HomeMy WebLinkAbout17 SALARY MGMT & EXEC 02-07-05 AGENDA REPORT Agenda Item Reviewed: City Manager Finance Director MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 7,2005 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: SALARY AND BENEFIT RESOLUTION FOR MANAGEMENT AND EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES SUMMARY: Adoption of the attached Resolution will provide salary and benefit adjustments for Management and Executive Management employees pursuant to Council direction. RECOMMENDATION: Adoption of Resolution 05-22 amends the City's Classification and Compensation Plans and grants equity and Cost of Living salary and benefit adjustments for classifications in the City's unrepresented Management and Executive Management units, Adopting this Resolution also authorizes staff, if necessary, to adjust the Fiscal Year 2005/2006 budget to reflect the salary and benefit changes approved, FISCAL IMPACT: Approximately $96,500 (excluding roll-up costs) over the remainder of this calendar year. BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: The City has approximately 30 employees in its unrepresented "Management" unit. This unit is comprised of individuals that manage specific functional areas and/or sections of Departments within the City. The unrepresented "Executive Management" unit is comprised of the Assistant City Manger and six Department Heads. While most City employees are represented by labor organizations for purposes of negotiating changes to wages, hours and working conditions, these units have no such representation and rely upon the City Manager to ensure they are compensated in a fashion equitable to represented bargaining units. The last across the board Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) received by employees in these units was in September 2002, Some of our other employee groups have since received COLA adjustments pursuant to the Memorandums of Understanding or Resolutions applicable to their units, S:\City Council Agenda Items\2005\Agenda Report Management Exec Management 05,doc Management and Executive Management Salary and Benefit Resolution February 7,2005 Page 2 Pursuant to our Personnel Rules and Regulations, the City Manager is responsible for preparing the City's Compensation Plan and for making recommendations to the City Council after considering prevailing rates of pay for comparable work in public and private employment, including consideration of conditions of work as well as basic pay; to the current cost of living; to the suggestions of department heads; and to the City's financial condition and policies, Resolution 05-22 provides a COLA adjustment of 5.25% (effective December 27, 2004) and, in December 2005, allows the City Manager to provide salary increases, subject to market/internal alignment and satisfactory performance, of up to 3%; increases recommended above 3% require City Council approval. The Resolution also eliminates all City contributions to the City's current 401 (a) deferred compensation program and moves the equivalent contribution into base salary effective February 21, 2005. Consistent with other units, the maximum accumulation for General Leave will be capped at two and one-half times an employee's annual accrual rate, holidays have a value of nine hours, Bi-lingual Pay is included, there is a modest increase in retiree medical reimbursement and in the uniform allowance for sworn management and sworn executive management, and Education/Post Incentive Pay for Police Captains has been added. The attached Resolution follows the City Council direction provided to the City Manager for these units, We anticipate the costs associated with the Resolution can be absorbed by current departmental budgets. Staff believes adoption of this Resolution will ensure that our unrepresented "Executive Management" and "Management" employees are treated appropriately within the City's organizational structure and are provided fair and appropriate compensation and benefits in recognition of the duties performed by these individuals, Further, the increases in salary and benefits will enable us to continue to be competitive in our efforts to recruit and retain highly qualified individuals in our unrepresented "Executive Management" and "Management" units. Arlene Marks Gibbs, SPHR Director of Human Resources Attachment: Resolution 05-22 S:\City Council Agenda Items\2005\Agenda Report Management Exec Man~gement 05.doc RESOLUTION NO. 05-22 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN RELATING TO COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS FOR UNREPRESENTED EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT AND MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES, AND SUPERSEDING RESOLUTION 04-23. WHEREAS, the employees covered by this Resolution constitute executive management and management personnel; and WHEREAS, the City Council has consulted with the City Manager concerning the proposed employment terms