HomeMy WebLinkAbout16 RETAINER AG COUNSEL 08-06-01AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: AUGUST 6, 2001 NO. 16 08-06-01 400-10 TO' HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM' CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: MOTION TO APPROVE A RETAINER AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT AND DOCUMENTS REGARDING SUBSTITUTION OF COUNSEL WITH COX, CASTLE & NICHOLSON, LLP REGARDING EXISTING LITIGATION, EL TORO REUSE PLANNING AUTHORITY V. COUNTY OF ORANGE SUMMARY: The City had retained the services of Deborah Rosenthal of Rosenthal & Zimmerman to represent the City in a lawsuit filed by ETRPA against the County, challenging the County's first EIR for the El Toro Airport. Since that time, Ms. Rosenthal has joined the firm of Cox, Castle & Nicholson. At this point, Ms. Rosenthal's main duties are to monitor the remainder of the litigation. It is not anticipated that there will be any significant motions or legal expenses under this contract. Ms. Rosenthal is maintaining her hourly rate as previously agreed at $200.00 per hour. RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City and appropriate documents regarding substitution of Counsel. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENTS' Retainer Agreement Substitution of Attorney IUL-31-2001 (TUE) I5:20 P, 0 2/ I7 COX, CASTLE & NICHOLSON LL? A Limited Liabilky Partnership Irtciuding IJrt,£cs~;ion-! Coq~omtions LAWYERS 19800 MacArthur Boulevard Suite 600 IrHne, Cali£omia 92612.2435 Telephone (949) 476-2111 Facsimile (949) 476-0256 ~,~.,w.ccnJl~W.coin PRI~LEGED & CONFIDENTIAL · ATTORNEY-CLIENT COMMUNICATION Mr. William A. Huston Assistant City Manager City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 Mr, Michael Pamess City Manager City of San Clemente 100 Avenida Persidio San Clemente, CA 92672 Re: Engagement Dear Messrs. Huston and Pamess: July 12, 2001 We are pleased that you laave requested Cox, Castle & Nicholson LLP (the "Firm, ") to provide legal services to you, and we thank you for thc opportunity to be of assistan¢c. fl~.l~2) Senior Coumcl r.l~,~J ¢, V~ld :J, it~t~tt8 S~111. Sh~ M. ~ l'~t Los .~cclca Office ~ Prpl~jt~ C,lir~dn Mil 145~5 'l elepho~ (d I ~) OUR PILE NO: 99999 WIAITER'8 DIRECT DIAL NUMBER (949) 2604620 w~ffER'$ E. M41L ADDRESS aspa uldin~ccalaw.com We apolog/ze for the formality of fi'ds Agreement, but we believe that it is important that · I our clients have a clear understanding oldie Finn's policies regarding legal services and fees from the inception o1' our relationship. Moreover, many o£ the provtaons of this Engagement Agreement ("Agreement") are required ' ' ~ or recommended by Cahforma law, the State Bar of California, or tl~e Code of Professional Responsibility of the Americma Bar Assomat~on. JUL-31-2001 17: 14 95Z P. 02 IUL-3l-2flfll (TUE) P, 003/017 Mr, William Huston Mr. Michael Pamesa July 12, 2001 Page 2 Thc purpose o£ this Agreement is to verify your approval as to the scope oi~our engagement, thc financial terms of our engagement, and all other aspects of this engagement, as follows: 1. Scope of 'En~eag,qment. We will endeavor to keep you informcd of the pro. ess of your ma~ter(s) and respond to your inquiries. On your part, you acka~owledg¢ file ~ecd to provide us with truthful and accurate intbrmation, and the need to cooperate .mad to keep usI informed of' any developments. By means 61'th~s Agreement, you are engaging the Firm to represent the City of Tustin and the City ol'Sau Clemente, intervenors, in the final appeal o£the matter ol'E1 Toro Reuse Plannin~eAu~orit¥,_et al. v. Board of Supervisors. et al:, Superior Court Ca~e No. 710121, however, subject to our mutual written agreement,-yo-u-may also engage us to pcrt'0rm additional services in the future. 2. Fees and Hourly Rates. Our billing practicc iS ~Oev;llt~edg~ofOar~~~~i, serv~¢es, based primarily on the amount. Of' time, including travel time, hourly rates for the particular professionals involved. These hourly rates ~re based upon these professionals experience, expertise, and standing. The hourly rates applicable to your matter will range from $170,00 per hour for our newest associates to $30:5.00 per hoar For our most se~fio~ associates, and from $310,00 per hour for our most junior parmers to $450.00 per hoar for our~ most senior partners, including senior counsel. Our current hourly charge for law clerks is $145,00, and for paralegal assistants is £rom $180,00 to $210.00. As an accommodation, my rate od this matter will continue at the special hourly rate of'$200.00. Billing is in quarter-hour increments. These rates are modified by us from time to.time, and any new rates would be implement~ inmaediately after they are adopted and would apply to legal services rendered aftc~ the effective date of the new rates which will be reflected on your bill. / We believe that our hourly rates are comparable with the rates charged for~e same kinds of work by lawyers mad other professionals of similar experience, expert/se and stahding. We try to use associate and paralegal support