HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.16.19 CDBG ACTION PLAN APPROVAL 2019-20 : DBG 2019 - 20 Action Plan April 16, 2019 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Established by the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 Returns Federal Funds to local communities Funds assist in providing : Adequate housing Suitable living environments Expanding economic opportunities Tustin ' s Program Year allocation for 2019-20 is anticipated to be $820,000 CDBG Participation To participate in the CDBG Program the City is required to prepare: A Consolidated Plan: Five-year planning document An Action Plan: Annual planning document implementing Consolidated Plan goals V Eligible Activities Activities funded by CDBG must meet at least one of the three National Objectives: Must benefit Low and Moderate (L/M) income persons • Must address slum or blight conditions • Must meet urgent community development needs Funding for Public Services Activities Public Services Activities (max. $123,000) Boys & Girls Clubs of Tustin $ 25,000 Community Health Initiative of OC $ 11 ,400 Community SeniorSery $ 20,000 Goodwill of Orange County $ 15,000 Human Options $ 6,600 Mercy House $ 7,500 MOMS Orange County $ 7,500 Patriots & Paws $ 10,000 Veterans Legal Institute $ 10,000 YMCA of Orange County $ 10,000 Public Services Subtotal $123,000 CITY OF TUSTIN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG) PROGRAM FY 2019-20 PUBLIC SERVICES AND WON-PUBLIC SERVICES APPLICATIONS The fallowing table is a list of Request for Funding applications submitted to the Community Development Department, The chart includes applications received from public se rvi ceinon-profit organizations as well as non-public service applications. The FY 2019-20 funding amount is estimated to be$820,000. Organization! Rumber of FY 2019.20 FY 291940 Project Name Tustin Project Description Funding Funding Residents Amount Amount Project Location Served Requested Recommended 1. Boy5&Girls Clubs of 100 persons Funding to support the`Upward Bound"Academic Enrichment Program which $25,000 $25,000 Tustin:Upward Bound provides for the literacy and academic needs of al-risk youth in the southwest Academie Enrichment area of Tustin through eompulerized tutoring,homework help,and academic Program goal-setting. 580 W.Stith Street,Tustin 2. Community Action 265 persons Funding U provide wilily and home wealherizatian services b law-income $75.000 $0 Partnership of OC: households in the City of Tustin.This projecl will target kn4rimme seniors and Utility&Weatharization offer emergency utilities assistance and home weatherizatien services at no- Services cost to qualifying residents. Homes of Tustin Residents 3. Community Health 250 persons Funding for salary and benefits for a Certified Enroll ment Counselor who would $20,004 $11,400 Initiative of Orange work at a yet-to-be-determined site in Tustin(currently providing services within County: Gommunity Tustin Unified SAW District schools),Proposing to potentially partner with the Health Amess Program— Tustin Family Youth Center to provide health care and social service referrals Tustin Expansion to families visiting the Center. Project Location To Be Determined—Potentially 1USD Schools or TFYC I I It� Organization) Number of FY 2019-20 FY 2919-20 Project Name Tustin Funding Funding Residents Prefect DescriptionFunding Amount Project Location Served Requested Recommended 4. Community 20 persons Lunch program for elderly at congregate meal site(Tustin Area Senior Center) $20,000 $2U,004 SeniorServ:Home (honne and through home delivery. Funds will be utilized to pay for meals related Delivered 1 Congregate Meal delivered) expenditures and raw Food. Program 125 persons (congregate) 280'C"Street_Tustin,& Various homes of Tustin Residents 5. Empowered Youth B.000 Funding to provide youth preventative health and wellness education programs $210,000 56 Life Style:Tustin Schools persons at City of Tustin Schools.Program currently implemented at St.Cecelia School and Empowered Youth Life in Tustin. Style Proposed to run program within TUSD schools 6. Goodwill of Orange 33 persons Funding to be utilized to facilitate and manage emergency funding grants which $15,000 $15,()06 County,Emergency would address the immediate and critical needs of veterans and their families, Funding Grants focusing on veterans on the verge of homelessness_ Goodwill of GC's Tierney Center for Veteran Services, 1231 Warner Ave Tustin * Human Options,Inc.: 20 persons Staff salary, benefit, and administralive costs for this transitional housing $6,600 $6,600 Third Step Program program,which provides low-cost housing and supportive services to increase client self-SufhCiency For abused "men and Children. Supportive servioes Suppressed Address,Tuslin include case management, financial literacy, employmanl workshops, legal advocacy,or counseling. * Merry House 20 persons Funding for supplies to assist in the operation of the HomeAid Orange County $7,500 $7,5()0 Transitional Living Family Care Center which offers law-threshold emergency shelter services Centers, Ina_:Fam.ly along with case management services. Cane Center 1130 N.Citrus Street, f� Ora e,CA 92867 Organizationf Number of FY 2019-20 FV 201$-20 Project Name Tustin Funding Funding Residents Project Description Amount Amount Project Location Served Requested Recommended $, MOMS Mange 90 persons Funding to provide health care services for mothers and babies living in $7,500 $7,500 County Infant Health& poverty.Monthly in-home visits and health screenings are conducted through Development Program the baby's first birthday with