HomeMy WebLinkAbout14 ENFORCE FCC STDS. 08-06-01AGENDA REPORT NO. 14 08-06-01 MEETING DATE: AUGUST 6, 2001 uuU-~u TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, · CALIFORNIA PROVIDING NOTICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL'S INTENTION TO ENFORCE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION CUSTOMER SERVICE STANDARDS FOR CABLE TELEVISION OPERATIONS WITHIN THE CITY SUMMARY: The Federal Communications Commissions ("FCC") has promulgated minimum customer service standards that may supplement the standards established by the Tustin City Code and cable television franchises. The City is authorized by federal law to enforce the FCC standards upon 90 days' notice to the cable operators of the City's intent to enforce them. The attached resolution provides the required notice, and specifies that the City's current customer service standards remain effective to the extent that they supplement or exceed the FCC standards. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California providing notice of the City Council's intention to enforce Federal Communications Commission customer service standards for cable television operations within the City. FISCAL IMPACT: None. BACKGROUND: The FCC Customer Service Standards may supplement the standards established by the Tustin City Code and those agreed to by cable operators in their cable television franchises. The standards promulgated by the FCC provide more detail than those established by the Tustin City Code and those additional standards established in the current franchises with City's cable television operators. For example, the FCC regulations specify that under normal operating conditions, telephone answer time by a customer representative, including wait time, shall not exceed 30 seconds when the connection is made. The current franchise with Cox specifies that Cox will comply with the FCC standards and the additional standards established by the Tustin City Code. However, the current franchise with Media One/AT&T only requires the cable televiSion operator to comply with the Tustin City Code standards, and those standards set forth in its current franchise. Those standards lack the' specificity provided by the FCC standards with respect to response times, customer wait times, installation and service times. While Media One/AT&T has agreed to comply with the FCC standards as part of its franchise renewal, the City is still reviewing the franchise renewal proposal by Media One/AT&T. Media One/AT&T's current franchise does not expire until the end of July 2002. It is expected that enforcement of the FCC standards will prod all cable television franchisees to improve customer service. The Cox and Media One/AT&T current franchises provide that the City may terminate the franchises if the cable operators fail to correct a material breach of their franchises, or any order, directive, rule or regulation, which is not corrected or remedied within 30 calendar days of the mailing of notice of the breach. The Public Works Department in conjunction with the City Attorney'.s office will be considering additional options under federal and state law to monitor and enforce compliance with the FCC standards. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution FCC Customer Service Standards Internet 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 01-81 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING NOTICE OF ITS INTENTION TO ENFORCE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION CUSTOMER SERVICE STANDARDS FOR CABLE TELEVISION OPERATIONS WITHIN THE CITY. WHEREAS, United States Federal Communications Commission Regulations codified at Section 76.309 of Title 47, Part 76, Subpart H, of the United States Code of Federal Regulations (the "Regulations") establish minimum customer service standards for Cable Television Operators ("FCC Customer Service Standards" or "Standards"); and WHEREAS, the Regulations authorize the City to enforce the Standards, provided the City provides cable operators ninety (90) days written notice of its intent to enforce the Standards; and WHEREAS, the City Council expects cable operators to comply with the Standards and improve customer service; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, finds, determines and orders as follows: SECTION 1. Cable Television Operators doing business within the City are hereby provided with notice of the City Council's intention to enforce.the FCC Customer Service Standards promulgated by the United States Federal Communications Commission for Cable Television Operators at 47 Code Federal Regulations § 76.309, and any subsequent amendments thereto. The FCC Standards shall be enforced by the City commencing on the ninety-first (91st) day of the date that notice of the adoption of this Resolution is placed in the United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the business address on file with the City, of each Cable Television Operator within the City. The FCC Standards are attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION 2. The customer Service standards established under Title 7, Chapter 4, of the Tustin City Code pertaining to Cable Television Systems, and those standards agreed to by the City and Cable Television Operators within the existing Cable Television franchises shall remain effective and binding ucpon Cable Television Operators within the City to the extent that they supplement or exceed the FCC Standards. Internet 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 on the PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin day of ,2001. TRACY WILLS WORLEY, MAYOR ATTEST: PAMELA STOKER CITY CLERK -2- Internet .5 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EXHIBIT A -4- P, 002/004 § 76.3Q~ honor ruquuscs madu b~ mull but may do so if It chooses. (Seca. 2. 3, 4. 9. 301.30~1, 3u7. 31lB. -mi}il. ,~15. :!17, 4B SLat... a.~ ,.qne~{ded. 1084. IO~, IO~fl, IDfl~, lgl{, Ill,Z, ION~, lOCi. 10~5, l(l~, IIIR~; (47 U,S.~, 1~2. 153. t~. 155, 3ill. 303, 3~7, 0~6.309. 3i5. 3171) 13U FR ~918~. Au{~, 14. 1974. ~ am~dcd uT 40 ~ 250~..h~c i2. 1975; 42 ~ 19349. ~pr, i3. 1977; 5i FR 26251, July 2L t99G; 3G ~R igGI?, Apr, 29, l~l: 67 FR ~1001, Apr. 1, 1092:58 ?993. Feb. Z{, 1093:G0 ~ 671~. DK. Z8, lUe4] a~cam ~li make the aysce~. I~q pub- ]lc lnsp~ton rile (If ~uh'~l by ~TG.JU5). and i~ records or su~crtbers available for ~l)ec:l~ upon rcquu~k ~ any ~ucl~orized representative ~' ~e Comm~sion ac any re.enable hour, 142 ~ 19340, Apr. 13. 10771 ~~ DA~ N~: Ac 65 ~ 53615, Sept, ~, 2000. S?G.JG7 w~ ,'emerY. O~. 5. 