HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 LATE CLAIM MEJIA 06-18-01AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: JUNE 18, 2001 180-10 NO..7' 0 6,..1....8.,0'1 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO PRESENT A LATE CLAIM BY ADRIANA ME Jla; CLAIM NO. 01-28 SUMMARY: The City Attorney is recommending that the City Council reject the Application for Leave to Present a Late Claim; Claim No. 01-28, Adriana Mejia. RECOMMENDATION: After investigation and review by this office and by the City's Claims Administrators, it is recommended that the City Council reject the Application for Leave to Present a Late Claim and provide notice thereof to the claimant and the claimant's attorneys. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact with this action. BACKGROUND: On May 24, 2001, the City received the attached Application for Permission to Present a Late Claim filed on behalf of Adriana Mejia. The time for the presentation of the claim pursuant Government Code Section 911.2 expired on or about February 3, 2001. The alleged excuse for failure to file the late claim, because of the "inadvertence, surprise and excusable neglect" of claimant's attorneys is not sufficient. While it repeats language in the statute that permits the City to grant the application, there are no facts explaining the reasons for the "inadvertence, surprise and excusable neglect." The burden is on the claimant to establish the grounds for relief by a preponderance of the evidence. No evidence has been presented to the City Council justifying the Application for Relief. ATTACHMENTS: Claim I'IRY-2a-2001 CITY OF TUSTIN CITY OF TUSTIN RECEIPT OF CLAIM 714 832 6~ P.01 Receipt of Claim/Summons ~_nd Complaint by the City Clerk's office: Date:- :¢,-3~-~ t By: ·Person. al'.Se~[ce U, ppn.,th.e_ Under,signed · · '; , ~ a' ,' ~' ,%" -' - . , '~ ~ " Regular M~i~t ¢.,//""~ertlfl~d/Registe:ed Mail ~JN-12-26~2 12:55 95;c P.02 Ji;f-I,2-2OCI(Ti:E'a I!'0 P, 003,,;I08 M~h'-24-2901 11:31 CITY 0~: TUb"TIN 714 ~3~63~ -. 1 4 $ 7 $ 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 IS 19 21. ~? lI. Scott, .qtatoBarl~o. 155434 ACCIDB~I' ATTORNBY$ A Professional L~w Cotlmmflon 1300 Qusll Sm~t, Suite 101 ~hone ~49) ~51-I1~ Aitom~ fo~ PhintW(s), Adtiaua M~ia In t~e }~atter ~fthe C. Jnlm of ~nst City ofTus~ ?oliae Department and City of Tustln APPLICATION I~OR I~I_.MISSION PI~.qENT LATE CLAIM [c-o~ CODY. § TO TO*. City of Tustin Police Dcpa~t~,,ent and City of Tusxin: Applicsdon is hereby made for permlssion to present the attached claim after tim expiration of the lime limit pro~dcd in Oovemment Code § 911.2. (1) As ~tateg irt tl~e attached claim, claimant's cause of action accrued on or about August 3, 200Q, when/he vehicle she wu drivin8 was struck by & City of Turn Police D~m'~men~ veMde at or hearse intersection of Flower and M~, in the ~ ofSanta ~ Comlt~ of Orange, State of Califorrd~. (2) TI~ time for presenmion ofsueh claim tmder_C~ovemment Cote ~ 911.2 expired on or about l:ebruary 3, 2001. The reuon ibr the ~ailure lo present such claim within the time provided in t'-ovenmpmt Code § 911.2 wss u follows: Cla/ment's anemeys, Law Offices at' Kenne~ A. Satin, duc to iru, dvertence, surprise and excusable negIe~ tklled to make YJN-la-aOE1 !X:55 95X P.03 J[I;-I -2EC:(T[E) li.J ~IY-~4-2801 11.'