contained herein; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tustin authorizes staff to implement the provisions of this Resolution and, if necessary, adjust the Fiscal Year 2005/2006 budget and the City's Classification and Compensation Plans to reflect the changes approved in this Resolution, and that the wages, hours and conditions of employment be adopted and set forth as follows: Section 1: BASIC CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PLANS There is hereby established a basic compensation for all "Executive Management" and "Management" employees of the City of Tustin who are now employed, or will in the future be employed in any of the classifications of employment listed in this Resolution and its attachments, Whenever the term "Executive Management" is used, it shall be understood to include the City Manager when the personnel action affects an "Executive Manager", Section 2: SALARY AND WAGE SCHEDULE/ADMINISTRATION Effective December 27, 2004 an across the board Cost of Living Adjustment of 5.25% (five and one-quarter percent) shall be granted to all unit employees (increase applied to the base salary rates of the classifications in the unit and the salaries of the incumbents in the classifications). Effective December 26, 2005, the City Manager may grant up to an additional 3.0% (three percent) based on market/internal alignment and subject to satisfactory performance. Any amount in excess of 3% must be approved by the City Council. The monthly salaries for employees covered by this Resolution are hereby incorporated, and listed in Appendix "A". This Appendix contains specific equity adjustments and incorporates the City's current contribution to a City sponsored deferred compensation plan (401 a) that will be eliminated effective February 21, 2005, S:\Management\management resolution05,doc Page1 of 16 The attached salary and wage schedules shall constitute the basic compensation plan consisting of five steps or rates of pay in each range, For all employees covered by this Resolution, the hourly rate of pay shall be the monthly rate multiplied by 12 divided by 2080 annual hours, When a regular unit employee is reduced because the position the employee occupied is reclassified (resulting in an involuntary demotion), and the salary of the employee is greater than the maximum rate in the new pay range, the salary of the employee shall be designated as a Y-rate and shall not change during continuous regular service until the maximum rate in the new pay range exceeds the salary of the employee or until 26 pay periods have elapsed, whichever is sooner. Section 3: DEFINITION As listed in Appendix "A", the classifications designated as "Executive Manage- ment" include the position of Assistant City Manager and those classifications designated by the City as a Department Head; the classifications designated as "Management" include all other classifications designated by the City as Management. The benefits and terms of employment of the City Manager shall be as set forth herein, provided that any contrary written terms established by the City Council, which provide a greater benefit than provided for in this Resolution, shall prevail. Section 4: EFFECTIVE DATES The effective date of each Section is February 7, 2005, unless otherwise stated herein. Section 5: MAINTENANCE OF EXISTING BENEFITS Except as provided herein, all compensation, hours and other terms and conditions of employment presently authorized for "Executive Management" and "Management" employees shall remain in full force and effect unless changed subse- quent to meetings between the City and representatives of the "Executive Manage- ment" and "Management" employees and/or by a subsequent Resolution adopted by the City Council. Section 6: FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT Classifications in "Executive Management" and "Management" are exempt from overtime compensation for purposes of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), S:\Managementlmanagement resolution05.doc Resolution 05.22 Page 2 of 16 Section 7: ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE Employees covered by this Resolution are compensated for meeting the requirements and performing the duties of his/her job regardless of the number or scheduling of hours worked, Such employees may be required periodically or routinely to work long or irregular hours, and to attend various meetings and functions outside of normal "business hours" to fulfill their responsibilities. No overtime compensation shall be provided for employees covered by this Resolution unless otherwise required by State or Federal law. In lieu of overtime compensation, the City will provide administrative leave as follows: A. Once annually, in January, forty (40) hours of Administrative Leave is granted to each employee in classifications covered by this Resolution, Employees who are hired or promoted to a classification covered by this Resolution after January shall have