HomeMy WebLinkAboutERIK LINDGRENRE: Helen & Erik Lindgren
Statement of events
Parents Bought house on 2nd Street in 1974 due to Grandmother House for my father's mother
In the 80's there were variances given to multiple neighbors and "assumed", we were part of them
Dad retired with Orange County Register but passed in 1988
Mom worked 27 years for Tustin Stationers and is currently 87
Erik attended Helen Estock, Columbus Tustin and Tustin High
2018 we signed in support of the parking program
We filed for a permit and informed by Tustin PD office A Garzone our granny house was illegal.
1 week after office Garzones visit, we got a letter from the city demanding access
We hired family friend attorney David Nisson and we allowed the city to enter and inspect both houses
Received letter to tear down the back house, rebuild, and permit other items
My mother opened letter and fell down, injured her head and broke her wrist due to high blood
My sister (City of Anaheim employee) immediately spoke to Mrs. Binsack and told her we needed a
variance but we were denied
We hired Mr. Bennet (Architect) and he was able to show the back house structure was salvageable and
at great cost, we have gone through multiple rounds of plans including our plans going outside to a city -
outsourced architect for review.
With each review, more stipulations have been placed on us.
• Screen Air Conditioner on roof, Screen AC pipes, Make screen look like Stucco chimney. We had
several neighbors sign letters that our AC didn't bother them and turned over to city
• Screen my Noritz water heater
• Screen my water softener behind my side gate. (Cannot be seen from street)
• Permit and move a tin shed from Home Depot installed 25 years ago and move it.
• Move entire wall of garage for 6 inches (No variance)
Now that the plans are approved, plan check will not proceed unless we sign a letter that allows city to
enter property anytime, pay for any attorney fees and to be filed with county in perpetuity.
• City can show up anytime and demand entrance unannounced, No right against illegal search.
• No sunset clause
• Next owner will have to abide.
• Impacts property value.
Originally, the city asked us to edit the letter, which we did. Now they want us to sign it as written.
III;." adiolmstiativr cit -4t or, shall serve t4 inform the responsible person(s) of
rarfdance (ngorernentt, pursuant it, the Tustin City Corte tl'CC) and/or
ether applicable nodes, laws, PCrmttT„ anti/o: conditions In accordance with
,Ct a civil fine .,hal; hr assessed by mean; of an administrative citation as
indi tted in the Aflinmistiotive fjne schtdAe of this notice Failure to
r, r rt/ietnedv the violation :and fallem to p,y the rassplvd fines cif this
nota e may result itj futtfter Itagal at tion (nc(uding f)lipg criminal ur civil action
at, I Vol .lbating violatian(s) with tilt: cost -of surh abatement and/or
prns,,rntmn assessed agaill.st the ;aspnits!hie- p?.'rson(s) the, property
otvnrr{s), and/or tilt, prof eery, as a lien.
R._cuirtcl action.: Ile ie%p,vF dble person has I irty_-1 dna ftorn the
ISStlanCr: bate UP lt1C a0Yl)nnl5tratiVP iat.a9lrin to POYt�1r LQf1S3- R!lCL1p&V f net s)
ShouPd .a nMion not , paid by liar r<arruit,rala 15.,r Y.t:s : to tirtc si7acititicl...
Penalty sial' be assessetd upon any administrative citation as follows 10 days
frnnn film dale cf Issuance, a penalty assessment shall he assessed In addition
to the original amount by fifty percent (50'%) should the n:sponsible party
not pay the citation anti penalty often another 30 days, 5ald citation shall
incre,tsP fey :in additional fifty percent (50%)
hr respons;ble person must tate one of the following actions to avoid
atFcfiuntenl penalties ptior to the compliance date specified in the
adminisuative citation
Cr,rriic. site violation and contact the City to ieciuest a rn.
inspecuon p-rl:ir tc ch comiitlancp lair , or
Z, fi�ylu, st an rtntmIsrnr,, of, h; w In TGCisCxtio :
I]65G which slows a reasonable harclShlp, or
a Request .t hearing to appeal the administrative citation pursuant
to ICC Stctkxr-11ti5.
nw to p;lIV the fine. the amount of tilt' administrative fine rr,ot lir (raid in
f.;rn o a rery:,nal 0 ek, ca;hrri'i check, nt-incy oeder, or credit or debit
a :1 Payment of :ice• finf. docs not excuse for disc•hariie any retsp, b'ay
,rl; :r lag:ri runsequencrs fall Continuation or rapealed QLtWfentes of 111,1^
dieck ti, money order payiaterit yayahle tet the City of Tustin and
ntiit:ate the citatain number on the check t'ayraent will tion be accepted at
City I aII
Onlirne Ravi nents: wws:, tt-ket.[o n htztln;adIII In
'.lathed paylnentx: City ref Custin, clo hdmmistra:we Citation Program, P 0
fila :0HI. Tustin. CA 92781
�nfora'nailan regarding the specific citation and conipNince: For furil..
orrnat..,r. raga It :y, nayrnent cr appeal of this (.r ation, please C"
fH 11C.9fi 39W. For fnforr ;,tion regartfrg the comolianto order tit the
Iii, cnanern. please, contact the EnfamemGnt Officer designated o - th'.
