review 99-042): On '_f lay 8, 200 # 'the Zoning Administrator denied the installation of a, neer multi- olor-fa ia: band and three 3 signs and the refacing of an existing pole sin. The applicant did not appeal her decision. - • - r . r ,+ Jamboree Praia RetallfTutorial Center (Use Determination 00-004 and Conditional Use Permit,00- 0 : on May 8, 2000,the Zoning Administrator dterrnined•that tutorial - uses as an accessory-use to a retail establishment are conditionally per M' within P la n n ing Area B.of.Jambo ree P I.aza. ; She als r approved a conditional use permit for a L retail establishment that provides one-on-one tutorial services, to Kindergarten through twelfth: rade children and youth. P Temporaly Use Permits • ! • Radio shat (2779 El Camino Real): A teat sale will occur on say,2and 28 in the a parkinlot of`retia Market Place. Never Green's..Furniture 2872'.El Camino Fal : 'A teat sale will occur ons May 20 r through May 29 in the parking lot of Tustin Market et Place. } 3 y 'MacPherson Toyota 44 Auto -Center Drive):: tent sale 'i's occurring during the, month of May. i r Summary of Projects- i Mary 22, 2666 Page 2 J l Y a Mgjor Projects in Pl n check or Under ns r ton . 4 • 5 Wend .' 13922 Red Hill Avenue): The new restaurant building is substantial) T completed. The,most recent inspection on April 27, 2000, approved the "scratch .coat' or first coat of studco on the building. . -- EZ Lube 12972, Newport Avenue): A building 'permit'was issued on May 3, 2000, and the foundatioin and footings were iinspected on May 16', 2600. 1• F • Acorn Naturalists (1558 Camino Beal):- The ,plans are.in � l �n checl . Thi most recent plan, -chebl corrections' Were made available. to the applicant on November 23 .1999. Tine applicant has not resubM' fitted the plans. Vons E c ansi n (656 E. First 'Street): The plains were approved for permit p issuance on S tember 13, 1999. The app lica.nt;has until.Ju 4, ?000-, to.obtain building permits or the plan -check approval will.expire. x _ 1 r Tustin Car.)hash (535 E. -Main Street):. The plans,are in plan check, The most recent plan check corrections were made available to the applicant on'February 15;.?060. The, pplican has not-resubmitted the plans. r V q F Tustin Marketplace Annex (2636 and 2569 Bryan Avenue): Thetshell buildings have been completed and.tenant improvements are-under construbtion. Tenants include Air Touch Cellular, Art and Frame, Sunburst Shutters; a,dry cleaners and hair and nail salon. _ Tustin Ranch, Estates Phase I (Pioneer Way and Pioneer. Road): total of 44 building permits and '1 certifi ate of occupancy have been issued. The tract J includes a .=total of 46'unEts. : R • Emerson b �> r ffeid.