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07-12-99 PC PACKET
` AGENDA TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION. REGULAR MEETING JULY 12, 1999 CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 p.m., City Council Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Kawashima ROLL CALL: Chairperson Pontious, Browne, Davert, Kawashima and Kozak' PUBLIC CONCERNS: (Limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda.) At this' time members of the public may address the Commission regarding any items not on the agenda and within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission (NO action can be taken off-agenda items unless authorized by law). IF YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION ON ANY MATTER, PLEASE FILL OUT ONE OF THE CARDS 'LOCATED ON THE SPEAKER'S TABLE �SO THAT YOUR REMARKS ON THE TAPE RECORDING OF THE MEETING F CAN BE ATTRIBUTED TO-YOU. WHEN YOU START TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION, PLEASE STATE YOUR FULL NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. IF YOU REQUIRE SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS, PLEASE CONTACT THE PLANNING COMMISSION SECRETARY AT (714) 5733106. CONSENT CALENDAR: (ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER CONSENT CALENDAR ARE•CONSIDERED ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION. THERE WILL. BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE VOTING ON THE MOTION UNLESS MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION, STAFF OR_ PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE DISCUSSED AND/OR REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR SEPARATE ACTION.) CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Minutes of the June 28 1999 Planning Commission Meetind. Planning Commission Agenda July.12, 1999 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARINGS: 2. Public Hearing For Conditional Use Permit 99-002, Design Review 99-001 and Sign Code Exception 99-001 a request to establish a 3,322 square foot fast food restaurant with drive-thru operations.' The project is located at 13922 Red. Hill Avenue within the Central Commercial (C-2) Zoning District. APPLICANT: KENT J:BICKELL CONSOLIDATED RESTAURANTS OF CALIFORNIA PROPERTY OWNER: EDGAR PANKEY TRUST Recommendation 1. That the Planning Commission-adopt Resolution No. 3680 approving the environmental documentation; and, 2. That the Plannind'Commission adopt Resolution No. 3681 approving Conditional Use Permit 99-002, 'Design Review 99-001 and Sign Code Exception 99-001. • Presentation: Bradley Evanson, Assistant Planner 3. Public Hearing For Conditional Use Permit 99=0_13 And Design Review 99-009 are requests, to: 1,) expand an existing supermarket into 3,200 square feet of existing vacant space and to construct'an additional 8,200 square feet of new floor area; and, 2) establish shared. parking .requirements for the Larwin Square ,shopping center. The project is'located at 550 E. First Street within the First Street Specific Plan. APPLICANT/• JEFF HERBST MCA ARCHITECTS, INC. PROPERTY 'OWNER: LARWIN SQUARE MANAGEMENT Recommendation 1: That the-'Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 3683 approving the environmental determination,for the project; and, 2. That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 3684 approving Conditional Use Permit 99-013 and Design Review 99-0119. Presentation: Bradley Evanson, Assistant Planner Planning Commission Agenda ,July 12, 1999. Page 3 4. Conditional Use Permit 99-015 Design Review 99-014 and Tentative Parcel Map 99-161 are requests to: 1) combine three lots into one; 2) construct a 10,716 square foot building; and, 3) establish a mail order use and apply warehouse and industry parking ratio. The project is located at 145-165 EI Camino Real within the Central Commercial Combining Parking District (C-2P). APPLICANT: GREGORY BENNETT, ARCHITECT T PROPERTY OWNERS: PRESCOTT PROPERTIES, LLC. Recommendation - 1. That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 3678 approving the environmental documentation for the project. 2. That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 3679 recommending that the City Council approve Tentative Parcel Map 99-161. 3. That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 3682 approving Conditional Use Permit 99-015 and,Design Review 99-014. Presentation: Lori Ludi, Associate Planner STAFF CONCERNS: 5. Re ort on Actions taken at the July fi 1999 Ci!y Council Meetin Presentation:.Elizabeth A. Binsack, Director of Community Development COMMISSION CONCERNS: ADJOURNMENT: A regular meeting of the Planning Commission will be held on August 9, 1999 beginning at 7:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin. i I' i ' _ ki ? ITEM #1 i. MINUTES 1, TUSTIN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JUNE.28, 1999 CALL TO ORDER: 7:01 p.m., City Council Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Davert ROLL CALL: Chairperson Pontious, Browne,. Davert, Kawashima and Kozak Commissioners: Present: Chairperson Pontioos Vice,Chair Kozak Browne Davert Absent: Kawashima Staff: Elizabeth A. Binsack, Director of Community Development Lois Jeffrey, City Attorney Minoo Ashabi, Assistant Planner Bradley Evanson, Assistant Planner Kathy Martin, Recording Secretary PUBLIC CONCERNS: (Limited to 3 minutes per person for items not on the agenda.) No Public Concerns were-addressed. CONS ENT.CALENDAR:. I. Minutes of the May 24 1999 Planning Commission Meeting. Commissioner Davert moved Commissioner Kozak •seconded,'to approve the minutes. Motion carried 4-0. , l i ;i - I Planning Commission.Minutes June 28, 1999 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARINGS: ' 2. Density Bonus Ordinance -- Staff is' dfafting a residential Density Bonus Ordinance for the Planning Commission and City Council's consideration. To allow sufficient time to incorporate comments from various City Departments., staff recommends that the Planning Commission continue this item to the August 9, 1999 meeting. Recommendation That the Planning Commission continue the public hearing to August 9, 1999. Commissioner Kozak moved, Commissioner Davert seconded, to continue the public hearing to the August 9, 1999 Planning Commission meeting. Motion carried 4-0. 3. Conditional Use Permit 99-011 a request .to install a-32 square foot monument sign with manual changeable copy. The project is located at 225 W. Main Street within the Public and Institutional (P&I)zoning district. APPLICANT/ • PROPERTY OWNERS: RICHARD B. EDGAR TUSTIN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Recommendation That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 3676. approving Conditional Use Permit 99-011. The Public Hearing opened at 7:04 p.m. Minoo Ashabi, Assistant Planner, presented the subject-report. Richard Edgar, applicant, stated the church's need for more visibility Q6"Main Street and noted the new sign is more compliant with the City's sign code. The Public Hearing closed at 7:07 p.m. Commissioner Davert moved Commissioner Browne seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 3676 approving Conditional Use Permit 99-011. Motion carried 4-0. As Planning Commission Minutes' June 28, 1999 Page 3' REOULAR BUSINESS: I 4. Design Review 99-018 a request to re-configure portions of the storefront area, enlarge the signage tower element, and install translucent,window treatments behind the tower-mounted wall signage. The project is.located at 2899 El Camino Real within the,Planned Community - Mixed Use (PC-MU)zoning district within the East Tustin.Specific Plan (ETSP). APPLICANT: THE GAP, INC. ATTN: CALVIN HAO PROPERTY OWNERS: IRVINE RETAIL PROPERTIES_ CIO: DONAHUE SCHRIBER Recommendation That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 3677 approving Design Review 99.018. Bradley Evanson, Assistant Planner, presented the subject report: Commissioner Browne inquired if there would be a room behind the translucent panels. Bradley Evanson responded that there is no room behind the panels and the windows are on the outer part of the facade. Commissioner Kozak inquired about the addition-of language to Exhibit A, Condition of Approval 5.1 indicating that the translucent panels; in addition to the signs, should be maintained in good operating order. ' Chairperson Pontious asked the applicant if they were in agreement with the conditions of approval. Calvin Hao, applicant, stated that he was in.agreement with the conditions of approval and offered to answer any questions from the Commission. Commissioner Kozak asked the applicant if the.additional language ifor maintenance of the signs and panels would pose a problem. Calvin Hao, applicant, responded that he-did not have a problem,with the additional language. E I[j ' t. Planning Commission Minutes June 28, 1999 Page-4 Commissioner Davert moved, Commissioner Kozak seconded, to adopt.Resolution No. 3677 approving Design Review 99-010 amended as follows: Condition 5.1 revised to read: "The signs and translucent panels shall be maintained in.gbod operating order and general repair. If any portion of the panels or illumination of one or more of'the letters or window signs becomes inoperable, the sign shall be turned off until appropriate repairs are made." Motion carried 4-0. STAFF CONCERNS: 5. Report on Actions taken at the June 21, _1.999 City Council Meetings Elizabeth A. Binsack, Director of Community .Development reported on the subject agenda. COMMISSION CONCERNS: Commissioner Kozak Noted that fight sequencing at 17" Street and Carroll Way is allowing only 2 or 3 vehicles to move through the intersection and causing a backup of traffic. The Director responded that she would inform Doug Anderson, Senior Project Manager—.Traffic.- - ' Asked if a decision was made to cancel the second meeting in July. The Director stated that she did-not believe there would be any items for that . meeting but staff would need to decide at.-a. later date and ,would inform_ the Commission at that time. Commissioner Browne - Asked staff to leave the invocation on the agenda. The Commission decided that Commissioners Browne and Kozak will rotate the invocation duty. - Invited everyone to the Tustin Meadows annual 44 of July celebration and- parade on July 3'. Planning Commission Minutes June 28, 1999 Page 5 Commissioner Davert Reminded everyone about the City's annual 4' of July fireworks show at Tustin High School. - Noted that traffic lights are not visible from the westbound lane on 17' Street and need to be adjusted. Chairperson Pontious Welcomed Steve Kozak back after his surgery. - Noted that the Arco station on the corner of Mitchell and Red Hill has an ATM sign attached to a light pole and believed it may lead to the proliferation of signs. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Davert _moved. Commissioner Kozak_seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m. Motion carried 4-0. A regular meeting of the Planning Commission will be held on July 12, 1999 beginning at 7:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin. . ITEM #2 e .ort to_-the � - Plan ning Commission DATE: JULY 12, 1999 SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT- 99-002, F' DESIGN,REVIEW 99-001 AND SIGN CODE EXCEPTION 99-001 OWNER/ EDGAR PANKEY TRUST 320 WEST MAIN STREET - TUSTIN, CA 92780 APPLICANT: KENT J. BICKELL' CONSOLIDATED RESTAURANTS OF CALIFORNIA r. 15375 BARRANCA PARKWAY.#G-105 IRVINE, CA 92618. LOCATION: 13922 RED HILL AVENUE -ZONING: CENTRAL COMMERCIAL(C-2) . ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: A. NEGATIVE DECLARATION HAS BEEN, PREPARED IN • CONFORMANCE ,WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT(CEQA), REQUEST: . 1. A REQUEST TO ESTABLISH A 3,322 SQUARE FOOT FAST FOOD RESTAURANT WITH .DRIVE-THRU OPERATIONS WITHIN A COMMERCIAL CENTER. 2. A REQUEST FOR A SIGN CODE EXCEPTION TO INSTALL FOUR (4) WALL SIGNS AND ONE (1) FIFTY (50) FOOT TALL POLE SIGN. RECOMMENDATION 1. Adopt Resolution No. 3680 approving the Environmental Determination;and, .2. Adopt Resolution No. 3681 approving Conditional Use Permit 99-002, Design Review 99-001 and Sign Code Exception 99-001. Planning Commission Report CUP 99-002,DR 99-001,SCE 99-001 July 12, 1999 Page 2 INTRODUCTION The applicant proposes to construct a Wendy's 3,322 square foot fast-food restaurant. with a drive-thru facility on a vacant 39;000 square foot site at 13922 Red Hill Avenue. A total.of 96 seats are proposed for the dining area and the operating hours would be from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. Sunday through Thursday, and 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. Tustin City Code Section 9233c(g) allows restaurants with drive- _ thru service in the C-2 zoning district, subject to approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The applicant is also proposing to install four (4) wall signs and a fifty (50) foot tall pole sign. These proposed sign elements exceed'the standards contained in the Tustin Sign Code, and necessitate a Sign Code Exception. - r - 4 Site and Surrounding Properties The project site is located at the southeast corner of Red Hill Avenue and EI Camino Real (see Location Map -Attachment A). A freeway on-ramp and a'service station are located across Red Hill Avenue to the west, and a service station and retail commercial center are located to the north across El Camino Real. The 1-5 Santa Ana Freeway is located to the south and the freeway right-of-way and a hotel are located to the east along El Camino Real. DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS The- discussion that follows includes analyses of the' proposed site plan, parkin&irculation, noise, signage, and landscaping/architecture. Parking and Circulation The applicant contracted with RKJK & Associates to prepare a traffic study to determine the impacts of the proposed project on the surrounding roadway system. The traffic study concluded that the project would generate approximately 1,.464 Average Daily Trips (ADT), with 147 vehicles per hour during the AM peak hour, 147 vehicles per hour during the mid-day peak hour, and 98 vehicles per hour during the PM peak hour. These volumes are not expected to degrade the Levels of Service (LOS) at the adjacent intersections, which are currently operating at LOS "D", with the incorporation of the following improvements: • Two access driveways onto EI Camino Real should be provided. The eastern driveway should provide full access with one lane in and two lanes out. The western driveway should be restricted to right turns in/out only with signing and striping, and provide one lane in and one lane.out. • 'The applicant should dedicate the right-of-way for the construction of EI Camino Real from Red Hill Avenue to the eastern project boundary as a Secondary Arterial Highway. . Planning Commission Report CUP 99-002,DR 99-001,SCE 99-001 July 12, 1999 Page 3 • Sight distance at each access driveway should be reviewed with respect to Orange County Public Facilities and Resources Department Standard Plan 1117 when-landscaping and improvement plans are prepared. These improvements have been incorporated into Resolution No. 3681 as Conditions of Approval. Parking for the project is proposed' primarily to the east of the restaurant with supplemental parking spaces located along the north and west sides of, the building. Parking for fast food restaurants is required at a ratio of 1 space for every 3 -seats; therefore, the proposed restaurant will require a minimum of thirty-two-(32) spaces. The applicant will provide thirty-six(36) stalls. The entrance to the drive-thru facility is proposed from an exclusive drive-thru lane on the north side of the restaurant. The drive-thru lane, approximately nine (9) feet in width, will direct vehicles west, then south to the pick-up window, and east to the exit. The applicant proposes to use a two-window ordering system, which has a menu board for ordering and separate windows for paying and food pick-up. The configuration of the drive-thru lane enables vehicles to stack in front of the menu board and additional vehicles to stack from the menu order board to the pick-up window. Noise The drive-thru operation will require the use of a loudspeaker system for receiving. food orders at the menu board, and customers waiting in the drive-thru lane will increase noise levels with idling vehicles and radios. The project site is bordered on two sides by commercial uses and on the other two sides by freeway rights-of-way; therefore, it is not likely that operational noise from the proposed restaurant will measurably increase ambient noise levels. In an effort to attenuate operational noise impacts, the following conditions of approval have been included on the project: Hours of operation of the restaurant will be limited to 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. daily. Should the noise produced by restaurant operations become -a nuisance, the applicant shall be required to prepare a noise study to ascertain compliance with the City of Tustin Noise Ordinance, and implement mitigation measures identified by the noise study. Signage The applicant is proposing a monument sign mounted at the western end of the property, which complies with the standards contained in the City of Tustin Sign Code.. The applicant has also proposed four (4) wall signs and a fifty (50) foot high pole sign. These proposed sign treatments do not comply with the standards contained in the City of Tustin Sign Code. To address this, the applicant has applied for a Sign Code Exception for both sign treatments(see Attachment C'- Sign Code Exception). Planning Commission Report CUP,99-002,DR 99-001,SCE 99-001 July 12, 1999 Page 4 - The Tustin Sign Code allows freestanding commercial uses with a minimum of 150 lineal feet of street frontage to have a monument sign. The sign could be a maximum of six (6) feet high and up to thirty-two (32) square feet in-area. The applicant has proposed a six (6) foot high monument sign with thirty-two(32) square feet of sign area. The Tustin Sign Code-allows freestanding commercial uses to have one primary wall-sign of a maximum of 75 square feet of sign area and..up to two secondary signs of a maximum of 25 square feet of area each,. or an aggregate total of three (3).wall signs (one primary and.two secondary) totaling 125 square feet of area.- The applicant is, showing conceptual plans for four (4) wall signs to be mounted on the building, one,per elevation. One is approximately seventeen (17) square feet in size and contains "Wendy's" copy; two are thirty (30) square feet in size and contain "Wendy's" copy and the corporate logo; the last-one is .approximately forty-one (41) square feet in size and contains the copy and logo as well as incorporating the corporate drive-thru window copy, The total sign area is approximately,121 square feet,, which is. less than the aggregate total allowed by the City of Tustin Sign Code for one ,primary and two' secondary wall signs. Section 9404(B)(3)of the Tustin Sign Code allows certain business with freeway frontage, such-'as auto services, lodging facilities or eating facilities to have,a freestanding freeway i sign. -This sign is limited to a maximum of twenty-four(24).feet in height and a maximum area of fifty (50)-square feet. The applicant is proposing-a fifty (50) foot high pylon pole sign-located at the eastern end of the ,property. The proposed sign would be a double- faced sign can, 180 square feet 'in size. Wendy's corporate signage is generally red, black and white, with light blue accents on the logo. Based on a• review of the application, the proposed exception for the -wall signage is appropriate given that the aggregate total of the proposed wall signs does not exceed the maximum aggregate total allowed under the Tustin Sign Code. . In addition, then number of wall signs is appropriate given that the property is bounded on :all sides by street and freeway rights-of-way. However, the proposed freeway sign is not acceptable in that it more than doubles the maximum height allowed and more than triples the maximum area- allowed under the Tustin Sign Code. The appropriate findings for the Sign Code Exception'have beert included in Resolution No. 3681. Planning Commission Report CUP 99-002,DR 99-001,SCE 99-001 July 12,1999 Page 5 Architectural Design/Hardscape/Landscape The architectural design of the project is generally consistent with Spanish Colonial design themes, incorporating column elements and a pitched tile roof. The building is 21 feet in height and portions of the building (the dining area and the back-portion of the kitchen area) have a the roof canopy at either 14 feet or 16 feet in height. The building will be a light beige stucco plaster, with darker tan stucco used for reveal/trim details. An _ eight inch wide red trim band is proposed below the top of the column elements and above the windows around the dining area. Tustin City Code Section 9233(B) allows a maximum building height of 50 feet within the C-2 Zone. Condition No. 4.8 of Resolution No. 3681 has been included requiring all exterior and/or roof-mounted'equipment to be screened by the roof parapet or an exterior screen wall designed to be consistentwith the main building. To control odor and smoke/particulate emiss.1on, Condition 4.2 has been included requiring the applicant utilize Best Available Control Technology (BACT) on all cooking and exhaust equipment in accordance with AQMD standards. The hardscape elements proposed are primarily concrete walkways. A trash enclosure is to be constructed along the west elevation of the building, adjacent to Red Hill Avenue. Staff is concerned about the visibility of the trash enclosure to traffic on Red Hill Avenue, given the proposed location. Condition No. 4.12 has been included in Resolution No. 3681 requiring the applicant to relocate the trash enclosure to the. eastern end of the property, adjacent to the Caltrans sound wall. Exterior lighting for the project will consist of light standards mounted in the parking lot, and wall-mounted fixtures. The parking area lights are to be 22 foot tall standards with fixtures that project light directly downward. Condition 2.4 has also been included requiring that all wall-mounted lighting consist of decorative fixtures appropriate for a Spanish Colonial building that project light directly downward.. In accordance with the City's Security Code, all lighting shall be developed to provide a minimum of one (1) foot-candle of light coverage. The plant palette includes Magnolia street trees along Red Hill Avenue and El Camino Real, adding Texas Privet (Ligustrum) shrubbery around the perimeter of the site to screen parking lot glare from adjacent properties. The building is to be screened with additional privet shrubs, Mexican Fan Palm trees and Star Jasmine ground cover. Parking lot landscaping includes Star Jasmine ground cover, lawn areas, Mexican Fan Palms and Crape Myrtle trees. A landscape berm along Red Hill. Avenue has been proposed to screen the drive-thru and trash enclosure from Red Hill Avenue. Creeper vines have been proposed to be attached to the trash enclosure and Caltrans sound wall to further screen them from view. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT In determining whether to approve a Conditional Use Permit for the drive-thru facility, the Planning Commission must determine whether or not the establishment of the use requested would be detrimental to the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the use, or whether it will be injurious or detrimental to property and improvements in the neighborhood or!general welfare of Planning Commission Report _CUP 99-002,DR 99-001,SCE 99-001 July 12,1999 Page 6 the City. If the use is operated as identified in the project application, the mitigation measures included in the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Resolution of Approval, the proposed drive-through service should not be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of the persons working in the area of, and/or using the proposed use for the following reasons: 1) On-site traffic concerns would be mitigated through the implementation of the improvements identified in the applicant's traffic study and recommended-by the City's Traffic Engineer. _ 2) As conditioned, light/glare and noise from the drive-thru facility would be screened through the use of proposed site and landscaping improvements. 3) The hours of operation would be limited to 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m., daily. 4) All operations, including the drive-thru and menu board shall comply with the City of Tustin.Noise Ordinance. z�Q Br J. ns lizabeth A. Binsack Assistant F'Nn& Community Development Director BE:Cup99002paepon Attachments: _ A- Location Map B - Submitted Plans/Application C - Negative Declaration D - Resolution Nos. 3680 and 3681 ATTACHMENT A LOCATION. MAP LO CATI ON MAP TO M JOR[E VEEH 13671 0 73691 , ' 13701 � r � 75771 : 31 --------------------------------- J SAN JUAN STREET -----•_•---- ------- --------------� ------ -----ry :13742 I I f39<7 � :71N ' 13901 3 YCAMD9= OR=_K 02 j w l TUSTIN WOODS I { ZI Lu , j � j'39sz a I � l 1 - I :367 TUSTIN EAST VILLArG, '•� :3921 13922 � ' ~ EL CAMINO REAL 11-51 SANTA ANA FREEWAY r i ATTACHMENT B SUBMITTED PLANSIAPPLICATION t' Y p CO, IMUNITY E)EVELOP L_:NT DEPARTNEN = SQPPLIMENTAL APPLICATION FORM Sign Code Exception _0 XI Tustin-City Code Section'9405C requires the City to make five —positive findings to approve a Sign Code Exception. Please answer ` the following questions to provide evidence In support of the _ necessary findings. Please attach a sepafate sheet if necessary. _ 1. Is the sign size and piacernent restrictions of the Sign Code followed as closely as practicable? S lG ! 2. is the intent and purpose of the sign regulations for the land use zone in which the sign is to be located followed as closely as practical? r .. Are there special circumstances unique to the property to justify the exception? 4. How would the granting of the exception not have a negative impact on surrounding properties? 5. .Haw .does 1-he exception promote the public health, safety, welfare and aesthetics of the community and the intent of the Sign Code? I hereby acknowledge that all of the Information contained In this "supplemental application Is, to the best of my knowledge and bellef, true and correctly represented. I hereby grant the City the authority to place a public hearing notice on the property for which the sign code exception Is requested, If required. i Land Owner's Signature Date Applicant's Signature (if different) Date 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California 92780 (714)573-3140 FAX(714)573-3113 City of Tustin Community Development Department SIGN CODE EXCEPTION 1) Relative to both the PYLON SIGN and the BUILDING SIGNS a sign code exception is being requested due to the unique orientation of the subject property, including its three (3) right of way frontages and the desire not to suffer a competitive disadvantage to other businesses similarly located adjacent to a freeway right of way. 2) The City of Tustin' s sign regulations for the C-2 zone were followed as closely at possible without defeating the purpose of the signs and or significantly exceeding the total sign area allowed for BUILDING SIGNS . We respectfully request that BUILDING SIGNS be allowed on each building elevation as shown on the elevations . Relative to the PYLON SIGN the sign code as it exists places a significant handicap on this and future freeway uses in Tustin and puts such uses at a significant disadvantage to competitors in other communities, in other Tustin zoning districts, as well as competitors approved under older less' restrictive ordinances . California state. law, Business and Professions Code section 5499, protects the right of a property owner to identify the uses on its property when the property' s visibility is . impaired by topographic circumstances as is the case with the subject property. Both the height of the freeway (Interstate 5) -above the subject as well as the distance from the property to the start of the north bound exit ramp require that the PYLON SIGN be both taller and ,larger than is allowed by the sign code. 3) The unique circumstances surrounding the exception request for the BUILDING SIGNS are the fact that the property and the building abut rights of way on the north, south, and west frontages, and that the building entrances and the main parking area for the building are located to the east of the building. In light of :this situation we are requesting the right to install BUILDING SIGNS on four elevations rather than three elevations as allowed by the sign code. The unique circumstances surrounding the exception request for the PYLON SIGN are the property' s location relative to the readers of said sign which are travelling on .Interstate 5 . Unless the sign is at a height and of a size that can be seen and read by drivers on the freeway, especially northbound drivers before they pass the north bound exit ramp, the sign is of limited value .. The California Business and Professions Code protects the right to create visibility to this group of people. S SIGN MATRIX WENDY' S OLD, FASHIONED HAMBURGERS SOUTH EAST CORNER OF REDHILL AVE. AND EL CAMINO REAL . NORTH WALL SIGN "WENDY'S" 31X10' 30 s .f. 75 s .f. CAMEO included above SOUTH WALL SIGN "WENDY' S'! 31x10 ' 30 25 CAMEO included above "EXPRESS W. . " 14 .41, WEST WALL SIGN "WENDY' S" 31x10' 30 s . f . - 25 CAMEO included above EAST WALL SIGN "WENDY' S" 2 .5'xG' +I- 17 s. f. 0 TOTAL BUILDING SIGN AREA 121 .41 s .f . MAXIMUM TOTAL _SIGN AREA BY ORDINANCE 125 s .f. r • Sign Code Exception City of Tustin Wendy' s, Red Hill at El Camino Real March 26, 1999 Page 2 4) The granting of the requested exceptions to the sign code should have no negative impact on 'the neighboring properties or the City of Tustin and in fact should have a positive effect in that business at this interchange may be affected positively. : 5) Granting the exception will not detract from the public health safety and welfare and may assist by providing- timely notice to motorists of the existence of the business so that turning movements from the adjacent streets or freeway may be planned and executed prior to the last minute . Further, granting the exception promotes the intent of the sign code by following the directive of ,the code' s opening sentence which reads, " . . .to promote community identity and effective business identification. . . " . Finally, the granting of the exception will promote the aesthetics of .the building by adding color and interest and may further promote the health safety and welfare: of the community as a result of the ongoing • involvement by an economically successful store operator in vario munity activities. Lai 0wne bate Applicant Date f WENDrS .4kdL. Elam _- TUSTIN - mt Pd^a zu ,. lomLot 1 � t 10 I1I ,1► / \ �n /+i,� jw 0000 ■ 1 f ACK � •���i ■ r'f - v• -* -1....f' T iir"I--r-T-'7--�-� li.® -•M ®f.O=fM1.MRL 0.0 noivw vrr mfo+r 9;r AMIM F3W M Hl A48" AnMMM PARC!fA-Oft-Of AM 01 Dom mw,,a F7(AO mw rama) - mneu nAx xsounae t>af�rlr,m.olen PROJECT SUMMARY 817E AREA CROSS AREA J9,325 SF NET AREA J2,073 SF BMM0 A1jEA GROSS AREA 3,322 SF to LAAWSCAM AREA GROSS AREA' 12,9b5 SF (JJ X) .,-, f.9(M"'SMC in S it� NET AREA 6,978 Sr(21.8X) U PARMWO REQUIRED. J2 STALLS it svAa/s sem-as surd PROVIDED: 36 STALLS U • m mom"MM 1.n•ana•�.m ,,,� ' •It�— war •>!Y r• �•rr+••S rai rw n -- wEflr�s Emm for" TUSTIFN lag I _, W r f � ��� 1.u^ A !11 � • � 1 L � I 1 1�tM •'�..` "' L=� `� 'r_� _ __' _____-_ 1 wS r �� ►.,n tet. `_' arYaa TYPICAL FRONT ELEVATION ATYPICAL SIDE.& REAR ELEVATIONS 101n""` SCALES NONE 'SCALES NONE - I *1 � •�. ' �� � IYfIF. �� I ....rte..^,_ I j PICK-UP�cL� --- — �Gs �� _� t :•• WINDOW EXIT ONLY Ire ISI rY PAVEMENT MARKER DETAILS 6 t tdla 1 rla•W 7 'Na r .lw. .�R a I/f.rR rr4 , � •W act ' 1�IRTML rys ars `""••' GATE LATCH DETAIL 'A" ��Ir� Cl [] [] E1 ■ arl.ra.wsr w.wwr .rl. �mow"w.y faf•conty a rear wl M rim wYwur+a al+. - _ lir a@ ilrl IIS� -�• .. - . •F_. r rr STANDARD TRASH ENCLOSURE PLAN •6 E E•6 6 •6 S• •p ,p arJYL MW 6•E ,� �B.E .d .!•e .d I o y�� E• .a .e•a.a losrL_ama. Ino t:v sws"r"s'r1..�r�rl CATS LATCH-DETAIL 'B• �-�•1a—� CONCRETE WALK RAMP IUL� � •luw.. .Ila.\••I.R wY.M f..l �.��/r Ib•.•-�1 M>n II.s wV..�N.w•w.y VA w�wf .V M IY •I1O.11 YM.+ WI7*•.O1Q7 aMl+K RMIMI a[Y. iri w.w • nnl 1•at NM rr e0 .. �'• r�rill�m s Jao Y-,W",A 6 - V+•- rw+R.a�•�ncl (�A 1 I :iti:L, �•• I I ISI N =o� a 1 a •�•i'1� w�iii d MAIM ilw Wr f.rt Ul�{• :r 1 1. �� 1�Mrt. T 0) Ya�nlPl.�Rlr w I■ .,I,r,' BarI111•f4w rDR! MMOM ■w..1..r ` J r t�pf9f��SIIIEll Y. OK Y AIIM AV W-C EC WMK AT � aRl� Vr •••L',• A-Wf S��' �d/a t�S R1rC 11118 L s Soma OF So M��a m��.cr�i Su"Am Pa as W" on ornr nr Q EXTERIOR POLE LIGHTS EILTERIOR_SIGNAGE FOOTER F CONCRETE CURB 0 LANDSCaAPE �WALL SCONCE FIXTURE I+d�lI�1 JOA Architects 44,-4- 3•-4• 34'-10- . ELEG �y� � � � • Cy Q } _ SERYIlEC AREA C Ct N W o o o O O o [ © �® LO N N = 3'-4.3'-D'1'2' 33'_4- 2' 44'-4• 13 h o JdwA.wMm cc d I � IKR WKS WEND rS .. ----_--- O � �Ps� ��-- ..r TUSTIIN C ,14x•.it r� m.,I ww.a ►�a. 0nu ..' tura L MM is rmn SOUTH ELEVATIONw rFIM �,rl�ww.iM y 4 P ------- 11 �+v- ® 13 013 /� Ioi - r�MA .1.1. MI PY 4) OP -1 M NORTH ELEVATION enm fP_ •"� r IRL A IIIR O r_ILR KI- �1YRV[ In'1.PPy � fpl. U P CD 10. AF) y AJ IffJ Yl0 1/}/� Uf>�hV11-M L rlra enn Q t.t I In'-r_r QIPO Wwtae WEST ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION F., o- rte' r.� Ind err Y r '• w.3 ATTACHMENT'C . INITIAL STUDY/NEGATIVE DECLARATIOPF 'z • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 573.3100 INITIAL STUDY A. BACKGROUND _T Project Title: Conditional Use Permit 99-002 & Design Review 99-001.' & Sign Code Exception 99-001 -- Lead Agency: City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92780 Lead Agency Contact Person.: Bradley J. Evanson . Phone: (714) 573-3118 Project Location: 13922 Red Hill Avenue Project Sponsor's Name and Address: Consolidated Restaurants of California, Inc. • Kent J. Bick6ll 15375 Barra nca.Parkway, Suite G-105 Irvine, CA 92618 General Plan Designation: Community Commercial Zoning Designation: Central Commercial District (C-2) Project Description: Construction of.a 3,300 square foot Wendy's restaurant with drive-thru. service and�a sign code exception to allow four (4) wall signs and a fifty (50) foot tall pole sign. Surrounding Uses: North: Retail Commercial East: Commercial, High-Density Residential South: Freeway right-of-way West: Commercial Other public agencies whose approval is required: Orange County Fire Authority F-] City of Irvine Orange County-Health Care Agency Q City of Santa Ana • ❑ South Coast Air Quality Management 0 Orange County District EMA Other B. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least o impact that is a"Potentially Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist in Section D below. Land Use and Planning OHazards Population and Housing Noise Geological Problems Public Services Water FlUtilities and Service Systems F]Air Quality []Aesthetics Transportation& Circulation Cultural Resources []BiologicaI Resources DRecreation REnergy and Mineral Resources Mandatory Findings of Significance -- C. DETERMINATION: On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. ®' I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment,there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet. have been added to the project. 'A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. • I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effects) on the environment, but at least one effect 1) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2)has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets, if the effect is a"Potentially Significant Impact"or"Potentially Significant Unless Mitigated." An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there WILL NOT be a significant effect in this case because all potentially significant effects 1) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR pursuant to applicable standards, and 2)have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment,there WILL NOT be a significant effect in this case because all potentially significant effects 1) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier NEGATIVE DECLARATION pursuant to applicable standards, and 2) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier NEGATIVE DECLARATION, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project. Preparer: Title Date Elizabeth A.Binsack, Community Development Director D. EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL U14PACTS Directions 1) A brief exp!anation is required for all answers except"No Impact"answers that are.adequately supported by the information sources a lead agency cites in the parentheses following each question. A"No Impact"answer is adequately supported if the referenced information sources show that the impact simply does not apply to projects like the one involved(e.g.,.the project falls outside a fault rupture zone).-A"No Impact'answer should be explained where it is based on project-specific factors and general standards(e.g.,the project will not expose sensitive receptors to pollutants,based on a project-specific screening analysis). 2) All answers must take into.account the whole action involved,including off-site,on-site,•curiiulative project level, indirect,direct,construction,and operational impacts. 3) Once the lead agency has.determined that a particular physical impact may occur,then the checklist answers must indicate whether the impact ispotentially significant,less than significant with mitigation,or less than significant. "Potentially Significant Impact"is-appropriate if there is substantial evidence that an effect may be significant.=If there are one or more"Potentially Significant Impace'entries when the determination is made,and EIR is required. 4) "Negative Declaration: Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated"applies where the incorporation of mitigation measures has reduced an effect from "Potentially Significant Impact"to a"Less than Significant . Impact." The lead agency must describe the mitigation measures,and briefly explain how they reduce the effect to a less than significant 16vel (mitigation measures from Section XVII,"Earlier Analyses,"may be cross- referenced). �) Earlier analyses may be used where,pursuant to the tiering,program EIR,or other CEQA process,an effect has been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration. Section 15063 (c)(3)(D). In this case, a brief discussion should identify the following: a) Earlier Analysis Used. Identify and state where they are available for review. b) Impacts.Adequately Addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist.were within the scope of and adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards,and state whether such-effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis. c) Mitigation Measures. For effects that are"Less than Significant with Mitigation Measures Incorporated," describe the mitigation measures which were incorporated or refined from,the earlier document and the extent to which they address site-specific conditions for the project. 6) Lead agencies are encouraged to incorporate into the checklist references to information sources for potential impacts(e.g.,general plans,zoning ordinances). Reference to a previously prepared or outside document should, where appropriate,include a reference to the page or pages where the statement is substantiated. 7) Supporting Information Sources:•A source Iist should be attached,and other sources used or individuals contacted should be cited in the discussion. 8) This is only a suggested form, and lead agencies are free to use different formats;however„lead agencies normally address the questions from this checklist that are relevant to a project's environmental effects in whatever format is selected. �) The explanation of each issue should identify: a) the significance criteria or threshold,if any,used to evaluate each question;and, b) the mitigation measure identified,if ariy,to reduce the,impact to less than,significance. I� EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Less Than Significant Potentially 9,71h Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant I. AESTHETICS—Would the project: Impact Incorporation Impact No Impa a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? ❑ ❑ ❑ b) Substantially damage scenic resources,including,but not limited to,trees,rock outcroppings,and historic buildings within a state scenic highway? [] [] [] c) Substantially degrade the existing visual character or- quality of the site and its surroundings? d) Create a new source of substantial light or glare which would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area? ❑ ® --` ❑ 11. AGRICULTURE RESOURCES: In determining whether impacts to agricultural resources are significant environmental effects,lead agencies may refer to the California Agricultural Land Evaluation and Site Assessment Model(1997)prepared by the California Dept. of Conservation as an optional model to use in assessing impacts ori agriculture and farmland. Would the project: a) Convert Prime Farmland,Unique Farmland,or Farmland of Statewide Importance(Farmland),as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Resources Agency,to non- agricultural use? ❑ ❑ ❑ no b) Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use,or a Williamson Act contract? ❑ ❑ c) Involve other changes in the existing environment which, due to their location or nature,could result in conversion of Farmland,to non-agricultural use? ❑ ❑ ❑ IIT. AIR OUALITX: Where available,the significance criteria established by the applicable air quality management or air pollution control district may be relied upon to make the following determinations. Would the project: a) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan? ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 . b) Violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing orprojected air quality violation? ❑ ❑ ❑ c) Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is non- attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard(including releasing emissions which exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors)? ❑ ❑ d) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations? ® ❑ E10 e) Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of people? ❑ ® ❑ ❑ Less Than ' Significant * Potentially YYith Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant IV. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES: -Would the project: Impact Incorporation Impact No Impact a) Have a substantial adverse effect,either directly or through habitat modifications-,on any species identified as a candidate,sensitive,or special status species in local or regional plans,policies,or regulations,or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service? ❑ ❑ 23 b) Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian habitat —or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans,policies,ieguIations or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service? ❑ ❑ ❑ c) Have a substantial adverse effect on federally protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (including,but not limited to,marsh,vernal pool, coastal,etc.) through direct removal,filling,hydrological interruption,or other means? ❑ ❑ ❑ d) Interfere substantially with the movement of any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors,or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites? ❑ ❑ iConflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources,such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance? ❑ f) Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan,Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local,regional,or state habitat conservation plan? ❑ ❑ ❑ V. CULTURAL RESOURCES: -Would the project: a) Cause a substantial adverse chane in the significance of a historical resource as defined in§ 15064.5? ❑ ❑ b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological resource pursuant to§ 15064.5? ❑ ❑ ❑ c) Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geologic feature? ❑ ❑ d) Disturb any human remains, including those interred outside of formal cemeteries? ❑ YI. GEOLOGY AND SOILS: -Would the project: Expose people or structures to potential substantial advme effects,including the risk of loss, injury,or death_ involving: Less Than Significant Potentially R'ith Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant Impact Incorporation Impact No In Ab i) Rupture of a known earthquake fault, as delineated on the most recent Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on other substantial evidence of a known fault?;Refer to Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication 42. ❑ ® ❑ ii) Strong seismic ground shaking? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ iii) Seismic-related ground failure,including liquefaction? ❑ ❑ _iv) Landslides? ❑ ❑ ❑ b) Result insubstantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil? ❑ El - ' c) Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable,or that would become unstable as a result of the project,and potentially result in on-or off-site landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence, liquefaction or collapse? ❑ ❑ ® ❑ d) Be located on expansive soil,as defined in Table 18-1-B of the Uniform Building Code(1994),creating substantial risks to life or property? ❑ ❑ e) Have soils incapable of adequately supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative waste water disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal of waste water? ❑ ❑ ❑ VILTIAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: Would the project: a) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport,use, or disposal of hazardous materials? ❑ ❑ ❑ ® . b) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment? ❑ ❑ ' ❑ c) Emit hazardous emi$sions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials,substances, or waste within one-quarter mile of an existing or proposed school? ❑ ❑ d) Be located on a site which is included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 and,as a result,would it create a significant hazard to the public or the environment? ❑ ❑ e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted,within two miles of a public airport or public use airport,would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? ❑ ❑ ❑ f) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? ❑ Less Than. Significant Potentially With Less Than • Significant Mitigation Significant g) Impair implementation of or physically interfere with an Impact Incorporation Impact No Impact adopted emergency response plan or-emergency evacuation plan? ❑ ❑ ❑ h) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving wildland fires,including where wildlands are adjacent to urbanized areas or where residences are intermixed with wildlands? ❑ ❑ ❑ VIII. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY: =Would —the project: a) Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge - requirements? ❑ ❑ [] b) Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table level(e.g:,the production rate of pre- existing nearby wells would drop to a level which would not support existing land uses or planned uses for which permits have been granted)? El' El c) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area,including through the alteration of the course of a earn or river, in a manner which would result in substantial rosion or siltation on-or off-site? ❑ ❑ d) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area,including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river,or substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner which would result in flooding on- or off-site? ❑ El Z e) Create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff? ❑ ❑ ❑ f) Otherwise substantially degrade water quality? ❑ ❑ ❑ Cr Place housing within a 100-year flood hazard area as mapped on a federal Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map or other flood hazard delineation map? ❑ ❑ ❑ h) Place within a 100-year flood hazard area structures which would impede or redirect flood flows? ❑ [] i) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam? ❑ ❑ �] Inundation by seiche,tsunami,or mudflow? [] ❑ . LAND USE AND PLANNING—Would the project: a) Physically divide an established community? ❑ ] ❑ S. f Less Than Significant Potentially With Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant b) Conflict with any applicable land use plan,policy,or Impact Incorporation Impact No Intp regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the project (including,but not Iimited to the general plan, specific plan, local coastal program,or zoning ordinance)adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect? El El c) Conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan or natural community conservation plan? X. MINERAL RESOURCES—Would the project: a) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of value to the region and the residents -- of the state? ❑ ❑ _ b) Result in the loss of availability of a locally-important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general .plan,specific plan or other land use plan? ❑ ❑ XI. NOISE— Would the project result in: a) Exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance,or applicable standards of other agencies? b) Exposure of persons to or generation of excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels? 0 El 0 c) A substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? E ® ❑ E] d) A substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? ❑ ® ❑ ❑ e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted,within two miles of a public airport or public use airport,would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? ❑ f) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excess noise levels? XIL POPULATION AND HOUSING—Would the project: a) Induce substantial population growth in an area,either directly(for example,by proposing new homes and businesses)or indirectly(for example,through extension of roads or other infrastructure)? ❑ 0 b) Displace substantial numbers of existing housing, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewliere? El El El , E Less Than. Significant Potentially With Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant Impact Incorporation Impact No Impact C) Displace substantial numbers'of people,necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? [] ❑ XIII. PUBLIC SERVICES a) Would the project result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities,need for new or physically altered governmental-facilities,the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts,in order to maintain acceptable service ratios,response times or other performance objectives for any of the public services: Fire protection? ❑ ❑ ❑ Police protection? [] Schools? ❑ ❑ ❑ Parks? ❑ ❑ ❑ Other public facilities? ❑ ' ❑ ❑ AhX_IV. RECREATION- -a) Would the project increase the use of existing neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the facility would occur or be accelerated?, ❑ ❑ ❑ b)- Does the project include.recreational facilities or require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities which might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? ❑ ❑ ❑ E XV.TRANSPORTATIONITRAFFIC—Would the project: a) Cause an increase in traffic which is substantial in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system (i.e.result in a substantial increase in either the number of vehicle trips,the volume to capacity ratio on roads,or congestion at intersections)? ❑ ® ❑ b) Exceed,either individually or cumulatively,a level of service standard established by the county congestion management agency for designated roads or highways? ❑ ® ❑ ❑ c) Result in a change in air traffic patterns,including either an increase in traffic levels or a change in location that results in substantial safety risks? ❑ ❑ ❑ Substantially increase hazards due to a design feature(e.g. . sharp curves or dangerous intersections)or incompatible uses (e.g.,farm equipment)? ❑ e) Result in inadequate emergency access? ❑ ❑ ❑ E f) Result in inadequate parking capacity? ❑ ❑ �' ❑ _ Less Than Significant Potentially With Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant Impact Incorporation Impact No Imp g) Conflict with adopted policies,plans,or programs supporting alternative transportation(e.g.,bus turnouts, bicycle racks)? ❑ ❑ XVI. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS— Would the project: a) Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the ,applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board? ❑ b) Require or result in the construction of new water or wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of existing _ facilities,the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? ❑ ❑ [[ c) Require or.result in the construction of new storm water drainage facilities or expansion of existing facilities,the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? ❑ ❑ E d) Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project from existing entitlements and resources, or are new or expanded entitlements needed? El ❑ e) Result in a determination by the wastewater treatment provider which serves or may serve the project that it has adequate capacity to serve the project's projected demand in addition to the provider's existing commitments? El EI EI M f) Be served by a landfill with sufficient permitted capacity to accommodate the project's solid waste disposal needs? ❑ ❑ ❑ ;) Comply with federal,state, and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste? [] [] El z XVII.MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment,substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species,cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels,threaten to eliminate a plant or, animal community,reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? ❑ ❑ ❑ b) Does the project have impacts that are individually limited,but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable"means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects,the effects of other current projects,and the effects of probable future projects)? [] c) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings,either directly or indirectly? ❑ i i ATTACHMENT A - EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACTS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 99-002, DESIGN REVIEW 99-001. & SIGN CODE EXCEPTION 99-001 - BACKGROUND The project site, an approximately 0.9 acre vacant parcel, is Iocated at-13922 Red Hill Avenue,-at the southeast corner of Red Hill Avenue and El Camino Real. The area in - which the project site is located is surrounded by.developed retail, commercial, and high density residential, areas. The project site is located in the Central Commercial (c-2) Zoning District. The proposed project involves the construction of a Wendy's restaurant facility and drive-thru, owned and operated by Consolidated Restaurants of California, Inc.., including the following: 1.) Construction of a 3,322 square foot restaurant facility, including a drive- thru that will service approximately 1,464 average daily trips per day. 2.) Construction-of landscape planters, trash enclosure and paved surface for circulation and parking_ . Design Review 99-001 is required to:authorize site design, architecture and landscaping; Conditionaltse Permit 99-002.is required to.-authorize the construction of a drive-thru; and Sign Code Exception 99-001 is required to authorize the production of four (4) wall signs and a fifty(5 0) foot tall pole sign. 1. AESTHETICS Items a&b.--No Impact: The project site is not located on a scenic highway nor does it affect a scenic vista. Items c& d-Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporation: The proposed project will establish a new building at a prominent intersection. within the community. The building has been.designed to complement the architectural styles of existing adjacent.buildings. Over 30% of the site is proposed to be landscaping. Landscaping is required to be provided around the perimeter of the site and within the parking areas. Landscaping adjacent to the public right-of-ways is required to screen the view of the parking areas, consistent with the Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines. Lighting on the site will be required to be directed on-site to avoid glare on adjacent arterials and properties. i i Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: • 1.1 The applicant shall provide details of all proposed lighting fixtures and a photometric study showing the Iocation and anticipated distribution pattern of light of all proposed fixtures. All new light fixtures shall be designed with the architecture of the building. All exterior lighting shall be designed and arranged as not to direct light or glare onto adjacent properties, including the adjacent streets. All lighting shall be developed to provide a minimum of one (1) footcandle of light coverage, in accordance with the City's Security Code. 1.2 The site shall be landscaped consistent with the City's Landscaping_and Irrigation Guidelines. Landscaping shall consist of a combination of berming and sufficient numbers of shrubs and trees to provide adequate screening, subject to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. With the implementation of the mitigation measure and the conditions of approval, impacts related to aesthetics will be reduced to a level of insignificance. Sources: Project Application Tustin Security Code 2. AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES Items ab & c—No Impact: The proposed project will be located within an area that is vacant and was previously developed as a_ restaurant. No impacts will occur to any agricultural uses or farmland. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required Sources: Tustin General Plan 3. AIR QUALITY Items a, b, c--No Impact:With respect to long-term,air quality impacts, the proposed project involves the construction of a facility that is substantially similar to the restaurant that was previously located at the site. As such, no substantial increase in long-term emissions associated with stationary or mobile sources beyond the condition of the previous restaurant is anticipated. Minor short-term emissions of particulate matter may occur during grading. Items d & e - "Potentially Significant unless Mitigation Inco orated": The construction of the new structures may result in short term pollutants such as dust particles which will be emitted into the air. Conditions of approval will be required for the project to minimize construction activity dust generated as part of this project. The deep-frying of • some menu items as well as the charbroiling of hamburgers could result in the creation Wendy's(CUP 99-002, DR 99-001&SCE 99-001)initial Study Attachment A Page 2 of 9 of objectionable odors. A condition has been included requiring the yapplicant install emission control devices on.all cooking and exhaust equipment,- in'accordance with. AQMD standards. Such devices include, but are not limited to, fast food broiler smoke elimination catalysts. Sources: South Coast Air Quality Management District Rules & Regulations City of Tustin Grading Manual Project Application Y Field Inspection Mitigation/Monitoring Required: 3.1 The site will be required to comply with grading plan approvals with regard to dust control, which-requires the applicant to apply water to the site as specified in the Grading Code and Grading Manual. This will be monitored by the Building Division when construction commences. 