, I] 1 ==f?
That the Planning Commission receive and file this item.
The following report provides a summary of projects and activities since the Year in Review
report was presented at the February 12, 2019, Planning Commission meeting. The report
focuses on the status of projects that the Planning Commission, Zoning Administrator, or
staff approved; major improvement projects; Certificates of Appropriateness; Code
Enforcement activities; and, other items which may be of interest to the Commission.
Old Town Updates:
• Vintage at Old Town Tustin (1208 Bellmont Court): Construction continues to
progress on the first phases of the Vintage community, including the clubhouse, and
the model homes are complete. At build-out, Vintage at Old Town Tustin will feature
140 new homes with amenities such as a pool, clubhouse, and a mini-park. The mini-
park will be available for use by the public. Please refer to Attachment A for an exhibit
displaying the active and completed permits for this project.
MLv "
— Interior of Vintage
model homes
Planning Commission Report
Summary of Projects
May 14, 2019
Page 2
Tustin Leqacy Updates:
• Veterans Sports Park (Valencia Avenue): This approximately 30-acre park is
designed as a community/sports park and will accommodate large group activities and
offer a wide variety of facilities including: Four(4) lighted soccer fields; three (3) lighted
ball fields; four (4) lighted tennis
courts; two (2) lighted basketball
courts; two (2) lighted sand volleyball - -- -
courts; eight (8) lighted pickleball
courts; a skate park; and, a veteran's
memorial. The veteran's plaza and
memorial area, designed as a place
of honor, will be located at the west
side of the park. Construction of the
park is in progress, and the park is
anticipated to be complete in early
• Flight at Tustin Legacy (Barranca Parkway/Red Aerial view of veterans
Hill Avenue): This development proposal includes Sports Park parking lot
a variety of uses such as: creative office uses; a
food hall; and, conference center including a connection into Tustin Legacy Park.
Construction is currently in progress at the site. The core office buildings are
anticipated to be complete in the near future. The food hall is anticipated to open in
May 2019.
• Tustin Legacy Linear Park .
(Barranca Parkway/Red Hill
Avenue): This 26-acre portion of the
linear park is considered the
"anchor" to the linear park which is 4
anticipated to run throughout the
Tustin Legacy area in the future. The
park incorporates the Barranca
Detention Basin within its concept
plan, and is proposed to include
direct linkages to the Flight project,
mentioned below. Phase I of the
park construction, which involved
the detention basin, is complete.
Phase 11 of the project, which involves Flight wayfinding signage
landscaping the park through Armstrong '__'...........
Avenue, and finalization of the parking lot and restroom facilities, is anticipated to be
complete in conjunction with occupancy of Flight at Tustin Legacy in late Summer
Planning Commission Report
Summary of Projects
May 14, 2019
Page 3
• The Village at Tustin Legacy (Kensington Park Dr. 1 Edinger Avenue):
Construction of the Hoag facility has been completed. The center is considered to be
substantially completed, with the exception of the The Health South (acute care)
facility, which is anticipated to commence with grading of their site in the near future.
• Levity in Tustin Legacy (Tustin Ranch RoadlVictory Road): In January 2018, the
City Council approved the development of a new 218-unit residential community by
CalAtlantic Homes. This project features three (3) new neighborhoods: Fleet at Levity
— townhomes; Velocity at Levity — flats; and, Icon at Levity — single family homes.
Framing is well underway for the model homes and first phase of development. The
models are anticipated to open during mid-2019. Please refer to Attachment B for an
exhibit displaying the active and completed permits for this project.
_- II
� a
Construction progresses on Levity
• The Yellow Chilli (2463 Park Avenue): On July 23, 2018, the Zoning Administrator
approved a request to establish a Type 47 ABC License in conjunction with outdoor
seating at an existing tenant space within The District (former Sharky's location). The
new Indian restaurant is anticipated to open during Spring 2019.
Planning Commission Report
Summary of Projects
May 14, 2019
Page 4
• Utopia Cafe (2489 Park Avenue): This European cafe
serving lunch and dinner is now open in the former Peets
Coffee location.