the goal to help babies from vulnerable families reach developmental milestones on time,while eq uipping mothers and fathers Various homes of Tustin for healthy parenting and family handing_ Residents 10-NeighborWork5 100 persons Funding for staff salaries,benefits,and other pray ram expenses related to the $50,000 50 Orange County; Community Impact Program which offers financial,home buyer education,and Community Impact Program homeownership develpprnent Sessions to help low- to mpderateancowe and Services individuals and families in Southern California build multi-generational wealth through homeownership_ Various homes of Tustin Residents 1 1_Patriots&Paws' 25 persons Funding for the Provisions for Patriots Program,which provides clients with $10,000 S I D.000 Provisions for Patriots home goods using a conservative estimate for thrift store pricing. Clients Program include Tustin veterans, aclive duty personnel, and reservists_ By receiving assistance through the program,clients may reallocate their resources toward 1825 E.Via Burlan, employment and self-sufficiency. Anaheim.CA 92806 12.Second Chance 20 persons Funding to provide job development, referrals, and other supportiveJwrap- $20,000 so Orange County-More around services at Tustin's future low barrier homeless shelter, Second Chances For Tustin Future Tustin homeless shelter and other locations throughout Tustin 13. VeOrans Legal 25 persons Funding to provide pro bona direct legal services to homeless,disabled,at-risk $10,000 $10,000 Institute:Veleram Pro or lour-income veterans including, but not limited to,veteran benefd appeals, Bono Mobile Legal Clinics dircherge upgrades, unlawful detainer defense, family law, oon%rner low, expungements,and estate planning for terminally ill and older adult veterans. Services provided at strategic veteran hotspats throughout Orange County1� 4rganixationl Number of FY 2019.20 FY 2019.20 Project Name Tusdn Funding Funding Residents Project Description Amount Amount Project Location Served Requested Recommended 14_ YMCA of Orange 17 persons Funding to provide financial assistance via scholarships to law !very $10,000 $10,000 County:Financial lowfextremely low income Tustin residents. Assistance Scholarship Program 12712 Elizabeth Way, Tustin 111112 Coronet Road,Santa Ana 113822 Prospect Ave..Santa Ana Funding for acquisition andfor rehabilitation of a buildinglfacilities for the 1 .City of Tustin:Tustin 54 persons purposes of providing an emergency shelter for the unsheltered homeless $ 38,455 $b38,455 Emergency Homeless residing wilhin the City of Tustin. Shelter Industrial zoned area in Tustin 16.City cf Tustin:Code Approx. Funding for staff Salaries to provide community preservation services through $88,000 588,000 Enforcement 33.000 code enforcement within the GDBG LowWoderale Income Target Area. persons CDBG LowNaderate residing in the Income Census Tract target area Target Area 17.City cf Tustin:CDBG Citywide Funding for staff salaries to oversee and administerthe CDBG program,as well $55,000 S55,000 Program as staff salaries for Chose who work on applicable planning projects within the Administration CABG LawlModerate Income Target Area. 300 Centennial Way,Tustin t� Funding Cycle for Public Services In 2007, the City Council approved athree-year funding cycle for public service activities In 2017, changed to a one-year funding cycle Staff recommends reverting back to a three-year funding cycle for the following reasons: Tustin will be able to provide non-profits with a greater assurance of CDBG-funding; and, The City will be able to administer the CDBG program with increased efficiency. Three-Yeor Funding Cycle, Guidelines Activities funded during year one, may continue to receive funds in year two and year three subject to the following : Activities must continue to meet the priority(ies) and objective (s) for which the activity was funded in year one; Activities must continue to leverage funds with other sources; Activities must report accomplishments correctly in the Quarterly and Annual Performance Reports and/or other documentation as described within the current year contract; and, Activities must receive a successful assessment of project performance and progress from City Staff. Funding Recommendations for Non - Public Services Activities Public Facilities and Improvements Tustin Emergency Homeless Shelter $539,455 Public Facilities and Improvements Subtotal $539,455 Rehabilitation and Preservation Activities Code Enforcement $ 88,000 Rehabilitation and Preservation Subtotal $ 88,000 Program Administration and Planning Activities (max. $164,000) CDBG Program Administration $ 55,000 Fair Housing Foundation 14,545 Administration & Planning Subtotal $ 69,545 February 28, July 1 , 2019 2019 April 16, 2019 May 16, 2019 New Program 1St of two 2nd required Deadline to Year required _ submit Action implementing public - public hearing Plan to HUD the Action hearings Plan begins 13 Recommendation That the City Council : Conduct a public hearing; Adopt Resolution No. 19-14 approving the 2019-20 Action Plan and funding allocations; authorize submission of the 2019-20 Action Plan to HUD; authorize the Community Development Department to enter into contracts with CDBG subrecipients for public services and fair housing services; authorize the Community Development Director to reallocate funding proportionately, if the final funding amount is other than $820,000; and, Direct staff to initiate an amendment to the Citizen Participation Plan, changing the funding cycle from one-year to three-years for public service activities, : DBG 2019 - 20 Action Plan April 16, 2019