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The Zoning Administrator of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows:
I. The Zoning Administrator finds and determines as follows: i
A. That.a proper application for a large family day care permit was filed by
Dona and Don Algama to authorize the establishment of a large family day
care home: caring for up to fourteen 1 .children, at the residence located
t 13361 Coral Reef Revd within the Single-Family Residential R-1 zoning
district. The applicant is currently operating a large family day care home at
13552 Uft Drive, hich' fill cease when the.proposed location is approved.
B-. That the State of California Health and Safety code Section 1597.43(a)
states that large family day care homes operat d under the standards of the
State laver constitute accessory uses of residentially zoned and occupied
properties and do not fundamentally alter the nature of the underlying
residential uses.
C. That the proposed large family day care home complies with the intent of the
State Legislature as stated within the Health and Safety Code which states,
"Family day care homes for children should be situated in normal residential
surroundings so as to give children the home environment which i
conducive to healthy and safe development."
D. That Health and Safety Code Section 1597.46(x)(3) permits a Dual agency
to apply "reasonable" restrictions related to the use of single-family
residences for family day care homes to ensure compatibility with other uses
in the vicinity.
.E. That pursuant to the Tustin city Code (TCC) Section 9223a6, large family
day care homes are a permitted use in the Slagle-Family Residential R1
Zoning District, subject to the criteria contained within Section 9271 aaI.
F. That thero oed use is consistent with the General Plan and TCC in that
p p
the property has a land use designation of "Low Density Residential" and
zoning designation of "Single-Family. which hich provides for the
establishment of large family day care homes, when in compliance with
local ordinances.
G. That pursuant to TCC Section 9271 a a 1 a and Section 1597.46(a)(3) of the
State Health.and Safety Code, a hearing of the large family day care home
is required by the Planning Commission if the applicant or property owner
ithin 106 feet of the subject property requests such a bearing.
AA 19-004
LFD-201 9-00002
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H. That all property n rs within a 1 -foot radius of the exterior property
boundary of the site were notified of the'intent to establish a large family day
care home and no request for a public hearing was received.
I. That, as conditioned, the large family day care home use will not be
detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, and general welfare of the
persons residing or working in the . neighborhood or be injurious or
detrimental to property or improvements in the vicinity or to the welfare of
the city of Tustin in that:
1) The proposed large family day care home use, as conditioned, would
be subject to maintaining an ambient noise level in accordance with
the City of Tustin's Noise Ordinance and, therefore, the use would
not-have a negative effect on the surrounding properties.
2) No other legally established large family day care homes exist within
i three hundred (300)feet of the subject property.
3 The play yard area is enclosed by the existing galls of the house and
two 2 gates facing the adjacent streets. The play yard area' is
further enclosed by a small fence around the 500-square-foot area.
4) No swimming pool or spa currently exists on the site, and none shall
be constructed as long as a large family day care is operating at the
5) The subject property has been inspected by Building Division staff
and the existing structure appears to be substantially in compliance
with the building code in effect at the time of construction.
6) As conditioned, one 1 space on the driveway of the property shall
remain open and available for parking use of any employee who
does not reside at the premises, if needed.
7 As conditioned, a minimum of one 1 space on the driveway of the
property directly in front of the garage shall be provided for the drop
off and pick up of children. Presently, all three 3 day care
employees reside at the residence; therefore, the site accommodates
two 2 spaces on the driveway of the property for drop-off/pick up of
children. Additional drop-off/pick-up area may be provided
immediately adjacent to the site. In addition, implementation of
staggered drop-off/pick-up times for clients will ensure sufficient
loading area for children and prevent an cverconcentraticn of
vehicles at the site.
8) The applicants have operated an existing large family clay care home
use at 13552 Utt Drive and has been licensed by the State of
California since January 7, 2013. The city has not received any
ZAA 19-004
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complaints, regarding the current location. The proposed farge, farnfly,
day, care home use, as conditioned, rrieets the local zoning
requirements and would', be subject to addiltional licensing and
inspections by the State of California Department of'Social Services.
9) If at any time In the future th,. , City is made aware, and concurs that
the large family day care home is, not, operating in compliance with
ocal ordinances d conditions imposed,, the Opr *ect may be birought J
before, the Planning Commission for potential revoicaflan
proceedings, to, determine if said use is operated in a, manner
detrimental to tealth, safety or welfare, of the community or
surrounding properties.
