HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 07 PATROL UNITS 10-18-04 AGENDA REPORT Agenda Item 7 Reviewed: City Manager ~ Finance Director ~ f?,/V MEETING DATE: OCTOBER 18, 2004 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WilLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER STEVE FOSTER, CHIEF OF POLICE AWARD A BID FOR FOUR PATROL UNITS SUMMARY: Purchase of four 2005 Chevrolet Tahoe Black and White Police Patrol Units to replace existing high mileage patrol units. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That City Council authorizes the purchase of four 2005 Chevrolet Police Package Tahoe vehicles for marked patrol units from Wondries Chevrolet in Alhambra, in the amount of $126,152.16 (tax included). 2. That City Council authorizes the expenditure of funds to purchase four Mobile Audio Video systems from Kustom Signals Inc., lenexa Kansas in the amount of $24,847.15 (tax included). 3. That City Council authorizes expenditure of funds for the conversion of the four marked patrol units to Pursuit Technologies in la Habra, California in the amount of $ $45,366.00 (tax included). FISCAL IMPACT: 1. $171,518.16 from the Vehicle Equipment Replacement Fund, Account 84-801- 9730 (vehicle purchase and conversion). 2. $24,847.15 from the Police Operations Equipment Fund, Account 01-502-9845 (Mobile Audio Video equipment). . Monies are budgeted in the Vehicle lease Fund for the purchase and conversion of vehicles and the mobile audio equipment is budgeted in the Police Operations fund. Page 2 BACKGROUND: In Fiscal Year 04/05, it is necessary to replace four marked police units due to the combination of high mileage and service history. Wondries Chevrolet will have Police Tahoe's available for delivery in late December, as soon as the manufacturer releases the new models. This is under LA. County Bid #211549. We have purchased vehicles from this vendor for several years. It is recommended we purchase the new Police Tahoe's from Wondries Chevrolet. Pursuit Technologies has completed unit conversions for the police department for the past several years. A bid process was completed in January 2003, with Pursuit Technologies being the low bidder. They offer and have maintained competitive pricing due to the large volume of vehicles that they convert. They also provide a superior work product and excellent customer service, all done in a timely manner. It is recommended that Pursuit Technologies is authorized to perform the unit conversions at a cost of $11,341.50 per unit. Kustom Signals has provided the police department with Mobile Audio Video (MAV's) equipment for several years including several generations of equipment. Through the years it has been proven that the "Eyewitness" unit performs well under the adverse conditions it is subjected to. The department has had an ongoing replacement cycle of five years for the MAV's equipment. This allows for newer generations of equipment to be put into service as technology advances. It is recommended that the Kustom Signals Eyewitness Mobile Audio Video equipment is purchased. Attached for information is the quote from Wondries Chevrolet, a recap of quotes received for unit conversions and information on the recently purchased MAV's System. Funds