HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC MINUTES 07-09-19 MINUTES
JULY 9, 2019
7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER
Present. ROLL CALL: Chair Kozak
Chair Pro Tem Thompson
Commissioners Gallagher, Jha, Mason
Approved the 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —JUNE 11, 2019
Minutes of the
June 11, 2019
meeting, as
That the Planning Commission approve the Minutes of the June 11, 2019,
Planning Commission meeting as provided.
Motion: It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Mason, to approve the Minutes of
the June 11, 2019 Planning Commission meeting, as amended. Motion
carried 5-0.
Kozak With the concurrence of his fellow Commissioners, Kozak stated that Item #3
was withdrawn and if there was anyone in the audience present for Item #3,
they were welcome to approach the podium, which there were none. Kozak
also asked for the Commission's concurrence to move the Regular Business
Item #4 out of order to manage the agenda and time, given the significant
number of speaker forms received. The Commission concurred with Kozak's
TUSTIN, CA 92780
Minutes—Planning Commission July 9,2019—Page 1 of 12
TUSTIN, CA 92780
Removal of corrections and conditions related to an illegal conversion of
a two-car garage into a living unit and unpermitted addition to an existing
single family dwelling.
This project is categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15301(E) of the
California Code of Regulations (Guidelines for California Environmental
Quality Act).
That the Planning Commission uphold the Community Development
Director's corrections and conditions associated with Code Case No. CE-
2018-0243 and Permit No. COMBR-2018-00299 by adopting Resolution
No. 4387 as follows:
1) Uphold the Community Development Department policy to record the
Deed Restriction as shown without modifications in Attachment A of
the agenda report, prior to permit issuance.
2) Uphold the Tustin City Code (TCC) requirements regarding:
a. The interior dimensions of 20 feet by 20 feet of the detached two-
vehicles garage; and
b. Screening of the roof-mounted air conditioning (A1C) unit.
165 North A AGENDA)
Street to the
City's Historic
Register Plaque
That the Planning Commission approve the nomination of 165 North A
Street to the City's Historic Register Plaque Program and select "Tolin
House - 1923" as the most appropriate historical name and date of
construction of the property.
Dove Presentation given.
Minutes—Planning Commission July 9,2019—Page 2 of 12-
Motion: It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Kozak, to approve the nomination
of 165 North A Street to the City's Historic Register Plaque Program. Motion
carried 5-0.
No. 4385. DESIGN REVIEW (DR) 2018-00026 (ITEM #2 OF THE PLANNING
IRVINE, CA 92612
IRVINE, CA 92606
A request to demolish the existing Goodyear Tire Center and adjacent
Goodyear parking area at 2541 EI Camino Real and to construct a new
16 pump Costco gasoline fuel station with canopy and related equipment
at 2655 El Camino Real.
This project is categorically exempt pursuant to the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15332, Class 32.
That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 4385, approving the
Jha Jha recused himself from this item due to a competing financial interest.
Demkowicz Presentation given.
Thompson Thompson stated that the Level of Service (LOS) remains the same. He
referred to the Rutan & Tucker letter and asked Demkowicz to clarify the
number of acres on the project site in comparison with the PowerPoint
presentation (i.e. is the Costco warehouse included?). Thompson asked
Nishikawa to provide clarity as to the relevancy of the traffic engineering
comments within the letter from Rutan & Tucker, along with the email from
Veronica Barker regarding traffic circulation and fuel truck delivery. He also
Minutes--Planning Commission July 9,2019—Page 3 of 12
Thompson asked about the wait time signs ("similar to Disneyland") being added to the
management plan.
Demkowicz In response to Thompson's question regarding the number of acres,
Demkowicz stated that the overall project area is less than three (3) acres.
The warehouse building is not part of the submitted application.