(Pioneer Road and P rtela load): A total of 49. building p rmits:and- 6 certificates of_occupancy have been -issued. The tract-includes a total of 1'14 units. . y Commuter Rail Platform Jamboree Plaza): construction bids are being solicited and the estimated date of-cornpleti n date is December 2660. r Recently Completed Pr a c s 5 llarrrritig'torr old Town (Sixth street): All thirty-eight units of Ambrose Lane F Planned Community in 0Id"Town.Tustin have received certificatos of occupancy' and the project has received final approval from,the-city. t 5 • f Summary f Projects . May 22, 2000 Page t Miscellaneous Fire Station No, 1: The Orange County Fire Authorityls seismically retrofitting the fire station on Irvineulevrard. During the retrofit, fire personnel will be hood in two temporary trailers on the west side f the station. The CFA will seekpp r val' of a temporary use permit for the trailers. Work should be completed within four to sic months. P • Staff: The Community Department has hired two never Code � �r ty EnforcementOfficers, Clayton Anderson and Dave Holla ray to replace George Wesinger who is leaving the City and a vacant positi n. Roadway Improvemehts To he provided at meeting. Attachments cdd:p report 1p proj tsummar - -OO.do r f i Y + ■ i COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CURRENT PLANNING PROJECT STATUS - NOT INCLUDING EAST TUSTIN PROJECTS PROJECT STATUS LEGEND DATE OF REPORT: May 16, 2000 01 - ORIGINAL SUBMITTAL 05 - PROJECT APPROVED SORT: LEGEND ITEMS 01-07 02 - RESUBMITTAL 06 - PLAN CHECK 03 - COMMENTS OUT/PENDING APPLICANT RESPONSE 07 - PERMITS ISSUED/UNDER CONSTRUCTION 08 - PROJECT COMPLETE TENTATIVE HEARING DATES 09 - WITHDRAWN 10 - EXPIRED 04.1 - ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 11 - DENIED 04.2 - PLANNING COMMISSION 12 - REVOKED 04.3 - CITY COUNCIL STATUS RESPQNS$ CASE 0 APPLICANT PROJECT ADDRESS DESCRIPTION STATUS DATE DUE STAFF DR 00-015 Cox Communications MYFORD RD Above Ground Cabinet 01 05/05/00 05/26/00 Brad Evanson DR 00-016 Cox Communications 3 Above Ground Cabinets 01 05105/00 05/26/00 Brad Evanson CUPOO-004 Raj Aarawal 9481 EDINGER ST ABC Sales & Dance Permit 03 04/25/00 Lori Ludi CUPOO-010 Airtouch Cellular 15101 RED HILL AV Roof-mounted Cellular Antennas 03 05/09/00 Brad Evanson CUPOO-092 Tustin First Baptist Chur 12881 NEWPORT AV Temporary Classroom 03 05/11/00 Lori Ludi CUP95-027 Linda Evans Studios 1192 IRVINE BL Fitness Studio Expansion 03 05/16/00 Minoo Ashabi CUP98-018 Orange County Rescue Miss MCAS PA3 Emergency/Transitional Housing 03 09/03/98 Lori Ludi CUP99-007 American Senior Living 1101 SYCAMORE AV 60-Unit Senior Housing Project 03 04/26/99 Justina Wilkhom CUP99-009 Willy Paul, Architect 1352 IRVINE BL Law Office & schooL 03 04/05/00 Lori Ludi CUP99-017 Alex Mann 1091 IRVINE BL Live Entertainment/Tustin Lanes 03 11/01/99 Lori Ludi CUP99-420 Reverand Mark E. Whitlock 1541 PARKWAY LOOP Church in Industrial 03 09/15/99 Minoo Ashabi CUP99-032 Dr. -Robert Helm . 