On March 26, 2019, the Planning Commission, as Historic and Cultural Resources
Advisor, approved a Work Program for 2019. Included in the Work Program is an
update of the City's Historic Resources Survey. This report is to provide the Planning
Commission of the timeline of the Request for Proposals (RFP).
On May 2, 2019, the Community Development Department released an RFP to qualified
professionals to update the City's Historical Resources Survey (Survey) (Attachment A).
The Survey was last updated in 2003. Responses to the RFP are due June 19, 2019.
Staff anticipates that consultant interviews and contract negotiations/award will occur in
July, 2019, with commencement of the work in August, 2019.
Responding consultants are expected to meet the Secretary of Interior's professional
standards and have the technical, financial and staffing resources to complete the work.
The proposed scope of work includes the following
• Review historic contexts contained in the 1990 and 2003 surveys and update as
needed. The context statement will focus on historic themes and patterns that
have shaped the City of Tustin.
• Conduct a reconnaissance field survey to identify potential significant areas or
specific properties that warrant a more intensive study and to review previously
identified properties for integrity and to identify modifications to existing
resources. Newly proposed resources would need to meet the National and
California Registers and local criteria for designation to qualify for inclusion in the
updated survey.
• Provide high-quality digital photography of all historic resources.
• Provide database technology capable of being integrated with the City's
Geographical Information System (GIS).
Planning Commission Report
May 14, 2019
Page 2
• Analyze opportunities and constraints of expansion of the Cultural Resources
District to the north (First Street to Irvine Boulevard between Yorba Avenue and
Prospect Avenue).
• Conduct up to three (3) community workshops, as needed.
• Meet with community groups including Tustin Area Historical Society and Tustin
Preservation Conservancy.
• Provide advance notice to neighborhoods undergoing survey work.
• Provide two (2) status reports to the Planning Commission as Historic and
Cultural Resources Advisor.
• Provide one (1) reporUpresentation to City Council.
Staff will provide the Planning Commission as Historic and Cultural Resources Advisor
with periodic updates on the status as the project progresses. Staff anticipates
completion of the project to occur in late 2020.
Elaine Dove, AICD, RLA
Senior Planner
Attachment A: Request for Proposal (RFP) — City of Tustin; Historical Resources Survey
o _
5:00 P.M.
June 19, 2019
Issued by:
City of Tustin
Community Development Department
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
May 2, 2019
Historical Resources Survey Update
Table of Contents
I. Overview and Purpose 2
II. Scope of Services 5
A. Historic Context Statement
B. Conduct Citywide Historic Resources Survey
C. Community Outreach
D. Project Deliverables
E. Timeline/Schedule of Project Submittals
F. Relationship and Role of City Staff
111. Submittal Requirements 8
IV. Consultant Qualifications & Selection Criteria 11
V. Contract 12
VI. Disclosures 12
VII. Equal Opportunity Program Requirements 13
VIII. Conclusion 14
Historical Resources Survey Update
Historical Resources Survey Update
The City of Tustin Community Development Department is seeking proposals from qualified
historic preservation consultants to:
1) Conduct an update of the District Records (DPR523D), historic context and historic
properties recorded in the 2003 Tustin Historical Resources Survey Update (2003
2) Identify buildings that may have been missed in the 2003 Survey; and,
3) Identify historic buildings that have reached 45 years of age since the previous survey
efforts. The project would include:
a) Reconnaissance-level citywide historic survey of structures built through 1973 to
identify potential significant areas or properties dating back to 1973 and that meet the
criteria for listing in the National Register of Historic Places and the California
Register of Historical Resources; and,
b) An intensive-level survey of the previously identified structures in the 2003 Survey
and any newly identified structures meeting the criteria identified in (a) above
observed in the reconnaissance-level survey.
The selected consultant will review the City of Tustin 2003 Historical Resources Survey and
1990 Historical Resources Survey and Report (1990 Survey), which identified over 400
properties, and use them as resource documents in the development of an updated historic
context and survey of previously identified historic resources throughout the City. The 1990
and 2003 surveys were windshield surveys that culminated in the completion of State
Historical Resources Inventory Forms (DPR523B and 523D). The surveys included
residential, commercial and institutional properties.
