HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPEAKER FORMS 6-11-19 ............ ....................---------..................................................... Oil CITuIs TIN REQUEST T SPEAK, P ro vid n g�th e fo 1,1 owi ng i nfo,rm a tio n i s strictl y vo I u�n'ta ry, 0,n I y yo u r n a m e wil I a p pe a r i n th e offillcial Minutes of this Meeting. The other informatJoin may be u by staff to contact you., Please complete,andl submit thisfog m to the Cfty Clerk/Reco rdin ecretary,, I`lf I AGENDA ITEM NO, 13 IIINIRPUBLICINPUH 0�11111 ,IN FAVOR OR OPPOSITION TO MATTER?, DA MS,DATE,-40PI'llo? NAME, ORGANIZATION (if applicable) .......... %�„/ � ,.,�, H0MEMORK ADDRESS ' C[TY/ZIIP CODE 11V/ 11 HOMEMORK PHIONE NO.' E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate,one) OilCITY US IN RE,QUEST TO SPEAK n Providing the following il form,afion,is,stnictly voluntary. Only YOUr name will appear in the official Minutes this Meeting. The other information,may,be used by staff to,contact you., s—f r the Cfty,ClerklRecording Secretary. Please,complete and sul AGENDA ITE ko I PUBLIC INPUTO IN FAVOR El OR OPPOSITION TO MATTER? TODAY S DATE ORGANIZATION NAME (if applIcable) HOMEMORK ADDRESS CODE HOMEWORK'PRONE NO. AIL,ADD E-MRESS .............— ............ (please indicate one) f I' 1; I �1 TuSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK i I 1�'I ,0 Providing the following inf rmation,is,strictly voiluntary,. Only your name will appear in the I ormation may be used by Staff to cion'taict you' official Minutes of th"s Meeting. The,other in�f i Please complete i this the Citylk/R . i c nary. AG E N DA I'T'E N 4"" PUBLIC INPUITO lei IN FAVOR I POSITI � -T MATTER? TODAYS,DAT � „w � , NAME GRGANIZATION X) (if applicable) �i� I EWORK ADDRESS � �� � � 'Deas Indicate one); .......---------------------------- � � I I1.. OF, TuSTIN I I I r REQUEST � w �w r {{ I Providing the following in orm n is strictly voluntary,, Only your narrie will appear in the offi ciA t � � e �n "h other, or n miat ion m used staff yin , c c �' u. I i Please complete and submit this form to the City, Clea co ng Secretary. J „�,�w^�r�.,wwrev-x�an wxn.»nnrm nw�m.xx�ra wv�or�.rtro raw�w w�,�.o-w-+r w�,.�w�,w,a ewr�nw�.�r:iwe r r,xwra He.�Mw-,uw:w.e�uwxµ.xuw::�rv:umu uw��.a, w fdV'ammroxVVreVmw�vkw rc:2x unmx�u wa x�v m�.Vr W.M M+M'wwwpw.x':ex�w re�xngm�u arM p.wwmrv�vv m-uu�m wV rv�w ui.ww+,aw Vewwmu'iv IVY rr+wwrowxrem ox aw�N rh... i AGENDA,ITEM NO. 0 PUBLJC INPLIT x en�rvVu w-mw wn muu.w Va axpxm Lx�x ub'uw VMx M'wwA!x V'x M.VV wpx Vx�w amYa xwwxa�VxNww ervpwnq p.4 wvp mwrvnwumrv:d wmxnw.d=mWe wV'x Vd Mnmvx X' 4r✓�'N�ro�nn ih4 wn namaw iV wu rvVm�axwaM�wY.Yw.tl NVw lq m�N,rr.4�pq awW�n�.wpN w1 o-w4ww �yaxq ry,:nHµ,w Mb+w,:5,q:1�'MMwse w.5w'd.x.V a eiw w.r.rvwnxV nw..w�. ,,. 