HomeMy WebLinkAbout11 CLAIM M. WHITE 04-16-01'AGENDA RE 9RT MEETING DATE' APRIL 16, 2001 180-10 TO' HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL No. 11 04-16-01 FROM' SUBJECT: CITY ATTORNEY CLAIM OF HEIRS OF MARGARET WHITE; CLAIM NO. 01-16 SUMMARY: The City Attorney is recommending that the City Council reject Claim No. 01-16, Heirs of Margaret White. RECOMMENDATION' After review and investigation by the City's Claims Administrators and by this office, it is recommended that the City Council reject the claim and direct the City Clerk to send notice thereof to the claimant and the claimant's attorneys. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact with this action. BACKGROUND: Margaret White was killed in an accident that occurred at the intersection of Fairhaven and Esplanade. Ms. White, a pedestrian, was struck by a motor vehicle, when she attempted to cross Esplanade. The intersection is not within the corporate limits of the City of Tustin and the City does not have any jurisdiction over this intersection. ATTACHMENTS' Claim 34541\1 11 12 13 14 '15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 Gordon G. Phillips, Jr. BAR NO: 90232 LAW OFFICES OF GORDON G. PHILLIPS, JR. 2 Century Centre- Tower One 2601 Main Street, Suite 340 3 Irvine, California 92614' (949) 250-5980; FAX (949) 250-5981 Attorneys for Claimants CLAIM FOR DAMAGES TO GOVERNMENTAL/PuBLIC ENTITY .. In the Matter of the Claim off ) CLAIM F{~[ DAMAGES TO ) GOVERNMENTAL/PUBLIC ENTITY JOHN WHITE, individually, and as'the ) surviving spouse of Decedent, Margaret White, ) [PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE STEPHEN CHILDS, surviving son of ) SECTION 910, et.seq.] Decedent Margaret White, PItlLLIP CHILDS, ) surviving son of Decedent Margaret White, and ) WENDIE JORDAN, surviving daughter of Decedent Margaret White; and the ESTATE . OF MARGARET WHITE, AGAINST: Claimants ) COUNTY OF ORANGE, CITY OF TUSTIN,) CITY OF ORANGE, and CITY OF SANTA) Respondents.' ) TO: TO: COUNTY OF ORANGE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Clerk of the Board 10 Civic Center Plaza. 4th Floor, Room 465 Santa Aha, CA 92701 COUNTY O'F ORANGE Public Facilities and Resources Department 300 N. Flower Street. P.O. Box 4048 Santa Ana, CA '92702--4048 Attn: John W. Sibley~ Director of Traffic Committee 1 CLAIM FOR DAMAGES TO GOVERNMENTAL/PUBLiC ENTITIES -4 '6 TO: TO: TO:. CITY OF TUST'IN CITY CLERK 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 CITY OF TUSTIN Field Services Maintenance (Streets) 1472 Service Road Tustin, CA 92680 CITY OF oRANGE CITY CLERK 300 E. Chapman Avenue Orange, CA 92867 9 ' TO: 10 11 CITY OF ORANGE Public Works Department · 300 E. Chapman Avenue Orange, CA 92867 12 13 14 15 16 .17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 '28 TO: CITY OF SANTA ANA CITY CLE .RK 20 Civic Center Plaza Santa Ana,.CA 92702 (714) 647-5400 JOHN WHITE, individually, as surviving husband of Decedent, Margaret White, and STEPHEN CHILDS, PHILLIP CHILDS, and WENDIE JORDAN, as surviving Children of Decedent Margaret .White, and the ESTATE OF MARGARET WHITE, hereby make claims against COUNTY OF ORANGE, CITY OF TUSTIN, CITY OF ORANGE, and the CITY OF SANTA ANA (hereinafter referred to as the "GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES") for wrongful death damages .and make the 'following statements in support of their Claim' 1. Date of Incident: 2. Place 0f Incident: December 9, 2000; Saturday, at approximately 9 15 a.m,, (with 10:25 a.m. as a time of pronouncement of death.) Fairhaven Avenue at intersection with Esplanade Avenue, in the unincorporated area of Orange County, State of California. Specifically, according to the applicable police report, the subject accident occurred within'the northbound/southbound crosswalk of Fairhaven Avenue in a location adjacent · .to the eastbound #1 lane of Fairhaven Avenue, at the intersection of Esplanade AVenue in the unincorporated area of Orange County,. California. 2 CLAIM FOR DAMAGES TO GOVERNMENTAL/PUBLIC ENTITIES' 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17' 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3~ · . Claimants Currently Reside At: JOHN WHITE STEPHEN CHILDS : PHILLIp CHILDS WENDIE JORDAN 4~ 5~ Notices Concemine This Claim Should Be Sent To: Gordon G. Phillips, Jr. LAW OFFICES OF GORDON G. PHILLIPS, JR. 2601 Main Street, Suite.340 Irvine, CA '92614 (949) 250-5980;.FAX (949) 250-5981 The CircumstangesGivin~ Rise To This Action Are. As Follows: , See Police Report - Attached Hereto'. On Saturday, December 9, 2000, at approximately 9' 15 a.m., Decedent Margaret White was walking along a walking/jogging trail which had been installed by the GOVERNMEI~TAL ENTITIES in approximately 1992. When she reached the end of the walking/jogging trail at Esplanade Avenue, she proceeded to the southwest comer of the intersection of Esplanade and Fairhaven in order to cross Esplanade Avenue in a northbound direction. She entered the 3 ~LAIM'FoR DAMAGES TO GovERNMENTAL/PUBLIC ENTITIES 1 crosswalk on. the westem side of said intersection and proceeded northbound across Esplanade 2 Avenue. When she reached a point adjacent to the No. 1 eastbound traffic lane of Fairhaven, she .3 was struck by'a 2001 Chevrolet pickup truck, bearing California license No. 6J93615, being 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 4 operated by Jose Pedro Raul, who was proceeding eastbound on Fairhaven Avenue. As a result. 