The purpose of the project is to complete an update of the City of Tustin's 2003 Historic
Survey which identifies and evaluates historic resources citywide including historic resources
that have not been previously identified and that were constructed through 1973. The final
product will serve to accomplish the following:
1. The survey data may be used to identify and develop update historic
2. The survey data will be used to stimulate community awareness, interest, and
support for historic preservation.
3. The survey data will ensure that accurate, detailed information is available for
use in City programs and sound land use planning, including California
Environmental Quality Act(CEQA) review.
Historical Resources Survey Update
The selected consultant will be responsible for all components of the historic resources
survey efforts with general assistance and guidance from City staff. Under the direction of
the Community Development Department, the consultant will provide the range of expertise
necessary to carry out these tasks. All services provided by the consultant shall be
performed by individuals that meet the Secretary of the Interior's professional qualification
standards. The successful consultant shall have the resources to provide cost effective and
timely services.
The City of Tustin is located in central Orange County and encompasses an area of 11.08
square miles. The City originated in 1870 when Columbus Tustin platted 100 acres of his
property into 300 square blocks, and provided 50'x 100' lots for sale.
As an agrarian community, Tustin had a population of only 900 persons in 1927. On
September 21 of that year, Tustin was incorporated as a general law city with an area of one-
third square mile. According to the January 2018 Department of Finance Population
Estimates, the City of Tustin now has a population of 82,344.
In 1988, the City adopted the Cultural Resources Overlay District, which includes most of the
area that was included in the original boundaries of the City. This area, commonly called Old
Town Tustin, is recognized as one of Tustin's most cohesive, organized communities, and
includes a variety of historically significant residential and commercial structures. The 2003
Survey documents each building within the Cultural Resource Overlay District that is
considered architecturally or historically significant and documents historic buildings in other
areas of the city. The City adopted Residential Design Guidelines in 2012, and Commercial
Design Guidelines in 2014, for the Cultural Resources District.
The City of Tustin became a Certified Local Government(CLG) in 1991 and has continued its
involvement in the state's program under the Office of Historic Preservation. The City of
Tustin General Plan, weaves the importance the community places on historic preservation
throughout the document and is available on-line at
The City of Tustin, similar to many cities in Orange County, grew significantly beginning in the
mid-1950s through the 1970s as freeways, quality schools and post-war industries attracted
thousands of people to the area. Areas that were previously orange groves were developed
into residential subdivisions and planned communities. The East Tustin Specific Plan area is
1,746 acres and was annexed to the City in the mid-1970s and was fully developed by 2007.
The Marine Corp Air Station (MCAS) Tustin played a critical role in Navy and Marine aviation
for over 50 years. In 1991, the Department of Defense named the City of Tustin as lead
agency for preparation of reuse planning documents prior to the official closure of MCAS
Tustin In 1999. Of the 1,606 gross acres located within in the reuse plan, 1,511 acres lie
within the southern portion of the City of Tustin and are in various stages of development
under the Tustin Legacy Specific Plan.
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Historical Resources Survey Update
Submitted proposals shall address how the consultant will successfully complete the scope of
services outlined below:
A. Historic Context Statement
The selected consultant shall review the historic contexts contained in the 1990 and
2003 Historical Resources Surveys and draft an updated context statement as needed
based on previous context statements, additional research, interviews, and survey
results. It should focus specifically on the historic themes and patterns that shaped the
City through 1973 and identify the types of properties that are associated with each
theme. In addition to the prior surveys, background information about the City's history
can be found in the City's General Plan, Zoning Code, resources at the Tustin Area
Historical Society Museum located in the heart of Old Town Tustin at 395 EI Camino
Real and through interviews with members of the Tustin Preservation Conservancy and
the Tustin Area Historical Society. The Tustin Area Historical Society
(hftp://www.tustinhisto[y.com), and Tustin Preservation Conservancy
(http://www.tustinconservancy.orq) are valuable resources and have particular interests
in historic preservation and history of the City of Tustin. These community groups are
potential users of the survey in assisting property owners with National Register
applications and other assistance and shall be included in Community Outreach
described below.
