HomeMy WebLinkAbout19 MISS T. SCHOLARSHIP 06-18-01AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: JUNE 18, 2001 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER PARKS AND RECREATION SERVICES MISS TUSTIN SCHOLARSHIP PAGEANT 330-20 NO. 19 06-18-01 SUMMARY: The Miss Tustin Scholarship Pageant is requesting a $2,500 donation from the City Council to support the 2002 pageant. RECOMMENDATION: Pleasure of the City Council. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no appropriation for the Miss Tustin Scholarship Pageant in the current budget. contribution would require City Council approval. Any BACKGROUND: Preparations are now underway for the 2002 Miss Tustin Scholarship Pageant. Based upon the success of the event over the past three years, the committee is requesting financial assistance from the City again this year. Last year the Council supported the Miss Tustin pageant with a $2,500 contribution. Contestants must live in the Tustin Unified School District and be between the ages of 17 and 24. The winner of the Miss Tustin Pageant attends the Miss California Pageant and she may compete in the Miss America Scholarship Pageant. Miss Tustin is presented with $2,500 in scholarship money. She receives an additional $1,000 just for being in the Miss California Scholarship Pageant. All contestants receive a scholarship award that can only be used for educational purposes. Summary: A funding request for the 2002 Miss Tustin Pageant is attached. Cherrill Cady, the Executive Director of the Miss Tustin Scholarship Pageant, will be in attendance to answer any questions. Director, Parks and Recreation Services Attachment: 2002 Funding Request Correspondence May 16. 2001 Mayor Tracy Worley 300 Centennial Way 'l'ustin, Ca 92780 Dear Mayor Worlev. I would like ~o thank you and the ('ouncil tbr their support of thc Miss Tustin Scholarship Pageant over the last lhree years. We have been able to award some scholarships to ()ur outstanding young ladies ol'Tustin. The contestants must live in the Tustin Unified School District. be between the ages of 17 & 24. Miss Tustin then goes on to the Miss Calitbrnia Pageant where she competes to go on Itl the Miss America Scholarship Pageant. We give :Miss Tustin $2500.00 in Scholarship Money and she receix es S 1000.00 just Ibr being in thc Miss California Scholarship pageant..,\11 contestanls recei,,e some scholarship mone% The money can only be used to further their education. Miss 'l'ustin is truly a representative ol'Tustin. She knows when she is crowned it is ajob Ibr a year. Miss 'l'ustin is our representative to the Garden Grove Strawberry Festival, she visits the Mayor of Fresno (brings a gill Ii'o~n the City of Tustin) She goes lo all of'the Southern Calitbrnia l>ageants as Tustins representative. She is expected to be at most of the ribbon cuttings and mixers for the Chamber of Commerce. She will be at the Street Fair and Chili Cook-ofl~ all three days at Tustin Tiller Days, 'rustin Meadows I~arade, Forth of July Celebralion, most of the Golf'l'ournaments in the City, Police ()pen [ louse, the Santa Cop Program and any where else she is requested. The 'l'ustin Community Foundation is saying that they might not be able m give us the Ihnding that they have in the past When I first approached the Foundation three years ago I was told that the reason for tile fi~undation was for them to go to the Corporations and ask for funding. They