215 EL CAMINO REAL Office Development 03 01/03100 Lori Ludi CUP99-036 Hope Christian Church 1372 IRVINE BL Church Use/RemodeL 03 01/18/00 Lori Ludi DR 00-006 Brian OverhoLt 143 B ST SFR RemodeL 03 02/22/00 Minoo Ashabi DR 00-008 John Frankel 14191 MYFORD RD Industrial Expansion 03 05109/00 Minoo Ashabi DR 00-012 Raj Manufacturing 2692 DOW AV Industrial .Expansion 03 05/09/00 Brad Evanson DR 00-014 Tustin First Saptis Churc Modular CLassroom 03 05/11100- Lori Ludi DR 98-018 Orange County Rescue Miss MCAS PA3 Emergency/Transitional Housing 03 09/03/98 Lori Ludi DR 98-024 ASL Consulting Engineers 235 E MAIN ST Main Street Reservoir/Parking 03 02/02/00 (Caren Peterson DR 98-032 Arther Masaoks 140 A ST Demo/flew Residence 03 07/14/99 Karen Peterson DR 99-006 American Senior Living 1101 SYCAMORE AV 60-Unit Senior Housing Project 03 04/26/99 Justina Wilkhom DR 99-024 Media one 6 Cabinets 03 04/10/00 Minoo Ashabi DR 99-027 Conrad & Denise Sawicz 13571 FAIRMONT WY Residential Remodel 03 08/16199 Brad Evanson DR 99-030 Sprint PCS Ce[L-Site @ Commuter Rail Platform 03 10/14/99 Minoo Ashabi Page 1 STATUS RESPONSE CASE # APPLICANT PR03ECT ADDRESS .DESCRIPTION STATUS DATE DUE STAFF DR 99-037 Robert Lindquist 140 MAIN ST Second Story Addition/Ped Bridge 03 12/03/99 Minoo As DR 99-041 Dr. Robert Heim 215 EL CAMINO REAL Office Development 03 01/03/00 Lori Ludi DR 99-045 Hope Christian Church 1372 IRVINE BL Church Use/Remodel 03 01/18/00 Lori Ludi DR00- 014 Tustin First Baptist Chur 12881 NEWPORT AV Temporary CLassroom 03 05/11/00 Lori Ludi GPA99-002 American Senior Living 1101 SYCAMORE AV MDR to HDR 03 04/26/99 Justina Wilkhom 5CE99-004 Jerry Firth 12821 NEWPORT AV WaIL Sign 03 09/30/99 Lori Ludi UD 00-001 Marc Kassoff 14511 CARFAX AV Residential 03 05/04100 Karen Peterson UD 00-002 Marc Kassoff 14512 CARFAX AV ResidentiaL 03 05/04/00 Karen Peterson VAR99-001 American.Senior Living 1101 SYCAMORE AV 60-Unit Senior Housing 03 04/26/99 Justina Wilkhom ZC 99-003 American Senior Living 1101 SYCAMORE AV R-4 to R-3 03 04/26/99 Justina WiLkhom CUP00-011 Tustin Auto Park Associat MYFORD RD Temporary Auto Storage 04.2 05/22/00 Minoo Ashabi CUP99-026 Mobil 17241 IRVINE BL Gas Station/Convenience Store/Caruash 04.2 06112100 Lori Ludi CUP99-030 Las Chorritos 15761 TUSTIN VILLAGE Convenience Store/Remodel 04.2 06/12/00 Brad Evanson CUP99-031 Henry& Judy Kumagai 14122 NEWPORT AV Transmission Repair Shop 04,2 06/12100 Lori Ludi DR 99-033 Mobil 17241 IRVINE BL Gas Station/Convenience StorelCarwash 04.2 06/12/00 Lori Ludi DR 99-038 Los Chorritos 15761 TUSTIN VILLAGE Convenience Store/RemodeL 04.2 06/12/00 Brad Evanson DR 99-039 Henry& Judy Kumagai 14122 NEWPORT AV Transmission Repair Shop 04.2 06/12/00 Lori Ludi GPA99-003 Mobil 17241 IRVINE BL Gas,Station/Convenience StorelCarwash 04,2 061121.00 Lori Ludi TPM99-217 David Anderson 15901 RED HILL AV Condominium Map 04.3 06/05/00 Minoo Ashabi CUPOO-002 