3.2 The applicant will be required to install Best Available Control Technology (BACT) certified emission control devices on all cooking and exhaust equipment that complies with Southern California Air Quality Management District standards for smoke, odor and particulate generation. In particular, the applicant shall install Fast Food Broiler Smoke Elimination Catalysts on all cooking and exhaust equipment. 4. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Items a, b, c, d; e &f—No Impact: The proposed project will be located within an area that is vacant and was.previously developed with a restaurant.-No impacts will occur to endangered, threatened or rare species or habitats, locally designated species or natural communities, or wildlife dispersal or migration corridors. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required Sources: Field Inspection Tustin General Plan S. CULTURAL RESOURCES Items a. b- c& d—No Impact: The proposed project involves construction of a Wendy's restaurant facility and drive-thru-on a site that is currently vacant, but was previously developed 'with a' restaurant. No impacts to .paleontological, archaeological; historical, religious resources, or disturbing of any'human remains, will occur. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring-Required: None Required i Sources: Tustin General Plan Wendy's(CUP 99-002, DR 99-001&SCE 99-001)Initial Study Attachment A 1� Page 3 of 9 jt 6. GEOLOGY & SOILS • Items a-i. a-ii,'a-iii& c—Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporation: The topography of the site is relatively flat and would require minor precise grading activity to prepare the site for new construction. Compliance with current codes will ensure that the design and construction of the proposed .project reduces any potential impacts related to fault ruptures, ground shaking, ground failure, liquefaction or unstable soils to a level of insignificance. Due to the location of the site, liquefaction may occur. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: 6.1 All grading, drainage, vegetation and circulation shall comply with the City of Tustin Grading Manual. All construction activity shall comply with the Tustin Grading Manual which requires frequent watering of the project site to control dust. All street sections, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, lighting and storm drain shall comply with on-site improvement standards. Any deviations shall be brought to the attention of the Building Official and request for approval shall be submitted in writing prior to any approval. Items a-iv. b. d & e—No Impact: The project site is not located within an area that is subject to seiche, tsunami, volcanic hazards, landslides, or mudflows, erosion, subsidence, or expansive soils. No unique geological or physical features are present within the area. With implementation-of a condition of approval that requires the applicant to obtain all necessary approvals from the Community Development Department,: the project design and construction will reduce potential impacts to a level of insignificance. Sources: Tustin General Plan City of Tustin Grading Manual Uniform Building Code Project Application Field Evaluation 7. HAZARDS & HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Items a. b. c. d. e , f. e &h--No Im act: The proposed project will not create a significant hazard through the handling of'hazardous materials and will not foreseeably involve the accidental release of hazardous materials into the environment. The proposed project is more than a quarter of mile from any existing or proposed school sites. The project site is not located on a list of hazardous materials sites. The project site is not located within an airport land use plan or within two miles of a public or private airport. The proposed project does not • interfere with any evacuation plans or emergency response plans. The project site is Wendy's(CUP 99-002, DR 99-001&SCE 99-001)Initial Study Attachment A Page 4 of 9 ' i _ not within a wildland area, and would not expose individuals or structures to the hazards of wildland fires. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required. ,Sources:. Tustin General Plan Orange County Fire Authority Orange County Health Care Agency 8. HYDROLOGY & WATER QUALITY Items-a, b, c, d. e, f, g, h, i &j --No Impact: The project does not, violate water . quality standards or waste discharge requirements. It will not expose people or property to water related hazards such as flooding, erosion, changing the course or direction of waters movements,.or affect the quantity and quality of groundwaters. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: Norte Required. Sources: Tustin General Plan City of Tustin Grading Manual Public Works Department Orange County Healtli Care Agency Project Application 9. LAND USE PLANNING Items a, b & c—No Impact: The proposed project consists of constructing a Wendy's`restaurant facility with a drive-thru. The site is designated Community Commercial by the General Plan Land Use Map and is zoned Central Commercial District (C-2). The,drive thru is permitted subject to the approval of a conditional use permit. As proposed, the location and design of the facility is consistent with.the development standards of the C-2 zoning district. The proposed project has been designed to provide a Iandscape buffer that screens.the view of the parking areas, as recommended by the Landscape and,Irrigdtion Guidelines. ' The proposed project is similar'to and compatible with other commercial uses in the vicinity.and is located on two immediately adjacent parcels and will not divide or disrupt the area. The proposed project is not -anticipated to impact land use or planning. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required Sources: Tustin General Plan i Tustin Zoning Code Project Application Field Evaluation 'Wendy's(CUP 99-002,DR 99-001&SCE 99-001)Initial Study :. Attachment A h .' Page 5•of 9 10. MINERAL RESOURCES Items a& b--No Impact: The construction and operation of the facility will not use nonrenewable resources in a wasteful or inefficient manner. There are no known mineral resources located on the project site. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required Sources: Tustin General Plan ' 11. NOISE Item c & d—.Less Than Significant with Mimmation Incorporation: With respect to short-term noise impacts associated with construction, all construction will be required to conform to the Noise Ordinance and work may only be performed during permitted hours of construction. As such, short term noise impacts will be mitigated to a level of insignificance. As the project site is immediately adjacent to a major interstate right-of-way, no significant increase in long term noise impacts associated with generation of vehicular traffic is anticipated. Operations of the facility will be required to conform to the Noise Ordinance. Long-term operational noise will be reduced to a level of insignificance through compliance with the Noise Ordinance. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: 10.1 All construction operations, including engine warm-up and deliveries of materials and equipment, shall be subject to the provisions of the Tustin Noise Ordinance and shall take place only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, unless.otherwise determined by the Building Official/ 10-2 Construction hours shall be clearly posted on the project site to the satisfaction of the Building Official. 10.3 All operations related to the functioning of the facility, including a menu board/intercom/speaker system for the drive-thru shall be conducted in accordance with the Noise Ordinance. "With implementation of the above mitigation measures and conditions of approval, potential noise impacts are reduced to a level of insignificance. Items a,b. e & f—No Impact: The proposed project will not expose persons to, noise levels in excess of normal standards nor will it generate excessive groundborne vibration and noise levels. The project site is not located within an airport Iand use plan or within two miles of a public or private airport. -Wendy's(CUP 99-002, DR 99-001&SCE 99-001)Initial Study Attachment A Page 6 of 9 Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required. ; Sources: Tustin General PIan Noise Ordinance = Project Application ; '12. POPULATION & HOUSING Items a, b &-c=No Impact: The proposed project is located-on a vacant site that previously was developed with a restaurant and surrounded' by existing retail, commercial, and residential uses. The proposed project would not result in any direct increase in population nor induce substantial growth in the area. No impacts related to population or housing are anticipated. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required Sources: Tustin General Plan Project Application Field Evaluation 13. PUBLIC SERVICES Items a—No Impact: The pr•oj ect site and surrounding commercial properties are currently subject to fire and police protection. Prior to the I-5 Santa Ana Freeway widening, the, project site was developed with a service station and sit down restaurant. No additional resources are required to maintain these existing service levels. The .proposed project will not create additional services related' to maintenance of public facilities, including roads. Mitigation-Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required Sources: Tustin Police Department Orange County Fire Authority Tustin Public Works Department ; 1.4. RECREATION Items a&b—'No Impact: The proposed reconstruction of an existing service station would not affect existing facilities nor create a demand for recreational facilities. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required Sources: Tustin General Plan Project Application 15. TRANSPORTATION/TRAFFIC Wendy's(CUP 99-002, DR 99-001&SCE99-001)Initial Study Attachment A Page 7 of 9 Item a —Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated: The . City's Traffic • Enaineer has reviewed the proposed project and found that-the project, as compared to the vacant site, will result in an increase in traffic. To properly analyze potential impacts; the applicant's traffic engineer prepared a traffic study (Exhibit I to Attachment A of the Initial Study). The Level of Service on the adjacent street system is,currently LOS "D", and implementation of the project would degrade the Level of Service down to Level "E". Therefore, the applicant's traffic study has identified several improvements to the project site and street system to mitigate the impacts of the project. The City of Tustin's Traffic Engineer has recommended-that these improvements be adopted as a part of the project's design. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: 15.1 The applicant of the proposed project shall provide an irrevocable offer of dedication of right-of-way between .Red.Hill Avenue and the southerly property boundary. 15.2 The project site shall provide two access driveways onto EI Camino Real. The eastern driveway should provide full access with one lane in and two lanes out, incorporating appropriate signage and striping. The western driveway shall be limited to right turn in/right turn out with signage and striping and shall provide one lane in and one Iane out. •15.3 Sight distance at each access driveway should be reviewed with respect to Orange County Public Facilities and Resources Department Standard Plan 1117 when landscaping and improvement plans are prepared. Items b. c. d, e,_f,.& g-No Impact; The applicant has proposed aninety-six (96) seat restaurant, which would require thirty-two (32) spaces in accordance with off- street parking standards contained within the Tustin City Code. The applicant has provided thirty-six spaces on the plans, exceeding the required amount of parking. No safety hazards or barriers for pedestrians, bicyclists or vehicles or conflicts with bus turnouts-are proposed. Adequate access is provided from two driveways off of El Camino Real. Two existing drive aprons on EI Camino Real and one on Red Hill Avenue, located near the corner of the intersection, will be removed with this project. Access shall be located further away from the intersection to reduce any circulation impacts on the adjacent intersection. No on-site parking or circulation impacts are anticipated. No rail, waterborne, or air transportation is affected by the proposed project. With the implementation of mitigation measures 15.1 through 15.3 and conditions of approval, potential traffic impacts are reduced to a level of insignificance. In order to elevate any future circulation impacts the applicant shall continue to pursue obtaining a reciprocal parking, circulation, and access agreement with the owner of the adjacent commercial center. i 'Wendy's(CUP 99-002, DR 99-001&SCE 99-001)Initial Study Attachment A Page 8 of 9 Sources: Tustin General Plan Project Application RKJK Traffic Study revised June 29, 1999 Tustin Public Works/Traffic Engineer Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required. 16. UTILITIES & SERVICE SYSTEMS Items a, b, c, d, e. f& R—No Impact: The proposed facility will be connected to existing utilities and service systems in the area. No substantial alterations to any utilities will be required. Sources: Tustin Public Works Department Field Inspection Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required 17. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE Items a, b & c—No Impact: ,The proposed project is the construction of a Wendy's restaurant facility, including a drive-thru. The previous development on the site included a restaurant and. service station, which were demolished as an effect of the I-5 Santa Ana Freeway widening project. The project design, construction and operation will comply with the regulations of the Community Development Department, Air Quality Management District, and Orange County Fire Authority which reduces any potential impacts related to geological problems, water quality, air quality, hazards and noise to a level of insignificance. As such, the project does not have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment nor achieve short-term environmental goals to the disadvantage of the long-term. It does not have impacts that are individually limited but -cumulatively considerable or that would cause substantial adverse impacts on human beings. Sources: Project Application City and Agency Requirements Mitigation/MonitoringRequired: •As stated above. Wendy's(CUP 99-002, DR 99-001 &SCE 99-001)Initial Study Attachment A Page 9 of 9 Sources: Tustin General Plan _ - Project Application _ 17 - RKJK Traffic Study revised June 29, 1999 Tustin Public Works/Traffic Engineer Mitigation Measures/Monitoring,Required: None Required. 16. UTILITIES & SERVICE SYSTEMS Items a, b, c, d,' e, f& g—No Impact: The proposed facility will be connected to , existing utilities and service systems in the area. No substantial alterations to any utilities will be required. Sources: Tustin Public Works Department Field Inspection Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required 17. MANDATORY FINDINGS OV SIGNIFICANCE Items a. b &c—No•Impact: The proposed project is the construction of a Wendy's restaurant facility, including a drive-thru. The previous development on the site included a restaurant and,service station, which were demolished as an effect of the I-5 Santa Ana Freeway widening project. The-project design, construction and • operation will. comply with the regulations .of the Community Development Department, Air Quality' Management District, and Orange County Fire Authority which reduces any potential impacts related to geological problems, water quality, air quality, hazards-and noise to a level of insignificance. As such; the project does not have the potential to degrade the quality, of the environment nor achieve short-term environmental goals to the disadvantage of the long-term. It does not have impacts that are individually limited but cumulatively considerable or that would cause substantial adverse impacts on human beings. Sources: Project Application City and Agency Requirements ' 4 Mitigation/MonitoringRequired: As stated above. -Wendy's(CUP 99-002,DR 99-001&SCE 99-001)Initial Study Attachment.4 Page 9 of 9 ATTACHMENT D. - RESOLUTION NOS. 3680AND 3681 - L II RESOLUTION NO. 3680 • A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION .OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING THE FINAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION AS ADEQUATE FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 99-002, DESIGN REVIEW 99-001 AND SIGN CODE EXCEPTION 99-001 AND ALL FEASIBLE MITIGATION MEASURES HAVE BEEN INCORPORATED AS' REQUIRED BY THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. .The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That' Conditional Use Permit 99-001, Design Review 99-001 and Sign Code Exception 99-001 are considered "projects" pursuant to the terms of the California Environmental Quality Act; and B. A Negative Declaration has been prepared for this project and has been distributed for public review. C\ Whereas,, the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin has considered evidence presented by the.Community Development Director and other interested parties with respect to the subject Negative Declaration. t D. The Planning Commission has evaluated the proposed Initial Study/Negative Declaration and determined that the project would not have a significant effect on the environment. ll. A Final Negative Declaration has, been completed in compliance with CEQA and state guidelines. The Planning Commission has-received and considered the. information contained-in the Negative Declaration.prior to recommending approval of the proposed project, and found that it adequately discussed the environmental effects of the proposed project. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission,held on the 12th day of July, 1999. Chairperson Leslie A. Pontious ELIZABETHA. BINSACK Planning Commission Secretary 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 2 CITY OF TUSTIN ) 3 1-,.ELIZABETH A. BINSACK, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Planning 4 Commission Secretary of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No.-3680 5 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the 12th.day of July, 1999. 6 A 7 9 ELIZABETH A. BINSACK Planning Commission Secretary 10 12 13 14 15 • 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 . i� RESOLUTION NO. 3681 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE r CITY OF TUSTIN, APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 99- 002, 'DESIGN REVIEW 99-001 AND A PORTION OF SIGN CODE EXCEPTION 99-001,AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A FAST FOOD RESTAURANT WITH DRIVE-THRU SERVICE AND FOUR (4) WALL SIGNS TOTALLING 121 SQUARE FEET OF AREA AND DENYING A PORTION OF SIGN CODE EXCEPTION 99-001,A REQUEST TO CONSTRUCT A FIFTY(50) FOOT TALL, 180 SQUARE FOOT FREEWAY SIGN ON A VACANT PARCEL LOCATED AT 13922 RED HILL AVENUE. - The Planning Commission does hereby resolve as follows: _ I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: A. That a proper application for Conditional Use Permit 99-002, Design Review 99-001 and Sign Code Exception 99-001 was filed by Kent Bickell of Consolidated Restaurants of California on behalf of the property owners to request authorization for construction of a 3,322 square foot fast food restaurant with drive-thru service, and installation of four(4) wall signs and a single fifty (50) foot high pole sign on a vacant parcel located at 13922 Red Hill Avenue, more specifically described as Assessor's Parcel Nos. 500-021-02 and 500-021-04. B. That the proposed use is allowed within the C-2 Central Commercial District, with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit (TCC Section 9233(C)(g)) and a Sign Code Exception (TCC Section 9405(C)). C. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application on July 12, 1999 by the Planning Commission. D. That the establishment, maintenance and operation of the uses applied for will not, under the circumstances of, this case, be ' detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, nor be injurious or detrimental to the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, or to the general welfare of the City of Tustin, as evidenced by the following findings: 1) On-site traffic concerns would be mitigated-through the implementation of the improvements identified in the applicant's traffic study and recommended by the City's Traffic Engineer. 2) As conditioned, light/glare and noise from the drive-thru facility would be screened through the use of proposed site and landscaping improvements. - • Resolution'No.3681 Page 2 3) The hours of operation would be limited ,to 10:00 a.m. to 1:00'a.m., daily. 4) _ All operations, including the drive-thru and menu board shall comply with the City-of Tustin Noise Ordinance. E.. . Pursuant to Section 9272 of the Tustin Municipal Code, the Commission finds that the location, size, architectural features and general appearance of Design Review 99=001, as conditioned, will _ not impair the orderly and harmonious development of the area, the present or future development therein, or the ,occupancy as a whole. In making such findings, the Commission has considered at least the following items: 1. Height, bulk and area of buildings. 2. Setbacks and site planning. 3. Exterior materials and colors. 4. Type and pitch of roofs. 5. • _ Size and spacing of windows,doors and other openings. • structures flagpoles, radio and 6. Towers; chimneys, roof gp , television antennae.. 7. Landscaping, parking area design and traffic circulation. 8. Location, height and standards of exterior illumination. 9. Location and appearance of equipment located outside of an enclosed structure. • 10. ..Location and method of refuse storage. 11. Physical relationship of proposed structures to existing structures in the neighborhood. 12. Appearance and design relationship of proposed structures to existing structures and possible future structures in'-the neighborhood and public thoroughfares, 13. Proposed signage. 14. Development Guidelines and criteria as adopted by the City Council. it I •Resolution No.3681 2 Page 3 3 F. Pursuant to Sign Code Section 9405c, the request to install the four (4)wall signs can be supported by the following findings: 4 5 1. Sign size and placement restrictions of the Sign Code shall be closely followed as practicable. 6 The total area of the four (4) proposed wall signs is less 7 than the total allowable area for a primary and two secondary signs by approximately four (4) square feet. The 8 increased area for the three (3) secondary signs consistent with.the primary sign in size and design. All signs would be 9 installed on walls or parapets of the same size complementing the design of the restaurant building. 10 The proposed location of the pole sign at the eastern end of I1 the property meets with the Sign Code requirements, but the proposed height of fifty (50).feet more than doubles the Iz maximum allowed ,height of twenty-four (24) feet and the 13 proposed sign area of 180 square feet more than triples the maximum allowed area offifty(50) square feet. I4 2. The intent and purpose of the sign ,regulations of the 15 land use zone in which the sign is to be located shall be followed as closely as practicable. 16 The proposed wall signs will appear in scale with the project 17 and are compatible with the project's color palette. The proposed pole sign appears out of scale with the proposed 18 project. 19 3. There are special circumstances unique to the property 20 to justify the exception. 21 The project site is roughly triangular in shape, and is bounded on two sides by public street rights-of-way and on 22 the third side by a freeway off-ramp and overpass. Consistent with the purpose of the Sign Code, the proposed 23 pole and wall signs would create better visibility given the project's proximity to three(3) separate rights-of-way. 24 4. Granting of the wall sign exception will not have a 25 negative impact on surrounding properties. 26 The proposed wall signs will not be detrimental to, or have a 27 negative effect on, surrounding properties in that the signs are compatible with uses in the surrounding area in location, 28 size, and fabrication. The proposed wall signs complement the architecture of the center and are directed away from 29 adjacent residential properties. • • Resolution No.3681 2 Page 4 f 3 The proposed. fifty (50)"foot tall pole sign would be detrimental to, . and.- would have a negative impact on 4 surrounding properties in that it will most likely be visible from all nearby properties, and will most likely result in glare' 5 on surrounding properties and would get a precedent: 6 5. The sign application promotes the public health,safety, 7 welfare and aesthetics of the community and that the granting of the exception meets the findings and intent $ of the Sign Code. _ 9 The proposed sign would improve the aesthetics of the subject property in that the signs are designed to be an 10integral component of the building architecture. The proposed pole sign is .out of scale for a residential-type 11 community,and as such does not promote the aesthetics of the community. 12 13 G. A Negative-Declaration has been-;prepared and certified. for this project in accordance with, the provisions of the California 14 Environmental Quality Act(CEQA). • 15. H. That :the project has been reviewed for consistency with the Air Quality Sub-element of the City of Tustin General Plan and has 16 been determined to be consistentwith the Air Quality Sub-element. 17 I. That -the project has been reviewed for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and it has been-determined 1s that dedications of right-of--way at the drive apron and all radius type driveways are necessary for compliance with the requirements of 19 ADA. 20 Il. The Planning-Commission hereby takes the following actions: 21 1. Conditional Use Permit 99-002 and Design Review 99-001 to authorize 22 the construction of a 3,300 square foot fast food restaurant with drive-' thru service on two vacant parcels,located at 13922 Red Hill Avenue, is 23 approved subject to the conditions contained` in Exhibit A, attached - hereto. 24 2. Sign Code Exception 99-001 regarding the installation of four (4) wall signs totaling approximately 121 square feet in area at the subject 25 property, is approved subject to the conditions contained in Exhibit.A, attached hereto. 26 3.. Sign Code Exception 99-001 regarding the installation of a fifty(50)foot 27 tall, 180 square foot pole sign on the subject property is denied. 28� 29 i I, I ' 'Resolution No.3681 2 Page 5 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, at a regular meeting on the 12th day of July, 1999. . 6 . Chairperson- 7 Leslie A. Pontious 8 ELIZABETH A. BINSACK Planning Commission Secretary 9 10 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) 11 COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 12 CITY OF TUSTIN ) 13 I, ELIZABETH A.'BINSACK,the undersigned,hereby certify that I am the Planning Commission'Secretary of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. 3681 14 was duly passed and adopted at a- regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission,held-on the 12th day of July, 1999. IS _ 16 ELIZABETH A. BINSACK 17 Planning Commission Secretary 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 , 28 EXHIBIT A CUP 99-002,DR 99-001 AND SCE 99-001 13922 RED HILL AVENUE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL . RESOLUTION NO. 368.1 GENERAL (1) 1.1 The proposed project'shall substantially conform with the submitted plans for the project date stamped July 12, 1999 on file:with the Community Development Department, as herein modified, or unless otherwise indicated, as modified by the _ Community Development Director in accordance with this Exhibit. The Director may also approve subsequent minor modifications to plans during plan.check if such modifications are,consistent with provisions of the Tustin_ City Code or other applicable regulations. (1) A. Unless otherwise specified, the conditions contained in this' Exhibit shall be complied with prior to the issuance of any building permits for the project, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department. (1) 1.3 The subject project approval shall become null and void unless permits for the proposed project are issued and substantial construction is underway within eighteen (18) months of the date of this Exhibit. Time extensions may be considered. if a written request is received by the, Community Development Departmentwithin thirty(30)days prior to expiration. • (1)' 1.4 Approval of CUP 99-002, DR 99-001 and SCE 99-00,1 is contingent upon -the applicant and property owners signing°and returning an "Agreement to Conditions Imposed"form as established by the Community Development-Department. (1) 1.5 The applicant shall hold harmless and defend the City of Tustin from all claims and , liabilities 'arising out of a challenge of the City's approval of this project. PLAN SUBMITTAL (1) 2.1 At building plan check submittal the following shall be provided: A. Construction plans, structural calculations,and Title 24 energy calculations. Requirements of the most recently adopted Uniform Building Code, State Disabled Access and .Energy Requirements shall be complied with as required by the Building Official. B. Preliminary technical details and plans for all utility installations including telephone, gas, water and electricity. Additionally,there shall be a note on the plans stating,that no field changes.shall be made without corrections - submitted to and.approved by the Building Official. SOURCE CODES - (1) STANDARD CONDITION (5) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY (2) CEQA MITIGATION EQUIREMENTS;; (3) UNIFORM'BUILDINGCODEIS' - (6) LAN DSCAPINGbUIDELI NES (4) DESIGN REVIEW (7) PC/CC POLICY ` *** EXCEPTIONS �; ExhibitA Resolution No.3681 Page 2 C. Final grading. and specifications consistent with the site plan and landscaping plans and prepared by a registered civil engineer for approval by the Community Development Department. D. A precise soils-engineering report provided by .a civil engineer within the previous twelve (1'2) months. Expanded information regarding the levels of hydrocarbons and ground water contamination found on site shall be - provided in the submitted soils report. (3) 2.2 A surety/cash bond will be required to assure work is completed in accordance with approved plans. Bonds will be based upon the estimated cost of the grading, drainage, and erosion control prior to the issuance of a grading permit. (3) 2.3 Two (2) disabled accessible parking spaces shall be provided with an additional 5 foot loading area with striping and ramp; disabled persons shall be able to park and access the building without passing behind another car. At least one (1) accessible space shall be van accessible served by a minimum 96 inch wide loading area. (4) 2.4 At Building Plan Check, manufacturer's details of all lighting fixtures and a lighting plan which identifies the location,type of fixture, and intensity of all exterior building • mounted and free-standing lighting shall-be provided. A note shall be provided on the plans that "All.parking areas shall ,be illuminated with a minimum of one footcandle of light, and lighting shall not produce light or glare or have a negative impact on adjacent properties." Provide a photometric study verifying compliance with this requirement. All light fixtures shall,be architecturally compatible with the proposed and existing structures. (1) 2.6 Indicate on-the title sheet compliance with the following codes, City, state and federal laws and regulations to include: • 1997 Uniform Building Code with California Amendments • 1997'Uniform Mechanical and Plumbing Codes with California Amendments • 1996 National Electrical Code with California Amendments • City of Tustin Grading and Security Ordinance • City of Tustin Landscaping and Irrigation Guidelines • City"of Tustin Private Improvements Standards (1) 2.6 Submit seven (7) sets of building plans to the Building Division for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. (1) 2.7 Submit seven (7) sets of excavating/grading plans and two preliminary soils reports to the Building Division for review and approval prior to.the issuance of a grading permit. (1) 2.8 The engineer of record must submit a final compaction report to the Building Division for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. Exhibit A Resolution No.3881 Page 3 (1) 2.9 The engineer of record must submit a letter of pad certification to the Building Division for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. (1) 2.10 Drainage, vegetation, circulation, street/driveway sections, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and storm drains shall comply with the City of Tustin Private Improvement Standards. (3) 2.11 A parcel map consolidating all affected parcels into_ one legal parcel will be required prior to issuance of grading or building permits. (5) 2.12 Prior to permit issuance, clearance from the Orange County Health Department is required. SIGNS (4) 3.1 Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, complete sign' plans shall be submitted which address all proposed wail, directional, and address signs. The existing pylon sign structure shall be removed, and the proposed freeway sign shall be eliminated from the sign plans. The sign plans shall include dimensions, materials,colors, and method of illumination. SITE AND 13UILDING CONDITIONS 4 4.1 Provide exact details for exterior doors and window types on construction plans. ( ) Yp (2)(5) 4.2 All cooking and exhaust equipment shall utilize Best Available Control Techniques in accordance with Air Quality Management District standards to minimize smoke, odor and particulate emissions. (4) 4.3 All mechanical and electrical fixtures and 'equipment shall be adequately and decoratively screened. The screen shall be considered as an element of the overall design of the project and shall either blend with the architectural design of the building or be integrated into the landscape design (1) 4.4 All final colors and materials to be used shall be subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department. All exterior treatments shall be coordinated with regard to color, materials and detailing and clearly noted on submitted construction plans and elevations. (4) 4.5 Provide plans and details of all proposed lighting fixtures and a photometric study showing the location and anticipated distribution pattern of light of all proposed fixtures. The fixtures proposed shall be modified to be decorative in design and consistent with the architecture of the building. Wall mounted fixtures shall be directed at a 90 degree angle directly downward. Parking area lights shall project light directly downward. All lighting shall be developed to provide a minimum of one (1) footcandle of light coverage,in accordance with the City's Security Code. (4) 4.6 All exposed metal flashing or trim shall be painted to match the building. (1) 4.7 Note on final plans that a six-foot-high chain link fence shall be installed around the site prior to building construction stages. Gated entrances shall be permitted along the perimeter of the site for construction vehicles. EXhlbltA Resolution No.3681 Page 4 (1) 4.8 Exterior elevations of the building shall indicate any fixtures or equipment to be located on the roof or exterior of the building, and the associated equipment heights and dimensions. The building parapet shall be an integral part of the building design, and shall.screen all roof,mounted equipment. All roof-mounted equipment and vents shall be a minimum of six inches below the top of the parapet. All exterior equipment, including gas and electric meters, shall either be enclosed within the building or boxed behind a screen wall designed to be _ consistentwith the main building. (4) 4.9 All roof access shall be provided from the inside of the building. (4) 4.10 No exterior downspouts shall be permitted; all roof drainage shall utilize interior piping, but may have exterior outlets at base of building. (4) 4.11 Roof scuppers shall be installed with a special lip,device so that overflow drainage will not stain the walls. (4) 4.12- The trash enclosure shall be relocated to the eastern end, of the project site, adjacent to the Caltrans sound wall. (4) 4.13 A grading plan will be required based on the Orange County Surveyor's bench- mark datum. , ' • (4) 4.14 Drive aisle markinglstripingshall reflect one-way travel around the building. (4) 4.16 A preview board.shall be installed prior to the menu board/speaker. The menu board shall have a read back feature.. Details of the menu board system shall be subject to final approval of the Community Development Director during plan check. (4) 4.16 The .applicant. of the proposed project shall provide an irrevocable offer of dedication of right-of-way between Red Hill Avenue and the southerly property boundary. (4) 4.17 The project site should provide,two access driveways onto.EI Camino,Real. The, eastern,driveway should provide full access with'one lane in and two lanes out, and shall incorporate striping and°signage to reflect this. The western driveway shall be restricted to right turn in/right turn out only with signing and striping and provide:one lane in and one lane out. LANDSCAPING,GROUNDS AND HAR©SCAPE ELEMENTS (1) 6.1 The applicant shall submit for plan- check complete.detailed landscaping and irrigation plans for all landscaping areas consistent with adopted City of Tustin Landscaping and Irrigation Submittal Requirements and consistent with 'the landscaping concept plan. The applicant shall provide a summay table applying indexing identification to • plant materials in their actual location. The plant table shall list botanical and common names, sizes, spacing, actual location and quantity of,the plant materials proposed. Show planting and'berming details, soil preparation, staking, etc. The irrigation plan shall.show location and control ,of backflow prevention devices Exh i bit A Resolution No.3681 Page 5 (screened"from view from right-of-way and on-site by shrubs), pipe size, sprinkler type, spacing and coverage. Details for all equipment shall be provided. The plans shall show all property lines on the landscaping and irrigation plan, public right-of-way areas, sidewalk widths, parkway areas, existing landscaping and walls and proposed new wall locations. The Department of Community Development may request minor substitutions of plant materials or request additional sizing or quantity. Note on plans that adequacy of coverage of landscaping and irrigation _ materials is subject to field inspection at project completion by the Department of Comm unity.Development. (7) 5.2 The submitted landscaping plans at plan check shall reflect' the following requirements: A. Shrubs shall be a minimum of 5 gallon size and shall be spaced a minimum of 8 feet on center when intended as screen planting. B. Ground cover shall beplanted between 8 to 12 inches on center. C. When 1 gallon plant sizes are used, the spacing may vary according to materials used. D. All plant materials shall be installed in.a healthy, vigorous condition typical to the species and landscaping must be maintained in a neat and healthy condition. This will include but not be limited to trimming, mowing, weeding, removal of litter, fertilizing, regular watering, or replacement of diseased or dead plants. (1) 5.3 A separate 24" X 36" street 'improvement plan, as prepared by a California Registered Civil Engineer, will be required for all construction within the public right-of-way. Construction and/or replacement of any missing or damaged public improvements will be required adjacent to this development. Said plan shall include, but not limited to the following: a. Curb and gutter b. Sidewalk,including curb ramps for the physically disabled C. Drive aprons d. Signing/striping plan e. Domestic water facilities f. Underground utility connections g. Traffic signal plan In addition, a 24" X 36° reproducible construction area traffic control plan, as prepared by a California Registered Traffic Engineer or Civil Engineer experienced in this type of plan preparation will be required. • (1) 5.4 Preparation and submittal of a final grading plan showing all pertinent elevations as they pertain to the public right-of-way along with delineating the following information: a. Final street elevations at key locations. ExhibitA Resolution No.3681 Page 6 b. Final pad/finished floor elevations and key elevations for all site grading. All pad elevations to be a minimum of 1.0 foot above base flood elevations as defined by FEMA. C. All flood hazards of record. (1) 5.5 Prior to any work in the public right-of-way, an Enc roadhment Permit must be obtained from and applicable fees paid to the Public Works Department. (4) 5.6 All vehicle headlight glare. shall be adequately screened from view. Plans and sections shall be provided to demonstrate adequate screening, subject to review and approval of the Community Development Department during building plan check. (1) 5.7 Both horizontal and vertical intersection sight lines will need to be checked per . County of Orange Public Facilities and Resources Department Standard No. 1117 for all affected streets. The site lines need to be shown on the grading plan and landscape plan. All landscaping within the limited use area will need to comply with County of Orange Public Facilities and Resources Department Standard No. 1117. (1) 5.8 This development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the City of Tustin Water Quality Ordinance and all Federal,State and Regional Water Quality Control • Board rules and regulations. (1) 5.9 The applicant shall satisfy dedication and/or reservation requirements as applicable, including but not limited to dedication of all required street and flood control right-of-way easements, vehicular access rights, sewer easements and water easements defined and approved as to specific locations by the City Engineer and other agencies. NOISE (5) 6.1 All construction operations, including engine warm-up and deliveries of materials and equipment, shall be subject to the provisions of the Tustin Noise Ordinance and shall take place only between the hours of 7:00 a.m . and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, unless otherwise determined by the Building Official. (5) 6.2 All uses and operations on the site shall comply with the City's Noise Ordinance. Speakers used in conjunction with the menu board shall be oriented so as to project sound away.from residential properties. (2) 6.3 Should the noise produced by restaurant operations become a nuisance, the applicant shall be required to prepare a noise study to ascertain compliance with the City of Tustin Noise Ordinance, and implement mitigation measures identified' by the noise study. (5) 6.4 Construction hours shall be clearly posted on the project site to the satisfaction of the Building Official. iExhibitA Resolution No.3681 Page 7 FIRE AUTHORITY (5) 7.1 Obtain written approval from the Fire Chief°of all fire protection easements and submit to the Community Development Department in conjunction with the next submittal. Fire protection easements shall be dedicated to the County/City. The approval of the Fire Chief is required for any modifications such as speed bumps, control gates or other changes within said easement(s). Roadways must extend.to within 150 feet.of, all portions of the exterior of any structure and must meet specified criteria such as width, pavement characteristics, roadway gradient, turning radius, etc. (5) 7.2 Obtain written approval from the Fire Chief for street improvement plans with fire lanes shown and submit to the Community Development Department in conjunction with the next submittal. The plans shall indicate the locations of red curbing and signage. A drawing of the proposed signage with the height, stroke and color of lettering, and the contrasting background color shall be submitted to and approved by the Fire Chief. (5) 7.3 Prior to the issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy,the approved fire lane- marking plan shall be installed. The plans shall include a fire lane map and provisions prohibiting parking in the fire lanes. A method of enforcement shall be included. (5) 7.4 Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the applicant shall submit to the Fire Chief-evidence of the on-site fire hydrant system and indicate whether it is public or private. If the system is private,the system shall be reviewed and approved by the Fire Chief prior to the issuance of'building permits. Provisions shall be made by the applicant for the repair and maintenance of the system,in a manner approved by the Fire Chief. (5) 7.5 Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit plans for the review and approval of the Fire Chief. The applicant shall include information on the plans required by the Fire Chief. Contact the Orange County Fire Authority Plans Review Section at (714) 744-0403 for the Fire Safety/Architectural Notes to be placed on the plans. (5) 7.6 Prior to installation, plans for an approved fire-suppression system for the protection of commercial-type cooking equipment shall be submitted to the Fire Chief for review and approval. USE RESTRICTIONS 8.1 Hours of operation of the restaurant and drive thru lane shall be limited to 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. daily. (1) 8.2 The owners shall be responsible for the daily maintenance and up-keep of the facility, including but not limited to trash removal, painting, graffiti removal and maintenance of improvements to ensure that the facilities are maintained in a neat and attractive manner. All graffiti shall be removed within 72 hours of a complaint ExhibitA Resolution No.3681 Page 8 being transmitted by the 'City to the property owner. Failure to maintain said structures and adjacent facilities will be grounds for City enforcement of its Property Maintenance Ordinance,including nuisance abatement procedures. FEES (1) 9.1 Prior to issuance of any building permits, payment shall be made of all applicable (5) fees, including but not limited to the following. Payment shall be required based upon those rates in effect at the time of payment and are subject to change.. . A. Building plan check and permit fees to the Community Development Department based on the most current schedule. B. Sewer connection fees to the Orange County Sanitation District. The current fee is $472 per 1,000 square feet (minimum $2,360). This fee will apply to any new construction. C. Orange County Fire Authority plan check and inspection fees to the Community Development Department based upon the most current schedule. D. Transportation System Improvement Program (TSIP), Benefit Area "B" fees in the amount of$3.31 per square foot of new building area. E. Major thoroughfare and bridge fees in the amount of$2.96 per square foot of new building area. (1) 9.2 Within forty-eight(48) hours of approval of the subject project,the applicant shall (5) deliver to the Community Development Department, a CASHIER'S CHECK payable to the COUNTY CLERK in the amount of $38.00 (thirty-eight dollars) to enable the City to file the appropriate environmental documentation for the project. If within such forty-eight (48) hour period that applicant has not delivered to the Community Development Department the above-noted check, the statute of limitations for any interested party to challenge the environmental determination under the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act could be significantly lengthened. EXHIBIT 1 RKJK TRAFFIC STUDY JUNE 29, 1999 WENOTS SITE. SPECIFIC TRAFFIC STUDY (REVISE* Tustin, California June 29, 1 999 1 - ���` o E _ ` R 46 46 IL A.9 JK e n 1 M AW MAW & ASSOCIATES INC. I June 29, 1999 Mr. Marshall Wilkinson PATTON WILKINSON -PROPERTIES 17842 Mitchell North, Suite_ 100 Irvine, CA 92614 Subject: Wendy's.Site Specific Traffic Study (Revised) Dear Mr. Wilkinson: The firm of RKJK & ASSOCIATES, INC. (RKJK) is pleased to submit this revised site specific traffic study for the Wendy's project. At the request of the City of Tustin, a site specific traffic evaluation has. been prepared to .address the local traffic circulation and queuing impacts with respect to the proposed project. • Based upon this review, the project 'can -be accommodated within the planned circulation system; if the recommended improvements are implemented. If you have any questions regarding this review or need .any further information, please do not hesitate to give a call at (949) 474-080 0 Sincerely, RKJK & ASSOCIATES, INC. No 0555 � EXP 121310 * T OF Carl Ballard John Kain, AICP ��'�'� Obert Kahn, P.E. Senior Associate Principal Principal CB:JK:RK:skf19666 JN:1 188-99-01 Attachments . i TRANSPORTATION PLANNING `• GIS - TRAFFIC/ACOUSTICAL ENGINEERING 1601 Dove Street, Suite 290 - Newport Beach, CA 92660 9 Phone: (949) 474-0809 - Fax: (949) 474-0902 WENDY'S SITE SPECIFIC TRAFFIC STUDY (REVISED) TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA _ . Prepared for: PATTON WILKINSON PROPERTIES - 17842 Mitchell North, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92614 . Prepared by: RKJK & ASSOCIATES, INC. 160.1 Dove Street, Suite 290 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Carl Ballard John Kain, AICP Robert'Kahn, P.E. June 29, 1999 JNA 188-99-01 CB:JK:RK:skf19566 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . 1 FINDINGS . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 TRAFFIC RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . ... .. . . . . . 7 EXISTING CONDITIONS . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . ... . . .. . 9 Study Area Street System. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ': . . . . . ._ ' 9 Existing Average Daily Traffic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. : . . . 9 Existing Intersection Capacity Utilization 12 Existing City of Tustin Arterial Highway Plan 16 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Trip Generation 21 Trip Distribution . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Trip Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 EXISTING PLUS PROJECT CONDITIONS . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Existing Plus Project Average Daily Traffic 31 Existing Plus Project Intersection Capacity Utilization 31 Existing Plus Project Traffic Assessment . .. .. . . . . . 31 YEAR 2020 TRAFFIC CONDITIONS . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 39' Method of Projection . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Year 2020 Average Daily Traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39' Year 2020 Intersection Capacity Utilization 39 Year 2020 Traffic Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 ON-SITE CONSIDERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . .`. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 51 Queuing Analysis �.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Site Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 On-Site Circulation . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 55 APPENDICES LEVEL OF SERVICE DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. TRAFFIC COUNT WORKSHEETS . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B EXISTING ICU CALCULATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . C PASS-BY AND DIVERTED TRIPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D EXISTING PLUS PROJECT ICU CALCULATIONS . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . : . E YEAR .2020 WITHOUT PROJECT ICU CALCULATIONS YEAR 2020 WITH PROJECT ICU CALCULATIONS . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . .. G STANDARD PLAN 1117 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H LIST,OF EXHIBITS EXHIBIT PAGE A LOCATION MAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 2 B CONCEPTUAL SITE'PLAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 C EXISTING NUMBER OF THROUGH LANES AND INTERSECTION CONTROLS . . . . . . . . .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 D EXISTING AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (ADT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 E EXISTING AM PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION VOLUMES 17 F EXISTING MID-DAY PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION VOLUMES . . . . 18 G EXISTING PM PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION VOLUMES : . . . . . . . 19 H CITY OF TUSTIN ARTERIAL HIGHWAY PLAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 1 PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION . . . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 25 J PROJECT AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (ADT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 K PROJECT'AM PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION VOLUMES 27 L PROJECT MID-DAY PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION VOLUMES . . . . 28 M PROJECT PM PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION VOLUMES . . . . . . . . 29 N EXISTING PLUS PROJECT AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (ADT) . . . . 32 0 EXISTING PLUS PROJECT AM PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION VOLUMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 34 P EXISTING PLUS PROJECT MID-DAY PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION VOLUMES . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Q EXISTING PLUS PROJECT PM PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION VOLUMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 R YEAR 2020 WITHOUT PROJECT AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (ADT) 40 S YEAR 2020 WITH PROJECT AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (ADT) . . 41 T YEAR 2020 WITHOUT PROJECT AM PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION VOLUMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . . 44 . U YEAR 2020 WITHOUT PROJECT PM PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION VOLUMES 45 V YEAR 2020 WITH PROJECT.AM PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION VOLUMES . . . . . . . . 48. W YEAR 2020 WITH PROJECT PM PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION VOLUMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 X CIRCULATION RECOMMENDATIONS .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . 54 LIST OF TABLES _ TABLE PAGE f . 1 EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION . . .. . . . . . . . 13 2 TRIP GENERATION RATES . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 3 PROJECT TRIP GENERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 4 EXISTING PLUS PROJECT INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 5 YEAR 2020 WITHOUT PROJECT INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 _ 6 YEAR 2020. WITH PROJECT INTERSECTION CAPACITY. UTILIZATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 7 PROJECT FAIR SHARE INTERSECTION TRAFFIC CONTRIBUTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 8 MISSION VIEJO SITE SURVEY .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 9 ORANGE SITE SURVEY 53 WENDY'S ` • SITE SPECIFIC TRAFFIC STUDY (REVISED) TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA INTRODUCTION The purpose of this site specific traffic study is to evaluate the development of the Wendy's from _a , traffic _circulation standpoint. ' The project_ consists"of the development of a Wendy's fast food restaurant with drive-thru. The project is located south of Red Hill Avenue between EI _Camino Real'and the 1-5•i=reewayyiri the.City of Tustin, as shown on Exhibit A. This site specific traffic study includes an evaluation of existing traffic conditions, project'^access, on-site,,drive-thru queuing, project. ,generated traffic impacts upon"the adjacent street system, existing'plus project traffic conditions.and Year: 2020 traftict'conditions:t The conceptual site plan for the proposed-store-is shown on. Exhibit B. The proposed development includes a 2,950 square rfoot`Wendy's fast food restaurant with drive- . thrir: The,propose0 site plan for the project is adequate from.a traffic circulation.standpoint,: if.the recommended,traffic' improvements are implemented as noted in this report.. Access point sight•distance review and access traffic controls as recommended in this - report should be implemented°in-conjunction with the final,design of the project. With �_. . - these recommendations,the site plan will function adequately from;"a traffic circulation zl standpoint. v..' EXHIBIT A - - - LOCATION MAP i SITE S Z tss—ss-0t:at a _. WEd7 -5, 7uoUn, CalBornid _- - t A .,E w a; EXHIBIT B - - - CONCEPTUAL -SITE PLAN- • - s it or 00 A IL { 1189-99-01:U2a � �r. .-WEND S,-Tuadn; Catitomia c I t ASSOCA7E5 mm"' 54. }3J k s y i LU `Y. J ';`v,�i�'{tl �s} , }' fills• ys Y .y+•` +�+ . ,?' ., + rt� �a„v a. ��di�'�s O r hA,_,,.,r .Y. { •t,:l'°• � 1 i • Vii, \ �:� �? k}f5'�` y .t` 5*�, y � ^x � J, � ''• , • 1 '� J �,-� •y I� rt is _ ya' ,� Y. LIJ �,,rn_ _ �y_, � � r" `y„� �._' ' y`• .•� - Y ur tfk”+1;t�J4,r. ��• y -.tt 5+n•� k i5 1 s �__ - ! 4� _r �_• + r.,�ra ;)--05 ? ,1 r'''I���a nF. �F L �, , � �-�. - . . _ r• 1..-S _ syr f a � aj<,y .. �y i ��e4 $� � . f - r r `6J�7 �• ��' r.. 'y. ' � it�% '1 j�v 1 - FINDINGS y _ i The following findings have been reached for the proposed development,within the ,.City of Tustin area. . . The site is currently vacant land isnot generating any significant traffic. r._7:... ; , ?Y'A2'\ ;l - ... - _.... .. moi, :S . ,l'" v . - t.?_•. - -. :3''f'.. ` ,:The study-area intersections are-currently operating at•Level of-,,Service "D" or y°t ,lf better during the peak hours.-.:Levels-of Service s'A";through "D."; are considered - acceptable in the'_City of.Tustin -A-Aiscussiori of-the Level of Service concept -is included in Appendix_"A" .r , 3. Based upon this review, the proposed project can be accommodated within the planned arterial highway and local street system within the City of Tustin. .This study-includes traffic recommendations to be incorporated into the final site plan. s 4. The proposed development is projected to generate a total of approximately 1,464 trip-ends'. per day with 147 vehiclesper hour during the'AM peak hour, _ 147 vehicles per hour during,the mid-day peak hour, and'98 vehicles per hour during the PM .peak hour. R : 5. The study area intersections are projected to continue to operate at Level of. Service "D" or,better during the peak hours 'for`existing plus project traffic conditions, with improvements shown in Table 4. 