HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 GEN PLAN AMEND 04-18-05 A G END A REPORT Agenda Item ~ Reviewed: ¡¿L City Manager Finance Director ~ MEETING DATE: APRIL 18, 2005 TO: WilLIAM A. HUSTON, CITY MANAGER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FROM: SUBJECT: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 05-001 SUMMARY The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment to the City's Circulation Element to reclassify a street segment of EI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue from a four-lane Secondary Arterial to a two-lane collector roadway. On April 11, 2005, the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council approve General Plan Amendment 05-001. Applicant! Owner: City of Tustin RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Adopt Resolution No. 05-61 approving the Final Negative Declaration as adequate for General Plan Amendment 05-001. 2. Adopt Resolution No. 05-62 approving General Plan Amendment 05-001 for the reclassification of EI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue. FISCAL IMPACT: The General Plan Amendment is a City-initiated project. There is no direct fiscal impact associated with the proposed General Plan Amendment. ENVIRONMENTAL: A Negative Declaration has been prepared for this project (Exhibit A of Resolution No. 05- 61). The attached Initial Study discusses potential impact categories. Based on the Initial Study, there is no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment, and no mitigation measures are proposed. The public comments period for the environmental documents was from March 22, 2005, to April 11, 2005. No comments were received during the comments period. City Council Report April 18, 2005 GPA 05-001 Page 2 of 3 BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: The Circulation Element is one of the seven General Plan elements mandated by the State of California, as articulated in Sections 65580 to 65589.8 of the Government Code. The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment to the City's Circulation Element to reclassify a street segment of EI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue from a four-lane Secondary Arterial to a two-lane collector roadway. The roadway segment of EI Camino Real has a north-south alignment before it transitions to a northwest-southeast alignment between Sixth Street and Newport Avenue. This portion of EI Camino Real is located within the City's Old Town commercial district, which supports a mixture of retail and commercial uses and includes various public improvements to provide a more pedestrian-oriented environment. In November 1997, the City, in coordination with the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) , approved a demonstration project to reduce the number of travel lanes on EI Camino Real between Second Street to Sixth Street (one block south of First Street and west of Newport Avenue) from a four-lane undivided Secondary Arterial street to a two-lane undivided collector street with diagonal parking along both sides of the street. The purpose of the demonstration project was to document the existing and define the future impacts of the redesignation on other nearby streets and intersections. A subsequent traffic study (Appendix B of the Initial Study, which is Exhibit A to Resolution No. 05-61) was prepared by WPAJlNilidan in May 2001 that concluded 2020 traffic conditions, both with and without the project, would result in acceptable daily traffic levels and intersection operations. Following the success of the demonstration project and the preparation of the traffic study, the OCTA approved an amendment to the Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH) to change the status of the street segment of EI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue from a four-lane secondary arterial to a two-lane local collector roadway. The proposed General Plan Amendment would similarly reflect the two-lane collector status of the roadway on the City's Circulation Element and ensure consistency between the City's General Plan and OCTA's MPAH. The purpose of the proposed amendment to the City's Circulation Element is to: (1) achieve consistency with the MPAH designation, (2) reflect the existing and future traffic levels on the roadway segment, and (3) ensure consistency between the roadway and the adjacent land uses by supporting the pedestrian-friendly character of the Old Town commercial district. The two-lane configuration and on-street diagonal parking are consistent with the revitalization goals for Old Town by contributing to a pedestrian- oriented environment. City Council Report April 18,2005 GPA 05-001 Page30f3 Specifically, the General Plan Amendment includes the following: . Adds a definition of Collector to the Circulation Plan . Adds a cross section of a Collector roadway to Figure C-1, Typical Cross Sections . Amends Figure C-2 to add Collector to the Legend and to redesignate EI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue . Amends Table C-5 to reclassify EI Camino Real south of First Street and EI Camino Real south of Main from Secondary to Collector The proposed General Plan Amendment is included as Exhibit A of Resolution No. 05- 62. On April 11, 2005, the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council approve General Plan Amendment 05-001. A decision to approve General Plan Amendment 05-001 may be supported by the findings contained in Resolution No. 05- 62. Jedl: ~ Scott Reekstin Senior Planner ~I{/~ Engineering Services Manager Attachments: A. Location Map B. Resolution No. 05-61 - (Environmental Findings) C. Resolution No. 05-62 - (General Plan Amendment) S:\CddICCREPORTlGPA 05-001 EI Camino Real Reclassification.doc ATTACHMENT A LOCATION MAP 0 1000 ~ fEET 2000 , SOURCE: USGS 7.5' QUADS - TUSTIN & ORANGE, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 2.1 Tustin/EI Camino Project Location 1:\CruJ30IG\'-'",,¡oo.,d,(7!lIOJ) RESOLUTION NO. 05-61 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE FINAL NEGATIVE DECLARATION AS ADEQUATE FOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 05-001, AS REQUIRED BY THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: I. II. The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. That General Plan Amendment 05-001 is considered a "Project" pursuant to the terms of the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"); B. That an Initial Study and a Negative Declaration have been prepared for this project and distributed for public review. The Initial Study/Negative Declaration evaluated the implications of the proposed project. C, That the Initial Study/Negative Declaration was advertised for public review for 20 days in compliance with Section 15105 of the State CEQA Guidelines, D, That at a regularly scheduled meeting on April 11, 2005, the Planning Commission considered the proposed Final Negative Declaration before considering a recommendation to approve General Plan Amendment 05- 001. E. The City Council of the City of Tustin has considered evidence presented by the Community Development Director and comments received during the public review process with respect to the proposed Final Negative Declaration at the April 18, 2005, meeting. A. A Final Negative Declaration, attached hereto as Exhibit A, has been completed in compliance with CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines. The City Council finds that, on the basis of the whole record before it (including the initial study and any comments received), there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment and that the proposed Final Negative Declaration reflects the City's independent judgment. B. The City Council hereby adopts the Final Negative Declaration for the purpose of approving General Plan Amendment 05-001. Resolution No. 05-61 Page 2 C. The record of proceedings upon which this decision is based is located at City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California, Attention: Director of Community Development. III. The City Council finds that the project involves no potential for any adverse effect, either individually or cumulatively, on wildlife resources as defined in Section 711,2 of the Fish and Game Code. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council held on the 18th day of April, 2005. LOU BONE MAYOR PAMELA STOKER CITY CLERK STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE) CITY OF TUSTIN ) CERTIFICATION FOR RESOLUTION NO. 05-61 SS I, Pamela Stoker, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 05-61 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the 18th day of April, 2005, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: PAMELA STOKER CITY CLERK EXHIBIT A OF RESOLUTION NO. 05-61 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 573-3100 NEGATIVE DECLARATION Project Title: EI Camino Real General Plan Amendment Project Location: EI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue, Tustin Project Description: Amend the Circulation Element of the Tustin General Plan to redesignate EI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue from a Secondary Arterial to a Collector Arterial. Project Proponent: City of Tustin Lead Agency Contact Person: Scott Reekstin Telephone: 714/573-3016 The Community Development Department has conducted an Initial Study for the above project in accordance with the City of Tustin's procedures regarding implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, and on the basis of that study hereby finds: . That there is no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. JZl 0 That potential significant effects were identified, but revisions have been included in the project plans and agreed to by the applicant that would avoid or mitigate the effects to a point where clearlyno significant effects would occur. Said Mitigation Measures are included in Attachment A of the Initial Study which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. Therefore, the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report is not required. The Initial Study which provides the basis for this determination is attached and is on file at the Community Development Department, City of Tustin. The public is invited to comment on the appropriateness of this Negative Declaration during the review period, which begins with the public notice of Negative Declaration and extends for twenty (20) calendar days. Upon review by the Community Development Director, this review period may be extended if deemed necessary. REVIEW PERIOD ENDS 4:00 P.M. ON APRIL 11,2005 Date ~.;¿¡.OS ~~ ~k E lzabeth A. Bmsack Community Development Director INITIAL STUDY AND NEGA TIVE DECLARA TION CITY OF TUSTIN EL CAMINO REAL GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA L S ^ March 2005 LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. MARCH '005 DRAFT INITIAL srVDY TVSTIN/" CAMINO GENERAL PLAN AMEHDMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...........,.................,..........................................,..,..............,.............................1-1 1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE -...................................................................................................11 1.2 FINDINGS OF THIS INITIAL STUDY............................................................................ I-I 1.3 EXISTING DOCUMENTS TO BE INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE .....................1-2 1.4 CONTACT PERSON .......,.................................................................................................1-3 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................,..............................2-1 2.1 PROJECT SITE SETIING ....................................................................:........................... 2-1 2.2 PROPOSED DISCRETIONARY ACTION ......................................................................2-1 2.3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""....,.......,..... 2-3 3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM.....,...............".........................................,................3-1 4.0 EXPLANATIONS TO THE CHECKLIST FORM...................................................................... 4-1 4.1 AESTHETICS.............................................................,..............................,........,........~.:.4-1 4.2 AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES .................................,............................,...................... 4-1 4.3 AIR QUALITY ,.....,................................................................,.......................,..................4-2 4.4 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES..........,...,..,...................................,............."..................,....4-5 4.5 CULTURAL RESOURCES.............................................,............................................,....4-6 4.6 GEOLOGY AND SOILS ......................................................................................"........... 4-7 4.7 HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS .............................................................. 4-9 4.8 HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY .....................................................................4-12 4.9 LAND USE AND PLANNlNG """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 4-15 4,10 MINERAL RESOURCES..............................................................................................4-17 4.11 NOISE............".........,......,......................................,......,...............................................4-17 4.12 POPULATION AND HOUSING ..................................................................................4-19 4.13 PUBLIC SERVICES .................,...,..............,........,..................,..............................,......4-20 4.14 RECREATION..........................................,..........,.........,....................................,.........,4-20 4.15 TRANSPORTATIONrrRAFFlC ......................................................................,..,......... 4-20 4,16 UTILITIES """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"....,................,..................4-26 4,17 MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE........................................................ 4-27 APPENDICES A: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT B: TRAFFIC STUDY P:\ctu330\Fi"al Se,,\TOCdoc "OJ/ll/OS« LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. MARCH "OS DRAFT INITIAL STUDY TUSTINIEL CAMINO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT FIGURES Figure 2.1: Project Location .......,....................................................................................................... 2-2 Figure 4.1: Existing Daily Volumes (two lanes)............................................................;.................. 4-22 Figure 4.2: Year 2020 Peak-Hour Volumes (with project, two lanes).............................................. 4-23 TABLES Table 4.A: Intersection Analyses Summary ...............................................................;..................... 4-24 P:\ct,,330IFino' SentlTOc.dnc ,,03/11105» ii LSA ASSOCIATES. INC. MARCH 'OOS DRAFT INITIAL STODY TUSTIN/EL CAMINO GENERAL PLAN AME.DME.T 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE This Initial Study (IS) is being prepared to analyze the environmental effects of a proposed amendment to the City of Tustin General Plan. The proposed project is to reclassify El Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue ITom a secondary arterial to a collector roadway in the Circulation Element of the General Plan. The proposed reclassification is consistent with a parallel change that has already been made to the County of Orange Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH) and reflects the current conditions of the affected roadway segment. The Circulation Element is one of seven mandated elements of the General Plan and is intended to guide the development of the City of Tustin (City) circulation system in a manner that is compatible with the Land Use and other Elements of the General Plan. The purpose of the Circulation Element is to provide a safe, efficient, and adequate circulation system for the City. To meet this purpose and the requirements of Government Code Section 65302 (b), the Circulation Element addresses the circulation improvements needed to provide adequate capacity for future land uses. Corresponding goals and policies are designed to improve overall circulation in the City and to address circulation issues that concern the City. For highway transportation, the physical attributes involve a network of existing and future roadways defmed according to designated roadway types, each with specific design standards, Other modes are defined by appropriate physical attributes (e.g., bicycle trails). The County of Orange MPAH fonns part of the Orange County General Plan and designates the arterial system in the Circulation Element of the County General Plan. Defined according to specific arterial functional classification, the MPAH serves to define the intended future road system within the County. Cities within the County are expected to achieve consistency with the MPAH in their individual General Plan Circulation Elements. The purpose of the proposed amendment to the City of Tustin Circulation Element is to: I) achieve consistency with the MP AH designation, 2) to reflect the existing and future traffic levels on the roadway segment, and 3) to ensure consistency between the roadway and the àdjacent land uses by supporting the pedestrian-friendly character of the Old Town commercial district in the City of Tustin. The two lane configuration and on-street diagonal parking is consistent with the revitalization goals for Old Town by contributing to a pedestrian-oriented environment. This Initial Study has evaluated each of the environmental issues contained in the checklist provided in Section 3.0 of this document. 1.2 FINDINGS OF THIS INITIAL STUDY Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the State CEQA Guidelines, this Initial Study has been prepared to detennine whether implementation of the City's proposed General Plan Amendment to the Circulation Element (proposed project) will result in significant Plc,"330\Fin,1 Sent\Sect;on l.doc ,,01128/05» I-I LS. 'SSOCIATES. INC. "ARCH 10" DRAFT INITIAL srDDY TUSTINIEL C."'NO CENER'L PLAN "'END"ENT environmental impacts that would require mitigation or the preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) if significant impacts cannot be avoided, This Initial Study is based on an Environmental Checklist Form, as suggested in Section 15063 (d)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines. The completed Form is found in Section 3.0 of this Initial Study. It contains a series of questions about the proposed project for each of the listed environmental areas. The Form is used to evaluate whether or not there are any significant environmental effects associated with implementation of the proposed project and, if there are, whether or not mitigation can be attached to the project to lessen or avoid such impacts. Section 4.0 provides an explanation for each answer indicated on the Form. The Form and accompanying evaluation provide the information and analysis upon which the City may make its determination as to whether or not an EIR must be required for the project. The Form is used to review the potential environmental effects of the proposed project for each of the following areas: Aesthetics Agricultural Resources Mineral Resources Noise Air Quality Biological Resources Cultural Resources PopulationIHousing Recreation Public Services Geology/Soils Hazards and Hazardous Materials Hydrology/Water Quality Land UselPlanning Transportation/Traffic Utilities/Service Systems Mandatory Findings of Significance 1.3 EXISTING DOCUMENTS TO BE INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE Section 15 I 50 of the State CEQA Guidelines permits an environmental document to incorporate by reference other docIUllents that provide relevant data. The docIUllents outlined in this section are hereby incorporated by reference, and the pertinent material is summarized throughout this Initial Study, where that information is relevant to the analysis of potential impacts resulting from the project. Any document incorporated by reference is available for review at the following public service counter: City ofTustin Community Development Department 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92780 City of Tustin General Plan, 2001 County of Orange General Plan, 2000 Plotu330IF;,,1 SontlSw;o" I.doc ,,01/28/05» 1-2 LOA ASSOCIATES, INC. MARCH ,.OS DRAFT INITIAL STUDY TUSTIN/EL CAMINO'GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT Master Plan of Arterial Highways, Orange County (acTA) 1.4 CONTACT PERSON The Lead Agency for the Initial Study for the proposed project is the City of Tustin, Any questions about the preparation of this Initial Study, its assumptions, or its conclusions should be referred to the following: Mr. Dana R. Kasdan Engineering Services Manager City of Tustin Public Works Department 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92780 (714) 573-3150 tM. Scott Reekstin Senior Planner City of Tustin Community Development Department/Planning Division 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92780 (714) 573-3106 Plctu3JO\F;nal S,ntlS,ction ] .doc «OJ /28/05! 1-3 LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. MARCH "" DRAFr INITIAL STVDV TVSTIN'EL CAMINO GENERAL FLAN AMENDMENr 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 PROJECT SITE SETTING The City of Tustin is located in central Orange County and encompasses an area of 11.02 square miles, The City is bound on the south by the Cities ofIrvine and Santa Ana, on the north by the urìincorporated portions of the County of Orange and the City of Orange, on the west by Jamboree Road, and on the east by unincorporated County territory and the City of Irvine. Tustin is located approximately two miles north of Orange County's John Wayne Airport. There are two freeways that transect the City, the Interstate 5 (1-5) (Santa Ana) freeway dividing the City into north and south and the State Route 55 (SR-55) (Costa Mesa) freeway transecting the western portions ofthe City. The City has an Old Town commercial area, which is one of the oldest historical commercial areas in Orange County. The proposed project is the reclassification ofEI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue as shown on Figure 2.1. This segment ofEI Camino Real is located north ofI-5 within the Old Town commercial district. The City is proposing to reclassify this portion ofEI Camino Real from a four-lane Secondary Arterial to a two-lane Local Collector in the Circulation Element of the City's General Plan. This segment ofEI Camino Real is currently two lanes with on-street diagonal parking. 2.2 PROPOSED DISCRETIONARY ACTION The proposed discretionary action is the approval of an amendment to the Circulation Element of the City's General Plan by the City Council. The proposed amendment includes text, tables, and map changes to reflect a redesignation from a Secondary Arterial to a Collector Arterial, Specifically, the General Plan Amendment includes the following: Add a definition of Collector to the Circulation Plan Add a cross section of a Collector roadway to Figure C-l, Typical Cross Sections Amend Figure C-2 to add Collector to the Legend and to redesignate EI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue Amend Table C-5 to reclassify EI Camino Real south of First Street and El Camino Real south of Main from Secondary to Collector The proposed General Plan Amendment is included as Appendix A of this document. Plctv330lFinai SentlS,ction 2.doc ,,0 1/28/05" 2-1 FIGURE 2.1 0 ,........, fEET 2000 TustinlE/ Camino Project Location SOURCE: USGS 7.5' QUADS - TUSTIN & ORANGE, CALIFORNIA ¡o\CfU330IGlLoc";o".o'" (711/03) LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. MA'CH "OS DRAFT 'NITIA. STUDY TUSTINIE. CAMINO GENE'A' PLAN AMENDMENT 2.3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Circulation Element is one of the seven General Plan elements mandated by the State of California, as articulated in Sections 65580 to 65589.8 of the Government Code. The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment to the City's Circulation Element to reclassify a street segment ofEI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue fÌ'om a four-lane Secondary Arterial to a two-lane collector roadway. The roadway segment of EI Camino Real has a north-south alignment before it transitions to a northwest-southeast alignment between Sixth Street and Newport Avenue. This portion ofEI Camino Real is located within the City's Old Town commercial district, which supports a mixture of retail and commercial uses and includes various public improvements to provide a more pedestrian-oriented environment. In November 1997, the City, in coordination with the Orange County Transportation Authority (aCTA), approved a demonstration project to reduce the number of travel lanes on EI Camino Real between Second Street to Sixth Street ( one block south of First Street and west of Newport Avenue) from a four-lane undivided Secondary Arterial street to a two-lane undivided collector street with diagonal.parking along both sides of the street. The purpose of the demonstration project was to document the existing and define the future impacts of the redesignation on other nearby streets and intersections. A subsequent traffic study (Appendix B of this IS) was prepared by WP AlWilIdan in May 2001 that concluded that 2020 traffic conditions, both with and without the project, would result in acceptable daily traffic levels and intersection operations. Following the success of the demonstration project and the preparation of the traffic study, the aCTA approved an amendment to the MP AH to change the status of the street segment of EI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue fÌ'om a four lane secondary arterial to a two lane local collector roadway. The proposed General Plan Amendment would similarly reflect the existing and planned two-lane collector status of the roadway on the City's Circulation Element and ensure consistency between the City's General Plan and aCTA's MPAH. The proposed action is limited to the amendment to the Circulation Element of the General Plan. Since the physical changes to the roadway have already been implemented, the proposed project does not include changes to the existing physical environment. The changes that occurred in the past are included as part ofthe environmental setting defined as the physical conditions existing at the time environmental analysis is commenced (CEQA Guidelines Section 15125). The purpose of the proposed amendment to the City's Circulation Element is to (I) achieve consistency with the MP AH designation, (2) reflect the existing and future traffic levels on the roadway segment, and (3) ensure consistency between the roadway and the adjacent land uses by supporting the pedestrian-friendly character of the Old Town commercial district. The two-lane configuration and on-street diagonal parking are consistent with the revitalization goals for Old Town by contributing to a pedestrian-oriented environment. Plcm330lFloa' SontIS,ct;o" 2 doc "0]/28105,, 2.3 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 573-3100 INITIAL STUDY A. BACKGROUND Project Title: EI Camino Real General Plan Amendment Lead Agency: City ofTustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92780 Lead Agency Contact Persons: Mr. Dana R. Kasdan Mr. Scott Reekstin Phone: (714) 573-3150 Phone: (714) 573-3106 Project Location: El Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue Project Sponsor's Name and Address: City of Tustin, 300 Centennial Way General Plan Designation: Secondary Arterial Zoning Designation: Not Applicable Project Description: Amend the Circulation Element of the General Plan to redesignate this portion of El Camino Real to a Collecter Arterial Surrounding Uses: Project is located in the Old Town Commercial District Other public agencies whose approval is required: 0 0 0 0 Orange County Fire Authority Orange County Health Care Agency South Coast Air Quality Management District ' Other 0 0 0 City of Irvine City of Santa Ana Orange County EMA Plctu330\F;na] SentlSection 3 Checklist doc B. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist in Section D below. 0 Aesthetics 0 Air Quality 0 Cultural Resources 0 Hazards & Hazardous Materials 0 Land UselPlanning 0 Noise 0 Public Services 0 TransportationlTraffic 0 Mandatory Findings of Significance 0 Agriculture Resources 0 Biological Resources 0 Geology/Soils 0 HydrologylWater Quality 0 Mineral Resources 0 PopulationIHousing 0 Recreation 0 Utilities/Service Systems C. DETERMINATION: On the basis of this initial evaluation: [8J I fmd that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. 0 I find that although the proposed project could have a sigriificant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because revisions in the project have been made by or agreed to by the project proponent. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. 0 I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. 0 I find that although the proposed project MAY have a "potentially significant impact" or "potentially significant unless mitigated impact" on the environment, but at least one effect I) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described in the attached sheets. An ENVIRONMENTAL IMP ACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. . 0 I fmdthat although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, because all potentially significant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR OR NEGATIVE DECLARATION pursuant to applicable standards, and (b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR OR NEGATIVE DECLARATION, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project, and no further documentation is required. Preparer: Scoff k'ee/GSh;¡ ¿ø~#~~ Elizabeth A. Binsack, Community Deve opment Director Title Sèn,òr Planner Date ~,,2/. oÇ P\ctu330\Fin,] SentlSect;o" 3 Ch"kli&.doc 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) D. EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Directions A brief explanation is required for all answers except "No Impact" answers that are adequately supported by the information sources a lead agency cites in the parentheses following each question. A "No Impact" answer is adequately supported if the referenced information sources show that the impact simply does not apply to projects like the one involved (e.g., the project falls outside a fault rupture zone). A "No Impact"answer should be explained where it is based on project-specific factors and general standards (e.g., the project will not expose sensitive receptors to pollutants, based on a project-specific screening analysis). All answers must take into account the whole action involved, including off-site, on-site, cumulative project level, indirect, direct,. constructi°!1, and operational impacts. Once the lead agency has determined that a particular physical impact may occur, then the checklist answers must indicate whether the impact is potentially significant, less than significant with mitigation, or less than significant. "Potentially Significant Impact" is appropriate if there is substantial evidence that an effect may be significant. If there are one or more "Potentially Significant Impact" entries when the determination is made, and EIR is required. "Negative Declaration: Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated" applies where the incorporation of mitigation measures has reduced an effect from "Potentially Significant Impact" to a "Less than Significant lmpact." The lead agency must describe the mitigation measures, and briefly explain how they reduce the effect to a less than significant level (mitigation measures from Section XVII, "Earlier Analyses," may be cross- referenced), Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA process, an effect has been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration. Section 15063 (c) (3)(D). In this case, a brief discussion should identify the following: a) Earlier Analysis Used. Identify and state where they are available for review. b) lmpacts Adequately Addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist were within the scope of and adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and state whether such effects were addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis, c) Mitigation Measures, For effects that are "Less than Significant with Mitigation Measures Incorporated," describe the mitigation measures which were incorporated or refined from the earlier document and the extent to which they address site-specific conditions for the project. Lead agencies are encouraged to incorporate into the checklist references to information sources for potential impacts (e.g., general plans, zoning ordinances), Reference to a previously prepared òr outside document should, where appropriate, include a reference to the page or pages where the statement is substantiated. Supporting Information Sources: A source list should be attached, and other sources used or individuals contacted should be cited in the discussion. This is only a suggested form, and lead agencies are free to use different formats; however, lead agencies normally address the questions from this checklist that are relevant to a project's environmental effects in whatever format is selected, The explanation of each issue should identify: a) the significance criteria or threshold, if any, used to evaluate each question; and, b) the mitigation measure identified, if any, to reduce the impact to less than significance. P\otu330IF;nal SentlSectian 3 Checkl;O.dac EV ALVA nON OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMP ACI'S Less Than Significant Potentially With Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant I. AESTHETICS - Would the project: Impoct Incorporation Impact No Impact a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? 0 0 0 ~ b) Substantially damage scenic resources, including, but not limited to, n-ees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings within a state scenic highway? 0 0 0 ~ c) Substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site and its sUIToundings? 0 0 0 ~ d) Create a new source of substantial light or glare which would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area? 0 0 0 ~ ll. AGRICULTURE RESOURCES: In determining whether impacts to agricultural resources are significant environmental effects, lead agencies may refer to the California Agricultural Land Evaluation and Site Assessment Model (1997) prepared by the California Dept. of Conservation as an optional model to use in assessing impacts on agriculture and farmland. Would the project: a) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farìñland, or Fannland of Statewide Importance (Farmland), as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the Califomia Resources Agency, to non- agricultural use? 0 0 0 ~ b) Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use, or a Williamson Act contract? 0 0 0 ~ c) Involve other changes in the existing environment which, due to thèir location or nature, could result in conversion of Farmland, to non-agricultural use? 0 0 0 ~ Ill. AIR OUALITY: Where available, the significance criteria established by the applicable air quality management or air pollution conn-ol district may be relied upon to make the following determinations, Would the project: a) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan? 0 tJ 0 ~ b) Violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation? 0 0 0 ~ c) Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is non- attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard (including releasing emissions which exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors)? 0 0 0 ~ d) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concenn-ations? 0 0 0 ~ e) Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of people? 0 0 0 ~ P:\ctu330IFinal S""t\Section 3 Checkli~ doc Less Than Significant Potentially With Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant IV. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES: - Would the project: Impact Incorporation Impact No Impact a) Have a substantial adverse effect, either directly or thrDUgh habitat modifications, on any species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special status species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the California Department ofFish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? 0 0 0 181 b) Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian habitat or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies, regulations or by the California Department ofFish and Game or U.S, Fish and Wildlife Service?' 0 0 0 181 c) Have a substantial adverse effect on federally protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (including, but not limited to, marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, filling, hydrological interruption, or other means? 0 0 0 181 d) Interfere substantially with the movement of any native ' resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors, or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites? 0 0 0 181 e) Conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance? 0 0 0 181 1) Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state habitat conservation plan? 0 0 0 181 V. CULTURAL RESOURCES: - Would the project: a) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource as defmed in § 15064.5? 0 0 0 181 b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological resource pursuant to § 15064.5? 0 0 0 181 c) Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geologic feature? 0 0 0 181 d) Disturb any human remains, including those interred outside of formal cemeteries? 0 0 0 181 VI. GEOLOGY AND SOILS: - Would the project: a) Expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk ofloss, injury, or death involving: P\ctu33O1Fi""] ScntlSect;on 3 Checklistdoc Less Than Significant i) Rupture of a known earthquake fault, as delineated on the Potentially With Less Than most recent Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map Significant Mitigation Significant issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on other Impact Incorporation Impact No Impact substantial evidence of a known fault? Refer to Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication 42. 