Tustin Plaza Center 13771.NEWPORT AV 50-Seat Restaurant 05 03/27/00 Brad Evanson CUPOO-003 California Eye Animal CLi 3025 EDINGER ST Animal Eye Clinic 05 03/13100 Brad Evanson CUPOO-004 Orange County Constructio 275 CENTENNIAL WY Construction Office in FSSP fly 02/28/00 Brad Swanson CUPOO-006 Vision Quest 1131 MAIN ST Training Facility 05 04110/00 Brad Evanson CUPOO-008 Hwang Chung 3021 EDINGER ST Educational Facility 05 05108/00 - Minoo Ashabi CUP97-005 Bennett Architects 535 E MAIN ST Extension to 1211/2000 05 04124/00 Brad Evanson CUP98-022 Jack-Stanaland 13011-NEWPORT AV Add parking on vacant ROW 05 07106/99 Justina Willkom CUP98-028 Dr. Craig/Dr. Lavach 2955 EDINGER ST Veterinary Hospital at Jamboree Plaza 05 01105/99 Brad Evanson CUP.98-031 Akira Takashio . 658-EL CAMINO REAL Amendment: 39 Seat Expansion 05 10/25199 Justina WiLLkom CUP99-004 `Pacific Bell Wireless 14451 MYFORD RD Modification of existing cell site. 05 04/12/99 Minoo Ashabi CUP99-008 Michael & Lisa Broome 3047 EDINGER 5T Vetrinary Nuclear Imaging 05 05/10/99 Minoo Ashabi CUP99-010 PairGain Technologies 14352 FRANKLIN AV Temporary Office Trailer (18 Month Extension) 05 11/08/99 Lori Ludi CUP99-012 Sprint PCS 15201 WOODLAWN AV Appeal - Major Communications Facility 05 05/15/00 Lori Ludi CUP99-016 Denise Menz 14392 HOLT AV Second Unit 05 10111199 Brad Evanson CUP99-019 Donald Frizzell 1111 EL CAMINO REAL 90-Student.Pre-School/B Staff 05 01/24/00 Brad Evanson CUP99-021 L.J. Hausner _ 505 1ST ST Construction office 05 01/24/00 Minoo Ashabi CUP99-024 David Hughes 640 IST ST UD/.CUP for Marital Arts Studio 05 11122199 Minoo Ashabi CUP99-025 County of Orange TUP Extension 05 03/27/00 Lori Ludi Page 2 r STATUS RESPONst CASE # APPLICANT PROJECT ADDRESS DESCRIPTION STATUS DATE DUE ST"r CUP99-02-9 Sea Breeze Community Chur 15102 RED HILL AV Church in Industrial 05 02/14/00 Minoo Ashabi CUP99-035 Zov's Bistro 17440 17TH ST Outdoor Seating/Remodel 05 02/14/00 Minoo Ashabi DR 00-001 Victor Nassereddin 12892 NEWPORT AV Fascia/Pole Sign Remodel 05 01/31/00 Brad Evanson DR 00-004 Jonathon Lapin 18231 IRVINE BL Roof-mounted cellular antennas. 05 03/20/00 Minoo Ashabi DR 00-009 Media one 5 Cabinets 05 04/25100 Minoo Ashabi DR 00-010 Media one 5 Cabinets 05 04/06100 Minoo Ashabi DR 00-011 John & Doris Radice 180 A ST Room Addition 05 04/20/00 Brad Evanson DR 97-009 Bennett Architects 535 E MAIN ST Extension to 12/1/00 05 04/24/00 Brad Evanson DR 98-026 Jack Stanaland 13011 NEWPORT AV Add parking on vacant ROW 05 07/06/99 Justina Willkom DR 98-036 Hal Woods 12569 NEWPORT AV New Building 05 11/01/99 Lori Ludi DR 99.009 Euilon Enterprises 13891 RED HILL AV Exterior Remodel of Shell Station 05 07/21/99 Minoo Ashabi DR 99-015 Audrey Heredia 355 C ST Gazebo/Removal of Parking 05 06/21/99 Minoo Ashabi DR 99-016 Tyrone Hurtado 305 6TH ST Residential Remodel 05 07/19/99 Minoo