a prorated share of administrative leave granted at time of appointment (3.33 hours per month of time re- maining in calendar year of appointment). B. Additionally, each January, each "Executive Management" and/or "Man- agement" employee is eligible to receive up to an additional forty (40) hours of Administrative Leave pursuant to the recommendation of his/her Department Head or the City Manager with such recommendation based on the individual's prior years' job performance and his/her commitment of time dedicated to City business in excess of his/her regular work sched- ule. C. An employee whose performance is in need of improvement, pursuant to a performance evaluation, or a performance improvement plan, is not eligible to receive additional Administrative Leave. D. Administrative Leave must be used in the year it is granted; there are no carryover provisions. Use is completely discretionary upon the approval of the Department Head or the City Manager, Section 8: GENERAL LEAVE General Leave with pay shall be granted to each full-time regular and probation- ary employee at the rate listed below per year, prorated on a bi-weekly basis for each bi-weekly pay period in which the employee works, or is utilizing authorized paid leave time, more than half time. Periods of Service General Leave Hours Per Year Maximum Accrual 0-5 years 6-10 years Over 10 years 160 208 248 400 520 620 S:IManagementlmanagement resolution05.doc Resolution 05-22 Page 3 of 16 When appointing an individual to an "Executive Management" classification, the City Manager shall have the authority to consider employment from outside the City of Tustin from another city, district, special district or the state government. The City Manager may authorize an advanced accrual rate utilizing credit for prior years of public agency service towards the appointees' annual General Leave accrual rate if that public agency experience ended within 6 months of the date of employment with the City of Tustin. Each January, "Executive Management" may be entitled to two additional days of General Leave for satisfactory performance as determined by the City Manager; other "Managers" may be entitled to one additional day of general leave as determined by his/her Department Head, In April of each year "Management" employees may request to cash out up to one week's accumulation of General Leave time (forty hours). "Executive Management" and/or those "Management" employees with six or more years of service may request to cash out up to one additional week of General Leave accumulation (maximum total cash out eighty hours). Accrual and payout of General Leave is limited to a maximum of two and one- half times the employee's annual accrual entitlement. Designated regular part-time employees shall be eligible for General Leave ac- crual on a pro-rata share based upon allocation (i.e. a Y:, time employee shall receive a 50% allocation; a % time employee shall receive a 75% allocation). Section 9: TEXTBOOK AND TUITION REIMBURSEMENT A. Unit employees, who have completed his/her initial probationary period, are eligible for reimbursement for up to $1,000 dollars each calendar year if the employee is attending a community college or $2,000.00 each cal- endar year if the employee is attending a four-year college or university, If an employee attends both a community college, and a four-year college or university, in a calendar year the maximum reimbursement shall be $1500.00 per calendar year. B. Unit employees will be reimbursed upon receipt by the Human Resources Department of proof of successful completion of the course (final grade of "C" or better) and proof that payment of fees has been made. Eligible ex- penses eligible for reimbursement include tuition fees, textbooks, lab fees, or required supplies. C. Department Head and Director of Human Resources approval must be obtained before enrollment in the course, An approved course is one designated to directly improve the knowledge of the employee relative to his/her specific job. S:\Management\management resolution05.doc Resolution 05-22 Page4 of 16 D. Tuition reimbursement shall not be made if the employee is drawing vet- eran's education benefits or any other reimbursement for the same courses. F. Designated regular part-time employees shall be eligible for reimburse- ment on a pro-rata share based upon allocation (i.e. a Y:. time employee shall receive a 50% allocation; a 0/. time employee shall receive a 75% al- location). Section 10: UNIFORMS The City shall provide the Police Chief and the Police Captain classifications re- placement uniforms as needed. Additionally, these classifications receive an allowance of $16.50 per pay period (paid bi-weekly to a maximum $429 per year) for care and maintenance, Section 11: RETIREMENT A. The City shall continue to "pick up" and pay on behalf of each regular full time non-sworn unit employee the employee's required contribution to the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) 