on projects where appropriate, and we will b~ happy to discuss the staffing of your project with you, We normally treat our hourly rates as guidelines and do not always merely nultiply the time by the hourly rate to determine the proper fee. When billing, we review our computer- prepared time records carefully axed make appropriate adjustments if we feel tl~ey are called/hr · under tI~e circumstm;ces. IJx our experience, this manner of billing ~s customary for,, firms l~ke ours, where work is perfomaed by v,~ous professionals, mm~y of whom are specialists in thc type of work being undertaken. · The City of Tustin agrees to pay for all activities undertaken in providing l~gal services ·' ,, to you under this Agreement, m¢Iudmg but not bm:ted to th~ following: conferences, including pr~ar,,tion and participation; prcpa'ation and review of correspondence and othcr ?,lo,inherits; legal research; court and other appearances; including preparatxon and pam¢~pat~on; and t¢lcphon¢ calls, including calls wxth you, other attorneys or persons revolved w~th this matter, &iL-31-2001 17:15 95x P.03 JIJL-31-2001 (TUE) IS:Ii Mr. William Huston Mr. Michaol Parncss July 12, 2001 Page 3 P, 004/017 and govcrnmental agencies. The legal personnel assigned to your matter will confer among themselves about the matter, as requircd. When thcy do confer, each person will charge for thc thne expended. Likewise, if morc than onc of our legal personnel attends a mectin~g, court hearing or other proceeding, each will charge for the time spent. We wi I! clmrg¢ f6r travel time, both local and out of town, [ I 3. Additional Services and OutsS__d_e_Exr~_enditurcs. Wc may provide adlditional · I services in-housc in-conncction with-our legal representation of you. These m-house additional services typically include photocopying, computerized research, £acsimilc services! long distance tclcpMnc, postage, stag overtime, word processing, and small field expenses for rfiilcagc, meals, parking, lodging, and the like. We will btll thesc services to the City ofTustm d~rpctly at our usual and customary rates. A summary of our charges for these services is available on request. Our legal representation may also involve additional serviccs provided by t,hird party vendors outsidc of thc Firm. Thc City o£Tustln will be required either to pay for these outside ,I adctitional services dircctly, or to rcimbursc us il' wc make payment For these semccs on your . I behalf'. We sometimes will make pa)anent for, and then bill you for rctmburscrnmt o_r, smaller items such as filing fees, photocopying by outside copying services, recording fees!, mcsscngcr services, service of process, and Court ices. When there are substantial expcndituics involving outside veudors (such as/'or depositions, cxpcrt witnesses, exhibit preparation, or a, ir tare), or substantial out-of-pocket expenditures (such as cxtcndcd field cxpmscs, large outside copying jobs, or jury fees), we will require either that thc City of Tustin pay those sums to t~s before we expend them, that you provide an advance deposit for such expenditures, or that ydu directly contract with and pay the outside vendor, 4. _Mqnth..lv Statcm_cnts .and Payment Tc..rms.. Our practice is to send a uonthly statement of our charges for legal services and in-house additional services renderS, d, and. for reimburseanent o£payrnents made on our client's behalf for outside additional services. The detail in thc monthly statement will inform you of both thc nature and progress o£ 6ur work, and of the charges.and e?:penditures being incurred. Each monthly statement is fully due and payable upon receipt, but hi no event later i thirty (30) days after its issuam:c datc. Wc reserve the fight to charge, at the rate of ten per cent (10%) per year, a montNy late payment charge on the unpaid balance of any statement not timcly paid in full, computcd Rom thirty (30) days after the statement issuance dat~e until payment. We specifically reserve the right to withdraw from represumtation of' you a d to immediately cease performing all services if we do not receive full payment of any,~ mounts owed to us within thirty (30) days of'any statement. / We do our best to see to it that our clients are satisfied not only with our le,:,all~ representation mad services, but also with the reasonableness of our charges. Therefore, if you Jt. Jt_-~:L-2013~. 17:3.6 95X P. 04 JUL- I-200I (TUE) 15:Ii P, 005/017 Mr. William Huston Mr. Michael Pamcss July 12, 2001 Page 4 should ha4~e m~y q~stion about or objection to a monthly statemm'~t, our services, or our chargcs, then you should raise it promptly for discussion. If you objcct'to only a portion ofithe charges on a statement, then you agree to pay the remainder, which will not constitute a waiv~ir of your objection. 