HomeMy WebLinkAboutTUSTIN LEGACY BACKBONE INFRASTRUCTURE PRESENTATION - 10.17.172017 UPDATE TUSTIN LEGACY BACKBONE INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM October 17, 2017 HISTORY Facility categories were defined in the early 2000’s in conjunction with preparation of the MCAS Specific Plan and EIR and included: ▪Transportation and Circulation Improvements (including mitigation within cities of Santa Ana and Irvine) ▪Drainage and Water Quality/Mitigation Improvements ▪Dry Utility Backbone Improvements ▪Parks, Open Space, and Recreational Improvements ▪Library Improvements (Complete) ▪Fire Facility Improvements (Complete) ▪Community Entry Signage (Complete) HISTORY ▪Infrastructure cost estimates developed beginning January 2001 ▪Tustin Legacy Infrastructure Fair Share Analysis adopted in April 2006 ▪2007 Tustin Legacy Infrastructure Fair Share Analysis update approved in September 2008 ▪2011 Tustin Legacy Infrastructure Fair Share Analysis update approved in February 2012 2017 UPDATE ▪Why we are updating the program? ▪Tustin Legacy Specific Plan Amendment recently approved ▪Increased residential by 2,212 dwelling units ▪Decreased non-residential by 1,755,306 SF ▪Elimination of facilities that are no longer needed ▪Addition of facilities required for the latest Specific Plan Amendment 2011 UPDATE V. 2017 UPDATE 2011 Update 2017 Update Change Total Program Cost $ 395M $ 467M $ 72M Developer Contributions $ 335M $ 327M ($ 8M) Other Financing Sources*$ 59M $ 95M $ 36M** Cost Savings To-Date $ 0 $ 44M $ 44M * Includes Grants, CFDs, 2010 Tax Allocation Bond, Library contribution, Quimby fees, etc. ** $22M in Grants and $13M from CFD 14-1 CURRENT STATUS OF THE PROGRAM ▪Total budget for completed facilities…………………………..$233M (Actual $189M) ▪Total funds collected (all sources)………………………………$258M ▪Funds still available…………………………………………………$ 69M ▪2010 Tax Allocation Bond Fund……………….$16M ▪Backbone Infrastructure Fund ………………..$35M ▪CFD 14-1 Construction Fund…………………..$13M ▪Measure M-2 Grant for Red Hill Widening…..$ 5M ▪Total estimated cost for remaining facilities to be built……..$234M ▪Total funds still to be collected…………………………………...$165M MAP OF PLANNING AREAS FUTURE DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION PER PLANNING AREA (TOTAL = $165M) Area D-4 (ph. 2) 21.2 Net Ac $7.9M Area D-5 53.0 Net Ac $25.9M Area D-3/D-7B 106.3 Net Ac $56.7M Area D-2C/D-8 82.2 Net Ac $24.7M Area D-1A South 3.6 Net Ac $460k Area D-6B 14.5 Net Ac $1.3M Area D-7A 134.9 Net Ac $47.5M TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES/ DRY UTILITIES Legend Roadway Traffic Signal Unchanged Future Facilities ▪Red Hill Widening ($3.7M) ▪Valencia Avenue/Park Avenue from Tustin Ranch Road to Moffett Drive ($5.0M) ▪Moffett Drive Bridge ($4.0) TOTAL -$12.7M TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES/ DRY UTILITIES Facilities to be Removed from the Program ▪East Connector –Valencia to Edinger Bridge ($3.5M) ▪East Connector Bridge at Edinger ($2.2M) ▪Carnegie –Red Hill to Tustin Ranch Road ($3.1M) ▪Loop Ramp Edinger to Tustin Ranch Road ($0.2M) ▪Various Traffic Signals and Mitigation ($3.0M) TOTAL -$12M TOTAL -$12.7M Legend Roadway Traffic Signal TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES/ DRY UTILITIES Legend Roadway Traffic Signal Replacement Facilities ▪Red Hill Avenue Median Improvements ($4.3M) ▪Victory Road –Armstrong to Tustin Ranch Road ($5.4M) ▪Moffett Drive –Park Avenue to Legacy Road ($4.9M) ▪Legacy Road –Valencia Avenue to Warner Avenue ($6.9M) ▪Flight Way (Public Portion) –($2.4M) ▪N-D South Connector –Armstrong to Legacy to TRR ($9M) ▪N-G Connector -Valencia to Moffett ($6.4M) ▪N-G Connector -Valencia to Edinger ($3.7M) ▪Various Traffic Signals ($3M) TOTAL -$46M TOTAL -$12M TOTAL -$12.7M TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES/ DRY