HomeMy WebLinkAbout15 CLAIM NIOMI JOHNSON 08-06-01AGENDA REPORT NO. 15 08-06-01 · MEETING DATE: AUGUST 6, 2001 180-10 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: CLAIM OF NIOMI JOHNSON; CLAIM NO. 01-32 SUMMARY: The City Attorney is recommending that the City Council reject Claim No: 01-32, Niomi Johnson. RECOMMENDATION: After investigation and review by this office and by the City's Claims Administrators, it is recommended that the City Council deny the claim and direct the City Clerk to send notice thereof to the claimant and the claimant's attorneys. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact with this action. BACKGROUND: The claimant alleges damage due to the fact that she backed, into a tree in a private parking lot. The claimant is requesting reimbursement for her $500.00 deductible, plus unspecified rental car expenses. The accident occurred while the claimant was in the parking lot of the Tustin Community Pharmacy. She alleges that .the tree trunk curved excessively so as to block the path of vehicles using the parking lot. As the tree in question was located in a private parking lot of the Tustin Community Pharmacy and not on public property, there is no City liability. ATTACHMENTS: Claim IUL-31-20Ol (TUE) ~---, CITY OF TUSTIN .---% AGAINST THE CilY OF tiN (For Damages to Persons or Personal Property) , P, 00Z/013 The law provides generally that a claim must be filed with the City Clerk of the City of Tustin _w_.ithinsjx mon. ths_ after the incident or event occurred. Be sure your claim is. against the City of Tustin, not another public entity. Where space is insufficient, please use additional paper and identify information by paragraph number. Completed claims must be mailed or delivered to the City Clerk, City of Tustifi, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California 92780. ' · WHEN COMPLETING THIS FORM, PLEASE TYPE OR USE BLACK INK To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Tustin, Califomia: The undersigned respectfully submits the following claim and information relative to damage to person and/or property: ( m . a, Name of Claimant: Sic.mi ][a~hle~a ..... ..... . ...= Address of Claimant: :. City/ZipCode: '~' Social Security Number: Driver License Number:. · Name, telephone, and post office address to which claimant desires notices to'be sent (if other th'an ~,uuv~- ............ , ,_ m _ ~ ~ · - - -. -- ~ ..... . , This claim is submitted against: a..,. ~ ,, The City of Tustin only. b, .... The following employee(s) of the City of Tustin only: ,. c. The City of Tustin and the following em~i0ye~(s) of the city 0f-TUS{ir~--6-niy: Occurrence or event from which the claim arises: a. Date: Ju~e 5, 2oo~ b. Time: .3..-00 ~.m c. Place (Exact and Specific Location): ~..sc~.n c-0~..