City Manager IN 0
Finance Director
Staff is recommending that the City Council award the construction contract for the Veterans
Sports Park at Tustin Legacy Park Improvements Project, CIP No. 20043 to the lowest responsive
/ responsible bidder, Los Angeles Engineering, Inc.
It is recommended that the City Council:
Deny the bid protest submitted by Ohno Construction; and
2a. Award the construction contract for the Veterans Sports Park at Tustin Legacy Park
Improvements Project, CIP No. 20043 to the lowest responsive/responsible bidder, Los
Angeles Engineering, Inc., in the amount of $18,991,493 (excluding the water play
feature) adjusted for the bid alternative and deductive items and authorize the Mayor
and the City Clerk to execute the contract documents on behalf of the City; and
appropriate the following:
1. $1,500,000 from anticipated revenue in the Capital Improvement Program —
General Fund (Fund 200) for use of grant funds awarded for this project,
2. $333,000 from anticipated revenue in the Capital Improvement Program —
General Fund (Fund 200) for reimbursable T -Mobile expenses, and
3. $1,500,000 from the MCAS Tax Allocation Bond Fund (Fund 561).
2b. Award the construction contract for the Veterans Sports Park at Tustin Legacy Park
Improvements Project, CIP No. 20043 to the lowest responsive/responsible bidder, Los
Angeles Engineering, Inc., in the amount of $19,445,493 (including the water play
feature) adjusted for the bid alternative and deductive items and authorize the Mayor
and the City Clerk to execute the contract documents on behalf of the City; and
appropriate the following:
1. $1,500,000 from anticipated revenue in the Capital Improvement Program —
General Fund (Fund 200) for use of grant funds awarded for this project,
2. $333,000 from anticipated revenue in the Capital Improvement Program —
General Fund (Fund 200) for reimbursable T -Mobile expenses,
3. $1,500,000 from the MCAS Tax Allocation Bond Fund (Fund 561), and
Award Contract for Veterans Sports Park Improvements
November 20, 2018
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4. $454,000 from the General Fund Reserves (Fund 100) for the water play
The total amount of the bid received by Los Angeles Engineering is $ 22,295,893. This includes
alternate and deductible bid items designed to provide flexibility to delete or modify park amenities
if needed. Staff has provided two options for the City Council's consideration. The first includes
the elimination of several of these bid items, reducing the contract amount to $18,991,493. The
bid items eliminated include synthetic turf for the soccer fields ($2,510,000), the water play feature
($454,000) and miscellaneous replacement items that are unnecessary because the preferred
park amenity will be constructed ($340,400). The second option retains the water play feature for
a total contract amount of $19,445,493.
The remaining available approved budget for the construction of this project is $17,940,189.
Previously demolition, grading, and underground utilities were constructed by Sukut Construction
under separate contract. Since the adoption of the budget, the City has been awarded $1,500,000
in grant funding through the California Land and Water Conservation Fund for this project. Staff
is recommending the City Council appropriate the grant funds as part of this agenda item, which
would increase the budget to $19,440,189. Also, as part of the project the City will be constructing
cell tower equipment building for T -Mobile in the amount of $333,000.00. T -Mobile will reimburse
the City the cost associated with the cell tower building construction. Staff is also recommending
an appropriation of $333,000 from the General Fund for proper accounting of this reimbursable
item. These budget modifications increase the total funding available for the project to
$19,773,189 as outlined below:
MCAS Backbone Fees (Fund 187)
$ 9,250,000
MCAS Tax Allocation Bonds (Fund 561)
$ 6,784,712
Park Development Fees (Fund 132)
$ 1,659,171
Community Facilities District 06-1 (Fund 434)
$ 246.306
Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant (Fund 200)
$ 1,500,000
T -Mobile Building Reimbursement (Fund 200)
$ 333.000
The estimated expenditures for this project total $21,273,189, which includes:
Construction Contract (excluding water play feature) $ 18,991,493
Estimated Construction Management, Inspection, Geotechnical & Testing $ 800,000
Estimated Construction Engineering/Support $ 200,000
Contingency (-7%) $ 1.281.696
Staff has identified an additional $1,500,000 available in the MCAS Tax Allocation Bond Fund
(Fund 561) to complete the project without the water play feature. The Community Services
Commission was advised that the lowest bid is over the available funding and that a park amenity
may need to be removed from the project. At their October 19, 2018 meeting, the Commission
voted to remove the water play feature if funding cannot be secured. The water play feature can
be included now with an appropriation of $454,000 from unappropriated reserves of the General
Fund or built later once other funds become available. The projected General Fund Reserves
should this appropriation be authorized would be $19,727,043.