5. AdvanceDego_sit_for~Payments. No advmace deposit for payments is required at this time. However, we reserve the fight to require an advance deposit for paymen! of our charges for services and expenditures in the future due to circumstances such as substantial expenditures, imminence of trial or other hearing, or delayed payment of any priorlstatement. While we will attempt to obtain a favorable settlement of your matter, it may proceed to a .I trial or otlaer heating. Preparing for and actually conducting the trial or other hean~ng o£ a matter are usually the most time-consuming services in any litigation engagement. We m~ay require, therefore, that you provide us with an additional separate deposit prior to our commencement of preparation to cover part of our charges for tlaese services and related' expenditures[ The amount of the deposit will be determined once trial or other heating appears inevitable and[as soon as possible prior to the date the matter is set for trial or other hearing, based upon an estimate of magnitude of services and expenditures which may be involved. / If you fail to provide this additional deposit within thirty (30) days after it ils requested by us, we have thc right to resign inmacdlately from further representation of you. 6. ..Conflic_t Waiver. As we have discussed with each of you, our representation of the Client may involve potential conflicts of interest in that flue interests and objectives of the Cities of Tustin and San Clemente individually on certain issues may, from time tc~ time, become inconsistent with the interests and objectives of the other. In tlxis regard, we must ~dvlse each of you that, during the course of our representation, there will be no matters of confidence between either of' you mad us relating to the subject matter of our representatio~h although s~ch confidences will exist with respect to any third party. This means that any commumcat~on made to tm by, or from us to either of'you, concerning our representation of the Client an~d matters affected by such representation, may or will become known to both or either of yo~ during the course of our representation. Also, you have instructed us flint Lois Jeffrey and Mike Pamcss are thc designated rc'0rcscntative of the Cities of Tustin and San Clemente, respecuvely, for purposes of communicating with this firm. Accordingly, unless you direct this l'n'm otherwi/~e in writing, this finn will assume tl~at you are fully auflmrized to provide all directions and instructions to this firm on behalf of the Client and that this firm does not need to separately confirm any such directions or instructions with any other parties. In the event ora conflict betweenleach of you as to the rammer of proceeding in flue litigation, the contents of the pleadings and bi'iefs and any substantive or procedural matter, each of you agrees that we will accept final direc[ion or insrxuctions from thc City of Tustin. ' In addition, tl~e City of Tustin has requested that we make ourselves availaglc to represent it individually and, if a dispute arises between either o£ you with respect to this J[IL-31-2flfll (TUE) I5'23 Mr, William Huston Mr. Michael Pamcss July 12, 2001 ' Page 5 ! litigation, fl~at we continue to represent the City of'Tustin individually notwithstan[cling the · existence o[' the dispute even if the dispute involves litigation between the two cttms. Conflicts of interest may arise by reason of our agreement to continue representation of thc City of Tu$fin under the~e circumstances. As we have discusscd with each of you, our continuin~ representation of the City of Tustin individually, cifl~cr prior to or after the occurrehc¢ of such a dispute, requires eacl~ of your consent. In addition to potential conflicts between the City of Tustin and thc City oqSm3 Clem~te, it is possible that we may represent individuals or entities which own o~ acquire land within the boundaries of one or both of you, either now or in the future. In the event that these individuals or entities se¢l¢ governmental 'approvals or otherwise take action wl~ic!! may be adverse to either of you, each of' yo~.t consents to our representation of these individuals or entities in connection with these approvals or actions. In other words, nothing in representation under tiffs Agreement shall prevent us from representing landowners or other applicants within your jurisdictions. Under certain circumstm~ces, tl~is representation may require yotrr consent. I I As attorneys we are governed by specific talcs relating to oar representation of clients I whm present or potential conflicts of interest exist. Rule 3-310 of the Rules of Professtonal conduct of thc State Bar of California provides, in relevant part, as follows' For purposes of' this rule: (2) (3) "Disclosure" means infonning rite client or former climat or the ! relevant ckcumstmaees and of the actual and reasonably foreseeable adverse consequences to the clieaat; / "Infon~ed written consent" means the client's or folaner client's written a~eement to the representation tbllowing written disclosures; "Written" means any writing as defined in Evidence 250. A member shall not accept or continue representation of a cl providing written disclosure to the client where; (1) The member has a legal, business, t'maacial, professi Code Section .ent without ~nal, or personal r¢lationsl:dp with a party or wimess in the game matter; or (2) Ti~e member knows or rcasonably should ka~ow that: P, OO6/OI7 JUL.