0 0 0 181 ii) Strong seismic ground shaking? 0 0 D 181 Hi) Seismic-related ground failure, including liquefaction? 0 0 0 181 iv) Landslides? 0 0 0 181 b) Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil? 0 0 0 181 c) Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or that would become unstable as a result of the project, and potentially result in on- or off-site landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence, liquefaction or collapse? 0 0 0 181 d) Be located on expansive soil, as defmed in Table 18-I-B of the Uniform Building Code (1994), creating substantial risks to life or property? 0 0 0 181 e) Have soils incapable of adequately supporting the ùse of septic tanks or altemative waste water disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal of waste water? 0 0 0 181 VII. HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: Would the project: a) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials? 0 0 0 181 b) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment? 0 0 0 181 c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one-quarter mile of an existing or proposed school? 0 0 0 181 d) Be located on a site which is included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 and, as a result, would it create a significant hazard to the public or the environment? 0 0 0 181 e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? 0 0 0 181 t) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? 0 0 0 181 P:\ctu330\Final Sent\Se";on 3 Checklist.doc Less Than Significant Potentially With Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant g) Impair implementation of or physically interfere with an Impact Incorporation Impact No Impact adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? 0 0 ¡g 0 h) Expose people or structures to a significant risk ofloss, injury or death involving wildland fires, including where wildlands are adjacent to urbanized areas or where residences are intermixed with wildlands? 0 0 0 ~ VllI. HYDROLOGY AND WATER OUALITY: - Would the project: a) Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements? 0 0 0 ~ b) Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table level (e.g" the production rate of pre- existing nearby wells would drop to a level which would not support existing land uses or planned uses for which pennits have been granted)? ~. 0 0 0 ~ c) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, in a manner which would result in substantial erosion or siltation on- or off-site? 0 0 0 ~ d) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, or substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner which would result in flooding on- or off-site? 0 0 0 ~ e) Create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoft'l 0 0 0 ~ f) Otherwise substantially degrade water quality? 0 0 0 ~ g) Place housing within a IOO-year flood hazard area as mapped on a federal Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map or other flood hazard delineation map? 0 0 0 ~ h) Place within a I DO-year flood hazard area structures which would impede or redirect flood flows? 0 0 0 ~ i) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam? 0 0 0 ~ j) Inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow? 0 0 0 ~ k) Potentially impact stormwater runoff ITom construction activities? 0 0 0 ~ P'\ctu330\Fin,i Sent'Sect;on 3 Check"; doc Less Than Significant Potentially With Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant Impact Incorporation Impact No Impact I) Potentially impact stonnwater runoff &om post- construction activities? 0 0 0 ¡g¡ m) Result in a potential for discharge of stonnwater pollutants &om areas of material storage, vehicle or equipment fueling, vehicle or equipment maintenance (including washing), waste handling, hazardous materials handling or storage, delivery areas, loading docks or other outdoor work areas? 0 0 0 ¡g¡ n) Result in a potential for discharge of stonnwater to affect the beneficial uses of the receiving waters? 0 0 0 ¡g¡ 0) Create the potential for significant changes in the flow velocitY or volume of stonnwater runoff to cause environmental harm? 0 0 0 ¡g¡ p) Create significant increases in erosion of the project site or surrounding areas? 0 0 0 ¡g¡ IX. LAND USE AND PLANNING - Would the project: a) Physically divide an established community? 0 0 0 ¡g¡ b) Conflict with any applicable land use plan, policy, or regulation ofan agency with jurisdiction over the project (including, but not limited to the general plan, specific plan, local coastal program, or zoning ordinance) adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effèct? 0 0 0 ¡g¡ c) Conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan or natural communitY conservation plan? 0 0 0 ¡g¡ X. MINERAL RESOURCES - Would the project: a) Result in the loss of availabilitY ofa known mineral resource that would be of value to the region and the residents of the state? 0 0 0 ¡g¡ b) Result in the loss of availabilitY of a locally-important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan, specific plan or other land use plan? 0 0 0 [8J XI. NOISE - Would the project result in: a) Exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies? 0 0 0 [81 b) Exposure of persons to or generation of excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels? 0 0 0 [81 PlcruDOIFina] SentlSwion 3 Ch"kl;,¡doc Less Than Significant Potentiolly With Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant c) A substantial pennanent increase in ambient noise levels Impact Incorporation Impact No Impact in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? 0 0 ¡g¡ 0 d) A substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the. project? 0 0 ¡g¡ 0 e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? 0 0 0 ¡g¡ f) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excess noise levels? 0 0 0 ¡g¡ XII.POPULA TION AND HOUSING - Would the project: a) Induce substantial population growth in an area, either "directly (for example, by proposing new homes and businesses) or indirectly (for example, through extension of roads or other infrastructore)? 0 0 0 ¡g¡ b) Displace substantial numbers of existing housing, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? 0 0 0 ¡g¡ c) Displace substantial numbers of people, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? 0 0 0 ~ Xill. PUBLIC SERVICES a) Would the project result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities, need for new or physically altered governmental facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or other perfonnance objectives for any of the puhlic services: Fire protection? 0 0 0 ~ Police protection? 0 0 0 ~ Schools? 0 0 0 ~ Parks? 0 0 0 ~ Other public facilities? 0 0 0 ~ P:I",330\Fin,1 SontlS",ion 3 Checkli>tdoo Less Than Significant Potentially With Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant XIV. RECREATION - Impact Incorporation Impact No Impact a) Would the project increase the use of existing neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the 0 0 0 !8J facility would occur or be accelerated? b) Does the project include recreational facilities or require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities which 0 0 0 !8J might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? XV. TRANSPORTATION/TRAFFIC - Would the project: a) Cause an increase in traffic which is substantial in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system (i.e. result in a substantial increase in either the number of vehicle trips, the volume to capacity ratio on roads, or 0 0 !8J 0 congestion at intersections)? b) Exceed, either individually or cumulatively, a level of service standard established by the county congestion 0 - 0 0 !8J -management agency for designated roads or highways? c) Result in a change in air traffic patterns, including either an increase in traffic levels or a change in location that results 0 0 0 !8J in substantial safety risks? d) Substantially increase hazards due to a design feature (e.g. sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses 0 0 0 !8J (e.g.. farm equipment)? 0 0 !8J 0 e) Result in inadequatè emergency access? 0 0 0 !8J f) Result in inadequate parking capacity? g) Conflict with adopted policies, plans, or programs supporting alternative transportation (e.g" bus turnouts, 0 0 0 !8J bicycle racks)? XVI. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS - Would the project: a) Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the 0 0 0 !8J applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board? b) Require or result in the construction of new water or wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significant 0 0 0 !8J environmental effects? c) Require or result in the construction of new storm water drainage facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental 0 0 0 !8J effects? Plctu330\Final SentIS",;o, 3 Checkli.doe Less Than Significant Potentially With Less Than Significant Mitigation Significant Impact Incorporation Impact No Impact d) Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project ftom existing entitlements and resources, or are new or expanded entitlements needed? 0 0 0 [8J e) Result in a determination by the wastewater treatment provider which serves or may serve the project that it has adequaue capacity to serve the project's projected demand in 'addition to the provider's existing commitments? 0 0 0 [8J f) Be served by a landfill with sufficient permitted capacity to accoinmodate the project's solid waste disposal needs? 0 0 ~ g) Comply with federal, state, and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste? 0 0 0 [8J h) Would the project include a new or retrofitted storm water treatment control Best Management Practice (BMP), (e.g. water quality treatment basin, constructed treatment wetlands), the operation of which could result in significant environmental effects (e.g. increased vectors and odors)? 0 0 0 ~ XVII. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the nwnber or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? 0 0 0 ~ b) Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but cuinulatively considerable? ("Cwnulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects)? 0 0 0 ~ c) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on hwnan beings, either directly or indirectly? 0 0 0 ~ P:lct0330IFi,.1 SentISe"i"" 3 Checkli~.doc LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. MARCH "OS DRAFT INITIAL STUDY TOSTIN/EL CAMINO GENERAL FLAN AMENDMENT 4.0 EXPLANATIONS TO THE CHECKLIST FORM 4.1 Aesthetics Would the project: a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? No Impact. According to the County General Plan's Resources Element, no open space/scenic resources are located within or near the project study area. The Conservation/Open Space/Recreation Element of the City's General Plan states that the Peters Canyon ridgeline is a prominent visual feature in east Tustin that should be protected. The proposed General Plan Amendment will have no effect on this or any other visual/natural resource within the City or the County, b) Substantially damage scenic resources, including, but not limited to, trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings within a State Scenic Highway? ~o Impact. There are no natural scenic resources located within the project study area (El Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue [see Figure 2.1], nor is the project site located within a State Scenic Highway. Part ofEl Camino Real, however, is within a historic resource area of the City called the Cultural Resources Overlay District. It also passes through the Old Town commercial district. The proposed project is to reclassifY a portion ofEI Camino Real from a four-lane Secondary Arterial to a two-lane collector in the Circulation Element of the City's General Plan. Reducing the designated number of lanes will not adversely impact scenic resources, On the contrary, the proposed General Plan amendment may benefit the historic resource by maintaining a two-lane, pedestrian- oriented roadway. c) Substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of the site and its surroundings? No Impact. Please refer to discussion 4. I (a), above. d) Create a new source of substantial light or glare that would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area? No Impact. The proposed project does not involve construction of any kind and does not involve any change to the existing street lighting, Therefore, the proposed project will not affect day or nighttime views in the area relating to light, glare, shadows, or shading. 4.2 Agricultural Resources In determining whether impacts to agricultural resources are significant environmental effects, lead agencies may refer to the California Agricultural Land Evaluation and Site Assessment Model (1997) prepared by the California Department of Conservation as an optional model to us in assessing impacts on agriculture and farmland. Would the project: PI",,330\Fioal SeMIS'ctioo 4.doc «01/28/05" 4-1 LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. MARCH 'OOS DRAFT INITIAL srUDY TusrlNln CAMINO GSNU" PLAN AMSNDMSNT a) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance (Farmland) as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program of the California Resource Agency, to non-agricultural use? No Impact. As described in Section 2, the proposed project will not result in any changes to the existing two-lane conditions of this portion ofEI Camino Real. The City of Tustin (City) General Plan and Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program (State Department of Conservation, 2000) do not identify any designated farmland in the project study area. Therefore, the proposed project will not have an impact to designated farmland. b) Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use, or a Williamson Act contract? No Impact. There is no agriculturally zoned land, or land protected by a Williamson Act contract, within the study area. Therefore, there will be no impact to agriculturally zoned or protected lands. c) InvolVèotber changes in the existing environment which, due to their location-or nature, could result in conversion of Farmland to nonagriculture? No Impact. The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment to reclassify a portion of EI Camino Real that will result in maintaining the existing two-lane configuration of the roadway, consistent with the future two-lane build out condition identified in the MPAH. The proposed project will not result in changes in the existing environment and therefore will not lead to the conversion of existing farmland. 4.3 Air Quality Would the project: a) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan? No Impact. California is divided into 15 air basins for the purpose of managing the air resources of the State on a regional.basis. Areas within each air basin are considered to share the same air masses and are therefore expected to have similar ambient air quality. Additionally, the State is divided into 35 Air Pollution Control Districts (APCD) and Air Quality Management Districts (AQMD), which are county or regional authorities that have primary responsibility for controlling air pollution. Air basin boundaries may fall within the jurisdiction of one or more APCD/ AQMD. The City is geographically located within the South Coast Air Basin (Basin). Air quality conditions in the Basin are und.er the jurisdiction of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). The SCAQMD regulates stationary sources of pollution throughout its jurisdiction area, Direct emissions from motor vehicles are regulated by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). The SCAQMD governing Board approved the 2003 Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) in August 2003 and submitted it to the California Air Resources Board and the U.S. Environmental Planning Agency for approval. The SCAQMD also establishes construction and operational emissions thresholds for the Basin. P:lctu330\Fin" SentISect;o" 4.due ,,0] /28/05. 4-2 LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. MARCH 2OOS DRAFT 'NITIAL STUDV TUSTIN'EL CAM'NO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment to reclassify El Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue. The General Plan Amendment designates the roadway a two-lane collector, consistent with existing conditions. Therefore, the proposed project will not result in a physical change to existing conditions. The proposed General Plan Amendment is consistent with the adopted MPAH. New development within the City shall comply with the density and intensity standards outlined in the Land Use Element and the City's current Zoning Ordinance. Implementation of the proposed amendment to the Circulation Element will be consistent with the Land Use Element of the City's General Plan. The City's Land Use Element, along with the plans of other cities and counties in the region, are reflected in the assumptions for the land use, traffic, population, and air quality projections . used to develop the AQMP. Therefore, the proposed project will not conflict with or obstruct implementation of the AQMP, In addition, the proposed project is intended to ensure consistency between the affected portion ofEI Camino Real and the adjacent land uses by supporting the pedestrian-friendly cJ:¡aracter of the Old Town commercial district. The two-lane roadway configuration and on-street diagonal parking are consistent with the revitalization goals for Old Town by contributing to a pedestriaÌi-oriented environment. The proposed project will support continued and increased pedestrian activity in this area of the City, and is therefore consistent with the goal of the AQMP to implement land use patterns that reduce overall vehicle trips and vehicle miles traveled. b) Violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation? No Impact. New development within the City is required to comply with the density and intensity standards outlined in the Land Use Element and the City's current Zoning Ordinance. Implementation of the proposed amendment to the Circulation Element will be consistent with the Land Use Element of the City's General Plan, which is reflected in the assumptions for the projections used to develop the AQMP. The AQMP identifies a number of air pollution reduction goals, measures, and policies. Local jurisdictions have been mandated to reduce a fair share proportion of vehicle pollution through the adoption of a menu of optional transportation control measures (TCMs) that have been identified by the local agency to be politically and economically feasible. In addition, the 2001 City General Plan, Conservation/Open SpacelRecreation Element, includes air quality goals and policies intended to reduce emissions through proper land use and transportation planning, implementation of Transportation Demand Management (roM) programs, alternative transportation modes, and reduced energy consumption. The proposed project is consistent with the Land Use and Conservation/Open SpacelRecreation Elements of the City's General Plan and with the MPAH. It will not result in a change to the existing physical environment. It will result in the reclassification of the existing designation of this portion of El Camino Real to one that accommodates lower traffic volumes. Some traffic that would have used El Camino Real will be redistributed to adjacent, parallel streets; however, the overall traffic volumes P:\ctu330\F;nol SontlSoct;on 4 doc «01/28/05» 4-3 LOA ASSOCIATES, INC. MARCH ,." DRAFT INITIAL STUDV TuSTIN/n CAMINO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT in the vicinity of the project will remain essentially the same. In other words, the increased traffic volume on adjacent streets would offset the lower traffic volumes on EI Camino Real. Total vehicular emissions within the study area would remain similar before and after the proposed project. In addition, the County of Orange is in attainment with the State CO standard, and no monitoring stations in the County have recorded any CO exceedances in the.past five years. Therefore, the proposed project is not expected to result in new, or contribute to existing, air quality violations. c) Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is nonattainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard (including releasing emissions, which exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone precursors)? No Impact. The proposed project is consistent with Land Use and Conservation/Open SpacelRecreation Elements of the City's General Plan and with the MPAH. It will not result in a change to the existing physical environment. It will result in the downgrade of the existing designation of this portion ofEI Camino Real. Total vehicular emissions within the study area would remain similar before and after the proposed project. Therefore, the proposed project will not contribute to adverse, Cumulative air quality conditions. d) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations? No Impact. The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment to the City's Circulation Element that will match existing conditions with proposed future conditions for the portion ofE! Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenùe. The project will not require construction activities; therefore, there will be no construction air quality impacts to nearby uses. There will be no physical change to the existing roadway configuration. Changes in the number of vehicular trips associated with the proposed project would affect the traffic at intersections and along roadway segments in the project vicinity. The primary mobile source pollutant oflocal concern is carbon monoxide (CO). CO concentration is a direct function of vehicle idling time and, thus, traffic flow conditions. CO disperses rapidly with distance from the source under nonnal meteorological conditions. Typically, high CO concentrations are associated with roadways or intersections operating at unacceptable levels of service or with extremely high traffic volumes. The Traffic Study (Appendix B) addressed 2020 traffic conditions in the study area under "with project" conditions (El Camino Real at two lanes between First Street and Newport Avenue) and "without project" conditions (El Camino Real at four lanes between First Street and Newport Avenue). The traffic study found that under both conditions, the daily traffic levels on the street segment and the study intersections would continue to maintain acceptable levels of service. Therefore, the project is not expected to result in a substantial increase in pollutant concentration as a result of traffic congestion. The County of Orange is in attainment with the State CO standard, and no monitoring stations in the County have recorded any CO exceedances in the past five years, The proposed project is not expected to result in any substantial changes in CO concentrations. Because no CO hotspots are anticipated, no sensitive receptors would be affected by project-related local air quality impacts. P"w330\F;ns¡ S"t\Sect;on 4doc "01128/05,, 4-4 LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. MARCH '.OS DRAFT INITIAL STVDY TVSTINIEL CAMINO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT e) Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of people? No Impact. The proposed project will not require construction activity; therefore, there will be no odors from the application of asphalt or paint. The project will not result in a change to existing physical environment; therefore, no odors will be created. 4.4 Biological Resources Would the project: a) Have a substantial adverse effect, either directly or through habitat modifications, on any species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special status species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? No Impact. The pro~t site is currently a two-lane road located in an urban area. There are no known animal species inhabiting the site. The City and County General Plans (200 l, 2000) do not indicate any sensitive or special status species on the project site. b) Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian habitat or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies, regulations or by the California Department ofFish and Game or US Fish and Wildlife Service? No Impact. According to Figure COSR-2 in the City's General Plan, the site has not been identified as being the location of an important natural resource (i.e., a sensitive natural community). Peter's Canyon Regional Park is identified as a significant natural resource in the City, and the site of the proposed project is not located in or adjacent to the park. c) Have a substantial adverse effect on federally protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 ofthe Clean Water Act (including, but not limited to, marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, filling, hydrological interruption, or other means? No Impact. The Lower Peters Canyon Retarding Basin contains a small amount of riparian habitat. However, the wetlands are not in close proximity to the proposed project site and would not be affected by the project. . d) Interfere substantially with the movement of any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors, or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites? Plctu330\F;nal SentlSect;on 4.doc "OI/28/0S" 4-5 LSA ASSOCOATES. INC. MARCH 'OOS DRAFT INITIAL STVDY TVSTlNIEL CAMINO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT No Impact. The project site is an existing roadway. It has not been identified as a crucial portion of the migratory path of any animal species. Its usefulness to migratory species would be limited, considering that it has no natural water sources or habitat. e) Conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance? No Impact. Two tree groups that are identified in the General Plan as important to the City are eucalyptus windrow and redwood grove. The proposed project would not result in the removal of, or otherwise adversely impact, these tree communities, No specific local policies or ordinances would be violated by the proposed project. t) Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state habitat conservation plan? No Impact. The Natural Community Conservation Plan (NCCP), as prepared by the County of Orange Environmental Management Agency, covers a large portion of Orange County, including portions of the City of Tustin. The proposed project is located outside the NCCP and will not conflict with its policies. 4.5 Cultural Resources Would the project: a) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource as defined in CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.51 No Impact. Cultural resources are places, structures, or objects that are important for scientific, historic, and/or religious reasons to cultures, communities, groups, or individuals. Cultural resources include historic and prehistoric archaeological sites, architectural remains, engineering structures, and artifacts that provide evidence of past human activity. They also include places, resources, or items of importance in the traditions of societies and religions, CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5 defines historic resources as any object, building, structure, site, area, place, record, manuscript, or other resource listed or detennined to be eligible for listing by the State Historical Resources Commission, a local register of historic resources, or the Lead Agency. Generally, a resources is considered to be "historically significant" if it meets one of the following criteria: is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of California's history and cultural heritage; is associated with the lives of important persons in the past; embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of construction, or represents the work of an important creative individual, or possesses high artistic values; or P\"o330IF;nal S,nt\S,"'on 4.doo ,,01/28/05» 4-6 LSA ASSOCIATES. INC. MARCH 2G.' DRAFT INITIAL srUDY TVsrlNISL CAMINO "EN<RAL PLAN AMENDMENr has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history. El Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue is within an area of the City known as Old Town. The Old Town District characterizes the City's historical and architectural focus, The area south of First Street, and on either side of Camino Real, is a City designated Cultural Resources District. The purpose of the district is to provide a :&amework for recognizing, preserving, and protecting culturally significant structures, natural features, sites, and neighborhoods within the City of Tustin. The proposed reclassification of this portion ofEI Camino Real is intended to allow for the continuation of the existing on-street diagonal parking and to support the pedestrian focus of the Old Town District. The pedestrian-friendly nature of the street is consistent with the historical and architectural context of the adjacent land uses, including Old Town and the adjacent Cultural Resources District. Therefore, there are no adverse effects associated with maintaining El Camino Rea] in current conditions on the historic character and historic resources in Old Town, b) Cause a substantial adverse-change in the significance of an archaeological resource pursu- ant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5? No Impact. The proposed project will not result in any construction activities, including grading, and therefore will not impact any archaeological resources. c) Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geologic feature? No Impact. The proposed project will not result in any construction activities, including grading, and therefore will not impact any paleontological resources, d) Disturb any human remains, including those interred outside of formal cemeteries? No Impact. The proposed project will not result in any construction activities, including grading, and therefore will not impact any interred human remains. 4.6 Geology and Soils Would the project: a) Expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury, or death involving: (i) Rupture of a known earthquake fault, as delineated on the most recent Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on other P:\ctu330\Flnal SentlSectlon 4 doc <cOl/28/05» 4-7 LSA ASSOCIATES, 'NC. "A'CH ,.oo D,.,T INlrlAL STUDY TUSTIN,.L CA..INO GEN"AL PLA. A"ENDMENT substantial evidencès of known fault? Refer to Division of Mines and Geological Special Publication 42. No Impact. The Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zones Act was signed into law in 1972. In 1994, it was renamed the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act (A-P Act). The primary purpose of the Act is to mitigate the hazard of fault rupture by prohibiting the location of structures for human occupancy across the trace of an active fault. The A-P Act requires the State Geologist (Chief of the California Geology Survey) to delineate "Earthquake Fault Zones" along faults that are "sufficiently active" and "well-defined." The boundary of an "Earthquake Fault Zone" is generally about 500 feet from major active faults and 200 to 300 feet from well-defined minor faults. The A-P Act dictates that cities and counties withhold development permits for sites within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone until geologic investigations demonstrate that the sites are not threatened by surface displacements from future faulting. There are no known active or suspected potentially active faults within the City of Tustin (City General Plan, Public Safety Element, 2001). (ii) Strong seismic ground shaking? No Impact. No faults have been mapped immooiately near the City, although several major faults lie within 10 to 45 miles of the City. Therefore, the City would experience decreased magnitude or lesser ground shaking from an adjacent fault rupture. Development within the City will be designed and constructed in accordance with requirements of the latest edition of the Uniform Building Code standards and applicable City requirements, Adherence to these requirements will reduce potential impacts associated with new construction to a less than significant level. The proposed project does not result in new construction but rather a General Plan Amendment to maintain existing conditions, The segment of EI Camino Real does not include any bridges or overpasses that would be subject to seismic evaluation and retrofit. The portion ofInterstate 5 adjacent to El Camino Real was upgraded in the mid-1990s and is in compliance with seismic safety requirements. Therefore, the proposed project will not expose people or structures to substantial adverse effects associated with strong seismic ground shaking. (m) Seismic-related ground failure, including liquefaction? No Impact. Liquefaction is a process by which water-saturated materials (including soil, sediment, and certain types of volcanic deposits) lose strength and may fail during strong ground shaking. Liquefaction is defined as "the transformation of a granular material from a solid state into a liquefied state as a consequence of increased pore-water pressure," The project study area is not located within an area subject to liquefaction as defined in the County of Orange General Plan Safety Element (Figure IX-12). Therefore, the proposed project is not expected to expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects associated with liquefaction. (iv) Landslides? No Impact. The study area's flat topography minimizes the potential for landslides, liquefaction, settlement, or other seismically related hazards. Furthermore, new development within the City will Plotu330\Fi,,1 S,"t\Sect;on 4.doc "OI12810S" 4-8 LOA ASSOClArES, INC. MA'C. "OS DRAFT 'NITIAL srUDY TUSTIN/n CAMINO GENE'AL PLAN AMENDMENT be designed and constructed to meet the most current safety standards included in the Unifonn Building Code and/or standards established by the City, The proposed project does not involve new construction and will not increase any risks associated with landslides. b) Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil? No Impact. The proposed project will not require earthmoving activities, which would expose soils and thereby increase the potential for erosion or loss of topsoil. Therefore, the proposed project will not result in soil erosion or loss of topsoil. c) Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or that would become unstable as a result of the project, and potentially result in 00- or off-site landslides, lateral spreading, subsidence, liquefaction or collapse? No Impact. Refer to Responses 6a(iii) and 6a(iv), d) Be located on expansive soil, as defined in Table 18-1-B of the Uniform Building Code (1994), creating substantial risks to life or property? No Impact. Expansive soils have a significant amount of clay particles that can give up water (shrink) or take on water (swell). The change in volume exerts stress on buildings and other loads placed on these soils. The occurrence of these soils is often associated with geologic units having marginal stability. The distribution of expansive soils can be widely dispersed, and they can occur in hillside areas as well as low-lying alluvial basins. Expansive soils are not identified in the County General Plan. The proposed project will result in the maintenance of the existing two-lane condition of this segment ofEl Camino Real. The proposed project does not involve any new construction and therefore will not create risks associated with expansive soil. e) Have soils incapable of adequately supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative wastewater disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal of wastewater? No Impact. The proposed project will result in the maintenance of the existing two-lane condition of this segment ofEl Camino Real and will have no effect on sewer availability. 