1 1 I 1 IN FAVOR IPO STI ERI TODAYS DATE AA NAME ORGANIZATION I. I �IjvClTYHOMEMORK ADDRESS �I OI � E-MAIL,ADDRESS lease,indicate n �. .............. CITY OF TuSTIN REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the,following infomia,filon is strictly voluntary., Only your,name will appear in the, offi 'tact yo,u c"al Minutes ofthis Meeting. The other information may be used bystaff�to con , ,a , the Please complete,and submit,t?hi, the City,ClerklRecordingi Secretary. 1,,Wo AGENDA I'TEM NO. PUBLIC INPUTIII IN FAVORe, GR OPPOSITION Ej,TO MIAT TIER? TODAYS DAT'E ....... NAME, ORGANIZATION (if applicable) H0,MENVORKADDRIESS, ITY/ZI I P C 0 D E ............ HO,ME/WORS,PHONE NO. <" E-MAIL ADDRIES$ (pilease indicate one) CITYOF TuSTIN �,M M�iw.�ia✓mw i REQUEST TO SPEAK Providing the, I nrv�x I foillowing informia,tionits, st'rictily voluritary. Only,your namieill appear 'in the I official Mlinuth Meeting. The other informationcontact I complete and submit ithis form to the City Clierk/Riecording, Secretary. m 49 w'x a.NSW SWXui§"w.W ki Wayn.M.W�pWiwµY MM WW's/iWk WW IYWY kN.4 w✓ XWM�wpv aYn WwMt wr uaw M�µw xvxwM M�wM XY x7xx rM UWM*�nwrv'W WM uxX WN!41x!4Ww'4&aX rom Xw YW.NWMm ax xxMXwM ww xM nmWw^n MwI NWMgr1�Wb4 Nwwe NWr NAWW4N.VW 9.pXMr W M 4.. AGENDA,ITEM NO. PUBLICUBLI INPUTO �t MWnuX-uvr,maWw MawxWM WwWw weWxM x-Www w'+uW M.»'MMww W'x WM+9u4w w4W2W1,rv.VMo44f nN�'WJI WdaWa ruwM,4f4,µ.g wwvsMµvu N�?WPWWvWWWn wr 4�N4f'9 wN.X XNb aaX H+'W+u MW WxvgfWWu.MDMe�,W ahW-M-i,�nuns;ro.m:.x�u Wea Wfi,ti's bXµXWtPo xr XMWUWa=M-wri wMMno au'wM:vbrva�ww xwx'.,wry ww ww+M,.I�Wu qaw eu mmM X4a.,kk aµev.µwu r.e::,q M✓uW x.,.aµ.Wn ; i� u �m,Wa�.nmmma�m�.muiprviµun f I k IN FAVORRT106 TO, ER? TODATS DATA ,W I NAME ORGANIZAT,ION, applicable) HOMEMORK ADDRESS tiuuv i NY� OM R ..PHONE NO. E-MjAIL ADDRESS `.. Ii (pleaseindicate to one I, --------------- ...... CITY OF TuSTIN REQUEST TO, SPEAK W Providing the follo, ing informatioln is,strictly,voluntary. Only youir name will appear in the o fficia 11 M in utes ofthis Meeting- The other info rm ation m ay,be used by st,aff to contact yo u. Please complete an *Xf t,,o,,the,City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGEN�kITEM NO%,0 PUBLIC INPUT[] IN FAVOR,n,00�OR OPPOSITION El,TO MATTER? TODAY DATE NAME ORGANIZATION cif 'plica' HOME E-MAL ADDRESS (pleaseindicate ............ f------------ CITY OF TuSTIN yxo laR,EIQU''irm ST TO SPEAK Providin the follo,w'ing 'i'nfio,r,m�a,tl*lon is strictly voluntary. Only your name will appear in the olff i ' Minutes this Meeting. The other 11*nfused you., completen form to,the, City Clerk/14jecord""ng Secretary. i a wauw-na��w rcwfewnw,wn n�rxw�.p-�-ux eu�n�ina-+MwMMt IYw M�F�F,irW4A 6M FN40��hw4w0 u1 f�4�V�eW#Nf WSMst$�.+W.maN Mnw B.W4��rb BuanwwWW�M%w.m uw�uxgwN�d pwxu�-n-M�".rc.nreuxre.n-nµrv�.mnxnx w:a..n..u, nwxwreM<.pp qr xx uea,d,�v..w xre x..e..w�tiaw rent xuxn,q444ww�wYvn,.abwX row awl•.I,W�µ4Nm�d��A��4p�Y�H�Y 4�tl��M1 ENu 4M e.