Ir;c; of this naticv
Fir. ,nest for hearing: Any recip''nt of an adn'unisuall a citation may crntest
the ,,tatian by fiiing a Request far Baring F m, together wnr, tee aciva. e
rani it tit the finC unnnsed, and returning :t :n the rrtaiiat a'.iaress shoi,n
l I within tt r (101 tiayS from the data of 5suan •>-A ilea:intAwf i be
h. , r,• a Heamiq OFIcc-r at till: I little 'he e ponst;lle, persu, Ino; CDZIMSt
I• c , ani ': (iCr Sc-, tI ,Gl
+dd doc& 1.110m-atinn C r/ Webslle at w_ r.1_s_rWa Ory,
#=City of Tustin
NO, D 03969 3969
Date of citation Issuance Day of week Time M
t 4�kdsd.t M
Location drvIdation:
Name (First, Middle, last):,'
DL or IDit� DOB Height/Weight
Mailing address: Street City State Zip
❑ Business Owner JQPropertyOwner (3Tenant 130th
TUSftN CfTy CODE (Tic) vilownON:
TCC Section Dec do
❑ TCC 5502(b) Any condition which exists upon any premises that is
dangerous to human life or Is detrimental to health.
❑ TCC S502(m)(1) Non -maintenance of landscape, dead or overgrown
vegetation prohibited.
❑ TCC 5502(a) Abandoned/inoperabie vehicles or discarded property
❑ TCC 4901 Illicit connections and prohibited discharges.
The responsible pe halt correct or otherwise remedy any/all violatlo
listed herein by (s) _and pay an a"nitstrative fit
within thirty, (30) the date of citation Fswance (noted above)
prescribed In the administrative fine schedule below. Fines must be paid
full by the compliance date to avoid additional penalties.
TCC CODE VIOLATION (Not Building and Safety Code)
❑ 1" violation $100 FINE X -
❑ 2"0 violation" $200 FINE X_=_
Q 3 or more violations" $500 FINE X_-_
(Building and Safety Code (TCC See. 8100 - 8999))
1" violation $100 FINE X _rr�
2nd violation' $SOD FINE
3 or more violations* 1,000 FLNE X �, •
" Additional violation of the same ordinance or permit within one year
Signature of Red nt-. Date
Signature F Enfor ament Officer Type of Service
Name of Enforcement Officer Badge No & Dept I • Mali ❑Post
Contact phone:
WHITE: File , YELLOW: Recipient
COm.mLtnity Developmetit Department
Sent via first class mail
April 1, 2019
Helen Lindgren and Erik Lindgren
Tustin, CA 92780-3643
CASE # CE -2018-0243
Dear Helen Lindgren and Erik Lindgren,
Since July 2018, City staff has been working with you to correct unpermitted construction at your
property. Thus far, you have been issued two administrative citations for failure to submit revised
plans within a reasonable period of time and to date, only two rounds of plan check have occurred.
On February 28, 2019, the second round of Building and Planning corrections were picked up and
revised plans have yet to be resubmitted.
Please be advised that this matter remains an active code enforcement case, therefore, it is
imperative that you get through the plan check process quickly, so the unpermitted construction can
be addressed. Given the delays in plan check, deadlines have been set for you through the
reminder of the plan check process and construction, as listed below.
You are hereby directed to submit revised plans under plan check # combr-2018-00299 by no later
than Monday, April 8, 2019.
Additional Deadlines:
• Plan check corrections shall be picked up within five (5) calendar days of City notification.
• Submittal of revised plans to the City shall occur within fourteen (14) calendar days of the
correction pick-up date.
• Upon approval of plan check, the permit shall be obtained within five (5) calendar days of
City notification,
• Upon permit issuance, all work shall occur and the permit must be finaled within ninty (90)
calendar days.