• Legacy Magnet Academy (Tustin Ranch Road/Valencia wt''
Avenue): On March 13, 2019, the Tustin Unified School o
District held a groundbreaking ceremony for the Legacy
Magnet Academy. The academy will be focusing on TIDE
(Technology, Innovation, Design, Entrepreneurship), which is
a business-oriented program for the students. The school is
anticipated to open in the Fall of 2020.
For further information on projects within the Tustin Legacy area,
please see Attachment C which includes a map and a table
providing additional information on projects approved, in Utopia Cafe is now open
progress, and proposed for the area.
Other Updates:
• Schools First Credit Union (15332 Newport Avenue): Schools First has submitted
plans for a new three-story 180,000 square foot facility, including a 5,000 square foot
branch building. The plans are currently under review by City Staff, and are anticipated
to be brought forward to the Planning Commission at a later date. Please refer to
Attachment D for a map of development within the Pacific Center East Specific Plan
• Costco Gas Station (2655 EI Camino Real): Plans have been submitted, and are
currently under review by City staff, to construct a new gas station adjacent to the
existing warehouse site. Discussions with the applicant continue to focus on traffic
flow throughout the shopping center, based on the design proposal.
• Trinity Broadcasting Network (14131, 52, & 71 Chambers Rd., 14101 & 31
Franklin Ave., 2442 Michelle Dr.) An application has been submitted for Trinity
Broadcasting Network (TBN) to perform an extensive interior remodel and facade
improvements of their campus buildings. Plans for the remodel are currently under
review by City Staff.
.0 ni
Rendering of TBN's campus
Planning Commission Report
Summary of Projects
May 14, 2019
Page 5
• Family Promise Transitional Housing (1914 EI Camino Real): On November 6,
2018, the City Council adopted an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with Family
Promise of Orange County, who is proposing to construct a project consisting of seven
(7) units, including a family resource center, for the purpose of providing short-term
transitional housing for homeless families.
• Rock & Brews (1222 Irvine Boulevard): On August 14, 2018, the Planning
Commission approved a request to expand the former Lone Star Steakhouse
converting it into a Rock & Brews Restaurant. Construction was delayed due to a
change in contractors for the project; however, it is anticipated that construction will
continue to progress.
• Jack's Surfboards (1 3711 Newport Avenue): Tenant improvements are now
complete, and a new surfer's outlet store
is open in the former Aaron Brothers
location in Tustin Plaza.
• Pediatric Urgent Care (14971 Holt
Avenue): On April 9, 2019, the Planning
Commission approved a request to V
establish a pediatric urgent care within '
the former Coco's building within the
Tustin Courtyard Shopping Center. The ,
new facility will include a Lobby, eleven
(11)exam rooms, two(2)flex exam rooms,
and separate areas for labs, x-ray, and a
nurse station.
Jack's Surfboards is now open
Certificates of Appropriateness
A Certificate of Appropriateness is a no-fee development permit that applies specifically
to structures within the Cultural Resources District or a designated cultural resource
outside of the District. A Certificate of Appropriateness is necessary prior to, or concurrent
with, a building permit for all permitted structures in the Cultural Resources
District. Obtaining a Certificate of Appropriateness is necessary to ensure the goals of
the District are implemented. As stated in Tustin City Code Section 9252f, a Certificate of
Appropriateness shall be required prior toy Alteration of the exterior features of a building
or site within a designated Cultural Resource District, or alteration of a Designated
Cultural Resource, or construction of improvements within a designated Cultural
Resources District requiring a City building permit; and Demolition or removal of any
Designated Cultural Resource or of any improvements in a Cultural Resources District. A
Certificate of Appropriateness is issued by the Director of Community Development in
conjunction with Design Review or plan check.