2% @ 55 Supplemental or Modified Formula for Local Miscellaneous Members in the amount equal to seven percent (7%) of the employee's "compensation earnable". B. The City shall continue to "pick up" and pay on behalf of each regular full time sworn unit employee the employee's required contribution to the Pub- lic Employees Retirement System (PERS) 3% @ 50 Formula for Local Safety Members in the amount equal to nine percent (9%) of the em- ployee's "compensation earnable". C. Designated regular part-time unit employees shall be eligible for participa- tion in PERS in the same manner as regular full-time employees. D. The employee is required to pay the cost of the 1959 Survivor Benefits Premium. Section 12: DEFERRED COMPENSATION - 401a Plan The 401(a) deferred compensation plan provides "Executive Management" and "Management" with a tax-deferred savings plan for future financial planning. Non-sworn "Executive Management" and "Management" employees receive a two percent (2%) deferred compensation contribution paid by the City with no match required; these employees are also eligible to receive an additional three percent (3%) deferred compensation contribution paid by the City on a dollar-for-dollar match basis with participation in one of the City's 457 deferred compensation programs. S:\Management\management resolution05.doc Resolution 05-22 Page 5 of 16 Sworn "Executive Management and "Management" employees receive a two and one-half percent (2.5%) contribution with no match requirement. All City contributions to the 401 (a) shall cease effective February 21, 2005. Section 13: SOCIAL SECURITY In the event the City and its employees are required to participate in the federal Social Security program, the City shall meet with "Executive Management" and "Man- agement" employees concerning implementation of the Social Security program, Section 14: MEDICARE Unit employees hired by the City on or after April 1, 1986, shall be required to pay the designated employee contribution to participate in the MediCare Program, and the City shall be under no obligation to payor "pick up" any such contributions. In the event unit employees hired prior to April 1, 1986, are required to participate in MediCare, the City shall meet with unit representatives prior to implementing this change. In the event the City is given the option to allow individual employees hired prior to April 1, 1986, to participate in the Medicare program, it shall do so, provided, however, that any employee who exercises this option shall pay his/her share and the City's share of Medicare contributions, Section 15: VEHICLE/EXPENSE ALLOWANCE Each employee designated as "Executive Management" shall have his/her personal vehicle available and shall utilize his/her personal vehicle for City business. Additionally, "Executive Management" employees typically incur other miscellaneous expenses associated with conducting City business, To cover these costs, "Executive Management" employees receive a $250.00 monthly vehicle/expense allowance. The City Manager shall promulgate rules and regulations, pursuant to the regulations of the Internal Revenue Code, for reporting and receipt of this allowance, In consideration of the duties associated with the classification, in lieu of this al- lowance, the classifications of City Manager, Police Chief and Police Captain are provided a City Vehicle. Section 16: HEALTH INSURANCE/FLEXIBLE BENEFITS PLAN Effective January 1, 2003, the City established a Flexible Benefits Plan, including the provision of a Flexible Benefits Contribution, for all regular "Executive Management" and "Management" employees in the amounts listed below, S:IManagementlmanagement resolution05.doc Resolution 05-22 Page 6 of 16 Each employee with a payroll deduction for medical, dental and/or other eligible insurance premiums shall have his/her Flexible Benefit Contribution and/or salary reduced by the amount of those deductions on a before-tax basis, A. Employees hired into a classification within "Management" on or after Sep- tember 4, 2002 shall be eligible for participation in the City's Flexible Benefit Plan and eligible to receive a Flexible Benefits Contribution based on en- rollment in a PERS medical plan as follows: Employee Only Employee + 1 Dependent $668 Employee + 2 or more Dependents $844 $384 Effective January 1, 2003, the Flexible Benefits Contribution for eligible "Executive Management" and "Management" employees occupying a classi- fication in this unit on or before September 3, 2002 (provided he/she con- tinues to occupy a classification in this unit) shall be as follows: Employee Only Employee + 1 Dependent $1168 Employee + 2 or more Dependents $1514 $584 B. Designated regular part-time unit employees shall be eligible for the flexible benefit plan contribution on a pro-rata share based upon position allocation (i.e, a Y, time employee shall receive a 50% allocation; a :y. time employee shall receive a 75% allocation). C. The Flexible Benefits contribution consists of mandatory and discretionary allocations which may be applied to City sponsored programs. This contri- bution includes any required minimum contribution for employee health in- surance required by PERS (for calendar year 2005, $48.40 is the City pay- ment toward employee medical insurance; for calendar year 2006 $64.60 is the City payment toward employee medical insurance). Employees may al- locate the remaining amOunt among the following City sponsored programs: 1. Medical insurance offered under the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act Program. 