5 :' ; 6... -The study,area,intersections are-projected to_:operate._at Level-6f-Service"D" or Better during the peak hours for Year 2020 with project traffic conditions, .• With"imp rovements-shown'`inTable 6.1--, - �- �.• . :�; r: 7. As indicated in Tables 8` and 9, the queue length at the similar_sites surveyed_ " reached=a ,total of..8-{vehicles-`duringl:one five 'minute�surve»y period. . This occurred on a Friday at 12:45 PM. A queue storage length of eight vehicles should,be adequate_to-'accommodate.the:drive-thru demand.{Using the.site survey`information it=worild `appean_that the-'dr'iive-thru >will' have' sufficient queue storage`area with the:recommendationswithin'this:'report:L r 'r_ s 3: F eh .(-- ,!•R T 1�' -+5 v_i{r -Sj .;, • -r 7: - _ }-,a.,1. ] till E - ,. ., .. ... a .. ._ M •.� ti i"i�,•ct . . _. `. ._ 1 .e- .- - ` F ..�. Y _• 3 4 __I Sn eJ�• .r a -... _ n, 1 . d' - � .4 F. Z 6 TRAFFIC RECOMMENDATIONS - Based upon our review of the circulation and queuing needs of the project, the following recommendations should be incorporated into the final project design: The project site should provide two access driveways onto EI Camino Real (see Exhibit X)-. The south EI Camino Real driveway should provide full access with one lane. in and two lanes out. The north El Canino Real driveway should be,restricted to right tuns in/out only-with signing and striping,and provide one lane in .and one"lane out. The project site should dedicate,the right-of-way•far. the ,construction of,EI Camino LL Real` from Red Hiil•'Avenue to the south project boundary as a Secondary-arterial _ highway. On-site'parking spaces should be provided to meet the following City of Tustin parking , requirements: 1 parking space for each 3 "seats plus Z space for each_300 square feet used for kitchen, storage,'or food preparation. Sight distance at each access driveway should be reviewed with respect to Orange County Public Facilities and Resources Department Standard Plan 1 1117 (see Appendix "H."),_when landscaping and improvement plans are.prepared.' 7 �-� -.'� 1�� f-. �'F ....':_ kir i.I� - ~�, � ,•!• s. i' F .. f v :� .'I-v- 1- � *. - � ,. ' t.. {? . - aJ i _ .. ,_ y . - .. ii . - • � ., wr.r. ..—r r ,J3 � - - SS.f, y. ' , - '• ..i -"�k,� tY F:�'1==��'C;}. a.rF�'� � -�.`+:`: - -��BM1'ry ;r .7 G.Wi:�����_r°�:�,:e�° xs..�r, .,.� �F :Ik_S � - THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ' ~FLS_ „ .!•~ _ r.i` . - . . . . n - , . ac . . `_h -N :4F T %I�Y - Y EXISTING CONDITIONS r - L=;#.1 +• ~:+ .. i"" «;`•', ..-r :�'_'4r: - w _.�Y YG:'Y.:• - uI'._i '7 y:+' " + •,Jlv��_ , Study Area Street System _ _ The_art_ erial highway system adjacent to the project isnot-completed according to the City of Tustin General Plan Circulation Element classifications. The existing number of through lanes and intersection controls in the vicinity of the project are shown on Exhibit C. 1-5 Freeway: This freeway currently has an interchange with Red Hill-Avenue.' It is currently,twelye lanes-adjacent to;the project site. Red'Hill Avenue: This east-west'roadway currently is six'iaries divided adjacent to-the - °,,,p oject site. It is'classified as a;Major arterial highway on the,-City of Tustin.Arterial Highway Plan."- El lan.El Camino Real: This north-south Broadway currently is'two lanes divided:adjacent to -the project site. It is'classified'as a Secondary arterial highway on the City of Tustin ' Arterial Highway Pian. - �w Nisson Road: , This north-south roadway, currently"is two lanes undivided in the ' vicinity of,the project site.--li is not classified. on the City of Tustin Arterial Highway - r Existing Average Dailv Traffic Existing average daily traffic (ADT) on arterial highways in:the study area are shown' _ on Exhibit D. -ADT s are based upon the traffic data obtained.from the City of Tustin i - EXHIBIT C - - - EXISTING NUMBER OF. THROUGH LANES •-- .--*AND-.INTERSECTION`" CONTRCd > n e - '-7! .'.itt� �r+- `.. k - _ .-F �+L �ti•' - 6Dy, ' -. . 4D �','t�- :]Eu . --•�� ' -`ry . '. s�. 17-. vy'-it. ,ar�..-a rrr _.. i�.- 'N - 12D Y/ _ 6D SITE ..- vrt, .w .tip- �-,... _ _a .. � �.,. i:r .. - ....i , °°l .'♦ y T k ;_ 1 - _ 2D 2U 6D - ly LEGENDo r, _ TRAFFIC -SIGNAL - - -- - 4 NUMBER OF LANES:, D' DWIDED - - - J U ^"UNDMDEDV, mug - 7i88-99-0103a WEN S,-TuarUn,>Cnlitomia _. _ _ _ - t ASS9MM W- _` ` -10 ` EXHIBIT D _ - - - EXISTING AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC IADTI �'�� �4`�• � �_ - _ _ -fir„- - I.. _�V ,�� '' �' it-.. ... i-:.r .-. -..i - - - 30.2 a:::_—_ .,� . ... :.�«5:. : �-�1.81.. . . V�<"�: ..._.� . . .a r3` rl:l\_. -°'�:i4 ,1• ri',. ;-x`-' ,,'v+G''� .. 211.0 7. 38.3 - - 39.7 7.2 205.0 .4.2 N 27.7 LEOENDI -- - 27.7 = VEHICLES PER DAY (1000's) N � 1188-99—U1:06a _ _ WEN -5, Tustin., Califamia- t R_9od1i1ES _J4 (see Appendix "B"), 1997 Traffic Volumes on California State Highways by Caltrans and factored up from peak hour counts made for RKJK using the following formula for_ each intersection leg: PM Peak hour (Approach Volume + Exit Volume) 10 Leg Volume. Existing Intersection Capacity Utilization The technique'used to assess the operation of an*int6rsection.is known as Inter'sectio' n Capacity' UtiIi;iatior!'..(ICU).._ To calculate an ICU, .the_volume of traffic ic"usiriq' the intersection is "Com06red with the 'capacity'bf _the intersection -'-� is usually '- expressed as a percen-C`,The percent represents that portion of the,hobr required to provide sufficient capacity.to accommodate all intersection traffic if all approaches operate at capacity. The ICU's for-the existing study area-.intersection efsection are shown in -a, Table 1 . -Levels of Service 'Wthroug h ".P'.are're considered acceptable in the City Of Tustin. An explanation'df-Leitel of Service is included in Appendix "A". Calculation Method: "bacity Utilization (ICU) for I study area intersections; 1 . Intersec-tion,-Ca 2 Satbration Flow'Rate: vehicles per lane per hour for intersections;.Saturation'flow value of 1,700 ve in no adjustments are Used for protection movements with dedicated lanes (including both right and left turns).. 1..2. _ - Y_• i TABLE 1 EXISTING INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION "' v INTERSECTION'APPROACH LANES' ' y PEAK PEAK NORTH- SOUTH- EAST- WEST- HOUR HOUR BOUND BOUND BOUND BOUND- ICU= LOS' -,. MID- MID= INTERSECTION L T R L T R L T R L T R AM DAY PM AM DAY PM EI.Camino Real(NS) at:. :".�. . ==> ,' ti i�" ` +Red Hill Ave. (EW) 1 1 0 1 1 14 2 3 ^ 0 1 3 0 0.64 0.52 0.58 B A A 1-5 Fwy. NB Ramps(NS) at: { . : • Red Hill Ave. {EW) 1 0- '1 - 0"�"'0.t 0 1 ` 3 '"0 .0 3 1 0.62 0.621 0.66 B 1 B 1B` 1-5 Fwy. SS Ramps{NS}at: +Red Hill Ave. (EW) 0 0 0 ",1= :0 . 1,' 0 ` 3 1 .1 3 0 0.90 ,0.50 0.83 D A D Nissan Rd. (NS} at:. +Red Hill Ave. (EW) 1 1 1 0" �1 1' 0 - 1 3 0 1 3, 0 0.64 0.50 0.81 8 A B L ' When a"•right turn is designated,the lane can either be striped or unstriped. To function as a right turn)ane there must,be sufficient width for right turning vehicles to travel outside the through.lanes. L = Left T = Through , R = Right ? Intersection Capacity UtilizatiomllCU) , Level of Service (LOS) _ — Restricted from right turns an red. 1.3 i� 3. Lost Time: ... : r,'_,. P lost time factor of 5%,.(.05) is applied_to ,the ICU calculations. # 4:,•"...`-Level of-Service"Ranges: Ai '. The following thresholds are used in assigning a letter value to the,resulting --�� -. .�t.. -�-- .=-._,LOS:._.._.- �;. � --•--.� _.r rv. .�._.. ___ .. :• � _--- ._ �. .._ . '"_ - ` � - a CRITICAL.VOLUME TO �~ ' _ _f o LOS. CAPACITY,RATIO a .Ct' Tte4 'l ' «' B :3 ' 0.61 - 0.70'A. t k' .0 - -' _ . - 0.71 -_0.80 D ' 0.81 - 0.90 E 0.91 - 1 .00 F > 1 .00 -5Peak-Periods: _ Weekday peak-hour analysis periods are defined as follows: 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM 11:30-AM to 1 :30 PM <.-.- 4.00 PM to 6:00 PM 14 : ; " =l 6. Peak-Hour: . • •` ti ,` i •`.S i_.. :=� j'-.: G��' '- c,..•.[^'14" 3 -S 4N�,f 'l.r„«- - F :f�:✓L y a ..;ri J� ;f :5` - ' The highest one-hour period'jn the-,AM,-.mid-day;and-;PM;,peak periods, as • determined by four consecutive 15-minute count periods a"re used'in the ICU ",calculations..;The-,AM, mid-day,and..PM:peak hours vare,studied. :j_.,,, 7. Peak-Hour Data Consistency:. Variations in peak-hour volumesrvcan.affect L05-calculations because they-vary from day-to-day.; To ;minimize these variations, no;.counts are taken'-on •`T -=,_ 1 y� "' Mondays,'Frida.ys;�holidays,or” kends.-,,-,- �� , � Jr - .. Turn Movements: �_ , 5yw - -. - ,.'<� . .`i: i..f F;.4 ,iso=4'�•.v, ��.�. - �r,� .1;;!'" `'c _. ' If the distance from the edge of the outside through lane is at least-1 9 feet and parking is prohibited during: the` peak period, right turning vehicles. may be f. i -assumed to utilize this "unofficial" or "defacto' right-turn larie:••'Otherwise,'all , right turn traffic is assigned to the through.lane. If a right turn lane exists, right turn activity is checked Jor conflicts with .other critical movements. It is assumed that right turn movements are accommodated during-non-conflicting - 'left turn phases(e.g., northbound right turns during westbound left turn phase) as. ,well as non-conflicting "through flows je.g., northbound right turns, . southbound left turns, and eastbound througli"flows) .reprbseft'a- sum of V/C ratios which are greater than,'.the throughlleftturn.critical. movements. Right turn volumes have been reduced by 15% to account-for right turns on red, except for the north leg of the El-Camino Real/Red Hill Avenue intersection - and the south leg of the_Nisson°RoadlRed Hill Avenue: intersection which.are J restricted from. right turns on,red. _ -15 Existing ICU calculations are based upon manual,AM, mid-day and -IPM-peak hour. turning -movement'.counts made -for-RKJK in March,- 1999 (see Exhibits E to G). ` --Traffic"courat worksheets are-provided'in Appendix V-4; i- {r _ _The study area.intersections are currently operaiting,.at Level of-Service '!D" or better during the peak hours. -The existing ICU .calculation worksheets are provided in Appendix "C". `, a'Existina "City-of Tustin Arterial Hic�riway'Plan` ►'�`' -' = :t ��- ttqq . tF r . .1.,: y L:• ��.= ,•'.�.... �.5�+'=�y. �:x 2 s' ��iX s,si at -'L^ .'.�-`-J .�`S�y3 .. �.� i:f i r _ a_.7:., Ser._ _ , Existing and future roadways are included in;tho Cityiof Tustin Artenal.Highway Plan s 1 and is illustrated on. Exhibit H. -This exhibit shows tlae nature and extend of arterial highways that are needed to adequately serve the ultimate,development depicted by the land use;element of the,General Plan: ' ' w�LwjJ ..- .l. •Nw°i.'._ � SSS _ µ :3i.i..f F- ..f :i ., :.1 _ 'Z, ,_ AJ ._ ,. f t .14 - v, .g: i ... ,..5^ �' , ,. Jk. is •_� _ _l ..biY?.'l�Y ... .* ', dt e..` - - ? ._•-`yi '.-r'.. -.s_. -_a, i.. irr� L _ _.'�} ,.i .r . .r.±.• .,,�-,.J its _ *'j_''SriC_ - sY tL;t< .�- -`}: _i �`. Z-.. ' _'.'. .r' , ti - 16 EXHIBIT E EXISTING AM - PEAK. VOLUMES jA _ - .fie'� - .f ,� - • 'SITE ITE - as r •rte r. - WEN _S. juffUn .. .4 coal curia Z KC �t ASSOGiUFs 17 IIS ` _ li y ''�"'lf EXHIBIT F EXISTING"�MID'DAYPEAK°A HOUR7lNTERSECTIQN VOLUMES "1 r•S r x `yS'Jr _+a�' rlJ :rte... - - � � � /`��/�lJ WEND $.y7ustlo,•Calkfcmie ;: 18 ` EXHIBIT G _ :EXISTING _PM, PEAK HOUR.-INTERSECTION VOLUMES W.. '' rh~1. qty j - •,-a' - � ; r. - -y 'SITE IF WEN01 S, 7uatin,'California -•- •- _------. -�_.. _ _ , Vic., .• • 19 _4 EXHIBIT H tKCITY'�OF� TUSTIN ARTERIALHIGHWAY PLAN J l ANE � -471 iJ • ^` - • M s• _'fe roo,xa�awto • r • imix Aw- • • T` • i • • •• le • i •.e ar4� • rerun, Ss wvr z _ .T � • •�' • " ST �f _ may- : • - -r' \., +•fL' MAIM ••• ..•�'• •• r �•- - _ malrAomeew 5T MTEm- k. - • - j' -� �� ,� .mak, . ..�� � _ - •;r�~.,- _ f, - r • f '�`, • .. S.a.t.ra Traa•po"Au0n • Carrldor aiyamaat la Jj ♦�j �X - diasruaasa4• Duty. ` - S LEGEND ,- F•, 1% Halor (8 lanes) Major •'� _ •••• `,' f ; Mli3t;�46 dified.llajor, {6'lanca) ' a•• �� Prlmnry (4 lanes) —ttr_ lladitied Prl==ry• (4 lanes) Secondary (4 or 2 lanes) Au=mentid--RoadwayS . �- •�•.�•. City,Boundary - J. _ ._ .•—:Plaant- Area Boundary SOURCE CITY 'OF-TUSTIN WagffS, Tustin. California _ _ t L150OI1BS •_- •7 Z0 -- . is PROJECT DEVELOPMENT Trip-Generation .Trip generation represents the,amount of traffic Whichis produced or attracted to a: ._ '�development.J Trip generation' for this projectha1Y6een based upon the specific use .which._is lanned.,for the:.development.,The project site consists of a"2,950 square afoot Wendy's fast food restaurant with drive-thru. 3 r Trip generation rates. for the proposed development are shown in.Table 2. The'trip,^. - gener'ation rates are .based upon data collected -by the Institute 'of Transportation. Engineers (ITE). Both daily-and peak-hour trip generation for the proposed.de" velopment are shown in Table 3. The proposed development is projected to generate.a total of approximately 1,464 'trip-ends per day with ,147 vehicles .per hour during the AM.peak hour, 147 vehicles per hour'during the mid-da peak hour, and 98 vehicles p er'hour during t g _ YP � P She PM peak hour. It should be noted that for a fast food restaurant, a portion of the traffic would come from pass-by or diverted trips from EI Camino Real; Red Hill Avenue and the I=5 Freeway, trips which are currently on the roadway.system.- In order to analyze a "conservative"'scenario in terms of the assigriment of traffic; the traffic volumes from the project site have.not been reduced as a result of pass-by-or-diverted trips.-Pass- by and diverted trips are"described+in Appendix "D ;x y 21 ^ ' , _ - ' it • - , ryTABLE2 TRIP GENERATION RATES' PEAK FLOUR E _ Am MID'.DAYZ ` .r PM _LAND:USE. ;,UNITS3__ ,IN OUT !N OUT IN :_ OUT DAILY Fast Food { . .., - r~ w/Drive Thru TSF 25.43 24.43 . 25.43 24.43 i 7.41 --16.07 .496.12 . - Y. 4� •.. -rm �>• � I i }: `-�"' f'Q!'1 p >. s Y 4 :7 Y,C-i y? 4� ¢. j�.�. .. u`� _ -+"F� •1 .. �I fir., ii � .. .. .• .. _. f _ - '!� .. - � - . ' 4 w`. �Ja F� _•wc •+ - •�- ` • .. . 'K• + .. ,•1•. -' ... - •-rr. - . _ice.--r". ' - `��'� . .3+ .1'. ..=.7 r_ - <;..`r+.-4 ' I` A. _.r s - .. ___ . • �. F. - _ ,IIx. _,f .—� ' Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Trip Generation, Sixth Edition, 1997, Land" Use Category 834. x Trip,generation rates for the mid-day peak"hour have been assumed to be similar to the AM.,peak hour. = :. a fSF thousand square feet , , 22 TABLE 3 PROJECT TRIP GENERATION PEAK HOUR-,. . . , la<AM . . MID-DAY i I•LAND'USE QUANTITY } UNITS' IN '`` ;"OUT 'IN ' OUT :r IN ,..,, ..OUT ; DAILY Fast`Food : ` , f wlDrive Thru 2.950 TSF 75 72 75 72 51 47 1,464 ,b«�'Z.. � w,r _ � _ -- v• da= .:. �. :�., _ ri- _. . r.r .i _. �# -!,._., Y •L+: TSF = thousand square feet • 23 , • !t Trip Distribution -Trip distribution-represents the directional orientation of traffic to and from the project site. Trip distribution is heavily influenced by the geographical location of the site, the. location of residential and recreational opportunities and the proximity to the regional,. 'freeway systema The-directional orientation of.traffic was determined by eyaluating existing land uses and highways within the community and existing traffic ,volumes: 4X Z;J - Trip distribution for this study has been based upon near-term conditions, based upon -those highway facilities which are in place. The trip distribution pattern for the project is graphically�depicted. on Exhibit 1. Trip Assignment r Based upon the trip generation, trip distribution and 'planned access to .the project, traffic assignmen_t has been determined. Project related ADT volumes are shown on id-da :and PM peak hour intersection:,turning movement Exhibit J. Project AM, m y p _ g _ volumes are shown on Exhibits .K to M, respectively. . . = = 24 Y i s _ EXHIBIT CT STRIP DISTRIBUTION z 15 10 25 95 70r - SIT 20 h cl 5 1+0 r, • ' � r - 'h'-•,, �� - -' 25 LEOENDr M S' 10 - PERCENT TO/FROM PROJECT , - �JK.Y_ NfEti 5. 7wtln,r Caiifamiq�, _. _ _G �t A�GffS �`�''- . s 2; EXHIBIT J PROJECT_ AVERAGE DAILY, TRAFFIC IADTI -- 4_ t �Q r ±� 0.4 01 1.a :SITE o.3., ` 0.1 w y j y 0.1 C' �N LEOENDi - _ 0.1 = VEHICLES PER DAY. (1000'S) ' - WEND 5, Tustin, California s' - R 1�40<'LYiFS UC• Y - 26 _ =syc EXHIBIT K, = . , PROJECT ,AM PEAK :HOUR _ �NTERSEOTION Y:OLUMES r,--- _ rJ SITE 71 WENDYS. Tustin, CalitamIR- _ s aR— ,mjK. ASMMA . - I EXHIBIT L u PROJECTD—DAYe:PEAK"HOUR 'INTERSECTION,�YOLUMES 'E 17 T - ^. .,•� .. /mss 0�� Fl 1t88--44-01•t2aJ4 � `;,. _- _ K .- _,� - WEND 5, Tuatfn, Califamia. ASSOMOM ' EXHIBIT M PROJECT. -.PM PEAK..'-HOUR INTERSECTION VOLUMES r ' . _ _. � _'- - - - • -r.,r___ , .-- - _ ___ d [' ,'.F . � Lam.± SITE 1188=9B�i•7ia � -- KM.;;WEN 5, Tustin, CallfamiaR. LKJ t •-s.-j [.1,_-w... 3 e,e. - t� ^.? r5 i:.v - _ter .�,;..•' ���:` THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK f y J t% . _ _ _, _ s .._ lam. �-- -• •fir•-yY�,; _f� �. .. • ••h'S —`.e Y. x, w e4.�' ; �- ,i - Ir" - _��:•..: •". "N,"a ° . ter: :.f-M� s �-ala a _.•r._.. - - S.z EXISTING PLUS PROJECT CONDITIONS ' Existing Plus Proiect Average Daily Traffic _ Once the project related traffic is assigned to thestreet,network and added to existing volumesin the study area, the traffic impact can be assessed. Exhibit N shows ADT volumes for existing plus project traffic conditions.' Existing Plus Proiect Intersection. Capacity Utilization Inte1.rsection Capacity Utilization (ICU) for-existing.plus_projectAraffic`conditions'havea_r,r been calculated and are shown in Table 4. .Table4 shows ICU calculations at the study area intersections without land with.improvements. .Fol exisfing plus project r1. traffic conditions,.the intersectionof-the 1-5. Freeway,SB Ramps/Red Hilf Avenue is to operate at Level of Service,-1"E" aurin 'the AM projected p ^, g , peak hour without improvements. '- As shown in Table 4, the study area intersections are projected to continue to operate at Level of Service "D" or better during the peak hours for existing plus project traffic conditions, with improvements. The existing plus project ICU calculation worksheets are included in Appendix "E"'. 3-he AM, mid-day and PM peak hour turning movement volumes ,for•existing plus project traffic conditions are. shown on Exhibits 0 to Q, rte: • respectively: { ° w Existing Plus Proiect Traffic Assessment The traffic impacts of the proposed project_upon the study,area intersections can be - - -accommodated.- ,,The study areaa intersection's are projected to operate at Level of., 31 EXHIBIT . N , EXISTING PLUS PROJECT AVERAGE DAILY.- TRAFFIC."[ADT] - r• - 30.4 f;�:�: - •5 aJ1 .:1..1:9 _R�v- �,_y.5. � i"t":y,. }:.s; !i a'L�.S•. -'_.Y.: ...�i ,. a,r`v-rt�y� }y'-�` s ;' J 211.4; 5.2 37.3 SITE J _. ._, • . _ _ � _ _ - _. �- __ _: - 39.4' . _. '• "• � .. -. �. _ - - - 7.3 i '-�:. �, _ _ ,:., `• .- 205.4 r A%S /HO 27.8 Fq� _ a j LEGENDr 27-8 = VEHICLESµPER=DAY (1000'5) WEND S, Tustin. California tL SIC 32 TABLE 4 . _ - - - EXISTING PLUS PROJECT INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION INTERSECTION APPROACH LANES' PEAK PEAK NORTH- SOUTH- EAST- WEST- HOUR HOUR BOUND BOUND, —BOUND BOUND ICU2 LOS' MID- MID- INTERSECTION L T R L T• 'R L T R L T R AM DAY PM AM DAY PM El Camino Real {NSI at: - • Red Hill Ave. (EW) 1 . 1 0 1 1 l` -2 3 0 1 3 0 0.67 0.56 0.61 B A B 1-5 Fwy. NS Ramps(NS) at: t - •Red Hill Ave. (EW) 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 3 1 0.63 0.63 0.67 B B B 1-5 Fwy. SS Ramps(NS) at: • Red Hill Ave. (EW) -w/o improvements 0 0 0 1 0 1 0, 3 l 1 ' 3 0- 0.91 0.52 -0.85 E- A D -wrmprovements 0 0 0 11.5 0 1.5 03 1 1 3 0 0.81 0.47 0.77 D A -'•C Nisson Rd. INS) at: • Red Hill Ave. IEW) 1 1 04 1 1 0 l 3 0 1 - 3 0 0.65 0.51 0.63 B A B When a right turn is designated,the lane can either be striped or unstriped. To function as a right turn lane there must be sufficient width for right turning vehicles to travel outside the through lanes. L = Left T = Through R = Right 1.5 = Improvement 2 Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) '• .r - Level of Service (LOS) .. 4 Restricted from right turns on red. 33 EXHIBIT 0 EXISTING PLUS PROJECT PEAK HOUR-=INTERSECTION VOLUMES _ SITE WEN S, Tustin. Culifomia t A1ES 34 EXHIBIT ^P EXISTING' -PLUS 4P MSD=DAYS .PEAK_ HOUR INTERSECTION VOLUMES . • `�Y~ .r' ..nom v . -SITE fy88-99-01:i8a{vy� �•� !� - •Vz A _ WEH 5. 7ustln, Cakitbmia +. - tILKJK ' 1.r� EXHIBIT Q -' - - EXISTING PLUS PROJECT T7 �n PM ,,,,PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION .VOLUMES ITE 1188-99-01:17a WEND 5, 7uattn;-Calltarnio-t _, 1 t rl,'�OCAiES MC. 3b Service "D" or better during the peak hours with the project and with improvements -shown .in Table 4. - - a �,- ' r - _rte _ �_ `. �. _� _ � _. • � - .... i w -. ' � .. _ . •T +:..'S^ .r .;l'--�3'A::+� �� THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY-LEFT BLANK 38 YEAR 2020 TRAFFIC CONDITIONS Method of Prosection - The Year 2020 with project traffic volumes have been obtained from projections from the City of Tustin traffic model run provided by AFA. The Year 2020 without project traffic volumes have been obtained by manually subtracting the project traffic from R the Year 2020 with project traffic volumes. Year 2020 Average Dail Traffic T�,r - '-'' Y £• r°- ..res Exhibit R shows.the ADT volumes which can be expected-for�Year'2020 without project traffic conditions. Exhibit S depicts the ADT volumes which are projected for Year 2020 with project traffic conditions. Year 2020 Intersection Capacity Utilization y r Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) for Year 2020 without•projecttraffic conditions have-been calculated- and.are shown in Table 5. Table 5 shows ICU calculations at --- t _ e• , the study area intersections without and with improvements. :For.Year 2020 without _ r project traffic conditions; the following intersections are projected to operate at Level of Service.'_'E" or "F"during the peak hours without improvements: EI' Camino Real (NS) at: 1 Red. Hill Avenue (EW) " 1-5 Freeway NB Ramps (NS) at: • Red. Hill Avenue (EW) 39 _ = EXHIBIT, A-'," YEAR 2020 WITHOUT PROJECT- �' -T-.AVERAGE =f DAILYFTRAFFiCIA®TV' • • ••T: �.:.. JE. J`•-a♦,I-y n .. .t. �t� .�_ a .s - _ _:1. _! •, . .-+ .. F.S. i' r.:. „ • _.;t=C'�. :i=.J :i:-"„�.�z;� ”�:a� _ y�l'e.,7.. f ,�r r ... .,. - �f'� - — 28.8 - - ♦ � _— - � r Imo_.—r» n 12.9 171 ,_ 'Y ^S: v. , �. t�u. - 1 .�`'� S,'r_�•, ys•, _ .. w r`r'.1 r' a 1 - 5.5 >71.-�,:. ..YJ I S '•f v" -�.x3M .r- . S' y,,, I _ 41.0 _ - ..S-- IT 9.9 -4.5 42.9 - O — LEGENDS .42.9 VEHICLES'FF-R DAY.(1000'S) --1 sae—ss-01•tsa - .� -_ _ _ .. _ --_-. K � _ _ _ WEN -s Tustin, Caiifomia - 40, - - EXHIBIT S -- - - - YEAR 2020 WITH PROJECT AVERAGE--DAILY ,TRAFFIC [ADTI IF .t it .+ • • ' • t,. ' • ?- , ,'yam i - • S. . _ ti v i Z` 29.0 -13.0 576 42.0 i SITE 10.0 46=x ,' 43.0 LEGENDI . 43.0 = VEHICLES ,PER DAY (1000'S) 1188-59-01:20a WEN01�5, Tustin, California "-"" • fit LKJ NG Al I• TABLE 5 - - -'YEAR 2020 WITHOUT PROJECT,INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION INTERSECTION APPROACH LANES' PEAK PEAK NORTH- SOUTH-_ EAST- WEST- HOUR HOUR - - BOUND BOUND BOUND BOUND = - ICU2 LOSS f INTERSECTION rL T R L T R L T R. L T R AM LPM AM PM EI Camino Real (NS) at: • Red Hill Ave.(EW) -w/o improvements 1 1 0 1 1 14 2 .3 0 1 3 0 1.03 0.82 F D -wtimprovements 2 •- 1 0 1 1 -1-4 2 -3 - =0 1 3 0 0.87 0.72 D _C 1-5 Fwy. NS Ramps(NS) at: • Red Hill Ave. (EW) - - '..• - _ _ - ' - w/o improvements 1 0 ,:.` 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 3 1 0.85 0.93 D - `,E ..- wlimprovements 1-5 0 1^5 0 .0 0 1 3 0 0 3 1 0.78 0.81 :-C,� D _ 1-5 Fwy. SS Ramps{NSI at: _ - _- • Red Hilt Ave. (EW) -w/o improvements 0 0 0 •l 0 1 0 3 1 1 3 - 0 ,0.96 _0.98 E E - -wrimprovements 0 0 0 1_5 0 1_5 0 3 1 1 3 -'O 0.80 0.87 C D Nisson Rd. (NS) at: • Red Hill Ave. (EW) " 1 1 0` 1 :1�>, 0 1 3 0 1. ' 3 0 .0.87 0.84 D• D ' When a right turn is designated,the Zane can either be striped or unstriped. To function as a right turn lane there must be sufficient width for right turning vehicles to travel outside the through lanes. L = Left" T = Through..,-- R hrough..,--R = Right_ 2 = Lane improvement Intersectidn Capacity Utilization (ICU) 3 Level of Service (LOS) s - ` A ' ` Restricted from right turns on red. 42 - - - - - 15 Freeway SB-Ramps,(NS) at _ • - ; Red Hili Avenue (EW) As shown in Table 5, the study area intersections are projected to operate at Level of Service "D" or better during the peak hours -for Year' 2020 without project traffic - _ w.%!. conditions, with improvements. The°Year 2020 .without project ICU calculations worksheets are included in Appendix 7P.., The AM and PM peak hour turning movement volumes_,for Year 2020 without_ project traffic conditions are shown on _ Exhibits T and U, respectively. + - - -•fir . _' , - _ �F' -✓}-`" .�.s-n_ .. �}.� ' Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) for,Year 2020 with project traffic;:conditions r=,y have been calculated and .are shown-in Table 6. Table_&shows ICU :calculation's at the study area"intersections withoutand with improvements:,,.For Year`2020 with � 1st- - � -r project traffic`conditions, the following intersections are,.projected to operate at Levet of Service "E" or "F" during the peak hours withouvimprovement`s: EI Camino Real (NS) at: • Red Hill Avenue (EW) - '- r = - 1-5 freeway NB Ramps-(NS)-at: — • Red Hill Avenue (EW). " -yrs` �_ _y •�- .. - -.x1-5 Freeway SB Ramps (NS) at: f +�° Red-Hill Avenue (EW) ' As shown in Table 6, the study-area intersections are projected to operate at Level of ,Service "D" or better' during the peak hours for- Year _2020 with project traffic conditions, with improvements. The Year 2020--with- .pr6ject ICU, calculations 43 r EXHIBIT .T - - - - - -- YEAR 2020 WITHOUT. PROJECT-:. - - - - AM PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION VOLUMES ,.�fw , �-. -. _:.I _ Y _ 1.: _ ,.L7?r � 1A -i r��,l'�•-, .- Fb r^�� S. �.f•�—e :;p.� Vie` n�.• ^3 � ' ` V1_�V _.7'.. i v .. a T✓.. _ _'= t{. w Lc. e. . .si1�u ter. ari. r. . - 11 «F�.• SITE - K ' _A.�r rev ,.^. -_. 'Z :;.:,, /1//�nO • WENOY' L-KJ S. Tustin.-California -- MC.LR K . 44 • - �f a.: - , EXHIBIT , U - - - - _:--YEAR`-2020_ WITHOUT PROJECT - _ "M °PEAKI HOUR-'-INTERSECTION VOLUMES • SITE tiisso� ' 1188-99-01:22n — WEND S, Tustin, Caliiamia t• SIC A c I! " - - - - b TABLE 6 - YEAR 2020 WITH PROJECT INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION INTERSECTION APPROACH LANES' PEAK PEAK NORTH- SOUTH- EAST- WEST- HOUR HOUR BOUND BOUND BOUND BOUND - ICUZ-- LOS3 - INTERSECTION L T R L T,` R L T R L T R AM PM AM PM EI Camino Real (NS) at: • Red Hill Ave. (EW) w/o improvements 1 1 0 1 1 14 2 3 0 1 3 0 1.06 0.85 F D -wrmprovements `-2 1 0 1 1 14 2 3 0 1 3 0 0.89 0.7.4 D ._ _ C 1-5 Fwy. NB Ramps (NS) at: • Red Hill Ave. (EW). - -W/o improvements 1 0 _.1 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 3 , 1 0.87 0.94 D= x1 E -wlimprovements 1_5 0 `--'1_5 0 0 -`'0 1 3 •0 0 3 1 0.80 0.82 -_C D 1-5 Fwy. SB Ramps (NS) at: • Red Hill Ave. (EW) - - w/o improvements - 0 . 0 — 0 1 .0 -1, 0 3 1 1 3 - 0 - 0.97 0.99 E E -wlimprovements 0 0 0 1.5 0 11^5 0 3 1 1 3 0 -0.81 0.89 D D Nisson Rd. (NS) at: • Red Hill Ave. (EW) r 1 1 Oa 1 1 0 1 3 0 1 3 0 0.88 0.66 D D ' When a right turn is designated, the lane can either be striped or unstriped. To function as a right turn lane there must be sufficient width for right turning vehicles to travel outside the through lanes. L = Left T = Through R = Right - 2 = Lane improvement a Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) 3 ..Level of Service (LOS) - Restricted from right turns on red. _ - - - - - 46 it ret yi ". •. ' worksheets are-included in Appendix "G".: --The-AM ,and, FM peak hour turning - movement volumes for Year 2020 with project traffic-coriditioris are shown J on Exhibits V and W, respectively. --_Year '2020 Traffic Assessment. The traffic impacts of the proposed'project Upon the study area intersections can be accommodated. The study area intersections are projected to operate at bevel of T_ :t Service "D" or better during the peak hours with the project and with improvements-''r shown in Table 6. 41 _ J. _ �. __ �__.___ - •• Y- _ _ it's} _ -_ -. •.,�.� _- _ The_project fair share "contributions.. have_ been- .calculated - for -the study,-area_ intersections which are impacted by-the project (see-Table 7):.;,Ttie project fair share has been based-on the actual volume/capacity ratio impacf of the project. The project fair- share of traffic volumes_at the'.study area inteesections ranges from 8.3% to ' 17.7%. �,. _- ',_, .: - - �' - - - - •- --- _ = _ 47 EXHIBIT V YEAR 2020 WITH PROJECT " - AM -PEAK--HOU_R -INT_ERSECTION"'VOLUMES fA ILI w.-__. _- _ - �'.! A,.,r •.`•Yn �i 1. s.'., t i. .. i -�/` t' ''� i� ..,Y._.x: . T • -�{^�- .. i _. r -l«r •i N1 .. � �.1. i-.+-�1 -:.�� i �4�\/� %O +.tis� `. �L SITE =� 7-7 • - � � � - � - - Fac .. Will 5,.Tuatln, CaUfamia - IR AfFS illi - - , AR EXHIBIT W -YEAR .2020 WITH PROJECT_ cJ WREAKS HOUR-e=ENTERSEGTI4NVOLUMES • - S ITE .- NJr� -WEN 5, TwWn, Cal[famia PROJECT FAIR SHARE INTERSECTION TRAFFIC CONTRIBUTION AD- INTERSECTION EI Camino Real/ 1-5 Fwy. NS Ramps/ 1-5 Fwy. SB Ramps/ __DESCRIPTOR _ - Red Hill Ave::_' - __ .Red.Hll Ave. Red Hill Ave. Year 2020 w/o 1.03 ti .' 0.93 0.98 Project Traffic, _ Year 2020 wl 1.06 *' 0.94 0.99 Project Traffic Project Impact -� 0.03 0.01 - - - 0.01 -- Year 2020 w/. _ 0.89 0.82 -0.89 Projectwl impravemerits Improvement Benefit - , 0.17 0.12 0.10 J Project,Share'` i7:7%- s -8.30/o- -. 10.0% ' Project Share _ — :Project Impact/improvement Benefit J -5.0 ON-SITE CONSIDERATIONS Queuing Analysis ugh --.. .: "' ."� .- .:h. i ._ �..•- .. - =_To assess the_queuin-g demand for the Wendy's drive-thru and on-site'.access, two similar'facilities were'examined in the Cities of Mission Viejo and'0range. IT To establish typical demandprofiles,_each of the facilities was obsewed on a Friday from 11':30 AM to 1 :00 .PM,ar d 5:00 PM to-6:30 PM and on.a Saturday from 11 :30 AM to 1:00 PM. Observations we`re made at five-minute intervals.during eac17 sample - —. - - period.. Information,was+collected 'on`drive-thru-service queue operations with the - folloWing three parameters: ,(1) number of vehicles at or,behind the menulorder board;- _ T (2) number of vehicles behind the pickup window;,and ,(3) queue free-flow conditions - rv- (did vehicles waiting in the.pickup window queue prevent vehicies`�from leaving the menu/order board so that another•vehicleCould not order): The drive-thru queuing surveys are depicted in Tables 8 and 9. Of the similar sites surveyed, the queue length reached a total of 8 vehicles during - -one five minute survey period. This occi rred on a Friday at 12:45'PM:- A queue - --- - storage length of eight vehicles should be, adequate to-accommodate the drive-thru - -- - demand. Using the site survey information, it would appear that the drive-thru will have sufficient queue storage area with the recommendations within': this report. Site Access The projectsite should`providetwo access driveways onto EI Camino Reai (see Exhibit X). The south EI.Camino Real driveway should provide full, access with one lane in and two lanes. out.. The fuli accoxit ahe site and ess d'civeway will. allow vehicles t ;e _ .TABLE e -.MISSION V1EJ0 SITE SURVEY ' - - - ----- - -_ - _._.._,..-.- - -_---_ • NUMBER OF VEHICLES - AT OR BEHIND AT OR BEHIND TOTAL QUEUE FREE-FLOW TIME ORDER BOARD PICKUP WINDOW QUEUE CONDITIONS' Friday , - 11:30 AM - _ :"l._ 1 ' 2 11:35 AM 2 1 3 YES 11:40 AM 2. 2 :r, _ .^4 - YES 11:45 AM 2- 2 4 YES 11:50 AM 2 3 5 NO 11:55 AM 1 1 2 YES 12:00 PM 1 1 2 YES 12:05 PM ..i 1 i. . 2 = - 3 `- `YE5 - - 12:10 PM -3 -2 _ 5 YES = -'12:15 PM _ -2- 2',: 74 'Y 7 'YES _ _, r '"•:, 12:20 PM 0 1 1 YES _ •12:25 PM _ ;3 ,s. °3;r7".:1' 'r -.4 ,. YES 12:30 PM 3 _1- 4� YES- 12:35 ES12:35 PM 1 2 - -- i 12:40 PM 1- v 2 ;i-. - 3 - YES _ 12:45 PM _ 5 _ _ 3 , _ S NO - - - 12:50 PM 5 2 7 NO 12:55 PM 4 2 _ 6 NO 1:00 PM 2 1 g .- YES_ 5:00 PM 0 0 0 YES .5.05 PM 1. - - 12,:-, r €.' ,YES 5:10 PM `2 " 2 -YES" 5:15 PM - 1 . 1, 2 YES - 5:20 PM 0+ r-u_ 0 0 - --- =YES - LL - - - 5:25 PM '2% 1 _ 3 YES 5:30 PM 2 3 5 .YES 5:35 PM 0 1 1 YES 5:40 PM 1 3 - - 4 YES - - - -. 5:45 PM _, -0- _ 1 -i -YES 5;50 PM 2 1 _ 3 YES V _-5:55 PM .0 i •_ 0 -0 ' YES - - _ 6:00 PM 2 1 3 YES — - 6:05 PM ---, .� 1�-- :-_ - :-1 _2 �-_ - YES -- r - -- --- 6:10 PM 1 2 3 YES =2. _ 2,' -_ -; -YES--. -- 6:20 PM 1 3 4 NO 6:25.PM _ -2 a 3 5 NO s 6:30 PM - 2 3 5 NO. _ = Saturday F 11:30 AM s '0 - "0- 0 ' YE=S 11:35.AM 0 0 0 YES 11:40 AM 1 2 3 YES 11:45 AM 1 1 2 YES 11:50 AM 1 0 1 YES -• 11:55 AM 3 - 2 5 YES - 12:00 PM 3 1 4 YES 12:05 PM 1 1 2 YES 12:10 PM 3- 4 7 YES : .. 12:15 PM t ' -1 .. :�'=h2's ,. . 3' C` YES 12:20 PM 2 3 5 YES 3 1225 PM '_'3 0 _ ; 0 0 , BYES 12:30 PM - �1 -!1 2 YES 12:35 PM i 12 -- - 0 2 YES F - 12:40 PM = `i,3 _ ,2 r^ ° 5 YES 12:45 PM 2 2 4 YES 12:50 PM 0 1 1 YES -- - - 112:55 PM 2 0- 2 - YES 1:00 PM' "2 1 - 3 YES --- - - - - 1.Queue free-flaw condition occurs when vehicles waiting in pickup queue do not block a vehicle from leaving order board. turn left into 'the existing two-way leftf turn median, 'The north ;EI .Camino Rea! - driveway should be restricted-to right turns'inlout-only with-signing.and striping_and provide one lane in and one lane out.;This restriction is'necessary due to the number - of vehicles stacked within the northbound left turn pocket on EI Camino Real desiring to turn left onto Red Hill Avenue. The Wendy's development is proposed for two access driveways to EI Camino Real. The prior use for the project site had one driveway to Red Hill Avenue and four driveways to-EI Camino Real.- The proposed development is consolidating driveways to reduce the total number by three driveways. The project site should be provided -- with--two-access driveways in order to-allow additional--exiting-vehicles to stack at the - stop signs -without blocking on-site parking spaces. In addition, the two driveways allow emergency vehicles td enter the project site from one driveway and exit via the other driveway, because the site does not allow emergency vehicles to turnaround on- site. Furthermore, the two driveways will provide additional.area and choices for - vehicles circulating on-site-to exit onto El Camino Real. Sight distance at each access driveway should be reviewed with respect to Orange County Public Facilities and Resources Department Standard Plan 1117 (see Appendix'- "Hl,..when. landscaping and improvement plans are prepared.- _ On-Site Circulation On-site parking spaces should be provided to meet the following City of Tustin parking requirements: 1 parking space for each 3 seats plus 1 space for each 300 square feet used for kitchen, storage, or food preparation. 55 I I The proposed site plan for:,the;Wendy's project is adequate from a:traffic circulation' standpoint,-if,the recommend ed_traffic improvements,are implemented as noted in thisv, - report.:,-,,r;-;Access., point--sight-;di'stance.,review Viand access.,traffic -:controls;,as -%-;, recommended in ithis ;report .should,-be ;implemented,in :coniunction,with,,the-final : =_° - - design -of -the project. -.•With these recommendations the- site_plan;,;Will_'Junction :,..-- _-ti- adequately from a traffic circulation"standpoint. i _ ,. .r.-•a'�- a .;3 .. :'dr�- !. � �L .r e»'; � , - -. ..'4. : .-. f_. t_, - �. - --'------- - Lim§^ - . G, _3.. �T .-. r- i _ ,•r - -' - Ort -' -v iL�F - - z} r* f ,.-'" ,i ,4..•, .. .� -?�: - - a..v.SrY` .:.�1" e1 sJ _ _ - .i� .... - •df _F , L,_~rx=`ice.,- �Fr� '- „ - J;.i: „[ - - s . 014 ' 1-Lu.._ S a? ,. 1 s . e. 7. i3:.. v _)' • .'. } _ ''I ' 56 . } - 4 - APPENDIX A LEVEL OF SERVICE DESCRIPTION 17 a �• -'V,'$F� - i . �. Z .ray ' - - t 'LEVEL OF SERVICE `DEFINITIONS service" ,Y t 1. ; `fieneril r a u�4 A t `FteewaYs ,� ns Arterials • Level t- "` :pefiaiflon -Criterla for.measurement Y _, Criteria for measurements ^� Density(cars per lane-mile). { i Average travel speed(mph) _._'h., h=• LJa.•.. :l ..�`' ,,.iii .`.-,f il- , _i.4 .. 4r. t�C•.mss• a .,.. 'dam.�i+r-r,• �� 'e n_ :� �:sF's1 1+ � A Free flow. 1idlvidual users are Free flow operstions. Average Primarily free flow-operations:at virtually unaffected by the,_pres- travel.speeds. near,60 mph gen- average travel speeds usually encs of others In the traffic- `°erally prevail on 70-mph freeway _ within 90 percent of the frewflow - - -- `stream: 'Freedom ,to select-de �'- elements.`'r Vehicles are almost speed Vehicles aro completely I?e P! Y aired speeds and 'to maneuver A`~ completely:unimpeded In their unlmpeded. in their ability to within the traffic`stream is eir- ''1' ebi!!ty 'to_`maneuver within the maneuver within the traffic - tremely ..--",,The average stream. ~ Stopped 'delay at sig- high. The general level traffic stream of comfort and convenience pro- spacing between vehicles Is about nalixed intersections is minimal. a RFs= vided to the motorist, passenger,,- - 440 ft, or,22' car-lengths, with F gar pedestrian•ia excellent, maximuym density"^o[ 22 'cars/ ;mlAn. The effects of minor incl- _ ra �. u4 � .� s� � 3 1 _ i� _3._.! ' .• _ , •� y - - ;� dents lar:breakdowns' are"easily L absorbed.-at this-level. -Although - ,til ,x y „ ,theyrnay cause a detrrI ratloii ht LOS„ln,the"'vIcinity of the Inc. l , L �t �• ,••3 dent, `standing queues .will',not = yfo[m,'and..trafflC .9uickly returrtt to LOS- A on parsing the diruptloa e 1 - S B Stable [low, but the presence of Reasonably,tree-flaw, conditions, t_-Animpeded operatieas at average other users in the traffic stream *. and-speeds of over 57 mph are:c. _:n travel -speedi usually .within 70 _ begins to be noticeable. Freedom- er__ :maintained •.on,•,70-mph freeway _ percentwof,_the:free flow speed. to select desired speeds is-rela-_- elements. The inverage spacing;;;�:11>.The.ebilitysto ,maneuver within lively unaffected, but there Is a ---.between vehicles is about.260 ft, the traffic stream Ia slightly alight decline in the'freedom+to sor ,-13 :car-lengths, 'with a _restricted and stopped delays-are maneuver withinthe traffic ,_:;`mai mum =:_;.density . of. 20 not bothersome. stream from LOS A. The Ievel of. _-_.,,cars/miAn. ;:,-The ability to comfort and convenlence provided A maneuver %,within=y1 the traffic Is somewhat less than at LOS A, ;a, ,•.atream;•ls only sllghtly restrlc- _ - because the presence of others In z�,.'..'ted.'c The effects .of minor Incl- the traffic stream beglns .to dents •and breakdowns are still _ affect individual behavior. ^; ,•: easily ,obearbed, „though local •..,,dgterioratlon In service mould be - - _. icr_�j<more severe than for LOS A. - — ,- --- -- — ' C Stable flow, but marks= the~ Stable :, oleratlo --- -- p ns,•. but � [lows - Statile operations. wtitfity- to beginning of the range of flowT in approach the range In which small maneuver and change lanes In which the operatlon of Individual increases In flow -will cause midblock locations may be more `users becomes significantly substantial deterioration in restricted than. In LOS B, and .. , ,Io�tt,�;,affected:-by clintaractions with_,,,', service” Average .travel speeds� � longer, :queues . and/or adverse j;-jj::others In-the traffic stream.,,The,f; z-pare still over�54 mph. Freedom to.,_ ,�,aslgaal -� -.coordinatloa may -- =-r '•r! selection of speed;is kffeeted by' ,;,,:,,maneuver' ,within-, the traffic � contritaute to IQ selection travel . H the_.presence,,of;r others and ; " strewn !s noticeabi -restricted at eds•of about 50 ereent of the ,y , maaeaveriugwlttila' the traffic f.:,, L08'C, and latie_:changes:require..,;. average free flcyr speed. stream .;requires subatnatlal s additional gore:slid vigilance.by s` :vlgllmace on the pert of the user." ,,the driver. Average spacings am _ 1 M ,, The general level of comfort and ,A ,nq in ,the-range of 175 ft, or 9 car- convenience declines noticeably lengths, with a meilmum density r at this level of,S0/cars/ml/ln.,;�Mlnor incidents nisy •atilt, be-.absorbed, but the local deferldi; tioiiAn service will ,.,ties subatantlal. Queues. may be sa. , ';expected ;to tito>•m; behind Tany _ signiflcaat• hIockage.. Additional s•:r'.}= vigilance_by_rdrlver, required for D High-density, .but :,stible, flow. Borders on unstable flow._jj this Borders on a range on wtiieb small — -- -r SPeed and freedom to Maneuver -tip ;range,�small Increases .Ih .flow Increases 'in flow- may cause are severely restricted,: and the cause substantial'deterioration In substantialIncreases in approach driver or pedestrian experiences a service. Average:travel speeds of delay and,, hence, decreases• in generally poor level of .comfort _. �6.Imph or more can still be arterial speed. This inay be.dise.fi end-convenience. Small_ Increases _ Maintained5 on. 70-mph. freeway toT adverse ~signal-:pragreaelaa," In -:traffic'flow will geaerally�_. elements.'"r Freedom to maneuver =Inappropriata slipma timWg, high' - "cause a'peratlonal problems at this' "' "within"the traffic stream , Is volumes, or some combination of level. severely limited. Even minor these. Average travel speed& are Incidents can be expected to about 40 percent of, free flow ' '.create _ substantial queuing. _ speed. _ �, be@ame the 'traffic stream'has'; little ;space-c- -to - _ disruptloru. ;Average spacings are_ i - about 125,Lt;"or„6 ear-lengths; :, -with 'i nmaximum density,9t 42 5,}iY.. -. ..s ia?: - _ �."'F4'4ra�ml�lfL .•F rrK� - --e?.; ._ �• +_ ... . +'-,,. _.-._ - E Operating conditions at ar neer _The boundary between LOS D and' • 'Significant approach delays and the capacity level. All speeds are" �” 0 LOS'::E .deserihes`,_•operation at " average travel speeas of one-third V - _ reduced to-a low but relitively_�r` capacity.•"Operatloris In this level'' the;- ee_fr -flow ,speed-dr u Vea orm value. Freedom to,"man-_ - 'are extremely unstable. because- Such operations-are. caused-by euver within the trafflc-strm is ''; --there are'virtually no usable gaps some combination or .adverse . -,extremely ,difflcultp-- and r1t"'la` n ''the y`i=alilc"stream. YehlcleeT, pro`gresslon, high-a[gnel -density, generally accomplished by forcing"` •`�, are spaced et eppraximately B0 ft, extensive q oras ng - at-"-critical a vehicle or pedestrian to="give or'?'4 Vicar-lengtha,' at.'reietively ;Intersections, and Inappropriate _ way" to accommodate suets'man=` uniform'tieadways:rThis,`however, signal timing. L euvers. •Comfort and eonvenleace ` _r teep esent9 the minimumspacing _ = - levels -are -extremely.,poor,` and at which stable`lflow can be _ _ driver or pedestrian frustration is accommodated. "Any disruption to- -- - :_generally high. Operation at this. the traffic stream; such-as e _ _ - level are usually imitable,because ' vehicle entering from a ramp,ora -y: - _ -'small increases tin,flow'or'minor °; l^^ vehicle- chenging,r�lanes,- causes ; _. ;-x't - perturbation=within the traffic t ;,following'vehicles to give.way to ..:F atrea will cause breakdowns.fir_ - admit'the vehicle.'I-At capacity,= Fi--'a =_• - -3"� Si: =T:. 4 5�- 'r - F'r4 irafflc l stream..has no -to 133fpate even the most minor: ` disruptions.-.Any incident eazi be expected •to"produce :a serious' - - breakdown r-s:with: exteriiive -•�' -queuing:' -The'range •of:,flows' - - - - "encompassed` by' %LOS ,E is s _ ,:'relntiveIy small -':compared to _ - : :'other-!'levels, -but _ reflects a _-- "substantial "• deterioration tin fiservice. --Maneuverhbility .within - - the traffic stream is extremely t _-- — - - limited. Average travel speeds-at-- capacity are =approximately 30'-%b-' mph. F' I:cvel=of�eiwice'r F." Forced or Level-'}F deacribem forced 'or `_''Arterial:'[los+ at:extremely lox- bieekdown flow` 'Thls condltloii`�-I �breelid ivn flow. --Such conditions-- speeds below vane-third to one exists`"wherever 'the..amount of � ' generally exist •�wlthin queues squarter of the-free .flow speed. 117' irafflc �'appioergi ik g . e -point''_'*'forming"' -behind F breakdown"--43Intersection congestion Is likely,.at - 'exceeds Lhe 'enionnt which can -r paints.---Breakdown'occurs when_ u,-� eritical Agnalized°locations, with' traverse the point. Queuees. form z:;NT the'ritic of`setual. arrival`flow--• ' high approach--delays resulting. behind such locations. - Arrival " '.z iate,1a actuid capacity or the =Adverse,progression Is frequently flow exceeds discharge flow.', " t forceasted flow-rate to estimated - a contributor to this condition.- " `- espacity i ;_Xeieeeds '' ' Operation"at'such a point will f= 'Tgeneiully be'-htyoi"near.capacity, -'-and �d6whstieam operations may - be Bette'-4a'"•vehlcles pass-the bottleneck (assuming..that- there ' - _ r e are,-no' ddltianel downstream - problems):. The LO8 F operation „ -,,observed�wlthln 4 queue are the - ` result-of. a breakdown or bottle- -- neck at a downstream point e9ourcet "Highway Capacity Manual;Special Report 2or TrPPgnnrtatinn BeaeRrrh Lineal. Washinwtan D.C..1985 _ _ - ... 3 .-�j N Y+; w f Y. *rr. - , w i ! ^< J b e O C]r *'' 1t•,,, �'1�. r• - �.. '• ON1_ v � �. � ell N t�. �i. [S7 V' �: 1�f' N_ r S � .f- I 1"•■ t.r 'r`"•or ` ■ ' - I rr) o r of .. .. ,-m s 4 ro N(( a , ' PaCl ;' o IL / 'r en N Rx171 eDY �i Irl '.--.N K n 7 M/'f]Int•r eT V m 7•.Nw in .0_ O t0 M(r7(`. M !N O N•t1(C O' etl y N N Ln N tl'O Ib V - N GD■IO LO to 00 I. r •'Y �• LJ }! L.1 R 'N N N N NNN•••. .--. .-..,,N N N N rn CJ N N N'N N N N N N N N N M K.•+.+ ' H m A I I!1'f1 M y N N IV-+Y INL .�NI 07 tl1 ' L)1 n k Li ^�, - +iw t r.� t■■l (M11 I t 0. tO Me Ce �It R M d ot t+7 .. n 'W , r.. m In OI . }} n11. im Lfl Y ]l1 . Li• - r ' I,R ,. + at,. .,t If, {. '� t, R . d 4 .,. , . r } �: 'ti +; (urlj N.� .a. �',� rr i t s!i!4 M N M M I. .i, O X d' R ,_i I t F i i ►•-. ► ■ b/p w h. co N r N ■. .-.ltrl Q •'N V7 �a •r LA N w t00 V C3.K N N Vl V(C? , O t+N f7 N•f -i l0 • O(V Co O V V N dl O •J N Ir R i k Il ■ k k V'O �. ti N�{O Ol. O.Mi '�^• O-Na Y• N(e- Mw......Na�i ti R - co' Y • fy•� O N'r-_ L7l,0 /r W N V V N M\II NNN 1 l T' R i~. 'r CL t r C7 Y r y , to nO ~ i .••t R r k ,K M 1 n 1 '' ��M I N N .�.r _ r,l`n F Oi /L7 k rq It " u # IN C.,mtry e•) otu(.tD rnaID� (fl l+ ITN and Ol u) M N(6 QI oUt`I.J tph C7 ch MO7M 7 mmMN d V tOA i r X ,; r�ou �� out VI N Lu co lu t�, , tbma7o 000(v of M • : Ti ul ' ; # 1-I •.•. Q? Iti r•a M Y, .N-r ...C'7a 'Ce up' W LO U1 V7 h t0 C V Vr V Q SV fry try.•a N r1 H N R, ■ , � •M •i to[7 .m-1 P%n cJ Ln rJ L1'1 v Ln v m U An t: In 17 KI Cl W)O. LL)PKI o to C1 LA t7 M1 N 4 LA b In 4 LR O t rY R k M-.} sy .--.M V O� .-. M O r7 b•J' # 4 ► " lot .• 'I' .. .: .. .. •-•ep a d -." v o r Iq 4 O .-(n7 v CJ .•-1 a O • Y LL ♦ # .N-r .. -ti.ni Q O �I •••(r)- r Y 4.Y r t'JeN , M•r Y tl u1 ,"Vl WI,»W (O to tm '!� I�-r..co •.n,m 00 cocn ��.{O7 01 QI� e;; 71 Y In �R 111 '1 I -. r OO ,'.��.a WR eR •1 v 4. 1 1- I 11 1 I I 1• ( I t i'.r I I 1 I� 1 y 1 I I ( 1 1 rl:, 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 •1 1 I r (, v..1 M,LCP CA V O«mv Cl Ul O�«U.14 owtin�•jv LrIstr.�-.14.1e P-�•. v VAI r41'v UW-1dQ .-1 M,In vtot7In d.ma OIf1 ONOLh R. 14 k r7 Q U r+ r+J-N N N M M M In K p d V \A KI Ln N 1 ID In to Uq 1 t-.M r. CO m com pI OL Cl d7 b O Q Q ��.•. r n Y 'i• .--1• k } , LLJ I r •.w (� + 4 r *♦ -7v •\n r ' •N I a CO O m 'i r. rh '.y , �. ' •� � , -1 y•� rl' ,r r�y.} tO • - 1 r ( . M ' m i •'tn - 4 - /i N•V ch N In 10 rA M �e vl Vl Y In M tl u'1 R 1 e N ., NGIce hto M r v Ncdv al - t0 t71 „ t'v to NNv v go 'orvm-ii r T. r 1 Y # , N: .-. \rl b^b • N N 1A J J'" V N-1 y ci .. �] * F" w r • I'. 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SD tl MIA (D Ul b' s! to In ILI KI Kew qu rn P,E! al I 'O•r 1 1 ■ '.k •I` �" ' I' '1 I '{• `ter i ■r 1 .■ Y In CJ V[J •-t al V U Ifl U rll U rn O Ln C7 In C) •n CJ UI O u5 U to O Ln'Li•!1 r7 u1 CJ In n LA U.1'1 C1 VI O V7 CJ rn a■ 'o Y I , V M „ Y ^'r, .. ,•,',I M K C7 t'1 V G t7 •7 Cl r^-r M V U •i M V 1' •,r.l 11 K r r ■ N-hJ r t'I• - �4- _ .. •! 'J •t1 v U r.•.nI -P .-..t•7 a P. -1 r'7 V 4 R ■ �'1 r , • W♦ Yr, L•r r N -rv.N• •) r':•1 L V V,V �Y'an :413,.1 Vl 10 '47'10 W 1� , ti ••f • is i - r -..a-. y I � + "rA ex•++•O'Co O• tm V I .O-. Y r(\ V i r, 1.`# .1 . I 1 . 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V5 . 58 TOTAL TIME h8 S8 TOTAL ..wf.r rrr.}rrw..YY+Y'R.rRw+r.rY wrrx..lflrrrr.r.a.r.Y.rRrlr!l rrerr!lYR.ri trr.rf.,rwwir...........flwfrw :2:15 ,- 39 23 ' 52 12:CO - L2:15 3307 -" 182 489 12:15 - 12:3:) 27 12 •' '39 L2.15 - 12:30 259 159 458 12.30 414:45 2^ E - - 34 12:30 - 12:45 Hi 172 _-133 ]i:45 - 1:C0 34 ;2f S`38 39 ` 164 `_ _ 12:45 - ;:CO •-211- IL38 -2C1 71� 475 1855 - 1':15 18 7 - 25 1.00 - 1:15 280 199 479 e:15 1:30 13 F i9 - ::15 - 1:30 276 - 186 462 - !:30 - »1:45 27 - l0 37 1:30 - ''_:45 279 - 170 :49 1:45 - 2;C0 21 :..79 4 -27 25 106 3:45 - '2:.CO Z39 1:74 190 745 529 1919 Z.lS 15 9 24 2:00 - 2:15 310 _. :61 471 2:15'- 2:30 8 _ 6 =E4 _ 2:15_- ,-2:30 315 176 491- -2:3Z; -:;2:45 _ -11 f - -2 - _: 13 " - 2:30 - 2:45 320_ :85 505 2:45 CC - - 18 -;_2 E :.=23 =r.24 =75 2:45 - 3:00 413 1358 192 -714 305 ,2072 .3:u0 S:15 5 4 10 3:C0 - '3:15 365 i95 564 �.15 .3.30 2 ' _ 13 --' :3 3:15 - 3:30 331 169 300 _ 3:30 ;3:45 2 5 8 -' 3:30-- 3:45 z25 'dF. 512 3:45 - ;4:07 26 6 :Z7 22 53 3:45 - '4:00 363 1385 164 '.718 527 ,4:00 -_ 4:15 11 - - 10. _.. 21 _ 4:C0 :15 408 - !Be 5'6 4:15 4:30 11 -- 14 25 :15 - 4:30 452 154 602 A:37 - -4.-45 17 2E - 43 4:30 - 4:45 429 !83 E17 4.47 5.00 1: `_6 24 74 _ .41 130 4:45 - 5700 442 1'31 :82 688 324 2419 5:03 - 5:15 y25 33 58 5:00 - 5:15 E08 _86 694 5-i5 _5:30 27 r 49 =. 7E - 5:15 - 5:30 534 $08 742 5:33 - 5:45 43 92 _ 1.32 5:30 - 5:45 538 205 5:45 - tfi:oO c5 137 100 274 'i45 411 5:45 - 6:00 542 2:22 _ 778 721 2500 ' ?' 6- @:0J �5:15 84 98 182 6:00 - 6:1 5 479 LE8 047 _ 6:15 - _E:30 55 120 !?5 6:15 - 6:30 446 188 638 - - E:30 -_.6:45 115 - -176- 234 s - -- 6:30 - 6:45 410 = - `!9C - -- 600 - E:45 - ;2:00 156 all 212 6C3 '368 1019 . 6;45 - 7:CC 558 169: - 159 705 =17 2398 7:CO - 7:15 179 235 414 1:00 - 7:15 299 _ -151_-_, - 440 .- - 7:15 ;.b:,K 165 - ' - 302 `-- - - -467 _ 7:15 - 7.30 232 126 35B - 7.30 - -?.45 239 - 365 604 7:30 - 7:45 220 125 345_ - 7:45- :.GO=_ Z65 848 334 !236 _ 599 _2.084 ',%45-- -8:00- 2C7 - -545 -1:F 514 `319 1162" - e':00 8:15 223 3a6 559 8:00 - 8:15 176 102 278 6:I5 - 6:30 217 292 509 8:15 - 8:30 153 92 245 8:30 - .8:45 188 284 - 470 8:31- - 8:45 15678 73. 2.45 - -3:00 176 8C2 252 1.164 428 19664` 8:45 - 9:00 151. 636 82 358 233 393 9:00 - 9:15 154 191 385 9:00 - 9:15 153 83 236 9:15 - ,y:30 !91 156 347 - 9.15 - 9:30 162 75 ?3? 5.32 - 9:45 IE7 :6O : 327 9:30 - 9:45 137 - 66 -303 " 9:45 - 1C:00 201 -i,3 142 639 .-343 1402 9:45 - 10:00 150 602 54 278 204 SHO 0:33 - :0.15 191 130 321 !0:00 - :0:15 1I3 62 175 :0:15 - IC-30 192 118 3i0 7 10:15 - :0:30 92 55 148 ' !C:30 - !C:45 174 127 301 110:30 - 10:45 112 45 15a 1x.45 - 1-:00 161 7[d 1ZG 501 1293 1225' - 10:45 - I1:00 64 381 56 22C 120 60_ 11:00 - 11:15 243 139 382 11:00 - 11:15 54 36 - - 97 - - 11:15 - 11;30 241 140 381 11:15 - 1 :30 73 34 107 ' :1:30 - 11:45 273 - _ _!6C ,435 -- 11.30 -1.1:45 - --50 Z1 ' _ --;,7: ` 11:45 - 12:0C 259 1022 156 '555 - 1415 1517 11:45 - 12.00 47 - 224 25 116 -72 340.... _ +rr.r rrxrr r.rre.r.rrYr.rr•r.-rrtlrrrrrrrrrrrrrerrrYrrrrrt.rttt.rrrr.rrr.rrl rYrr.tfrl.rrrrlw.rr:*rrYrY.rYr wrrwYr...w.x..wr ' iC'AL5 S.0?$ ' 5.216 __10.252 --- µ I3.397 =_-.' ,547 _ - :9.933- 18.426 _ !'1..763- 30.191 --- ...e.a..v}ar...r.Yw..-....w..�..................rye.1.r.•..IY.rYY�YYlrlrxarw!*faYlY.r.:Y:t�lrrrfl 4*rre�Y e.xfYi:Yf f]n. LA C13 gm -v s :01 ■ R ID tT - ...1 mco it + / ..�t sr N N v , r ur 1FI n, p Lrp ' O ^ M w 7 t7 R N w N ,Ok O .: i t n mM rU InN n H •n V ao0 trrn ul tD ul'•!�_v InW O-• u0 a K M O .-.^ oMN N C5<n --.YIbO .�. .. M N j FIM '1 W *.Vl Ill[I/Ln In to u WI IMD.i,ID lD IrI ,u7 umi,W 10 M n .--.A [a•7 ..Pl m C+ w H w K M d O at P In w A w t4 171 ea Id Y Y j • U w fv A A A r� ti!�Yl IJl In V 4 F} M M M M N r1l N N N'-1.r.•M c� k 'r ' 'f r V/ ;M ■ R I' f r y ' R �''• I * U ��p tv • ' t7 I, i m - ' ' 1 N A k P I nI+ .I(R ■ • r. • O Ts7 ,D a ,,} ..y k FA V h ,ael V R r m It I{ r N 'a R ,Q■ i� r .I I y In . y r'=,• I J I'~ k It A M W 10 Vl M•cr CT erl N '� M •...D QI t0 c0 W LT N Ol Cr V i.41 ID 'N W.•.M qO M N N 1-. CO r� ID'N Ol ul IDA 1I. moi. (- -* 1 k 'rl k t, n yr n tll 10 T Ip V f0 ,fl n O P h tp 7 Y.tlla HJ M -. tb b ti VI In ^7 M N•.•k + N N N N CJ N N N N N N N N N-N N N N•-+ N�• r.,r ,..!„r Y .'L- ' M •M a r , k R .1 Y h i j ,. 1 • rY- RA 04 i■ !.I !•. w{ , . .-r •v I ' V.--I _I .�U-11 .7r _ I, I� � N � mK tq .IE S (NV ON mIu � n � - kOI 10 eJ7 I W[�•f 1' t ' • d R Zf ' I }~ R M � Clf ' }• R A k k N p M 1 N o 1 .--• In V u V IU t0 *7 W w gu•J ell ID a O IT to W d w H V 1]V' NPO o 1+7 w N m Fal w O ID 4 N CO lot H .-•i .t I- k N « I R O V 01 rr m HI V' N M W 1.1 w ,rl■I Ip In M w H N ALO w V]Fl O m I.1 tV VI W W r` A N W ui l_, ■ � K • M nl M N N N M N M M l'7 M M M.rl r•) �,IFI r M V' V•Ml v7� *} '•F M M Fl NNN .- 1 •••..Y•-•r. .--.•.-�.--• V 4 ■.• i • i K i } � P R l !� / Y • IiC Y -i ri l•PI e GVr1 V u1 C7 •�O rr7 P ul CS u-,0 .W-I i:i uJ CJ u o u # I y I ■ d # f .. ..M sr O i M C O M at' r? , r•'/,r O •-•l M V O m 1 7 O p to V .IA G 1!'1 C-7 V Y7 n IAO Ivry O a} O H f!1 V'O +3 R lam' f R NNN.--1 ...1 HH N ..• •• •• •• .. �Q O ,--•MaO f'1 d O .-.r7 a V R R • t R N W.--.-_I .. �1 N N Fl rl M7 Fl Y H'.V M7 tal an I!y[A [O!O l0 A h.P-F. 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J ....r-•N P7- r.l F7 eA IO tD ti 1pW •I Q .T' Q''Q FI.t Fl M K,tl T Y V7 In■ I Y '�F Mr. tl I • - M Iii f- •• �° K r In rn ' I M' I i• Y _�' L -.d .f r •O! .t qlw SO. w 0.Ln 0 1'I, 11 h 1711 rn 1rS ' N rt " ' V I1 R• • I i .. '-1 [', i! i71 •'i -.1 i U N.I '., ` to .--r l71• A k •- x i' F, Y W y co •'C rl co.'O N OI t71 rn •J In N•-+ v•� A W V rI Fl Irl OI fU a17 t0 A to N A[O r ^ r.--1 #• -.y • .+ .1 N V e. t �� ~ .a 's.• , } ..N•h , V'••1 LQ M• r7 n V Co m 7�r A rn r�ti CO w U H, "+m�V V, Iwtl 11 N V Q V ■ „ Y Ol 4 Z F7 9, S • 1 > ' II.r y ■A ,� I L_ .... 1 .-•N N N M Q r•l M M M N N N' N.•. N N N N f. ■: 11�• r•�.�V N R Pit,4. x R M t wn LH'. •h- r e.. 1•I 1 19 li� .I . • M �' 00 III In •R ff.j K k HY « ..n w 1 w I'-a Fl W rI v. w Y v av rn v n tp rr 4 r J J M / 'M r•7N M'- N tiw OLON N .••1 v V N Nw ri tp H NC6 ftl NCO V• tl W NMN c1 V' l) W AO• ■ 'I O I • �' ♦ ` �' • 7•OI .G•r .ED M-• H N N rl N N N N M N N O Q. N Ol Ill •r [!A A R II 11 ?M, S • k • I1 N N NNNN N NN Eli I s y pp��1111 R k �I I i ' , I a Y d F Od••,�y « vi CI ul C• ul U u]C3 VI P In U In U vi in .n t7,A tl ul 4 arl G to [7 Vl Cl ,!� .'7 VI O H t?U" t� V1 77 V r']. .�-1 1'O7 H O. u1 O trl O Y h k - k r .7 V O •-.F! V V H,F] 7 V.. .Fl V V :*7•! O .••1 r+l aT V .--I 1+7 T O .-1•17 a O 1•l a O, .-/[ H rr7 H O■ Y d■: 1 k t N INA".a �I- . •• 1 .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. r=l t I, Y •Iv t ' .-1 ,. '!� N ,N i'7 J ••I•F!'Ih V .'. V..ar V VI•'a •!1 IJ•li N W to lO A'' •'r!1-�!� rJ] •Q ll1 VI []l OI VI 171 O C/ I •N1 _ Y j K ul Iyf Iy� • • y �`�'f R,N f .l 1 I I 1 1 1 !� I 1� 1 1 t I 1 t' t I i • 1 r.• , 1 I 1' 1 1 I f t '1 I 1 - . I - 1 ~� .--• rµ�.--, M W ii r r / • ,cJ v7 t)U14. V ul p ta?'-, C I,,'(Z)tt> r,cr M r..�r O up A w O It) to In O ul P k O.�-I O to" O u'1 :i. • R b H t•1 v}; U H Fl Q c:.1 .• []to O uT t7 VS P p vy° s O to. cJ vl rI If, J IR i M Tt V M V O M b n SIF '.I 1--'Y r r Y Y N N•� N'i •.. , N N N N M•") r1,.] -3 V •J' V Vl N 4'/W) fO IIQ L17 W I ti n!1 r� W W YI.1 to VY OI to%I. l"!try tJ J H ■ V tl Y I If E I f '• .. I I I • � , f • I I Q O4 4171 M N M - ,� 1 (,1 r • e :W C] ' N _ . N •/ 't•+ LT -. L:r amt 7 ,•�r r V n tD rn - •, cn# V V h t r• N En i •J} w �f i e"r 17 o tll M f n c 1 LD C" N m h Y7 M rS, [y . } r« ' ,, r I N , ,N , , M'N rr . r 'N ' N 11 M Ir' lV r 01 , /•. • t fn It N r# • :� It •R k C rn R u # / « to Ni/r t7 W .-.Y) In 04 U VI .-I.Vi a N ti [n rD 10 :W O fa ul W rr w In rJ 111 ti rl ` 41 Y'J-4 A I1 N M w t-.n M rn V �..i CO f0 v t, O - N Di.-, tD IJl [D Vl +Rt IJ'/tp ... m O M a O M M r to ti T 41 N LID Q W rt N N N OI'J3 to N 41 1I n« M yy R , Y R V 1 V)VJ IA In Lm rD ID ,eQ f¢,O w' -,fu tD IQ ID r.' ID w R r' «': '' r I . r I , ''•J I '1I' I rb}W, 1D Vi V Y f•l t•'J H M;lJ H N N N N N r r••I w .�-. .r 1 CJ t kr1 t, h R .Ij It L7• In Y � - F r i ' � ' k Y U t Z' ► • Ln In 7 T .. r - 1'I 'YI rR _ } (r! �. -F•-# .,~ « i •; +l.~. J - b s :.) fO9 i 'n N j .(k k R . '1-r ' ,I+ 1• Jr , 'y r :IV rl •l'! i 1.7 rr ID '- In In - N F co lc+ �� - • C]F 1--- h W• ' r I 1 R I J R r h JD•J 11'J'n to tJJ lV tU W K aJ r^ w M In 1— v Ch •.r 01 to a M to P V7 rti to N N O .�f9 t� 4 O t7 l+l V7 f� EO n,N ♦ h fV N V lT Y EO u'Y .n'f71 IID '� 10 cD ^- t}I to�..O r/47 �.t'J a W M IV m IT Ci n V1 P V] .P.-..-1,H w 01 [D t0J1 CJ -4.�R N Mcft it N M N N[J N N N N.t'7 N N I'J[7 , N N M M M t"1 r]M M N N fV --. ••+ti N ...-. r R ' # E to In r 4 M • ID _ t+l I , V _ e N r .V I +h r ,' 0 '1 I ' . ... fry ':.. w r .'l VIR + I A '.} .I t l i, '.N.t �.-.+ 4 .S. f4 .4,.r. -V1 �. r. Ci r� r V/ to V "','ftp'] �1 Ikr to Q f q R m R •. I h ! 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LL Y W M N N N.•. ria .-1.r N 'N,N`V.T 'In M h]-�I 'V V R'MI r4/'Y)lLl lV (q IlJ LD 1•ti A h n ti Lil u7 � 01 OI 01 0)• U O d t7 R # H R ---•r ^•t I •--1 .Y .} W k I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 t 1 1 I } } - R v .m-1 OD Ln P Lr)O In O''In 0 0 o In o'V7 p k - / •I 7' • a • h v rt r a [3 m y 4',W+�1 a v�+ 17•t p.'n-r d to O O Ill O lfl[S In O O Ill U In O 1!1 tl to 0 LO ['1 In 4 Ln 0 In M Ink k h .J ♦ h -r M V q :M v O .--1 M V' O M O U'-1['7 V b •:•1 M P O M•L! O H M v Y a # h N N ylqIV N N IV M '7 ell nw d'Mill rl a to VI Lo if) T to l to to,to 16 i'. n rti UU W CEJ on m O O b O ® '* rti • ; r r �w t.7on d • IL i nl .H-, ;p ti .:�. N I+•] U P R V t r IE ' f' "n R .J F •s t. .3 N ,.. .... i_ .J r } [... - M1 - `e+i a �. O1 -rs.. a .N.t [D k • R Q/ nJ r to o to cP I F m ► « to�? m ""n r'/ r�r h P d•-+n--' IM v M CO v In N[o b N M Lo V M to m b N co N v1 OJ V IA a7 A�f Ifi N m^` 43 t, # • M H M fn Ih N'N M fV rV rl N ' r)41 ul W L7I Vt LJ A O to Irl frl -In ID r',r- n n v YI M vJ 'A N i k i ' v+:•.5 - _ •'-'N N •'J[?l+l W n fv 1;1 r. tD ID/o lD M V r} 1/I R M i .I, rv' .•si 1 .;�.s r.�l �I S' . . . _.� 4 * � I r Y {' R • , C7. II .. r�' pt .--1 UI .A 'I� I ! V� V , cm V _ A rJ•1 ; � �; h i I' �� � rr ,�� r-� ..: .,.'�1 :, �,• .y} .l=l. �' ' •,I ; r, r1 '-� o � ��'�iy,.tp r 1 L I l � }�rttp - R f� t vt # • N O7 rl-011 fU N N tJ7 P QI N W -I N OJ n H m r M ,...pr M a 1\ U Q:1D � N n •.-.�d N 171 V O r -1•n N M ID U V T 0, ` ► II N fn N -..-1.--1 y N N N'7 C Y:)rn Q [.7 O s7 OCJ [J N.r� 1� -r N b Vl N V .r O7 n LJ .J .-1 C71 1�■ r' R �l k ` F • I r N CV C•'7 a s v-d M.E v .! M_N N N N w...N N V1 N N P ! r G IJNI w , W ;J.o r ., •N ❑ i c•O rn .. . tp Up rn ..� Lni Cn .x..k • h f' ,, L•� 1., r K O , �I 1 to N r ID • A. E r[ • x ►, h n , ... 0 v up t b . CO y. 'V t i Nto h r to« Co. ' 1, 1' i R 1 • V] I i LLJk Z RV )N- N Q1 In tE1 HlN to pl T T to cT ry to IA I.11 rn/o nl N M N 7 O M V rJ -.I m Cn IO t7 to N V •'J r"1 N N N C1 b t • r'r 'R '� �' '� '� •1 ""1 --I N J nl• Vl 41 nl M [n to .'r V7 W M 1"1 In rn V7 t•'] r] N n r N r 11 LD rl CS r p 171# R •F' k, Y., ,• r r N N N M H•h 1V N N N N W N N N N N N N N M N Y I L ' R .II •_►• S.; k: i Mxkt k � V �tr k1 h• E r I R � R W■. (411 i h.. I, , ' to l' W J R i I R-' CC� ■ } to to U'1 IS M C7 1n P'1 Jl C7 In Ci .rl C] .11 r] 41 L•J7 t� to Il If.