5 Of said impact, Decedent Margaret White suffered fatal injuries. She was transported Via 6 emergency vehicle to Western Medical Center located at 1001 N: Tustin Avenue, Santa Ana, 7 California 92705. Despite extensive resuscitation attempts by'various rescue personnel and 8 'health care providers, Ms. White was pronounced dead at 10:2~5 ~t.m. on December 9, 2000, at the ~ 9 Western Medical Center. As a result of said impact, Margaret White (bom May 28, 1942, age 58 years old at the time of the accident) left lawful heirs' John White, her surviving husband (bom March 18, 1946, age 54 years old at the time of the accident), and three adult children, Stephen Childs, Phillip Childs,.and Wendie Jordan. Decedent Margaret White and her surviving spouse, Jolm White, were married on November 28, 1992, in Solihull, England and immigrated to the United States in 1995. They resided in the City of Santa Ana, County of Orange, State of Califomia. 18 6. 19 20 21 7. 22.: 23 Property .Damage: Decedent's personal effects that she was wearing at the time of · . the incident with an estimated total value of $250.00. . 1NJIJRIES' Death of Margaret White, lawful wife of John White, and natural mother of claimants, Stephen Childs, Phillip Childs, and Wendie Jordan. , 24 8. 25 26 27 28 Basis For Claim Against Governmental Entities: Governmental Entity responden, ts, designed, constructed, signed, monitored, maintained and repaired the SUBJECT ROADWAY and the adjacent jogging/walking trail in the City and · County territory, as described above. 4 "CLAIM FOR DAMAGEs TO GOVERNMENTAL/PUBLIC ENTITIES Said accident was the result of the existence of dangerous conditions on and along the 2 SUBJECT ROADWAY, which was and is the property owned, designed, constructed, 3 maintained and repaired by said GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES. Claimants contend that the GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES; and each of them, are . responsible for the dangerous conditions of the SUBJECT ROADWAY and Claimants' · · 6 damages. 7 Claimants contend that the GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES, and' each of them,, created 8 the dangerous 'conditions of said roadway'and Surr°Unding area~ f!xrther described herein by · 9 engaging in conduct including, but not limited to' 10 (A) Employees of the GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES, and each of them, negligently 11 or wrongfully created the dangerous conditions of property within the scope of 12 their employment, or; 13 ' (B) .The GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES had actual Or constructive notice of the 14 15 conditions under Govt. Code. Sec. 835.2 a sufficient time prior to the injury to , have taken measures to protect against the dangerous conditions. 16 17 Specifically, said dangerous conditions include, but are not limited to, the following: The subject incident occurred in an area wherein the GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES had 18 previously, approximately eight years before this incident,.designed, installed, and constructed a 19 pedestrian trail that was used by residents in the area for jogging and walking. The subject 20 21 22 pedestrian walkway/trail had been designed to end at the southeast comer of the intersection of Fairhaven Avenue and Esplanade AVenue. The GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES, by engaging in · the conduct of creating said pedestrian jogging/walking trail, intentionally created a situation that 23 24 25 26 was intended to, and, in fact, did, substantially increase the incidents and frequency of pedestrian · presence and utilization of the intersection at Esplanade.and Fairhaven Avenues. More speeificaily, the residents who resided north of the Esplanade and Fairhaven intersection were required to use and cross such intersection whenever they desired to utilize the jogging/walking 27 trail.. 28 CLAIM FOR'DAMAGES TO GoVERNMEN'i'AL/puBLIC ENTITIES- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Further, such GO ,VE~ENTAL ENTITIES knew, or should have known, that the 'installation of the jogging/walking trail would' increase the level of pedestrian traffic at. the . subject intersection. 