2. Dentallnsurance 3. Additional Life Insurance 4. Vision Insurance 5. Deferred Compensation 6. Section 125 Programs 7. Eligible Catastrophic Care Programs 8. Cash S:\Management\management resolution05,doc Resolution 05-22 Page7 of 16 Discretionary allocations are to be made in accordance with program/City requirements including restrictions as to the time when changes may be made in allocations to the respective programs. D. The Flexible Benefits Program is governed by Section 125 of the IRC, The City retains the right to change administrators. Participation in the Program is voluntary and such costs as may attend participation are to be paid by the employee. E. Employees who do not elect medical insurance through the program offered by the City shall receive $300 per month in lieu of the flexible benefits con- tribution, As a condition of receiving such amount, the employee must pro- vide evidence, satisfactory to the City, that he/she has medical/dental insur- ance coverage comparable to coverage available through the City program (see below). Designated regular part-time unit employees shall be eligible for the in-lieu flexible benefit plan contribution on a pro-rata share based upon position allocation (i.e. a y" time employee shall receive a 50% alloca- tion; a :y. time employee shall receive a 75% allocation). F. An employee may "opt-out" of the City's medical and/or dental plan under these conditions: 1. The employee must sign a document stating his/her desire to waive medical or dental insurance. 2. The employee must provide proof of other coverage, which shall be con- firmed by the City each year prior to open enrollment. 3. The employee may only re-enroll during a) annual open enrollment or b) upon loss of coverage in accordance with the underwriting guidelines for each of the City's health plans. Re-enrollment in plans may be subject to preexisting conditions, if established by the provider. Section 17: WELLNESS PROGRAM Unit employees are eligible to participate in the "Management Wellness Program". The City will contribute up to $400 toward the cost of a bi-annual health/wellness assessment. A unit employee may participate in the bi-annual program or utilize the benefit for his/her specialized needs, When utilized for specific needs, the content and extent of the examination of each individual shall be determined by the physician in charge and shall be tailored to the individual's particular needs. The employee may choose to have said examination performed by the physician of his/her choice or the City's designated medical provider. Reimbursement shall be provided only for non-reimbursed costs supported by submission of itemized receipts for the expenses incurred and an itemized Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from the employees' medical carrier. S:\Management\management resolution05.doc Resolution 05-22 Page 8 of 18 The City Manager shall promulgate rules governing the administration of this program in compliance with Internal Revenue Code regulations for reporting and receipt of benefits associated with this program. The bi-annual "Management Wellness Program" is offered in November/December of odd numbered years. Section 18: SHORT/LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE A. The City shall maintain a short/long term disability program providing eligible employees a benefit of 60% of base salary pre-disability earnings after a 30 day waiting period. Eligibility for benefits is subject to the STD/L TD carrier. B. All unit employees are required to participate in the program; premiums are deducted from the employee's pay on an after-tax basis. C. In the event an illness or injury is anticipated to exceed 30 days, and such illness/injury is not covered by other provisions of the City's Personnel Rules, Regulations and/or other policies, the employee is first required to utilize 80 consecutive hours of his/her general leave or other available leave during the 30 day period beginning with the first day of the leave, In the event no leave time is available the employee shall be on leave without pay, D. After the employees use of 80 leave hours the remainder of the 30 day elimi- nation period for the absence shall be paid by the City at the rate of 60% of the employees base salary pre-disability earnings. This City payment is tax- able income. The employee may supplement this City payment