Nishikawa In response to Thompson's question, Nishikawa referred to a section of the
Tom Brohard and Associates letter where they insinuated that there was
substantial evidence that the proposed project would have adverse traffic
and transportation impacts that were not properly disclosed, analyzed, and
mitigated. Nishikawa did not concur with those statements. In terms of the
items mentioned within the Tom Brohard and Associates letter, he
responded as follows: credit on the traffic volume from the Goodyear Tire
Center that no longer exists, is irrelevant as the applicant looked at the
center being fully operational; with the project, the intersection still shows the
LOS A or B, and that is what they are today; the TCC allows a LOS D and
still would not require traffic mitigation; with the project, there will be
additional traffic, but as far as the analysis and the LOS that one can expect,
it is still right along the same capacity that we see today; in order to get to
LOS D, for instance, 400 left turn trips from El Camino Real onto Tustin
Ranch Road would need to be added than what is shown today; an additional
1,000 through trips from EI Camino Real crossing Tustin Ranch Road in
order to get to LOS D at the intersection; Nishikawa again referred to the
letter that a weekend analysis, during peak hours, was not conducted (Table
6 of the traffic analysis); City staff analyzed the traffic volume (on streets and
intersections) in the traffic report, which is heavier on weekdays, especially
during rush hour(7:00 to 9:00 a.m. or 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.); the queuing analysis
is a different subject, which is why Costco analyzed weekend hours because
that is when traffic is heaviest for them; right turn pockets that Costco is
providing on EI Camino Real, are not a required item by the City; the project
will include Costco right turn pockets to facilitate through traffic; there not
being enough room for the extra twelve (12) foot lane that the City wants, is
not the case; the site has no physical improvements needing to be made out
and it can all be accommodated with striping on El Camino Real; the angled
parking spaces near the fuel stations are for employee parking only; double
stacking north of the fueling stations are also for employee parking only; if
Management Plan 2 has to be implemented, it would only affect employee
parking; pop-up ballards are not going to be an issue but there is an
alternative (manual ballards); per the fuel delivery trucks comment from
Veronica Barker email, the delivery trucks will deliver to the east side of the
property, which is away from the fueling station and outside of the queue
area; and in response to Thompson's comment on the wait time sign,
Nishikawa mentioned the Frequency Operated Button (FOB) reader helping
to speed up the process (and new technology).
7:50 p.m. Opened up the Public Comments Section.
Minutes—Planning Commission July 9,2019—Page 4 of 12
Mr. Sean Sean Henderson, representing the applicant, clarified the part of the Rutan &
Henderson Tucker letter that stated that the site area versus the project area
(grading/drainage plans identify disturbed area which is approximately 2.5
acres and is the actual project area) coincides and supports CEQA
Ms. Diane Diana Salazar, applicant, stated the following in general: she thanked staff
Salazar, for their work efforts on the project; the goal of the project is to provide fuel
applicant service at this location; currently there are 535 Costco warehouses in the U.S.
and 470 of those warehouses have gas stations; Tustin Ranch Costco
warehouse includes members from north Tustin, Cowan Heights, Lemon
Heights, Orange Park Acres and part of Santa Ana; the Costco at the District
is serving the Tustin Ranch member base and 40 percent of the gas
transactions are from the Tustin Ranch area; The District has circulation
issues and trips would be reduced at that location with the construction of the
Tustin Ranch site; the proposed project would help with the demand at the
District and reduce trips, etc.; in response to the concerns at the last meeting,
Ms. Salazar agrees with the revised Conditions of Approval; site congestion
and parking availability—:the applicant and her team made two (2) site visits
to the project site, and discovered the parking, where they are proposing to
put the gas station, is underutilized (currently the parking is ten (10) percent
in use); and an independent study was completed in 2014 and 2018 on
existing Costco warehouses in shopping centers, which showed that 46
percent of the members shopping at Costco made purchases the same day
in the same shopping center and based on that study, members currently
shopping at the Tustin Ranch Costco, plus the added traffic at the gas station,
will likely make additional purchases in the Tustin Market Place and nearby
Thompson Thompson requested clarification regarding the parking lot sharing
relationship between the businesses through the CC&Rs and the
maintenance (landscaping) being specific to the property line.
Salazar Per Ms. Salazar, she confirmed Thompson's statement previously made.
There is a reciprocal easement, as far as use, but each parcel needs to
comply with the CC&Rs parking ratio, which is five (5) per 1,000 which
exceeds the City's parking ratio of 4.5 per 1,000. She added that each
individual parcel has to provide the required parking, per the CC&Rs (5 per
Mason Mason had additional questions regarding the queueing, specifically the
employee parking stalls and the access to and from the proposed gas station.
She also asked that if the applicant had to restrict the parking due to a"special
circumstance", the applicant could potentially close off the parking, as a
queuing area, and not be outside of the required parking spaces.