-3 J.-213t3 J. 1 ?: 1 ? 95z P. 0~ JIIL-3I-2OOl (TUE) I5:24 Mr, William Huston Mr, M{cl~ael Pamess July 12, 2001 Page 6 (3) (4) (a) (b) The member previously had a leg',fi, business professional; or personal relationslfip witl wimess in the same matter; and The previous relationship would substamiall~ member's representation; or financial, party or affect thc The member has or had a legal, bus/ness, financial, t rofessional, or · I personal relationship with another person or entity fl~e member knows or reasonably should know would be affected substantially by resolution of the matter; or The member has or had a legal, business, financial, c r professional interest in the subject matter of the r~resentation. (c) A member sl~all not, without the informed writtcn consent o[' each client; (I) Accept representation of more than one client in a matter in which the interests of the clients potentially conflict; or (2) Accept or continue representation of more than onecIlient in a matter in which the interests of the clients actually confl~ct; or (3) Rcpresmt a client in a matter mad at flue same time ~ a separate · matter accept as a client a person or entity whose interest in the first matter is adverse to the client in the first matter. (D) A member shall not, without the informed writtcn consent of the client or former client, accept employment adverse to the chent or fourier chent where, by reason of the representation of the clieaat or formeq client, II~e member has obtained confidential information material lo thte employment. As indicated above, conflicts of interest may develop between or involving each of you in connection with this litigation or other matters. The City of Tustin has asked that w~e make ourselves available to represent it individually in the event' of such a conflict or dispute. Our continued representation of the City of Tustin in the event of such dispute may be ~idverse to the City of San Clememe in that we may obtain confidential infon~ation material to s~ch dispute from our represm~tation of the Client. Accordingly, we request that each ol' you si~,n and return to us a copy of this letter, on bcha.lf o£both the City of Tustin and the City of San Clemem¢, to' (i) consent to our representation of the City of Iustin individually, even in the evea4t of a future I dispute between each. of you, including any dispute that becomes adversarial in nature and/or results in litigation between each of you, whether arising out of the subject of reis ~ epresentation , P, fl07/Ol7 ,J'LIL-Z~.-200:I. 17:18 95X P.07 JUL-31-20OI (TUE) 15:24 Mr. William Huston Mr. Michael Parness July 12, 2001 Page 7 or any future matter; (ii) waive any right that either of you may have to disqualify mr firm, or any of the lawyers associated with our firm, from representing fl~e City of Tustin in any'such dispute, including any litigation arising from such dispute; and (iii) acknowledge tlaat, in giving I · such consent and waiver, you have been advised of Rule 3-310, our agreement to continue our representation of the City of Tustin, the potential for conflicts of interest which ma~y occur by reason of our multiple representation of the City orTttstin m~d the City of San Cle~eme ~d the fact flint during the course of our representation of the Client confidential information may become know~ to us wlfich may adversely affect one or more of you in the event tfiat we represmt the City of Tustin in any dispute between or involving the two of you. Because your ¢ons~t and waiver set fortt~ in the preceding paragraph involves significant legal rights, we strongly recommend that each of you seek independent counsel wi.~ respect to the possible' conflicts of interest and yom' execution of the acknowledgement and cbnsent set forth in this letter, ' 7. Withdrawal From Rer~resenta_figg._ The attorney-client relationship is one of mutual trust and confidence, If you l-~a~,-e any questions at ali about the provisions ~f this Agreement, we invite your inquiries. We encourage our clients to inquire about anly matter relating to our engagement a~m'eemcnts or monthly statements which may be in a. ay~ way unclear or appear unsatisfactory. If you do not meet your obligation of timely payments o~ deposits under this Agreement, we reserve the right to withdraw from your representation on that basis alone, subject of course to any required judicial, administrative, or other approvalsJ / This Agreement is also subject to termination by either party upon reasonab, lle notice for any reason. If there were to be such a termination, however, you would remain liable for all unpaid charges for services provided and expenditures advanced or incurred. 