with general leave or other available leave to enable him/her to receive an amount equiva- lent to no more than 100% of his/her pre-disability earnings. E. In the event the employee is eligible for FMLA, such leave and any bene- fits/payment provided hereunder shall not be additional to other provisions of the MOU or the City's Personnel Rules, Regulations and/or other policies. F. In the event has worked for the City for less than 12 consecutive months and the employee is not eligible for FMLA, the City's will provide the employee the same health insurance benefits as provided while working for a period not to exceed 90 days, G. Once the employee is on leave without pay, or the first 80 hours of leave has passed (whichever occurs first), no general or other leave shall accrue to the employee. H. The employee may supplement the STD/L TD carrier's payment with general leave or other available leave to enable him/her to receive an amount equiva- lent to no more than 100% of his/her pre-disability earnings. S:\Management\management resolutionO5.doc Resolution 05-22 Page9 of 16 I. The employee is responsible for all benefit elections and payments during his/her leave unless he/she is eligible to opt out of such elections and chooses to do so. The employee will be provided a form to make such elec- tions. In the event the employee elects to continue his/her benefit elections, the employee is required to make timely payment to the City for such elec- tions (including the cost of the STD/L TD program), In the event timely pay- ment is not made, the City is authorized to reduce the employee's general leave and/or other leave accounts, in an amount equivalent to the premiums owed by the employee. In the event no general or other leave is available, the City is authorized to cancel the employee's coverage, J. In the event the employee has previously received payment by the City for the same illness/injury, the employee shall not be eligible for the City's 60% salary continuation nor 90 days of continued medical benefits. K. In no event shall an employee receive 90 days of continued CITY PAID medical benefits more than once in any rolling 12 month period. L. Should an employee receive 90 days of City paid medical benefits within the 12 month period prior to being eligible for this benefit pursuant to the FMLAlCFRA, and is then eligible to receive the benefit pursuant to the FMLAlCFRA, the employee shall reimburse the City for its' previous contribu- tion. Section 19: LIFE INSURANCE The City will provide life insurance on each life of each regular, permanent unit employee and pay the premiums thereof. The death benefit of said policy shall be the greater of $50,000.00 or one hundred percent (100%) of the employee's base annual salary to the nearest multiple of $1,000,00. The City provides Dependent Life insur- ance of $1,000. Designated regular part-time unit employees shall be eligible for employee life insurance on a pro-rata share based upon position allocation. The death benefit of said policy for part-time employees shall be the greater of $25,000.00 (for 1/2 time) or $37,500 (for 3/4 time). Section 20: CONSOLIDATED OMNIBUS BUDGET RECONCILIATION ACT OF 1985 Employees who are allowed to remain on a City health, dental or other insurance plan following separation from employment pursuant to the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA), may be charged the maximum rate permissible by law for such coverage (presently 102% of the premium for an active employee). S:\Management\management resolution05.doc Resolution 05-22 Page10 of 16 Section 21: HOLIDAYS The following days shall be holidays for which all eligible full-time regular and probationary unit employees will receive compensation either in payor paid time off. January 1 New Year's Day Third Monday in February Last Monday in May President's Day Memorial Day July 4 First Monday in September Independence Day Labor Day November 11 Veteran's Day Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Day Day following Thanksgiving Day December 24 Day after Thanksgiving Day Christmas Eve Holiday December 25 Christmas Day New Year's Eve Holiday December 31 When a holiday occurs on a Sunday, the following Monday will be observed instead. When a holiday occurs on a Saturday, the preceding Friday will be observed instead. When a holiday falls on a Friday that is not a workday the holiday will be observed on the following Monday. A holiday is equivalent in value to nine (9) hours, If an employee's scheduled day off falls on the day of the holiday, he/she shall ac- crue the holiday hours to his/her General Leave bank, In order to be eligible to receive holiday pay, an employee must have worked, or be deemed to have worked because of a lawful absence, the employee's regularly scheduled day before and the regularly scheduled day after the holiday. Should one of the holidays listed above fall during an employee's General Leave period while an employee is lawfully absent with pay, the