HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPEAKER FORMS HELD FROM 2-26-19 MEETING ........................................ CITY01F TuSTINK REQUEST TO, SPEAK Providing tie followination,is,strictly voluntary. Only your name will we official Minutes of this Meetillng. 'The other iniformaition may,be used by staff to cointact,you., Rease corm this,folir the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGI NDA'ITE"M NO, PUBLIC Ili 'UM .......... IN FAVOR OR OPPOSMONE]TO mATTER? TODAYS DATE NAME ORGANIZATION (ff, applicablel HOMEWORK ADDRBS� CITYIZIP CODE ' HOMEkv E-MADDRS (please indicate oine) i i CITY OF TuSTIN REQUEST SPEAK Providingtheoli' 'wli i� 'ormiafijon is st.r"'aly voluntary,, Only your name will appear''In appear''' the official:Minutes of this,Meeting. The other,inforniation mai eused by,staffJo staffcontact you" � I Please complete and submit pis form he City Clerk/Recording Secretary. �. . er � AGENDA ITEM NO,, 11 PUBLIC INPUTifi(' { l IN FAVOR, OR OPPOSITION�54 TO MATI Y Po. nxs. f d' j NAME ORGANIZATION -MAIL ADDRESS j w (please Indicate one) i ............ ITY OF TuSTIN REQ UEST' 'TO SPEAK, Providin� the following,information is strictly voluntary. Only your name wil]apase rin the official Minutes of ffils Meeting., The other information omay be used by staff''to contact you., Please complete and�submit,this form to the City Clerk/Reciording Secretary. el\ 4 JENDA ITEM NO, 13 PUBLIC INPUT;0'. IN FAVOR E1OPPOSIii IONX� T,0,MATTER? TODAY'S DA�T�E j LI (ifapplica,ble) HOMEMORK ADDRESS, ITY/ZIP CODE c HOME/WORK PHONE N011. E-MAIL ADDRESS (^ ('please indicate one) PER C0*01TY OF TuSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the foillowing information is strictiyl voluntary. Only,yournarnie will appear in the official Minutes of this Meeting. The other information,may be used by staffto,contact you. Pleas,e complete and SUbmit,this,form,totheCity,Clerk/Recordling Secretaq., AGENDA IT NO. 0 INPUT�E] '0 MATTER? S�DATE IN FAV'O, PPOSIT'JON TODAY' All NAMEORGANIZATI ON ...................... (iapplicale) HOME/WORK ADDRESS HOMEMORK P ONE NO� E-MAI L AD D ,ES ' (please indicate one) Y r*1,TY ,0F%A TuSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK, i Providing the foillowing information isstrictly lent rOnly your name w"111 ap,p,ear in the official M[nutes ofthis meeting.. The other information may Ibe used by staff�to con'tact you., Please oornplete andw this firm to the City Clerk/Recording Sec AGENDA ITEM NO,. 0 PUBLICII w IN FAVOR11�� I ? TO DAYS NAMEORGANIZATION , if applicable) ESS� E-MAIL ADDRESS (phase ince e N. CITY OF T TIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Provi,ding the f6flowillng i,nformafion is,strictlyvoiluntary'. Only your name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meefing, 'The other info, y,be used by,staff,to contact you. Please cit thils form,to the Cky Clerk/Recordling Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. 0 PUBLIC INPUT 0 I gee,� 12- IN FAVOR, OR OPPO W ION �'D,MATT ER? TODAYS DATE - C NAME ORGANIZATIGN (if, applicable,) - HOMENVORK ADDRESS /, / � �, �, '7b 7/o l-fY C /ZIP CODE HOMEMORK PHONE NO. ADDRESS (pilease indicate,one) .................... CITY OF, TuSTIN �RE,QUEST TO SPEAK, Providing,the following information is strictly voluntary, Only your name will appear in the officiial Minutesof this Meeting. 