HomeMy WebLinkAbout09 REDHILL OCTA SCRRA 03-21-05 AGENDA REPORT Agenda Item Reviewed: City Manager ~ Finance Director ~ 9 MEETING DATE: MARCH 21,2005 TO: WILLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER FROM: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT/ENGINEERING DIVISION SUBJECT: CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING AND PLANNING FOR THE RED HILL AVENUE GRADE SEPARATION AT OCTA/SCRRA RAILWAY/EDINGER AVENUE (CIP NO. 7175) SUMMARY Approval of the Agreement between the City and Moffatt & Nichol will provide consultant services for preliminary engineering and planning for the Red Hill Avenue Grade Separation at OCTA/SCRRA Railway/Edinger Avenue (CIP No. 7175). RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Ci.ty Council approve a Consultant Services Agreement with the firm of Moffatt & Nichol to provide preliminary engineering and planning services for the Red Hill Avenue Grade Separation at OCTA/SCRRA Railway/Edinger Avenue (CIP No. 7175) in the not to exceed amount of $379,908.00, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City. FISCAL IMPACT Funding in the amount of $550,000 has been included in the current FY 2004-2005 Capital Improvement Program budget for the Red Hill Avenue Grade Separation at OCTA/SCRRA Railway/Edinger Avenue Project (CIP No. 7175). It consists of Federal Regional State Transportation Program (RSTP), Orange County Transportation Authority Growth Management Program Area 7 (GMA-7), and Measure M Turnback funds. DISCUSSION The goal of the proposed consultant services will be to evaluate alternative designs for the future construction of a grade separation for Red Hill Avenue at the OCTA/SCRRA Railway/Edinger Avenue area. A preferred design concept will ultimately be developed as part of the work effort. To comply with federal funding regulations for securing consultant assistance, a Request for Proposal (RFP) was formally advertised in the Orange County Register and the McGraw Hill Construction - Dodge publication from July 28 through August 4, 2004. Proposals were received from eight consulting engineering firms. City staff reviewed and rated the consultant proposals based on qualifications, proposed staffing, work plan, and the completeness of the submittals. The two highest rated firms, DMJM-Harris and Moffatt & Nichol, were invited to an interview on November 18, 2004. Based upon the evaluation of the Consultant Services Agreement for Preliminary Engineering and Planning for the Red Hill Avenue Grade Separation at OCTA/SCRRA Railway/Edinger Avenue (CIP No. 7175) March 21,2005 Page 2 proposals and the performance in the interviews, the evaluation team selected Moffatt & Nichol as the most qualified firm to perform the preliminary engineering and planning services. Moffatt & Nichol exhibited a more thorough understanding of the work tasks and the effort required to successfully perform the requirements of the project. The consultant services to be performed consist of various components including preliminary engineering, environmental analysis, traffic analysis, surveying, geotechnical investigation, landscape architecture, right-of- way analysis, and a public outreach program. It is staff's opinion that a not to exceed negotiated fee of $379,908.00 is reasonable for the level of work associated with the proposed scope of work. Accordingly, it is recommended that the City Council approve the Consultant Services Agreement with Moffatt & Nichol for preliminary engineering and planning of the Red Hill Avenue Grade Separation at OCTA/SCRRA Railway/Edinger Avenue (CIP No. 7175). c-/-Ð.{þØ- Tim D. Serlet Public Works Director/City Engineer ~Vk/~ Dana R. Kasdan Engineering Services Manager Attachment: Consu~ant Services Agreement (see City Clerk for copy) Location Exhibit S:ICity Councilltems\2005 CouncilltemslCSA for Red Hill Grade Separation Prelim Engr (7175).doc // // /.'V,<ìc-'f// ~c,/ c,'/ 0' // z 0 ~ g .-J I- () W "'"') 0 a: Il.. ~ a: ~ z Q w ): « ~ ~ « ~ ~ -- « g ~ z 0 ~ « a... ~ w 0 « ~ ~ ::J :E 0 ~ III ::::ii « z g ..., ~ a...