Planning Commission Report
Summary of Projects
May 14, 2019
Page 6
675 W. Third Street 8114118 PV Solar, 23 roof-mounted panels Non-contributing
344 W. Third Street 8/27128 Replace wood shingles with 5B1
434 EI Camino Real 8129118 Add fence/arbor for outdoor seating 3S
180 S. Myrtle Avenue 8/29/18 Legalize garage addition, garage Non-contributing
restoration, 2 patio covers
450 W. Second Street 8/29/18 Re-roof house, garage, & Non-contributing
530 W. Third Street 9/12/18 Re-roof house 5D1
180 S. Myrtle Avenue 9117118 Re-roof garage & house, composite Non-contributing
shingles, gray color
180 S. Myrtle Avenue 9/17118 PV system (roof mounted) Non-contributing
130 Prospect Avenue 10/18/18 Re-roof(flat roof) Non-contributing
335 W. Sixth Street 10131/18 Re-roof(house)composite shingles 5D1
250 Pacific 11/8118 Legalize two patio covers & storage 5131
shed attached to garage
157 Pacific 11/8/18 PV system Non-contributing
720 Second Street 11/27/18 Re-roof rear of house to match front Non-contributing
265 Pacific 12/3118 Re-roof to legalize unpermitted roof 3S
Replace 14 ale rooftop units, install
150 EI Camino Real 1216/18 Non-contributing
7 new units
130 S. B Street 12117/18 Re-roof all structures incl. buildings Non-contributing
& carports
160 N. 8 Street 1/8/19 Re-roof house & garage to match 5D1
465 W. Second Street 1/9/19 Interior remodel & replace existing 5B1
220 S. B Street 1/29/19 New pool, spa, plumbing, & Non-contributing
465 W. Second Street 2/21/19 Installation of new a/c unit 5131
455 Pacific 2/21/19 Re-roof Non-contributing
270 Myrtle 3/15119 Window replacement/retrofit Non-contributing
440 EI Camino Real 4111/19 Wood fence 5131
150 N B Street 4/16/19 Partial re-roof of front house, 5S3
composite shingles
' Rating System for Certificates of Appropriateness:
A Obvious examples of historically significant architecture and structures that were significant in local history.
B Unusual or distinctive buildings in terms of age and architecture
C Pre-1940 buildings with much of the original architectural style
D Pre-1940 buildings with substantial alteration or no significant architecture style.
5B1 Eligible for local listing only
5D1 Eligible for local listing only;contributor to District listed,or eligible under local ordinance
5S3 Appears to be individually eligible for local listing or designation through survey evaluation
S3 Appears eligible for listing on the National Register as a separate property
Non-contributing Buildings: Buildings that are located in the Cultural Resources District but do not fall under any of the above
Planning Commission Report
Summary of Projects
May 14, 2019
Page 7
Code Enforcement Updates:
Graffiti: The chart below displays the number of graffiti incidents from the prior three (3)
calendar years, through the year-to-date.
Number of Graffiti Incidents - City of Tustin
200 ■2016
100 ■ 2019
0 -
.<A e�t�aK� r PQM\ baa �J�2 ostia ��� � �t O �� y e` et
• Water Quality:
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) inspections are separated
into categories based on a business' use, and the intensity each use has on water
quality. The two (2) categories are industrial and commercial and are separated into
high, medium, and low priority. Each year, City staff conducts inspections based on
the priority of a project.
,a Industrial NPDES Inspections: During the 2018-19 fiscal year, City staff is
focusing on high and medium priority inspections. During 2018-19 fiscal year,
City staff has completed seven (7) high priority, five (5) medium priority, and
ten (10) low priority inspections thus far.
Commercial NPDES Inspections: This year, City staff is focusing on high,
medium, and low priority inspections. During the 2018-19 fiscal year, City staff
has completed eleven (11) high priority, fourteen (14) medium priority, and ten
(10) low priority inspections thus far.
Planning Commission Report
Summary of Projects
May 14, 2019
Page 8
The goal of the Water Quality Management PIan (WQMP) is to develop and implement
practical programs and policies to minimize the effects of urbanization on site
hydrology, urban runoff flow rates or velocities, and pollutant loads. Developers are
required ,to submit a WQMP for any.new development or significant redevelopment
which increases the impervious surface of a developed site. The WQMP is required
to include Best Management Practices(BMPs)for source control, pollution prevention,
and/or structural treatment BMPs.
o WQMP's: There are 155 properties that have a WQMP in place. Five (5)
WQMP's were approved during the 2018-19 fiscal year. There are five (5)
additional WQMP's under review by City Staff. Inspections are currently
underway of 25 locations with established WQMPs.
Public Works Department Updates (Public Improvements)
• Park Avenue Improvement Project Management and Design (CIP No. 70233): In
order to improve traffic flow within The District, improvements have been completed
along Park Avenue and include the addition of one (1.) lane in each direction between
Tustin Ranch Road and Warner Avenue, and new right-tum pockets at Tustin Ranch
Road and the Costco gas station.