'The other information may be used by staff"to contact,you. Please complete and submit this ford Clerk/Recording Secretary. AG E N D A ITE M N 0. PUBLIC INPUT 0 IN FAVOR OR OPPOSITION TO MATTER? TODAY'S DATE', NAME ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOMEtWORK ADDRESS CITY/ZIP CODE HOME/WORK PHONE NO. E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate one,) ......................................................................................................... I I liuu��l��IVI I illi ����Wti� Y USTIN QITY "'F I" REQUEST TO SPEAK i Provi I Ian llowing information us,strievy vowntary. Only your namewill appear in the official 'Minutes,ofthis Meeting. The other information Ie used by,staffto contact you, Please clornplete and s lmft this ormi to the CityClerk/Recording Sec AGENDA IIT E N O�, PLI LiIC INPUT' IN F'AV'O,R,El OR OPPOSITION KTO MA TITER? TODAYS DATE F ORGANIZATION' NAME le HOMEMORK ADDRESS CITY/ZlP CODE OEK PHONE NO., ' (please indicalte,one) i -------------------------------------------..................... ---------------------------------------------............................... 1. CITY OF TUSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the following information is,strictly voluntary. Only,your name will appear In the official Minutes of this,Meeting. The othern may,be,used by staff to contact,you. Please complete and submittlei s form tothe City Clerk/Recording Secretary'. AGENDA ITEM NO. PUBLIC INPU 7 IN FAVOR El OR OPPOW, ION14TO MATTER? TODAY'SDATE, ............ ..................................................... � NAME 4s, C 0 ORGANIZATION :ZLs, (if applicable) HOMENVORK ADDRESS C ITY/Z I HOME/WORK PHONE NO., E-MAIL ADDRESS, (please,indicate one), UITY OF, TuSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK, Providing thefollowing information is striGtly'voluntary. Only your name will appear in the official MI ofthis,Meeting., The otber informs ,i may be used by staff to contact you. R complete and submitthis form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. .................................... AGENDA ITEM NO. PUBLIC INPLITO ., 'Z IN FAVOR E] OR OPPOSITION TO MATTER? TODAYS DAT E NAME ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HONIE/WORK ADDRESS CODE ' E-MAIL ADDRESS, (please Indicate one) I�liilll� IdN��B�Y P r CITY OF TuSTIN 11� REQUESTTO I Providing following A ,bion is strictly voluintary. Only your name willappearin the official Minutes this tip .. The other infotion may be usedstaff to contact, .. Please complete nd submit,this forni to theCityClerk/Recording Secretary. PUBLIC, INPUT0I AGENDA ITEM NO, N FAVOR O �O PI I� ", E � T O DAYS I A ���, r C NAME ,'� ORGANIZATION�C' �� u, lig l HOMEIWORK '0 IppIs� 'ease,i m ate ones) ------------- ------------- CITY T STSN REQUESTTO SPEAK Providing the following information is strictty voluntary. Only your namewillappear in the, official Minutes of this Meefing. The other information may be used by staff to,contact you,, Please complete and submit this,formi to th�e City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. &K PUBLIC INPUT 01 ----—---------- 1,N FAVOR, OR OPPOSITION[��'TO MATTER? TODAYS DATE, �NAME 0,Ic ORGANIZATION (if,applicable) 1014n HOMEMORK ADDRESS C[TY/ZlP CODE ........... FIOMEANORK,PHONE E-MAIL ADDRESS (please,Indicate one) J n I CITY OF TUSTIN REI ,I i .. TO Providlingthe following information isstrictly voluntary., Only r,name il'appear in the official Minutes ofthis,Meeting,. The lother information may be used by staff I conla,ld,you. Please complete and submit,this form to the Ci y Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. 0 PUBLIC INPUT IN FAVOR 0 OR"OPPOSITION:P'tO MATTER'? TODAYS DATE 2 L P( O"O',4 NAME ORGANIZATION i it HOMEMORK ADDRESS CITY/ZlP CODE �-2.............112 ILL I� y�� (Pleas,,e indicate,one) -7 CITY OF TuSTIN REQUEST ITO SPEAK, Providingthe fo,lio,w'lln,g,t��nfo�rmia�,tion i's stdctly'voluntary,, Only your niarne will appearin the, officiall Minutes of this Meeting. The offier information may be used by stlaff'to contact,you, Please compliete and submit,this form to the City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM NO. 0 PUBLIC INPUT 0 IN FAVOR OR,OPPOSITION[:jTQ TER? TODAYS�DATE .�MAT f V N,AME ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HOMEWORK ADDRESIS CITYIZIP CODE .......... ki, OMFMORKPHONE NO, E-MAIL ADDRESS *�ease indicate one)