HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA RES 04-09 RESOLUTION NO. RDA 04-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE THIRD FIVE YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE TOWN CENTER AND SOUTH CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREAS. The Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. The Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency") finds and determines as follows: D. E. A. The City Council adopted the Town Center Redevelopment Plan on November 22,1976 by Ordinance No. 701 and subsequently amended the Redevelopment Plan on September 8,1981 by Ordinance No. 855, further amended the Redevelopment Plan on March 20, 1989 by Ordinance No. 1021 and further amended the Redevelopment Plan on November 21, 1994 by Ordinance No. 1141; and B. The City Council adopted the South Central Redevelopment Plan on August 1,1983 by Ordinance No. 890 and subsequently amended the Redevelopment Plan on July 15, 1985 by Ordinance No. 939, and further amended the Redevelopment Plan on November 21, 1994 by Ordinance No. 1142, and further amended the Redevelopment Plan on November 1, 1999 by Ordinance No. 1223; and C. The City by Resolution 93-111, and the Agency by Resolution RDA No. 93-15, on November 1., 1993, adopted a finding that the use of tax increment housing set-aside funds allocated from the South Central Project Area and from the Town Center Project Area for the purpose of increasing, improving and preserving the community's supply of low and moderate income housing outside the Project Areas and within the City of Tustin will be of benefit to both the South Central and Town Center Redevelopment Project Areas; and Section 33490(a) (1) (A) of the Community Redevelopment Law requires the Agency to adopt a Five (5) Year Implementation Plan, outlining specific programs, including potential projects and expenditures proposed by the Agency to be made during the next five (5) years; and The Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency adopted Resolution RDA No. 94-16 on December 5, 1994, approving the Implementation Plan for RDA Resolution No. 04-09 Page 1 of 56 the Town Center and South Central Project Areas for the fiscal years 1995-1996 to 1999-2000; and F. The Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency adopted Resolution RDA 00-3 on March 6, 2000, approving the Second Implementation Plan for the Town Center and South Central Project Areas for the fiscal years 2000- 2001 to 2004-2005; and G. A third five (5) year Implementation Plan for the Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Project Areas for fiscal year 2005-2006 to 2009- 2010 is now required; and H. Section 33490(a)(1 )(B) the Community Redevelopment Law states that the adoption of an Implementation Plan is not a "project" within the meaning of Section 21000 of the Public Resources Code and is not subject to environmental review; and I. A public hearing was duly noticed, called and held by the Redevelopment Agency on December 6, 2004. II. The Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency hereby finds and determines, based upon substantial evidence provided in the record before it that the Third Five (5) Year Implementation Plan for the Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Project Areas for fiscal years 2005-2006 to 2009-2010 attached hereto as Exhibit "A" is hereby approved. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Commoo'" Rede,,'opmeo' Ageo,>, he1d 00 'he ~ ,-:e,. 2004. LOU BONE Chairperson Tustin RDA Resolution No. 04-09 Page 2 of 56 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ORANGE COUNTY )ss CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, Pamela Stoker, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and forgoing RDA Resolution No. 04-09 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency, held on December 6, 2004, by the following vote: AGENCYMEMBER AYES: BONE. DAVERT. AMANTE, HAGEN. KAWASHIMA AGENCYMEMBER NOES: NONE AGENCYMEMBER ABSTAINED: NONE AGENCYMEMBER ABSENT: NONE (5 ) (0) (0) (0) ~ City Clerk RDA Resolution No. 04-09 Page 3 of 56 THIRD FIVE-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE TOWN CENTER AND SOUTH CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREAS (FY 2005.2006 to FY 2009.2010) Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency December, 2004 '" a .... a Ó Z <: 0 ""<0 .2", o- w 0 ~~ <{O> 0", ~Q. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENCY BOARD MEMBERS Lou Bone, Chairman Jerry Amante, Councilmember Doug Daver!, Councilmember Tony Kawashima, Councnmember Tracy Worley Hagen, Councilmember William A. Huston, Executive Director AGENCY STAFF Christine Shingleton, Assistant Director James Draughon, Redevelopment Program Manager John Buchanan, Redevelopment Program Manager Dana Ogdon, Redevelopment Program Manager Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects Third Five-Vear Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 """ 0'" "¡"õ 0", ó '" Zo> <: '" .2 a. "5 "0 '" '" ~ <{ 0 ~ TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1- FIVE VEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN INTRODUCTION SECTION 11- FIVE YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES Background Town Center Redevelopment Plan South Central Redevelopment Plan Town Center Project Area Accomplishments South Central Project Area Accomplishments Financial Resources Town Center Existing Obligations South Central Existing Obligations Agency Five Vear Implementation Activities Town Center Redevelopment Proìect Area Town Center Five Vear Projects, Programs & Expend~ures Relationship to Blight South Central Redevelopment Project Area , South Central Five Year Projects, Programs & Expenditures Relationship to Blight 1-1 11-1 11-1 11-2 11.5 11-5 11-11 11-14 11-14 11-15 11-16 11-16 11-17 11-20 11-20 11-21 SECTION 111- FIVE YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR HOUSING ACTIVITIES Housing Activities Introduction Housing Set-Aside Fund Requirements for Town Center Project Area Requirements for the South Central Project Area Housing Funds Available Housing Fund Programs, Projects & Expenditures Proportional Expenditure for Low and Very Low Income Housing Affordabie Housing Compliance Plan Past Production ot Affordable Units in Project Areas Housing Units to be Developed (Future Production) Replacement Housing 111-1 111-2 111-2 111-2 111-3 111-3 111-7 111-8 111-9 111-10 111-11 Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects Third Five-Vear Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 '" a ..;. a Ó Z <: ,2 "5'" 0'" ",- '" 0 ~'" <{'" 00> ~& LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES FIGURE 1-1 FIGURE 1-2 FIGURE 1-3 FIGURE 1-4 FIGURE 11-1 FIGURE 11.2 FIGURE 11-3 FIGURE 1f-4 FIGURE 11-5 FIGURE 1f-6 FIGURE 11-7 FIGURE 11-8 FIGURE 11-9 FIGURE 11-10 FIGURE 111-1 FIGURE 111.2 FIGURE 111-3 FIGURE 111-4 FIGURE 111-5 FIGURE 111-6 FIGURE 111-7 APPENDIX TABLES APPENDIX A APPENDIX B Summary of Legal Requirements Physical and Economic Blight Defined Town Center Redevelopment Project Area Map South Central Redevelopment Project Area Map Redevelopment Goals and Objectives Town Center Project Area Redevelopment Goals and Objectives South Central Project Area Project Area Data Summary Summary of Major Accomplishments Town Center Redevelopment Area Summary of Major Accomplishments South Central Redevelopment Project Area Summary of Public Infrastructure Projects Estimated Non-Housing Tax Increment Revenue Five-Vear Non-Housing Activities Illustrative Cash Row Town Center Project Area Blight Elimination Relationship Table South Central Project Area Blight Elimination Relationship Table Summary of Housing Set.Aside Funds Five-Vear Housing Programs Illustrative Cash Flow Estimate Annual Distribution of Assisted Units City of Tustin Fair Share Affordable Housing AUocation Goal Summary of Affordable Units Produced Summary of Restricted Units to be Developed Summary of Replacement Housing Obligations Affordable Housing Production Tabulations Replacement Housing Calculations 1-1 1-2 1-4 1-5 11-1 11-2 11-3 11-7,8 11-9,10,11 .11-12 11-11 11-13 11-19 11-23 111-3 111-5 111-6 111-7 111-9 111-10 111-11 Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town C¡!nter and South Central Redevelopment Projects Third Five-Year Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005.2006 through 200f -- -- """ 0'" c!;õ .1'- 0", Zo> <: '" oQ. os a '" '" ~ <{ 0 c:: SECTION I FIVE-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN INTRODUCTION Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and Soutih Central Redevelopment Projects Third Five-Vear Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 '" a .... a Ó Z <: .2 -:J'" 0'" ",- Q) 0 ~<X> <{Q) do> r:r::8'. FIGURE; 1-1 SUMMAAY OF LEGAL REQUIREMENTS Calilomia CormunitY ÄedeYeIopmeni Law. Mid. 16.5, Section 33490 This document has been ~re red by the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency ("Age ursuant to Article 16.5 of Camomia Community RedeVeloDment Law ( RL' or 'State Law") (Figure 1-1). It is the third FIV9-Year Implementation Plan ('Plan') for the Redevelopment Plans ('Redevelopment Plan(sl') for the Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects (Projec~s) . or 'Project Areasj in the City of Tustin Section 33490(8) 01 hi Califomie CoITIIIIJnity Redevelopment Law requires each redevelopment agency 10 adopt an ~tion plan Ø'I9I)I 1M¡ years lI1at includes: . The Agency's specific goals and objectives for its redeveloprrenl project areas. Redevelopmant agencies are required to adopt an Implementation Plan every five years. The Implementation Plan may include more than one project area. While the City Council adopted the MCAS- Tustin Redevelopment Plan in June 2004, an Implementation Plan for the MCAS Tustin Project Area was incorporated as Section Vito the Report to City Council and approved by the Agency at that time pursuant to Section 33342(c) 01 the CRL and is therefore not included in this Plan. . Specific program$, including polBnliai projec1s, and estiIrated e)C¡>Bndi1uteS kJr II1e next Iiv& years (FY 2000-2001Ihroogh 2004-2005). . All .xplanàlion 01 hoW theSe goals. of:)jøctiYes, projects, and expenditures Wi! elininaleblighl i1 fie Pmjed Areas. . All axplanalion 01 how Ihese specifIC goals, objectives, projeœ and BJ¡IOndiIures ,.;Uiii' >leirènt lI1e low and. rrodeiate-income 00usin¡¡ reqt remenls rriandaiÐd bY law. incWno !he 1oIIowing: The purpose of the Plan is to revisit the redevelopment goals and objectives of each Project Area and provide an explanation of how proposed programs and expenditures wi. eliminate bli!Jhl and provide for affordable housing. The efimination of blight, as defined in Figure 1- 2, is a fundamental purpose for redevelopment under the CRL and is discussed more fully in Section II of this Plan. The provision of. affordable housing is another fundamental purpose under the CRL, which is addressed in Section III of this Plan. While identiflCetion of specific programs, including potential projects, and estimates of expenditures proposed to be made is required under State Law, the Implementation Plan should be viewed as a policy and program document The intent is not to restricl1he Agency's activities. 1. An a"""'¡ Housing Program kJr !he _year term 1haI,,- sullicient deIaH to measure perfcfmanœ oIlha Low and M- Income Housing Fund rèquiremenlS. ~ An enum&ràion 01 !he number òf housi1g 1I1its. 10 be rehabiltiled, assisted, pt1Ce rèstrIc:ted, or desIIoyed durt1Q !he term 0I1h8 I$S iec1Ne redeveIoprrent plans for .1!iI!.. TownCaoter and SouIIV Caniral redeveIopll1ll1l pro ecls. 3. An Mine 0111<1 ~s plan in using !he Housing Truat FUnd irduding annual d<i IOSi1s, Irareifè< 01 i!Jnds. or ecauals for S >tëiat proþ:ts. 4. M idenIitIc:Mon of programs and projeC1S thai will resUt in fie desIIuCIion 01 eJ<isting afionlable housÎ1g (~ any) and !he prCJ JC>Sl!d locationS for repIa<:eIrër1I hOusing . 5. T11eAgency's Ten-Year Housilg AIIorûabillty.CO/11)Ii8nœ Plan as required by CaJitomla Con"YnIIrjIy RedeYøIcpmJrII Law, 5!IcIioIIs 33413 and 33490 (a)(2). The Agency's Second Implementation Plan was adopted in 2000. A mid-term review and publIC hearing occurred in 2002, as required by State Law. This Third Five-Vear Implementation Plan is intended to ~te ilforrnation pertaining to the Agency's financial resources, anned programs, potential projects, and proposed expenditures. This n will also be subject to a mid-term review by the Agency Board of Directors. Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects Third Five-Year Implementation Plan Fiscal Year 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 1-1 """ 0'" ;gõ .'" 0 Q) Zo> <: '" oc.. '5 0 '" Q) a: <{ 0 ~ BLIGHT A primary requirement 01 a Redevelopment Project and an IrnplementaUon Plan is to address the elimination of and the prevention of the spread at blight. FIgure 1-4 provides a summary of physical and economic blight conditions under the CRL. Some of the cond~ions continue to exist in the Town Center and South Central Project Areas and are addressed Section II of this Implementation Plan. FIGURE 1.2 PHVSICAL AND ECONOMIC BLIGHT DEFINED CIIfomia ~ RedeYeJq>men1 law, Arride 3. 5ecIkm 33030 and 33031 -- 33030 ard 33031 oIthe Cali cmia Ccmrntriy Rodevolopmonl law dol... bll¡JJl 10 1ncIudo: UnoaIeIDIiIKJkI_._ed BuIdinas. Buiki>gs n which IIs.....fe or unheeIIhy'" pe.....to ¡¡",.. work. These conditi<ns... be ceused by seriou8 -ng code viDlaIionI, diapidation or doIeriorailon. def- des9> or physical conoIruclior1. &dy or inadequale .œ;.., or 0lil.. - fadors. I'I1wO:oICoodiIionsIhetLrnl!he Econcmic 'foel>liilv and use 01 LDIs end BuIditas, Focrorslhet JIMIIII or.ubIIeI1tieIIyhlnderll1e9COOOlllicallvleble use or"'l'OlllYoIbuiidlogs or leis. Ibìs oondIIla1s can be ceueed by. - cIesVI."""'" size given I89OIIt - 81d - -. iact 01 JI/kII , .. 011.. similer fad"",. IrmnJaIIbIe Uses. A4aœnI '" nØ8lby uses 1h8l8IØ iI<ompalt¡le wiIh - 0lil.. and - pmant !he """"",if; deveIc4menI d Ihose powceIo Q' oIher portion. d I1e potjec! a.... Lola d IlfI!OuiIw Shaøe inadealllle S<ze end lh er M- 0wneISIi>. The eJisteI1ce d ...- ... 01 irregular - and "'ope and inadequaIe size "" '""""' .-.