4.7 Hazards and Hazardous Materials Would the project: a) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport, use, or dispOSàl of hazardous materials? Plctu330\Flnal SentlSect;on 4.doc "01/28/05,, 4-9 LSA ASSOCIATES. INC. MARCH "OS DRAFT INITIAL STUDY rUSTIHIEL CAMINO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT No Impact. The proposed project involves a General Plan Amendment to reclassify a portion of El Camino Real from a four-lane Secondary Arterial to a two-lane local collector roadway to be consistent with the MP AH. The proposed project will not involve the transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials, nor demolition or construction activity. The City of Tustin is concerned with hazardous materials that are transported through the planning area either by aboveground transport or via underground pipeline. The City follows the Orange County Hazardous Waste Management Plan (1991), which contains policy direction and action programs to deal with incidences of hazardous waste emissions goals to prevent hazardous material emergencies include having transportation routes to safely transport any hazardous materials. The Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS), located on Barranca Parkway between Jamboree Road and Red Hill Avenue in Tustin, is identified as a source of hazardous materials. Identification and clean up of hazardous waste disposal sites on military bases occurs under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation Liability Act (CERCLA), The Department of the Navy would implement CERCLA policies for the MCAS. The MCAS is located over two miles from the project site and poses no threat to the site. b) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment? No Impact. Refer to Response 4.7(a), above. c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one-quarter mile of an existing or proposed school? No Impact, According to Thomas Brothers Maps (2003), there are no existing school sites within one-quarter mile of the project site. Therefore, there are no impacts associated with this issue. Also, refer to Response 4.7(a), above. d) Be located on a site which is included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 and, as a result, would it create a significant hazard to the public or the environment? No Impact. The proposed project involves a General Plan Amendment to reclassify a portion of El Camino Real from a four-lane Secondary Arterial to a two-lane collector roadway to be consistent with the MP AH. The project does not involve grading, demolition, or construction; therefore, a search of known hazardous material sites in the vicinity of the project site is not warranted. e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? Plclu330\F;",¡ S,ntlSection 4.doc "01/28/05,, 4-10 LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. MARCH "0' ORAFT INITIAL STUDY TUSTIN/EL CAMINO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT No Impact. The proposed project location is over four miles from John Wayne Airport and is not located within the John Wayne Airport land use plan. The landing flight path of aircraft, however, is near or over the project site location. Generally, if a site is greater than two miles away from an airport and it is not under a direct flight path, then the impact and safety threat from the airport is negligible. Safety hazards related to this issue are anticipated to be less than significant. t) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? No Impact. There are no private airstrips identified in close proximity to the proposed project location. The proposed project will not affect or be affected by private airstrips. g) Impair implementation of or physically interfere with an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation'plan? Less Than Significant Impact. El Camino Real is an existing Evacuation Route, according to Figure PS-l of the Public Safety Element of the City's Generalltlan. The City's Emergency Operations Plan identifies routes through the City that are suitable for use as evacuation routes. The Public Safety Element of the General Plan states that the extent and severity of a disaster wíll determine which routes and which directions people may take in order to escape the afflicted areas. El Camino Real is identified as an existing evacuation route that terminates at First Street and Jamboree Road. EI Camino Real does not provide a direct connection to major freeways or to major arterials in other communities, and as such is the only evacuation route that is entirely contained within the City limits. While the reconfiguration of the affected portion ofEI Camino Real reduces its capacity, its current status as an evacuation route wíll not be adversely impacted. As the Public Safety Element of the General Plan states, the extent and severity of a disaster wíll determine which routes and which directions people may take in the event of an emergency; therefore, the reconfiguration of one of many existing evacuation routes will not impair implementation of or physically interfere with the adopted emergency response/evacuation plan. The proposed project does not involve demolition or new construction, nor wíll it induce population growth. The area immediately surrounding the project site is fully built out and is not anticipated to increase in occupancy. Therefore, it is not anticipated to increase a need for emergency response or the re-routing of evacuation plans. h) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving wildland fires, including where wildlauds are adjacent to urbanized areas or where residences are intermixed with wildlands? No Impact. The project site is located in an urban area with no wildlands in close proximity, The project does not involve the construction of any residential or commercial areas. Therefore, the project would not expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss,. injury, or death from wildfires, P:lctu330\Final SentlSect;on 4.doc "OI/28/0S» 4-11 LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. MARCH ...S DRAFT INITIAL STUDY TUSTlN,.L CAMINO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 4.8 Hydrology and Water Qnality Would the project: a) Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements? No Impact. The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment that will allow the continuation of the existing roadway configuration. There will be no change to existing water quality or discharge requirements as a result of the project. b) Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or inteñere substantiaUy with groundwater recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volnme or a lowering of the local groundwater table level (e.g., the production rate of pre-existing nearby wells would drop to a level which would not support existing land uses or planned uses for which permits have been granted)? No Impact. The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment to reclassify a portion of El Camino Real from a four-lane Secondary Arterial to a two-lane collector roa~ay to be consistent with the MPAH. The proposed project would not cause any long-term interference with groundwater recharge or affect existing aquifer volumes because the project does not involve construction, Therefore, there are no impacts associated with depletion of groundwater supplies. c) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, in a manner which would result in substantial erosion or siltation on- or otI-site? No Impact. The project site is an existing road located on relatively level topography. The site is not in close proximity to a stream or river, nor would runoff from it be expected to enter a stream or river and alter its course. The existing drainage pattern would remain unchanged as a result of the proposed General Plan Amendment. The proposed project would not alter existing drainage, and no significant impacts associated with erosion or siltation are anticipated. d) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, or substantially increase the rate or amount of suñace runoff in a manner which would result in flooding on- or off-site? No Impact. The proposed General Plan Amendment would not alter existing drainage conditions nor would it cause flooding to the area, e) Create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity ofexisting or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff? No Impact. The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment to aIIow the maintenance of the existing roadway configuration. It wiII not create or contribute runoff water. Existing storm drain Plotu330\F;nal SentlSect;on '.doc «01128/05» 4-12 LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. MARCH 1OOS DRAFT INITIAL STUDY TUSTINIEL CAMINO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENr capacity will not be affected, nor will the project increase polluted runoff. The proposed project will not substantially increase sources of polluted runoff. f) Otherwise substantially degrade water quality? No Impact. The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment to reclassifY a portion ofEI Camino Real from a four-lane Secondary Arterial to a two-lane collector roadway to be consistent with the MPAH. The proposed project will not change or degrade water quality. g) Place housing within a tOO-year flood hazard area as mapped on a federal Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map or other flood hazard delineation map? No Impact. The proposed project does not include the addition of new housing. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Iñsurance Rate Map (FIRM), the project site is not located in a special flood hazard area (IOO-year or less floodplain); therefore, there are no impacts associated with housing and flood hazards. Source: FIRM Map No. 06059COO30 E, September IS, 1989. - h) Place within a tOO-year flood hazard area structures which wonld impede or redirect flood flows? No Impact. While the proposed project site is located in a 500-year floodplain, it does not incJude the addition of new structures. Therefore, there are no impacts associated with structures redirecting flood flow. Source: FIRM Map No, 06059CO030 E, September 15,1989. i) Expose people or structures to a significant risk ofloss, injury or death involving flooding, including flooding as a result of the failure of a levee or dam? No Impact. The project site is not located in the vicinity of a large body of water with a levee or a dam, nor does the project involve the construction of homes or any other structures. Therefore, there is no impact associated with damage from the failure of a levee or a dam associated with the proposed project. j) Inundation by seiche, tsunami, or mudflow? No Impact. A seiche is an oscillation of a landlocked body of water that can cause water damage to buildings, roads, and infrastructure that surround the body of water. There is no such body of water located in the City of Tustin. Therefore, impacts to the project study area associated with seiches will not occur. The project site is over 20 miles from the Pacifjc Ocean or any body of water that could cause tsunami, also know as a tidal wave, to the area. There is no risk of tsunami associated with the project. The project is located on relatively level topography, is not adjacent to hills or mountains that could be the source of mud flow or landslide, and is therefore not at risk for mud flow damage. P:\ctu3JO\F;nal SentlSect;on 4 doc "01128105,, 4-13 LSA ASSOCIArES. INC. MARCH "0' DRAFT '"ITIAL STDDY rD'TlNIEL CAMINO GEN"AL 'LA' AMENDMENT k) Potentially impact stormwaterrunofffrom construction activities? No Impact. The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment to allow the maintenance oftbe existing roadway configuration. There are no new construction activities associated with this action. The proposed amendment will not result in a change to existing runoff conditions. I) Potentially impact.stormwater runoff from post-construction activities? No Impact. The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment that will allow the continuation of the existing roadway configuration. There will be no change to existing stormwater runoff as a result of the project. m) Result in a potential for discharge of stormwater pollutants from areas of material storage, vehicle or equipment fueling, vehicle or equipment maintenance (including washing), waste handling, hazardous materials handling or storage, delivery areas, loading docks or other outdoor work areas? The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment to reclassify a portion orE! Camino Real from a four-lane Secondary Arterial to a two-lane collector roadway to be consistent with the MPAH. The project does not include areas of material storage, vehicle or equipment fueling, vehicle or equipment maintenance, waste handling, hazardous materials handling or storage, delivery areas, loading docks or other outdoor work areas. Therefore, the proposed project would not result in a potential for discharge of storm water pollutants as a result of these uses. n) Result in a potential for discharge of stormwater to affect the beneficial uses of the receiving waters? No Impact. The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment that will allow the continuation of the existing roadway configuration. There will be no change to existing stormwater runoff as a result of the project, and therefore no potential to affect the beneficial uses of the receiving waters. 0) Create the potential for significant changes in the flow velocity or volume of stormwater runoff to cause environmental hanD? No Impact. The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment that will allow the continuation of the existing roadway configuration. There will be no change to existing stormwater flow velocity or volume as a result of the project. p) Create significant increases in erosion of the project site or surrounding areas? No Impact. The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment that will allow the continuation of the existing roadway configuration. There will be no change to existing stormwater runoff as a result of the project; and therefore no increase in erosion potential for the project site or surrounding areas, P:I",330lF',,] SentlSee,;" 4.doc "OII28!OS" 4-14 LOA ASSOCIATES, INC, MARCH >OOS DRArT INITIAL STUDY TUSTlNIEL CAMINO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 4.9 Land Use and Planning Would the project: a) Physically divide an established community? No Impact. The proposed project would result in the maintenance of the existing roadway configuration as a two-lane undivided roadway with on-street diagonal parking, Previously, this roadway segment of EI Camino Real was a four-lane undivided arterial street with parallel on-street parking. The reconfiguration and downgrading of the roadway was undertaken by the City and the OCT A in November 1997 as. a demonstration project. The purpose of the proposed amendment to the City's Circulation Element is to (1) achieve consistency with the MPAH designation, (2) reflect the existing and future traffic levels on the roadway segment, and (3) ensure consistency between the roadway and the adjacent land uses by supporting the pedestrian-friendly character of the Old Town commercial district. The purpose of the demonstration project was to document the existing and define the future impacts of the redesignation of the roadway. The results of the Traffic Study (Appendix B) indicate that 2020 traffic conditions, both with and without the project, would maintain acceptàble daily traffic levels and intersection operations. The proposed project is an amendment to the Circulation Element of the City's General Plan to institutionalize existing conditions and the MPAH designation of the roadway. The two-lane configuration and on-site diagonal parking are consistent with the revitalization goals for Old Town to create a pedestrian-oriented environment. The proposed project does not divide an established community; rather, it creates a stronger connection between the land uses on both sides of the street by creating better pedestrian access. b) Conflict with any applicable land use plan, policy or regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the project (including, but not limited to the general plan, specific plan, local coastal program, or zoning ordinance) adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect? No Impact. El Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue lies within an area that is designated as Old Town Commercial on the City's Land Use Policy map. The Old Town Commercial designation includes retail, professional office, and service-oriented business activities that serve Old Town and surrounding areas. The proposed project is consistent with, and furthers the intent of, several goals of the Land Use Element of the General Plan. Goal 3: Ensure that new development is compatible with surrounding land uses in the community, the City's circulation network, availability of public facilities, existing development constraints, and the City's unique characteristics and resources, By downgrading the classification orE! Camino Real within the Old Town district, the roadway classification will be compatible with the surrounding Old Town commercial uses, characterized by historic buildings and a pedl<strian orientation. P:lctu330IF;nal SentlSec';on 4.doc ,,01/28/05» 4-15 LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. MARCH "OS DRAFT INITIAL STUDY TUSTINIEL CAMINO GENERAL 'LAN AMENDMENT Goal 5: Revitalize older commercial, industrial, and residential uses and properties. The proposed General Plan Amendment to maintain the existing configuration ofEI Camino Real in the Old Town district will support the revitalization efforts that rely on the historic character and pedestrian orientation of this unique commercial area. Goal 10: Improve and strengthen the Tustin Old Town/First Street area with a unique pedestrian environment and a diverse mix of goods, services, and uses, The Land Use Element of the General Plan (page 21) states, "The development character of Old Town and the First Street area can be significantly enhanced by greater integration ofresidential uses and physical renovations to existing buildings and street ITontages which promote a pedestrian orientation." The proposed reclassification ofEI Camino Real from a Secondary Arterial to a collector in order to maintain the existing street configuration furthers the intent of this goal by maintaining a pedestrian-tTiendly environment. A collector street is characterized by slower speeds than the speeds of a Secondary Arterial. Additionally, the provision of on-street diagonal parking has a traffic calming effect and reduces travel speeds due to parking and backing-out maneuvers, The future street width will be two lanes instead of four lanes, which will allow for eàSier pedestrian street crossing. Finally, on-street parking provides convenient access to commercial establishments'11nd reduces the need to provide additional public parking away tTom Old Town land uses, In addition to the general goals and policies in the Land Use Element, specific development guidance is provided for this area through the First Street Specific Plan and the Town Center Redevelopment project. The First Street Specific Plan encompasses approximately one mile along the First Street commercial corridor tTom central Tustin at Newport Avenue to the SR-55 &eeway, The plan is intended to define the entry into Tustin tTom the west and to provide access to Old Town and the Civic Center. All development activities within this area of the City are subject to the provisions of the First Street Specific Plan. All development within the redevelopment project area is subject to design review and confonnity with the redevelopment plan by the Redevelopment Agency. The proposed project is located within the Town Center Redevelopment Plan area. The Town Center Redevelopment Plan was approved in 1976 and has been amended several times since then. The objectives of the plan include creating a mixed-use town center, revitalizing the El Camino Real section of the redevelopment area, and increasing the level of capital improvements. The proposed redesignation of El Camino Real to a two-lane collector roadway is consistent with the redevelopment plan's intent of". . . encouraging business development, attracting new customers to the area, alleviating pass-through traffic congestion and conflict, and improving safety." The portion ofEI Camino Real that intersects with First Street is located within the First Street Specific Plan (1985) area, which extends tTom Newport Avenue to the Newport Freeway. The Specific Plan provides the land use regulations and design guidelines to maintain and enhance the uses along First Street, create an attractive entrance to the City, rehabilitate facades and signage, improve vehicular circulation, and maximize pedestrian movement and access, As noted previously, the proposed General Plan Amendment to reclassify a portion ofEI Camino Real tTom a four-lane Secondary Arterial to a two-lane collector is consistent with the pedestrian-orientation of the area where it intersects with First Street and furthers the intent of the First Street Specific Plan. P:\ctu330\F;,,1 SentlSect;on 4doc "0]/28/05,, 4-16 LSA ASSOCIATES. INC. MARCH 'OOS DRAFT INITIAL STUDY TUSTINIEL CAMINO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT c) Conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan or natural communities? No Impact. The City does not have a habitat conservation plan, and there are no natural communities in the study area. No impact would occur from the implementation on the proposed project. 4.10 Mineral Resources Would the project: a) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of value to the region and the residents ofthe state? No Impact. According to Figure VI-3 found in the County's General Plan Resources Element, no mineral resources are located in the project site. There are no impacts associated with mineral resources. b) Result in the loss of availability of a locally-important mineral resource recovery-site delineated on a local general plan, specific plan or other land use plan? . No Impact. According to the County General Plan, there are no locally important mineral resource sites on the project site, There are no impacts associated with this issue. 4.11 Noise Would the project result iu: a) Exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies? No Impact. The Noise Element of the General Plan identifies the noise contours for the build out conditions of the Land Use Policy Map, The General Plan noise contours were developed based upon existing and future traffic conditions, train operations, and other environmental conditions. The Noise Element defines the 60 dB CNEL contour as the noise impact area. Any proposed new noise sensitive land uses, such as residences, hospitals, schools, and churches, within the contour are to be evaluated on a project-specific basis. The 2010 Noise Map (Noise Element Figure N-l) identifies the study area for the EI Camino Road redesignation as within the 60+ CNEL dB area. The Noise Element also notes that residences next to . a number of major and secondary arterials in Tustin are exposed to a CNEL in excess of 65 dB, including El Camino Real. Noise levels below 65 dB are generally considered compatible with residential uses, and noise levels up to 70 dB are generally considered compatible with most commercial uses (Noise Element, Table N-2, Land Use Noise Compatibility Matrix), The proposed redesignation of this segment ofEI Camino Road will allow the maintenance of the existing roadway configuration. Some residences along the street frontage may currently experience noise in excess of 65 dB, However, noise levels on the road are not expected to change as a result of P:letu330IF;n" SentlSection 'doc «01 128/05" 4-17 LSA ASSOCIATES. ONC, MARCH "'S DRAFT "ITIAL STUDY TDSTINIEL CAMINO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT the project. Noise levels with the project may be less than what is accommodated for in the 2010 General Plan noise conditions if the 20 I 0 noise modeling reflected the planned four-lane roadway configuration. The proposed project will not result in a substantive increase in noise levels compared with existing conditions; therefore, there will be no increase in noise exposure. b) Exposure of persons to or generation of excessive groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels? No Impact. The proposed project involves a General Plan Amendment to reclassify a portion of El Camino Real trom a four-lane Secondary Arterial to a two-lane collector roadway. The downgrading of the roadway to match existing conditions will not result in an increase in 'groundborne vibration or noise levels. c) A substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? Less Than Significant Impact. The proposed General Plan Amendment will allow the existing roadway configuration to continue in the future. Small increases in traffic may occur within the existing roadway as a result of growth and deveiopment in the surrounding areas; however, the proposed project will not cause land use growth beyond what is already planned for in the General Plan. Therefore, the project will not result in an increase in overall ambient noise levels. Some traffic that would have used EI Camino Real when it was four lanes will now use parallel streets as a result ofthe reduction of travel lanes, The increased traffic on parallel streets will result in an increase in the traffic-related noise levels on those parallel streets. The Traffic Study (Appendix B) indicates that South B Street experiences a 5 to 10 percent increase in traffic as a result of the reconfiguration ofEI Camino Real. South C Street and Prospect A venue experience a 1 percent increase in traffic, A 10 percent increase in traffic volumes would result in an increase ofOA dBA in traffic noise, which is not perceptible to the human ear. The incremental nature of the change in traffic levels is further documented in the Traffic Report, Figures 9 and 10, which illustrate an average daily traffic level of 5,800 in 2020 without the project and 5,900 in 2020 with implementation of the project (continuation of existing conditions), The increase of the daily traffic volumes trom 5,800 to 5,900 would result in less than a 0.1 dBA increase in traffic noise, a negJigible change. The incremental changes to traffic levels on streets that currently handle relatively low volumes of traffic is not sufficient to result in significant changes in traffic-related noise levels. d) A substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project? Less Than Significant Impact. See Response 4,ll(c) above, e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles ofa public airport or public use airport, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? P\ctu3301F;nol S.ntlSw;on 4 doc "01128/05,, 4-18 LSA ASSOCIArES, INC. MARCH 1005 DRAFT INITIAL STUDY rUSTINIEL CAMINO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT No Impact. The project area is within two miles of the fonner Marine Corps Air Station Tustin (MCAS- Tustin); however, the fonner base was conveyed by the Department of the Navy to the City of Tustin, the Local Redevelopment Authority as designated by federal law. Nonaviation reuse plans are currently underway for the fonner base. The project is located over three miles ftom John Wayne Airport and is well outside the 60 dB and 65 dB aviation noise contour. The project is not within the airport land use plan or within two miles of the airport and will have no impact on aircraft noise exposure levels. t) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? No Impact. The proposed project is not located within the vicinity of a private airstrip. 4.12 Population and Housing Would the project: a) Induce substantial population growth in an area, either directly (for example, by proposing new homes and businesses) or indirectly (for example, through extension of roads or other infrastructure) ? No Impact. The proposed project involves a General Plan Amendment to reclassify a portion of El Camino Real from a four-lane Secondary Arterial to a two-lane collector roadway. The downgrading of the roadway to match existing conditions will not result in an increase in roadway capacity or traffic levels that could have growth-inducing effects. Future growth and development of the City is defined in the General Plan, including the Land Use and Growth Management Elements. The proposed project is consistent with these EJements and will not result in a change to the future population growth of the City, b) Displace substantial numbers of existing housing, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? No Impact. The proposed project will allow the maintenance of the existing two-lane configuration of this portion ofE! Camino Real with on-street diagonal parking. The project does not involve any new construction; therefore, no housing units will be displaced. c) Displace substantial numbers of people, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? No Impact. Please refer to the response 12(b). P:lctu330\F;nal SentlSection 4doc "01/28/05,, 4-19 LSA ASSOCIATES, INC, MARCH ,.OS DRAFT INITIAL STUDY TUSTINln CAMINO CENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 4.13 Public Services a) Would the project result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities, need for new or physically altered governmental facilities, the constrnction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or other performance objectives for Fire Protection, Police Protection, Schools, or Parks? No Impact. The proposed project is to reclassifY a portion ofEI Camino Real fÌ"om a four-lane Secondary Arterial to a two-lane collector in the Circulation Element of the City's General Plan. The proposed project will not add new structures to the area or induce population growth. Therefore, governmental facilities will not be affected by the proposed project. 4.14 Recreation a) Would the project increase the use of existing neighborhood ,and regional parks or other recreational facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the facility would occur or be accelerated . No Impact. The proposed project will not increase population and housing in the area, and the demand for recreational facilities will not increase. Therefore, existing recreational facilities in the area will not be impacted by the proposed project. b) Does the project include recreational facilities or require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities that might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? No Impact. The project site is not located in or adjacent to a City or County recreational facility and will not require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities. Therefore, implementation of the project will not have a physical environmental impact relating to recreational facilities. 4.15 Transportationrrraffic Would the project: a) Cause an increase in traffic which is substantial in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system (i.e., result in a substantial increase in either the number of vehicle trips, the volume to capacity ratio on roads, or congestion at intersections)? Less Than Significant Impact. The proposed General Plan Amendinent to reclassifY a portion of EI Camino Real will not cause an increase in traffic. The Traffic Study (Appendix B) addressed 2020 conditions with EI Camino Real as a two-lane roadway ("with project" conditions) and as a four-lane roadway ("without project" conditions). The study considered other changes to land use and traffic conditions that would occur over this period, including the redevelopment of Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Tustin base and the extension of Newport Avenue to the south. The traffic study assumed MCAS traffic model projections where possible (two locations) and a traffic growth rate of 1.0 percent per year to existing volumes at four study intersections. The growth rate was considered PI",,330\F',,' S"tlS"t'O" 4.doc «01/28/05« 4-20 LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. MARCH ".. DRAFT INITIAL STUDY TDSTIN/EL CAMINO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT . conservative to represent a "worst-case" projection. A midblock arterial volume-to-capacity (v/c) analysis provided a general overview of roadway operation under both "with" and "without project" conditions, Intersection capacity utilization (lCU) analyses were conducted based on a.m. and p.m. peak-hour intersection turn volumes and the intersection approach lanes. Six study intersections were analyzed in order to address the potential impact of maintaining El Camino Real at two lanes on other streets and intersections. The selected study intersections were: El Camino ReallFirst Street El Camino ReallMain Street El Camino ReallNewport Avenue Main StreetlNewport Avenue Main StreetIProspect Avenue Prospect AvenuelFirst Street See Figure 4,1 for information regarding existing traffic volumes and the location of study intersections. Figure 4.2 illustrates 2020 peak-hour traffic volumes with the project (two lanes), and Table 4.A summarizes the intersection analysis. The traffic study concluded the following: All of the study intersections currently operate at acceptable levels of service (LOS) during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours. Year 2020 traffic conditions "without project" were evaluated and showed that acceptable LOS values for the daily traffic analyses and the six study intersections are maintained. Under "with project" conditions where the MPAH Amendment (two lanes on El Camino Real) is assumed to be in place, the street segment (daily traffic analyses) and study intersections continue to operate at an acceptable LOS. No significant traffic impacts are anticipated as a result of the El Camino Real redesignation. No significant traffic-related impacts are expected for any jurisdictions outside of the City. b) Exceed, either individually or cumulatively, a level ofservice standard established by the City congestion management agency for designated roads or highways? No Impact. The aCTA is the congestion management agency for Orange County, The Orange County Congestion Management Plan (CMP) generally consists of a composite of submittals ftom local agencies, in which each localjurisdiction develops the required data in accordance with the guidelines established by the aCTA. The aCTA compiles the data and submits the results to the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) for a finding of regional consistency. Based on the success of the demonstration project and the results of the traffic study, the aCTA approved an amendment to the MPAH to reclassifyEI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue to a two-lane collector road. The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment to the City's Circulation Element to create consistency with the adopted, countywide MP AH, Therefore, the proposed project is consistent with the standard established by the congestion management agencies. P:\ct,330\F;nal SentlS,ct;on 4.doc «01128105" 4-2] 119.0001 1STST 119.0001 ~~. '" 0 2 0 ;¡¡ co ð ...J W ~~ t; g ~ ex) ~ ~ MAlNST 19.9001 110.2001 ~ Legend . Study Intersections 110.2001 Dally Traffic Volumes L SA FIGURE 4.1 NO SCALE Tustin/El Camino Existing Daily Volumes (2 Lanes) SOURCE: r>am, Study Fonhe Mast"PlanAr"'¡o' Highwoy (MPAH) Arnendm'"t orEI Comlno Rea'. WPA Wlld,n, Moy 10, 2001. 1:ICfU3301GIDaily YoL,'" (711/03) ",If ~ N!: ~.,' \..130/2-4<4 ;ø~:; ~ 777/76B --- ~ 641/699 f 110/119 '1STST "';t~ f 54/24 ",¡r 168/250.1 ",t¡r S69/9S2-+- SO2IaB2--+- 140/227, ø-... 30/3~ g¡;g¡ - \II ~ ~ ;¡¡~~ ~ ~ it ~ ...;", CD I i CD"'...¡¡ ~N~ \. 57/50 \II! ø-Sn \11- N-- " ~ 44B/434 """ ...;+~ f 64/85 ø- ... \. 91/132 MAINST ..J ~ ~ 409/290 35/49.1 ",+¡r 87/132..J 40/60 ..J ~ 3661344 -+- 323/433 -+- 240149O-+- 102/120", ",¡¡¡I\i 133/32 ~ ,.... :!!~~ if! ~...", CD!!! ) t?' Leç¡end . Study Intersections 10/15 AMlPM Peak Hou'r Volumes L SA FIGURE 4.2 NO SCALE SOURCE: Traffic Study Fo, the M",c> PI" A>tetiel H;ghwey (MPAH) Am"dm,n' orEI Cem;noReal, WPA WHd", Mey 10,2001. Tustin/EI Comino 2020 Peak Hour Volumes (With Project 2 Lanes) 1:\CfU330IG\2020 P,ak.od, (7/1/03) EI Camino Real & I A I 0.32 I A I 0.47 I A I 0.39 I A I 0.59 I A I 0.38 I A I 0.55 1st Street 2 I El Camino Real & I A I 0.44 I A I 0.54 I A I 0.56 I C I 0.72 I A I 0.54 I B 1,0.66 Main Street 3 I EI Camino Real & I A I 0.53 I B I 0.68 I A I 0.49 I C I 0.79 I A I 0.49 I C I 0.77 Newport Avenue 41 Main Street & I B I 0.64 I B I 0.62 I B I 0.65 I B I 0.65 I B I 0.64 I B I 0.65 Newport Avenue 51 Main Street & I A I 0.39 I A I 0.52 I A I 0.48 I B I 0.63 I A I 0.44 I A I 0.40 Prospect A venue Prospect Avenue & I A I 0.43 I A I 0.58 I A I 0.52 I 8 I 0.70 I A I 0.49 I 8 I 0.63 61 1st Street L S ^ TABLE 4.A Tustin/El Gamino Intersection Analysis Summary City of Tustin 'oICfU330\G\Analy';' S"mmory.od, (711/03) LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. MARCH "'S DRAFT ¡NlrIAL STUDY TUSTIN/EL CAMINO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT c) Result in a change in air traffic patterns, including either an increase in traffic levels or a change in location that results in snbstantial safety risks? No Impact. The proposed project will result in the maintenance of the existing roadway configuration of EI Camino Real between First Street and Newport A venue, Maintaining the existing roadway configuration will have no impact on air traffic patterns. d) Substantially increase hazards due to a design feature (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment)? No Impact. The proposed project will result in the maintenance of the existing roadway configuration ofEI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue, There will be no change to the existing roadway geometries or to the existing intersections. Therefore, there will be no increase in traffic hazards. e) ~esult in inadequate emergency access? Less Than Significant Impact. EI Camino Real is identified as an existing Evacuation Route according to Figures PS~l of the Public Safety Element of the City's General Plan. The proposed project will result in the maintenance of the existing roadway configuration between First Street and Newport Avenue. Current emergency access and evacuation conditions would not change as a result of the project. Please see also response to 4.7 (g). I) Result in inadequate parking capacity? No Impact. Additional parking has been created as a result of changing El Camino Real from a four- lane roadway to a two-lane roadway with on-street diagonal parking. The proposed General Plan Amendment will result in the maintenance of the existing roadway configuration and therefore has a beneficial effect on parking in the Old Town commercial district. g) Conflict with adopted policies, plans, or programs supporting alternative transportation (e.g., bus turnouts, bicycle racks)? No Impact. The City provides access to several fonns of alternative transportation such as buses, walking trails, and bike paths. The Circulation Element of the City's General Plan identifies existing public bus routes and existing and proposed bikeways. El Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue is currently served by a bus route; however, it is neither an existing or proposed bikeway. The existing two-lane configuration with on-street diagonal parking is a more pedestrian friendly environment than the four traffic lanes that existed prior to the demonstration project. The proposed project will maintain the existing pedestrian-oriented conditions and will not preclude continued bus service to the study area. P:ktu330\F;n,1 SentIS"';on 4.doc "DI/28/05" 4-25 LOA ASSOCIATES, INC. MARCH '.05 DRAFT INITIAL STUDY TUSTIN,.L CAMINO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 4.16 Utilities Would the project: a) Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board . No Impact. The proposed project is to reclassify a portion of El Camino Real ITom a four-lane Secondary Arterial to a two-lane collector in the Circulation Element oftbe City's General Plan. The proposed project will not add new structures in the area, increase population in the area, or require construction. Therefore, utilities will not be affected by implementation of the proposed project, b) Require or result in the construction of new water or wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? No Impact. Refer to Response 4.16(a), above. c) Require or result in tbe construction of new storm water drainage facilities. or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects? No Impact. Refer to Response 4. I 6(a), above. d) Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project from existing entitlements and resources, or are new or expanded entitlements needed? No Impact. Refer to Response 4. I 6(a), above. e) Result in a determination by the wastewater treatment provider which serves or may serve the project that it has adequate capacity to serve the project's projected demand in addition to the provider's existing commitments? No Impact. Refer to Response 4.16(a), above. 