8, Duties Upon Termination of Acti..ve. Re. presentation. Upon termination of our active involvement in a particular matter fOr which we had previously been engage~ we will · I have no £urthcr duty to infoma you of future developments or changes in law wh~cl} may be relevant to such matter in which our representation has terminated. Further, unless[ you and the Firm agree in writing to the contrary, we will have no obligation to monitor renewal or notice dates or similar deadlines which may arise fi'om the matters for which we had been engaged. If your mailer involves obtaining a judgment and such judgment is obtained, we will ,~nly be responsible for those post judgment services (such as recording abstracts, filing jud, gment liens, and calendaring renewals of judgments) as are expressly agreed to by you and fl~e Firm in writing, agreed upon by the Firm and for which you will be obligated to pay. 9. Docum__crnt St_or.a~ PoHci.es.. The Finx~'s policy with regard to documents and other mated.als at the conclusion of a matter is to maintain them in storage for a p~iod ofno more than seven (7) years. All documents and other mater/als in our file will then be destroyed o_.r discarded withput no[ice to you. Accordingly, if there are any documents or otb'er materials P, 008/017 Jt_11..-3:1.-2013:1. 17' '18 95X ~. 13t3 iUL- [-2001 (TUE) I5:25 P, 009/017 Mr. William Huston Mr. Michael Parness July 12, 2001 Page 8 you wish to have retrieved From your file at the conclusion o£ a matter, it will be necessary for you to advise us of that rcqucst to ensure that they arc not destroyed. l 0. Arbi _tra_tip3l. We appreciate the opportunity to serve as your attorneys and anticipate a productive and harmonious relationship. If you should feel for any re.on that there is a problem with the $orvice$ we have performed or with our charges, we encourake you to bring fl~at to our attention irmnediately. If we perceive a problem with your representation, we likewise will endeavor to discuss it with you. Most problems should be rex;tiffed b~ communication and discussion. However, a dispute might arise between us wkich[could not be resolved by negotiation. We believe that such attorney-client dispmes are most satisfactorily resolved through' final and binding arbitration rather than by litigation. Both the U~)ited Slates Supreme Court and the California Supreme Court have endorsed arbitration as an .4ceepted and favored method of resolving disputes, because it is economical and expeditious. In arbitration, there is n~o right to a trial by jury and the arbitrator's legal an~ factual I . determinations are generally no_.~t subject lo appellate review. Arbitration niles of evadmace and procedure axe often less formal and less rigid tlxan the rules which apply in Court. [Arbi=afion usually results in a decision much more quickly ~lama proceedings in Court, and the[ attorneys' fee~ and other costs incurred by both sides may be substantially less. You are free [to discuss the advisability of' arbitration ,,vita us, or with your own independent counsel or any oflyour other advisors, and to ask any questions which you may have. By signing this Agreement, we agree that, in the event of any dispute or claim arising out ,, of or relating to this Agreement, our relationship, our charges, or our servlce~ (mcl.uding bu~ not limited to disputes or claims regarding our charges, professional malpractice, errork or omissions, breach of' contract, breach of fiduciary duty, fraud, or violation of any s!atute), SUCH DISPUTE OR CLAIM SHALL BE RESOLVED BY SUBMISSION TO FINAL AND BINDING ARBIT~TION IN ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, BEFORE/~ RETIRED IUDGE OR JUSTICE. BY AGI:~EEING TO AR31TRATE, YOU WAIVE ANY I~IGHT YOU HAVE TO A COURT OR JURY TRIAL. Venue with regard to any ancillary proqeedings arising out of sucl~ dispute or claim shall also be in Orange County. If we are unal:/le to mutually I. StlC¢ agree on a retired judge or justice, then each side will name one retired judge or ju and the two named persons will select a neutral judge or justice who will act as the sole arl~itrator. The fees of the arbitrator will be paid initially equally by both the Fixm and you. Howler, the I . arbitrator shall have the right to order eit!~¢r party to pay all fees m~d costs as part of Ns award. In arbitration, we shall both be entitled to conduct discovery in accordance atith the provisions of the California Code of Civil Procedure, but cithcr of us may request flint the. arbitrator limit the amount or scope of such discovery and, in detemaining whetherlto do so, thc arbitrator shall balance the need for the discovery against the parties' mutual desire to resolve disputes expeditiously and inexpensively. J'UL-3~.-200~. 