HomeMy WebLinkAbout15 CLAIM 05-02 02-22-05 AGENDA REPORT Agenda Item 15 Reviflwfld: City Manager Finance Director MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 22,2005 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: CLAIM OF AMY LEE HARCHOL, CLAIM NO. 05-02 DISCUSSION: The claim alleges personal injuries and unspecified damages that occurred between January 13, 2004 and November 2, 2004. To the extent that personal injury damages are claimed, the clairn is late and a notice of untimely claim will be sent to the claimant. However, to the extent that the claimant alleges some type of continuing damages or property damages, the City Attorney is recommending that the claim be denied. The claim centers around an alleged "unsafe fence" that the City failed to remove and therefore caused damages and personal injuries to the claimant. As Council is aware, during this period of time, the City was seeking to abate a public nuisance at 140 "A" Street. Mr. Masaoka, the husband of Amy Harchol, the property owner, was doing construction work on the property. During this time, he tore down a neighbor's fence. A complaint was filed by the neighboring property owner with the District Attorney, Mr. Masaoka was tried and convicted and spent some time in jail for the offense. The City did not cause this damage or injury to Mr. Masaoka, nor did it cause any injuries or damage to Ms. Harchol. In our opinion there is no City liability, and to the extent that it is timely, it should be rejected. RECOMMENDATION: After investigation and review by this office, it is recommended that the City Council deny the claim to the extent that the claim alleges personal injuries which occurred after July 7, 2004, and property damage, and direct the City Attorney to send notice thereof to the claimant and the claimant's attorneys. ATTACHMENT: Copy of Claim LOIS E. JEFFREY LEJlblw cc: William A. Huston, City Manager February 17, 2005 JAN-Ø7-20Ø5 14'53 CITY OF TUSTIN 714 832 6382 P.04/Ø5 " ì ) .. ' '. CLAIM AOAI",ST TH~ CITY OF TOSTI", . . . ~""'! " ' (I'or Damages t<o perIOon Dr Pel1lOnal Property) RlÇll/VlldVla: 11mø~i\i/l: O,F TU::TIN '. .', 0 u.s. MaU .~~: ~~~~~~~ . 'ClalnllUS: JiM -, P , z: ,!- A claIm I!'I1IIt Þ8 prellntllCS, IS pl'llSl:ribed by thl (òovemmet'1l Code of the stall of California, by the claimerrt or a parson acti"17 on hlllhar be"-If and .tIal! pnMd. the info""ation shoWn below. !!!..iIU! your alaim 18 a¡¡ainat the CItY orTu51in. not Inother publio 8I11i1y, Complated claims must Þa prB88nted to the CIty of Tullln, City CIIi'II'1 OffIce, 300 Clntl"".I' way, Tustin, ClllfOmla 82780. ' If addRlDni1 .pac:e 18 needed to provide your fnformaUon, please attach "heels, Identifying the panlgrapn,(8¡ being answarlld. 1, N8n11 Ind Post Offiae Iddrus of the Claimant: Nlme of ClaImant. ~ol Paat office Add......; 2. Post 0IIIc:e addra&1 to which the pinson presOn1Ing tltB oIBlm ClÐSIrBI notk:88 II) be lant , . NIijTIIl of Addlesløe; 1, Amy Loe :8archol . Telephone: ~OmaIAddr1l": 3. . Tnl d8le, lIce and othBr clrt:UITIStanC88 of the acCurAll1C8 or tran...dion !torn WIIleIIlhe Claim .