1) Be served by a landfill with sufficient permitted capacity to accommodate the project's solid waste disposal needs? No Impact. Refer to Response 4.16(a), above, g) Comply with federal, state, and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste? No Impact. Refer to Response 4.16(a), above. P:lctu330lFinal SentlSect;on 4doc «01/28/05,. 4-26 LSA ASSOCIATES. INC. MARCH "" DRAFT INITIAL STUDY TUSTINIEL CAMINO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT h) Would the project include a new or retrofitted storm water treatment control Best Management Practice (BMP) (e.g. water quality treatment basin, constructed treatment wetlands), the operation of which could result in significant environmental effects (e.g. increased vectorS and odors)? No Impact. The proposed project is a General Plan Amendment that will allow the continuation of the existing roadway configuration. There will be no change to existing storm water runoff treatment as a result of the project, and therefore no implementation of new or retrofitted storm water treatment control measures. 4.17 Mandatory Findings of Significance a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustainiug levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or...estrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? No Impact. The proposed project will result in the maintenance of tile existing roadway configuration fòrthe segment ofEI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue. Sensitive species and cultural resources are not present within the existing right-of-way of the roadway. b) Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? Cumulatively considerable means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current pro- jects, and the effects of probable future projects)? No Impact. The proposed General Plan Amendment will allow the existing configuration of the street to remain, without adversely affecting nearby streets or intersections. The project will not make any substantial adverse contributions to cumulative impacts. The project may result in beneficial effects on land uses adjacent to the roadway and has been demonstrated to enhance revitalization of the Old Town area by supporting pedestrian orientation of the commercial district. c) Does the project have environmental effects, which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? No Impact. The proposed downgrading of this segment ofEl Camino Real will further the goals of the Land Use Element of the General Plan and support the continued revitalization of the Old Town district. There are no substantial direct or indirect adverse effects. P:\clu330\>;,,1 Senl\Sectwo 4.doc «01128105" 4-27 LSA ASSOCIATES. INC. MARCH "OS DRAFT INITIAL STVDY TUSTINIKL CAMINO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENr APPENDIX A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT P\CTU330ISENnAppendix.doc ,<0311512005" Secondary: A four-lane undivided roadway, with a typical right-of-way width of 80 feet and a curb-to-curb pavement width of 64 feet. These roadways serve as collectors, distributing traffic between local streets, and major and primary arterials. For the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan, 80-foot right-of-way was modified to a 92-foot right-of-way to provide a painted median for two-way left tum lanes and Class II bicycle lanes. Collector: A two-lane undivided roadwav. with a minimum right-of-wav width of 66 feet and a minimum curb-to-curb width of 50 feet. The width mav be increased to accommodate roadwav features such as bicvcle lanes. on- street parking. and turn lanes, At LOS "C." this road type accommodates UP to approximatelv 10.000 vehicle trips per dav. This road functions as a collector facilitv. however it tends to move traffic between two arterials rather than between local streets. it has been added to the Citv's arterial highwav svstem because it provides network continuitv and is regionallv significant, and mav serve through traffic demand where projected volumes do not warrant a higher classification such as Secondary. The Circulation Element roadway classification system does nOt include private streets, Private street widths and cross-sections will vary from those described for roadways in this Element. Standard cross-sections represent the obvious and accepted answer to most situations. However, the standard cross-sections do not always provide the best solution to any given need or set of objectives. Reasonable flexibility and variety is provided for in the City's private street standards. Figure C-l shows schematic cross sections of each category of arterial roadway. These sections represent desirable standards, but variation in right- of-way width and specific road improvements will occur in certain cases due to physical constraints and/or right-of-way limitations. In particular, the median width in eight-lane, six-lane and four-lane roadways wiJI vary according to the area being served and the available right-of-way constraints and turn lane requirements. Hence, any of the arterial classifications may deviate from the standards where physical constraints exist or where preservation of community character dictates special treatment. Bikeway facilities are another factor which affect the specific standards applied for various facilities. The desirable goal for every classified street section is that it carry the designed volume of traffic at the desired level of service. Within this requirement, descriptions of width and facilities are offered as basic guidelines and as noted above, variation in design is expected, depending on CITY OF TUSTIN GENERAL PLAN 20 CIRCULATION ELEMENT April 18,2005 .' ~I ~ " 1-t1 72' 56' r---ï ß,LANE MAJOR ARTERIAL 144' R/W . H ~ 60' 44' m ~ 6-LANE MAJOR ARTERIAL 120' R/W ~ 50' 35' ~j PRIMARY ARTERIAL 100' R/W ,kl ~ - 46' 36' SECONDARY ARTERIAL 92' R/W (WTI1I CLASS 11 BICYCLE LANES) ~ - I :~: --- SECONDARY ARTERIAL 80' PJW , 40' 82' ~' ~ 33' 25' COLLECTOR ARTERIAL 66' R/W SOURCE: Austin-Foust Associates, Inc. City ofTustin IIIIJJJIr! ~ Muoh 21, 2005 21 72' 50' ' ri . ,r--' 60' 44' 14 ,r--' . 50' 35' rl 46' 33' rl ~ p --' 33' 25' rl ~ . Figure C-1 Typical Cross-Sections Table C-4 LAND USE AND TRIP GENERATION SUMMARY - 1993 - -- Future-- Land Use Category Units Amount ADT Amount ADT 1. CITY OF TUSTIN 1. Resideolial DU 17,604 148,213 29,790 250,672 2. ConJmercialiOfficel!nd. TSF 11,926 275,434 28,555 625,744 3. Other 43,241 79,197 Sub-Total 466,888 955,613 2, SPHERE OF INFLUENCE 1. Residential DU 8,146 101,043 8,363 103,343 2. CommeccialiOfficellnd. TSF 75 2,513 113 2,467 3. Other 19,089 19,635 Sub.Total 122,645 125,445 TOTAL I. Residenlial DU 25,750 249,256 38,153 354,015 2. CommercialiOfficellnd. TSF 12,001 277,947 28.668 628,21 I 3. Other 62,330 98,832 Sub-Total 589,533 1,081,058 Note: DU = Dwelling Units, TSF = Thousand Square Fee~ ADT = Average Daily Traffic The "Other" land use category refers to schools, churches, hospitals, hotels, parks, etc.. which do not bave a square foot based trip rate (see trip rates in Appendix A). The square footage, eqIrivaients are shown in parenthesis to provide consistency with the data given in the Land Use Element Source: City ofTostin General Plan Amendment Trffic Study, Austin-Foust Associates, October 1995. GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION SYSTEM The goals and policies included in this Element emphasize the need for a circulation system that is capable of serving both existing and future residents while preserving community values and character. The location, design, and constituent modes of the circulation system have major impacts on air quality, noise, community appearance, and other elements of the environment. The highway network designated in the Arterial Highway Plan is illustrated in Figure C- 2, and indicates all of the designated Major arterials, Primary arterials, Secondary arterials, Collector arterials, and the sections of roadway designated for modified right- of-way or augmented capacity. Table C-5 provides an additional description of the Arterial Highway Plan links. Discussions on sections of roadway for which these two qualifiers are proposed as follows: CITY OF TUSTIN GENERAL PLAN 27 CIRCULATION ELEMENT April 18,2005 II 'ì .... ~ ,~......"" ~ '0011"" ILVO ""'TA ~ ¡ E !1 Æ OooCE r. l' NORTH not to scale SOURCE: Austin-Foust Associates, Inc. City of Tustin ".~q; LEGEND - Major (8 lanes) - Major (6 lanes) _K- Modified Major (6 lanes) - Primary (4 lanes) -K- Modified Primary (4 ianes) -, Secondary (4 or 2 lanes) -----; Augmented Roadways - City Boundary - , , ..' Planning Area Boundary """C- Collector (2 lanes) D~jtq! ~ Figure 0-2 Arterial Highway Plan M",h 21, 2005 28 ( TABLE C-5 ARTERIAL HIGHWAY Link Classification Link Classification ArmsIrong/so Loop Rd N Secondary Irvine wlo Yorba , Major (A) ArmsIrong slo Warner Secondary Irvine wlo Prospect Major (A) Armstrong % Bammca ' Secondary Irvine <10 Prospect Major Irvine <10 Holt Major Bammca <10 Red Hill MBjor Irvine <10 Newport Major (M, A) Bammca wlo Von Karman Major Irvine wlo Red Hill Major (M, A) Barranca wlo Jamboree Major Irvine wlo Browning Major (M, A) Irvine wlo Tustin Rancb Major (A) Browning slo Irvine Secondary Irvine <10 Tustin Rancb Major Browning slo Bryan Secoodary Irvine wlo Jamboree Major Browning % Nisson Secondary Jamboree % Tustin Ranch Rd. Major Browning s/o Nisson Secondary Jamboree slo Tustin Ranch Road Major Bryan elo Newport Secondary Bryan wlo Red Hill Secondary Jamboree slo Portola Major Bryan wlo Browning Secoodary Jamboree slo Irvine Major (A) Bryan wlo Tustin Rancb Primary Jamboree slo Bryan MBjor(A) Bryan wlo Myford Primary Jamboree slo EI Camino Major (A) Bryan wlo Jamboree Primary Jamboree slo Walnut Major Jamboree slo Edinger Major Del Amo slo Edinger Secondary Jamboree slo Warner Major - East Coonectar slo Edioger Secoodary Loop Rd <10 Red Hill Secoodary Loop Rd N <10 ArmsIrong Secondary Edinger wlo Del Amo Major Loop Rd wlo Tustin Rancb Secondary Edinger wlo Red Hill Major Loop Rd N <10 Tustio Rancb Secondary Edinger <10 Red Hill Major Loop Rd slo Warn.. Secondary Eding.. wlo Tustin Rancb Major Loop Rd S <10 Tustin Rancb Secondary Edinger <10 Tustio Ranch Majo, Loop Rd S <10 ArmsIrong Secondary Eding.. wlo Jarnboree Major Edinger <10 Jamboree Major Main wlo EI Camino Real Primary Main <10 EI Camino Real Primary EI Camino slo I" ~ Maio <10 Pruspect Secoodary EI Camino slo Main ~ Main <10 Newport Primary EI Camino <10 Newport Secondary Primary EI Camino <10 Red Hill Secondary McFaddeo wlo Williams Primary EI Camino <10 Browning Secoodary McFadden <10 Williams EI Camino <10 Tustin Ranch Secoodary EI Camino <10 Myford Primary McFadden wlo Walnut Primary McFadden wlo Newport Primary l"w/oYorba Primary 1"<loYorba Primary Myford slo Irvine Secondary l"w/oProspect Primary Myford slo Bryan Secoodary I" wlo Newport Primary Myford slo EI Camino Real Secondary Mydord % Walnut Secondary Harvard % ICD Secondary Harvard slo ICD Primary Newport % Irvine Primary (A) Harvard % Warner Primary Newport % Holt Primary (A) NewportsioHolt Primary (A) Holtslo 17' Secondary Newportslo 1" Primary (A) Holt slo Irvine Blvd. Secoudary Newport %Main Prinwy (A) Newport O/C EI Camino Real Primary (A) Newport slo El Camino Primary (A) CITY OF TUSTIN GENERAL PLAN 29 CIRCULATION ELEMENT APRIL 18, 2005 LU A"OCUTE'. 'NC. MANCH "" DNAFT INITIAL nuoy Tun'N/EL CAM'NO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPENDIX B TRAFFIC STUDY P'\CTU330\SENTlApp'ndix.doc ,,03115/2005» ill ŒMA~ I~ 4U1~1 Œ @i I TUSTIN PUBUC WORKS DEPT. TRAFFIC STUDY FOR THE. MASTER PLAN OF ARTERIAL HIGHWA Y(MPAH) AMENDMENT OF EL CAMINO REAL Prepared for: City of Tustin.&.OCTA Prepared by: WP AlWilldan 27042 Towne Centre Drive, Suite 270 Foothill Ranch, California 92610 . May 10, 2001 \Xl ~~~1g~~ 27042 Towne Centre Drive, Suite 270 Foothilllùlncl:l, Calffomia 92610 949/470-8840 fax 949/770-9041 www,wllldan.com May 10, 2001 Mr. Douglas Anderson Senior Project Manager - Transportation City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 SUBJECT: TRAFFIC STUDY FOR THE MASTER PLAN OF ARTERIAL HIGHWAYS (MPAH) AMENDMENT OF EL CAMINO REAL . Dear Mr. Anderson: The enclosed Traffic Study' presents a summary of our traffic analyses arid findings related to the proposed MPAH Amendment of EI Camino Real for the section located between First - - Street and Newport Avenuè, in the City of Tustin. These analyses are based upOn field studies conducted by our staff, information provided by the. City of Tustin, long range traffic model data, previously completed ,studies and standard reference materials. The primary purpose of this evaluation is to identify any potential traffic impacts that may result from the project and recommend mitigation measures as may be necessary. These analyses can serve to determine if acceptable traffic operations can be maintained 'for' both current and future conditions, if the proposed project is implemented. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you, through our work on this important project. If we can be of further assistance or need to respond to any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We trust that this study will be of assistance to OCT A and the City of Tustin. Respectfully submitted, WPA TRAFFIC ENGINEERING A Division of Willdan ø~ /:1 ~. Steven S. Sasaki, P.E. . Registered Professionai Engineer. State of California Numbers C52768 & TR1462 TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION PAGE NUMBER INTRODUCTION.,.... ......................................................... ....................... ......1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION........................... .:...................................................1 EXISTING DESCRIPTION,.....,.......,.................................................................4 EI Camino Real,....................................'................................................4 Newport Avenue........................ ..............................,.............................4 Main Street...... """""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""'" ......... .......7 First Street............ """""""""""""""""""""" ..;....,............ ...............7 Prospect Avenue................................... ....... ...... ....::.............................7 Daily Traffic. Analyses........ """"""""""""""""" ..... ....,..............,..... .....8 Intersection Analyses...... """"""""""""'" """""""""""""" ...............13 FUTURE CONDITIONS WITHOUT PROJECT....................... .............................14 Traffic Projection Methodology...................... """"""'" """"""""""""" .15 Daily Traffic Analyses.. """""""""""""""""""""'" ....................,...... .20 Intersection Analyses................................ .......... ......... :...................... ..20 FUTURE CONDITIONS WITH PROJECT..........................................................20 Daily Traffic Analyses.................. ..... ...,...... ......... ..... .................... ..... ...24 Intersection Analyses.................. """"""""""" """"""""""""'" .........24 IMPACTS TO OTHER JURISDICTIONS..,................................................ .........24 SUMMARY..,..............................,.........,......,...,...........................................25 WPA Traffic Engineering (A Division of Willden) Job # 12680 EJ Cemlno Reel MPAH Amendment City of Tustin LIST OF FIGURES i FIG. NO. DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 10 11 12 SITE MAP....................................................................................2 EL CAMINO REAL ROADWAY CONFIGURATION..............................3 . . , . EXISTING MPAH ROADWAY NETWORK.........................................5 OLD TOWN COMMÈRCIAL DISTRICT BOUNDARIES........................ 6 STUDY INTERSECTION LOCATIONS.............................................9 EXISTING DAIL Y VOLUMES (2 LANES)......................................... 10 EXISTING PEAK HOUR VOLUMES (2 LANES)................................11 REDISTRIBUTION OF FUTURE TRIPS (4 LANES)........................... 17 YEAR 2020 DAILY VOLUMES (WIO PROJECT- 4 LANES)................. 18 YEAR 2Ò20 PEAK HOUR VOLUMES (WIO PROJEGT- 4 LANES)...... 19 YEAR 2020 DAILY VOLUMES (WIPROJECT -2LANES)..................22 YEAR 2020 PEAK HOUR VOLUMES (W/PROJECT -2 LANES).........23 LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. 1 2 DAILY TRAFFIC ANAL YSES SUMMARY........................................ 12 INTERSECTION ANAL YSES SUMMARY........................................21 WPA Traffic Engineering (A Division of W/Ildan) Job # 12680 Ii EI Camino Real MPAH Amandment CIty of Tustin INTRODUCTION This report presents a summary of our traffic analyses and findings related to the proposed MPAH Amendment of EI Camino Real for the section located between First Street and Newport Avenue, in the City of Tustin. These analyses are based upon field studies conducted by our staff, information. provided by the City of Tustin, long range traffic model data,. previously completed studies and standard reference materials. The primary purpose of this evaluation is to Identify any potential traffic impacts that may result from the project and recommend mitigation measures as may be necessary. It is important to deteITTline if acceptable traffic operations can be maintained for both current and future conditions, if the proposed project is implemented. . PROJECT DESCRIPTION This report analyzes the effects of amending a street segment of EI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue from a four lane "Secondary" arterial to a two lane "Locar collector roadway. This roàtlwaysegment of EI Camino Real has a north-south a11gnment before it transitions to a northwest-southeasterly alignment between Sixth Street and Newport Avenue. The overall study street segment. of EI Camino Real is also located within the City of Tustin's Old Town Commercial District, which supports a mixture of retail and ~omme"cial uses including various public improvements to provide a more pedestrian oriented environment. Figure 1 illustrates the location of the proposed project in relationship to the surrounding street system. In November 1997, the City of Tustin, in coordination with the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCT A), approved a demonstration project to reduce the number of travel lanes on EI Camino Real between Second Street to Sixth Street from a four lane undivided Secondary arterial street to a two lane undivided Local collector street with diagonal parking along both sides of the street (Figure 2 provides a representation of the EI Camino Real study section). With more than three years of experience since its implementation, the existing and future impacts of the proposed Amendment are better defined. The potential operations of EI Camino Real and the surrounding roadway network, resulting from the proposed Amendment and change in the roadway capacity (on EI Camino Real) is documented and. summarized in the following sections of this report. WPA Traffic Engineering (A Division of Willdan) Job # 12680 EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment City of Tustin EI Camino Real Reclassification JOB# 12680 WP A lRAFFIC EN~INEERIN~ A DIVISION OF WILLDAN Legend -$- No Bcale FIGURE' Site Location Mal - Study Area Boundary ~ "'- " y""," LOT f I! CAMINIO 5iXlH 'ÍlRËtT E L MAIN SJRE£T MAIIi S1ÄÈET lHlRD S1REtT . E L C A MI NO~' . I REA L SECOND SlREET W. .... 1IWF1C "'- . IIMSION Of WI1J)AH ----...... ---..- ! I ¡ i. ,i! R A-L MAIN srREET :t " RGURE 2 EL CAMINO REA!- ROADWAY CONFIGURATION FIRST . STREET T(j) SOUTH OF SIXTH STREET EXISTING CONDITIONS The existing conditions serve to provide a .preview" of the effects of the proposed MPAH Amendment (two lanes) on EI Camino Real. This roadway has been operating under geometry, consistent with. the proposed MPAH Amendment conditions, for several years. This allows stronger documentation of the potential impacts of the project, since the future operations presently exist and the analyses are based on conditions measured in the field (through counts), which are representative of the proposed MPAH Amendment conditions. The existing MPAH is illustrated in Figure 3, which reflects a four-lane roadway for the study section. This also provides an overview of the study section and its relationship to other Master Plan roadways. The number of lanes and conditions indicated In FiguÌ'e 3 are not necessarily representative of existing field conditions, but show the current long-range plan. The current status of some pertinent study area roads and their operations, are further addressed below. It is also Important to note that EI Camino Real is central to the Old Town commercial district as - illustrated in Figure 4. A revitalization plan for the Old Town area was developed by the City of Tustin In approximately 1991 and many elements can presently be seen in the area. There are on-going efforts to continue implementation of the plans and a significant element is the . proposed MPAH Amendment for EI Camino Real. There was a significant amount of focus on this roadway and the development, which, is and would be adjacent to EI Camino Real. EI Camino Real presently has two undivided lanes from Sixth Street to Second Street and has a general north-south alignment. Four travel lanes are provided north and south of this section. On-street diagonal parking is available on both sides of EI Camino Real through the two-lane section, with some restrictions. EI Camino Real south of Sixth Street curves into a northwest- southeast alignment and is a four lane undivided roadway with no on-street parking. A speed limit of 25 miles per hour (MPH) is posted. The proposed project would result in maintenance of this roadway configuration as a two-lane undivided roadway with on-street diagonal parking. Previously, this roadway segment on EI Camino Real was a four-lane undivided arterial street with parallel on-street parking. Newport Avenue is a four-lane divided roadway in the study area and has a general northeast- southwest direction. A raised median divides the four travel lanes with 35 miles per hour (MPH), WPA Traffic Engineering (A Division of Wilfdan) Job # 12680 4 EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment City of Tustin rn '<t -$- No Scale IRVINE BLVD 6M 6M ,.. '" (.) II> N Z (.) N , ~ ;,c b rn w '<t g; ~ 11. 4P 4P . E 1STST 4P ~ 2NDS 3! .,.. Ii; '" 2C z II> (,) rn rn I ~ '" '" '<t "'" 3RD (.) (.) ~ 2C N N EMAlNS1:.. 4P 4P 4P 0 z rn - (.) "'" ~ N 611-1 ST 2C 2C ¡¡ Legend 6M MAJOR (6 LANES) 4P PRIMARY (4 LANES. DIVIDED) 4S SECONDARY (4 LANES, UNDIVIDED) 2C LOCAL COLLECTOR (2 LANES) EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment wprrRAfFI~ ~NGINE~RING A DIVISION OF WILLDAN FIGURE 3 Existing MHAH Roadway Network I c :'1 ~'j ')I"I~;" ,¡,, \i .'.. EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment Wr81RAfFI~ ENGINEERING A DIVISION OF WILLDAN FIGURE I. Old town Commercial District Boundrie speed limit posted. No on-street parking is allowed. Newport Avenue provides ramp connections at the 1-5 Freeway for travel to and from the north. The southem terminus of Newport Road is presently south of Sycamore Avenue, just north of the railroad tracks. Main Street is a two-lane undivided roadway in the immediate study area and has an east-west direction. The posted speed limit is 35 miles per hour (MPH). On-street parking is allowed with some restrictions. To the west, Main Street becomes Chestnut Avenue in the City of Santa Ana and terminates at Grand Avenue. In an easterly direction, there' are four travellanes.east of Preble and Main Street transitions to become Bryan Avenue. FIrst Street is a four-lane divided roadway in the study area and has a general east-west direction. A two-way 1eftturn lane divide ! the four travel lanes In the study area and the posted speed limit is 30 miles per hour (MPH). On-street parking Is allowed with some restrictions: To the west, First Street continues through the City of Santa Ana and eventually becomes Bolsa Avenue. To the east, First Street terminates in Tustin at Red Hili Avenue. Prosoect Avenuè is a' two-lane undivided roadway between Main ::;treet (me soU1herly terminus) and FIrst Street with a north-south alignment. A speed limit of 25 miles per hour (MPH) Is posted. On-street parking is allowed with no restrictions in the two-lane section. To the north of First Street, Prospect continues as a four lane divided roadway to 17th Street, where there is an 'offset" before it continues further to the north. Prior to evaluation of the existing conditions, it is necessary to determine the scope of work for the proposed project. In compliance with OCTA procedures and policies regarding reque !tsfor MPAH Amendments, the City of Tustin developed a scope of work with OCTA as P¡Ùt of the Cooperative Study Agreement. Pursuant to the agreed upon scope between the aCTA and City Staff, six study intersections were analyzed in order to address the potential impact of the project. The study intersections are: WPA Traffic Engineering (A Division of Willdan) Job # 12680 7 EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment City of Tustin + + + + + + EI Camino RealI First Street EI Camino RealI Main Street EI Camino RealI Newport Avenue Main Street I Newport Avenue Main Street I Prospect Avenue Prospect Avenue I First Street. Existing field data were collected for use in the analyses, which included the information shown in Figure 5. These existing approach lanes (Figure 5) at the study intersections are critical to the intersection analyses and in addition, factors such as driveway locations; type of adjacent development,general circulation patterns and other related information were noted but not illustrated. The existing conditions analyses also required collection of existing daily traffic volumes and AM/PM peak hour counts at the six study intersections, which can be referenced In Figures 6 and 7, respectively.. The dally traffic count information serves to provide more general evaluations of roadway operations to supplement the more detailed existing (and future) intersection analyses. Dailv Traffic Analvses The daily volume traffic analyses provide a general assessment of the current roadway conditions and can serve as a "baseline" for evaluation of the project related impacts~ These analyses were based on current dally traffic volumes, compared to the existing roadway capacities established by the County of Orange, as well as previously included in the Orange County Congestion Management Program (CMP) document. The CMP previously required mid- block analyses as a part of the City's annual reporting procedures. The existing daily volumes used are based on the most recent counts conducted by the City of Tustin, Table 1 includes the County daily traffic "Capacities", applicable to the varying types of existing roadway segments found in the study area. The daily capacities shown. in Table 1 are representative of maximum roadway operations (Level of Service "E") and serves as a base for volume to capacity reviews. The street segment roadway operations are typically evaluated through 'comparison of existing daily traffic volumes, divided by the theoretical (LOS E) capacities in order to provide a volúme to capacity (V/C) ratio. This V/C ratio then provides a measure for evaluating the roadway performance. Ranges of VIC ratios relate to varying Leve!s of Service (LOS), which is further explained below. For the WPA Traffic Engineering (A Division of Willdan) Job # 12680 8 El Camino Real MPAH Amendment City of Tustin ~ ~ (" ¿.. ~ ¡"" ~ '~ !! :ï 13 ..;¡ U/ \. ~ ..; ~ \... 7 ¿.. "\ tr-- T .' 1STST U/ ~ t5 U/ 5; ff 0. ....; .k ~. l~ (" ~ ~¡"" T ~. \. -+- ~ ~ MAIN ST Leç¡end . Study Intersections EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment WIJrrRAFFIL ~NGINE~RING A DIVISION OF WlLLDAN FIGURE 5 Study Intersections 119,0001 1STST 119,0001 I I, ,I l I ~ ~~ ti 8 æ co ~. '<t ... !~o. z 0 ~ CD ..I W MAIN ST I 9,900 1 110,2001 Legend, . Study Intersections 110,2001 Dally Traffic Volumes ] ] I ] 1 . EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment I wpr1RAFFI~ ENGINEERING I A DIVISION OF WlLLDAN FIGURE 6 Existing Daily Volumes (2 Lanes) TABLE 1 DAILY TRAFFIC ANALYSIS SUMMARY EI Camino Real (ECR, --NeWport to Main . Two Lanes, Undivided 15,000 9,900 I 0.66-8 . FourLane~ UnmWded 25,000 --Main to 1s . Two Lanes, Undivided 15,000 7,300 I 0.48.A . Four Lanes, Undivided 25,000 Prospect Avenue --Main to 1s I~-A . Two LaneS,Undivided I 15,000 I 4,800 I 0.32-A' l. 5,800 I 0.39-A I 5,900 Main Street --ECR to Pros ect . Two Lanes, Undivided 15,000 0.83-D . Four Lanes, DMded 37,500 0.33-A 1st Street, -ECR to Prospect . Four Lanes, Divided 37,500 0.6o:.A 0.62-B (a) If the MPAH Amendment .Project" is not implemented, there are four lanes. (b) If the MPAHAmendment .Project" ~ implemented, .there are two lanes. (c) SOURCE:; County of Orange and Orange County CMP documents. City of Tustin; a VIC ratio of 0,90, which relates to a Level of Service "D" (LOS D), has been established as the maximum acceptable level of service for the roadway system. The purpose of these performance criteria is to specify target levels of service 'on the arterial highway system. Traffic LOS values are. qualitative descriptions of roadway operations and designated in terms of letters "A" through "F," with LOS "A" representing free flow conditions and LOS "PO representing severe traffic congestion. The portion of the overall capacity used by the existing (and future) traffic determines the LOS assigned to a particular roadway. The City of Tustin requirements are consistent with generally recognized standards of acceptable roadway operations (LOS D, which relates to about 90 percent of the capacity). The qualitative, technical roadway operation description for each of the LOS "letters" is contained in AppendIx A. The results of the daily traffic analyses are shown in Table 1. The VIC ratios for the study area street system~ based on the existing volumes and existing road geometry, show acceptable LOS results. This is of particular relevance to the proposed MPAH Amendment, ~nce the reduction of roadway capacity on EI Camino Real from a four-lane Secondary. arterial to a two- lane Local collector roadway has been in existence for several years and the effects are reflected in Table 1. In other words, the present roadway capacities (which include the two lanes on EI Camino Real) provide acceptable levels of service for the area streets. Table 1 shows that EI Camino Real and the surrounding roadways are all operating at LOS D or better. It should be recognized that the street segment (mid-block) analyses are more general indicators of traffic operations due to the various inherent assumptions included In these' evaluations. The intersection analyses provide a more detailed verification of traffic conditions. A summary of the analyses for the study intersections, agreed to be the focus of the evaluation within this cooperat1vestudy between the aCTA and the City of Tustin, is presented below. Intersection Analvses The recent AM and PM peak hour intersection counts conducted by the City of Tustin, at the six study intersections, served as bases for documenting existing conditions. These existing traffic volumes were' combined with the current intersection geometric information, then incorporated . . into the Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) methodology of intersection analysis. The ICU methodology is the required procedure for Orange County CMP evaluations and widely utilized in the Southern California area. WPA Traffic Engineering (A Division of Wi/ldan) Job # 12680 13 EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment City of Tustin In this methodology, the critical intersection volumes are divided by the available lane capacities and other "lost" time is considered, resulting i~ an ICU value for the study location. The ICU value is then related to a Level of Service (LOS), which ranges from "A" (the best) to up (the worst). This procedure is very similar to the daily traffic "ViC" evaluation, although the ICU contains more analysis factors since the evaluation of intersection operations is inherently more' complex than the street segments. It is the City policy that LOS results A through D represent acceptable operations, while LOS E and F are considered over capacity. The ICU analyses for the existing conditions are utilized to determine If any significant traffic' impacts presently exist atthe study area intersections. These ICU evaluations reflect present operations thro~gh the recent counts and current intersection approach lanes. It should be remembered the existing analyses actually provide a base condition that reflects the proposed MPAH Amendment, given the existence of the approved ECR demonstration project (two lanes exist for the majority of the study section of ECR). Table 1 summarizes the results of the ICU analyses at the six study intersections under existing conditions. As shown in Table 1, all the study intersections are operating at LOS C or better which documents acceptable existing operations (LOS D or better) during both the AM and PM peak hours. Based upon the findings for existing conditions, with EI CaminO Real currently operating as a two lane Local collector, there are no present adverse impacts or deficiencies in peak hour performance at all study intersections. The supporting intersection analysis worksheets are contained in Appendix B of this study. The existing count data, which were utilized in the analyses, can be referenced il] Appendix.C. FUTURE CONDITIONS WITHOUT PROJECT (Current MPAH - Four Lanes on ECR) The evaluations of future conditions under the current MPAH referenced previous year 2020 traffic modeling efforts performed for the City of Tustin and also include separate analyses of the intersections more '~nternal" to the project area. Extensive traffic modeling efforts were undertaken as a part of the Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Tustin Disposal and Reuse Traffic Study1. The year 2020 traffic modeling assumptions for the MCAS project included the current MPAH road system for the study area (i.e., ECR at four lanes) and specifically analyzed two of the study intersections agreed to be evaluated as a part of this MPAH Amendment project. . WPA Traffic Engineering (A Division of Wllldan) Job # 12680 14 EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment City of Tustin Traffic Project/on Method%av Two study intersections (Newport/ECR and Newport/Main) previously modeled and analyzed in the MCAS report were referenced directly for the 'Without (MPAH) Project" condition. It was determined the other four study intersections, however, required detailed evaluations and considèrations in order to reflect future conditions 'Without the Project". These four intersections are more "internal" to the City of Tustin and their future traffic increases are not expected to be as significantly influenced by traffic generated outside the City of Tustin. The projection of future 'traffic for the four "internal" intersections were determined to be best reflected through use of a reasonably conservative growth factor. Given the configuration of the street system and the relatively built out condition of the surrounding areas, it is anticipated the present traffic movements would provide the best representation of future traffic patterns. The traffic growth documented in the MCAS analyses, at the Newport Avenue study interseCtions, is shown to be In the 1.2 to 2.9 percent per year range. The Newport Avenue intersections, however, are anticipated to be subject to significantly greater through traffic increases-, especially when factors such as the extension/connection of Newport Avenue to the south is considered. In order to provide an accurate evaluation of pre-project conditions, appropriate growth rates over a twenty-year growth period were utilized in this study. A traffic growth rate of 1.0 percent per year was applied to the existing volumes at the study intersections of EI Camino ReaV181 Street and EI Camino ReaVMain Street in these traffic analyses. A traffic growth rate of 1.0 percent per year was also applied to the existing volumes at the study intersections of Prospect Avenue/1st Street and Prospect Avenue/Main Street in these analyses. These growth rates are intended to address. the potential traffic increases due to various potential projects and/or general traffic growth in the study area. This provides a conservative growth rate and is anticipated to be representative of "worst cas(/' projections. For purposes of evaluating the four "internal" study intersections, it is anticipated that application of the one percent per year growth factor through the year 2020 will provide a conservative projection of the future traffic volumes at these study locations. The growth factor, however, is , "Marine Corps AirStation (MCAS) Tustin Disposal and Reuse Traffic Study" Appendix B WPA Traffic Engineering (A Division of WIllden) Job # 12680 15 EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment CIty of Tustin not the only consideration required. It must be recognized the existing intersection counts included the condition where EI Camino R,eal has two undivided lanes for most of the study sections, Adjustments were, therefore, required to assure the volumes used in these 'Without Project" analyses reflect four travel lanes on ECR. (It can be noted the 'Newport Avenue intersections do not require adjustment for these conditions since the MCAS modeling incorporated a four-lane condition for ECR). Trip origin and destination patterns for traffic using ECR as a through route were developed based upon the str-eet system configuration,. review of ECR related traffic volumes, consideration of the types of area land uses, potentia! regional attractors, the current roadway configurations, and the changes planned for the project street classIfication. Numerous individual travel routes were. examined and evaluated. An overview of the trip Elssignment patterns Included in the origin/destination evaluations is illustrated in FIgure B. The numerous travel routes considered specifically examined the traffic that would be "drawn" to , . ECR if four lanes were to be provided. These "Without Project" analyses for the four "internal" intersections must consider the "draw" to ECR, since the existing counts reflect ECR at its present two-lane configuration (and the growth factor is applied to these volumes). It should be recalled, the two-modeled intersections already Included the assumption of four lanes on ECR, and so the Figure B "adjustments" are not applicable to the 'Newport Avenue intersections for the 'Wlthout Project" conditions. These same principals anti considerations were also applied to the daily traffic volumes. The resulting daily and peak hour traffic volumes are illustrated in FIgures 9 and 10, respectively. These volumes were then incorporated in the same analyses that were performed for the existing conditions. These evaluations will show how the future conditions compare to, the existing operations and also will serve to provide a baseline .to measure the 'With" project operations against. WPA Traffic Engineering (A Division of W/l/dan) Job # 12680 16 EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment City of Tustin I- m ID z +5 .