HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-ATTACHMENT QATTACHMENT Q CALEEMOD POLLUTANT & EMISSIONS ANALYSIS DATED JULY 2, 2019 Diana Salazar Chu <dsalazar@costco.com> FW: Tustin Ranch, CA - Costco Fuel Facility - CalEEMod request (BCE14640) Diana Salazar Chu <dsalazar@costco.com> Tue, Jul 2, 2019 at 2:07 PM To: Diana Salazar <dsalazar@costco.com> RECEIVED JUL 0,2 2019 From: Yi Tian <ytian@ramboll.com> COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Sent: Monday, June 24, 2019 5:59 PM by: To: Sean Anderson <sanderson@barghausen.com> Cc: Eric C. Lu <elu@ramboll.com>; Jeremy Horne <JHORN E@ramboll.com>; Rebecca Case <rebeccacase@ramboll.com>; Yi Tian <ytian@ramboll.com> Subject: RE: Tustin Ranch, CA - Costco Fuel Facility - CalEEMod request (BCE14640) Hi Sean, We have completed the CalEEMod runs and the results for the criteria pollutants (construction and project) as well as GHG emissions are summarized in the three tables attached - all emissions are below the significance criteria! CalEEMod has "Gasoline/Service Station" and "Parking Lot" as build -in choices for land uses, which were selected in our model runs. A few notes on the assumptions that we used in our analyses to estimate construction and operational emissions: Construction o Assumed construction begins 7/1/19 (Note: selection of a later date would result in lower or same emissions) a Assumed construction of the following per CaIEEMod land uses and size metrics: ■ Gasoline/Service Station, 16 pumps, Lot Acreage of 0.9216 (based on project Site Plan dated April 15, 2019). ■ Parking Lot, 9,136 sq.ft. • Includes demolition of 9,136 sq.ft. building. o CalEEMod defaults for all other construction parameters. Operation o Assumed an operational year of 2020 a For vehicle trips: ■ Used "Net New Project Trips" for PM Peak Hour in Table 2 of the traffic analysis (70) to calculate trips/pump/day assuming 24 hour operation (conservative since Costco gas is not 24 -hr operation). • Note, using PM Peak Hour is also conservative because it is higher than AM Peak Hour. ■ Used 100% primary trips in CaIEEMod based on Table 1 in the traffic analysis where pass -by and diverted trips were removed to determine Total Net New Costco Trips. • In essence this means that we have modeled 70 Net New Project Trips per hour, as indicated above, assuming all of these trips are primary trips. No diversion or pass -by trips are included. ■ CaIEEMod defaults for other trip parameters including trip lengths. o CaIEEMod defaults for all other operational parameters. Let me know if you have questions. I will be at a client site all day tomorrow, but back in the office on Wednesday. Thanks! Yi Yi Tian Senior Managing Consultant Table 1. Maximum Daily Criteria Air Pollutant Emission Estimates for Project Construction Tustin Ranch Costco Gasoline Station Orange County, California Year' Maximum Daily Criteria Air Pollutant Emission Estimates' VOCZ NO. CO I SOX PMI, PM,., (Ib/day) 2019 2.4 23.3 15.5 0.0 6.8 3.8 2020 2.6 15.0 13.4 0.0 0.9 0.8 Maximum Emissions 2.6 23.3 15.5 0.0 6.8 3.8 SCAQMD Significance Thresholds3 75 100 550 150 150 55 Exceeds Threshold for any Year of Construction? NO NO NO NO NO NO Notes: 1 Total emissions for project construction were estimated using CalEEMode. Total construction emissions include construction of the fuel station and parking lot, and demolition of the existing Goodyear facility. 