The updated historic context statement shall be prepared to reflect the State of California
Office of Historic Preservation (OHP) recommended methodology and format in
developing and preparing historic context statements (i.e., historical background, theme,
property types, etc.). Consultant shall propose a methodology for preparing these
B. Conduct Citywide Historic Resources Survey
A preliminary field or reconnaissance-level survey of the community shall be conducted
to identify potential significant areas or specific properties that warrant a follow-up
intensive-level survey of all. properties built through 1973, including updating the
previously identified properties for integrity and documenting modifications that have
occurred since the 2003 survey. The project shall include the identification, evaluation,
and high-quality digital photography in accordance with OHP standards of properties
with historical, architectural, and/or cultural significance built through 1973. Evaluation
will be based on National Register, California Register and local criteria. California
Historical Resources Status Codes will be assigned to all relevant properties.
The survey should utilize the latest survey technology to achieve fully searchable results,
including previous survey data and using database technology that can easily be
integrated with the City's existing GIS databases. The survey should include all the fields
traditionally found on a DPR form. The database could then be used to generate the
forms, as well as connect to GIS mapping for online searches and user-friendliness.
The database should include each property's previous status codes, as well as its new
code. Codes should be updated to reflect current integrity. If codes are changed,
adequate justification should be provided. Properties on the existing inventory that have
since been lost due to demolition shall be documented. Consultant should propose a
Historical Resources Survey Update
methodology for documenting the review of buildings that are deemed to not have
significance, as well as those that are deemed potentially significant. The survey should
provide character defining features for all properties identified as significant, both
previously and newly surveyed.
The consultant shall also review and make recommendations regarding the potential to
expand the Cultural Resources District to include residential properties located between
Irvine Boulevard and First Street to the north and south and Prospect Avenue and Yorba
Street to the east and west as shown in Photograph 2 below.
4k PP ff
Photograph 2
The consultant will be responsible for reviewing the 1990 and 2003 Surveys and using
these surveys as resource documents to conduct an update of the Citywide Historic
Resources Survey, including residential, commercial and institutional buildings and
resources, as well as open spaces and/or landscapes. The consultant shall provide an
estimate of the costs to complete both a reconnaissance survey and intensive level
C. Community Outreach
The consultant shall include a community outreach component as part of the proposal.
The City envisions the following community outreach efforts as part of the project:
• Up to three (3) community workshops, as needed.
• Advance notice and information to neighborhoods undergoing the
intensive-level survey
Two (2) status reports/presentations to the Planning. Commission as
Historic and Cultural Resources Advisor
0 One (1) report/presentation to City Council
Historical Resources Survey Update
The scope and recommended format of the community outreach component should be
described in the proposal.
D. Project Deliverables
Project deliverables include:
• Materials for community outreach component
• Eight (8) draft and final updated Executive Summary and 'Historical Context
Statements and one electronic copy of each
• Eight (8) draft copies of the survey report and one electronic copy
• Eight(8) copies of the final report, including:
o Existing historic preservation framework, including survey and evaluation
history, General Plan and zoning ordinance
o Objectives
o Area surveyed
o Research design
o Methodology
o Context statement(s)
o Survey Results and Findings
o Definitions
o Sources
o Maps
o Photographs
o Conclusion
• Searchable (OCR) Electronic copy [PDF] of the final report
• Electronic copy [JPEG]with full resolution of all photographs
• Fully-inputted, searchable and accessible database, with capability for posting on
the City's website and in GIS mapping, including high-quality digital photographs
that may be uploaded from the website application
E. Timeline/Schedule of Project Submittals
The City of Tustin has set a time frame of 24 months for completion of its citywide
historic resources survey update. The proposal shall include thorough explanation of the
proposed course of action of the project, including:
• A timeline outlining major milestones and successful delivery of project to City
• Periodic meetings with staff to evaluate and review data collected and overall
progress to date.
