HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-08-00 PC PACKET AGENDA r TUSTIN PLANNING ING C 11 MISSION REGULAR MEETING' MAY 8, 2000 CALL To ORDER: 7:00 p.m., City CoUn it Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Davert ROLL CALL: Chairperson Kozak, Bell, D v rt, Kawashima and Pontious y' + PUBLIC CONCERNS: (Limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda.) At this time members of the public may address the Commission regarding any items not on the agenda and within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission o action can be taken off-agenda items unless authorized by A law). IF YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION ON ANY MATTER, PLEASE FILL OUT ONE OF THE CARDS LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE SO THAT YOUR + REMARKS ON THE TAPE RECORDING OF THE MEETING CAN BE ATTRIBUTED TO YOU. WHEN YOU START T ADDRESS THE COMMISSION, PLEASE STATE YOUR FULL FAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. IF YOU REQUIRE SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS,S, PLEASE CONTACT THE PLANNING COMMISSION SECRETARY AT + (714) 573-3106. CONSENT T CALE iDAR: ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION,[. THERE WILL BE NO. SEPARATE DISCUSSION of THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF i THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF. OR. PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC*ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AI DOR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT SENT CALEl DAR FOR SEPARATE i ACTION. i k P k Y Planning Commission Agenda My 8, 2009 T {Page 2 } CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Minutes of the April 24, 2000 Planning Commission Meetin PUBLIC HEARINGS: - 2, Tentative Parcel Map 99-217, a request to subdivide a 5.7 acre lot into three. 3 parcels f r conveyance and financing purposes. . APPLICANT: PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES ATTR: DA ID ANDER80N PROPERTY OWNERS: A /TOUCHSTONE WARNER RED HILL L.L.C. Presentation: Minoo A hahi, Associate Planner RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ion adopt Resolution No. 3725 recommending that the City Council approve Tentative Parcel Map 99-217 to allow subdivision of ar 5.7 acre parcel to create throe 3 parcels for conveyance and financing purposes. REGULAR BUSINESS . 3, Freeway Signaqe for old Town Tustin .— At the April 10, 2900 meeting, the Planning Commission requested that staff contact Caltrans for the purpose of pursuing freeway identification signage for Old Torn Tustin. Presentation: 'Elizabeth A. Binsa kt Director of Community Development RECOMMENDATION � - } That the Planning Commission receive and file the report. 4. collection of Code Enforcement Costs-and charges Presentation: Elizabeth A. Binsack, Director of Community Development RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission receive and file the report. F i f Planning Commission Agenda May 8,, 2000 4 Page 3 v y , Report on Proposed Eastern Transportation Corridor Dell Site Presentation: Elizabeth*A. Bin l .,'Directorf Community Development S RECOMMENDATION MMENDATION Provide input as deemed appropriate. 5 . San-til _Hlills, Notice f Preparatildn of a Supplemental Envir nm ntarl Impact F rtELF ~ k Presentation: Elizabeth A. Binsack,, Director of Community Development r R RECOMMENDATION f That the Planning Commission receive and file{the report. } STAFF CONCERNS: _ r r- t 7, Report on Actions taken at-the.May 1 2000 Cify Council Meet Presentation: Elizabeth A. Binsack, Director of Community Development COMMISSION CONEF NS: a ADJOURNMENT: regular meeting g in f the Planning Commission will be held:ori May 22, 2000 beginning at :gg p.m., City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial 11 y, Tustin. y 5 i {r } + i 1 L i .M f f r' + I if 1 F y i + f , E r MINUTES t + L + a TUSTI I PLANNING COMMISSION x iREGULAR MEETING _ 5 * + APRIL.-24, 2000 C k • ' r , CALL T ORDER: 7-005 p.m.or City CoUncil Chambers r �r r F } � r} PLEDGE of 1LLEGIANCE:. Coi1nmissioner Kozak a { ROLL CALL. J t Present: Kozak, Bell, DaVert, Ka as' hima and Ponticus } F Absent: None- Staff: one- St f: Elizabeth Bin k, Director- Karen, irectornKaren,Peterson, Senior Planner B'rad Evanson, Assistant Planner + Barbara Reyes, Recording Sccr tart' PUBLIC CONCERNS: 4 F " r F r A There were no public.concerns. - } CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Minutes of the-April 1-0, 2000 Planning Commission Meeting. - F " C r1 MISsl n r Davert r-t mored Commission. Ponti us seconded, t 'approve the . Consent'Calendar. Motion carried-4=0. Commissioner Kawashima ar sta in d.. . . i { r t ; M PUBLIC HEARINGS: GS: u" L 2NI Conditional Case Perrnt.t; an q d Design. Review 7-009-a request st to amend } Condition 1.1 of Planning ComLmission F 1utio.n No.� 3605: to tend the expiration of the approvals ural of Conditional Use Permit -005 and:.Design review 97-000 b- Eighteen (18) months to December 1, -2001.. This r j ct is located at 535• East.Main Street, within the C=2 P Central Commercial, ,Parking, Ov6day - zoning district. " I - , ti, APPLICANT: BENNETTARCHITECTS , i y " + P OPEi TY. F ' .i + OWNERS: HOWARD PE F A[ D, +F AI'I ESH BAJARIA, AN I F` EKHA AJA IA- a + al t 1 - * I 1 i ' 1 Planning Commission Minutes April 24, 2000 Page 2 The Public Hearing opened at 7:07 p.m. Bradley Evanson, Assistant Planner, presented the subject report. Mr. Gale Coffman, 20 Tobago, Laguna Niguel, spoke on, behalf of owner Ramesh Bal' ria _ who is hospitalized. Mr. Co an stated that the primary problem causing the delay was the increased costs and reluctance by the lender to make a loan where contamination +1 was involved. Mr. Greg Bennett was in the process of malting a lot line division to divide the properties. This would allow the loan to be approved for the car wash side where no contamination was present. The owners can finance the retail building out of pocket and the project can proceed. Commissioner Davert asked if the original approval had conditions concerning the lot line division. The Director pointed Out that building permits issued for the retail facility-and certificate of Use and occupancy gust occur prior to the development and/or occupancy of the car wash. The retail facility would need to be constructed first. Mr. William Bennett father of Architect Greg Bennett and representing hire, spoke in favor of approval of staff recommendations. Commissioner Davert expressed concern that this ro'e t has alreadytaken three years p p 1 with little progress. He would like to see the project completed without further delay The Director indicated that staff will transmit that to applicant and the approval of the six months extension should send clear direction to the applicant. By*point of clarification she pointed out that in reality extension by six months means extension by one year. If biuilding permits are pulled and construction coir mences'they could request another six month extension. . The Director pointed out{conditions 1.3 and 1. , for the benefit of th6 applicant, clarifying May 1, 2000 as the deadline for posting of the performance bond and submitting agreement to conditions imposed. The Commission's-action will be null and void should g the'applicant fail to meet the deadline. Recommendation That the Planning coMmission adopt resolution No. 3724 approving an amendment to conditional Use Permit CUP 97-005 and Design review Dr 97- 009 extending the expiration of the project approv l by six months from dune 1, 2000 to December 1, 2000. The public hearing closed at :20 p.m. k Planning Commission Minutes April .24, 2000 _ + Page 3 a Cor�rrmissi ner Fontious moved Commissioner av ert. nd d, adoption a of resolution No. 372 to approve an amendment to Condition 11 use Permit -005 and Design Review 97-009 extending, the expiration of the project approval by six months from June 1, 2000 to December 1, Motion carried .. r ++ a + I i k STAFF CONCERNS:. t 4 ♦- 4 f r A + S 3, aReport on Actions taken at the ril 17, 2000 Cily Council Meeting Elizabeth A.Binsank, Director of Community Development,-reported on the subject agenda. The iters discussed Frere- - eff M.Tho�mas was selected as the neer Mayor and Tracy Will 11 orley:,as r F Mayor Pre Fern. _ - The Council ratified the Planning Co-mmission,Action Agenda. + - t the May 1st Ci Council meeting.. theppeal of the mono-pine will he 4 discussed. S - - The City of Tustin: along with five other Orange County jurisdictions, appealed r the Regional Housing i ds Assessment Ht A numbers. The sub7 committee rejected the, appeal, end there will be a further appeal to the full Southern Califomia Association of Governments SCAG ;hoard. Eloise Harris, newly hired Community Development Department secretary, was introduced to the Commissioners. Eloise will be.the r-e ordin secretary for the Planning Co-mmission. 