HomeMy WebLinkAbout16 CLAIM 05-01 02-22-05 AGENDA REPORT Agenda Item 16 Reviewed: City Manager Finance Director MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 22, 2005 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: CLAIM OF ARTHER KAZUO MASAOKA, CLAIM NO. 05-01 DISCUSSION: The claim alleges personal injuries and unspecified damages that occurred between January 13, 2004 and November 2, 2004. To the extent that personal injury damages are claimed, the claim is late and a notice of untimely claim will be sent to the claimant. However, to the extent that the claimant alleges some type of continuing damages or property damages, the City Attorney is recommending that the claim be denied. The claim centers around an alleged "unsafe fence" that the City failed to remove and therefore caused damages and personal Injuries to the claimant. As Council Is aware, during this period of time, the City was seeking to abate a public nuisance at 140 "A" Street. Mr. Masaoka, the husband of Amy Harchol, the property owner, was doing construction work on the property. During this time, he tore down a neighbor's fence. A complaint was filed by the neighboring property owner with the District Attorney, Mr. Masaoka was tried and convicted and spent some time in jail for the offense. The City did not cause this damage or injury to Mr. Masaoka, nor did it cause any injuries or darnage to Ms. Harchol. In our opinion there is no City liability, and to the extent that it is timely, it should be rejected. RECOMMENDATION: After investigation and review by this office, it is recommended that the City Council deny the claim to the extent that the claim alleges personal injuries which occurred after July 7, 2004, and property damage, and direct the City Attorney to send notice thereof to the claimant and the claimant's attorneys. ATTACHMENT: Copy of Claim LOIS E. JEFFREY LEJlblw cc: William A. Huston, City Manager February 17, 2005 JAN-lil7-2005 14:33 CITY CF TUSTIN I CLAIM AGAINST THe CITY OF TUSTIN (For Damages to p9flldn gr Pamnl' Property) 714 B32 6382 P. Ø4/Ø5 . , R_I...dVio: ' iu.s. Mall ' Inter-omca Mall Over the Covl)ter TIn$\ijt/¡",!lF TUSTIN CI.~:'1 P 0, 13 A claim must be p18l8lll8d, lie )I'N1Ç1 þed by lI1e GOIIIIIT1/118nICode of1he Stalll of CalH'omle, bylhe claimant or a pEll'&On acting on hi91het bøhalf and .".11 provIdølha information Ihown balow. ~ your claim Is against the Cltv of Tustin. not anothlt public entity. Complet8d claims must be pl8lGnted to the City pf TuSlin, City Clerfl'a 0If,çe, 300 CentennIal Way, Tultln, California 92780. ' ff addltiOlløl space is needed to provIde your Inronnation. pleàse attach Sheets. Id8l1!1fyfng the paragraph(s) being anowa",d. 1. Name and Post Office add""", of Ihe Claimant: Name of Claimant Arther Kazuo Masaoka Post Office Addreaa: .-- 2. Post 0IIiCe iiddriSS to which the person presenting the claIm deslrea no6œa to be $8/\t N8(n8 of Addrea688:' Arther Kazuo Masaoka , . , Poat OIIice AddtQII: The date, piece end other c:ln;umalances of the oCcurrence or tiansaclloo from whlchlhe oIlIim illrI8es. Dale ofOccurr&nce: !~1}!ItY 13, 2004, andNovembc~ 2,2004, and J&nÙmy 13 2004 to November 1,2004. L.oœtion: 140 S. A Sttc~:-T~ éA92'1Sõ"'fOO Civic: Center Drivc Wes¡, San~ Ana, CA '92701 Çi~mlllancesgMngrfset'?~hlscl8im: ........ , ,,_..=~'..- -- . - The City of TuStin Building Inspector mac:ticed false. elToncOUS and misleaÆnl! S\U'Vevor work on a real ÐI'ODCrtV without a license !bat c:aused damaaes and personal injuries to the claimant. - The City of Tustin Building Department and Code Enforcemcmt Department failed to remove. - order removal. modifY or correct an unnermittcd. WlSafC fence that also was not ~ved ..,.. - thrøullh Deshm Review Deoartmeitt that caused damages and personal injuries to the claimant. - The City of Tustin employees prepared other falsc, misleading and erroneous reports that reflected c liurics to the claimant that includes malici~rosecution and abuse oæcess. G8rjl/l~.ej'fpuõñof1l\líTridebtednøSš ;-ængãiiõiï. Injury ;ããiñ¡¡gÏl-o7Tõ88lncurTia so liïrii8ÿõÜñõ --S:-' The name gr names ofll1e public employee cr employe,ss œiiŠing 1118 Injury, damage, or loss, if known. Police OffiCe1' OJds, Felix G8tc:ia, Judith Barnwell George Weisinger, Khanh N¡uyen, Clayton ~oJ ._La.ura V~~rw~-Mm:8~ Gladys Yanez, ~~~!.II}'Ú>!!....~~.-- -- 3, 4, ---.-- ~o_-" JAN-ø?-2005 14:34 CITY OF TUSTIN ) 714 832 6382 P,0S/05 7. 0 Umited Civil cas. )( Unllm/leó OM' ~.;.. YOI/ a.. ..qulred 111 provide the InfonTl8t!on reqlle8ted abow In orela( 111 comply with Gøvemment Code 1810. Additionally, In order to condue>t a timely In_tlllalion and poAIble 1'88OIIIIIon of your claim, the of)( ( u..w that u 'nper the 10 loWfn uestIone. Name, IIddrUs and telephone number of any wiln888~S 10 the occurrnnce or t1'ansaction from which the claim arise&: Police Officer Olds, Felix Garcia, 1udith Barnwell George Weisinger, Khanh Nguycn, ClaytDn _Anderson, Laura Underwood-Morgan, OJadys Yanez. Samuel Herrera, Clayton Anderson, _Arturo Herrera, ROIly Jordan, Maria ~cm:ra, Ouadlllupe Herrera-Martinez, Ed John,. John , ..wil!tamsQP.~ Daniel RIchardson, "Mr., C_~.er" If \he clIoIm Involves madlcaltnratment for a ciatmGd 1$1}', please plOYÍóe \he namot, addrer;. and telephone number of any doctots or hospitals providing treatment . - Roa¡ Hospital, 182SS Brookhurst Ave, Fountain Vallcy, CA 92708 - Stephen Heffl!lll1, Priority I Medical, 18113 Magnolia Street, Fountain Va.Jloy, CA 92708,- -, ~ -ç~.,.JJ§$-~ Brookhurst S!n!E!!...E2.\rn1;P,!l.Y&..Ie.x...gð,..9J7Q8. '. If Bppllcsb/ø, pies" attach any m.ellç_1 bHls or,.."olU or slml/8r documents slJppor/ing your cIsIm. Warning: Pre..ntition of a fa'.. c:lalm 18 a 1elony{PenaJ Code 572). puraUlnlto CCP 81038, the CIty/Ag8ncymay.eek to recover all c;osàl or defense In the event an aellon Is 1IIed which's Jater detllrmlned not to he". b8an brought in good faith and with røaaonllble caU88, ' " .. . 6. Signature; /:}" ~~.- .~ ~ (.../ .' ' , . .' /'F a!e: \ " "~' \ ~7""o~ _11-'~ ------- , . TOTI'L P.05