~1 C['T~ ~ TUb'q'IH 714 B'32 G:ii~ P.E~4 ; ' I aclaimonbebslfoi'Claimant. Thc above public entit~ will not be prejudiced in lte I dct'enae oi'tfli, cla;m by the f~ilurc to bring ',,.fie clan within the timc specified in 3 . Section 911.2. i 4 I ~crtii~smtdKiareunderpenalty ofperjury$1.u~;~.l~ of the State of Cslifornia that the 6 Dalzd: May 19, 2001 ? Clsimm~.Acldana Mejis 9 10 11 12 14 ~0 21 2'/ 2 ~JN-1~-20~1 Ia:55 95Z P.04 JL'%-I,2-ZOO[ TUE) ll'O P. CITY O~ TUSTIN 714 ~ 62~E~ P. 85 1 · ~TA~E Ol~ CAI.~OtLNI~ ) ) corJi, rl'Yol, or/b~(~ ) 4 11 14 15 17 ]8 20 :' 21 2.4 26 27 ~.ROOF OF $~'RVI~F. ~J¥_MAIL I am employed h the C, oun~ of'0, rens~, ~.tem ofC~llfom~. I ~.m over thc e~e S ~d not · p~ to ~e ~n enUt[~ a~on. My business edd~ i~ 1300 Qu~S~ suffelol, N~o~ Be~ C~a 9~60-2711, 6 ~ M~ ~1, 2001, I ~ t~ ~n ~P~CA~0~ ~OR ~E~S~ON TO ~SENT 7 ~ ~ [GO~~NT CODE ~ 911WI; NO~ 0S C~ AGAr'ST ~ter~ted Pn~i~ ~ thJ~ s~ien by pla~s e ~e ~py ~e~o~ 8 ~0 C~nn~ Way T~n CA 92780 CITY O~ TUSTIN' 300 Cemcnn~J 'l"ustlu CA 02710 I ~m "rendily fnmillnr" with the firm's practice of'collection end correspondence ~r mailing, that the cOrrnlpnnden~e would be deposited with the U.S. Postal Service on tim same day in the ordinary cottrse ofbudness. I am ~ware that on motion ora party een~l, servfce is presum, ed Invalid ]]'postal cancellatlm~ date or postage meter date Is more th~ otto day ~er the del-, depm~t for maillns-in the JJN-12-2~2 !2:56 SSH P.05 Jt'. -[,i-20:l(Tt'E'l II'D4 P, OIfi,.."COI CITY I]~ TUSTIN 714 B.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.~6302 P.05 THE ACCIDENT ATTORNEYS ]~ofe~iannl Law Corporation 13138 Qu..il ~t~et, ,%itc I01 Newport Be~c'h, CMifornb. Omce (~49) ~ (0491 ~1~~1: Ke~ Ssfi. ~OL.COM ~b dtec ~ninJu~l~ers LD. Admlalm MzF 19, 2001 TO: CITY' OF TUS'I'~ POL~CE DEPARTMENT 300 Cerebra;si Way . Tustlfl Ck 92780 CITY OF TUSTIN Ar~: .Risk Manic. eat 300 Cantennial Ttmln CA 92'/80 Our Client: Addana DOI: 8/3/00 L~ntlon: Intersect;on of Flower & MacArthur, Sama Aha, C~lit'omin Po}ice Report//00-33680 Adl~-m Mejia hereby makes a claim against CITY' OF TUSTn~' POLIC~ DEPAILTM]ENT and CITY' OF TUST~ for an amount consistent with the jurisdiaion of the Superior Court nnd makes the following statements in support of his els;re. JJN-22-20B2 12:5B 95Z P.06 MRY-24-2B81 11:~ CIT~ OF TUSTIN ~l~l B3~ ¢~ 1. Claimant's sddrc~ Is 541 We.~t Alton Avenue, Apt. l~, Sants ~s CA ~707. 2. No~ ~ng t~m ~m ~ou]d be ~ to ~ ACC~ A~O~, 13~ Qum~ S~e~, S~e 101, ~o~ B~, C~i~ 92660. ~. ~e ~ date ~d plaoe ofthc o~u~ ~8 ~se to t~ claim ~e th~ C~t ~d ~ ~e ~cle she ~ d~g ~ ~ by a City cfT~fl Polica ~ent ~e at er ne~ ~e ~on ~lo~c ~d ~hur. in the City ofS~m ~ C~ State of~~ 5, C~t is ~ ~ beli~ ~at ~e above-~sted 8~ental ~ties r~on~le to civet in that th~ ~1~ to op~te the~ a~omobi]e in a maso~ble ~ re~ ~r ~ ~e~ of~h~ moto~sts. ~ese ~ts ~or o~sMon ~n~t~ed 6. ~m~ts' ~jud~ ~cludc but ~c,oot Hmlted ~o the follo~g', injures to her h~d. bac~ 7. ~e n~ of the pubNc ~pl~ees who ~ed ne~i~ence ~ not kn~ to g, Tho ~ ;l~t b requ~ng is COherent whh thejurisdi~on of~e Supe~or CouP, DATED: M~y 19, 2001 ATT RIqEYS Kyle Sc°tl,/~ttomey for Claimant, Ad~iana Mgia ZUN-!~-2~i 12:5S a:-t~_,, P.0? CI'IW OF 'rU~'TIN '7't4 0-"~ 63B~ P.~B ) COUNT~ O~ ORAN~- e~ghtemn (~a) ~earm an~ n~ a ~ ~o ~he v~h~n e~i~e4 K~on m~ ~u~fln CA ~27~0 TOTAL P.08 iJN-12-20~l 12:5~ 95% P.e8