-,;,~t~y--::E'a~-aacy.2p~rir,:Ln$ lot- 13400_~ewporr. Avenue, ~tin. CA 92.78_0_. I v.a~. }a_rk.c.d in :he va_r_kq~? lot_on ~h~ Nh:th i't°w and under what circumstances did damage or injury occur?. Specify the particular occurrence, event, act or omission you claim mused the injury or damage (use additional d, J'UL-31-2081 17'05 95Y. P.02 JUL-31-26OI (TUE) 15:I2 P, 003/013 paper if necessary:, '" ,,as gu =)._._ay to take_ my son to' ..-"dent:L~_t ...a.p..point:ment.- _and T stopped tn the ~_harmacy to buy stamps .... I_parke_d :Ln a s?___a~a on parking lot, After checking for safe clearance, I backed out of a , -- ±, , .,~,_ ..- · ......... ,- , -,- . space, still chec.,kt~ for safe clearsnce, thi~ ct.- ~,~ ~nr v~.~l~l. , __ . ...................... e. What particular action by the City, or its employees, caused the' alle, ged damage or injury?. Imp_roper tree .-a_!~ten_ance to -_l low. a tre_~__t~ Sr~-~c~-w~-~_e-!~-- ~_ the _~_o~t_ o~ , , ,, . Give a description of the injury, property damage or loss so far known at the time of this claim. If there were no injuries, state "no injuries". Complete blo~ out of rear ~tndo~ ~n my mtn~ wan, ~cratches on pain~ and $cra. tches . ' on in$i-de pa~ef from gias~: "nO' injuries" ..... · Give the name(s) of the City employee(s) causing the damage or injury: . N'/A .............. --- Name and address of any other person injured' ~o~e.. . Name and address of the owner of any damaged property: · _ ......... .9. Damages Claimed' a. b. C. d, Amount claimed as of this date: $500 deductible, 7.99 £t~, _3_' 51. devel_opn~, film_.... - . Estimated amount of future costs'--v vo~..._t!.on_of rental_cot not covered by ~_v Total amount claimed' 511,50 plus rental c~._ _ Attach basis for computation of ~ounts claimed (include copies of all bills, invoices, · estimates, etc,) · 10. WARNING: Names and addresses of all witnesses, hospitals, doctors, etc. Kyle Joh-_son, s~on,_ 1! ¥_e_a_r_s old. _ .......... ._ __ IT IS A CRIMINAL OF E CLAIM (Penal Code Section 72; Insurance Code Section 550.0) believe the same to be true, I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. ~C;~imant's Signature: " ~_ -~ ......... Executed this ) ,~'~- dayof I have read the matters and Statements made in the above claim and I know the same to be true of my own knowled§e, except as to those matte~ stated to be upon information or belief and as to such matters I ,20 01 . · , 20 Date filed this~ . day of · 2.:CLAIM {1/00) . 3UL-3 ~-2001 17' OG 957. P. 03 JUL-31-2OOI (TUE) \ \ (~T&RGET 06/10/01 1:27 PH RETURN BEFORE 09/08/01 IIill{lllll l! IIIIllll Ilill Iii Illl I II! , 001 05r-.,OgOgO0 1 HOUR PI.IDTD T 13.9B 5UBI'OT AL. 1~, 98 .T" 7.500X TAX 1,05 , TOTAL 15.03 CHECK PAYMENT 1~. 03 RECEIPT ID11 2-1151-0736-00&B-4070-4 UCDW 11056286 IZSH{{ 986 1 ITEM5 J'UL-31-2001 1'7' 06 95Z P. 04 ItlL-31-2001 (TUE) . . P, O05/OI ., . , . . , .! · JUL-Z1-2001 1'7' 0? P. 0~ iUL-31-2001 (TUE) I5:I4 P, O06/OIt ,YUL-3:l.