17' 19 95Z P.09 JUL-31-~001 16' 52 WOODRUFF SPRADL! N SMART ?14 835 ??8? P. 0~/09 Mr. William Huston Mr. Michael Pamess July 12, 2001 Page 9 Under California law, you have the right, if you desire, to request arbitration of any fee dispute before an arbitrator or panel of arbitrators selected by a local bar association or the State Bar ("Bar Arbitration") and a trial de.nero in court if dissatisfied with thc result. If you do request a Bar Arbitration, the law provides that evidence of any claim of malpractice or professional misconduct is admissible only concerning the fees or costs in dispute and that the Bar Arbitrators shall not award any affirmative relief in the form of damages, offset or otherwisc on account of such claim. By signing this Agreement, you agree that if a Bar Arbitration is conducted, that Bar Arbitration or any trial de novo in Court thereafter shall determine ~ the issue of the amount of fees properly ohargeable to you, if any, and that such Bar Arbitration or trial de novq in Court thereafter shall have no effect on the provisions set forth above which require arbitration before a retired judge or justice of any claims for affirmative relief based on alleged professional malpractice, errors or omissions, breach of' conduct, breach of fiduciary duty, fraud or violation of any statute. Any such claims shall be solely determined in an arbitration proceeding by a retired judge or justice without regard to the result of any Bar Arbitration or trial de hove thereafter. 11. Consent to Electro...nic Co .m___~.. ~unications.. In ord,er to maximize efficiency in this matter, we intend to use state of the art communications devices to the fullest extent possible (e.g., E-Mail, documgnt transfer by computcr, cellular telephones, and facsimile transfers). The use of' such devices under current technology may place your confidences and privileges at risk. However, we believe the effectiveness involved in usc of these dovices outweighs the risk of accidental disclosure. By signing this letter, you acknowledge your consent to the usc of these devices. 12. Dis..e. la..imer of Gu_ar_~tee, Nothing in this Agreement should be construed as a promise or guarantee about the outcome of any matter which we are handling on your behalf, Our comments about the outcome of your matter are expressions of opinion only. If we should provide you with an estimate of the fees and costs which may be incurred in connection with our representation of you, it is important that you understand and acknowledge that any such estimate is merely an estimate based on numerous assumptions which may or may not prove to be correct and that any estimate is not a guarantee or agreement of what the maximum amount of fees and/or costs will be. 13. Future Ma.tt.e.r.s.. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between us, all other matters referred to us for representation shall be governed by the term of this Agreement, except that our obligation to represent you shall consist of an obligation to furnish appropriate representation in such future matters with reasonable diligence as applicable to the matter in question. 14. Entire Ageement. This Agreement contains all terms of the agreement between us applicable to our representation of you, and may not be modified except by a written agreement signed by both of us. JUL-31-~081 17'43 714 835 7787 97~. P.O~ JUL-J1-2001 16' 53 WOODRUFF SPRAD~. I N SMART ?14 835 ?787 P. 03/09 Mr. William Huston Mr. Michael Parness July 12, 2001 Page 10 15. Future Conflict, Our undertaking to represent you in the above matter[s] will not act as a bar so as to prevent us from representing any existing or future client with respect to a claim, litigation or transaction adverse to yours, so long as in the course of our representation of you we have not obtained any information that would be adverse to your interests with respect to such claim, litigation or transaction. 16. Client. The Finn's client for the purpose of our representation is only the person or entity identified in this Agreement. Unless expressly agreed, we are not undert&ing the representation of any related or affiliated person or entity, nor any parent, brother-sister, their officers, directors, agents, or employees. If this Agreement correctly sets forth your understanding of the scope of the services to be rendered to you by Cox, Castle & Nicholson LLP and if all of the terms set forth in this Engagement Letter are satisfactory, then please sign the enclosed copy and return it to me so that we will be engaged as your legal counsel. If the scope of services described is incorrect or if the terms set forth are not satisfactory to you, please let us know in order that we can discuss either aspect. We look forward to working with you and thank you once again for the opportunity to be o f service. Sincerely, Cox, Castle'& Nicholson LLP JUL-31-2001 17'43 714 835 7787 P. 03 JUL-51-~001 16:55 WOODRU~ SPR~DLIN SMART 714 8J5 7787 P. ~4×09 Mr. William Huston Mr. Michael Parness July 12, 2001 Page 11 The undersigned has read and understands the above Agreement, and accepts and agrees to all of its terms and conditions. CITY OF TUSTIN Date BYi William A. Hus'~on CITY OF SAN CLEMENTE Date: By: Michael Pamess 99099~231373vl JUL-31-213131 17' 43 714 835 7787 97X P. 134 JUL-31-~O~l 16' 53 WOODRUFF SPR~DLIN SMART .? _ ~_~' _ i ,u · , "]J'' ·" - " ATTORNEY' OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (N~me and Address); TELEPHONE N6.: Deborah M. Rosenthal. Stake Bar #12889 (949) 476-2111 Cox, Castle & Nicholson 19800 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 600 Irvine, CA 92612 ^~O.