- and deveiqxnen( 11181 are in muOiple_ip. _P\IbIicI__ies, TheeJistel1cediladequaJepubiicinprowrn"""parl<ilglioilies.openspece,orulßIIes. (1,) DeoIoc:iol- ProoeItv Values; 11nOIIi"'¡ 1- Do JrecieIecI 0" 8a fIII1I property...... or.red iMIsImenIa, including. bti noI """'"'""Y Iimied to. "'DOlI properties c:onaI1Ing _us _e Ihet JeqIÌIed \be use 01 agency aulhorily as opeciIied n Article 12.5 (ccmmenciIg with Section 33459). Hili! - T"""""," and VIICIII1CiM\.ow Leaoe -- au_...... Lc:A1I. AboonnaIIy hVt busil9S8 vecanc:ies. abncmosIy low ieesa "'09, I>igh ........ ...... -.mod buildings, or excessMt - leis within an .... <IøIIoIopecI "" utban uae and - by ..iiilies. lack 01 Ccmmen:lel FecIIIIIe.s, A lad< 01 """""""Y ccmmerdel_lhaI... nonnaIy Ioond In ~.1ncbIng gror:sry """"'. drug stores, banks, and - ~-.-s. -.rial ~ I!eIs Li<IJor S1ores. AId Businesoes. - -crowding or an excess 01_, liquor staas, or oIher """'- Ihet ceter ~ 10 eduils, IhaI has led 10 proIJòons 01 p\öc oefely and _.... Hili! Cline -- A high - rate 1haI_.. e serious 1- 10 \be ptA>lic sell!ly and -. (1.1 Þllhe.....theTO'IIII C8nterandSoolJ¡CenInoI RedoMoiopmenr Pro eds-IIdq¡IecI. SectIon 33032 0I1I1e law(whic:hwas...,..Jed in 1994) pr<Mded Ihel a bi¡jrted ....-.... _was cIIaracIerized by, _oIherlhilge: , Ibe -once 01 ineclequote >IbIic rnpnwemenls, pWlic fecIIIes, open """"" end ..lIties which amol be remedied by priYele or govommantaI edIon -.. redeveIoprnenI, end A bIgded _Is......-.tlydelined os ooe IINd 9JdJiJIIs both physical end ec:onornic ~. end Is d\8taderized by lI1e _.... 01 inadeqll8le pubic ~.. JI/kII r-. at both. Tuslin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects 1.2. Third Rve-Vear Implementation Plan Fiscal Year 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 '" a .... a Ó Z <: .2", "", Oõ :ßo ~~ C§~ D::Q. This Five-Year Implementation Plan presents summary information for the Agency's Town Center and SouthlCentral Project Areas including 8 review of proposed programs, potential projects and estimated expenditures, and an explanation of how these will eliminate btight within the Project Areas and implement the low and moderate-income housing requirements. This Plan Í5 composed of two major components; a Five-Vear Implementation Plan for Redevelo{>l!l.ent Activities and a Five-Vear Implementation Plan for Housing ActIvities. The Five- Year Implementation Plan for RedeveloDl11ent Ac1iYities: . revisits the goals and objectives of each Redevelopment Plan; . defines the Agency's strategy to achieve the goals and objectives of each Redevelopment Plan; . presents the programs, potential projects and estimated expenditures (other than those relating to low and moderate-income housing) that are proposed to attain the goals and objectives; and . describes how the goals and objectives, programs and expenditures wHI eliminate blight within each of the Project Areas. The Five-Year Imvlementation Plan for Housina Activities: . shows how the statutory requirements for the set-aside and expenditu re of tax Increment lor housing purposes will be met; and . shows how residential development will be implemented in the Project Areas per the Agency's established goals and in compliance with the requirements of the CRl. The intent of. this Implementation Plan is not to restrict the Agency ectivities to the goals and objectives, programs, projects and expenditures that are described herein, since conditions, values, expectations, resources, and needs of the Projects may change lrom time to time. Rather, this Plan outlines the current expectations 01 the Agency for the next five years. The boundaries lor the Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Project Areas are shown in Figures 1-3 and 1-4 respectively. Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects 1-3 Third Five-Vear Implementation Plan Fiscal Year 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 """ 0'" ....- 00 ó~ z'" cO> 0 '" ""a. :J "0 '" '" ~ (3 ~ FIGURE 1-3 TOWN CENTER REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA Tus~n Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects 1-4 Third Five-Year Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 '" a .... a Ó Z <: .9", :;'" o'õ ~N c::~ <{~ 0", ~Q. FIGURE f-4 SOUTH CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA if '.f.,;.':;:"!1 .Jf . ;/Ø., I~ II) '~.' IL~jf #If I: !!!I , r /!I '. Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects 1-5 Third Five-Year Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006Ihrough 2009-201 0 """ 0'" ....- 00 .C'"J o~ z'" cO> 0 '" .,a. :J 0 '" '" c:: <{ 0 ~ SECTION II FIVE YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects Third Five-Vear Implementation Plan Rscal Year 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 '" a ..J- a ó Z c .9", "5'" Oõ ¡ß.... ~~ <{~ 0", D::Q. BACKGROUND FIGURE 11-1 TOWN CENTER REDEVELOPMENT PLAN REDEVELOPMENT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES TOWN CENTER PROJECT AREA The Town Center Redevelopment Project Area is located in central Tustin and incorporates the historic 'Old Town' and civic center and a majority of the commercial properties within the central portion of the City. The Town Center Project Area contains many of the City's retail and office jobs, and provides goods and services which serve the greater Tustin area. The Project Area is comprised of primarily commercial uses (approximately 9O"A. of the Project Area land use). Relatively few residential uses exist in the Project Area. , To create a mixed use Town Celller area that combines commercial, office, residential, and pOOlic uses, Which wiD serv(¡ the needs oll11e commooity as well as encourage the healthy growlh 01 the area. , To encourage residential developmerl by actively seeking private deYelQpmønt in the red8veiopner!l area. , To increasi! the lave! 01 capital imprOY9l11ëi11s such as \he developmenl 01 the CoIImbus-Tusm Park, päJ1cÎi1g facilities, sidewalk and s1reet landScaping, sl!eet irrIprpvemenls' and related public iri1proYemønt projøcls- The Redevelopment Plan for the Town Center Redevelopment Project Area was adopted 011 November 22, 1976 (Ord.No. 701). The Redevelopment Plan has been amended three times including: September 8, 1981 for the purpose of increasing the financial limitations, which were detennined to be inadequate (Ord.No. 855); March 20, 1989 to revise and update the list of public improvements to include additional and previously unforeseen public improvements needed to further the goals and objectives of the Redevelopment Plan, extend the time limit on eminent domain, and further increase the financial limitations (Ord.No. 1021); and on November 21, 1994 10 extend the time "mits of the Redevelopment Plan pursuant to the provisions of Calìfornia Assembly Bill290 (Ord.No. 1141). , To improve controlled developmll1t 01 fle area \0 aid in harl11OniaJs and elficiønt œvëloj) oonl 01 the redevelopment area. , To improVi! traffic circulation and acCess in the Town Center area as a means 01 reduCing congestion, encouraging business deIIeIopm!In~ altlaCling new customers \0 the 1I!9à. allevia!ing pass.1hiQugh lraltic cooQesion and conflict, and improving $ Italy. . To ravitalize and develop ameni1jes in the project Area, both pOOIic!y and privately financed, as e means 01 aiding 1I1e revilalizalioo of the EI Camino Real section of the Old T oWJ1 dis1ricl In paf1icuar. The Redevelopment Plan for the Town Center Redevelopment Project Alea lists six goals and objectives described in Figure 11-1. Major elements of the Redevelopment Plan are summarized in Figure 11-3. Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects Third Five-Vear Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 11-1 """ 0'" ;gõ .'" o~ z'" cO> ,2& ::;¡ 0 '" '" ~ <{ 0 ~ SOUTH CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FIGURE 11-2 The South Central Redevelopment Project Area is located adjacent to and south of the Town Center Project Area and is comprised of the original area and the added area. The Project Area contains residential uses, neighborhood-serving commercial uses, industrial/business park uses, and vacant land. REDEVELOPMENT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES SOUTH CENTRAL PROJECT AREA To acqLire ftn:Is for housing assislanœ to low income famHies. To eliminate blight, due 10 the disuse of the land within the Project Area caused by inadequate plbIic improvements, and the conslM:tion of major Iraffic circulation imþroVements 1hilI. could not reasonably. be expected lobe made by private enlelprise acting alone. The Redevelopment Plan for the South Central Redevelopment Project Area was adopted on August 1, 1983 (Ord.No. 890) in response to the need for basic public .Împrovements, concem for deteriorating conditions of the residential neighborihoods, and the circulation deficiencies in the Project Area. On July 15, 1985, the City Council amended the Redevelopment Plan to add the adjacent industrial area south of the AT&SF railroad right-of-way to Valencia Avenue (Ord.No. 939). The added area ("Amended Area} was included because development of the property was constrained until the proposed public improvements lor the South Central Redevelopment Project Area, particularly the Newport Avenue extension and a new onIoff ramp at Edinger Avenue and State Route 55 freeway were funded and completed. The Redevelopment Plan has been amended two additional times including: November 21, 1994 to extend the time limits 01 the Redevelopment Plan pursuant to the provisions of Califomia Assembly Bill 1290 (Ord.No. 1142); and November 1,t 999 to re-establish the Agency's authority for eminent domain lor a twelve.year period (Ord.No. 1223). To proliidë belle, emergency services \0 the Project Area. wilf:¡ the COIlStIU:Iion 018 grade separàtion for Newport AvenÜ9 andthëAT&SF Railroad. To prcMdë for deVlllopment 01 land areasht carw1o1 be developed dUì! to the inedeqÙ8CY 01 public improvemehls .relaled 10 traffic circula.tion and stonn drainage. To provide increased traffic capacity for Red Hill Avenue and Edinger Avenue and by provjdirigan alternative nor1W$Outh arteIiaI. To extend Newport AVenue \0 reli~ congeo,tion at IraoIwaY interchanges <W1d reduce the trallic deriland on Red HHI Avenue. To redevelop and place abancfooedindustrial silas back infI;Jproductive use, thereby creating empioymeni oppor\U1ifies and íncrea5t1dþlopertý values. . . The Redevelopment Plan as amended lor the South Central Redevelopment Project Area lists seven goals and objectives described in Figure 11-2. Major elements of the Redevelopment Plan are summarized in Figure 11-3. Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects 11-2 Third Five-Vear Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 '" a .... a Ó Z c .2", "", Oõ :ß", ~~ C3~ ~Q. 1'rojocI""'5ize,LocalianordChw-- FIGURE 11-3 PROJECT AREA DATA SUMMARY "'.:"',':;:'!~~ii!'~I'.fáiiiiI~L,' '. ',-~._-""~,~:~~,', .,,'" --360"""OI1COII1I_..._....oIT""'~oI ~398...s"""o/IheT_CentorPnjecl_,"""-",,,o/~. _and"""""""'..... rdoxInglheCll)'scMc œ""andhOl:oOc'OOT...' origInII'CenIraJ'ar"lXJI11>IOedolCCllll18l!:lllland..._.....,andlho- _. 'ScuI1"""""""'"sed 01 19hI_and""""""""", ~!'i!~~" - PI8I -' (OnIrwœ -I ~PI8I- o;'~~".~--~'-' ~No.B90 _,2:2,1976 0nL No. 101 AuplI,I983 Aupl5,1966 _21, 1994(A812OO) _',11119(A89'2 o"', No. 930 Ont, No. 1"2 Qn . No, 1223 ~c-'.jl J\ 1s,2005 Sepllnœ8, 1981 _20,1980 _21.1994(""'290) ()d.No.II55 0nL No. 1021 ()U No, 1141 laIIOaIe..Incur_'AI8.- J.......,I.2004 JIlllU8lYI.2004 ___E~-' _22,2016 J\ 1"2OI5 Jtjy 15,2015 . laIIDJIe..___Tu- -- 22, 2024 Jt/r "'2025 Jljy 1,,202S _CoIokr._IJomoi>- Apilro,2001 1JoœIrI>ørI,2011 DoeeIriJerI,rott . 'oIOAmcu1IofP,"-BondodDebt $35,000.00o $2Q,(ß),[D) ..__oIT...- $9O,(ß),OOO (SO"".odel _0/""""- $2,500,~ Nol<o RoInclopmcat""" Eotpínûð. De... 1ft<! Loot Døa.. Rc<eive Project Area Tu -.. may be...tmdod r... ""' - fŒ crl- EIIAF Payøm io - to s- _toHa....SafctyCo",,_.. 33333.6 (æri.., ""SBI04S). Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects Third Five-Year Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 11-3 """ 0'" ~õ .r-- o~ ZCD cO> 2~ ::J 0 '" CD ~ <{ 0 0:: MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS TOWN CENTER PROJECT AREA ACCOMPUSHMENTS Since the Town Center Redevelopment Plan was adopted, the A~ency has provided private development assistance for the rehabilitatIOn of substandard and deteriorating structures and for the development of new commercial uses in the Project Area. The Agency has completed vital improvements to upgrade substandard public infrastructure and to provide needed public facilities to serve the surrounding community. The Agency has also provided expenditures for business assistance and outreach programs to support the retention of existing businesses and attraction of new businesses in the Project Area. In add~ion the Agency, working with the private sector, has assisted in development of new retail commercial centers, offices, and new residential units in the Project Area. The Agency has also provided first time homebuyer loans to low and moderate-income households. During the last five-year period the Agency participated with private property owners to rehabilitate commercial properties in the Project Area by providing financial assistance through the Commercial Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program, and the development of 36 new construction single family residential unils by providing financial assistance through the Agency's Low and Moderate-Income Housing Fund. The Agency also completed a major streetscape improvement project in the Old Town Tustin commercial district, including the Installation of bump-out planters, landscaping, decorative paving, street lighting, accent lighting, street furnishings, signallE!, and aUeyway improvements to further stimulate economic revitalizatIOn in the area. The Agency completed thá planning and disposition of the Prospect Village Project (the fomner Utt Juice property) for development of an approximately. 40,200 square feet mixed-use retail, professional office and Ilive-work residential units, which is anticipated to break ground in Spring 2005 and provide a gateway to the Tustin Old Town commercial district. Preliminary planning and grant applications were also completed for the proposed Tustin Library project, as well as most of the related land acquisitions for the project. Both Agency and private sector redevelopment activities have contributed to reducing the prevalence of blightilg conditiOns in the Project Area, and to Increase, improve and preserve the community's supply of affordable housing during the period of the Redevelo )ment Plan. Figure ff-4 lists private development completed in the Town Center Project Area assisted by the Agency and Figure 11-6 lists the public infrastructure projects completed by the Agency. Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects 11-4 Third Five-Vear Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2000 through 2009-2010 '" 9 .... a Ó Z c .2", "S'" D'ë; ¡ß"" a:~ <{~ 0", ~Q. MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS SOUTH CENTRAL PROJECT AREA ACCOMPLISHMENTS Since the South Central Redevelopment Plan was adopted and amended, the Agency's efforts have been primarily centered on planning for redevelopment and addressing immediate needs for Improving basic infrastructure in the Project Area. The Agency has completed numerous street, alley, lighting and landscaping improvements, and constructed public facil~ies to selVe the surrounding community. Working with private sector developers, the Agency has assisted in developing new retail commercial and offices in the Project Area and has independently constructed community facilities benef~ing the Project Area. The Agency also assisted private sector developers in the construction of new for-sale housing units in the Project Area, including units made available for purchase and occupancy by low and moderate households. In addition, the Agency has provided First Time Homebuyer Loans to assisllow and moderate- income homebuyers to purchase residential unRs, and assistance to owners of single family homes and of multifamily rental units to rehabilitate structures through the Agency's Residential Rehabilitation Programs. During the last five-year period, public improvement plans were completed for major roadway expansion projects and related utilities improvements in the Pacific Center East Specific Plan area, including the Edinger Avenue widening project, the Newport Avenue northbounCI State Route 55 freeway onramp reconfiguration, and the Newport Avenue north of Edinger extension, and property acquisRions related to the roadway proje<:ls were completed. The Agency also assisted in the development of a new construction 54-unit senior citizen rental housing project and a new construction 63-unR for sale family housing project adjacent to the Project Area, and continued assisting In the rehabilitation of family rental unRs in the Project Area. These Agency redevelopment activRies along with private sector developnJent have selVed to reduce the prevalence of blighting conditions in the Project Area such as the disuse of land, substandard infrastructure, and inadequate pubfic facilities. Figure 11-5 lists specilic private development project completed in the Soutih Central PrOJect Area and assisted by the Agency and Figure 11-6 identifies the public infrastructure projects completed by the Agency. """ 0'" ..t- oO .'" o~ ZQ) cO> ,g~ ::> -0 '" Q) ~ <{ 0 ~ Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town G'MI~-lnd South Central Redevelopment Projects 11-5 Third Five.Vear Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 2or'-?n10 FIGURE 11-4 SUMMARY OF MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS TOWN CENTER REDEVELOPMEMT PROJECT AREA TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY A SUMMARYOFJIIAJORPROJECTS COMPLETED TOWN CENTER PRO.JEer AREA PRomer PROJECT UNITS OR BUILDING AGENCY' RATIOPUBUCI ESTIMATED ES1'IMATED AD )1IJ<S8 SQ." PER"IT PUBLIe PRIVATE PERMANENT ANNVALSALES >ltrROX VALUATION ASSISTANCE INVES"IMENT lOBS CREATED TAXOROTIIER 'TN"""" "681-91 N..,..... "30.000 'UII "".000 C""","""d ".500 $4,859,002 l" 0[000 46.500 $2.965,383 1.6 ........... 5000 $324,175 2. Ipl... La"""" 13011-451 rMM SI.""'" 1.111 161,000 e............ 44.000 ",4>0,928 12> Il- 6,801 161().241 z<1 La- '..- $26.000 ""~I_";oo 494B.FinI 5,000 '80,000 SO 110 14 Qffi.,. me...""".1 ".000 $341,100 SO 110 60 ø,v",,"no !"'2IN..,.... ',". "'>.000 SO 110 9 V~'_m"R- .. 110 St~œ'....~ "'A 0,"00 2I<>-SO",.., M3B $1,900,400 "'.,000 '811 24 r..o;...",,", "5"'- 246""" "'..000 $600,000 1,006'1 T.,'" vo....e...... $14.500 e.......ad 'Otl-Ol""" "",.$46 """,000 SO 110 7J RaI- 13612_ """ $109,400 10 110 12 '."'or.....,.,. $221,000 """""" "!"/Moo 12,1)00 11,680,000 10 110 206 _On 6""F... "",000 _,000 SO "" 72 e~," 100M'"" 30,000 S694,SOO 10 110 .. R- 14""1""- 1995,000 T_"U""be..l« 1096-12I2¡"';"" sm.ooo 10 1/1) 104 Sl30.000 Rolph'E,.....m.AR- 1114-1212 364.000 ""',200 SO 110 , LohoSlvS"""""" 1222"""" S6OO,ooo SO "~. 1Th"'" TIR 1358.""- NlA $91,401 to ,,0 c- I SUBTOTAL $21,140."6 $2.905,000 12" $545.500 Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects Third Five-Year Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 11-6 '" a .... a Ó Z c .2", '5'" Oõ &~ <{¡'5, 0", ~D.. - E""""""-"""" J +;,......-'-".......,..,.... RATIO or umlATIID IBTIMATED PRIVATE n",ANEJ T ANNUALSAUS PUBLIC JODSCUATED UXOR tr<VESTMENT OTIIER In.-",,,,,,,, I",._.¡¡¡;¡¡:- 12,200 $641000 so I'" 41 NJA 1"'.'pw."""W'" mOOD.'inO". 4~" "2>~" so I'" 11 COI1IIdaûl I rn;;;o.".C- 600-lIlmc.dooo..! 31,141 121'.000 so \'" 19 $93»)0 I Ic- "",IDe_R... 4,000 1120,000 so I'" 12 >VA I 1C<rD1do.0.... 7JO m c............ 1""" 11,249.000 so IA! .. >IIA I IT.,"M_""', ""IDc.DnD"'" 4,000 $111.'" so I'" , c........... I I"""s,- J2IImc..iooR..."'" "'<0»)0 so "" 14 """.- I 10111.. ""mc.DnDRal""'" ""'~20 so "" .. N\A I (ibbiI¡o"". lroW.""" '.>21 SlO1~'" 10 "'I 20 ~. I "mH-"'" 12,400 0- "",N... 11,<00 "",000 so 110 " 00-- "'O""" 4' 44 11150 so I'" 119 L..t.P""",. '4mp",.. 10.500 1491.000 so 110 4' ,... I le_loIc..tv Iml- 6.(0) 1L45.DOO to '10 11 15.400 I Ie.......",. 1;301 ..... 6,'" S2T,.ooo 10 I/O '6 >VA I Ie_,"""". 14251-11 P"" 32."" -'>'" 10 110 109 >VA I PROJECf PROJECf ADDRESS DNITS OR SQ.'" APPROX 81J1LD"'" PEnDT VOLOAnoN AGENCYI PUBue ASSIST ANCE 10.... I-.rr-.......r- ",OOl nl4,I00 SO I/O IOMkT...... 1414""'" II,'" "",110 so I'" Iw""'"",P"" '0,..15""""'. 26100 1865,"" so . "" 212 """ 44 NlA -~ '6 13.500 In...... Bid,. I3mN_"" -------.;216 ,i31.1 so $0 IA! 11 NlA ;......c.._..- ''° m cmno""'" -~O,. Sl.J<XJ,'" $0 I'" 121 NlA I SUBTOTAl. 110.653,1)50 1212 Sl05,900 Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects Third FlVe-Vear Implementation Plan Rscal Year 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 11-7 """ 0'" ;gõ ÓN ZCD cO> gæ ::> 0 '" CD ~ <{ 0 0:: ~_c_....,........,.¡¡,¡..."" ,.,...p~--,".c_..p",....... '.., l PROJECT PROJECt UNITS OR BUILDING AGENCY! RAtiO OF ESTIMATED ESTIMAtED ADDRESS SQ. rr . PERMIT PUBLIC PRIVATE P""MAN'NT ANNuALSALES APPROx. VALIJATION ASSISTANCE PUBLIC JOBS CREAtED ""'OR INVESTMENT 15""",",""",",-, ,.,..... '.035 ':105,000 SO lID 20 $1.500 , O'ç"",w 160-1""""'" 15,000 "00.000 SO 110 60 NtA I 1...6.'- 4.1OB.F~1 ',000 ",.,., SO ,10 .. NtA I lEI.... ISI"""""""""" 3.411 1112,000 10 110 14 12.300 I lomœ I85--9S.,¡;"";"'RuI '.000 >"".000 SO If<) '6 NtA I 10I1Iœ ----"5 "C" ",03 1341,360 SO IJO 34 NlA I R"".MJRa""", S23.000 ""',P..... "............ 1.000 $1>0.000 SO 110 20 F""""', IJlOON..- 5,400 m'.110 $0 110 " Dun"",', ""'IIoR 7.000 '200.000 '" IJO 20 R"'.~Ç,R 425 ., ç",,;,. 0 ",700 '" IJO \3112-32- 13.'" $1,305.100 $0 110 .. $14.000 I \3,,>-,,- . - $"'-"" SO ,/I rr- IO"W"'" "..... >687.075 SO 110 NtA , IAp- 545S-"" ,..... $18'.600 SO 110 NlA I """'- Lane 1\odNo.15102 36- 19.603.>00 $1"""" '.811 ...F I""" """""'... ,.-a..""" >..-d R"'. em.... 715-765" e..... R"¡ '.6\1 S258.650 $1".000 1/21 ""R- ] l r... T_- PI- 301-301 EI c.õw..'" 1.000 $123.750 181.>00 11'4 1 I ................... iD<".Hdooo.,.",....., 215-217Ete""'R..' 2.100 5500,000 $0 110 6 I IA""""'S,- '- 13270N_A- 5"'" I!,IIM,TIS SO 110" I ~"""IG""'C""" 50511"""",,,"'" 6."'" "".000 $0 1/0" 1 omœR"""""'" l $1.>30.000 "",000 $0 $0 1/0 110 ,. .. "'.,""S.... 161 .""""'..... '.000 16.IlOO SUBTOTAL 120,051"" 321 s.o.1!OO TOTAL S52.1'U14 12.,",.000 28M 5;112"" Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects Third Five-Year Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 11-8 '" a " a Ó Z c .9", '5'" 'õõ &!~ <{~ 0", D::Q. FIGURE 11-5 SUMMARY OF MAJOR ACCOMPUSHMENTS SOUTH CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA __--un -~------------- TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOrEMTN AGENCY A SUMMARY OF ~IAJOR PROJECTS COMPLETED SOUTH CENTltALPROJJ!Cf AIUA RAnoO' <STIMA11m EllTlMATED ,.,VATE 'ERl\- -,....SM.ES TOPUBUC JOB8atEATED -TAXOR INV!STllIENf OrnER 1.- ""2_- 8iix> 819'.000 ~ lID Z7 81.>00 1 ILo"""'."'-" "..2- 9,110 S27',OOO SO "" " ",100 I Ic.~ "SI2N- 9"" - SO "" 21 05,900 I IToo....,.............. 1262"'- 58Uni1, 82.1S4"" SO lID 15 iliA I ITa"'vWaae""""" 2158... """'. 0232,(100 SO IJO NlA iliA 1 ¡p;,;;;¡;-.......-. 15642P""" II ""'. 194',7011 10 110 NlA iliA 1 1-.......- 14901- 144- $5.699000 10 lID iliA NlA 1 ICR-_"" ISS82-!12'11" 6Th& 161.000 SO IJO NlA iliA I ~-,- 151I2-22"B" ,...... $915"" SO 110 NtA NlA I PRO""",, 'Roner ADDRESS UNITS OR SQFT APPROX BUILDING nRMIT VALHArrON AG&NCVI .UBLIC ASSIST AfoICB ......c.o....i:... "iaoC",,~(I\"") 11008- 0',600 ".120,000 $631.000 1.8/1 200 C~"""" hdlkBdl(RAD) 1252-1412- 224.'00 SlO~12,OOO SO 110 148 "',000 N""""(RAD) 15222""- 61,10) 12.110.000 SO ,10 204 SI."" -(RAO) ".1 v- 15,900 81,160,000 SO 1'" 25' SU)OO ..." 1421-111 -F $250,000 8.4'1 "8.>00 <AD 61,100 SI.n1.ooo 201 ......- ',410 8m,OOO 16 - 1302- 12,000 1828.000 SO lID 40 SO ;T............,.C~k' ...... 1""'--<SIN""" ".9<1 SI,J09.6" SO Ii ) '06 i6.400 Cori'"," ,_,N- ',116 823'.009 SO IJO 11 SIl,ooo SUBTOTAL 132.1",349 1888.000 'I'" 8134,100 Tustin Community Redevelopmel1t Agency 11-9 Third Five-Year Implementation Plan Town O¡' ld South Central Redevelopment Projects Fiscal Year 2005-2006 through 200!t?n1n """ 0'" ;go .C') ON ZQ) cO> 28: :0 <5 '" Q) ~ <{ 0 ~ ~,..c............_,....., M';:-"""'.-""""""""""'" 'ROJEcr 'ROJEcr =80R.1 BUILDING AG£Ncri RATIOO' E811M,TID E8l1MATED ADDRE8S SQ," """OT PUBLIC. rRlVATE 'ERMANEtIT ANNUAL8ALES (APPRO" VALUATION ASSISTANCE PUBUC JOBSCIU!ATID TAX OR INVE8nŒNT OTIIER ~I..,..... 11,200 "':"6.'00 10 "" 61 m.>oo I TodNoI4934 145u.;k '11.1>4,60'- SI,O")" 16.5!i ----- WA ------ >VA- N ....... LOi1a"""",R""""ol I S6;1.11 lUll 20 "',132 139I2N,"""", 1,294 SG7)90 IJ9oI2-<;2 11419 S116.4SS 18~::;;::~=. 116llib 511',000 10 110 WA NlA I 14131- IN~,"'N'~"""""" ISIIIP","""", 10 I/O NlA NlA I ........... """1,""" I......,;,......... """""""'8_- 19."'1 l "u,¡b - 56.719..,. " UW ..... """"'"'" S3SO.ooo T_No 11018_10<. """TOTAL "'."'.641 20 m.m Sl.041þI4 TOTAL ISO,361,991 1901 5749,932 SI,93>þI4 Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects IHO Third Five-Year Implementation. Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 '" a .... a Ó Z c .9", "5'" Oõ &~ <{i!5, 0", ~a. PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE FIGURE IHi PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS TOWN CENTER: . General street widening. . Holt AvenuelState Route 55 storm drain improvements. . Irvine Blvd. intersection improvements. . Main 51. banner pole Project. . Restriping of Irvine Blvd. . Street rehabilitation of Newport and Prospect Avenues. . Traffic control improvements (Le. i1creased lighting, signalization, traffic signs and left tum phasing lanes). . TraffIC signal ins1allalion at 1st and B Streets. . Undergrounding of utHities. . Tustin Water Yard Improvements . Old Town Commercial District Streetscape Enhancement Project (streellighling, decorative paving, landscaping, lumishings, and signage). . StJeet widening acquisitions and construction documents preparation for Irme Boulevard and Newport Avenue intersection widening improvements, SOUTH CENTRAL: . Alley pavement inprovements for alleys between Newport and Orange Avenues, south of San Juan 51. and Newport and Bonita Avenues. . C Street reconstruction. . Edinger Ave. widening between SR-SS and Red HiD Ave. . Engineering and environmental assessment of widening Valencia Ave. . Extend Newport Ave. to Edinger, and eventually, Valencia Ave. . General lighting improvements. . Improvements to Del Amo Ave. in conjunction with the new off-ramp from SR-55 at Newport Ave. . Installation of traffic signals at McFadden and Walnut Avenues. . Mitchell Ave. pavement and right-of-way improvements. Newport Ave. road improvements from Sycamore to McFadden Avenues. Red Hill Ave. grade separation at the AT&SF railroad tracks. Street improvements coordinated with housing rehabilitation programs to fund off.site Ïl'r4Jrovernents (Le. alley and right-of-way improvements). Studies, plans, engineering, and construction 01 a new off-ramp from SR-55 at Newport Ave. Widening, pavement improvements, and reconstruction 01 San Juan Street from Newport Ave. to Orange Ave. Street widening acquisitions and construction documents preparation for Edinger Avenue "Smart Street" project from SR.55 to Red Hill, Right-of-way acquisitions and construction documents preparation for Northbound Ramp SR-55 and roadway improvements. Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town "'--'-r and South Central Redevelopment Projects Third Five.Year Ilf4Jlementation Plan Fiscal Year 2005.2006 through 2fW1-?O10 I 11-11 """ 0'" ¿;õ ,'" oN Z'" cO> ,g& :J 0 '" '" ~ <{ 0 ~ FINANCIAL RESOURCES The projects, programs and expenditures to be implemented over the next five years will depend on the level of financial resources available to the Agency. Available financial resources will include tax increment, after the Agency's 20% deposit to the low and moderate income housing set-aside fund, and revenue from bond proceeds, land sales, prior loan repayments, interest eamings, and new loans to the Agency. For the Town Center Project, as of June 30, 2005 the estimated beginning Capital Projects fund balance is approximately $1.2 million. It is anticipated that approximately $6.2 million additional net tax increment will be generated resuHing in approximately $7.4 million available to fund non-housing projects, programs and expenditures over the Implementation Plan's 5-year time period. Figure 11.7 presents a summary of the estimated non-housing tax increment that may be available to the Agency over the next five years. The estimated available funds reflect the estimated non-housing tax increment minus estimated debt service payments. For the South Central Project, it is estimated that as of June 30, 2005 there will be a starting Capital Projects fund balance of approximately $3.0 million. It is anticirated that an additional $12.1 million in net non- housing tax íncremen will be generated over the next five years resuning in approximately $15.1 million available to fund non-housing projects and programs and expenditures over the Plan's time frame. The Agency's funding for affordable housing activities from the set- aside fund is discussed in the housing activities section of this Plan. An illustrative five year cash flow for non-housing activities is provided in Figure 11-8, which includes the proposed programs and projects expenditures that are identified in the following section detailing the five year implementation activities. EstimatedAvailabie Resouæes Town Center Pro eçt Am Less Estimated Debt Paymflnts: Estimated Availàbie Flllds: FIGURE 11-7 ESTIMATED NON-HOUSIN.G TAX INCREMENT REVENUE Begiming Fund Balanœs $. 