Minutes—Planning Commission July 9, 2019—Page 5 of 12
Ms. Neelam Ms. Neelam Dolan, Kittleson and Associates Traffic Engineer with Costco,
Dolan, Kittleson responded as follows; the parking north of the proposed gas station would be
and Associates employee only parking 2417; employee parking spots will be filled before
Costco warehouse opens and will not interfere with members arriving after
Costco warehouse opens; there will be no designated parking to the stalls on
the opposite side of the employee parking; Queue Management Plan 2 i not
an expected or needed condition; looking at both transactions and data at the
Costco at the District, and the number of gas pumps, the applicant anticipates
that operation at the proposed project site would be 45 percent more efficient;
in Kittleson and Associates study and the Temecula Costco location, which is
the biggest Costco in the region with 30 gas pumps, queues much less than
the queuing capacity within the fuel area; Queue Management Plan 1 is the
worst-case scenario; the goal of restricting the employee parking spaces to
employees only is to ensure adequate circulation around the gas station; and
there is adequate parking to address Costco member needs if additional
employee parking is designated; Ms. Neelam's response to Mason's question
regarding "restricted parking'; she stated they do have the capacity to
accommodate parking on-site if the employee spaces were unavailable.
In favor. Mr. Scott Couchman, Tustin resident, commented on the following in general:
need for additional gas stations in north- Tustin area; Costco is burdening
other local gas stations with free water and air (Resolution No. 4385,
Condition No. 2.5 of the Conditions of Approval - pages 166 and 182 of the
agenda report) and asked that Costco provide these same services; and Mr.
Couchman was in favor of the project.
In favor. Mr. John Takasha, resident and business owner in Tustin Ranch, commented
on the following, in general: Costco contributes to the economy; fears Costco
may close this location if gas station not provided; limited amount of
commercial property to generate tax revenue; El Camino property is a blight
to the community and will further impact the neighborhood; staff answered all
of his questions and he had no concerns; he liked the proposed design and,
traffic flow; and Mr. Takasha was in favor of the project.
Opposed. Mr. Aaron Peters, Tustin resident and former specialist in the queueing at
Disneyland commented on the following, in general: Queue Management
Plan 2 will be needed since there is only one (1) exit; there are already traffic
related concerns to Tustin Ranch Road and Bryan Avenue and El Camino
Real without the addition of a high traffic gas station; there are several
accidents near project location due to traffic, poor visibility and driver neglect;
the traffic study was completed after a holiday and a rainy day; there are
potential conflicts with the school nearby; impacts to neighboring gas
stations/small businesses; and Mr. Peters opposed the item.
Opposed. Ms. Suzanne Lowenthal, Tustin resident, commented on the following, in
general: concern with traffic volume data and the date it was collected; impact
to traffic; queues would exceed the one (1) exit; left turn lane off of Bryan
Avenue into shopping center is already short; concern with cars entering and
exiting the proposed gas station; and Ms. Lowenthal opposed the item.
Minutes—Planning Commission July 9,2019—Page 6 of 12
In favor. Mr. Tim Woolsey, North Tustin resident, spoke in favor of the project; the
queueing problem at the District will not be repeated at the proposed project
site being that there is an adequate circulation area.
In favor. Mrs. Wendy Woolsey, North Tustin resident, spoke in favor of the project —
local gas station at an existing Costco is a great idea; and the proposed
project will increase sales tax revenue and will benefit the City of Tustin.
Opposed. Ms. Jacqueline Hibbs, Tustin resident, commented on the following, in
general: concern with the future sale of her home as FHA loans are not an
option if you live within 400 meters of a gas station; more transparency
needed with public notification (Le. City website, Facebook, not just
newspaper); an accident study is needed; gas vapors not good for human
element; and Ms. Hibbs opposed the project.
In favor. Mr. Steve McArthur, Irvine resident, commented on the following, in general:
queuing will not be problematic; the proposed project will lessen the traffic at
the District; tax revenue will increase in the City of Tustin; and Mr. McArthur
spoke in favor of the item:
In favor. Mr. Sean Painter, Tustin resident and Costco employee, commented on the
following, in general: the proposed project would bring more jobs to Tustin;
reduce traffic at the District; will help the community; and Mr. Painter was in
favor of the item.
In favor. Ms. Renee Krause, commented on the following, in general: two (2)
completely different situations with the District's Costco and the proposed
project; different traffic circulation; more vehicles will use Jamboree Road;
convenient location at Tustin Ranch Road since Ms. Krause lives near the
project site location; cheaper gas; and Ms. Krause was in favor of the project.
