HomeMy WebLinkAboutEL CAMINO REAL 560 08/26/2019 Community Development Department TUSTIN
RF F:5
August 26, 2019 HONORING OUR PAST
560 EI Camino Real
The project site is zoned Downtown Commercial Core Specific Plan (DCCSP) and is
located within the Cultural Resource Overlay (CR) District. The property is listed in the
1990 and 2003 City of Tustin Historic Resource Surveys (HRS) and was constructed in
1915 as an automotive repair garage. The building is clad with a high stucco face with
large square piers and concrete caps at the comers of the center panel. The building is
reminiscent of mission-style architecture and was used as an automotive repair garage
between 1915 and 2006. This building is significant due to its association with its former
owners, including William M. Huntley, who was elected to Tustin's First City Council at the
time of incorporation in 1927. He also served as mayor from 1932-1940 and maintained
Tustin's first fire truck at this garage. Mr. Huntley contributed to the growth and
development of Tustin as a city.
The historic Tustin Garage building is listed with a "3S" rating in the 2003 HRS, indicating
the structure is a potential candidate for individual listing on the National Register of
Historic Places, and an "B" rating in the 1990 HRS. The "B rating indicates the building is
somewhat less unusual or distinctive in terms of age or architecture, but is a well-designed
building, may have a relationship with important events or persons, and may be a
candidate for the National Register. According to the HRS, a number of alterations over
the years have affected the building's integrity; however, the basic structure and features
remain in place.
The garage was converted to a restaurant through adaptive reuse in 2006 (CUP 06-
0091007-0139). Modifications to the structure as part of the conversion included
replacement of glass windows on the EI Camino Real fagade, installation of corrugated
metal rollup doors, gooseneck lighting, signage and an awning across the face of the
building, all deemed compatible with the building style and adaptive re-use. The building's
low-pitched roof is a simple composite-style roofing material. In addition, at the rear (west
elevation) of the property is an outdoor patio with fabric shade sails, string lights and thirty-
two (32) seats which is currently used for dining. The rear elevation of the building is clad
in galvanized metal, glass windows and an entry door, and a metal roll-up door enclosing
a storage area. The outdoor patio is located adjacent to the parking lot, which contains six
standard parking spaces and one accessible parking space. A short fence and
approximately two-foot (2-foot) deep planting area form the boundary for the outdoor patio.
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Certificate of Appropriateness
560 EI Camino Real
August 26, 2019
Existing seating at the restaurant consists of the following:
• Front patio: 32 seats
• Rear patio: 32 seats
• Interior dining: 116 seats
No change to the interior and/or exterior seating is proposed.
The proposed project consists of a "boat house" themed rear patio cover and deck
addition designed to complement the fish-house restaurant theme (Permit # COMBR-
2019-00457). The project proposes removal of the fabric-shade sails, lighting, fence and
a landscape buffer located between the parking lot and the outdoor patio. The removed
improvements will be replaced with a 645 square-foot deck, which includes a 95 square
foot addition created by the removal of the landscape buffer, and installation of a classic
rib two-part metal roof. 'Trex" composite decking material will be installed and the deck
would be enclosed with short "piers" and rope of at least three (3) feet in height to
comply with Alcoholic Beverage Control requirements.
The new patio cover will be supported by exposed 6"x6" heavy wood members and is
composed of two tiers of galvanized classic rib metal roof. The proposed upper roof is
approximately one�third of the width and depth of the lower roof. The proposed patio
cover would be attached directly to the historic building. Each of the two patio cover
roofs are smaller in scale than the restaurant building.
Parking for the proposed outdoor dining area is adequately provided for by seven (7)
adjacent parking spaces and twenty-five (25) parking spaces through the City of Tustin
Parking Exception Program.
Pursuant to Tustin City Code (TCC) 9252, prior to construction of improvements requiring
a building permit within the CR District, a Certificate of Appropriateness is required subject
to specific findings.
In accordance with Ordinance No. 1001 which was adopted June 20, 1988, by the
Tustin City Council, the Community Development Director has the authority to approve,
approve with conditions, or deny Certificates of Appropriateness for improvements
requiring a City building permit for property located within the CR District.
In accordance with TCC 9252h2, the Community Development Department finds and
determines as follows:
1. Construction of improvements in the CR District.
(a) The proposed work conforms to the Municipal Code and design standards
which may be established from time to time by the Planning Commission as
Cultural and Historic Resources Advisor.
S:1Cdd1CDD Staff(Currenl)lElaine\kistoric PreservationlCer ificate of appropriatenesM560 EI Camino ReaRCertificate of
Appropriateness-560 EI Camino Real-Black Marlin addilion.doc
Certificate of Appropriateness
560 El Camino Real
August 26, 2019
The proposed improvements conform to the TCC and applicable design
standards in that the proposed project meets the commercial site development
standards, design review standards, Building Code requirements, CR District
Commercial Design Guidelines and the DCCSP.
The proposed patio cover and deck is located at the rear of the building. The
project will not impact existing onsite parking, which will remain in place. The
proposed patio cover provides vertical and horizontal articulation by varying the
mass and form of the roof structure, provides breaks in the roofline, and is
compatible with the texture and color of the adjacent materials on the rear
elevation of the building structure.
(b) The proposed work does not adversely affect the character of the CR District or
Designated Cultural Resources within the district.