1 COMMISSION - • Y Commissioner Bell + - Commended city staff for the e o lien't-job - �hosting the spring egg a hunt. S ,• 5 t { r t � s i i I • 1 a a - Inquired about the proposed county ire allation f cellphone tourers - along the transportation corddor, r a t F The Director indicated she would' be attending a 7ransp rtation t J Corridor meeting on I dnesda and would report to the Commissi r on } in follow up on this issue. f F r i' f 1 r. Co.m llssloner Davert } r No Comments r + i 1 t P • - i .Planning Commission. Minutes April-24, 2000 y r Page i Cbmmis§toner Pontlous. No Comments J i #: Commissioner F awashima i a - Inquired if IKEA rays-roving from Tustin. The. Director indicated that althou h newspaper reports mentioned - that IKEAmay rove to Costa Mesa, they have;a lease with The Irvine Company until 2004. The City f Tustin offered to work. with IKEA to help them expand at the Makeitplace. IKEA representatives indicated a desire to be in a stand alone [ ation. - Inquired if it were true that Frle Ards `Count 'Garden iof Westminster g - r was planning to move to Tustin. i staff confirmed that Fleards has ln.guir d and was given a tour of old Town by-Redevelopment Department staff. a Y y 5 Commissioner boa , - Inquired about the time line for The Irvine Company plans to develop the east-Orange area which abuts Tustin. r a The Director noted-! 'that -Tustin will receive the- environmental- information nvironr ental- informa ion for review. she will follow up with the Commission at that time. •r , - Noted that the city monument sign at 171 street is not illuminated and . e would like to see that done. ' 4 • r ADJOURNMENT: T: ` Commissioner Davert moved Commissioner Pont us seconded, to -adjourn the meeting t, :3o p.m. Motion carried i A reg u a r meeting,of the Planning Commission will he-held on May 8, 2000 beginning at :0 o p.m., City Council Chambers, 3o 0 Centennial Way,r, Tustin. r S i F f a Y ' Planning Commission Minutes April 2 , Zoo A Page 5 ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Da�vert moved, Commissioner Pontious seconded, to adjourn the meeting.at 7:30 p,m. Motion carried 5-0. regular 'Mooting of the Planning Commission will be Field on May 8,,2000 beginning at 7:00 .m. City Council Chaambers, Soo Centennial Way, Tustin. t 4 r 1 r k r' t a y 5 1� ITEM 1 1 }. 1 1 r itir rN� Okeport to the . x Plann.'ing Com,missi.on k ► k 1 DATE. MAY 812000 ' •1 SUBJECT: B P L-IC HE ANG FO TENTATIVE PARC L 1 ! _ -2'�7 i „ . L fit' APPLICANT. PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE,SERVICES 1201 DOVE STREET, SUITE 100 -NEWPO T BEACH, CA 92660 Y i • 1 i ATTN: DAVID ANDERSON k. PROPERTY 1 OWNER: AL TOUCHST ONI WARNER FED HILL L.L.C. { 1201 DOVE STREET, SUITS 100 NEWPORT B EACH, CA 92660 1 i LOCATION: 159019 159419 1,599 E D HILL AVENUE F ZONING: PLANNED COMMUNITY INDUSTI L USINEss (PC-IND/BUS) N ti i i ENVIRONMENTAL f STATUS: APPROVAL of THIS PROJECT -IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT PURSUANT' To SECTION 1531, -5,F CLASS 15 OF CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT ' 4 rr t F REQUEST: AUTHORIZATION To SUBDIVIDE A 5.7 Act E"LOT INTO THREE (3) PARCELS FOR CONVEYANCE A.ND TINA CING,PU POSES T RECOMMENDATION' _�. . . " 1 f i That -the Planning Commission- adopt t f esol tion No. 3725 recommending that the city F 1 5 Council approve Tentative Parcel Map 9 -217 to llo ;subdriion�of a 5.7 acre parcel,to create three 3 parcels for conveyance and financing purposes. ' y � 1 y F BACKGROUND - + } t ~ { r s Tke applicant isro ,5rn to Ubdivide five 5.7 acres Lof lard into three 3 parcels. The existing parcel is developed grit! three 3 office buildings" separated by 4 minimum of twenty 20 feet an' d a Common parking area c nt i in .334 parking spaces. No physical. 1 changes wto any of the buildings,, parking access or'd dveways is proposed. Access tb the site is provided from Fled Full Avenue and Wamer Avenue. - z y x F J S l • 1 F i 1 � 4 Planning Commission ion F por TPM -217 May 812000 Page 2 of The site is located in the Irvine Industrial Complex Planned Community (Attachment A - Locatioh Map)within the Planned Community Industrial/Business land use designation. DISCUSSIONr • Tentative Pane!Map . The proposed subdivision will divide the property sudh that each parcel would contain an office building and the required number of panting spaces. The three 3 proposed parcels would subdivide the 6.7 acre site as follows: Parcel Gross Area Acres Building Area (Square Feet 2.0-��-- 44,363 2 1.1± 201146 S 1.6± 361466 Street Dedication 1.0+ including additional five feet along -Red Hill Ave. Total .7± The development standards for the planned community are as follows: Minimum Site Area 30,000 square feet Maximum' Site Coverage 50 percent Front lard Setback Thi 30feet y Bide Yard Setback i Ten 16 feet, Thi 30feet.fo r corner lots Rear Yard Setback None. The proposed property lines dividing the parcels would be placed ten (1 0) feet from the buildings and would distribute the on-site parking proportionate to the required parking for' each building Attachment B, Submitted Map). The proposed parcels-would be rewired to meet all development standards of the. Planned Community Zoning District and the General Plan. -As proposed, the three parcels meet the minimum site area, maximum site coverage, setback and parting requirements of the zoning standards and Floor Area Natio Y (FAIL) requirements of the General Plan. There is an inconsistency between the noted square footage of the buildings and City's records; therefore: Condition 1.2 is included to resolve any final discrepancies prior to approval by the city council. 5 i i k F i Planning Commission Report rt TPM 9 -21 . May 8, 2000 i Page 3 of • Parking and Access L - wa t `here are t (2), existing vehicu'lar access to the site one on l arnerl venue more than 300 feet north of Fled Hill Avenue and one on Red Hill Avenue approximately 300 feet east �o Warne'r F Avenue. In 1985, Zone Change 84- was adopted which allowed the Y - w i • ■ i r i . . .. establishment-of CdtYiF5--n-d-r st u'-fg it�.. s s in addition �t ,the existing industrial and office uses and set forth = arkin -requirements for retail, restaurant, and office uses. -.The zone n e also changed the parkingrequirement for office, u•se from one (1) space per 300 change . -square foot to one 1 acs per260 square foot. However, since the site plan for the a eras a roved. in 1983and no improvement are proposed ire- conjunction . ith office park pp the tentative p arcel map, the once use parking standard. prior to. the zone change -.. � applicable. A such, throe (3) parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of office use are pp w required. = { µ i Parcel 0'ilding Area . e wired Parking Provided Parkin [ 44,363 92 11 2 accessiblespaces)._ .2 20,145 61 78 2 accessi less aces 455 133 139 accessible's aces '236 - 334 The site current) rovide seven ) accessible parking spaces. These spaces are divided- � currently _ cels proximity to each building. Condition' 1.4 is included' to among the proposed par � � ensure that each parcel will maintain the minimum,num of of accessible parking spaces oft eacharcel. o modification to the existing parking'�.area is proposed. p y in corms liance Frith-State arid- Ci re uir requirements. The tentative parcel reap is generally p �! However, conditions, of, a kp pro al contained in Exhibit A f resolution No. 3725 are included to ensure compliance with the Subdivision l iap� Act and the City of `Dustin . . . Manual. In accordance with the Ci s Circulation Element, Fled Hill and Subdivision � Wa mer Avenues-'are d e�lg noted as -major arterial- highways that will! be• im' proved to six e'facilities in the future. The applicant has agreed to dedicate fire. (5) additional -feet lan , . � - esters side of Iced Hill Avenue for right- f-vera im roverr ehts to Fled Hill along the rr Avenue'. condition 32 reflects this agreement and ..'the area -of dedication has been included on the-Tentative Parcel lap. } - +. . i i ction 9332e all Jots'are r uired to In� crdnce�rxtl� the ��ty� �ubd� i �or� r+dxnne � � � t For adherence to this requirement, condition 1.3 maintain direct access to public scree q ` ed -to require execution of..a ess/egress and parking agreement reciprocal al ingr �s included � ., been tir all parcels.