In favor. Mr. Jon Goetz, Tustin Ranch resident and Costco member, commented on
the following, in general: in favor of cheaper, high-quality gas; the proposed
gas station location would cut his commute when buying gas by three (3)
miles; did not agree with those who opposed; and Mr. Goetz was in favor of
the project.
Opposed. Mr. Andrew Krenz, Sycamore Community, commented on the following, in
general: Tesla car sales and electric vehicle use; and he asked for the
Commission to consider long-term consequences when there are less people
with gas vehicles.
In favor. Mr. Tom Key, Tustin resident, commented on the following, in general:
Americans love cars and traveling; Costco sells high-quality gas at reduced
prices; Costco is a good company; and Mr. Key was in favor of the item.
In favor. Ms. Patricia Davis, Santa Ana resident, commented on the following, in
general: she frequents the District and hopes this proposed project will
alleviate the queuing problem at the District; would increase revenue for the
City of Tustin; would improve the shopping center's security; staff is
attempting to avoid the same issues at the District with the proposed project;
Minutes—Planning Commission July 9,2019—Page 7 of 12
level the business load between the two (2) sites; take lessons learned from
the District's Costco and apply to the proposed project site; concern with the
left turn lane; local traffic will improve; and Ms. Davis was in favor of the item.
In favor. Ms. Rebecca Burton, Tustin Meadows resident, Costco member, would like
to see a gas station and store combined for a more rational shopping
experience. Ms. Burton was in favor of the item.
Opposed. Mr. Matt Molkara, Irvine resident, stated "how many more Costco warehouses
does Tustin need?" He was concerned with impact to traffic and stated that
the project was not the answer to the homelessness situation. Mr. Molkara
was opposed to the item.
Opposed. Mr. Charlie Mazza, Shell gas station owner near the project site, who hired
Rutan & Tucker, spoke on the following, in general: traffic study was not
adequate; queueing entrance/exit issue; concern with delivery trucks access;
and Mr. Mazza was opposed to the item.
Opposed. Ms. Lisa McMains, Irvine resident, commented on the following, in general:
she urged the Commission to not adopt the project and reminded the
Commissioners their role and balance between commercial and residents;
asked the Commission to not make a decision to change Tustin with the
proposed project; would affect residents duality of life with increase in
accidents; concern with the left hand turn; and Ms. McMains was opposed to
the item.
Opposed. Ms. Anna GarFias, Santa Ana resident, commented on the following, in
general: increase in traffic; no need for two (2) Costco warehouses within
three (3) miles apart; taxpayers money will go to street widening; LOS grades
and actual impacts; roads are not an existing LOS A or B; and Ms. Garfias
was opposed to the item.
In favor. Mr. Marvin Watson, Tustin resident and Costco employee, stated that the City
of Tustin is growing and that the proposed project would help the Tustin
Legacy. Mr. Watson was in favor of the item.
In favor. Mr. Michael Okuma, Santa Ana resident, commented on the following, in
general: proposed project would alleviate pressure at the District; project site
is more convenient; kudos to staff for the analysis; site has been vacant and
this project would help; tax revenue for the City of Tustin; and Mr. Okuma was
in favor of the item.
In favor. Mr. Leonard Sirmopoulos, Tustin resident, stated that"we" need to accept our
share of gas stations and that the proposed project is the most efficient way
to get gas at Costco. Mr. Sirmopoulos was in favor of the item.
In favor. Vasanthi Okuma, Santa Ana resident, stated that traffic is already an issue at
the project site and she was in favor of the item.
Minutes—Planning Commission July 9,2019—Page 8 of 12
Opposed Ms. Linda Lewotsky, Tustin resident, commented on the following, in general:
she shops for gasoline at all Costco locations throughout the state; supports
-other gas stations in Los Angeles and San Diego; suggested the applicant
reduce the number of pumps to keep within small community of Tustin (keep
quaintness); more homework needed; and Ms. Lewotsky was opposed to the
Opposed. Mr. John Forbes, Tustin resident, commented on the following, in general:
queueing will add to the traffic congestion; increase in air pollution; two (2)
Costco gas stations in Tustin is too many; will decrease the quality of life;
compared the project to the John Wayne Airport; will decrease the value of
the homes in the neighborhood; and Mr.Forbes opposed the item.