{I vI c'1 J1 V Vf G to C h L.n O IJ'I to IJ7 O V1 n 47 b u'• O W U h • .1 'i cn .1 Cl .. r1 V cr .-.I-1 v..C.7 ;. _ ..{� t _ .. •-•I M d C7 r[•l t.l r I,I �t'7tL v'!l -I rf.I C} =..r.V [9 . r;]'?[?: 'h s +Z R I,w f L ••-IV N't� < -.,Nr N N N I t' 'H''^ rl V� d a, ti V7. vl In,Ih v1 [D rA to r. rM1 ,rr'rn' •• •• •• • •• I• , CD 14.to OI cn,m VI M U O b -. mO{ i r= 1 I r 1 1 r f r I I r r . , r r I I '' M1V , ♦rl W .--. - ^. +�..'` i� 4 r] k LI VI � R 1 !V1 i�'a }+•. R r LU Vl C.'1 Vl Q In L1 V1 n,In p IE r-]rn (?In o ul l=' In C7 VI' a ✓I b✓It Cl K.[Jl In v Vl O vl+ C7 V7 O W b Ji A In �C] •A o al Y I-J I -.A W [i■ q' ♦ k ,..r , ¢h • u ► •.�n'1 !t f) -.!'+ v 'F!-4 r!V O•-+ M R ' n r[M.f 1,7 .a m R n ;.,M V C_I tr 'n n r.'f y• r y' o 7 1 w ► !'7 C'1 m M ; v In u 1 v rn CO In tU ti; fti n n. I'. •J!ro LU 03 OI fn PC OI O O Q C] .. ...-.jL r_1 ! CD R :•I SOUTHLAND CAR COUNTERS VEHICLE AND MANUAL COUNTS N-S STREET: REDHILL _ _ _ DATE:,,-3/_9/ 9 _,f; = _ •_CITY: TUSTIN E-W STREET:,,_,- CAMINOv,REAL-,_., -.DAY:.,_TUESDAY;._.,. . _- -- PROJECT# 0146001A --. •NORTHBOUND ) .- SOUTHBOUND TEASTBOUND . - WESTBOUND NL-._ fNT =NR• -_SL .__:ST_. SR-.-. _ EL ,ET. .. ._ER WL _ WT_. WR ----TOTAL, -_ - LANES : 1 _ 3 0 1 3 _0.. 1 _ 1 1 1 1 _ 0 6 : 00 AM 15 AM - - -30 AM - '45 AM -- - - - ==- 7 :_00 AM _ 54 - 103 25 - 2 _ 217 - 14 8 - 14 44 45 15 1 542- 15 AM 48 ;_121 15 _. 0_- 226 :. . 17 -_ 7 11 ,4 35 54 21 3 558 30 AMJ . 89 124 22 c 1 : 249 23 8 15 ;< . 48 74 44 2 F 699 45 AM_ ~- 108 ., 133 � -- 36 'rV 3 , 293 _ -- 38 --11 32 44 - 92 T: 102 - 2 =- 894;; ;. 8 : 00 AM 48 .-_170 ,ry 39 - - 7 _ 292 19 23 - 28.. 39 90 - 42 4 80i 46AM 42 _ 164 - 25 3 _ 256 10 ;. 8 _ 24 '19 70 33 4 - 658 . .E AM 54 160 22 2 :._249 9 6 -- 12 22 63 26 2 627-- AM 39 _ 143 15 4 .. 221 11 _ 8 15 -33 49 21 6 -. 565 - 9 : 0 0 AM - - - - - - - 15 AM 30 AM s= _ 45 AM 10 : 00 AM-' r IS 'AM 30 AM 45 AM rOTAL NL NT NR SL ST SR EL yET ER WL WT WR -TOTAL t VOLUMES = 482 1118 199 22 2003 141 79• 151 284 537 304 24 5344.,:. kM Peak Hr Begins at 730 AM - PEAK TOLUMES = 287 591 122 14 1090 90 50 99 150 326 221 . _ 12 - _ 3052,:_.• - - =ITIONS :SIGNALIZED - - 77 --- SOUTHLAND CAR COUNTERS _ -•VEHICLE •AND MANUAL COUNTS - - -S STREET: RED HILL DATE': 3/9/99 CITY: TUSTIN -W .STREET: '` 'CAMINO •REAL _ _ DAY TUESDAY - - - — - --- - -PROJECT# .0146001N - NORTHBOUND 'SOUTHBOUND. EASTBOUND .—, WESTBOUND - - - NL NT ;NR - SL ST - ;SR- - EL -ET ,-j •ER ' WL WT . WR ~ TOTAL LANES: = _ 2____'_a 3 _ .0. 1_ - 3 0 = 1 - . 11 1 1 1 0 0:00 AM 15 AM 30 AM 45 AM 1:.00 AM 15 AM - 30 AM = 77 184 . 3,3 '..- - 8 =186 ':::.. 9 :- _ 11 27 34 36 - -30. _ 3 '638. 45 AM - 62---207 28 ' 5 =''149 - 11 ' 20 34 •_=43 33 32, -= 8 __632 2:00 NOON 72 229 = ' 34 '"` 4 =Z58_` 16 16 25" 60 - - 38 -{28 4 684•`-`� r ` r. 15 PM' : 66 209 25 5 "17 9 10 - 19 23 - -'41 _ 40 - - 36 8 a 661"": 30 PM _ 57 196 : 39 = , 9 _` 176 11 Z3 39 ' "'43 47 � , 26 ;10 _:�_ 666 45 PM° 82 241 35 '- 7 -1:54 15. t: 24 v 43 80 40 29 _� 8 -_- _ 758 �= 1:00 PNM 48 _ 216 * 31 5 - 157 17 21 42 - 64 51 39 10 701 - 15 PM 73 228 - 39 3 - 174 - 13 - 22 34 '48 46 3,0 a. ' 6 716, 45 PM 2':00 PM - 15 PM 3.0 PM -- ' __• 45 PM 3TAL NL NT_ - NR SL ST SR EL ET ER WL WT WR TOTAL- "1710`M7`1710 264" 4:6 1333 ='102 -_146 267 413 331 250 57-:•- - 5456 - 57 30N. Peak' Hr Begins 8t• - 1230 PM- - ' EAK )LUMES = 260 881 144 24 66.1 56, 80 158 23'5 184 1.24 34 2841• DDITIONS:fSIGNALIZED - SOUTHLAND -CAR_COUNTERS ..u: VEHICLE ANDMANUAL COUNTS_-' "_ - : N-S STREET: ' REDHILL' DATE: 3%9/99-. CITY: TUSTIN E-W STREET: CAMINO REAL DAY: TUESDAY-! =`= PROJECTS 0146001P -•-- NORTHBOUND _._ ' '' SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND------ WESTBOUND------ ---- - NL -- NT NR - SL ST -- SR EL ;. " ET ' ER- WL WT x WR TOTAL LANES : - - 1- '- .3 -- 0 1 3 -Q - --2 1 1 1 ' _ 0 • 2 :00 PM - PM M PM - - - 30 PM 45 PM , - — - - -3 : 00 -PM - - - - - - --. - --is PM 30-- PM - a5 PM 4 :00 PM 48 - -269 -33 10 155 17 16 20 R49 51 39 9 71G-'- 15 16 -15 PM 41 ' 331 ' 34 6 158 14 19 38 - '40 49 41 7 778 30 PM ' ` 55 315 41 " ' 5 183 20. 17 30 = 52 32 36 7 793 PM = 48 "321 47 7 156 1.12 24 -3 49 41 ' 35 8 -- 779 PM 55 297 36 2 153f 10 22 34 58 . 32 39 6 -744 PM 48 341 49 5 178 19 26 37 47 45 43 8 846 30 -PM 66 - 369 - 43 4 171 16 -.22 .45 ,- -45 49 50 3 883- -45 PM 54 340 48 5 -147 -13 -22 47 56 44 33 - 8 -817 6 :00 PM 15 PM`_- -- 3_0PM 45 PM TOTAL NL NT NR SL ST ' SR - EL = " ET- ER^--WLWT---WR TOTAL VOLUMES 415 -2583 = 331 = -44 :-1301 121 168 282 -'3-96 , 343 316 56 6356 PM Peak Hr Begins at 500 PM PEAK - VOLUMES =':- '223 1347 176 16 649 58 92 163 206 170 165 25 3290. ADDITIONS :SIGNALIZED C i - - 50UTHL�AND CAR.'COUNTERS - _ VEHICLE AND :MANUAL COUNTS -S STREET: - REDHILL' _ DATE:3/9/99- ' ' CITY: TUSTIN " _ = - -W STREET: I-5. NB RAMPS DAY: :-TUESDA_Y _ PROJECT# 0146003A NORTHBOUND -:; SOUTHBOUND ,- EASTBOUND :- WESTBOUND-. .',.: y �r NL :_; NT NR. SL: , 'ST; SR,, EL ;_ ET ER- _ WL WT '-;7 WR . TOTAL LANES : 3 3 0 0 . 5 5 :00 AM .15 AM 30 AM - - 45 _AM 7 : 00 AM 67 1.3_6 24090 _ ___ 85 - - 0 36 -- - 654: _- - - 15_AM 61 165 _ . 245 _ _94 _ __r _ 94 - 0 - 30 AM _ 83 ; 223 = _,271 • 16.1 _ __ u_ 83 -1" 55 877 45 AM 62, 191 293 132 64 0 _ x.29_,_ -771-,_- " 3 :00 AM7 77_--�_77 170 s__- , - ti _245 -86 64 1 = 50 = _ 693 • v _ 15Ak - 56 368 x W X261 76 87 Q -c- :61 30 AM , - ' 55 180 255 ^z 63 -- 93 0 54' w 700 45-AM 69 123 >.�238_Y 86 . - - - 78 , { ` -1 x 85 680 3 .00 AM 15 AM 30 -AM 45' AM 1: 00 AM -15- AM30 .AM 45 AM ---- )TAL - _ 'NL 'NT' NR _ .SL - ST SR= ; EL _ ET-'r- ER WL WT WR TOTAL- - ]LUMES = "530 :1356 0 Q':2048 X788 0 0 f 0 :648 •.Yv. 3 431 _ 5804 4, Peak' Hr Begins. at 730 AM 3AK )LUMES . :278 - 7520 0 ;107.0 --455 0 0 . -, 0 298 .. 2 --201 3056 ..- . - .,.. , . , .. ,. - - - - )DITIONS':SIGNALIZED ! s`s,' r • r SOUTHLAND 'CAR COUNTERS ' VEHICLE AND kANdAL COUNTS _ N-S STREET: = RED HILL'-- DATE: '3/9/99 = " CITY: TUSTIN - - E-W STREET: _I-5 NB RAMPS _ DAY: - _ - -' - - PROJECT#' 014600314 - , NORTHBOUND -} SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND - WESTBOUND ` - NL __r NT NR `- SL ST - SR EL ETV J ER -_ WL WT WR TOTAL ` �. _ LANES: 1 3 - ; .. - -3, 0._ - -=-• --0.5.,-. 0.-5 1-- 10:00 AM 15 AM _ - 30 AM '45 AM '11:00 AM -730 AM- -- :68- 176 - :--166 - 43 37 0 112 602y 45 AM 75 199 165 - 46 - - 46 1' 119 651`i 12:00 NOON , 73 '•222 ' 201 74 74 0 ' '126 .77d'- 15 770915 PbC_ 62 . 196 ^:;: - -206 85 83 0 =134 766- 3Q PM.~ 63 _190 =`. , 209 .76---- - = 81'- ' '.. 0 - 129 748 ? '-' PM'~ 58 185 - 199 69 - - 80 0 126 ' 717,'- -...183 17,'„ 183 _ 191 - 6:7 - 76 0 122' 693 5 PM 51 175 184 53 .r _70 1 11.8 652 30 -PM 45 PM 2:00 PM - 15 PM .30 PM - -- -- -_ - - - - -- - - — 45 PM r TOTAL NL. _ ° NT = NR SL ' ST SR EL ET ER�- ' WL -' WT - WR --`,'TOTAL VOLUMES = ` :50'4 1526 - 0 ” ' r 0 1521 % 513 0 a 0 547 2 986 5599 NOON Peak ,Hr" rBegins at T200 PM PEAK _ VOLUMES -` °' 256 - 793 0 0 815 3.04 0 0 0 318 0 515 3.001- ADDITIONS:SIGNALIZED. "' . ZZ k'k - - - SOUTHLAND CAR-;;COUNTERS - 't VEHICLE AND, MANUAL COUNTS -S STREET:, . - :REDHILL -k DATE: 3/9/99 „ CITY: TUSTINW', STREET:-. .- -- I--5 NB RAMPS DAY TUESDAY,. ._ T•s^ - _ LL PROJECT# -.01460-03P -`- - NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND •--WESTBOUND NL T NT: NR , ri SL ; ST SR EL ET ER. ,: WL - WT WR .. TOTAL. :_. LANES . w 1 3 0 - _ 0 5 0 5 2 . 00 PM 15 PM _ - 14 -'3 0 PM 45 PM e _ 3 00 PM 15 PM - 30 PM _ y 1 :00 PM- �:S_ 73 271 _'.. 193 34 , 4. 73 1 X95 740 .E 83 288 " 218 _ 58 �, s. 113 0 116 876., r . _ -_.79 y-,3w11 _.- -- _ - _: 198_ _ 67 100 _ . '0 84 � 839��� ` 45 QPM -.82 �w296 T 203 - 56 _ 109 _ - ] - 107 854: x- = 5 :00 PM . -57 x 311 :.`;, 218 34 - 88 0 81 799-,,-., 15 PM;. _ -79 -288 19$ 65 - 139 0 137 906s ---.30 PM 75 =::3'22_.. 203 "`_'37 _ - _ _ = 13.9-- - -0' -- -124 - 90Or� - 45 PM 59 ' 326 - 218 33 - 133 0 118 887,x.; 5 :0'0_-PM - - - - - — — --- --- - - - - ~ is 30 PM_` 45 PM 3TAL - NL -NT NR SL - $T ^SR EL ET ER - WL WT' WR TOTAL 3LUMES ,= • 1587 :2413 0 0 •1649 - 384 0 0 _ _a 0 894 2 ;,.862 679:2 -� K Peak Hr Begins- at . 500 PM - :1 FLUMES = 270 ,1247 0 0j 837 169 0 0 n 0 499 0 ; 460 ._, 3482. ; �{ DDITIONS:SIGNALIZED - - - gOUTHLAND CAR ;COUNTERS ' = VEHICLE AND :MANUAL:COUNTS . - N-S STREET: -7 REDHILL -_• DATE:- ,3/9/99 CITY:. TUSTIN. xt E-W_STREET: _ TI-5 SB 'RAMPS -, - _ DAY: --TUESDAY; 1 r -- - PROTECT# 0146004A" - - NORTHBOUND • SOUTHBOUND„, � EASTBOUND-ti. ,�_-. WESTBOUND_. 9 I. f . : .' NL _ - NT r,,-'NR SL ST , SR.� EL a ` ET ER .µ. WL A, WT= _. WR r TOTAL LANES_.._ _ - 3 =. 6 :00 AM 15 AM 30 AM � 4'5 AM 7 : 00 AM 148 111 - 62 -240 44 129 '734 - 15 `AM - - 200 - 132: .- .98 226 = _ 60 -_.�:---142 - = - ° _ - - - $.58 30 AM = 216 155 1I5 -226 . _- 42 - - x. :156-- _ -910 :T 45 AM _ 226_-- 148 144 .215 '_ _ 45 _- ;>l41 919. _ 8 . 00 AM,�,r-, 200 .124 104 X258 . , F 48 - 149 883x; Z5 AM s 182 111 116 - -269 _ 52 153 883: - 30 .AM _' - 161, - 1.00 77 ;-250 R "_39 ^14.8 77.5 AM'' -- 148 90.., 101 : 226 44 -1.75 _', - - _ _ _ ,7841;; r' _ AM r 3 a AM 45 AM 10 :00 AM -- 30 AM 45 AM TOTAL u ..;`' NL ,-:• NT '• , NR SL - ST SR ; EL . -.ET ER WL WT WR TOTAL _ - VOLUMES _' • :a :1481 . . 971 ", 817 1910 _'. 0 374 0 •,1193 0 0 :0 6746 -• s .• AM Peak Hr Begins at 730 AM PEAK _ VOLUMES °_. `' 0 '824 538 479 _.-968 0 187 0.,.,;,599 0 r, - 0 0 3595 -•-- ADDITIONS:SIGNALIZED r7 - -1, - - SOUTHLAND CAR COUNTERS - y -- �• - - VEHICLE AND MANUAL COUNTS -S STREET: RED HILL-, DATE:- 3/g/99 - CITY 'TUSTIN -W STREET I-5 SB RAMPS _ DAY: 'TUESDAY zs ;r: h �'� .� - - - PROJECT# �Q146004N - NORTHBOUND . - -" SOUTHBOUND ' ..'EASTBOUND ,. - WESTBOUND NLS NT I. NR - SL ST - .' SR EL ET ER: = WL WT WR = TOTAL LANES: 3 -1 1 3 0.5 0,5 1 0:00 AM - s 15 AM .3 0 AM 100 AM-'-'- _15 M_15 _- 30 AM 177---- ' 64 ' 69 100,- -._-- -. �54 ___ 0 '41-_- _ --- - 505' - - 45 AM __ 206 80 73 103 59 0 -91 - 572--• 2:00 NOON ° 237 90 76-", -165 58 Q X53.- .6.79 "V. 15 PM ' 219 '94 64--,-198 52 ' 1 "59 -- 71 �59 -. 687;= - - 3'0 PM; _208 _ 71 52'---202 51 1 74 w 659"�- _ 45 PM --.:Y .' 202 78 -.- -62 ' ,181 51 l -,--64 ' - , - 639.- 1:00 PM 192 68 ° 51- 181 46 0 63' 601'- 15 PM 177 49 '53 165• 44- 0 69 557 - 30 PM-- 45 M 45 PM - - - -2:00 PM 3 0 .PM 45 PM JTAL NL "'' NT '' NR: SL ST- ' SR - EL ET ER WL WT ' w WR , = TOTAL - y- JLUMES 0x1618 594 500 1295-- 0 = 415 - 3 - 4.74: '0 0, -. =-= 0.'' 4898 )ON PeakHr Begiris at 1200 PM' 3AK )LUMES = 0 '' 866 333,-- 254 ' 746 0 t 212 3 `250 0 0 0 2664 )DITIONS:SIGNALIZED + r - _ - SOUTHLAND CAR .COUNTERS ^ti- - VEHI CLE AND.'MANUAL •COUNTS_..-- N-S STREET: ,.REDHILL` -_-. DATE: 3/9/99 CITY: TUSTIN - " E=W STREET: 1--5 SB RAMPS DAY: TUESDAY PROJECT# 0146004P NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND _ - EASTBOUND -- -- WESTBOUND NL NT . '-,NR - SL ST SR EL ET -ER -'- WL WT WR TOTAL LANES : 3 1 1 - 3 __------------ 2 : 0 0 PM 15 PM 30 PM 45 - PM- - 3 : 00 5 - PM-3 : 00 PM 15 PM - 30 PM - 45 PM 4 : 00 PM - - -281 •-121 67 . 237 93 - - 74- Y ~873 15 Pm . '270 -134 81 227 .8.9 52 _ - 853` -` ._ 30 PM ' 291 154 "102 220 89 101 957 =-_- - PM 285 • 123 101 215 82 x ` 93 - 899 ,- PM 270 184 104 235 99 115 1007= PM 281 156 91 225 107 92 952 ' ' 30-PM 324 169 115 - 220 - - -94 - 91 1013 ' -` 45 PM 281 132 78 216 97 95 - 899 6 : 00 PM ' = - .15 Pm- 30 M-30 PM 45 PM - DOTAL - -' NL NT NR SL ST SR EL ET ER - WL WT WR TOTAL - 'VOLUMES = 0 2283. 1173 739 1795 •' 0 --750 0 713 0 0 0 - 7453 - PM Peak Hr Begins at 500 PM PEAK - - VOLUMES = 0 11.56 -641 388 -896 0 '397 0 393 0 0 0 3871 _ WDITIONS:SIGNALIZED - - - - SOUTHLAND CAR ,COUNTERS - - _ VEHICLE AND MANUAL- COUNTS_." - -S STREET: rREDHILL DATE: 3/9/99 CITY: _ TUSTIN = -W STREET: NISSON T , _ DAY: TUESDAY ;. PROJECT# 0146002A-- - J - ------------------------ -NORTHBOUND -- _. __ SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NL NT - --NR SL ST SR EL . -.ET ER . 'WL -;::;:WT WR TOTAL LANES: - 1 3 0. 1 .3 . 0•- 1 -_ 1__ _ . 0_ 1 ' _ .A _0 i : 00 AM _ - - - ---` — - 15 AM - - 30 AM 45 AM -- - - - • ._ - - - - — - 00 AM 3 171 5 16 - -328 .11 27 11 31 -7 11 32 - 63-3 ,1.,, :, . . . ._ 15 AM- -- - _5=-,217 - - �. 3 --_715::- 326 .. -_- 8.=- 29 8 '- - S 13 -` '-6 25 -663 ' 30 AM 3 271 - - 3 19 -405 14 35 - 8 19 - - 7 . 7- -68 - - 859 - 45 AM _9 289 4. 36 384 __ _22 _ 39 10 _- 1S Z4 10__ _75 _ _907 '; ;u_< 3 : 00 AM - ._ 7 _231:-- .3 25� -..312 23 54 6 _17 °' 5 ;13 _ .68 764 15 AMr :: 8 228 3 32 - 372 18 -,37 7 13 ; 9 y. :8 36 771 30 AMS,__ 3 2.02 _ 2 _ 28 _-.308 17 -.39 _ 9 - 10 �=10 _•14 . - 24 66.6 _y 45 AM. µ 4 - 166 6 24 332 17 28 9 -.-6 9 _ - 10 30 641,) : 00 AM. l ;. �. - 30 .AM_ 45 AM- , - - I : 00 AM 30 AM )TAL _ ._--t'•NL . : NT NR - .SL ST SR EL ET ER WL WT WR TOTAL )LUMES =-,-,.-42 1.775 29 • 195 2767 130 288 68 99 _, 74 79 ,.358 5904 [ Peak Hr Begins at 730 AM .Z :AK - - - )LUMES =- .- - 27 1019 13 112 1473 77 165 31 64 35 38 -247 3301. • iDITIONS:SIGNALIZED - - , SOUTHLAND CARS COUNTERS :_4z - - _ VEHICLE AND MANUAL'-COUNTS N-S STREET: 's RED HILL' , DATE: 3/9/99 :` CITY:' TUSTIN E-W STREET: NISSON DAY: -_TUESDAY PROJECT# 0146002N -.- NORTHBOUND _ SOUTHBOUND: EASTBOUND-.- = = WESTBOUND ^-------- - - { _ -NL NT ,`.-NR SL .: ST SR _. EL ._ ET ` . ER ,. -.WL WT WR _ TOTAL LANES : 1 3 - 0 1 - _.__3 _ _ 0 _- 1 1 _ _ �O._:- _1:°?_ 1 . _r. 0 ---------------- 10 : 00 AM . ,... 15 `AM 30 ' AM i 11 :00 AM 15 AM _3d A _ M_ = 3-- 185 — -3 .----43 140- 19 36 12 7• 15- 6 22- -- - 49:1 - ' x 45 AM 2 192 __— 4 ,39 _201 = 17 - 29- __ _4._ _ -8 _17—_x-11- -. 32 � -_ - .556:x;••_ ; _ - 12 : 00 NOON 2 '_251 5 =- 33 216 : 19 -- 42 9 6 15 ZZ ._ 36 "` 645 15 PM '. 4 ..249 4 25 231 -_8 r 43 . 9 '`i- .7 14 '--.8 -43 -645'-' 30 PM. - 3 t'193 5 29 206 - 9 42 7 =2 =` 15 9 _-_ 39 _ 559 PM - ' 2 .-173 = 5. 32 '-:201 _`" -6 t 46 7 6 11 ': 7 36 _ 532 :: PM 2 . 191 4 28 203 „ ;:: 10 37 7 . 4 ,. ._ 14 8 32 540 .- PM 40 '-PM =, 2 -169 °: 4 3.0 188 9 38' 8 ' 3 9 .M._ 9 3e1 500 ,, - _-30 00_-_30 PM 48 PM ' 2 :00 PM ----1-5- pM- -- 30 PM y 45 PM ------------- --------------------------------------------------- ---------- — COTAL -"'-NL " NT NR SL ST SR EL ET ' - ER '_R' WL WT^ WR IOLUMES ' 20 16.03 = -34 •` 259 1586 97 313 _. 63 43 : '1-10 69 2.71 - 4468: iOON Peak Hr Begins at :1145 AM ?EAR - IOLUMES = = ] 1 '885 - 18 126 __, 854 , -•-53 156 29 23 w 61 'l 39 - 150 2405 ADDITIONS :SIGNALIZED SOUTHLAND CAR ..COUNTERS- - - - - -VEHICLE AND-MANUAL-"COUNTS -S STREET: REDHILL : _. DATE: 3/9/99CITY:- TUSTIN _ -W STREET: NIS_ SON DAY:.'TUESDAY - _ PROJECT# '0146002P - NORTHBOUND , SOUTHBOUND :_ _EASTBOUND. _ WESTBOUND NL .=: NT . !` NR SL ^ ST SR -7EL ET ER _:�:WL -.WT WR - -TOTAL LANES_-: 1 0 3 0 1 3 0 ,i 1 1 0 1 1 0 - 2 :00 PM ..- 15 PM 30 PM r; 45 PM 3 :00 PM '15 PM _ _ _- -'30 PM- -. -, - 45 -PM 4 : 00 PM 7 330 _ :; 5 .,w 24 �i 236 181. . 35_-_ 10 _ 9 '4--�- - 5- 29 15 .PM-. 3 316 6 29 228 24 _43 17 ._ : ` 4 `, '5 _ 7 -- -,, 19 701:- 30 . PM _10 395 _ 10_- , 35 236 27 `. -, 36 8 15 13 12 35 832 " 45- PM'l;- 11 �.1•376 12 ' ,- 29 274 42 32 = 15 ._ Y12 _;: . 8 1.4 '.. 25 - 850 , = -- 5 : 00 PM: - 9 ': 386 - 9 25 289 38 39 13 10 9 15 : .31 873 • 15 PM 12 : =384 ll 22 - 262 32 :-,'_41 10 14 - - 11 12 -33 844 - `30" PM- -1-1- 346 - 7 34 275 - 35 . 48- 12-. 16 15 -__16-- 36 851 _ 45 PM 8 361 - 8 31 225 36 44 16 -11 13 ' 10 39- 802 - - 6 : 0 0 PM _ - - - 15 PM 30 PM 45 Pm DTAL _ NL NT ' --' NR ._ ; SL- = ST ' SR .:= EL ET : ER -WL :-- ,WT WR _- TOTAL - DLUMES . t•71 2894 68 ;" 229 2025 : 252 '.318 1.01 y 91 ='78 r 91 247 - 6465 _r 4 Peak Hr Begins at 445 PM : .} - _- -={. p 1• SAY, - - - - MUMES = ',' 43 1492 39 -- 110 1100 _4147 -160 50 52 , 43 57 : 125 _ 3418 . y DDITIONS:SIGNALIZED. _ ;. APPENDIX C _ - -- - - EXISTING ICU CALCULATIONS T li . - Intersection: El Camino.'Rea1,-(NS) l/_.Redhill-Ave.y.,-(EW) Project: Wendy's Site Specific -Traffic Study. Traffic Condition: Existing Lane Configuration: Initial -__ AM Intersection .Capacity:Analysis . VAC Move Lanes-F,Capacity-_ _Volume Ratio.. '_ NL 1 . 0.. 1700' 326 0 .19* NT. .. • 1 . 0 - 1700 - 221 0 .1.4 NR 0 . 0 1700 12. " 0 . 01 SL, 1.0 1700 50 0 . 03 _ - - - ST, . � 1. 0-;,•W 1700 m. ,S 9'9 -0 . 06 SR. 1.-0_.-. 1700 . = 150 0 .09* ELS:,. 2 _ 0: . 3400., ' : 287 0 . 08* 3 --0-3 ' _-5 10 0 -- 591 -. _ -- 0 .I4'T ER", 0 . 0 z 17-00 122 0 . 07.' - - - WL` _ 1_.0 - _-_ 1700 _ 14- 0 . 01-, WT_. -. 3 . 0-- 5100- .-_1090 0 .23* - -- - WR 0 . 0 1700 = 90 0 . 05, Clearance Interval-'- Percentage- = 0 . 05-_ _ = _ v = ' Sum of Critical- Movements =, 0.64 B PM Intersection Capacity Analysis r. _ P Y Ys. -_ ... Move Lanes Capacity Volume Ratio - ----- - - NL -- ---- -1-. 0 ---- - 1700 -- 170 0 .10* NT 1.0 1700 165 0 .11 - - - - NR-_-- _ - 0-.-0 `-17 0 0- -25 0 .01 - SL 1. 0 1700 92 0 . 05 ST' 1. 0 1700 163 0 .10 SR 1. 0 _ 1700 206 0 .12* - EL 2 . 0 3400 223 0 .07 -ET 3 . 0 5100 - 1347 0 .30* ER 0 . 0 1700 176 0 .10 WL' 1. 0 1700 16 0 .01* WT 3 . 0 5100 649 0 .14 WR 0 .0 1700 58 0 .03 -- - Clearance Interval Percentage = 0 .05 Sum of- Critical' Movements = 0 .58 A * -- denotes critical movement - v intersection:-El;Camino"Real-`(NS)n,./..._Redhill-`.Ave. (EW) _- Project: Wendy' s Site ,Specific :Traffic' Study .'� _ _ t - - traffic Condition:_Existing a_ Lane- Configuration: Initial .. _ ._,_ _ _ _ . .:. , _, Mid-day: .Intersection _Capacity Analysis . ' .; v/C ---_ -- -- - -_-- Move '-- Lanes".,;Capacity_..-!..Volume:--- Ratio:j, - - - -_--_ -= 1. 0- 1700 ,: 184, 0 .11' 1.7 0 0 , -. _ 12-4' -- 0 -09 - -- --` - NR-.-. 0 !0 1700;: 34 0 . 02 : - - -SL-= x'1-.0; - 170-0� _ _ .-.8.O_____._0 _.05_' - - - — - - - = - - ST' . 1. 0- 1700. " 158. - 0 . 09_._ SR' - -- _ 1_0.1-= 1700'=: _-. '235.-- ' 0 .14,k _ EI►F E '" 2 J0:'- 3400,Y _ u 260_ 0 . 0.8* -- - - - - -ET:_L`• 3 .:0.;�' 510 0" _ 8 81 07201. ER: .'�_'. O .; 1700'.-,3- 144. 2 0 . 08=: -- - - _ - WL x 1.70- . 1700 24 0-,:,01 --- - _-- -. =Wt, sr ' --3 .<0r w 5100 :_,-- -661 - _A .14. - `= * - - WR- 0 :0?. 1700 56 03.;11 ---Clearance ,Interval.~ Percentage..-= =:_0,:05 _ r'Sum ofr-Critical'_Movements = �:..,. 0 .52 A * denotes critical+ movement' � Intersection: I-5 Fwy.: NB Ramps "(NS) / Redhill Ave. (EW) -_ -- -- -Project : Wendy- s Site Specific Traffic -Study Traffic Condition: Existing - Lane Configuration: Initial AM --Intersection- Capacity Analysis _ V/C - - Move - -Lanes -Capacity -'volume j -Ratio- NL 1. 0 1700 29_8 0 .18* - _NT 0 . 0 0 - 0 0 . 00 - _ - NR 1. 0 1700 201 0 .10- - ST -0 . 0 0 a 0 . 00 _ - - -SR -- 0 _ 0 -0 - - 0 -0-. 00 - EL;._ w 1- 0 :. .1700 - _ 278 .---- 0 :16*- - ET 3 . 0 5100 , -752 0 .i5. ER 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 00 WL 0 . 0- 0 -- 0 - 0 - 00_ 0 -- - -- - -WT. ._ 3 :'0 "5100 - 1070 - -0 .21 WR 1. 0 1700 455 0 .23-* = Clearance Interval-Percentage = 0 . 05 Sum of Critical Movements = - 0 . 62 B PM Inters -- ection Capacity AnaLlysis _ Move Lanes Capacity volume Ratio NL 1 . 0 1700 499 0 .29* - - -- - - - - __NT - 0 . 0- = - 0- - - - - -0- - o-_: a0 - - - - - - - NR 1- 0 - 1700 - 460 0'.23- SL 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 00 ST 0 . 0. 0 0 0 . 00 SR 0 .0 0 0 0 . 60 EL 1. 0 1700 270 0 .16* ET 3 . 0 5100 1247 0 _24 ER 0. 0 0 0 0 . 00 WL _ 0 . 0 0 0 0 -00 WT 3 -0 5100 837 0 .16* WR : 1. 0 1700 169 0 . 09- Clearance Interval Percentage = 0 .05 Sum of Critical Movements = 0 . 66 B * denotes critical movement -- denotes V/C ratio reduced 15 percent for right turn on red S _ Inters.ectiony I-5 rFwy NB Ramps (:NS) / Redhill_Ave. _ (EW) Project:- Wendy's Site Specific-_Traffic Study,,, °Traffic 'Condition: -Existing Lane Configuration:', Initial Mid-_Day-.Intersection,.Capacity Analysis V/C move, ' --Lanes ;%Capacity - -,Volume - —Ratio - NL 1 . 0 1700 318 0 .19 - - - NT- ' , o-10 . o NR 1.0• 170'01 ` - 515 ; 0-.26-* SL - 0 .0 .0 0 0 .00 0 .0 0 0 . 0 .0 0 kEL 1.:-0 1700,x.-: - .-256 s ,_ 0'.15* 3 5100-. .,_ 793 - 0...16,. - - - P. . - ER t; _ 0 .0 0- -0 0 . 0.0-; 0 . 00 - 3._05100 _ 815 _ 0 .16* ` WR- -, c -1.-0., 1700 70 0. 304 0 .15- - ~Clearance .Interval Percentage - ;0 .i05 r. Sum 'of .Critical Movements 0=:62 B - * ' denotes critical -movement denotes 'v/C -ratio-.;reduced 15_ percent-for-sight -turn_-ori-gyred Intersection: I-5F'ay. SS •RampsTr(NS) / Redhill _Ave_ (EW) Project: Wendy's Site Specific"'Traftic Study` •Traffic Condition: Existing -Lane Configuration: Initial = `AM Intersection Capacity Analysis- V/C Move ` - Lanes Capacity Volume!_- Ratio _ _ _- NL 01.0 0 a 0 . 00! NR � ', 0 . 0 0 L - - 1 '0 , 1700 187 -' 0.ff 1.0 -- '1700' 599 0 .30-* r4 0 :0 0 '0 0 .00' - - ET = 3 824 0 . 6 '1700' - 538 0 .27-* _- --WL = -1:0.__. 1700x. _ -... 479. -0 ,2-8k-_ _. - -- - WT ' . 3.: 0-' 5100_ 968 _ 0 .19:_ - - - WR 0 . 0 0 _ "0 .- 0 . 0'0, -"Clearance-'Interval Percentage --= 0 45 Sum of -Critical Movements 0'.90• D- - PM Intersection Capacity Anal sis = , Move _ Lanes Capacity Volume Ratio -0. - — 0 ,o-_0-0 - NT 0 . 0 _ 0 0 0 . 0 0, SL 1.0 170.0 397 0 .23* ST 0 .0 `, 0 0 0 . 00 SR'. - 1.0 - 1700 3.93. - 0-20- ' EL. 0_20-' EL 0 .0 0 0 0 .04.. ET = - 3 -0 51.00 1156 0 .23 ER 1.0 1700 641 0 .32-* WL" 1.0 ' 1700 388 0 _23* WT 3 :0 5100 .896• 0 .18 WR 0 =a 0 0 a .00 Clearance Interval Percentage 0 .051, ' Sum of Critical Movements 0 .83 . _ D, * denotes-critical movement__-_.-.,. - denotes V/C ratio- reduced 15 percent for right turn- on red - Intersection: I-5 F,wy. SB -Ramps ,/-Redhill Ave (EW) �< 4 Project: Wendy's Site. Specific Traffic -Study Traffic Condition: Existing Lane Configuration. Initial - - Mid-Day-�Intersection:Capacity •Analysis- " VIC Move Lanes .Capacity- _ Volume '_ Ratio _ NL 0 .--0 0 0 0 .00 o ::0_ _ __fl- - - -0 -0 . 00- NR ,. , a :.o 0 0 0 . 00r SL 1,0 1700:" 4 212 - _0_12 ST _ .SR 1._0-: 1700, - 250 " .0 .13-* EL 0 .0 0A - _ ,-0 . 00- ET -0 00 ET _-3 �0 -'S100-,____ 866 t-0 .17* '_ER' I:4 ti 1700 ; : - 333 - 0 .17— _-W .17-- W _1. 0 1700 = - 254 - -0 .15* WT• :r 3 .0 - 5100 - . __ _ 746 , 0 .15 -Clearance .Interval Percentage.. - Sum of-.Critical Movements4- 0 .50 A * denotes critical movement _ - _-- .- denotes ,V/C ratio ,reduced 15 percent for right- turn -on--red Intersection: Nisson Rd: ''triSp�%'=Redhill Ave. __F{EW) Project. Wendy's Site-Specific `-Traffic Study ,- _ . - . -• -- --- - Traffic Condition: Existin - g - _ - ' Lane Configuration: -Initial `�AM Intersection-Capacity' Analysis ., VAC ' Move__----Lanes ' Capacity =~_VoJ:ume =-- Rat°x-o - NL 1. 0 1700 35 0 .•02 - -NT 1 0 1700 . .. 38 0 .17* NR 00 - 1700- 247 0 .15 1.7-00_—_. ._. _ 65-- -0 :10* _ _- - - -- - ST _- ' I;_ 0 - 1700 31•:- 0 . 06 SR ; 0 0 1700 ' 641 . - 0 .-04. - RL: .-04. -EL. 1. 0 3.700.. ; = 27- ...0 3 `0 5100 ' 1019:- 0 .20 ER 0 0 3.700 - 130 . 01 �1700� :112 -- _0 _ 67- _ - - - -- WT _ 3 :0`_'. 5100 -1473" - -- 0 .-30* - 00 4 1700= 77 0 . 05 - _Cl earance iiiiE6ival . 05CZearance'IritervaZ Percentage ' -=- 0 :05 Sum of •Critical. 'Move[iients '_ 0 .64 B .,PM Intersection Capacity Analysis _ z VC _ Move Lanes- Capacity_ Volume Ratio - - _NL "-i..o- --. :W.-a:�o o -- - - -43-------__ 0 . 03 , NT " 1.0 1700 - - -0:.0__ -1700.-. . 125 - ___0 _07 SL 1.0 1700 150 0 .09* ST 1.0 11700 . 50- - 0 .06 - SR.. 0 .0 1700 - 52 0 . 03 _ EL 1.0 1700 43 0 . 03 - ET - ;3:0 5100' 1492 0 .30* --- _ ER` 0. 0 1700 39 0 .02. WL' - 1.0 1700110 0 _.06* 1100:'; ' 0-'_24 y WR , -0.0 1700 - 147 -0 . 09 ; Clearance 'Interval Percentage = 0. 05r s Sum-_of Critical Movements. 0 .61 B ° " * denotes critical movement - = ' :Intersection: Nisson Rd., (NS)- .�/, Redhill_ Ave. Proj.ect Wendy's Site Specific Traffic ;Stu_ dy.-„ - - - Traffic 'Condition: =Existing, --J _ Lane Configuration: Initial - - Mid-day .Intersection Capacity Analysis Move - _.'Lanes .,,Capacity Volume _ Ratio NL 1.0'ry 1700 61,- 0 .,04 -- - - _.NT . 1.,fl- -- -17aQ : _. . --- -39 - -0 :11* -- NR' 0. 0 - 1700 - - 150 0 . 09. 170.0-: _.1564- 0._09* == - ST 1.9 1700 - 29 0 . 03 . 'SR ' ..0 0 '1700 23 .k 0 . 01.---, t EL. ;, 1-. 0 1:700.. ` -11: 0 01 ' :- ET 3 ..0., 51Q0� - 885y 0 .18* _ ER 0 :0. 1700 18 0. 01. WL1:0 __ `r170Q 126 r --0 .•07* _ -WT�: _ 3 :0 w. 5100_. ._" '854-z:-- .0 .18. — WR 0 . 0„ 1700 - 53n 0 . 03 .- _ .Clearance-Interval Percentage _ 0 :05- Sum of- Critical_,-Movements , _ 0 .5 0 , A * denotes critical movement wr _ z. - APPENDIX D - - -- PASS-BY AND DIVERTED TRIPS i CL ............... --VII: ua tif3ri �g Pas -a d - Iivexted Lniked Tips - -- - Background „„�, ways from which pass-by trips and diverted linked . trips_are produced..-It should-be ynoted-that-the - -�. -+ter.a,..�.,._...- ..r.. . . r. The'trip generation rates and equations contained£ `yicinity`of the generator has not been defined. in this report were derived from actual measure-' Research is needed to determine the size of the _ ments of traffic on the driveways of land-uses or area-or-distance-from a generator from-which buildings. However, in some cases, the driveway diverted linked trips are produced (much like the volume at a generator is different than the amount market area of a shopping center for primary t --of traffic added to the street system. -Buildings`- - - .trips). _ such as retail establishments, restaurants,.banks, '-It is essential that this phenomenon be recog- service•stations and convenience markets'attraet a nized-when examining the traffic impact'of a portion of their trips from traffic passing th_e.site development on the street system. The pass-by on the way from one location to another.'' and diverted..linked trip estimation method initiat-_ _ Trip making where this'phenomenon,occurs ” ed in previous-editions is calculated as a percent- can be broken down into the'foIlo_wing four cate- age of the total number of trips entering the gen-, -gories of trips _ _ _ _ '- t _- _-_erator. _Statistical correIati_on wof the data_collected _Y _ -by-the professional community`has proven•diffi- " - ..:�., n-Primary Trips (Np,) cult, with resulting low correlation indices. The -- d Pass-by Trips (NPb) results of the pass-by trip percentages analyzed to Diverted Linked Trips (ND) date,and presented herein can be enhanced fur- - x Non Pass-by Trips-(Nr Pb) ther with an expanded methodology that also _ accounts for the effects of the magnitude of the These trips are defined as follows: passing traffic stream volume on the adjacent road Primary Trips are trips made for the specific system. .-Additionally, more detailed dataare purpose of visiting the generator. The stop at that needed Before this estimation methodology can be generator is the primary reason for the trip. For statistically analyzed and formally adopted. To --example, a home-to-shopping-to-home combination'-' assist in this regard, the interview.survey forms- -._ ---- of trips is a primary trip set. Y , have been expanded to assist the professional - Pass-By Trips are trips made as intermediate community in collecting this data-in a standard--- - stops on the way from an origin to a primary trip, format for uss in fature analyses. ;The fifth edition destination. Pass-by trips are attracted from traf- of Trip Generation contains additional theoretical fic passing the site on an adjacent street;which` discussion�on pass-by and diverted linked trips. ' "The; iofessional communi should continue contains direct access to the generator. These P, ty= trips do..not.,require.a;diversion,from another,_ _to_usaihe,iesults-oti ie analyses,ofypass-by trip,,,_w_ roadway. $ percentages tempered with engineering judgment Diverted Linked Trips are trips attracted Ervin until more data are attained"and the methodology the traffic volume on roadways within the vicinity' produces results with higher correlation to the of the generator but which require a diversion actual events. from that roadway to another roadway to gain' access to the site.- These roadways could iuciude' , Database on Pass-By Trip and Diverted streets or freeways adjacent to the generator but- Linked Trip Percentages without access to the generator. Non Pass-By Trips refer to the total of the pri- Surveys conducted to date have`been limited to maty trips and the diverted linked trips. This term interviewing a limited sample of people to deter—a-, is used when diverted linked trips"are not quanti- s„.,mine a pass-by trip and_.diverted 1 ;ked trip per- k;A fled, but pass-by trips are_quantified (Le., the non centage,based`on;the:uitdrviews-ai d'relating'.thii `:--z pass-by trips are equal to the total trips annus the - 'percentage to-the size of the generator or shop- ” ---- • pass-by trips). ping center.-Some recent surveys also povided, Figure VII-1 indicates an example of road- -¢ information on ADT,but not insufficient detail Trip Generation, 5th Ed. Update, Feo._1995 1-15 Institute of Transportation Engineers.,; Figure YII-L•-Identification of Pass=By;and Diverted Linked Trip Vol - ROAD A:�> _ 1 4- ; VDs VD6 VD3 - :�►r r CD2 --- - _ .I,Y-�..t :r �. :i':,t VD7 VDg * 5 2 r rx tw r -;p¢ y x. f. .y w '„s �♦ :J6-r • —_- -- • l — ..t �- F �• .I _, r i..i fV:: - '` , ,3..c t.r t9. .,.c � : ..L ; } y �Y:,c ei.r z E - ROAD B"= VDio _. �� —.- Y VD12 N WSite# ...f . V6E_Ph1 A . ,. .. -� Dr Veway' ,t it: um Wivew Entei/E Only,1 'vD12 moveents O- LPb2 ;V mD13 .14. ROAD'D '==�° .. ., 1 ,-. j ✓--�.z�� " . � - f - - . a-':1 ==G ;y y .•, P'_ _..."� �.' �, D14 _•.�• - V D15' -_ _ ��t�,✓ ms Yi .r1 'It r.G'c".�.fs... �. " �< J:{ r�}•iii;!? .. - � L _ - -s - .n ro•., v.--�' , a Y A�- i Z;'- �.C3%�,{ = VPb TOT�r. + VOU -'-VOL , {VPH) ww .—_. - —— ktis a. _ �'�: {T :i- ,�`�sT�. .r.-.,a y . k _ _.. -M '.[R'i-S. _.. .➢ :? ,. x�r r 7:. s. `l VD TOTti—Lr VOL + VOL- +VOL '-"+ +VOLVPH) D15 - .Trip GenEra#ion; 5th EclUedate,.Feb°_4 995 1-16 - :'Institute of Trarispartation Engineers4r to identify traffic volume related to true pass-by Application of Pass-By Trip and • trips and diverted linked trips. The data avail- Diverted Linked Trip Percentage able for the land uses presented in this update _- Results are contained in the following tables. Until the`estimatioti methodology is further devel- - Table VII-1 High-Turnover(Sit-Down) oped, the results of the pass-by trip and diverted Restaurant(832)P.M.Peak linked trip percentages may continue to be applied Hour with caution, as explained.herein. The pass-by trips - - -- -- - - and'aiverted linked trips estimated to enter and exit Table V1I2 Fast-Food Restaurant with a development does not affect the driveway volumes Drive-Through Window(834) but does"affect the amount of t'r'affic added to the -A.M.Peak Hour adjacent street system. The following example and Table VII-3 Fast-Food Restaurant with Figure VII-2 illustrate this point for pass-by trips. - - - Drive Through Window(834)P.M.Peak Hour _ - a The p.m.-peak hour traffic passing a retail cen-.:" _ - ter is 1;200 vehicles per hour, as shown in., Table V11-4 Gasoline/Service Station(844) Figure VII-2(a). A.M.Peak Hour it The driveway volumes are estimated to-'be 200.':,- vehicles 00.vehicles per hour entering and leaving the center -� Table VII-5 Gasoline/Service Station (844) as shown in Figure VII-2 _- -P.M.Peak Hour The pass-by trips are estimated to be 25 percent==- -- = --- - of-the driveway volumes;as--shown in Figure -- Table VII-b _ Gasoline/Service-Station-with VII-2(b). . _ - - Convenience Market(845) _ m The trip distribution for the primary'trips is w A.M.Peak Hour shown in Figure VII2(c), Table V11-7 Gasoline/service Station with The distribution of the;pass-by trips is based on - Convenience Market(845) the volume of traffic passing the driveway, as;; • P.M.Peak Hour shown in Figure VII-2(d).` a The assignment of the pass-by trips is shown in Table VII-$ Convenience Market with FigureNII- (f). - - - - - Gasoline Pumps(853) A.M. ie The' final assignment of all the trips entering Peak Hour and leaving and passing_the driveway is shown - - - - - - in Figure VII-2(g)• - Table VII-9 Convenience Market with - --- -- Gasoline Pumps(853)P.M. _ Data Needs for Pass-By Trips and ' Peak Hour Diverted Linked Trips Good correlation between the pass-by trip More data are needed to.further quantify the pass- percentage and size of the generator has been by trips and diverted linked trips for all land uses - illusive. The database needs to be further where this phenomenon exists. It is essential that expanded before better predictive relationships, °, the data in this report be expanded through the can be developed. Therefore, the user is tau- uniform collection of data suggested in the survey tioned to use engineering judgment to establish forms.;Following is a questionnaire to be used for the Bass-by trip and diverted linked trip per= conducting interviews for the purpose_of collecting tentage before application. ..Whenever possible,. pass-by tripand diverted linked trip data,.and a and especially at planned expansion to existing ' 'summary form. The summary form is designed to. facilities,it is recommended that the pass-by trip list the summary of,survey results, but must also and diverted linked trip percentages be defer=' 4` provide information related to the generator,loca- mined on the basis of site-specific data collected =_tion and traffic volumes associated with both true with the expanded forms provided. _ -pass-by trips and diverted_ _linked trips- .. Trip Generafion,.5th Ed.-,Update, 7 - _` -_--:'Institute of-Transpartation Engineers----- Table VII-2 Summary,of Weekday Pass-By Trips land Diverted Linked Tri s '{ A.M. Peak Hour`of Adjacent'Street Traffic �`': ' a✓y i s � t' '^�• ; i' , ' I y. s{ ;� •`t ``11la 4 ea, +j�.- ! ,.�' c �:i a ti 4 i�r� � ,.t i Y' l .;.. .1,� , ` •n Li - ;.1 {t- [� 5;3 r -•t s, L.1 y.� i �� - ! a•_I Land Use 634`= Fast Food Restaurant,Wi#h Drive;Ttrough Window P? ' � I 'i` aw " � .c� ` 1, t [ :.c �. ,- ,!�` •r,s ., IA.� r::. ,� �y { ,r,� r'~ ' r S I)tit. +�Y t. �• . r '' ',_ 1 i= Name of Seats w S Srze' d. 1, .� �. ( greet s location Week-•]•No. of, Time ,, Primary. Non-S��DJverted-,,Pass-., ,e,Adjacent�� - Source C 14: Davelopmen ' 11 f `��.Y GLA) s ' " �' w,• daY l{rfer- Period' 7-rips(%) Pass 'linked;: Bye 7-rip:, Street'Peaky ,JF , 4 n A { • 1 CLI IIf 1 Surveya, dews it' c Bk Trip� Trip(%) W t,1:S `k y• v c ' Data_ Voldin =,i § 1.Bur er KI !x rX: - s. f, `. I I t r i, g .� r� 6,U00 Chicago sut3urhs, IL 198.7 84 cal-9 AAA� r "68 3+ 44 ! - I y � ) q i . ,' t �; r� • i I: t ;. F L 1 I. ;y i Kenlg;AO Hara,, Q. t'-• +-,.: - _ 1 Y.1) r 'Humes Flock S t' ' 2.Confidential f 1 �; 88 '• ' 1,350 + I auis�ille Area KY <•>1993�+ n/a 7 9'A 2 - + , , A ', i., ! M•i.i... 2 I r i 6 ni 62 1+,407 I , KRPDA/JCPWTD q., � � 4:4 7� • 3.Confldenlial ' , ,100 3,584—, i Loulsville,'KY'' 1993,, :"nl 7-9 `^ i a I `* I A AM, , 48 1 21 32 437 # 'KAPAA/'JCPWTD :k I d ti `• 'y `, .: 4: ..,y A.Confidential f; ' 87� ' 4 224� _ r New`Alban 'IN; 1993 nla s t r• ` PWTD :{ r ,- p ti y, _ 7 9 AM r -23 I _ = t, 31{ y !�46 1,049 I KRPl7A/'JC + F , Lousvllle Area KY lj9_9a t "s w r s436Q5 Condential2 31ola 9 AM1 �� 3 ; 3 2,903 f`kll KRPDA/JCPWTD4 — i i µ' ¢e t xS`r i v r r i t l L -. '1 K r � s,4 , �< ;nF r ,, 4 .� i., s 5 •a + .� { ! _ A'verage Non-!pass-By T�1p°/d� rF r, . , . . 55% I Average Primary Trip% 28% Average Diverted Linked Trip% 4 27%- Average 7%Average Pass By Trip% ' 1 •45%:En � a - 1. r k., � c - ;{ ? IT - , -o,v _ 1 - �.:. ,• i« ;.. 1 -- F �•�I-. ,� !-- + -. 'l a- 1 r`, .,�, 7 �, I sus r I l' •.. I •ti.t{ ,2 s I. Im J0,,., X14 i ,rS'' .i r _I 4 per, -3 'I. ,•1 i {I a 4 '+,. ,,•_ ,+ i rf + +il rr: a'?' ,� 11 •I I � ..,• 71 1 Fry -I r I ,� r-=1 . •' � #~ as S e { I ' r �r -+: I � •,I � 7 i + � St I r .. .t. ' -! - "f cy tr9 '! 1. - _ r• r k q - � Fo{_ _ _ _ ,� .. - i., _ 1,• , _ �' _ , +�,�', • + �rk r- it i f .-1,I�1 - !' �•I ,. -...e ,x i i� ' I `. M' � •.I I r >-k:7' ' G.� �v r- !'ir i I� 'i I I i "I, t,l 'i si, - p•jll ,.... a. .., � , B t m-fit:i � +I .r r »-�q 1 i R Z q.. .� , 'r - I: � l'. � t - � ^•. ,, I. -. Table VII-3 Summary of Weekday Pass-By Trips and Diverted Linked Trips P.M. Peak Hour' of,Adjacent Street Tf•afflc Land Use 834; Fast Food Restaurant With,Drlve Through Window 1 Name.of Seals-;v Size(Sq.'Feet L'ocatlon Week- No.of Time, ;Primary ;:'.Non- Diverted Pass- Adjacent Source y C'. Developmont GLA) h ; ' day: -Inter- Period,... Trip, a s Pass-{ r Linked ,By Trip Street Peak # Survey 'views By Trip .Tdrp(%) !(%) •Hour i a ,Date 5:r1(%) 1 Volume! I l a 1.13urger King ,;� - `�; -2,600 Minneapolis=St. 1987,1 50 3-7 PM 27 r I r 48 �! 25 - ', k n/a ,' _, ,4. , Paul MN SV. r . .-+I 2.McDonalds'' ,s, x5,000 Chicago suburtis', 1L .1987 80 3-6 PM 62 `' 38'• - - '� Kenig,O'Hara., i Humes,Flock a 3.Wendy's X5,000 Chicago suburbs, IL 1987_ . 100 316 PM i 45 ! 55' Kenig,O'Hara, ; • . , ; ,; Humes,Fiock 4.Wendvs - <5,000 Chicago suburbs; IL' 11987 159 3 6 PM' 44 i' 56 ! - ;1 Kenig,O'Hara,, I Humes, Flock pl 5.McDonalds - <5,00o Chicago suburbs, IL `1987. 225 3-6 PM 52 148 - Kenlg,O'Hara, Humes,Flock 6.Mcbonalds <5,000 Chicag6•suburbs, IL 1987_ I 88 3-6 PM 65 , 35 - Kenig,UHara, , Humes,Flock 9.Conlldential 88 1,350 1_6uisviile Area,KY 11993 nla 4-6 PM 22< r ' - 10 68 2,055 KAPDA/JCPWTD j 10.Conlldential', 86' 3,239 Louisville Area,KY '1993 n/a , 4-6 PM °26 i+ - 47 26 i 826 '; KRPDAIJCPWTD 11.Confidential `. 120 , 1,862' Louisville Area,KY 19934 nla 4-6 PM 1 24 i' - ;i,. 9'' 67, # 2,447: KRPDAI JCPWTD 13.Confidential ,t 100 3,584 Louisville,.KY _ 1993 Wa 4-6 PM 35 ! - 16 �. 49' 670 KRPDA/JCPWTD Q..,, 15.Confidential 87 F 87 .£. 4,224 New Albany,IN 11963 ! Na 4-6 PM 25 - ! 19 56 , 1,632 KRPDAIJCPWTD i 16.Confideniial " : 85 2,912 LouE§ville Area,KY ; f1993'j nla 4-6 PM 14`�` i.` 29 57 2,402 KRPDAIJCPWTD - Nils 17.Cbnfidetitlel _.-y ills E.. 3,266 Louisville}Area,KY 11993 ' n/a 4-6 PM 56'� �.f - , ',r. 11 F 1 33 i , 2,4291 KRPDA/�JCPWTD _ t, o i8.Confidential 76 2,400 Loulsv111e Area,.ICY ' 1993 n/a 4-6 PM 25` - i;'`13 ;j 63 ' 2,265 KAPDA/JCPWTD f i 20.Confidential, 150 2,952 . Louisville Area,KY i 1993 nla 4-6 PM '31 , - 4' :i; 38 31 4,250�� KRPDA/JCPWTD " 3;', r' I a' Average Non=Pass-By Trlp% 63% Average Primary Trip% 29% mt Average Diverted linked Trip% 24% 1 x all , Average pass-By Trip%° 47% ! fI • - - Figure VII-2 - - -- - X BASE VOLUMES B. 51TE GENERATION WITH PASS-BY_ =TOTAL TRIPS- .25°/6 . T _ 200 VPH IN 50 VPN IN 200 VPH OU7 _ 50 VPH OUT_ — -- �- 1000 VPH' ' 200 VFH r: 117 — C.I PRIMARY TRIP PATTERN D. PASS-BY,TRIP PATTERN'—.—, 200% EX :'.I 806/6 EN. �_ - - _ 83% EX- _ -1 ; 83'/o EN — S_ ,— — - 20"/a EN -`•80% EX 170/oEN-- _;. - 171/6 EX- ' E. PRIMARY TRIP VOLUME ADJUSTMENT _ -F_ PASS-8Y TRIP VOLUME ADJUSTMENT m 50 X .83 42 AL150'x .80 120 f- —42 VPH 150 X.20 3Q .17'- 8 n -BVPH—)� - o 'G.•FINAL VOLUMES 200 OUT{ -200 IN ' T APPLICATION OF PASS-BY TRIPS -. cc ^r 182 LEGEND - = EN Enter= - _� EX Exit _ ' +192-1` ,� Y _Trip Generation, 5th-El. Update, Feb.-A-995 la-27'I", :=_- Institute-of-Transportation-Engineers —= 1 APPENDIX E - EXISTING PLUS PROJECT ICU CALCULATIONS L,7 _-Intersection: _.E1 Camino Real-- (NS') % Redhill_ Ave. Project: Wendy's Site Specific-'Traffic Study .,--.'_-_-_ *-T3:�Aff ic Condition: -Existing Plus'Proj ect�� - Lane Configuration: Initial -'AM Intersection Capac t .., Analysis _ . - - - __------------------ V/C Move Lanes` : Capacity Background'-Proj ett' '-Total,„ , Ratio NL" 1. 0- 1700 326 51- 377 0 .22* NT 1. 0 1700 221 7- - 228 0 .15 - - _NR, 0 _-17 0 0- '__'27-__--- -1,11_ - 2-3- 0:01-" SL 1. 0 3.700 .50 0 _ 50 0 -03 -1 r - ST 1. 0" y 1700 99-_ 7 ' -- 1061 -,- , 0 . 06.`= - , SR :1 . 0 ':.y 1700 . ISO - - 0 -- 150''.. : 0 .-09*-_Z`- - EL T - 2 . 0• - 34.00 287 "0 = 287 ` 0 .08*' 'ET- _=__3-:0 _5100 _ _ - {59I' - A __ _-_'� 591 _'_ `=0".-15 v- 0 .-0 _:, -1700- - -122 - - - 53 175,- -0 10 - - WL^ 1. 0" ~ 1700• 14 11. 25 0 . 012, , WT .3 . 0 - 510o 1090 0T -=1090 .. . -0 .-23* -WR_ •__0 . 0 = '- 1,700 { _ 90 0 . -- -.90• 0 . 05. * ` _ Cleararice Interval.` Percentage .0 . 05 Sum of Critical . Movements = 0 .67 B PM Intersection Capacity Analysis - -------------------------- - - V/C- Move __ Lanes Capacity Background Project Total Ratio NL 1-0 1700' 170 33 203 0 ..12'* NT 1.0 , 1700. 165 5- 170' 0 .12 NR 0-:0' 1700 25 7 - LL 32 -0. 02 - - SL 1.0 1700 92 0 _ ,92 .0 -05 ST 1. 0 1700 163 5 168 0 .10 SR 1.0 1700 206 0 20.6 0 -12* EL 2'. 0. 3400 223 0 223• _0-.07 ET - 3 -0 5100 . 1347 0 1347 0-.31* ER 0 . 0 1700, 176 37 213 0 .13 - __ WL- v 1.0 1700 16 -.8 -24 : -- 0 .01* WT , - 3 .0 5100 649 0 649 0 ..14 - WR . 0..0_ 17bd - 58 0 58 ' 0 .03 Clearance -Interval Percentage `, 0 _051 Sum of Critical Movements r=, ` 0`.61 B * ` denotescritical movement_ 1 I Intersection: El Camino:'Real _(NS), ,/= Redhill;Ave._:JEW) Proj-ect : Wendy I s Site Specific .Traffic Study �, _• s - _ Traffic Condition: Existizng Plus Project .-.,--- -, Lane Configuration: Initial- Mid-Da nitial - r x Mid-Day _Intersection Capacity Analysis - •V 0 L U M E S Move Lanes- Capacity ;•Background Project- -Total -,..5,-Ratio NL 1. 0 1700 - - Y 184 - -51 235 . 0 .14* NT 1 . 0 r " 1700 124 17,f; 131 0 .10 0 . 0 1700 34 11 45 0 . 0.3 SL ; 1. 0 1700 80 0 "80, 0 . 05 ST 1. 0 _ 1700 - 158 -- " - ,7 165 . 0 .10 : - SR .x_ : - 1. 0_, 1700. 235 0,. 235 , . 0 .14*_ EL 2 . 0 3400 260 0 260 0 . 08 -_, SET- - - =3_--0 _5100 - W 881 = - =0 n 881-_ - ER ; - 0 . 0--- 1700--WL 1. O - ; 1700 _24 ' 11 i r - 35-.. _ 0 . 02*_ - -- _WT_ :3 . 0 5100 661• i0. - 661-: 0 .14 WR 0 . 0 1700 56 0 56M ' 0 . 03 - -- Cle_ arance. Interval Percentage = 0 . 05 Sum of• Critical Movements = 0 .56 A * denotes - critical movement - Intersection:, I-5Fwy.�NB` _-amp -Redhill Ave _ Wendyus Site Specific-,Tra€fi-c -Study,Project: raffic _Condition: -Existing Plus';Project - _ - ;y - ., : :.. --. •_� ,_. _� .--.-. Lane -Configuration: ' Initial Mid-Day;-lntersectiorr-Capacity Analysis t '. ;----------- ----------- _ _V/C Move ri A Lanes' Capacity- Background Proj ectr a'Total;:_= Ratio-'.' NL-P , 10. •, 1700 - ''31}8 _��0 318. .0 .1/9� Nl7 ! ... a a 'a ` V'. V� a is v a . aL t3F. 1700 SSS 19 534 0 .2.6=* uST _ 0 -a o - -0 - -0 0. 0 . a a" EL „ 1.'0-c 17-00 256' r0- 256 ," y ' V . --827 = 0 :..1-5*--' 016-ET 3 0_ _5100-. -- 79_0- 00ER" a 00 WL, .. 0 .'0 0 0 0 '0- ,r,. -0 :0 0 -- WT 3 .:0 ,'r. _- .5100 . ,815- _ _ 3.3_ 848 .; 0 .17*.' _ WR:,.,; 1-10� 1700 304 18 _- 322 0-.16 + _ 4 Clearance :Interval.,Percentage = ^'0 05== , Sum of Critical Movements - 0 .-63 B * `denotes ;critical- movement ;denotes V/C ratio reduced 15 percent for right turn on red_ _ r. Intersection: i-5:Fwy. _,NB Ramps .(NS) ./,"Redhi11-Ave "(EW) Project: Wendy's' Site Specific`- Traffic Study-•- _ _ " -- - Traffic Condition: Existing Phis _-Project Lane Configuration: initial -.-AM Intersection .-Capacity•Analysis A ---L-,--U--M _- E_-.S--_ ------------------------- Y�T/C Move::= = Lanes =Capacity Background Proj ect_ Total "- _Ratio NL-,,. . . 1 . 0 1700 298 0 298 - 0 .1.8* NT 0 .0 0 0 0 10 0 . 00 ry _ -:-- =--- a NR SL- - ' 0 :0 .' 0 0 - - 'rt 0 -_p 0 -00 ST, w 0 .-'0 0 0 0 €0 o . 06 SR.;J. C 0 _.0 0._ __0 - _ - '; 0 }0 '- - 0 .00-== - EL 1. 01" 1700 278 3 .--0- --_- _5300- O .Z5� _--ER-:• -: 0 ."'0 = 0 00 - - - :� 0 . 0 0 WL'-', -0 . 0 - 0 0 0 `0 '' 0 . 00 .. WT 3 A' -t_ 5100 1070 33-'-- 1103 Z0 .22 `.' WRQ. - 1. 0-1--. 1700 - 455 =� _. . 18_---- 473- _.0 .24-* - ,• - Clearance Interval Percentage = 0 . 05 i - - ' Sum of Critical -Movements_ = : - 0 . 63 B - - ' PM Intersection Capacity Analysis - _ - - _ - - V 0 L U M E S - - -- - - - - --------------------------- V/C - Move Lanes Capacity Background Project Total Ratio NL 1. 0 170.0 499 0 499 0 .29* NT 0 . 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 .00 NR - 1.0 - 1700• 460 -- 13 473' 0 .24- SL 0 .0 , 0 0 0 0 0 .00 ST 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 SR 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 00 EL 1:0 - 1700 270 0 270 0 .16* ET -3 .-0 5100 1247 24 1.271 0 .25 ER _ 0 -0 -0 0 0 0 0 . 00 -- WL 0 . 0' 0 0 0 0 0 . 00 WT 3 .0 5100 837 21 858 0 .17* WR -1. 0 1700 169 12 1$1 0 . 09.- Clearance Interval Percentage = OAS Sum of Critical Movements = 0 .67 B * denotes critical movement _ ` _'denotes_-v/C- rat-J-6-:-reduced. 15 -percent for -right 'turn on red-' _ -_...Intersection: I-5.',FWy. SB.':Ramps (Nig) . /e*RedhillVAve. '(EW)° -- .- -,:�_ Project: Wendy' s Site. Specific`-�Tiaffi`c=Study;:w-t=_r OTraffic Condition: ' Existing Plus 'Proj ect _°� _- -• - - Lane Configuration: Initial "" AM ,Intersection :capaci:tyr AnalyszS -- -V 'O L U :M _ E S - - . - ------------------------- . V/C Move , Lanes,yam Capacity Background :Prof ect:--Total" Ratio NL 0 . 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .00' NT•_.. 01. 0 10 - 0 10 0 0 . 00 SL 1.. 0. .. 1700 187 19 ° 205 , 0 12----- S T z-,ST_ 0 . 0 , .0 0 !-o o }' 0 . 00 .SR „ . . 3 -1.0 = _ - 1700 -599 �Q �- 599 � ' 0 -30 - EL 0 . 0 0 _.0 0 0 . 00 ET = . 3 . 0 :`h - 5.100 - _--8 24 - is , - - 83.9 0 .16 ;, _ ER= 0 's : - 3 700 T -- 538 538 - - 0-.27 WLR:; . 1.D '"`" .1700 479 18497 0 .29* - 'WT ,72e _=` 3 . 0 -Y" je 5100 968 3 5 983; , 0 .191" -WR '_:. . . 0 . 0 -0 -0 0 0 -' 0.. 00 ' • F • ~ ' x -Clea rance ,'Interval, Perdentage = 0 -05- Sum 05Sum •of Critical Movements = 0 .91 E. PM Intersection Capaci-ty Analysis - V O L U M E S ---------- - ---------- V/C Move_ Lanes Capacity- Background. Project Total - Ratio NL 0 .0 0 Q 0 0 0 .00 NT 0 . 0. 0 0. 0 0 0 .0 0° NR 0'. 0 - - 0 - 0 0 - 0- 0 -00 I SL 1.10 170.0 `9. 397 13 . 410 0 .24* ST 0 -0 0 -0 -. 0 . 0 0 .00 SR 1.0 1700 - 393 0 393 0 .20. EL 0 .0 0' -0 0 0 0 _00. _ . ET 3 .0, .. 5100 "-1156 11 1167, ,- 0 .23 :ER,_ - 1.0 1700 %'641 •.0 641 0-.32-* -• WL - _1 Q 1700 y,Y -388 _ r' i2 _ 404 0 .-24 3 .';0-,,, 5100 ' 8969 - 905. 018' WR : '--0 .-0. '- 0 - 0 0 0 a�00 ClearanceFInterval;Percentage ._ 0 .:05 Sum`of Critical•`Movements ';- , 0 :85 D * denotes critical movement -- denotes -V/C -ratio reduced 15 _'percent.--for_right. turn _on red _. - '3 _ � ,� -ter-- � _ .. - � _ %_` •• ,, " '•- • r Intersection:: Y-S�Fwy SB 1R / Re EW} Ramp dhi11 Ave • Project. Wendy's 'Site -SpecifiC'-Traffic-.`Study_- w , .r • _ Traffic •Condition: Existing Plus _Project• . '° Lane Configuration: -•Initial Ma-d-Day Intersection._-Capacity- Analysis - _- --------------- -------- ' V/C Mbve• - Lanes :�CapacityI_ Background-�Project :_Total:,--. Ratio.::; NL' 0 . 0- 0' 0 0 0 ": 0 . 0 0 NT:r _ < 0 . 0 ;0 .0 :=0 0 __ -,: .0 . 00 - - NR r _ 0 '-0— - . - - 0. 0 -,=0 .00 SL 1. 0,- •1700 212 19 _ 232 STjj- _0 0 0 . :�%0 -5° 0 00 •s'. 0 . 00 ' SRzs�` . : _ 1 0 ' EL-::-, 0 . 0 c;0 0 ro 0 ' "' - 0 . 0 0 = ET •: s 3 :0 ; 5100 866 15 _ _ 881 0 .17*"; - - ERC _cj _1 0 .a _. -1700 _" _ 333- . - =- ;U 's 333 0...17 WL:) y 1.0 1700' 254 `18 272 3 0 ;, 5Z00 746 15 L." 761 .;: _ 0:15 WR n�l 0 .-0. ••0 0 %O _ 0 _. ;;:...; •�% Clearance ,Interval,,-Percentage -0 :05 _ - r Sum of ,Critical Movements — 0 :52 ;'A * denotes• critical movement _ _ . denotes V/C ratio- reduced 15. percent . for right turn :on'red 17, , _ v RLL � � • � .. L-'S..` r -1 •y.__1'_.r.1 4f +'.j _ r.• fi'w.— .. .. Intersection: I-5 Fwy: SS rRampsT.- (NS) ;/,4Redhi11.Ave: _ (EW)-- r roject. Wendy's Site Specific .Traffic;Study affic Condition: Existing Plus'-Project-- fff Lane Configuration: Alternate Mid-Day,-Intersection CapacityAnalysis • V 0 L _U M E S _ _ - - ---------.------ --- V/C Move- "`=Lanes ;, .'Capacity . -Background ;Project,- :To'tal_. ;. . , Ratio. rrr ' r o . a.. ' 0 w 0 0 0 0 . O 0. NRA 0 o - _:o = 0 44 A .0 o o SL =rte . ' 1.5.= 2550,- 212 19.., 231. : 0. 09* ST . , 0 . 0_ 0 0- 0 �O :L_r,' 0 _00 SR•- 5=','- .255.0 250.E 0 250: :x'.0.09- �} EL 'V _ 0: 0: 0 0 0 0„ 0 . 00 ET _ _ 3 . 0--' .5100_- __.$66.. _ _ _ _ 15 - , -881 ? 0.17* _ER 1..0� - _. 1700 :. 333 y - 0;;- -'333 0 .17-j - 1700' •254 . 18 ._ 272- , t -0 .16*- '. WT ; .. . 0 3. 0e—; - 51002- 7�6_ 15 �� _ 76V' 0.15 _ ,Percentage 0 . 05 s ". Sum-of�Critcal Movements 0 .47 A * denotes critical movement"; - �3 - denotes V/C' ratio reduced 15 percent for right turn on red ' "fir`':; ---'-- Intersection: I-5 Fwy: SB-Ramps-:(NS) ./ Redhill::=Ave: {EW} Project: Wendy' s Site Specific ..Traffic-Study,. ".-- , �- - Traffic -Condition:- Existing Plus Proj e' ct Lane`_ Configuration: Alternate -AM.-Intersection- Capacity Analysis. - -' U- M E S - - - ------------------------- V/C - - Move Lanes = Capacity; Background.Project::Nota].:. - .Ratio NL - 0 . 0,; 0 0 0 0 : . 0 .00 w.. NT _ 0 . 0 " 0 0 0 0 0 . 00 -NR. _ - 0 , 0 - - _0.- _ - ' 0 .0 . 00 _. SL"' - 1-.5 2550- - 187- - -- - _19�_.-` --20.6"._! 0 .08 ST 'i 0 . 0 0 0 0 0' .°` 0 . 00 SR- 1.5+_- 2550 . 599 0='' 599'-_" 0 .20- EL 0 . 0 ', _ 0 `0 0 0 0 . 00 ET 3 . 0' 5100 824 15r_ - .839 . . v 0 .16 ER 1. 0 -' 1700 - 538 - - - 0--7- 538-,- .- 0 .27-* WL - 1. 0 1700r -479- 18 _: 49 7 ; __ 0 .29*.` ; r WT 3 .'0 ; '` 5100= 968 15 ._- 9$3'_" . : 0 .19 .'f. WR �' 0 . 0= 0 ? 0 0 0 0 . 00 -Clearance = r0 .05 y Suin of Critical Movements = 0 -81 D PM Intersection Capacity Analysis-- V nalysis V 0 L U M E S ------------------------- V/C Move Lanes Capacity Background Project Total Ratio _ - NL 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 NT 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 _ NR - 0 . 0 - 0 0 - -- -0 01 0 .00 - - SL . 1.5 2550 397 13 410 0 .16* ST 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 00 SR 1.5 2550 393 0 393 0 .13- EL 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 ET 3 -0 5100 1256 11 1167 0 .23 ER 1. 0 1700 641 0 - 641 0 .32-* y WL 1.0 1700 -. 388 12 400' 0 .24*_ WT 3 .0 5100 896 9 905 0 .18 WR 0 .0 . .0 0 0 0 0 .00 Clearance Interval Percentage = 0 .05 Sum of Critical Movements = 0 .77 C * denotes critical movement - -denotes V/C ratioi reduced 15 percent for right turn-on red _. Intersection: Nisson .Rd.'--(NS) `/_ Redhill Ave. . (EW) • - _ _ _ Project: Wendy' s Site Specific:.Traffic .Study.,:: .. . Waff ic Condition: -Existing Plus Project Lane Configuration.: Initial _ 3 Mid-Day Intersection-Capacity Analysis V - 0- L -U -.M E S- ----- ------------------------- V/C Move Lanes , .. Capacity. _Background :Project ,;Total'= Ratio NL'; 1. 0 1700 '61 0 61 0 . 04- ." NT'.:: . _ 1- 0.' 1700 . .-39 0 • = 39 . -' 0 .11* : - -- NR_.--. --0 . 0,7., 1700- -15 0 _ _ - 4--- ---154 0 . 0-9 SL -_ 1. 0 _. 1700 156 "=4 " : 160 • 0 . 09* STe:. 1..0':. 1700 -29 ;0 - . . 29 • ,v 0 . 03 _ SR'= `• _0 . 01-L 1700 23 00 23 • .". 0 . 01= - EL1. 0= 1700 11 0 '•' 111 ' 0 - 01 - ET _ 3 . 0. 51-00 - 885 - 7 892 0 .18* ER - 0 . 0 : 1700 18 0 . :< 18 o . O 1 ' WL 1. 0-- ' 1700 126 4' 130 0 . 08* _ WT.; 3 . 0 5100 854: -'7 ° 861 . .7 - 0 .18 .-` WR' ) , T 0 . 0 - 1700 53 '`457 0 -03 • = _`-.� •Clearance.Interval,.:Percentage 0 .05 � _. Sum 'of Critical Movements 0 .51 A * denotes critical movement quauiaAom Teozgt.zo sagouap S €9' 0 = s-3uamaAoW. Teoz:jTaO Jo ZunS 50' 0 = abequao.zaa TeAa9:ju2 aouvivaTJ 60' 0 61,T Z' L�iT - OOLT' 0 ' 0 um SZ'-O " SDTT S OOTT DOTS 0 ' E JA, *.LO ' 0 ZTT Z•_ - OTT _ DOLT _ - O 'T _ - rim ZO' 0 6E 0 6£ DOLT O ' D Iia. *OE' O LETT 5 Z6T7T DOTS O ' E SLS EO' 0 ET, 0 E7 DOLT 0 'T as EO ' D ZS 0 ZS DOLT D" D tis 90- 0 OS 0 OS DOLT O 'T Is *OT' O UT E09T DOLT 0 'T as 8010 8ZT E SZT DOLT 0 ' 0 HN J *IT' D LS 0 LS DOLT 0 'T .IN ED' 0 ET7 0 E7 DOLT O-T IN 0- :12-db T'e�oy oa Coxa punozbxoeg li-4zo-ed-e0 sauE2 avow O/A -------------------------- - a - w n a o A - - - - - -- - - - ---- sTsATeuV A-4Toede0 uo-poasasquI Nd E S9 ,0 = s:4uam9AoW Te3TQ-rs0 90. mnS_. f' • SO. O = abv-;uao.zad= TeAaa:4u2 aoueaeaTO ; SO ' 0 T8 :.ii GL- . DOLT O - Q :. : -am *T£' O ' O9T7TL'v ELbT GOTS '=4'. 0 ' E '` `r` jLM FLO ' O , 9TTZTT DOLT 0 'T 'IM TO ' 0= ET -= _°:0' - - ET- DOLT 0 ' 0" - - OZ' 0 9ZOT L_ - 6TOT DOTS - 0 ' E - :4ZO ' 0 LZ 0: LZ- DOLT = O 'T 'IS 7r0" 0 �9 : : 0'.= -T,9'- = DOLT ` 0 ' 0 Hs t=90 '0 : 'tE 0" __ TE=` DOLT ` O 'T ? Ms "*OT' O .69T 59T DOLT 0 'T 'IS 0 T5Z -- i� - LIVZ DOLT 0'`0. _--- ` GT' 0 8£ '. 0 8E DOLT 0 'T -mm ,l-ZO" Q SE0 SE . DOLT -'O 'T `' , aN OT-4e$ Tegoy . :qoa Load punoaBNovg_ Aq-roede0 sauEa -aAOw - -_ - --_-----_------------- _ - - --- - - - 5 S W !1 a O.'. A,. S'. sATeuV A-4Toed2:)- uo-c�oasaa:ju2 _ = Tei�tu.1 :uoT�ean6tguo0 Suva boa Coad snTa burs rxs :uoTxpuo0 o rgvzy _ `Apn- wo-rggeaM -ozgzoads egTS s ,ApuaM :joa Co.za - (MS).; 'a� TTTuPa2i�/ -p-d uoss-r :uoTgoasigquj APPENDIX F- YEAR 2020 WITHOUT PROJECT ICU CALCULATIONS Y.,ai�'. .., ....... : i.. _��-. ,. .. ����`_ z! .r �__f..� ..meg - — _ '— • f •� Intersection: El Camino: Real--.'(NS).. /-•-Redhill ;Ave. (EW)_ Project: -Wendy' s Site Specific-Traffic- Study, •Traffic Condition: Year 2020 Without-Proj'ect_ Lane Configuration: initial AM _Intersection,..Capacity Analysis-. V 0 L U M� E S_ Move- -_ Lanes Capacity. Background Proj ectr.:Total. :, Ratio `NL''. 1. 0 1700 570 --51 519 0 .31*_,• NT _ 1. 0-: 1700 :50 -7 43, 0 . 03 NR Q . o:- 1700 _ 10_ l:T 0 .0-0 SL 1. Q' 1700 80 0- 80. . .: . 0 . 05 F, ST 1-o:_:. 1700 60 -7_ , 53; 0 . 03 SR - - . -1. 0'_. 1700 - 410 . 0 410, .. _- 0 .24*,_r. _ EL" '= 2 . 0 `' 3400 310 f0 310. , 0 . 09* _ ET 2 . 0 5100. _ -_ _500 - '0 500.. .. 0 .10 ER - - 0 . 0"-- .]_700 80 _ _53 - 27 _ 0 . 02 WL 1 . 0, 1700 10 -11"'; -1 0 . 00 'f WT 3 . 0 . . ' 5100 1730 Lo`: 1730 . o .34*, WR 0 . 0 �:' 1700 -10 .Q } ._ 10 0 . 01-r.: • Clearance .Interval Percentage = r0 . 05== Sum of Critical Movements = 1. 03 F PM Intersect ion- Capacity.,Analysis O L- ..0 M -E-..- S -- - -- - - - -- ---------------------------- V/C Move' : '' Lanes -- Capacity.- Background.=Project- Total Ratio NL 1. 0 1700 370 -33 a 337 0 .20* NT - 1. 0°"' 1700 . 230 =5 225 0 .13 NR 0 .0 17Q0_ '10 =7- 3 0 .01 = - _ SL 1.o' = 1700 X50 0 50 0 . 03,-- ST 1 . 0 1700 180 -5 175 0 .10 ' SR 1. 0 1700 220 to 220 0 .13* EL = 2 . 0 =' 340.0 65.0 ' 0 650' 0 .19 ET ` 3 .0 5100 19103' A 1910 , .. 0 _43* ER 0 . 0 1700 300_ -37,-_._ 253 - " _ 0 ._15.1__ - 1. 0.E - 1700 ;30 - - -8. %- 22' . _ 0 . 01* WT 3 . 0 F _5100 58.0: 0 ._ 580, 0 ._13 Nr WR 0 . 0 1700 "80 0 , 80 0 .05 -, - W � • - r Clearance Interval.. Percentage = 0 .05 Sum of. Critical Movements 0 .82 D * denotes critical movement � _-._ Intersection:-El Camino Real,`=(NS)._ /__Redhill"'Ave-:-.'(EW) Project: Wendy' s Site Specific Traffic '`Study Traf f ic- Condition: -Year 2620 Without- Project: Lane Configuration: Alternate AM 'Intersection"Capacity. Analysis . V C- L_ U .-M _E --S--.--- - --------------------------- S----------------_--------------- - V/C Move = iLanes Capacity -'Background Proj.ect,ti•.Total,:vr,,7, , Ratio-, NL 2 . 0 - 34001 - 570__ -51'` -_ 519, ._ ` 0 .15*=-- NT .1. 0- 1700 -50 -_7 43, . 0 . 03 -- - - _NR _ 0 . 0'--.- 170.0-1-_ - __ 10-- ---ll - --1 . : 0 .-00 SL 1 . 0 1700 S0 .0_ - 80 0 . 05 ST .- - 1. 0 _ 1700 60 -7,_ 531 . 0 . 03 SR 1. 0'-'-- 1700 410: = 0 410":-. Q ' 0 .24*.;2; , _ EL- a 2 . 0' `.': 3400 310 0 =-'; 310 :_ 0 . 09*. ET - - - 3 . 0 5100500: 1:0 500- 0.10 -- - -.. ER 0 . 0 1700__ - .80 - 53), = 27 . . 0 . 02 - - -. WL 1. 0 - 1700 - !10 -111, -1:.. _ 0 . 00 WT 3 . 0 _ 5100 1730--_. -'0 1730j , ," - 0 .34*�'_ WR 'r '_•_ ' 0 - 0 1700 __-'10 _ 0--"- 10 0 . 01 .. - _ _ _ClearanceInterval 'Percentage = 0 . 05 • - Sum of Critical Movements = 0 .87 D PM Intersection-Capacity- Analysis ------------------------- V/C _ Move Lanes Capacity BackgroundfzProject.,,- -Total. Ratio NL 2 . 0 ... 3400- - 370 -33 `- 337 0 .10* NT = 1. 0 ' 1700 230 -5 ` 225 . 0 .13 NR 0 . 0 1700 -,10 -:7 3-. y -0 . 01 -- . SL a. 1. 0 - 1700 "SO =-.0' 50` - A 0 .03 ST 1.0 ' ` 1700 180 -5 175 0 .10 SR 1. 0 1700 220- '.0 220 0 .13* EL 2 . 0 :. 3400 650 _0 650, _,�,, 0 .19 ET = '' 3 0 5100 1910" . `0' 1, 19] 0 .'f 0.43* . ER r 0 . 0 ' _ 1700 - 100- -37 _ 263-. s 0 .15 - WL` 1.0 _ 1700 30-- -,8 22 0 .01* -. WT ,_ 3 .0 . '. 5100 580_ :0 :, 580 , 0 -13 WR - 0 . 0 1700 , :80 0' y_. 80, , 0 .05 � -.Clearance"-Interva"L...Percentage = _ 0 .05 -Sum of Critical Movements = 0.72 C * denotes critical movement - t -- Intersection-: 'L-5_.Fwy. NB•_Ramp's., (NS)'_/, Redhi3a a{EW) - Project: Wendy' s Site-Specific ;Traffic:'Study: -_ affic Condition:- Year.2020 Withotu.t_.'Project; LanE Configuration: Alternate _ AM antersection�. Capacity,,Analysis; F ;V-=0 _L.-U_-M E-- S _ . ..__ ..._. --------- ---- -------------- .V/C Move-, . - Lanes: `;Capacity:;,Background:cProj,ect_ .TotalMr ,. _Ratio.- NL r 1.5' i... 2550 250= 0: - _ 250', - _ 0 .10 ' NT =■v- •_ 0 .0 0 is 0 to 0-<'_r: 0 .00 3 u -2SSO,- `.450 --- - -1g, -0.x.14- SL.t�u a 0 .0 C 0 0 0 > _ 0 - 00 ST {j _� 0 . 0.,' `0 - 0 LO Q 0 QQ : SR -`� 0 . 0 �- �,0 - r 0 sa _ _ 0 0' -0 0 EL"Z. - 1.0. 170.0 280' - z0, - 280_-,-:.! - = ET = -- 3 .0 51-00= 450. - - _34 t 416 . .-0 . 08 -- - ER r `s -0-.0 - �0 - 0 = �o - 0 --a.. 0 . 00 WL C,o o. 0: -0 QQ o, ° �,: 0 .00 . WT 3 . 0 -�",a $100 - 190.0:._ _.33 .1867r ;. 0 :37 WR .-'._ 1.0' -1700-- 880 862 0 :.43 *_ - Clearance,;Interval:.:Percentage -0 .05- , Sum of Critical Movements _- 0 .-78 C PM Intersection_�Capacty ;Analysis -C - L • U. M E S Move _-^ Lanes -.Capacity- Background:LProj:ect- Total ;r: Ratio,- NL atio,NL r_, 1.S 2550 370:' -0 r. - - 370 M - Q 15 - NT s 0 .0. '.0 4 0 r 0 . 00.Y - NRS :. -1.5` ',, 2°550 -- - 740 = -13 _" = 727, 0 :25-*T SLj' [ 0 . 0 6;0 �4 0 0 0 0 . 00 �_s ST = 0 . G .10 0 _ _ .t o a r�_ '0 .00 ._ SR 0 .0 0 0 .00 EL` �' 1 0 ' : 7:700 ;370 0 370-"_� -0 :22 - ETF. 3 .0 %�' 5100 ,26:40 tF, .' -24 � � 26I6 0 :51* Y ER w� .r 0 .0 - :,0 ; ' 0 .,,0 _ = 0 0. 00V . . t --, . - 0o Q _WL 1. - w0..�001*� 00WT D 3,.0 511080: 21 .10502 778I70Q : 120. -09 - �i,,Clearance,aIntervai�-Percentage &0 .05, - slim"P Crmtical'Movements 0 .81 D * denotes critical.'movement _-denotes =V/Z-.ratio,a reduced- 15..-percerit -€o��r�ght ,turnwon red _ Intersection: I -5 Fwy. NB 'Raiitps ..(NS) / Redhill:-'Ave. .(EW) Project: Wendy' s Site Specific,.,Traffic Study:. _.: . _ - - . - ,t .: _•_ Traffic Condition: Year 2020 Without=Proj'ect'° Lane Configuration: initial AM 'Intersection Capacity-=Analysis. V O L U M E S Move- Lanes -� Capacity--.=Background Project. .Total- .M.. Ratio .,-,.,'. NL 1. 0 1700 250 0 _ .. 250 0 .15 ,- NT 0- 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 . ._ 0 . 00 ,- ; NR 1. 0 1700 450 -19 S' 431, . _ 0 .2.1-*' SL v- u 0 . 0 .0 0 0. 0- it 0 . 00 ST `'= 0 . 0 0 0 -0 0. - 0 . 00 SR .. .. . •: 0 . 0 '0_ - 0 :0 : 0 J: 0 .00 EL' 1. 0 '= 1700 280 -0 :: 280).. 0 .16 �.< - - ET -_ -3 . 0 -_ 5200 a50- - -34 416 - ,_. ._0 . 08 ER 0 . 0; _ --0_ 0 = '0 - - _o- - WL 0 . 0 '0 - 0 0 0 0 . 00 .: WT 3 . 0 = 53.00:- 19`00 = -33 - 1867 0 .37 � w, WR 1. 0_," __ 1700 880 -18 ':= 862 _ 0 .43=*. Clearance Interval ,-Percentage = . 0 .05 Sum -of- Critical Movements = 0 . 85 D PM Intersection ••Capacity 'Analysis _ V O L U M E - - - - - _ -------------------------- V/C Movey - Lanes Capacity-- •Background`Project _-Total-.-- _ Ratio ; --NL-- 1.01700 370 -0 - 370 0 .22 NT_nQ0� Q 0 .Q .' 0 .00 1.0 1700, --_ 740 _ -.- -13 727 0 .37-* SL'=' - ' 0 . 0 0 0 -'0 0 0 . 00 . ST ' 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 SR - 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 EL ; 1_fl - 1700 _370 0 '' 370 0 .22_ ' 3 .0 5100• 2E40 ' -24 = 2616 -r 0 _51t ER 0 .0 . r0 0 0 0 _ . 0 .00 ' ' - WLti. 0 . 0 0 0 --0 -0 . - -0-00*;-, - WT `-- 3 .0 = 5100 ' - 10$'0 --211059 . _ 0 .21_x. - WR= :� 1. 0 1700 190 -12` = 17$ 0 .09-,; Clearance -Interval=Percentage = 0.05 Sum -of Critical Movements = 0 .93 E * denotes critical ,-movement `- denotes v/C ratio 'reduced-15 percent for right turnon_red =. _ Intersection: I-5 ,Fwy.,.•SS_ Ramps` (NS,) /_1Redhill�-Ave_ -'(EW) '" _x W Project: ' Wendy'-s- Site -Specific: traffic. Study`._._ . . STraffic Condition: VYear 2020 .Without Project Lane Configuration:- -Initial AM'-Intersection .:Capacity,Analysis - - "V O L U M E' S 4 - - - - - - ------ - ------------------- VC -- Move ------,- Lanes_,-,_ Capacity ,.Background P,roj ectlk,_�Total: i. Ratio -------------- -- NL 0 . 