Historical Resources Survey Update
• Chronological explanation of all stages of survey as well as expected duration of
each stage.
• Deadlines for each task.
A final schedule of deadlines will be discussed and established with the selected
consultant. In all cases, the consultants shall adhere to project deadlines as specified in
the final contract.
F. Relationship and Role of City Staff
The consultant shall work under the supervision of the Community Development
Department. City staff will be available to assist in the following:
• Facilitation of research and meeting coordination
• Community outreach program
• Provision of any other relevant City information
A professional services agreement will be completed with the selected consultant.
Proposal: To maintain uniformity in the evaluation process, one (1) electronic (PDF format
on disc or thumb drive) and five (5) unbound copies of the proposal and scope of services,
shall be submitted. Paper size shall be limited to 8Y2" by 11" inches, except for tables or
exhibits for which 11" x 17"foldouts may be used. The text font shall not be smaller than size
11 except within tables. The proposal shall include the following sections in the order below:
1. Letter of Transmittal:
a. Identify the submitting organization;
b. Identify the name, title, telephone, and email address of the person authorized by
the organization to contractually obligate the organization;
c. Identify the name, telephone, and email address of the person authorized to
negotiate the contract on behalf of the organization;
d. Identify the names, titles, telephone, and email address of the person(s) to be
contacted for clarification;
e. Be signed by the person authorized to contractually obligate the organization;
f. Acknowledge receipt of any and all amendments to this RFP.
2. Introduction: Include an introduction that conveys the consultants' understanding of
the project's objectives, scope and requirements.
3. Qualifications:
a. Team (including Prime and Subconsultant Roles and Responsibilities): Identify
the prime consultant and subconsultants and their respective roles. Show the
Project Manager and the key staff proposed for this project, including any
subconsultant staff. Identify the project team that will be available until project
Historical Resources Survey Update
completion. State the availability of each individual for this project.
Include contact information and a brief summary of the firm's organization and
history and its ability to complete the project. Provide a resume for each key
team member. Provide two references (name, title, agency, and telephone
number) for the Project Manager and Task Leaders from similar type/size
A statement that the consultant will maintain staff indicated on the team,
including the overall project manager, unless provided for in writing and
authorized by the City of Tustin.
Include contact information and a brief summary of the consultant firms'
organization, history, and at least one firm reference for each subconsultant
proposed for this project. Provide a brief resume (one (1) page each) of each
key team member.
An organization chart containing the names of all key personnel, and
subconsultants with titles and their specific task assignment for this project must
be provided in this section.
b. Relevant Project Experience: Include a list of the most recent projects for which
the prime consultant has performed similar services of similar scope, size, and
complexity. This list shall include the name, contact person, address, and phone
number of each party for whore the service was provided, as well as a brief
description of the service performed, the dollar amount of the contract, and the
date the project was started and completed.
Provide five (5) DPR forms and one sample survey report including context
statement for projects completed within the last five (5) years. Likewise, list at
least one project experience for each subconsultant on the team.
c. Staff Resumes: Record of the firm, qualifications and background of project
team members.
d. Estimated Level of Effort: The consultant shall provide an estimate of staff
time, by task, by key person presented in the project schedule. This section will
not include any estimate of costs.
4. Technical Approach: The approach section shall include a description of the
intended approach to complete the scope of services suitable for attachment to a
contract should the proposing firm be selected to negotiate such a scope of services.
The Consultant should specify data needs and expected level of support from City
staff and a description of the project deliverables. Consultant should also propose
procedures for City review of draft work products and an appropriate number of
meetings with City staff to facilitate the project, the Planning Commission as Cultural
and Historic Resources Advisor, to present work product, evaluate survey processes
and discuss findings, and City Council for presentation of the final survey report and
project schedule including start and completion dates of all major tasks.