Failure to comply with this letter and any of the deadlines listed above will result in the issuance of a
one thousand dollar ($1,000.00) administrative citation. The City looks forward to your cooperation
in this matter and hopes that additional enforcement action will not be necessary, Should you have
any questions re6a?ding this letter, do not hesitate to contact me at (714) 573-3135,
Enforcement Officer
Cc: Jessica Aguilar, Assistant Planner
Greg Bennett, Architect (vla email)
31 IO (-.�'11l!'ntlill %aV, llitillil, ,-� lei.{l l ® I' I , I 115 7i• i l oll ® I' ("1 1 '+® t'
Thr; adomlistrativir citation shall serve: to inform the responsibic Ilerson(s) of
Cnrnplfa nrw reglurrrnienes nur5uant to the Tustin City Coffe (TCC) anti/or
whor aptllicab'c cudes, laws, permits, and/or conditions In aecordanre with
Tf:C, a (.full fin•: shall he assessed by mean; of an administrative: citation as
u+d cat.td in the Adininistral.cve Ffnc :schedule, of this nonce. Failure to
nire>ct/reme:dy the violation and fallow to pay the assessed fines of tlals
nohce may re wilt ilrJurhar ii eatactiol) includ- ik filing criminal or r.ivil action
,;'flier abating violation(s) with the cost of such abatement and/or
prosecution assessed against the responsible per,on(s), the property
owrWCc 5), arld/or tile property as a tier,
RPgWred action: The rL5ponslble person hast IifLj30) t- jys from the
Issuance (late Of the administrative Citation t"ay ttiq rorres _ondff find(
Shrinr..i'f a citation pat be paid by the responsi�,lelaarW in the bene specified, a
penalty *;half be assessed upon any administrative citation as follows. 30 days
irons she IT of issuan,e. a penalty assessmenl'hall Wassessed In addition
to the orlgmai amount by fifty percent (SOW,), should the responsibl• party
not pay the citation and penalty after another 30 clays, lid citation shah
uirwase by an additional fifty percent (50%)
III, responsible person must take ane of the following actions to avoid
additional panallies prior to the cornpliam c date spe .ified in the
administrative citation,
1 F;acrect the violation and cnlntart the CitY to rerlil"I a re
�nsprctinn pilot- to the compliance date, or
? ft: quest all (Xtensio:s at.trpin 1.1.virihnt prlrsu;lnt l+. Tec Section
l I01.0 which %(lows a reason lbiv hard, trip. or-
? 4?erlue'.t a hcartng to appeal tho c,tahon pursuant
t:. TCt.15t*t,tirn 1166.
rincwi to pay til! fine: the'unnunt of the. acrd-Ist alive fine must ho pa -d In
0;o torn of a personal check cashier q dteck,1110,1 y o dr .Or Credit or d'bit
caiew. Payment of thit fine does net ex,� se or cifselmrge any responsibility
and/m legal consequences for rontinuation o relrs:ated C:ecurrences of the
make cfit-ck or ntuney u, `er payment payable to the City cf Toa n and
mcisc:ite thr� otatiort number oil the check Payment will nor be accepted at
"Ay :-fall.
biline payments. www,,Ettirhet,corn1tustnagmin
Malled PayrrsenUt City of Tustin, c/o Administrative Citation Program, P 0
!tor: 4081, T usuri, CA 9211il1
wforinatiya r;Yardinq the speciflc %Raison and cClmpllance For: further
a..maRton regarthnh payment or appr..al or this utatmn ple2.se salt
jwlo)h4f; it99G For information reg;ird tits the comptiance order or the
tic citation, please contact the Enforcement Officer ii�signated 0,-, the
ttnrit of this notice
n', qu_st for Hearine. Any ra(lpiont of an a(jniinh,tnllsvfa Litarian ntay [aurins'
iia ritahon by Ff Iii; a fi-ow st for hearing Farm, tol;ether with the advani c
rlclinsit of the fine imposed, and returning it to the mail nit addre=_5 0wvn
al�nva within ten i10) days frorn the dater of Issuance. A heantlp will be ses
Lciwi, a Nearing officer, at which time the responsible person may contest
the raat'6n ITt,C .SCC 11W
Additional Morroation: City website at vnvTt.tustmcaacirg
City of Tustin
Date of cftatlon Issuance =it Time AM
Locationo violatkxtt7-
Name (First, Middle, Last):
'W" t��►d tKvl _
DLor IDM DOS Helght/Welght�
Mailing address-• Street city State Zip
GA .57,w o
Q Business Owner Property Owner O Tenant ❑Other
CC Section DgjcElption
❑ TCC 5502(6) Any condition which exists upon any premises that Is
dangerous to human life or Is detrimental to health,
❑ TCC 5502(m)(1) Non -maintenance of landscape, dead or overgrown
vegetation prohibited,
(3 TCC S502(a) Abandoned/inoperable vehicles or discarded property
Q TCC 4901 illicit connections and prohibited discharges
tt�GB.C. �05'.f—_I�,.,rryrtn�-o► rCotnSl�r•+ul+grrs ...�
The responsible person(s) shall correct or otherwise remedy any/all vlolador
Ikted herein by+_and pay an administrative fin
within thirty (90) days of the'date of citation Issuance (noted above)
prescribed In the administrative fine schedule below. Fines must be paid I
full by the compliance date to avoid additional penalties -
TCC CODE VIOLATION (Not Building and Safety Code)
❑ 1" violation $100 FINE X __
❑ 2nd violation' $200 FINE X r __
❑ 3 or more violations" $500 FINE X
(Building and Safety Code (TCC Sec 8100 – 8999))_
1't violation $100 FINE X
2 4 violation' $SW FINE X _
[� 3 or more violations' $1,000 FINE X
Additional violation o the some ordinance or permit within one tear
Signature of Recipient Daae
Signature o (Aforcetfient officer t Type of Service
B NT—) SMIFV4' 1090; I Personal
Name of Enforcement Officer Badge No - & Dept. Mail Upon
Contact phone: (714) 573•'J%3S
WHITE: File YEU.OW: Recipient
Community Development Dept.