6 0 0 -:0 01 0. 00 - 1 NT _ . . 0 . 0 . {a o� -o a . a .00 SL 0 , } 1. 0. 1700 - _ 170 151 , 0 . 09_ • ST;":0' 0 . 0i0 0 ;0 0. .� 0 .00' SR_:c. . C 1. 0 17-00 930 }OZ �. " 930 ', ..0 .47=. EL t:., 9 -0 . 0 10 0 0 0 - 0 . 00� .. ET 3 ._0 _ 5140 - - 620. : - -T5 605_ _0-.:1-2 fl: -- _ < J _ - ER :;:: - -1. 0+.'-. .-- --1700 . -450 - ,_ ... 20 45 0_2_, ,0 ` 2 =* - WL : :_ ; 1. 0 "'? 1700-- 390 - 718'V 372 0 .22* - WT 3 . 0 :, 5100 185.0. _ 715 1$35 0 .36 WR _l 0;.-0.-' 0 - _ 0. ..0 . 00 - • - = Clearance 'Interval•.. _ - . -0 . 05- ' - Percentage -Suid of -Critical Movements. _ 0.9.6 E PM .Intersection -Capacity Ana3ysi:s - - - V ' O L U -_M_ E .S - - '�'' _ ir -------------------------- V/C -- Move . = Lanes ' Capacity.: Background-Project-, Totah_,-"__ Ratio.. , , = NL _ 0 . a' 0 0 -0 0_ 0 .00 - 1,0 _w NR o .=a 4 _ . : o ::a o. o...o a SL 1.0 1700 - -0 .� 55'0 -13' 537 :_:.. '0 .32* ' ST- - 0 . 0: 0 0 a 0 . 00 SR 1..a 1700 . 420 _0 . ' 42Q - 0.21 EL-f.' 0 .0-.. _: 0 f .0 a. 0' t 0 .00 _ 3; O's: ' 5100 s :2 0'60' - -11 2 04 9 - 0 .4 0 ER "• �' 1 0'k 1700 800 0 :d 800: 0 .40 - - --1700 '370 =12' -358'..,- .. -0 .21* WTr ;3 .0 .," 5100 _ _83.0 9. r5_ ,821`';- = :WR-4Z' k 0'.0 0 = _ �0- : . 0 0" ,� ' . 0 _00 " - �'.- "-Clearance�-Interval=Percentage. - 0 ..05 . Sum=of Critical. Movements 0 .98 E * denotes critical movement ~ denotes -V/C-:jatio reduced- IF"percent-�f=_ 'right- turri.ron :red- Intersection: T-5 "Fwy. SB' Ramps:. (NS) /'RedhillAve_ (EW) Project: Wendy' s Site Specific :Traffic . Study: , _ :_: - :. _ !, ,4 - Traffic Condition: Year 2020 Without Project -Lane Configuration: Alternate x•, _ _ _ rt n - AM-Intersection`.Capacity.;.Aalysis • n 's a_V '%:_O-- L U _M. E--. S-__-__-___ - - _ - - ----_ -A _- -_ - - - - -- -------------------------- V/C Move : Lanes Capacity � Background,:Proj ect _ Total Ratio - ------- -- ------ NL , 0 . 0 .0 .: 0 0 0 . - 0 . 0 0 -,.. NT 0 . 0 f:0 0 110 0 0 . 00 _ 0 . 0 ',0 0- -;o. - - .o -0-. 00- - -- - SL.: ' . 1.5 2550 1_70 _1911 151. . w 0 .a6 =r ST 0 . 0 0 . 0 _0 0 'CO 0 . 0 . 00 - - -SRS:,- _ -:; 1.5 C .. 2550- 930 .0`" .: 930. . - 0 .31-'* EL"' . ; 0 . 0 _0 0 10 0 0 . 00 ET 3_. 0 5100 - _._. _ -620- =15=- == --- 605 _ 0 .12 - _ -- ER: __-=___1=. 01--,: 17.00- --- 450 A 450- _T_ 0 :22=t. 1. 0 `.; - .1700 390- -18 =: 372 = w 0 _22 WT , _ 3 . 0 - _, 5100 - 1850 ' -15 ,_ _ 1835. 0 .36 WR 0 . 0 a - . o - 0- 0- -0 . 00 _.:E _ ClearanceInterval:_P.ercentage = . O . OS --Sum of Critical Movements = 0 .80 C PM :Intersection.Capacity.:Analysis F 'V" O L U M E S - ------------------------ V/C _ Move = _ Lanes ;, Capacity- Background -Proj ect. Total ;-'_- Ratio .NL .`� 0 . 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 . 00 NT 0 . 0 0 - a :o 0, ?; 0 . 00 - NR 0 . 0 _ r0 0 - - 0 - 0-. 0 ..00 SL ,- 1.5 2550 550:_ -13`* 537 0 .21*-,, ST 0 . 0 0 0 "0 - 0 - 0 . 00 SR _ 1.5 2550 420 "0 420 , 0 .147,- EL:'. .14- -EL: 0 . 0 CO 0 ;0 0, . ,. 0 -00 _ ET 3 . 0 ; ; ; 5100 2060 -- -11 2'049 0 .40*" ER . :_ 1. 0 1700 800 _ 0"_ 800; 0 .40 WL = 1.0 1700 - 370' -12 " 358 0 -23A WT =_`, . : 3 . 0 'F> 5100 830 --9 821 0 .16 _wR 0 . 0- o - 0 - a .- 0 :00 - -:---,.--Clearance , Interval-,,Percentage = 0 . 05 ,-•Sum -of Critical Movements = 0 . 87 D * denotes critical movement - _ denotes V/C -ratio reduced _1_5..percent�_:for-right_:rturh_on_-red- Intersection: Nisson Rd. _ (NS•?_ / Redhill Ave. _(BW) Project: Wendy' s Site- Specific Traffic Study Traffic Condition: -Year 2020 Without Project - - Lane Configuration: -Initial AM Intersection Capacity Analysis - -- -_ - -- - _ --- V___0 - L_. U --M- -E- -S- - -- -- _ ------------------------- V/C Move Lanes Capacity Background Project Total Ratio NL 1. 0 1700 40 0 40 0 -02 NT 1. 0 1700 40 0 40 0 .18* NR_ 0 . 0.___ _ 1700 _-= _.___27-O- = = --4 _ ____ 266- _ 0 .16- SL - .16 -SL 1. 0 1700 180 __ -4 1.76 0 ,10* ST 1. 0 1700 30 0 30_ 0 . 06 - SR 0 . 0 1700 70 0 70 - -0 . 04- EL 1. 0 1.700 30 0 30 0 . 02* _ _ET - 3 . 0 -- - 51.00 -620 - -7---- --`613 -0 .12 � - - --ER- 0 .;-0- - -1700 ----- __1O = O _ - _ 10- 0 .01 - - - - WL 1. 0 1700 120 -4 116 0 . 07 WT 3 . 0 5100 2580 -7 2573 0 .52* WR 0 . 0 1700 - -80 = - �4 =76 - 0 .04 -Clearance Interval Percentage = 0 .05 - T- - Sum of Critical Movements_ =_, 0 .87 _ D = PM Intersection Capacity Analysis - T V O L U M E S ------------------------------------ V/C - Move Lanes Capacity Background Project Total Ratio NL 1 . 0 1700 50 0 50 0 . 03 NT 1. 0 1700 60 0 60 _0 .12* NR-- 0 . 0 1700 - 140 - -=3 " 137 0 . 08 SL 1. 0 1700 180 -3 177 0 -10* ST 1. 0 1700 60 .0 60 0 .07 SR 0 . 0 1700 60 0 60 0 -04 EL 1. 0 ' 1700 50 0 50 0 .03 ET 3 . 0 5100 2540 -5 2535 0 .50* ER 0 . 0 1700 40 0 40 0 . 02 - - WL• 1. 6 - -- 1700 12.0 - --2 118 - o.07� - WT 3 .05100 970 -5 965 0 -22 WR --0 .0 -1700 160 -2 158 0 .09 Clearance Interval Percentage = 0 - 05 Sum of Critical Movements = 0 .84 D * denotes critical movement •t f ' E� � rl ! � I • ,r t •,� � � � _ 4 n , � ]raj � . .4 1 - .. .1y � :.� r. �[ I i �' .�� I �-� � 1 11 � •i I ' I ' . 1 r F � �• 1 I '- 1 � I � - � !1 .� "�� 1 1 r .. , " 1 i 1 ' _ ..i 7. �• ,.i � a ; ' jI APPENDIX G�. YEAR 2020 WITH PROJECT ICU CALCULATIONS 7,1 -. -. - Intersection: El 'Camin6"Rea1,��Y(NS) Project. Wendy's Site Specific`-Traffic Study: . , ; ;, L; -*Traffic Condition: .Year 2 02 0- With_`Proj ect Lane Configuration: -initial - N.. _ E-. �:;• _ ti. AM' Intensection`-Capacity'••Analysis . VAC _. -Move" -Lane`s' Capacity _Volume--j -Ratio - NL 1_'0L 1700 '; 570 0 .34* 1700 :- '_90 ; FY 0-.04-. -- 0 . 0 04-0 .0 1700 10-1' 0 . 01' - - - - _-SL: - 1. 0- - 1700-_-; - 80 Y+----0 . 05 ST -1.'0 1700 ' 60 - 0 . 04., SR ` W -I_-0+`- -1700-' 410 . 0'.24* - - EL�` 2 _-0` 3400 = 310 :. . . . 0 .09* ET3 `0- 5100 ,. -900 0.1'1;.A ER 0 A 1700-'•, 8b 0 . 05' - WL`' 1. 0 1700 - 10 0 - 01' WT 3 ('0 5100+•- - ' .173 0 0 .34* = - WR,. OA 1700 "' i' 'Ib {; 0 _ OI=. - C3 earance interval Percentage _ ` K Sum` ofJ.Critical Movements, 1. 06 F - PM -Intersection= Capacity-Analysis' _ 5. Move`F Lanes � .Capac'ity • ,Vo1-ame3 _ Rati6-1 1700 370 0 .22*. _ NTf 1 0 1700 ` :230 - 0 .- 14' NR 00 170.0 10 0 .01: SL` 1 0} 1700 - ~ - 50- - 0`.03'• ST' 1.'0 - ,1700 i- .16 0._11- _,SR' , - 'I— '1 ` -'1700` r 220 EL- 2 ''0-- 340'0 :. ,650 0 .19 7 ; ET - . 3 :0 5100 = 1910 0.43* ER' 0 .0 1700 ' - 300 ' 0 .1& TWL" 1.0 1700 30 - 0 .02*, ' WT 3 ,-'0 510 0 i 56b •` -- WR 0 . 1700 80 0 0:5,.", _ - - - =lriteival Percenta 'e s _ Clearance` g Suri of-"!Cr tical-Movements = -0 85 D.. -*� denotes critical movement . Intersection: El Camino,•.Real (NS)•_ / ..Redhill Ave..,. Pro 'ect: Wendy's Site Specific _Traffic- Study ,- Traffic "Condition: Year 2020 With;-Project ;� - -�N ,r w, _•; Lane Configuration: Alternate AM Intersection- Capacity,,Analysis V/C _move-;,.,dM Lanes ',_Capacity = volume µ_Ratio . . - NL . 2 .0 r 3400 _._ 570 0 .17* - NT 1. 0,� 1700._ - :50 0 . 04 f NR`: 0 . 0 1700 . : 1.0 0 . 01,E -SL'_ 1.0=. 1700_.._ _ - _80_ _ O .O.S. -„ , - -, ST. , 1. 0,, 1700 h 60 0 . 04 -- SR; 1..0_ .- 1700;_- 410 0 .24* 3400 . .,3,10 ' '0-. 0 . - ETA 3 .:,0 5100 , 500 - 0 11; - ER _ N 0 . 0 - -1700t• -- - 80 - 0 . 051. - WL`. - -1.:0 1700 r - 10 _Y- 0 . 01, _ WT 3 . 0� 51.00 . 1.730- WR- 0 .'0 1700 - 10 - 0 . 01, _ `Clearance -Interval- Percentage 0_. 05 - -•_, r Sum of:=Critical Movements,- ._ . 0. 89 D PM Intersection- Capacity._A:nalysis, - Move, Lanes _ �Capacity. Volume _ Ratio - _ NL 2 . 0 --. ..3400 -;370- 0 .11* NT' 1. 0 1700 230 0 .14. _ NR -0 -.0 -- 1700 _ 10 0 .01- - - - SL. 1. 0 1700 50 0 . 03r ST 1:0- 1700 -- 180 0 .11 -_. R .- 1.•0 1.700 : . 220_ 0.,1:3�* -. y EL- 2-0 ._ 3400 . 650 0'.19. 1 ET 3 :0 , 510.0 T 1910 0 ..43* ER 0 . 0 1700 r 300 , 0 .18, tWL 1.0 ,17.00., _ 30 0 .02*• WT' 3 _0 .5100"'.1 Y 58'0 0 A"S,_ -WR 0 :0.; 1700-,;- _ 80 0•.05. Clearance-•Interval, Percentage r .Sum of-, C=3-tical Movements �,Y -0 .74 - * denotes critical- movement- Intersection: I-5 Fwy': NB Ramps (NS) ,/ Redhill •;Ave_ (EW) Project: Wendy' s. Site Specifa.c _,Traffic --Study:.. •Traffic `Condition: 'Year--2 020_ With=:Project Lane Configuration: Initial- - . -. AM.-Intersection:CapacityI� nalysis v/C, Move-` Lanes =='Capacity ~Volume;_;' Ratio -- --------- - - -------- -- NL 1. 0 1700 =- 250 0 . 15 - - - NT-` 0 . 0 0- _._a, E__ - 0 ._0-0' . 1. 0 17002 450 w 0 .22-* —0 .'0 __ 07 0- 0 . 00." Y ST_ -0 .0 0_: 0 T.a a� - SRI . . 0 -0.. _r 0J_ 0, ", - 0 .00_T EL .l .0.� - -1700: . 280 --.0 .16* ET 3 .`0 450::" 0 . 09;7 - v ER0 . 0 0 - 0 0 . 00., . - - WL - 0 . 0 - 0 '- -- = -0 0.. 00, WT - • 3 JO =- 5100' 1900 0 .37, = WR'" ,�, • 120-; 1700 ' 8$0 0 .44 Clearance-•'IritervalPercentage: = -- Sum of;'Critical Moveiierits-- ,-,---.0..87`. ,.D y • PM -Intersection: Ca acit . Anal sis - - _ . -- -- --- - V/c�- Move1 Lanes_ - Capacity ' .__Volume Ratio NL z.0 _. 37,0, ; 0. 22 _ NT - 0 . 0 0 .0 0 . 00 1:0 '- 1700 : ,- � 74.0 - 0_37-* SL' : 0 ' 0 0 .00 ST 0 0 0 0 ' 0 . 00',. EL 10. 170a - _ 370 0 _22` yET 3 .' 0 _910d;=-_ . 2640 0 .52*' ER • 0 .0 0 ::0 0 . 0 0: ' fvh � 0:0 0.. . 1-0 O:-00* WT` 3 :0 " 5100 = 1080 _ 0 :21' - -;WR t' 1.0' � 1700 = _ 190 0 . 09-- %_ - ].eararice Interval-Percentage :_-- - 'r 0,'Sum, of Critical Movements = "0 .,94 , . * , denotes- critical,movement ... µT '5 denotes v/C - urn.":percent rfor,'right�t- on zred , • Intersection: I-5 Fwy. NB-,Ratites..,_(NS) / 1Redhill-:Ave. (EW) Project:" Wendy' s_ Site 'Specific-, Traffic _Study Traffic Condition: Year 2020 With.-'Project- Lane Configuration: Alternate AM ..-intersection CapacityaAnalysis - . r V/C Move`' Lanes .:_Capacity =Volume -_ :Ratio ., 1.5 2550 -. 2 5 0 0 .10 - - - - NT., , -_ 0 . 0 0 - 0 0 . 00 -.. ; -NR" 1.5 2550. 450 0..15.-* SL-' 0 .0 0 0", 0 . 00,-" _ - _ -- - -- - ST Q-.•0---- -0-',-- SR 0,SRS`. " 0 . 0 0 0- _ _ 0 . 001. _ EL' , J..'0 ': 1700�.`��; _280 r. 0 .16* 1 ET: -3 .,0= 510,0 "- -450_ - 0 . 09--: ER'; 0 .'0 •0" 0, ; 0 . 001' ' _ - WL 0 . 0 - -. _0 - _ 0° - 0 .-0 -- - - -- WT. -'O 3 . 0 : , 5100 1900 0,.3'7, 1.0 1700. _ 880 0-.447* , Clearance::Interva1* Percentage;_ X0 . 05 - Sum of ,Critical- - movements 0 :80 C - - PM ':Intersection;,Capacity:Analysis _ _ • Move'; Lanes.-,:';Capacity ___-Volume_ Ratio- 2550 •370 F•- -- 0 .15 NT 0 .0- 0 ,0 x 0 . 6-6, - NR 1:5 - - 2550 , _- 74:0 0 .25' *r - Sr' . 0 :-00 70 0 . 00 ST.. 0 :0 0 0 0 .0 OA . - - -SR 0 CO 0= ' 0 --- 0 .00• - EL 1f0-'- 1700 :.= 37.0 0 .22. _. `ET 3 .0 f 5100 2640 .- 0 .52* ER: 0 .0 0 0 0 . 00 WL . 0 . 0 0 .00*" WT, 3 :0,' ~ '5100 }' _ 1080 , 0 .21- WR 'fit 1:0 _ 1700 190 -`Clearance -Interval Percentage.-= _ ;0..-05 - --_ Sum of;.Critical,,Movements - 0 .82'.• -D - ,* denotes critical movement - r denotes V%C .ratio`:reduced J.S,:percen`t for;right zturn on _red _ _ - _.Intersection: I-5 Fwyy. . SB• Ramp's'-�:(NS) /�_Redhil-,l7 Ave. Project Wendy's Site Specfic::Traffid- Study. �z iTraffic :Condition: Year 2020 With• Pro ect Lane Configuration: Initial AM,Intersection:Capacity.-,Analysis �- ' r V/C Move-, Lanes-�-'Capacity r�-�Volume= ^Ratio ------- NL , ;"- 0.,.-0 0 : 0• 0 . 00 •NR:E+ 0 :0 0 0' 0 . 00 SL _ 1. 0t 170O .'___* 170.' 0 :10 SR1,.•07 1700 = 93V - 0 .47-* .ELS :: - =00 '_- 0 40 0 . 00 � . - ET': c' 3 0= ' - 5100 � F..� - . 620a 0 _'12 . _ • -ER 1t.0 17-00 450 0 .22-*-- 'WL.,,'`- =-"1'=0- 1700,--- --390-' - 0.•23*f - WT °'` - 3�'Q'� 5100 : _-. 1850 - 0 .36 ' WR 00 0. 0` 0 . 00 - "Clearance--Interval Percentage- -" -•0 :05. _-,w. _ y' Sum-of Criticail-Movements - - 0 .97" E 'PM !Intersection-Capacity:.Ana lysis v Move': - Lanes Capacity,. Volume . Ratio - NL „., O ::Q- 0 - 0 . 0 . 00 _ -NT . - 0 :0 a =0 . 0 .:00 - NR 0 . 0 0 0 - 0 . 00 SL .! • 1-.10 , 1:700 = 550 - •0 .32'* ST 0 .0 0 '0;• 0 .'00 . 1;.0 _ 1700.: . 42.0=• 0-.21,- . EL . 0 :0 t`� 0 0 01.00 "ET3 :0'�" 5100: . 2060-' 040* 0 0 .40--ERl 0 "WL 1:�0Y 170a _ .370 - 0 .22* WT " - 3 '0 5100' :83'0' 0 16 -, WR' ti 0 �0 0 _ 0 _ 0 . 0-0. _ Clearance Interva•1. Percentage 5,0105 .Sum` of Crztical•`-Movements = . 0 .99, -E denotes critical -movement denotes V/C-=ratid`;.reduced-`15=;percent:"for *,r ght '-turn?on =red t Intersection: 1-5 Fwy...SS,Ramps /._Redhill Ave. . Project : Wendy's Site Specific-Traffic Study- Traffic tudyTraffic Condition: Year 2020 With Project Lane Configuration: Alternate W.-Intersection Capacity .Analysis v/C Move _ Lanes _Capacity,--.volume - - -Ratio - - -- -- - - - - -- - NL :;: 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 00 - - -- NT ,' - --0 .-0 - 0 -0 0 . 00 - NR . 00 _NR 0 . 0 0 . 0- 0 . 00 SL_ _._-1_5::_.., _25.50-- _ --- -170 0 . 07 --- ST . 07 ---ST 0 . 0 0 ,0 0 . 00 .. SR 1 :5 2550 930: EL- � 0,. 0 9 0 _ ;.0 0 - 00 _ ET 3 :0:-; 5100 -- 620;- 0 .12 1. 0= - I700 ; 450-- 0 .22-* WL - 1-..-0-- 1700 -`390 - -0-.-23* - -- _ WT� 3 : 0_.` 5100. -1850 `: 0 .36. - WR-,O 0 . 0 0 ;:0 0 . 00 _ X-Clearance _Interval P_ ercentage -_,j--<::0 .-05 - ---- -_ Sum of-Critical -Movements =_, 0 . 81 D - PM Intersection -Capacity- Analysis - - -- - - ---- - v/C --- - - - - - Move-. Lanes ,-, Capacity volume Ratio - NL, .. 0-. 0 0 . 0 , 0 . 00 NT 0 . 0 0 0 ^_ __ _0 . 00- - NR 0 . 0 0 _ 0 0 . 00 ` SL 1.5 . 2550 . • 550 0 .22* ST 0 : 0 0 ;0 0 .00 - _ - SR 1.5 • -2550 � _ 420 -0 .14- - - --- - EL 0 .0 0 ...0 0 . 00 ET- - 3 :0 . - 5100 , 2'060 0 .40* ER 1=0__ , 1700 - 800, 0 .40- WL -.w 1: 0., 1700 , 370 --, 0 .22* WT 3 :04 5100_ -- 830 .. 0 .16 . WR _ 0 :0 0 _ _ a 0 . 00 - - 1_Clearance',Interval Percentage ,- 0 -05 - _ -- w Sum of-;.Critical Movements =:.:r_, 0 .89 D _ * denotes critical movement - denotes v/C ratio:;reduced _15 „percent for right;_turn ;on�red , - - Intersection:__Nis son .Rd. (NS) /,-„Redhill Ave. (EW) Project:- Wendy-- ,Site -Specific -Traffic Study. _ s i Traffic Condition_ °.Year.-2020- With-Project - Lane .Configuration:. -Ini.tial _ AM Intersection Capacity Analysis _ V/C -_-- -v_ - -,_.-Move__._ . Lanes--Capacity__ --Volume- 7- Ratio----- ------ atio-------------- _ NL 1. 0 1700 40 0 . 02 _. NT - 1. 0 1700 -. -- 40 0 .18* NR 0 . 0 1700 270' 0 .16 _- - -- - --- .--.SL-.-__ 110- - -1-700--- 180 _ ST - -1. 0 1700 30 0 .06 , _ SR'_ - 0._ 0 1700 - " 70 0 . 04 - - - = EL �.1. 0 . 1700• ' 30 0 . 02* ET" 3 . 0 5100 '620 0 .12., _ - ER - 0 . 0 1700 10 0 _-0I - -- - _WL 1..0.. -10.0 ` --- 120 ~. 0 .-07wWT,1 3 . 0 5100 2'580 0 .52* - _ WR 0 .0 . 1700 80 0: 05 - -_- Clearance Interval Percentages= x0,. 05 - -- - -- Sum of Critical 'Movements = 0 . 88 D - PM- Intersection Capacity_ Analysis _ y V/C Move Lanes Capacity Volume Ratio 1.. 0 - 1700 50 0 . 03 _ _NT 1. 0- 1700 60 - - -0:12* - -- NR0•. 0 1700 : 140 .0 .08' SL` 1 . 0 1700 180 0 .11.* ST 1. 0 1700 60 0 .07 . - . --- SR-- - - 0-. 0 170-G- - -50 , 0 . 04 _ EL' 1. 0 `1700 50 0 . 03 ET 3 . 0 5100 2540 0.51* -ER 0 .0 _ 1700 40 .40 • ' 0. 02 WL . 1. 0 - 1700 120 0 . 07*', WT 3 .0 , 5100 '970' 0..22 - _ WR 0 . 0 .. X17-00 X160 - 4.09 . . _ - Clearance -Interval' Percentage '= . 0:.-05 ,.Sum -of Cri '_86 ` D -*-- denote s: 'critical movement •� .r�' ,� r ! it I � .i' � � I �� t r I, I} !'i , r•. .i '-h 1 -1 c� ! .�, 3 - rl !,.3 �s ! y: I i r 1 r,. I I F ! I•. r � it r � II ! �` � I + •fl ,I. t 3 � _ - APPENDIX K '--- STANDARD '--STANDARD PLAN 1117 -- -_- -- - __-- - _Y _ _ .-_-_ __� - _ _._ ` - � -- - - - - -- _ . �.. _� _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ . . _ _.__ . -_ - -� - � i NM33S�13AP 30NViSI(I IH91.S, 'i- 7'.".1:, 'Wll-98"8lt-ZB -SOM 8S AB 2S-22 ��Gu P94'3DpT -Jo P-DAOJdq - ION39V.. IN3N30VNVN lViN3NN0HIAN3'.-.klNn -'39NVHC % 80UD.�Sl ul U-in.L UDJPIXU. oull cl-M Cal�;-P41513 -0 'Quil 9-sn Ps+Fun., SU0J4-D9S-JG4LJI P9711OU51S JO} SonjDACC)s suDI4099-194-u1 POZIIDLJDIstn JOA qonjDA S Ggn SADALA4 A-MLVC PUD JOr= J0.t, UPIPOLU bT P;AD;>UD4.S D uodn pq=4 0-:D i-pup�-X-e 0 , on _ 0 HDIOTnoo 0,,-1 . 0 osz I .06E 092"1 DDS 831nviroo z, 91 Oct? OSS '_AaVON033S- a- - SZ rz ODS 1-.-019 AMU 099 Horv" . rl-_ 'uk LE.. oq� I ■ XI: m7'; MS, FS' ' - 14, VlJ)'30NVISlq. I 0-jo PUV, 4-rip U-Jnj- +4151�1PUD .44al-- V oull-•qjn X Uolpetu PGSIDH esn p94141 C>Bjo, agnt PO4PI-1 x S jo S C Jo Z.--1HS HOIS NOU335 ' T)WiSl(] i' 831N] MH6'Itpri-88 -Idrll-99 :211-z8 9qH -POSIASH ZS-IL P94-00PI A 7 'p NnOO�-39NV80 : .',',A3N39V--.-IN3ri3DVNVN.-IVIN3V4NO81,AN3; U • N"�,l d AD^PDO.A G44. 0+ WrUqXDW. DDQfV,QSh�P0.Ww1-1,Gi44. 04-ut Lpoo=ue %Z_4D -odols JIDLIL. DOJV esn P94.plin OL14. PU +D6'-11'0-t'4"s:--GdO--Is--4-0-00'4"., Gt44. *4LO15is j.0 Gull GL14., 4.0 eluo-id D 6u1IA0 4d 4-o-nail ul -P, 'PSIA+ok. 8.0 eAoqt>..Cq) .,.J.O s+uqwqjlnbqj GLJ+ POPJAO.Jd DO-IV &Sri PO4.pql OZ44 P4.Lq 140DbJ3U9, AM, SWIS J.0 904 GLJ.L. 'D 'bUj500Sp6Dj edbp so t4ons S`U014.0r,-4sq0-4.t40lG;L1 OiCPPDA AOqD OOUDJO810& PUD S.�UDId P014-JOA LUrLUJUILU _Zj 41J9A o4,- pe-qnbgj eq ADtu 4,4616_�o BUjj _19d 136A.Jn::� JDOJ.�_JOA 498.M.__ 'BAOCP 13 NmON uo po-ilribe-i 9 -�BJ+01 D 40 azuoue4u"' uno-45, et44_: ,wRqo9914OL31 Zi J.0 tLt519t4 wrwlXDW D 4D paulD+ulow eq jjotp- Pi--D- -t�of GL-4'+- G-Aoqq_seqpul- Zi -31 LIDILl DU A0.15�JIM 4M4.p,G(1A4_Oq;_J.O. eq JID49 DG.JV S§n 004.1W171 SL4 LU1441AL'Sgn_fli S4UD,d ID -PO441=ad 9q-4,OU JIDLISt 4A4151S J-0 OU11 9" 4 0jL4Saj_pl n _LpjWW__ oe-jv est' P94-pqi 04; U1t44.IA OUIdDOSPUDI Jo sjjpk •s j94jeys snq So LpnS Suoi4.mn_4sq0 j pe_qn66_j eq ACW'4_t40jS J-0 SUll OL4 40 D 'OA.= IDDj 1BA 0 UO PD4,D*01 Sl sGs"DO ul 'BIcPuOl.�sOrlb sl OOLL104SIP +1451sL,a4DS_.GJOL4% SUOICJ.L40D-24.,GA14D+UG+_PUD-SUDId 5ulpD_j1S 'SuDid 5ujdDoRpuvj 11D uO su014.09S.J64,Lq 4D LL-049 aq 11P4S8611 'i4615 4.0'Oul7 OLLL .9 -184.L4 ;D a -'SU01406S ouD4.9tp 4:t4bls Jo 5ul+lqjt401d j_o esoclind-944. jo.4 pasn aq IloLls- oqor,BL4+. GA 61 UGiII5 SGOUD49jp 94Zl.JC0.JCSCD Gt44 15L4Sn P0t44.9W IDDI14CD-35.O44 Aq PGUp�R4LGP, S1. C)G_jy -6en pG4,1ug-j QLLL --_q ;0_GUl1J9+U4P* QF44._4.S9JDQU'OUDj�_jGA0.J.; OL4 :;O -.JD4.UG2-9t44.- 94.,PDO-I-UIDW,:,�OL44. 4Q GLqj.JO4UG0 J_ 044 =J+ PeJnsDOw OOM4's11) OLI+ sl A 8=04s1P'OLU"*BUDS_1OADJ4i t4on-o-, 4A415-9 -10Jt W4,:P ti _1G4UG*,OL4 -o -044,-UJ0-4-PPXMDeLUBOU 4.S!P-� XG0UD.PjP pool;uicxu OL4 J.0 GUsum+009.8+u _0ojez oonba ODUD4SQ •-OUDIJGADJ5noJ6�jJ � LL4441 -SDIL 9!44 .,o+ PDOJ.UIDW G144. 4.0 GU1119+U90 Gt4 w0.4 peinSDOW, GOUD4.91P QL.44,°Sl GOU04.91p GLU -1 -Ab^L POleAD-4--044 4.6- 815 pe: GiL44. tU0.1j.--4GefLuWei+ 4.14.i u 44. SsGl eq"-,p_..J0 V s4ulOd 1ID49,OsDO ou ul -null qjnz eLp. jo uol+oerO.J(3 GL44. wc-4 �Dq 4,00; 01 uOI4.OGe.JG4.Lq uD 40.Gj0lqQA 0 'ul QIILV4k .0 .PUD 3 B4,110d 40 PO4=01, 14451014 -POrq0 4-003 5Z*17) sG13J4QA'0u1wo0u0 0+:{4.40104 SXG +00-1_.TV 41401T '}o OU11 SJGAIJP D �O SU0140001 Ot44.'9_1D,.V' PUD V 94.UlOd -611LU quo.UN4. JQ5u0l pGUID+sna UO, 91CP4. eL14, UD UA04s 4.unOLUDOLIi. Wojj. 7 AQ,pasoe-joul'-eq S eoLm4.sjp "i *Z 'ADAPOO.J LJlcxu 9144 ;0 PGGCS,UbIBGP PO=SSD G44. 40 91OAD-L4,-'0101t4GA LJ0D0_Jdd0 944 01144 4�G1 Lurw_,jo. Aw&pboj,utow Bye:sT0.m AjetDs 0+ 14e)jood 'L"uin4,"44 .jo),,p o 930JO 044, UO'JGAIJP Jo}. SPUCOGS ZA. / �ojjo .04. eouo4s1p,aLl bis -.Aeujon et4.L _-PDoj 47-21 GDuD;slP 4q f 844U 6L1PG4.LiGci' GLf+ 15u6jo peinsDew aouo+slp +41519 JOW00 044:_94.u6SG.JdG1 S 8=04SIP 041 1 -S31ON f. 8. Trees shall not be parmltted within any portlon: of the Lli dted Use Area. _ Medlan areas less.-than sbi-'161 feet In width -shall be paved -witti concrete ver-Standard — -_ .Plan III4. 19. Residentlal drlveways serving four or more units and comerclal driveways shall be treated as a local street intersectlon. RANGE COUNTY'ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AGENCY STD. PLAN - Approved WLZ D1raafw or Pu&lc Worry 1117 Adapted. Res_ 77-9Z' Revised Res_ SZ-718; 86-1141; 88=1341: 9I-1481 INTERSECTION _SIGHT DISTANCE ; sHr. 3 OF 3 �'d"y,_+r.2. ..-5. ..Srs�J.F.x-,r �c .. .u_.. - �...a�l-. ,. a:�. � v.. _ �. _�__� ' _. r_-.. . 1_ ._ .. _. - .. _ _ - _ _ 4�,Y� ... .� 1. - _ F '- .. � � � t � � 4 � Z _ � � ., � �� .. � _ -. -- .�. _. _ _. _.._ _. :a _ ___,_ „- } L .=Y+. �'., - .. + u'R:i _yy,._..r r+•_- .twx -.- . .x -....��. .�.. _ v ^ r.. . i=• � . --.� _..- QCT^._, _ . ITEM #3 eport W th-e Plannin Commission � r _ _ a } DATE: -`JULY 12,-1999 (' :,SUBJECT: 'I " ..PUBLIC�-HEARING: FOR-,CONDITIONAL; USE'-PERMIT 99-013, AND'DESIGN REVIEW 99-69 . - OWNER: LARWIN SQUARE MANAGEMENT' 275 CENTENNIAL WAY;-#209 TUSTIN, CA 92780 APPLICANT: �,JEFF.HERBST. MCA.ARCHITECTS, INC. 1247 POMONA ROAD, #105 ` CORONA, CA 91720-- ` LOCATION: .550 EAST FIRST STREET T ZONING: , FIRST STREET SPECIFIC PLAN (FSSP) = COMMERCIAL AS PRIMARY ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS:_ A NEGATIVE DECLARATION'' HAS ,-'BEEN "PREPARED IN t CONFORMANCE ` WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA). R' PROJECT 'DESCRIPTION: 1. A REQUEST TO EXPAND"AN EXISTING SUPERMARKET INTO 5,200 SQUARE FEET OF EXISTING VACANT SPACE AND TO CONSTRUCT AN ADDITIONAL. 8,200 SQUARE . y _ FEET OF NEW FL'OORAREA; AND, 2. A REQUEST TO - 'ESTABLISH SHARED . PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE LARWIN SQUARE SHOPPING • CENTER. RECOMMENDATION 1. Adopt Resolution No. 3683 approving the environmental documentation for the project; and, 2. . : ; Adopt Resolution No. 3684 approving Conditional Use Permit 99-013 and Design. Review 99-019. { - Planning Commission Report - CUP 99-013, DR 99-019 July.12, 1999 Page 2 INTRODUCTION ry The.applicant proposes• to expand an existing Vons Market within the Larwin Square Center. The expansion would total approximately 11,400 square feet of floor area of which 7;900 square feet would be devoted to retail uses and the remaining 3,500 square feet would be used for-storage,purposes. 'The expansion would make use'of 3,200 square feet of vacant floor area and necessitate the construction of 8,200 square feet of new floor area around the side and rear of the existing Vons building. Site and Surrounding Properties The project site is located at the southwest comer of Newport Avenue and First Street (see Location Map - Attachment A), within the Town Center Redevelopment Agency Project Area. Uses surrounding the center include residential and the Civic Center Plaza to the west, a service station and car wash to the south, and-commercial centers to the east and north. Within the center, the subject building is located in the southeastern portion of the center, adjacent to the intersection of Newport Avenue and Bryan Avenue. DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS" Architectural Design The architectural design of the project is consistent with Spanish Colonial design themes, incorporating column elements and mansard/pitched the roofs. Tile canopies are proposed over.-the two building . entrances, and Condition 4.12 has been included requiring both canopies to incorporate pitched roofs into their designs. The-building is approximately 28 feet in height at the entry canopy, and the main portion of the building is approximately 22 feet in height. The building will be predominantly a light beige stucco plaster, with red and brick banding used for contrast details. The storefront is proposed to have teal glazing, and teal accentfiles'and column banding are also proposed.' Adjacent to the entry areas, the applicant has ,proposed an open beam wood trellis canopy, mounted on columns similar in style to those along the building facade, but reduced in size. Condition No. 4.8 of Resolution No. 3684 has. been included requiring all exterior and/or roof-mounted equipment to screened either by the roof parapet or by an exterior screen wall designed to be consistent with the main building. Storage of shopping carts has not been identified on the submitted plans, so Condition 4.9 has been included requiring that shopping carts stored outside of the building be screened from view with an architecturally compatible screen wall'. The proposed exterior. treatments slightly differ from the existing treatments within the center, but not markedly so. There have been preliminary discussions regarding a remodel of the entire center; however, nothing is confirmed at this time. The use of tile roofs and brick banding is currently used throughout Larwin Square, but the use of teal accent tiles and storefront sections is a new treatment within the center: In the event that a remodel of the center is proposed, the exterior details for the Vons could provide a- template for the balance of the center. .Planning Commission Report CUP 99-013,DR,99-019 July 12, 1999' Page 3;,-.' physical-expansion°of the Vons will be into adjacent;vacated"tenant bays.to.the west _ of the existing;building and crew cor stri�ction ri_6_61 :be added•to the-south of the.existing, Vons building: As a"'part of the-exansion,`the storefront=sectiaris,of the adjacen# tenant „bays would be recoirfgured to reflect the new interior 'layout=of .the Vons'store. The d - expansion to the`rear would-accommodate_additional'stotage and loading,areas.' Parking and Circulation The applicant-1.contracted with Kunzman..Associates to. prepare a parking study to _ determine-the effect's of the..proposed project.',The parking study identified that the new.:. - construction associated' with the ,project .wouid; require twenty-seven '(27). additional spaces in accordance°with the'parking.requirements contained in the First Street Specific:, Plari IFSSP) and the Tustin City Code';(4,700 SF @,1 space/200 SF and 3,500-SF @.`1 spacel1000.::SF). -%.The- FSSP- and- zoning code require a total of 1,035 spaces: to accommodate f the existing floor'area,and uses. However, there are only 887. existing -parking.spaces within the center. In reviewing the effects of the project, Kunzman Associates studied the actual-parking demand on the parking areas. They determined that;while the variety of uses within the ,. center-.,had some differing peak demand times, the' majority of .the uses shared a peak •, demand during the`l2:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. weekday hour. At that time;the peak demand observed during the study was '552 vehicles parked which is a parking occupancy rate,of approximately 62.percent. -The study. also determined that, based on current -leasing - vacancies; the 552 vehicles were generated by..appmximately'187,685'square .feet of, floor,'area-for`a'parking'demand ratio of 2.94 parked,cars per 1,000 square feet'of floor area., Assuming that all vacant floor area (approximately 18,800 square feet) is leased to retail uses and the required parking calculated per.Code at the retail ratio (1 space per 200 SF), the parking demand would increase to- 646' spaces. . The addition of the new Voris building area.would require'an'.additional 27 spaces, increasing the demand to 673., ' spaces. ..,The . Kunzman study,'-also- determined'''_that' :a. 10' percent ' "overage" is recommended-for larger_commercial centers, which "would then, require a total of 740 parking stalls be provided., As'determined by the Kurtzman study; the parking demands of the center and the project addition can be accommodated by the existing parking facilities. To further accommodate - the increased parking demand, the applicant has- proposed a conceptual restriping plan .that would reconfigure the common area parking lots within Larwin,Square. Condition:.-' No. 2.6 has been included requiring-that the final version of the restriping plan be subject.. .to review and;approvai by the Community Development Department. Condition 72 has been included to allow new tenants to take advantage of surplus parking and require all new,tenants.within Larwin Square be calculated' at the applicable City Code or Specific Plan parking ratios, to ensure that future. parking demand can be accommodated by the • existing parking facilities. 3 Planning Commission Report CUP 99-013,aR 99-019 'July 12,1999 Page 4 Under the current configuration, loading access is taken from a service road with a driveway from.Newport Avenue:, An easement has been provided for joint access for the Tustin Auto Wash"building located to the south of the Vons at 535 East Main Street. The service.road also doubles as a fire access road. In conducting their review of the project application, the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) questioned the adequacy of the emergency vehicle access to the south of the new building construction. Condition 4.13 has been included to require the applicant to configure the building addition so as to provide adequate emergency access in accordance with the OCFA's General Guidelines for Emergency Access, and modify_ or provide any necessary easements or agreements with adjacent property owners. Signage The applicant is proposing to reuse the existing wall signs, which consist of three. (3) channel letter signs with "Vons" copy, and one 'Wells Fargo" sign canister. Current treatments also include several canister signs mounted above the arcade that contain "Bakery", "Deli", and "Dairy" copy. Detailed sign plans were not submitted with the project application, so Condition 3.1 .has been included requiring that all project signage comply with the Larwin Square Master Sign Program. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT • In-determining whether to approve a Conditional Use Permit for the shared parking, the .Planning Commission must determine whether or not the establishment of the use requested would be detrimental to the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the use, or whether it will be injurious or detrimental to property and improvements in the neighborhood or general welfare of the City. If the use is operated as identified in the project application, the mitigation measures included in the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Resolution of Approval, the proposed shared parking requirement should not be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of the persons working in the area of, and/or using the proposed use for the following reasons: 'l) The proposed uses are consistent with the City of Tustin General Plan and the First Street Specific Plan., 2) On-site parking concerns would be mitigated through the implementation of the improvements identified in the applicant's parking study and approved by the City's Traffic Engineer. 3) As conditioned, the emergency access would satisfy the requirements of the • Orange County Fire Authority. Planning Commission Report- CUP eportt CUP 99-013,DR 99-019 , July 12, 1999 'Page_5 J. nso ` ; Karen Peterson Assist 6t Pla Acting Senior.Planner BECup99013pc mport Attachments: A-'Location Map - B"= Submitted Plans/Application C-:Negative Declaration_ D - Resolution.Nos. 3683 and 3684 ATTACHMENT A LOCATION MAP CATION MAP • FIA57 . ------ 498, m a 13341 /• r 540 - ,�� 14D I-496 504 " 494 546 'o N a m o +. m m 1342h /• - tso j 5D8 %.. J i 492 5l4 I /' '.490 512 13451 -i90 7 !•488 514 . 516 Q / 468 518 13461- 200 z I'213 520 z 522 13471 > 215 ! 524 r y 218 • I' 525 N MAP 530 m/ 275 3041 - 1305 - -- '- 30�' / • -_.. - , 325 /• 335 345 355so / -�i " '\ - NO SCALE ATTACHMENT. B = SUBMITTED PLANS I r � f i ,G SITE SUMMARY n P .,.r,......r.a. �wm. ...u...i �i •YA•lgAL aq.q v. 0 fsYY . / \ �• KEYNOTES / y IEY OFflCE •' I���� ELC�Nl 'Ica w OP 'b L - M HOOP LDC •ovm u�wdw BibJMTUT'A n,.u,'`mm,n,�'"�`,„r.,"""'ra■e''^"r'x'.` _y • �., '`. � �, � �ro�"..%....a. nearva orae P �\,� o \s 1, u ..�..■. / '•..� m SHOP ��*n /J* M BANK 4 (F)SHOPBLDG`C `"'� ^ �1■ lilt GENERAL N071E9 I�I Ig ��Es Q ` LAL! C — w y 1— • "`�`. �. .°"`�'..sm"`.o 'r'•"n`c ■ ?idi f-I U7 SHOP CLL ■".." BLDG w rte,"s+r.,. Q "c ,N■,'u„ ''"s' a ■ L� Z ■ sa•.v"4�.Y ..�.gid lel 11 tximrLc L— € Z :' F twit —� ® t,L1J L l LLQ I I I I g IId f• � M SHOP OLLDG'E' U SITE SYMBOL LEGEND d` Jfr aui�meW�� F 75 Loi 1➢N LmLmLo. z q N /• i (EI SHOP BLDG%Y (H SHOP BLDG•P' yam, ,u. rra.ew •m... +w•.. a ... •".r.. IL NIL fe]a wK e���Ce w 00 F >in rA F I R S T 5 T R E E T SITE PLAN FilCIA i A �4r -S I 77' \\ iIi . 1MIJI Will U111 I Ill lill 1111 _ QR 70 U1111111111INN 111LIHIMM HIM MH U'l Wr J w 111?ITl lilrlrtl Iplll - ------- --- - CENT'ENNIfaL STREET. l - � i 0 0 © v o vo .. ��[•��+.i 'e ® ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ � ■■ Ili � - �■■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■ 11■ Fri I-I 0 "Q �� iE■ �� � i Y ■■ i■ u• 7111 '�a ip .-. ;( '[ -L' o..------- -----■ No G m.lalsllwwaawrr— OM E,r,r.,e,. MOSTNOW[ !—s.wwalmsas!!!— ,y way �y!!!lwiwlG— OEM- I� JSak� Hill ... m.A.aa--9.na-l�lwwsl� ���II•��11�1 A Mo I MIN wa�.walalwaw..rw.r.— �.ul T � ':;I♦I —w�[lalallWtlww! I • — '.1� �11��--ill ���fL�—���I fii■1 �► � - ��� � ,,© `tet t�� — �I i ��_.�!`��`��� ►� ��o�' Sts—rr��`i.�,°�'�f—�I■� li�fis Dam t • SONS ' . 110NS Y ,I ■ oill r+� .y riles 1 � it © Y�1��•, Etsw s.� :y�'• Q �E u ..11�J��II © '�' �3 res,. �■� EWE 01 n © �>,■' M c ��I� rte{►`V .1 •� ■�� © � t 0 © © 0 '•e L I i E' VONS •Rs 1lONS . f ' r+answrs r SITE SUMMARY O�� \ KEYNOTES �r tE3 OFHCE 4 n.L.n°.4n Uf vaNs d - ��� n..� w OP (E) HOP Mr. BLO MTVT L7 C ne.rw... wuw rm i SHOP B.La°.nwp Lg L z a)SHOP Diva V GENERAL NOTEScle _ LAa! tt � m' 4 � LxisrlHc F= � mow..:. �-. — '^ ..•...K...w.....w���. 31�, RESTAHAAfIi l�\ \i � — w:ww oos�rov""'.io�..rt 4�, R]SHO P C BLDC IN F.. MOM [STAUKANT R NUI m zda HIPIa 6]SHIP BIaC`P U SITE SYMBOL LEGEND Com" R' pL W SHOP�UDQ b' to SHOP BL°G'p ®_ z bi s _ www �w F t R S T S T R E E T SITE PLAN C1.1 7 y 65 M..y ATTACHMENT C INITIAL STUDY/NEGATIVE DECLARATION E.. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 300,Centennial W Tustin CA 92780 (714)573-3100 - IMT. AI- STUDY :K A.- BACKGROUND Project Title: Conditional Use Permit 99-.013 8&Design Review 99-019 Lead Agency: City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92780 Lead Agency Contact.Person: Bradley J. EvansonPhone: (' 14) 573-3118 Project Location: 550 East First Street - - Project Sponsor's Name and Address: Dick Kaye _ Larwin Square Management - ' 275 Centennial Way#209. Tustin, CA 92780 General Plan Designation: Planned Community Commercial Business - Zoning Designation: First Street Specific Plan Commercial-Primary Project Description:_ 11,426 square foot expansion and improvement of existing Vons market. Surrounding Uses: North: Commercial = ' __ East: Commercial - South: Commercial,: = West:. Commercial Other public agencies whose approval is required: r ❑ Orange County Fire Authority ❑ City of Irvine ❑ Orange County Health Care Agency ❑ City of Santa Ana _ ❑ South Coast Air,QiWity Management ❑ Orange County District EMA ❑ Other B. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED -_ The environmental.factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least�one impact that is a"Potentially Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist in Section D below. • []Land Use.and Planning OHazards []Population and Housing E]Noise Geological Problems Public Services_ Water Utilities and Service. Systems QAir Quality Aesthetics Transportation& Circulation OCultural Resources Biological Resources F]Recreation Energy and Mineral Resources QMandatory Findings of Significance C. DETERMINATION: On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the:environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. ® I find that although the proposed project could have a signif cant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect(s) on the environment, but at least one effect 1)has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets, if the effect is a"Potentially Significant Impact"or"Potentially Significant Unless Mitigated." An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required,but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant-effect on the environment,there WILL NOT be a significant effect in this case because all potentially significant effects 1) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR pursuant to applicable standards, and 2)have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project. F] I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there WILL NOT be a significant effect in this case because all potentially significant effects I) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier NEGATIVE DECLARATION pursuant to applicable standards, and 2)have been avoided or mitigated purs t o that earlier NEGATIVE DECLARATION, including revisions or mitigation measures th t are i o d upon the proposed project. • n • Prep Title sssTav� PtaN�E� - -C zvl G Date Jv� c--z; , «s 9 Elizabeth A. Binsack, Community Development Director D. EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL E14PACTS Directions I} A'brief explanation is required for all answers except"No Impact" answers that are adequately supported by the information sources a lead agency cites in the parentheses following each question. A "No Impact"answer is adequately supported if the referenced information sources show that the impact simply-does not apply to projects like the`one involved (e.g., the project falls outside a fault rupture zone). A"No Impact"answer should be explained where itis based on project-specific factors and general standards (e.g., the project will not expose sensitive receptors to pollutants, based on a project- specific screening analysis). 2) All answers must take into account the whole action involved,including off-site,on-site, cumulative project level, indirect,direct,construction,and operational impacts. 3) Once the Iead agency has determined that a particular physical impact may occur,then the checklist answers must indicate whether the impact is potentially significant,less than significant with mitigation,or less than significant. "Potentially Significant Impact"is appropriate if there is substantial evidence that an effect may be significant. If there are one or more"Potentially Significant Impact"entries when the determination is made,and EIR is required. 4) `Negative Declaration: Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated"applies where the incorporation of _ _ - mitigation measures has reduced an effect from"Potentially Significant Impact"to a"Less than Significant Impact." The lead agency must describe the mitigation measures,and briefly explain how they reduce the effect to a less than significant level (mitigation measures from Section XVII, "Earlier Analyses,"may be cross referenced). 05) Earlier analyses may be used where,pursuant to the tiering,program EIR, or other CEQA process,an effect has been adequately analyzed in an earlierEIR or negative declaration. Section 15063 (c)(3)(D). In this case, a brief discussion should identify the following: a) Earlier Analysis Used. Identify and state where they are available for review. b) Impacts Adequately Addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist were within the scope of and adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards,and state whether such effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis. c) Mitigation Measures. For effects that are`°Less than Significant with Mitigation Measures Incorporated," _ describe the mitigation measures which were incorporated or refined from the earlier document and the extent to which they address site-specific conditions for the project. 6) Lead agencies are encouraged to incorporate into the checklist_references to information sources for potential impacts(e.g.,generaI plans,zoning ordinances). Reference toa previously prepared or outside document should, where appropriate,include a reference to the page or pages where the statement is substantiated. 7) Supporting Information Sources: A source list should be attached,and other sources used or individuals contacted should be cited in the discussion. &) This is only a suggested form, and lead agencies are free to use different formats;however, lead agencies normally address the questions from this checklist that are relevant to a project's environmental effects in • whatever format is selected. - 9) The explanation of each issue should identify: - a) the significance criteria or threshold,if any,used to evaluate each-question;and, b) the mitigation measure identified,if any,to,reduce the impact to less than significance. EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS , Less Than Significant Potentially With Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant I. AESTHETICS—Would the project: Impact Incorporation Impact No Imp a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? ❑ ❑ ❑ b) Substantially damage scenic resources,including,but not _ limited to,trees,rock outcroppings,and historic buildings within a state scenic highway? ❑ ❑ ❑ c) Substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site and its surroundings? ❑ ® ❑ ❑ d) Create a new source of substantial light or glare which would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area? ❑ ❑ ❑ H. AGRICULTURE RESOURCES: In determining whether impacts to agricultural resources are significant environmental effects,Iead agencies may refer to the California Agricultural Land Evaluation and Site Assessment Model(1997)prepared by the California Dept.of Conservation as an optional model to use in assessing impacts on agriculture and farmland. Would.the project: a) Convert Prime Farmland,Unique Farmland,or Farmland of Statewide Importance(Farmland),as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Resources Agency,to non- agricultural use? ❑ ❑ ❑ b) Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use,or a WiIIiamson Act contract? ❑ ❑ ❑ c) Involve other changes in the existing environment which, due to their location or nature,could result in conversion of Farmland,to non-agricultural use? ❑ ❑ ❑ ®, III. AIR QUALITY: Where available,the significance criteria established by the applicable air quality management or air poIIution control district may be relied upon to make the following determinations. Would the project: a) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan? ❑ ❑ ❑ b) Violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation? ❑ ❑ ❑ c) Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any' _ criteria pollutant for which the project region is non- attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard(including releasing emissions which exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors)? ❑ ❑ ❑ d) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations? ❑ ❑ ❑ ne e) Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number - of people? _ - ❑ - 0 ❑ Less Than' Significant, - Potentially- With Less Than 'Significant Mitigation,' Significant IV. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES:-Would the,project: Impa6t - - Incorporation Impact - No Impact a)' Have a substantial adverse effect;either directly or, .through habitat modifications,on any species identified-as a candidate,sensitive,,or special status species in local or _ - - regional plans,policies,"or regulations,or by the California Department�ofFish and Game or'U.S:Fish and Wildlife- Service?,' ildlifeService? - ❑ ❑ ❑ b) --Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian habitat or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans,policies,regulations 6r by the California Department of Fish.and Garvie or U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service?: �• . ❑ ❑ ❑ c) Have a substantial adverse effect on federally protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act _ (including,'butnot limited to,marsh,vernal pool,coastal,etc.) , through, directremoval,filling,hydrological interruption,or other means? _ - - ❑ ❑ ❑ - Interfere substantially with the:movement of any native — - resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors,or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites? ❑ El ❑ OLConflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting logical resources,such as a tree preservation policy_ or ordinance? ❑ ❑; ❑ f) Conflict with.the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Flan,,Natural Community Conservation Plan;'or other approved local,regional, or state habitat conservation -plan? 4 ❑ ❑ ❑ ®. V. 'CULTURAL RESOURCES: Would the project: a) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of' a historical'resource as defined in§ 15064.5? ❑ ❑ ®' b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological resource pursuant to§ 15064.5? ❑ El c) - Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geologic feature? ❑ ❑ - d) Disturb any.human remains,including'those interred _ outside of formal cemeteries? ❑ ❑ VI. GEOLOGY AND SOILS:-Would the project: u� Expose people or structures to potential substantial - adverse effects,including the risk of loss,injury,or death ; involving: Less Than_ _ Significant Potentially With Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant Impact Incorporation Impact = No Im i) Rupture of a known earthquake fault,as delineated on the most recent Alquist-PrioIo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on other substantial evidence of a known fault? Refer to bivision of Mines and Geology Special Publication 42. _ ® El ❑ ii) Strong seismic ground shaking? ❑ ® ❑ iii) Seismic-related ground failure,including Iiquefaction? ❑ N ❑ ❑ iv) Landslides? ❑ - ❑ ❑ b) Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil? c) Be Iocated on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or that would become unstable as a result of the project,and potentially result in on-or off-site landslide,lateral spreading; subsidence,liquefaction or collapse? ❑ ® ❑ El d) Be located on expansive soil,as defined in Table 18-1-B of the Uniform Building Code(1994),creating substantial _ risks to life or property? E ❑ ❑ e) Have soils incapable of adequately supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative waste water disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal of waste water? ❑ ❑ ❑ VILHAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: Would the project: a). Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport,use,or disposal of hazardous materials? ❑ ❑ b) Create a significant hazard to the.public or the environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous - - materials into the environment? ❑ El ❑ c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials,substances, or waste within one-quarter mile of an existing or proposed school? ❑ ❑ ❑ d) Be Iocated on a site which is included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 and,as a result,would it create a significant hazard to the public or the environment? ❑ ❑ e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted,within two miles of a public airport or public use airport,would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? ❑ ❑ ❑ f) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? ❑ ❑ ❑ ® ^� r Less Than , Significant Potentially With ` Less Than_ Significant. Mitigation Significant g) Impair implementation of or physically interfere with an _ Impact. Incorporation Impact No Impact adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation - plan? - ❑ : - ❑ ❑ h).^Expose people or structure's to a,significant risk of loss, injury or death-involving wildland fires,including 'where wildlands are-adjacent to urbanized areas or where residences are intermixed with wildlands?, _ ❑ ❑ ❑ VIII. HYDROLOGY AND-WATERQUALITY: —Would the project: a) Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements? ❑ ❑ ❑ b) Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volumeor a lowering of the local groundwater table level(e.g.,the production rate of pre- existing nearby wells would drop to.a level which would not, support existing land uses or planned uses for which permits have been granted)?-- -. - . - . ._ _ ❑ _ _ _ _ ❑ -c) Substantially alter the existing drainage_pattern of the site or area,including through the alteration of the course of a - � trearn or river,in a manner which would result in substantial rosionor siltation on-or off-site? El ❑ d) Substantlally alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area,including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, or-substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner which would result.in flooding on- or off-site? ❑ ❑ ❑ e) Create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff? �.`,. ❑ ® - f) - Otherwise substantially degrade water quality? _❑.. _ ❑ _ ❑ g) Place housing within a 100-year flood hazard area as mapped on a federal Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map or other flood hazard delineation map? ❑ ❑ - . ❑ h) Place within a 100-year flood hazard area structures - — which would impede or redirect flood flows? ❑ ❑ ❑ i) Expose:people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam? ❑ ❑ ❑ D Inundation by seiche,tsunami,or mudflow? ❑ El- LAND LAND USE AND PLANNING—Would the project: a) Physically divide an established connnunity? - _ ❑ Less Than Significant Potentially With Less Than t Significant Mitigation Significant b) Conflict with any applicable land use plan,policy,or _ Impact Incorporation Impact No Im regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the project (including,but not limited to the general plan,specific plan, local coastal program, or zoning ordinance)adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect? ® 0 El c) Conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan or natural community conservation plan? ❑ 0 ❑ X. NIINERAL RESOURCES--Would the project: a) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of value to the region and the residents of the state? El El b) Result in the loss of availability of a locally-important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan,speck plan or other land use plan? El 0 ❑ XI. NOISE— Would the project result in: a) Exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance,or applicable standards of other agencies? ❑ ❑ ®• b) Exposure of persons to or generation of excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels? ❑ c) A substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? ® ❑ ❑ d) A substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? ® El .❑ e) -For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted,within two miles of a public airport or public use-airport,would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? T , f) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excess noise levels? 1:1 El XII.POPULATION AND HOUSING—Would the project: a) Induce substantial population growth in an area,either directly(for example,by proposing new homes and businesses)or indirectly(for example,through extension of roads or other infrastructure)? E El b) Displace substantial numbers of existing housing, necessitating the construction of replacement housing. elsewhere? 1:1 El El • ' - • -- -- - -- - - - ` . -_ -_ - - 'Less Than ' Significant _ Potentially With; Less Than . M1 Significant - Mitigation. Significant Impact Incarporgfion Impact No Impact p);''Displace substantial numbers of People,necessitating the, t construction of replacement housing elsewhere?,_= El"' ❑' XIII. PUBLIC-SERVICES ;- -- - - a) Would the project result in substantial adverse physical- ' impact's associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities,need for new or physically altered governmental facilities,the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts,in order to maintain acceptable service ratios,response times or other ,performance objectives for any of the.public services: ` Fire protection? ❑ ❑ ❑ Police protection? -❑' ❑ ❑ - Schools? _ - —. ❑ - El- ❑ ---- ® - - Parks? _ ❑ -E1 -. ❑_" - Other public facilities? ❑' ❑ . RECREATION- a) ` Would the.project increase the use of existing neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational facilities such that substantial physical deterioration,ofthe " facility would occur or be accelerated? ❑ ❑ ❑ b) , Does the project include recreational facilities or require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities which might have-an adverse physical effect on the environment? ❑ ❑ XV.TRANSPORTATION/TRAFFIC-Would the project: T: a)- -Cause an increase in traffic which is substantial in relationto the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system__ - (i.e.result in a substantial increase in either the number of _ vehicle trips,the.volume to capacity ratio on roads,or _ congestion at intersections)? ❑, ❑ ❑ b) Exceed,either individually or cumulatively,a level of - service standard established by the county congestion managementagency for.designaied roads or highways? ❑,_ ❑ ❑ c) Result in a change in air traffic patterns,including either �. an increase in traffic levels or a change in location that results in substantial safety risks? ❑ ❑ ❑. Substantialty-increase hazards due to a design feature(e.g. 4 curves or.dangerous intersections)or incompatible uses (e.g.,farm equipment)?-_ ❑ ❑ ❑ ® - e) Result in.inadequate emergency access? ❑ ® ❑ ❑ f) Result in inadequate parking capacity? ❑ _ �_ Less Than Significant Potentially With Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant Impact Incorporation Impact No IMP40 g) Conflict with adopted policies,plans,or programs supporting alternative transportation(e.g.,bus turnouts, . bicycle racks)? El XVI. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS— Would the project: 7 a) Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board? El 1:1 E b) Require or result in the construction of new water or wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of existing facilities,the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? El El c) Require or result in the construction of new storm water drainage facilities or expansion of existing facilities,the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? 0 d) Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project from existing entitlements and resources,or are new or expanded entitlements needed? El ❑ E e) Result in a determination by the wastewater treatment i provider which serves or may serve the project that it has adequate capacity to serve the project's projected demand in addition to the provider's existing commitments? �. f) Be served by a landfill with sufficient permitted capacity to accommodate the project's solid waste disposal needs? 1:1 El El g) Comply with federal,state,and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste? _ XVII:MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment,substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species,cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels,threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community,reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? _ - ❑ - b) Does the project have impacts that are individually limited,but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable"means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects,the effects of other current projects;and the - - • effects of probable future projects)? 1:1 El c) Does the project have environmental effects which will - cause substantial adverse effects on human beings,either directly or indirectly? El ATTACHMENT A. _ EVALUATION OFENVIRONMENTAL IWACTS CONDITIONAL USE,PERIVIIT 99-013 ~ _ - &DESIGN.REVIEW 99-01.9 = BACKGROUND y The project site, known as Larwin� Square; is approximately 1-5.7 acres in size. It is located at 550 East. First Street between Centennial Way and Newport Avenue. -The area in which the project site is located .is surrounded by developed.commercial uses. The project site is. located in the First' Street :Specific Plan Commercial-Primary _Zoning District and the PIanned Community Commercial Business general plan area. The proposed project'involves the expansion, renovation, and exterior modifications of- the existing Vons store, including-the following: 1.) An 11,426 square foot. expansion, 3,500. square feet of which are expansion intovacant tenant spaces.to the west of the existing store. The' - remaining 7,926 square feet will come from new construction, expanding the back of the store. ~ 2.) Parking demand analysis and reconfigured parking areas within the center s , ' to address the need^for additional parking.. 1.. AESTHETICS Items q,b c& d—No IMpact: The project site is not located on a scenic highway nor does it affect a scenic vista. The proposed project will modify the exterior _elevations of an existing building in a prominent commercial center: The building - elevations and design are subject to Design Review Guidelines in order to ensure that they are aesthetically appropriate. r - Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required- -None Required Sources: Tustin General Plan" 2. AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES Items a, b & c_No Impact: The proposed project will be located in an existing _ commercial, center. The surrounding uses are also commercial. No impacts will occur to any agricultural uses or farmland. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required:. None Required • - Sources: Tustin General Plan u_ 3. AIR QUALITY Items a,b, c, d &e—No Impact: The relatively small magnitude of the project does not have the potential to create a net increase of any criteria pollutant, expose sensitive receptor's .to substantial pollutant concentrates, or create objectionable odors. With implementation of conditions of approval that require the.applicant to conduct grading and construction activities in compliance with the City of Tustin Grading Manual and obtain all necessary approvals and permits from the SCAQMD and the City of Tustin, any potential impacts:related to air quality will be reduced to a level of insignificance. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required Sources: South Coast Air Quality Management.District Rules &Regulations City of Tustin Grading_Manual Project Application Field Inspection 4. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Items a, b, c, d, e & f—No Impact: The proposed project will enlarge an -existing commercial building in an existing commercial center. No impacts will occur to endangered, threatened or rare species or habitats, locally designated species or natural communities, or wildlife dispersal or migration corridors. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required Sources: Field Inspection Tustin General Plan .5. CULTURAL RESOURCES Items a,b, c& d--No Impact: The proposed project involves expansion of an existing commercial building within an existing commercial center. The surrounding uses are also commercial. No impacts to paleontological, archaeological, historical, religious resources, or disturbing of any human remains, will occur. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required Sources: Tustin General Plan CUP 99-013-Initial Study Attachment A , - -- - - - Page 2 of 8 6. GEOLOGY& SOILS Items a-i a-ii a-iii & c—Less Than Significant with Mitigation Inco oration: The topography of the site is relatively flat and would require minor precise grading activity to prepare the site for new construction. Compliance with current codes will -ensure that-the design and construction of the proposed project reduces any potential impacts related to fault ruptures, ground shaking, ground failure, liquefaction or unstable soils to a level of insignificance. Due to the location.of the site, liquefaction may occur. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: 6.1 All grading, drainage, vegetation and circulation shall comply with the City of Tustin Grading Manual. All construction activity shall comply with the Tustin Grading Manual, which requires frequent watering of the project site to control dust. All street sections, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, fighting and storm drain shall comply with on-site improvement standards. Any deviations shall.be brought to the attention of the Building Official and request for approval shall .be submitted in writing prior to any approval. -- - - - Items a-iv, b, d & e—No Impact: The project site is not located within an area that is subject to seiche, tsunami, volcanic hazards, landslides, or mudflows, erosion, . subsidence, or expansive soils. No unique geological or physical features are present within the area. With implementation of a condition of approval that requires the applicant to obtain alI necessary approvals from the Community Development Department, the project design and construction will reduce potential impacts to a level of insignificance. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required Sources: -Tustin General Plan City of Tustin Grading Manual - Uniform Building Code- Project Application' Field Evaluation 7. HAZARDS & HAZARDOUS MATERIALS - Items a, b c d e f g &h—No Impact: The proposed project,will not create a significant hazard through the handling of hazardous materials and will not foreseeably involve the accidental release of hazardous materials into the environment. The proposed project is more than a quarter of a mile from any existing or proposed school sites. The project site is not located within an airport land use • plan or within two miles of a public or private airport. The proposed project does not interfere with any evacuation plans or emergency response plans. The project site is CUP 99-013-Initial Study Attachment A_ - Page 3 of 8 not within a wildland area, and would not expose individuals or structures to the hazards of wildland fires. • Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required. Sources: Tustin General PIan - Orange County Fire Authority Orange County Health Care Agency S. HYDROLOGY & WATER QUALITY Items a.b, c, d, e, f g, h, i &j —No Impact: The project does not violate water quality standards or waste discharge requirements. It will not expose people or property to water related hazards such as flooding and erosion and will not-change the course or direction of water movements or affect the quantity and quality of groundwaters Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required. - - Sources: Tustin General Plan City of Tustin Grading Manual Public Works Department - 'Orange County Health Care Agency Project Application • 9. LAND USE PLANNING Item b — Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporation: As proposed, the project may not comply with the parking requirements established by the First Street Specific Plan. _ Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: 9.1 _ The applicant shall prepare a parking demand analysis to determine existing parking demand within the center, ascertain the impact of the project to the existing parking conditions, and provide mitigation measures (such as, but not limited to, reconfiguring the parking areas, limiting certain uses, etc.) to accommodate the expansion. Items a& c—No Impact: The proposed project consists of expanding an existing commercial building in an existing commercial center. The site is Planned Community - Commercial/Business by the General Plan Land Use Map and is zoned First Street Specific Plan Commercial as Primary. The use, a Vons Market, and•the center are permitted uses within the Zoning District. CUP 99-013-Initial Study AttachmentA Page 4 of 8 The proposed project is similar to and compatible with other commercial uses in the',' ' • - vicinity and is located in an existing commercial center.-Theproject�wilI'not divide. or disrupt the area. The proposed project will not-conflict withany;applicable habitat - conservation or:natural community conser'ation.plah.. _ Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required:.- None Required...... -- Sources: Tustin General Plan , First.Street Specific Plan Project Application 10. MINERAL RESOURCES Items a&b=No Impact: The construction.and operation of the facility will not use nonrenewable resources in.a wasteful or-inefficient manner. There are no known mineral resources located on the project site. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required - - - Sources: Tustin General Plan 1.1. NOISE Items c& d-Less Than Si ificant with.Miti ation Incorporation: With respect to short-term noise impacts associated with"construction, all construction will be required to,conform to the Noise Ordinance and work may only be performed during permitted hours of construction.. As such, short term noise impacts will be mitigated to a level, of insignificance. No significant increase in long term noise impacts associated with generation of vehicular'traffic is anticipated. Operations of the facility - will be required to conform to the Noise Ordinance.. Long-term operational noise will be reduced to a level of in'significanc'e through compliance with the Noise Ordinance. Mitigation MeasureslMonitoriiig Required: - 11.1 All, construction operations, including engine warm-up and deliveries of materials:and equipment, shall be subject to the provisions of the Tustin Noise Ordinance and shall-take place only;between the hours of 7:00 am. and 6:00 p.m., Monday. through Friday, and between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 -"' p.m: on Saturday,unless"otherwise determined by the Building Official/ r 11.2 Construction hours- shall be clearly posted on- the project site to-the satisfaction of the Building Official. 11.3 All equipment and operational activities shall comply with the sound level restrictions contained in the City of Tustin Noise Ordinance. - 'CUP 99=013-Initial Study- - Attachment A - - Page.5 of 8 With implementation of the above mitigation measures and conditions of approval, potential noise impacts are reduced to a level of insignificance. Items a.b, e &f—No Impact: The project site :is not,located within an airport land use plan or within two miles of a public or private airport. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required. Sources: Tustin General Plan City of Tustin Noise Ordinance Project Application 12. POPULATION & HOUSING Items a, b & c-No Impact: The proposed project is Iocated on a site that is a commercial center and is surrounded by existing commercial uses. The proposed project would not result in any direct increase in population nor induce substantial growth in the area. No impacts related to population or housing are anticipated. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required - - - - Sources: Tustin General Plan Project Application Field Evaluation 13. PUBLIC SERVICES Item a-No Impact:, The project site and surrounding commercial properties are currently subject to fire and police protection. No additional resources are required to maintain these existing service levels. The proposed project will not create additional services related to maintenance of public facilities, including roads. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required Sources: Tustin Police Department - Orange County Fire Authority Tustin Public Works Department 14. RECREATION Items a&b—No Impact- The proposed expansion of an existing Vons market would not affect existing facilities nor create a demand for recreational facilities. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required Sources: Tustin General Plan ' - • Project Application CUP 99-013-Initial Study Attachment A Page 6 of 8 1.5. TRANSPORTATION/TRAFFIC J. Item e& f"—Less Than Si ificant Im act with Miti ation Inco oration: _ The proposed site plan shows insufficient access for fire emergency.vehicles around the - structure. -The proposed,project also shows-inadequate parking for.the expansion of the Vons market. _ Mitigation Measures: _ 15.1 The access road around the sides and rear' of the project site shall be designed to meet OCFA standards for Fire Access. Roads, including 1 -minimum width(twenty feet clear), minimum clearance (minimum 13 feet 6 inches), minimum turning radii (minimum 17 feet inside radius and 38 feet outside turning' radius), and dead-end access road turn-around standards (hammerhead or cul-de-sac configuration). As necessary, the applicant shall secure any•easements from adjacent property owners to _ accommodate the required Fire Access Roads. — - 15.2 - See Mitigation Measure-91 under Land Use PIanning. Item a.b, c& d-No Impact: The proposed; project will not cause a substantial increase in traffic, exceed a service standard established for congestion, result in a change in air traffic patterns, and/or substantially increase hazards due to a design feature. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required ,Sources: Tustin General PIan - Project Application - Tustin Public Works/Traffic.Engineer' 16. UTILITIES &&SERVICE SYSTEMS Items a,b, c, d, e, f& a—No Impact: The proposed facility will be connected to 'existing utilities and service systems in the area.—No substantial alterations to any utilities will be required. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: Nome Required Sources: -Tustin Public Works Department _ Field Inspection CUP 99-013-Initial Study Attachment A ;; Page 7 of 8 17. MANDATORY FINDINGS`OF SIGNIFICANCE Items a. b & c—No Impact: The proposed project is an expansion of a Vons market within an existing commercial center. The .project design,_construction and operation will-,comply with the regulations- of the Community.' Development . Department, Air Quality Management District; and Orange County Fire Authority which reduces any potential impacts related to geological problems, water quality, air quality, hazards and noise to a level of insignificance. As such,,the project does not have the potential Jo degrade the quality of the environment nor achieve short-term environmental goals to the disadvantage.of the long-term. It does not have impacts that are individually limited but'cumulatively considerable or that would cause substantial adverse impacts on human beings. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring.Required: As noted above. _ Sources: Project Application City and Agency Requirements _ CUP 99-013-Initial Study Attachment A Page 8 of 8 r EXHIBIT1 INITIAL STUDYINEGATIVE, DECLARATION PARKING DEMAND, ANALYSIS = - KUNZMAN ASSOCIATES. T KUNZMAN ASSOCIATES TRANSPORTATION PLANNING - TRAFFIC ENGINEERING till TowN &COUNTRY RoAo,STE. 34 • ORANGE,CA 92868-4667 (714) 973-8363 FAX (714) 973,8821 June 1, 1999 Dick Kaye Larwin Square Tustin LLC 275 Centennial Way Suite 209 Tustin, CA 92780 Dear Mr. ' Kaye: The firm of Kunzman Associates is pleased to submit this parking analysis for the Larwin Square Expansion in the - - - City_ of Tustin. This report summarizes our methodology_, _ _ _ .. analysis and findings. We trust that the findings , which are summarized in the front of the report will be of immediate as well as continuing value to you and the City of' Tustin in evaluating the project. * Findinas - 1. - - The proposed new land use is an 11,4.00 square foot .. expansion of Vons . Supermarket . Of the 11 , 400 square feet, 3 ,200 will come from the existing dry cleaners and the Bread Smith. There will be 8 , 400 _ new square feet added. Of the 8 , 400 new square feet, - 4 ,700 will be new retail, and 3 , 500 will be new storage. - - - 2 . Based on Parking Code, 27 additional . parking spaces are required. 3 . The total shopping center currently has 206 , 485 square feet of floor space, and the 8 , 400 square foot expansion represents a 4. 07 percent increase. Today there is 187, 685 square feet leased. There is 18 , 800 square feet vacant, including the former Coast Federal building. - t 4. The -existing shopping center has a mixtures of uses which--,generate -peak parking •demands . at (different Points in `time: The. fast--food.-restaurants. and high turnaver. .sit .-down -.restaurants.•;generate::-a -.peak- 'park ng demand at-'12.:00 noon- to' 1:".00 pm;: and in the early' evening ,from 6:00, to :.7: fl0 pm.' There; are: 11 estiblishments' which serve food An the center;, not counting ..Vons. The .retail, •uses,, generate peak parking 'demand at 12•: 00 noon • t-o 1 : 00 pm- on ; weekdays ,• at 5 : .0 0 ,to, 6 t 0 0: pm. on '•weekdays' when people are _going home from work, -and..-the biggest peak- i•s-"at 2'pm to '3 pm on Saturday. - The ,'banking land uses generate peak parking demand at 12: 00 noon to 1: 00 pm weekdays;, and at 5: 00 tof6: 00 .pm weekdays when people are .going. home from work, particularly on Fr-idays. 5. The- peak parking demand today is on Friday ,at 12:30 pm when the restaurants, retail,, and banks all have relatively high - levels of activity. . The peak parking demand is 552 vehicles parked, which is an occupancy rate of 62 ,percent `of existing parking spaces ..- .- The- vacancies are -well distributed-- throughout the. shopping center with most right in the center- of the shopping, center equidistant from the- buildings.,' "' = - , 6. Because the peak -parking demands for the various land uses are non coincidentalthere is sharing of parking. - The concept of shared parking is that one land- use uses the parking when - its peak- parking demand occurs, and, a °second- use uses the parking , when its peak parking occurs . If the-- two peak parking demands are at different time, then the maximum- amount of parking spaces needed is less - than the sum of the two peak parking demands. 7. Based'"on, the existing occupied floor space, the- parking demand at the- highest point in the week- is 552, parked cars generated- by 187,.685 square feet of floor space,. or a demand-of. 2 . 94 parked cars. per 1, 000, square feet.of floor space. 8 . An overage of spaces should be provided above the- actual - demand for spaces .. ` Overages of 5 to 15 percent are typically recommended. For long term employee parking , a 5 - percent overage- is recommended. For larger commercial centers such as this 'a 10 percent overage is recommended. For smaller commercial with high turnover such as at the post off-ice or at a stand- alone bank; a 15 percent overage is recommended: Based on !a 10 _ - _ 2 - --- percent overage., 3 . 24 parking 'spaces per 1,,°000 square feet are recommended for this shopping center, given . the current mix of -uses and the existing amount of.. shared parking experienced. 9. At. 3 :;24. ,spaces .per. 1, 000' square feet; the existing oceu ' ied ,uses ' at the shopping `center "need- 6-07 parking° .spaces (187.6,85 times 3,24) . . 10. When the existing 18., 800 square .•feet- of ,vacancies are accounted for at the Parking Code -rate !of 5. 0 parking spaces per 1,.000 square feet of floor,- and when the proposed- '4 , 700 square foot r-etail expansion is accounted for based ,on a Parking• Code rate- of•:'5. 0 spaces per 1-; 000 square feet of floor,. and when the 3,500 square- foot 'storage is :accounted - - - for-.at-l.; 0 space -per. 1, 000 square feet, then - a total of 94 plus ,23 . 5. plus',;3 .5• or 121 spaces are needed -above the current demand for 607.' parking spaces. Thus the total parking spaces ' needed is 728 parking spaces. 11. The existing parking supply is 887- space, which can _ . be reduced by as- much as 159 spaces . (887 -minus 728) to make room for the expansion. - - 12. The current spatial distribution of empty parking • spaces is very well balanced. Most shopping centers have over loaded areas and then areas that are virtually empty,, with -the overloaded areas on one end. and the empties on the opposite end or behind buildings. in this case the vacant 'spaces are in the very ' center of the .shopping•.center. - This is where you want the'vacancies. The shopping - center buildings essentially ring the central pool f of parking, 'and the vacancies are in the :very - center of the- central pool of.,parking. _ - Proposed Prof ect _ This parking study is for the proposed 11,400 ' square foot expansion of Vons 'Supermarket at Larwi_ n Square in the City of Tustin. , Of the 11, 400 square feet, 3 , 200 will come from the existing dry cleaners and the Bread Smith. 'There- will be- 8,400 new square feet added. Of the 8,400 new square feet, 4,700 will be new retail, and 3, 500 will be new storage. 3 Bank of America ; It should: be: .noted , that Bank, of: America '-is -not, part 'of this shopping, center.-' 'On- Figure....1, ;;it_ is in;°.area X. Area X'�was- included in the ,parking survey,..arid, =thee tabulations :show the ;am'ount�-.o f .parked•:-cars;,:with "'and without area X: It • should':,be5;noted that . area. X " experienced 100 percent. occupancy; Figure 1 Site Plan And Definition of ,Parking. Areas 15, NIS � ��{ :J.:Ili�lll!7•[i 'IC[IITSui_.�IEI. •� e�� Mh Kunzman Associates Table 1 Tabulation- of Existing Parking Data Time of Observation Parking Area (See.NOTES at bottom) • Total ' ' Totat. Without With ' Area X_ Area X Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area A B C 0 E F G. N I - J K X Weekday Noon Time ' Average 35.7 55.2 0.1 • 48.6 70.1 :34.3 25.6 46.2 67.3 33.4 59.2 26.3 428.0 451.7 Maximum 41 74 1 56 85 39 34 54 82 46 73 .40 552 592 Capacity 48 198 58 :59 1.29 40 62 56 168 83 86 40 •887`, 927 Maximum Utilization (Max/Cap) 859 76% 2% 95% 66% 98%. 55% 1 96% 49% 55% 85% 100% ' 62% 64% Weekday Evening Peak Hour ' Average 33.1 523 0.0 32.3 59.2 28.5 11.4 34.6 49.5 26.3. 38.6 ; 21.0 334.7 353..8 Maximum 42 78' 0 50 79 , 37 27 50 71 37 51 38 436 464 Capacity 48 98` 58 -59 129 40. 62 '56 '168 83 86 40 887 927 Maximum Utilization (Max/Cap) . 88% 80% 0% 65% .61% 93% 44% 89% 42% 45% 59% 95% 49X 50% i Saturday Mid-day Average 36.4 55.4 0.0 42.1 65.4 32.5 4.8 39.2 58:0 37.5 50.6 :26.6 403.6 4.29.0 Maximum ' 42, 69, 0 ' 57 83 38 6 46 70 50 64 35• ` 481 516 Capacity 48 98' 58 59 . 129' 40 62 56 168 83 , 86 40 887 927 ' Maximum Utilization (Max/Cap) 88% .70% 0% 97% 64% 95% 10% 82% 42%;, : 60% .74% 88%' 54% 56% This Area Experiences A NO N0: NO YES NO YES NO YES NO NO NO YES NO NO Utilization of 90 % or more SOURCE: See Tables A, B, and C in Appendix. __ _- Kunzman Associates - - 7abl e 2 Calculation of Parking Spaces Needed With Expansion Component Parked Parking Cumulative Cumulative Parking Cars spaces Parking Spaces Needed Divided _ Weeded Spaces by Supply of Parking- _ - (See Needed Spaces (887 Spaces) Note 4) Existing Shopping Center Maximum Observation 113 552 607 607 68.43% Parking Spaces Needed to Satisfy Existing Vacancies 123- NA 94 701 79.03% Parking Spaces Needed to Satisfy Proposed Expansion [33 NA 27 728 82.07% NOTES [13 552 is the maximum number of cars observed to be parked out of 61 observations taken over 6 different days covering weekday lunch hour, weekday evening peak hour, and mid-day Saturday. The parking peaks during the weekday Lunch hour. The highest observation was.at 12:30 pm on a Friday. [23 There are 18,800 square feet of vacancies (See Table D in Appendix), including the former Coast Federal building. The 18,800 square feet has a parking code requirement of 5.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet, which is 94 spaces. [33 The proposed 8,400 square foot expansion will generate a need for 27 parking spaces. The expansion is 4,700 square feet of retail and 3,500 square foot of storage. The 4,700 square feet of retail at 5.0 spaces per 1,000 square feet generates 23.5 spaces .of demand, and the 3,500 square foot of storage at 1.0 space per 1,000 square feet generates 3.5 sages of demand. [43 The existing facility generates a parking demand of 552 parked cars with 187,685 square feet of occupied floor space, or 2.94 parked cars per 1,000 square feet. Using a target of 10 percent vacancy rate for parking spaces, .this translates to 3.24 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor space. To accommodate the 552 parked cars, 607 parking spaces are needed. Also, it should be noted that the Parking Code requirement of 5-0 spaces per 1,000 sgaure feet is ample for the new and vacant uses. Kunzman Associates APPENDIX Raw Data- r Table A Parking Data and Analysis Weekday Noon Time f Time of-observation Parking Area (See NOTES et bottom) Total Total Without with Area X Area X !3 Day Date Time Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area A B C D E F G H I d K X I Tuesday 3-23699 11:30 pm 33 44 0 48 68 33 23 47 66 •33 59 22 454 476 ; Tuesday. 3-23-99 12:00 pm 34 45 0 47 67 32 25' 47 66 32 66 23 461 484 Tuesday 3-23-99' 12:30 pm 35 44 0 49 66 32 25 48 67 31 67 _22 464 486 Tuesday 3-23-99, 1:00 pm 37'. 46 0 49 66 32 . 27 49 68 32 73 24 479 503 Tuesday 3-23-99 1:30 pm 34 52 0 54 65 32 34 42• 64 37 61 26 475 501 Tuesday 3-23-99 2:00 pm 36 45 0 40 60 36, 33 42 65 28 38 21 423 444 Friday 3-12-99 11:30 pm 37 51. 0 , •52 80 37 20• 47 66 32 65 24 487 511 Friday 3-12-99• 12:00 pm 39 55 0 56 85 38• 21 49 67 35 67 26 r 512 538 ' Friday 3-12=-99 12:30 pm 32 51 0 50 71 39 23 45 65 30 62 24 468 '492 Friday 3-12-99 1:00 pm 33 55 0 47 67 38 27 '44 63 26 57 23 457 480 Friday 3-12-99 1:30 pm 32 49 0 44 66 36 28 42 60 24 56 22 437 459 4 Friday 3-12-99 2:00 pm 29 43 0 43 62 36 26 '40 59 23 54 20 i 415 , 435 Friday 3-19-99 11:30 pm 41 61 0 49 77 33 20 46 65 33 63 27 , 488 515 Friday 3-19-99 12:00-pm 41 72' 1 50 78 32 24 53 69 46 58 32 524 556 Friday 3-19-99 12:30 pm 40 74 0 56 79 33 26 54 82 43 65 . 40 552 592 Friday 3-19-99 1:40 pm 38 70 0 48 69 34 .27 47 74 40 55 37 502 539 Friday 3-19-99 1:30 pm 36 69 01 47 68 33 26 45 731 39 51 .33 , 487 ' 520 Friday 3-19-94 2:00 pm 35 67- 0 45 . 67 32 25 44 72 38 49 28 474 , 502 ' 35.7' 55.2 0.1 48.6 70.1 34.3 25.6 '46.2 67.3 33.4 ' 59.2 ` 26:3 428.6 451.7 Average maximum 41 74 ' 1 56' 85 '39 34 54 82' 46 73 40 552 592 Capacity 48 98 58 .59' 129 40 62 56 168 83 86 40 887 927 'i Maximum Utilization (Hax/Cap) 85% 76% 2%: .95% 66% 98%, 55% 96% 49X, 55% 85% 100% 62% 64% NOTE 1. In Area A there are several unmarked parking spaces behind the building that are routinely parked in. The Capacity reflects 15 unmarked spaces. NOTE 2. In Area C there is virtually no parking today because the Coast Federal building is now vacant.' t _ I Kunzman Associates 7abl e B Parking Data and Analysis - Weekday Evening Peak flour 3 - t Time of Observation Parking Area (see NOTES at bottom) Total' Total Without With Area X 'Area X Day Date ', Time Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area ; A B C D E F 6 H 1 J K X Wednesday 3-10-99 4:00 pm 27 35 a 29 52 31 19 41 52 23 35 26 344 370 Wednesday, 3-10-99 4:30 pm 28 36' 0 30 56 32 21 42 53 25 36 28 359 387 Wednesday . 3-10-99 5:00 pm 27 51 0 28 53 34 11 37 56 ' 23 50 17' 370 387 Wednesday •3-10-99 5:30 pm 31 50 0 26 53 30 7 34 46 31 46 19 354 373 Wednesday 3-•10-99 6:00 pm 35 57 0 26 52 27 5 28 37 24 38 12 329 341 Wednesday 3-10799 6:30 pm 40 52 0 17 54 20 4 28 32 21 41 •2 309 , 311 Wednesday, 3-10-99 7:00 pm 31 45, 0 20 51 19 4 19 31 14 34 2 268 270 Friday 3-12-99 4:00 pm 25 39 0 27 49 33' 25 38 56 24 37 22 353 375 Friday 3-12-99 4:30 pm 26 41 0 26 51 36 27 39 58 26 38 25 368 393 Friday 3-12-99 5:00 pm 31 57 0 41 57 30 20 43 67 28 43 26 417 443 Friday' 3-12-99 5:30 pm 33 52 0 50 63 34 14 47 63 33 47 28 436 464 Friday 3-12-99 6:00 pm 28 61 , 0 37 68 37 11 50 52 32 51 27 427 454 Friday 3-12-99 6:30 pm 42 69 0 23 72 28 3 32 41 37 38 20 ' 385• 405 Friday 3-12-99 7:00 pm 36 78 0 20 79 24 3 19 30 26 29 11 344, 355 i Friday 3-19-99 4:00 pm 33 55 0 45 72 34 23 34 60 22 34 31 412 443 Friday 3-19-99 4:30 pm 35 57 0 46 78 35 15 35 65' '24 35 32 425 457 Friday 3-19-99 5:00 pm 33 55 0 42 71 32 9 39 69 24 45 33 419 452 Friday 3-19-99 5:30 pm 35 64 0 46 62 26„ 6 39 71 29 39 38 417 455 Friday 3-19-99 6:00 pm. 42 67 0 44• 45 232 6 31 43 34 36 28 371 399 Friday 3-19-99 6:30 pm 41 54 0 30 .61 18 4 .23 •29 28 32 9 320 329 Friday 3-19-99 7:00 pm 37' 34 0 26 45 16 2 29 29, 25 27 5 270 •275 I Average 33.1 52.8 0.0 '. 32.3 59.2 28.5 11.4 34.6 . 49.5 26.3 38.6 21.0 '334.7. 353.8 Maximum 42 78 0 50 79 37 27 50 71 37 51 38 .436 464 capacity 48 98 58 59 129 40 62 56 168 83 86 40 887 927 Maximum Utilization (Max/Cap) 88% + 80% 0% 85X 61% 93% 44% 89% 42X 45% 59% 95%' 49% 50% { NOTE 1. In Area A there are several unmarked parking spaces behind the building that are routinely parked in. The Capacity reflects 15 unmarked spaces. NOTE 2. in Area C there is virtuaLty no parking today because the.Coast Federal building is now-vocarit. r ' Kunzman Associates tab]a ..0 Parking Data and ,Analysis - Saturday Mid-Day a Time of Observation Parking Area (See NOTES at bottom) Total. Total Without ' With • Area X Area X pay Date Time Area Area Area Area, Area Area Area Area Area Area Area' Area A B C D E F G N I J K X _ Saturday 3-13-99 10:00 am 24 37 0 40 61 28 4 31 53 24 47 23 ` 349 372 Saturday 3-13-99 10:30 am 28 42 0 42 76 30 5' 42 63 32 48 3Z 408 440 Saturday 3-13-99 11:00 am 41 •59 0 41 68 35 5 44 70 40 54 30 457 487 Saturday 3-13-99 11:30 am •40 62 0 49 83 33 6 35 68 38 56 35 ' 470 505 Saturday 3-13-99 12:00 pm 41 69 0 54 76 35 5 38 62 37 64 31 481 512 Saturday 3-13-99 12:30 pm 40 62 0 57 76 33 6 35 63 46 63 35 481 516 Saturday 3-13-99 1:00 pm 41 68� 0 48 58 38 5 38 .63 49 61 26 469 495 Saturday 3-13-99 1:30 pm 42 64 0 47 71 35 6 45 65 50 56 24 481 505 Saturday 3-13-99 2:00 pm 38 61 0 35 62 32 6 40 57 39 .51 . 26 . 421 447 Saturday 3-13-99 2:30 pm 39 59 0 36 61 33 5 38 55 37 49 25 412 437 Saturday 3-13-99 3:00 pm 37 57 0 35 58 31 5 37 54 36 50 26 400 426 Saturday 3-20-99 10:00 am 25 38 0 39 59 29 3 32 48 23 41 22 337 359 Saturday3-20-99 10:30 am 29 39 0 41 59 31 3 42 49 25 43 24 361 385 Saturday 3-20-99 11:00 am 31 42 0 42 60 32 4 45 49 24 44 25 378 403 Saturday 3-20-99 11:30 am 34 44 : 0 43 56 33 4 38 51 31 42 26 376 402 Saturday 3-20-99 12:00 pm 36 51 0 43 58 34 3 38 53 45 46 27 407 434 Saturday 3-20-99 12:30 pm 41 55 a 49 63 33 5 37 55 39 49 29 426 455 Saturday 3-20-99 1:00 pm 37 63 a 47 70F 37 . 5 43 66 43 51 22 462 484 Saturday 3-20-99 1:30 pm 40 68 0 36 75 30 5 46 63 45 53 25 461- 486 Saturday 3-20-99 2:00 pm 41' 63 0 33 64 32 6 42 58 40 50 24 429 453 Saturday 3-20-99 2:30 pm 39, 60 0 36 66 32 5 39 •56 39 48 25 420 445 Saturday 3-20-99 3:00 pm 36 56 ; 0 34 54 30 5 37 55 37 48 23 397 420 Average 36.4 55.4 '. 0.0 42.1 65.4 32.5 4.8 39.2 58.0 37.5 50.6 26.6 403.6 429.0 s Maximum, 42 69 0 57 83 38 6, 46 70 50 64 35 481 516 Capacity 48 98 58 59 129 40 62 56 168 83 86 40 887 927• Maximum Utilization (Max/Cap) 8$X 70% 0% 97% 64% 95% 10% 82% 42% 60% 74% 88% 54% 56% NOTE 1. In Area A there are several urmarked'parking spaces behind the building that are routinely parked in. The Capacity reflects 15 = unmarked spaces. � NOTE 2. in Area C there is virtually no parking today because the Coast Federal building is now vacant: Kunzman Associates Table D - i Li st' of Tenants and leas bl a Area . Tenant:. Address Sq., Ft. Land'Use µ Big 5�(Unifed March) 520 - 10,500 Commercial - BreadsMith 548 1,600 . Commercial Burger King, 13421 H.P.: 3,000 Commercial Caffe Piemonte . • •498 2,200 Restaurant/Food CaL f.--JeweLry Mart 494 5;063•: Commercial Cheers°:Floral Creations 646 661 Commercial Crystal Mountain'Water 650 700 Commercial— Draper's & Damon's 542 2,930 Commercial .Fantastic Sams 554 1,580 Commercial; Golden Spoon Yogurt 528-A _ 1,600 Restaurant/Food Great Earth Vitamins, 528-B 1,110 Commercial Hit or Miss #489 ' 656/658_ 3,680 Commercial,- Jo-Ann Fabrics &Crafts 502-C: 11,000 Commercial J.C: Electronic Labs - - 614-A- 600 Commercial -John's 864 _ - 648 850 Restaurant/Food K's Donuts 640 1,100. Restaurant/Food Larwin Sq:tiCLeaners 546 1,600 • Commercial Larwin Lock & Safe 13461 N.P. 50 Commercial Larwin Shoe Repair 606 . 638 CommerciaL Los Cotija's Taco Shop42 642 900 Restaurant/Food - -Mel's Sewing 600 1,620 Commercial Magic Wok 608/610 1,680 . Restaurant/Food Moeser, Dr. 652 770 Commercial Haid Expo 622 510 Commercial Once Upon a Child 504 2,400 ::Commercial Patel; DDS 604 1,440 Medical Payless ShoeSource 616 2,600 Commercial _ Pineapple Hill Salon & Grille 654 2,650 Restaurant/Food Rite Aid/Thrifty 630 19,072 . Commercial Sally Beauty Supply 544 1,600 Commercial Smoke Shop 644 1,000 Commercial Spires Restaurant 13451 H.P. 5,043 Restaurant/Food Starbuck's Coffee 552 1,500 Commercial TRAK #168/Kragan 502-B 16,520 Commercial Togo's Easteries #85 556 2,080 Restaurant/Food Tustin Digital Lab 516 2,400• CvmmerciaL Tustin Hills Pool & Supply 614 840 Commercial 4. Tustin Shoe Hut 514 3,000 Commercial - Tustin Stationers Hallmark 526 7,500 Commercial - Tustifi-Thrift & Loan 530 5,426 Bank - Urban.Style - - - 510 - 3;600' Commercial Vons 550 30,000 Commercial Wells Fargo Bank 13471 M.P.. . 4,573 Bank .Western Bagel __ 506- 2;400 Restaurant/Food _ - B1' Moyle Associates. 207 863 Commercial BordweLL, Teri (CPA) 101 -860 Office _ - Cooper, Colin (CPA). _ 105 1,260 Office Greene, Sharon & Assoc_ 104 1,320 office - Hartzog & Crabill 208 & 203A 1,165 Office Ibex Grove- 200 928 Office John Glenn Ada & Admin 211 994 Office Kerr, Kathe 100 660 Office Leahy Newsletter 104-A 772 office L-ogan,.,bEugene 205 525 6ffice. _ Gentle Dentistry 201 1,564 Medical Schuler & Schuler 107 490 Office schramer, Ton (CPA) 103 460 office Sherrill, Robert (CPA) 203 658 Office Spinner, LaMar-, Johnson, DDS 109 785 -Medical _ Maintenance Suite. 624 1,100 Office Property Management , 209 804 Office Conference Room 204 747 Office Vacant Coast Federal 662 10,400 Commercial Vacant (Old Crown Books) 518 2,400 Commercial Vacant (Weight Watcher) 508 3,000 Commercial Vacant (Dave's Bicycles) 540 3,000 Commercial _ Office Variance ' N/A 144 - Office' r TOTAL._ 206,485 - - _- _. Kunzman Associates. _ __ ATTACHMENT D PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTIONS NOS. 3683 AND 3684 1 " RESOLUTION•NO. 3683 A RESOLUTION iOF. THE• PLANNING: COMMISSION-OF THE CITY:'' OF--TUSTIN, -CALIFORNIA,:„CERTIFYING THE: FINAL:- _,,:2 ' r NEGATIVE:DECLARATIONAS ADEQUATE..FOR::CONDITIONAL' k_ USE'=PERMIT'99-0.1'3 .-AND`-DE SIGN REVIEW:99-019. AND'ALL-`• -* a .,,FEASIBLE : MITIGATION -.--MEASURES--_HAVEr "BEEN BEEN_ 5 - ' INCORPORATED:. AS _ REQUIRED'_ BY:.. THE. CALIFORNIA T ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY.ACT.-.4 The Planning Commission of the City'of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: . I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows- ;.A- - That'Conditibnal Use.Permit 99-001 and Design Review 99-001 are 9 - considered "projects" pursuant_.to the . terms,-of :the California Environmental Quality Act; and r to B. A Negative Declaration,has been prepared for this project and has,. 11 been distributed for public review. lz C. _Whereas,..the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin has 13 considered evidence presented by the Community .Development Director and other interested parties with respect to the subject 14 Negative Declaration. • 15 D., The Planning• Commission has evaluated the proposed Initial Study/Negative Declaration and determined that,the project would 16 not have a significant effect on the environment. K , 17 Il. A Ficial Negative. Declaration .has 'been completed in compliance with CEQA and state guidelines.- The Planning_Commission'has received and 18 considered the information-conta'ined in the Negative Declaration prior.to -recommending approval of the proposed project, - and, found that 'it 19 adequately discussed the environmental effects of the proposed project 20 _ and that there is-no substantial evidence that there will be significant effects on the environment. 21 PASSED- AND ADOPTED at' a regular`• meeting of , the Tustin Planning' - 22 Commission,field on the 12th day of July, 1999. 23 24 25 1 LESLIE A. PONTIOUS -- 26 - _ Chairperson - 27 28 ELIZABETH A. BINSACK Planning.Commission Secretary • 29 - 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ti COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 2 CITY OF TUSTIN ) 3 I, ELIZABETH A. BINSACK, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Planning a - - Commission Secretary of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. 3683 5 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the 12th day of July, 1999. 6 7 9 T ELIZABETH A. BINSACK 10 Planning Commission Secretary � . • 11 - 12 - 13 14 _ 15 _ • .16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Z3 24 25 26 27 _ 28 1 _ RESOLUTION NO..3684 .A RESOLUTION OF, THE PLANNING:COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTW, APPROVING.CONDITIONAL.USE:PERMIT 99-- 3 013 9-_3013; ,AND.:DESIGN` 'REVIEW-'`99-019_ AUTHORIZING THE EXPANSION OF A SUPERMARKET INTO-3,200 SQUARE FEET ; x 4 OF ADJACENT TENANT. BAYS,_THE"CONSTRUCTION OF AN 5 8,400 SQUARE FOOT ADDITION •TO THE REAR OF THE Y BUILDING, AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF-..A SHARED 6 PARKING 'AGREEMENT FOR THE VONS STORE .LOCATED WITHIN THE•LARWIN SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER AT 550 7 EAST FIRST STREET. The Planning Commission does hereby resolve as follows: 9 . 1. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: 10 5 11 A. That a prop er'application. for Conditional Use Permit 99-013 and Design Review 99-019 was filed by Jeff Herbst of MCA Architects 12 on behalf of the property'owners to request authorization for the expansion of an existing supermarket located within the Larwin 13 _ Square Shopping Center at 550 East First Street, more specifically described as Assessor's Parcel Nos. 401-601-01 through 401-601- 14 03 and 401-601-05 through 401-601-09. 15 B. That the proposed use is allowed within the Commercial - Primary Land Use Designation within the First Street Specific Plan (FSSP), 16 with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit (FSSP - Section II1(F)). 17 18 C. _ That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application on July 12, 1999 by the Planning Commission. 19 D. That the establishment, maintenance and operation of the uses 20 applied for will_ not, under. the- circumstances of. this case, be , - - detrimental to the health, safety', morals, comfort, or general welfare . 21 of the persons residing. or working in the neighborhood of such proposed use, nor be injurious or detrimental to the property and 22 improveMents in the neighborhood of the subject property, or to the ggneral welfare of the City of Tustin, as evidenced by the following 23 findings: 24 1) The proposed uses are consistent with the City of Tustin 25 General Plan and the First Street Specific Plan. 26 _ 2) On-site parking concerns' would be mitigated through the implementation of the improvements identified in the 27 applicant's parking study and recommended by the City's 28 Traffic Engineer. �9 - 3) - As-conditioned, the emergency access would satisfy the requirements of the Orange County Fire Authority. 1 Resolution No.3684 Page 2 3 E. Pursuant to Section 9272 of the Tustin Municipal Code, the 4 Commissions finds that the location, size,-architectural features and 5 general appearance of Design Review 99-019, as conditioned, will not impair the orderly and harmonious development of the area, the 6 present or _future development therein, or, the occupancy as a whole. In making such findings, the Commission has considered at 7 feast the following items: 8 1. Height, bulk and area of buildings. 9 2. Setbacks and site planning. 10 3. Exterior materials and colors. 11 4. Type and pitch of roofs. 12 5. Size and spacing of windows, doors and,other openings. 13 6. Towers, chimneys; roof structures, flagpoles, radio and 14 television antennae. 15 7. Landscaping, parking area design and traffic circulation. 16 8. Location, height and standards of exterior illumination. 17 9. Location and appearance of equipment located outside of an enclosed structure. 1s 19 _ 10. Location and method of refuse storage. Zo 11. Physical relationship 'of proposed structures. to existing structures in the neighborhood. 21 12. . Appearance and design relationship of proposed structures 22 to existing structures and possible future structures in the neighborhood and public thoroughfares. 23 13. Proposed signage. 24 _ 14. Development Guidelines and criteria as adopted by the City 25 Council. 26 F. A Negative Declaration has been prepared and certified for this 27 project in accordance , with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). 2s G. That the project has been reviewed for consistency with the__ Air.. 29 Quality Sub-element of the City of Tustin General Plan and has -� _ been determined to be consistent with the Air Quality Sub-element. Resolution No.3684: , Page 3 r. H. ,That the -_project has:. been wreviewed- for compliance-,.with the. - Americans with Disabilities,Act of,1090 and-it-has'beeh determined - that-dedications of right-of-way at.the drive apron and-'all radius type driveways are 'necessary`for:compliance with .the" requirements of ADA. iI., The Planning Commission.hereby approves Conditional Use Permit 99-013 - and Design Review.99-019, authorizing the. construction of an 8,200 square foot addition to,°.and the further expansion of an existing Vons supermarket v into 3,200 square feet of vacant tenant ;bays Iodated at 560 East First Street and the establishment of.a shared parking agreement,, is approved° subject to the condition's.�containetl in Exhibit A, attached hereto. _ PASSED AND ADOPTED'by the Planning Commission of the°City of Tustin, at:a '. regular meeting on the 12th qday of.July, 1999". - - _ LESLIE A. PONTIOUS Chairperson ELIZABETH A. BINSACK Planning Commission Secretary; _ STATE OF CALIFORNIA' ` } COUNTY OF ORANGE'- CITY RANGE CITY OF TUSTIN - I, ELIZABETH A. BINSACK, the undersigned, hereby certify that 1 am the Planning ' Commission.Secretary of the City`of Tustin; California; that Resolution No. 3684 was duly passed and- adopted at .a regular meeting of -the. Tustin Planning Commission, held on the 12th day of July, 1999.. - _ -ELIZABETH A. BINSACK - Planning Commission Secretary EXHIBIT A - CUP 99-013 AND DR 99-019 550 EAST FIRST STREET CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RESOLUTION NO. 3684, GENERAL (1) 1.1 The proposed project shall substantially,conform with the submitted plans for the project date stamped .July 12; 1999 on file with the Community Development Department, as herein modified, or'unless otherwise indicated, as modified by the Community Development Director in accordance with this Exhibit. The Director may also approve subsequent minor modifications to plans during plan check if such modifications are consistent with provisions of the Tustin City Code or other. applicable regulations. (1) 1.2 Unless otherwise specified, the conditions contained in this Exhibit shall be complied with prior to the issuance of any building permits for the project, subject .to review and approval by the Community Development Department. (1) 1.3 The subject project approval shall become null and void unless permits for the - .proposed project are issued and substantial construction is underway within eighteen (18) months of the date of this Exhibit: Time extensions may be considered if a written request is received by the Community. Development Department within thirty (30) days prior to expiration. (1) 1.4 Approval of CUP 99-019 and DR 99-019 is contingent upon the applicant and property owners signing and returning an "Agreement to Conditions Imposed"form as established by the Community Development Department. (1)• 1.5 The applicant shall hold harmless and defend the City of Tustin from all claims and liabilities arising-out of a challenge, of the, City's approval of this project. PLAN SUBMITTAL (1) 2.1 At building plan check, submit four (4) sets of.construction'plans, two (2) sets of structural calculations and Title 24 energy calculations prepared by a licensed engineer/architect. No field changes shall be made without corrections submitted to and approved by the Community Development Department. (1) 2.2 Indicate on the title sheet compliance with the following codes, City, state and federal laws and regulations to include: 1997 Uniform Building Code with California Amendments 1997 Uniform Mechanical and Plumbing Codes with California Amendments 1996 National Electrical Code with California Amendments City of Tustin Grading and Security Ordinance - City of Tustin Landscaping and Irrigation Guidelines City of Tustin Private Improvements Standards SOURCE CODES (1) STANDARD CONDITION (5) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY (2) CEQA MITIGATION EQUIREMENTS (3) UNIFORM BUILDING CODES (6) LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES (4) DESIGN REVIEW (7) PC/CC POLICY *** EXCEPTIONS Exhibit A -40 Resolution No.3684 - Page 2 (5) - 2.3 Prior to permit issuance, clearances from the Orange County Health Department are required. (3) 2.4 Vehicle parking, primary entrance to the building, primary paths of travel, cashier space, sanitary facilities, drinking fountains 'and public. telephones shall be accessible to persons with disabilities. (1) 2.5 Specifications at Building Permit plan check submittal shall reflect materials call- outs on all elevations with applicable details and notes added. (2)(6). 2.6 Prior to issuance of-building permits, applicant shall submit a restriping plan for the parking areas, subject to approval by the Community Development Department. Said plan shall be fully dimensioned, include a table summarizing the number of spaces within the parking area and their allocation to the individual tenant spaces within the center, and incorporate landscaping:in conformance with the City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines. (1) 2.7 The applicant shall enter into a shared access/parking agreement with all property owners within the center. (5) 2.8 Prior to permit issuance, clearance from the Orange County Health Department is • required. (2) . 2.9 The parking demand analysis shall be modified to incorporate the following corrections: Page 1 -Verify whether the amount of expansion is 8,200 SF or 8,400 SF and revise the study accordingly. _ - Page 2- It is indicated that a 10 percent overage is recommended with regards to larger commercial parking centers. . Identify the source of this recommendation. - Page 3 - It is indicated. that at 3.24 spaces per 1,000 SF_ the 187,685 SF - - shopping center needs 607'spaces. • The calculation equals 608. spaces. Please correct the data throughout the study. TopolBoundary Maps - Based on these, there are discrepancies between the parking spaces provided in Areas A, H, and I on the maps and noted in the parking study. Verify the methods for calculating the spaces in each area and revise the study as necessary. - Page 5 - The study notes problems with traffic operation at the signalized intersection of Newport Avenue. Please identify the problem(s) and when they - will be addressed.- Further, a plan has been submitted reconfiguring the parking area. Identify whether this plan would address these problem(s). Revised Parking Layout' _ Provide additional information as to the characteristics of the revised layout, regarding number of stalls, dimensions, etc. Further, the revised layout indicates 18 parking stalls accessing directly into the main drive aisle. This has the,potential to cause additional congestion and confusion'to the on-site circulation. Please revise the study to incorporate a study of these proposed changes. Exhibit A Resolution No.3684 Page 3 SIGNS (4) 3.1 - Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, complete sign .plans shall be - submitted which address all'proposed wall, directional, and address signs. The sign plans shall include dimensions, materials, colors, and method of illumination. All signage shall conform to the Larwin Square Master Sign Program. SITE AND BUILDING CONDITIONS (4) 4.1 Provide exact details for exterior doors and window types on construction plans. (2)(5) -4.2 All cooking and exhaust equipment shall utilize Best Available Control Techniques- in accordance with Air Quality Management District standards to minimize smoke, odor and particulate emissions. (4) 4.3 All mechanical and electrical fixtures and equipment shall be adequately and decoratively screened. The screen shall be considered as an element of the overall design of the project and shall either blend with the architectural design of the building or be integrated into the landscape design (1) 4.4 All final colors and materials to be used shall be subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department. All exterior treatments shall be coordinated with regard to color, materials and detailing and clearly noted on • submitted construction plans-and elevations. (4) 4.5 Provide plans and details of all proposed lighting fixtures and a photometric study showing the location and anticipated distribution pattern of light of all proposed- - fixtures. The fixtures proposed shall be modified to be decorative in design and consistent with the architecture of the building. Wall mounted fixtures shall be directed ata 90 degree-angle directly downward. Parking area lights shall project light directly downward. All lighting shall be developed to provide a minimum of one (1)footcandle of light coverage, in accordance with the City's Security Code. (4) 4.6 All exposed metal flashing or trim shall be painted to match the building. (1) 4.7 Note on final plans that a six-foot-high chain link fence shall be installed around the - site prior to building construction stages. Gated entrances shall be permitted along " the perimeter of the site for construction vehicles. (1) 4.8 Exterior elevations of the building shall indicate any fixtures or equipment to be located on the roof or exterior of the building, and the associated equipment heights and dimensions. The building parapet shall be an integral part of the building design, and shall screen all roof mounted equipment. All roof-mounted equipment and vents shall be a minimum of six inches below the top of the parapet. All exterior equipment, including gas and electric meters, shall either be enclosed within the building or boxed behind a screen wall designed to be consistent with the main building. (4) 4.9 Any•shopping carts not stored within the building shall be,concealed behind screen walls designed to be complementary to the main building. Said walls and storage areas shall nbt hinder or block any paths of travel.- _ - 5 Exhibit A Resolution No.3684 Page 4 (4) 4.10 No exterior downspouts shall be permitted; all roof drainage shall utilize interior piping, but_n-iay have exterior outlets at base of building. (4) 4.11 Roof scuppers-shall be installed with a special lip device so that overflow drainage will not stain the walls. (4) 4.12 The westerly canopy shall incorporate a pitched roof similar to the eastern canopy. (4) 4.13 The addition to the rear of the building shall be configured so as to provide adequate access for emergency vehicles in conformance with the Orange County -Fire Authority's General Guidelines fo`r Emergency Access. (4) 4.14 Drive aisle marking/striping shall reflect one-way travel around the building. - (1). 4.15 This development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the City of Tustin Water Quality Ordinance and all Federal, State_and Regional_Water Quality Control Board rules and regulations. (4) 4.16 The applicant of the proposed project shall provide an irrevocable offer- of- dedication of right-of-way. between Red Hill Avenue and the southerly property boundary. (4) 4.17 The project site should provide two access driveways onto El Camino Real. The eastern driveway should provide full access with one lane in and two lanes out, and shall incorporate striping and signage to reflect this. The western driveway shall be restricted to right turn in/right turn out only with signing and striping and provide one lane in and one lane out. NOISE (5) 5.1 All construction operations, including engine warm-up and deliveries. of materials and equipment, shall be subject to the provisions of the Tustin Noise Ordinance and shall take place only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. end 6:00 p.m., Monday through_Friday, and between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, unless otherwise determined by the Building Official. (5) 5.2 Construction hours shall be clearly posted on the project site to the satisfaction of f the Building Official. (5) 5.3 All equipment and operational activities shall comply with the sound level restrictions contained in the,City of Tustin Noise Ordinance. FIRE AUTHORITY (5) 6.1 - Obtain written approval from the Fire Chief of all fire protection easements and submit to the Community Development Department in conjunction with the next submittal. Fire protection easements shall be dedicated to the County/City. The approval of the Fire Chief is required for any modifications such as speed bumps,-- control umps,control gates or other changes within said easement(s). Roadways must extend to within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior of any structure and must meet specified criteria such as width, pavement characteristics, roadway gradient, turning radius, etc. Exhibit A Resolution No.3684 Page 5 (5) 6.2 Obtain written approval from the Fire Chief for street improvement plans with fire lanes shown and submit to the Community Development Department in conjunction with the next submittal. The plans shall comply with the OCFA General Guidelines for Emergency Access, and indicate the locations of red curbing and signage. A drawing of the proposed signage with the height, stroke and color of lettering, and the contrasting background color shall be submitted to and approved by the Fire Chief. (5) 6.3 Prior to the issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy, the approver] fire lane- marking plan shall be installed. The plans shall include a fire lane map and _ provisions prohibiting parking in the fire lanes. A method of enforcement shall be included. (5) 6.4 Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the applicant shall submit to the Fire Chief evidence of the on-site fire hydrant system and indicate whether it is public or private. If the system is private, the system shall be reviewed and approved by the _ Fire Chief prior to the issuance of building permits. Provisions "shall be made by the applicant for the repair and maintenance of the system, in a manner approved by the Fire Chief. (5) 6.5 Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit plans for the , review and approval of the Fire Chief. The applicant shall include information on the plans required by the Fire Chief. Contact the Orange County Fire Authority Plans Review Section at (714) 744-0403 for the Fire Safety/Architectural Notes to be placed on the plans. - (5) 6.6 Prior to installation, 'plans for an approved fire-suppression system for the - protection of commercial-type cooking equipment shall be;submitted to the Fire Chief for review and approval. USE RESTRICTIONS _ (1) 7.1 The owners shall be responsible for the daily maintenance and up-keep of the _ _ J facility, including but not limited to trash removal, painting, graffiti removal and maintenance of improvements to ensure that the facilities are maintained in a neat and attractive manner. All graffiti shall be removed within 72 hours of a complaint being transmitted by the City to the property owner. Failure to maintain said structures and adjacent facilities will be grounds for City enforcement of its Property Maintenance Ordinance, including nuisance abatement procedures. *** 7.2 All future tenants within Larwin Square shall calculate their required parking at the applicable Tustin City Code and/or First Street Specific Plan parking ratio, based on type of use. The 137 surplus spaces identified by the Kunzman Associates parking study dated June 1, 1999, and to be revised in accordance with Condtion 2.9, shall be allocated to new tenants. The surplus parking is calculated as the difference between the provided parking (887 stalls) and the peak parking demand plus new tenants occupying the 18,800 square feet of currently vacant floor area plus the Vons addition (740 total stalls). Exhibit A y� ReklutionNo.3684 = Page 6: u.. . ' FEE$ `_ ... M..• 8.1 - _ Prior'to issuance of ariy,building permits; payment shall be;made of all applicable (5) fees;, including but notlimited to the following: - Payment shall be-required based t. upon those rates in effect at the time of payment and are subject,to,,change . A. Building plan check and permit fees to the Community_ Development Department based on the most current,schedule.. B. Sewer connection fees to the Orange 'County Sanitation District The F current fee is $472 per 1,000"square feet-of new floor area.. C. Payment of the Major Thoroughfare and Bridge Fees to the Tustin-Public Works Department-at the time a building permit is issued. The current:fee is,$3.09 per square.foot-of new construction. D. ' Orange County Fire Authority plan check and. inspection fees to the Community Development Department based upon the most current -- " schedule. - --E. Transportation System Improvement :Program (TSIP), Benefit Area "N' 'fees in the amount of$5.53 per square foot of new building area. iM. 8.2 •Within forty-eight(48) hours of approval`of the subject project, the applicantshall (5) - deliver, to- the Community Development .Department, a CASHIER'S CHECK payable to -the COUNTY CLERK in the`amount of $38.00 (thirty-eight dollars) to enable the City to file the appropriate environmental documentation for the project. -If within such forty-eight (48) hour•penod1hat applicant has:not delivered to the -Community Development Department the above-noted check, the statute of _ limitations for any interested party to challenge the environmental,determination-- under the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act could be significantly lengthened. y O Op_.port to the Planning Commission DATE: .JULY 12, 1999 SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 99-015, DESIGN REVIEW 99-014, AND TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 99-161 APPLICANT: GREGORY BENNETT, ARCHITECT 17581 IRVINE BLVD. SUITE 116 TUSTIN,-CA 92780 . PROPERTY OWNER:- PRESCOTT PROPERTIES, LLC- 18752 18752 E. If" STREET SANTA ANA, CA 92705 LOCATION: 1.45—165 EL CAMINO REAL = ZONING: 'CENTRAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT (C 2P); CULTURAL' RESOURCE -OVERLAY- DISTRICT; TOWN CENTER REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA ENVIRONMENTAL. STATUS: A- NEGATIVE' DECLARATION HAS BEEN PREPARED . IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA _ ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT'(CEQA) FOR THE PROPOSED 'DEVELOPMENT. . THE TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT PURSUANT. TO SECTION 15301, CLASS 15 OF,;THE. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT.. ; REQUEST: 1'. AUTHORIZATION-TO COMBINE THREE LOTS INTO ONE; 2. AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT A 10,71'6 SQUARE FOOT BUILDING; AND, 3. AUTHORIZATION TO ESTABLISH A MAIL ORDER USE AND APPLY A WAREHOUSE .AND INDUSTRY PARKING RATIO. RECOMMENDATION 1. Adopt Resolution, No_.3678 'tapproving the.ehvironmental' documentation, for-the project. - _y -Planning Commission Report CUP 99-015, DR 99-014, TPM 99-161 July 12, 1999 Page 2 2. Adopt Resolution No. 3679 recommending that the City Council approve Tentative Parcel Map'99-161. 3. Adopt Resolution No.