• Simon Ranch 'Reservoir, Booster Pump Station and Pipeline Replacement
Project (CIP 60114): The Simon Ranch Reservoir is located in North Tustin at the
intersection of Valhalla Drive and Outlook Lane within the unincorporated territory of
Orange County. The project consists of the replacement of the existing
buried, gunite lined, earthen reservoir with a new pre-stressed concrete tank,
including a new booster pump station to be integrated within the site, and a pipeline
to feed the new pump station and reservoir. The environmental phase is complete and
the project is currently in the final design phase. Construction is anticipated to begin
in Summer 2019. The project is funded with 2013 Water Bond Funds.
s . Parkcenter Lane at Bryan Avenue New Traffic Signals (CIP No. 40091): A
construction contract has been awarded for this project. Construction is anticipated to
commence in Spring 2019, and be complete in Fall 2019.
Lansdowne Road at Valencia Avenue New Traffic Signals (CIP No. 40090): A
construction contract has been awarded for this project. Construction is anticipated to
commence in June 2019, after the end of the school year, given the project's proximity
to Heritage Elementary School. The project is anticipated to be complete in Fall 2019.
Planning Commission Report
Summary of Projects
May 14, 2019
Page 9
• Peters Canyon Channel Widening (CIP 50040): The 30' widening of this channel
from the railroad tracks north of Edinger Avenue to the southern city limits near
Warner Avenue is taking place along the eastern edge and
will ultimately include an extension of the Peter's Canyon
Bikeway. Construction also includes an extension of the
regional riding and hiking trail on the western edge. Recent
rains have slowed progress but widening is substantially
complete between Warner Avenue and Edinger Avenue
and the entire length of the channel widening is expected
to be complete by late 2019.
• Main Street Improvement Project (CIP 40087): The
improvements on Main Street within Old Town are $ y t4 fir
intended to create a more pedestrian and bicycle-friendly � {�` • '-
1 q`
environment with traffic calming features and to create a
strong entrance into Old Town with the inclusion of a
gateway entry sign. This project also includes proposed �-J04
improvements to add parking at the Respite Park on EI
Camino Real. This project is funded by a federal grant
administered by OCTA under their Bicycle Corridor Improvement Peter's Canyon
Program (BLIP). Bid packages will be sent out as soon as the
grant funding becomes available.
• Tustin Ranch Road and EI Camino Real (CIP No. 70239): The project includes the
construction of a second westbound left-turn lane on EI Camino Real, and an
exclusive right-turn lane on eastbound EI Camino Real and northbound Tustin Ranch
Road. Construction is anticipated to begin in Summer 2019.
• Newport Avenue, First Street, and Irvine Boulevard Median Landscape
Rehabilitation Project (CIP 10074): Median improvements along Irvine Boulevard
between SR-55 and Old Irvine Boulevard, First Street between SR-55 and Newport
Avenue, and Newport Avenue between Wass Street and McFadden Avenue are being
done in compliance with State of California mandated water use restrictions in public
street medians. The work includes removal of dead median turf and replacement with
drought tolerant plant material, installation of water efficient irrigation systems,
replacement of substandard height median curbs with full height curbs, installation of
median pavers and decorative hardscape, and utility relocations. Construction is
complete on Irvine Boulevard and nearly complete on First Street. Work on Newport
Avenue has begun.
• Moffett Drive: Construction of the short extensions of Moffett Drive west of Tustin
Ranch Road and Legacy Road south of Valencia Avenue in Tustin Legacy has been
completed. These short roadway extensions allow access to the new Legacy Magnet
Academy which is currently being constructed.
Planning Commission Report
Summary of Projects
May 14, 2019
Page 10
• Moffett Drive bridge construction over Peters Canyon Channel (CIP 70224):
Demolition of the existing bridge has been completed and construction of the new
bridge is progressing. The bridge work is anticipated to be complete in Spring 2019.