employee shall receive holiday pay and no charge shall be made against the employee's accumu- lated General Leave. Designated regular part-time unit employees shall be eligible for holidays on a pro-rata share based upon position allocation (i.e. a 1/2 time employee shall receive a 50% allocation; a 3/4 time employee shall receive a 75% allocation). S:/Management/management resolution05.doc Resolution 05-22 Page11of16 Section 22: SEPARATION FROM EMPLOYMENT Unit employees who separate from employment by resignation, layoff or otherwise, shall be paid the balance of his/her accumulated General Leave credits at the salary rate in effect on the date of separation. In the case of the employee's death, the balance shall be paid to the employee's designee or, if none, to the employee's estate. Section 23: JURY DUTY When an employee is duly summoned to jury duty, he/she shall receive his/her regular pay for any regularly scheduled working hours spent in actual performance of such service. Employees who have the option to request call-in juror status shall exercise that option. Section 24: WORKERS' COMPENSATION PROGRAM The rules governing Workers' Compensation shall apply to "Executive Manage- ment" and "Management" employees. Section 25: PAYROLL SYSTEM The City shall utilize the biweekly pay system. Pay periods shall begin at noon every other Friday, and end at 11 :59 a,m, on the second Friday (i.e" 14 calendar days later) thereafter. Paydays shall occur on the Friday following the conclusion of each pay period, The one exception to this is when that Friday is a City holiday; the payday shall fall on the preceding business day. Section 26: ALTERNATE WORK SCHEDULES Unit employees are eligible for participation in the City's Alternate Work Schedule program, Such work schedules are subject to the needs of the department/City. The City Manager has the authority to implement rules/polices and procedures for Alternative Work Schedules for "Executive Management" and "Management" employees. S:\Management\management resolution05.doc Resolution 05-22 Page 12 of 16 Section 27: RETIREE HEALTH INSURANCE The City will reimburse eligible unit employees up to a maximum of $350.00 per month for the payment of PERS retiree medical insurance premiums for the employee and his/her spouse (reimbursement for a spouse is made only if the employee is also enrolled). Employees are eligible provided they have been continuously employed by the City of Tustin for five full years, and retire, and enroll in health insurance immediately after the conclusion of his/her service with the City of Tustin OR if the employee has been continuously employed by the City of Tustin for five full years, has reached age 50, elects to defer his/her PERS retirement and does not become employed by another California public agency prior to his/her retirement. Such contribution is in addition to the City contribution required to be made for eligible retirees under the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act Program and subject to the same conditions applicable to the PERS City contribution. Reimbursement shall not be made until an employee appears on the City's PERS insurance billing. Section 28: BEREAVEMENT LEAVE Unit employees are allowed up to three (3) days with pay for the purpose of be- reavement leave in the event of a death in the immediate family. "Immediate Family" shall be defined as including spouse, mother, father, brother, sister, child, grandparent, and grandchild of the employee or the employee's spouse. Designated regular part- time employees shall be eligible for bereavement leave on a pro-rata share based upon position allocation (i.e. a 1/2 time employee shall receive a 50% allocation; a 3/4 time employee shall receive a 75% allocation), Section 29: LTD LEAVE OF ABSENCE An employee receiving L TD benefits under the City's program may be granted a leave of absence without pay for the duration of his/her disability subject to a maximum period of six (6) months. Section 30: FAMILY LEAVE Consistent with requirements of the State and Federal Family Medical Leave Act(s), eligible unit employees shall have the right to up to twelve (12) weeks of unpaid leave for purposes of attending to personal or family illnesses. During the leave, eligible employees will continue to receive City contributions toward medical benefits, For all other purposes, State and Federal Family Medical Leave shall be treated the same as other unpaid leaves of absence. S:IManagementlmanagement resolution05,doc Resolution 05-22 Page 13 0f 16 Section 31: OTHER LEAVES The needs of the employee will be considered in the granting of leaves of ab- sence and unit employees may request a leave of absence without pay to serve as a volunteer for a certified relief organization. Section 32: LAYOFF POLICY, ASSISTANCE TO LAYOFFEES, AND SEVERANCE PAY Unit employees shall be governed by the same Reductions-in-force or Layoffs procedures and/or policies as established for general