-;::'00:I. '! '7' 00 P. 06 .Jif'L-31-2001 (TUE) P, O07/OI~ . 3'UL..-:~.-2001 :].?' i~9 P. 07 JUL-31-200I (TUE} P, OO /Ol checked ~:ear view m.ix-zor~ side mix-ro~$ as well as visual lefu, ri§hr and rear checkins. Absolutely no items vere in vie;. This tcee hangs dovn from above, , making it impossible to see vith all vis~ safety checks. 'r am' aXso curious ~o knov vhy £here is a polc nex~ to the trees~ i ~h!~k chat if they rant co prevent people £rom hitting this tree, the City of Tustiu should make the pXanter box come out mote so no one ~rill hit this parc oX the tree. ~rhank you loc your t/me, Hi. omi K. Johnson -2001 l?' 09 95Z P. 08 JUL-31-20 I (TUE) 0 YOU F-'C. Of,~. YOUR There's an Expe~ in Every Derail Imit.t~rtado S¢~ice Advisor Norco Center 2000 S. Four Wheel Dr. Norco, CA 92860-2676 Photo:: 909/7 36-13 98 F~x: 909f/35.6155 E.m~il: lu i.~.hurt~o~llcallben:oll ision~:om · , PARTg PAINT/MISC SUBLET BODY LABOR FRAME ~OR PAI~ ~BOR MECH LABOR TOW STORAGE BETAIL suppt. EM~,~r ItDO I k~--~ JUL-31-20~l 17' 10 96X P. 09 J L-31-2flfll (TIJE) 15'I7 P, OlO/fll3 06/08/2001 a~' 11:47 AM 27750 1892281 DIVISION SERVICE OFFICE 1800 ~T IMPER~ HI~Y SUITE 100. B~, ~ 92621 (714)255-9910 Fax: (714) 255-5891 Wriccon by: JIM PATTERSON I~8~4 # 06/09/2001 11:44 AM A~Jua=e=: JIM PATTERSON ~834 ~ (909)97d-1321 ' 3:nsu~d.: NIOMI JOMN$ON  ~: NIOt4I JOHNS ON O~r: ( Cla~ ~1092281 Dol~ ~AP Da~ O~ LO~$: '06/05/2001 at 03:00 PM ~ ~f Loee: Call £nsp & pay Po/~= of ~: 6.. Roar CITY OF RIVERSIDE CITY HALL 3900 MAIN STREET RIVERSIDE, CA 9252~-O000 (909) B26-562 lxO000 CALIBER COLLISION CENTERS 2000 S. FOUR WHEEL DRI1rE NORCO, CA 91760 Bu~Lnese: (909)73~-1398 Days tO Rap. air Z.,,t.~a e # 1999 PONT MONTANA 4X2 ~T 6-3,4L-FI 4D IrAN RED Iht:GREY %~N: A~r Conditioning Cruise Control Dual Mi=rot= Clea= Co~C Paine Power Loc~ ~ ~dio Equalizer D~i~r ~rbag Bucket Se~= CA ~.r~ 1~.~: 01/1999 Rear Defogger In c~[lni==ent Wipers Privacy Power Mirror= CD Player ~cline/Lounge O~m~er: UMK Tilt Wheel Body SiOe Moldings Luggage/Roof Rack. Power Brakem AM Radio Search/Seek An~i-Lock Brako5 (4) cloth $~ac~ 1 REAR BL~MPER 2 R&I R&i bumper cover 0 0.00 1.2 0,0 3~ BDt Bumper cover s~andar~ wheelba~ 0 0.00 1.5 2.6 4 Ack~ for Clear Coat 0 0.00 0.0 1.0 5# Repl Flex A~diCive I 8.00 T 0o0 O.0 6* R&I RT Appliqu~ 0 0.00 0.3 0.0 7~ ~&I LT Applique 0 0.00 0.__3 0,0 8 LIFT GATE . 10 Ovo£1oD Ma~or Adj. Pane~ 0 0.00 0.0 -0.4 11 Add ~or Clear Coat 0 0.00 0.0 0.4 12 ~ R&I L&f= gate w,ec=p 0 0.00 0.6 0.0 JUL-31-2001 1 ?' 11 95;';. P. 10 JIJL-31-2OOI(TUE) 06/08/2001 a= 11':47 A~ 27750 1999 PONT MONTANA 4X2 EXT 6-3.4L-FI 4D V~ RED Inc~GR~ 1892281 NO. 13 14 15 16# 17 19' 2O 21# 23% 24~ OP . DES CRI PTI ON QTY EXT. PRICE LABOR PAINT mmmmmmmmm--mmmm R&I Handle primed front 1/1/98 0 0.00 Repl Na/neDla=o "PONTIAC" w/Montana I 9.40 Repl Glass GM, heated tinted 1 805.80 Rpr Glass Clean-Up 0 0.00 'R&I Stop lar~p a$$y 0 0.00 R&I Wiper arm 0 0.00 RAI Nozzle 0 0.00 Repl Ga=e trim panel gray 1 96.96 Refn Color Tin= & Match 0 0.00 Rcpl Cove= Vehicle for 0verspray I 7.50 Rpr Color ~and & muff 0 0.00 SU~I Hazardous waste Remov."tl I 5,00 0,3 0.0 0.2 0.0 1,2 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.3 0,0 0.3 0,0 O.:R, 0.0 0.