-- Furthermore, since direct. access t all .parcels is not provided, formation of a maintenance association would be required. The associtition would ensure ' s to allparcels, ark in drive a and gyral ways in addition to direct unobstructed occas .. parking, � of these areas. Condition 2.'1 is includ d for arrangement,of n association maintenance ., R - �e + y w r { 1 5 ! w 3 " Planning Commission Report TPM99-217, - i Mdy 8,, 2000 , Page 4.of 4 for the three properties and establishment of appropriate l fa -S for maintenance and other applicable-regulations to treat all parcels as one.except for the building areas. + • r , inlin a Ashabi r - Karen Peterson Associate Planner - Senior Planner =,TP 99- 1 .do A Attachments: A- { Location Map 4 + .1 B - Tentative Parcel Map 99-217, C - Resolution Ike. 3725 + . r , 1! a r r i 4 1 i I y w 1 + • ■ k r r i 1 1 + 5 7 { ! r • + r r. +w r • *:. r 4 5 r 5 ` r r i • " , 5 1 k t t 1 + ! , i 1 i r i C � 4 1- 1 F 1 • T • � J 4 + ti r * r i T � ! * i _ 4 f r r a K. 1 � F '4 1 Y 4 - R 5 # t 1 1 y r ! " r a 5 + } AACENT 1A R 5 � Location Map' 1 - r c rt t t r r s F w F 1 t - �F � 1 i 1 F 77 { } ■ 11 i - Tr LOCATI-ON _ - — L J 0 � � J #� • � r � 416 a � 1 � a �• I - d ' L } 4 a r a< - � 4it au0 J1t��U� 1 - i 7:Y3 r ___ _ __ sas_aaiLRoxO_ _ _ _ M4 Orr 27, Lp Lp 4 I� l I LOT Y `+ o Li *� 1 1371 1t t1,� 1341 4 I 4}'; 4 I TRACT 7721 f I LDT T t I 13; tot 0 TACT 1991 . ; !pr # lttLOT 2 # TRACT 71.f TRACT 7721 7721 Ir4 C f 5 LJr B LDr 9 # I 1431 1471 1415 1411 14n 1 w 1107 1401 1332 CA YAC!IfS 1 1� • 4 � 1 f �� # 1 k T,?AC!7721 rmrr 7T21 rMcl 7121 x ct LD!f W 82 COl 1D Ga Q# FLpo RED HSL AVENUE NO SCALE a f ` i i y .a w. i # r i { r r k ■ 4 3 Y + + a i r Y • 4 � 1 f `4' r F � A ATTACHMENT y f Tentative' Parcel MA 99-2,17 r, y ' A } 'Fr 1 ' a r • r � � 4 r • � f 3 • i v a • • r i • y F t � .Y •1 + 1 r r' ' t � 4 F 1 t �1� • yY!' r TEV TA T1 VE PA R CEL -MA P NO. 9 -- 217 11 J= �i a t fk r i i Y r ' � Y w 4 3 � r t r i - x r i r• 4 _ X 4 r 1 4 # r k r ATTACHMENT C , k f Planning Comm' :ission Resolutio-n No. 3725 y� r + F - a r � r 4F Y r 4 4 a . � Y • 1 • j t ' # Y � r # ' r 1 + F s 7� J'Y t 1� t RESOLUTION NO. 3725 2 RESOLUTION F THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITE' COUNCIL APPROVE TENTATIVE PARCEL } 4 'MAP 99-217 TO SUBDIVIDE A 5.7 ACRE LOT INTO THREE PARCELS FOR CONVEYANCE ANf FINANCING PURPOSES LOCATED AT 15901, 15941 AND 1 991 RED HILL AVENUE . 6 The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follovwrs: 8 . I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows, to A. That Tentative Parcel Map 99-217 wr s submitted by Professional Real Estate Services for consideration; B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed,and held-for said map on 13 May 8, 2099 by the Planning Commission; F 14 C. That the1ro`e t is Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 1531 � 15 (Class 1 b) of the California Environmental Quality Act; 1 That the proposed subdivision is in conformance with the Tustin Area General Plan, Tustin Zoning Code, State subdivision Map Act and the 17 City's subdivision Code; That the site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; I ` F. That the site is physically suitable for ,the proposed density of 20 development; a 21 G. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably'injure fish or wildlife in their habitat, 23 24 H. That the design of thii subdivision or the type of improvements proposed 75 • will not conflict with' easements acquired by the pub[i , for access throw g h or use of the p rope rty within the proposed subdivision;and, 26 I. That the design of the subdivision or the types of improvements 27 proposed are not likely to'cause seri dous public health probl ins. 2 - r 4 r r Resolution No. 3725 t Page 2 y t R J. That in bccordance with the. City's Circulation Element Red Hill and. Warner Avenues are designated s major �r arterial highways that will b 4 improved -to six lame facilities in the • future. Implementation of irn- ro r rr rets on Red Hill requires five additional feet along the westerlyside, of lied -Hill Avenue which the arppltcnt greed t dedicate. Pursuant to the City's subdivision Ordinance; No. 1177, }` Section 933 ( fid. ,- ',SS' ihdivid r is"'regwired to dedicate land required for- 7- street'. improvements as provided in section 66476.2. of the Subdivision r Map Act. 9: ll:. The Pl n- ning Commission. hereby recommends that the city Council approve Tentative Parcel 99-217 to subdivide a .� .7, acre p rc l into three parcels _ 1.0 arcep for conveyance purposes- located at 15901, 15941 and. 15991 Fled Hill Avenue,, - 11 subject tothe conditions,c ntarin d in Exhibit-A attached hereto. 12 PASSED AND ADOPTED t rulr.meeting. of the Tustin Planning Commission, 13 held on the day of Mary,r 2000. 14 s 1' M _ 15, t + Y # F A r 16 J. - STEPHEN V. KO AK t Chairperson 177 ELIZABETH A. > l NSACK ~ 18 Planning Commission'Secretaryir J 19 o STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE 1 CITY OF TUSTI P 22 rti t 11 ELIZABETH A. B1lSCC�, the undersigned, hereby c fy, .hat I am ''the Planning' ` the Planning Commission sion of.the. City of Tustin, carliforniar; _ cor�nrr��s.s�on secretary f y g t that. resolution leo. 3725 was duly passed and ad.opted at-ar regular -meeting of the t 24 Tustin Planning Commission, held on the 8th day of May, 2000. { 25 26 27 28 _ t f t R ' ELIZABETH A. BIN SACK r Planning Commission secretary. 9 4 4 ti i y" • s EXHIBIT TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP -21 RESOLUTION NO. 3725 CONDITIONS F APPROVAL AL GENERAL (1) 1A The proposed project shall substantially conform with the submitted ' plans for the -project -dat d May 8, 2000 on file with-the Community Development Department, except as herein. modified, or as modified ,by the Director of Communi • Exhibit—A, PG Resolution No. 3725 TPS! -21 , May 8, logo Page 1.3 In accordance with the City's Subdivision Ordinance Section 9332e, all t lots shall have direct access to public streets. A reciprocal ingress/egress, maintenance and parking agreement between all parcels shall be recorded. The agreement shell be submitted within thirty 30 days from the City.'Cou' ncil approval-date to Community Development Department for review and approval by the city Attorney. Prior to recordation cif the Tentative Parcel Map 99-217, proof or recordation of the agreement shell .be submitted to the Community Development . • Department. .4 Each parcel shell maintain the minimum number of disabled parking aces and access required by the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). Future expansioh and or alteration of the parcels would require compliance with the Title 24 ADA requirements applicable at the time F , the building permits are issued. 1 1.5 Unless otherwise specified, the conditions contained in this Exhibit shall be complied with prior to recordation of the final map for the project, subject to review and approval of the Comm nity Development Department. k (1) 1.6 Approval -of Tentative Parcel law 99#217 is contingent upon the applicant and property o wrner signing end returning an "Agreement to Conditions Imposed" form as established by the Director, of Community Development. (1) 1.7 The applicant shell hold harmless and defend the City of Tustin from all claims and liabilities 8rising out of a challenge of the city's approval for this project. . P 4 'l 1.8 The sub' ct project approval shall b come null and gold unless final 1• p is submitted for review and approval within twenty four 2 months of the date of this Exhibit. Time extensions nay be considered if a dtt n y request is received b the'community Development Department � within thirty 30days prior to expiration. Cc&ids (1) 2.1 Prior topp roval of the finalrl arp, all organizational documents for the establishment of a maintenance association of the three properties including any -deed restrictions, covenants, conditions, and restrictions. • GI Exhibit—Al Pc Resolution No. 3725 TPM 99-217 May 3, 2000 Page shall be submitted to and approved by the Community Development Department and the City Attorney. The applicant is responsible for costs associated with the review of these documents. A copy qf the final docurn nts shall be submitted to the Community Development . Department within five days after .their recordation. CCs shall include, but not be limited to, the following: i A. The City shall be included as a -party to the CCs for enforcement purposes of those CC&R provisions in which the City has interest, as reflected in the following provisions. However: the City shall not be obligated to enforce the CCAs. B. "Association" bylaws shall be established. C. Provisions for effective establishment, operation, management, use, repair and maintenance of all building and site irnprovernnt including landscaped areas, walls and fences, private roadways i.e., walks, sidewalks, trails) and trash enclosures for the three. proposed parcels shall be included. D. Membership in the `Association" shall be inseparable from ownership in individual lots. E. Maintenance -standards shall be provided for applicable items listed in section C above in CC& s. Maintenance standards shell include, but not limited to, the following: { -. I. All building and site improvements contained within the _ - three proposed parcels including but not limited to landscaping and private areas visible from any public way shall be. properly maintained such that they are evenly cut, evenly edged, free of bare or brown spots, debris and weeds. All frees and shrubs shall be trimrn'ed so they do not impede pedestrian traffic along the walkways. Trees shall be pruned so they do not intrude into neighboring properties and shall be maintained o they do not have droppings or create other nuisances to neighboring properties. -All trees shall also be root pruned to eliminate exposed surface roots and damage to sidewalks, driveways and structures. 