-3682 approving Conditional Use Permit 99-015 and-Design Review 99-014. BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting approval to demolish the existing Ranch House cocktail bar and construct a 10,716' square foot,, two-story commercial building to accommodate two tenants; Acorn Naturalists and an office tenant. Acorn Naturalists is a mail-order company that sells environmental education materials. Proposed business operations include retail sales and processing and shipping catalog orders. No manufacturing will occur at this location. Site and Surrounding Properties The project site consists of three parcels located on the east side of EI Camino Real between First and Second Streets that are proposed to combined into one lot through a tentative parcel map (see Attachment A - Location Map). The Ranch House cocktail bar currently occupies the existing building located on the middle lot. The parking lot for the Ranch House is located on the lot to the north. The lot to the south is currently vacant. The lots are zoned Central Commercial (C-2) zoning district and are located within the Parking Overlay District (P), Culturai Resource Overlay District, and the Town Center Redevelopment Project Area. To the north is a single-family residence and to the south is a commercial structure and parking lot. The properties to the east and west are commercial. Discretionary Actions The discretionary actions requested in consideration of the project include the following: • Tentative Parcel Map 99-161 to recommend that the City Council approve the combination of three lots into one lot. • Conditional Use Permit 99-015 to determine whether a "mail-order" use is an appropriate use in accordance with Tustin City Code (TCC)-Section 9233(c)(t) and set forth appropriate off-street parking requirements for the "mail-order" use. Planning Commission Report CUP 99-015, DR 99-414, TPM 99-161 July 12, 1999 Page 3 • Design Review.99-014 to authorize site design, architecture, landscaping and other site amenities of the project (TCC Section 9272). Tentative Parcel Map 99-161 requires consideration and _ approval by the Planning Commission and City Council. Conditional Use Permit 99-015 requires consideration by the Planning Commission. Design Review 99-014 requires consideration by the Zoning Administrator since it is located within the Town Center Redevelopment Project Area. However,. the Zoning Administrator has referred the Design Review to the Planning Commission for concurrent consideration (TCC Section 9299b). The .applicant requested that this project be expedited. To accommodate this request, staff agreed to recommend conditions of approval'to rectify several outstanding issues and application deficiencies. The following discussion highlights revisions and conditions of approval that are recommended. DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS The following discussion addresses the tentative parcel map, site plan, floor plan, land use, access, circulation, parking, architecture, and landscaping. Tentative Parcel'Map To create a legal lot for the development, the applicant.is proposing to consolidate three existing parcels into one. The three existing parcels are each fifty (50) feet in width and 147 feet and 6 inches_ in depth. Combining these lots would create a .51 acre project site (see Attachment B). The tentative parcel map submitted, by the applicant does not include the minimum required information identified in the City's Subdivision Ordinance and the State Subdivision Map Act. However, to expedite the review process, Condition 1.2. of Resolution No. 3679 lists the information that is required 'to be included in a 'revised tentative parcel map prior to scheduling the map.for consideration by the City Council, issuance of building permits, or recordation of a final map. Site Plan and Floor Plan The proposed building would be locatedto the front of the site creating a pedestrian orientation along EI Camino Real (see Attachment G- Site Plan). The proposed parking. lot would be located to the side and -rear of the proposed building., A primary building, entrance and a secondary, entrance to a separate tenant office space would be located on. the south elevation and provide building access from the parking lot. A separate entrance to the mail order areas of the building would be located on the east, or rear, elevation. Planning Commission Report CUP 99-015, DR 99-014, TPM 99-161 July 12,1999 Page 4 • The dimensions and scale illustrated on the plans are not accurate. The width of the project site is shown as 152.52 feet and the depth is shown as 148.47. However, City records indicate that the combined width of the three lots would be 150 feet and the depth is 147 feet and 6 inches. Condition Nos. 2.1 and 2.2 have been included in Resolution 3682 to require the applicant to correct all discrepancies on the plans and comply with all City Code requirements such as minimum setbacks or revisions required by Resolution No. 3682. Condition No. 2.1 also states that if substantial changes result, the applicant may be required to obtain Planning Commission approval for a revision to the approved .plans. The floor plans proppse 5,655 square feet on the first floor and 5,061 square feet on the . second floor for a total of 10,716 square feet (Attachment D - Floor Plans). The first floor would include 2,704 square feet of mail-order processing area, 2,344 square feet of retail, and 607 square feet of rental office area with a separate entrance for a second tenant. The second floor would include 2,609 square feet of mail order and 2,452 square feet of office area. The proposed building is 76 feet wide and 76 feet and 8 inches in depth. Given that the project site is approximately 150 feet in. width and 147 feet in depth, the building would occupy approximately 50 percent of the width and depth of the lot. Land Use _ Use of portions of the building for a mail-order operation would require the Planning Commission to determine that this use is appropriate for and similar to other uses in the C- 2 zoning district through approval of Conditional Use Permit 99-015. The mail-order areas within the proposed building would be used to store and package inventory that is sold in the retail area and through the company's catalog. Merchandise shipping would involve daily pickup and deliveries by a carrier service such. as Federal Express or United Parcel Service. Similar uses in the C-2 zoning district include a variety of processing and assembling uses in which no hazardous materials or loud machinery are used such as florist shops, blue printing, job printing, seamstresses, and retail shops such as "Mail Boxes, Etc." which process and ship large quantities of mail items. The proposed mail-order use may be appropriate since it complements a retail component that encourages retail shopping In Old Town Tustin and does not involve hazardous materials or loud machinery or processing. Conditions 5.1 through 5.4 of Resolution No. 3682 are included to ensure the building is used as intended. Planning Commission Report CUP 99-015, DR 99-014, TPM.99-161 _ July 12, 1999 Page 5 Access & Circulation One point of vehicle access is proposed along EI Camino Real. A twenty five (25) foot wide, single lane drive aisle will provide access to the parking spaces. Primary pedestrian access to the building is provided from the parking lot along the south elevation. To accommodate vehicle-turnarounds and exiting from adjacent parking spaces, a three (3) foot backup area located at the end of the dead end of the parking lot would be required. Condition No. 6.3 is included in Resolution No. 3682 to require_ the applicant to revise the site plan to provide the back up area. The proposed site plan configuration will impact the existing shared driveway apron with the adjacent property to the south at 181 EI Camino Real. Although the plans do not show the location of the..shared driveway apron which extends across the property fine, the proposed parking lot area appears to eliminate a significant -portion of this existing driveway apron thereby eliminating access to the southerly property at 181 El Camino Real. Condition No. 1.5 in Resolution 3679 and Condition No. 6.2 in Resolution 3682 are included to require the applicant to reconstruct the driveway apron at 181 El Camino Real prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the new building. Parkin The Use Criteria 'for office development within the C-2 zoning district [TCC Section 9233e(1)] requires that a retail parking ratio be applied to the square footage on the first floor and an office parking ratio be applied to the second floor. Since the project is located within the Parking Overlay District, the retail parking ratio is 1 parking space for every 200 square feet and the office parking ratio is 1 parking space for every 300 square feet (TCC Section 9251(b)3(b). The applicant is requesting that the "warehouse and industry" parking ratio of one space for every 2000 square feet in the Combining Parking Overlay District be applied to the mail-order areas of the building. Staff recommends that a retail ratio be applied to the first floor and office and warehouselindustry'ratios be applied to the second floor as follows: 15t Floor Retail 5,655 sq.ft. @ 1:200 = 28.28 spaces 2nd Floor .Office 2,452 sq.ft. @ 1,:300 = 8.17 spaces 2nd Floor Mail Order/ 2,609 sq.ft. @ 1:2000= 1.3 spaces Warehousing 37.75 spaces Total: 10,716 s.f. 38 spaces Required _ 37 spaces Proposed Planning Commission Report CUP 99-015, DR 99-014, TPM 99-161 July 12, 1999 Page 6 . The proposed plan includes 37 off-street parking spaces including nine compact and two disabled parking spaces. Condition No. 5.1 of Resolution No. 3682 is included to require the applicant to provide 38 off-street parking spaces using the above ratios. Condition 5.4 is included to allow the Community Development ,Department -to monitor parking conditions and require the applicant to provide additional parking if a parking problem exists. To ensure that there is adequate parking if the proposed uses change, Condition No. 5.5 is included to require the property owner to record a deed restriction to maintain the proposed uses or provide additional off-street parking if more intensive uses are proposed to occupy the building. The City's Parking Lot Design Guidelines states that onlytwenty (20) percent of the total number of off-street spaces required shall be compact. It also states that one and one half compact spaces be provided for every standard parking space required. The plan deviates from the guidelines with nine (9) compact spaces which is 24 percent of the total number of spaces required and the total number-of spaces provided. Condition 5.1 limits the number of compact spaces to no more than of (7) spaces. Condition 2.1 requires the applicant to revise the plans accordingly. Architecture • Acorn Naturalists offers .products that are related to nature and the environment. The proposed architecture is a modem interpretation of traditional Craftsman architecture- which incorporates natural materials and colors and features horizontal elements such as large overhangs and multiple roofs (see Attachment E - Elevations). Although the proposed design is a craftsman concept, staff would recommend architectural modifications to refine the.proposal to ensure successful incorporation of traditional design elements and connection with the Old Town setting and (see Attachment F - Alternative Elevations): • The overall mass should be reduced, or separated, by incorporating smaller gables or hip roof elements on the front facade. • The articulation of details should be carried out on all four elevations. To create design consistency, the mansard roof, siding, and other detailing should be continued around the sides and rear elevations. This would eliminate the boxy appearance at the rear of the building and create a consistent, unified appearance. • More articulation of Craftsman detailing could be added to the building entrances, on the south elevation by installing two porches with stacked stone pilasters connected with a trellis or roof structure. Planning Commission Report CUP 99-015, DR 99-014, TPM 99-161 July 12, 1999 • Page 7 Condition 2.3 of Resolution No. 3682 is included to require the applicant to revise the elevations to be consistent with the Alternative Elevations in Attachment F. Landscaping The conceptual landscape plan includes five garden themes located on 16 percent of the lot, along the perimeter of the site (see Attachment G - Conceptual Landscaping Plan). The largest landscape areas are located in the northeast and southeast corners. The landscaping includes a variety of shrubs and ground cover intermixed with specimen trees. A total of six new trees are proposed which include a sycamore, a catalina ironwood, three western redbuds, and a coast live oak: A pond and wall,fountain is proposed in the front patio area of the building with aquatic plants. 'An additional pond with a fountain is proposed in the rear garden near the northeast comer of the site. Potted plants are proposed to be located along the'south facade of the building. Condition No. 2.11 is included to require the applicant to provide a foallandscape plan to the Community Development Department depicting size,,quantity, location and species of all plant materials and an irrigation plan prior to issuance of a building permit. Condition • No. 2.12 is included to require installation of a mature landscape screen along the north property line to provide a buffer between the proposed building and the adjacent residence. Condition 2.15 of Resolution No. 3682 is included to limit the depth of-the ponds to less than 24 inches or provide fencing for public safety. An existing six (6) foot perimeter wall is located along the north property line of the site. The Tustin City Code requires that a six (6) foot eight (8) inch high wall be required for a commercial site that is adjacent to a residence. Condition No. 2.17 is included to require that the wall height on the north side be increased to six (6) feet eight (8) inches. Condition Nos. 2.1.8. through 2.20 are included to minimize light and glare impacts to the surrounding properties including the residence to the north. The street trees on EI Camino Real are not depicted on the plans, but appear to impacted by the'proposed development. Condition No. 2.16 is included to require_the location of the existing street trees to be illustrated on the plans and, if the trees are to be removed, the proposed replacement trees -shall to be illustrated on the plans. The Public Works Department approves the location, size and species of all new street trees. ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION An Initial'• Study/Negative Declaration has been prepared in accordance.with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the proposed development (see Exhibit A of Resolution No. 3678). The .Initial Study/Negative Declaration discusses Planning Commission Report CUP 99-015, DR 99-014, TPM 99-161 , July"!2, 1999 - Page 8 • potential impact categories and includes zppropriate mitigation which have been included as Conditions of Approval in Resolution No. 3678. The Tentative Parcel. Map required to combine the three lots into one-lot is Categorically Exempt,(Class 15) pursuant to section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act. rte Lori A. Ludi Karen Peterson Associate Planner Acting Senior-Planner Attachments: A: Location Map B. Tentative Parcel Map 99-161 C Site Plan D. Floor Plan E. Elevations F. Alternative Elevations 'G. Landscaping Plan Resolution Nos. 3678, 3679, and 3682 . W II:cup99-015-7-12.doc _ - -- ATTACIDVIENT A - LOCATION MAP • • _ -LOCATION MAP/-,, /"` c ,V?qi4r r ;- mine- Ma 201 a ff-2 ll .+es sa 111] ,5B , - - _ w as 153 lolol J LL1 A� - �1❑ e o „_ e u5 ue w .5 uo: :1.] : 'gel - PJSIIN P!/IZF = ua. ,,]5 i3e, .,15 _ •+w pPFRTM_NT� ,3e c 1113 SolFIRST S I u] Ins + o � 191-•'•• '� I/eS � -T n - s ue 17a_: 5 I un 1 a �; +I s aj � PEPPER TREE l hu no: s T s ssa. PARK j jus ,soj us .us .� .__� �caa s,mu I ! me �_:� .. •• -J j `-- UCa 51. S"[ sm[CI m I L:�.-•� _—• x71:aa•+W xaoj I - nxtal I -xa Due a svo-x cexex,5-1 220-x., ,x :m' :ns x7o• ns 2X-]•I Izv-]v x�. I ♦euwls]e.noa I L -.--j �-�J Ls amuiNE 3_-- J L"---�,w,o smcC, '• _ _ ,ftlla WKET i — N1 w�j j ® I r,j Sooj r lar jl II „ �3_ 1 177s-zs • 310' ? 3'! y �• y �w-71 jj j 77a n• 3» J s 'Ss-Sa I .•� - nj' IAA 'luk Asa NO SCALE 5 ATTACHMENT B TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 99-161 i � er GENERAL N71LITIESINFORMATION VESTING TENTATIVE "`T CUTOiTwoYlnrOgeme.e PARCEL MAP 99-161 Tmq CLB910 ' I nu11n>ao0 3 �(1.E ay,lraua Fl[CTUC 11E•NI ' t.16-C tf.*EEye P.D.9.4w R—a CL L1iil I11U10117W I- = y ' 16ROOE d Tmtl.Lww mwDwWO V imSWC•C¢w _ Twn CL Li1m - 7 v,nrurso, 1e, - ,r IIMIC[ mep.uumTwlukem,o;a _ � O.eo 101.4 Ilor I n e i Fe.6s Yd.[,Ci 0210! 1 •. � O �•� � iTV n1,11L57411 ois i P.D. b.CdlsN.Go Carye.l 7 M.Iigr.LCA9116R C RIU6711751 I E� •CLLLI � � _ � ■ � V o n,grnavei � � � s r _cim .,ja •ILY i !� 1 EEOLtO[ffR"m T&L+-,N4 UT 4 1n411 a Ilk mLLwYawwlel�dtpnd iutlq�illm.tnuN/ IN Wr-11ca.*.lpgnladaYm.OKodlb,+esjnEolOntl Im Lam.,Ceaelt Ci}eE4 h ' 91 Msr •1 _ Tn4y —1.Mo . 11.419.•11 fe17r.lrhv Yufal ............. � U c Lx{'NNh Itl � L LW Ive-W -E.rt��NEW.. Ti[.>: I �a1TYMn. OA[1W ne err'(y7q a«.e,.. 1 I _ 1 1. r + ATTACHMENT C -SITE PLAN W^1 G! v�TIS•��Iw H+MFR pL� ---- - -- !i„A. - 11: IN,enely�Po _ 171�4-J 5'li-:GOa .n.....rnoo. N+UfvaN V.E3Iy0Fl u...,. r.o,ux eco DF�I c.� RASRiJ Fr.P.G.�'1{'171 .or.mnoo. ur.n - 1n0a.. vp"Cull, 'f VIN,N�q7.L$D (r41113a-�9vl 20.`/15 111 $pl t A Q ..ter a u. W&"X0,44reery I PST I .a,....... .�: W;PP O-A-S nVWJE s4�M ur 152 7 �� nR Kana 1043 N'�FMLt= r y ?a r fnJ�Ifnr1 VA yE(,Gi�'41 15 d htE 5a n`.Ff� L+�I•IFORNL'. ! -�- L I G C G G C�'I '4' C, 9M Y N , MO NiTEREY PAtK,Lh9115G _� i .G� JRE� �� 1IIS G3k-aL51 /G Il P.LE �II N a.1 G3f,'6�yTREEfl+`I� 21,521 171 3� 121 Tllblihl�c{�gLL6D f11+)wal—a9�1�- ry q y I eT I Z � I A/c CY v] hl f-1GI�-C'i r�Nl I�7' ' r I, �Phlzl4lS�SC� 1-0'� _ DIfIEl�Lll��j. Pw�ro5s7G41 I� 'Y m i Iu '`� i a [E-I f e I cb Wr'+ LI-K(F-XJS-f1P4ca) lit UE44 PFLIYF,1C4 P4 GhMIWo I_ OQ a . I Of'Jr.�Pt: ITE PLAN e~ncltJ �L.P.N h(i L f 1 Ip a ATTACHMENT D FLOOR PLANS P • I C.!oI 20+ k+ca 4kl s1AT1 lol --- -- IL c --� TT n_ I j a -- {n AI 1 D m � �Z o II m p 3'll�d � 91Lj! �I �Lr, Z'LIGI _ Ll El e — 51bd !4� Iyl r;1 ql �IGi kl`d . Ipl �I 51 3"lial ILII z°116I 'IGI 81 • 1 - Y - c ; N ' m! B E N N E T TARCHITECTS AC.02N NP�T� L;STS y QMP119m.)fMpN]I]um F - ' f L 10 GGI IoI 161yr k1c� }gl ,lieu ql ql ,; - 1 79 i - C a � Z 1- - -t141 5 4 j .,+�j ZI Zli 62 a o n � r IL.- C 1 — o— _ s 0 _ rn N - a • glgl 6I 61 IoIG yG+ olGr 41Lr , IOI , 5 Ide" 151 I . ���111 IoI GL 8 " 1 ' o-� BENNETT r A�2N gyp,-rl) Lls"i"5 ' � ii ATTACHNIENT E ELEVATIONS/ROOF PLAN - • a ILE f � a Lm • 4 b -- T 1 - Y IL o `= B E N N E T T �,GO�i1 tfp,��i2��15T5 = N • a tARCHITECTS„„�„ I55ti cMlNO � T��,?lJS-�1N Com, - ' t.='-• mrorwirW xv,anPuctrw pj uuag Al Sl n� 7Z y a I Lu a _ki'l �r �T itNis,, ' Q a ul ! ! _ L UA �F7� tti J[ -meq i - s - a V 20 C 5d],r dP FL.RT Povr s ( ° Z � •� aL F-Adl2 MING MLohl ToP PeF GhY ��. 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To �5,Ide • I i i sNo!1��r�"t� z�nab }.�� �n a NC� • az I W l rll W �-�- � ATTACHMENT G CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPING PLAN ig i4ji & p c z C y E _ I g n �lcculo .. p TE � - r F.ygn ACORN NATCTRAI;IST BENNETT CONCEPTUAL EL CA-MINO REAL ARCHITECTS 9 ` LANDSCAPE PLAN TUSTIN CALIFORNIA E'�II��:r6+'s g RESOLUTION NO. 3678 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION- OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA,-RECOMMENDING'THAT THE 3 CITY COUNCIL ADOPT'THE FINAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION 4 AS ADEQUATE FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 99-015 AND DESIGN REVIEW 99-014 AS REQUIRED BY THE CALIFORNIA 5- ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY.ACT. - 6 The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: 7 I. The Planning Commission finds and determines as follows: s A. That Conditional Use Permit 99-015 and Design Review 99-014 are considered "projects" pursuant -to .the California Environmental 91 Quality Act; and . 10 = B. An Initial Study/Negative beclaration bias" been prepared in. accordance with the California Environmental iQuality Act for this 11 project and has been distributed for public review. ' 12 • C. The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin has considered. 13 evidence presented by the Community Development Director and - other interested parties with ' respect to the subject. Initial 14 Study/Negative Declaration. 1-5 D. The Planning Commission has evaluated the proposed Initial Study/Negative.Declaration and determined that the project would 16. not have a significant effect on the environment. _ 17 II. The Final NegativeDeclaration contained in Exhibit A has.been completed - in compliance with CEQA and-State guidelines. The Planning Commission 1s has received and- considered the information contained in the- Final 19 - Negative Declaration prior to recommending approval' of -the•,proposed - project,and finds that it adequately discusses the environmental effects of 20 the proposed project and that there is no substantial evidence that.the project will have a significant effect on the environment. 21 PASSED AND ADOPTED at .a regular meeting of the ' Tustin - Planning 22 Commission, held on the 12th day of July, 1999. 23 24 25 = LESLIE A. PONTIOUS 26 Chairperson' 270 28 ELIZABETH A. BINSACK. - Planning Commission Secretary. 29 _ 1 -Resolution No.3678 =' 'CUP 99-015,DR 99-014 _1 Page-2 - 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) - COUNTY,OF ORANGE } ' 3 CITY OF TUSTIN } 5 I, ELIZABETH A. BINSACK, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Planning Commission Secretary of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. 3678 6 Was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, held on the 12th day of July, 1999. 7 9 10 ELIZABETH A. BINSACK 11 Planning Commission Secretary ' 12 13 14 15 16 r- 17 20 21 22 ; 23 ?R. 25 _ 26 - 27 • . _ 28 29 • ♦� COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT GS� 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA.92780 (714)573-3100 NEGATIVE DECLARATION Project Title:Conditional Use Permit 99-015 &Design Review 99-014 Project Location:145465 El Camino Real - - Project Description:Construction of a 14,716 square foot,two-story building.at 145=165 El Camino Real. The proposed occupant is a"mail-order" use.-The property is zoned Central Commercil C-2(P) and iodated within the parking overlay district. The property is also located within the Town Center Redevelopment Pian Area. Project Proponent:John and Mary Prescott,,18752 E. 17th Street, Santa Ana, CA 92705 Lead Agency Contact Person:Lori Ludi Telephone:(714) 573-3127 he Community Development Department has conducted an Initial Study for the above project in accordance 'th the City of Tustin's procedures regarding implementation of the California Environmental.Quality Act, d on the basis*of that study hereby finds: ❑ That there is no substantial•'evidence that the project-may have a significant effect on the environment. ® That potential significant effects were identified,but revisions have been included in the project plans _ and agreed to by the applicant that would avoid or mitigate the e5icts to a point where clearly no_ significant•effects would occur. Said Mitigation Measures are included in Attachment A of the Initial Study:which is attached-hereto and incorporated herein. , Therefore, the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not required. The Initial Study which_provides the basis for this determination is attached and is on file at the Community Development'Department, City of Tustin. The public-is invited to'comment on the appropriateness of this Negative Declaration during the review period,which begins with the public notice of Negative Declaration and extends for twenty(20) calendar•days. Upon review by the Community Development Director,this review. period maybe extended if.deemed necessary: REVIEW PERIOD-ENDS 4:00-P.M.-ON JULY 12,499 9. Date F •O' i - 'Elizabetli A. Binsack' Community Development Diiector ` ' B. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least o impact that is a"Potentially Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist in Section D below. Land Use and Planning Hazards []Population and Housing Noise EGeological Problems []Public Services Water Utilities and Service Systems. Air Quality Aesthetics Transportation& Circulation FICultural Resources Biological Resources []Recreation QEnergy and Mineral Resources Mandatory Findings of Significance -C. DETERMINATION: On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. ® I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment,there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. I find that the proposed project MAY have a sigiiificanf effect(s) on the environment, but at least one effect 1) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets, if the effect is a"Potentially Significant Impact" or"Potentially Significant Unless Mitigated." An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment,there WILL NOT be a significant effect in this case because all potentially significant effects 1) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR pursuant to applicable standards, and 2)have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier E_ IR, including revisions or mitigation measures that are-imposed upon the proposed project. I find that although the proposed.project could have a significant effect on the environment,there WILL NOT be a significant effect in this case because all potentially significant effects .1) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier NEGATIVE DECLARATION pursuant to applicable standards, and 2) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier NEGATIVE DECLARATION, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project. 1l.. PrepareryWMZK kA�� TitlePAV1AWS1VAt\re 1W) n� gra • fJ�G,auv— Date at - --Elizabeth A. Binsack, Community Development Director COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 300 Centennial Wary, Tustin; CA 92780 - (714) 573-3100 INITIAL--STUDY A. BACKGROUND - Project Title: Conditional Use Permit 99-015 & Design Review 99-014 Lead Agency: City of Tustin 300 Centennial,Way , Tustin, California 92780 - Lead Agency Contact Person: Lori Ludi Phone: (714) 573-312T .Project Location: 145-165 EI Camino Real Project Sponsor's Name and Address: John and Mary Prescott 18752 E. 17th Street Santa'Ana, CA 92705 General Plan Designation: - Old Town-Commercial Zoning Designation: Central Commercial District C-2(P) with.Parking Overlay District - --Project Description: Construction-of a, 10,716 square foot, twostory-build ng.at 145-165 EI Camino Real. The proposed occupant is a "maikorder" use. Surrounding Uses: North: Residential East: Commercial' Y South: Commercial West: Commercial ry Other public agencies whose approval is required: Orange County Fire Authority -,City of Irvine [] Orange County Health'Care Agency' E City of Santa Ana . South COast-Air Quality.Management 0 , =Orange County.' _ District - - EMA - Other, D. EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Directions • 1) A brief explanation is required for all answers except"No Impact"answers that are adequately supported by the information sources a Iead agency cites in the parentheses following each question. A•"No Impact"answer is adequately supported if the referenced information sources show that the impact simply does not apply to projects like the one involved(e.g.,the project falls outside a fault rupture zone). A"No Impact'answer should be explained where it is based on project-specific factors and general standards(e.g.,the project will not expose sensitive receptors to pollutants,based on a project-specific screening analysis). 2) All answers must take into account the whole action involved,including off-site,on-site,cumulative project level, ' indirect,direct,construction,and operational impacts. 3) Once the lead agency has determined that a particular physical impact may occur,then the checklist answers must indicate whether the impact is potcntiaily significant,less than significant with mitigation,or less than significant. "Potentially Significant Impact"is appropriate if there is substantial evidence that an effect may be significant. If there are one or more"Potentially Significant Impact"entries when the determination is made,and EIR is -required. - - 4) "Negative Declaration: Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated"applies where the incorporation of mitigation measures has reduced an effect from"Potentially Significant Impact"to a"Less than Significant Impact." The lead agency must describe the mitigation measures,and briefly explain how they reduce the effect to a less than significant level(mitigation measures from Section XVII,`Earlier Analyses,"may be cross- referenced). 5) Earlier analyses may be used where,pursuant to the tiering,program EIR, or other CEQA process,an effect has been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration. Section 15063 (c)(3)(D). In this case, a bri4e discussion should identify the following: a) Earlier Analysis Used. Identify and state where they are available for review. b) Impacts Adequately Addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist were within the scope of and adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards,and state whether such effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis. c) Mitigation Measures. For effects that are"Less than Significant with Mitigation Measures Incorporated," describe the mitigation measures which,were incorporated or refined from the earlier document and the extent to which they address site-specific conditions for the project. 6) Lead agencies are encouraged to incorporate into the checklist references to information sources for potential impacts(e.g., general plans,zoning ordinances). Reference to a previously prepared or outside document should, where appropriate,include a reference to the page or pages where the statement is substantiated. 7) Supporting Information Sources: A source list should be attached,and other sources used or individuals contacted should be cited in the discussion. S) This is only a suggested form,and lead agencies are free to use different formats;however, Iead agencies normally address the questions from this checklist that are relevant to a project's environmental effects in whatever format is selected. .9) The explanation of each issue should identify:, • a) the significance criteria or thresho Id,if any,used to evaluate each question;and, b) the mitigation measure identified,if any,to reduce the impact to less than significance. EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS - Less Than = - ,Significant' Potentially With -=, Less Than I Significant Mitigation, Significant _ AESTHETICS-Would the project: Impact Incorporation Impact -No lmpact`- a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? ❑ ❑, ❑ f b) Substantially damage scenic resources,including,but not limited to,trees;rock outcroppings,and historic.buildings within a state scenic highway? ❑ ° ❑ ❑ c) Substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site and its surroundings? ❑' ® - ❑ ❑ d) Create a new source of substantial light or glare which would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area? ❑ ®, ❑ '❑ H. AGRICULTURE RESOURCES: Iddetermining - whether impacts to agricultural resources are significant °5 - environmental effects,lead agencies may refer to the California Agricultural Land Evaluation and Site Assessment Model(1997)prepared by the California Dept.of Conservation as an optional model to use in assessing impacts ' on agriculture and farmland. Would the project: a) Convert Prime Farmland,Unique Farmland,or Farmland of Statewide Importance(Farmland),as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring - ogram of the California Resources Agency,to non- cultural use? '❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ b) Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use,or.a Williamson Act contract? ❑ ❑ ❑ c) Involve other changes in the existing environment which, due to their location or nature,could result in conversion--of Farmland;to non-agricultural use? ❑ ❑ ❑ _ III. AIR OUALITY: Where available,the significance criteria established by the applicable air quality management or air pollution control district may be relied upon to make the _ following determinations..Would the project: a). Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable- air quality.plan? El ❑ ❑ b) Violate any air qualitystandard-orcontribute substantially to an existing or projected'air qualityvioIation? ❑ ® ❑ ❑ c) Result-in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant fdr which the project`region is non-_ attainm_ent.under an applicable federal or state'ambient air _ quality standard(including releasing emissions which exceed . quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors)? ❑ ❑. `~ ❑ 0 Expose sensitive receptors toaubstantial pollutant ncentrationsT ❑ ❑ •' ❑ e) Create,objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of people? - - - - -- =. . .— ❑ __E], - -- ❑_ _ Less Than Significant Potentially With .Less Than Significant Mitigation. Significant IV. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES:-WouId the project: Impact Incorporation Impact No Impaci a) Have a substantial adverse effect,either directly or through habitat modifications,on any species identified as a candidate,sensitive,or special status species in local or regional plans,policies,or regulations,or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service? ❑ ❑ ❑ b) Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian habitat or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans,policies,regulations or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service? ❑ ❑ ❑ c) Have a substantial adverse effect on federaIIy protected -wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (including,but not limited to,marsh,vernal pool,coastal,etc.) through direct removal,filling,hydrological interruption,or other means? ❑ ❑ ❑ d) Interfere substantially with the movement of any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors,or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites? [] ❑ �] e) Conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources,such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance? ❑ — f) Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan,Natural Community Conservation Plan,or - other approved.local,regional,or state habitat conservation plan? ❑ ❑ ❑ V. CULTURAL RESOURCES:-Would the project: a) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource as defined in§ 15064.5? ❑ ❑ [] b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological resource pursuant to § 15064.5? ❑ El 11 c) Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geologic feature? []; ❑ ❑ d) Disturb any human remains,including those interred outside of formal cemeteries? ❑ VI. GEOLOGY AND SOILS: -Would the project: a) Expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects,including the risk of loss,injury,or death involving: Less Than Significant . ` Potentially With Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant Impact Incorporation Impact No Impact i Rupture of a known earthquake fault,as delineated on the most recent Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on other substantial evidence of a known fault? Refer to Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication 42. ® ❑ ii) Strong seismic ground shaking? ❑ ® ❑ ❑ iii) Seismic-related ground failure,including liquefaction? ® El ❑ iv) Landslides? ❑ ❑ ❑ b) Result insubstantial soil.erosion or the loss of topsoil? ❑ ® ❑ ❑ c) -Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable,or- that would become unstable as a result of the project, and potentially result in on-or off-site landslide,lateral spreading, subsidence, liquefaction or collapse? ❑ ❑ ❑ d) Be located on expansive soil,as defined in Table 18-1-B of the Uniform Building Code(1994),creating substantial risks to life or property? ❑ 11 ❑ e) Have soils incapable of adequately supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative waste water disposal systems where •vers are not available for the disposal of waste water? ❑ 0 [] VII.HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: - Would the project: a). Createa significant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport,use,or disposal of hazardous materials? C1 [] b) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment? ❑ ❑ ❑ E c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials,substances, or waste within one-quarter mile of an existing or proposed school'. ❑ [] d) Be located on a site which is included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 and,as a result,would it create a _ significant hazard to the public or the environment? ❑ ❑ [] e) Fora project located within an airport land use plan or, ,djere such a plan has not been adopted,within two miles of a is airport or public use airport,would the project result in fety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? ❑ ❑ ❑ f) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the-project result in a safety hazard for people residing-- or esiding or working in the project area? [] Less Than Significant Potentially With Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant g) Impair implementation of or physically interfere with an Impact Incorporation Impact No Impact adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? ❑ ❑ ❑ h) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving wildland fires,including where wildlands are adjacent to urbanized areas or where residences are intermixed with wildlands? ❑ ❑ ❑ VIII. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY: --Would the project: a) Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements? ❑ ❑ ❑ b) Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such that there would " be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a Iowering of the local groundwater table level(e.g.,the production rate of pre- existing nearby wells would drop to a IeveI which would not support existing land uses or planned uses for which pdrinits have been granted)? ❑ C) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area,including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river,in a manner which would result in substantial erosion.or siltation on-or off-site? ❑ ❑ ❑ ® • d) Substantially alter the exisiing drainage pattern of the site or area,including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river,or substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner which would result in flooding on- or off-site? A ❑ ❑ ❑ e) Create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff? ❑ ❑ ❑ f) Otherwise substantially degrade water quality? ❑ ❑ ❑ g) Place housing within a 100-year flood hazard area as mapped on a federal Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map or other flood hazard delineation map? ❑ h) PIace within a 100-year flood hazard area structures which would impede or redirect flood flows? ❑ ❑' ❑ i) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving flooding asa result.of the failure of a levee or dam? ❑ j) Inundation by seiche,tsunami,or mudflow? ❑ ❑ IX. LAND USE AND PLANNING—Would the project: • a) Physically divide an established community? ❑ ❑ Less Than - Significant Potentially With Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant *b) Conflict with any applicable land use plan,policy,or Impact Incorporation Impact No Impact regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the project (including,but not Iimited to the general plan,specific plan, local coastal program,or zoning ordinance)adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect? El c) Conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan or- natural community conservation plan? ❑ El - X. NM4ERAL RESOURCES—Would the project: a) Result in the Loss of availability of a]mown mineral resource that would be of value to the region and the residents of the state? E El ® ' b) Result in the loss of availability of a locally-important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general - plan,specific plan or other land use plan? El El E XI. NOISE— Would the project result in: a) Exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in cess of standards established in the local general plan or ise ordinance,or applicable standards of other agencies? El F-1 El b). Exposure of persons to or generation of excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels? ❑ - c) A substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in theproject vicinity above levels existing without the project? El d) A substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? e) For a project Iocated within an airport Iand use plan or, 1 where such a plan has not been adopted,within two miles of a public airport or public use airport,would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? w f) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excess noise levels? El El XILPOPULATION AND HOUSING—Would the project: Induce substantial population growth in an area,either ectly(for example,by proposing new homes and finesses)or indirectly(for example,through extension of roads or other infrastructure)? El b) Displace substantial numbers of existing housing, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? Less Than Significant Potentially With Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant Impact Incorporation Impact No Impact c) Displace substantial numbers of people,necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? 0 11 XIII. PUBLIC SERVICES a) Would the project result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities,need for new or physically altered governmental facilities,the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios,response times or other performance objectives for any of the public services: Fire protection? ® ` Police protection? ❑ ❑ ❑ Schools? [] El Parks? 0 El E Other public facilities? [l 1 XIV. RECREATION— a) Would the project increase the use of existing neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the facility would occur or be accelerated? 0 El b) Does the project include recreational facilities or require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities which might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? XV.TRANSPORTATION/TRAFFIC—Would the project: a) Cause an increase in traffic which is substantial in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system (i.e.result in a substantial increase in either the number of vehicle trips,the volume to capacity ratio on roads,or congestion at intersections)? _ [� ® ❑ p b) Exceed,either individually or cumulatively,a level of service standard established by the county congestion management agency for designated'roads or highways? ❑ c) Result in a change in air traffic patterns,including either an increase in traffic Ievels ora change in location that results _ in substantial safety risks? ❑ ® _ d) Substantially increase hazards due to a design feature(e.g. sharp curves or dangerous intersections)or incompatible uses (e.g.,farm equipment)? e) Result in inadequate emergency access? _ El El f) Result in inadequate parking capacity? El _ Less Than Significant. Potentially With Less Than Significant Mitigation;` Significant Impact, Incorporation Impact No Impact g) Conflict with adopted policies,plans,or programs supporting alternative transportation(e.g.,bus turnouts, bicycle racks)? El ❑ ❑ XVI. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS— Would the project: a) Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the' applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board? ❑ ❑ ;® b). Require or result in the construction of new water or wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of existing facilities,the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? E1 ,_ ❑ . 21 c) ,Require or result in the.construction of new storm+water drainage facilities or expansion of existing facilities,the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? ❑ 0 ❑- d) Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project from existing entitlements and resources,or are new or expanded entitlements needed? ❑. ❑ Result in a determination by the wastewater treatment ' provider which serves or may serve the project that it has adequate capacity to serve the project's projected demand in - addition to the provider's existing commitments? ❑ ❑ f) Be served by a landfill with sufficient permitted capacity 1 to accommodate the project's solid waste disposal needs? ❑ ❑ ❑ g) `Comply with federal,state,.and local statutesand regulations related to-solid waste? ❑ ❑ ❑ 4 XVII.MANDATORY FINDINGS,OF-SIGNIFICANCE a) Does,the project have the potential to degrade the quality',-,• „ of the environment,substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species,cause a fish or wildlife:population to drop below self-sustaining levels,threaten to eliminate a plant or. animal community,reduce the number or restrict the range of- .a rare.or endangered plant or animal or-eliminate important examples'of the major periods.of California history or prehistory? _ 77 ❑ ' ❑: ❑ v ID b) .Does the projecthave impacts,that are individually-- limited,but cumulativelyconsiderable?`("Cumulatively considerable"means that the incremental;effects of a project,gl e considerable when viewed mn connection with the effects ast projects,the effects of other-current projects,and the ; ,.acts of probable future projects)? ❑ ❑ c) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings,either directly or indirectly? - ❑ ;, —❑ -� C ATTACHMENT A EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 99-01.5 &DESIGN REVIEW 99-014 BACKGROUND The project site is three 7,375 square foot parcels, totaling 22,125 square feet, located at 145-165 El Camino Real, on the east side of El Camino Real between First Street and Second Street. The northerly parcel is currently developed as a parking lot servicing the building that is developed on the middle parcel. The existing building developed on the middle parcel is a cocktail bar. The southerly parcel is currently vacant. The area in which the project site is located is surrounded by developed residential and commercial uses. The project site is located in the Central Commercial C-2(P) Parking Overlay District and the Town Center Redevelopment Project Area. The current use of this building is a cocktail bar that serves alcoholic beverages for on-site consumption The proposed project involves the demolition of the existing parking lot and building and construction of a two-story office building owned by Prescott Properties, including the following: 1.) A 10,716 square foot two-story commercial building • 2.) The proposed occupant is a"mail-order"use business. 3.) Construction of landscape planters, trash enclosure and paved surface for circulation and parking. 1. AESTHETICS Items a&b—No Impact: ;The project site is not located on a scenic highway nor does it affect a scenic vista. Items c &d—Less Than Significant with Mitigation Inco oration: The proposed project will establish a new commercial building. The building has been designed to complement the surrounding architectural styles of existing buildings within the Old Town area. Over 16% of the site is proposed to be landscaping. Lighting on the site is required to be directed on-site and the exterior lighting is limited to 10 feet in height to avoid glare on adjacent arterials and properties. With the implementation of the mitigation measure and the conditions of approval, impacts related to aesthetics will be reduced to a level of insignificance. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: • The applicant shall provide details of-all proposed, lighting fixtures and a photometric study showing the location and anticipated distribution pattern of_. light of all proposed fixtures. All new light fixtures shall be designed with the architecture of the building. " All -exterior lighting shall be designed and arranged as not to direct light or glare onto adjacent properties, including the adjacent stzeets. All lighting shall be developed to provide a minimum of one (1) footcandle of light"coverage;in accordancewith the City's Security Code. • The site shall be landscaped'consistent with the City's Landscaping and Irrigation Guidelines. Landscaping shall consist of a combination of berming and sufficient numbers of shrubs and trees to' provide adequate screening, subject to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. Exterior lighting shall not exceed 10 feet in height., Sources: Project Application Tustin Security Code 2. ' AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES Items a.b &c. No Impact: Theproposed project will be located on three existing parcels within an area that is currently developed. The northerly parcel is developed with a parking lot that services the building, located on the middle parcel, which is a cocktail bar establishment. No impacts will occur to any agricultural uses or farmland. ;Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required Sources: Tustin General Plan 3.' AIR QUALITY " Item b — Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporation: Short and long-term emissions associated with, demolition of the existing, building,. grading, and the ; construction of the:proposed'building.and site amenities are subject to regulation by the South Coast.Air,Quality Management District arid the City of Tustin Grading Manual,which includes requirements for dust control. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: - - - • All construction activity,shall comply with,the requireriients of the City Tustin Grading Manual which requires frequent watering of theproject site to control dust. 145-165 El Camino.,Real-Initial Study Attachment A - _. : Page 2 of 10' ' ry Items a, c, d & e—No Impact: The relatively small magnitude of the project does not have the capacity to create a net increase of any criteria pollutant, expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrates, or create objectionable odors. With implementation of the above mitigation measures and conditions of approval that requires the applicant to conduct grading activities in compliance with the City of Tustin Grading Manual and obtain all necessary approvals and permits from the SCAQMD and the City of Tustin, any potential impacts related to air quality will be reduced to a Ievel of insignificance. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required Sources: South Coast Air Quality Management District Rules &Regulations City of Tustin Grading Manual Project Application Field Inspection 4. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Items a,b, c, d. e & f—No Impact: The proposed project will establish a new commercial building in three parcels that were previously developed. No impacts will occur to endangered, threatened or rare species or habitats, locally designated species or natural communities, or wildlife dispersal or migration corridors. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required Sources: Field Inspection Tustin General Plan 5. CULTURAL RESOURCES Items a, b, c & d—No Impact:_The proposed project involves demolition of an older commercial structure that is not listed on the City's Historical Resources Survey and construction of a two-story office building on three parcels. The northern and middle parcels are currently developed as a cocktail bar and parking lot. The third parcel is vacant, but was previously developed. No impacts to paleontological, archaeological, historical, religious resources, or disturbing of any human remains,will occur. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required Sources: Tustin General Plan 6. GEOLOGY& SOILS - 145-165 El Camino Real-Initial Study Attachment A Page 3 of 10 Items a-i a-ii a-iii &b—Less Than Significant with Mitigation Inco oration: The topography of the site is relatively flat and would require minor precise grading activity'to prepare the site for new construction. Compliance with current codes will ensure that the design and construction of the proposed project reduces any potential impacts related to fault ruptures, ground shaking, ground failure, liquefaction or unstable soils to a level of insignificance. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: • All grading, drainage, vegetation and circulation shall comply with the City of Tustin Grading Manual. All construction activity shall comply with the Tustin Grading Manual which requires frequent watering of the project site to control dust. All street sections, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, lighting and storm drain shall comply with on-site improvement standards. Any deviations shall be brought to the attention of the Building Official and request for approval shall be submitted in writing prior to any approval. Items a-iv._c,d & e—No Impact: The project site is not located within an area that is subject to seiche, tsunami, volcanic hazards, landslides, or mudflows; erosion, subsidence, or expansive soils. No unique geological or physical features are present within the area. With implementation of a condition of approval that requires the applicant to obtain • all necessary approvals from the Community Development Department, the project design and construction will reduce potential impacts to a level of insignificance. Sources: Tustin General Plan - _ - - - - City of Tustin Grading.Manual T Uniform Building Code Project Application FieldEvaluation 7. HAZARDS & HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Items a,b, c, d, e; f g &_h=No Impact: The proposed project will not create a significant hazard-through the handling of hazardous materials and will not foreseeably involve the . accidental release of hazardous materials into the environment. The proposed project is more-than a quarter of a mile of an existing or any proposed school sites. _The project site is not located within a airport land use plan or within two miles of a public orprivate airport.- The proposed project does not 'interfere with any evacuation plans or emergency response plans. The project site is not within a wildland area, and would not expose individuals or structures to the hazards of wildland fires. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required. Sources: Tustin General Plan 145-165 El Camino Real-Initial Study Attachment A, - - Page 4 of 10 Orange County Fire Authority Orange County Health Care Agency S. HYDROLOGY &WATER QUALITY Items a,b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i &j—No Impact: The project does not violate water quality standards or waste discharge requirements. It will not expose people or property to water related hazards such as flooding and erosion and will not change the course or direction of waters movements or affect the quantity and quality of groundwaters Sources: Tustin General Plan City,of Tustin Grading Manual Public Works Department Orange County Health Care Agency Project Application 9. LAND USE PLANNING Items a,b & c—No Impact: The proposed project consists of demolishing an existing parking Jot and cocktail bar and constructing a two-story commercial building for a "mail-order" commercial business. The site is designated Old Town Commercial by the General Plan Land Use Map and is zoned Central Commercial- Parking (C-2 P). - 0 The proposed project is similar to and compatible with other commercial uses in the vicinity and is located on three parcels which will be combined into one parcel ` through the recordation of a parcel map. The project will not divide or disrupt the area. The proposed project is not anticipated to-impact land use or planning. Mitigation Measures: • A deed restriction shall be provided after the recordation of the parcel map to ensure that the proposed uses are maintained or that additional off-street parking be provided in the future if amore intensive use proposed to occupy the building. A draft deed restriction agreement shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review prior to recordation. Evidence of recordation shall be provided to the Community Development Department prior to the issuance of building permits. • The deed restriction shall not be removed without the written approval from the City. • Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the-Tentative Parcel Map shall be approved by the'City Council to combine the three existing lots into one legal lot. Sources: Tustin General Plan . 145-165 El Camino Real-Initial Study Attachment A ` Page 5 of 10 Tustin Zoning Code - Project Application Field Evaluation 10. MINERAL RESOURCES Items a&b—No Impact: The construction and operation of the facility will not use nonrenewable resources in a wasteful or inefficient manner. There are no known mineral resources located on the project site. . Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required Sources: Tustin General Plan 11. NOISE Items c & d—Less Than Significant with Mitigation Incorporation: With respect to short-term noise impacts associated with construction, all construction will be required to conform to the Noise Ordinance and work may only be performed during permitted hours of construction. As such, short term noise impacts will be mitigated to a level of insignificance'. No significant increase in long term noise impacts associated with generation of vehicular traffic is anticipated. Operations of the facility will be required to conform to the Noise Ordinance. Long-term operational noise will be reduced to a level of insignificance through compliance with the Noise Ordinance. With implementation of the above mitigation measures and conditions of approval, potential noise impacts are reduced to a level of insignificance. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: All construction operations, including engine warm-up and deliveries of materials and equipment, shall be subject to the provisions of the Tustin Noise Ordinance and shall take place only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 pm., Monday through Friday, and between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on. Saturday,unless otherwise determined by the Building Official/ • Construction hours shall be clearly posted on the project site to.the satisfaction of the Building Official. 145-165 El Camino Real-Initial Study Attachment A Page 6 of 10 } • Any roof top equipment, including vents and exhausts shall comply with the City of Tustin Noise Ordinance and shall be installed with architecturally compatible screening to insure the equipment is not visible from public right- of-way view. Items a,b, e& f---No Impact: The project site is not located within an airport land use plan or within two miles of a public or private airport. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required. Sources: Tustin General Plan Noise Ordinance Project Application 12. POPULATION & HOUSING Items a,b & c—No Impact: The proposed project is located on a site that currently is developed as a cocktail bar and is surrounded by existing residential and commercial uses. The proposed project would not result in any direct increase in population nor induce substantial growth in the area. No impacts related to population'or housing are anticipated. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required Sources: Tustin General Plan Project Application Field Evaluation 13. PUBLIC SERVICES _Item a—No Impact: The pioject site and surrounding commercial properties are currently subject to fire and police protection. No additional resources are required to maintain these existing service levels. The proposed project will not create additional services,related to maintenance of public facilities, including roads. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required Sources: Tustin Police Department Orange County Fire Authority Tustin Public Works Department 14. RECREATION - Items a&b—No,hp act: The proposed reconstruction of an existing service station would not affect existing facilities nor create a demand for recreational facilities. 145-165 El Camino Real-Initial Study Attachment A Page 7 of IO Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required Sources: Tustin General Plan Project Application 15. TRANSPORTATION/TRAFFIC Item a —Less Than Significant Impact: The City's Traffic Engineer has reviewed the proposed project and found that the project, as compared to existing development, will not result in an increase in traffic. The project is located within area "A" of the Transportation System Improvement Program (TSIP) which requires the payment of fees intended to mitigate traffic impacts within the Benefit Areas. Mitigation Measures • Transportation System Improvement (TSIP), Benefit Area "A" fees in the amount of$5.53 per square foot of new or added gross square floor area of construction or improvements submitted to the Community Development Department. Items b, c. d, e,_& g—No Impact: The level of service shall not be impacted by the project. The project does not involve air traffic patterns or the creation of new roads. Mitigation Measures/Monitoring.Required: None Required Item.f—Less Than Significant Impact: The off-street parking required for the mail order use has been determined by the Planning Commission to be in accordance with the City Code. The off-street parking requirements for retail and office-uses-shall be required to comply with the Tustin City Code. A condition of approval is incorporated into the project that requires off-street parking for office and retail uses that is in compliance with the City Code. Mitigation Measures • A minimum of thirty-eight (38) off-street parking spaces shall be provided based on the following requirements: a. One (1) parking space shall be provided for every 200 square feet of gross floor area located on the-first floor. b. One.(i) parking space shall be provided for every 300 square feet of gross floor area designated for office use on the second floor. C. One (1) parking space shall be provided for every 2000 square feet of gross floor area designated for mail order use on the second • _ floor. - 145-165 El Camino Real-Initial Study Attachment A Page-8 of 10 t No more than 20 percent of the 38 off-street parking spaces, or 7 spaces, S may be compact spaces (less than ten feet in length by 9 feet in width). • No more than 2,704 sgaure feet of mail order use shall.be located on the first floor and no more than 2,609 square feet of mail order use shall be located on the second floor. A minimum of 2,344 square feet of.retail use shall be located on the first floor. Any modifications to this allocation of uses may be considered by the Community Development Department if sufficient on-site parking is provided or off-site parking is secured by the applicant or property owner. • No manufacturing may occur on the premises. Sources: Tustin General Plan Project Application Tustin Public-Works/Traffic Engineer 16. UTILITIES & SERVICE SYSTEMS Items a,b, c, d, e, f& g—No impact: The proposed facility will be connected to existing utilities and service systems in the area. No' substantial alterations to any utilities will be required. Sources: Tustin Public Works Department Field Inspection -- Mitigation Measures/Monitoring Required: None Required 17. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE Items a,b &c—No Impact: The proposed project is the construction of a two- story- office building. The previous development on the site was a cocktail bar establishment. The project design, construction and operation will comply with the regulations of the Community Development Department, Air Quality Management District, and Orange County Fire Authority which reduces any potential impacts related to geological problems, water quality, air quality, hazards and noise to a level of insignificance. As such, the project does not have the potential to degrade the- quality of the environment nor achieve short-term environmental goals to the disadvantage of the long-term. It does not have impacts that are individually limited but cumulatively considerable or that would cause substantial adverse impacts on human beings. Sources: Project Application' City-and Agency Requirements 145465 El Camino Real-Initial Study Attachment A — Page 9 of 10 145-165 El Camino Real-Initial"Study Attachment A — — - - - -Page 10-of 10 I 2 RESOLUTION NO. 3679 . 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE 4 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 99-161 TO COMBINE THE THREE LOTS 5 LOCATED.AT 145, 155 AND 165 EL CAMINO REAL INTO ONE LOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF DEVELOPING A 10,716 SQUARE FOOT 6 BUILDING. 7 8 The Planning Commission of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows:- 9 I. The Planning Commission finds and determines-as follows: 10 A. That Tentative Parcel Map 99-161 to combine three lots located at 145, 155, and 165 EI Camino Real into one lot for the purpose of developing a 12 10,716 square foot building, was submitted by Gregory Bennett for consideration; 13 B.' That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and-held for said map on 14 July 12, 1999 by the Planning Commission; Is C. That the project is Categorically exempt,(Class 15) from the provisions of 16 the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 15315; I7 D. That the proposed subdivision is not in conformance with the Tustin Area Ia-. - General Plan, Tustin Zoning Code, State Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Code in that there are deficiencies in the application - 19 that could be corrected with the implementation of conditions of approval 20 contained in Exhibit A. If these deficiencies are corrected, the Tentative Parcel Map could betaken forward to the City Council for consideration; 21 22 E. That the site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; 23 F. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development; 24 25 G. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or.substantially and 26 avoidably injure fish or wildlife in their habitat; 27 H. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements proposed 28 will not conflict with easements acquired by the public,- for access through or use of the property,within the proposed subdivision; and, - 29 1. That the design of the subdivision or the types of improvements I Planning Commission Resolution 3679 CUP 99-015 & DR 99-014 2 July 12, 1999 - 3 Page 2 4 proposed are not likely to cause serious public health problems. 5 J. That the project has been reviewed for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and it has been determined that dedications of right-of- 6 way to accommodate a flour (4) foot wide sidewalk behind the drive aprons are 7 necessary for compliance with the requirements of ADA. s II. The Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council approve Tentative Parcel Map 99-161 to combine the three lots located at 145, 155 and 9 165 El- Camino Real for the purpose of developing a 10,716' square foot 10 building, subject to the conditions contained in Exhibit A attached hereto. 11 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission, 12 held on the 12th day of July, 1999. -13 14 •15 LESLIE PONTIOUS Chairperson 16 ELIZABETH A. B I NSACK 17 Planning Commission Secretary 18 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) -- 19 COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 20 CITY OF TUSTIN ) -21 E, ELIZABETH'A. B1N.SACK, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Planning Commission. Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, California; zz that Resolution No. 3679 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the 23 Tustin Planning Commission, held on the 12th day of July, 1999. 24 25 26 -ELIZABETH A. BINSACK 27 Planning Commission Secretary 2s 09 EXHIBIT A • TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 99-161 RESOLUTION NO. 3679 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL GENERAL (1) 1.1 Prior to issuance of building permits, the Subdivider shall record. with appropriate agencies, Final Parcel Map.99-161 prepared in accordance with subdivision requirements of the Tustin Municipal Code,. the State Subdivision Map Act, and applicable conditions contained herein. - (5) 1.2 Prior to scheduling the tentative parcel map for consideration by the .City Council and prior to issuance of building permits, Tentative Parcel Map 99- 161 shall be revised to show the following and comply with the City's Subdivision Ordinance and State Subdivision Map Act to the satisfaction of the Public Works and Community Development Departments: Water lines, sewers, storm drains, etc. shall be illustrated in a heavy dashed line. Existing and proposed improvements shall be labeled and identified as "to remain" or"to be removed." A title block shall be provided and include names, addressed, and telephone numbers of the property owner or owner of record and the person or firm that prepared the parcel map. The location and boundaries of the map shall be sufficiently represented including a vicinity map showing roads, adjoining subdivisions, towns, creeks, railroads, and -other locational data to sufficiently locate the - _ _ proposed subdivisions and its relation within the community. The approximate lotr layout and the dimensions of each lot and each building site. The dimensions of the three lots on the site shall be shown as fifty (50) feet by 147 feet and-6 inches and the combined lot size as 150 feet by 147 feet and 6 inches. Engineering data shall show the approximate finished grade of each lot, the preliminary design of all grading, the elevation of proposed building pads, the-top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale, the number of each lot (the existing lot numbers of the three lots shall be shown as Lots 11, 12, and 13), and the elevation of adjacent parcels. SOURCE.CODES (1) STANDARD CONDITION. (5) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY (2)'. CEQA MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS (3) UNIFORM BUILDING CODES '(6) LANDSCAPING GUIDELINES (4) DESIGN REVIEW (7) PC/CC POLICY *** EXCEPTION Exhibit A - Planning Commission Resolution.3679' - July 12, 1999 - Page 2 = ; The 'width and approximate locations of all existing and proposed easements or rights-of-way, whether .public or private , for roads, drainage, sewers or flood control, slope maintenance or recreation purposes. The locations and widths of all existing -street and highway improvements, including street intersections, medians, driveways, alleys, curbs, gutters, sidewalks and edges of pavement within two hundred (200)feet of the boundaries of the proposed tract. + • a. The direction and percent of drainage flow of streets and alleys. Existing topography and.structures on the proposed site and within one x hundred (100) feet of the proposed site, including, but not limited to, the location and outline of existing structures identified by type. Structures to be removed shall be labeled."to be removed". �.._ Use or uses in the tentative parcel,,`map as,specified by applicable or - pending zoning district regulations. • Type and extent of proposed street improvements and diagrams of typical street.sections. . A statement certifying to one of the following.-.and`„ signed by the .subdivider. or authorized agent that 1) the subdivider=is the property - - owner of reocrd; or, 2) the property owner of record' consents to the - - - filing of the tentative parcel map. - - J (1) 1.3 The subdivider shall .conform. to all applicable requirements of the State Subdivision Map Act and'the City's Subdivision Ordinance. (5) IA As'required by the Subdivision Map Act, the subdivider shall furnish the City - security guaranteeing the`setting of the monuments for"this. parcel map as required bythe City Engineer prior to recordation-of the final'map. (5) 1'.5 Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the applicant shall be responsible for constructing a new driveway apron ori the adjacent property to the sduth at i81 .EI_Camino ReaI since the 'proposed project-will:eliminate' . partial access-of'the rexisting apron.which encroaches over the..property line. . Plans for the new,driveway apron at 181 El Camino.Real shall ,be "submitted -for review,and approval by the Commun_ity,Development Department prior to - construction. :. - (1) 1.6. :- .'Preparation of a sedimentation-and,erosion_control plan for-all work related to this development will be required prior to'issuance of building permits. Exhibit A Planning Commission Resolution 3679 July 12, 1999 Page 3 (1) 1.7 Prior to issuance of building permits, a separate 24" x 36" street improvement plan, as prepared by a California Registered Civil Engineer, will be required " for all construction within the public right-of-way. Construction and/or replacement of any missing or damaged public improvements will be required adjacent to this development. The level of detail on this plan shall accurately identify the locations of the existing interlocking pavers, the existing concrete panels and proposed construction. All new concrete shall match the existing with respect to color, texture, and score lines. Any disturbed or relocated interlocking pavers shall be replaced and/or reconstructed to match the existing, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Maintaining the aesthetic quality of those improvements is 'a priority within the Old Town area. Said plan shall include, but not be limited to the following: Curb and gutter; Sidewalk, including curb ramps for the physically disabled; Drive aprons; Signing/striping plan; Domestic water facilities; Sanitary sewer facilities; Underground utility connections; and, _ In addition, a 24" x 36' reproducible construction area traffic control plan, as - prepared by a California Registered Traffic Engineer or Civil Engineer -. experienced in this type of plan preparation will be required. (1) 1.8 Prior to issuance of a grading permit, preparation and submittal of a final .grading plan showing all pertinent elevations as they pertain to the public right-of-way along with delineating the following information: • Final street elevations at key locations. • Final pad/finished floor elevations and key elevations for all site grading. All pad elevations to be a minimum of 1.0 foot above base flood elevation as defined by FEMA. • All flood hazards of record. (1) 1.9 Prior to any work in the public right-of-way, an Encroachment Permit must be " obtained from and applicable fees paid to.the Public Works Department. (1) 1.10 The developer will be responsible for any traffic signing and/or striping along El Camino Real which will be required as a result of this development. (1) 1.11 Current Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements will need to be met at the drive aprons. This will..require construction of a .minimum four- (4) foot wide sidewalk behind the drive apron. The maximum cross slope . Exhibit A i Planning Commission Resolution 3679 July-12, 1999 Page 4 - of the sidewalk shall be.two percent and the maximum ramp slope of the drive apron,shall be ten percent. This,may require dedication of additional right-of- way` to accommodate 'the sidewalk construction. A legal description and sketch of the dedication area,, as prepared by a CA Registered.Civil Engineer and/or CA Licensed Land Surveyor, shall be submitted to the Engineering Div. for.review and approval.. (1). 9.12 This development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the City of Tustin 'Water Quality Ordinance and, all, Federal, State_and Regional Water Quality Control'Board'rules and.regulations. FEES . (8). 2.1 Within forty-eight (48) hours of approval of the subject project by .the City. Council, the applicant shall deliver to the Community Development Department, - a cashier's check"•payable.to the COUNTY CLERK in.the amount .of $38.00 (thirty,-.night dollars)'to enable +the City to file the appropriate environmental a documentation for the.-project. ' If within such forty-eight (48) hour period that applicant has not delivered to the Comm6nity' Development-.Department the ti• above-noted check, the statute of limitations for any intrested party to challenge the environmental determination under the-provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act could be.signifcantly lengthened. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3682 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN • 3 APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 99-015 AND DESIGN REVIEW 99- 014 AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A COMMERCIAL BUILDING AT 4 145-965 EL CAMINO REAL. 5 The Planning Commission-does hereby resolve as follows: 6 [. ThePlanning Commission finds and determines as follows: 7 A. That an application for Conditional Use Permit 99-015 and Design Review 99-014 was filed by Prescott, Properties to request 8 - authorization to construct a '10,712 square foot commercial building 9 on the property located at 145-165 E[-Camino Real, also described as Assessor's Parcel No. 401-583-11, 12, 13. 14 B. That the proposed "mail-order" use is not addressed within the 11 Tustin Zoning Code and in accordance with City Code Section 9233c(t) a conditional use.permit is.required to determine if the use 12 is,appropriate. 13 C. That the off-street parking requirements for the proposed "mail- order" use •shall be prescribed by the Planning Commission in 14 accordance with.City Code Sections 9233b(6) and 9251 b(3)j. 15 D. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said 16 application on July 12, 1999, by the Planning Commission. 17 E. That -the establishment, maintenance and operation of• the use applied for will not, under the circumstances of this case,. be 18 - detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, or general welfare ' of the persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such 19 - proposed use, nor be injurious or detrimental to-the property and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject property, or to the 20 general welfare of the City of Tustin, as evidenced by the finding that, the proposed project,.as conditioned, will not be'injurious, 21 detrimental to, or have_a negative effect on surrounding properties 22 in that: 23 1�. The establishment of a mail order use is similar in nature to permitted and conditionally- permitted uses in the Centra[ 24 Commercial (C-2) zoning district that offer processing, assembling, and shipping _services. As 1conditioned, -no 25 manufacturing activities'would not be permitted., 26 2. The establishment of a 'retail, office, and mail order-use 27 would complement the Old.Town Tustin area by*providing a - unique'retail service and contributing to a commercial village 28 atmosphere as encouraged by the provisions of the Cultural Resources Overlay District; 29 - • 1 Resolution No. 3682 CUP99-015, DR09-014 2 Page 2 3 3. The establishment of a retail, office, and mail order use is 4 consistent with the Town Center Redevelopment Project Area in that -it maximizes the potential of underutilized 5 properties and would enhance the economic vitality of the area. 6 4. The use of a "warehouse and industry" parking ratio of one parking space for every 2000 square feet for the mail order 8 component is appropriate in that the Combining Parking District sets forth.the prescribed ratio and the nature of the 9 mail order use is similar to industrial uses in which there are typically less employees or patrons per square foot than in 10 retail or office uses. " I 5_ As conditioned, the proposed site plan provides for-sufficient 12 vehicle ingress, egress, on-site maneuvering and parking. 13 F. Pursuant to Section 9272 of the Tustin Municipal Code, the Commission finds that the location; size, architectural features-and 14 general appearance of Design Review 99-014, as conditioned, will not impair the orderly and harmonious development of the area, the 15 present or future development therein, or the occupancy as a whole. In making such findings, the Commission has considered at 16 least the following items: 17 1. Height, bulk and area of buildings. 18 2. Setbacks and site planning. _ 3. Exterior materials and colors. 19 4. Type and pitch of roofs. - 5. Size and spacing of windows, doors and other openings. 20' 6. Towers, chimneys, roof structures, flagpoles, radio and television antennae. 21 7. Landscaping, parking area design and traffic circulation. 8. Location, height and standards of exterior illumination.. 22: 9. Location and appearance of equipment located outside of an enclosed structure. 23 10. Location and method of refuse storage. 24 11. Physical relationship of proposed structures to existing structures in the neighborhood. 25 12. Appearance and design relationship of proposed structures to existing structures and possible future structures in the 26 neighborhood and public thoroughfares. 13. Proposed signage. 27 14. Development Guidelines and criteria as adopted by the City Council. 28 G. A Negative Declaration has .been prepared for this project in ®29 accordance with the provisions of the Califomia Environmental I Resolution No.3682 CUP99-015, DR99-014 2 Page 3 - 3 Quality Act (CEQA). 4 H. That the project has been reviewed for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,and it has been determined 5 that dedications of right-of-way to accommodate a four (4) foot wide 6 sidewalk behind the drive aprons are necessary for compliance with the requirements of ADA. 7 I. That the project has been reviewed for consistency with the Air s Quality Sub-element of the City of Tustin General Plan and has been determined to be consistent with the Air Quality Sub-element. .9 II.• The Planning Commission hereby recommends that the City Council _ 10 approve Conditional Use Permit 99-015 and Design Review 99-014 to ' authorize construction of a 10,712 square foot commercial building on the II property located at 145-165 EI Camino Real, subject to the conditions 1z contained in Exhibit A, attached hereto. 13 - PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Tustin, at a regular meeting on the 12th day of July, 1999. I4 15 •LESLIE PONTIOUS 16 Chairperson 17 ELIZABETH A. BINSACK -Planning Commission Secretary 18 19 - STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) 20 COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CITY OF TUSTIN ) 21 I, ELIZABETH A. BINSACK, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the Planning 22 Commission Secretary of the City of Tustin, California; that Resolution No. 3682 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Planning 23 Commission, held on the 12th day of July, 1999. 24 25 ELIZABETH A. BINSACK 26 Planning Commission Secretary 27 28 • - _ EXHIBIT A - - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 99-015 AND DESIGN REVIEW(DR) 99-014 'CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RESOLUTION NO. 3682 GENERAL -- (1) 1.1 The proposed project shall substantially conform with the submitted plans for the project date stamped July 12, 1999 on file with the Community Development Department,.as herein modified, or unless otherwise indicated, as modified by the Community Development Director in accordance with this Exhibit. The Director may,also approve-subsequent minor modifications to plans during plan check' if such modifications are co.nsistent.with provisions of the Tustin City Code or other applicable regulations. - - (1) 1.2 Unless otherwise'specified, the conditions contained in this .Exhibit shall be complied with prior to the is'soance of any-building permits for the project, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department. (1.) 1.3 The subject project apprgva.I shall become'null and void unless permits for the proposed .project are issued -and substantial construction is underway within eighteen (18) months of the date of-this .Exhibit. • Time extensions "may be. ' considered if'a written request is received by the Community Development Department within thirty(30) days prior to expiration.- • (1) 1.4 No grading or building permits shall be` issued until Final Parcel'Map 99-161 is approved by the City Council.and recorded with the County Clerk-Recorder. (1) 1.5 Approval of CUP 99-015 and DR" 99-014 is contingent upon the applicant and - property owners signing°and returning an "Agreement to Conditions Imposed" form" as established by the Community Development Department.. (1) 1.6 The applicant shall hold,harmless and defend,the City of Tustin from all claims and liabilities arising out of•a challenge of the City's approval of this project. (1) 1.7 Any violation of any of the conditions imposed is subject to the imposition of a civil, penalty of$100.00 for each.violation and each day the violation exists. (1) 1.8 The applicant'shall be responsible for costs associated with any`,riecessary code enforcement.actiob. SOURCEZODES (1). STANDARD CONDITION (5) RESPONSIBLE AGENCY _ :(2) CEQA.MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS (3) UNIFORM BUILDING CODES (6) LANDSCAPINgGUIDELINES .(4) DESIGN REVIEW (7) PC/CC POLICY _ EXCEPTIONS - „_ - _..-t_. - - Exhibit A—Conditions of Approval Resolution No. 3682 _ CUP 99-015, DR98 014 Page No.2 PLAN SUBMITTAL Current Planning Division Site Plan/Floor Plan (1) 2.1 Prior to the issuance of building permits, the plans shall be revised correcting all discrepancies in the scale of the plans so that the dimensions and the scale are consistent and acdurate. The plans shall also be modified to include all revisions required by Resolution No. 3682. If a major change in the plans are created _ from correcting the scale of the drawings or modifying the project as required herein, the Community Development Director shall have the discretion to require the applicant shall submit the revisions to the Planning Commission for their review and approval. (1) 2.2 Prior to the issuance of building permits, the plans shall be revised to show the accurate dimensions of the three lots on the site plan as fifty (50) feet by 147 feet and 6 inches and the combined lot size as 150 feet by 147 feet and 6 inches. Elevations (1) 2.3 Prior to the issuance of building permits, the plans shall be .revised to be in substantial .compliance and consistent with the design as- approved by the Planning Commission to the satisfaction of the Community Development Department. Revisions shall include, but not limited to, the following: Gables-or hip roof elements shall be incorporated into the front elevation; Articulation of design elements such as the mansard- roof, siding, and other details shall be incorporated on all four sides of the building a Porches with. stacked stone pilasters shall be added to all of the entrances on the'south and east elevations. The entrances on the south elevation shall be connected with a trellis element or roof structure. The revised plans shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development Department. (1) 2.4 All parapets,shall be at least six inches (6") above any roof mounted equipment, vents, and exhausts. (1) 2.5 Any roof-top equipment, including vents and exhausts shall comply with the City of Tustin Noise Ordinance and must be installed with architecturally compatible screening to ensure the equipment is not visible from public right-of-way view. Plans must show details of any proposed screening of roof-top equipment and submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval. (1) 2.6 Only copper exterior downspouts shall be permitted.- (1) 2.7 Roof scuppers shall be installed with a special lip device so that overflow drainage will not stain the walls. Exhibit A--Conditions of Approval Resolution No. 3682 CUP 99-015, DR98-014 Page No. 3 (1) 2.8 Enclosure`of mechanical equipment including, electric and gas meters, must be compatible with the exterior building treatment. The equipment and meters shall be enclosed and screened from view from EI Camino Real and the adjacent residential properties. (1) 2.9 All exposed metal flashing or trim shall be anodized or painted compatible with main buildings. (1) 2.10 Plans for the proposed trash enclosure must be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval. The trash enclosure shall comply with Great Western Reclamation and City of Tustin standards. Landscaping Plan (1) 2.11 The site shall be landscaped consistent with the City's Landscaping and [rrigation Guidelines. Landscaping shall consist of a combination of berming and sufficient numbers of shrubs and trees to provide adequate screening. Landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval. (1) 2.12 A mature hedge or landscape screen shall be planted along the north property line adjacent to the existing residential development. The hedge or landscape screen shall be plants not less'than 15 gallon size, planted 4' on center. (1) 2.13 Prior to the issuance of building permits, a complete landscape plan depicting the plant size, quantity, location and species with an irrigation plan shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for review and approval. (1) 2.14 The irrigation plans shall depict the installation of an automatic irrigation system. (1) 2.15 The ponds or water features shall be less than twenty four (24) inches in depth or barrier fencing for public safety shall be provided in accordance with the Uniform Building Code. (1) 2.16 The street trees proposed to be removed shall be depicted on the site plan and landscape plan. The size, location and species of the proposed replacement trees shall also be shown,on the landscape plan. The landscape plans showing the size, location and species of the replacement trees must be reviewed by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of building permits. (1) 2.17 The wall adjacent to the north property line shall be increased in height to 6'8". The plans for the wall shall be submitted to -the Community Development Department for review and'approval prior to obtaining building permits. . Lighting (1) 2.18 The applicant shall provide details of all proposed lighting fixtures and a _ photometric study showing the location and anticipated distribution pattern of light of all -proposed fixtures., All new light fixtures shall be -consistent with- the Exhibit A—Conditions of Approval. Resolution No. 3682 CUP 99-015, DR98-094 Page No.4 architecture of the building. All exterior lighting shall be designed and arranged as not to direct light or glare onto adjacent properties, including the adjacent streets. Parking lot and wall mounted fixtures shall be directed at a 90 degree angle directly toward the ground. All lighting shall be developed to provide a minimum of one (1) footcandle of light coverage, in accordance with the City's Security Code. (1) 2.19 All exterior lighting on the site shall be designed and located so as to confine direct rays onto the premises avoiding glare onto the surrounding properties. (1) 2.20 . Exterior lighting shall not exceed ten (10)feet in height. Building Division - (1) 3.1 When submitting for a building permit, submit seven sets of plans, including the following: a. Construction plans, structural calculations, and Title 24 energy - calculations, and acoustical reports. Requirements of the Uniform Building Codes, State Disabled Access and Energy Requirements shall be complied.with as required by the Building Official. b. Electrical, mechanical and plumbing plans. C. Preliminary technical details and plans for all utility installations including telephone, gas, water and electricity: Additionally, a note on plans shall be included stating that no field changes shall be made without corrections submitted to and approved by the Building Official. d. Final grading and specifications consistent with the site plan and landscape plans.'shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer and submitted for review, and ,approval by the Community Development Department. e. A precise soils engineering report by a civil engineer completed within the previous 12 months. Expanded .information regarding the levels of hydrocarbons and ground water contamination found on site shall be provided and submitted within the-soils report. (1) 3.2 Indicate on the title sheet the applicable codes,: City Ordinances and the State and federal laws and regulations to include: 1997 Uniform Building Code with California Amendments 1997 Uniform Mechanical Code with California Amendments 1997 Uniform Plumbing Code with California Amendments 1996 National Electrical Code with California Amendments T-24 California Disabled Access Regulations T-24 California Energy Efficiency Standards - - = City of Tustin Grading Ordineince _ - - Exhibit A—Conditions of Approval Resolution No. 3682 CUP 99-015, DR98-014 Page No. 5 City of Tustin Landscape and Irrigation Guidelines ' City of Tustin Private Improvement Standards City of Tustin Security Ordinance (1) 3.3 Prior to issuance of a grading permit, submit seven sets of demolition plans for existing improvements to be removed. (1) 3.4 Submit seven sets of excavation/grading plans and two sets of preliminary soils reports to the Building Division for review and approval prior to the issuance of a grading permit. _ (1) 3.5 All grading, drainage, vegetation and circulation shall comply with the City of Tustin Grading Manual. All construction activity shall comply with the Tustin Grading Manual, which requires frequent watering of the project site to control dust. All street sections, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, lighting and storm drain shall comply with on-site improvement standards. Any deviations shall be brought to the attention of the Building Official and request for approval shall be submitted in writing prior to any approval. (1) 3.6 A letter of pad certification and a final compaction report must be submitted by • the Engineer of record to the Building Division for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. (1) 3.7 Submit seven (7) sets of on-site improvement plans including proposed storm. drains, on-site private improvements, circulation, street sections, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and storm drains to the Building Division for review and approval. Any improvements proposed including drainage,. vegetation, circulation, street sections, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and storm drains shall comply with the City's on-site improvement standards. (1) 3.8 Submit seven (7) sets of plans consistent with Conditions 2.20, 2.21, and 2.22- depicting lighting details of exterior parking lot, and landscape areas to the Building Division for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. A note shall be provided on the plans that "All parking areas shall be illuminated with a minimum of one footcandle of light, and lighting shall not produce light or glare or have•a negative impact on adjacent properties." The lighting plan shall identify all-exterior building mounted as well as free standing lighting. Manufacturer's brochures of all lighting detail including type of fixture and intensity shall also be provided. (c) 3.9 A surety/cash bond will be required to assure work is completed in accordance with approved plans. Bonds will -be based upon the estimated cost of the grading, drainage, and erosion control prior to the issuance of a grading permit. (c) 3.10 All plans submitted to the building division for review and approval must comply with Title 24 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), accessibility standards. Parking stalls for disabled persons shall have a five-foot loading area with striping and ramp;.disabled persons shall-be.able-to-park and-access-the _. _ Exhibit A—Conditions of Approval _ Resolution No. 3682 CUP 99-015, DR98-014 Page No. 6 building without passing behind another car. At least one accessible space shall be van accessible served by a minimum 96 inch wide loading area. (1) 3.11 All construction operations, including engine warm-up and deliveries of materials and equipment, shall be subject to the provisions of the Tustin Noise Ordinance and shall take place only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday,' and between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, unless otherwise determined by the Community Development Director and/or Building Official.. (1) 3.12 Construction hours shall be clearly posted on the project site to the satisfaction of the Building Official. (2) 3.13 All construction activities shall comply with the requirements of the City of-Tustin Grading Manual which requires frequent watering of the project site to control dust. (2)- 3.14 Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall obtain all necessary approvals form the Community Development Department, Orange County Fire Authority Hazardous Materials Disclosure Office, Orange County Health Care Agency and Occupational Safety Hazard Association (OSHA). (2) 3.15 A note shall be provided on.the final pians that a six-foot high chain link fence shall be installed around the site prior to building demolition or construction. Gated entrances shall be permitted along the frontage of the site for construction vehicles. (1) 3.16 Parking for disabled persons shall be provided with an additional five foot loading area with striping and ramp. Disabled persons shall be able to park access the building without passing behind 'another car. At least one accessible space shall be van accessible served by a 96 inch wide loading area. SIGNAGE (1) 4.1 A complete and detailed project sign program including design, locations, sizes, colors, and materials shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development Department. The sign program shall include project identification; addressing and directional signs. Signs should be made of wood, aggregate masonry or similar materials. USE RESTRICTIONS (1) 5.1 A minimum of thirty-eight (38) off-street parking spaces shall beprovided based on the following requirements: a. One (1) parking space shall be provided for every 200 square feet of gross floor area located on the first floor. b. One (1) parking space shall be provided for evey 300 square feet of - gross floor area_designated for office use on the second-floor. . Exhibit A—Conditions of Approval Resolution No. 3682 CUP 99-015, DR98-014, Page No. 7 c. One (1) parking space shall be provided for every 2000 square feet of gross floor area designated for mail order use on the second floor. No more than 20 percent of the 38 off-street parking spaces, or 7 spaces, may be compact spaces (less than ten feet in length by 9 feet in width). (1) 5.2 No more than 2,704 sqaure feet of mail order use shall be located on the first floor and no more than 2,609 square feet of mail order use shall be located on the second floor. A minimum of 2,344 square feet of retail use shall be located on the first floor. Any modifications to this allocation of uses may be considered by the Community Development Department if sufficient on-site parking is provided or off-site parking is secured by the applicant or property owner. (1) 5.3 No manufacturing may occur on the premises. (1) 5.4 If, at any time in the future, the City is advised or is otherwise made aware and concurs that an on-site or off-site parking problem exists as a result of the -proposed development, the Community Development Department may require the property owner to submit a parking demand analysis at no expense to the City and within a timeframe stipulated by the City to determine the extent of the parking deficiency and recommend mitigation measures to be implemented by the property owner. Said- mitigation may include, but not be limited, to providing additional parking within 500 feet of the proposed development. .. (1) 5.5 - Prior. to issuance of certificate of occupancy; the applicant shall prepare and record a deed restriction to ensure that the proposed distribution of retail, office, and mail order uses are not modified or that additional off-street parking is provided in the future if more,intensive uses are proposed to occupy the building. A draft deed restriction agreement shall be submitted to the Community Development Department and City Attorney for review prior to recordation. Evidence of recordation,`shall. be provided to the Community- Development Department'prior to the issuance of building .permits. The deed restriction shall not be removed without the written approval from the City. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (1) 6.9 Prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit, Final Parcel Map 99-161 shall. be approved by the City Council and recorded with, the County Clerk- Recorder consistent with Condition 1.4. (6) 6.2 Prior to -the. issuance of a',certificate certificate of occupancy, the- applicant. shall be responsible for constructing a new driveway apron on,the adjacent property to the south.at 181 El Camino Real since the proposed project will,eliminate partial access of the existing apron.which encroaches over the property line. Plans for the new driveway apron at 181 EI Camino Real shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development Department prior to construction. Exhibit A—Conditions of Approval _Resolution No. 3682 CUP 99-015, DR98 014 Page No. 8 (1) 6.3 A three (3) foot vehicular back-up area shall be provided at the end of the dead- end aisle within the parking lot in accordance with the City of Tustin Parking Lot Design Guidelines. (1) 6.4 Preparation of a sedimentation and erosion control plan for all work related to this development will be required. (1) 6.5 A separate 24" x 36" street improvement plan, as prepared by a California Registered Civil Engineer, will be required for all construction within the public right-of-way. Construction and/or replacement of any missing or damaged public improvements will be required adjacent to this development. The level of detail on this plan shall accurately identify the locations of the existing interlocking pavers, the existing concrete panels and all proposed construction. All new concrete shall match the existing with respect to color, texture, and score lines. Any disturbed or relocated interlocking pavers shall be replaced and/or reconstructed to match the existing, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Maintaining -the aesthetic quality of those improvements is a priority within the Old Town area. Said plan shall include, but not be limited to the following: O Curb and gutter; Sidewalk, including curb ramps for the physically disabled; i Drive aprons, Signing/striping plan; Domestic water facilities; ® Sanitary sewer facilities; - - a Underground utility connections; and, In addition, a 24" x 36' reproducible construction area traffic control pian, as .prepared by a California Registered Traffic Engineer or Civil Engineer experienced in this type of pian preparation will be required. (1) 6.6 Preparation and submittal of a final grading plan showing all pertinent elevations as they pertain to the public right-of-way 'along with delineating the following information: Final street elevations at key locations. Final pad/finished floor elevations and key elevations for all site grading. All pad elevations to be a minimum of 1.0 foot above base flood elevation as defined by FEMA. . ' All flood hazards of record. - (1) 6.7 Prior to any work in, the public right-of--way, an Encroachment Permit must be obtained from and applicable fees paid to the-Public Works Department. (1) 6.8 The developer will be responsible for any traffic signing and/or striping along EI Camino Real which will be required as a result of this development. (1) 6.9 Current Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements will need to Exhibit A—Conditions of Approval • Resolution No. 3682 CUP 99-015, DR98-014 Page No. 9 be met at the drive aprons. This will require construction of a minimum four- (4) foot wide sidewalk behind the drive apron. The maximum crossslope of the sidewalk shall be two percent and the maximum ramp slope of the drive apron shall be ten percent. This may require dedication of additional right-of-way to accommodate the sidewalk construction. A legal description and sketch of the dedication area, as prepared, by a California Registered Civil Engineer and/or Califronia Licensed Land Surveyor, shall be submitted to the Engineering Division for review and approval. (1) 6.10 Subdivider's execution of a subdivision /- monumentation agreement and furnishing the improvement / monumentation bonds as required by the City Engineer prior to recordation of the final map. (1) 6.91 This development shall comply with all applicable provisions of the City of Tustin Water Quality Ordinance and all Federal, State and Regional Water Quality Control Board rules and regulations. ORANGE-COUNTY FIRE AUTHORITY (1) 7.1 Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a fire hydrant i location pian for the review and approval of the'Fire Chief. (1 ) 7.2 Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the applicant shall submit to the Fire Chief evidence of the on-site fire hydrant system and indicate whether it is public or private. If the system is private, the system shall be reviewed and approved by the - Fire Chief prior to issuance of building permits. Provisions shall be made by the applicant for the repair and maintenance of the system, in a manner meeting the approval of the Fire Chief. (1) 7.3 Prior to the issuance of any certificate of use and occupancy, all fire hydrants shall have blue reflective pavement marker indicating,the hydrant location on the street or drive per the Orange County Fire Authority Standard as approved by the Fire Chief. These markers are to be maintained in good condition. by the property owner. (1) 7.4 Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall provide evidence of adequate,fire flow. The Orange County Fire Authority Water Availability for Fire Protection form shall be signed by the applicable,water district and submitted for approval to the Orange County Fire Authority. If sufficient water to meet fire flow requirements is not available, an automatic fire extinguishing system may be required in each structure affected by insufficient fire flow. (1) 7.5 Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a note shall be placed on the plans. stating. that the commercial structure shall be protected by an automatic fire sprinkler system, in a manner meeting the approval•of the Fire Chief. (1) 7.6 Prior to the issuance of a building permit the applicant shall submit plans for any - required automatic fire sprinkler system in any structure to the OCFA for review Exhibit A—Conditions of Approval , Resolution No. 3682 CUP 99-015, DR98-014 Page No. 10 and approval. (1) 7.7 Prior to the issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy, the required automatic sprinkler systems shall be operational in a manner meeting the approval of the Fire Chief. (1) 7.8 Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall obtain approval of the Fire Chief for all fire protection access easements and shall dedicate them to the City.. The building permit shall contain conditions, which prohibit obstructions within the fire protection access easement. The approval of the Fire Chief is required for any modifications such.as 7speed bumps, control gates or other changes in within said easement. (1) 7:9 Prior to,the issuance of a building permit for combustible construction, the builder shall submit a letter on company letterhead stating that water for fire-fighting purposes and the all weather fire protection access roads shall be in place and - - operational before any combustible material is placed on-site. (1) 7.10 Prior to the issuance of any building permits, the applicant shall submit a detailed letter of intended use for'the building to the Fire Chief for review and approval. (1) 7.11 Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the. applicant shall submit plans for the review and approval of the Fire, Chief as indicated on the OCFA Plan Submittal Criteria form. Contact the Orange County Fire Authority at (714) 744-0403 for a copy of the Fire Safety Site/Architectural'Notes to be placed on,the pians prior to submittal. (1) 7.12 Prior to the issuance of a building permit, plans for the fire alarm system shall be submitted to the Fire Chief for review and approval. This system shall be operational prior to the issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy. FEES (1) 8.1 Prior to issuance of any building permits, payment shall be made of all applicable fees, including but not limited to the following. Payment shall be required based upon those rates in effect at the time of payment and are subject to change. a. Orange County Fire Authority plan: check and inspection fees to the Community Development Department based upon the .most current. schedule. - - - b. Payment of the Orange County Sanitation District - No. 7 Sewer Connection Fees at the time a building permit is issued. The current fee- is $472.00 per 1000 square feet of building area plus $10.00 per front foot of the parcel. C. Payment of the Major Thoroughfare and Bridge Fees to the Tustin Public - Works Department at the time 2 building permit is issued. The current Exhibit A--Conditions of Approval Resolution No.3682 CUP 99-015, DR98-014 Page No. 11 fee is $ 3.03 per square footage of building area. d. New development fees in the amount of$.10 per square foot of floor area 'to the-Community Development Department. e. School facilities fee to the Tustin Unified School District subject to any agreement reached and executed between the District and the applicant. f. Transportation -System Improvement Program (TSIP), Benefit Area 'W' fees'in the amount of $5.53 per square foot of new 'or added gross .square floor area of,construction or improvements to •the Community= Development Department. . ' (1) 8.2 Within forty-eight (48) hours of approval of the subject project, the applicant shall deliver to the Community-Development Department, a cashier's check payable to the COUNTY CLERK in the amount of$38.00 (thirty eight dollars) to-enable the City to file the appropriate environmental documentation for the project. If within such forty-eight (48) hour period that applicant •has not. delivered to the Community Development Department :the above-noted check, the statute of limitations for any interested party to challenge the environmental determination under the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act could be significantly lengthened. ITEM #: .� Y eport to the sIN} lanning Commission DATE: JULY 12, 1999 , SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA, JULY 6, 1:999 PRESENTATION: ELIZABETH A. BINSACK, DIRECTOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT • ATTACHMENT: CITY COUNCIL ACTION A43ENDA — JULY 6, 1999 a ' ACTION AGENDA CITY COUNCIL.REGULAR MEETING J U LY 6, 1999 INTERVIEWS - At 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, the City Council will conduct interviews to fill vacancies on the Audit Committee, Planning Commission, and Parks and • Recreation Commission. These interviews are open to the public. 7:05 P.M. CALL TO. ORDER GIVEN . INVOCATION - Rev. Allen Waterson, Aldersgate United Methodist Church PRESENTED PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Boy Scout Troop 36 COLORS SALTARELLI ROLL CALL ABSENT PRESENTED PROCLAMATION (1) Parks and Recreation- Month, (2) Farmers Market Sign Recognition PUBLIC INPUT GORDON RIMMER: REQUESTED TRAFFIC CONTROL- MEASURES BE INSTALLED ON .PROSPECT AVENUE DUE TO A RECENT FATALITY TRAFFIC ACCIDENT AT THE INTERSECTION, OF PROSPECT , AVENUE AND THEODORA DRIVE, AND REQUESTED THAT A JOINT CITY/COUNTY TRAFFIC STUDY BE PREPARED AND AGENDIZED. VINCENT BURKE: EXPRESSED OPPOSITION TO THE COUNCIL'S SUPPORT OF SB 23 ON ASSAULT WEAPONS BILL McCOY: REQUESTED THE COUNCIL NOT TAKE. HASTY OR UNNECESSARY TRAFFIC CONTROL ACTION DUE TO THE FATAL TRAFFIC ACCIDENT AT PROSPECT AVENUE AND THEODORA DRIVE Action Agenda—City Council July 6, 1999 — Page 1 JANE ANDERSON: REPORTED SHE HAD REQUESTED THE STATUS ON THE LAUREL GLEN PARK IMPROVEMENTS TWO WEEKS AGO BUT 'HAD �NO RESPONSE T0. HER , INQUIRY. STAFF RESPONDED THAT THE MATTER HAD BEEN REFERRED • TO THE PARKS COMMISSION AND WOULD BE AGENDIZED FOR COUN_ CIL ACTION IN APPROXIMATELY 30-45 DAYS WORLEY: STATED THAT WHEN- THE POLICE INVESTIGATION. OF THE TRAFFIC ACCIDENT AT PROSPECT AND THEODORA WAS COMPLETED, A REPORT TO THE. COUNCIL WOULD 'BE AGENDIZED ON JULY 19 NONE PUBLIC HEARING - None ' CONSENT CALENDAR ('ITEMS 1 THROUGH 13 ) APPROVED 1. APPROVAL OF DEMANDS AND: RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL Recommendation; Approve Demands in the amount. of $979,06233 and. ratify .Payrol.1 in the amount of $3851075:63. APPROVED 2. APPROVAL- OF MINUTES - JUNE 21, 1999 REGULAR MEETING Recommendation: Approve the City Council Minutes of June'2,1, 1999. RATIFIED 3. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA - June 28, 1999 All actions of the Planning Commission become final unless appealed by the City Council or member of the ' public. - Becommer�dation: Ratify the Planning Commission Action Agenda of.June 28, 1999. APPROVED 4. AUTHORIZATION TO CONTINUE OPERATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 1999-00 Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to continue fiscal operations for - 1999-00 at an appropriation level not to exceed that of 1998-99 until such time as the budget process can be completed as recommended by the Finance Department. APPROVED 5. SENIOR ADVISORY BOARD APPOINTMENT 'CONFIRMATION Recommendation: Confirm Dee Dyball, - Sonja Eden, Action Agenda — City Council July 6, •1999 — Page 2 `,: Margarete Thompson, Goldie Nannes and Mary Konjoyan to the Senior Advisory Board as recommended by the current Members of the Board and Senior Center staff.. ADOPTED 6. RESOLUTION NO. 99-50 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY RESOLUTION COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, NO. 99-50 ACCEPTING OFFER OF DEDICATION OF PROPERTY ON MYFORD ROAD BETWEEN EL CAMINO REAL AND THE SANTA ANA 1-5 FREEWAY Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 99-50 accepting an Offer of Dedication for property on Myford Road between El Camino Real and the Santa Ana ([-5) Freeway as recommended by the Public Works Department/Engineering Division. RECEIVED 7. HIGH SPEED RAIL UPDATE AND FILED Recommendation: Receive and file subject report as recommended by the Community Development Department. ADOPTED 8. RESOLUTION NO. 99-52 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY RESOLUTION COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, NO. 99-52 AUTHORIZING THE USE OF. THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA CONTRACT - FOR THE PURCHASE OF CERTAIN • EQUIPMENT Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 99-52 authorizing the Community Development Department to purchase office furniture using the State Department of General Services contract as recommended by the Community Development Department. RECEIVED 9. YEAR 2000,PLAN UPDATE REPORT AND FILED Recommendation: Receive and file subject report as recommended by the Finance and Community Development Departments. APPROVED 10. NAVY COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT AMENDMENT/ CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT WITH CALIFORNIA WEST PATROL, INC. FOR SECURITY SERVICES, MCAS TUSTIN Recommendation: (1) Authorize the City Manager. or Assistant City Manager to execute an Amendment to the Cooperative Agreement between the United States of America (Department of Navy) and the City of Tustin to provide contractual security services at Marine Corps Air Station Tustin, subject to approval of any final • Action Agenda -- City Council July 6, 1999 — Page 3 agreement by the City Attorney; and (2) Authorize the City Manager or Assistant City Manager to enter into a contractual agreement between the City of Tustin and California West Patrol, Inc. to provide necessary security services at MCAS Tustin, subject to approval by the City Attorney of all contract documents, as recommended by the Redevelopment Agency staff and the Police Department. APPROVED 11. DENIAL OF CLAIM NO. 99-21, CLAIMANT: DEBRA BAIN Recommendation: Deny subject claim and direct the City Clerk to send notice *to the claimant. and the claimant's attorney as recommended by the City Attorney. APPROVED 12. APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE BUS BENCH AND ADVERTISING SHELTER FRANCHISE AGREEMENT WITH ELLER MEDIA COMPANY Recommendation: Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Bus Bench.and Advertising Shelter Franchise Agreement with Eller Media Company as recommended by the Public Works Department. ADOPTED 13. RESOLUTION NO. 99-56 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY RESOLUTION COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, NO. 99-56 AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 99-56 amending the Classification Plan of the City of Tustin to include the classification of Records Clerk II as recommended by the Police Department. REGULAR BUSINESS. ( ITEMS 14 THROUGH 16 ) ADOPTED 14. ORDINANCE NO. 1218, REGULATION OF NEWSRACKS ORDINANCE N0. 1218 Ordinance No. 1218 had first reading by title only and introduction at the June 21, 1999 City Council meeting. Recommendation by the City Clerk's Office: 1. Have second reading by title only of Ordinance No. 1218. 2. With a roll call vote, adopt the following Ordinance No. 1218: ORDINANCE NO. 1218 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE Action Agenda —City Council July:6, 1999— Page 4 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE PART 1 OF CHAPTER 2 OF ARTICLE 7 RELATED TO THE REGULATION OF NEWSRACKS APPOINTED: 15. APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSION/COMMITTEE MEMBERS TO AUDIT CMTS: JOHN GARNER The City Council will cast ballots to appoint members of AND DONNIE SMITH the Audit Committee, Planning Commission, and Parks and Recreation Commission. TO PLANNING COMM: DOUG DAVERT, TONY Recommendation: Cast ballots to determine KAWASHIMA, AND appointments to the Audit Committee, Planning CHERYL BELL Commission, and Parks. and Recreation Commission as recommended by the City Clerk's Office.' TO PARKS COMM: AL MURRAY, RAY ' DESSELLE, STANLEY LEWIS, AND JUDITH PETERSON ADOPTED 16. APPEAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 98-022 AND MODIFIED DESIGN REVIEW 98-025 (APPLICANT: JACK i RESOLUTION STANALAND, PLAZA LAFAYETTE) NO. 99-32 The applicant is requesting authorization to establish an employee parking lot in a vacant 50 foot by 314 foot portion of an abandoned railroad right-of-way located to the north of the Plaza Lafayette shopping center at 13031 Newport Avenue and to the west of the Woodcrest Apartments located at 12091-12943 Newport Avenue. Recommendation: Pleasure of the City Council. NONE PUBLIC INPUT OTHER BUSINESS / COMMITTEE REPORTS DOYLE: COMMENDED TUSTIN MEADOWS FOR AN EXCELLENT FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION AND PARADE REPORTED THE POLICE DEPARTMENT'S NEW MOBILE COMMAND CENTER HAD ARRIVED Action Agenda --City Council July 6, 1999 — Page 5 DOYLE: COMMENDED THE POLICE DEPARTMENT'S BIKE PATROL UNIT FOR THEIR PRESENCE DURING'-FOURTH OF JULY ACTIVITIES POTTS: REPORTED. THE CITY'S . EUCALYPTUS TREES WERE INFESTED AND HOPEFULLY WOULD NOT HAVE TO BE REMOVED ' THOMAS: REPORTED HE WOULD BE. ABSENT FROM THE JULY 19TH COUNCIL MEETING THANKED TUSTIN MEADOWS FOR A WONDERFUL FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION COMMENDED STAFF FOR AN EXCELLENT FIREWORKS DISPLAY AND ENTERTAINMENT ON THE FOURTH OF JULY AT TUSTIN HIGH SCHOOL WORLEY: COMMENDED POLICE PERSONNEL AND A FIELD SERVICES EMPLOYEE FOR THEIR PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE DURING THE AFTERMATH OF THE FATAL TRAFFIC ACCIDENT AT PROSPECT AVENUE AND THEODORA DRIVE REMINDED- EVERYONE TO ATTEND THE CONCERTS IN THE PARK SERIES BEGINNING JULY 7 COMMENDED STAFF FOR AN IMPRESSIVE FIREWORKS SHOW AND ENTERTAINMENT ON THE FOURTH OVJULY ANNOUNCED ' CLOSED SESSION - The City Council shall convene in closed session to confer with the City Attorney regarding anticipated .litigation: In the opinion of the'City Attorney, there is significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1)(A), one (1) potential case. 8:08 P.M. ADJOURNMENT - The next regular meeting of the City Council is scheduled for Monday, July 19, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. in the'Council Chamber at'300 Centennial Way. Action Agenda— City Council .duly 6, 1999— Page 6 � ACTION AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY JULY 6, 1999 8:08 P.M. CALL. TO ORDER SALTARELLI ROLL CALL ABSENT REGULAR BUSINESS ( ITEMS 1 THROUGH 3 ) APPROVED -1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — JUNE 21, 1999 REGULAR MEETING Recommendation: Approve the Redevelopment Agency Minutes of June 21, 1999. APPROVED 2. .APPROVAL OF DEMANDS Recommendation: Approve Demands in the amount of $80)785.85. APPROVED STAFF 3. AUTHORIZATION TO CONTINUE OPERATION FOR RECOMMENDATION FISCAL YEAR 1999.00 Because the 1999.00 budget will not be approved until after July 1, 1999, it is necessary for the Agency to . authorize expenditures for operations. Recommendation: Authorize the Executive Director to continue fiscal operations for 1999-00 at an appropriation level not to exceed that of 1998-99 until such time as the budget process can be completed as recommended by the Finance Department. NONE OTHER BUSINESS ANNOUNCED CLOSED SESSION - The Redevelopment Agency shall convene in closed session to confer with the Agency's real property negotiator, Christine Shingleton, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 regarding property located at 14741 and 14751 Newport Avenue. The negotiating parties are the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency and- Mr. Dennis S. Smith. Instructions to the negotiator shall concern terms and conditions of acquisition. I 8:08 P.M. ADJOURNMENT . The next regular meeting of the Redevelopment Agency is scheduled for Monday, July 19, 1999, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at 300 Centennial Way. Action Agenda—Redevelopment Agency July 6, 1999—Page 1