Historical Resources Survey Update
5. Community Outreach Strategy Proposal: Propose a program that would be
appropriate for a project of this scope, including an introductory/educational
component and describe how it would be implemented.
6. References: Provide three (3) client references for whom comparable services were
provided to in the last three (3) years. Include the name of the City or firm, name of
the contact, telephone number and email address, brief description of the services
provided and your firm's role, and the start and completion date.
7. Fee Structure: The consultant shall provide, in a separately sealed and clearly
marked envelope, the estimated cost by task and a total proposed project cost to
complete the Scope of Services as proposed. The fee proposal shall reflect all
anticipated fee increases within the duration of the contract. The cost proposal shall
identify the billing rates of the individuals anticipated to work on the project and the
estimated expenses including travel and any other miscellaneous expenses.
8. Submission Format and Organization: The original and five (5) copies and a
digital version [PDF] of the proposal shall be submitted to the Community
Development Department no later than June 19, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. Respondents are
solely responsible for ensuring their proposal is received by the City in accordance
with this RFP. The selected consultant, or team of consultants, shall obtain a valid
City business license.
Proposals shall be hand delivered or sent to:
City Clerk's Office
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, CA 92780
Late proposals will not be accepted or considered, and will not be returned. All
proposals shall become the property of the City.
9. RFP Schedule: The distribution, receipt and evaluation of proposals, as well as the
selection of the Consultant, shall conform to the following schedule:
A. RFP Distribution/Advertisement: May 2, 2019
B. Deadline for RFP Submittal: 5:00 PM on June 19, 2019
C. lnterviews: Week of July 8, 2019
D. Award of Contract: Week of August 5, 2019
10.Questions Regarding Proposal and Process
To ensure fair consideration for all Respondents, the City requests that
communication to or with any City employee and City officials during the submission
process and prior to the award of a contract, only be conducted as herein identified.
The appropriate City employee shall initiate any communication between the
proposing Respondent and the City in order to obtain information or clarification in
evaluation of the RFP. Respondents and their agents are not to undertake activities
or actions to promote or advertise their proposals. Any questions in the proposal
process shall be addressed in writing to City staff only.
----- ----- 10 1 Page
Historical Resources Survey Update
The last day for submission of questions is May 13, 2019. Questions shall be
submitted as indicated herein. The Respondent assumes all responsibility for the
delivery of Respondent communications including transmittals of facsimiles or e-mail,
which may not be received. The City can only certify receipt of communications that
are signed for by representatives of the City of Tustin.
City Hall is open Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and Friday, 8:00
a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
All questions should be directed in writing to:
Elaine Dove, AICP, RLA
Senior Planner
City of Tustin
300 Centennial Way
Tustin, California 92780
Phone: (714) 573-3136,
E-Mail: edove@tustinca.org
Should addenda be required, they will be sent by email to all parties that provide
their contact information and posted on the Community Development Department's
website prior to the proposal due date. All addenda shall become part of this RFP. E-
mail and telephone responses that are not by written addenda shall not be binding. If
your firm intends to submit a proposal, in order to ensure that all interested firms are
notified of such clarifications or corrections, please provide your email contact
information to Elaine Dove at the email address above as soon as possible after you
have received this RFP.
Proposals received by the City of Tustin will be evaluated by City staff. The City may select
a consultant based on proposals alone or it may invite the most qualified consultants to
interview. The contract will be awarded only to a responsible historic preservation
consultant. In order to qualify, a consultant must meet the following standards which will be
considered in the selection process:
• Responsiveness to the RFP.
• Have the technical/financial/staffing resources indicative of past experience with
intensive level historic survey work.
• Meet the Secretary of Interior's professional qualification standards outlines in 36 CFR
Part 61, Appendix A.
• Be able to comply with proposed timeline and scheduling.
• Have an exemplary performance record that can be verified with client references based
on similar work.
• Certify that neither the principals nor any other individuals associated with the consulting
work are presently disbarred, suspended, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from
covered transaction by any Federal department or agency.