are available for the purchase of the recommended equipment. ~ ~ Steve Foster Chief of Police SF:JG:RC:pf Attachments: Wondries Chevrolet Quote Unit Conversion Quote Recap MAV's System Information TlCouoei! Agenda ReportslAward a Bid for Four Patrol Units.doe PURSUIT TECHNOLOGY, INC. 540 E. JAMIE AVE LA HABRA. CA 90631 Quotaticm Quote Num )cr: 9136 Ph: 714-871-1775 Fax: 714.871.1774 Quote D ¡Ie: Ssp 27, 20 J4 Quoted to: CITY OF TUSTIN ATTN:RALPH CASIELLO 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTlN, CA 92780 PEg,,: 1 AITIIi,' kA (¡;h ,--' "-"-"--'--"---'-"-'----'-""--'-'--' -"l i -- ..- CUSlumef~+- Good Thru I_. Payment TC~--t -. Sales Rep - --f i_.. TUST_~ 10/27/0~~.300aYS_--L~N~__.J F"~'~~t¡APCO,"~:'~- ~"~:~~:::~:;o~~ - i um'p~~ .. E.~'iO:,,:' , 1,0 ED GH 1-BLUE ALOGEN GRILL LIGHT BLUe I 36.0 36.0' I 1.0 ED GH1-REO ALOGEN GRILL LIGHT RED 36.0 36.0' 1.0 ED FA3-SB EAVY DUTY ALT. FLASHER 18'3 18.01 : 1.0~HL SSF2150 OLIO STATE HEADLITE FLASHER I' 55. 55.5 I 1.0 EDMS100-06 YNAMAXSPKR"TAHOE" 157. 167.5. I 1.0 HLS560CCCC HD 60W-WITH4STROBEBULB I 330.0~ 330.0.1 I 1.00/°00 Be-9 POSITION FUSEBLOCK 20.0 20.01~ 2,0ED PHXVB200 150AAlP MANueL RESET BREAKER 33'7~ 67,511 I 1,0 UPO 1200MJT ATTERYWITHMETALJACKET ,. 189.0 189,01,' I 1,0 N 4GA. WIRE ~GA. WIRE 20.0 2001 i 1~ P CONSOLE 14' WI COMPUTER MOUNT 565.0~ 565.011 1,0 BN TM4 OUCH MASTER SIREN I 525.0 525.01 I 1.0 BN UMNCT.SB ~OISE CANCELING MICROPHONE 45.5 45.S! 1.0 ESE 2147AS LlGHTBAR 2,485.0 2,485.0< 1.0 SE NASL847 7" LED ARROWSTICK . 87s.o 875.0C , I 1.0 GDUALRACK 70/AR15 UPRIGHT RACK NO LOCK 165.0 185,0( I 2.0 NTA CRUZ 1900 UTT PLATE 16.0 32.0C , 1.0 ANTA CRUZ SC-1 OCK ELECTRIC AND KEY 69. 59.BE I 1.0 ANTA CRUZ SC1-AJR OCK ELECTRIC AND KEY 110.2 110.2S I 1.0 B2 25.4802 HOT GUN LOCK TIMER 28, 28.50 "'oruG~. ,""'G",~_"T- i--:~~~ I. con:::': I sa~~T;: continUed! -..- Totall_.~ontinU8di Ii: ~q PURSUIT TECHNOLOGY. INC. 540 E. JAMIE AVE LA HABRA, CA 90631 Quotati or Quote Nun !bel 9131i Ph: 714-871-1775 Fax: 714-871"1774 Quote [late Sep 27. 21104 Quoted to; CITY OF TUSTIN ATTN:RALPH CASIELLO 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTIN, CA 92780 P!ge: 2 :-~ '~_USTD~;ID=T'GOodThruT--'paymen!Tenn}_~J-- Sales~~ -~-==j i_,-T~_._1~27/04_I___Net30DaY6 .._.__LT~NY - ---_J :- -Q~~ilti~ii~~A~:L'~ -f,~~T::~~~~~~~~~~:~=-T. ,u"m:f: 1- """"O::d i 1,OCPBOR ~O INSTALL COMPUTER ,275.0 275.( ~ I 1,0EBOR ~~OINSTALL2NDBATTERY I 135,0 135.Cq i 1,0 BOR a INSTALL CAMERA SYSTEM 110.0 110.cq I 2.D<1LJBOR a INSTALL SPOTLIGHTS I 70.0 140.Cq ! l.°9'3R TUST ~RAPHICS AS PER TUSTIN SPEC I 350.0 350.C ~ 1.0q> IKE RACKS 60. 60.C~ 1.°Ct MERICAN A\.UM. KENNEL FOR 2005 1,595., 1,5515,0 , AHOE 1.0 BaR ~ INSTALL KENNEL 275.0 275,0' 1.0 OR K9 4 BaR, INSTALL SCREENSIPANNEL 125. 125.0 1,0 EZ OUT 9 DOOR OPENER/COMBO 425.0 425.0 1.0 OR K9 3 BaR, DOOR OPENER COMBO 325. 325.0' 91.511 1.0 ORK95 OR,INSTALLFANKIT 95.0 95.011 1.0 TEMP/DELUX trEMP SENSOR/W.PAGERITWIND 365.0 365.0! I 1.0 OR K9 8 ~NSTALL TEMPITWINDOWIPAGER 295.0 2S5.Ot 1.0 INT rlNOOW TINT FOR K9 LIMO 220,0 220,O( 1,0f9 MALANOIO DECAL ~9 DECAL MALANOID HEAD (PAIR) 22.1 22.5C I ~HIS QUOTE IS A PER UNIT PRICE I I 1_- .- 1...__- -L, - - '-----1- -+ -- - /:2 I 7 Z Z . 75 I Subtotal!' 11,9S9.70 p £./2- ~ - ~ I Sales Tax 723,051 VN/7' Freight!.1 (.;2 ì< J L .