-.----~~~~--------- ti 0 ü: Õ « IL " I I I -5 I -1 ti I CD I m I I I I I I '+5 .1- m « '" I- m u ü: ~ I I -10 II I I , 6TH ST EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment JOB# 12680 . WP A lRAFTI~ ENGINEERING A DIVISION OF WILLDAN +6 ~I: !d I !); , -3 ~ I' . -2 E1STST -------- , II I I -2 I ~ I ~ I z I ffi I ~ , 0 , , I ,I -3 I I I , , +9 , I I I 1-1 l- I I 3RD ST ..1 2ND ST till 0 I '" I ~ -3 E MAIN ST 0 +1511~ -- =1õ --" üI -$- No Soale Legend - Existing Cut-Through Route - - - With Project Cut-Through Route (.t-) 25 Percentage of EI Camino Real Traffic (Exists as 2 lanes so added traffic Is .attracted" for the 4 lane conditions) FIGURE 8 Redistribution of Future Trips (4 Lanes) 122,5001 1STST 122,5001 ~'~ 00 z 0 ~ aJ ...J W ~~ t) g w co 0. - @ IC) 0. MAIN ST 112,7001 ~ Legend . Study Intersections 110,2001 Daily Traffic Volumes EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment wfîRAFFIL ~NGINEERING FIGURE 9 Year 2020 Daily Volumes I Without Project (4 Lanes) I I A DIVISION OF WILLDAN \... % ~ 777/769 ,. 1101119 1STST 010'; '\tl'" S69/9S2~ 140/227, "'°'" -"" "'°- , , ~. '" ... !!! .... a: 0 ~ ~ II> 1S ~~~¡¡f \... 57/50 ,;::¡, "'1I>1fI OJ-- -,+- 449/434 --*"+"" ,. 64/85 MAIIfST 35/49..1 ~+r 366/344-+- 102/120, ",-"" ~~~ O""" l "'!!!"' I! I ( I II ,I ,I ,I ,I EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment I I WP frRAFFI( ~NGIN~~RING I A DIVISION OF WILLDAN ¡;¡!tj13 S~~ """", ;Jt~ 168/250'; SOI!l9~ 30139, \... 130/244 ~ 641/69' ,. 54/24 '\+1'" ~¡;!;:¡¡ ri¡~;;: "'~"'. w ~ t ~ '" if D. . '" ¡g "'- ;:;.¡:;: '" .... \... 91/132 --*" "" ~ 409/e90 87/132..1 40/60 ..I ./ 3e3/433 -+-- e4014'O-+- /,_, 133/32 ~~ ~ i..\~\~ ~~ Legend . Study Intersections 10115 AM/PM Peak Hour Volumes FIGURE 10 Year 2020 Peak Hour Volumes (Without Project - 4 Lanes) Dally Traffic Analvses Table 1, y.thich was presented earlier in this study, provides a summary of the daily traffic analyses results for year 2020 'Without Projecf' conditions. It can be seen the study locations maintain acceptable (LOS D or better) operations for conditions where four lanes are provided on EI Camino Real: It can also be noted, these daily traffic analyses were performed based on both the existing road configurations and the future MPAH lanes. Acceptable operations are noted under both geometric conditions. For EI Camino Real, only the four-lane condition is shown to clarify this is the 'Without Project" scenario. Intersection Analvses The ICU worksheets document the traffic volumes, approaèh lanes and analyses of the 'Without Project" traffic conditions, while the approach lanes and volumes used in these analyses are also shown in Figures 5 and 9, respectively. The existing intersection approach lanes are maintained to reflect a "worst case" and the volumes provide well-documented evaluation of the two Newport Avenue intersections and conservative analyses of the four "internal" intersections. The ICU worksheets can be referenced in Appendix B. As shown in Table 2, acceptable LOS results are maintained at all of the study intersections for year 2020 'Without Project" conditions. FUTURE CONDITIONS WITH PROJECT (Proposed MPAH Amendment - 2 Lanes on ECR) The proposed MPAH Amendment is considered in this section through evaluation of the daily traffic conditions and detailed evaluation of the six study intersections. As was described .earlier in this study, there is a high level of confidence in the results of these 'With Project" analyses, which include the two lane configurations on EI Camino Real. In part, this is due to counts that could be taken while this configuration is actually "in place", as well as consideration of other pertinent traffic related factors (i.e., the layout of the surrounding street system, the relative built out condition of the surrounding areas, etc.). Figures 11 and 12 present the daily and AM/PM peak hour volumes; which resulted from the same type of analyses and considerations applied in the 'Without Project" analyses. This s¡¡rves to assure that the comparison of 'With" to 'Withouf' the Project is valid. These volumes were then incorporated in the sam¡¡ analyses that were perfòrmed for the previously considered conditions. WPA Traffic Engineering (A Division of Wi/ldan) Job# 12680 20 EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment City of Tustin TABLE 2 INTERSECTION ANALYSES SUMMARY City of Tustin ETCamlno Real & 1st Street EI Camino Real & A 0.44 A 0.54 A 0.56 C 0.72 I A I 0.54 I B I 0.66 21 Main Street El CamIno Real & A 0.53 B 0.68 A 0.49 C 0.79 A I 0.49 I C I 0.77 31 Newport Avenue . . Main Street & B 0.64 B 0.62 B 0.65 B 0.65 B I 0.64 I B I 0.65 41 Newport Avenue Main Street & A 0.39 A 0.52 A 0.48 B 0.63 A I 0.44 I A I 0.40 51 Prospect Avenue Prospect Avenue & A 0.43 A 0.56 A 0.52 B 0.70 A I 0.49 I B I 0.63 61 1st Street " 123,2001 1STST 123,2001 ~~. 0 0 ;!; C') ~ ,... ¡¡ ~~ t3 g æ CD u). Lt) 61 Il. MAIN ST 112,1001 .112,4001 ~ Leg~nd . Study Intersections 110,2001 Daily Traffic Volumes EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment ¡ ~[1R~l!GrnEERrnG FIGURE 11 Year 2020 Daily Volumes With Project (2 Lanes) ~ 777n68 f 110/119 ¡;j~~ ~.~~ ~+\... \..130/24-4 ~ 641/699 f 54/24 1ST ST. \.. 57/50 ~ 448/434 f 64/85 168/250.J S02I8sa-+- . 30/38, ~ t5 æ ~ ~ ~- 0. l-t.<6' - ¡"'i"i'\~'i' ;:¡ ~ ...~ 1 10/10 '" ... \.. 91/132 ~ t§' ~ 3801520 ~ \.... ~ 409/290" 160/90 97/132,). 40/60.J. "'I 323/433 -+- 240/490-+- J 133/32 . ~rÆ'. ,.... iil:f rrW S69/"2-+- "'" I" 140/227, ~ ~ ;;; ~ !!! ... ""'+1" ~~:g ri¡~;¡; ...~'" ~ 0 z CD ~ æ~g;¡¡ ;¡;;:;~ N!!!:'; ~t\.... 35/49.J 366/344-+- 102/120, MAIN ST ""'+1" ",-'" ~~~ c..."" CD!!!'" LeQend . Study Intersections 10/15 AM/PM Peak Hour Volumes EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment 'r1RlJFI~ ~NGINE~RING A DIVJSION OF WILLDAN FIGURE 12 Year 2020 Peak Hour Volumes (With Project - 2 Lanes) Daily Traffic Analyses The same as for the 'Without Projecf' analyses, evaluations are provided based on both the existing lanes and the future MPAH geometries. Of course, for EI Camino Real the .Project" is to provide a two-lane configuration, so only this condition is analyzed. for the study segments. Table 1, which was presented earlier in this study, shows the proposed two-lane configuration for EI Camino Real would provide acceptable Levels of .Servìce. This is shown to be the case for all of the study locations under both the existing roadway and future MPAHconditions. IntersectIon Analyses The es1imated traffic growth was applied to the existing traffic volumes so the study intersecti.ons could be analyzed for the 'With Project" conditions. The proper adjustments to the study intersections were applied, depending on their locations, as was oescribed in the 'Without Project: conditions. The volumes in Figure 12 were then used In the ICU analyses, which were calculated for these 'With Project" (two lanes on EI Camino Real) analyses.. The existing intersection approach lanes (Figure 51 were also utilized to consider the "worst case". The resuitsfor these 'With Project" conditions can be referenced in Table 1. The mid-block arterial volume-to-capacity (V/C) analysis provides a more general overview of roadway operations, while these Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) analyses results in detailed evaluations of the intersections, which are the critical locations of the street system. The combination of the mid-block analysis component (utilizing the daily traffic volumes and capacities) and the ICU analyses (based on AM and PM peak hour intersection turn volumes and the intersection approach lanes) serve to provide well documented evaluations of the anticipated operations and whether the proposed MPAH Amendment is feasible and can result in acceptable operations for 1he street system. For the proposed MPAH Amendment, D.Q deficiencies are forecast, based on daily traffic VIC ratios or the detailed intersection analyses. IMPACTS TO OTHER JURISDICTIONS Given the location of the proposed MPAH Amendment of EI Camino Real, there is not expected to be very significant traffic impacts on any other jurisdiction. The changes in travel due to the proposed Amendment are shown to be "local" to the City of Tustin. In addition, since the proposed project configuration presently exists, there are well defined indications of the future operations. WPA Traffic Engineering (A Division of W/Ildan) Job # 12680 24 EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment CIty of TustIn SUMMARY This study has examined traffic factors related to the reclassification (MPAH Amendment) of EI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue in the City of Tustin. The project is to change this section of EI Camino Real from a future fo~r-Ianei' Secondary arterial to a'proposed two-lane local roadway. It is noted, however, the present configuration of EI Camino Real between Sixth Street and Second Street is as a two-lane roadway. This study addresses the potential project traffic impacts at the six designated study intersections, identifièd through agreement between OCT A and the City of Tustin. Existing traffic conditions were reviewed and quantified to provide a basis for this study. Potential year 2020 traffic conditions, both 'With" and 'Withouf the Project were considered. Evaluations were made of these future conditions and the ability of the street system to accommodate the trips evàluated. The following are the principal findings of these analyses: (1) All of the study intersections currently operate at acceptable levels of Service during the AM and PM peak hours: i. EI Camino Real & 1 II Street ii. EI Camino Real & Main Street iii. EI Camino Real & Newport Avenue iv. Main S1reet & Newport Avenue v. Main Street & Prospect Avenue vi. Prospect Avenue & 1 II Street (2) Year 2020 traffic conditions 'Without Project" were evaluated and It showed that acceptable lOS values for the daily traffic analyses and the six study intersections are maintained. (3) A "worst case" analysis was used, in evaluating the future traffic impacts at the study segments and intersections. A'conservative growth rate was applied in the evaluation of future conditions and analyses were shown for lane geometries that presently exist. WPA Traffic Engineering (A Division of Willdan) Job # 12680 25 EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment City of Tustin (4) Under "With Project" conditions where the MPAH Amendment (two lane on EI Camino Real) is assumed to be in place, the street segment (dally traffic analyses) study intersections continue to operate at acceptable Levels of Service. No significant traffic impaèts are anticipated as a resuR of the EI Camino Real Reclassificat¡òn. . . (5) No significant traffic related impacts are expected for any jurisdictions outside of the City of Tustin. .* WPA Traffic Engineering (A Division of Willdan) Job # 12680 26 EI Camino Real MPAH Amendment City of Tustin 'APPENDIX A EX PLANA TIO'N OF INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTJUZATION AND LEVEL OF SERVICE APPENDIX A EXPLANA TIDN OF INTE:RSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZA TIOH The capacity of a street is nearly always greater between intersections and less at intersections. The reason for this is that the traffic flows continuously betWeen intersections and only part of the time at interSections. To study intersection capacity, a technique known as Intersection Capacity Utilization (ICU) has been developed. ICU analysis consists of (a) determining the proportion of signal time needed'to serve each, . conflicting movement; (b} summing the times for the movements; 'and (c) comparing the. total tima required to the time available,- For example, if for nort"h-south traffic the northbound traffic is 1,000 vehicles per' hour, the southbound traffic is 800 vehicles per hour, and.the capacity of either approach is 2,000 vehicles per hour of green, then northbound traffic is critical and requires 1 ,0000/2,000 or 50 percent of the signal time.' If. for the east-west traffic, 40 percent ofthe signal time is required, then flcan be seen that the ICU is 50 plus 40, or 90 percent. When left-turn phases exist, they are incorporated , into the analysis. As IClJ's approach 100 percent, the quality of traffic service'approaches Level of Service (LOS) E, as defined in the Hiahwav Capacity Manual, Special Report 87, Highway Research Board, 1965.' . Level of Service is'used to describe quality oftraffic flow. Levels of Service A to C operate quite well. Level of Service D is typically the Level of Service for which an urban street is designed. Level of Service E is the maximum volume a facUlty can accommodate and will result in possible stoppages of momentary duration. Level of Service F occurs when a facility is overloaded and is characteriz~d by stop-and~go traffic with stoppages of 1009 duration. A description ot-the various Levels of Service appears on the following page. ..The ICU calculations assume that an intersection is signalized and that the. signal is ideally timed. It is possible to have an ICU well below 1.0, yet have severe traffic congestion, This would occur because one or more movements is nQt getting enough time to satisfy its demand, with excess time existing on ather moves. Although calculating ICU for an unsignalized intersection is not necessarily valid, it can be performed with the presumption that a signal can be installed and the calculations show whether the geometries are. capable of accommodating the expected volumes. Capacity is often defined in terms of roadway width. However, standard lanes have approximately the same capacity whether they are .11 foot or 14 foot lanes. Our data indicates that a typical lane, whether a through lane or a left-turn lane, has a capacity as high as approximately 2200 vehicles per h:ìne per.hour of green time. The 1985 Hiahwav Capacity Manual found capacities of 1800 vehicles per lane per hour of green time. These studies show that values in the 1600 to 1700 range should result in a conservative analysis. APPENDIX A LEVEL OF SERVICE DESCRIPTIONS FOR INTERSECTIONS A B 1,- c D E F . Low volumes; high speeds; speed not restricted by other vehicles; all signal cycles clear with no vehicles; aI/signal cycles clear with no. vehicles waiting through more than one signal cycle. Operating speeds beginning to be affected by other traffic; between one and ten percent of the signal cycles have one or more vehiclas which wait through more than one signal cycle during peak traffic periods. Operating speeds and maneuverability closely controffed by other traffic; between 11 and 30 percent ofthe signal cycles have one or more vehicles which wait through more than 'one signal cycle during peak traffic periods; recommended ideal design standard. Tolerable operating speeds; 31 to 70 percent of the signal cycles have one or more vehicles which wait through more than one signal cycle during traffic periods; often used as design standard in urban areas. Capacity; the maximum traffic volumes an intersection can accommodate; restricted speeds; 71 to 100 percent of the signal cycles have one or more vehicles which wait through more than one signal cycle during peak traffic periods, Long queues of traffic; unstable flow; stoppages of long duration; traffic volume and traffic speed can drop to zero; traffic volume will be less than the volume which occurs at Level of SeNÎce E. O.oo~o. 60 0.61-0.70 0.71-0.80 0.81-0.90 0.91-1.00 Not Meaningful (a) ICU (Intersection Capacity Utilization) at various Levels of Service versus Level of Service E for urban arterial streets. SOURCE: HiGhwav Capacitv Manual; Special Report 87; Highway Research Board; 1965. APPEN'DfX B INTERseCTION ANAL YS,ES we RKSHE ETS INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANAlYSIS PROJECT: CIty of Tuslln-E! CamIno Real R_1Ioo INTERVAl: AM PEAK HOUR ' INTERSECTION: EI Carnno Real & 1st Street Exlsilng CondIIIoo. ¡Iiil --- ïiiíl - ìí - ïiiíl - ìí - ïiiíl - ìí - ìí - ¡¡¡II ----:- ñ - ñ ~ ñ - ñ EX. 'OTHER ñ - ii ~ ii:- rnll 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST II PROP 11111 EXISTING 11 PROPOSED 11111 EXISTING 11 OTHER 11 PROJECT 11111 EXISTING 11 II . OTHER 11 11 'PROJECT 11 11 'PROJECT II 11111 11111 11111 LANES 11 LANES 11111 CAPACITY 11 CAPACITY 11111 VOlUME 11 VOLUME II VOLUME 11111 VlC 11 11, VlC II 11 VlC 11 II VlC-W_IMP II 11111 11111====-=11111'==-11===-'11111==11 ~IIIII-li ~11-1I1II-11-11 ~11-11 """'-===11-11-=='11=11111 11111 NL 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 13911 11 \1111 0.0811'11 0.0811'11 0.0811'11 11'11111 11111 NT 11111 °Il 011111 all 011111 all II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 NR 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 5711 II 11111 0.0311 II 0.0311 II 0.0311 II II 11111 IIIIISLIllIl 011 011111 011 011111 all II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 IIIIISTIllIl all 011111 all 011111 all 11 11111 11'11 11'11 11'11 11"11111 IIIIISRIllIl all 011111 011 011111 011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 EL 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 all 11 11111 0.0011'11 0.0011'11 0.0011'11 11'11111 11111 ET 11111 211 011111 340011 011111 46711 II lIIil 0.1411 11 0.1411 11 0.1411 II II 11111 11111 ER 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 10511 11 11111 0.0611 11 0.0611 11 0.0611 II II 11111 11111 WL 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 8811 11 11111 0.0511 II 0.0511 II 0.0511 II 11 11111 11111 WT 11111 211 011111 340011 011111 63811 II 11111 0.1911'11 0.1911'11 0.1911'11 11'11111 IIIIIWRIllIl all 011111, 011 011111 all 11 11111 '1111' '1111 1111 1111111 ,- -- ---- ---- -----11111- =-.=-==- ==.===~ '=-.~-'=IIIII NORTHISOUTH CRIllCAl SUMS . 11111 0.08 I 0.08 I D.08 I 0.00 11111 11111-....,.-----'--- ------11111 11111 0.19 I 0.19 I 0.19 I 0.00 11111 11111---------'----- ------11111 11111 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 11111 11111 ===-==- . - . """""-"'= . .. . ---== = .. = =-.- = = 11111 11111 0.32 I 0.32 I 0.32 I 0.05 11111 11111-------- ------11111 UIDA IA IA 'IA 1101 --=- ....- ....¡,~ =-=- ==- ICU SPREAOSHEET FILE NAME ECR&1st I N = ",ORTHBOUND, S = SOUTHBOUND E = EASTBOUND, W = WESTBOUND L=LEFT, T = THROUGH, R - RIGHT N.S, = NOT SIGNAlIZED LOS = lEVEl OF SERVICE . DENOTES CRITICAl MOVEMENTS EASTIWEsr CRIrICAl SUMS . ClEARANCE . ICU VAlUE = LOS- INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANÀl YSIS PROJECT: INTERVAL: INTERSECTION: City of T uslln-EI Carrino Real _Iloo PM PEAK HOUR E1 Co"'" Real & 1st S.- ExlsIIng CondIIIons -- --~- ---- -----'----~- ------- ---- ----- ¡¡III 11111 II 11111 II 11111 II II 11111 . II II EXISTING II II EX.+OTHER II II EX.+OTHER II 11111 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST II PROP 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSED 11111 EXlSTlN<¡ II OTHE~ II PROJECT 11111 EXISTING II II + OTHER II II +PROJECT II II +PROJECT II 11111 11111 11111 LANES II LANES 11111 CAPACITY II CAPACITY 11111 VOlUME II VOLUME II VOlUME 11111 VIC II II VlC II II VIC II II V/CoWJMP II 11111 11111 ,==--." 1ll1I=="II~--1I1II ~ II - 11111 - II - II - 11111 - II-II - II-II ---= 11=11 == 11=11111 11111 NL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 21411 II 111110.1311"11 0,1311"11 0.1311"11 11"11111 11111 NT 11111 011 11111 011 011111011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 IIIIINRIIIII'1i 11111 170011 01111112211 II 11111 0.071111 0.071111 0.071111 1111111 11111 SL 11111 011 11111011 011111011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 IIIIISTIllIl 011 11111 011011111 011 II 11111 11"11 11"11 11"11 11"11111 IIIIISRIllIl 011 11111 011 011111 011 11.11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 EL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 011 II 11111 0.0011 II 0.0011 II 0.0011 II 11"11111 11111 ET 11111 211 11111 340011 011111 78211 II 11111 0.23 II" II 0.23 II", II 0.23 II" II II 11111 11111 ER 11111 '11 11111 170011 011111 17011 II 11111 0,101111 ,0.101111 0.101111 1111111 11111 WL 11111 '11 11111 170011 011111 9511 II 11111 0.0811" II 0.0811" II 0.0811" II II 11111 11111 WT 11111 211 11111 340011 011111 83611 II 11111 0.1811 II 0.1811 II 0.1811 II 11"11111 IIIIIWRIIIII 011 11111 011 011111 011 II 11111 1111, 1111 1111 1111111 ,- -- ---,- ---------11111-===--= ------== --=-==-=== ==-= -=11111 - NORTWSOUTHCRITICALSUMS- 11111 0.13 I, 0.13 I' 0.13 I 0.00 11111 ECR&lst 1 11111----------------'---11111 EASTIWEST CRITICAL SUMS - 11111 0.28, I 0.28 1 0.29 I 0.00 11111 11111---------------11111 I 11111 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 11111 11111- ---- -=.~ -=-~== -=11111 11111 0.47 I 0.47 I 0.47 I 0.05 11111 11111---------------11111 lUll A I A I A I A 11111 -===-------------====--=-=--- ICU SPREADSHEET FilE NAME N = NORTHBOUND, S" SOUTHBOUND E = EAST1!OUND, W - WEST1!OUND L = LEFT. T = THROUGH. R = RIGHT N.S, = NOT SIGNALIZEO LOS = LEVEL OF SERVICE " DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS ClEARANCE = ICUVALUE - LOS- I/{TERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS -- -.---- ---- ~----- --- ---- ---- ---- ~ iiïll-- 11111 II 11111 II 11111 II II 11111 II II EXISTING 11 11 EX.+oTHER 11 II EX.+OTHER II 11111 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST 11, PROP 11111 EXISTING 11 PROPOSEO 11111 EXISTING II OTHER 11 PROJECT 11111 EXISTING II II + OTHER II 11 +PROJECT 11 II +PROJECT II 11111 11111 11111 LANES II LANES 11111 CAPACITY II CAPACn:Y 11111 VOLUME II VOLUME II VOlUME¡ 11111 VlC II II VlC 11 11 VIe 11 II VlC-W_IMP II 11111 11111 ========= 1II1I===~I1"=~1I1I1 ==-=-==== II ==== 11111 ~=. II =-==-- II ==--J. 11111 ~~ 11=11 ~ 11=11 ~= 11=11 === II~IIIII IIIIINLIIIII 011 011111 011 011111 BOil II 11111 1111 1111 1111 11"11111 11111 NT 11111 111 011111 17~1I 011111 13411 II 11111 0.1111°11 0.1111°11 0.1111°11 II 11111 IIIIINRIIIII'1i 011111 170011 011111 4111 II 111110.021111 0.021111 0.021111 1111111 IllIISLIIIII 011 011111 011 0111111211 II 11111 11°11 11"11' 11°11 1111111 11111 ST 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 13611 II 11111 0.0911 II 0.0911 II 0.0911 II II" 11111 IIIIISRIIIIIII1 011111 170011011111 2411 II 11111 0.011111 0.011111 0.011111 1111111 11111 EL 11111 111 011111 170011 011111,2911 II 111110.0211°11 0.0211°11 0.0211°11 11°11111 11111 ET 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 30011 II 11111 0.2211 II 0.2211 II 0.2211 II II 11111 IIIIIERIIIII 011 011111 011 011111 8011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 Wl 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 5011 II 11111 0.0311 II 0.0311 11 0.0311 11 II 11111 11111 WT 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 38711 II 11111 0.2411' II 0.2411' 11 0.2411° II II" 11111 lllllWR1II1I 011 011111 011 011111 4711 11 11111 1111 ,1111 1111 1111111 .., -- ---- ---'- -----IIIII~ .=.~ ._-~~ .==-==-===- ==-11111 - NORTHISOUTH CRITICAl SUMS. 11111 0.13 I . 0.11 I 0.11 I 0.00 11111 ECR&MaIn 1 . 11111--------.-----------11111 EAST/WEST CRITICAl SUMS. 11111 ' 0.28 I 0.28 1 0.26 I 0.00 11111 11111---------------11111 11111, 0.05 I' 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 lIIil 11111-'" - ~ -... --- . = = -= 0,= 11111' 11111 0:44 I 0.42 I 0.42 I 0.05 11111 11111----------------11111 IIIR A I A I A I A 11111 ..- -...- ._-~ -==-~ --- PROJECT: INTERVAl: INTERSECTION: ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAME N = NORTHBOUND, S - SÓUTHBOUND E = EASTBOUND, W = WEST1!OUND L = lEFT, T = THROUGH, R = RIGHT N.S. = NOT SIGNAlIZED LOS = LEVEL OF SERVICE . DENOTES CRmCAl MOVEMENTS Clly or Tuslln-EI Canino Reaf ReclassIfication /1M PEAK HOUR EI Canino Real & Main St- ExIsIIng CondItIons CLEARANCE - ICUVALUE- LOS- INTERSEcnON CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS -- ~--- ---- ------ -----,---- ----,-- ----- mll- 11111 II 11111 II 11111 II, II .1 11111 11 11 EXISTING 11 11 EX.+OTHER 11 11 EX.+oTHER 11 11111 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST 11 PROP 11111 EXISTING 11 PROPOSED 11111 EXISTING 11 OTHER 11 PROJECT 11111 EXISTING 11 II + OTHER 11 11 +PROJECT II II +PROJECT II 11111 11111 11111 lANES 11 lANES 11111 CAPACITY II CAPACITY 11111 VOLUME II VOLUME II VOLUME 11111 VlC II 11 VlC II 11 VlC 11 11 VIC-WJMP 11 11111 11111 ==~~=== 11111====11===11111--- - II =~~ IIIII~ II ==--11 --IIIII~ 11-11--11-11 -~ 11=-11 -=--=- 11=11111 IIIII'NLIllIl 011 11111 011 011111 10911 11 11111 1111 1111 1111 11'11111 11111 NT 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 20311 11 11111. 0,1811'11 0.1811'11 0.1811'11 11 11111 11111 NR 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 9211 11 11111 0.061111 0,051111 0.051111 1111111 11111 SL 11111 011 11111 011 011111 3211 11 11111 II~II 11'11 11'11 1111111 11111 ST 11111 111 11111170011 011111 .18411 II 11111 0.131111 0.1311"11 0.131111 11'11111 11111 SR 11111 111 11111170011 011111 2311 II 11111 0.011111 0.011111 0.011111 1111111 11111 EL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 4011 II 11111 0.0211 11 0.0211 11 0.0211 11 11'11111 11111 ET 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 28211 II 11111 0.2211' II 0.2211' II 0.2211' II II 11111 IIIIIERIIIIIOIl 11111 011 011111 9411 n 11111 1111 110 1111 1111111 11111 WL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 8711 II 11111 0.0411'11 0,0411'11 0.0411'11 11 11111 11111 WT 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 35811 11 11111 0,2311 11 0.2311 11 0.2311 11 11'11111 11111 WR 11111 011 11111 on 0111114111 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 ... -- ---- ---- -----11111====== =='==- =--=-=-=- =.-=-==== ==11111 - NORTHISOUTHCRITICAlS~= 11111 0.23 I 0.18 I 0.18 I 0.00 11111 ECR&MaIn I 11111---------------11111 EASTIWEST CRITICAl SlIMS . 11111 0.26 I 0.26 I 0.26 I 0.00 11111 11111--- ---- ---- ----11111 11111 0.05 I 0.05 I ' 0.00 I 0.05 11111 11111-- ---- ==-==== ==-=-= -=11111 11111 0.54 1 0.49 I 0.49 I 0.05 11111 11111---------------11111 11111 A I A I A I A 11111 .1' -~ ---- -_.~~ ==-= -== PROJECT: INTERVAL: INTERSECTION: ICU SPREADSHEET Fn.E NAME N = NORTHBOUND, S = SOUTHBOUND E = EASTBOUND, W = WESTBOUND L = LEFT, T = THROUGH, R - RIGHT N.S. = NOT SIGNALIZED LOS = LEVEL OF I¡ERVICE , DENOTES CRITICAl MOVEMENTS CUy of T uslln-E! CaITino Real RedassIfIcatIon PM PEAK HOUR EI carrino Real & Main SIreaI ExIstIng CondItIon. ClEARANCE . ICUVAlUE= LOS- INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTUlA TION ANAlYSIS -- ---- ---- ---~-- --- ---- -~-- -~--- ;;;ïl - 11111 II 11111 II' 11111 II 11 11111 11 11 EXISTING 11 11 EX. +OTHER 11 11 EX. +OTHER II 11111 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST 11 PROP 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSED 11111 EXISTING II OTHER II PROJECT 11111 EXISTING 11 II + OTHER 11 11 +PROJECT 11 II +PROJECT II 11111 11111 11111 LANES II LANES 11111 CAPACITY II CAPACITY 11111 VOLUME II VOLUME' II VOLUME 11111 VlC II, II VlC II 11 Vie II 11 VIC-W_IMP 11 11111 11111 ==-==== 11111 ' -11-='11111 ~- 11 - 11111 ~ 11 ~ II -- 11111 ~ 11-11 == 11-11 ~= II-II ~ 11-11111 11111 NL 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 15111 II 11111 0.0911.11 0.0911.11 0.0911.11 11.11111 11111 NT 11111 211 011111 340011 011111 82011 II 11111 0.1811 11 0.1811 II 0.1811 II II 11111 11111 NR 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 ~811 11 11111 0.131111. 0.131111 0.131111 1111111 11111 SL 11111 '11 011111 170011 011111 7411 II 111111 0.0411 II 0.0411 II 0.0411 II II 11111 11111 ST 11111 311 011111 510011 011111 128011 II 11111 0.2611"11 0.2611.11 0.2611'11 11'11111 IIIIISRIllIl 011 011111 011 011111 2811 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 IIIIIELIIIIIII1 011111 170011011111 1711 II 11111 0.0111110.011111 0.011111 11'11111 11111 ET 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 8311 11 11111 0,0511.11 0.0511' 11 0.0511. II II 11111 IIIIIERII1II111 011111 170011 01111123611 II 11111 0.141111 0.141111 0.141111 011111 11111 WL 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 14211 II \1111 0.0811" II 0.0811' 11 0.0811. II II 11111 11111 WT 11111 211 011111 340011 011111 19711 11 11111 0.0711 11 0.0711 11 0.0711 11 11.11111 IIIIIWRIIIII 011 011111 011 011111 370,11 11111 1111 1111 ,1111 1111111 - ,---- ---- ---- -----11111- -_o_~ -----~ -=-====='0-11111 - NORTHISOUTHCRIT!CALSUMS- 11111 0.35 I 0:35 ,0.35 0.00 11111 ECR&NIIWpoI llllI--------~---~--11I1I EASTIWESTCRITICALSUMS- 11111 0.13 I 0.13 I 0.13 I 0.00 11111 11111--- ---- -~-- -~--IIIII 11111 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 11111 11111- -=-~ ---==-=-=- ----- --11111 11111 0.53 I 0.53 I 0.53 I 0.05' 11111 1I11I--------~------11I11 mil ^ I ,A I A I A 11111 -------------------==--====== PROJECT: INTERVAL: INTERSECTION: ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAME N = NORTHBOUND, S - SOUTHBOUND E = EASTBOUND, W = WESTBOUND L=LEFT, T = THROUGH, R = RIGHT N.S. = NOT SIGNALIZED LOS - LEVEL OF SERVICE . DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS CltyotTu81Jn.EI CamIno Real Redo..-1Ion AM PEAK HOUR EI CamIno Real & NewpoIt Avenue ExIsting Conditions CLEARANCE - ICU VALUE = LOS- INTERSECTION CAPACITY lJTltlZATION ANALYSIS. PROJECT: INTERVAl: INTERSECTION: CIty of Tusl1n-EI CamIno Real - PM PEAK HOUR . EI ~ Res! & Nowporl Avenue ExIstIng CondIIIona -- ---- --,-- ------ ------- ---- ----- iïm 11m II ,11111 ,II 11m II II 11111 II II EXISTING II II EX.+OTHER II II EX.-OTHER II Iml 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST II PROP 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSED 11111 EXISTING II OTHER II PROJECT 11111 EXISTING II II + OTHER II II +PROJECT II II -PROJECT II 11m 11111 11m LANES II LANES 11111 CAPACITY II CAPACITY 11111 VOlUME II VOLUME II VOLUME Iml VlC ,II II VlC II II VlC II II VlC-W_IMP II 11111 11m =':':===,11111=.:==11=11111--11 ~ 11111 ~ II """"'"= II -11111-11=0 = 11=11 =~~= 11=11 =====-= 11-11111 11m NL 11111 111 11111 170011' 011111 28211 II 11111 0.1711 II 0.1711 II 0.1711 II 11011111 mil NT 11m 211 11111 340011 011111 129311 II I 11111 0.38 11'11 0.38 II' II 0.38 II' II II 11111 mil NR 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 14511 II 11111 0.0911 II 0.0911 II 0.0911 II II 11111 mil SL 11111 111 Iml 170011 011111 10511 II 11111 0.0611' II 0.0611' II 0.0011' II II 11111 11m ST 11111 311 11111 510011 011111 88011 II 11m 0.1911 II 0.1911 II 0.1911 II 11'11111 11111 SR 11111 011 11111011 011111 8211, II 11111 1111 1111 '1111 II mil 11111 EL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 5511 II 11111 0.031111 0.0311 II 0.0311 II 11'11111 11m ET 11111 111 11111 170011 Olml 18011 II 11111 0.1111'11 0.1111'11 0.1111'11 II 11111 11111 ER 11111 111 11111170011011111 35611 II 11111 0,211111 0.211111 0.211111 II mil 11111 WL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 14011 II 11111 0,0811'11 0.0811'11 0.0811'11 II 11111 11111 WT 11111 211 11111 340011 011111 26611 II 11111 0.1111 II 0.1111 II 0.1111 II 11'11111 IIIIIWRIIIII 011 11111 011 0 mil 12211 II 11111 ,HII 1111 1111 11'11111 - -- ---- ---------11111=== =_a-==-==-- ._----= "'...=- ==11111 NORTH/scum CRITICAL SUMS a 11111 OM I 0.44 I 0.44 I 0.00 11111 11111--- ---- ---- ---'---- 11111 11111 0.19 I 0.19 I 0.19 I 0.00 11111 11111----__---------11111 11111 0,05, I 0.05 I 0;05 I O.05lml IIIII~""" __a- --a=-== --=,=====-- --11111 11m 0.88 I 0.88 I 0.88 I 0.05 11111 11111--- ---- ,---- ----11111 IIIH 8 I 8 I 8 I A 11111 = ==-=== . - , === - = . ====;=== , ,. . ===-==- , ,. - ICU SPREADSHEET FIlE NAME ECR&N_I N = NORTHBOUND. S . SOlJTHBOUND E = EASTBOUND, W a WESTBOUND L = LEFT, T = THROUGH, R. RIGHT N.S. - NOT SIGNALIZEO LOS. LEVEL OF SERVICE 0 DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS EASTIWEST CRmCAL SUMS . ClEARANCE' ICUVALUE. LOS. INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTIlIZATION ANALYSIS PROJECT: INTERVAL: INTERSECTION: City at Tuslln-EI Calrino Reel R- AM PEAK HOUR . . Newport Avenue & MaIÌl SInIeI, Exfs\Ing CondItions iiill-iiill-iì-iiill-iì-iiiíl~iì~iì-iiìo-iì~iì EXISTING iï-iìEX.+OTHERiï-iï~ii-iiiil 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST II PROP 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSED 11111 EXISTING II OTHER II PROJECT 11111 EXISTING II II + OTHER II II +PROJECT II II <PROJECT II 11111 11111 11111 LANES II LANES 11111 CAPACITY II CAPACITY 11111 VOlUME II VOLUME II VOlUME 11111 VlC U II VIe II, II VIe II II VIC-W_tMP II 11111 11111 ~='== IIIII=~--II~'IIIII ~ II ~ 11111 ~ II ~ II =- 11111 ~ 11""" - II-II ~= 11=11 = 11=11111 11111 Nl 11111 III 011111 170011 011111 14011 II 11111 0.0811'1\ 0.081\'1\ 0.061\'11 11"11111 11111 NT 11111 2,11 011111340011 01111\ 81911 11'11111 0,211\1\ 0.211111 0.211111 1111111 IIIIINRIIIII 011 011111 Oil 011111 10311 II 11111 1111 1111 ,1111 1111111 IIIIISlllllll11 011111 170011 011111 2311 II 11111 0.011111 0.011\11 0.011\11 1111111 liIIl ST illil 211 Oilill 340011 011111 120211 II 11111 0.35\\' \\ 0.351\' II 0.35 1\' 1\ II" 11111 IIIIISRIIIII III 011111170011 011111 11211 II 111110.071111 0.071111 0.071\11 1111111 11111 El 11111 111 011111 17001\ 011111 781\ " \1111 0.04" 1\ 0.0411 II 0.04111\ 11'11111 11111 ET 11111 211 011111 34001\ 011111 15511 II 1111\ 0.0511'11 0.051\'11 0.0511'11 II 11111 IIIIIERlIIlI'li 011111 170011 011111 2181\ II 11111 0.131111 0.131\11 0.131111 1111111 lIiII Wl 11111 III 011111 170011 011111 17911 II ¡Ilill 0.1111'11 0.1111'11 0.1111'11 II 11111 11111 WT 11111 211 011111340011 011111 36911 II 111110.1111110.111111 0.111111 11"11111 11111 WR 11111 'II 011111 170011 011111 2211 U 11111 0.01" U 0.0111 II 0.011\ 'II 1\ 11111 - -- ~------'---o-----------IIIII- .-.- =-====-== '~.--'-lilil NORTWSOUTH CRIllCAI. SUMS . 11111 0.43 I 0.43 I 0.43 I 0.00 11111 IIIH----~-..,- -------""--1110 11111 0.18 I 0.18 I, 0.18 I 0.00 11111 1110------'----- , ------11111 11111 0.05 I o.OS I 0.05 I 0.05 11111 11111- . ... . -=== . = . ~ =... ==-===- . - 11111 11111 0.84 I 0.84 1 0.84 I . 0.05 11111 11111------,----- , -----11111 IllUB IB \B IA 11111 -----._.----.-.--=-.=.-==-.~- ICU SPREADSHEET FilE NAME NewporÌ & MaIn EASTIWEST CRITICAl SUMS . ClEARANcE' N = NORTHBOUND, S = SOUTHBOUNO E = EASTBOUND. W = WESTBOUND l = lEFT, T - THROUGH, R = RIGHT N.S. = NOT SIGNAlIZED ' LOS' LEVEL OF SERVICE . DENOTES CRITICAl MOVEMENTS ICUVALUE. LOS- INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTLIZATION ANALYSIS City of T ustin-EI CamIno Real RedanIIice1fcn PM PEAK HOUR Newport A_us & Main S- -.g CondIIJons . ~--- -------'--- --- ---- ---- --'--- ïllil - iiiil - ii- iiiil 11 11111" II 11 11111 11 11 EX STING 11 11 EX,+QTHER 11 11 EX,'OTHER 11 11111 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST 11 PROP 11111 EXISTING 11 PROPOSED 11111 EXISTING 11 aTHER 11 PROJECT 11111 EXISTING 11 11 . OTHER II II 'PROJECT 11 11 'PROJECT II 11111 11111 11111 LANES II LANES 11111 CAPACITY II CAPACn'Y 11111 VOLUME 11 VOlUMe 11 VOlUME 11111 VlC II 11 VlC 11 11 VlC 11 11 VlC-W_IMP 11 11111 11111 ..~=. 11111 ~--II ~ 11111 - 11 -- 11111 - 11 -- 11 ~ 11111 == 11-11 ====- 11 = 11 ==== 11 = 11 --=-- 11"'; 11111 11111 NL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 21111.11 11111 0.121111 0.121111 0,121111 11'11111 11111 NT 11111 211 11111 340011 011111 108511 11 11111 0.3811' 11 0.38 II' II 0.36 II' 11 II 11111 11111 NR 11111 011 11111011 01111114511 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 SL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 5211 11 11111 0.0411"11 0,0411',11 0.0411'11 11 11111 11111 ST 11111 211 11111 340011 011111 934ft 11 11111 0.2111 11 0.2111 11 0.2111 11 11'11111 IIIIISR,III1I111 11111 110011011111 165ft 11 111110.1011110.101111 0.101111 1111111 11111 EL 11111 111 11111 110011 011111 13211 ß 11111 0.0811'11 0.0811'11 O.!J8I1'1I 11'11111 11111 ET 11111 211 11111 340011 011111 28111 ß 11111 0.08 11 11 0.08 11 II 0.08 11 11 II 11111 IIIIIERIIIIIII1 11111170011 01111121111 II 1 mil. 0.161111 '0.181111 0.181111 1111111 IIIIIWLIIIIIII1 11111 170011 011111 12111 ß 11111 0.071111 0.0111110.071111 1111111 11111 WT 11111211 11111 340011 011111 30111 II 11m 0.0911'11 0.0911"11 0.0911"11 11'11111 11111 WR 11111 111 11111 170011 01l1li 2811 II ,11111 0.021111 0.0211.11 0.0211 11 11 11111 .- -- ---- ---- -----IIIII=-=- ---- ---=---=- -=--=== --11111 ---'-- NORTHISOUTH CRITICAl. SUMS - 11111 0.40 I 0.40 I 0.40 1 0.00 11111 ICUS,PREAOSHEETFLENAIIIE NowporI&Mâ1 1111,--- ---- ---- ---.-11111 EASTIWEST CRITICAl SUMS- 11111, 0.11 I 0.11 I 0.11 I 0.00 11111 11111--- ---- -----,--- ----11111 11111 0.05 I, 0.05 I . 0.05 I 0.05 11111 11111- ----'---=-===,. ------- --11111 11111 0.62 I 0.62 I 0.62 I 0.05 11111 11111--- ---- ---- ---- 11111 11111 BIB I B I A 11111 --- ----... --.--- =-.---=-- --- PROJECT: INTERVAl; INTERSECTION: N - NORTHBOUND, S . SOUTHBOUND E - E.A.STBOUNO, W . WESTBOUND L -LEFT, T - THROUGH, R - RIGHT N.S. . NOT SIGNALIZED LOS - lEVEL OF SERVICE , DENOTES CRmCAl MOVEMENTS ClEARANCE . ICU VAlUE. LOS- INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANAl YSI5 PROJECT: INTERVAL: INTERSECTION: CIty of T uotMl CamIno Real - AM PEAK HOUR Prospect Ave & - Street Exlsiing CondItIons - ~- ---- ----'--------- ----~-- ---- ----- 11111 11111 II 11111 II 11111 II II 11111 II II EXISTING II II EX.tOTHER II II EX.+OTHER II 11111 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST II PROP 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSED 11111 EXISTING II OTHER II PR9JECT 11111 EXISTING II II + OTHER II II 'PROJECT II II +PROJECT II 11111 11111 11111 LANES II LANES 11111 CAPACITY II CAPACIlYIllIl VOlUME II VOLUME II VOlUME 11111 V/C II II VtC II II VtC II II VlC-W_IMP II 11111 11111 ====== 11111==11'=11111 = II """"""'="' 11111 ~ II - II - 11111 -- II-II ~ II-II -= 11=11 - - 11=11111 IIIIINLIIIII Oil 011111 011 011111 011 II 11111 11°11 11°'11 11°11 11"11111 11111 NT 11111 011 011111011 011111 011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 IIIIINRIIIII 011 011111 011 011111 011 II 11111 1111 1I11 1111 1111111 IIIIISLIIIII 011 011111 011 011111 6811 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 ST 11111 III 011111 170011 011111 011 II 11111 0.0811°11 0.0811°11 0.0811°11 11°11111 IIIIISRIIilI 011 011111 011 0111117411 II 11111 1111 11111111 1111111 11111 EL 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 6811 II 11111 0.0411° II 0.0411+ II 0.0411" II 11° 11111 IIIIIETIIIIIII1 011111 170011 01111126511 II 111110.161111 0.161111 0.161111 1111111 IIIIIERIIIII 011 011111 011 011111 011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 IIIIIWLIllIl 011 011111 011 011111011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 WT 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 40911 II 11111 0.2411°11 0.2411°11 0.2411°11 11°11111 11111 WR 11111 111 011111 1700" 011111 IIOB II 11111 0.0511 II 0.0511 II 0.05'11 II II 11111 - -- - - - ~ - - - - - - - ------, - ----- 11111 """""'-== - - - ~ - = " --.6:... ,,- - =- - - 11111 NORTHI8OUTH CAITICAI. S,l!M$ - 11111 0.00 I 0.08 I '0.08 . I 0.00 11111 IIIII~--'-~-------'---IIIII 11111 0.28 I 0.28 I 0.28 I 0.00 11111 11111- -- ---':-- -- -- -- -- -- 11111 11111. 