2. All private roadways and sidewalks shall be maintained t r a F !Y Exhibit—At.PC Resolution No. 3725 TPM -217 - F May a# 2000 Page 4. 4 so that they are safe for- users. significant pavement cracks, pavement distress, excessiv6 slab settlement, abrupt vertical variations and debris on trvei-gays i should be -removed or r erredp romptly. In addition, the . - pedestrian access at the main project iantry shall remain open.and cssible to-rthe public at all times. 3/ All buildings -and,,site improvements contained.within the proposed parcels shall b .malnt ined in such a manner F as to. avoid the reasonable determination of a duly a k authorized official of the City-that a public nuisance has 'r begin , reated -the absence of adequate maintenance such 6s'.to, be detrimOnt l -t public health, safety, or general;, �relfaref or-that such a condition of -deterioration -or disrepair, cause hal.rm or is materially detrimental to property-values or im.prov.ern nts/ i ~ r , F. Parking spaces; driveways, side ' 'albs and other access to the site4 and b6ildings shell 'not be 'permanert[y or irrevocably assigned to,"any indr ridual unit, tenantorbuilding. The minimum required number of parking.'spacesrfor each building shall be maintained-on the property on which the building' is located. - G. � . All utility seNides serving. the Siteshall `be installed and y 4 maintained underground. r , 7 Y r - "Association shall be required to file the name, address,. H. the Also � .q- andtele hone number. of at least one member of the ,8s I ociatiobr. card and;the r{ rb/act,mana g r,b fore January of f ,1 g. . + each ye4r with the,Comm n[ty I evelopment Pepartment fog`the i' -purpose of contacting the ssociartion. r I. The "Association" shall inform and disclose all new members of _. the assbdiatiOn upon purchase or a lease -agreement on lim' itation'itation of use of_the shared access, dnve rays, and parking spaces. ` r f . J.-- For the purpQses of sign -installation: the three properties would be entitled to one sign per strut frontage consistent with the. Tustin sign Code. k e , ' 1 + �i t F. t Exhibit—A, PC Resolution olution o. 3725 TPI -2'17 May 8, 2000 Page K. Future expansions Of any of the buildings would be subject t0 a design review application by the Community Development Department and the applicable prevailing codes and regulations. . 1. No amendment t0 alter, modify, terminate Or change the Association's - Obligation to maintain the buildings and site improvements contained within the three proposed parcels and } the project perimeter wall Or Other CC&R provisions in which the City has an interest, as noted above, Or t0 later, modify, terminate Or change the City's right t0 enforce -maintenance of the buildings -and site improvements within the three properties and the.}- project perimeter wall and improvements, shall b effective without prior written approval of the Community r Development Department. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT .1 The subdivider shall dedicate. five 5 feet Of tre t right-Of- way along Red Hill Avenue plus the appropriate corner cut-Off for future street widening in the form of an irrevocable offer Of dedication. The offer Of dedication shall state that the City of Tustin shall be permitted to Obtain, at no cost, a right-0f entry for all on-site joins when the ultimate street . -improvements are constructed. Provide legal descriptions and-sketches as prepared by a California Registered tered Civil Engineer or California i Licensed Land Surveyor to the Engineering Division for review and approval. . ■ _O w� 3.2 The subdivider shall record with appropriate agencies, Final Parcel Map -217 prepared in accordance with subdivision requirements of the Tustin Municipal Code, the State Subdivision Map Act, and applicable conditions contained herein. -. i (1) 3.3 The subdivider shall conform to all applicable requirements of the State • Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Ordinance. (1) 3.4 As required by the Subdivision Map Act, the subdivider shall execute ar Subdivision and - -M numentation Agreement and furnish the Im r v rnent Mono mnt tinnd required bar the City Engineer prior to recordation of the Final Map. i Exhibit----A, Pc F esol.ution No. 8725 TPM -217 May 8, 2000 Page 8 ORANGE fGE Co 1T FIRE AUTHORITY (5) .1 Prior to recordation of the Final Parcel M.ap, the applicaht shall obtain- all necessary approval from the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA). (5) .2. Prior to recordation of the Final Parcel Map, the applicant shall obtain approval f the Fire Chief for all fire protection access easement, ` required for fire department access wit hin 150 feet of all portions of the e tenor`sof every structure on the site. This access easement shall cle dy 6e" defined on the parcel map with a statement-identifying the easement. The entire lopped fine department access road will be required to be identified as an eas'ernent for fire department access, and any other portion of roads required to obtain access to within 1 o feet of any and all portions of the exterior. FEES 1 .1 The applicant shall submit to the City of Tustin n additional CC& Reviewfee required at the time .of submittal. The CC&R F evi w fee includes one initial check and recheck of the document. �If subsequentx review is required, an hourly fee of$150 per hour or rete in effect at the time.of submittal for City Attorney and $50 per hour or rate in effect at. the time of submittal)for Planning Staff is.required. _ (5) Within forty-eight hours of approval of the subject project, the F applicant shall deliver to the Community Development ment Department, CASHIER'S CHECK payable to the county clerk in the amount of $38.00 (thirty eight dollars to enable the City to file the appropriate r environmental documentation for the project. if within-.such forty-eight (48) hour penood that applicant has not delivered to the Community Development Department the above-noted check, the statute of limit tions for any interested party to challenge the- environmental determination under the provisions of the California Environmental ualit'r Act could be significantly lengthened. ITEM In t e r r 4KATE: May 2000 T : Planning Commission FROM: Community Development Department SUBJECT.- Freeway Signage for Old Town Tustin RECOMMENDATION Receive and File. BACKGROUND On April 10, 2000,:the Commission requested staff contact Caltrans for the purpose of pursuing freeway identification signage for Old Town Tustin, si liar to the signs that were installed identifying Old T i e'Orange Historic District several years ago. In 1998, Caltrans approved the City of Orange's request to install identification signs for Old Towne Orange Historic District at the eastbound and westbound lanes of the Garden Grove freeway.�This was a culmination of.a two-year effort for the City of Orange working with Caltrans and their State Senator. In June 1999, the Engineering Division of the Public works Department pursued contact with Caltrans to request a similar identification installation for Old Town Tustin on the 1-5 freeway at the Redhill Avenue and Newport Avenue ramps. At the same time, Engineering investigated i F Community Development Department r April 26, 2000 City of Tust:'i n 4 - 300 Centennial Way R TU tih, CA 92780 (714) 573-3100 Mr. Adam Siddigi, Transportation Engineer + . Caltrans " F _ Trffic operation, South Y 3346 Michelson give, -100.4 ch floor 'Irvine, Ca. 92612 h 4 r r # RE: Freeway Direction Signs for Old Town Tustin ' - r Dear Mr. Sidd ui:, { . T"hank you for takincr the time to speak with me on April,2 , 2000 regarding the City of Tustin request that Caltrans install freeway directions sins to direct an l'alert motorists to Old Town Tustin. Old Town is the traditional center.,of Tustin and the .City's. original townsite. As you'-ndicated you ill"need to res=ch-the Caltrans Man al and sib policy F rea. rding this type of sign and our.requst. r r 4 L ► The City of Tustin wo l f like Caltrans to consider placement of directional sims alongf the 1-5 Freeway at the Newport Avenue and Redhill Avenue off-ramps. These locations are suggested because Old Town i defined b ' the 1-5 Freeway to the south, Newport + Avenue to the east, First Street to the-north and the,SR-55 Freeway to the west. If there is r a cost for installation or maintenance of these sign,s, pleasie provide information'on these + r' costs. fi T 4 { 'Thank you for your, assistance and I look for and to hearing from you as soon as possible, If yod have any questions-or need additional.information-, please 6ontact nye at (714) 5 -3109. ar 5F Sincerely, f mita Westfield _ 'Assistant Com i t r Developmeht Director- } i * ♦ i r • . r 4 F i RNV/Adam stddiqui t 5 r 3 F F 5 1 } - ry r r c w. F ` • 4 t I ITEM Edi V Inter- Com IWAI-EsMAY oo F } } RPLANNING COMISSION # r r FROM:: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT.' COLLECTION of CODE ENFORCEMENT COSH'S AND CHARGES, r r 5. t