in turn would support the organizations in 'l'ustin. Because ol'lhe funds l¥om thc Cilv ofTustin, 'l'hc 'l'usfin Community Foundation. The contestant sponsors and ticket sales to the event we are one of the top ten Scholarship Pageants in the Miss Calilbrnia Organization. We are again asking The City ol"l'ustin to help us with S2500.00 since she is truly a representative oflhe Cilv oFl'uslin. I ~x. ill be asking other groups lbr money this year and hopel~,~lly we will have enough l-bt 3,,liss 'Justin Pageant 2002. Ill do not get enough thnding I might have to open our pageant to cities that do not hold a pageant to help with funding. I would love to bring Miss Tustin and her court to a Council Meeting so you can meet these talented and intelligent young Ladies. They are our fitture. Sincerelv. C. herrill Cady Executive Director Miss Tustin Scholarship Pageant A preliminary to iss merica ®ageant A Scholarship Program ADMINISTRATION May 29. 2001 RECEIVED Mayor ]"racy Worley 300 Centennial Way l'ustin, Ca 92780 Dear 1'racy, it has come to my attention that the council would like to see how' we spend the money we receive from the community. Enclosed is the budget that we used this year. If' you have any questions please give me a call. Sincere!y7 Cherrill Cady Executive Director cc. Pat Sanchez 1100 Irvine Blvd. #134 · Tustin, CA 92780 Phone: (714) 544-6774 BUDGET FOR MISS TUSTIN SCHOLARSHIP PAGEANT SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS USED ONLY FOR SCIIOI,ARSHIPS (HAS BEEN GIVEN BY THE TUSTIN COMMUNITY FOUNDATION) (POSSABILTY OF AMOIJNT BEING LOWERED OR ELIMINATED) DISPERSMENT OF SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS $5000.00 MISS TUSTIN Is'r RUNNER-UP 2''n~ RUNNER-UP DEPENDING ON IIOW MANY CONTESTANTS MOS"I' TICKET SALES MISS CONG EN IA LITY I'EOPLE's CHOICE ( DONATED BY ANONYMOUS DONOR) $2500.00 Sl 000.00 $ 700.00 S 100.00 S 50.{)0 S 50.00 $ 100.00 THIS MONEY CAN ONIN BE PAID TO THE SCHOOL OR WITlt RECEIPTS FOR BOOKS AND TUITION. BUSINESS OPERATION EXPENSES: FRANCHISE WITH MISS CALIFORNIA (INSURANCE INCLUDED) $ 600.00 MEETING IN FRESNO IN NOVEMBER (DIRECTOR ONIN - IIOTEl. & GAS) 200.00 MAY ORIENTATION IN FRESNO (DIRECTOR & MISS TUSTIN ONE ROOM & GAS & FOOD) 400.00 MISS CAIAFORNIA PAGEANT (DIRECTOR & I'RODUCER) ()NE IIOTEl~ ROOM -4 NIGIfl'S. PAGEANT AC"I'IVITES, FOOD, GAS MISS TUSTIN PAGEANT ST JEANNES AUDITORIUM SETS, SOUND, MICROPIIONES( NIGlIT OF PERFORMANCE) I'I~()GRAM (,II;ST PRINTIN(;) RECEPTION (LIGHT SNACK, NO IIOST BAR) (RENTAL OF ROOM) CI,OTllES BUDGET 1000.00 (MISS TUSTIN NEEDS A BUSINESS SUIT, COMPETITION GOWN, SIIOES AND BATItlNG SUIT. WE BORROW FROM OTHER PAGEANTS AND GIRLS IN THE CONTEST WHERE NEEDED. MISS TUSTIN AT COMPETITION NEEDS THREE EVENING GOWNS AND PRODUC'I'ION COSTUME. WE ALSO HELP IF CONTESTANTS DO NOT HAVE FUNDS.) CROWNS & SASHES (TUSTIN AWARDS DONATES THE RUNNER-UPS CROWNS, GIFTS AND TROPHIES l. INITIAl, DONATES THE SASHES. 300.00 MISC. EXPENSES 1500.00 1000.00 1000.00 1500.00 2200.00 1500.01} PHOTOGRAPHER ONLY CllARGES ME FOR THE FILM AND PROCESSING FI,OWERS ENTERTAINMENT VIDEO'S I)ONATED TOTAL 1000.00 1000.00 34)0.00 $ 13,500.00 CONTRIBUTORS CITY OF TUSTIN CONTESTANT SPONSORS (500.00 EACH BASED ON TEN CONTESTANTS) ACURA (MAY GIVE ME $2500.00 THIS YEAR) FEDERAl, DISPOSAl, BUSINESS ADS FOR PROGRAM PAGEANT SI5.00 ~? 300 PEOP1,E TOTAI, $2500.00 50O0.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 4500.00 $13,500.00