- Total~__12.722.75J PA-r ¡¿oC PURSUIT TECHNOLOGY, INC, 540 E. JAMIE AVE LA HABRA, CA 90631 Quotati Jr Quote NuI1' ber 913/ Ph: 714"871-1775 Fax: 714-871-1774 QLlote [ ate: Sap 27, 2( 04 Quoted to: CITY OF TUSTIN ATTN:RALPH CASIELLO 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTIN, CA 92780 ,4rrN: ~I¡ph (JOts i-e/ Iv PLge: 1 ¡=- c:~:~d+::Th"1 " P::~~' ~'. ,~.;"~-=--=~j -. -. --.-..--..---..-..--__.1______----------..- r_9~antitŸ--I----'" iæ;;:;'~' .-- - Descriptj-;;-;'-------- i---Û~¡tï)ric~""r Exie~si-õñ-'l I .-1.0 '-- , ~UNrcmRõE ----T ----- -- --'--1 I ~.~ PCOBUMPER98 ~005CHEVYTAHOE2WHLDRIVE I 175.0J 175.(9 1.0 ED GH 1-BLUE HALOGEN GRILL LIGHT BLUE 36.0~ 36.( ~ 1.0 ED GH1-RED ~ALOGEN GRILL LIGHT RED . 36.0 38.(~ ~:~ï~LFSA;;~~SO t~~I~ ~~~: ~~:~~~HFE~SHER I ~::~~ ;::~ ~ 1'OEd;~DMS100-06 bYNAMAXSPKR"TAHOE" I 167.5 187.q 1.0 HL S660CCCC ~ HO 60W -WITH 4 STROBE BULB 330.0 330.C ~ 1.0 ODDBB-9 ~POSIT10NFUSEBLOCK 20.01 20.0~ 2.0 SD PHXVB200 ~50AMP MANUEL RESET BREAKER I 33.7 67,5' 1.0 UPO 1200MJT ATTERY WITH METAL JACKET 189.0 189_0 1.0 N4GA.WIRE GA. WIRE .1 20.0 20.01 1.0 ~P CONSOLE 14" WI COMPUTER MOUNT 565.0 565.0 ~ 1.0 ~OUCH MASTER SIREN 525,0<1 525.0. ~ 1.0 ~'NOISE CANCELING MICROPHONE 45.sq 45.51 ¡ 1.0 SE2147A6 LlGHTBAR 2.485.0q 2.485.011 1.0 SE NASL847 f7" LED ARROWSTICK 67S,OQ 675.01/ 1.0qsETINA 10VS ¡CAGE/HORIZ. SLIDING WINDOW WI LEP . 485.0q 485.0< I 1,DQsG DUAL RACK ~70/AR15 UPRIGHT RACK NO LOCK I 185.0Q 1 85.DC 2,095ANTA CRUZ 1900 UTI PLATE 16.0q 32.0( 1.095ANTACRUZSC-1 OCK ELECTRIC AND KEY I 89,9~ S99! ~:~;:~~.~~~Z SC1-AlR ~~~~~~ENC~~~K~~EK:Y 1;~:~~ 1;~:~~ '- -- - --- - -"-' -- ---'- - J -- -- T- ----.- I SUbtOTaI¡ Continued Sales Tax Continuedl L- F:~~~:l__...~,ntinu~~ 1qCJóD3J- pÞÆ VN/ 7' (02. r: ) '. PA1~ö L PURSUIT TECHNOLOGY, INC. 540 E. JAMIE AVE LA HABRA, CA 90631 Quotatj OJ Quote Nul1be: 91;:; Ph: 714-871-1775 Fax: 714-871.1774 Quote I )atf Sap 27. 2 )04 Quoted to: CITYOFTUSTIN ATTN:RALPH CASIELLO 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTIN, CA 92780 fage 2 ¡= C=~ID ==F~,:Thoq= '::":~'=-~ ,^~Š"~R.,-=:=~ '.- .-' -' .-' ..- .---,--.--,--.1-.- - --- --._- -- --...J /- Quanti;J:NÁ C~~~01-~R P~ISONE~~~~~~; TAHOE =+ Uñit !ri;~. Exte~~jo~o': ~ , 2.oclsPOTLIGHT ~~TLIGHTW/8RACKET I 140.0q 260.;~ '. 1'0~se MATERIAL MISe MATERIAL FULL BUILD I 65.0~ 85, ¡q I 1.0 BOR ~OINSTALLEMeRG.EQ. 895.0q 895,IIQ I 1,0 BOR [TO INSTALL COMPUTER 275.0q 275,11(i I 1.0 BOR [rOINSTALL2NDBATTERY 135.od 135.110 i 1.odLABOR ¡TO INSTALL CAMERA SYSTEM 110.0q 110.1'¡¡ 2.0clABOR Iro INSTALL SPOTLIGHTS 70.od 140.( d 1'OfRTUST GRAPHICS AS PER TUSTIN SPEe 350.0q 350,(d 1.0 BIKE RACKS 60.ad 60,( 9 I I I I ~HIS QUOTE IS A PER UNIT PRICE : I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I .. -- - '--- -._L._.__.- -- i-..-. ...-- +. --.- ---'--- I Subtotal I . Sales Tax I l___:;~~:: '--- - _~,96025J 9,355.70 604.55 I - 101"" SIGNALS, INC. þ. 8188- DF PU"'C UFIm' IQIIPSXI', - - Mtnn. L.oMø IC8 t121 NM7 tlWIIM.oø ""'"""1047. ......-............. --.....'- Quotation Pa2e 1 of2 Date To.., 0912212004 OFC CASIELLO TUSTIN POLICE DEPARTMENT Quote # 192799262455730 Terms Net 30 This Quote Expires on 1212112004 Phone 714-573-3212 Ii!.! 714-730-1027 300 CENTENNIAL WAY TUSTIN CA 92780 Q!1: Product Descrintion 4 LOADED DIGITAL EYEWITNESS, DVD, SURE TALK, IN CAR MIC, REARS CAMERA (CONSOLE), ONE YEAR WARRANTY 4 SHIPPING & HANDLING CA SALES TAX WILL BE ADDED AT TIME OF PURCHASE TAHOES-PATROL J.!!!i.