3,055.953' $. 1 820.ß8()~ $ 1,235,073' FYO5{)(J FY()6.(}7 FYO7-08 FY08-09 FY09-IO TOTALS $2,721.289 $2,802,928 $2.887,016 $2,973,626 $3,062,835 $14,447.693 $1.647.680$1642030 . $1;649.357 1.652.365 41,647.180 $8.238.6i2 $1,O73,GQ9 $1,160,898 $1,237,659 $1,321,261 $1,415.6$ $ 6,20~.Oð1 South central Project Area LfISS EStimated Debt Paymen/$; Estimated Available Funds: $ 4.485;321 ' $ . 1.455.258 ' $ 3,030,573' $2.332,147 $2.4IY<!,111 $2,474.175 $2,548.400 $2.624,852 $12,281,685 $ 48.600 . $ 48.600 $ 48.600 $ 48.600 $48.600 S 243.000 $2,283,547 $2,353,~11 $2.425.~75 $2.M¡9,BÓO $2,576,252 $12,138,6ð5 , Estimated beginning ft¡nd ba/ançes based 00 June 30.2004 balallces pius FY 04-{)5 fund ~iIs. minus FY.O4-05. debt service iJfId encumbrances (s~ Figure//'-8). .. Estimated Non-Housing Tax /ncietrl8rJt RevenU8S basêd on FY03-c4 deposits eslirriated to increase at 3% per year and adjusted for rJebI s8!VÎC9. Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects 11.12 Third Five-Vear Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 '" a .... a Ó Z c .Q '" "", "õõ Æ~ C3~ ~c.. RGURE 11-8 FIVE YEAR NON-HOUSING ACTIVITIES ILLUSTRATIVE CASH FLOW EsnMATED AEVENUES AND EXPENDITURES I South Central Project Area I I Fund Balances FY 04.()5 I I FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY07-06 FY 08-09 FYœ-10 I I TOTALS: I I $3,030,573 I $5,184,120 $1,357,631 $3,503,206 $5,823,006 $2,33.2.147 $2,402,111 $2,474,175 $2,548,400 $2.824,852 $12,381.685 $5,382,720 $7,588,231 $3,831,806 $6,051,808 $8,447.858 $48,800 $48,800 $48,800 $48,600 $48.600 $243,000 $90.000 $90,000 $90,000 $90,000 $90.000 $450,000 $40,000 $6.090,000 $190.000 $90,000 $40,000 $6.450,000 $5,184,120 $1,357,631 $3,503,208 $5,823.008 $8,269.258 I!e Inning Fund Balanca . $2.221 ,611 Estimated Noo HousIng Fund Deposits .. Avallabla Funds $2,284,220 ~ $2.221.811 Less: Annual ODIIaations: Debt Payments Estimated _. & Indl""" Expanses Programs and Projects Expem.""" ... $48.800 $90.000 ~1,31e.658 Remaining Balance $2,221,611 $3.030.573 I Town Center Project Area I I Fund Balances FY 04~5 I I FY 05-08 FV OO~7 FY 07-08 FV 08-09 FYD9-10 I I TOTALS: I I!e InnIng Fund Balanca . ($441,075) I $1,235.073 I $1.513.357 $863,255 . $40,913 $1,112.174 Estimated Noo Hous'ng Fund Deposits .. $3.497,028 $2,721,289 $2,802,828 $2,887,016 $2.973,626 $3,062,635 $14,447,693 Av_bIB Funds ($441.075) $3,055,953 $3,956,382 $4.316,285 $3.750,270 $3.014,539 $4,175.009 L...: Annual Ob/ioalions: Debt Payments $1,647,680 $1.647,660 $1.642,000 $1,649,357 $1,652,365 $1.647,11!O $8,238,612 estimated Admin & Indirect Expenses $80.000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $750.000 Programs and Projects ExpendItures ... $93,200 $645,325 $1,661,000 $1,910,000 $100,000 $100,000 $4,416,325 Remaining Balance ($441.075) $1,235.073 $1,513,357 $863,255 $40.913 $1,112,174 $2,2n.829 . FY 05-96 Beginning Fund Balance reflects ,... ending available funds balance as shown in the June 20,2004 audn thai include the capital Fund'. Cash & In- As&9ts. mlnu. Account Payable and Accrued UahilUies. wI1ich is ~sted to reflect estimated FY 04-{)5 fund deposits and expenditures. .. Estimated Annual Deposits based on FY 03-04 deposits estimated to increase a13% per year during lI1e five-year perIod. ... Programs and Pro acls ExpendiIu,as induding administration and indiraol """en.... .. <tscussed in the sulJsaction lOr Il1l'Iementalion AcIiViII..- Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town ca.... .d South Central Redevelopment Projects Third Five-Year Implemenlalior Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 2009 --.- II .n """ 0'" cj;õ .r-- ON Z., cO> 0 '" ""c. ::J ë5 '" ., a:: <{ 0 ~ The existing financial obligations for the Town Center and South Central Project Areas are de5Cribed as follows: TOWN CENTER EXISTING OBLIGATIONS . Bond Debt Service. On July 1, 1998, the Agency issued $20,805,000 Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds to refund the Agency's Town Center Area Refunding Bonds, Series 1987 and the Agency's Town Center Subordinate Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1991. Net proceeds were used to purchase Govemment Securities for the Series 1987 and Series 1991 Bonds which were deposited in an irrevocable trust to provide for all future payments when the Series 1987 and 1999 Bond are called for redemption. According to the Agency's Finance Director, as of June 30, 2004, the long-term debt Balance on the 1998 Tax Allocation Retunding Bonds was $21,356,766. The annual debt payments including principal and interest will be approximately $1,648,000 and total $8,238,612 during the Plan's fIVe year period. . Set-Aside for Low and Moderate-Income Housing Purposes. The CRL requires that all redevelopment agencies set aside not less than 20 percent of their annual gross tax increment revenues that must be deposRed into a separate fund to facilitate the development of housing for persons with low and moderate incomes. Particulars regarding the estimated amount and planned usage of the set-aside funds are described in the Housing Section of this Implementation Plan. . Town Center Low and Moderat~lncome Housing Set-Aside Deferral. Between fISCal years 1985-86 and 1991-92, the Agency deferred a total of $2,776.042 from its Low and Moderat~lncome Housing Set-Aside Fund in order to pay existing obligation including bond debt service de5Cribed above. Particulars regarding the deferral and the plan for payment from non-housing resources to eliminate the Set-Aside Fund deficit are described in the riousing Section of this Implementation Plan. SOUTH CENTRAL EXISTING OBLIGATIONS . Set-Aside for Low and Moderate-Income Housing Purposes. The CRL requires that all redevelopment agencies set aside not less than 20 percent of their tax increment revenues to facilitate the development of housing for persons with low and moderate incomes. Particulars regarding the estimated amount and planned usage of the set-aside funds are de5Cribed in the Housing Section of this Implementation Plan. . City Loan Repayment The City of Tustin has advanced a total of $3,000,000 to the Agency for administrative costs, which is a debt of the Agency requirif19 interest paid annually from available non-housing resources and prinCIpal to be paid prior to the last date to receive tax increment (July 15, 2025) under the South Central Redevelopment Plan. Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects 11-14 Third Five-Vear Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 '" a .... a Ó Z c .Q '" :;'" 0'0 &~ <{15, 0", ~Q. AGENCY FIVE-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITIES Non-housing implementation activities for both Project Areas will be generally associated with the following major areas: . Economic Development . Community Facilities . Public InfrastructurelSlreet Improvements These prog-ams must often coincide and be overlayed to produce a successful project. Infrastructure and community facility improvements may work in concert with a private development project to ensure. the desired economic development objective is achieved. Traffic flow improvements can be used to protect and enhance neighborhoods while at the same time serve to stimulate private investment and economic expansion. Projects may vary dramatically during the next five years in reaction to market conditions and private development interest, but the three main programs will remain the focus of the Agency. To support the major 1ocus areas of the Implementation Plan, direct administration program support costs, as well as, indirect costs including planning, professional consulting and legal expenses will also be incurred. The Agency's five-year implementation activities are based on the availabiUty of funding from existing fund balances, bond proceeds and estimated future tax increment revenues not previously corrrnitted to existing financial obligations. In addition, financial resources from other City, Slate and Federal programs, including but not limited to, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), economic development funds and capital improvement project funds may be used, if available, to assist in inplementing the Agency's projects and programs. The proposed projects, programs and the corresponding expenditures over the five-year period are designed to achieve the Goals and Objectives of this Third Implementation Plan and the elimination of blighting conditions. They are identified by Project Area in priority order as determined by the Agency. However, financial resources are expected to be insufficient to complete Implementation activities within the five-year time period. The CRL requires a five-year implementation plan regardless of economic conditions during the future five-year period. It should, however, be understood that the funding of identified programs is greatly influenced by economic conditions and the ability of the private sector to respond to Agency initiatives. Projects and expenditures rely on the private sector's ability to obtain funding, as well as the Agency's ability to maintain and increase tax increment revenues. If the Agency's revenues are depleted because of higher than projected expenditures or new requirements imposed by the State, it is unlikely that all of the projects and/or programs listed will be implemented. Achievement of the Implementation Plan Goals and Objectives, and the implementation of the projects, programs and expenditures outlined in this Third Implementation Plan will assist in eliminating blight within the Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Project Areas. The relationship between the Goals and Objectives of the Implementation Plan, projects, progranns and expenditures of the Il1l>lernentation Plan, and the blight that will be e~minated is described in Figures 11-10 and 11- 11. Private sector activities will additionally contribute to the removal of blight within the Project Areas and the the revitalization of the Project Areas The Agency's housing activities are discussed in Section III of this Plan. Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town (j'--'-- 1nd South Central Redevelopment Projects 11-15 Third Five-Vear Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 20(t ""H') """ 0'" ;;õ .'" ON Z., cO> 0 '" ""a. ::J Õ '" ., ~ <{ 0 a: TOWN CENTER REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA The Agency's focus during the next five-year period for the Town Center Redevelopment Project Area is to concentrate on economic development, community facilities, and public infrastructure/street improvement programs identified below. Implementation Plan Goals and Obiectives . Provide business assistance for rehabilUation, expansion and retention of existing and new businesses in the Project Area. . Rehabilitate substandard and deteriorating structures to improve building conditions, increase functionality and desirability, and to integrate area-wide design characteristics wUh the aim to create a cohesive commercial district. . Provide development assistance for new retail connmercial uses to expand the community serving corTYnercial core in the Project Area. . Upgrade substandard public infrastructure systems and public facililies, and provide for the installation and construction of new public improvements to meet the requirements of existing and new development in the Project Area. TOWN CENTER AVE VEAR PROJECTS, PROGRAMS & EXPENDITURES Economic Develof)menf Proorams ($350,000) . Developer/Property Owner Assistance Program to support revitalization of the City's historic Old Town and adjacent areas within the Town Center Project Area. The type of assistance may include, but not be limited to land assembly and resale to private developers, land preparation, off-sUe improvements, fee payments, design and engineering assistance, development loans (as may be allowed under the law), development of parking facilUies. . Owner Assistance/Commercial Rehabilitation Program to provide financial assistance in the form of loans and grants for historic preservation, bunding and code compliance, building renovation and façade improvements. . Business Assistance and Outreach Program to support the retention of existing businesses and attraction 01 new businesses. Expenditures would include, but not be limited to such Oems as brochures, and marketing materials. Communitv Facilities Proarams ($4,00,000) . Tustin Ubrary - expansion and/or renovation of the facilUies if supported by a State Ubrary Bond Act Grant, developer contributions, and potential Tustin Legacy project contributions. . Stevens Square Parking Structure. provision of additional", pedestrian access. ~ . 420 EI Camino Real Property Improvement - installation of street a front landscape improvements. :!t. c .2", "5'" ~õ "'a ~'" <{"' og' a:: a. Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects 11-16 Third Five-Vear Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 Public Infrastructure/Street Imorovement Proarams ($67,000) ) . East Alley (Prospect Lane) Enhancement Project - implementation streetscape!pedestrian improvements in historic Old Town area including street planting and lighting improvements supported by CDBG funding. . Old Town Signage Program - installation of way finding signs throughout commercial district. . Prospect Avenue Enhancement Project - implementation of roadway and pedestrian improvements between Main Street and 3rd Street supported by CDBG funding. . Irvine Boulevard Storm Drain Projects - improvements between EI Modena-Irvine Channel and State Route 55. . lighting and Traffic Control Projects - general improvements as determined needed to upgrade existing street fighting, traffic signal synchronization or phasing and/or new traffic control installation, also includes lighting and pavement improvements to private and public alleys. . Uülilies Improvement Program - underground utilities in the Oty's historic area. AQencv Administrative Proaram SuDDorl and Indirect Costs Incu"ed bv Q1r ($750,000) The Agency may also make payments to reduce the Low and Moderate Income Housing deficit, if additional tax increment funds are available during the Plan's five year period. ~sed Projects, Proarams and Expenditures Relationship to m!Q!ll The CRL requires an explanation of the relationsh~ between prop.osed projects, programs and expenditures to the elimination of blight WIth the prOJect area during the period of the Plan. At the time the Town Center Redevelopment Plan was adopted, the plan spoke to health and safety conditions of buildif195, and the factors that characterize economic dislocation, deterioratIOn or disuse. Briefly, a bli!t1ted area is one that contains specific conditions and factors resuRing in the lack of proper utilization of the area that constituted a serious burden on the community and that could not be alleviated by private enterprise acting alone. The Implementation Plan Goals and Objectives represent the Agel)g's near-term direction to continue the elimination of bnght by providing assistance to strengthen the business environment of the Town Center Project Area. Specifically, the Implementation Plan Goals and Objectives will help the revitalize the building stock by improving deteriorated building conditions and correcting deficiencies among aged buildings. GOals and OÞjectives to upgrade and install public improvements and facilRies, and to provide assistance to existing businesses, new businesses, and new deve~ment wili help foster economic growth and correct or prevent conditIOns that may result in depreciated values, impaired investments and economic maladjustment, while facilitating the construction 01 necessary public infrastructure. Although both Agency assisted and private sector redevelopment activities have made major contributions to an improvement In the building stock in the project area and to an improvemenf to the prevalence of depreciated values, impaired investments and economic maladjustment in the Project Area, some 01 the condiiions stili remain to be addressed under this Third Implementation Plan. T uslin Community Redevelopment Agency Town (4!nter ~nd South Central Redevelopment Projects 11-17 Third Five-Year Implementation Plan Fiscal Year 2005-2006 through 2DOr ...".... """ 0'" <i;õ óC;; z'" cO> 0 '" 'Sa. ë5 '" '" a: <{ 0 a: The following is a list of major blighting characteristics identified in the Town Center Redevelopment Plan and how the proposed Agency activities during the next five-year period will eliminate or prevent the spread of these blighting cond~ions within the Project Area: . Deterioration, Age and Obsolescence. Several buildings and retail centers in the Project Area remain characterized by deterioration, age and obsolescence. These properties do not appear to meet the changing needs of the commerciaL/retail sector and are no longer economically competitive in today's markets. The Economic Development program is proposed to correct these conditions and eliminate this blighting condition in the Project Area. . The Existence of Inadequate Public Improvements and Utilities Which Cannot be Remedied by Private or Governmental Action Without Redevelopment. Targeted areas in need of public improvements upgrades or new construction remain in the Project Area. Public parks serving the surrounding community are in need of upgrades and renovation, while traffic control and circulation measures continue to be needed. The Agency wishes to maintain its level of commitment to improving the public infrastructure serving the Project Area by continuing a Community Facilities Program and Public Infrastructure and Street Improvement Programs. . A Prevalence of Depreciated Values, Impaired Investments and Economic Maladjustment Although conditions have slowly improved because of redevelopment activity in the Project Area, some problems including the lack of parking, vacant land, outdated building conditions. underperforming property values, and a lack of investment still remain. All of the Programs and Expenditures proposed under this Third Implementation Plan will address these blighting conditions. The matrix provided in Figure 11-9 summarizes the relationship between the Implementation Plan's goals and objectives and the Plan's proposed projects, programs and expenditures to the remaining blighting conditions. Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects 11-18 Third Five- V ear Implementation Plan Fiscal vear 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 '" a .... a Ó Z c .2", :;'" Oõ &¡;j <{~ 0", ~a. FIGURE 11-9 TOWN CENTER PROJECT AREA BLIGHT ELIMINATION RELATIONSHIP TABLE Delerioration. Inadequate Deprecialed GOALS" OBJEClIVES Age & Public Values. Obsolescence Improvements & Impaired UtiutJos Investments & Economic Malad'uS/ment Provide buoiness asoislance 10' rehabilitation, expansion and 'elOf'llion 01 existing end new busi.....s. X X Rehabilitate substandalt! and deteriorated structures to improve building codions, Increooe runctionallty and desirobillty, and 10 X Integ"'te design che",cleriolics. Upgrade subotandard public Inl",oIruau'e sysl<lms and public ladilios, and pmvido lo,theinslallation andconolrudion 01 new X public improvements 10 --I tho noeds of the Project Area. Provide direct assistance 10' the development 01 new commeR:ial uses. X X PROGRAMS" EXPENDITURES Economic Development Programs X X X CommunMy Facilities Programs X Public InfraSlrudure/Streetlmprovement Programs X X Note: Aò11inistraUve program support end inlirect costs inctlrred by the City in edminisleling Redevelopment Þt,¡eocy project ereas support all programs and expendtures. Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town ç.øntor "ind South Central Redevelopment Projects 11-19 Third Five-Year Implementation Plan Fiscal V ear 2005-2006 through 20G'" "M 'J """ 0'" ....- 00 .M OM Z Q) §¡w ",,0.. :J "0 ~ <{ 0 ~ SOUTH CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA The Agency intends to concentrate its redevelopment efforts in the South Central Project Area during the next five-year. period on economic development, public infrastructure/street improvement and community facilities programs. These programs will allow funding to alleviate substandard infrastructure in the Pacific Center East SpecifIC Plan Area and to alleviate traffic congestion throughout the Project Area. The Specific Plan is the primary devise for implementing the land use and infrastructure provisions of the Redevelopment Plan for the amended area of the South Central Project Area. While concentrating efforts within the Pacific Center East Specific Plan Area, the Agency also wishes to continue its public improvement program in the remainder of the Project Area. Implementation Plan Goals and Obiectlves . Provide direct assistance to support and facilitate development, to preserve the City's employment base, and to provide for an integrated business park environment which capitalizes on market opportunities and which is compatible with adjaœntland uses. . Provide assistance to the private sector through the construction of circulation improvements designed to facilitate access to underutilized sites. . Upgrade substandard public infrastructure systems and public facilities, and provide for the installation and construction of new public improvements to meet the requirements of existing and new development in the Project Area. South Central Five Year Projects. PrOGrams and Expenditures Economic Development Proarams ($200,000) . Developer/Property Owner Assistance Program to support development and revitalization within the South Central Project Area. The type of assistance may include, but not be limited to land assembly and resale to private developers, land preparation, off-site improvements, fee payments, design and engineering assistance, development loans (as may be allowed under the law), development of parking facilities. . Business Assistance and Outreach Program to support the retention of existing businesses and attraction of new businesses. . Expenditures would include, but not be limited to such items as brochures and marketing materials. . Augmentation of CDBG funding for City's graffiti removal program. Community Facilities Proarams ($200,000) . Recreational Facilities Program - improvements for existing faciities and the construction of recreational open space to serve the surroundinG community. . Tustin Famify and Vouth Center Expansion - additional land acquisition. . Tustin Family and Voulh Center Playground Improvements- installation of additional playground equipment. '" Public Infrast11JCture/Street Improvement Proarams ($6,050,000) ~ . Newport Avenue/State Route 55 Northbound Ramp Reconliguration - ~ relocation of existing ramps including construction of new ramps, ~ demolition of existing ramps, construction of Newport Avenue ,g ~ between Edinger and Valencia, and realignment and construction of ~ Õ Del Amo, between Edinger and the newly constructed ramp. ~ ;;!; <{Q) ~~ Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects 11-20 Third Five-Year Implementation Plan Fiscal Year 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 Public InfrastructurelStreet Imorovement PrCXJrams (continued) . Newport Avenue Extension North of Edinger Avenue. extension from existing Newport Avenue terminus south to Edinger Avenue. . Edinger Avenue Widening. widening to major arterial smart street standards between State Route 55 and 1,400 feet east of Red Hill Avenue with intersection enhancements and traffic control improvements. . Valencia Avenue Widening. widening of ri[ht-ot:way and intersection improvements per the Pacific Center East Specific Plan and traffic control improvements. . Red Hill Avenue Widening - widening of right-of-way and intersection improvements between EdinQer Avenue and Valencia Avenue per the Pacific Center East SpecWic Plan. ' . Lighting and Traffic Control Projects - general improvements as determined needed to upgrade existing street lighting, traffic signal synchronization or phaSIng and/or new traffic control ilstallation, also includes lighting and pavement improvements to private and public alleys. ~trative Proaram SuPOQrl and Indirect Costs Incurred by Ø1J' 5O,()()()) Proposed Projects. PrOGrams and ExDenditures Relationship to Blight The GRL requires an explanation of the relationship between prof?O.sed projects, programs and expenditures to the elimination of blight With the prO ect area during the period of the Plan. At the time the South Central Redevelopment Plan was adopted, the plan spoke to health and safety conditions of buildings, and the factors that characterize economic dislocation, deterioration or disuse. Briefly, a blighted area is one that contains specific conditions and factors resulting in the lack of proper utilization of the area that constituted a serious burden on the community and that could not be alleviated by private enterprise acting alone. The Implementation Plan Goals and Objectives represent the Agen9's near-term direction to continue the erlmination of bright by prOviding support to the industrial sector of the South Central Project Area, thus expanding the industrial base of the City and increasing employment opportunities. Specilican~, these Impfementation Plan Goals and Objectives will help to facilitate private sector development by assisting existing and new businesses. New development will also foster new economic growth and correct conditions of depreciated values, impaired investments and economic maladjustment by retuming the land to proper utilization. A"hough the Agerq has undertaken an extensive public improvement pr~ram within the Project Area which has corrected several deficiencies, targeted areas in need of public improvement upgrades or new construction remain. """ 0'" .,;.- 00 .'" OM Z" cO> B~ " 0 '" " ~ <{ 0 ~ Tustin Community Redevelopment Agerq T own ~ter and South Central Redevelopment Projects 11-21 Third Five-Year Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 20</9-:>010 The following is a list of major blighting characteristics found in the South Central Project Area and how the proposed Agency activities during the next five-year period will reduce the prevalence of these blighting conditions. . The Existence of Inadequate Public Improvements and Utilities which cannot be Remedied by Private or Governmental Action Without Redevelopment. Access between the northern portion and the southem portion of the Project Area is restricted because of the lack of through streets. While Red Hill provides the only north-south access route in the surrounding area, it does not provide direct access between the south (essentially the 1985 Amendment Area) and the central area of the Project Area. In addition, further development within the Pacific Center East Specific Plan area is restricted because of a lack of necessary public improvements, particularly circulation improvements to provide access to various sites. The Agency intends to facilitate development within this area and to eliminate the lack of proper utilization and prevalence of vacant sites within this area through the Public InfrastructurefSlreetlmprovement Program. . A Prevalence of Depreciated Values, Impaired Investments and Economic Maladjustment The Amendment Area will continue to suffer from a lack of proper utilization because an inadequate infrastructure system. Extraordinary high costs are required to correct these deficiencies. The Agency is proposing to contribute to the construction of off.site circulation system improvements, freeway ramp improvements, and street improvements to provide better access to and within the Amended Area. The Agency is also proposing to continue the Economic Development Programs to foster economic vitality in the South Central Project Area. . The Existence of Inadequate Public InfrastructurelFacllltles. While the Agency has made contributions to constructing recreational facilities for elementary and middle school age children, young adults and families in the Project Area, target areas remain to be adequately served and in need of improvements or new construction. The Agency proposes to maintain its level of commitment to improving the public infrastructure and facilities in the Project Area by continuing the Community Facilities Program. The matrix provided in Figure 11.10 summarizes the relationship between the Implementation Plan's goals and objectives and the Plan's proposed projects, programs and expenditures to the remaining blighting conditions. Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects 11-22 Third Five-Vear Implementation Plan Fiscal Year 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 '" a .... a Ó Z c .9", "5'" ë5õ &¡g <{~ 0", ~a. FIGURE 11-10 SOUTH CENTRAL PROJECT AREA BLIGHT ELIMINATION RELATIONSHIP TABLE Detel1oration, Inadequate Depreciated GOALS & OBJECTIVES Age & Public Values. Obsolescence Improvements & Impaired Utilities Investments & ~=~ment Provide direct assistance to support and faclmate development. to preserve the City's employment bas", and to X X .provide lor an integrated business park environment which capRalizes on mark'" opportunities and which t. compa.ble wRh adjacent land uses. Provide assistance 10 the privat" søctor through th" construction 01 circulation improvøments d"signød to faclNtate X X access to underutilzed sites. UpgracJø substandard public infrastructur" _tams and public lacllltløs, and provid" lor the Installation and construction 01 X X X new public Improvøm"nts to møøt Ih" n""cIs 01 the Project Area. PROGRAMS '" EXPENDITURES Economic Development Programs X X X Community Facl1itlø. Programs X Pub~c InlrastructurølStr"et Improvømønt Programs X X Note: AdminisIJIIllve ¡>rogram support and inõrect coslslncurred by tho Rodevelopmool Atp1cy project areas support 011 programs and expendlures. Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Î"ntor and South Central Redevelopment Projects Third Five-Vear Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005.2006 through 2009-2010 I 11-23 """ 0'" ....- 00 .r-- OM Z., cO> 0 '" ""a. ::> ë5 '" ., a: <{ 0 ~ SECTION III FIVE YEAR IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR HOUSING ACTIVITIES Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects Third FIVe-Year Implementation Plan Rscal Vear 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 '" a .... a Ó Z c .Q '" "5'" 0'5 &~ <{g¡, 0", ~a. HOUSING ACTIVITIES INTRODUCTION The housing component of the Implementation Plan is a complement to the Implementation Plan. The Plan presents the Agency's explanation of how specific goal and objectives, and proposed projects, programs and expenditures will implement the low and moderate Income housing requirements mandated by law, including the following: 1. An annual Housing Program for the five-year term tihat provides sufficient detail to measure performance of the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fulld requirements. 2. An enumeration of the number of new, rehabilitated, assisted, price restricted, or destroyed housing units during tihe term of the respective redevelopment plans for the Town Center and Soutih Central Redevelopment Project Areas. 2. An outline of the Agency's plan in using the Affordable Housing Set.Aside Fund including annual deposits, \rallsfer of funds, or accrualS for special projects. 4. An identification of programs, and projects tihat will resutt ill the destruction or removal of exISting affordable housing, if any, and the proposed locations for replacement housing. 5. The Agency's Ten-Year Housil19 Affordability Compliance Plan as Required by California Community Redevelopment Law (CRL) Sections 33413 and 33490(a)(2). Much of the information, including components of the Agency's housing implementation plan are based on the City and Agency's Comprehensive Affordability Strateg~ for fiscal years 2000-2001 . through 2009-2010, alld the City s HousillQ Element adopted November, 2002. Implementation of the Plan wiß ellsure consistency with and achievemellt of the goals and objectives of the City's Housil19 Element and other housing related requirements contained in the GAL. An agency's major housing responsibilities generally fall under four 9 ¡g broad categories including: 1) the set-aside of 20 percent of gross tax ;g õ increment revenue for low and moderate income housing (Sections ó ~ 33334.2 and 33334.6); 2) the creation of housing affordable to low and Z ¡g, moderate-income persons and families based on tihe production of all .§ &. new or substantially rehabilitated dwelling units (Section 33413); 3) the ~ replacement of low and moderate income dwelling units removed as a ~ result of Agency activity (Section 33413); and 4) tihe proportional ~ expenditure lrom the 20 percent set-aside (ulld on housing for low and <{ very low income persons based on community need (Section 33334.4). ~ A discussion of each of the four categories is provided in this Housing Activities component of the Implementation Plan. Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Towll ÇpnlAr and South Central Redevelopment Projects IIH Third Five-Vear Implementalioll Plan Fiscal Year 2005-2006 through 20(>9-2010 HOUSING SET-ASIDE FUND Section 33334.2 of the CRL requires, for every redevelopment plan adopted or amended to add territory on or after January 1, 1977, no less than 20 percent of the tax increment received by the agency from a redevelopment project (or area added by amendment) be set aside for increasing, improving and preserving the community's supply of low and moderate income housing. The revenues may be expended inside or outside of a project area. If expended outside the project area, a resolution must be adopted stating that outside expenditures are of benefit to the project area. The set-aside funds are to be held in a separate Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund until used. Any unexpended amount in the Low and Moderate Inconne Housing FuniJ that exceeds the greater of one million dollars or the agpregate amount depos~ed. during the preceding four fiscaJ years (beginning in 1989- 1990) becomes excess surplus. For redevelopment plans adopted before January 1, 1988, the 20 percent set-aside was required beginning in the 1985-1986 fiscal year pursuant to Section 3334.6 of the CRL However, an aQency could reduce and defer its low and moderate income housing deposit requirement in any fiscal year if it found that the reduction was necessary to make payments on "existing obligations' (i.e., indebtedness incurred prior to January 1, 1986), and for fiscal years 1995-1996 only to fund "public and private projects, program or activities" approved by the agency prior to January 1, 1985 (Section 33334.6). If such a reduction was made, a statement of Existing Programs, or a Stalement of Existing Obligations, or both had to be adopted by September 1, 1986 and filed with the Department of Housing and Community Development. The 20 percent set-aside or a portion of ~ could be only deferred until July 1, 1996, at which time full deposits had to be made. A deficit elimination plan was also required to be prepared to outline the agency intentions on expending the amount equal to the difference between the required 20 percent tax increment set-aside and the actual amount deposited, if any, for each year a deposit was reduced. DEFERRALS WITHIN THE TOWN CENTER PROJECT AREA The Town Center Redevelopment Project Area is subject to Section 33334.6 of the CRL, which appled the low/moderate housing set. aside requirement to pre-1977 projects. Section 33334.2 of the CRL also enabled the elimination or reduction of the annual housing fund deposit if the agency made fll1dings regarding the lack of need for low/moderate housing in Tustin or the sufficiency of less than 20"10 of the Project Area's tax increment to meet the need that does exist. In add~ion, if a project had obligations that were incurred prior to the set- aside requirement, the agency could also defer the annual set-aside deposit as necessary to meet its earlier obligations. The Agency adopted such a Statement of ObligationsJor the Town Center Project and in fiscal years 1985-1986 through 1991-92 deferred the deposit of approximately $2.8 million into the líousing Fund. In accordance with CRL requirements, the Agency adopted an amended Deficit Reduction Plan in May 2000 for elimination of the defic~ caused by the deferral., Per the Amended Plan, commencing in FY 2005-2006 the Agency will deposit to the Housing Fund an amount equal to 20% of the net tax increment available in any year the that the tax increment equals at least 125% of the non-housing activities annual obligations. DEFERRALS WITHIN THE SOUTH CENTRAL PROJECT AREA Because the Redevelopment Plan for the South Central Redevelopment Project Area was adopted after January 1, 1977 the provisions of Section 33334.2 regarding the set-aside of 20% of tax Increment for low/moderate housing purposes apply. The requirement for the South Central Project Area provide the same options for reducing or eliminating the set-aside depos~ in a given year as discussed above. The Agency has not defened any deposits In the South Central Housing Fund. Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects 111-2 Third Five-Vear Implementation Plan Fiscal Year 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 '" a .,¡. a Ó Z c .5<", 3'" Oõ £~ <{1J, 0", OCa. Housing Funds Available Figure 111-1 summarizes the estimated amount of beginning balances in the Housing Fund and the projected tax increment deposits into the Housing Funds for the Town Center and South Central Project Areas during the Implementation Plan's five-year period. While the projected set-aside tax increment revenues shown are based on the amounts deposited in FY 03-04 and estimated to increased at 3 percent per year, the actual housing set-aside deposits could be more or less than the amounts shown. FIGURE 111-1 SUMMARY OF HOUSING SET-ASIDE FUNDS Town Center South Central $ 554,000 $ $ 3.61 t .900$ 3.095.400 Estimated BegiooiniJ Fùnd Balance - Estimated TaJllncrement Deposits " FIve-Year Totáls: $4,165;900 $ 7,821,700 r= COmblnèd Fund Amount: Interest Earnlngs"-: TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDS (Over Next Flvø..Vïar Period) $12,387,600 , Balance 8$ 01 June 30, 2004, alii-to reflect enambrallCi!S and obligatiOns. " Set'AsïJeF unci Tax Increment IJeposfls IIsIimated 10 increase 3"k par year. ... InIef8St Earning esUmaled at 2.5% based on 50% 0/ ootStMding baJæ1a! at MY time.. """ The Agency anticipates funding the available housing set-aside ~ ~ resources for affordable housing activities within Ihe five-year ~ ~ Implementation Plan time frame. The Agency also may also use Home ~ :g, Funds and federal CDBG Funds, if needed, to accomplish the goals ~ (f and objectives of the Implementation Plan. g Q) ~ <{ 0 ~ HouslngFund ProQrams. Projects and Expenditures A description of the projects and. program expenditures comprising the Agency's housing activities during the next five and ten-year periods is provided in the following: 1. Low & Moderalelncome Homebwer Prooram ($2,375,000) The Homebuyers Program is comprised of three major components: . Homebuyer Assistance Loans which consists of the provision of deferred payment loans secured by second deeds of trust to fund the "gap" between the affordable housing cost and the fair market value of a unit to reduce the overall mortgage cost of a home to levels supportable to Iow.mod buyers. Homebuyer Assistance Loans may be made for properties located city-wide. . Low Interest Mortgage Loans consists of referring potential homebuyers to banks and other lenders that offer below market down payment requirements to qualified buyers. . Mortgage Credit Certnicate Program (MCCP) administered by the County of Orange, the program provides federal income tax credits as a form of assistance to home buyers. During the last reporting period, the County of Orange has fundeå the administrative costs of the MCC program. Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town fAA'^" 'lAd South Central Redevelopment Projects 111-3 Third Five-Vear Implementation Plan Fiscal Year 2005-2006 through 2OQQ-?I'I11) 2. Preservation of Existina Housina ($750,000) Preservation of the Tustin Gardens Apartments, a 101-unit Section 221 (d)(4) senior project with a Section 8 contract that expired but has been extended on an annual basis. The units are defined as "at risk" under CRL and will require Agency assistance if the owner elects not to renew its annual contract at any time. 3. Rehabilitation of ExistinG Housina Stock ($3,450,000) Owner Occupied (1 to 2 units) Rehabilitation Loans and Grants to continue to provide rehabilitation loans and grants for owner- occupied single family properties within certain specified target areas for households at or below 120% of the median income, adjusted for family size. Rental Rehabilitation Loans and Grants to owners rental properties in need of moderate rehabilitation where at least 51% 0/ the tenants are at or below 120% of medium income and remain within the Fair Market Rent (FMR) levels for a period not less than the period of land use controls established in the respective Redevelopment Plan. Multifamily Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Conversion to Ownership Housing for smaller apartment projects containing two to eight units each which could be acquired, rehabilitated, converted to condominiums and sold to qualified homebuyers with resale restrictions which Umit the use of the property and limit the extent to which home prices may increase: Multifamily Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Rental to facilitate the purchase from absentee landlords and substantial rehabilitation of apartments that coul~ be retained in non-profit ownership and rented to qualifying low and moderate income tenants for the longest period feasible, but for not less than the period of land use controls as established in the respective Redevelopment Plans. 4. New HousinQ Construction ($5,000,000) New Owner Housing Construction would provide land acquisition assistance to private developers for construction of new owner housing to mitigate the amount 0/ the affordability gap for quaUfied potential homebuyers. 