�¢aixu 4a16M"e,i� I! I I AGENDA,ITEPUBLIC INPUTO h N FAVOR OR OPPOSITION� TO MATTER?, TODAYS DT , NAM El ORGANIZATION, (if applicalble), CITY/ZIP O O K E . ease lindicate one II CITY uSTIN QUI SPEAK Providling the,following ifformation is st,,r,ii'c,'t,,I'Y'V"OlILintary'. Only,your name�mill appear in the official Minutes of thils,Meeting The other,information may,be used by staff to contact yo I., Please com plete and submit this,form, City Clerk/Recording Secretary. AGENDA ITEM N"'O., PUBLIC INPUT 0 ........... IN FAVOR OR OPPOSITION A�TOK�'ER? TODAYS DATE,— NAME ORGANIZAT10N Jif applicable) (pleaseAndicate one) ......... ....... .......... Ii 4 CITY OF, T STIN REQUEST' 'TO SPEAK Providithe following information,is strictly vowintary. Only your,name will,appear in the offi c 'o,c o nt,-c ct,you iall Mlnutes ofthis Meetingr iri . The othenf maton may be used by staff t, I Please,complete and submiis foro the Cirk/Recorlding Secretary. AGENDA IT _IC INPUTO IN FAVOR D OR OPPOSRION T MATTER? TODAYS DATE NAME LAVvy)"I'fk,4, ORGANIZATION (Kapplicable) HOMENVORK ADDRESS E-MAIL ADDRESS (please indicate oneI. ), .......... ------------------..................... .............. .................. ---------------- CITY OF TUSTIN REQUES ' TO SPEAK Providing the following inJon is Witty voluatary. Only,your nca me will appear ini the offlicial Minutes of this Meeling. The other information rnay be,useld by staff'to contact you. Please complete and slubmit,this form t Cilty Clerk/Recording Secmtary. AGENDA IT NO,., PUBLIC INPUT 0 ER? IN FAVOR 0 OR OPPOSITIONI TO )kTT TODAYS DATE NAME ORGANIZATION (if applicable) HK " OMEWORADDR —,CITY/ZIP CODE 1-1101iiiii/lE/WORK E-MAIL, (pilease'find licate,one), --------- CITY OF, TIN REQUESTTO SPEAK Providing thefb4lowing information is strictly voluntary. Only,your,name will appear in the official Minutes of this Meefing. The other informiation may be used by staff to contact you., Plewse clompleteand submit thisi rkiRerdirig Secretry. ...f6irm,to the its Clecoa C AGENDA ITEM NO. PUBLIC INPUT)0E 1"77 I T �3.`7TO MATT E R"? TODYDATE N FAVOR, OR,OPPOSTION AS C, NAME� ORGANIZATION (if applicabl,e) HOMEMORK ADDRESS, C1TY/ZI1P CODE HOMEMORKPHONE Na. E-MAIL ADDRES, (please indicate one) ------ ............ I rrr�ra �� �r 1 11 I r %�ili r ria r'; /rir�i iu/rir CITY OF, Tu,s,,T,`,1,,N i i I REQUEST SPEAK I Providing o 611 i iina I Ir' is strictty,voluntary'. ily your name will,, appear W � n� he r`i official al iu s ` ,�i s tNl. e i I p 'The ott' e I orilu ir A . be used s , cointacl you. Please G complete ,U+ po i'this 1 Clierx"Recording t"a AGENDA IT"EM NO, PUBLIC INPUT G.( �o �� �„�� OSIT J&'T0 r w VOR I , a I A ME St „ x i �u,�s"" �N'a�i�a�;� �Ivry-�I� �� I I ro P l i' a' i ) , ES HOMEWORK PHONE u ID n ' III fease Indicate