œ!:itt $5,725.00 SubTotal $22,900.00 $40.00 $160.00 Total $23,060.00 I 0 Payments of $0.00 per @ 12.92% APR íAX / 71;1 ,I~ . -- ~g~(.15 ~ Signature Title 9325 Pflumm Rd Lenesa KS 66215 d berger@kustomsignals.com Toll Free 800-4KUSTOM (800-458-7866)- 09/15/2004 12: 08 5254579953 PAGE 05 ~rlCL~ FLEET DIVISION 1247 West M..;,., Street. 1".0, Bo" 38150, Alhambra. CA S180:3 626/457-5580 828/457-5593 F'a" September 15,2004 Ralph Casiello Tustin P.D. 300 Centennial Way Tustin. CA 92780 Delivery via faJl; (714) 730-8027 Dear Mr. Casiello: In response to your inquiry, we are pleased to submit the following for your consideration. Wondries Fleet Group will sell, service, and deliver, at Tustin, New/Unused 2005 Chevrolet Police Tahoe responding to the attached spec;ification for $31,538.04 each, ($5.00 me fee per vehicle non-taxable) Price includes two-tone paint, me fee, & tax. These vehicles arc available under the Cooperative Purchase Provision of the Los Angeles County bid# 211549. Delivery is One Hundred Eighty (180) days A.R.O. Terms are Net 20 days. - - mm.m -'-' sf} .01 311) ¡Jf~ f I'()¡JI ( t/ f/ ~ TOYOTA <CiÞ ~sincereIY' (}~ Jo Connell ONDRIES FLEET GROUP 09/15/2004 12: 08 6264579953 r'Ac,t. ~b "ear: lake: lodel: tyle: :ffective Date: 2005 Chevy Utility Vehicles Tahoe Police Vehicle C157064dr 07/16/04 FACTORY OPTIONS ****************************** ***************************** ,PTION ODES 15706 PV 52 E9 59 30 r4 ST ~5 _D C1 ~7 /6 12 !2 Ital DESCRIPTION MSRP -----~-----------------------------~------------- --------- 4dr IDENTIFIER, POLICE VEHICLE, utilized to identify a vehicle as a police/fire for marketing. order-build process and emission certification purposes. (Must be specified") BODY, LIFTGATE WITH LIFTGLASS, REAR DOOR SYSTEM, includes rear-window wiper/washer EMISSIONS, FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS ENGINE, VORTEC 5300 V8 SFI FLEX-FUEL capable of running on unleaded or up to 85~ ethanol (295 HP [219.7 kW] @ 5200 rpm, 335 lb.-ft. [452.3 N-m] @ 4000 rpm) (STD) TRANSMISSION, 4-SPEED AUTOMATIC, electronically controlled with overdrive (STD) NO LOCKING REAR DIFFERENTIAL REAR AXLE, 3.73 RATIO (STD) PREFERRED EQUIPMENT GROUP Includes Standard Equipment SEATS, FRONT CUSTOM CLOTH RECLINING BUCKETS. includes adjustable head restraints, inboard armrests, 6-way power adjustable driver seat and rear storage pockets CUSTOM CLOTH SEAT TRIM SOLID PAINT (STD) SOUND SYSTEM, ETR AM/FM STEREO includes seek- and-scan. digital clock (STD) (Upgradeable to (UB1) Sound system, ETR AM/PH stereo with CD and cassette player or (9RO) Sound system, AM/FM stereo with cassette.) LOCKS, REAR DOOR INOPBRATIVE HANDLES, REAR DOOR INOPERATIVE (doors can only be opened fro. outside) FLEET PROCESSING OPTION Destination Charge 35000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 550.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 65.00 65.00 0.00 850.00 36530.00 115/04 August 2004 REFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO ENSURE DATA ACCURACY. 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