8:58 p.m. Closed the Public Comments Section.
Thompson Thompson's questions/comments generally included: he asked Nishikawa to
comment on the time that data was acquired for the traffic study; and to clarify
the right turn lane going into the Costco parking lot; he asked if the parking
attendants would be required to manage the traffic within the gas station; if
consistent with the General Plan and zoning, what are the other factors that
can be considered (i.e. traffic — biggest issue 1 quality of life); if issues are
bundled —traffic and LOS has been checked and re-checked and it is good;
spoke on emissions from queuing vehicles, which staff has analyzed;
concerned about hours of operation and in-line gas station hours with other
tenants; concern with the shared parking agreement and maintenance of the
property; Costco should provide security to the entire shopping center and
everyone should pick up trash within the parking area; need clarification with
regards to queuing and impacts to employee parking; Quality Management
Plan — posting of vehicle wait times for drivers waiting for gas to help reduce
traffic impacts; and modify the Conditions of Approval with regards to the
posting of vehicle wait times.
Nishikawa In response to Thompson's questions, Nishikawa stated, in general: the
weekday analysis would approximate the worst conditions; weather does play
a factor in the analysis; data taken during the holiday season means there
should have been more traffic; the exiting concern from the gas station at the
District is that there is only one way out, which is onto Park Avenue and at the
proposed location, the concern is the left turn movement leaving the gas
station and returning to EI Camino Real and the proposed project has a few
exits (3 access points for major roadways); turning movements —the City is
in the process of doing improvements at El Camino Real and Tustin Ranch
Road, which has nothing to do with the proposed project and had to do with
monies available when the Market Place was built long ago (adding right turn
pockets in all four(4) intersections and increasing left turn pockets and adding
a second left turn lane from EI Camino Real onto Tustin Ranch Road in order
to get to the freeway because that has been a problem area; and Costco
funds the right turn lane going into Costco.
Demkowicz Per Thompson's question regarding the parking attendants, Demkowicz
stated that the plan is to help facilitate the queueing and stacking.
Minutes—Planning Commission July 9,2019--Page 9 of 12
Kozak Kozak also asked about the left hand tura pocket off of El Camino Real into
the shopping center and if there is space to accommodate the left hand turn
pocket, which Nishikawa stated previously that there would be a dedicated
left hand turn pocket.
Thompson Thompson's final comments generally included: the Commission is not here
toconsider the finances of the City of Tustin and it is not motivation for the
Commission and their deliberation; if it affects other businesses and it is
consistent with the general land use designation of the property, the property
owner has the right to develop within the context of what that general plan
zoning has been established and if there is consistency,then otherfacts have
to be considered (some may not work-- i.e. quality of life); it is not within the
Commission's purview with regard to gas station competition; the operating
hours -- start out with hours more consistent with the shopping center; the
shared parking arrangement and Costco should expand beyond the security
line (anybody can pick up trash); should not count employee parking as part
of the surplus; employee parking and surplus parking need to be clarified;
there should be signs post showing what the wait times are in order to reduce
traffic impacts; and lastly, Thompson suggested some modifications to the
appropriate conditions within the Conditions of Approval.
Gallagher Gallagher's final comment was that the Commission should focus on the
following issues in general: traffic and queueing --deferred to the experts on
the adequacy of the traffic study; referenced the Costco on Alton Parkway
and not seeing any impacts, there are two (2) gas stations off of Red Hill
Avenue near Tustin High School and did not see any issues there; human
element and home values — FHA loan — there already is a gas station near
the speaker who mentioned this; the size of the proposed gas station — it is
not the largest gas station the applicant is trying to build, it is the best and by
adding more pumps, traffic will flow quicker; limiting hours of operation could
have an adverse effect (leave the hours of operation restriction to a future
meeting if there are adverse impacts); security limitation (agreed with
Thompson's comments); document the concepts previously stated by
Thompson to use in the future; spoke of public comments and opposition
argument; concurs with Thompson on added security; and save the
Thompson's suggested concepts for consideration at a later date, should it
not be as anticipated (i.e. queueing signs).