5. Supoort and Ancillary Services (non-IccaJ resource») Homeless Housing Partnership to provide assistance through federal programs to provided transitional housing for persons and families that are at or below 50% of the medium income level, adjusted for family size. Existing Section B Rental Assistance for very low and low income persons and families through the Section 8 Rental Assistance certificate program of the Orange County Housing Authority. 6. Administrative Support Exoonditures ($465,000) Administrative Support costs incurred and directiy related to implementing the housing program including salaries, overhead, consultant and legal expenses, supplies, etc. The Agency's administrative program support expenditures from Housing Set- Aside Funds must be determined each year and found to be necessary to implement the housing program. Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects 111-4 Third Five-Year Implementation Plan Fiscal Year 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 '" a .... a Ó Z c .Q '" ::i'" ~õ .,N ~.,. C§~ ~D.. """ Figure 111-2 provides an illustrative example of how the combined housing programs could be financed on an annual basis over a five-year period. Actual ~ ~ timing and specific amounts may be adjusted over time, and specific decisions are made as a part of the Agency's annual budge! process. The GAL a ~ identifies that beginning fund balance in any year which exceed the higher of $1 million or the sum of the prior 4 years depos~s are considered "Excess ~.... Surplus" and such funds must be expended within one year, the Agency's 4-year deposits sum is currently over $6 million. c g¡, E& ::J 0 & <{ 0 ~ FIGURE 111-2 FIVE-YEAR COMBINED HOUSING PROGRAM ILLUSTRATIVE CASH FLOW FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY 08-09 FY 09-10 TOTALS Resources Combiled Beginnilg Fund Balance $5,280,300 (1.) $3,005,659 $ 168,919 $ 971,217 $1,613,723 CDBG ReI1abiilation Funds $ ° $ ° $ 0 $ 0 $ ° $ ° South Central Fund Deposits $ 583,037 $ 600,526 $ 618,544 $ 637,100 $ 656,213 $ 3,095,421 Town Center Fund Deposits $ 680,322 $ 700,732 $ 721,754 $ 743,406 $ 765,708 $3,61t,921 Investmenllnteresl $ 80.000 $ 80,000 $ 80.000 $ 80,000 $ 80,000 ~ Estimated Total Resources: $6,623,659 $4,386,919 $1,5B9,217 $2,431,723 $3,315,637 $7,107,337 Expenditures (2.) Homebuyer Assistance Pro!1arn $ 475,000 $ 475,000 $ 475,000 $ 475,000 $ 475,000 $ 2,375,000 Preservation of AI-Risk Units $ ° $ 0 $ 0 $ ° $ 750,000 $ 750,000 Rehabiltalion of Existing Housing $ 50,000 $1 ,650,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $1,650,000 $ 3,450,000 New Housing Construction $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $ 0 $ ° $ ° $ 5,000,000 Administrative & Indirect Expenses ~ $ 93.000 ~ $ 93.000 $ 93,000 $ 465 000 Estimated Total Expenditures: $3,618,000 S4,2t8,000 $ 618,000 $ 618,000 $2,968,000 $12,040,000 Balance Available $3.005,659 $ 168,919 $ 971,217 $1,813,723 $ 347,637 Notes: 1. Estimated as of June 30, 2004, adjusted to reflect obligations and encumbrances. Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town ç--'-- lnd South Central Redevelopment Projects Third Five-Vear Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 2Oqn nn'1 111.5 Given the successful implementation of the Housing Program, the annual distribution of the units for each major program category is provided in Figure 111-3. FIGURE 111-3 ESTIMATE ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION OF ASSISTED UNITS FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY 07.()8 FY 08-09 FYO9-10 1. Homebuy., Assists""" PrOQ,am a. DoWll Paymenl2nd Mortgage Loans 5 5 5 5 5 2. Preservation of AI.Risk Units a. T usfin Garden s Senior 0 0 0 0 100 3. RehabiUlalion of Existino Hwsioo SlocI< a. Owner Occupied (1.2 units) Loans 4 4 b. RootaI RehabiUtalim loans 4 4 c. Multilamily AcqIRehablCOOVÐrsion 0 0 Number 01 Units d. Mlltifamily Acqn:¡ehablRen 0 37 0 0 12 Numberof Units 4. New Housino Construction a. New Owner Housing 14 0 0 0 0 Number 01 Units b. New SeniOf Rental 0 0 0 0 0 Number 01 Units - - - - Tolal Number 01 New, Rehabllitatad ~ 50 13 13 125 or Price Restricted Unils Totals 25 100 20 20 49 14 228 Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects 111-6 Third Five-Vear Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 '" a .... a Ó Z c .9", '5'" Oõ &!~ <{~ 0", Q:;a. Proøortlonal Exøendlture of Housinq Fund Moneys Section 33334.4 (a) of the CRL requires expenditures of moneys In the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund during a 1o-year period to be made to assist housing for persons of Iow-i1come and housing for persons 01 very low income in at least the same proportion as the total number of units needed lor 01 those income groups bears to the total number 01 units needed within the community. The proportion is to be determined lor each community on the basis of the unmet need lor housing amon¡¡ the income categories, as reflected by the City's share 01 the regIOnal housing needs identified pursuant to section 65584 01 the Califomia Govemment Code. The agency may adjust the proportion by subtracting from the need identified lor each income category, the number of units lor persons 01 tihat incomè cat9(!ory that are newly constructed over the duration of the implementation plan with other locally controlled assistance and without agency assistance. In addition, Section 33334.4 (b) provides that each agency shaM expend the moneys in the Housing Fund in at least the same proportion as the population under age 65 years bears to the total population 0 I the community. The intent under the CRl is that redevelopment agencies direct low and Moderate-Income Housing Fund expenditures so that the moneys are distributed in a measurable proportion between that spent on low and very low income housing to that spent on moderate income housing, and in proportion between that spent on affordable larrily housing to that lor affordable senior citizen housing. The City's 2002 Housing Element (Table H-17) provides a summary of the total quantified Objectives lor the City ín relation the to the Qty's fair share of the regional housing needs. figure 111-4 identifIes the community's allocation goal adjusted to rellect the subtraction 01 units to be newly constructed at Tustin legacy that wRI be developed pursuant to the MCAS-Tustin SpecifIC Plan under local control and without Agency assistance. FIGURE 111-4 ADJUSTED AFFORDABLE HOUSING ALLOCATION GOALS ~ very Law Law Moderate Percent 15.8% 17:0% m% 100% Unlta 254 274 .!.Qi!Q TOTAL 1,608 SQurcè:Ci1y 01 Tustin 2002 Housi1g Element Based on the Housing Element objectives, as adjusted pursuant to Section 3334.4 (a) 01 the CRl, it wil be the goal of the Agency to taior expenditures from the Housing Fund to provide approximately 16% on housing lor persons and lamilies 01 very low income, 17% on low income housing, and 67% on moderate income housing. This target goal is intended over the life of the redevelopment projects and not strictly on an amual basis. It win also be to goal 01 the Agency to expend 95% of the moneys in the Housing Fund for non-senior affordable housing activities to rellect the proportion of persons under 65 years 01 age ín the community per the 2000 census. The AgerIcy will monitor its expenditures 01 Housing Fund money to comply with legal requirements over the life of the two projects. Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Cenlral Redevelopment Projects 111-7 Third FlVe-Vear Implementation Plan Fiscal Year 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 """ 0'" ci;õ .'" 0,," Z'" cO> 0 '" .,D.. :J 0 '" '" a:: <{ 0 a:: AFFORDABLE HOUSING COMPLIANCE PLAN Both of the Agency's Project Areas were adopted alter January 1, 1976. As a result, housing development in the Project Areas is subject to the housing requirements of Section 33413 of the CRL. These requirements mandate that certain percentages of all housing developed in the project area be affordable to low to moderate income persons and families as follows; . At least 30% of the housing developed or substantially rehabil~ated by an agency itsen in a project area must be available at an affordable housing cost to, and occupied by persons or families of low or moderate income. 01 those units, 50% must be affordable to very low income households. This translates to a very low income requirement of 15% of the total project area units developed or substantially rehabilitated by the agency. This requirement applies only to un~s developed directly by the agency and would not apply to units developed by housing developers pursuant to agreements with or assistance from and agency; and . At least 15% of the units developed or substantially rehabilitated in a project area by public or private entities other than the agency (including such entities receiving agency assistance) must be available at an affordable housing cost to, and occupied by persons or families of low or moderate income. Of those units, not less than 40% must be affordable to very low income households. This translates to a very low income requirement of 6% of the total units developed in the project area. Per Section 33413(b)(2)(A)(iii) 0( the GAL, substantially rehabilitated dwelling units means all substantially rehabilitated multifamily rented dwelling units with three or more units, or substantially rehabiUtated, with agency assistance, single-family dwelling units with one or two units." Section 33413(b)(2((A) (iv) of the CRL, defines substantial rehabilitation as".... rehabilitation, the value of which constitutes 25 percent of the after rehabilitation value of the dwelling, inclusive of the land value." Effective January, 2004, long-term allordability covenants must be recorded on dwelling units produced pursuant to Section 33413 of the GAL, requiring that the units be maintained at an affordable housing cost to, and occupied by, persons and families of low or very low income, for the longest feasible time but not less than 55 years for rental units and 45 years for owner-occupied units. The affordability controls on such units must be made enforceable by recorded covenants or restrictions in the same manner as required for units assisted by the Redevelopment 20"k Housing Set-Aside Fund. Section 33413(b)(4) 0( the CAL also requires that he Agency's Implementation Plan for housing activities be consistent with the community's housing element and that the agency's housing production requirement be met every ten years (previously, the Agency only had to meet this obligation over the life of the redevelopment plan). If more than the required percentage of low and moderate income units are developed in a ten-year period, the affordable units in excess of the required percentage may be counted towards the agency's requirements for the next ten year period. If fewer than the required percentage of units are developed at the end of the ten-year period, the agency must meet its production goals on an annual basis until the '" requirements for the ten-year period are met. The agency may cause ~ the required inclusionary housing units to be produced inside or outside ~ the redevelopment project area, but shall for un its developed or ~ substantially rehabi6tated by the private sector, require two units outside g ¡g a project area for each unit that otherwise would have had to be -g õ available inside a project area. ~ ~ C§~ ~c.. Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects 111-6 Third Five-Year Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 2009.2010 Past Production of Affordable_Units In Proiect Areas To date, the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency has not itself developed or rehabilitated housing in either the Town Center or. South Central Project Areas. However, new private housing construction and substantial rehabilitation of price-restricted units has occurred in both project areas and outside the project areas since the adoption of the redevelopment plans. None of these units were developed by the Agency. A summary of the total number of units which have been developed pursuant to the CRL for the Town Center and South Central Project Areas are shown in Figure 111-5, along with the affordable housing obligations as assigned to the very low, low and moderate income categories. While the CRL identifies the minimum percentage of the units produced at the very low-income level, the minimum percent is not specified between the low.i1come and the moderate income categories which are thus combined for analysis purposes in Figure 11-5. The Appendix A Table provides the unit calculation information in more detail by project name, location, number of units, year built and number of restricted unit made available by enforceable covenants or restrictions. Based on the information shown in figure 111-5, the Agency is meeting and exceeding the housing production requirements under the CRL. To meet its potential housing production requirements over the next ten- year period and life of both Redevelopment Plans, the Agency wiH apply its surplus balance of affordable housing production units, as pennitled under the law. In addition, the Agency has taken steps to price restrict units in new residential development projects that are within the boundaries of the Project Areas, and will secure affordability covenants on substantially rehabilitated units located within and outside the boundaries of 1he Project Areas FIGURE 111-5 SUMMARY OF AFFORDABLE UNITS PRODUCED (Redè'lelopment Plan Approval töFY2005-2006) ToIallXits procùœd: Insidu ProjoctAreas Outside Projed Ar8as" Veiy /..ow Low IIodenIIè Non- InIiœHI Intlillle /nI;( M. Re~ TOTAL 123 6 15 384 528 9 215 0 412 636 """ 0'" ;gõ .r-- 0"'- ZQ) cO> ,g~ ::> 0 '" Q) ~ <{ 0 ~ Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town ÇMtM '1.nd South Central Redevelopmentprojects Altordable Units Flequimd : Altordable Units Produced: 33 > 41' n.a. 18 13.2 221" 15 n.2- 368 99 > 189' n.a. 288 AIt"- Units Balance : . Reflects lhecombined kJWand moderalllincome category (SeCtion 33413 (b)(2). ü RefteC18 inclusion 01224 unItS (50%) d the total reStriÇled unüssubstantiälly ~0UIiIide the pro oct area:; (Section 330113 (b)(2~(A)~i). 