G. That Pursuant to HSC, Section 1597.46(c), a la,rgle family day care home,
shall not be subject, to the, provisions of Division 13ecommencing with
Section 21000) of the Public Resources, Code [California Emir onmereal
Qua,l fty Act]. Add itilona lily, per Section 152714 of the, Gu"defines for, the,
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Fami1y Day Care, Homes are
statutorily exempt., Since family day care homes, are, exempt,from CE,Q,,A,,, no
further environmental analysis related 'to traffic, noise,, circulation and
parking should be considered by the Ciri,,or to, consi'dering the project'.
11. The, Community Development Dep a rtmient hereby approves Large Family, Day
Care (LF'D) 210,19-001002 to authorize the establishment of a, large, family day care
gle-tamily residence
home, caring for up, to fourteen (14) children, at the existing sin
located at 1366 1 Coral Reef'Road, subject,to the followire g cond,itions:
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Zoning Administrator of the City of Tustin at, a regular
meeting, held on the, 161 day of Juily,, ,20119.
4' f1tC, R ERA A E)46'\'
ZAAI 19-0,04
,F -2011 9-00,0102
Page 4
irtify that, I am the, Riecording Secretary ofthe
I e s nIoi, the und ed, hereby cle
V ra Tj, carei, ersign
Zoning Adminlistrator of the City of, Tustin, California; thatZo,n*n,g Adm"nistrator, A,ct*on No.
19-004 passed and, adopted at a regular, meeting, of the Tustin Zoning Administrator, held
on the Ist day of July, 2019.
VERA IT!tIdARffN6,1�"A\\�,
[ 1.1 The proposed use shall substantially conform to the submitted plans for
the project date staimped July 1, 2019, on file with the Community
Development Department, except as herein modified, or as modified b
the Director of Community Development in accordance with this Exhibit.
The Director of Community Development may also approve minor
,modifications to plans or use if such modifications are consistent with the
provisions of the Tustin City code and other applicable codes.
(1) 1Unless otherwise specified, the conditions contained in this Exhibit shall
be complied with as specified for the project, subject to review and
approval by the Community Development Department.
.'1 13 This approval shall become null and void unless the use is established
within twelve 12 ,months of the date of this Exhibit. Time extensions
may be granted if a written request is received by the Community
Development Department within thirty (30) days prior to expiration.
(1) 1.4 Approval of Large Family Day care Permit (LFD) 2019-00002 is
contingent upon the applicant and property owner signing and-returning to
the Community Development Department a notarized "Agreement to
Conditions Imposed" fora, and the property owner signing and recording
with the County Clerk-recorder a notarized "Notice of Discretionary
Permit Approval and Conditions of Approval" form. The forms shall be
established by the Director of Community-Development, and evidence of
recordation shall be provided to the Community Development
(1) 1. As.a condition of approval of LFD 2019-00002, the applicant shall agree,
at its sole cost and expense, to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the
City, . its offs ers, employees, agents, and consultants, from, any claim,
action, or proceeding brought by a third party against the City, its officers,
agents, and employees, which seeks to attack, set aside, challenge, void,
or annul an approval of the-City council, the Planning Commission, or
any other decision-„ raking body, including staff, concerning this project.
ZAA 19-004
(1) 1.6 Any violation of any of the conditions imposed is subject to the issuance
of an administrative citation pu rsuant to Section 1162 a of the Tustin City
Code (TCC). Approval of LFD 2019-00002 shall serve as a pre-citation
notice pursuant to section 1 12e of the TCC.'
(1) IJ The applicant shall be responsible for costs associated with any
necessary code enforcement action, including attorneys' fees, subject t
the applicable notice, hearing, and appeal process.as established by the
City Council by ordinance.
(1) 1.8 LFD 2019-00002 may be reviewed on an annual basis, or more often 'if
necessary, by the Community Development Director and/or City
Engineer. The Community Development Director and o� City Engineer
shall review the use to ascertain compliance with conditions of approval.
If the use is not operated in accordance with this permit or is found to be a
nuisance or negative impacts are affecting the surrounding tenants or
neighborhood, the Community Development Director shall impose
additional conditions to eliminate the nuisance or negative. impacts, or
may initiate proceedings to revoke the permit.
(1) 1. Pribr to commencing pperation of a large family day care home, the day
care home shall pass final inspection from the Community Development
Department, and the operator shall obtain a business license.