Mason Mason thanked the residents for coming out and speaking. Her comments
generally included: modification of the hours -- can be changed and altered
by the Community Development Director, if need be; Plan 2 mitigation of the
queueing — make sure it does not impact the parking requirements by the
business; she trusts that what has been addressed by City staff has
demonstrated that there is no material impact to traffic, noise and pollution,
and that the addition of a gas station will make it better; stated Thompson's
concerns were valid but they need to be addressed in the future, if need be;
important to consider the worst case scenario — mitigation included is good;
spoke of modifications suggested by Thompson, but did not feel the need to
implement now, but acknowledge for future additional mitigation; she asked if
the item was appealable; and she was in support of staffs recommendation,
as is, with the modifications.
Minutes--Planning Commission July 9,2019—Page 10 of 12
Binsack Per Mason's comment on-the item being appealable, Binsack confirmed that
it is an appealable item and if not appealed, the Commission's determination
is final.
Kozak Kozak thanked the audience for coming out and sharing their comments and
concerns. His final comments generally included: visited both sides of the
entrance to the shopping center— right hand turn lane is a viable use of the
property; his focus was the ability to focus on approving or disapproving the
plan and is consistent with the General Plan and East Tustin Specific Plan;
the proposed use does work in the site location; with regard to the LOS
analysis, they have received and reviewed the LOS with a minor exception of
A and B, with A being the highest most free traffic flow; the applicant comes
up with two (2) management plans to mitigate queuing on-site and in-place in
case needed; there is a dedicated left and right turn entrance from El Camino
Real onto project site; staff has modified the recommendations to be
consistent with other Costco warehouse service stations; he agreed with his
fellow commissioners; and was also in support of the project.
Binsack Reminded the Commission of the recommended action which was to adopt
Resolution No. 4385, approving the item.
Thompson Thompson moved to approve the item, with the following modifications:
1) Security condition and the maintenance issue (trash pick-up and
homelessness) is addressed and include the shared parking area.
2) The City still retains the ability to change the operating hours and that
the proposed operating hours remain the same for now.
3) The traffic management plan be considerate of parking spaces that
are blocked and signage to help patrons understand if the wait time is
Mason Mason was concerned with the respective property owner not maintaining the
property which is their responsibility and it should not be the City's
responsibility and Costco's.
Kozak Kozak added that there are multiple property owners within the shopping
center and they need to do a better job of cleaning and maintaining their
Gallagher Gallagher added that he was concerned with adding a condition that could be
a liability to one owner as to the condition of another owner's property.
Binsack Per Galla_gher's last comment, Binsack stated that City staff shares the liability
concern as well as Thompson's concern. She added that Condition 2.7 and
2.8 will take care of some of the issues addressed (i.e. trash, homeless issue)
which requires patrol of the premises. Cannot hold Costco responsible for
those issues, but can hold the property owners responsible, as well going
Minutes—Planning Commission July 9,2019—Page 11 of 12
Motion. It was moved by Thompson, seconded by Gallagher, to adopt Resolution No.
4385. Motion carried 4-0-1,
Gallagher No concerns,
Mason Mason had no concerns. She attended Tustin's Concerts in the Park (8,0's
band) on July 3, 2019.
Jha No concerns.
Thompson Thompson attended the following events:
0 6/18 OCTA CAC Bicycle Advisory Committee Meeting
* 6/20 Mayor Puckett's Business Recognition Luncheon!
0 7/4 Tustin's 4th of July Celebration at Tustin High School
In September Thompson will be stepping down as Planning Commission
Chair Pro Tem. Thompson has served on the Planning Commission for 12
years as well as serving 8 years on the Cultural Resources Advisory
Kozak Kozak congratulated staff for their hard work on making the meeting run
smoothly. He attended the following events:
o 6/12, 6/19, 6/26 Tustin's Concerts in the Park
0 6/14 City's Flagi Day Ceremony in the Library Courtyard
0 6,115 Tustin Police Department's Open House
0 6/18 California Preservation Foundation Webinar
0 6/20 Mayor Puckett's Business Recognition Lunch
* 6/26 ACC-OC Seminar hosted by the City of Tustin at the Tustin
0 7/4 Tustin Meadows Parade
0 7/4 Tustin's 4th of July Celebration at Tustin High School
a 7/6 Celebrated their 34th: Wedding Anniversary
9.44 p.m. ADJOURNMENT:
The next regular meeting of the Planning, Commission is scheduled for
Tuesday, July 23, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber at 300
Centennial Way,
Planning Commission Secretary
Minutes- Plannung Cornrnissbn July 91 2019-Page 12 of,12