~FO~(N.m,;: Interveno_.r citv of Tust..in N~EOFCOU,~: Superior Court of County of S~ Dieg~ S~a~T~~= 220 W. Broadway M^tU~GA[::O.E. SS.'P. O. Box 122724 ¢,T~ANPZ~,¢OO~: San Diego, CA 92112-2724 BRANCHNAME; Central Division , ........... m ~ CASE NAME: EL TORO REUSE PLANNING AUTHORITY, ET AL 714 835 7787 P.05/09 FOR OOURT USE ONLY V. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, ET AL. ' SUBSTi~'UTION OF A'rl:0RNEY 'CIVIL - '~i~£NUM,E,: {wi.th. out Court Order) ._ 710121 THE COURT AND ALL PARTIES ARE NOTIFIED THAT (name): City__.?f Tustin makes the following substitution: 1. Former legalrepresentative ~ Party represented self lxl Attorney (name): Deborah M. 2. New legal representative ~ Party is representing self* E~ Attorney a. Name: Deborah M. Rosenthal b. State Bar No. (if applicable): 128893 c. Address (number, street, city, ZIP. and law firm name, if applicable): Cox, Cas r. le & Ni cholson LLP, 19800 MacArthur Blvd. #600, Irvine, CA 92612 d. Telephone No. (include area code): 3. The party making this substitution is a Intervenor, City of Tus~in (949) 476-23.13. n'-]plaintfff r':-']defendant [2~ petitioner n"] respondent ~ other (specify): 'NOTICE TO PARTIES APPLYING TO REPRESENT THEMSELVES · Guardian. · Conservator · Trustee · Personal representative · Probate flduclary · Corporation . Guardian ad litem · Unincorporated association If you are applying as one of the parties on this fist. you may NOT act as your own attorney In most cases. Use this form to substitute one attorney for another attorney. SEEK LEGAL .~VICE BEFORE APPLYING TO REPRESENT YOURSELF. ......... ---- m m i ii .... · ,, NOTICE TO PARTIES WITHOUT ATTORNEYS A party representing hlmself or herself may wish to seek legal assistance. Failure to take {ime and appropriate action in this case may result In serious legal consequences. 4..I consent to lhis substitution. Date: July ___, 2001 (TYPE OR PRtNT NAME) 5. ~ I consentto this substitution· Date: July ~~, 2001 (SIGNATURE OF PARTY) , Deborah M. Rosen~hal · · · · · · · · · · · · . · · · · . . . . .... · , , . · . , ~ (TYPE OR PRINT NAME} 6, ~-~ I accept thi~ substitution. Date: July ~~ 20001 .Deb. qr.a.h. M: .Rqs.e.n.tba.% .............. Form ~a~mta by mc Judicial GauncB ~ Cetlf~,nl~ MC-OBO [New Janua~, I. 1998J (13'PI; OR PRINT NAME) (See reverse for proof of ce by mail) ........ SUBSTITUTION OF ATTORNEY - CIVIL ~ co,e e o,~ ,r~,e. ~ ~ 2,~(.~). 2~ C~'. Rule~ of ~un. rule 376 3UL-31-2881 17' 44 714 835 ??87 g?% P. 05 JUL-51-2001 16'55 WOODRUFF SPRRDLIN SMRRT 914 855 ??8? Po06/09 , u:mo zr¥, IBOARD OF SUPERVISORS FOR T~g COUNTY OF ORANGE, ET V o CA~"NUMBER: PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL Substitution of Attorney- Civil 710121 Instructions: After having all.perfles served by mail with the Substitution of Attorney- Civil, have the person who mailed the document complete this Proof of Service by Mail. An unsi~c/neE copy of the Proof of Service by Mall should be completed and served with the document. Give the Substitution of Attorney - Civil and the completed Proof of Service by Mail to the clerk for filing. If you are representing yourself, someone else must mall these papers and sign the Proof of Service by Mail. 1. I am over the age of 18 and not a party to this cause. I am a resident of or employed in the county where the mailing occurred. My residence or business address is (specify): 19800 NacArt~ur 9'iv~., Sui~,e 600, Irv~ne, CA 926].2 2. I sewed the Substitution of Attorney - Civil by enclosing a true copy in a sealed envelope addressed to each person whose name and address is shown below and depositing the envelope In the United States mail with the postage fully prepaid. (1) Date of mailing: July ~__ , 2001 (2) Place of mailing (city. andstate): Irvine, California 3. I declare under pena(t¥ of perjury under the laws of the SLate of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: July , 2001 .L.P.a.u.1 .ey ...................... ('TYPE OR PRINT NAME) NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON TO WHOM NOTICE WAS MAILED , a. Name of person served: ~'. Clement Shute, Jr. b. Address (number, street, city, and ZIP): Chris[y ~. Taylor 'Shu~e, Mihaly & weinber~er 396 Kayes Street, San Francisco, CA 94102 c. Name of person served: Laurence M. Watson, County Counsel d. Address (number, street, city and ZIP): Jack W. Golden, DepuC. y 10 Civic Center Plaza, 4th Floor Santa Aha, CA 92702 e. Name of person served: Michael Scol:~. Gatzke f. Address (number, street, city, and ZIP): Gatzke, Mispacjel 1921 Palomar Oaks Way, Suite 200 Carlsbad, CA 92008 & Dillon g. Name of person served: James G. Moose h. Address (number, street, city, and ZIP); Remy, 455 Capitol Mail, Suite 210 Sacramento, CA 95814 Thomas & Moose, LLp i. Name of person.served: Ricahrd C. j. Address (number, street, city, and ZIP): Howard, Rice, Nemerovski, Three Embarcadero Center, Jacobs Todd E. Thompson, Jonathan W. ~ughes Canady, Falk & Rabkin 7th Floor, San Francisco, A 94111-4065 ~..