2000. f176.309 Custom~ sunice obligations. urtforco ~c ~Lomur so,ice s~ndar~ · et forth ~ paruEraph (c) at' this sec- Lion a~alns~ cable oi~ra~o~. ~e fran- ch~o uu~rity m~: provi~ i~ected ~ble opera:ors ninety (90) days writ- tun notice of i~ intent to enforce :he scsnda,'ds. (bi No~hlng in ~ rule ~muld be ~L~cd ~o prc~L or pro.bi:; (I) A franch~ln~ auLhoti[y and u cable op~or from agrcuin8 to c~- tamer sel~lce ~quiremenL~ the: ex- coed the m:~durds ~et for~ in para- graph (c) et' this (g) A franch{s{n8 auchori~ fi'om en- forcing, ~hrough the end of ~u fr~- d~k~e term. pr~~cing c~com~r sea- ice requ;re~env, s chgc exc~d the s~nd- ards se~ forgh In p~'afirapl~ ici ~ sec~on and are confined in cu~enc franchise agreement; 0)A~y State or any l~~lng oricy ~rom cna:ting or enforcing any consumer protection law. :o the [lot sp~ll'lca11~ pl'~mpted herein: C4) The es~bli~menc or enforcement Of a~y State or municipal ~aw or regu- lact~ coacerl~ll~ c~to~ner se~lce that tmp~es customer ~e~ice require- m~ts that excel, or address m~tte~ 47 CFR Ch. I (10-1-00 Edition) not addre.~sed by the standards set forl:h in purasruph (c) o/' this section. (c) Ett'ecctve July 1, 1993, a cable op- erator shall he sub~ect to rile following customer service standards: {1) Cable syscom office .hour~ und telephone ava{labll Icy-- Cfi Tho cable operator will rm~inCatn lucul, Loll-£rue or colh.,cc cull ~'etephone ac~.ess line which will be available to ils subscribers ge hours a day, days a week. L*J Trained company representatives wLll be available :o rc~pond to torner telephone tnqulrle~ during nor- mai business hours. CB) After normal business hours, the access lin~ may be, answered by a ~erv- Ice or an automated response system. including an answerLnl~ machine. In- quiries received afr~e.r normal bu.~tness hours must be responded to by a tratnt~l company rupre~enl'uUve on the next business day. (ltl Under normal operating condi- tions, r.e. lephone ~n.~wer time by :omar representative., lncludlnfi wait ~'tme, ~haJl not exceed ~hircy (30) sac- ends when the connection ts made. clue call needs to be traast'er['ed, for :[m~ shall nec exceed chirl:y 00) seconds. The~e standards sha~ be met no less than rflne~y (g0) I)ercenc of the r.[me under normal opera:[nl~ condi- tions, measured on a quarterly basis. (iii) The operator will nec be required to acquire equipment or perform sur- veys co measure complL~nce with the telephone unswertng standurd-~ 'above unle.~ Rn hlsr. orleal record of com. plaints indioates a clear t'allure to com- ply, (tv) Under no,mai operating condt- /:ions. I:he cusl:omer will receive u busy signal le~ss than tl~ree (3) percent of the :line. (vi Cu~orn~-r suTvlce can:er and bill p~yment lecher, lens will he open R: ]eR.qT. during normal business hours and will be conveniently located. (2] InstalLations, outages and set--Ice calls. Unde~ nor*rrml operating condi- tions, each of the [ollowtng four stand- ards will be. me: no less than ninety rive (~$) percent of the time measured on a quarterly basis: (ii Standard Installations will be per- ~'ormed within seven (7) business d~ys filO ,.TUL-31-2001 16:17 95Z P. 02 iUL-al-2OOI(TUE) 14:Z4 P, O0 /O04 Feclorol Communicoliom Commission § 76.309 alLot an ordur has buurt plaued. "S~md- ard" lnscallaUons arc t~hose tidal zu-e located up to 125 fe~ i~m the exlsctnt distribution (il) E~cluding conditions beyond con~ro[ or ~e operator. ~e otbJe oper- in~r~upEto~" prompdy und tn no event later clean 24 hours a~ tl~e [ntert'upCton becom~ known. Th~ cubic opera:or m~E begin acUo~ ~o correct oth~ semite problems the ne~ busL- ness day a~er nottr[ca~on or ~e sea- ice problem. (tit) The "appoln~ent ~ndow" cernactves rot t~:&lIatt~, ~rvice curls, and o~er ~Hutt~ a~tvtttes will be etcher a s~t]c :[me or, at maximum. ~ r~r-hour ume block dur- In8 normal business