ñ.... ~~/1"811.!!:: Juiu~13, 2004,~,~,?~e!!!~,~~,~,~and'J~uarr .11È(j4. to Novell!!Je.!_11.2004, . 'l..ceat/on;' 140 S. ~ ~!teet, Tustin~~ 700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa. A.na. CA 92701 CIrcumstances giving rlaato tl1l. claim: . ---.- n'" .-.'" " , The City of Tustin Buíldin¡ Inspcçwr practiced falsc. erroneoUS sncï~eãdmll sUrvcvor worl<. pn II real DrQJIfII'tV without II license that caused damaaes and pers,onal il\iilries to the clabnant. ' , The City of Tustin BuildJn¡ Department and Codc EnforceU1ent Department failed to remove. - . order removal. IIiodifv or com:ct an unnetmltœd.. unsafe fence that also was not 8DD1'Ovcd -;- ~ Dcsism Re<Íicw D'enartmeJ1t that ClI\ISed damages and personal itijuriello the eIaimllltt, -::::;::, The City ofTusoo employees pre on~\tiqTUI related 10 the subject unpermitted fence that caused d.amages and personal il\iuries to %he cl¡jj,n¡ant that includes malicious prosecution and abu.se of,,:,cc~~, - IOl InJurý;ïJãrniiili'örTò$sJñèumo so ïii)1liünow know, . U~~~ e&ce~$~~O...9JI¡p.Lrut9~. ';0 ~me ~r n';.. of the public employee or ompl9Y88S caU'ling th8lnjury, damage, or tosS, IIknCwn. Police Officer 01&, FeU [ Qa.n:ia, Judi$ IÏiunW\U Geor¡e Wei9Ìnllet. Khanh NiUYon. Clayton -' Aiidenon. taura.Unc!erwoOd-Morgan; Glådy¡ Yanez, Sem\IC1 Herrera. Clayton ~n. , -- T, .,' .....-"""-- ' 4. 5, . " " -._____00__- :' -;:. JAN-07-2005 14:53 714 832 6382 P.05/05 8. CITY OF TUSTIN ) ') 0 Um/Ied Civil CU8 )('Unllmltllll CMI ~ You 8,.. r.qulr8d tD pnwkI. tIll IrrronnattDn I8I \I8IItIId .ÞCrv8 In orcl~ tD DDmply with GOII'8I:I1l\'18nt elide 5810. ,Additionally, in orctar tD conduct alllllllly InvMttliatlon ,rid posllbla AØIOIutlol!- of ,our'clJllrn, the of Xx U àllllW8l'the faRaWln 118. - ~N.ina, addr8ss and telephone number of any wiln88S~ ~ '!he occurrence or lransadlon tram which 1118 'cle1m Brie.: Police OffIcer Ollis, Felix Garcia, Judith Barnwell George Weisin¡er; t<banh Nguyen, Clayton - Anderson, LaUI1l Underwood-Morgan, Gladys Yailez. Samuel Hon-era, Clayton Andmon. - Arturo Herrera, Rony Jordan, Maria Hcrrem,-Guadalupe Herrém-Martinez, Ed John" John - Williamson,'Daoiel Richardson, "Mr. Casper" --_..----_._--,,-,--,--'-- ..-- --.........-, ,..--..--,,--, If the claim Involv.... medical treatment for B claimed Injury, pI.aSB þrovldø lrIe name, øddress and telephone numbar of any doc:tors or hospitals p¡1)Viding treatment' ' - HoB¡ Hospital, 182$5 BrookhurstAve, Fountain Veney, CA 92708 - Stephen Hennan"Priority 1 Medical, 181.\3. Mainolie Street, FoWltain Valley,.CA 92708.- -~ge CoastM~rial Hos~ita~8588 Broo~St Stre~, FOWl~~~I.IICI)'. ~~8.. If ."pI/r;abfe. p- IIIfICl1any mød1œ/ bale or';'pot/$ or IImNsr docufTl8nls flUpporllng your r;Js/m. Warning' PntssntatiOl'l of a fBI8O claim 18 a fIIlany '(!"Inal Code 572). Pursuant to CCP §1038. the CIty/Ag8ncy may seek . to roCO1llr all CO8t$ 01 d8l8nae In III.. Bvent an ac.1lon IS ftled which Is later determined not 1<> heva beGn b 1; ught In good faith and with re811Onøble calISe. ' .. ;-.. 7. SignatUre: ~~~' Data: 1-1-oS RÞfsec 11-18-03 --- --- TOTFIL P.0S