(1) 2.11 The maximum number of children cared for in the large family day. care
home shall be fourteen (14), or as defined by the State of Californian
Health and Safety Code. ,
(1) 12 if the applicant employs any persons not residing at 13361 Coral Reef
Road, the applicant shall provide one (1) off-street parking space for each-
employee not residing at the property.
(1) The hours of operation of the large family day care home shall be limited
to :00 a.m. t :00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
(1) 14 A minimum of one 1 spaces on the driveway directly in front of the
garage -of the property shall be provided for drop-off/pick-up of children.
The proposed operating plan identifies two 2 driveway spaces for drop-
rop_off pick-up of children. Additional drop-off/pick-up area may be provided
immediately adjacent to the site.
(1) 15The existing attached two-car garage shall be maintained and used for
parking accommodation at all times. The City of Tustin shall be permitted
to conduct a pragi,nspection to ensure compliance at any time. (See
TCC Section 923 (Table 1 .
AA 19-004
LFD- 9 1 V-9 V 902
(1) 2,6 Drop-off and pick-up times for each child/vehicle shall be staggered by at
least ten (1 0) minutes to prevent an overconcentration of vehicles at the
site t any given time. The applicant shall prepare and keep current a.
pick-up and drop-off schedule and make if available to the City upon
request. The schedule shall ensure that no more than one 1 vehicle is
scheduled to pick-up or drop off-during any 10-minute period. (See
Tustin City Code § 9263g (Table 1) and § 9271aa'l(b).)
(1) 21 The applicant shall obtain and maintain a carr nt license from the State
Department of Community Care Licensing Agency for a Large Family
Day Care home at the site. A copy shall be provided to the City prier to
final inspection and commencing operation of a large family day care
(1) 2,8 The large family day care use shall operate within all applicable State,
County, and Tustin City Codes. Any violations of the regulations of the
.Department of Community Dare Licensing, as they pertain to the
subject location, or of the City of Tustin, as they relate to the operations
of a large family day care home, may result in the revocation of the
subject Large Family Day care, as provided for by the TCD.
(1) 2,9 Noise associated with the large family day care home operations and
noise generated from on-site uses shall not exceed the standards of the
City of Tustin Noise Ordinance.
(1) The existing gates surrounding the play area shall be maintained in
good condition at all times.
1 2,11 Nubile the property is operating as a large family day care hone, n
swimming pool, jacuzzi/spa, or other water body shall be constructed:
and/or installed on the property.
(1) 2,12 The large family day care operation shall comply with the California J
Vehicle Code and local traffic control ordinances and traffic control
devices at all times.
1 2,13 The applicant shall conduct a client education program with all existing
and new clients of the day care facility. This shall include an information
sheet, including a pick-up and drop--off plan, to be reviewed and approved
by the Community Development Department, to be signed by each client
acknowledging the use restrictions on the project. The shuts shall be
kept on file by the applicant and be made available for review by the City
at any time. (See Tustin City Code § 923g (Table 1 and § 9271 a b .
(1) -2.14 All sle ping rooms shall be equipped with one 1smoke detector inside
and one 1 additional smoke detector in the common hallway(s) outside
the sleeping area. Carbon Monoxide detectors shall be installed in
ZAA 19-004
LFD-ro1 -0000
accordance with the latest edition of the California Building Code.
(1) All emergency egress windows for sleeping rooms shall be maintained at
all times and shall not be blocked by furniture.
13.11 At the time of building permit application, the plans shall comply with: the
latest edition of the codes, City Ordinances, State, Federal lavers, and
regulations as adopted by the City Council of the City of Tustin. At plan!
check, all exterior colors and materials shall be submitted for review and
approval by the Commu oity Development Department.
(1) 3. All proposed and unpermitted improvements to the property must b
reflected on plans when submitting into plan check.. Permits must be
ebtai'ned for all improvements. if no permit is obtained, improvement
must be removed and/or returned to previously permitted condition.
(1)- A Within forty-eight hours of approval of the subject project, the-
applicant shall deliver to the Community Development Department, a
cashier's check payable to the COUNTY CLERK in the amount f fifty
dollars ($60.00) to enable the City to file the appropriate environmental
documentation for the project. If within such forty-eight hour period the
applicant has not delivered to the Community Development Department
the above-noted check, the statute of limitations for any interested party to
challenge the environmental determination under the provisions of the
California Environmental Q uaIity Act could be%s ig n ifica ntly lengthened.