2 For purposes of this analysis VOC emissions are assumed to be equal to ROG. 3 SCAQMD Air Quality Significance Thresholds. Available at http://www.agmd.gov/docs/default- source/ceqa/handbook/scagmd-air-quality-significance-thresholds.pdf?sfvrsn=2. Accessed: June 2019. Abbreviations: CalEEMod® - CALifornia Emissions Estimator MODel PM10 - particulate matter less than 10 microns in diameter CO - carbon monoxide ROG - reactive organic gases lbs - pounds SCAQMD - South Coast Air Quality Management District NOx - nitrogen oxide compounds (NO + NOz) SOX - sulfur oxide compounds PM2,5 - particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter VOC - volatile organic compounds Page 1 of 3 Ramboll Table 2. Maximum Daily Criteria Air Pollutant Emission Estimates for Project Operation Tustin Ranch Costco Gasoline Station Orange County, California Emission Category Maximum Daily Criteria Air Pollutant Emission Estimates' VOC2 NO,, CO I SO,, PMlo PM2.1 (lb/day) Area 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Energy3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mobile 2.7 11.2 35.3 0.1 10.9 3.0 Total Daily Emissions (lbs/day) 2.8 11.2 35.3 0.1 10.9 3.0 SCAQMD Significance Thresholdss 55 1 55 1 550 150 150 55 Exceeds Threshold? NO I NO I NO NO NO NO Notes: 1 Emissions shown as zero may be non -zero values, however, they are below a meaningful reporting level for this analysis. 2 For purposes of this analysis VOC emissions are assumed to be equal to ROG. 3 Total Area and Energy emissions were estimated using CalEEModo. 4 Total mobile emissions were estimated using CaIEEMod° default trip lengths and emission factors with Project - specific vehicle trip rates prepared by Kittelson & Associates in the Tustin Ranch Costco Fuel Station Additional Memorandum dated April 17, 2019. 5 SCAQMD Air Quality Significance Thresholds. Available at http://www.agmd.gov/docs/default- source/ceqa/handbook/scaqmd-air-quality-significance-thresholds.pdf?sfvrsn=2. Accessed: June 2019. Abbreviations: CaIEEMod° - CALifornia Emissions Estimator MODel CO - carbon monoxide lbs - pounds NOx - oxides of nitrogen PM2,5 - particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter PM10 - particulate matter less than 10 microns in d ROG - reactive organic gases SCAQMD - South Coast Air Quality Management Di SOx - oxides of sulfur VOC - volatile organic compounds Page 2 of 3 Ramboll Table 3. Summary of GHG Emissions Tustin Ranch Costco Gasoline Station Orange County, California Emissions Category) GHG Emissions2,3 (MT COZe/yr) Area Sources 0 Energy Usage 10 Mobile 2,038 Water 2 Waste Disposed 4 Operational Sub -Total 2,053 Construction Amortized 8 Totals 2,061 SCAQMD Significance Threshold 3,000 Exceeds Threshold? NO Notes: 1 One-time emissions (i.e., construction) and operational emissions were calculated using CalEEModo. 2 Emissions are presented as CO2e, which include CO2r CH4, and N20 emissions, weighted by their respective global warming potentials. 3 Emissions shown as zero may be non -zero values, however, they are below a meaningful reporting level for this analysis. 4 One-time emissions from construction were amortized over a 30 -year period. 5 Sum of annualized one-time emissions and operational emissions. 6 Draft Threshold for commercial projects obtained from Minutes for the GHG CEQA Significance Threshold Stakeholder Working Group #15. Available at: http://www.agmd.gov/docs/default-source/ceqa/handbook/greenhouse-gases- %28ghg%29-ceqa-significance-thresholds/year-2008-2009/ghg-meeting-15/ghg- meeting-l5-minutes.pdf%29. Accessed: June 2019 Abbreviations: CalEEMod - CALifornia Emissions Estimator MODel CH4 - methane CO2 - carbon dioxide CO2e - carbon dioxide equivalents GHG - greenhouse gases MT - metric tons N20 - nitrous oxide yr - year Page 3 of 3 Ramboll