0.05 I 0.05, I 0.05 I 0.05 0111 BIII- ---- -----== -==== -=11111 HIli ,0.41 I 0.41 I 0.41 I 0.05 '11111 11111----_----------11111 DIll A 'I A I A I A 11111 -=-------=-=-=--===-=-==-=--= ICU SPREADSHEET FIlE NAME Prospect & MaIn N = NORTHBOUND, S - SOUTHBÓ!JND E = EASTBOUNO, W - WESTBOUND L - LEFT, T.THROUGH, R- RIGIIT N.S. - NOT SIGNALIZED LOS - LEVa OF SERVICE ° DENOTES CRITICAl MOVEMENTS EASTIWEST CRITICAl SUMS,. ClEARANcE . ICUVAlUE- LDS- INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTR.IZATION ANAlYSIS PROJECT: INTERVAl: INTERSECTION: CUy 01 T USU...EI Canm Real R_1Ion PM PEAK HOUR Proopect Ave & MaIn S"" - CondItIons - - ~ - - - - - - - - - --'-'-- - - - - - - - - - - - -'- - - ¡WI - rnll - ii 11111 II 11111 11 'II' 11111 II II EXISTING II II EX.+OTHER II 11 ex.+OTHER 11 11111 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST II PROP 11111 EXISTING 11 PROPOSED 11111 EXISTING 11 OTHER 11 PROJECT 11111 EXl5TING II II < OTHER II U+PROJECT 11 11 <PROJECT 11 11111 lilil ilililANES II lANES 11111 CAPACITY II CAPACITY 11111 VOlUME 11 VOlUME 11 VOLUME 11111 VlC II II VlC II 11 VtC II II VIC-W_IMP II 11111 1I1II~~==IIIII=="I1--I1I11-I1-IIII1===--11 ====-'-11 ====='-11111-11-11-11-11-===11==11 ===11=11111 IIIIINLIIIIIOIl 11111 011 011111,00 II 11111 11"11 11°11 11°11 11°11111 11111 NT 11111 011 11111 011 011111 011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 IIIIINRIIIIIOIl 11111011 011111011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 SL 11111 0 II 11111 0 n 0 11111 94 11 11 11111 0 11 11 11 11 II 11 11111 11111 ST 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 011 11 11111 0.0911"11 0.0911°11 0.0911°11 11°11111 IIIIISRI1I11 011 11111 011 011111 520 II 11111 Oil 1111 1111 1111111 IIIIIELIIIIIII1 11111170011 011111 960 II 11111 0.1161111 0.1161111 0.061111 11°11111 11111 ET 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 35511 II 11111 0.210°0 0.2111°11 0.2111°11 II 11111 IIIIIERIllIl 011 11111 011 011111 011 II 11111 011 1111 1111 1111111 IIIIIWLIIII1 011 11111 011 011111011 II 11111 11"11 11°11 11°11 1111111 IIIIIWTIIIIIII1 11111170011 011111 23811 11 111110.141111 0.141111 0.141111 11°11111 11111 WR 11111 111 11111. 170011 0 IliA 8811 II 11111 0.06011 O.05ß 11 0.0511 II II 11111 - -- ---- -----C--------,-.IIIII- ----- ---- ===-= --11111 . - NORTHISOUTH CRITICAl SUMS - I 11111 0.09 I 0.09 I 0.09 I 0.00' 11111 ICUSPREAOSHEETFR.ENAME Prospecl&,MaIn 11111--- ---- ---- ----11111 EASTlWeSTCRITICAlSUMS- 11111 0.21 I 0.21 I 0.21 I 0.00 11111 11111--- ----'---' ---- ----11111 11111 '0.06 I 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 11111 11111- ------ =-==",""",== ========-= --11111 11111 0.35 I ,0.35' I 0.35 I 0.05 11111 010~-- ---- ---- ----11111 1118 A I A I A I A 11111 --------~-=-====-=--=----- N = NORTHBOUND, S . SOUTHBOUND E' EASTBOUND, W = WESTBOUNO L = LEfT, T = THROUGH, R = RIGHT N.S. = NOT SIGNAlIZED LOS = LEVEl OF SERVICE ° DENOTES CRITICAl MOVEMENTS a.EARANCE - ICUVAlUE- LOS- INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTilIZATION ANAlYSIS PROJECT: INTERVAL: INTERSECTION: Clly 01 TuBiln-EJ Canino Real _Itan AM PEAK HOUR prospect Ave & 181 SInIet E>dollng cadUons -- - --- ---- ------ --- ---- ---- ----- iiill 11111' II 11111 II 11111 II II 11111, II II EXISTING II II EX.+OTHER II II EX.+OTHER 11 11111 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST II PROP 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSED 11111 EXISTING II. OTHER II PROJECT 11111 EXISTING II II + OTHER II II +PROJECT II II +PROJECT II 11111 11111 11111 LANES II LANES 11111 CAPACI1Y II CAPACI1Y 11111 VOlUME II VOLUME II VOLUME 11111 VIC II II VIC II II VlC II II VIC-W_IMP II 11111 1II1I""=-=-=-"IIIII==I1=""""IIIII.--.II-IIIII-II-~11 ~IIIII-II-II-=-II-II-=-==II=II ==11=11111 11111 NL 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 3511 II 11111 0.0211'11 0.0211"11 0.0211'11 11'11111 11111 NT 11111'11 011111 170011 01111113811 II 11111 0,101111 0.101111 0.101111 1111111 IIIIINRIIIII 011 011111 011 0111113211 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 IIIIISLIIIII 011 011111 011 011111 16211 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 ST 11111 2+ 011111 34QO1I 011111 16811 II 11111 0.09 11'11 0.09 11'11 0,09 11'11 11'11111 11111 SR 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 13211 II 11111 0.0811 II 0.0811 II 0.0811 II II 11111 11111 EL 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 13411 II 11111 0.0811'11 0.0811'11 0.0811'11 11'11111 IllIIET.1I1II 211 011111 340011 01111141111 II 11111 0.131111 0.131111 0.131111' 1111111 IIIIIERIllIl 011 011111 011 011111 2511 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 WL 11111 111 011111 170011 011111' 4411 II 11111 0.0311 II 0,0311 II 0.0311 II II 11111 11111 WT 11111 211 011111 340011 011111 52511 II 11111 0.1511'11 0.1511'11 0.1511"11 11"11111 11111 WR 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 107ft II 11111 0.0811 II 0.0611 II 0.0611 II \I 11111 -. -- -M_- ---- -----0111- ---- ---- ---- --11111 - NORTHI50UTH CRITICAl SUMS- 11111 0.11 I 0.11 I 0.11 I 0.00 11111 Proopect& tsl , 11111------------ ---- ----11111 EASTIWEST CRITICAl. SUMS = 0111 '0.23 I 0.23 I 0.23 I 0.00 11111 0111---------.-----11111 11111 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 11111 11111-===-== ----- --======-=- ==-===-= - -11111 11111 0.39 I 0.39 I 0.39 I 0.05 11111 11111----------------11111 IIIØ A I A I A, 1 A 11111 --===- =--==- =--- ----- .--- ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAME N . NORTHBOUND, S - SOUTHBOUND E " EASTBOUND. W - WESTBOUND L" LEFT, T c THROUGH, R - RIGKT N.S. = NOT SIGNALIZED LOS = LEVEL OF SERVICE " DENOTI:5 CRITICAL MOVEMENTS CLEARANCE . ICUVALUE= LOS- (+) REPRESENTS LEFT AND LEFT I THROUGH LANES NOT!: : SPLIT PHASED NoS INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS PROJECT: INTERVAL; INTERSECTION: City ofTuslin-E1 Carßno Real R- PM PEAK HOUR Prospod Ave & 1.. SInIet ExIstIng CoodIIIoos --- --'----- ------ --- ---- ---~-- iiiil - iiiil- 11 11111 11 11111 II II 11111 II 11 EXISTING 11 II EX.+OTHER II II EX.+OTHER ii - iiiil 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST 11 PROP 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSED 11111 EXISTING II OTHER II PROJECT 11111 EXISTING II II . OTHER II II 'PROJECT. II II +PROJECT II 11111 11111 11111 LANES II lANES 11111 CAPACITY II CAPACITY 11111 VOlUME II VOlUME II VOlUME 11111 VlC II II VIe II II VIe II II VtC-W_IMP II 11111 11111 ======- 1ll1I=~II~1I1II - II ~ 11111 - II ====== II --= 11111 ====== II~II = 11=11 == II-II -- 11-11111 11111 NL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 8711 II 11111 0.0511 II 0.0511 II 0.0511 II 11° 11111 11111 NT 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 24511 II 11111 0.1911"11 0.1911°11 0.1911°11 II 11111 IIIIINRIIIII 011 11111 011 011111 708 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 SL 11111 011 11111 011 011111 18811 II 11111 11°11 11°11 11°11 1111111 11111 ST 11111 2- 11111 340011 011111 10711 II 11111 0.09 0 II 0.0911 II 0.0911 II, 11° 11111 llIliSRIIIIII11 11111 170011 011111 10111 II /111110.061111 .0.0611110.061111 1111111 11111 EL'IIIII 111 11111 170011 011111 19311 II 11111 0.1111"110.1111°00.1111°11 11°11111 11111 ET 11111 211 11111 340011 011111 72311 II 11111 0.2211 II 0.2211 II 0.2211 II II 11111 11111 ER 11111 011 11111 011 011111 330 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 IlIIIWLIIIIIII1 11111 170011 011111 200 II 111110.011111 0.011111 '0.011111 1111111 11111 WT 11111211 11111 340011 011111 57311 II 11111 0.1711°11 0.1711°11 0.1711°11 11°11111 IllIlWRIIIIIII1 11111 170011 0111112060. 11,11111 0.121111 0.121111 0.121111 1111111 - -- ---- ---- -----11111- --=- ========= ========. -=11111 NORTHISOUTHcmncAl..SUMs- 11111 0.19 I. 0.19 I 0.19 I 0.00' 11111 11111--- ---- --'------ ----11111 11111 0.28 I 0.28 I 0.28 I 0.00 11111 11111----__---------11111 11111 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 11111 11111"'""'""- ---======- ==== ==== ==11111 11111 . 0.52 I 0.52 I 0.52 I 0.05 11111 8111----__---------11111 1110 A I A I A I A 11111 -=-------=---==--=-=====-===- ICU SPREAOSHEET FLE NAME Prosped & 181/ N = NORTHBOUND, S = SOUTHBOUND E = EASTBOUND, W = WESTBOUND L = LEFT. T = THROUGH, R = RIGHT N.S. = NOT SIGNALIZED LOS = LEVEL OF SERVICE ° DENOTES CRITICAl MoVEMENTS (-) REPRESENTS LEFT AND LEFT /THROUGH lANES NOTE: spur PHASED N-S EASTtWEST CR./TICAL SUMS - ClEARANCE = ICUVAlUE= LOS- INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTIlIZATION ANALYSIS PROJECT: City of Tuslln-El Carrino Real_lion INTERVAl: AM PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION: EI Carrino Real & 101 S- YEAR 2020 WIIhouI PROJECT ¡¡¡;1-¡¡¡;I~ii-¡¡¡;I-ii-¡¡¡;I-ii-ii~mll-ii-ii~ii-ii~ñ-ñ~ii-iiill 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST II PROP 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSED 11111 YEAR 2020 II OTHER II PROJECT 11111 EXISTING II II + OTHER II II +l'ROJECT II II +PROJECT II 11111 11111 11111 LANES II LANES 11111 CAPACITY II CAPACITY, 11111 VOlUMES II VOlUME II VOlUME 11111 Vie II II VIC II II ,VlC II II VIC-W_aAP II 11111 1I1II=====IIIII~=~II~='IIIII-=~11 ==11111-11--11-11111-11=11 ~-II-II-===--II==I1-=-=II-1il1l 11111 NL 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 18811 II 11111 0.1111'11 0.1111'11 0.1\11'11 11'11111 11111 NT 11111 011 011111 011 011111 011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 NR 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 7411 II 11111 0.0411 II 0.0411 II 0.0411 II II 11111 11111 SL 11111 011 011111011 011111 011 11' 11111 1111,1111 1111 1111111 11111 ST 11111 011 011111 011 011111 011 n 11111 11'11 11"11 11'11 11'11111 11111 SR 11111 011 011111 011 011111 011 11 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 EL 11111 III 011111 170011 011111 011 11 11111 0.0011'11 0.0011'11 0.0011'11 11'11111 11111 ET 11111 211 011111 34OQ1I 011111 56911 II 11111 0.1711 II 0.1711 11 0.1711 11 11 11111 11111 ER 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 14011 11 11111 0.0811 II 0.0811 II 0.0811 II 1111111 11111 WL 11111 III 011111 170011 011111 lIOn 11 11111 0.0611 II 0.0611 II 0.0611 11 11 11111 11111 WT 11111 211 011111 340011 011111 mil II 11111 0.2311' II 0.2311' 11 0.2311' 11 11'11111 IIIIIWRIIIII 011 011111 011 011111011 II 11111 IIn 1111 1111 1111111 - -- ---- ---------IIIII~ =--- --=- --=- .-11111 NORTH/J¡OlllH CRITICAl SUMS = 11111 0.11 I 0.11 I 0.11 I 0.00 11111 f 11111--------------"':'11111 11111 0.23 I 0.23 I 0.23 I 0.00 11111 11111--- -------- ---- ---- 11111 11111 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 11111 11111- =--==- =-=-= -------- - -11111 11111 0.39 I 0.39 I 0.39 I 0.05 11111 11111--- ---- ---- ----11111 11111 A, I A I A I A 11111 -=--------------=---~.-==-~-- ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAME ECR & 101 2020 wlo prof N = NORTHBOUND, S = SOUTHBOUND E = EASTBOUND, W = WESTBOUND L = LEFT, T = THROUGH, R. RIGHT N,S: = NOT SIGNALIZED, LOS = LEVEL OF SERVICE . DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS EASTIWEST CRITICAl. SUMS- ClEARANCE - ICUVALtJE- LOS- INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS PROJECT: INTERVAl.; INTERSECTION: CIty of TusUn-EI C8Irino Real RedassUlcaIlon PM PEAK HOUR EI eamo"" Real & ,.. Street YEAR 2020 Wlthoul PROJECT -- ---- ---,--------- --- ---- ---- ----- iiiïl -, 11111 II 11111 II 11111, II 'II 11111 /I II EXISTING /I II EX.+OTHER /I /I EX.+OTHER /I 111/1 11111 MOVEMENT /1111 EXIST /I PROP 111/1 EXISTING II PROPOSED 111/1 YEAR 2020 /I OTHER II PROJECT 11111 EXISTING /I II + OTHER /I II +PROJECT /I II 'PROJECT /I 11111 11111 11111 lANES /I lANES 11111 CAPACITY II CAPACITY /1111 VOLUMES /I VOI,UME II VOLUME 11111 Vtc II II VtC /I II Vtc /I /I VIG-W_IMP /I 11111 IIIII=C--====IIIII='/I---III/I--/i~/lIII-II-II-IIIII-II-U===II=/i=/i=/I- -11=111/1 11111 NL 11111 111 11111 1700/1 011111 319/1 /I /11/1 0.19/1'11 0.19/1'/1 0.1911'/1 /1'11111 11111 NT 11111 011 11111011 01/111 0/1 II 11111 /1/1 /1/1 /1/1 1111111 IIIIINRIIIIII/l 11111 170011 011111 164/1 II 111110.1011/1 0.10/111 0.1011/1 /111111 IIIIISLIIIII 011 11111 011 0111/1 0/1 II 11111 1111 /1/1 11/1 /111111 IIIlIsT1ll1l 011 1111/ 011 0111110/1 II 11111 /1"/1 /I'll 11'11' /1'11111 /1111 sR 11111 011 11111 011 0/1111 OU II 11111 1111 1111 /11111/1111 IIIIIEL/lIIIII1 11111 170011 011111 0/1 II /1111 0.0011110.001111 0.0011/1 /1'11111 11111 ET 11111 211 11111 340011 011111 95211 II 11111 O.28U'1I 0.28/1' II 0.28/1' II /I 11111 IiIIIERI/IiIII/ 1111/ 170011 01111/ 22711 /I 1111/ 0.131111 0.131111 0.131111 1111111 /1111 WL 11111 111 11111 170011 Olilll 11911 /I 1111/ 0.071/' II O.OTII'II 0.0711' /I II 111/1 11111 WT /1111 211 11111 340011 011111 76811 II ¡ 11111 0.2311 II 0.2311 II 0.2311 II 11'11111 IIIIIWR/II/IOI/ 111/1 01101111/ on II /1111 1111 /III /III 111111/ - -- ---- ---,--- ----------.IIIII=- -=-=======; -==-== -==---- ==11111 NORTHISOUTH CRmCALsUMS = 11111, 0.19 I 0.19 I 0.19 I 0.00 11111 IIIII~---_~---------/lill 11111 0.35 I 0.35 I 0.35 I 0.00 11111 11111----__---------1/111 11111 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 1111/ IIIII-=====- = = - ~ = = = -== - = = == = = 11111 II/II 0.59 I ' 0.59 I 0.59 I 0.05 111/1 11111- - - - ----..,... - - - - - '- - - ., - 11111 1l1li A I A I A I A 11111 =- =-===-=== ==----== =-=--====- === ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAME ECR & 1812020 w/o pro¡ N = NORTHBOUNO, S = SOUTHBOUND E = EASTBOUND, W = WESTBOUND L = LEFT. T = THROUGH, R = RIGHT N.S. = NOT SIGNALIZED LOS - LEVEL OF SERVICE , DENOTES CRITICAl MOVEMENTS EAliTIWEST CRITiCAl SUMS- ClEARANCE = ICU VAlUE. LOS- IIITERSECTION CAPACfTY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS PROJECT: IIITERÍfAL: INTERSECTION: CIty of T usUn-EI Carrino Real Redasstftcatlon AM PEAK HOUR EI Carrino Real & MaIn S- YEAR 2020 Wlthoot PROJECT ;¡¡¡1-;¡¡¡I-iî~;¡¡¡I-iî-;¡¡¡I-iî-iî-iiîl1-iî-ii~ii-ii~ii-ii~iï-iiîl1 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST 11 PROP 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSED 11111 YEAR 2020 II orHER II PROJECT 11111 EXISTING II II + OTHER II II +PROJECT II II +PROJECT II 11111 11111 11111 LANES II LANES 11111 CAPACfTY II CAPACfTY 11111 VOLUMES II VOLUME II VOLUME 11111 VlC II 11 VIe II 11 VIe 11 11 v/C.W_IMP II 11111 11111 ======= 11111===='11=====11111-= II ~ 11111 ~~,II -II --=== 11111-======11=11 ===== 11==11 = 11=11 ==== 11=11111 IIIIINLIIIII 011 011111 011 011111 8011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111' 11"11111 11111 NT 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 18411 II 11111 0.1811"11 0.1811"11 0.1611"'11 II 11111 11111 NR 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 5411 II 11111 0.0311 II 0.0311 II 0.0311 II 1111111 11111 SL 11111 011 011111 011 011111 1511 II 11111 11"11 11"11 11"11 1111111 I11I1STIII11111 011111 170011011111 18111 II 11111 0.121111 0,121111 0.121111 11"11111 11111 SR 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 2911 II 11111 0.0211 II 0.0211 II 0.0211 11 11 11111 11111 EL 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 3511 11 < 11111 0,0211" II 0.0211" II 0.0211" II 11"11111 11111 ET 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 38811 II 11111 0.2811 11 0.281111 0.2811 II II 11111 11111 ER 11111 011 011111 011 01111110211 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 WL 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 8411 II 11111 0.0411 II 0.0411 11 0.<>411 II I 11111 WT 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 44811 11 11111 0.3011"11 0.3011"11 0.3011"11 I:"::::: IIIIIWRIIIII 011 011111 0110111115711 II 11111 1101111 1111 1111111 - --- ---- ---- -~----,--IIIII~ a-a-- a=_=-=== =======- = =11111 NORTH/SOUTH CRITICAl S\JMS = 11111 0.19 I 0.16 I 0,16 I 0.00 11111 11111--- ---- ---- -~--IIIII 11111 0.32 I 0.32 I 0.32 I 0,00' 1110 11111----__---------11111 I 11111 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 11111 11111- a__-==--== -=--===-= -----==- = =11111 Ilin 0.56 I 0.53 I 0.53 I 0,06 mil 11111--- ---- -'----- ----11111 11111 A I A I A I A 11111 ---=--------=====-=======-=== ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAME ECR & Main 2020 wJo pn> N =NORTHBOUND,S= SOUTHBOUND E = EASTBOUND, W = WEsTBOUND L = LEFT, T. THROUGH, R . RIGHT N.S. = NOT SIGNALIZED LOS. LEVEL OF SERVICE . DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS EAST /WEST CRITICAL suMs . CLEARANCE- leU VALUE. LOS- INTERSECTION CAPACITY UT1UZATION ANALYSIS PROJECT: INTERVAL: INTERSECTION: CUy of T ustln-EI Canino Real - PM PEAK HOUR EI Canino Real & Main Slreet YEAR 2020 WIthout PROJECT - ---- ---- ------ --- ---- ---- ----- --1-- 11111 II 11111 II 11111 II II 11111, II II EXISTING II ,II EX-OTHER II II EX+OTHER II 11111 ::::1 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST II PROP 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSED 11111 YEAR 2020 II OTHER II PROJECT 11111 EXISTING II II + OTHER II II +PROJEcr II II +PROJECT II 11111 11111 ' 11111 lANES II LANES 11111 CAPACITY II CAPACITY 11111 VOlUMES II VOlUME II VOlUME 11111 VlC ,1111 VlC II II VlC II II VlC-W ~IMP II 11111 11111 ===== 1l1II~1I-- --11111 == II ==ë="1II1I =-===-" ~-II -=-IIIII-==-= II-II -II-II =-=-= 11"""11 ====-11-11111 lllliNL1II1I Oil 11111 °Il 01111116311 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 11.11111 11111 NT 11111 '11 11111 170011 011111 32111 II 11111 0.2811.11 0.2811. II 0_2811. II II 11111 11111 NR 11111 '11 11111 170011 011111 12711 II 'Hili 0.0711 H q.07H H 0.0711 H II 11111 IIIIISLIIIII °H 11111 °Il 011111 3911 II Hili H"H 11.11 11.11 1111111 11111 ST Hili 111 Hili 1700H 011111 24811 II Hili 0.1711 II 0.1711 II 0.1711 H 11.11111 11111 SR Hili 111 11111 170011 011111 2811 II 11111 0.02 II II 0.02 H H 0.02 II H II 11111 11111 EL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 4911 II 11111 0,0311 II 0.03" II 0.0311 II 11.11111 11111 ET 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 34411 H 11111 0.2711. II 0.27 II. II 0.27'11. II II 11111 11111 ER 11111 Oil IIIH 011 011111 12011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 WL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 8511 II 11111 0.0511.11 0,0511.11 0.0511.11 II 11111 11111 WT 11111 111 11111 170011 011111.43411 II 11111 0.2811 II 0.2811 II 0.2811 H H.IIIII IIIIIWRIIIII Oil 11111 011 011111 SOil II Hili 11'11 1111 1111 1111111 - ~- ---- ---- -----IIIII=- -_0- =------- ===- =-11111 - NORTHISOUTH CRITICAl SUMS = 11111 0.35 I 0.28 I. 0.28 I 0.00 11111 ICU SPREAOSHEET FILE NAME ECR & Main 2020 wIo pro¡ , 11111- - - - - -..,. - ----,- - - - - - - 11111 - EASTIWEST CRITICAl SUMs = I 11111 O.~ I 0.32 , I 0.32 I 0.00 11111 N = NORTHBOUNO, S = SOUTHBOUND 11111- - - - - :- - ,... - - - - - - - 11111 E = EASTI!OUND, W = WESTI!OUND CtEARANCE - 11111 0.05 I 0,05 I 0:05 I 0.05 11111 L= LEFT, T=THROUGH, R= RIGHT 11111-==== ----- =-----= =----- 0-11111 N.S. = NOT SIGNALIZED leU VALUE - 111" . 0.72 I 0.85 I 0.85 I 0.05 11111 LOS = LEVEL OF SERVIeE 11111----__---------11111 . OENOTES CRmCAL MOVEMENTS LOS - III" C I BIB I A 11111 -------------------======-==- INTERSECTION CAPAcny UTILIZATION ANALYSIS PROJECT: CIIy 01 Tustln-EI Camno Real Rod- INTERVAL: AM PI;AK HOUR INTERSECTION: EI Caoino Real & Newport Avenue YEAR 2020 Wnhout PROJE~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---,- - - - - - -,.-- - - - - - - - - ,- - - 11111 11111 II 11111 II . 11111 II II 11111 II II EXISTING II II EX.+OTHER II II EX.+OTHER II III 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST II PROP 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSED 11111 YEAR 2020 II OTHER II PROJECT 11111 EXISTING II II + OTHER II II +PROJECT ' II II +PROJECT II 111 11111 11111 lANES II lANES 11111 CAPACITY II CAPACITY 11111 VOlUMES II VOLUIAE II VOlUIAE 11111 VIe II II VIC II II V/C II II VIC-W_IMP II III 1II1I==="="IIIII=="II=~IIIII-~II-=IIIII-=-==11 ~II-IIIII~II-li ~-II-II--II=II ---11=111 11111 Nl 11111 '11 011111 170011 011111 11411 II 11111 0,0711'11 0.0711'11 0.0711'11 11"111 11111 NT 11111 211 011111 340011 011111 51611 II 11111 0.1511 II 0.1511' II 0.1511 II II III IIIIINRIIIII '11 011111 170011 011111 19011 II 111110.111111 0.111111 0.1'1111 11111 11111 SL 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 15911 II 11111 0.0911 II 0.0911 II D.0911 II II III 11111 ST 11111 311 011111 510011 011111 90011 II 111110.1811"11 0.1811'11 0.1811'11 11'111 lllliSR1ll1l 011 011111 011 011111 1011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 11111 11111 El 11111 '11 0,11111 170011 011111 2011 II 11111 0.0111 II 0.0111 II 0.0111 II 11'111 IIIIIETIII1I111 011111 170011 011111 19111 II 111110.1111'11 0.1111'11 0.1111'11 11111 11111 ER 11111 '11 011111 170011 011111 60111 II 11111 0.2911 II 0.2911 II 0.2911 II II III 11111 WL 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 14011 II 11111 0.0811' II 0.0811' II 0.0811' II II III 11111 WT 11111 211 011111 340011 011111 15211 II 11111 0.0611 II 0.0611 II 0.0611 II 11'111 IlIllWRIllIl 011 011111 011 0111115811 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 11111 - -- ---- ---- -----IIIII=-==- -----=-== ---===-== -==== -=111 NORTHISOIJTH CRITICAl. SUUS - 11111 0.25 I 0.25 I 0.25 I 0.00 III 11111----__---------111 11111 0.19 I 0.19 I 0.19 I 0.00 III 11111--- ---- -",----,-- --'--111 11111 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 III 1110- ---- ------ ---- --III 11111 0.49 I 0.49 I 0.49 I 0.05 III AIII--- ---- ---- -- -- UI RIA A I A I A I A HI -------~-----=-=-==--==------ ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAMIECR & Newport 2020 w/o pro¡ N = NORTHBOUND. S = SOIJTHBOUND E - EASTBOUND, W= WESTBOUND L = lEFT. T = THROUGH, R - RIGIfT N,S, = NOT SIGNAlIZED LOS - lEVEL OF SERVICE . DENOTES CRITICAl. MOVEIAENTS EASTIVVEST CRIT1CAl.5UIAS - ClEARANCE - leu VAlUE - LOS- INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTRJZA TION ANAl. YSIS PROJECT: INTERVAL: INTERSECTION: , Cny of T uslin-EI CamIno Real RecIaosIflcaIIon PM PEAK HOUR EI Camno Real & Newpo<t Avenue YEAR 2020 WIIhouI PROJECT - ----'-- ---------- ------- ---- ----- ïrul - 11111 II 11111 II '11111 II II 11111 II II EXISTING II II EX.+OTHER II II EX.+oTHER II III 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST II PROP 11111 EXISTING 11 PROPOSED 11111 YEAR.202O 11 OTHER 11 PROJECT 11111 EXISTING 11 11 . OTHER 11 II .PROJECT II II .PROJECT II III 11111 11111 lANES II lANES 11111 CAPACITY 11 CAPACITY 11111 VOlUMES 11 VOlUME 11 VOlUME 11111 VlC 11 11 Vie 11 11 Vie 11 11 VIC-W_IMP 11 111 11111 ==-=== 11111===-11-==--11111 ~- II ~ 11111 - II ~ II -- 11111 ~ 11-11 =-===- 11=11 ====== 11=11 -=- 11-111 11111 NL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 41711 II 11111 0.2511°11 0.2511°11 0.2511°11 11"111 11111 NT 11111 211 11111 340011 011111 117311 II 11111 0.3511 II 0.3511 II 0.3511 II II III 11111 NR 11111 111 Illil 170011 011111 4011 II 11111 0.0211 11 0.0211 11 0.0211 II II III 11111 SL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 9911 11 11111 0.0611 II 0.0611 II 0.0611 II II 111 11111 ST 11111 311 11111 510011 011111 91611 II 11111 0.1911°11 0.1911°11 0.1911°11 11°111 11111 SR 11111 011 11111011 011111 6011 .11 11111.1111 1111 '1111 Dill 11111 EL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 6011 II 11111 0.0411°11 0.O411~1I 0.0411°11 11°111 11111 ET 11111 111 11111 170011 01111123211 II 11111 0.141111 0.141111 0.141111 11111 11111 ER 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 41411 II 11111 0.2411 II 0.2411 II 0.2411 II 11111 11111 WL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 10011 II Rill 0.0611 11 0.0611 II 0.0611 II II III 11111 WT 11111 211 11111 340011 011111 58811 II 11111, 0.2I! 11° 11 0.26 UO 11 0.2811" II 11° III 11111 WR 11111 011 11111 011 01111128211 II 11111 11.11 1111 1111 11111 - ~- ---- ---------IIIII~ ------ ---- ----==== ==111 NORTHISOUTH CRITICAl SUMS - 11111 0.44 I 0.44 I 0.44 I 0.00 III 11111----__---------111 11111 0.30 I 0.30 I 0.30 I 0.00 III 1II1I----~_---------111 11111 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 III 11111 - - - - ............. - - - =-=== = = = -==-= = - 111 11111 0.79 I 0.79 I 0.79 I 0.05 III 11111--- ---- ---- ----III nlll C I C . I CIA 111 -------------------==-----=-= ICU SPREAOSHEET FILE NAMIECR & Newport 2020 wlo pro¡ N = NORTHBOUND. S - SOUTHBOUND E = EASTBOUND, W = WESTBOUND L = LEFT, T = THROUGH, R - RIGHT N.S. = NOT SIGNALIZED LOS = LEVEL OF SERVICE . OENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS EASTIWEST CRITICAL SUMS - ClEARANCE - ICU VALUE = LOS- INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS PROJECT: INTERVAL: INTERSECTION: CIty at Tuslln-EI CarTlno Reel _lion AM PEAK HOUR Newport Avenue & MaIn SbMI YEAR 2020 Without PROJECT 001 '-- 001 :-- ii - 001 - ii - iñil - ii - ii - iñil - ii - ii EXimiG ii - iï EX. <OTHER iï - iï ~ iï - ìiiíl 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST II PROP 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSED 11111 YEAR 2020 II OTHER II PROJECT 11111 EXISTING II II + OTHER II II +PROJEcr II II +PROJECT II 11111 11111 11111 LANES II LANES 11111 CAPACITY, II CAPACITY 11111, VOLUMES II VOLUME II VOlUME 11111 VlC II II VlC II II VlC' II II VIC-W_'MP II 11111 11111 ~====~~ 11111===='11 ==-11111 -~= II =~ 11111 ~.- II - II .............. 11111 ~ ,II ~ II ~-_. II-II ~ II-II -- II -11111 11111 NL 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 22211 II 11111 0.1311'11 0.1311'11 0.1311'11 '11'11111 11111 NT 11111 211 011111 340011 011111 34011 II 11111 0.1111 II 0.1111 II 0.1'11 II II 11111 IlIIINRIIIII 011 011111 011 011111 50,11 II 11111 1111 11'11 1111 1111111 11111 SL 11111 111 011111 ,170011 011111 3011 II 11111 .0.0211 II 0.0211 II 0.0211 II II 11111 11111 ST 11111 211 011111 340011 011111 101011 II 11111' 0.3011'11 0.3011'11 0.3011'11 11'11111 11111 SR 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 13011 II 11111 0.080 II 0.0811 II 0.0811 II 1111111 11111 EL 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 4011 II 11111 0.0211 II 0.0211 II 0.0211 II 11'11111 11111 ET 11111 211 011111 340011 011111 24 )1I II 11111 0.0711" II 0.0711' II 0.0711' II II 11111 11111 ER 11111 '11 011111 170011 011111 13311 II 11111 0.0811 II 0.0811 II 0.0811 II II 11111 11111 WL. 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 18011 II 11111 0.0911' II 0.0911' II 0.0911' II 11 11111 IIIIIWTII1II211 011111 340011 01111138011 II 11111 0.11 A II 0.111111 0.111111 11"11111 IIIIIWRIIIIIII1 011111 170011 011111 1011 II 11111 0.011111 0.011111 0.011111 1111111 - -- ---- ~--- -----11111- ---- -=-- ---- =-11111 - NORTHISOurH CRITICAl. SUMS - 11111 0.43 I 0.43 1 0.43 I 0.00 11111 ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAMlflowpor1 & Main 2020 wfo prq 11111- - - - ~ -:... - ~ - - - --,- - - 11111 El,STIWEST CRITICAl SUMS = 111110.16 I 0.16 I 0.16 1 0,00 11111 11111------'-----------11111 11111 , 0.05 1 ,0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 11111 III\I~ ---"""-==- --=- ----- --11111 11111 0.64 1 0.64 I 0.64 I. 0.05 11111 IIIII---~--,--- ---,--- ----11111 Alii BIB I B I A ,11111 --=- ---- -_aa-- =-._~ --.. N = NORTHBOUND, S a SOUTHBOUNO E . EASTBOUND, W = WESTBOUND L = LEFT, T - THROUGH, R a RIGIfT N.S. - NOT SIGNAlIZED LOS - LEVEL OF SERVICE , DENOTES CRrnCAl MOVEMENTS ClEARANCE a ICUVAlUEa LOS- INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTUJZATION ANALYSIS PROJECT: INTERVAl: INTERSECTION: CRy 01 Tustl...EI Carrino Reel -lion ' PM PEAK HOUR ~ Avenue Ii Main BIreot YEAR ZOZO WI1I1oUI PROJECT -'---- ---- --------- ---- ---- -~--- ¡¡ill - 11111 II 11111 II 11111 II II 11111 II II EXISTING II II EX.+OTHER II II EX.+OTHER II 11111 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST II PROP 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSED 11111 YEAR ZOZO II OTHER II PROJECT 11111 EXISTING II II . OTHER II II .PROJECT II II .PROJECT II 11111 11111 11111 LANES II LANES 11111 CAPACITY II CAPACITY 11111 VOlUMES II VOLUME II VOlUME 11111 VIGil II V/C II II V/C II II Vlc.W_IMP II 11111 11111 C='===== 11111====-11===11111 ~ II -===;== 11111-11 - II =- 11111-====== II-II --==-=== II-II -== II-II =~~ 11-11111 11111 NL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 4511'.11 11111 0.0311 II 0.0311 II 0.0311 II 11'11111 11111 NT' 11111 211 11111 340011 011111 109011 II 11111 0.37,11' II 0.3711' II 0.3711' II II 11111 IIIIINRIIIII 011 11111 011 01111116011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 SL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 7011 II 11111 0.0411' II 0.0411' II 0.0411' II II 11111 11111 ST 11111 211 11111 340011 011U1 78011 II 11111 0.2311 II .0.2311 II 0.2311 II 11'11111 11111 SR 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 12011 II 11111 0,0711 II 0.0711 II 0.0711 II II 11111 11111 EL 11111111 11111 170011 011111 6011 II 11111 0,0411"11 0.0411'11 0.0411'11 11'11111 11111 ET 11111 211 11111 340011 011111 49011 II 111110.141111 0.141111 0.141111 1111111 11111 ER 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 3211 II 111110.021111 0.021111 0.021111 1111111 11111 WL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 0011 II 11111 0.0511 II 0.0511 II 0.0511 II II 11111 11111 WT 11111 211 11111 340011 011111 52011 II 11111 0.1511'11 0.1511'11 0.1511'11 11'11111 IIIIIWRIIIIIII1'1I1II 170011 011111 1011 II 11111 0.011111 ,0.0111110.011111 1111111 - -- ---- ---- -----IIIII=======- =-=- =-a- ===~==-- --11111 NORTHISOUTH CRITICAL SUMS = 11111 0.41 I 0.41 I 0.41 I 0.00 11111 11111----__---------11111 11111 ,0.19 I 0.19, I 0.19 I 0.00 11111 11111----__---------11111 11111 0.05 I 0.05 J 0.05 I 0.06 11111 11111= ===............- a-a-==- ===-~~ =-11111 11111 0.65 I 0.65 , I 0.65 I 0.06 11111 11111--- ---- -'--- ----11111 11111 BIB I B I A 11111 ------------a_a----_-=----a_- ICU SPREAOSHEET FILE NAM8!lewpof1 & MaIn 2020 wIG pro¡ N = NORTHBOUND. S = SOUTHBOUND E = EASTBOUND, W = WESTBOUND L = LEFT, T = THROUGH, R = RIGI-IT N.S. - NOT SIGNALIZED LOS = LEVEL OF SERVICE , OENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS EASTIWEST CRITICAl.. SUMS . ClEARANCE = ICUVALUE= . LOS a INTERSECTION CAPACITY l1T1lIZATION ANAl. YSIS PROJECT: Citý';'Tuotln-ElCamnoReoIRedaosIIIcaIlcn INTERVAL: IoN. PEAK HOUR . iNTERSECTION: Piospecl Avo & MaIn - YEAR 2020 WIIhout PROJECT . .- -- ---- ---------- ------- ---- ----- 11111 11111' II 11111 II ,11111 II II 11111' II II EXISTING II II EX.+OTHER II II EX.+OTHER II 11111 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST II PROP 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSED 11111 YEAR 2020 II OTHER II PROJECT 11111 EXISTING II II + OTHER II II +PROJECT II II +PROJECT II 11111 11111 11111 lANES II LANES 11111 ÇAPACnY II CAPACnY 11111 VOLUMES II VOLUME II VOLUME 11111 Vie II II Vie II II VlC II II VlC-W_IMP II 11111 11111 ======== 11111===="11===11111 ===-=- 11= 11111 ~ II ~ II ~ 11111-11-11 .--11-11 ====== 11=11 ==~--= 11==11111 IIIIINLIllIl 011 011111 011 011111 011 II 11111 11°11 11°11 11°11 11°11111 11111 NT 11111 011 011111 011011111.011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 IIIIINRIIIII 011011111 011 011111 on II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 IIIIISLIIIII 011 011111 011 011111 7711 II 11111 1111 ,1111 1111 1111111 11111 ST 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 011 II 11111 0.1011°11 0.1011°11 0.1011°11 11°11111 IIIIISRIIIII 011 011111 011 011111 9311 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 EL 11111 'II 011111 170011 011111 8711 II 11111 0.0511°11 0.0511°11 0.0511°'11 11°11111 IIIIIETIIIII'1i 011111 170011 011111 32311 II 11111 0.191111 0.191111 0.191111 1111111 IIIIIERIIIII 011 011111 011 011111 011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 11'11111 IIIIIWLIIIII 011 011111 011 011111 011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 WT 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 -II II 11111 0.2411° II 0.2411° II 0.2411° II 11° 11111 11111 WR 11111 111 QIIIII 170011 011111 9111 ,II 11111 0.05,11 II 0.0511 II 0.0511 II 1111111 - -- ---- ---------IIIII~ =--~ =-==?==== ======--= = = 11111 - NORTWSOltrH CRITICAL SUMS. 11111 0.10 I, 0.10 I 0.10 I 0.00 11111 ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAM!1mspecl & Main 2020 wI. pro 11111- - - - -,---- - - - - - - - - - - 11111 EASTIWEST CRITICAl SUMS . 11111 0.29 I 0.29 I 0.29 I 0.00 11111 0111--- ---- ---- --~- 11111 11111 0.011 I 0.05 I OJ)!! I 0.05 11111 11111- =-=-=- --======== ======== a=11II1 11111 0.« I 0.« I 0.44 ' I 0.05 11111 11111---------------11111 11111 A I A I A, I. A 11111 -~ '-,=- .-.-- --.-- --- N = NORTHBOUND,S = SOUTHBOUND E - EASTBOUND, W = WESTBOUND L = LEFT, T - THROUGH, R' RIGHT N.S, = NOT SIGNALIZED LOS = LEVEL OF SERVICE ° DENOTES CRrTlCAL MOVEMENTS CLEARANCE' ICU VALUE = LOS- INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS PROJECT: INTERVAL: INTERSECTION: CIty of TusUn-Ei CamIno Real Reclassification PM PEAK HOUR ProspecI Ave & -. SI1eet YEAR 2020 Wilhoul PROJECT -- ---- ------------- ---- ----- iíiîl - iíiîl- " 11111. II 11111 II II 11111 II II EXISTING II II EX.+oTHER II II EX.+QTHER II 11111 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST' II PROP 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSED 11111 YEAR 2020 II OTHER II PROJECT 11111 EXISTING II II + OTHER II II +PROJECT II 11 +PROJECT II 11111 11111 11111 LANES 11 LANES 11111 CAPACITY II CAPACITY 11111 VOLUMES II VOLUME II VOLUME 11111 VlC II II VlC II II VlC II II VlC-W _IMP II 11111 11111 ===== IIIII~~ II ==='11111 -~ II -- 11111 - II - II -==-- 11111 == II-II --= II == II = II = II === II = 11111 11111 NL 11111 011 11111 011 011111 011 11 11111 11'11 11'11 11'11 11'11111 11111 NT 11111 011 11111 011 011111 011 11 11111 1111 1111, 1111 1111111 IIIIINRIllIl 011 11111 011 011111 011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 IIIIISLIIIII 011 11111 011 011111 1080 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 IIIIISTIIIIIII1 11111 170011 011111011 11 111110.1011'11 0.1011'11 0.1011'11 11'11111 11111 SR 11111 011 11111 011 011111 6611 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 EL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 13211 II 11111 0.0811'11 0.0811'11 0.0811'11 11'11111 11111 ET 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 43311 II 11111 0.2511 II 0.2511 II 0.2511 II II 11111 11111 ER 11111 011 11111 011 011111 011 11 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 IIIIIWLIIIII 011 11111 011 011111011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 WT 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 29011 II ,11111 0.1711'11 0.1711'11 0.1711'11 11'11111 11111 WR 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 13211 II 11111 0,08.11 II 0.0811 II 0.0811 11 II 11111 - ~- ---- ---- -----IIIII-====- =-=-== ====~= =====-=== ==11111 NORTHISOUTH CRITICAL SUMS = 11111 0.10 I 0.10 I 0.10 I 0.00 11111 11111----__---------11111 11111 0.25 I 0.25 I 0.25 I 0.00 11111 11111--- ---- ---- ----11111 11111 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 1111\ 11111 =======-- = - = ======- = = = == = = = ====--- = = 11111 11111 0.40 I 0.40 I 0.40 I 0.05 11111 11111--- ----c--- ---- ---- 11111 Ilin A I A I A I A 11111 -=-===------=-----=========== ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAME'rospect & Main 2020 wlo pro¡ N = NORTHBOUNO, S = SOUTHBOUND E = EASTBOUND, W = WESTBOUND L.LEFT, T = THROUGH, R = RIGHT N,S. = NOT SIGNALIZED LOS = LEVel OF SERVICE , OENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS EASTIWEST CRITICAL SUMS = ClEARANCE = ICU VALUE. LOS = INTERSECTION CAPACITY UT1l1ZA TION ANAL VSIS PROJECT: INTERVAL: INTERSECTION: City of T uslln-EI C8mIno Real Reclasslftcallon AM PEAK HOUR Prospect Ave & 101 S- YEAR 2020 WIthout PROJECT iï'1o -- rnll- ñ- rnll-ñ-rnll-ñ-ñ-rnll-ñ- ñ~ñ- ñ EX..:ornER ñ- ñ~ ii- ¡¡¡¡ 1110 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST II PROP 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSED 11111 YEAR 2020 II OTHER II PROJECT 11111 EXISTING II II + OTHER II II +PROJECT II II +PROJECr II 101 1011 1110 LANES II lJ\Io(ES 1011 CAPACITY II CAPACITY 1110 VOLUMES II VOLUME II VOLUME 11111 VlC II 11 VlC II II VlC II II V/c-W_IMP II 1111 1011 ====== 11111='11="",,='11111 =- -- II --'-- 11111 ~- II - II - 11111 - II-II -- II-II ==-- 11=11 = 11=1111 11111 NL 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 42'1\ II 11111 0.0211'11 0.0211'11 0.0211'11 11'1111 11111 NT 1110 111 01011 170011 011111 1~1I II 11111 0.12.1111 0.121111 0.121111 111111 11111 NR 11111 011 01011 011 01110 3911 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 111111 IIIOSLIIIII 011 01011 ,011 01110 19411 II 1011 1111 1111 1111 '11101 11111 ST 11111 2+ 011111 340011 011111 19711 II 11111 0.1211'11 0.1211'11 0,1211'11 11'101 1110 SR 1101 111 011111 170011 011111 16111 .11 11111 0.0911 II 0.(1911 II 0.0911 II II 110 1011 EL 11111111 011111 170011 011111 16611 II 1101 0.1011'11 0.1011'11 0.1011'11 11'1111 11111 ET 1011 211 011111 340011 011111 50211 II 1011 0.1611 II 0.1611 II 0.1611 II 111111 IIIIIERIIIII 011 011111 011 011111 :¡Oil II 11111 1111 1111 1111 111111 11111 WL 11111 'II 011111 170011 011111 5411 II 11111 0.0311 II 0.0311 II 0.0311 II II 1111 1011 WT 11111 211 01011 340011 011111 64111 II 11111 0.1911'11 0.1811'11 0.1811'11 11'1111 11111 WR 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 130" II 11111 0.08 II U 0.08 U 11 0.08 11 II II 1111 - -- ---- ~--- -----11111==-=== =--~- =-== =..==-- --1111 - NORTHISOUTH CRITICAl SUMS = 11111 0.14 \ 0.14 I 0.14 I 0,00 1111 leU SPREADSHEET FILE NAMEProspect & 1st 2020 w/o prof IIIn - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - III EASTIWEST CRITICAl SUMS . 11111 0.29 I 0.29 I 0.29 I 0.00 III 11111--- --:----- ---- ----III 11111 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 \ 0.05' III J II~ ---- ---- ---- --III 11111 0.48,' ,I 0.48 I 0.48 I 0.05 III IIIn-----------"----1II UlnA IA IA ìA 111 ..~ -..-=-=--= -==~ ....