Moffett Drive bridge construction
• Tustin Ranch Road Signal Synchronization Project (CIP No. 40089): This project
is a collaborative effort and lead by the City of Irvine and involves developing and
implementing optimized signal synchronization timing improvements for 30
intersections (19 in Tustin) on Tustin Ranch Road/Von Karman Avenue from Pioneer
Way (Tustin) to Campus Drive (Irvine). Signal improvements include replacing signal
cabinets and controllers, installing conduit and new interconnect, upgrading the city's
Traffic Operations Center with Centracs Advanced Transportation System and
communications integration. This project is partially funded by OCTA's 2016
Comprehensive Transportation Funding Program's (CTFP) Regional Traffic Signal
Synchronization Program (RTSSP), or Project P. The City recently signed an
agreement with Caltrans to provide equipment, signal timing changes, and to cover
labor costs. The design work was completed in 2018 and job was recently
awarded. Construction will begin in April 2019.
• Edinger Avenue Signal Synchronization Project (CIP No. 40088): This project is a
collaborative effort and lead by the City of Irvine and involves developing and
implementing optimized signal synchronization timing improvements for 38
intersections (9 in Tustin) on Edinger Avenue/Irvine Center Drive from Newport Avenue
(Tustin) to Protocol Drive (Irvine). Signal improvements include replacing signal
cabinets and controllers, installing conduit and new interconnect, upgrading the city's
Traffic Operations Center with Centracs Advanced Transportation System and
communications integration. This project is partially funded by OCTA's 2016
Comprehensive Transportation Funding Program's (CTFP) Regional Traffic Signal
Synchronization Program (RTSSP), or Project P. The design work was completed in
2018 and job was recently awarded. Construction will begin in April 2019.
Planning Commission Report
Summary of Projects
May 14, 2019
Page 11
• Newport Avenue Signal Synchronization Project (CIP No. 40085): This project is
in its last stages with timing changes:recently implemented to twelve (12) signals along
Newport Avenue between Old Irvine Boulevard and Sycamore Avenue. Caltrans in the
past has not been a participant in synchronization projects but recently with a
cooperative agreement between Caltrans and the City, the Caltrans controlled signal
of the 1-5 Northbound Off-Ramp will be synchronized with the City's signals on EI
Camino Real to the north and Mitchell Avenue to the south. This project is currently in
the second year of the two-year Operations and Maintenance (O&M) phase.
• Seventeenth Street Signal Synchronization Project (CIP No. 40086): As part of
OCTA's Comprehensive Transportation Funding Program's (CTFP) Regional Traffic
Signal Synchronization Program (RTSSP), or Project P, 2015 Call for Projects, this
project involving six (6) agencies commenced in August 2016. The City is proposing to
upgrade existing controllers at three (3) intersections (includes Yorba Street South at
Vandenberg Lane). The City is also proposing to install fiber optic cable in new and
existing conduit and upgrade communication at all three (3) intersections. Construction
is underway and will be completed by Summer 2019.
• Accessible Pedestrian Signal (APS) Device Installation (CIP No. 70236): To
provide for all users of Tustin's public facilities, audible4actile pedestrian push buttons
will be installed at signalized intersections with major pedestrian activity within the city.
Along with the installation of APS buttons and where necessary, pedestrian heads will
be replaced with countdown type units. Units have, recently been installed at Tustin
Legacy intersections and along Edinger Avenue. Work has begun in high-pedestrian
areas such as near schools and commercial areas. The Intersections at the boundaries
maintained by Tustin anticipated to be complete.next.
A. Vintage Active and Complete Permits Exhibit
B. Levity Active and Complete Permits Exhibit
C. Tustin Legacy Map and Project Table
D. Pacific Center East Specific Plan Area Map
d 1 �
15 22 29 LQT A 35
Mi 47 533 34 32 34 B _23 0 _ 1
21 57
21 261 21 cuerRot 21 41 28 21
1� 12 �� a 2� 2 32 1 A MI
42 _ 1
21 2 1 261 21 21 2g - ._ rFF9w. 41I;
R,5, 12
11 �9 26 139 1 is
6 13 IJ 27 � [34
4 "40 6F411
6�21 21 211 41 � 61
M41 ai s� LOT 1 21 61 i
-- — 6 r 11
r7 33 �$ 70 � � 63
777 �� �� 21Ln
_ w
3183 B5
' 'fib * 7 8�
_ 7QA
271 g-
V T LOT �+ �7
Vintage _ _� _ _
O) C'V
Active Permits
— Completed �o -
April 29, 2019
TP, iia t
~� f
�_r— ...:/ '/ �.__�- Jit.`• f�I'_,_ - - :.r. � _�... ,. ,r.