RECOMMENDATION w That the Planning Cornrnision receive and file this report. C-KGROUND Senate Bill SB 430 was approved during the last legislative session and became effective January 1, 2000. SBP 430 provides that the legislative body of a city or county may collect fees, costs or charges incurred in the enforcement of local building, housing and zoning regulations. The costs and charges may not exceed the actual costs of inspections, enforcement and correspondence. The City does not have to adopt a separate ordinance to implement the law, provided we follow State law. i Typically problem properties require as,many as four follow-up Notices of Violation and four compliance re-inspections before a property.is in full compliance. Unless a citation is issued or successful legal action is taken, no costs are recovered. Code enforcement is a net drain on the General Fund and violators who do not comply create §afety hazards and deteriorate surrounding roe values. We believe the imposition of re-inspection fees will result in higher and faster property p compliance rates. When a violator is required to pay continuing re-inspection fees, there is a greater incentive to resolve the violations. Violators will pay for re-in ections related to their noncompliance rather than this effort being funded by Tustin taxpayers who maintain their properties and comply with city-codes. The.Co-ii r 'ty Development Department proposes that there will be no fees for enforcement if w the vi_ p p olation is corrected t the first-compliance re-inspection. Fees will only apply to violations that are not corrected at the fiat compliance re-inspection and for repeat violations. Fees may not be unposed in all situations, as unique Situations arise they will be handled on a case by case basis. Many complaints involve multiple violations, where the owner or occupant may only correct one or two of the violations, requiring the code enforcement officer to prepare additional t written notices and return to the site several tunes. Lack of compliance results in additional and costly staff time. The fee will also apply to properties that have a reoccurrence of the same violation(s) within.si months,which would be.considered a continuation of the original case (Exhibit A). . The law prohibits cities and counties from applyi Planning Commission Collection ofCode Enforcement Costs/Charges May 8, 2000 Page 2 The Community Development Department Code Enforcenent staff has prepared an analysis that } includes the grange of time spent for each.step in the enforcement/re-inspection process, the r average amount of time per step and the associated costs (Exhibit A). Based on this analysis, the re-inspection fee will be $26.93 per hour. Fees will not recover the cost of enforcement, but are . reasonably related to the work effort. f w The -Community Development Department proposes to request that the pity council, at their x May 15, 2000 meeting, approve implementation of the code enforcement collection process. 1n i addition, the City Council will he requested to delegate hearing authority to the Planning Commission, ifa lien is appealed. The'lien process is described below. Both the owner(s) and occupant(s) of properties involved in enforcement will he informed that the City may assess a fee for code enforcement activities. Since liens can only be placed against the property owner, the owner is a party and must be provided notice of the City's ability to collect for code enforcement costs. After a case is closed, written notice of a proposed lien and the amount of the fee for enforcement will be seat to the property owner. The property owner will be informed that the fee assessment shall be paid within forty-five 5 days or that they may request a hearing if they wish to appeal the proposed lien amount. If the lien is appealed, Government Code Section 54988 provides that the legislative body,(City Council) may delegate the hearing authority to a hearing hoard. The hearing body may be the BuildingBoard of Appeals Cornrnis ion or another body. we are recommending pp using the Planning Commission as the hearing hoard. The Planning COnl nission will make written recommendation of their decision to the City Council, which the Council may adopt without a hearing Consent Calendar), or may set the natter for hearing. The City Council may dismiss the lien or dtennine that the lien shall he recorded as a judgement lien for the amount of the enforcement fee. Exhibit A.—Re-inspeiction Flowchart Exhibit B—Time Analysis For Code Enforcement Cases Rw Pcreport collection of costs for enforcement • j r � 5 ti • i f M f r 14' + ' r t f F Y f ' * EXXIYXIBIT A F • Re-,inspection F • T r _ 4 k 1 { } S * I a • Lr i+ Y i r 4 � y T t Q • 'V Y owc a rt + Reminspection 1 1 � r ix Y F 3` .,tA ' x Initial i t r Inspection, i- (Notice issued mailed) r Compliance J Compliance - . Inspection Non-Compliance Case Closed No fee charged) + 4 .. y F J Y i RE.INSPECTION i • r • i } :t Fee charge d Bill for 1st .. _ Compliance _ T Inspectin ` • T 4 i RE-INSPECTION T #2 'dee charged . 4 i * * 4 � T Decision'Is Made RFurther Legal Action 4 EH:Re-inspection Flowchart i t 4 F 4 4 r T .4 { 1� i J r � i } EXHIBIT ■ Time Analysis for Code Enforcement Cases F y + _ 1 r Y TIME ANALYSIS FOR CODE ENFORCEMENT CASES There are several steps in the successful completion of a code enforcement case. Each step is variable in the amount of.time spent; however,there are standard amounts of time that can be calculated. Listed below is the standard case process. Depending on the number of contacts with the violator,the amount of time can vary widely. Code Enforcement Officer Step .93*benefits 26 1 Complaint received/observed: 5 minutes to�/2 hour(avg. 15 mins) $7.00 2) Investigation �2 hour to 8 hours (avg. 1-11/z hrs) $27,00—40.00 (includes Inspection,research,telephone communication,photographs,data entry/assigning case It, completing Investigation report,adding field notes) 3) Correspondence(Vt Notice) Y2 hour to 2 hours (avg. 1 hour) $27.00 (includes checking Assessor's Parcel information for identification of property owner,identification of TCC code section and corrective action,generation of letter,possible telephone communication,notes to file data entry to tracking log) .4). Reinspection 1/2 hour to l hour(avg.3/4 hour) $20.00 (includes calendaring reinspections,reviewing files for actions to be taken,inspection,possibly meeting.with owneritenant on site) 5) Correspondence (2nd Notice) %hour to I hour(avg.3/4 hour). $20.00 5} Reinspection �2 hour to l hour(avg.3l4 lour) $20.00 (same as##4) 7) Case to city Attorney 3 hours to 8 hours (avg.4 hours) $108.00 (preparation of summary,gathering all correspondence/notes,copies of materials/photographs,review of case package by Assistant Director and Director) 8) Trial preparation l2 hour 50 10 hours (avg. 1 hour) $27.00 (conversation/meeting with City Attorney) 9) Litigation Costs vary r • 1 i�. n.1^•..1yT"��4.l��+y.`!i.J14 S-•.+n^F 4 • �.r;.- S 4 1 5 ' • r The investigation phase of this process can include research of zoning regulations;conditions of approval, Uniform Building codes,.-and general municipal codes.Also, included in this are meetings with appropriate division staff members to`obtain interpretations of codes to understand the intent of these regulations to provide an explanation to the violator. The time required for a case also depends on the type of case that is being pursued.A business that is violating several conditions of approval ill take significantly more time to complete than a simply temporary banner violation.This factor is considered when calculating the average time,spent on a� case. EH:Time Analysis for Code Enforcement Cases r a • r F ITEM. F a r In fbr- Com Ti■ " 1AY .2000 1 _ PLANNING COMMISSION 4 L FROM:'*' Co I DEVELOPMENTDIDEPARTMENT ' L 1 y , SUBJECT: EASTERN TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR CELL{SITE ACI ITIES' M 1. RECOMMENDATION t That the Planning'Commission provide,input as it deems appropriate. L i 1 BACKGROUND A. At the April 24,, 2000, Planning, Commission meeting, �Co fission r Bell requested infornnation about the Eastern Transportation Corridor Cell Site-Facilities. Attached is' the" tall report and attachrncnts su mitted'by the Transportation Corridor Agency (TCA) staff to the Aesthetics Committee. At its"-meeting on April 26, 2 � 'th"e Aesthetics Corrin mttee expressed several tconcerns about the proposal. The ;Committee will be conducting a tour aid revisiting this issue this month. 