Award Contract for Veterans Sports Park Improvements
November 20, 2018
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The park improvements of Veterans Sports Park at Tustin Legacy, CIP No. 20043 contributes to
the fulfillment of the City's Strategic Plan Goal A: Economic and Neighborhood Development.
Specifically, the project implementation of Strategy 1, which among other items is to complete the
master Plan for Tustin Legacy and Strategy 6, which is to assess and to explore opportunities for
expanded recreational activities.
The Veterans Sports Park at Tustin Legacy park improvements project consists of construction
of the Veteran's Memorial monument, sports fields, sports courts, restroom buildings, walkways
and site amenities.
The first phase of the project consisted of demolition, grading and installation of storm drain,
potable water, reclaimed water, and sanitary sewer facilities. The phase one work was completed
by Sukut Construction in May 2018 and the final construction cost totaled $3,003,336.
The City Council adopted Resolution No. 18-31 approving the plans and specifications for the
park improvements and authorized the City Clerk to advertise to receive bids from the seven (7)
pre -qualified general contractors approved by the City Council on May 1, 2018. Staff
recommended the pre -qualification procedure for the construction of the Veterans Sports Park at
Tustin Legacy Park Improvements Project due to the very specialized nature of construction.
Construction scheduling may prove difficult and will require significantly more expertise in
coordination and facilitation of project progress.
The City received three (3) formal bids from the pre -qualified list of potential bidders that were
publicly opened on September 18, 2018 and reviewed by Public Works. Provided below is a
summary of the three (3) bids by order of least dollar amount:
Los Angeles Engineering, Inc . ........................................ $ 22,295,893.00
Ohno Construction Company ................................................ $ 23,974,901.05 (*)
BrightView Landscape Development, Inc ......................... $ 24,513,800.00
(*) Corrected total bid amount based upon correctly multiplying the number of units by the unit
price bid.
Staff has reviewed the references and verified the State Contractor's License for Los Angeles
Engineering, Inc. and has determined that they are in good standing and current.
The City received a formal bid protest dated September 19, 2018 from Ohno Construction
Company, the apparent second lowest bidder. In the protest, Ohno Construction Company
requested that the City find the apparent lowest bidder, Los Angeles Engineering, Inc. non-
responsive due to the following:
1. Los Angeles Engineering listed an unregistered and non -responsible subcontractor
2. Los Angeles Engineering listed multiple subcontractors that are not permitted to install the
specified products
3. Los Angeles Engineering's bid is non-responsive because it did not use the correct notary
form as required by the bid documents
4. Los Angeles Engineering did not include the required submittal for the Shade Canopies
that was required with the bid.
Award Contract for Veterans Sports Park Improvements
November 20, 2018
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City staff requested Los Angeles Engineering to provide a response to Ohno Construction
assertions. Los Angeles Engineering response adequately addresses the issues raised by Ohno
1. Los Angeles Engineering explained that the subject subcontractor has valid DIR
registration number and experienced installing similar projects of this scope, subsequently
Los Angeles Engineering has requested to substitute the subject contractor.
2. Los Angeles Engineering listed subcontractors to provide and perform work in accordance
with plans and specifications for this project.
3. Los Angeles Engineering submitted with their bid legal Notary Acknowledgment forms
provided by the Secretary of State of California.
4. Los Angeles Engineering is utilizing USA Shade & Fabric Structures, which is an approved
manufacturer in accordance with specifications and did not provide a submittal with their
bid for the reason consistent with the City's response to question number 36 in Addendum
No. 2.
City staff, along with the City Attorney's office, determined that:
1. Los Angeles Engineering substitution of the subject subcontractor is permissible.
2. Los Angeles Engineering listed subcontractors are able to provide and to perform work in
accordance with plans and specifications.
3. Public entities have discretion to waive inconsequential deviations from public bid
4. It was permissible for Los Angeles Engineering not to include a bid for the fabric tension
structures with its bid submittals.
The information above is a summary of the bid protest and the City's response. The bid protest
and the formal response from the City have been included as attachments to this report.
It is therefore recommended that the City Council deny the bid protest by Ohno Construction
Company, award the construction contract to the lowest responsive/responsible bidder, Los
Angeles Engineering, Inc., and authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to execute the contract
documents on behalf of the City, and appropriate the necessary funds as stated above to
complete the park improvements with or without the water play feature at this time.
bou s . Stack, P. E.
Dir or f Public Works/City Engineer
Attachment(s): 1. City response to bid protest
2. Los Angeles Engineering response to bid protest letter, dated September 25, October
9, 10 & 17, 2018
3. Ohno Construction bid protest letter, dated September 19, 2018
4. Location Map
SiCily Counal I1-0018 Council Ilems111-06.201864ward of Contract for Veterans Sports Park Improvemenls. CIP No. 200431Award of Contract for Veterans Sports Park Improvements, CIP 20043.docx