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1 � _
1 �\
Active Permits
Completed -7
�1�� April 29,2019 . .
' 1. Heritage Elementary 1
___--- — — 2.Veterans Sports Park
3.OC Social Services 1
� - -- I 4.City of Tustin Facility
tarp 1 S. OC Rescue Mission
7 Ili 22
12 ' 6.ATEP Campus (SOCCCD)
► G{17
7.OC Animal Care Facility �
++ The -
Village) l 8. Rancho Santiago College I
at TusDistract Sheriff's Training
Heritage Legat: I Facility
Schoolw 17 ! 23 : 1 9a. Flight-Business/ 1
j I ' Office/R&D,approx,860,000sf
Vewra"s, 14 y ' 9b.Cornerstone 2
Sports Park + 1 ' Business/Office/R&D i
1.7 Legacy 1
i Magnet l 10.Columbus Square-1,075 1
School y-- I Residential Units
1 11. Fire Station tt 37 I
6 19 ! i I 12.The Village at Tustin
RTCP 27 l r 24 1 Legacy-Shopping Center
Grxen,.�uy j I
Campus "' P.A q ! 1 I 13.OC Regional Park '
Greenwood I +' 14. Legacy Magnet School
/• I 15. Neighborhood D
20 at Tustin 1
7 15 Anton Legacy �" I Community Core-Mixed-use
Legacy I Urbon Village 1
Apartments .,�,•'� f ? 1 16.Amalfi Apartments-533 1
r �'+—" / I f r:: 1 Residential Units 1
1$ 17. Neighborhood G- 1
e Mixed-use Transit i
16 I r-...�„� ���r.,„_. 18.Jamboree Housing-114
Apartments r ! I Affordable Residential Units
9b „ I 19. Greenwood-375
1 I Residential Units&Greenwood I
1 I `' 1 Park
Columbus Grove �'” 1 20.Anton Legacy 1
57 I� Id ! (city of Irvine)
Apartments-225 Affordable
9 Residential Units& Victory Pork
Flight at 1 r - ` I 21.The District-Shopping 1
I. h x C?? I I
2 5 g, Tuscin a 3Temp,City of Tustin j 1 Center
tegacy Service yard/ la ! ,! 1 22.Tustin Field I-376 l
Homeless Shelter
Residential Units
1 23.Tustin Field 11-189 1
1 Residential Units
BUILT AND ENTITLED PROJECTS mor.= , 1 24.Columbus Grove-465 1
I Residential Units 1
'� '°° "'0O I 25.Tustin Legacy linear Park '
26.Army Reserve Center l
27. Levity in Tustin Legacy-
1 218 Residential Units l
Map Project Description and Status
1 Heritage Elementary. Heritage School is now open as a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts,
School Math) Elementary School.
2 Veterans Sports Park The Veterans Sports Park is a plan for a 31.5-acre park which will serve the
recreational needs of the surrounding community. It will offer a wide variety of facilities
including lighted soccer fields, ballfields, tennis courts, basketball courts, sand
volleyball courts, and pickelball courts. A children's play environment, splash pad, and
picnic areas are also proposed, as well as a Veterans Memorial Plaza. Grading work
is complete at the site, and bids have been collected for Phase II of the project (which
includes construction of the ball fields and equipment). Construction of the park has
commenced, and it is estimated that construction of the park will be complete during
early 2020.
3 OC.Social Services The Tustin Family Campus for Abused.. and Neglected Children involves a multi-
1 treatment campus which includes residential buildings and stand-alone homes, and
a campus service center with a total capacity to serve 90 beds for abused and
neglected children and their parents as well as emancipated_ youth. This project is
4 : Future City of Tustin The City of Tustin acquired this property through a recent land exchange with the
Facility South Orange County Community College District. The future use of this building is
yet to be determined.
5 Orange County Rescue.
The Village of Hope facility is a 387-bed transitional home.for the homeless which .is
Mission operated by the Orange County Rescue Mission. This project is complete.
6 ATEP Campus Construction is now complete for the first ATEP building which now houses career
technical programs for Irvine Valley College.
7 Orange County Animal This new facility, which is replacing the former facility in Orange, is now open as of
Care Facility March 25, 2018.