1• f Attachment: TCA Staff Report(color.photo simulations will be d aila le at the meeting) EB:etc--cellsites t 1 J L } • 4 r .r t L 4 LF { Y 1 + + 1 � F J f 1 J A I " • 1 }f LI TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR AGENCIES 125 PAL..I 14, IRVINE CA 92618-3,704 9491754-3400 FAX 9491754-2467 d MEMORANDUM April 21, Zoo T : F/ETCA Aesthetics Coni cc FROM Terry Swindl Deputy Directc and Special Projects SUBJECT: ETC Cellsite Facilities STAFF RECOMMENDATION . Approve the proposed design of the cellsite tower and equipment buil ire for ci!aht locations along the Foothill and Eastern Transportation Corridors ('/ETC). BACKGROUND Since the opening of the Eastern Tollre d in October, 1998, th'er'e has been only limited ce uIar i phone service along the Corridor with no senice In some areas. The ETC Board of Directors has placed a high priority on implementation of reliable cellular service for the personal safety of . patrons and public safety personnel. Cellular facilities are allowed on State Highovays pursuant to a Master License Agreement between the State of C lifomi aid several cellular cancers. The authority of issuffi individual Site License Agreements is delecrated to each Caltrans District. Although facilities may be- placed within Caltrans ri .D %cht of way access must enerall�y e from the adjoining property. An exception to this license requirement would be a cellular facility located at a toll plaza where i traffic is traveling slower and off road parking exists. Nineteen potential sites on the ETC were ori rally proposed and researched. Eight sites were ultimatel selected in order to provide seamless coverage (location map attached). As many as five carriers Ana be ocated at each site initially with ultimate capacity for ciorht. SITE DESIGN w In order to meet the technical requirements of all carriers the antennae facilities need to be mounted on tower structures. yin mono Ie dcsi was ri 'null ro osed for Each site. The Agency and The k%yine Company rejected that initial design. Approval from The Irvine 1 k 5 i Y I y r 1 r I Comp. ny is critical to the build-out of the system sihce they co trot the access 'to six but of the eight Cites. f F l F Alternative designs were conceptually -prepared and reviewed with the goal o providing ' g aesthetics consisten't with both the -natural Burr undings -and long term de elopment of Jand adjoining the ETC. Significant design constraints.that were considered are: I A tower height to support-the five carriers with capacity for expansion to eight. 2. A,single design concept for all sites to present a:consistent theme along the toll road•and to minimize construction costs. .F 3. Selection of a low cost -maintenanc material- that integrated into 'the surroundincr environment. t } . Reduce the overall number of structurs. - A Based on the above, The Irvine Company agreed to participate in.the planning provideda master. 1 plan would be developed in order to avoid profusion o rantennae farms .throughout the ETC. The Irvine Company hived Paul Zajfen (the architect who designed the tollp laza structures) to design a single structure to accommodate all the carriers' equipment. * 5 Since a very tall structure is technically required which could not b success�ll carnouaed A , Zaj fen recommended a design which treated-the tower a:piece of sculpture. Agor-Ten steel was cho n as�tmh�e�ma�tze 'al ienance.and arthtne color. The,proposed tower is a #sided structure1 2 , f closes t a ire. The}tower is fabricated from steel that is intended to develop rusty r atina and provides each-site With.a rustic tc.2-rthy appearance. .` . . I The.adjoining equipment buildings,have one,curved face{Ito mimic-the cur-%,red design of the toll plaza building but are clad in-the rust patina steel to tie. the, -entire:-tow r ilding design together. Antnnas and attachment hardware will be painted to_match and integrate into the. de'sign of thr.towers. i + Seriou consideration was given to alternative materials and designs. m" particular locations.- These were rejected as too costly or impractical and-a violation of one of the standard design objective. It is our opinion that ixo standard design fits perf6etly into-the„context of the different sites and that the proposed desigry is the best overall solution. a t + , , Attached are dra ing andr photographic simu' lations for Sites,, and.19. I T t i r r F r r k t J t + 4 i F + 3 + r a J i r 1 xnginerl le hsletc cellsite f cilities.doc �ti FOO T ALL / EASTER_!,' -;,NT TOLL ROADS k a cis Y0,1bb a State Routes 241, & 13 q • __ _ __rt t r f-w t t f___a.ra tai _ yy 1 = J 1 f M ` ftd t F w 5 R 1 SITE No.� 4 Windy Ridge 1 Toll Plaza o CLEVELAND , an1i8 0 NATIONAL o C� f FOREST � aWla Ave- SITE No.3 � 1 ' 1 a . b2D=n Avenue f r' t o� SITE No. SITE No' .6 IP Irvine Bhd_ SITE No.19a _. '*""\.S.1TE.No..7 I Irvine Ranch 4 Toll Plaza Orange Grove TooffllPlaza SITE No. , P ` Tomato Springs `x -. Toll Placa84 - O S1 F aQ r F 4D5 patio+ ' DSr.0 FR YF� i ► # ,y- L2guna X00 ,o } Freewa � �� LEGEND o � Eastern Toll Road Foothill Toll Road Toil Plaza Locations - + T "+�}';?G�'1'S'�•Y;.'rr•1�7';`s yC'' r J +-�y w,� .+It.r+q+-•7r..�r�r�`I''1f� 1:./ '�'+r r 5 C. + �- � - •„ r C �y�:.tl-. _ • 'C'�'ir ! ��,'rr t�j�✓i!!7•�,,'�Y �y l �y�.ter,- i '�[y� "rt X i ?•+.��},r•`•�� L w 7 f• r -*L,•�y r.�s S=�+e!"'-{• ...+.4 �ti`7,�_v ��:�..*,,,.* ,�, r rl,i Iry r ^,.Y• •` r i•: 1 I, 1P4f 5}�, l. rYY� `,1[. �' ,1�{0.1' V y K l 1' r3•,��.'•� y*'aT• Y t h.wJ� ti M tfa{;�r,•.t•.�.fr•.,,�.f ya 11`••�,,'t�+'f L+ y}+ice•.�, r,�•I�4.[i..+:-,ti-I+-<.Y.*.y{�, rf 'g�"i.,' �i •4 4 `'�' 4 .i"� �.r '�'R� .'J. � �q +r �`r+r..�..r..'F rtiS-+r�t•'•�.>•S�+r+.:2 t�1.5•; _4 'IF��•,1.lrkc�.�:' s'•Y•Y•a' :�'.-F'i'S •I,:r-,}�'�?p ,y7�,�,r�,i:j„•,rS rn.1�'•i 1 f�<r.'•!'�,ti ,.L}1 1c `4�°�i'��1} a + �,-', ,� z I •+i�r. ra -,. '�"�i?F'? .1 �a'�.`b'Y i'�[ �r• �tiY. 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' i,I , • 11,.��.1 r a l• f 'rF ,r ,4r y r+ ,.N .J jy4• P Nn w. y Yid 11�5� 1 41 Il i.4Vr•r•�i��w� rix';5'ti�•'r`YSCrqpge *~: �` •~ �'1 �=i�• it 4..�0 h3'�t� ''�-- .�`+rte �'-stiff-}'`•,”i 4' 4AC E ' {• .;J[ Nq 1,q •il.`�•r'-:• tit" al 5:'g.i� -..�.++-.#a... .; t:,r.•tel w r *r•w .i r,i. ... Lap right 1999 Pre vi%uiaHsLx.Int.d A4MR N[)hwah1 ITE ti 1 nter- Com . 403ATE: MAY 8. 2000 .. To: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: SANTIAGO HILLS, NOTICE OF PREPARATION OF A.SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL II iPACT REPORT(EIR) TLECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission receive and file this report. BACKGROUND At the April 24, 2000, Planning Commission meeting, Commissioner Kozak requested information about the potential traffic impacts from the Santiago Hills development proposed by the Imine Company in the-City of Orange, The Connnunity Development Department recently received a Notice-of Preparation (TOP) of a Supplemental EIR for the Santiago Hills development, which is located in the vicinity of Santiago Canyon Road and Jamboree Road. The Santiago Hills development is part of the East orange Specific Plan that was approved in 1989. The original Santiago . Hills development proposal consisted.of public facility, employment, low and medium' density residential, open space and mixed uses. The new proposal would amend the Land Use Element of the Orange General Plan to permit general commercial, love, low-medium and medium density residential uses and open space. Public facility, employment and mixed uses would be eliminated.The EIR will address changes to land uses that are bung proposed. The IOP states that the City of Orange will be preparing a Traffic Study that will analyze potential traffic impacts and will be included in the Supplemental EIR. No other traffic impact data or information is provided in the NOR The City of Tustin Encrineering Division has reviewed the NOP and has no comments' at this time. Comments will be provided when the new Traffic Study is prepared and transmitted. RW:PC info santiago hills ITEM ## ' r { ' I eport the + ` Planning m r ry ..R y r L f �! s r ■ a r { y r L DATE:' MAY 812000 SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL ACTI ON.AGENDA`MAY 1 2000 • PRESENTATION: ELIZA ETH A. BINSACK, DIRECTORr COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENT ATTACHMENT: CITY C NC1 ACTION AGENDA- MAY ly 2000 , w s 1 �� k f i - 1 r f r , l { - t r " #R f ■ F + 4� IY a CORRECTED ACTION AGENDA CITY COUNCIL REGULAP, MEETING CITY OF TUSTIN MAY 1, 2000 - 7:00 F.M. ` ' • 7:06 P.M. CALL TO ORDER GIVEN INVOCATION — Mr. Al Enderle . PRESENTED PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Boy Scout Troop 323 CALORS ALL PRESENT ROLL CALL PRESENTED- PROCLAMATION - (1) Fire Service Recognition Day, May 13; (2) Tustin Pride Student Poster/Essay Cohtes6Vinners; and (3) Melanoma Month - _ PUBLIC IN.PUT' MIKE CONLEY: READ A C�RTIFICATE' OF RECOGNITION FROM ASSEMBLYWOMAN MARILYN BREWER RECOGNIZING VALERIE CRABILL'S RETIREMENT PUBLIC HEARING (ITEMS. .I THROUGH 4) NO-ACTION� .1. DETERMINATION AS TO WHETHER THE LOW BIDDER TAKEN FOR THE INTEGRATED SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICES CONTRACT 1S A RESPONSIBLE BIDDER Staff is recommending that the City Council find that the low bidder, Federal Disposal Services, Inc. of Santa Ana, i snot a.responsibie 6*1 d a e r'a nd proposes the adoption of a resolution to that effect. Recommendation by the Public Works Department: 1. Open and close thePublic Hearing to determine whether Federal Disposal, Inc. of Santa Ana, is a! - responsible bidder. 