'Yet; the GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES never installed any type of traffic controls, either in.conjunction With the initial installation of the jogging/walking trail, or at any time thereafter despite repeated requests from members of the community to do so, as well as · ~¢ontinued increase in pedestrian usage of the intersection, and continued increase in vehicular traffic flow and vehicular speeds for traffic proceeding both westbOund and eastbound on Fairhaven Avenue. Further said roadway was improperly designed, constructed, monitored, and/or adapted to the installation of a pedestrian jogging/walking trail at all times by the GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES with regard to sufficient signing advising of the presence of pedestrians sufficiently west of the .intersection to.apprize oncoming eastbound motorists of the. presence of pedestrians. in and about the area. Said GOVE .RNMENTAL ENTITIES failed to respond to changes in' circumstances with regard to the usage of the intersection by pedestrians and the manner of usage of the roadway in the area of the intersection by motorists despite numerous prior communications from residents in the area apprizing said GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES of the dangerous nature of the subject intersection. Said communications and notices of the dangerous design and/or conditions at the intersection incli~de increased traffic usage on the roadway, · increased vehicular speed on the roadway to such an extent that it became increasingly more difficult for pedestrians to safely cross the intersection of Fairhaven and Esplanade at the crosswalk. Residents in the area viewed the subject crosswalk as a hazardous street crossing. Further, prior to the subject accident, residents in the area had reported the dangerous nature of this roadway and intersection to various members of the GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES. Yet no changes and/or adequate responses from said GOVERNMENTAL ' ENTITLES were.forthcoming. At no time did any of the GOVERNMENTAL ENTITLES make any changes with regard to the design of the roadway, signing of the roadway, and/or the installation of stop signs and/or other traffic controls. 6 -CLAIM 'FOR ~)AMAGES TO GOVERNMENTAL/PUBLIC ENTITIES Further, said GOVERNMENTAL ENTITLES failed to request and secure assistance 2 from law enforcement agencies in the form of requesting that such law enforcement agencies 10 11 12 '13 increase the frequency of their patrols of the SUBJECT ROADWAY and intersection area. Further, said GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES, and each of them, at all times knew that 5 Fairhaven was a relatively straight street in both westbound and.eastbound directions, and that 6 there were'no configurations on Fairhaven in terms of curves or hills that would impede 14 !5 '16 7 motorists from speeding. Instead, the fact that Fairhaven is a straight, wide, four-lane street for 8 Several miles west of the accident intersection and one mile ea§t'gf the accident intersection, 9 tended to encourage motorists to travel the subject roadway at excessive speeds, thereby 17 18 19 .20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .substantially increasing the dangerous nature of the subject intersection for pedestrian usage. Further said GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES, and each of them, failed to adequately monitor and/or track the number of accidents that were actually occurring at the subject intersection, and failed to maintain accurate records as to what the tree traffic-versus-traffic and traffic-versus-pedestrian incident rates at the subject intersection actually were. Further, the installation of a crosswalk at the subject intersection, without including any additional safety measures, such'as a stop Sign, a traffic signal, and/or sufficient signing, had a .. tendency to make pedestrians believe that the crosswalk wOuld provide a greater degree of safety than had been historically justified. In view of the termination of a jogging/walking trail at this location and' all of the design and usage factors set forth above, said location constituted a trap for both motorists and pedestrians. Specifically, said prior notification to the GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES, and each of them, occurred at least as early as May 26, 1998, approximately two-and-one-half years before the subject accident, wherein the GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES, and each of them,'had been · advised that the subject pedestrian walkway area along Esplanade, between Fairhaven anci Seventeenth Street, had grown in terms of its volume and frequency of usage by pedestrians, that Fairhaven had become a b'usier street with traffic consistently moving in excess of the posted speed limit of 45 miles per hour, that the subject sign for the crossing was only approximately ? cLAIM FOR DAMAGES TO GOVERNMENTAI. dPUBL[C ENTITLES 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 thirty feet from the subject.intersection for eastbo, und traffic, providing insufficient stopping distance for eastbound vehicles, that drivers 'in the westbound lanes of Fairhaven were descending from a small rise in the roadway and tended to gain speed as