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
bECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CSpace Above This Line for Recorder's Use
SUBJECT PROPERTY: Helen i.ingren and Erik Lingren, Property Owners
Commonly known as (Assessor Parcel Number
in the City of Tustin, County of Orange, State of
California, (hereinafter referred to as the "Subject Property") and
more Particularly described as:
A. Helen Lingren and Erik Lingren
the City of Tustin, a munici ' P�l�y owners ("Covenantors") have applied to
Pal corporation (the "City") for approval of
COMBR 2018-00299 to legalize a 334 square -foot addition to the r P
of ermit
house. Additional work includes restoring a 573 square -foot detach the Main
structure back to a detached two -vehicle garageaccessory
B• Existing at the Subject Property is a 1,403.74 square -foot single f
with an unPermitted 334 square -foot rear addition and a detached a5t7i3sy Structure
two -vehicle garage that had been illegally converted into linin quare -foot
residence is located within the Single Family Residential with the Cultural This
Overlay zoning districts where single family stru tural Resource
ctutes are permitted.
C. The addition to the main house and
without the benefit of a deconstruction to the detached two -vehicle garage
permit resulted m code enforcement action (CE -2018-0243),
D. The Covenantors wish to legalize the
restore the detached two -vehicle garage letted work to the main house acid
Prescribed by Tustin City Code.
E. As a condition of approval for COWP'.2018-00299, the City has Tequired the
Covenantors to execute and record this Statement of Covenants, Conditions and
Restrictions. Such deed restrictive is necessary to ensure that no part of the
residence shall be used as a second unit, guest quarters or boarding house without
Priosubjectr approval of the City. Additionally, the City shall have a right of entry to the
propertY upon notice,
F. COVenantors desire to enter into this Statement of Covenants
Restrictions as required by the City.
,Conditions and
For favorable action on, and issuance of, a building permit for the conn of improvements
the Covenantors hereby Covenant that file Subject Pro
encumbered, used, Occup1ed, developed, maintained, and improved subject t ll be held, he following
covenants, conditions and restrictions, all of which are for the purpose of enhancing he
attractiveness, usefulness, value and desirability ofthe Subject ,Property
, the surrounding
Property, and the public at large, and to minimize ble adverse effects on the public health,
safety, peace and general welfare. possiEach of the covenants conditions and restrictions contained
in this Declaration of Covenants, Conditionsand Restrictions (the "Declaration') shall run with
the Subject Property and shall be binding on each successive owner of the Subject Property and
his heirs, administrators, successors and assigns during their respective ownership thereof
1 • Covenantors shall develop, improve, and maintain no more than one primary
residential dwelling unit on the Subject Property.
2• Z Use of aortion of the ro
rding hour s not p �y as a second dwelling unit, guest uarters
permitted, q or
J( J antors shall allow cit en
�--� to ensure compliance with�' of the property to inspect the Subject property
shall provide the applicable applicable requirements for occupancy, The City
for emergency situations, which shall Il not require notice. notice before such entry, except
4. The provisions of this Declaration
properties. According) it a a are untended to benefit the public and
Y, greed that the City shall have the right to enfo public
this Declaration by any legal or equitable means against such
in actual possession of the Subject Property who direct) pion or persons
violate the' terns hereof. All obligations of he Y e through ani, agent
Declaration shall inure solely to the benefit of the City.Covenantors under this
beneficiaries of said obligations nor shall the rightThere are no third party
any manner to any person other than a of the City be transferable in
geographic boundaries include the Sub successor .municipal corporation whose
Subject Property.
Covenantors agree that in the event of failure to comply w
forth in this Declaration, Covenantors will not object to tOf
itthe conditions set
he revocationabove-referenced building pennit jn such event, Covenantors waive an hY rit to