8 Rancho Santiago This Sheriffs Training Facility/Academy is now complete.
College District Sheriffs
Training Facility
9a Flight at Tustin Legacy This development proposal includes_ a variety of uses such as: creative office uses; a
(Formerly Cornerstone food hall; and, conference center including a connection 'Into Tustin Legacy Park.
�) Construction of Flight is now underway, with an anticipated completion date during
the first quarter of 2019.
9b Comerstone 2 Phase two of the Cornerstone development will consist of a variety of uses including
research and development, office, and specialized employment uses.
10 Columbus Square 1,075 residential units are now complete within this neighborhood. {
11- Fire Station #37 Orange County Fire Authority Station #37 moved from its old location off of Red Hill
Avenue to this new location at Edinger/Kensington Park Dr. The Fire Station is now
12 The'Village at Tustin. Construction of the Hoag facility has been completed. The center is considered to
Legacy be complete, with the exception of the Health South (acute care) facility, which is
anticipated to commence with grading of their site'in the near future.
13 Orange County The County of Orange has future plans for an 84.5-acre regional park to be located
Regional Park surrounding the North Hangar. A concept plan has been-approved by the OC Board
of Supervisors. Please visit ocparks.com for further details on this proposed project.
14 Legacy Magnet The Tustin Unified School District (TUSD) is currently working on the design of a new
Academy magnet school called Legacy Magnet Academy, which will be a TIDE school focusing
on Technology, Innovation, Design, and Entrepreneurship. A groundbreaking for the
site was held on March 13, 2019, and construction of the new,school is'anticipated to
be complete in 2020.
Mixed-Use Urban A mixed-use urban village concept within the community core of Tustin Legacy is
Village (Neighborhood proposed. Next steps will include the preparation of a concept plan and business plan
15 D Community Core) as the basis for development of the urban village.
16 Amalfi Apartments' The Irvine Company has constructed a new apartment community consisting of 533
units adjacent to The District at Tustin Legacy.
17 Neighborhood G This remaining residential core consists of 1,097 residential units. This area will
provide a range of housing types including senior housing, detached and attached
single-family, multifamily, affordable housing, and mixed-use commercial
opportunities. As a transit oriented community, this neighborhood will provide access
between the Tustin Metrolink and the Tustin Legacy area.
18 Jamboree Housing Preliminary plans have been submitted 'by Jamboree Housing to provide 114
affordable rental housing units within Tustin Legacy in.the area between Anton Legacy
Apartments and The District at Tustin Legacy. The submitted plans are currently under
review by City Staff.
19 Greenwood in Tustin A total of 375 detached homes have been built by CalAtiantic Homes. Construction of
Legacy& Greenwood the homes is now complete.
20 Anton Legacy St. Anton Partners has completed construction of their 225 unit affordable
Apartments &Victory apartments,and Victory Park is now open.
21 The District at Tustin This Class-A Retail Development project has been completed. The District at Tustin
Legacy Legacy offers a variety of retail services, restaurants, and entertainment venues.
22 Tustin Field 1 376 residential units are now complete.
23 Tustin Field 11 189 residential units are now complete.
24 Columbus Grove 465 residential.units are now complete,
I _
25 Tustin Legacy Linear The City of Tustin is proposing to construct and maintain a 26-acre park and
Park stormWater detention basin. Construction of Phase I of the park (detention basin) is
.complete, with Phase li of the park (landscaping through Armstrong Avenue, parking
lot, restroom facilities) is anticipated to commence along with completion of the Flight
project during mid-2019.
26 Army Reserve The U.S. Army has relocated from their= current Army Reserve Center located on
Relocation Barranca Parkway adjacent to The District shopping center,to a new location at the
north east comer of Red Hill Avenue and Warner Avenue.
27 Levity in Tustin Legacy In January 2018, the City Council approved the development of a new 218-unit
residential community by CalAtlantic Homes, on an approximately 20-acre lot,
bounded by Tustin Ranch Road, Victory Road, Moffett Drive, and Park Avenue. This
project features three new neighborhoods: Fleet at Levity — townhomes; Velocity at
Levity — flats; and, Icon at Levity — single family homes. Construction of the model
homes, and the first phase of development, is in progress.
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