they proceeded downhill toward the infersection, and that drivers in both directions did not appear to be'aware of the fact that this was a frequently-used pedestrian crossing by reason of the presence/installation of the pedestrian walkway along Esplanade between Fairhaven and Seventeenth Street. Further, in April 2000, said GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES communicated their knowledge tha:t the utilization of marked crosswalks, alone, width,out additional traffic controls, are generally not recommended at most intersections and communicated their knowledge that the painted lines offered no real protection, to pedestrians. Further, said GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES; did not correctly assess or monitOr the · dangerous nature of the intersection and/or underestimated the volume of pedestrian usage at this · particular intersection, due to a lack of sufficient consideration being given to the increased usage of this particular intersection by reason of the installation of a walkway/jogging trail (which GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES. created) that ended at the subject intersection. Further, said GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES, and each of them, failed to take appropriate steps to ascertain, identify, and advise various law enforcement agencies as to hours of high pedestrian crossing activity for targeted enforcement, including, but not limited to, , weekend' momings, when residents in the area would be more likely to utilize the subject intersection with greater frequency. .. Further, with more specificity, the GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES had specifically been advised in July 2000, i.e., a period of time sufficient to install requisite corrections and signals before the death of Margaret White, about the increasing number of accidents at the intersection 0fFairhaven and Esplanade, and were specifically requested to prevent' a death at that dan'gerous intersection before it was too late. Further, as late as 'October 24, 2.000, still with sufficient time to take steps to remedy the problems at the subject intersection, said GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES again 'failed to install · 8 CLAIM FOR DAMAGES TO GOVERNMENTAI.#PUBL'IC ENTITLES 1 traffic signals in a prompt and timely manner, despite, the fact that historical' traffic studies indicated that traffic signals were warranted in that the findings of such studies verified an '. increase in traffic volumes and vehicular conflicts resulting in an increased nUmber of accidents, '4 and expressly recognized that the situation would be better managed/addressed with the 5. ~nstallation of traffic signals. Thus, Claimants, and each of them, hereby allege and contend that the death 0fMargaret "7 White could have been avoided if the GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES had affirmative responded in a timely manner to the frequent complaints made to the GOyE. RNMENTAL ENTITIES in the' 10 preceding years. Such numerous complaints should have alerted.the GOVE~ENT~ ENTITIES to the extreme danger to public safety that existed at the intersection of Fairhaven and 1'1 Esplanade. 12 13 14 15 '16 Further, said GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES, and'each of them, were specifically advised that this particular intersection required even more'than normal measures for adequate public safety because the GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES had taken it upon themselves to provide a public'walking path that led directly to the intersection, and that said intersection was extremely dangerous for public safety, and that the GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES may have 17 liability for negligence and failure to perform affirmative action and carry.out its mission to 18 provide public safety, in a fair, reasonable, prompt, and diligent manner. 19 20 21 22 23 9. At all times herein mentioned, the GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES and each of them, were responsible for the planning, design, supervision, control, construction, servicing, maintenance, repair, traffic cOntrol, and monitoring of the performance of the intersection, including, but not limited to, the interface of pedestrians and/or vehicles at the subject 24" intersection and. other activities, related to the SUBJECT ROADWAY, in'cluding, but not iimited · . 25 to, utilizing signs, stop signs, light signals, flashing amber/yellow signals, and/or other devices so 26 as to minimize and/or eliminate the dangerous nature and characteristics of the subject 27 intersection. 28 " CLAIM FOR DAMAGES TO GOVERNMENTAL/PUBLIC EN;i'ITIES · . 10. That at said time and place, the GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES, by and through 2 their employees, agents, servants, and independent contractors, proximately caused the injuries 3 and damages as hereafter mentioned the Claimants by negligently, wantonly, reekl'essly~ tortiously, wrongfully, unreasonably, and unlawfully: 5 A. i0 i'1 12. 