I~ours. ~e oper- a,or may sched~u service ~]Ls and edger ~tal[a~on acttvt:t~ ou~tdo norm~ b~tness hou~ ~o~ the convenience of fl~e custom~.) (tv) An opera,or may nec ~ncel appointment wt~h ~ customer after close of busings on ~e busJ~ss prior co die scheduI~ ap~btCmcnL. (v) [~ a e[tbJe opc~a~r representative Is running late for en appo[n~ent with a customer and wtl2 nec bc able co keep the appointment as scheduled, =l~e cus:om~t wfll be contacted, ~e ap- pointment wi J[ be reacheduled. ~s nec- essa~, at a :tree wl~J~ ts conventen: [or ~he customer. (S) Communication, baleen Gsble operators m~d c~ble sub~tbe~-- (0 Refund~Refund ch~ will be ~suca prompcI,y, bec no L~cr ~ ther~ (A) The c~tomer's n~t billing cycle rollowtnB resolution of the te~ues: O~ircy (30) alsys, whichever Is earlier, or (B) Tim r~curn or [1~ ~uLpm~ ~up- p~t~ by ch~ cable op~aLur tt a~~ r. erln InRoad. OiL] Cr~t~Credi~ for ~ice will be L~uud no iu[ur rhun ~u n~c bi]ll~g cycle tbl]owtng the deter- ~nucion chac ~ ~edit ~ warr~ntcd. (4) O~ftnt~io~-- ~) Normsl busme~ hou~~e term "normal business bourn" means ~ose hour~ dur~ which most ~m~ar nesses In ~he community are open serve ~lstomem. In all ces~. "normal b~~s hours" m~ tn~u~ some evening hnurs ac least one night per we, eh .~tnd/or some weekend term "normal ope~clng conditions" m~ Lhos~ so~tcc condi~ion~ which . ape within [l~e con,roi et' the cable op- crater. ~oso condt:i~s which are ~chin the contel oF cbs ~ble oper- etta' Include, bu~ are nec llmtc~l co, na:ural disasters, c/vii d~:urbanc~, i)~er ou:&ges, teI~ph~ n~Lwork a~s, and s~ere or unusua~ weather conditions. ~ose condt:ions whlcim ordinarily w~dmln d~e c~crol or [h~ cubic operator include, but are not lim- ited to, specie1 promotions, pay-pe~ view even~, race tn~~. rugu~r peak ar se~o~l demand p~io~, and matn:~ce or upgrade of the ~bl~ s~tem. (Ill) 5ervYce ~nrerruprlot~Tl~e ~rm "~urvice tnLer~p~ton" means [he loss of pl~ure or ~u~ ~ ~ or mom cable chunn~. [511 l.'l[ z1 Itl.q, Apr. Ig, 1993. :~ :s-:etldml I-'R IB~?. Apr. 30. tugs: eS FI~ Saei5, SepL. Sept. ~. lUO0, 676.300 ~as amended illR ~raR~pl~s (~J)(I) and (~(3)([J) a~1d ~destgnacitlB paragraphs (c) (fl} (t ll) .nil (Iv) Oct. 5. 2000. For ~e c~v~l~cc et'the tho supe~e~d t~ is m~ fo~h us follo~: § ?(1,,~l)# CuiLumur .urvluu ul,l~l~litEonN, (I) N,,cl{'lca,lon.., LO sub.~crlbcr.,e-- (Al The =able uperacor .hall provide writ. ten inl'ormaciorB un each gl' [~le l'oilewi.~l areas at the r. tme of lnsr~llatlon of service. a: least annually to all subscribers, and at any time upon request: ([] Products ,~nd acrvtcc~ (2) I~t[¢c~ and ol~clo~ £o~ p¢oRjammtn8 ~crvtcc~ nrKJ curtd/Llufl~ u(' .ub.~c~lpLiu~l prol4j'ammlnR aJld ocJlet' aet'vlce~: (3) tr~LailuLJon (4) l,~LrUc~lans an how Co use ~:he cable .~viCr.: (~ Channel positton~ programm~nl~ anrt~ed on cl~e system: and. 1(;} :BiLtin~ nnd complaint procedure=, tn- =~udlng the address and telephone number the ]ocal franchise ~uthority'e cable office, (B} Ct=tamers will bo notified o1' nny chea~ges tn rates, pro~ammtnl~ service, o,' cha~mnel positions aa =eon am possible In writ- lnl~. Notloe must be l~lven to subscribers a 611 95Z P. 03 JUL-31-2flflI(TUE) 14:25 P, 004/004 § 76.400 ~ninlmum or t:hlrty (:lO) days in advance of trol o~ ch, ~bla oporator. In nddltton, lhe c~c opom~r s~lI no~ ~ub~b~a ~h~ty (301 days In ~d~nce cf any slgnlfl~nc cl~nRe.