~ List of names and add.resses continued in attachment. _., M¢-050 [New January 1. SUBSTITUTION OF ATTORNEY- CIVIL Page JUL-31-2001 17'44 714 835 7787 977. P.06 JUL-31-2001 , .o 16' 54 WOODRUFF SPRRDLiN SMART 714 835 ?787 P. 07/09 Case No. 'D037802 COURT OF APPEAL OF CALIFORNIA FOURTH · DISTRICT DIVISION ONE EL TORO REUSE AUTHORITY et PLANNING al. Appellants, vs. ORANGE COUNTY BOARD SUPERVISORS et al. OF Appellees. Superior Court 720123 Judge Assigned. McConnel 1 Notice of Appeal April 4, 2001 Nos '710121, Hon. Judith D. Filing Date' SUBSTITUTION OF COUNSEL COX, CASTLE & NICHOLSON LLP DEBORAH M. ROSENTHAL (STATE BAR NO. 128893) 19800 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 600 Irvine, California 92612-2435 Telephone: (949) 476-2111 Facsimile: (949) 476-0256 Attorneys for of Tustin Intervenor City 99999\229691vl JUL-31-2081 17' 44 714 835 7787 98Z P. 07 JUL-31-~001 1G' 5~ WOODRUFF SPRADL!N SMRRT 714 835' 7787 P.OB/09 .Intervenor, City of Tustin, hereby substitutes Cox, Casule & Nicholson LLP, 19800 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 600, Irvine, CA 92612 as counsel of record in place of Rosen~hal & Zimmerman. DATED- July ~-, 2001 COX, CASTLE & NICHOLSON LLP . ~ 7"D%Bora5 -M~. R~enthal tA~orneys for Intervenor City of Tustin I consent to the above substitution. DATED- July ., , 2001 CITY OF TUSTIN By- Its consent to the above substitution. DATED- Jui¥ ! 2 0 01 ROSENTHAL & Z lMMERMAN By' Above substitution accepted. DATED- July ~' 200i COX, CASTLE & NICHOLSON LLP orah M. Rosen~hal orneys for Intervenor City of Tust in 99999\~969~V~ JUL-31-2001 17'44 714 835 7787 98~. P.08 JUL-31-2001 16'54 WOODRUFF SPRRDLIN SMRRT 714 835 ?787 P.09/09 PRO_O,F O.F SERVICE AND CE._R. TIiFICATION I am employed in the County of Orange, State of California. I am over the age of 18 and not a party to the within action; my business address is 19800 MacArthur Boulevard, Suite 600, lrvine, California 92612-2435. (For messenger) my business address is: On July ,2001, I served the foregoing document(s) described as SUBSTITUTION OF COUNSEL on ALL INTERESTED PARTIES in this action by placing n the original 1~ a true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope ac~dressed as follows' Michael Scott Gatzke Gatzke, Mispagel & Dillon 1921 Palomar Oaks Way, Suite 200 Carlsbad, CA 92008 James g, Moose Remy, Thomas & Moose, LLP 455 Capitol Mall, Suite 210 Sacramento, CA 95814 Richard C. Jacobs Todd E. Thompson Jonathan W. Hughes Howard, Rice, Nemerovski, Canady, Falk & Rabkin Three Embarcadero Center, 7th Floor San Francisco, CA 94111-4065 On the above date: E. Clement Shut. e, Jr. Christy H. Taylor Shute, Mihaly & Weinerger 395 Hayes Street San Francisco, CA 94102 Laurence M. Watson County Counsel Jack W. Golden, Deputy 10 Civil Center Plaza, 4th Floor Santa Aha, CA 92702 (BY r-1 U.S. MAIL/BY 12) EXPRESS MAIL) The sealed envelope with postage thereon fully prepaid was placed for collection and mailing following ordinary business practices, i am aware that on motion of the party served, service is presumed invalid if the postage cancellation date or postage meter date on the envelope is more than one day after the date of deposit for mailing set forth in this declaration. I am readily familiar with Cox, Castle & Nicholson LLP's practic~ for collection and processing of documents for mailing with the United States Postal Service and that the documents are deposited with the United States Postal Service the same day as the day of collect[on in the ordinary course of business. (BY FEDERAL EXPRESS OR OTHER OVERNIGHT SERVICE) I deposited the sealed envelope in a box er other facility regularly maintained by the express service carrier or delivered the sealed envelope to an authorized carrier or driver authorized by the express carrier to receive documents. (BY FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION) On , a~ a.m./p.m, at Irvine, California, I served the above-referenced document on the above-stat, ed addresseeby facsimile transmission pursuant to Rule 2008 of the California Rules of Court. The telephone number of tt~e sending facsimile machine was ( ) - , and the telephone number of tl3e receiving facsimile number was ( ). - . A transmission report was properly issued by the sending facsimile machine, and the transmission was reported as complete and without error. Copies of the facsimile transmission cover sheet and the transmission report are al. tached to this proof of service. (BY PERSONAL DELIVERY) By causing a true copy of the within document(s) to be personally hand- delivered lo the office(s) of the addressee(s) set forth above, on the date set forth above. (BY PERSONAL SERVICE) I delivered such envelope by hand 1o the offices of the addressee. (FEDERAL ONLY) I declare that I am employed in the office of a member of the bar of this court at whose direct, ion the service was made. I hereby certify that the above document was printed on recycled paper. I declare under penally of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on July, . ,2001. at [rvine, California. g9999\229693. V't Lynn Pauley TOTAL P. Og JUL-31-2881 17' 45 714 835 ??8? 98z P. 09