HomeMy WebLinkAboutMAIN ST W 340 08/05/201610.14 kW DC PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM INSTALLATION ON EXISTING RO 31 SUNPOWER 327 WATT AC MODULES WITH FACTORY-INTEGRATED,MFtaRO This se. INSTALLER LA SOLAR GROUP, INC ADDRESS: 16501 Sherman Way, UNIT#: 130, Van Nuys, CA 91406 PHONE: (818) 373-0077 EMAIL: Engineering@lasolargroup.com LIC TYPE: C-46, C-10 Ara PBtrOSyan LIC #:974115 DRAWN BY: Narek Alaverdyan DATE: July 11, 2016 PROPERTY INFORMATION PROPERTY ADDRESS: 340 W Main St, Tusfin, CA 92780 PARCEL NUMBER: 40137208 PROPERTY TYPE: Single Family Residence CUSTOMER NAME: Chung, David GENERAL NOTES All materials, equipment, installation and work shall complywith the following applicable codes: - 2013 CBC / 20121BC, - 2013 CRC / 2012 IRC, -Z013 CEC / 2011 NEC, -2013 CMC/2012 UMC,-2013CPC/20f2UPC, -2013 CFC/20121FC, - 2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards • Existing plumbing vents, skylights, exhaust outlets, ventilations Intake air openings shall not be covered by the solar photovoltaic system. All equipment shall be listed and labeled by a recognized electrical testing laboratorya d Installed per the IiWng requirements and the manufacturer's tnstructlo s. [NEC • All outdoor equipment shall be NEMA 3R rated, including all roof mounted transition boxes and switches. • All equipment shall be properly grounded and bonded in accordance with NEC article 250. • All circuits connected to more than one source shall have over current devices located so as to provide over current protection from all sources. [NEC 690.9(A)] • Additional equipment of the PV system shall be located outside the building near the main electrical services. [NEC 690.14(C)[ • The utility -interactive inverters shall automatically do -energize Its output to the connected electrical production and distribution network upon loss of voltage in the system and shall remain In that state until the electrical production and distribution network voltage has been restored.[NEC 690.611 • Due to the fact that PV modules are energized whenever exposed to light, PV contractor shall disable the array during installation and service by short circuiting open circulting, or coveringthe arraywithopaquecmering.[NEC690.1g] • All conductor exposed to weather shall be listed and Identified for use Indirect sunlight. [NEC 690.31(8), 31-0.8(D)) • The module conductors must be type USE -2 or listed for photovoltaic (PV) wire. [NEC 690.31(6)] • Allconductors shall be marked on each end for unique Identification. (NEC 690,4 (B)) • All grounded conductor shall be properly color Identified as white. [NEC 200.6] • PV system connected on the load side of the service disconnecting means of the other source(s) at any distribution equipment on the premises shall meet the following [NEC 0/ Ilr111 SL No. C58724 Exp. 3-31.17 July 14, 2016 sinI Gw um„ , q Development Oe latment Canifp:ate of Apprdprialenene Proposed were — v v ",eA:R-1 J I rt eV, [ R," k h TM Wdpd"ed werk lately" N!sarrowini la I tl) IMt Wm NChrMtl N ill G NYY�sutw o f sw : (yprT� YesZtAdn a .J RaWg:�G34) M vole Ordinance Np. 1001, GIiE Comnkxlly pavajuprtem DepNrem w m.r propRed woe email. be me dienxlpd Cede a,N ,gee it lM deefpr Ganda illi 0 acoleabla. The propd"•s wo,k does net adversary anat me chin M of ma dbbied d Dealge'dld ce"mel Raaourese Mtlrin me detrk,. Ilk TheL«opoeed work h harinanwa rid,edamg anleeldt, "N Nana of app"'Inxili nes. o1 malerkh, e , lino haghl, placement, end M of a n buildup W-Ineel«a In alWiemNp b ell buildkgs arW s rectur" and tl 4`eV, ee,.�( Ap,v �� Dater www. Loyd W Martin .con Solar Structures Engineering _ #2016-2329 Structural nnhr 705.12(D)]: -Each source connection shall be made at a dedicated circuit breaker or fusible disconnecting means. [NEC 705.12(DX3)1 -The sum of the ampere rating of the over current devices in circuits supplying power to the bus bar or conductor shall not exceed 120% of the rating of bus bar or conductor. [NEC 705.12(D)(2)] - The Interconnection point shall be on the line side of all ground -fault protection equipment. [NEC 705.12(D)(3)] )1 - Equipment containing over cement devices in circuits supplying power to a bus bar or conductor shall be marked to Indicate the presence of all sources. [NEC 705.12(D)(4)] - Circuit breaker, if back fed, shall be suitable for such operation. [NEC 705.12(DX5)] • To minimize overheating of the bus bar In panel board, the panel board main circuit breaker and the PV power source circuit breaker shall be physically located at the opposite end of the bus bar.[NEC 705.12(DX7)] • All the NEC required warning signs, markings, and labels shall be posted on equipment and disconnects prior to any Inspections to be performed by the Building Department inspectorMetaIIk raceways or metallic enclosures are required whin method for inside a building for PV system. [NEC 690.31(E)] • Flexible, fine -stranded Cables shall be terminated only with terminals, lugs, devices or connector that are Identified and listed forsuch use. [NEC 690.3].(F) & 310.14(A)] • Connectors shall be of latching or locking type. Connectors that are readily accessible and operating at over 30 volts shall require tool to open and marked aDo Not Disconnect Under Load" or "Not For Current Interrupting". (NEC 690.33(C) & (E)(2)] • Equipment grounding conductor for PV modules smaller than 6AWG shall be protected from physical damage by a raceway or cable armor. [NEC 690.45 & 250.120(C)] • Equipment grounding conductor for PV systems without Ground Fault Protection (GFP) and installed on non -dwelling unit must have ampaclty of at least 2 times the temperature and conduit fill corrected circuit conductor ampacity, [NEC 690.45(8)] • Fine -stranded Cables used for battery terminals, devices, and connections require lugs and terminals listed and marked for the use. [NEC 690.74 (A)) • Rooftop mounted photovoltaic panels and modules shall be tested, listed & Identified In accordance with UL1741 CODE DING DIVISION UnlawfUl to ma 191 SHEET 1 SHEET 2 SHEET 3 SHEET 4 SHEET 5 SHEET 6 SHEET 7 ET 8 5 9 SHEET 10 SHEET 11 ROOFING TYPE: 1 LAYER OF TORCH DOWN ATTACHMENT TYPE: FAST JACK PV ARRAY SQUARE FOOTAGE: 544.58 Sq.f, CONSTRUCTION TYPE: VB PV ARRAT WEIGHT: 1,692.6 LBS OCCUPANCY GROUP: R3 LOAD PER SQUARE FOOTAGE: 1.13 PSF RESIDENTIAL PHOTOVOLTAIC STANDARD NOTES sepaaMe be neamdlon on piers xten Ot ae len the 2 CEC u.n.o.J rt Ci(y lefalllobob elle dal,g Inspec5on. ent ga4,e at sank, diewrreci, , mcf. 2) The Qhy of Tudb"not be Ned! respeal lar root deal brei met, resun ren a. Ther m eine may be pend wine the man sarin dleCaulect bila mein snsekp be raef fatly impeadon M the PV system, savke dsadmnenl Is opet" wnh be amble psaldadd, ben lie makkg 3) Centel step verify edea"; amok, and ea,bm monoxide deleclare an M good ebtldeeleaaadMbewtraemver.. 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