Ashabi DR 99-017 Sprint PCS 15201 WOODLAWN AV Appeal - Major Communication Facility 05 05/15/00 tori Ludi DR-99-020 Ed and Diane Finkbeiner 163 MOUNTAIN! VIEW D New Residence 05 09/22/99 Minoo Ashabi DR 99-021 Ed and Diane Finkbeiner 165 MOUNTAIN VIEW D New Residence 05 09/22/99 Minoo Ashabi DR 99-022 Jersey Business Center As 2741 WALNUT AV New 35,000 S.F. Building 05 11/01199 Minoo Ashabi DR 99-023 Hien Phem, 14092 C 5T Kitchan/Both Expnnsion 05 07/16/99 Minoo Ashabi DR 99-025 Curt and Sheila Lilly- 145 A ST Reconstruction of fire-damaged residence. 05 07/27/99 Brad'Evanson DR 99-034 Rosa Gaston 14701 CHARLOMA DR Balcony/Front Porch Alteration 05 12/29/99 Minoo Ashabi DR 99-043 Zov's Bistro 17440 17TH ST Outdoor Seating/Remodel 05 02/14/00 Minoo Ashabi DR 99-044 Wells Fargo Bank 18356 IRVINE BL ATM Building 05 02/22100 Brad Evanson MA 99-00.3 Elmer Tiedje 15500 TUSTIN VILLAGE Poot Fence 05 12/17199 - Brad Evanson SCE99-001 Consolidated Restaurants 13922 RED HILL AV SCE 99-001(A)&(B) Walt/Pole Sign 05 08/09/99 Brad Evanson TPM97-117 Sennett Architects 535 E MAIN ST Carwash/Service Station/Retail 05 06/22/99 Brad Evanson a TPM99=196 Jersey Business Center As 2741 WALNUT AV Lot Split/New Building 05 11/03/99 Minoo Ashabi VAR99-003 Willis SutcLiff 330 CALIFORNIA ST Fence Height Variance 05 09/13/99 Minoo Ashabi ZC 98-006 Nal Woods 12569 NEWPORT AV New Building 05 11/01/99 Lori Ludi CUP98-013 The Meridian Group 3017 EDINGER ST ABC Type 20 06 02110/99 Karen Peterson CUP99-013 Vons 550 1ST ST Vons expansion of 11,400 square feet. 06 07/12/99 Brad Evanson CUP99-015 Bennett Architects 155 EL CAMINO REAL. Mail Order Use/Parking Ratio 06 08125/99 Lori Ludi DR 95-044 MichaeL A. Murphy& Assoc 2832 DOW AV Parking-Lot Expansion 06 11/20/98 Justinn Witlkom DR 96-056 The Meridian Group 3017 EDINGER ST Service Station/Cony. Market 06 02/10/99 Karen Peterson DR 97-031 City of Tustin 13331 FOOTHILL BL City water Reservior Boaster Pump 06 06/08/98 Lori Ludi DR 98-006 The Meridian-Group 3017 EDINGER ST Service Station/Conn. Market/Drive-thru 06 02110/99 Karen Peterson DR 99-007 City of Tustin . Commuter Rail Platform 06 05110/99 Scott Reekstin DR 99-014 Sennett Architects 155-EL CAMINO REAL New Building 06 08/25/99 Lori Ludi DR 99-019 Vans 550 1ST ST ,Vons expansion of 11,400 square feet. 06 07112/99 Brad Evanson Page 3 0 y STATUS RESPONSE CASE 0 APPLICANT PROJECT ADDRESS DESCRIPTION STATUS DATE DUE STArr CUP96-020 Service Station Services 13891 RED.HILL AV Time Extension - Station Remodel 07 03/29/99 Minoo Ashabi CUP97-006 Richard Rengel 333 EL CAMINO REAL Office Addition 07 02/09/99 Karen Peterson CUP98-007 Alegre Associates 12972 NEWPORT AV Appeal - Lube/OiL Facility 07 05/03/00 Lori Ludi CUP98-021 IEA 630 E 1ST ST New monument signs 07 09/28/98 Minoo Ashabi CUP98-023 Barbara KruLL 1091 BRYAN AV 60 Student Preschool 07 01/11199 Justina