The proposed patio cover addition will not destroy historic materials or features
that characterize the property, will not create a false sense of history or detract
from the architectural significance of the historic building. The new work will be
differentiated from the old and will be compatible and subordinate to the historic
materials, size, scale and proportion of the building. No alterations to the main
commercial building are proposed and the original architectural style and
character will remain intact.
The fish-house themed outdoor patio cover will offer a protected outdoor dining
area that will add to the activity and vibrancy of Old Town Tustin.
The proposed improvements will be undertaken in such a manner that, if
removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property
and its environment would be unimpaired.
Parking for the use is adequately provided onsite and through the City of Tustin
Parking Exception Program.
(c) The proposed work is harmonious with existing surroundings. The extent of
harmony shall be evaluated in terms of appropriateness of materials, scale,
size, height, placement and use of a new building or structure in relationship to
existing buildings and structures and the surrounding setting.
The proposed improvements are in theme with the fish-house restaurant The
DCCSP encourages outdoor restaurant seating in the Cultural Resources
District and adds to the activity and vibrancy of Old Town Tustin.
The proposed improvements would be located at the rear of the building and
would be screened from El Camino Real where the primary remaining historical
features of the building are located. Although the galvanized classic rib metal
SACMCDD Staff(Curent)NElaine\Historic Preservagon\certificate of appropdateness1560 EI Camino ReallCertificate of
Appropriateness-560 EI Camino Real-Black Marlin addition.doc
Certificate of Appropriateness
560 EI Camino Real
August 26, 2019
patio cover would be visible from Sixth Street and the restaurant parking lot at
the rear of the building, it would not significantly increase the bulk of the building
as 9 is open on three (3) sides and would be subordinate to the historic
The proposed alterations do not radically change, obscure or destroy character-
defining spaces, materials, features or finishes which are primarily located on
the front of the building. The proposed alterations are outside of the building's
period of significance and are not character defining.
The rear side of the building is clad with galvanized metal. The class rib metal
patio cover would be compatible in material and color of the existing rear
elevation and could be removed in the future without damage to the character
defining features of the building.
Pursuant to Section 9272(c) of the TCC, the Community Development Department finds
that the location, size, architectural features, and general appearance of the proposed
project will not impair the orderly and harmonious development of the area, the present
or future development therein, or the occupancy as a whole.
The proposed project can be supported by the following findings:
1. The exterior colors and materials, height, bulk, and location of the proposed patio
cover and deck will be consistent with the architecture of the existing building,
CR District Commercial Design Guidelines, and the DCCSP requirements as
adopted by City Council.
2. The architectural features promote the fish-house theme and can be removed
without damaging the historic building should the restaurant or other future use
propose removal.
3. The design of the patio cover will be clearly differentiated from the original building
and will not create a false sense of history or detract from the architectural
significance of the historic building.
4. Sufficient access and maneuverability have been provided for by an accessible
path of travel and parking. Parking for the use is adequately provided onsite and
through the City of Tustin Parking Exception Program.
5. The proposed patio cover will be located at the rear of the building and will not be
visible from El Camino Real. The rear elevation is the most appropriate location for
an addition to a historic structure.
6. The proposed patio cover is smaller in scale than the original building and will be
subordinate in size and design to the historic structure consistent with the Secretary
of Interiors Standards for Rehabilitation and the City of Tustin Design Cultural
S:ICdd\CDD Staff(Current)TIaineWistoric PreservadonlCertificate of appropriateness1560 EI Camino ReACertificale of
Appropriateness-560 Ei Camino Real-Black Marlin addition.doc
Certificate of Appropriateness
560 El Camino Real
August 26, 2019
Resources District Commercial Design Guidelines.
7. Outdoor restaurant seating is encouraged for restaurants where appropriate in Old
Town Tustin. No additional seating is proposed.
The proposed work is hereby approved, subject to the following conditions:
1. Prior to the start of any work, the applicant shall obtain a building permit(s) and pay
all applicable plan check and permit fees.
Z Prior to any work in the public right-of-way, an Encroachment Permit shall be
obtained from and applicable fees paid to the Public Works Department.
3. Any damage done to existing public street improvements and/or utilities shall be
repaired to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
4. Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling and Reduction Plan (WRRP):
A. The applicant/contractor is required to submit a WRRP to the Public Works
Department. The WRRP must indicate how the applicant will comply with the
City's requirement (City Code Section 4351, et al) to recycle at least 65% of
the project waste material or the amount required by the California Green
Building Standards Code.
B. The applicant will be required to submit a $50.00 application fee and a cash
security deposit. Based on the review of the submitted Waste Management
Plan, the cash security deposit in the amount of five (5) percent of the
project's valuation as determined by the Building Official, rounded to the
nearest thousand. The deposit amount will be collected in accordance with
the Tustin City Code.
C. Prior to issuance of a permit, the applicant shall submit the required security
deposit in the form of cash, cashier's check, personal check, or money order
made payable to the "City of Tustin".
5. All improvements shall be made as shown on the approved plans on file with the
Community Development Department, shall be compatible with existing exterior
materials, finish, and colors of the existing structure, and is subject to field
verification prior to final permit approval.
Elizabeth A. Binsack
Community Development Director
S:ICdd\CDD staff(Current)IElainelHistonc Preservation\Certificate of appropriateness1560 EI Camino ReaINCertificate of
Appropriateness-560 EI Camino Real-Slack Marlin addition.doc