-..,... --- N = NORTHBOUND, S = SOUTHBOUND E = EASTBOUND, W = WESTBOUND L = LEFT, T = THROUGH. R = RIGHT N.S. = NOT SIGNALIZED LOS = LEVel OF SERVICE . DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENrS (+) REPRESENrS LEFT AND LEFT I THROUGH LANES NOTE: SPLIT PHASED N-8 ClEARANCE - IC\J VALUE- LOS = I:: INTERSECTION CAPACIlY UfR.IZATION ANALYSIS PROJECT: INTERVAL: INTERSECTION: City of Tustin-EI CamIno ReaI- PM PEAK HOUR P""""",, Ave & 181 8- YEAR 2020 WiIhQUt PROJECT ---- ------------- ---- -~-- -~--- WI - WI II 11111 II' 11111 II II 11111 II II exISTING II II EX.+OTHER II II EX.+oTHER II 11111 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST II PROP 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSED 11111 YEAR 2020 II OTHER II PROJECT 11111 EXISTING II II + OTHER II II +PROJECT II II 'PROJECT II 11111 11111 ' 11111 LANES II LANES 11111 CAPACIlY II CAPACIlY 11111 VOLUMES II VOLUME II VOLUME 11111 wC II II WC II II WC II II V/C.W_IMP II 11111 11111 ==== 11111== II ~'IIIII ~-~ II - 11111 ~ II -- II ==>==- 11111 ===--- II = II --== II-II -=- II-II ~ 11-11111 11111 NL 11111 111 11111 170011 0\1111 9811 II 11111 0.0611 II 0.0611 II 0.0611 II 11"11111 11111 NT 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 29411 II 11111 0.2211" II 0.2211" II 0.2211" II II 11111 IIIIINRIIIII 011 \1111011 011111 8511 II 11111 1111 11,11 1111 1111111 IIIIISLIllIl 011 11111011 011111 .22511. II \1111 11"11 11"11 11"11 1111111 IIIIISTIII1I2+ 11111 340011 01111113511. II 111110,111111 0.111111 0.111111 11"11111 11111 SR 11111 111 1111\ 170011 011111 12311 II 11111 0.0711 II 0.07'11 II 0.Q111 II II 11111 11111 EL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 25011 II 111110.1511"11 0.1511"11 0.1511'11 11"11111 11111 ET 11111 211 11111 340011 011111 88211 II 11111 0.2711 II 0.2711 II 0.2711 II II 11111 IIIIIERIllIl 011 11111 011 011111 3811 II 11111 I111 1111 1111 1111111 IIIIIWLIIIIIII1 11111 170011 011111 2411 II 11111 0.011111 0.011111 0.011111 1111111 11111 WT 11111211 11111 340011 011111 69911 II 11111 0.2111"11 0.21\\"11 0.2111"11 11"11111 IlIIIWRIIII1'111 11111 17001101111124411 n 11111 0.141111 0.141111 0.141111 1111111 - ~- ---- --'----------11111=-==-= .-=-==-==-; a_=-===-=;: a===. ==11111 NORTHISOlIrH CRITICAL SUMS a 11111, 0.22 I 0.22 I 0.22 I 0.00 \1111 11111--- ---- -~-- -~--IIIII 11111 0.38. I 0.36 \ 0.38 I 0.00 \111\ IIIII----__------~--IIIII 11111 0.05 I, 0.05 . I 0.05 I 0.05 11111 11111- -=----=-= -=--= =-== ==11111 ~ ~ I '~ J ~ I ~ ~ 11111--- ---- ------ ------11111 11111 8 I '8 I 8 I A 11111 -==-- a,_'- -====--= =--===-=- -== ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAMEPIooped & 181 2020 wlo pro) N = NORTHBOUND, S = SOllrHBOUND E = EASTBOUND, W = WESTBOUND L = LEFT, T = THROUGH, R = RIGHT N.S. = NOT SIGNALIZED LOS = LEVEL OF SERVICE " DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS (+ REPRESENTS LEFT AND LEFT 'THROUGH LANES NOTE: SPLIT PHASED N-S EAST/WEST CRIT1CAI. SUMS a CLEARANCE. ICUVALUE. LOS a INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTIlIZA TtON ANAlYSIS PROJECT: INTERVAL: INTERSECTION: CIty of Tuslln-EI Camino Real R_1Ioo AM PEAK HOUR EI CamIno Real & 1st SImet YEAR 2020 With PROJECT -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----'-- - - - - - - - 11111 11111 II 11111 II 11111 . II II 11111 II II t;XISTlNG II II EX.+OTHER II II EX,+OTHER II 11111 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST II PROP 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSEO 11111 YEAR 2020 II OTHER II PROJECT 11111 EXISTING II II + OTHER II II +PROJECT II' II +PROJECT II 11111 11111 11111 LANES II lANES 11111 CAPACITY II CAPACITY 11111 VOLUMES II VOlUME II. VOLUME 11111 VlC II II VlC II II VlC II II VJC.W_IMP II 11111 11111 ======= 11111 == II ==== 11111 ====- II = 11111 = II -- II ~ 11111 ~ II -II ~ II -II ~ II =11 ~= II = 11111 11111 NL 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 17011 II 11111 0.1011'11 0.1011'11 0.1011'11 11'11111 11111 NT 11111 Oil 011111 Oil 011111011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 NR 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 7011 II 11111 0.0411 II 0.0411 II 0.0411 II II 11111 IIIIISLIllIl 011 011111 011 011111 011 II 11111. 1111 1111 1111 1111111 IllIlSTIIIII Oil 011111 Oil 011111 011 II 11111 11'11 11'11 11'11 11'11111 IllIISRIIIII 011 011111 011 011111011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 EL 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 011 II 11111 0.0011'11 0.0011'11 0.0011"11 11'11111 11111 ET 11111 211 011111 340011 011111 57011 II 11111 0.1711 II 0.1711 II 0.1711 II II 11111 11111 ER 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 12811 II 11111 0.0811 II 0.0811 II 0.0811 II II 11111 11111 WL 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 10711 II 11111 0.0611 II 0.0611 ,II 0.0611 II II 11111 11111 WT 11111 211 011111 340011 011111 77811 II 11111 0.23 II' II 0.23 II' II 0.23 II' II II' 11111 IllIlWRIIIII 011 011111011 011111011 II 11111 1111 1111,.1111 1111111 - --- ---- ~--- -----IIIII~ =_.~= ===~~ ==.-- - -11111 - , NORTHlSOVTHCRITICALSUMS. 11111 0.10 I 0.10 I 0.10 I 0.00 11111 ICUSPREADSHEErFILENAME ECR&lst2020wlpro 11111--- ---- ---- ----11111 EASTIWEST CRITICAl SUMS = 11111 0.23 I .0.23 I . 0.23 Î 0.00 11111 IIIII---------------IIJII IIJII 0.05 1 0.05 I 0.05 1 0.0511111 IIIII~ ======-= ---==-=--= =-,=-=-==- .,=11111 .0111 0.38 I 0.38 I 0.38 I 0.05 11111 11111----------'-------11111 11111 A 1 A 1 A I A '11111 . -==--- a_====- ====-== =_a-====- -=.= N = NORTHBOUNO, S a SOUTHBOUND E = EASTBOUND, W - WESTBOUND L = LEFT, T = THROUGH, R = RIGHT' N,S. = NOT SIGNALIZED LOS = LEVEL OF SERVICE " DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS CLEARANCE = ICU VALUE a LOS. IfoITERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS PROJECT: City Of Tuslln-EI CarrIno Real _lion INTERVAL: PM PEAK HOUR IfoITERSECTION: B Can"/no Real & 1st Street YEAR 2020 With PROJECT - --~- --'------':""_~----'--- ~-- ----.j.-- ---- ----- mll-lilil II 11111 II 11111 II II 11111 II II EXISTING; II II EX.+oTHER II II EX.+OTHER II ' 11111 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST II PROP 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSED 11111 YEAR 2020 II OTHER II PROJECT 11111 ExISTING II II + OTHER I II II +PROJEcT II II <PROJECT II 11111 11111 11111 lANES II lANES 11111 CAPACITY II CAPACITY 11111 VOLUMES II VOLUME II VOLUME 11111 VlC II II VlC: II II VlC II II VIC-W_IMP II 11111 11111 ======= IIIII=II~=IIIII - II - 11111 - 11"""""" II - 11111 ====-= II~II ===< II-II ===== 11=11 11=11111 11111 NL 11111 111 11111 110011 011111 26111 II 11111 0.1511:11 0.1511'11 '0.1511'11 11'11111 11111 NT 11111 011 11111 011 011111 011 II 11111 1111 ,1111 1111 1111111 IIIIINRIIIIIII1 11111110011011111 14911 II 11111 0.091111 O.~IIII 0.091111 1111111 IIIIISLIIIII 01111111 011 011111 011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 IIIII.STIIIII 011 11111 011 011111011 II 11111 11'11 '11'11 11'11 11'11111 IIIIISRIllII 011 11111 011 011111 011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 El 11111 111 11111170011 011111 011 II 11111 0,001111 O.~IIII 0.001111 11'11111 11111 ET 11111 211 11111 340011 011111 ,95411 II 11111 0.28 11'11 0,28111' II 0.28 II' II II 11111 11111 ER 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 20711 II 11111 0.121111 0.1211111 0.121111 1111111 11111 WL 11111 111 11111 110011 011111 11511 II 11111 0.0711'11 0.07111'11 0.0711'11 II 11111 11111 WT 11111 211 11111 340011 011111 77811 II 11111 0.2311 II 0.231,11 II 0.2311 II 11'11111 11111 WR 11111 011 11111 011 011111 011 II 11111 1111 ,1111 1111 1111111 - '-- ---- ----,-- --"'-----11111- -_.~ --====== =-====- ==11111 NORTHlSOtITH CRITICAI.8UMS = 11111 0.15' I 0.11> I . 0.15 I 0.00 11111 ' 11111-------;'_"'--------11111 EASTIWEST CRITICAL SUMS - 11111 0.35 I O.as¡ I' 0.35 I 0.00 11111 11111--- ----;.-- -~--'----IIIII 11111 0.05 I 0.051 I 0.05' I 0.05 11111 IIUI-===- --=--====! =========== ======- --11111 lUll 0.55 I O.SS¡ I 0.55 1 0.05 11111 11111- -- --:---t -- ---'-- -- -- -- 11111 11111 A I A , I A I A 11111 -===-===~-=.=._.===-=== ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAME ECR & 1st 2020 wIproj N = NORTHBOUND, S - SOUTHBOUND E = EAST1!OUND, W = WEST1!OUND l = LEFT, T = THROUGH, R = RIGHT N.S. = NOT SIGNALIZED LOS = LEVEL OF SERVICE , DENOTES CRITICAl MOVEMENTS CtEARANCE- leU VAlUE. lOS= INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS PROJECT: INTERVAL: INTERSECTION: CIty of Tustln-B Carrino _I R- Mt PEAK HOUR B Co""" Roo! & MaIn S- YEAR 2020 With PROJECT - -- ---- ---- --------- -'----- ----,----- 11111 11111 II 11111 II 11111 II II 11111 II II EXISTING II II EX.+OTHER II II EX.+OTHER II 11111 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST II PROP 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSED 11111 YEAR 20ZO II DTHER II PROJECT 11111 EXISTING II II + OTHER II II +PROJECT II II +PROJECT II 11111 11111 11111 LANES II LANES 11111 CAPACITY II CAPACITY 11111 VOLUMES II VOLUME II VOLUI,IE 11111 VlC II II VIC II II VIC II II V/C-W_'MP II 11111 11111 =='"=== 1I1II~'I1'==1I1II ~ II =~ 11111 ~ II ~'1I - 11111 - II-II - II-II - 1I~1I ~ 11-11111 11111 NL 11111 011 011111" 011 011111 7311 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 11'11111 11111 NT 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 16411 II 11111 0.1411'11 0.1411'11 0.1411'11 II 11111 11111 NR 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 5011 II 11111 0.0311 II 0.0311 II 0.0311 II II 11111 IIIIISLIIIII 011 011111 011 011111 1511 II 11111 11'11 11'11 11'11 1111111 IIIIISTIII1I111 011111170011 011111 16611 II 11111 0.111111 0.111111 0.111111 11'11111 11111 SR 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 2911 II 11111 0.0211 II 0.0211 II 0.0211 II II 11111 11111 EL 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 3511 II. 11111 0.0211'11 0.0211'11 0.0211'11 11'11111 11111 ET 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 36611 II 11111 0.2111 II 0.2711 II 0.2711 II II 11111 11111 ER 11111 011 011111011 0111119811 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 WL 11111 111 011111 '170011 011111 .6111 II 11111 0.0411 II 0.0411 II 0.0411 II 1111111 11111 WT 11111111 011111 170011 011111 44811 II 11111 0.3011'11 0.3011"11 0.3011'11 11'11111 IIIIIWRIIIII 011 011111 011 0111115711 0 11111,110 1111 1111 1111111 -. -- ---- -,----------11111- ---~ a__~ === - - -11111 , - NORTHISOIITHCRfTICAlSUMS- 11111. 0.17 I 0.14 I 0.14 I 0.00 11111 ICU SPREADSHEEr FILE NAME ECR & MaIn 2020 wfpro 11111- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11111 . - EASTIWEST CRITICAl. SUMS = 11111 0.32 I 0.32 I 0..32 I 0.00 11111 N=NORTHBOUND.S-SOUTHBOUND 11111--- -,--- ---- ----11111 . E = EASTBOUND, W = WESTBOUND CLEARANCE - 11111 0.05 I 0.05 .' I 0.05 I ' 0.05 11111 L=LEFT, T= THROUGH, R= RIGHT IIIII-===- a_a-- a._a~=--= .=.~- - -11111 N.S. . NOT SIGNALIZED ICU VALUE = 1110 0.54 I 0.51 I 0.51 I 0.05 11111 LOS = LEVEl OF SERVICE 11111---------------11111 , DENOTES CRITICAl. MOVEMENTS LOS . II111 A I A I A I A 11111 -------------.a-====_.----_-- INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTß.IZATION ANALYSIS PROJECT: INTERVAl: INTERSECTION: CIty 01 Tuslln-B CamIno Real R~ PM PEAK HOUR EI Camno Reel & MaIn Street YEAR 2020 WIIh PROJECT ---- ---- ----------~-- ---'- ----- iiiil - iiii, II 11111 II 11111 II II 11111 II II EXISTING II II EX.+OTHER II II EX.+oTHER II 11111 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST II PROP 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSED 11111 YEAR 2020 11 OTHER, II PROJECT 11111 EXISTING II II . OTHER II II 'PROJECT II II 'PROJECT II 11111 11111 11111 lANES II LANES 11111 CAPACITY 11 CAPACITY 11111 VOLUMES 11 VOLUME 11 VOLUME 11111 Vie II 11 Vtc 11 II VtC' II 11 VIC-W_IMP 11 11111 11111 ======= 11111== II ===-"11111 ~-- II ~ 11111 ~ 11 - II -==- 11111 --= 11- 11 -- 11 -II == 11 = 11 = II = 1111 11111 NL 11111 0 II 11111 0 II 0 11111 1;13 II . II 11111 II II II II II II II" 1111 11111 NT 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 24811 II 11111 0,2211" II 0.2211" II 0.2211' II II 1111 11111 NR 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 11211 II 11111 0.0711 II 0.0711 II 0.0711 II II 1111 11111 SL 11111 011 11111 011 011111 3911 11 11111 11"11 11"11 11'11 111111 11111 ST 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 22511 II 11111 0.1611 11' 0.1611 II 0.1611 11 11'1111 11111 SR 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 2811 II 11111 0.0211 II 0.0211 II 0.0211 II 11 1111 11111 EL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 4911 II 11111 0.0311 II 0.0311 II 0.0311 II 11' 1111 11111 ET 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 34411 0 11111 0.2711' 11 0.2711' 11 0.27 II" II II 1111 IIIIIERIllIl 011 11111 011 Oilin 11511 11 11111 110 ,1111 1111 111111 11111 WL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 8211 11 11111 0.0511' U 0.0511' II 0.0511' 11 II 1111 11111 WT 11111 111 11111 1700U 011111 43411 II 11111 0.2811 II 0.2611 II 0.2611 II 11'1111 IIIIIWRIIIII 011 11111 011 011111 SOli II 11111 ,1111 1111 1111 111111 - -- ---- ---- -----11111==-=== === - -======== ==--~ --1111 NORTWSOUTH CRITICAl. SUMS = 11111 0.29 I 0.22 I 0.22 I 0.00 1111 11111--- ---- ---- ---'----1111 11111 0.32 I 0.32 I 0.32 I 0.00 1111 11111--- -- -- -- -- --,--- -- 1111 11111 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 1111' 11111== =-== =====-== ='-.~-- --1111 11111' 0.66 I 0.58 I 0.59 I 0.05 1111: 11111--- ---- ---- ---- 11111 11111 ,8 I A I A '1 A /11/1 = == = -. """"-" - - - -- - =,= ----= - "= = ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAME ECR & Main 2020 w/pmJ N = NORTHBOUND, S . SOUTHBOUND E = EASTBOUND, W . WESTBOUND L = LEFT. T = THROUGH, R = RIGHT N.S. = NOT SIGNALIZEO LOS = lEVEL OF SERVICE , DENOTES CRITICAl MOVEMEt-tTS EASTIWEST CRITICAl SUMS = ClEARANCE = leU VALUE ., LOS- INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANAlYSIS PROJECT: INTERVAL; INTERSECTION: City of TusUn.EI Canii1o Real Reda- AM PEAK HOUR EI Camk1o Real & Newport Avenue YEAR 2020 WMh PROJECT - -----~----------:-------------------- 11111 11111 ' II 11111 II 11111 II II 11111 II II EXISTING II II EX+OTHER II II EX<OTHER II 11111 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST II PROP 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSED 11111 YEAR 2020 II OTHER II PRDJECT 11111 EXISTING II II + OTHER II II +PROJECT II II <PROJECT II 11111 11111 11111 lANES II lANES 11111 CAPACITY II CAPACITY 11111 VOLUMES II VOLUME II, VOLUME 11111 VlC II II VlC II II V/C II II WC-W_IMP II 11111 11111=-=-==== 1I1II="II=IIIII=II.~IIIII~=11 ~II ~IIIII~II=II ~ -=11-11 ==-==11-11--11-=11111 11111 NL 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 11011 II 11111 0.0611 II, 0.0611 II 0.0611 II II" 11111 11111 NT 11111 211 011111 '340011 011111 52011 II 11111 0.1511" II 0.1511" II 0.1511" II II 11111 IIIIINRII1II111 011111 170011 011111 19011 II 11111 0.111111 0.111111 0.111111 1111111 11111 SL 11111111 011111 170011 011111 17011 II 11111 0.1011"11 0,1011"11 0.1011"11 II 11111 11111 ST 11111 311 011111 510011 011111 90011 II 11111 0.1811 II 0.1811 II 0.1811 II 11"11111 IIIIISRIIIII 011 011111011 0111111011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 IIIIIEL.1I1II111 011111 170011 011111 2011 II 11111 0.011111 0,011111 0.011111 11"11111 IIIIIETIIIIIII1 011111 170011 011111 10011 II 11111 0.1111"11 0.1111"11 0.1111"11 1111111 11111 ER 11111 111 011111 110011 011111 49011 II 11111 0.2911 II 0.~911 II 0.2911 II II 11111 11111 WL 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 14011 II 11111 0.0811" II 0.0811" II 0.0811" II II 11111 11111 WT 11111 211.011111 340011 011111 14011. II 11111 0.0811 II 0.0811 II 0.0811 II 11"11111 IIIIIWRIIilI 011 011111011 Onll17011 II 11111 1111 1111,1111 1111111 - .-- ---- ---------IIIII~ ---~ ==== ==== ==11111 NORTHISOUTH CRJllCAl. SUMS = 11111 0.25 I 0.25 1 0.25 1 0.00 11111 11111- - - - ,.,.---..- - - - ----'-- - - - - - - 11111 11111 0.19 10.19 10.19'10.00 11111 111"---------------11111 1111/ 0.05, I 0.05 I 0.05 I 0,05 11111 11111- -"'--"""" ---- ---- --11111 11111 0.49 I 0.49 1 0.49 1 0,05 11111 11111- - - - - - - - ---.:.- - - - - - - 11111 11111 A I A I A I A 11111 -===--=---=-_.._----=.._~._- ICU SPREADSHEET FloE NAMEECR & Newport 2020 w/proJ N = NORTHBOUND, S . SOUTHBOUND E = EASTBOUND, W . WESTBOUND L = LEFT, T = THROUGH, R. RIGHT N.S. . NOT SIGNALIZED LOS = LEVEL OF SERVICE " DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS EASTIWEST CRITIGAL SUMS . ClEARANCE . ICU VALUE. LOS- INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTilIZATION ANALYSIS PROJECT: CIty of Tuslin-EI CamIno Real RecIassIftcatIo INTERVAL: PM PEAK HOUR . INTERSECTION: EI Calrino Rear & Newporl Avenue YEAR 2020 With PROJECT - -- '------ -------+----~-----,---- ---- ---- ----- 11111 11111 II 11111 II 11111 II; II 11111 II II EXISTING II II EX.OTHER II II EX.+OTHER II 11111 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST II PROP. 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSED 11111 YEAR 2020 II bTHER' II PROJECT 11111 EXISTING II II . OTHER II II .PROJECT II II .PROJECT II 11111 11111 11111 LANES II LANES 11111 CAPACITY II CAPACITY 11111 VOlUMES II VOLUME II VOLUME 11111 VIC II II VIC II II VIC II II VIC-WJMP II 11111 11111 ======== 11111--11 ==--11111 ~ II --= 11111 ~= II ~ II -=-= 11111 ~ II-II - II-II -- II-II --== II = 11111 11111 NL 11111 111 11111 110011 011ll1:!W1I II 11111 0.2311"11 0.2311'11 0.2311"11 11'11111 11111 NT 11111 211 11111 340011 011111 120011 II 11111 0.3511 II 0.3511 II 0.3511 II II 11111 IIIIINRII1II111 11111 170011 0111114011 II 111110.021111 0.021111 0.021111 1111111 11111 SL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 10011 II 11111 0.061111 0.0611 II 0.0611 II II 11111 11111 ST 11111 311 11111 510011 011111 93011 II 11111 0.1911"11 0,1911"11 0.1911"11 11"11111 IIIIISRIllIl 011 11111 011 011111 6011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 EL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 6011 II 11111 0.0411"11 0.0411"11 0.0411"11 11"11111 IIilIETIIIIIII1 11111 170011 011111 23011 II 11111. 0.141111 0.141111 0.141111 1111111 11111 ER 11111 '11 11111 170011 011111 40011 II 11111 0.2411 II 0.2411 II 0.2411 II II 11111 11111 WL 11111 111 11111 110011 011111 10011 II 11111 0,0611 II 0.0611 II 0.0611.1111 11111 11111 WT 11111 211 11111 340011 011111 55011 II 11111 0.26 II" II 0.26 II" II 0.26 II" II II" 11111 IIIIIWRIIIIIOIl 11111 011 011111;12011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 - -- ----------,--- -----IIIII~ ----=====-~ --=-==-=- ---- '-1111 NORTlWOUTli CRITICAl SUMS - 11111 0.42 I 0.42 I 0.42 I 0.00 1111: 11111--- ---- ----'-- ----1111 11111 0.30 I 0.30 I 0.30 I 0.00 1111 11111--- ---- ---- ---- 1111 11111 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 IIIli 11111== =-== ======== ="-,=--=== '=11111 11111 0.77 I 0.77 I 0.77 I 0.05 11111 11111--- ---- ---- ----11111 11111 C I C I C I Allin ==- --=........... -=--===== .==..-= === ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAMEECR & Newporl2020 w/proj N = NORTHBOUND. S = SOUTHBOUND E = EASTBOUND. W = WESTBOUND L = LEFT, T = THROUGH, R = RIGHT N.S. . NOT SIGNALIZED LOS = LEVEL OF SERVICE . DENOTES CRITICAl MOVEMENTS EAST/WEST CRITICAl SUMS = ClEARANCE. leU VAlUE = LOS. INTERSECTION CAPACITY UrillZA TION ANAL VSIS PROJECT: INTERVAL: INTERSECTION: C"v 01 Tuslin-EI Camino Real RecIassIfIcatton AM PEAK HOUR Newport Avenue & Main SITeet YEAR 2020 With PROJECT îïiil-îïiil-iï~îïiil-iï-iiïl1-iï-iï-îïiil-iï-iï EXISTING iï-iï~iï-'ii~ii-iiïll 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST 11 PROP 11111,' EXISTING 11 PROPOSED 11111 VEAR 2020 11 OTHER 11 PROJECT 11111 EXISTING 11 11 + OTHER II 11 +PROJECTI1 11 +PROJECT 11 11111 11111 11111 lANES 11 LANES 11111 CAPACITY 11 CAPACITY 11111 VOLUMES 11 VOLUME 11 VOLUME 11111 VII:, 11 11 VIC 11 11 VlC 11 11 VlC-W_'/J¡M' 11 11111 "111""'.'-- 11111-----'11=-=='11111---=- 11 ==0-11111 == 11 ----11 ~ 11111 ~ 11=11 ~= 11=11 ~= 11=11 =-= 11-11111 11111 Nl 11111 111 011111 170011,' 011111 24011 11 11111 0.1411'11 0.1411'11 0,1411'11 11'11111 11111 NT 11111 211 01llll:wJOil 01111134011 11 11111 0.111111 0.111111 0.111111 1111111 IlIIINRIllIl 011 011111 011 011111 5011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 Sl 11111 111 OUIII 170011 011111 3011 II 11111 0.0211 11 0.0211 11 0,0211 11 11 11111 11111 ST 11111 211 011111 :wJO1l 011111 101011 11 111110.3011'11 0.3011'11 0.3011'11 11'11111 11111 SR 11111 111 011111 110011 011111 13011 11 11111 0.0811 11 0.0811 11 0.0811 11 11 11111 11111 El 11111 '11 011111 170011 011111 4011 11 11111 0.0211 II 0.0211 II 0.0211 II 11'11111 Ilili ET 11111 211 011111 340011 011111 24011 II 11111 0.07 II' 11 0.07 II' 11 0.07 II' 11 11 11111 11111 ER 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 14011 11 11111 0,0811 11 0.0811 II 0.0811 11 11 11111 11111 Wl 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 15011 II 11111 0.0911' 11 0.0911' II 0.0911' 11 11 11111 I1IIIWTIIII1 211 01llll:wJOil 011111 38011 11 11111 0.111111 0.111111 0.111111 11'11111 IIIIIwRIII1I111 011111170011011111 1011 II 111110.011111' 0.011111 0.011111 1111111 - -- ---- ---- -----11111- a_a- a__----==- -__a_- - -=11111 - NORlWSOUTH CRITICAL SUMS a 11111 0.404 I 0.44 I 0.404 I 0.00 11111 ICU SPREADSHEET FilE NAMENawport & Main 2020 w/proJ 11111- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11111 EASTIWESTCRfTICAlSUMS- 11111 0.18 I 0.18 I 0.16 I 0.00 11111 11111---------------11111 11111 0.061 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 11111 11111~ =--- ._=====-= =----... --11111 11111 0.65 I 0.65 I 0.65 I 0,05 11111 11111--- ---- --,---- ---- 11111 DIll BIB 1 B I A 11111 =-= ._.~ a_.--=-=- --0'_'__- N = NORTHBOUND, S - SOUTHBOUND E - EASTBOUND, W - WESTBOUND l - lEFT. T. THROUGH, R - RIGHT N,S. - NOT SIGNAlIZEO lOS - lEVEL OF SERVICE , OENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS CtEARANCE. ICU VAlUE. LOS- I/ITERSECTION CAPACITY UTLIZATION ANALYSIS PROJECT: INTERVAL: INTERSECTION: CIty ofT uslln-EI CamIno Real Reclasslftcallon PM PEAK HOUR ' Newport Avenue & Main Sheet YEAR 2020 Wfth PROJECT -- ----- ---- -------'---- --- ---- ---- ---'---- ¡iill -- 11111 11 11111 '11 11111 11 11 11111 11 II EXISTING II 11 EX.+OTHER II II EX.+OTHER II 11111 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST 11 PROP 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSED 11111 YEAR 2020 II OTHER II PROJECT 11111 EXISTING II II + OTHER II II +PROJECT II II +PROJECT II 11111 11111 11111 LANES II LANES 11111 CAPACITY 11 CAPACITY 11111 VOlUMES II VOlUME 11 VOlUME 11111 VlC, II II VlC II II VlC II II VJC.W_IMP 11 11111 11111 ======== 11111=-11=11111=11 ~1II1I=--11 ==--=11 ~IIIII= II-II "='==11=11 === 11=11 --=11=11111 11111 NL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 8011 11 11111 0.0511 II 0.0511 II 0.0511 II 11° 11111 11111 NT 11111 211 11111 340011 011111 l090n II 11111 0.3711° II 0.3711° II 0.3711° II II 11111 11111 NR 11111 Oil 11111 ,°Il 011111 18011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 SL 11111 '11 11111 170011 011111 7011 II 11111 0.0411° II 0.0411° II 0.0411° 11 11 11111 11111 ST 11111 211 11111 340011 011111 78011 II 11111 0.23.11 II 0.23 II II 0.23 II II II' 11111 11111 SR 11111 '11 11111 170011 011111 12011 II 11111 0,0711 II 0.0711 II 0.0711 11 II 11111 11111 EL 11111 '11 11111 170011 011111 6011 II 11111 0.0411"11 0.0411°11 0.0411°11 11'11111 IIIIIETIIIII 211 11111 340011 01111149011 II 11111 0.141111 0.141111 0.141111 1111111 11111 ER 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 4°11 II 11111 0.0211 II 0.0211 II 0.0211 11 II 11111 IIIIIWLIII1I111 11111 170011 011111 9011 II 11111 0.05,.1111 0.051111 0.051111 1111111 11111 WT 11111 211 11111 340011 011111 52011 II 11111 0.1511°11 0.1511°11 0.1511°11 11°11111 IIIIIWRIIIIIII1 11111 170011 0111111011 n 111110.0111110.011111 0.011111 1111111 ---'---- ---- -----11111- ~-=====- =--==~ ===~~== ==11111 ~ NORTHISOUTHCRlTICALSUMS. 11111 0.41 I 0.41 I ,0.41 I 0.00 11111 ICU SPREADSHEET,FILE NAMENewport & Main 2020 wlpro 11111--:--- - - - --,--..:-- - - - - - - - - - - 11111 EAST/WESTCRITICALSIJMS= 11111 0.19 I 0.19 I 0.19 I 0.00 11111 11111--- ---- ---- ---- 11111 11111 . 0.05 I , 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 11111 11111=- --=- --=====- =...=~-==== ==11111 11111 0.65 I 0.65 I 0.65 I 0,05 11111 11111----__---------11111 11111 9 IS. I S I A 11111 -----~=-=--=--==--===------== N = NORTHSOUND, S ~ SOUTHSOUND E = EASTSOUND, W - WESTSOUND L = LEFT, T = THROUGH, R - RIGHT N,S. = NOT SIGNAlIZED LOS = LEVEL OF SERVICE ° DENOTES CRITICAl MOVEMENTS ClEARANCE - ICUVALUE- LOS- -/- INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANAlYSIS PROJECT: City of Tustln-EI Carrino Real Reda- INTERVAL: AM PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION: PmopecI AV8 & MaIn S- YEAR 2IJ2O With PROJECT -- --'---- --~------ --c----- -----~ mll-.rnll- ii 11111 II. 11111 II II 11111 , II II ~TlNG II II EX.+OTHERII II EX.'OTHER iI- iiill 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 ,EXIST II PROP 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSED 11111 YEAR 2020 II OTHER II PROJECT 11111 S<l5TING II II + OTHER II II +PROJECT II II +PROJECT II 11111 11111 11111 LANES II LANES 11111 CAPACITY II CAPACITY 11111 VOlUMES II VOLUME II VOlUME 11111 VIe II II VIe II II VIC II II Vlc.W IMP II 11111 11111 ====== illll==II=IIIII-=-===II-- 11111==-11-11 ~IIIII-II-II-ll-li """'='=all-II ~II-IIIII 11111 NL 11111 011 011111 011 011111 011 II 11111 lI'n 11"11 11'11 1\"11\11 11111 NT 11111 011 011111 011 011111 011, II 11111 1111 1111' 1111 1111111 IIIIINRIllIl 011 011111 011 011111 011 11 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 IIIIISLIIIII 011 011111 011 011111 8311 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 ST 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 011 II 11111 0.1011'11 0.1011'11 0.1011'11 11'11111 IllIISRIIIII 011 011111 011 011111 9011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 EL 11111111 011111 170011 011111 8311 II 11111 0.0611'11 0.0611'11 0.0511'11 11'11111 IIIIIETIIIIIII1 011111170011 011111 32311 II 111110.191111 0.191111 0.191111 '1111111 IIIIIERIllIl 011 011111 011 011111, 011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 IlllIwL1II1I 011 011111 ,011 011111.011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 WT 11111 111 011111 110011 011111 40811 II 11111 0.2411'11 0.2411'11 0.2411"11 11'11111 11111 WR 11111' 111 011111 170011 .011111 98" II 11111 0.0811 II 0.0811 11 0.061111 ' 1111111 ,- -- ---- ---- -----11111---......- .-'-" .-.--- .-.-- --11111 NORTHISOUTH CRITICAl. SUMS . 11111 0.10 I 0.10 I 0.10 I 0.00 11111 IIIII--~-_----------IIIII 11111 0.28 I 0.28 I 0.28 I 0.00 11\11 11111--- --c--- -- -- -- -- -- 11111 11111 0.06 I 0.05, I 0.05 10,06 11111 11111- .-.- ._=-==- .-.-=- --11111 nlA 0.44 I , 0.44 I 0.44 I 9.05 11111 11111---------------11111 IIAA lA, lA, IA DIU -===-._.~._=~=_.------- leu SPREADSHEET FILE NAMlProsped oS MaIn 2O2Q wfpro N . NORTHBOUND, S = SOUTl1BaUND E . EASTBOUND. W . WESTBOUNl) L = LEFT, T = THROUGH, R = RIGHT N.S. . NOT SIGNALIZED LOS = LEVEl OF SEIMCE . DENOTES CRITICAL MOVEMENTS EASTIWEST CRITICAl. SUMS . ClEARANCE . ICUVAlUE. LOS. INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTILIZATION ANALYSIS PROJECT: INTERVAL: INTERSECTION: ClIy of- Tustin-Eil Gamloo Real RectasstiJcauoo PM PEAK HOUR Prospect Ave & Main St- YEAR 2020 Wllh PROJECT -- ---- ---- ------ ~-- -------- ---- ----- mil' 11111 II 11111 II 11111 II II 11111 II 'II EXISTING II II EX.+0THER II II EX.+OTHER II 11111 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST 11 PROP 11111 EXISTING 11 PROPOSED 11111 YEAR 2020 11 OTl-iER II PROJECT 11111 EXISTING II II . OTHER II II 'PROJECT II 11 'PROJECT 11 11111 11111 11111 LANES 11 LANES 11111 CAPACITY II CAPACITY 11111 VOLUMES II VOLUME II VOLUME 11111 VlC . II II VlC II II VIC II II Vlc.VUMP II 11111 11111 -======== 11111===-'11--.-"'11111 =-<=- II ~===IIIII ~ II ~ II ~ 11111 ~ 11=11 ---= 11-"11 ~==. 11""11 -~== 11=11111 11111 Nl 11111 011 11111 011 011111 011 II 11111 11'11 11"11 11'11 11'11111 11111 NT 11111 011 11111 011 011111011 II 11111 1111 11'11 1111 1111111 IIIIINRIIIII 011 11111 011 011111 011 11 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 Sl 11111 011 11111011 011111 11511 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 ST 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 011 II 11111 0.1011'11 0.1011'11 0.1011'11 11'11111 11111 SR 11111 011 11111 011,0111116311 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 EL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 11711 II 11111 0.0711 11 0.0711 11 0.0711 II II'III!! 11111 ET 11111 '11 11111 170011 011111 43311 II 11111 0.2511' II 0.2511' II 0.2511' II II IIIii 11111 ER 11111 011 11111 011 011111 011 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 WL 11111 011 11111 011011111011 11 11111 11'11 11'11 11'11 111111 IIIIIWTIIIIIII1 11111 170011 011111211011 II 11111 0.171111 0.171111 0.171111 11'1111 11111 WR 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 10511 II 11111 .°.0611 II 0.0611 II O.lJOIl II 11 1111 -" -- ---- ---------IIIII=======- -..---===- -..,---- .=== ==1111 - NORTHlSOtJTHCRmCALSUMS- 11111 0.10 I 0.10 I 0,10 I 0.00 1111 ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAMI3'ro5pect & Main 2020 wlproj 11111- - - - ----- - -, - - - - - - - - '1111 EASTIWEST CRITICAl SUMS.' 11111 0.25 I 0.25 I 0.25 I 0.00 1111 11111----------'-----1111 11111 0.05, I O.O!! I 0.05 I 0.05 1111 1I1II~= -=-.....~--= -====-==== ===== '-1111 11111 0.40 I 0.40 I 0.40 I 0.05 1111 11111-..,- -------- -------- ----1111 11111 A I A I A' I A 1111 =------.---=-_.----.-.----_..~ N = NORTHBOUND, S. SOUTHBOUND E = EASTBOUND, W = WESTBOUND l = lEFT, T ; THROUGH, R' RIGHT N.S. . NOT SIGNAlIZED LOS - lEVEL OF SERVICE . OENOTES CRITICAl MOVEMENTS GLEARÞ.NCE - ICUVAlUE - LOS = INTERSECTION CAPACITY UTft.IZATION ANALYSIS PROJECT: INTERVAl: INTERSECTION: CIty of Tuslif>.El Carrino Real RecIassIfIcaIIo ÞN. PEAK HOUR Ptœpect Ave & 1st Street YEAR 2020 Willi PROJECT .- -- ---- ------------- ---- ---- ----- 11111 11111 II 11111 . II 11111 II II 11111 II II EXISTING II II EX.+OTliER II II EX.+OTliER 11 11111 1111\ MOVEMENT 1111\ EXIST II PROP 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSED 11111 YEAR 2020 II OTHER II PROJECT 11111 EXISTING II II + OTHER II II +PROJECT II II +PROJECT 11 11111 11111 111\1 LANES II LANES 1111\ CAPACITY II CAPACITY 11111 VOLUMES II VOlUME II VOlUME 11111 VlC II II VlC II II V/C II II VIC-W_IMP II 11111 11111 ======== 11111==11====11111 = II ~ 11111 --- II ~ II - 11111 ~. 11--11 -= II-II = 11=11 = 11=11111 11111 NL lIiII 111 011111 170011 011111 4311 ,II 11111 0.0311' II 0.0311' II 0.0311' II 11'1111 11111 NT 11111 111 011111 170011 01111\ 16811 II 11111 0.121111 0.121111 0.121111 111111 11111 NR 11111 011 011111 011 0111113911 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 111111 IIIIISLIIIII 011 011111 011 011111 198.11 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 111111 11111 ST 11111 2+ O!IIII 340011 011111 19311 II 11111 0.1211'11 0.1211"11 0.1211'11 11'1111 11111 SR 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 16111 II 11111 0.091111 0.091111 0.091111 111111 11111 EL 11111 111 011111 170011 0111\1 16411 II 111110,1011'11 0.1011'11 0.1011'11 11'1111 11111 ET lIiII 211 011111 340011 011111 50211 II 11111 0.1611 II 0.1611 II 0.1611 II 111111 11111 ER 11111 011 011111011 011111 3111 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 111111 1111\ WL 11111 111 011111 170011 011111 5411 II 11111 0.0311 II 0.0311 II 0.0311 II 111111 111\1 WT 1111\ 211 011111 340011 011111 64111 II 11111 0.1911'11 0.1911'11 0.1911'11 11'1111 11111 WR 1111\ 111 01111\ 170011 011\11 13111 II 11111 0.0611 n 0.0611 II 0.0811 II '11 1111 - .-- ~--- ---------IIIII~ ....~ ._.~ '_0- --1111 - NORTHI5OUTH CRITICAl SUMS. 11111 0.15 I 0.15' I 0.15 I 0.00 1111 ICU SPREADSHEET FILE NAME Prospect & 1st 2020 wfpro 11111- - ~ - - - - - - - - - --,.-- - - 1111 EAST/WEST CRITICAl SUMS. .11111 0.29 I 0.29 I 0.29 I 0.00 ' 1111 1I1II-------"~------1Ii 11111 0.05 I 0.05 I 0.05 1 0.05 III nlll~ ._.~ .~--=====-= ==-- '~III 11111 0.49 I 0.49 I 0.49 I 0.05 ßI 11111--- ---- ---- -~--III ftlUA IA IA IA 111 -~ .--- .-.-==--== ._.~ ==0' N = NORTHBOUND, S . SOUTHBOUND E . EASTBOUNO. W . WESTBOUND L = LEFT, T = THROUGH. R = RIGHT N.S. . NOT SIGNAlIZED LOS . LEVEL OF SERVICE . DENOTES CRITICAl MOVEMENTS ClEARANCE . ICUVALUE- LOS- (+) REPRESENTS LEFT AND LEFT I THROUGH LANES NOTE: SPLIT PHASED N-S ' INTERSECTION CAPACnv UTIlIZATION ANAlYSIS PROJECT: INTERVAL: INTERSECTIÖN: CIty 01 Tuslln-EI camino Real R_1Ion PM PEAK HOUR Prospect Ave' &)st street YJ:AR 2020 WIIh PROJEcr -- ---- ~--- --------- -~-- -~-- -~--- iiiil 11111 II 11111 II IIiII II II 11111 II II EXISTING II II EX. >OTHER II II' EX. >OTHER II 11111 11111 MOVEMENT 11111 EXIST II PROP 11111 EXISTING II PROPOSED 11111 YJ:AR 2020 II OTHER II PROJECT 11111 EXISTING II II . OTHER II II +PROJEcr II II >PROJECT II 11111 11111 11111 LANES 11 LANES 11111 CAPACITY II CAPACnv 11111 VOlUMES II VOlUME II VOlUME 11111 VtC II U VtC 11 II VtC II 11 VfC.W_1MP II 11111 11111 -===== IIIII~ 11--- 11111 ~ II """--== 11111 -....". 11 ~ 11 - 11111 ~ U -II ~ 11-11 - 11-11 - 11-11111 11111 NL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 10611 n 11111 0.0611 11 0.0611 II 0.0611 II 11'11111 11111 Nt 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 29911 II 11111 0.2311' II 0.23 11'11 0.23 11'11 II 11111 IIIIINRIIIII 011 11111011 011111 8511 II 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 lllliSL1I1II 011 11111 011011111 22911 II 11111 11'11 11'11 11'11 1111111 11111 ST 11111 2+ 11111 340011 011111 13111 II 11111 0.1'1111 0.111111 0.111111 11'11111 11111 SR 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 12311 II 11111 0.0711 II 0,0711 11 0.0711 II II 11111 11111 EL 11111 111 11111 170011 011111 23511 II 11111 0.1411'11 0.1411'11 0.1411"'11 11'11111 11111 ET 11111 211 11111 340011 011111 88211 II 11111 0.2711 II 0.271111 0.2711 II II 11111 I11IIERIIIII 011 11111 011 011il14O1I 11 11111 1111 1111 1111 1111111 11111 WL 11111 111 11111 170011 0111112411 II 11111 0.0111U 0.011111 0.011111 1111111 11111 WT 11111 211 11111 340011 011111 69911 II 11111 0.2111'11.0.2111'11 0.2111'11 11'11111 IllilWRIII1I111 11111 170011 01111125111 II 11111 0.151111 0.151111 0.1511,11 1111111 - --- ---- ---------IIIII~ -~-,==-=- -=-= ==-==-=== ==11111 - NORTH/SOUTH CRITICAL S~ - 11111 0.23 I 0.23 I 0.23 I 0.00 11111 ICU SPREADSHEET FR.E NAMÉ Prospecl & 1s1202Owlpm 11111-,---- ---- ---,---- ---- 11111 EASTIWEST CRITICAl SUMS = 11111 0.36 I 0.$ I 0.36 I 0.00 11111 1I1II------------~--11il1 UIII 0.05, I 0.05, , f 0.05 I 0.05 11111 1I1I1~ ---= ---===-=- ==-~ -=11111 11111 0.63 I 0.63 I 0.63 I 0.05 11111 11111--- --'----'--- ---- ----11111 IUUB IB, IB fA IIII! = -===-- - ~ - -===-;== = = - -==== - = = ====== = = = N = NORTHBOUND, S . SOUTHBOUND E = EASTBOUND, W . WESTBOUND L = LEFT, T = THROUGH, R - RIGHT N.S, = NOT SIGNALIZED LOS = LEVEL OF SERVICE . , DENOTES CRITICAl MOVEMENTS (» REPRESENTS LEFT AND LEFT I THROUGH LANES NOTE: SPLIT PHASED N-5 CLEARANCE = ICUVALUE- LOS- APP'E N'D1X C TRAFFI,C COUNTS Traffic Data Services, Inc. TABULAR SUMMARY OF VEHICULAR TURNING MOVEMENTS N/S STREET: EL CAMINO 'REAL E/WSTREET: 1ST CITY: TUSTIN , ST DATE: 11/01/00 DAY: WEDNESDAY FILENAME: 1100201A ----------------------------~----------------------------------------~------- 15 Min Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Period Beginning NL NT NR SL ST SR EL 'ET ER' WL WT WR ,TOTAL . ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LANES: 6 :00 AM FS AM 30 AM 45 AM 7:00 AM 15 AM 30 AM , 45 AM 8:.00 AM 15 AM 30ÃM 45 AM 9:00 AM 1'5 AM 30 AM 45 AM 10:00 AM 15 AM 3,0 AM 45 AM 2 2 23 26 38 40 33 28 31 23 6 12 14 16 12 15 11 19 88 21 7 85 230 III 29 12 93 283 136 30 15 158 391 122 24 25 182 . 409 110 27 28 168 378 99 24 20 130 316 95 24, 20 148 329 119 30 32 107 330 --------~-------------------------------------------------------------------- AM Peak Hr Begins at 730 VOLUMES ~ 139 COMMENTS: 0 57 0 0 0 467 105 0 1494 88 638 0 Traffi~ Data Services, Inc. TABULAR SUMMARr OF VEHICULAR TURNING MOVEMENTS N¡S STREET: EL CAMINO REAL E/W STREET: 1ST sT DATE: 11/01/00 DAY: WEDNESDAY CITY:, TUSTIN FILENAME: 1100201P ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- IS Mi.n Period Beginning NL Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound NT NR S1 ET ' ER WTWR TOTAL SR EL WL SL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LANES: 2:00 PM IS PM 3ÐPM 45 PM 3:00 PM IS PM 30 PM 45 PM 4:00 'PM 15 PM 30 PM ' 45 PM 5:00 PM 15 PM 3D PM 45 PM 6:00 PM IS PM 30 PM 45 PM 55 46 48- 57 41 56 60 63 2 1 2 30' 29 24 42 28 25 27 32 177 27 28 95 412 146 38 15 103 377 1'65. 29 26 101 393 185 30 29 137 480 ,197 37 25 166 494 203 63 26 168 541 191 40 15 165 504 . 150 43 21 H8 457 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PM Peak Hr Begins at 1645 VOLUMES- 214 COMMENTS: 0 122 . 0 0 782 170 2019 95 636 0 0 0 Traffic Data Services, Inc. TABULAR SUMMARY OF VEHICULAR TURNING MOVEMENTS N/S STREET: EL CAMINO REAL E/W STREET: MAIN '5T DATE: 11/01/00 DAY: WEDNESDAY CITY: TUSTIN FILENAME: 1100202A -----------------c---------------~-------~------------------------,-----.---- . . 15 Min Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound Period ""Beginning NL. NT NR SL ST. SR EL ET ER WL WT WR TOTAL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LANES: 6:00 AM .15 AM 30 AM 45 AM 7:00 AM , 15 AM 30 AM . 45 AM 8:00 AM 15 AM 30 AM 45 AM g:OO AM . IS.AM 3ÐAM 45 AM 10:00 AM IS AM 30 AM 45 AM 0 0 1 0 0 1 15 15 8 I 23 0 5 42 15 8 ' 35 10 177 13 22 12 1 33 4 10 67 24 8 67 11 272 19 44 7 1 32 5 6 84 19 12 81 11 .321 13 31 15 5 ' 39 7 10 80 16 15 125 13 369 15 37 7 5 32 8 3 69 21 15 94 12 318 14 31 6 1 33 2 3 51 29 8 65 12 255 14-- 48 12 9 24 3 5 31 15 8 64 21 254 19 40 16. 7 . 46 3 7 45 19 10 62 9 283 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AM Peak Hr Begins at 715 VOLUMES. 60 134 COMMENTS: 41 12 136 24 1280 29 300 50 367 80 47 Traffic Data Services, Inc. TABULAR SUMMARY OF VEHICULAR TURNING MOVEMENTS NIS STREET-: EL CAMINO REAL EIW STREET: MAIN CITY: TUSTIN 5T DATE: 11/01/00 DAY: WEDNESDAY FILENAME: llOO2a2P . ' ---------------------------"-------------------------------~----------------- 15 Min Northbound ' Southbound Eastliound Westbound Peri ad Beginning NL, NT NR SL. ST SR EL ET ER WL WT WR TOTAL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LANES: 0 0 0 1 0 2 :00 PM 15 PM 30 PM 45 PM 3:00 PM 15 PM 30 PM 45 PM 4:00 PM 30 48 24 9 39' 5 17 65 24 12 80 9 362 15 PM 29 55 19 7 49 6 13 48 22 20 93 8 369 30 PM 22 55 20... 9 41 2 8, 67 21 13 82 7 347 4"5 PM 28 67 33 10 37 6 16 80 18 23 107 10 435 5:00PM 25 44 21 7 49 7 6 54 22 14 83 12 . 344 15 PM 24' 37 13 9 44 1 11 78 28 14 78 13 350 30 PM 32 55 25 6 54 9 7 70 26 16 88 6 394 45 PM 34 66 16 9 ' 46 9 15 65 23 20 92 17 412 6:00 PM 15 PM 30 PM . 