Willkom CUP99-002 Consolidated Restaurants 13922 RED HILL AV CUP 99-002(A)&(B) Restaurant/Pole Sign 07 02/28/00 Brad Evanson DR 00-002' Ronald& Desire Rocha 153 B ST Garage Relocation 07 01/31/00 Lori Ludi Dk 00-005 Beard Family 2292 COCO PALM DR SFR Remodel 07 02/23/00 Lori Ludi 1 DR 95-037 Ralph Turner 235 S MYRTLE ST Remodel/Addition 07 02/05196 Dan Fox DR 96-007 Chevron USA 13052 NEWPORT AV Soil Remediation 07 07/14/98 Brad Evanson OR 96-044 Kimberly Barnhard 265 S PACIFIC ST Room addition and detached garage - Old Town 07 10/10/96 Karen Peterson DR 96-053 MC WILLIAMS, TRAVIS 0 328 W 3RD ST Roof Remodel 07 01/17/97 Karen Peterson DR 97-011 Richard Rengel 333 EL CAMINO REAL Office addition 07 02/09/99 Karen Peterson DR 97-092 Patrick Mattison 510 S B ST Room Addition 07 10/01/97 Karen Peterson DR 97-018 Julie Chamberlain Archite 158 N MOUNTAIN VIEW,D Residential Remodel _ 07 01/16/98 Brad Evanson DR 97-034 Terry Tull 165 S PACIFIC ST Room Addition 07 10/05/98 Minoo Ashabi DR 98-007 Alegre Associates 12972 NEWPORT AV Appeal - Lube/Oil Facility 07 05/03/00 Lori Ludi DR 98-013 McCausland, Charles & AH 135 S A ST Second DweLLing Unit 07 04/22/99 Minoo Ashabi DR 98-017 BORUSKY, THOMAS J 160 N B ST Residential Remodel 07 08/19/98 Lori Ludi DR 98-023 Custom Signs, Inc. 1091 OLD IRVINE BL Neon Sign, Paint/Reface pole sign 07 09/29/98 Brad Evanson DR 98-037 Jerry Soxman/Leslie Mitch 13792 MALENA DR Room Addition/Remodel 07 03/22/99 Justina Wilk= DR 99-001 Consolidated Restaurants 13922 RED HILL AV New Drive-thru Restaurant 07 02/28100 Brad Evanson DR 99-013 William H. Barstow 14282 WILLOW LN Residential Remodel 07 07/08199 Minoo Ashabi SCE98-003 PBMS 2521 MICHELLE DR Increase sign area 07 10/28198 Lori Ludi VAR98-005 E/C Engineering 1452 EDINGER ST Equipment Building encroaching into Streetsid 07 02/17/99 Minoo Ashabi *** END OF REPORT *** Page 4 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CURRENT PLANNING PROJECT.STATUS - EAST TUSTIN PROJECTS PROJECT STATUS LEGEND DATE OF REPORT: May 16, 2000 01 - ORIGINAL_ SUBMITTAL 05 - PROJECT APPROVED SORT: LEGEND ITEMS 01-07 02 - RESUBMITTAL 06 - PLAN CHECK 03 - COMMENTS OUT/PENDING APPLICANT RESPONSE 07 - PERMITS ISSUED/UNDER CONSTRUCTION 08 - PROJECT COMPLETE TENTATIVE HEARING DATES 09 - !,WITHDRAWN 10 - EXPIRED 04.1 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 11 - DENIED • 04.2 - PLANNING COMMISSION 12 - REVOKED 04.3 - CITY COUNCIL PRO=2i LOCATION STATUS RESPONSE CASE # APPLICANT LOT TRACT DESCRIPTION STATUS DATE DUE STAFF DR 95-045 HOME DEPOT Monitor outside display area 02 01113100 Karen Peterson CUP00 005 SALVATION ARMY PHASE. II ADDITION. 