• Propose an appropriate and effective approach, tasks and methodology to be used in
11 1 Page
Historical Resources Survey Update
providing the required services;
• Propose a reasonable fee schedule in relation to the proposed work plan;
• Demonstrate an appropriate and effective distribution of responsibilities within the project
• Overall quality of the proposal, including clarity of content and professional presentation;
• Information obtained from references.
The City will have absolute discretion in determining the applicability and weight or relative
weight of some or all of the criteria listed above.
The proposals will be reviewed for compliance with the minimum requirements as stated in
this RFP. Proposals deemed non-responsive will be eliminated from further consideration.
The City may contact the proposer for clarification. The City of Tustin reserves the right to
reject any and all proposals, to waive any informality in any proposal received, and to be the
sole judge of the merits of the respective proposals received.
Please note that while project cost will not be determinate, it may be considered in the
selection process. Incomplete submittals, incorrect information or late submittals shall be
cause for immediate disqualification.
The City's standard Consultant Services Agreement is provided as Attachment A. It will be
considered acceptable to the successful consultant unless the consultant notifies the City of
any exceptions in writing at the time the proposal is submitted.
The City reserves the right in its sole discretion and without prior notice: to terminate this
RFP; to issue subsequent RFPs for the same project, or variations thereof; to revise the
RFP or to procure any service requested in the RFP by any other means; to modify the
scope of the project; to modify the City's obligations or selection criteria; and/or to take other
actions which would ultimately satisfy the City's goals. In addition, the City reserves the
following rights:
A. Background check- By submitting a proposal, the respondent and/or members of the
respondent's team authorize the City of Tustin to conduct a background check
associated with the submission of submittals pursuant to this RFP. This background
check may include, but is not limited to, contacting individuals and organizations
regarding capabilities, experience, and financial capability of the respondent and
members of the development team.
B. Modirrcation, cancellation, or re-issuance of the RFP-The City reserves the right to
modify the response requirements to this RFP, including, without limitation, request
additional information, extend the due date for all submissions, and obtain additional
submissions beyond the due date. The City reserves the right to ,modify, reissue, or
cancel in whole or in part this RFP and/or the response requirements, timing,
arrangement and method of proposal presentations throughout the selection process.
Historical Resources Survey Update
C. Rejection of proposals-The City reserves the right to reject any or all of the submittals
by a Respondent, including not proceeding on the project. Failure to meet the
requirements of the RFP will be cause for rejection. The City may reject any submittal if
it is conditional, incomplete, contains irregularities, etc. The City reserves the right to
reject any and all submittals without cause. The City may waive an immaterial deviation
in a submittal. Waiver of any material deviation shall in no way modify the RFP
documents or excise the need for full compliance with the contract requirements if the
firm is awarded the contract.
D. Disqualification - The City reserves the right to disqualify any proposal team on the
basis of any real or perceived conflict of interest that is disclosed or revealed by
responses submitted or by any data available to the City of Tustin.
E. City right to judge - The City reserves the sole right to judge a respondent's
representations, either in written or oral form as to their veracity, substance and relation
to the proposed project.
F. City property - Upon submission, the RFP and all collateral material shall become the
property of the City of Tustin. This RFP is not a contract or commitment of any kind by
the City of Tustin, and does not commit the City to enter into a contract with the
respondent. No reimbursement will be made for any costs incurred by respondents in
the preparation of the response to this RFP.
G. Additional Information -The City reserves the right to request additional information of
respondents as deemed necessary and appropriate by the City.
The City of Tustin is committed to equal opportunity in solicitation of professional service
consultants doing business with, or receiving funds from the City. The City encourages
candidates to share this commitment.
Please carefully review the requirements of the RFP and attachments and provide a detailed
proposal outlining your qualifications and experience, proposed approach and a proposed
fee for the Historical Resources Survey Update.
Thank you for your interest in this project. The City of Tustin looks forward to receiving your
Elizabeth A. Binsack
Director of Community Development
Attachment: Consultant Services Agreement