111-9 Third Five-Vear Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 2OQQ-:m10 Housing Units to be Developed (Future Production) Because the residential areas of both the "Town Center and South Central Project Areas are essentially buin-out, the majority of new construction in the Project Areas will be in-fill redevelopment and substantial rehabilitation of existing housing units by the private sector. Based on recent substantial increases in property prices, the private sector housing activities will necessitate Agency financial assistance to meet the affordability obligations and objectives in the Redevelopment Project Areas. The successful implementation of projects, programs and expenditures identified previously in the housing portion of the Implementation Plan, would be anticipated to create new and substantially rehabiYtated price- restricted un~s over the next five-year period as shown in Figure 111-6. The estimated number of unns produced do not include certain unns assisted by the Agency, including the "at risk" senior project and single family and rental units assisted under the Residential Rehabilitation Programs since these unns have previously been counted or do not require long-tennn affordability restrictions. Based on the proposed projects, programs and expenditures, the Agency does not anticipate any problem in meeting ~s required housing affordabnity obligations under State law. FIGURE III-e .ESTIMATEOFRESTRICTED UNITS TO BE DEVELOPED (FY 2005I20O6' FY2009I2O10 . . V"?' LoJr Low - . Non- --- ResIrlcIedr- 19 19 92 79 209 ToIalVnilsProduœ<I; AIIonIabIoVnilsProduœ<I; 17 17 64 n.a. ge' AIIonIabIe Units Required; 6 > 9" n.a. An- Vnl Balan",; 11 > 7Z ., nca. . _100%01 unllsprodUœd insidaand 5O'Yo0l.-unitlprovIdedOU\$lde !he pocjacI _so - R!>1Ieds ilia Cò_1oW and rnodòmtø lnoomo caIogory. '" a .... a Ó Z c .2", "", Oõ g¡~ ~Q) <{O> 0", ~a. Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects 111-10 Third Five-Vear Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 REPLACEMENT HOUSING Section 33413 (a) of the CRL requires, for the Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Plans, that whenever dwelling unRs housing persons and families of low or moderate income are destroyed or removed from the Iow- and moderate-income housing market as part of a redevelopment project (involving Agency participation), the Agency shall, within four years of such destruction or removal, rehabilitate, develop or construct, or cause to be rehabilitated, developed or constructed for rental or sale to persons and families of low or moderate income an equal number of units that have an equal or greater number of bedrooms as those destroyed or removed at affordable housing costs within the territorial jUriSdiction. of the Agency. When dWellin~ units are destroyed or removed after January 1, 2002, 100 percent previously 75%) of the replacement units shalr be available at affordab e housing cost to persons in the same or lower income category (very low, low or moderate), as the persons displaced from those destroyed or removed units. In addition, dwelling units can not be removed from the low and moderate income housing market unlilthe Agency has prepared a replacement housing plan which includes, among other requirements, the general location for replacement housing and an explanation of adequate means of financin~ the replacement units. The Agency has no replacement housing obligations for units removed by the private sector acting alone. The Agency has assisted in two redevelopment projects that resulted in the destruction or removal of 79 affordable housing units (56 unRs under the 75% rule and 23 units under the 100% rule). The units removed were located in the Town Center Project area and consisted of: 21 one bedroom units and 36 two bedroom unRs occupied by very low households, 13 two bedroom units occupied by low income households; 10 two bedroom units occupied by moderate income households; and one unR occupied by an above-moderate inconne household. This resulted in the need to provide a minimum of 46 units (72 bedrooms) of very low income, 10 unRs (22 bedrooms) of low income, 8 units (15 bedrooms) of moderate inconne housing. The Agency's replacement housing. obligation was satisfied by construction of new units on the same site as those unRs removed, and its inventory of income-restricted affordable housing units produced in the Project Areas. As shown in Figure 111-7, it is projected that ending fiscal year 2004-2005 there is a replacement housing unit excess or "surplus. balance, which can be applied to potential obligations over the next ten years in accordance wRh Section 33413 of the CRL. Appendix B provides more detail regarding the bedrooms of the units destroyed or removed and the bedrooms provided in the replacement units. New construction, demolition, and/or rehabilitation are anticipated to continue at the same pace over the Iile of both Redevelopment Projects. To meet potential future replacement housing requirements, the Agency will apply Rs excess affordable unit production balance. In addition, the Agency will restrict units, as needed, in the new residential development projects that are within the Project Areas or under agreement with the Agency outside the Project Areas, and will secure affordability covenants on units substantially rehabilitated located within and outside of the Project Areas. AGUREIII.7 SU.MARY OF REPLACEMENT HOUSING OBLIATIONS . (Plari Adoþticri, FY2004-2005) . Very ~ow Low Inccme Income Units Removed 55 13 Replace~ Units. 6 10 ~ Replacement Units 107 Avajlablo ModoJate Non- Income Restricted TOOd 10 1 79 8 n.&. Sol 388 15 n.a. 510 Replacement lJnits Balance I (Deficä) n.&. 446 61 378 Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects 111-11 Third Five-Year Implementation Plan . Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 20qM 11I) "",,' 0'" ;tõ .'" 0"" z '" cO> 0 '" ""a. ::> (5 '" '" ~ <{ 0 ~ -1-1 0 <= ~ ~ ð?s> :a. 3 ~ 3 I» <:: is.. 2, (¡).:<: 0 :I1 <= CD ::I'¡&- C")~ ~i 2!..CD :IJ::> ",- 0.» ~~ ~~ ~ a -0 a m' e') !it TI ~-I <::r mã: ~~ ",'P ~c:: ~~ g.3 g~ cg.ä! ""i- ~g . ::> ¡g::!! o!3 > "'CI "'CI m z 0 >< RDA Resolution No. 04-09 Page 50 of 56 APPENDIX A AFFORDABLE HOUSING PRODUCTION I AFFORDABLE HOUSING ACTIV11Y SUMMARY I Pn>ducIlon -, P<oduellon Nu- Reptace..- P", eo' Ham. ~ UnlI8 Require. Un.. p<owId.d . UnIts ProvIded Town ConI., PtO/OCf A,.. LV UM Vl Low Mod VL low Mod Anbro8e""'" 38 2 3 . . -.. H TuslInGa""',,, 100 . 9 99 gg ..... .. .. """"UnI" ---,o¡¡- . 12 .. D . 99 0 . ..... .. 0 H .. 0 2f Sauih cen,.-.I - A.... No""". "",,"me", 100 10 " 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..... Tus"" Royale 85 . 7 16 16 --- ,. .. Tustin "'av. 145 . 13 . 6 7 8 . 7 --- 2f II 01 2f II 21 .-UnIIo -;--.., 24 " 24 6 7 24 6 7 ...... '" II 21 .. " 21 Oulslde of - Aro.t Flender. Poinl" 82 0 0 17 33 -.. .. .. 3IJ _on Squon> - 350 0 0 105 210 -.. - ,.. "" Herilogo Place Tustin 54 0 0 . 18 17 36 -.. " " n 21 '" Orono. G.,do.-. - 150 0 0 75 150 -.. -Æ- ,.. 3J2 ..- uno. 636 0 0 . 215 0 17 429 0 ..... .'" .. "'" 0 21 '" . ",,-"""'o,,~--'S-""""""Ji2K.JIII)} ....-... - -'- ..."..-...,. IS}}. TOTAL UNITS: 1.164 33 47 132 221 15 '40 435 '5 ...... "'" 3<5 " "" 07J .. I REPLACEMENT HOUStNO OBUGA1"ONS: I Units De$l0UjI6d or Remo.....: RepIocemenI Units RequIred : . Net Units A- For Replacement - : NeI -.. A ...... , 55 4i '" Š- '" ïõ 107 12f' 388 ... 15 .. - - Un/t SUlptus/(DefICif) : 01 378 r...- "'-: '" ... . "*",,r....... "'"' - þ""'-' -- ,- """>3 "",,11 7 21 Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town 0- -' -nd South Central Redevelopment Projects Third Five-Year Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 200" "'" ') """ 0'" ..t- OO ó~ ZQ) cO> 2~ " ë5 & <{ 0 ~ APPENDIX A (Continued) Pre 1995 Allordable Housing Unit Pro~uctlon p"",co N_A...(s..IIo""","" 'BedroomU"" > ""oom unOs 3 .""""'" unOs TOUI_s- T..OI- RestddedUnRsR"- Tus'" Gmt... 1'-"""",, 1 Bedroon> """, 2 Bedroom ...... 3 ........ Wts T....""",- r"", -..- Restrlc1edlJell.- Tu- RoroIoIOIhws , ........ UnIts >_Un.. 3 - UniIs ToI8""'sP- T_- R._Uni/s -- ~~~ low I low I""""'" no""""'" TOTAl. "- 1 Bedroom U".. 2 Bedroom unOs 3_~ Tol.HlniI.- T""""""""'" ""'----'60 10 14 2' 100 " 01 100 0 0 , 101 100 8 . '5 16 .. 85 16 0 0 69 65 15 ...strlc1edUni/sP"""""" 10" - ,_U"'" 2.8ed"""" u"1ts .Bedn>omU.... Tots/""s- ToIo'- R_- UnIIs PIOWIed 10"'- ~_Œiits 2""""'U"" 3_U"" T0/8/ UnIts Produœd Tots/- _ed UnIIs Pro"""" /0>< - ~_....(W~ low low - no""" TOTAl. . ---,...""-.",,,,--... ö TolOIC...........,U- I "" I . I " I 230 I ... I T-_"""I.~.I.I.I. I n.s. .... ToI8I Roo- .........d TotsIR_R- "" .. . so "6 50 T..., Roo"""" p,- ToIoIRs"""""""""" - S"",IuI/(DoII<If I . I . In... I . I -- SmPusl(""""l/J I .. I m) I n... I 82 I ..a. n... Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects Third Five-Vear Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 '" a ..¡. a Ó Z c .2", "S'" Oõ ~f;j <{~ 0", ~a. APPENDIX A (Continued) 951911.99100 Allordablo Houolng Unn Production PROJECT Tustin Grow ,....,...... 1 -- UnOs 2 Bedroom .- 3.0dn>0m UnI1o T_""'- T_- R.- Unib- A.-..u.. (T-"- T BedroomU'" 2 Bedroom UnI1o 3 -- UnIOs '0181""'- ToIlI/_.... R._U,,",- ou-. 1 Bed.......- 2 -.. UnIIs 3 Bedroom UnIIs ""..UnI.- T_- R.- U"'- I U_~R....I,"d , _low I low 1---1...-«11 TOTAL I U_Reha_andIo<Co--_o, "'-' ,"",looN I low '-"18lno- TOrAl , ---...."",......,...,.._. Onnge a- - '_U"'" 11 17 2_mU"'" 93 93 3""""",",U""' .. 40 T_IJnIb_d . 150 . . 150 T_- _Ilnifs Pro- 0 T5 15 ..~t- H- """'- 1 .- UnlIs 12. 82 208 , .- Un". .. .. ,.. 3e""""""Ums . rolel"""- 0 21. 0 140 '50 r_- -- ...... PmWded . 105 '05 ""',- ...-. """'Ie _I 11/ednJom unlls ., 21 .. 21/ednJomUnlls 1 . 13 '-'UnlIs rolal Unils PnxJucod 0 .. 0 3J 82 r............... ..- UnI. Pro_ . 24 2, fO~'- 124 ", '.5 ;¡; 13 22 30 3õ 38 38 rotaICon."""""""" I 8 I. ,. I 154 L~ 'etel R....I- -- ,...1 _lIIcttd ...,.,.... ,- U- L . I 401 0 I 113 I 512 I . 11 ., II r........""'od_'" r_-- 204 . 2M . II 11 n.e. n.8. ft.8. n... -- -De/fclf LJ~. I . I.... 1 . I -- -...r- I 0- I .... I ... I ... I Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Captor <>"<j South Central Redevelopment Projects Third Five-Year Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 20°9: "". n """ 0'" ....- 00 ó¡;:J z. Q) cO> ,g~ ::J a '" Q) ~ ë3 a:: APPENDIX A (Conti,!ue~) 00101-04105 Allordabl. Housing Unit ProdueUon PROJECT _P""'oC-1 I Be"""""""" 2.0"""""Units 3 Be"""""",,", lo1a1Units~ 1"""BedIooms 111"'- Ro_UnitsR...mt _...do 8- COtIIskioI 1 Bed"""" UnIts 2 Bem_Units 3"-mun.. lo1a1 Un" Produœd r-.......... "'",- R._UnitsRoq- 0fhersIFTI 8 (out-I ,"""""""...... 2 _m Unl.. 3 Bedroom Units I_UnIts""""""'" 1_- R."_UnitsReqoi<e<l I Units~_R~ I very""" 1 """ I-.Ino TOTI\l PTojed 13 . 29 1 ., '2 """,""""Units , Bedroom un.. 3 Bedroom um. lo181Un1f.- l"""a- " 11 18 '2 21 33 Restricted Units Pro'""'" tO2"-- . 2 . .. .. .. .. 1gedroom UniIS , gedIOom Unl" 3 """"""" Un" r_.-sProducod lo1a1""""'" Roslrided Units - Ift~ - 1 Be""" Un" """,""""Un;1s 3"""""",, Un" Talal Unifa PnxJuœd T-13odroom> .0 R.- Units ProviDed "2'- I Unifa___...eo",nontR.......O _low 1 low ..-.101..-1 TOTAl . _~__COl_33334"'"",,"~ ,0 ToIo' c.nst""""" UnIIo I ~ 2' l 3T I I. I .. , 112 1 T.Ia'Un".(-I-'"'-I-' Tot.1 R"I~C\.d Pro""" TotaIO........d 0......... -...,.,..-91 11 I - J'. J ..... I 37 , 11 D If 0 31 0 ToIa' O..'",tod Pro""'. T""O--O..- Prvdu<fioo S""""'DoIfcl~ I 0 I - ...L..l U I 0 , n.a. n.a. Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects Third Five-Year Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 '" a .... a Ó Z c .Q '" :5'" o'ë; ~;1; <{g¡, 0", ~D.. APPENDIX A (Continued) oSlO6.D9I1 0 Estlma,ed Anordeble Housing Unit ProducUon PROJECT ","C_(oo"-¡ 1 B","oom Unil. 2 """'oomUnit. 3 """""""UnIt. r"'a'IInif.",- T"'018- "",,"""" UnIt. Re"""",, I O"""",mU-'¡¡¡. 2S_UnIts 3"""""U"', Tor'" ",.o, """"""d T",.IBe- Ae~rided Unns Re- 1 Bed;o.;mUiiii. 2 Bedroom Ualh 3 Bedroom u..It> T"""UniI'- Tota/Bedrooms R""'c'edllnll"'- I u..... RoI"._""'_" euv"","" Restricted' I PRO.JECT ve" low I low """""".'a",..""'" TOT"'- . . --""""""-...",,,-_.............. A- ..... ,Sa#! CanIoBI) 1"""","","""" 20"""""""'" 3 0""""" UnIIs r_ums- r..."""""""" I UnilsConatlUCl_edRS -I ...,.Iowl law I_a'... 10TAL . ¡ 12 . . '0 18 70 207 93 93 Va . ¡ 12 Ra"- IJnIs ",.- '0"_' 1 Bed""""""" 2 ..."""" UnIIs 3 Bedmcm UniI. Tot"'tmit.- r"""........., -""'" ums -- '02'_' I ......... un.. 20- UnI. 3""""""'" T_""'- T............ _rid" Uni/$ P- ,0',,- 25 37 . 12 8 12 25 so 37 7< 25 37 0 TOO..Co.'lrac'od"".. L_4 I' I I 70 I .. , T...._aIB'II25101371 n.a. n~ TOO" .e""cled "'avlded To'" .a'.'e"" RequIred """"c_S~9L'.1 11....111 ".8- n.8- Total A- "'ovldod T__IrIc1od- _0... Suiplus.fDoIki9 .- ~ I 31 I n.o I .. i 25 0 37 0 Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Car j South Central Redevelopment Projects Third Five-Vear Implementation Plan Fiscal Year 2005.2006 through 2009 ^""^ """ 0'" ....- 00 . '" 0'" ZCD cO> E~ ::J 0 '" CD ~ <{ 0 ~ APPENDIX B - REPLACEMENT HOUSING CALCULATIONS Summary Affordoble Housing Aopl.cement a Production Cslculation REPLACEMENT HOUSIHG 'I Unl1s Desb'~ Requ~ YO""" I - """"..no"""",,, TOTAL AFFORDABLE HOUSING ~un"Prod!,c"'~. I ""'I _&modentI8 I.. TOTAL F'Je-'995 To'a"""""""""" II. 0 0 230 348 R_I_""'- tl6 0 0 n.,. 116 R_Irlc"".....R- 22 .. n.'. 54 -- .. (:<11 n.'. 62 f y ...... ...... 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R_UnHs..._Unil""",,'" CUMULATIVE ""fORDABLE HOUSING PRODUC11ON ~U_-~ -I Iow&""""'" "'" TOTAL FY ..... - ..... cu...un..""""" 145 ... 21 601 ,= Cum.-"Icted""""- 135 25 ... n.s. OIl eum.__UnIIa_'rod 33 . ... n... 112 C.....~'=--:';=ï-::;-¡ >0, I ..... I - 1 CUm. FY ...... - 04105 I _, .... 801.... ~ R-.'-""- 7t ... 3Ø ..... IS' ....- FY "",.89110 C"",,_'A...- 8 . 0 n.s. 9 .,."..........- '2 e 0 ".a 'e CU....opt.........!"...- 59 ... 35 M. a" """',""_80.... IS ... ". n.a, 123 -",unO....... ~ A_"""""""'" 53 008 "a .... ... E_FYID1t1-"'" ""at_"- '(""~"'--""" ToIaIR.."..,.....A...."""e T""" AepIacemeflI-..s '-edFY"""-0BI19 CIOft. Un"--- C..., -- UnIIa ""'- Cum. -- UnIIa -- .... 3a . ,. 254 .. ... n.8. M. 1353 43õ 82 1.. 143 33 ......-_DeIIcJI I If. I ""7 I ...- I "7 I .....,. _FYI0111-14115 TntaI""""""""" _Untts- ReslticledUnits- 0 0 7t 99 0 0 3iî 62' 0 0 ¡;¡; 184 0 0 522 88' ,. n.e. nA. 54 ., 0 25 25 9 n.l. c..n._'.../wIfDotf<"¡ I ". I I H' I n... I 3" I _~nl -....rDelldf' I 71 I .., I .. I n.a. I S22 I .- Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency Town Center and South Central Redevelopment Projects Third Five-Vear Implementation Plan Fiscal Vear 2005-2006 through 2009-2010 '" a ..¡. a Ó Z c .Q", "'5'" ~õ .,'" ~'" C§~ a:: a.