UTILITIES Legend Roadway Traffic Signal Facilities to be Constructed TOTAL ADDED $46M TOTAL REMOVED -$12M TOTAL RETAINED $12.7M TOTAL TO BE BUILT $58.7M DRAINAGE & WATER QUALITY FACILITIES Legend Drainage Water Quality Unchanged Future Facilities ▪Red Hill Avenue from Barranca Parkway to Warner Avenue ($730K) ▪Valencia Avenue/Park Avenue from Tustin Ranch Road to Moffett Drive ($3.7M) ▪Peters Canyon Channel Widening ($21.3M) TOTAL -$25.7M DRAINAGE & WATER QUALITY FACILITIES Facilities to be Removed from the Program ▪East Connector Storm Drain ($545K) ▪Carnegie Storm Drain ($540K) ▪Grading Modification (Import) ($14.3M) ▪Various Water Quality Improvements and Mitigation Related to Peters Canyon Channel ($16.2M) TOTAL -$31.5M TOTAL -$25.7M Legend Drainage Water Quality DRAINAGE & WATER QUALITY FACILITIES Legend Drainage Water Quality Replacement Facilities ▪Victory Road Storm Drain ($3M) ▪Moffett Drive Storm Drain ($680K) ▪Legacy Road Storm Drain ($3.7M) ▪Flight Way (Public Portion) ($340k) ▪N-D South Connector Storm Drain ($2M) ▪N-G Connector to Moffett Storm Drain ($2.7M) ▪N-G Connector to Edinger Storm Drain ($1M) ▪Barranca Channel Improvements –Phase 2 ($10.4M) ▪Former Army Reserve Site Drainage Improvements ($2M) TOTAL -$25.8M TOTAL -$31.5M TOTAL -$25.7M DRAINAGE & WATER QUALITY FACILITIES Facilities to be Constructed TOTAL ADDED $25.8M TOTAL REMOVED -$31.5M TOTAL RETAINED $25.7M TOTAL TO BE BUILT $51.5M Legend Drainage Water Quality PARKS AND OPEN SPACE FACILITIES Unchanged Future Facilities ▪Neighborhood Park –Neighborhood G ($4.4M) ▪Veterans Sports Park at Tustin Legacy ($13.3M) ▪Tustin Legacy Linear Park Neighborhood D ($7M ) ▪Warner Pedestrian Bridge ($11.8M) ▪Armstrong Pedestrian Bridge ($4.8M) ▪Tustin Ranch Road Pedestrian Bridge ($6.2M) ▪Peter’s Canyon Trail Improvements ($250K) TOTAL -$47.8M PARKS AND OPEN SPACE FACILITIES Facilities to be Removed from the Program ▪Community Park ($28M) ▪Open Space –Neighborhood E ($3.7M) TOTAL -$31.7M TOTAL -$47.8M PARKS AND OPEN SPACE FACILITIES Replacement Facilities ▪Veterans Sports Park at Tustin Legacy (additional budget) ($13M ) ▪Legacy Linear Park (N-E Ph 3 and 4) ($4.6M) ▪Legacy Linear Park (N-D South) ($6.4M) ▪South Hangar Park (N-D North) ($20.3M ) ▪Legacy Linear Park (N-G) ($7.4M) ▪TRR Ped Bridge (additional budget) ($6.1M) ▪Edinger Avenue Pedestrian Bridge ($11.1M) ▪Public Facilities Street Edge Landscape ($6.7M) TOTAL -$75.6M TOTAL -$31.7M TOTAL -$47.8M PARKS AND OPEN SPACE FACILITIES Facilities to be Constructed TOTAL ADDED $75.6M TOTAL REMOVED -$31.7M TOTAL RETAINED $47.8M TOTAL TO BE BUILT $123.4M SUMMARY ▪Total Backbone Infrastructure Program Costs……………………..…$467M ▪Increase of $72M over 2011 Update ▪Facilities Eliminated from 2011 Update………………………………...$ 75M ▪Transportation -$10.5M, Drainage /Water Quality-$31.5M, Dry Utilities -$1.5M, Parks -$31.7M ▪Facilities Added to 2011 Update………………………..………………$147M ▪Transportation -$40.5M, Drainage/Water Quality -$25.8M, Dry Utilities -$5.5M, Parks -$75.6M ▪Total Developer Contributions…………………………………………...$327M ▪Same as in 2011 Update less $8.5M from Army Reserve site ▪$162M collected to-date; $165M remaining to be collected ▪Contributions from Outside Sources including Savings To-Date….$140M ▪Increase of $80M over 2011 Update STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council take the following actions: 1.Receive and approve the 2017 Update of the Tustin Legacy Backbone Infrastructure Financing Program and Tustin Legacy Fair Share Analysis; and 2.Direct staff to utilize the fair share allocations for specific development areas in negotiated sale or conveyance transactions, including those transactions that involve development agreements, disposition and development agreements and/or other transaction agreements at Tustin Legacy necessary to accommodate private development.