employees, Section 33: BI-LINGUAL PAY Unit Management Employees, who successfully pass the City's examination for conversational skill, in a language other than English (which the Human Resources Director has approved as being needed for City business), are eligible to receive $100 per month (paid bi-weekly @ $46.15 per pay period), as a bi-lingual pay incentive, Individuals are eligible to receive bi-lingual pay at the beginning of the first pay period after Human Resources receives the employee's test score demonstrating conversa- tional proficiency. The employee must, on a frequent and recurring basis, speak and/or translate by reading/writing one or more languages other than English in the perform- ance of his/her public contact duties with the City. The City Manager, or his/her designee, may limit the number of employee's eligible based on the needs of the City, Section 34: EDUCATIONAL/POST INCENTIVE PAY Police Captains, who have obtained a Masters' degree AND a Management POST Certificate, are eligible to receive Educational Incentive Pay equivalent to $500.00 per month ($192,31 per pay period), Incumbents occupying the classification of Police Captain prior to February 7, 2005 are eligible for Educational Incentive Pay if they have obtained a Management POST certificate OR have obtained a Masters' degree, Such employees are eligible to receive Educational/Post Incentive Pay at the beginning of the first pay period after Human Resources receives and certifies the employee has met all of the eligibility requirements, Section 35: OTHER BENEFITS Amendments pertaining to non-management, non-sworn employees made to the City Rules and Regulations, fringe benefits or other employment conditions shall also apply to "Executive Management" and "Management" employees. S:\Management\management resolution05.doc Resolution 05-22 Page 14 of 16 Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council held on the 7th day of February, 2005. LOU BONE Mayor PAMELA STOKER City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE) SS CITY OF TUSTIN ) I, Pamela Stoker, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 05-22 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the 7th day of February, 2005, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: PAMELA STOKER City Clerk S:\Management\management resolution05.doc Resolution 05-22 Page 15 of 16 APPENDIX A EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT MONTHLY SALARY RANGES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 21, 2005 New Step Step Step Step Step Classification Title Range A B C D E Assistant City Manager 979 $10,114 $10,632 $11,177 $ 11.749 $12,351 Dir. of Parks & Recreation 900 $ 8,304 $ 8,729 $ 9,176 $ 9,646 $10,140 Dir. Pub Works/City Eng. 955 $ 9,526 $10,014 $10,527 $11,066 $11,632 Dir. of Community Development 927 $ 8,883 $ 9,338 $ 9,816 $10,319 $10,847 Dir, of Human Resources 888 $ 8,059 $ 8.471 $ 8,905 $ 9,361 $ 9,840 Dir. of Finance 926 $ 8,861 $ 9,314 $ 9.791 $10,293 $10,820 Police Chief 979 $10,114 $10,632 $11,177 $11.749 $12,351 MANAGEMENT MONTHLY SALARY RANGES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 21, 2005 New Step Step Step Step Step Classification Title Range A B C D E Admin Services Manager 757 $ 5,810 $ 6,108 $ 6.421 $ 6.749 $ 7,095 Ass!. Director, Comm Dev, 854 $ 7.403 $ 7.782 $ 8,180 $ 8,599 $ 9,039 Ass!. Finance Director 753 $ 5.753 $ 6,047 $ 6,357 $ 6,682 $ 7,024 Ass!. Public Works Director 873 $ 7.762 $ 8,160 $ 8,578 $ 9,017 $ 9.479 Building Official 846 $ 7,256 $ 7,628 $ 8,018 $ 8,429 $ 8,861 Chief Deputy City Clerk 774 $ 6,062 $ 6,373 $ 6,699 $ 7,Q42 $ 7.403 Engineering Services Mgr 856 $ 7.440 $ 7,821 $ 8,221 $ 8,642 $ 9,085 Field Service Manager 797 $ 6.421 $ 6.749 $ 7,095 $ 7.458 $ 7,840 Maintenance Supervisor 657 $ 4,526 $ 4,758 $ 5,002 $ 5,258 $ 5,527 Police Captain 909 $ 8,492 $ 8,927 $ 9,384 $ 9,865 $10,370 Police Support Service Administrator 797 $ 6.421 $ 6.749 $ 7,095 $ 7.458 $ 7,840 Police Support Services Manager 731 $ 5.445 $ 5.724 $ 6,017 $ 6,325 $ 6,649 Principal Engineer 810 $ 6,632 $ 6,972 $ 7,329 $ 7.704 $ 8,099 Principal Planner 801 $ 6.485 $ 6,817 $ 7,166 $ 7,533 $ 7,919 Recreation Superintendent 760 $ 5,854 $ 6,154 $ 6.469 $ 6,800 $ 7,148 Recreation Supervisor 653 $ 4.481 $ 4.711 $ 4,952 $ 5,206 $ 5.472 Redevelopment Program Mgr, 824 $ 6,868 $ 7,220 $ 7,590 $ 7,979 $ 8,387 Sr. Human Resources Analyst 720 $ 5,297 $ 5,569 $ 5,854 $ 6,154 $ 6.469 Senior Planner 779 $ 6,138 $ 6.453 $ 6,783 $ 7,131 $ 7.496 Senior Project Manager 817 $ 6.749 $ 7,095 $ 7.458 $ 7,840 $ 8,242 Senior Public Works Inspector 685 $ 4,854 $ 5,103 $ 5,364 $ 5,639 $ 5,927 Sr, Info Technology Specialist 696 $ 4,989 $ 5,245 $ 5,513 $ 5.796 $ 6,093 Water Services Manager 873 $ 7.762 $ 8,160 $ 8,578 $ 9,017 $ 9.479 Water Maintenance Supervisor 677 $ 4.758 $ 5,002 $ 5,258 $ 5,527 $ 5,810 Water Treatment Supervisor 748 $ 5,681 $ 5,972 $ 6,278 $ 6,599 $ 6,937 S:\Management\management resolution05.doc Resolution 05-22 Page 16 0f 16