~ In ~he ~er Inf~rmsUo~l r~uh'ed by paraRraph (e)(~)(1)~) or u~is s~lor~. th~ ~ult o~ n rcgulnto~ ~oo, tYnn~e ~ n~y other ~. ~x, as~os~ent, or o~' any kind lmpo~d by nny FodaraI ag~. State, or fr~noh~g ~u~h~rlty on the action botwoan t~ appear ~d ~ sub- s~lbor. (1~) Dtlllng-- (A) ~Slt~ wll~ ~ cl~r, canctsa an~ under- ~t~mdablc. 0111~ mu~t ~ f~lly tt~l~d, w~th ttem l~tto~s Jnchtdlng, but nat limited to, ~c ~d premium se~L~ eha~e~ eqmpment cl~rgea. B~L~ wlU al~ ct~rly Llitea~ all aCLiel~;y durlnR ~hc bllltt~g l~cluelln~ ~Uomd churgcs, ~bntas and ~- (~) In c~o or' n billing d~pu:e, the p~nt h'om e ~beerLbe~' wLthla ~ Subpad I--Forms and Repods §?0.400 Operator, meg udctress, and oporata~onal etn~ ~ngem. Within 30 days f~lowtng a chanse of Cubic Tel~ision System Operator, or change of ~e operator's marl ~td- dress, an~ur change in the operational scat~ of a ca~e celev~on systum. Operu[or shall inform the Commission In writing of :ho follow,g, ~ appro- prlaLe: (u) Tho legal name of the operator und whether ehe operator Ls an lndl. vidual, prl~te association, par~e~up or corporation. See ~76.5fcc). Ir Om op- erat~ ~ a par~mrshtp, the lugal o[ the purser respo~tble for commu- nlca:lon~ with the ~ommlsson sl~al~ be supplied: (b) ~e :~sum~ namu (If uny) ~ed Eot doing buatness In e~ch community: (c) The new m~l[[ address. Including ~t) code, ~o whl~ ali communlcut~t~ are Lo bo (d) The nature or the operuclonal s~- cue change (e.g., b~me opera:~nal on ~ear) 0nearlY, ~ce~l~ 40 su~tbcrs, ~euuded 400 subscrlbu~, operation ter- minated tem~mrlly, opera:Ion ~rmt- noted permanently): 47 CFR cfi. I (lO-l-430 Edlllon) (c) Thc numt:~ and FCC identifiers (e,g,, CAO001) or tl~e sysr, em commu- ntctes affected. NOTIZ: :FCC system COIllI~IU:llL~ Jdenl~lrler.~ are ruuLlnel¥ a~tgrmd upon rugistrutlon. They trove been ~smlgned to all reported sys- tem communities based on ptevlou.m Forln 325 dam. Ir a gys~e{n com,nurdcy Ut operation pr~or to Mm. eh 31. Ig72. llal~ hoc pt'evhJU~ly been a.~.~lgrled a syste, tn communlr,y rte., all. t)l]e, eaLOr .~f,all prlwl(Je I~e t'nllowtn(: Jars'mai:Its In Jleti Oi~ I:he IclertClfter. Commu- Tdt.! Name. CofrltTlurllty Type (I,o,, intel etc,} County Nume. State, Opetato£ Name. Operator Assumed N~mo for Doing Bu~lnes~ m the community, Operator MaU Address, and Year and Month aervlce fLr~t provlded by ,.he phys~ca/system. ~42 FR 20~34, Apr, 111, ~r7, am amended at 4:t :FR 40000, Oct, ~0, 1978:at4 FR ~:IIt43, Oct. · ~rF~ DATF. NOTE; At (;~ FR ~3GL~. Sept. ~, ~-00~, §75,400 wee removed, effectJve ecL. $, gU00. I~6.403 C~ble televi~ion a~a[em Tho oporator o£ every operational cable televLsLon sys:em tk~sc .~erve.~ 20,000 or more subscrlbcr$ sl~qll £Llu with cbc Commi~-~ton a Form 3Z5 sollc- lr. lnff general Intbrmaclon and que~cy and signal dis:rlbuCton in£of mution on ~ Physical Sy,~tem ?dentl- flcaclon Number ("PS~D")basis. These forms shall be completed and returned ~o the Gommlssion within $0 days c~e dale o£ roeutpr by the operator. ~OTE: The Commission retains lr_,~ mu~l~nh ICy to require Form 325 to be £11ed by a man,- pllr~ al' cable operators with loss than ZU,UUU .~ubscrlbcrs, [04 F-R 28]08. May 25, 19901 Subpart J~Ownermhip o{ Cable Systems § '/0.601 Ct~ee-ownarehip. (a) No cable television sy$cem cludlng all parctes ut~tle~ commort con. crol) shaJl curry r. he stgnal of any :ele- vtston broadcast ~t.~ttola It' such dtrecrl), or lndtrecrly owns, opct'a~. ¢ontrots, or ~ un interest in ~ broacle. J~$t station whose predicted Grade B cortt;ou£, comput:ed tn accord- anco wtt:h §73,(184 of pur~' 73 e£ thl~ 612 JUL-31-2001 16:19 95X P.04