§ 0.0 0.0 0.5 T , 0...9 0.0 1.5 0.0 X 0.0 0~0 15.4 6.6 ~ubcotals --> 932.66 Body Labor Paint Labor Paint Supplies $ublet/M'~ sc. 15,4 hfs ~] $ 30.00/hr 6.6 hc~ ~ $ 30.00/hr 6.6 h=a ~ S ~0.00/hr , 912.16 462.00 198.00 132.00 20.50 SUBTOTAL Sales Tax TOT;tL COST OF REPAIRS $ 1724.66 S. 1059, 66 8 7.5000% 79.47 1804.13 ADJUSTMENTS .' Deductible 500,00 TOT~ AD~STMENTS $ 500 . 00 NET COST OF REPAI~ $ 1304.13 P, OII/OI3 IT IS UNDKRSTOOD AND AGREED T}LAT THE UNDERSIGNED WILL COMPLETE AJ~D GU~TEE THE ABOV~ REPAIRS AT THE AGREED PRICE, INCLUDIN~ ALL TOWIN~ AND STORAGE C~IARGES INCIDENTAL T}~ERETO. THIS INSTRUMENT IS NOT AN AUTHORIZATION TO REPA/R. NO SUPPLEMENT WILL BE PAXD UNL~-$$ TNS~ECT~D. BODY SHOP REPRES~iNTATI~FE CLAIMS 'RE P R~$ ENTAT IVE 3UL-31-2001 l?' 11 95% P. 11 IUL-3I-2OOl (TUE) 15'I8 · 06/08/2'001 a~ 11:47 A~ 27750 1999 PONT MONTANA 4X2 F~.T 6-3.4L-TI 4D VAN RED In=:GREY 1892281 P, 012/013 JLIL-B1-2001 17: 11 95X P. 12 JUL-31-2001 (TUE) I5'I8 .nterpr seI fit ~I4AI~C~ IF ,. YEAR [A,'L.'V, EI~iCL'E ' . , ENTERPRISe. PEN~'-.A-CAt~ L,F LOS ANr.-;Et.E~ ~ .... ,4 .......... ~I'ATE ,..! · AGE OOe flEIOl, Cf OOC1A~ gECUNTY I · CONDITION AGrtEED TO I it__ I REPLACEMENT MOOCh. t ' -- Eckn. MILE- DRIVEN CONDITION AGHCED TO ADDFI£~ I.D, I · CITY ~9'ATE ZIP ATI'N: P, OI3/013 ~E 9: L~.OA- ,5: I:,0P 1 H ?: ~OA- b: (.,OP ' __ :-;' O,': MILES · HOME PHONE EXPIR~_~ HAIR NfTER ACCEl)TS I FLEN1 ~r~ ~r..NTF,~ ~.~,CSI'. O*'I~MAL, nA~ IAI~ RE~H ADD1TION~ DRIVER - NONE ED WITHOUT ENTERPRISE'S APPROVe. ACE LI~E NO .... '- - - ~TE , , ~ , ", · , ~ ~. o( . ENTEnPR~S~'S -~ERMISSlON FOR VEHICLE TO LEAVE- THE A~H. ~TATES J ENT~P~ISE~ ONLY · , DATE QMI '- ~ 1 ' -- ~ 7 RETUHN' ' TO .. ~.~P. 50, O0 V I$0. 5~LE 6,/07 ~ !67":6. . I E~~XOo~,. ADOT'L OEP. _ .... _ . , · ., ! EXT. ADI~'L , ! TO ocP. _ ....... ..... EXT.- ...... ~O~L .... ' ~ ~ 're .?. ... . ADDITIONAl- INFORMATION: ~L [ F($I,l I A .OEP~f-;".r~ENT OF i Ng. UKANCE CONSUt'IEI;, 'I'HF. F:E'h~Ti~.,:; uE!~.:Ir'.:L~ 'S ~l,l~U.d~.. L.[CEI,ISE FEE. CAt EI'IOAE ,Eld+GR. R~PON$1BLE F6~ '-~l, Nl:) ,UTHORIZES CHARGES TO THEIR .'REDIT CARD OR DEBrr CARD FOR I:IAFJ::iC rIO LATIONS AND HANDLING .'E~S, AND ANY CHARGE.~ NOT PAID I¥"INSURANCE~ COMPANIES, BODY :HOPS, AUTO DEALERSHIPS AND ~NY THIRD PARTIES. DAYS ~1, 85/b FI.AT ~TUL-31-2082 i ?' 12 · 14 f~. ~-~./DAY A 1 ~. O0/DAY ,LP 9, ~/5,'DAY _ i ' _'~.2'.~1 '' ~-5 7, FUEL I~r~''-~ I.. 5/GALL.ON TOTAL CHARGES ! DEPOSITS. REFUNDS CHAI lOP. ~ I~,r,t~n~ri,~¢. R¢.nI'-A-C.:,,' ~nmn;mv (.,1,(,C,¥J,~[~MER COPY- ADDITIONAL STIPULATIONS ON REVERSE SIDE 'P. 13' "'