45 PM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PM Peak Hr Begins at 1645 . VOLUMES K 109 203 92 32 184 23 40 282 94 67 356 41 1523 COMMENTS: Traffic Data Services, Inc. TABULAR SUMMARY OF VEHICULAR TURNING MOVEMENTS N/S STREET: PROSPECT AVE DATE: II/01/00 E/W STREET: 1ST . ST . DAY: WEDNESDAY' CITY: TUSTIN FILENAM~: 1100203A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15 Hin . Northbound Southbound Eastbound Westbound . Period Beginning NL NT NR SL S1 SR EL ET ER WL WT WR TOTAL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LANES: . 1 . 0 1.5 0.5 2 0 1. 2 0 6:00 AM 15 AM 30 AM 45, AM 7:00 AM 5 19 6 27 35 17 21 75 5 3 77 9 299 IS AM 7 32 10 38 34 18 32, 98 12 10 99 26 416 30 AM 8 56 5 26 42 30 54 92 6 8 128 32 487 45 AlII 10 26 5 48 36 41 20 106 0 5 134 27 458 8:00 AM 10 24 12 50 46 43 28 115 7 21 164 22 542 15 AM 1 20 16 34 28 23. 19 89 5 8 129 28 400 30AM 6 31 ~ 45 40 24 13 111 6 6 124 25 443 45 AM 4 28 7 35 27 20 23 113 9 19 106 28 419 . 9:00 AM 15 AM 30 AM 45 AM 10:00 AM 15 AM 30 AM 45 AM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AM Peak Hr Begins at 715 - VOLUMES - 35 138 32 162 158 ,132 134 411 25 44 525 107 1903 COMMENTS: , Traffic Data Services, Inc. TABULAR SUMMARY OF VEHICULAR TURNING MOVEMENTS N/S STREET: PROSPECT AVE DATE: 11/01/00 E/W STREET: 1ST ST DAY: WEDNESDAY CITY: TUSTIN FILENAME: 1l0O203P --ïŠ-Mi~-----Ñ~;thb~~~d-----s~~t1b~~~d-"---E;;tb~~~d--._--W;;tb~~~d---------- Period Beginning NL NT NR SL 5T 5R EL. ET ER WL WT WR TOTAL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LANES: 0 1.5 0.5 l' 1 2 0 2 0 2:00 PM 15 PM 30 PM 45 PM 3:00 PM 15 PM 30 PM , 45 PM 4:00 PM 11 52 27 39 24 23 40 142. 9 5 126 35 533 15 PM 16 42 29 47 25 21 38 165 5 6 133 29. 556 :w I'M 13 45 23 51 ~ 38 40 175 6 5 129 46 595 45 PM 18 48 28 54 22 22 41 173 6 8 129 50 599 5:00 PM 30 79 13 56 32 26 62 183 10 4 146 54 6-95 15 PM 17 64 14 46 24 25 49 194 8 4 148 49 642 30 PM 22 54 15. 32 29 28 41 173 9 4 150 53 ,15'10 45 PM 17 ' 53 13 35 28 39 37 142 8 7 136 48 563 6:00 PM 15 PM 30 PM 45 PM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PM Peak Hr Begins at 1645 VOLUMES = 87 245 70188 107 101 193 723 33 20 573 206 2546 COMMENTS: Traffic Data Services; Inc. TABULAR SUMMARY 'OF VEHICULAR,TURNING MOVEMENTS 'N/S STREET: PROSPECT AVE DATE: 11/01/00 EfW STREET: MAIN . ST Df\Y: WEDNESDAY CITY: TUSTHf FILENAME: 1l00204A 15 Iotin Period Beginning Northbound ---- -.-- u- -- __n_- ---------- -- __on u_------------ - _un ---_--____n_-u---n Westbound NL NT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 0 LANES: 6:00 AM 15 AM 30 AM 45 AM 7:00 AM 15 AM 30 AM ' 45 AM 8:00 AM 15 AM -3ÓAM 45 AM 9:00 AM 15 AM 30 AM 45 AM 10:00. AM 15 AM 30 AM 45 AM NR Southbound Eastbound ER WL WT WR TOTAL SL 5T EL ET 16 8 15 34 51 9 133 14 12 30' 50 81 7 194 18 20 35 65 74 17 229 12 24 12 79 145 22 294 17 16 10 75 109 17 244 21 14 11 46 81 24 197 23 - 10 10 49 79 20' 191 16 10 13 48 .71 33 191 0 SR 0 1 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AM Peak Hr Begins at 730 VOLUMES - 0 0 COMMENTS: 68 0 74 68 265 0 0 409 80 964 T~affic Data Services, Inc. TABU~AR SUMMARY OF VEHICULAR TURNING MOVEMENTS NIS STREET: PROSPECT , AVE DATE: 10/26/00 E/W STREET: MAIN ST DAY: THURSDAY CI1'Y:. TUSTIN FILENAME: 1100Z04P ----~----------------------------------------------------------.------------- 15 Min Northbound Southboùnd Eastbound Westbound Period ~eginning NL NT NR SL ST SR EL ET ER Wl WT WR TOTAL C - i:ÃÑËš; ~ - - - - --- - -- ~ -- - --- -- Õ - - - -ï - - -- Õ - - - - ï --- -ï - - --- - - - - -- -- --- - - -Õ- -- _u-- 2 :00 PM , 15 PM 30 PM 45 PM 3:00PM 15 PM 30 PM 45 PM 4:00 PM 15 PM 30 PM 45 PM 5:00 PM 15 PM 30 PM 45 PM 6:00 PM 15 PM 30 PM 45 PM 15 11 13 77 29 27 172 16 19 17 81 14 27 174 " 17 18 -27 87 41 24 214 19 14 30 96 50 30 239 31 ' 16 '28 90. 50 19 234 21 10 17 83 72 17 220 23 12 21 86 66 20 228 12 6 20 85 29 22 174 ,.... -------"--------------------------------------------------------------------- PM Peak Hr' '. Begins at 1645 VOLUMES - 0 0 0 94 0 52 96 355 0 0 238 86 921 COMMENTS: I , . Trafric Datæ Services, Inc. TABULAR SUMMARY OF. VEHICULAR TURNING MOVEMENTS NIS STREET: NEWPORT AVE DATE: 9/18/00 E/W, STREET: DAY': MONDAY MAIN ST CITY: TUSTIN, FILENAME: 0900703A n__- - - ---- ---- - --- n_- -- - --- ---- - ---- --.- --,- - - - -.- - -- - --- - --- - - ----.- - --- - --- IS Min ' ,Northbound, Southbound Eastbound Westbound' , Period' Beginning NL NT NR SL ST SR EL ET ER WL WT WR, TOTAL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- LANES: 2 0 1 2 2 1 1 2 6:00 AM 15 AM ".30 AM 45 AM 7: 00 AM 14- 92 5 1 160 20 3 27 19 18 37 6 402 15' AM 29 101 12 3 179 19 22 25 27 35 53 5 510 30 AM 31 208 61 5 328 23 25 41 52 54 84 8 920 45 AM 36 144-. 21 5 320 33 23 37 63 57 105 6 850 8:00 AM 44 161 , 15 7 336 33 12 54 69 43 114 5 893 IS AM 29 106 6 6 218 23 . 16 23 ,34 25 66 3 555 30AM- 25 114 11 7 254 3()-'" 28 26 47 23 59 2 626 45 AM 50' 148 9 16 261 '41 20 39 36 27 79 6 732 9:00 AM 15- AM 30 AM 45 AM 10:00 AM 15 AM 30 AM 45 AM ----------------------------------------------------~------------------------ AM Pe.ak HI" Begins at 730 . VOLUMES. 140 619 103 23 1202. 112 76 155 218 179 369 22 3218 COMMENTS: . Traffic Data Services, Inc, TA£ULAR SUMMARY O~ VEHICULAR TURNING MOVEMENTS NIS STREET: NEWPORT AVE DATE: 9/20/00 EjW STREET: EL CAMINO CITY: TUSTIN . I REAL DAY: WEDNESDAY. FILENAME: 0900704A -- -- ---- ---- - __n- -- - -- - - - - ____n n - - - - ~-- -- - - ----- - - - -- - - -- _n ---.--- --- -- --- 15 Min Period Beginning Northbound Southbound Westbound Eastbound NL NT ST WR TOTAL EL ET ER WL WT SL SR NR -------------------------------------------------------------------~-------~- LANES: 6:00 AM 15 AM ,30 AM 45 AM 7:00AM 15 AM 30 AM ,45 AM 8:00 AM . 15 AM 30 AM 45 AM 9:00AM. . 15 AM 30 AM 45 AM 10:00 AM 15 AM 30 AM 45 AM I I 2.5 0,5 I 1 1 2 2 0 0 35 97 46 13 189 1 7 13 39 39 31 13 523 33 136 83 29 253 B . 6 30 34 25 28 12 677 38 160- 68 11 277 5 3 19 83 40 59 10 773 42 173 56 8 391 11 4 13 62 . 51 67 5 883 38 151 21 26 359 4 4 21 57 26 43 10 760 36 147 17. 18 284 5 4 11 48 24 57 12 663 35, 144 -12 15 264 3 4 10-... 47 22 41 11 608 43 123 17 18 210 11 7 20 39 18 52 11 569 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AM Peak: Hr 8egins at 715 VOLUMES a 151 620 228 COMMENTS: . 74 1280 28 83 236 142 197 . 37 3093' 17 Traffic Data Services, Inc. TABULAR SUMMARY O~ VEHICULAR TURNING MOVEMENTS N/S STREET: NEWPORT AVE DATE: 9/11/00 E/W STREET: DAY; MONDAY El CAMINO CITY: TUSTIN REAL. 'FILENAME: 0900704P' ----.-----------------------------------------.----------------.----------.-- 15 Min Northbound Southbound Period Beginning. NL . NT NR ,SL ST SR EL Eastbound ET Westbound ER WL WI WR TOTAL ---------------------------------------------------------------------~------- . . LANES: 2:00 PM 15 PM . 3D PM 45 PM 3:00 PM 15 PM 30 PM , 45 PM 4:00 PM 15 PM 3D, PM 45 Pili 5:00 PM 15 Pili 30 PM 45 PM 6:00 PM 15 PM 30 PM 45 PM 2 62 250 16 59 215 13 52 24r 34 76 272 28 73 321 35 '76 338 33 67 319 45 66 315 32 0 1 2.5 0.5 9 19 11 21 15 20 16 31 5 14 6 11 14 15 14 12 ' 1 32 69 29 56 31i 72 27 51 41 103 44 73 52 99 43 81 1 28 ' 47 15 55 19 43.' 31 70 2854 38 73 32 63 42 76 2 0 40 40 29 33 37 39 26 20 779 720 746 862 1005 1000 949 . 952 2.0 201 24 181 22182 27 215 30 254 23 228 15 201 37 197 ----------------_._-------~-------------------------------------------------- PM Peak Hr 8egins at 1700 VOLUMES - 282 1293 145 105 880 COMMENTS: 82' 55 180 356 140 266 122 3906 ~ TRAFFIC DATA SERVICE$, INC. , LOCATION CœE 10012.02' -*****,.... ...." .**_.. ,......,..........., ...-............ ................................................ .......-.... .-..................... lOCATION' 0 EL CAMINO REAl-BTN NEWPORf/HAIN AVERAGED VOLUMES FOR' TUESDAT 10/24/00 TO, WEDNESCAY 10/25/00 ...............-............ AM ............--...-. ..........................,;..... PM _..............*...._~. TIME NI 51 TOTAL TIME NI 58 TOTAL ......-_.-.............._.__......._.................~._..................._.........-........-............... 12:00 - 12:15 6 3 9 12:00 . 12:15 95 86 1B1 12:15 . 12:30 5 .7 12 12<15 . 12:30 69 as 154 12:30 . 12:45 6 8 14 12:30 . 12:45 64 76 140 12:45' 1:00 2 19 4 22 6 '41 12:45. 1:01) 76 304 70 317 146 621 1:00. 1:15 2 8 1:00. 1:15 B6 72 158 1:15. "30 2 3 1:15 0 1:30 92 61 153 1:30 - 1:45 I 2 1:30'. 1~45 70 74 144 1:45 0 2:00 10 2 7 4 17 1:45. 2:00 7S 326 60 267 138 593 2:00. 2:15 4 2:00' 2:15 72 7S 150 2:15 '. 2:30 2 2:15 0 2:30 58 74 132 2:30' 2:45 3 2:30'0 2:45 75 60 135 2:45 - 3:00 6 4 1 10 2:45 0 3:00 77 282 75 287 152 569 3:00' 3:15 1 2 3:00' 3:15 71 .57 128 3:15. 3:30 ,2 3 3:15 0 3:30 67 63 130 3:30' 3:45 1 4 3:30' 3:45 9B 70 168 3:45' 4:00 0 4 7 2 11 3:45' 4:00 92 32B 67 257 159 585 4:00" 4:15 2 5 4:00' 4:15 94 88 182 4:15. 4:30 0 5 4:15' 4:30 95 70 165 4:30' 4:45 2 10 4:30' 4:45 84 7S 162 4:45. 5:00 4 8 24- 12 32 4:45. 5:00 ~7 370 73 309 170 679 5:00' 5:15 2 6 å 5:00' 5:15 96 101 197 5:15' 5:30 5 5, 10 5:15. 5:30 B5 95 ISO 5:30. 5:45 4 21 25 5:30' 5:45 94 76 "1"10 5:45. 6:00 17 28 10 42 27 70 5:45 0 6:00 94 369 90 362 184 731 6:00. 6:15 10 27 37 6,00' 6:15 69 97 166 6:15. 6:30 20 26 46 6:15' 6:30 93 83 176 6:30' 6:45 20 28 48 6:30 - 6:45 84 64 148 6:45 - 7:0Cl 24 74 44 125 68 199 6:45' 7:00 56 302 68 312 124 614 7:00' 7:'5 3' 50 81 7:00' 7:15 56 62 '18 7:15' 7:30 48 65 "3 7:15' 7':30 58 47 105 7:30 - 7:45 75 83 15B 7:30. 7:45 5' 41 92 7:45. B:OO 58 212 69 267 127 479 7:45 - 8:00 33 198 34 '84 67 382 8:00 . ,8: IS 64 70 '34 8:00' 8:15 36 30 66 8:'5 - 8:30 49 59 108 8:15' B:30 2B 22" SO 8:30 - 8:45 54 SO '04 8:30' 8:45 33 32 65 8:45 - 9:00 63 230 54 233 117 463 8:45. 9.00 35 132 24 108 59 240 9:00. 9:15 51 43 94 9:00' 9:15 25 31 56 9:15' 9:30 58 54 '12 9:'5. 9:30 38 22 60 9:30 - 9:45 50 39 89. 9:30, 9:45 26 33 59 9:45 - 10:00 46 205 52 188 98 393 9:45 - 10:00 28 117 26' 112 -54 229 10:00 - 10:'5 68 56 '24 '0:00 - 10:15 20 '13 33 '0:15 - '0:30 52 54 '06 10:15 . 10::50 '6 10 ,26 10:30 " '0:45 47 63 1'0 10:30 - '0:45 7 8 IS '0:45 - '1:00 46 2'3 54 227 '00 440 10:45 . 11:00 10 53 6 37 16 90 11 :00 - 1':'5 71 57 128 ":00 . '1 :'5 10 7 '7 ":15 - '1:30 68 61 '29 1,.'5 . 1':30 7 6 '3 ":30-":45 70 88 158 1':30 . l' :45 10 7 '7 11 :45 - 12:00 70 279 76 282 '46 561 11:45 . '2:00 13 40 2 22 15 62 ...... .......... ... - ........... . ..... . .......... . ........... ..... ..... .... ..-....... ...... ......-..... .............. ........ TOTALS ',288 ',428 2,716 2,821 2,574 5,395 AOTIS 4,109 4,002 8,'" .. ... ..... .............. .......... ..... .... ** ....... .......... .............. .... ............. .... ....,........ ............. ......... TRAFF.IC'DATA SERVICES, INC.' lOCArJOIICOOE 10012.02; ..... -.. ....-... .... .... ... - .*_... ... ..... ......- ....- ..*...*..._..*- -....- ---.. -*_.*-**. - -..... lOCATIoN -' El CAMINO REAl-S'TN MAIN/1ST ST AVERAGED VOl!JHES FOR. TUESDAY 10/24/00 TO' IlEDNESDAY 1 O/25/DO .*-*-**...-_.*.._*** AM ***..*.......*.******..*- -**_.._..*..***- PM *...........*_.*..*- TIME NS SB TOTAL TIME NS SB TOTAL ._...*..*.**.**...*.._*.*--."...._**..._.....*-*..*......._...*.****--**._*..*--_.*-**.. 12:00 - 12:15 2 .0 .2 12:00 - '-2:1,5 58 64 122 i 12:15 - 12:30 3 2 5 12:15 - 12:30 10 56 126 12:30 . 12:45 4 5 9 12:30 - 12:45 62 52 114 12:45 - 1:00 5 14 1 8 6 22 12:45 - 1.00 '76 266 56 228 132 494. 1:00 - 1:15 2 5 1:00 - 1:15 51 41 98 1:15 - 1:30 0 1 1 :15. 1:30 80 40 120 1:30 - 1:45 1 2 1:30. 1:45 63 49 112 1:45 - 2:00 ..1 4 6' 2 10 1:45. 2:00 56 256 40 110 96 426 2:00 - 2:15 0 2 2:00 - 2:15 66 44 110 2:15 - 2:30 0 0 2:15. 2:30 62 52 114 2:30.- 2:45 0 0 2:30 - 2:'45. 54 52 106 2:45 - 3:00 ~ 0 1 3 2:45 - 3:00 58 240 42 190 100 430 3:00. 3:15 1 3':00 - 3:15 66 42 108 3:15 - 3:30 4 3:15 - 3:30 78 44 122 3:30. 3:45 1 ,3:30. 3:45 56 52 108 3:45 - 4:00 2 3:45' - 4:00 92 292 42 1SO 134 472 4:00. 4:15 1 4:00 - 4:15 60 51 111 4:15 - 4:30 1 4:15. 4:30 10 49 119 4:30 - 4:45 . 4 4:30 - 4:45 64 58 122 4:45. 5:00 -4-0 4 16 4:45 - 5:00 -92 286 54 212 146 498 5:0D - 5:15 4 4 8 5:00. 5:15 90 62 152 5:15. 5:30 2 2 4 5:15 '- 5:30 10 83 153 5:30. 5:45 I 14 15 5:30 - 5:45 74 63 137 5:45. 6:00 7 14 3 23 10 37 5:45 - 6:00 80 314 44 252' 12"4 566 6:00 - 6:15 10 8 18 6:00. 6:15' 64 70 134 6:15 - 6:30 14 11 25 6:15 - 6:30 62 59 121 6:30. 6:45 14 1B 32 6:30 - 6:45 76 49' 125 6:45. 7:00' 20 58 20 57 40 115 6:45. 7:00 51 253 50 228 101 481 7:00 - 7:15 24 34 58 7:00. 7:15 42 42 84 7:15. 7:30 42 38 80 7:15 - 1:30 32 22 54 7:30. 7:45 50 47 97 7:30 - 7:45 41 23 70 7:45 - S:OO 5S 174 48 167 106 341 7:45 - 8:00 31 152 22 109 53 261 8:00. 8:15 48 40 88 8:'00. 8:15 27 23 50 8:15 - S:30 46 52 98 8:15 - 8:30 25 18 43 8:30. 8:45 44 37 81 8:30 -.. 8:45 24 18 42 8:45 - 9:00 47 185 45 174 92 359 8:45 - 9:00 26 102 17 76 43 178 9:00 - 9:15 46 34 80 9:00 - 9:15 32 16 48 9:15 - 9:30 38 56 94 9:15 - 9:30 34 14 48 9:30 - 9:45 50 24 74 9:30 - 9:45 22 16 . 38 9:45 - 10:00 32 166 3ó 150 6B 316 9:45 . 10:00 20 108 12 58 32 166 10:00 . 10:15 36 39 75 10:00 . 10:15 II i2 23 10:15 - 10:30 44 28 72 10: 15 - 10:30 9 2 II 10:30 - 10:45 53 45 98 10:30. -10:45 10 3 13 10:45 . 11:00 34 167 40 152 74 319 10:45 - 11 :00 11 41 4 21 15 62 ":00 . 11:15 53 58 111 11:00 . 11:15 7 12 11:15 . 11:30 62 45 107 11:15 - 11:30 6 11 '1:30 - 11:45 42 46 88 11,30 - 11:45 4 10 ":45 - 12:00 58 215 44 193 102 408 11:45 - 12:00 21 1 18 6 39 * ** .... *........ .............* ...*... .*....*........... ....... .... .... ..... ....*........._.. .--..* .... ...*. **.... **** * TOTALS 1,010 944 ',954 2,331 ',742 4,075 ADT'S 3,341 2,686 6,027 *.*"..*'."'.**.*.'.*""."""'."""""""""'."".....................*................**............"......... TRAFFIC DATA SERVICES, INC. . LOCATION 'CODE 10012.095 -.-.....---.--......................................................*<:...............-........-....-....... ~.. .... LOCATION' PROSPECT-8TN MAIN/1ST 51 AVERAGED VOLUMES FOR' THURSDAY 11/9/00 TO FRIDAY 11/10/00 .............-........-........ AM ................................* ................-.............. PM ........-....""............-. TIME . NI SI TorAL TIME NB SI TOTAL ..........-.....................-..............................-...........-...............-......-....-.-.-...............- 12':00 . 12: 15 12:15 - 12:311 12:30' 12:45 12:45' 1:00 1 :00 - 1:15 1:15 - 1:30 1:30' 1:45 1:45' 2:00 2:00' 2;15 2: 15 - 2:30 2:30' 2:45 2:45' 3:00 3:00' 3:15 3:15' 3:30 3:30' 3:45 3:45 - 4:00 4:00' 4:15 4:15' 4:30 4:30 - 4:45 4:45' 5:00 5:00 - 5:15 5:15 - 5:30 5:30 - 5:45 5:45 - 6-:00 6:00 - 6:15 6:15 - 6:30 6:30 - 6:45 6:45 - 7:00 7:00 - 7:15 7:15 - 7:30 7:30 - 7:45 7:45 - 8:00 8:00 - 8:15 8:15 - 8:30, 8:30 - 8:45 8:45 - 9:00 9:00' 9:15 9:15 - 9:30 9:30 - 9:45 9:45 - 10:00 10:00 - 10:15 10:15 - 10:30 10:30 - 10:45 10:45 - 11:00 2 3 0 1 0 1 6 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 3 1 2 1 3 5 . 8 26 26 27 49 58 40 174 6 7 65 126 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 3 2 , 0 0 0 3 2 3 2 6 6 7 9 16 20 28 Z5 42 52 64 66 53 49 40 50 40 30 37 24 46 Z8 47 8 21 73 183 298 157 145 2 3 2 2 0 1 6 5 12 9 12:00 - 12:15 . 12: 15 . 12:30 12:30 . 12:45 12:45 . ' 1:00 55 60 . 45 54 54 56 49 62 38 50 41 38 36 49 38 33 167 156 89 40 32 16 68 50 60 56 234 106 100 101 94 79 44 41 29 401 88 99 76 77 340 34 Z5 23 34 116 2 1 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 6 4 6 1~- 1:00' 1:15 1:15' 1:30 1:30 - 1:45 1:45' 2:00 2:00 - 2: 15 2:15 - 2:30 2:311' 2:45 2:45' 3:00 3:00 - 3:15 3:15' 3:30 3:30 - 3:45 3:45 - 4:00 4:00 - 4:15 4:15 - 4:30 4:30' 4:45 4:45 - 5:.00 5:00 - 5:15 5:;5' 5:30 5:30' 5:45 5:45 - 6:00 6:00' 6:15 6:15' - 6:30 6:30 - 6:45 , 6:45 - 7:00 7:00 - 7:15 7:,15 - 7:30 7:30 - 7:45 7:45 - 8:00 8:00 - 8:15 8:15 - 8:30 8:30' 8:45 8:45 - 9:00 9:00 - 9:15 9:15' 9:30 9:30 - 9:45 9:45 - 10:00 10:00 - 10:15 10: 15 - 10:30 10:30 - 10:45 10:45 - 11:00 214 221 52 57 55 71 235 52 50 38 44 184 94 96 \12 114' 416 106 96 96 110 408 38 31 29 19 117 3 8 7 10 28 64 61 76 67 58 34 Z5 23 268 140 39 36 67 60 202 52 40 47 48 187 48 52 49 ~ 50 43 52 40 201 185 100 109 104' 123 436 42 29 24 31 14 24 46 54 138 26 22 19 22 8 11 8 13 8 7 8 9 1 7 4 4 37 35 31 24 127 114 104 128 107 453 52 91 110 104 357 24 18 13 24 12 8 8 16 10 12 8 11 8 13 4 4 95 69 56 47 267 100 78 72 74 88 71 59 56 324 274 50 40 32 46 168 66 75 52 78 271 20 19 16 29 84 18 19 16 20 73 9 20 8 8 45 '1:00-11:15 Z5 40, 65 11>00-11:15 7 7 14 11:15-11:30 29 34 63 11:15-11:30 0 3 3 11:30-11:45 34 46 80 11:30-":45 4 2 6 11:45 . 12:00 3D 118 38 158 68 276 11:45 - 12:00 3 14, 5 17 . 8 31 .............................................................."..".",.."",...,..".....'.."'..""".'.'."""".'.'." TOTALS 749 964 1,713 1 ,592 1,530 3,122 ACT'S 2,341 2,494 4,835 .................................................................................................................-..... TI\AFFIC DATA SERVICES, INC. LOCATION COOS 10012.052 "".""""""""""'_.""""'_._.""'""",,-""""""'.."""'...""""'-~-"""...--............... LOCATION - MAIN ST-BTN NEIIPORT/EL CAMINO AVERAGED' VOLUMES FOR -' THURSOAY,11/9/00 TO FRIDAY 11/10/00 .................................. AM ...................*......... ................~..~.............. PM -.......-................ TIME EB lIB TOTAL TIME EB \AI 'TOTAL '.""'."""..""""""""""""""""""'-"".""""'.""'.'".............-........................--............ 12:00 - 12:15 3 2 5 12:00 - 12:,15 102 102 204 12:15 . 12:30 3 1 4 12:15 - 12:30 98 92 190 12:30 - 12:45 2 7 9 12:30 - 12:45 102 91 193 12:45 - 1:00 3 11 0 10 3 21 12:45 - 1:00 106 4OB, 101 386 207 79'4 1:00,- 1:15 2 2 4 1:00' 1:15' 86 103 189 1:15 - 1:30 1 1 2 1:15 - 1:30 S9 113 202 1:30 - 1:45' 3 1 4 1:30 - 1:45 SO S8 168 1:45' 2:00 2 8 2 6 4 14 1:45 - 2:00 72 , 327 87 391 159' 718. 2:00 - 2:15 2 0 2 2:00 - 2:15 96 7B ,174 2f15 - 2:30 1 0 1 2:15 - 2:30 66 92. 158 2:30 - 2:45 1 0 1 2:30 - 2:45 SO 113 193 2:45 - 3:00 3 7 0 0 3 7 2:45' 3:,00 S8 330 118 401 206 731 3:00-- 3:15 0 1 3:i)0 - 3:15 79 133 212 3:15 - 3:30 1 1 3:15 - 3:30 91 107 198 3:30 - 3:45 3 3 3:30 - 3:45 85 111 196 3:45' 4:00 0 4 2, 1 6 3:45' 4:00 S8 343 136 487 224 830 4:00 - 4:15 1 2 3 4:00 - 4:15 94 146 240 4:15 - 4:30 2 3 5 4:15 - 4:30 97 150 247 4:30' 4:45 1 4 5 4:30 - 4:45 103 122 225 4,:45' 5:00 6 10 3 12 9- 22 4:45' 5':00 105 399- 152 570 257 969 5:00' 5:15 6 ;. '10, 5:00 - 5:15 106 150 256 5:15 - 5:30 10 8 IB 5:15 - 5:30 1OS 156 261 5:30 - 5:45 30 2 32 5:30 - 5:45 106 15B 264 5:45' ,6:00 34 BO IS 29 49 109 5:45' 6:00 104 421 172 636 276 1057 6:00' 6:15 42 8 50 6:00 - 6:15 66 140 206 6:15 - 6:30 '47 22 69 6:15 - 6:30 76 96 172 6:30' 6:45 49 31 BO 6:30 - 6:45 63 97 160 6:45' 7:00 42 1BO 48 109 90 2B9 6:45 - 7:00 50 255 SO' 413 130 668 7:00' 7:15 4B 48 96 7:00 - 7:15' 57 59 116 7:15 - 7:30 64 66 130 7:15 - 7:30 48 5B 106 7:30 - 7:45 90 lOB 19B 7':30 - 7:45 35 39 74 7:45' 8:00 100 302 134 356 234 658 7:45' B:OO SO 190 40 196 90 386 8:00 - B:15 B6 11s' 201 8:00 - 8:15 42 36 7B 8: IS - 8:30 82 98 IBO 8:15 - 8:30 39 41 80 8:30' 8:45 59 81 140 8:30' 8:45 29, 22 51 8:45 - 9:00 56 283 103 397 159 6BO B:45' 9:00 35 145 37' 136 72 2B1 9:00 - 9:15 73 67 140, 9:00 - 9:15 25 31 56 9:15 - 9:30 42 6Ð 102 '9:15 - 9:30 24 23 47 9:30' 9:45 52 56 lOB 9:30. 9:45 23 '19 42 9:45 . 10:00 56 223 58 241 114 464 9:45 - 10:00 42 114 23 96 65 210 10:00 - 10,15 56 64 120 10:00 . 10:15 17 11 28 10:15 . 10:30 57 65 122 10:15 - 10:30 19 10 29 10:30 - 10:45 53 54 107 10:30 - 10:45 5 11 '16 10:45 . 11:00 56 222 92 275 148 497 10:45 . 1 I :00 9 50 10 42 19 92 " :00 . 11:15 71 65 136 ":00 . 11:15 8 15 23 II :15 - 11:30 65 85 150 11:15 - 11:30 3 9 12 11 :30 - 11 :45 101 79 180 ":30 - 11:45 0 8 8 11:45 . 12:00 95 332 74 303 169 635 I I :45 - 12:00 10 2' 4 36 14 57 .............................................................................................................................. TOTALS 1,662 ' ,740 3,402 3,003 3,790 6,793 ACT'S 4,665 5,530 10,195 ...............................................................................................................-............... TRAFFIC DATA SERVICëS, INC. LOCATION CODE 10012.05 ****_.......**..**......**.**............._........_..~.................._..........*............... .........--.. LOCATION " MAIN ST-8TN EL CAMINO/WILLIAMS AVERAGED VOLUMES FOR - TUESDAY 11/141.00 TO" WEDNESDAY 11/15/00 .....*...""!-*..*........... AA .....***...*.............. ""-."*."..'-.."" PM -...--.......*..... TIME EB lIB TOTAL TIME EB lIB TOTAL *.........,,;...._......-........--........*..............*....._............*.........*.....__._._*._.. 12:00 . 12:15 10 12:00 . 12:15 BI 77 158 12:15 . 12:30 2 12:15 . 12:30 74 72 146 , 12:30 .' 12:45 4 12:30 . 12:45 '74 sa 162 12:45. 1:00 11 3 19 12:45 - 1:00 62 291 80 317 142 608 1:00. 1:15 I .1 2 1:00 - 1:15 54 76 130 1:15' 1:30, 2 3 5 1:15. 1:30 63 65 128 1,30' 1:45 4 2 6 1:30 - 1:45 55 71 126 1:45. 2:00 0 7 0 0 13 1:45 - 2:00 76 24B 73 285 149 S33 2:00 - 2:15 3 3 2:00. 2:15 99 81 180 2:15 - 2:30 0 I 2:15 .' 2:30 B2 71 153 2:30. 2:45 I 4 2:30 - 2:45 99 87 186 2:45. 3:00 I 5 2 10 2:45 - 3:00 IDS 388' 59 328 197 716 3:00- 3:15 1 I ,2 3;00 - 3.:15 124 136 260 3:15 - 3:30 1 I 2 3:15.. 3:30 9Ð 137 227 3:30. 3:45 2 0 2 3:30 - 3:45 106 130 236 3:45' 4:00 5 5 7 10 16 3,45. 4:00 100 420 112 515 212 935 4:00 - 4:15 3 3 6 4,00. 4:15 120 138 2S8 4:15 - 4:30 2 I 3 4:15. 4:30 128 145 273 4:30. 4:45 10 4 ,14 4:30. 4:45 144 130 274 4:45 - 5:00 8 23 5 13 13 3~ 4':45 - 5,00 132 524 108 521 - 240 1045 5:00 -' 5,15 8 ~5 23 5:00 - '5,15 162 176 338, 5:1S'. 5:30 6 12 18 5:15. 5:30 ,173' 133 306 5:30. 5:45 23 8 31 5:30 - 5:45 150 114 264 5:45 - 6:00 40 77 16 51 56 128 5:45. 6:00 1'12 597 99 522 211, 11.19 6,00 - 6:15 41 27, 68 6:00' 6:15 73 101 174 6:15' 6:30 52 26 78 6:15 - 6:30 7D 68 138 6,30. 6:45 6D 39, 99 6:30 - 6:45 70 59 129 6:45. 7:00 64 217 74 166 138 383 '6:45. 7:00 61 274 59 287 120 561 7,00. 7:15 74 66 140 7:00. 7:15 62 56 118 7:15' 7:30 126 89 215 7:15. 7:30 38 62 100 7:30 - 7:45 162 130 292 7:30 . , 7:45 28 44 72 7:45' 8:00 122 484, 162 447 284 931 7:45. 8:00 22 ISO 43 205 65 355 8:00 - 8,15' 107 '67 274 8:00. 8:15 ~1 43 74 8:15. 8:30 55 112 167 8:15. 8:30 '35 29 64 8:30. 8:45 SO 90 140 8:30 - 8:45 34 28 62 8:45. 9:00 51 263 75 444 126 707 8:45 - 9:1)0 30 130 30 130 60 260 9:00'- 9:15 45 51 96 ,9:00 - 9:15 21 37 ,58' 9:15' 9:30 43 40 83 9:15. 9:30 12 30 42 9:30 - 9:45 44 46 90 9:30' 9:45 18 29 47 9:45 . 10:00 49 181 59 196 IDS 377 9:45 . 10:00 18 69 24 120 42 189 10:00 . 10,15 SO 36 86 10:00 . 10:15 15 16 31 10:15 - 10:30 55 47 102 10:15 - 10:30 ' 7 18 2S 10:30 - 10:45 41 47 88 10,30 - 10,45 8 15 23 10:45 . 11:00 48 194 43 173 91 367 10:45 - 11 :00 4 34 12 61 16 95 11:00 . 1,1:15 64 44 108 11:00 . 11 :15 10 9 19 11:15 - 11:30 66 48 114 11:15 . 1,,30 10 13 23 11:30 - 11:45 78 58 136 11:30 . II :45 6 5 II 11:45 - 12:00 82 290 46 196 128 486 I' ,45 . 12:00 2 28 5 32 7 60 .**. * *.. ....... ** *...* **... * *. * * *. *. * ..* ****. *.**.... *.. *.....* *.. * .... **.. ... .....*.. ..**.....*.. **....*.....* ...****.* TOTALS ',758 1,715 3,473 3,153 3,323 6,476 ADT'S 4,911 5,038 9,949 ..* .** ..** *.* ** * * * ...*..*... *. *..... * * **.. **. * * *. *.. ..... **..... *.. *. **. * *.... ... ..**... * **... ..*.. **.. *....... * *.. **. *.. TRAfFIC DATA SERVICES, INC. LOCATION CDDE 10012.027 .....-..*-*...........--..--...-..........--*--.---..-....--....*..----........ LoCATION - 1ST ST-BTN PROSPECT/YORBA AVERAGED VOLUMES FOR' IlEDNESOAY 11/8/00 TO THURSDAY 11/9/00 .*..*-*...*..*.......-- AM ...*.....**...__.****- .,¡*.__.._.*._.**-*- PM -**-.--......-. TIME EB WB TOTAL TIME EB WB TOTAL ....*...*.....*.-**.*....-_...-..........*.*...._....._*..*...__..*---.-.-..-****---.--....-... 12:00 - 12:15 4 6 10 12:00 . 1?:15 252 163 415 12:15 . 12:30 5 10 IS 12:15 . 12:30 230 170 400 12:30 . 12:45 12 7 19 12:30 . 12:45 232 204 436 12:45' 1:00 7 28 9 32 16 60 12:45' 1:00 224 938 218 755 442 1693 1:0Ô' 1:15 6 6 12 1:00. 1:15 203 1911 401 1:15 - 1.:30 4 7 " 1:15' 1:30 176 206 382 1:30' 1":45 4 5 '9 1:30' 1:45 142 195 337 1:45' 2:00 4 18 8 26 12 44 1:45. 2:00 176 697 167 766 343 1463 '2;00 . ,2ill 3 4 7 Z,:Qo . ..2,1~ 1:10 17.Q, 329.., hIS' 2:30 4 3 7 2:15. 2:30 ISO 186 336 2:30 - 2:45 I 3 4 2:30' 2:45 158 189 347 2:45' 3:00 3 11 I 11 4 22 2:45. 3:00' 144 602 192 737 336 1339 3:00' 3:15 3 I 4 3:00' 3115 ISO 182 332 3:15' 3:30 5 2 7 3:15. 3:30 162 189 351 3:30 - 3:45 5 3 8 3:30' 3:45 162 174 336 3:45' 4:00 a 21 I 7 9 28 3,45. 4100 173 647 178 723 351 1370 4:00' 4:15 8 7 IS 4:00 - 4:15 164 204 368 4:15 - 4:30 4 6, 10, 4:15. 4:30 192 202 394 4:30 - 4:45 6 4 10 4:30' 4:45 176 238 414 4:45 - 5:00 28 46 9 26 37 72 _4:45' 5:00, 191 723 212 856,-. 403 1579 5:00' 5:15 IS ,9 24 5:00' 5:15 236 254 490 5':15 - 5:30 18 12 30 5:15 - 5:30 248 '230 478 5:30 - 5:45 " 16 43 5:3"C. 5:45 216 228 444 5:45 - 6:00 48 108 21 58 69 166 5:45 - 6:00 166 866 194 906 360 1772 6:00 - 6:15 48 20 68 6:00' 6:15 148 211 359 6:15 - 6:30 67 35 102 6:15' 6:30 152 190 342 6:30 - 6:45 74 64 138 ,6:30' 6:45 120 158 278 6:45' 7:00 104 293, 76 195 180 488 6:45 - 7:00 110 530 136 695 246 1225 7:00' 7:15' 114 103 217 7,00 ,- 7:15 100 132 232 7:15' 7:30 118 lOB 226 7:15' 7:30 lID 102 212 7:30 - 7:45 174 177 351 7:30' 7:45 ,70 94 164 7:45 - 8:00 144 550 202 590 346 1140 7:45' - 8:00 76 356 7B 406 154 762 8:00 - 8:15 140 202 342 8:00' 8:15 60 72 132 8:15' 8:30 ISO 165 315 8:15 - 8:30 74 62' 136 8:30' 8:45 150 148 '298 8:30' 8:45 59 72 131 8:45 - 9:00 146 586 118 633 264 1219 8:45' 9:00 45 238 56 262 101 500' 9:00 - 9:15 134 145 279 9:00 - 9:15 52 44 96 9:15' 9:30 126 128 254 9:15' 9:30 31 53 B4 9:30 - 9:45 126 127 .253 9:30. 9:45 " 48 75 9:45 - 10:00 134 520 '10 510 244 1030 9:45 - 10:00 36 146 30 175 66 321 10:00 - 10:15 '38 144 282 10:00 - 10:15 30 35 65 10:15 - 10:30 132 138 270 10:15 - 10:30 29 26 55 10:30 . 10:45 116 '28 244 10':30 . '0:45 21 32 53 10:45' 1':00 '44 530 126 536 270 1066 10:45 - 11:00 8 88 19 112 27 200 I' :00 - 11,15 148 148 296 11 :00 . II :15 IS 20 35 11:15 . 11:30 161 '46 307 11:15 - 11:30 II 20 31 I' :30 - II :45 202 158 360 11:30 . 11:45 12 17 29 II :45 . 12:00 196 707 146 598' 342 1305 11:45' 12:00 9 47 7 64 16 1'1 ....*.***......***.......*.*.-.._****._**..*..**......*.**..****-*........**........**..*.......*.._*..*..*...**......*. TOTALS 3,418 3,222 6,640 5,878 6,457 12,335 ADT'S 9,296 9,679 18,975 **.. **. *.. *.. * * * * ***.*. _....* . .... .....*. .** *. * *.. ** * ..*. * .-. *-*. ****** * *.*- ** * *.... **- .*. d.- **-* * .*.* ** *.... ** RESOLUTION NO. 05-62 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 05-001 TO ESTABLISH A COLLECTOR ARTERIAL DESIGNATION AND TO RECLASSIFY EL CAMINO REAL BETWEEN FIRST STREET AND NEWPORT AVENUE FROM A SECONDARY ARTERIAL TO A COLLECTOR ARTERIAL. The City Council does hereby resolve as follows: I. The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. That in November 1997, the City, in coordination with the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCT A), approved a demonstration project to reduce the number of travel lanes on EI Camino Real between Second Street to Sixth Street (one block south of First Street and west of Newport Avenue) from a four-lane undivided Secondary Arterial street to a two-lane undivided collector street with diagonal parking along both sides of the street. B. That following the success of the demonstration project and the preparation of a traffic study, the OCTA approved an amendment to the Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH) to change the status of the street segment of EI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue from a four-lane secondary arterial to a two-lane local collector roadway. C, That the proposed General Plan Amendment would similarly reflect the two- lane collector status of the roadway on the City's Circulation Element and ensure consistency between the City's General Plan and OCTA's MPAH. D, That General Plan Amendment 05-001 will achieve consistency with the MPAH designation. E. That General Plan Amendment 05-001 will reflect the existing and future traffic levels on the roadway segment. F, That General Plan Amendment 05-001 will ensure consistency between the roadway and the adjacent land uses by supporting the pedestrian-friendly character of the Old Town commercial district. G, That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on said application on April 11, 2005, by the Planning Commission and was recommended for approval. H. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed, and held on said application on April 18, 2005, by the City Council. Resolution No, 05-62 Page 2 I. That General Plan Amendment 05-001 is consistent with and implements the following policies of the General Plan: Circulation Element Policy 1.3: Coordinate roadway improvements with applicable regional, state, and federal transportation plans and proposals. Circulation Element Policy 1.14: Enhance the important role that streetscapes play in defining the character of the City by expanding street planning and design procedure to include aesthetic and environmental concerns, as well as traffic considerations. Develop a circulation system which highlights environmental amenities and scenic areas. Circulation Element Policy 3,1: Support the completion of the Orange County Master Plan of Arterial Highways. Land Use Element Policy 8.8: Maintain and improve, where necessary, the City's infrastructure and facilities, II. The City Council hereby approves General Plan Amendment 05-001 to establish a collector arterial designation and to reclassify EI Camino Real between First Street and Newport Avenue from a secondary arterial to a collector arterial as identified in Exhibit A attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin, at a regular meeting on the 18th day of April, 2005. LOU BONE Mayor PAMELA STOKER City Clerk Resolution No, 05-62 Page 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF ORANGE) CITY OF TUSTIN ) CERTIFICATION FOR RESOLUTION NO. 05-62 SS PAMELA STOKER, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby certify that the whole number of the members of the City Council of the City of Tustin is five; that the above and foregoing Resolution No. 05-62 was duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the 18th day of April, 2005, by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER AYES: COUNCILMEMBER NOES: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAINED: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: PAMELA STOKER City Clerk EXHIBIT A OF RESOLUTION NO" 05-62 Secondary: A four-lane undivided roadway, with a typical right-of-way width of 80 feet and a curb-to-curb pavement width' of 64 feet. These roadways serve as collectors, distributing traffic between local streets, and major and primary arterials. For the MCAS Tustin Specific Plan, 80-foot right-of-way was modified to a 92-foot right-of-way to provide a painted median for two-way left turn lanes and Class IT bicycle lanes, Collector: A two-lane undivided roadwav. with a minimum right-of-wav width of 66 feet and a minimum curb-to-curb width of 50 feet. The width mav be increased to accommodate roadway features such as bicycle lanes. on- street parking. and turn lanes. At LOS "C." this road tVDe accommodates UP to approximately 10.000 vehicle trips per day. This road functions as a collector facilitv.however it tends to move traffic between two arterials rather than between local streets. it has been added to the City's arterial highway svstem because it provides network continuitv and is regionallv significant. 'and mav serve through traffic demand where projected volumes do not warrant a higher classification such as Secondary. The Circulation Element roadway classification system does nót include pri vate streets. Private street widths and cross-sections will vary from those described for roadways in this Element. Standard cross-sections represent the obvious and accepted answer to most situations. However, the standard cross-sections do not always provide the best solution to any given'need or set of objectives. Reasonable flexibility and variety is provided for in the City's private street standards. Fig\Jre C-1 shows schematic cross sections of each category of arterial roadway. These sections represent desirable standards, but variation in right- of-way width and specific road improvements will occur in certain cases due to physical constraints and/or right-of-way limitations. In particular, the median width in eight-lane, six-lane and four-lane roadways will vary according to the area being served and the available right-of-way constraints and turn lane requirements. Hence, any of the arteria] classifications may deviate from the standards where physical constraints exist or where preservation of community character dictates special treatment. Bikeway facilities are another factor which affect the specific standards applied for vario\Js facilities, The desirable goal for every classified street section is that it carry the designed volume of traffic at the desired level of service, Within this req\Jirement, descriptions of width and facilities are offered as basic gtlidelines and as noted above, variation in design is expected, depending on CITY OF TUSTIN GENERAL PLAN 20 CIRCULATION ELEMENT April 18,2005 .:' 50' --r-J ') ~I ~L ", 72' 56' m n' .-- r---::-I -, ~ ",v .. '*' ¡---' ß,LANE MAJOR ARTERIAL 144' RJW! ~ ~ 00' 44' If¡ 60' , 44' rl ~ 6-LANE MAJOR ARTERIAL 120' R/W ur- h 50' 35' 1-tI , 50' 35' 14 PRIMARY ARTERIAL 100' Rrw, .H ¡ ,::: I-L-\ ~---.r- , SECONDARY ARTERIAL 92' RlW ' ' (WITH CLASS II BICYCLE LANES) 40' 30' '~ sECONDARY ARTERIAL 80' R/W H' 33' 33' rl 25', 25', ~ -- - ----r- ..~ COLLECTOR ARTERIAL 66' R/W SOURCE: Austin,FoustAssociates, Inc, CityofTustin ' , Figure C-1 Typical Cross-Sections ) II~U! -~--_._- --' -------'----' -----,------- ,-----~-,------ ----- --'--- Mmh'21,2005 2\ , Table C-4 LAND USE AND TRIP GENERATION SUMMARY -,- 1993 --. '-- Future -- Land Use Category Units Amount ADT Amount ADT I. CITY OF TUSTIN 1. Res;dential DU 17,604 148,213 29,790 250,672 2, ConimerciaVOfficelInd, TSF 11,926 275,434 28,555 625.744 3, Other 43,241 79,197 Sub-Total 466,888 955,613 2. SPHERE OF INFLUENCE 1. ResIdential DU 8.146 101,043 8.363 103.343 2, CommerciaVOfficelInd, TSF 75 2.513 113 2.467 3. Other 19,089 19.635 Sub.Total 122.645 125,445 TOTAL 1. Residential DU 25.750 249,256 38,153 354,015 2, CnmmerciaVOfficeJlnd. TSF 12.001 277,947 28.668 628,211 3, Other 62.330 98.832 Sub,To..l 589.533 1,081,058 Note: DU = Dwelling Units, TSF = Thousand'Square Fee~ ADT = Average Dally Traffic The "Other" land nse category refers to schoo~, churches, hospitals. hote~, parks, etc" which do not have a square foot based trip rate (see trip rates in Appendix A), The square footage, equivalents are shQltn in parenthesis to provide consistency with the cia.. given in the Land Use Element Source: City o!Tustin General Plan Amendment Tñfic Study, Austin-Foust Associates. October 1995, GENERAL PLAN CmCULATION SYSTEM The goals and policies included in this Element emphasize the need for a circulation system that is capable of serving both existing and future residents while preserving community values and character. The location, design, and constituent modes of the circulation system have major impacts on air quality, noise, community appearance, and other elements of the environment. ' The highway network designated in the Arterial Highway Plan is illustrated in Figure C- 2, and indicates all of the designated Major arterials, Primary arterials, Secondary arterials, Collector arterials, and the sections of roadway designated for modified right- of-way or augmented capacity. Table C-5 provides an additional description of the Artelial Highway Plan links. Discussions on sections of roadway for which these two qualifiers are propo~ed as follows: CITY OF TUSTiN GENERAL PLAN 27 CIRCULATION ELEMENT April 18.2005 ~V£ ~' - m ,. """'A"" AV£ i ~ "",,^ 2 ~ ~ 1- NORTH not 10 scale SOURCE: Austin-Foust Associates, InG,' City ofTustin '.~q; LEGEND ... Major(8tanes) -- Major (6 lanes) _W- Modified Major (6 lanes) ----.; Primary (4 lanes) _w_' Modified Primary (4 lanes) --i, Secondary (4 or 2 lanes) . . ; Augmented Roadways ~~ City Boundary ... , , ...i Planning Area Boundary """'C;';'" Collector (2 lanes) Figure C-2 Arterial Highway Plan D ~.A"L' ~ --,,;,,":' , 2005,_=---===~----==---,-----------,--- -----,------ 7.8 ( ( , TABLE C-5 ARTERIAL IDGHWA Y , .' Link Classification Link Classification Armstrong/so Loop Rd N Secondary Irvinewlo Yorba ,Major(A) ArmStrong slo Warner Secondary Irvine wlo Prospect Majo,(A) ArmStroog wo Bananca ' Secondary Irvine do Prospect Major Irvine do Holt Major Bammca do Red Hill Major Irvine do Newport Major(M,A) BaITanca wlo Yon Karman ~or Irvine wlo Red Hill Major(M, A) Barranca wlo Jarnboree Major Irvine wlo Browning Major (M,A) Irvine wlo Tustio Ranch Major (A) Browning slo Irvine Secoadary Irvine do Tustin Ranch Major Browning slo Bryan Secondary Irvine wlo Jamboree Major Browning nlo Nisson Secondary Jamboree nlo Tustin Ranch Rd, Major Browniag slo Nisson Secondary Jamboree slo Tustin Ranch Road Major Bryan do'Newport Secondary Bryan wlo Red Hill Secondary Jamboree slo PortoJa Major Bryan wlo Browning Secondary Jamboree slo'Irvine Major (A) Bryan wlo Tustin Ranch Primary Jamboree slo Bryan Major (A) Bryan wlo Myford Primary lamboree slo E1 Camino Major (A) Bryan wlo Jamboree Primary Jamboree slo Walnut Major Jamboree slo Edinger Major Del Amo slo Edinger Secondary lamboreesioWarner -, Major East Connector slo Edinger Secondary Loop Rd <10 Red Hill Secondary Loop Rd N do Annstrong Secondary Edinger wlo Del Amo Majnr Loop Rd wlo Tustin Ranch Secondary Edingerwlo Red Hill Major Loop Rd N do Tustin Ranch Secondary Edinge'-do Red Hill Majo, Loop Rd slo Warn.. Secondary Edinger wlo Tustin Ranch Majo> Loop Rd S do Tustin Ranch Secondary Eding.. do Tustin Ranch Major Loop Rd S do Annstrong Secondary Eding.. wlo Jamborce MajOJ' Edinger <10 lamboree Majo, Main wlo El Camino Real Primary Main <10 EI Camino Real Primary E1 Caminn slo 1" Collectnr Main <10 Prospect Secondary EI Camino slo Main ~ Main do Newport Primary E1 Camino do Newport Secondary Primary EI Camino do Red Hill Secondary McFadden wlo Williams Primary EI Camino do Browning Secnodary McFadden do Williams EI Camino do Tustin Ranch Secondary E1 Caminn do Myford Primary McFadden wlo Walnut Primary McFadden wlo Newport Primary l"wloYorba Primary l"doYorba Frimary Myford slo Irvine Secondary I" win Prospect 'Primary Myford slo Bryan Secondary I"wlo Newport Primary Myford slo El Camino Real Secondary M»dord wO Walnut Secondary Harvard wo ICD Secondary Harvard slo ICD Primary Newport wO Irvine Primary (A) Harvard wO Warner Primary Newport wo Holt Primary (A) Newport slo Holt Primary (A) Holt slo 17" Secondary Newportslo I" Primary (A) Holt slo Irvine Blvd, Secondary Newport wO Mnin Primn1y(A) Newport wo EI Camino Real Primary (A) Newportslo El Cnmioo Primary (A) CITY OF TUSTIN GENERAL PLAN 29 CIRCULATION ELEMENT APRIL 18, 2005