8375 SF CLASSROOM, 7930 S 03 03/06/00 Lori Ludi CUP98-025 The Church 7 12870 900 Seat Church/Pre School N 03 04/27/00 Lori'Ludi DR 00 007 SALVATION ARMY SALVATION ARMY PHASE II. 8375 SF CLASSROOM, 03 03/06/00 Lori Ludi DR 98-029 The Church 7 12870 900 Seat Church/Pre School 03 04/27/00 Lori Ludi Fk 14396 Bender &Associates Final Parcel Map 03 01/12/00 Brad Evanon TT 15993 DOUGLAS SENDER & ASSOCIAT 17 SFD 03 05/08/00 Brad Evanson DR 96-054 The Irvine Company 24 13627 113 Custom Home Sites, Equestrian Center 05 02/12/98 Karen Peterson HR 96-002 The Irvine Company 24 13627 113 Custom Home Sites, Equestrian Center 05 02/12/98 Karen Peterson TT 14396 Irvine Corrmunity,Developm 24 13627 113 Custom Home Sites, Equestrian Center 05 02/12/98 Karen Peterson DR 96-050 Mr. Mel Mercado 27 13627 162 SFD 07 01119/98 Minoo Ashabi DR 96-057 John Laing Homes 4 12870 75 SFD OT 04/16198 Lori Ludi DR 97-014 LPA, Inc. Auto dealer/museum 07 04109/98 Minoo Ashabi DR 97-019 Rieliy Homes, Inc. 19 12870 Add New Recreation Facility 07 02/23/98 Karen Peterson DR 97-035 karmington Homes 26 13627 44 sfd 07 07109/98 Karen Peterson DR 98-012 BrookField Homes 9 13627 114 sfd 07 12/07198 Karen Peterson DR 98-015 Standard Pacific 24 13627 46 sfd on Tract 15563 07 10/15/98 Karen Peterson ' DR 98-027 James H. Parkinson -Exterior remodel/Remove canopy & office build 07 10/01/98 Lori Ludi DR 98-031 Frank Bennett Development of 2 pads in Tustin Annex 07 08/11199 Lori Ludi DR 99-018' Richard Chang old Navy Storefront Modification 07 06/28/99 Brad Evanson DR 99-032 Home Depot Home Depot Garden Area Remodel 07 12/13/99 Lori Ludi DR 99-040 Compass Telecom Modification to existing cell site at Sports 07 12/16/99 Karen Peterson Page 1 r� PROJECT LOCATION STATUS RESPONSE ` CASE APPLICANT LOT TRACT DESCRIPTION STATUS DATE DUE STAFF HR 98-001 Warmington Homes 26 13627 HILLSIDE REVIEW 07 06/01/98 Karen Peterson HR 98-002 BrookField Homes 9 13627 114 sfd 07 12/07/98 Karen Peterson MA 99-002 Hunsaker- & Associates Increase wail Height 07 09/27/99 Brad Evanson TT 15380 Mr. Mel Mercado 27 13627 162 SFD, Amend Conditions 07 01/19/98 Minoo Ashabi TT 15420 .John Laing Horner 4 12870 75 SFD 07 01/30/98 Lori Ludi TT 15568 Kaufman& Broad Coastal, 19 13627 130 SFD 07 04/16/98 Lori Ludi TT 15601 Warmington Homes 26 13627 44 sfd 07 06101198 Karen Peterson TT 15681 BrookField Homes 9 13627 114 sfd 07 12/07/98 Karen Peterson *** END OF REPORT *** Page 2 INSERT. SUMMARY PROJECTS (ITEM#7) i J i�Dcom in Road a Improvements: . The Irvine Ranch Water District will 'be installing a reclaimed water line on Walnut - Avenue between Tustin Ranch Road and Myford Road, on Tustin Ranch Road between El Canino Real and walnut Avenue, dnd continuing on El Camino Real between Tustin y. Ranch Road and Auto Center Drive. e, r { This project will start within the next couple of weeks and will have a significant impact on traffic on the three aforementioned roadways (Walnut, Tustin Ranch Road, El Canino Real). The project will last about two months and there will be intennittent lane closures. t i t • k F k _ i f e ` k M r.f t . I {