14 1'5 1'6 17 i8' 19 20 22 23 '24 25 26 27 28 Planning, designing, constructing, o'wning, possessing, controlling, operating, maintaining, serVicing, inspecting, repairing and monitoring the SUBJECT ROADWAY and adjacent property and roadways, including, but not limited to, the geometric desi.gn,~$sign traffic controls, access controls, warning devices, topography and physical features; B, Supervising, controlling, contracting, inspecting, repairing, maintaining, monitoring, warning, or failing to warn, and working on or at the SUBJECT ROADWAY with regard to design configurations, geometrics, .. sight distances, warning devices, topography, physical features, and fixtures on and adjacent to the S .UBJECT ROADWAY which created a dangerous condition which was not reasonably apparent to prudent C, motorists or prudent pedestrians. Failing to guard, warn, and protect pedestrians, of hazards which were .. unforeseeable, or not reasonably apparent to prudent, pedestrians, which the GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES knew about, or in the exercise of. D~ reasonable diligence should have known about on the SUBJECT · ROADWAY; Designing, constmeting, owning, supervising, controlling, testing, entrusting, permitting, managing, maintaining, servicing, repairing, inspecting and operating with regard to the SUBJECT ROADWA~ so as · to cause, permit,' and allow dangerous, defective and unsafe conditions at the accident site to exist as herein above described; E~ Failing to install appropriate signs, .:signgls, road markers, and the like to 10 C~,IM FOR DAMAGES TO GOVERNMENTAL/PUBLIC ENTITIES warn and/or .apprize motorists or pedestrians of the presence of a greater 4 F. number of pedestrians in the area due to the presence of a jogging/walking .trail that terminated at the subject intersection; ' Conducting themselves with reference to the SUBJECT ROADWAY so as to proximately cause the injuries and damages claimed bY Claimants. 7 11. The conduct of the GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES, and each of them, caused 8 dangerous conditions that created a substantial risk of the type 9f. injuries hereinafter alleged when the SUBJECT ROADWAY was used with due care in a manner in which it was reasonably foreseeable that it would be used. II. 12 12. On'DeCember 9, 200'0, and at all times prior thereto, the above-described Public 13 property was in a dangerous and hazardous, condition that created a substantial risk of the type of 14 injuries herein alleged when the property was used with due care in a manner Which was 15 reasonably foreseeable. 16 17 13. The GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES, and each of them, at all times, had actual 18 19 knowledge of the existence of the dangerous conditions of the SUBJECT ROADWAY and knew, or should have kn0wn~ of its dangerous character a' sufficient period of time prior to the 20 21 22 injury to have taken measures.to protect.against the dangerous conditions in that, and not by way of limitation, said GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES were aware of reports, complaints, claims and notices to GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES advising them of the dangerous conditions prior to the 23 subject accident,' and the dangerous conditions had existed for a sufficient period of time prior to 24 ' the Subject accident, and were of such an obvious nature that GOVERNMENTAL ENTIT~ES, in 25 the exercise of due care, .should have discovered the'conditions and the dangerous character. The 26 aforementioned GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES, and each of theml had the authority and it was 27 28 their .responsibility to take adequate measures to protect against dangerous conditions at their o Il -CLAIi%{ FOR DAMAGES TO (~OV£I~M£NTAL/PIJBLIC ENTITIES 1 expense, and the fund or other means were immediately available to them. 14. As a further direct result of the conduct of the GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES and each of them, as. described herein, and the aforementioned dangerous conditions, Claimants and 5 Claimants' Decedent, Margaret White, sustained severe and fatal injuries, all to Claimantsi 6 damage in an amount according to proof. .8- 10 11 12 13 15. As a further proximate result of the subject occurr, en. ce and the aforementioned injuries, Claimants' were required to and did employ physicians and surgeons to examine, treat and cam for them, and did and will incur medical, .and incidental expenses, including but not limited to funeral and burial e~cpenSes. In addition, Claimants have and will continue to suffer wrongful death damages,' including loss of pecuniary support and loss of society and companionship: 14 15 Dated: March 14, 2001 LAW OFFICES OF GORDON G. PHILLIPS, JR. 16 17 18 19 ~-ORD ON' O2 Attomeys for Claim t~. ' )"% 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28