2.. If the City Council finds they are not a responsible . bidder, adopt the following Resolution 'No. 00.28. disqualifying -Federal Disposal for non- responsibility. Action Agenda— City Council May 1, 2000- Page 1 . . RESOLUTION N0. 00-28 - A RESOLUTION 4F THE J CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY; OF TUSTIN, -CALIFQRNIA,L FINDING FEDERAL DISPOSAL NOT .� TO BE-A RESPONSIBLE BIDDER APPROVED. 2.. CONSIDERATION OF RENEWAL, OF A CABLE '. TELEVISION FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH MEDIA .. ONE GROUP, INC.- I-n accordance with the- procedures established .by the cil Resolution No, 99-49, the Cityadoption of City Coun . Council will conduct a public:fearing to consider renewal of the CATV franchise for Media One Group, Inc. The purpose of the hearing is to identify the City's future cable-related needs and to review the performance of the franchisee during the current franchise agreement. . Recomme�idation by the,Public Works Department: 1. Open and close the Public Hearing. 2. Upon conclusion :of the Public` Hearing, the City Council authorize staff to prepare and send a .letter requesting a franchise agreement renewal' proposal - * . . from Media One Group, Inc. that responds to the - - issues identified by the City Council, citizens and . sfiaff. ADOPTED. ' `� 3. � FY 2000-05 CONSOLIDATED PLAN, FY 2000.01 ACTIN RESOLUTION NOS. � PLAN ANDPROPOSED USE OF COMMUNITY 00-23 & 00-24 DEVELOPMENT BLOCK--GRANT (CDBG) FUNDS The Community Development Department is proposing to submit to HUD ,the.:Consolidated Plan (FY 2000-05) which describes the .City's overall needs for 'affordable and supportive housing, community development-? public service's, and- economic opportunities; and the One-Year Action Plan (FY 2000=01)--whic4 describes the activities that the City will undertake during the program year and th.e.'Prograrn'budget for disbursement of CDBG funds, Recommendation by the Community Development '. _ Department: 1. open and close the Public Hearing. Action Agenda—.City Council May 1, 2000'—Page 2 F 2. Adopt the following Resolution No. 00.23 approving the FY 2000-05 Consolidated Plan and Resolution No. 00.24 approving - tie - proposed vse - of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for inclusion in the One-Year Action Plan for FY 2000-01.: RESOLUTION N0, 00.23 - A RESOLUTION 0F THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN)- CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE CONSOLIDATED PLAN FISCAL YEAR 2000-05 FOR SUBMISSION TO THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING.AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT - RESOLUTION N0. '00-24 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL 0F THE CITY OF TUSTIN) ' CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE PROPOSED USE OF FISCAI. YEAR 2000-01 COMMUNITY . DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS FOR INCLUSION- IN THE ONE-YEAR ACATION PLAN APPROVED CUP 4. APPEAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 99-012 99-012 & DESIGN AND DESIGN REVIEW 99-017 (APPLICANT: REVIEW 99-017 SAUNDRA JACOBS, SBA INC. FOR SPRINT PCS) 4-19 T5 OPPOSED Conditional Use Permit 99-012 and Design Review 99- 017 are requests to establish a 60-food tall major wireless communications facility (Mohopine) behind the Snapple building-at 15203. Woodlawn Avenue within the Pacific Center East Specific Plan area. On March 27, 2000,the Council appealed the Planning Commission's decision. Recommendation by the -Community Development Department: 1. Open and close tine Public Hearing. 2. Pleasure-of the City Council. CONSENT CALENDAR (ITEMS 5 THROUGH 2].) All matters listed under Consent Calendar,, are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There' will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time of the voting on the motion unless members of the Council, staff or public request specific items be discussed and/or removed Action Agenda — City Council May 1,`2000— Page 3 from the Consent Calendar for separate action. APPROVED 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — APRIL 17, 2000 REGULAR • MEETING ' Recommendation: Approve the City' Council Minutes of April 17, 2000. APPROVED _. �6. APPROVAL OF 'DEMANDS AND �RPiT1�ICATION' O.F PAYROLL Recommendation: Approve Demands in theamount of $1,'839,520.46 - and ratify Payroll in the amount of _ $414,137.38. . RATIFIED .. 7. PLANNING C4MMIS8I0N ACTION AGENDA — APRiL 241 ' 2000 - ' All actions of the Planning Commission become final unless appealed by the City Council or member of th,e- public. Recommendation: Ratify the Planning Commission - . . Action Agenda of April 24, 2000. APPROVED 8, ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC " IMPROVEMENTS AND RELEASE, OF BONDS ,AOR TRACT N0. 15502 (WESTMONT) . Recommendation: Release the,following bonds for the . indicated amounts: �aitF�ful Performance Bond No. 12=, 0120-50118-97-4, $16,500.00; Labor and Materials Bond-,, No. x.2.07.20-5.0118.97-4, $8,2'50.00; and , - Monumentation Bond No. 12-0120.52709-97-01 $3,700.00 'as recommended by the Public Works . Department/Engineering Division. ' _ APPROVED 9.. RELEASE OF MONUMENTATI4N BOND FOR TRACT N0. 15503 (COLUMBIA) Recommendation: Authorize release of the MonumenfiationBond for Tract No. 15503 far, the indicated amount: -Monumentation ,Bond No. 12-0120- 52710-970-81 $3,700.00 as recommended by the Public ' Works- C'epartment/Engineering Division. ' APPROVED, - 14. RELEASE OF MONUMENTATI4N BOND FOR TRACT N0. 15504 (WESTMONT) Recommendation: � Authorize t'elease _ of the Monumentation Bond for Tract No. 15504 for the ` -indicated amount: Monum'entation Bond No. 12-01120- 25287-98-81 $3,600.00 as recommended by the. Public Works Department/Engineering Division. • Action Agenda—Gity Council May }., 2000— Page 4 ' APPROVED 11. _ RELEASE OF MONUMW I ATION BOND FOR TRACT N0. 15505 (COLUMBIA) Recommendation: Authorize release of the Monumentation Bond for Tract No, 15505 for the indicated amount: Monumentation Bond No. 12-0120- 25290-98-9, $7,300.00 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. APPROVED 12. ACCEPTANCE OF PUBIC - IMPROVEMENTS AND RELEASE OF BONDS FOR TRACT N0, 15506 (COLUMBIA) Recommendation: Release the following bonds for the • indicated amounts: "-.Faithful Performance Bored No. 12- 0120-36629-98-22 $80.;000.00; Labor and Materials Bond . No. 12.0120.36629.98-2, $40,000.00; and Monumentation Bond No.- 12.0120-36630.98.7., $6,500.00 as recommended by the Public_ Works Department/Engineering Division. APPROVED 13. RELEASE OF MONUMENTATION BOND FOR TRACT N,0- 15507 (WESTMONT) ' . Recommendation: Authorize . release of the Monumentation Bond for Tract No. 15507 for the indicated amount: Monumentation Bond No. 12-0120- 36628-98-6r $8,400.00 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. APPROVED •14. RELEASE OF MONUMENTATION BOND FOR TRACT N0. 15380 (WESTMONT) Recommendation: Authorize- release of the Monumentation Bond for Tract No. 15380 for the indicated amount: Monumentation Bond No: JS 5056, $6,800.00 as recommended by the Pubic Works Department/Engineering Division. APPROVED 15. CONTRACT AMENDMENT TO ADD THE TUSTIN RANCH ROAD/JAMBOREE ROAD/PORTOLA PARKWAY LANDSCAPING ANDIANDSCAPE EXTENSION OF THE TUSTIN RANCH REGIONAL TRAIL. EXTENSION LANDSCAPING TO THE EXISTING CONTRACT WITH ACCURATE LANDSCAPE AND MAINTENANCE, INC. .Recommendation: Approve the' Fourth Amendment to the contract agreement between Accurate Landscape and Maintenance, Inc. and the City of Tustin for landscape. maintenance services as recommended by .,- the y _the Public Works Department/Field Services Division. • Action Agenda —City Council May 1, 2000—Page 5 APPROVED 16. TERM EXPIRATIONS FOR COMMISS]ONS/COMMITTEES STAFF Recommendation:" Direct staff to issue a press release RECOMMENDATION; seeking candidates to serve on the Planning _ EXTENDED TERMS Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, and TO AUGUST 7 the Cultural Resources Advisory Committee as recommended by the City Clerk Department. ADOPTED 17. TUSTIN LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT LEVY OF RESOLUTION NOS ANNUAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE 2000-01 FISCAL YEAR OO-29 & 00-30 . Recommendation: Adopt the following Resolution Nos. 00-29 -and '00-30 approving the Engineer's Report for Fiscal Year 2000-OT and declaring intention to levy . assessments for Fiscal Year 2000-01 and set a public hearing for June 19,, 2000 as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division: RESOLUTION N0. 00.29 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY C4UNCI1. OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S_ REPORT FOR THE TUSTIN LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT LEVY OF ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000-2001 ' RESOLUTION N0. 00.30 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING ITS INTEW{ON TO . PROVIDE FOR AN ANNUAL LEVY OF ASSESSMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000.2001 FOR THE IMPROVEMENT, MAINTENANCE • AND 'SERVICING 'OF PUBLIC LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING FACILITIES IN THE TUSTIN RANCH AREA WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE TUSTIN LANDSCAPE AND LIGHTING DISTRICT AND TO LEVY AND QOLLECT ASSESSMENTS PURSUANT TO THE LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING ACT 4F 1972 AND , P'ROP-OSITION 218 AND GIVING NOTICE THEREOF APPROVED 18. OLD. TOWN STREETSCAPE DESIGN PROJECT Recommendation: (1) Authorize the City Manager to enter into a Consultant Services Agreement with Urban Design Studio i-n the amount of $114,600.00 for engineering and design of streetscape and pedestrian enhancements on EI Camino Real between Sixth Street and First Street and in two public alleys, subject to the approval of the City Attorney; and (2) Appropriate $94,600.00 from the City Capital Projects Fund #02, as • recommended by the Redevelopment Agency staff and Action Agenda—City Council May 1, 2000•— Page 6 the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. APPROVED 19. RESOLUTION N0. 04-31 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY STAFF COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, lb RECOMMENDATION; APPROVING, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING ADOPTED EXECUTION OF AN AMENDED AND RESTATED JOINT RESOLUTION N0. EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT RELATING TO THE 00-31 CALIFOP,NIA STATEWIDE COMMUNITIES DEVELOLPMENT AUTHORITY . Recommendation: (1) Adapt Resolution No. 00.31 approving the Joint Exercise - of Powers Agreement Relating to the California Statewide 'Communities . Authority; and (2) Authorize the City Manager to execute subject Joint Exercise of Power 'Agreement as recommended by the Redevelopment Agency staff. APPROVED 20. CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT ' FOR PREPARATION OF OFF-SITE MITIGATION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS FOR MCAS TUSTIN REUSE PLAN Recommendation: Approve a Consultant Services Agreement with the firm of LSA Associates to prepare off-bite mitigation improvement agreements for MCAS Tustin in an amount not to exceed $4. 2,000.00; and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract on behalf of the City, subject to approval of the City Attorney, as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. _ RECEIVED & 21. CENSUS 2000 UPDATE FILED Recommendation: Receive and file subject report as recommended by the Community Development Department. REGULAR BUSINESS (ITEMS-22 THROUGH 25) APPROVED 22. EXTENSION OF TERM OF AGREEMENT WITH GREAT STAFF WESTERN RECLAMATION RECOMMENDATION. Staff i-s requesting the City Council authorize a three- month extension to the current:Solid Waste contract in order to facilitate the transition to the new hauler, . Federal Disposal Service. This action will be necessary only in the event that the.City Council determines that Federal Disposal Service is a responsible bidder. Action Agenda —City Council May 1, 2000—gage 7 Recommendation: In the event that the City CouncH finds Federal Disposal Service to, be a responsible bidder, authorize staff to extend the current solid waste agreement with Great Western Reclamation for a three- month period terminating at midnight on September 30, 2000, as recommended by the Public Works Department. AWARDED 23. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR INTEGRATED SOLID WASTE TO FEDERAL DISPOSAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES PER REVISED STAFF Staff REPORT is requesting the City Council approve the award of 3,-29.'JT'y TW OPPOSED . the Integrated Solid Waste Management Services contract to Waste Management of Orange County of Santa 'Ana and authorise the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract documents. The start date for the . new contract will be July 1, 2000. Recommendation: Award the Integrated Solid Waste Management Services contract to Waste Management of Orange County of Santa Ana in the amount of _ $4,703,190 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract documents on behalf of the City as recommended by the Public Works Department. TIM BEREFT 24. MAYORAL APPOINTMENTS TO COMMITTEES APPOINTED AS ALTERNATE TO UPPER NEWPORT BAY CMTE; NO OTHER CHANGES MADE Annually, following selection of the Mayor, the Mayor . appoints those members of the City Council who will serve on the various City and County committees. .. Recommendation: Pleasure of the Mayor. ADOPTED 25. URGENCY ORDINANCE REGULATING ORDINANCE NO. TEL-ECOMMUNICATION FACILITIES IN THE CITY'S 1229 PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY The City Attorney is recommending that the-City Council adopt ars urgency ordinance entitled: "An Urgency Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, Adding Chapter 7 to Article 7 of the Tustin City Code Pertaining to Telecommunication Facilities." • Recommendation by the City Attorney: Action Agenda —City Council May I, 2000—Page 8' 1. Have first reading by title only and introduction of Ordinance No. 1229. 2. With a roll call vote, adopt the following Ordinance No.. 1229 (4/5ths 'vote required): ORDINANCE. N0. 1229 • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ADDI'NG,CHAPTER 7 TO ARTICLE 7 OF THE TUSTIN CITY CODE PERTAINING TO TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITIES NONE PUBLIC INPUT OTHER BUSINESS/COMMITTEE REPORTS POTTS: REQUESTED STAFF ATTEND.,COMLINK FORUM ON 5.4 REQUESTED CHAMBER HAVE THERMOSTAT 'SET 'AT CONSTANT TEMPERATURE;JNSTALLATION OF NEW MUTE � BUTTONS ON MICROPHONES; AND NEW COUNCIL CHAIRS WORLEY: COMMENTED ON THE , KIEV SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA'S . CONCERT AT FOOTHILL HIGH SCHOOL THOMAS: REMARKED ON WOW MUCH HE ENJOYED THE. KIEV SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA'S CONCERT ` STATED THE TILLER DAYS' .'COMMITTEE-WAS UPSET THAT CANDY WOULD NOT BE THROWN BY COUNCIL TO CROWD THIS YEAR DURING THE PARADE; REQUESTED STAFF DEVELOP ALTERNATIVE WAYS TO GIVE CANDY TO CHILDREN ATTENDING THE PARADE STATED HE WOULD BE ATTENDING THE. INTERFAITH _PRAYER BREAKFAST ON MAY 4 STATED- TUSTIN PRIDE. COMMITTEE WAS COMPLAINING ABOUT THE APPEARANCE OF THE CORNER OF NISSON/RED HILL REMARKED ON THE GREAT TOURNAMENT HELD BY AYSO STATED THE. -EASTER EGG HUNT HAD BEEN A.N. OUTSTANDING EVENT • Action Agenda—City Council May 1, 2000—Page 9 - _ I REQUESTED STAFF CONTACT A CITIIZEN WHOWAS C LLI G,H 1 I1 'N U 'U S TIMES CLOSED SESSION - None a , + + Y * . u l r r i - f he..Ci C u nc 12:28 A,M ADJOU T � rig is duffed for Monday, May 15, 2000, at 7:00 p,.rn. in the 4 + Council Chamber' at 300 Ceniennial Iia . t a + a • t + S M + f D r' ' , t ■ w • � h Ir r J • � t a • ` t a � 4 * F ■ i i a. { a • Y r I 4 ► * r �h Action Agenda--City Council 1 r 1, 2000—.Page 1 w r y �I ACTION AGENDA REGULAR METING OF THE TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AG N CY • MAY 11 2000 12:28 A.M. CALL TO ORDER _ . ALL PRESENT ROIL CALL REGULAR BUSINESS (ITEMS 1 THROUGH 3) APPROVED 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — APRIL 17, 2000 REGULAR MEETING Recommendation: Approve the Redevelopment Agency Minutes of April 17, 2000. ADOPTED - 2. HOUSING DEFICIT REDUCTION PLAN FOR THE TOWN _ RESOLUTION NO, CENTER REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT ARBA RDA 00-4 Agency approval is requested of a revised Housing Deficit Reduction Plan for the Tows Center Redevelopment Project area. Recommendation: Adopt the following Resolution No, SDA 00-4 approving the proposed Hosing Deficit Reduction Plan for the Town Center Redevelopment Project Area as recommended by the Redevelopment Agency staff: RESOLUTION N0. RDA 00-4 - A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE HOUSING DEFICIT REDUCTION PLAN FOR THE TOWN CENTER REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA APPROVED 3. � ' CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH INTERRA STRATEGIES, INC. FOR PROVISION OF DEVELOPMENT ADVISOR/IMPLEMENTATION COORDINATION SERVICES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF TUSTIN LEGACY Agency approval is requested too enter into a consultant services agreement for the provision of development advisor/implementation coordination services for the development of Tustin Legacy. , .Action Agenda—Redevelopment Agency May 1,2000—Page 1 } Recommendation: Authorize the Executive Director to ' Consultant services Agreement between the execute �, co- r-nmunityedevelopnen' Agency and In erra,stl r Inc. for provision of Developer- Advisor I'm plerentatlon Coordination services to the Agency for Tustin Legaoyp subject to planning and'implementation activities related to City Attorney appof the subject agreement as .to form as reoornmended by the Redevelopment Agency staff. NONE OTHER BUSINESS CLOSED SESSION None - alar meeting 12.28 A. . F ADJOURNMENT The next reg g of the Redevelopment Agency is scheduled for Monday, May -15 2000, at7:00 p.m. in the' Council Chamber at 300 Centennial Way. r 4 y S Action Agenda—Redevelopment Agency May 1, 2000—Page